Weekly Human Rights News Round Up 11-17 August 2014

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  • 8/11/2019 Weekly Human Rights News Round Up 11-17 August 2014


    Weekly Human Rights News Round up;11-17 August 2014

    By SLBTwo Uni students arrested-19/08/2014

    Arrest of two Tamil students of Saara!amuwa Uni"ersity y t#e Terrorist $n"esti!ation%i"ision &T$%' remained a serious (on(ern amon! t#e Uni"ersity student (ommunity)*asindu +ayasin!#e, t#e leader of t#e Students .o"ement of t#e Saara!amuwaUni"ersity told t#e Sunday Leadert#at t#ey #a"e lod!ed a (omlaint wit# t#e uman

    *i!#t ommission of Sri Lana o"er t#e arrest of t#e two Tamil students) T#e(omlaint was made on 9t# Au!) 3T#ey are ein! a((used of tryin! to (reatedis#armony amon! t#e uni"ersity students) e refute all t#e alle!ations le"elleda!ainst t#ose two students,5 e furt#er told t#e newsaer)6oli(e "ersion7 sreadin! #atred

    A((ordin! to t#e oli(e, t#e Sunday Leader reorted t#at t#e t#ird year student isein! uestioned for ein! alle!edly in"ol"ed in a(ti"ities dire(ted at sreadin! #atredand (reatin! tension in t#e uni"ersity) e was a former LTT (adre w#o #ad een wit#t#e LTT from 2008 to 2009, durin! t#e last #ase of t#e war, and t#e student #adunder!one re#ailitation) T#e first year student is ein! arrested ased on reorts on

    self-infli(tin! in:uries wit# t#e intention of lamin! anot#er !rou, in order to (reatedis#armony amon! t#e uni"ersity students, a((ordin! to t#e oli(e)

    Land !rain! in .ullaiti"u;uotin! t#e Tamil lan!ua!e daily Ut#ayan ulis#ed in +affna t#e Tamil

  • 8/11/2019 Weekly Human Rights News Round Up 11-17 August 2014


    t#at elon!s to Tamil eole in .ullati"u)Army soldiers mise#a"edTwo Tamil yout# w#o #a"e :oined Sri Lana army mise#a"ed w#ile sendin! t#eirlea"e wit# t#eir families in a(#amoddai and 6aasaiyur, reorted i:it#a t#ero is tryin! to (reate a (onfli(t situationand refuted t#e alle!ations made y t#e >i:it#a T#ero) S)S)6) *o#ana is a well-nownaolo!ist of t#e re!ime)=ot a si!natory to 191 *efu!ee on"entionSeain! to media on 14t# Au!ust .inister of .ass .edia and $nformation, e#eliya*amuwella stated t#at as t#e

  • 8/11/2019 Weekly Human Rights News Round Up 11-17 August 2014


    Senior %$< Anura Senanayaes romise to t#e ourts t#at t#e deartment would taeadeuate measures to ti!#ten se(urity of t#e 6resident of t#e Bar Asso(iation of SriLana, Attorney-at-law, Uul +ayasuriya #ad not een imlemented& y 1t# Au!ust')T#is was re"ealed y t#e .r) +ayasuriya #imself seain! at a ress (onferen(e, Ada%erana reorted) 3T#ere are some oli(e offi(ers in and around my residen(e in(i""ies) But, t#is is not w#at $ reuested for) $ needed a oli(e offi(er or two in offi(ial

    uniforms for my se(urity, as $ #a"e t#reats to my life,5 +ayasuriya #ad said)*elati"es of .issin! ersons t#reatenedSL 6oli(e, intelli!en(e offi(ers #ad t#reatened relati"es of missin! ersons in.annaar, w#o wanted to aear in front of t#e SL 6residential ommission on .issin!6ersons &SL6', reorted t#e Tamil =et) T#e (#airman of .annaar itiCensommittee, *e" Er $mmanuel Seamalai, told t#e wesite t#at SL military intelli!en(eoffi(ers #ad e"en !one to t#e e@tent of tellin! t#e eole t#at t#ere will e no use inaearin! in front of t#e SL6) 2F0 witnesses were suosed to resent t#emsel"esfrom t#ree %S di"isions of .annaar est, .annaar and .adu) But only 1 eolemana!ed witnessed, a((ordin! to Er Seamalai) T#e itiCens ommittee #as

    re!istered 2G0 (ases of missin! ersons in .annaar, a((ordin! to Er $mmanuelSeamalai)BBS (alls for Bis#os arrestBodu Bala Sena &BBS', t#e e@tremist Budd#ist .ons outfit #ad (alled for t#erominent Tamil (i"il so(iety a(ti"ist, t#e Bis#o of .annar, to e arrested, reortedt#e Tamil