rm-Up Wednesday, November 14 You DO NOT have to copy the chart or question today; just write the correct sentence.

Warm-Up Wednesday, November 14

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Warm-Up Wednesday, November 14. You DO NOT have to copy the chart or question today ; just write the correct sentence. . MYP Unit Question: How does land change? Area of Interaction: Environment Learner Profile : Thinker - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Warm-Up Wednesday, November 14You DO NOT have to copy the chart or question today; just write the correct sentence. MYP Unit Question: How does land change?

Area of Interaction: Environment

Learner Profile: Thinker

Standard: Investigate the scientific process of how the Earth's surface is made.

Learning Target: Today Im learning about Alfred Wegner because I want to learn how the fossil evidence proved his theory was correct.

Opening: Can you put the puzzle pieces together to form the supercontinent Pangaea?

The puzzle pieces are in the baggie on your table.

Work with your table partner you have 5 minutes.

Please make sure you put all the pieces back in the baggie.Work Session:Video Clip of Alfred WegnerNotes over Continental Drift

Continental Drift TheoryProposed by Alfred Wegener in 1912

Wegners Theory250 million years ago, all of the continents were combined into one super-continent called Pangaea

The continents gradually drifted apart to where they are today.

Evidence of Continental DriftGeographical fit of continents - especially Africa and South America.

2. Mountain Ranges in Africa and South America have similar strata layers (rock patterns).

3. Fossil Evidence

Mesosaurus & Lystrosaurus- found in places now separated by oceans * the Mesosaurus was a fresh water creature about 18 long

* the Lystrosaurus could not swim

* land bridges??

b. Glossopteris Fern - found in Africa, S. America, Australia, India & Antarctica

- Seeds were too heavy to be transported by wind.

Think about it: Where do you usually find ferns?a. Tropical plant remains (coal deposits) found in Antarctica.

4. Ancient Climates

What inferences can you make about this discovery?

b. Glaciation (glaciers) in rocks were found in Africa, South America, India, and Australia during the same time.Think about it:Would you find glaciers in India or Africa?Problems With The TheoryNo mechanism for movement of continents (How did the continents move?)Wind and currents could possibly move fossilsTheory was not accepted by scientistsClosing:Ticket out the Door Identify and explain two evidences of continental drift.

Give it to me on your way out the door. Make sure you put your name on it.