It LOCKFOtT, N. Y., UNION-SUN t JOURNAL, Wednesday, February 16, 1»SS 54 41 52 4H 53 BUFFALO MARKET Tke 'ollowing uuotai i» repre- sent a compilation of prices at th ''Ik nd Cllnioo Bailey mar hets aa reported by the Baftaie Of rice Department of Agriculture and Ma«%et» Wednesday, Feb. 16, 1965. OA1RI PRODUCTS (Prices Indicated are for sales la case lota. Add Sc for cartonsj Lrtcandled Nearby Large and extra large white 49 i while 47a ad antra large, 48® Medium brown 46 a Pullets 40 Canadian, Large and antra large brown. Candled 510 (Prices for undergrade* lower EGGS CANDLED to meet NYS Grade A, 4-6c above uncandled prices. POULTRY-(Dressed) Western Box-packed. eviser- ated. Turkeys, young hens. 8-14 lbs. §4 Young toms, 16-20 lbs. 49 20-22 45 22-24 45'* 24-26 47 26-26 481* NEARBY- Heavy fowl 32€ SC Medium 29" 30 Fryers 38<o) 40 Roasters, 4\i lbs up, 40(g) 42 Ducks 40® 42 (BftMratad) fowl 26® 87 fowl 40® 42 and fryers 44® 47 90® 92 Ducks 48® SO Turkeys, BelUvUle 5-6 lbs. 55 POULTRY, Live. Wholesale— Broilers and Fryers. 2 2% lbs. 27® 30 2-4 lbs 27a. 30 Roasters, S lbs. and up 28M 31 Fowl, leghorn type 18a, 20 Heavy type, under 6 lbs 25a 28 Over 6 lbs. and rough 17<w 20 Roosters (cocks) 10"'. 12 Ducks 30<a) 32 FBCtT APPLES— N.Y.S Cortland No. 1 2H" up. bu. 2 25*2 75 Rhode Island Green- ing, 2 00 u 2 50 Mcintosh. No. 1. tW up Fancy Orchard Run Unclassified Cartons No. 1. 2V« Inch up. 12. 3 lb. film packages 2 7563 00 Red Delicious No. 1 Carton, 2V«" min.. 12, 3 lb. film packs, 3 OO/AS 50 1 10®1 25 4 004S4 80 2 25(£2 7*i 3 OO-.i 3 50 1 75to2 25! 1 00<al 50! lugs Belgium Endive 10 lb. cartons ONIONS— N Y State Dry Ebenezer, No. 1 medium bushel 2 00®2 80 Large 3 00 Yellow, 50 lb sacks. Med 1 50®1 79 Large 1 *5®2 00 Small and poorer 1 20«tl 50 10 lb. sacks 83® 89 PARSNIPS H.G.— t* bu . flat 1 50»2 00 8 qt. baskets 1 28 Carton of 12 1 lb. film packs 1 50o-i 65 POTATOES— NYS.. Red. No 1. 50 lb. sacks 1 33®1 50 White. 50 lb. sackka size A 1 3 0 - l 60 Commercial 1 00®1 25 Wafer DEATHS AND FUNERALS COLLINS—Funeral services for IVi" up. bu. 3 00^3 50 Double Red 3 ' 4 00®* 00 Golden 2 W up 8 50@4 50 Northern Spy 4 «Ktt4 50 Rome Beauty 8 M®3 00 VEGETABLES BEETS. H.G.— Cartons of 18 1 * fe MA , film packs 1 M i l 7! CABBAGE— H.G, Danish, 50 lbs. 1 00®1 90 Red. bu. 1 » ® 1 75 Light 75®1 25 CARROTS— Bu * 00-0.2 50 % bu. ' 1 25'a- 1 35 CELERY-H.G.. N.Y.8. Celery root, dox N 1 75®1 LETTUCE. H. Y<— Curiey Rochester. 5 lb. 151b. sacks. No. 1 10 lb. sacks 33® SPINACH AND GREENS— Rochester Beet Greens Carton 8. 10 oz. film 1 25 a 1 35 pack SQUASH- Hubbard Bulk, per lb. TURNIPS, a a. White, purple top y* bu. Cartons of 18 m lb. film packs Canadian Yellow. 50 lb. sacks GRAIN WHEAT 12.22 per bu tlve Feb. 16. Lockport Mkt. Prices. ' HAY, loose, ton 115-18. Baled, ton. 820-28. STRAW, loose ton $8.00-8.00. Baled ton $1200-1300 BARLEY, bu- l l 00-1.10. OATS. bu.. 85®80c. CORN, bu., $1.48-1.80. LIVESTOCK BUFFALO IAV- (NYSDA)-Closing Uvestock. Salable cattle 200; total 490. Sal- able receipts Include one load of rail cattle. Steers and heifers- 1 79®2 29 4 5c 1 OO'i 1 80 1 80®180 1 2511 35 Effec Jay Howard Collins were held at market steady. Good 850 lb steers - and Kandt Funeral Home. 21 50 scattered sales of 950-1000 842 Genesee Street. Tuesday aft ernoon. February 19. 1955. at two o'clock. The Reverend Ritchard E. Lyon officiated. The bearers were: John. Howard. LaVerne, and Donald Collins, Joseph Conlin. •ad Lao Hackmer. Interment In Hartland Central cemetery. MUNSON-Horace Dwlght, Jr.. In Niagara Falls, Maw York. Fab. 14. 1955. Husband of Mildred E. Son of Mrs. Horace D. Munson ST.. of Clearwater, Florida, brother of Charles E. Munson of Summit. New Jersey, brother of Mrs. C R. Harris of Lockport. Fu- neral from the Gridley Funeral Home. 790 Main St., Niagara Falls. New York Thursday at 300 P. M Interment at Oakwood cemetery. Niagara Falls. 18, 18c E . 181 Spald- ing St. passed away Fab. 15. 1959 at Buffalo General Hospital. Ha la survived by his wife, Mrs. Ar- thur Phllleo, one son. Klare of Cleveland, Ohio, and ana daugh- ter, Donna Lou at home. 'also one niece and ana nephew. Friends may call at the Bream and Lange Funeral Home. HI last Ave., be- tween the hours of 2:00 to 4:30 and 7:00 to 10:00. Funeral will be held Friday. Feb. 18. 1959 at 10 00 a Shawnee cemetery. Flow ers gratefully declined. lb steers 16.50 • 21.00; dairy type slaughter cattle: market fully steady. Undertone strong. Com- mercial cows10.50-11.90; top 12.00; utility and commercial dairy half- era 12.50-14.50; top 15.00. Commer- cial sausage bulls, 15.00-16 oo; top 18.59 sparingly. Salable calves 150; total 150. Market stronger and LOO higher. Choice 59.00-82.00; few 83.00; com- mercial and good 29.00-29.00; util- ity and commercial 17.00-24.00. Salable hogs 100; total 100. Mar- ket steady. Good and choice 170- 220 lb N. Y. State hogs 17.50-18.00; top 18.59; sparingly; 229 - 270 lbs 16.00-17.90; 270-350 lbs 15.00-16.00. Good and choice 250-400 lb sows 18.59-14.50; 400-700 lbs 12:50-13.50. Salable sheep * lambs 150: to- tal 400. Market continues steady. Clearance good. Choice ewe and wether lambs 22.50-23.00; feeders 17.50 18.59. Good and choice slaughter ewes 8.50 - 9.50; heavy awas and bucks 5.50-6.50. Income Tapayers Warned Against Deducting 10 P.C. ALBANY (Jf»— The president of the State Tax Commission Tues day cautioned state Income tax- payers not to deduct a 10 per cent abatement from their returns for 1954. George H. Bragallni said those who filed returns based on less than 100 per cent of the tax would be billed at ones for the taxes based on the full rata. Bragallni pointed out that no law had been enacted this year to grant a 10 per cent abatement In the personal income tax. He added that if such a law ware en- acted, taxpayers would gat re- funds based on the amount of abatement. Centtaaed from Page 1 completed this afternoon. Deputy Rudolph Zlehm Tuesday afternoon told of taking a signed statement from Norman Wager on Aug. 4. In which the defendant was quoted as saying that "he may have struck" his father. Deputy Zlehm said that Norman Wager made the statement volun- tarily at the Sheriff's Office in the presence of Cant. Victor Van Den Bosch and himself. The stateaneat was admitted te evidence by Judge Krea- eaeerg ever objections ef De- fease Atiemey . AbraasewHs, and waa read ia the Jury by Diet. Atty. Earl. The statement, In part, was as follows: "On Wednesday, July 28, some- 50 time In the afternoon my father, who bad been lying on the daven- port, got up and started to wan- der around the bouse. I tried to get him to go back to bed and I argued with him. I had been drinking and when I am drinking I have a very bad temper. "I may have struck my father without meaning to be rough. I know my father seemed to be un- sble to talk or eat after that but due to my drinking I only have a hazy recollection of that and It never occured to me to call a doc- tor. These things may have hap- pened at other times but if so, I don't remember." Deputy Zlehm was under cross examination when court recessed at 4:30 Tuesday afternoon, until 11 this morning. The opening of court today was set aa hour later than usual because Judge Kronenberg had a term of Surrogate's Court scheduled for 10. Other prosecution witnesses Tuesday afternoon told of being at- tracted to the Wager home on July 31 by a fire which broke out la a shed behind the home. Two neighbors. Thomas Hlckey and Ervla Eves, laid they found Norman Wager ly- ing unconscious on the ground outside the burning shed. In- side the house they reported finding Wager's aged father aaceasclous en s sofa. They said ha had dark discoloratlons under his eyes and a swell- ing over one eye. Mr. Hlck- ey said that at first he thought the aged man was SHOTGUN DEATH SAID PROBABLY ACCIDENTAL LIVERPOOL If! — An Onondaga County coroner says be will issue a verdict of "probably accidental death" in the case of Norman Pol- lock, 34, found shot through the mouth In his home Tuesday. LEGALS LEGALS —— MM % Proposals must be at with specifications therefor and obtainable at tan City Clerk's Office. Each proposal must be accom- panied by a certified check drawn on a legal bank of the State of Naw York, in the amount of five per cent of the total bid price The Common Council reserves ft anmjHJg a brown nylonib°o*S XjOeflfl*---WOss*^ - m wttto fur tup, at Knight* of Co- LOST WOMAN^8~BTS^Oabjardtae cst»^»«? 11 Automotive MOTICI WILLIAM W. CAMPBELL, JR. — In pursuance of an Order ofi #fc _ _,_,. », _, , the Hon. Prank J. Kronanb«rg.|tbe right to reject any or all bids. uurroguL* of the County of NI»H- By order of the Common Council era. NOTICE la hereby given, on January 3rd, 1955. JUDGING WINNERS-Twe young experts at cattle lodging re- ceive their prizes from the president ef the Niagara-Orleans Beef Catlie Club at the annual meeting at Lyndoa»Ule Monday evening. Ward WHsen ef Wsteraert, right, presents the 18 first prise te Wallace Ceases, left. Barker 4-H Club member; and the U second award to Clifford Andrews ef Sanborn. Wilson Ceatral School vecettonal agriculture student. Lawreaee Dtok- eaaea ef Helley, eecead prise winner, could not be present for the picture. The beys Judged feeder steers and heifers at the George Wilaea farm near Keekville. Orleans County. Mr. Wil- son was re-elected presldeat by the directors ef the beef club. (Farm Bureau Photo). according to law, to all persona saving claim against William W. Campbell Jr., late of the City of Lockport, a County of Nigara. BUM of Naw York, dooamosa; that they are required to exhibit the earn* with the vouchers there- sf. to the subscribers at their place of transacting business, at the law offices of Fred J. Smith Esq., their attorney.. at No. 401 Bewley Building. City of Lock- port, County oi Niagara. Bute o' New York, on or before the let lay of July. 1966. Dated: December M. 1064. MAROARBT CAMPBELL PFISTBR JANS CAMPBELL BURNS Executitoes of the Bstate of William W. Campbell Jr. PBKD J. SMITH. Esq. Attorney for, Exeeutrlces Office and Post Office Address «0l Bewley Building Lockport. New York 12-20 — 9-99 — Wednesday F. ANEHSON CHy Clerk . M. 17. 18c ICE CREAM LISTED ON BREAKFAST MENU GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. urV-The Michigan Allied Dairy Assn.. held a breakfast meeting today. The menu Included lee cream- assorted flavors. Ths Ice cresm men are hot on their product as s morning eye- opener. Also on the menu, however, were eggs, bscon, toast and cof- fee. OTftPI/ rVPUAalPr QUOTATIONS PROM. OIULK UvlHAIlbtDOOLITTLE & CO. BBS. formerly of WO- , N. Y.. passed away Fab. IS. 1088 at Lockport City Hospital. She la survived by a daughter. Mrs Catherine Lohr. of New York City. N. Y., and one son, Harold Wynne. Friends may call at the Bream A lange Funeral Home, 186 East Ave. Funeral at the convenience of the family. 12:001 lad. 16 I Gar Wood Gen. Elec. Gen. Motors .:«l«-V •** I HylvT V PHONES 3-8616 a —^ L.... i——. — — 4t _ ___ j _ » AmDUianci »*jrvic«j C. A. REYNOLDS iBtgr. BREAM & UNGE lit! FUNERAL HOME st Ave. PH. 4 1*91 Mart I Uat» Kennedy Funeral Home JOSEPH M. KENNEDY JOSEPH M. KENNEDY JR. It! WALNUT ST PHONE I Sill Lxeeoetl riBST Penerm^H Aliis Chal. Am. Air. Am. Can Am. Horn. Prod Am. Radt. Am. Smelt. Am. T. Ji T. Am. Tob. Anaconda Ashl. OO Avco. Mfg. Benef. Ln. Beth. Steel Borden Burl. Mills Burroughs Can. Pac. J. I. Case Celanese Ches. k Ohio Chrysler Cities Svc. Col. Gss Coml. Solv. Coo. Edis. Curtis Pub. Deere DuPont Eaatm. Rod. El. Auto Lt. Elliott Erie R. R. Flintkote Freept. Sul. 77 «* 24% 41 71*4 24% 45% 170% 64V« 53% 12% 7 21% 117*4 65% 18% 28 30% 17% 23% 48% 60% 130% 16% 23% 80% 8% 35% 171% 69% 38% 30% 221* 45% 77% 12:00 6% 55 04 Gen. Motors Rts 60/64 Gen. Pub. Goodrich Gt. No. Ry. Int. Nick. Int. Packers Int. Paper Int. T. It T. Johns Manv. Kennecott S. 8. Kresge Loew's Lorlllard Marine Mid. Me-lv. Shoe Moat. Dk. Ut. Mont Ward Nat. Bisc. Nat. Dairy Nat. Dist. Nat. Gyp. Nat. Supply N. Y. Cent. No. Pac. Pan AW. Air Param. Pict. Penn R, R. Pepsi Cola Phelps D. Phil Pet. Pure oil Radio Corp. cused by the district attorney, four by the defense and 10 by the court. One alternate Juror was se- lected. The Jury Includes: Franklin D. Newman, compositor, 2050 Porter Road, Niagara Falls: Edwin D. Walck. machinist, Cambria; Irving W. Brlgham, farmer, Ridge Road, Lockport; George W. Allen, store- keeper, 525 Jefferson Ave., Niag- ara Falls; William A. Rignall. auto mechanic, 82 Saxton St., Lock- port; Russel Brsdley, painter, Town of Lockport. Also Earl N. Fisher, factory worker, 744 Walnut St.. Lockport; Leone S. Burton, housewife, San- born; Louis T. Bailey, clerk, 47 Franklin Ave., Lockport; Helen K. Lutz, housewife, Wilson; Elwood Ron ring, farmer. Wilson, and Christopher Culver, salesman, 01- cott. The alternate Juror Is Lee Berg- man, weaver, 251 South St., Lock- port. 35% 64% 39% 63% 15% 89% 25% 01% 112% 31 % 20% 25% 18% 32% 31% 70 43% 38% 21% 50% 45% 34 Mi 75% 19 38% 25% 19% 55% 75 78% 42% Rem. Rand Repub. Stl. Rex. Drug St. Reg. Pap. Schenley Sears Roe. Sinclair Oil Socony Vac. So. Pac. st (l Brands Std. Oil Cal. Std. Oil N. J. Sunray Oil Texas Co. Tide Wst. As. Timk. Roller Un. Carbide Utd. Aire. U. S. Rub. U S. Steel Vanadium Warren Pet. Warren Bros. West. Auto. Westg. Elec. Woolworth 12:00 46% 88% 8% 39% 24 80V* 55 55% 57% 30% 79% 115% 23% 95% 25% 50% 84% 87 43 70 42'4 51 19% 57% 81 51% Sales to 12 00 1,410. 000. Dow Jones Aversges Naaa Changes IndUSt. 411 54 0 41 R. R. 147.08+0 56 Utll. 83.07+0.20 INVESTMENT COMPANIES HIENLE FUNERAL HOME 830 JOHN W. HAENLI SL H. CORWIN FUNERAL HOME 87 Nartb Mala Newfane. N . T . 3101—5051 6111 HJttAL HOME 263 tat An. lac PHONE 34911 Clemens O. Goul Service Affiliated Atomic Dev. Bullock Commonwealth Dividend Shares Fidelity Group Securities: Bid Asked 5 93 6.41 13 50 14.82 33.32 36 49 8.71 0.47 2.44 2.68 26 35 38 49 Cap. Growth Common Stock Fully Admin, lac. Investors Mass. Invest. Trust Nation-Wlde Bal. Wellington Bid Asked 9.74 10.67 11 84 l l f f 9.54 10.45 15.81 17.00 29.12 81.48 18 67 20.20 25.16 27.42 PAIR KYHOiDS Funeral Home 46 East Ave. PHONE 3-3611 4 KANDT FUNERAL BOMB, lae. 242 St PHONES: 3-6300 4-3511 4-0224 3 5774 GENERAL MOTORS CORP. HAS ISSUED RIGHTS TO BUY MORE STOCK Our Busiasss Is Ts Help You Is Such Matters MAY WE? DOOLITTLE & CO. MEMIERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE We will be In the Rialte building until Fab. 26th A. D. PALMER PH. 3-3888 C. R. PALMER Mr. Hlckey said hs tried to find out from Norman Wager what had happened and that Norman re- plied, "last week they beat up my old man. I went ln to get some oil snd they hit ma over the head." ' Mr. Hlckey said there was blood oa Norman Wager's face and that his sweat shirt was saturated with kerosene. He said there was no sign of blood on the elder Wager. Mr. Eves said oa cross exami- nation that the elder Wager was thin snd wslked rsther unsteadily with a limp. Defense Attorney Abrsmowits asked Mr. Hlckey If he remem- bered the sged man being injured in an accident some time before, but Mr. Hlckey said he had no recollection of this. Deputy Zlehm told of going to see the Wagers st the hosptial la- ter In the day at Niagara Falls. He ssld young Wager talked some but was incoherent. The deputy ssld it was not un til Wager was arrested and brought to the Sheriff's Office here that he made a statement. la reference te the fire, Wag- sr said In the signed state- ment that he took a Jug of ell from the house to the shed te empty it Into an oil drum. While he waa emptying it, he said a fire broke out. He said he was not sure how he suf- fered a cut oa his head. He said he didn't knew whether he ran against the deer or waa hit by someone. Dr. James Macsluso, Lockport. testified that the elder Wager was transferred from Niagara Falls to the Niagara County Hospital here where he died Oct. 6. "He never regained conscious- ness and never answered any questions," Dr. Macaluso said. After the man's death. Dr. Mac- aluso said he notified the coroner who ordered sn sutopsy. Dr. William F. Jacobs, Buffalo, who made the post mortem exam- ination, attributed death to a cer- ebral hemorrhage resulting from a head Injury. He said that If it had not been for the head injury, the aged man might have lived several years. "Might the Injury have result- ed from the msn falling and strik- ing his hesd?" asked Defease At- torney Abramowitz. "Yes." replied Dr. Jacobs. "Could it have resulted from be- ing punched or struck ln the faee?" asked District Attorney Earl. Dr. Jacobs said this also was a possibility. Asked by the defense attar ney whether the injury could have been suffered aa leng as a year before the man's death, the doctor said that it eeald aet have been mere thaa three mouths. The Jury of ten men and two women was completed esrly Tues- day afternoon after 36 talesmen had been examined. Eight were ex- Grange Degrees To Be Held; Events Slated Minister Subs For Pastor; Events Related The Rev. Jesse Simoson Simoson of North Tonawanda, con ducted the Sunday morning wor ship service at the Sanborn Bap- tist Church in the absence of the pastor, the Rev. Glenn B. Faucett, who Is confined to his bed with a leg ailment. Mr Simoson used for his sermon text, "Can It Be' as he related how each ts guilty of sin, and should ask forgiveness. The Family Fellowship Supper and program was enjoyed by the families of the congregation Sun- day evening. The dessert was fur- nished by the committee of Mrs. Msurice Klybert, Mrs. Addison Woodworth and Mrs. Marlyn Mc- Colley. Miss Lois Chestnut gave an ac- count of her experiences as com- munity ambssador to Finland this past summer. STATU OP jfawTOMC supRsaat OOUHT OO0NTT. mAGArt* RECENT TRADES AT LOWER FEBRUARY PRICES ISM lal 4-D on a 1»56 Im- NOTICB ROBERTA C. CAMPBELL In pursuance of an Order of the Hon. Prank J. Kronenberg, Surro- gate of the County of Niagara, NOTICE is hereby given, accord' lng to law. to all persona having claim against Roberta C. Camp- jell, late of the City Of Lockport. Jounty of Niagara, State Of New York, deceased; that they are re- quired to exhibit the eame with the vouchers thereof, to the sub- scribers at their place of transact- ing business, at the law offices of Pred J. Smith Esq.. their attor- ney, at No. 401 Bewley Building City of Lockport. County of Niag- ara, state of New York, on or be- fore the 1st day of July. 1958. Dated: December 38, 1954 MARGARET CAMPBELL PP1STER JANE CAMPBELL BURNS Administratrices with the Will annexed of the Estate of Roberta C. Campbell PRED J. SMITH. Esq. Attorney for Administratrices Office and Poet Office Address 401 Bewley Building Lockport, New York 13-29 — 6-29 — Wednesday LYNDONVILLE Lyndonville Subordinate Grange, 1146, met for a short business meeting conducted by Master Leslie Waters. An an- nouncement was made that the first and second degrees will be conferred by the East Pembroke degree tram at Gaines Grange to- morrow and that the local Grange will sponsor another card party Saturday. The party committee in charge is composed of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thiel, Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Stisser and Mr. 'and Mrs Grant Woodworth. Contest leaders were announced for the membership drive to start soon. They are: Glenn Allen snd Hilford Willis. Mr. Allen, in charge of the meet- ing program introduced two fer- tilizer specialists who showed films emphasizing the needs of the soil for phosphorus. The theme of the films was the place phosphorus plays in all life. A portion dealt with the mining and preparation bf phosphorus for application to the soil. Harold Sweet, an employe of the Schoelles Supply Company. Inc., received a gift ln recognition of his "outstanding gas service dur- ing the year 1954" at a recent meeting ln New York City. Only nine such awards were made for 1954 and Mr. Sweet was ord. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bower, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryce. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bower and daughter, Patricia, were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. Robert Gow and fam- ily of Hartland In celebration of Betty Jean Gow's third birthday anniversary. The lesson on Personality Purses will be presented to Yates Home Bureau Unit tomorrow aft- ernoon by Mrs. Una Smythe at the home of Mrs. Harvey Blanchard, West Avenue at 2 o'clock. The pupils of the Seventh and Eighth Grades of the Sanborn Ele- mentary School, West Street, held a Valentine's party Monday. A tureen dinner was enjoyed at noon and games with prizes were featured. The teacher, Mrs. LeVan Daley, was in charge. Mrs. Roy Ensminger has re- turned to her home, Niagara St., from Niagara Falls Memorial Hos- pital. Charlotte Rlchardsoa, Lockport Road, has returned home from Lockport City Hospital, where she underwent an appendectomy. Her mother, Mrs. Emory Richardson Is confined to the hospital, with in- juries received when she fell on the ice while visiting her daugh- ter at the hospital. Lyadonville Parent - Teacher Association will hold their month- ly meeting at 8 o'clock tomorrow in the elementary school. It will be a social evening with dancing, cards and an auction. Charles Teachout and Frank Siemens will be in charge of the music. Each member is asked to take a 50 cent article or more for the auction. Mrs. James Loughrey Jr., Ray- mond Road, has returned from an extended visit with her mother, Mrs. M. A. Mack, and Mr. Lough- rey's brother. Dr. Joseph Lough rev. and other relatives at Pitts- burgh. \ sOtsV tJasajUmsm j ^rV^Pa^RuVCHI fmt it i Mtttusl Investment company sfsjuig I uveruusd, msasftd investment in common stocks at esrasii tons selected so Hw sens at po»>N« pirtiripttion is Canada's ivewra. The fads an tnit BSJM toed aft con- tained ia a free booklet arosasdui for y*w ojay, SUM the asssoa below ts G. E. RICHARDSON & CO. BEWLEY BUILDING LOCKPORT, N. Y. ssstassst Mrs Herbert Flack, Saunders Settlement Road, has returned home from Lockport City Hospital, where she was a surgical patient. Galea Tretchler, a student at the Agricultural and Technical School, Farmingdale. L. I., visit- ed his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Treichler, Saunders Settlement Road, over the weekend. G-9 Club Speaker Compare* American German Industries A Pittsburgh management con- sultant, Harry F. Gracey, was the guest speaker Monday evening at the Harrison G-9 Foremen's Club meeting. Mr. Gracey has Just returned from Germany after a year of working with foreign management on a technical assistance project for the Foreign Operation* Admin- istration under the Marshall Plan. He compared the American and German management by relating his experiences with the "militar- ism brand" of Industry. Mr. Grac- ey said, "most (German) plants are ruled by three top executives, who are the ruling hand, most hsve efficient workers who believ* in quality rather than quantity. In' ™ L T B a m^iln i. w lii these plant, 40 cent, an hour is a ; J 0 ^d.v 2LX . a P'M n, decent wage, and most of tbum H ? w S t ,£«»'"« £ '?/ ° f : .-. ,„„„I,.I. i„ tw>i» tr.A* fleers meeting will be held at 7 are specialists ln their trade. | p M ^ r ^ ,7aa. and Feb. birth- ADVERTISEMENT Sealed proposals will be re- reived by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Lockport, New York, until 8:00 P.M.. East- ern Standard Time, on the 7th day of March A.D., 1955. at the City Hall, Pine Street, Lockport, New York, for Contract No. 28 — 24 Inch Auxiliary Raw Water Line on Summit Street from State Hbad to Filtration Plant. All sealed proposals will be publicly opened and read at the time and place designated. Copies of bidding forms speci- fications, and other contract doc uments are on file and open to public inspection at the office of the Commissioner of Public Works. City Hall. Lockport. New York, and at the office of The rhester Engineers, 210 East Park Way. Pittsburgh 12, Pennsylvania. The successful bidder will be required to furnish satisfactory Performance and Labor and Ma- terialmen's Bonds. Copies of the plans and specifi- cations may be obtained from the office of The Chester Engineers on deposit of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for each aet of documents so obtained, the full amount of which will be refunded to each actual bidder, and Fifteen Dol- lars ($15.00) will be returned to all others who return plans and specifications in good condition within ten (10) days after opening of bids. A certified check or bank draft payable to the City of Lockport. New York, or a satisfactory bid bond executed by the bidder and a surety company, ia aa amount equal to five per cent (5%) of the bid shaU be submitted with each bid. No bid may be withdrawn untill sixty (60) days after the same has been filed with the City of Lock- port. The City of Lockport reserves the right to reject any and nil bids and to waive any Informali- ties in bidding. By order of the Common Coun- cil Dated Sept. 27, 1954. CITY OF LOCKPORT. NEW YORK BY: K. F. Anderson City Clerk 14. 15, 16c MORRIS W EINSTEIN. doing business as Uie VUFPAU) U R N COMPANY SOa Walbrldge Building Buffalo 3, Mew York Plaintiff, -agalnst- DAKDBL CRANE and -JANE- CRANE, his wife, first name unknown. "Jans" being ficti- cious, true name of tno defen- dant baton unknown to plaintiff: ADDA B. TC-WXR; COUNTY OP NIAOARA: PEOPLE OP TifR STATS OP NEW YORK: "JOHN DOE" and MARY DOE", hit wife, the nainea "JOHN DOS" and "MART DOS", being fictitious. IV being intended to represent and de- scribe thereby any and all per- sona or corporations who are or Claim to be administrators, ex- ecutors, and-or legatees, de- visees, helrs-at-law. distribu- tees, personal representatives, successors and assigns of ei- ther or any of the above named defendants and of DAN P. TOWER, and-or all persona and corporations who by purchase. Inheritance, or otherwise have or claim to have any interest derived through either at any of the above defendants, if they or any of them be dead, all of whom and whose names are un- known Sb t h e plaintiff; Defendants TO THE ABOVE NAMSD DE- FENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUM- MONED to answer the complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the com- plaint la not served with this sum- mons, to serve a notice of appear- ance on the plaintiff's attorney within twenty (30) days after the I service of this summons, exclu- sive of the day of service. In oaae of your failure to appear or answer. Judgment will be taken against you by default for the re- lief demanded ln the complaint TRIAL TO BE HELD IN THS COUNTY OP NIAOARA Dated: January 32nd, 1985 MORRIS WEINaTETN, Attorney for Plaintiff, Office and P. O. Address 803 Walbrldge Building Buffalo. New York TO THE ABOVE NAMSD DE- PENDANTS:— The foregoing summons la served upon you by publication putauant to Section 23 under Chapter 666 of the 1936 Laws of the State of New York. The object of thla action ft to foreclose the plaintiff's lien of taxes for the 1962 County Tax Lien aa set forth ln the complaint and upon the premises described below. The property In question Is described as follows:— ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate ln the Town of Porter, Coun- ty of Niagara, and State of *a*w York, being part of lot number 43. township 16, and range 8. and more particular ly described aa follows: Chrysler Imper: Just traded In - nertal by a business man who Seine the finest. Whoever la lucky enough to be the next owner, buys a well eared for car with all equipment and accessories, low mileage, and the pr ice ia low too. 19*3 Plymouth Cranbrook Sedans. Three to choose from. All late trades, and one owner care. If you own an older car. look at any one of these 3 Plymouth* for miles of care- free driving. They're priced below market and carry our usual service guarantee. 1069 Chevrolet Bel-Air Hard Top Sport Ooupe. Two color design. Dlacruttinatlng owner gave this oar excellent care. We took lt ln trade on a new 1068 Chrysler Windsor. 1090 Pontine 4-D. Sedan. We have tabbed this car below market for Immediate sale. Worth looking at 1061 Chrysler Windsor Deluxe 4-D. Sedan. Several to choose from All are recent trades and best of all. these cars axe marked at a low, low February Price. 1080 Bulek Special 3-Door. If you like Bulck. here is a oar priced far below the trade-in value. 1064 Ford Custom line Sedan, radio, heater and defrosters. windshield washers, direction Signals, etc. 4000 miles at several hundred dollars under the original delivery price. Winterized and ready to go. USUAL SERVICE GUARANTEE- PRICES FROM $195 LUCIEN MOTORS, INC. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER ELM AT CHESTNUT STS. OPEN EVENINGS. PHONE 3-S7M T 15-16c—11 '53 STUDEBAKER V-8 sport coupe. overdrive, w-w tires, radio, heat- er, very low mileage. Phone 4-44*71. 15-Hc— U TOTHILL AUTO SALES Hudson Sales A Service 4-Wheel Drive Willys Jeep A Trucks S4-2S Chapel St Ph. S-2911 18-930—11 1047 Pontlae, original owner. Inquire at 103 Dorchee- FOR SALS. tar Road or phone 3-8888. la-lap—ii CARS BOTJOHT AND SOLD — We trade. Let us sell your car on consignment and get you top dol- lar. A rich commission, less than 3%. BAEB USED CARS, 381 Walnut St, 4-1547, »-»H4. 10-18C—-11 INJURIES PROVE FATAL BUFFALO (JB—Charles O'Brien, 72, of Machias. died ln a hospital Tuesday night of Injuries received la a two-car collision Sunday near Yorkshire ln Cattaraugus County NOTICE OF MEETINGS The regular meeting of Lockport Grange No. 1282 will be held Thursday evening at 8 P.M. in the Redman Hall. Ladies please bring sweet rolls. 15, 18nc "Foreign plants do not believe In long range planning and have no conception of mass ^produc- tion," he said. "They have, how- ever, developed a system of sim- plification and some means of standardization " Another guest who Spoke was Edward D. Rollert, new general "*IT*-"*?>T manager of Harrison Radiator Di- " « « " » « • • t V |o? n Mr G pX!t S f S . S O T I-ockport Rebekah Lodge No. u°. n ..V/_!! o !L w . t ui?! d A h . e ... , !f- O . up .. o !i2»0 will hold its regular meeting In I 0.0 F. Temple Thursday eve- ning at 7 o'clock followed by days will be celebrated. Entertain ment will follow the meeting. 15.10UC The regular meeting of Ladies Auxiliary No. 2535 V.F.W., wUl be held Wednesdsy evening t P.M initiation af new members. Re- 15.16nc hi* interest in their sctivities and of how interested ha was in work- ing with them. Nominations were made for the 1955-58 election to be held March 21. at Petrie's. Transit Road. Names placed la nomination were: Joseph Greco, president; Alton Horanburg, vice president, Frsn- els J. Hogan, secretary; Ray- mond K LeVan, financial secre- N.Tlen tary and Albert pnoit for a cards at 8 o'clock. Marion Brewer, N. G. Mildred Nayman, Sec'y. IS.ltec Stated communication of Red Jacket Lodge. No. 848. will be held st the Mssonic Temple, Main and Cottage Sts , on Thursday evening, February 17th at 7:30 o'clock. The three year term oa the board of ^ f E t ^ Apprentice wUl directors of the organization. STATE FAIR DATE SET be conferred on a class of csndi dates with Rt. Wor. Montford Hollv, P D.D.G.M. ss Msster. ALBANY i * - The 109th New, visiting Masons sre cordially wel- York State Fair will be held st'comr Syracuse Sept. 3-10 Agriculture, Karl L. Wheeler. Master Commissioner Daniel J. Csrey sn j H, Floyd Schafer, Sec y nounced Tuesday, ' 16,17ac ,^" ln k oounded on the west aide by the center Una of Lake Road ln the village of Ran- eomvilie, In the said city and county; on the north aide by lands formerly owned by James Stacey by deed record- ed ln the Office of the Clerk ?L tl »e County of Niagara ln liber 387 of Deeds at page 107; on the south side by lands formerly owned by Ed- ward J. Hiiiman and Emma Hiilman. by deed recorded In the Office of the Clark of the County of Niagara ln liber 600 Of Deeda at page 888; on the east by landa Formerly owned by Curtiss Brothers, being a lot 78 feat front and rear by 8 chains and 68 links on the north and south line. Dated: January SI, 1968 MORRIS WEINSTEDt Attorney for Plaintiff Office and F. O. Address w »Jhrldp Building Buffalo 3, New Tork ?. 19. 38, 3, 9. 16c J. RATHKE & SONS Sales - PACKARD - Service Wright's Cora. Ph. 4-9789 Open 8:00 A.M., ta 8:30 P.M. Man. Thru Frl. Sat.. TO 0:00 16-18C—11 Hi ncnwidni In loving memory of our wtfe and^ mother. Mildred Sowar, who ••*••£•£{.«» *•« ->. Fstoru- We do not need a apaolal day Jo bring her to our minds. The days we do not think of her Are vary hard to find. Sndhrrntaaed by Buassand and Children. 1&=L CERTIFICATE OP CC*mNUBD USE OP PARTTTBRflHIP NAME OF SUNRISE LUMBER AND SUFPLT COMPANT Pursuant to Article 7 Of the Part- nership Law of the State of New Tork WHEREAS the business of the firm of SUNRISE LUMBER AND 8UPPLT COMPANT. a partner •hip Which haa transacted bust nesa ln this atate under said name, continues to be conducted by one of the partners therein, and whereas the business hereto- fore conducted by aatd firm is to be conducted hereafter by the un- dersigned In the name of SUN- RISE LUMBER AND SUPPLY COMPANT. NOW, THEREFORE, the un- dersigned, in pursuance of the statute ln such caae made and pro- Tided, does make, sign, and ac- knowledge thta certificate and de- clares that the person Intending to deeJ under the name of SUN- RISE LUMBER AND SUFPLT COMPANT. with his respective B lace of residence is aa follows: OR MAN S. COMRIE. place Of residence being 38 Minard Street. Lockport. New Tork. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 31st day of January, 1966 NORMAN 6 eOMRTj (US.) STATS OF NEW TORK) COUNTT OF NIAOARA )SS: crrr OF LOCRFORT I On this Slst day of January. 10S6. before me. the subscriber, personslly appeared NORMAN S. roMflfE to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described In and who exe- cuted the within Instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. FRSD J. SMITH Fred J. Smith. Reg. No. 9098 Notary Pubric, State of New Tork. Residing tn Niagara Co. at time of appointment. My Commis- sion Expiree March SO. 1968. 0. 16. 39 March 9e —HOME-MADE PIE— Lunchea. Sodsss, Sundaes, XMIeknas MUk-Shakas Munsojlls Across Prom the Plana STATION WAGONS 1868 Ford Country Squire Radio, Heater, Fordomatie, other extras. 1961 Ford Country Squire "6" cylinder, new tires, heater, than 36,000 miles. 1061 Nash Rambler Station Wagon. Radio, heater. New 1066 Ford Mainline Ranch Wagon "6" cylinder, heater, signals, etc. HOWELL MOTORS INC Par*! Sales * Service 2501. Open Evenings 7-9 NEWFANE, N. Y. 14-180—11 NELSON MOTORS 190—8 NOTICE TO LIQUID CHLORINE DEALERS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids wUl be received by the undersigned at the office of the City Building. Pine Street, Lock- port, New Tork, until 8 P.M., Mon- day evening. February 28th. 1095, for quantities of liquid chlorine for the sewage treatment plant. pumping suuoa and ftlirstUia 7 Personals RJOTPM" Rolen. Burns, Tsara. Mrs WUL Brown. SI Prospect. Bacon St. entrance, 3-989L 9-33c—7 T< ^' tX -^ LWA '" BRTTER AT THE PRESTIOE DRAP BRT CENTER." Cold Springs Road. Lockport. Reduced coat of labor on custom made drap- eries and slip covers. Wide se- lection of fabrte for draperies, alio covers and upholstery. Dial 8-9799. 18-160—7 REWRAVTNO MOTH HOLES Bums, Teare, Mrs. Ralph Wheat- on. 179 Lock Street Side Bn- tranea. Dial e-ault, 4-940—7 I s o Late Te (Unify *per»m»m the bath Nirw UPPER s basted, oak floor.. Thermodor range and oven. Aduiu preferred. Appreciated when seen. Phone 4-4M01. 16-I8C—74 FOR SALS—1949 Che*. Deluxe panel truck, u ton. 19*7 Fleet- 3 Door Sedan, radio, _J Ohev neater. 199 N. Transit Road. 16-I9p- II 3 SMALL FTJfWlBJBBD ltatit bouse- keeptns; rooms for employed mid- dleaced persona. 3 blocks from Harrisons. 99 Chestnut St. le-iac—«7 TRUCK DRIVE* WANTBD-^lppl SamtaraJero'a packing bouee, Ketohum Avenue. Newfane. 16-190—93 s COAL STOVR for Base, also two or three tons of hay. K. Kanwetx, Lette Road. Mtdrtloport, 16c—61 WANTED TO RUT, 9 bedroom house, ln or near cftr. Reasonable price. Write box St. Unton-8un 4t Journal. 1*-I8c—48 RAM AM DDTNSs^-Ooutttrj Style, Sat- E2$T;-I?* r s 4, &M at Terrft MAlER-SCHULE C M C starting at s PM, at Terry» «jg SVECT AVF n Corners Fire Hall, Route 77, 6 milea aaat of Lockport. Adults Si M. Children under tweiTt Its* 1ST CHOICE USED CARS WINTERIZED AND GUARANTEED 1951 Plymouth Cranbrook Sedan. Radio and Heater 1988 Dadga Coronet V4 sedan. Radio and Beater 1954 D e d g e Clnb Coupe. Heater and Gyromatic 1058 Packard Tudor. Clean. Radio and Heater 1951 Dedge Coronet Sedan. Radio and Heater 1910 Plymouth Club Coupe. Radio and Heater 195t Dedge Coronet Sedan. Radio aad Heater 1940 Nash Tudor 1949 Studebaker Sedan. Radio and Heater last Dedge Clnb Coupe. Leaded 19ft Willy's Tudor. Radla and Heater aad Overdrive 1861 Chrysler Windsor Club Coupe. Leaded NELSON MOTORS BIG USED CAR LOT OPEN MON. THRU FBI.. F.V ENINCS T I L 0 SATURDAY TIL 4 p.m. Park Ave., Between Hawtey * Trasatt Sta. Phone M i l l — 3 3344 18-18C—11 GROUCHO T V SPECIALS 1998 Wlllya 9 door. 1081 DeSoto Club Conipe 1960 DeSoto dun Coupe. 1980 Chevrolet 3 door 19B1 Nsah Ambassador Sedan. 1949 DaSoto Sedan 1949 Chrysler Sedan. 1949 Plymouth Sedan. 194S Dodge Sedan. MullartoVs Uutxi Car U t Open Evenings Men. Thru FH. Sat, Tin 4. 8 POOPING 8T. AT THE PINE ST. BRIDGE PHONE 3-8808 IP NO ANSWER CALL 8-8807 18c—11 1948 Chevrolet Sedan, D»UverT~Re~ conditioned and Repe4ntid 6998 880 WEST AVE. LN'C. PH. 3-8540 19c—11 WANT ADS GET CAlts Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Wafer ft anmjHJg - Fultonhistory.com 18/Lockport...than 100 per cent of the tax would be billed at ones for the taxes based on the full rata. Bragallni pointed out that no law had

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Page 1: Wafer ft anmjHJg - Fultonhistory.com 18/Lockport...than 100 per cent of the tax would be billed at ones for the taxes based on the full rata. Bragallni pointed out that no law had

I t LOCKFOtT, N. Y., UNION-SUN t JOURNAL, Wednesday, February 16, 1»SS

54 41

52 4H


BUFFALO MARKET Tke 'ollowing uuotai i» repre­

sent a compilation of prices at th ''Ik nd Cllnioo Bailey mar hets aa reported by the Baftaie Of rice Department of Agriculture and Ma«%et»

Wednesday, Feb. 16, 1965. OA1RI PRODUCTS

(Prices Indicated are for sales la case lota. Add Sc for cartonsj Lrtcandled Nearby

Large and extra large white 49 i

while 47a ad antra large,

48® Medium brown 46 a Pullets 40 Canadian, Large and

antra large brown. Candled 510 (Prices for undergrade* lower

EGGS CANDLED to meet NYS Grade A, 4-6c above uncandled prices. POULTRY-(Dressed) Western

Box-packed. eviser-ated. Turkeys, young hens. 8-14 lbs. §4

Young toms, 16-20 lbs. 49 20-22 45 22-24 45'* 24-26 47 26-26 481*

NEARBY-Heavy fowl 32€ SC Medium 29" 30 Fryers 38<o) 40 Roasters, 4\i lbs up, 40(g) 42 Ducks 40® 42 (BftMratad)

fowl 26® 87 fowl 40® 42 and fryers 44® 47

90® 92 Ducks 48® SO

T u r k e y s , Be lUvUle 5-6 lbs. 55

POULTRY, Live. Wholesale— Broilers and Fryers. 2

2% lbs. 27® 30 2-4 lbs 27a. 30 Roasters, S lbs. and up 28M 31 Fowl, leghorn type 18a, 20 Heavy type, under 6 lbs 25a 28 Over 6 lbs. and rough 17<w 20 Roosters (cocks) 10"'. 12 Ducks 30<a) 32


N.Y.S Cortland No. 1 2H" up. bu. 2 2 5 * 2 75

Rhode Island Green­ing, 2 00 u 2 50

Mcintosh. No. 1. tW up

Fancy Orchard Run

Unclassified Cartons No. 1. 2V« Inch

up. 12. 3 lb. film packages 2 7 5 6 3 00

Red Delicious No. 1 Carton, 2V«" min.. 12, 3 lb. film packs, 3 OO/AS 50

1 10®1 25

4 004S4 80

2 25(£2 7*i 3 OO-.i 3 50 1 75to2 25! 1 00<al 50!

lugs Belgium Endive 10 lb.

cartons ONIONS—

N Y State Dry Ebenezer, No. 1 m e d i u m

bushel 2 00®2 80 Large 3 00 Yellow, 50 lb sacks .

Med 1 50®1 79 Large 1 *5®2 00 Small and poorer 1 20«tl 50 10 lb. sacks 83® 89

PARSNIPS H.G.— t* bu . flat 1 50»2 00 8 qt. baskets 1 28 Carton of 12 1 lb. film

packs 1 50o-i 65 POTATOES—

N Y S . . Red. No 1. 50 lb. sacks 1 33®1 50 White. 50 lb. sackka

size A 1 3 0 - l 60 Commercial 1 00®1 25



COLLINS—Funeral services for

IVi" up. bu. 3 00^3 50 Double Red 3 ' 4 00®* 00 Golden 2 W up 8 50@4 50 Northern Spy 4 «Ktt4 50 Rome Beauty 8 M®3 00


Cartons of 18 1* fe M A , „ film packs 1 M i l 7!

CABBAGE— H.G, Danish, 50 lbs. 1 00®1 90 Red. bu. 1 » ® 1 75 Light 75®1 25

CARROTS— Bu * 00-0.2 50 % bu. ' 1 25'a-1 35

C E L E R Y - H . G . . N.Y.8. • Celery root, doxN 1 75®1

LETTUCE. H. Y<— Curiey Rochester. 5 lb.

151b. sacks. No. 1 10 lb. sacks 33®

SPINACH AND GREENS— Rochester Beet Greens

Carton 8. 10 oz. film 1 25 a 1 35 pack

SQUASH-Hubbard Bulk, per lb.

TURNIPS, a a. White, purple top

y* bu. Cartons of 18 m lb.

film packs Canadian Yellow. 50

lb. sacks GRAIN

WHEAT — 12.22 per bu tlve Feb. 16.

Lockport Mkt. Prices . ' HAY, loose, ton 115-18. Baled, ton. 820-28. STRAW, loose ton $8.00-8.00. Baled ton $1200-1300 BARLEY, b u ­l l 00-1.10. OATS. bu. . 85®80c. CORN, bu., $1.48-1.80.


Uvestock. Salable cattle 200; total 490. Sal­

able receipts Include one load of rail cattle. Steers and he i fers -

1 79®2 29 4 5c

1 OO'i 1 80

1 80®180

1 2511 35


Jay Howard Collins were held at market steady. Good 850 lb steers - and Kandt Funeral Home. 21 50 scattered sales of 950-1000

842 Genesee Street. Tuesday aft ernoon. February 19. 1955. at two o'clock. The Reverend Ritchard E . Lyon officiated. The bearers were: John. Howard. LaVerne, and Donald Collins, Joseph Conlin. •ad Lao Hackmer. Interment In Hartland Central cemetery.

MUNSON-Horace Dwlght, Jr.. In Niagara Falls, Maw York. Fab. 14. 1955. Husband of Mildred E . Son of Mrs. Horace D. Munson ST. . of Clearwater, Florida, brother of Charles E . Munson of Summit. New Jersey, brother of Mrs. C R. Harris of Lockport. Fu­neral from the Gridley Funeral Home. 790 Main St., Niagara Falls. New York Thursday at 300 P. M Interment at Oakwood cemetery. Niagara Falls. 18, 18c

E . 181 Spald­ing S t . passed away Fab. 15. 1959 at Buffalo General Hospital. Ha la survived by his wife, Mrs. Ar­thur Phllleo, one son. Klare of Cleveland, Ohio, and ana daugh­ter, Donna Lou at home. 'also one niece and ana nephew. Friends may call at the Bream and Lange Funeral Home. HI l a s t Ave., be­tween the hours of 2:00 to 4:30 and 7:00 to 10:00. Funeral will be held Friday. Feb. 18. 1959 at 10 00 a Shawnee cemetery. Flow ers gratefully declined.

lb steers 16.50 • 21.00; dairy type slaughter cattle: market fully steady. Undertone strong. Com­mercial cows10.50-11.90; top 12.00; utility and commercial dairy half-era 12.50-14.50; top 15.00. Commer­cial sausage bulls, 15.00-16 oo; top 18.59 sparingly.

Salable calves 150; total 150. Market stronger and LOO higher. Choice 59.00-82.00; few 83.00; com­mercial and good 29.00-29.00; util­ity and commercial 17.00-24.00.

Salable hogs 100; total 100. Mar-ket steady. Good and choice 170-220 lb N. Y. State hogs 17.50-18.00; top 18.59; sparingly; 229 - 270 lbs 16.00-17.90; 270-350 lbs 15.00-16.00. Good and choice 250-400 lb sows 18.59-14.50; 400-700 lbs 12:50-13.50.

Salable sheep * lambs 150: to­tal 400. Market continues steady. Clearance good. Choice ewe and wether lambs 22.50-23.00; feeders 17.50 • 18.59. Good and choice slaughter ewes 8.50 - 9.50; heavy awas and bucks 5.50-6.50.

Income Tapayers Warned Against Deducting 10 P.C.

ALBANY (Jf»— The president of the State Tax Commission Tues day cautioned state Income tax­payers not to deduct a 10 per cent abatement from their returns for 1954.

George H. Bragallni said those who filed returns based on less than 100 per cent of the tax would be billed at ones for the taxes based on the full rata.

Bragallni pointed out that no law had been enacted this year to grant a 10 per cent abatement In the personal income tax. He added that if such a law ware en­acted, taxpayers would gat re­funds based on the amount of abatement.

Centtaaed from Page 1

completed this afternoon. Deputy Rudolph Zlehm Tuesday

afternoon told of taking a signed statement from Norman Wager on Aug. 4. In which the defendant was quoted a s saying that "he may have struck" his father.

Deputy Zlehm said that Norman Wager made the statement volun­tarily at the Sheriff's Office in the presence of Cant. Victor Van Den Bosch and himself.

The stateaneat was admitted te evidence by Judge Krea-eaeerg ever objections ef De­fease A t i e m e y . AbraasewHs, and waa read ia the Jury by Diet. Atty. Earl . The statement, In part, was as

follows: "On Wednesday, July 28, some-

50 time In the afternoon my father, who bad been lying on the daven­port, got up and started to wan­der around the bouse. I tried to get him to go back to bed and I argued with him. I had been drinking and when I a m drinking I have a very bad temper.

"I may have struck m y father without meaning to be rough. I know m y father seemed to be un-sble to talk or eat after that but due to m y drinking I only have a hazy recollection of that and It never occured to m e to call a doc­tor. These things may have hap­pened at other times but if so , I don't remember ."

Deputy Zlehm was under cross examination when court recessed at 4:30 Tuesday afternoon, until 11 this morning. The opening of court today was set aa hour later than usual because Judge Kronenberg had a term of Surrogate's Court scheduled for 10.

Other prosecution witnesses Tuesday afternoon told of being at­tracted to the Wager home on July 31 by a fire which broke out la a shed behind the home.

Two neighbors. Thomas Hlckey and Ervla Eves , la id they found Norman Wager ly­ing unconscious on the ground outside the burning shed. In­side the house they reported finding Wager's aged father aaceasclous en s sofa. They said ha had dark discoloratlons under his eyes and a swell­ing over one eye. Mr. Hlck­ey said that at first he thought the aged man was


LIVERPOOL If! — An Onondaga County coroner says be will issue a verdict of "probably accidental death" in the case of Norman Pol­lock, 34, found shot through the mouth In his home Tuesday.



% Proposals must be at

with specifications therefor and obtainable at tan City Clerk's Office.

Each proposal must be accom­panied by a certified check drawn on a legal bank of the State of Naw York, in the amount of five per cent of the total bid price

The Common Council reserves

ft anmjHJg a brown ny lonib°o*S XjOeflfl*---WOss*^ - m

wttto fur tup, at Knight* of C o -

LOST W O M A N ^ 8 ~ B T S ^ O a b j a r d t a e

cst»^»«? 11 Automotive MOTICI

WILLIAM W. CAMPBELL, JR. — In pursuance of an Order ofi#fc_ _,_,. », _ , , the Hon. Prank J. Kronanb«rg.|tbe right to reject any or all bids. uurroguL* of the County of NI»H- By order of the Common Council era. NOTICE la hereby given, on January 3rd, 1955.

JUDGING WINNERS-Twe young experts at cattle lodging re­ceive their prizes from the president ef the Niagara-Orleans Beef Catlie Club at the annual meeting at Lyndoa»Ule Monday evening. Ward WHsen ef Wsteraert, right, presents the 18 first prise te Wallace Ceases, left. Barker 4-H Club member; and the U second award to Clifford Andrews ef Sanborn. Wilson Ceatral School vecettonal agriculture student. Lawreaee Dtok-eaaea ef Helley, eecead prise winner, could not be present for the picture. The beys Judged feeder steers and heifers at the George Wilaea farm near Keekville. Orleans County. Mr. Wil­son was re-elected presldeat by the directors ef the beef club. (Farm Bureau Photo).

according to law, to all persona saving claim against William W.

Campbell Jr., late of the City of Lockport, a County of Nigara. B U M of Naw York, dooamosa; that they are required to exhibit the earn* with the vouchers there-sf. to the subscribers at their place of transacting business, at the law offices of Fred J. Smith Esq., their attorney.. at No. 401 Bewley Building. City of Lock-port, County oi Niagara. Bute o' New York, on or before the let lay of July. 1966. Dated: December M. 1064.


Executitoes of the Bstate of William W. Campbell Jr.

PBKD J. SMITH. Esq. Attorney for, Exeeutrlces Office and Post Office Address «0l Bewley Building Lockport. New York

12-20 — 9-99 — Wednesday


. M. 17. 18c


GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. urV-The Michigan Allied Dairy Assn.. held a breakfast meeting today.

The menu Included lee c r e a m -assorted flavors.

Ths Ice cresm men are hot on their product as s morning eye-opener.

Also on the menu, however, were eggs, bscon, toast and cof­fee.



BBS. formerly of WO-, N. Y.. passed away Fab. IS.

1088 a t Lockport City Hospital. She la survived b y a daughter. Mrs Catherine Lohr. of New York City.

N . Y., and one son, Harold Wynne. Friends may call at the Bream A l a n g e Funeral Home, 186 East Ave. Funeral at the convenience of the family.

12:001 lad. 16 I Gar Wood

Gen. Elec. Gen. Motors

. : « l « - V • * * I H y l v T V

PHONES 3-8616

a —̂ L. . . . i——. — — 4t _ ___ j _ »

A m D U i a n c i »*jrvic«j C. A. REYNOLDS


BREAM & UNGE l i t !


PH. 4 1*91 Mart I U a t »

Kennedy Funeral Home JOSEPH M . KENNEDY

JOSEPH M . KENNEDY JR. I t ! WALNUT ST PHONE I Si l l L x e e o e t l r i B S T Penerm^H

Aliis Chal. Am. Air. Am. Can Am. Horn. Prod Am. Radt. Am. Smelt. Am. T. Ji T. Am. Tob. Anaconda Ashl. OO Avco. Mfg. Benef. Ln. Beth. Steel Borden Burl. Mills Burroughs Can. Pac. J. I. Case Celanese Ches. k Ohio Chrysler Cities Svc. Col. Gss Coml. Solv. Coo. Edis. Curtis Pub. Deere DuPont Eaatm. Rod. El. Auto Lt. Elliott Erie R. R. Flintkote Freept. Sul.

77 «* 24% 41 71*4 24% 45%

170% 64V« 53% 12% 7

21% 117*4

65% 18% 28 30% 17% 23% 48% 60%

130% 16% 23% 80% 8%

35% 171% 69% 38% 30% 221* 45% 77%

12:00 6%

55 04

Gen. Motors Rts 60/64 Gen. Pub. Goodrich Gt. No. Ry. Int. Nick. Int. Packers Int. Paper Int. T. It T. Johns Manv. Kennecott S. 8. Kresge Loew's Lorlllard Marine Mid. Me-lv. Shoe Moat. Dk. Ut. Mont Ward Nat. Bisc. Nat. Dairy Nat. Dist. Nat. Gyp. Nat. Supply N. Y. Cent. No. Pac. Pan AW. Air Param. Pict. Penn R, R. Pepsi Cola Phelps D. Phil Pet. Pure oil Radio Corp.

cused by the district attorney, four by the defense and 10 by the court. One alternate Juror was se­lected.

The Jury Includes: Franklin D. Newman, compositor, 2050 Porter Road, Niagara Falls: Edwin D. Walck. machinist, Cambria; Irving W. Brlgham, farmer, Ridge Road, Lockport; George W. Allen, store­keeper, 525 Jefferson Ave., Niag­ara Falls; William A. Rignall. auto mechanic, 82 Saxton St., Lock-port; Russel Brsdley, painter, Town of Lockport.

Also Earl N. Fisher, factory worker, 744 Walnut St.. Lockport; Leone S. Burton, housewife, San­born; Louis T. Bailey, clerk, 47 Franklin Ave., Lockport; Helen K. Lutz, housewife, Wilson; Elwood Ron ring, farmer. Wilson, and Christopher Culver, salesman, 01-cott.

The alternate Juror Is Lee Berg­man, weaver, 251 South St., Lock-port.

35% 64% 39% 63% 15% 89% 25% 01%

112% 31 % 20% 25% 18% 32% 31% 70 43% 38% 21% 50% 45% 34 Mi 75% 19 38% 25% 19% 55% 75 78% 42%

Rem. Rand Repub. Stl. Rex. Drug St. Reg. Pap. Schenley Sears Roe. Sinclair Oil Socony Vac. So. Pac. st (l Brands Std. Oil Cal. Std. Oil N. J. Sunray Oil Texas Co. Tide Wst. As. Timk. Roller Un. Carbide Utd. Aire. U. S. Rub. U S. Steel Vanadium Warren Pet. Warren Bros. West. Auto. Westg. Elec. Woolworth

12:00 46% 88%

8% 39% 24 80V* 55 55% 57% 30% 79%

115% 23% 95% 25% 50% 84% 87 43 70 42'4 51 19% 57% 81 51%

Sales to 12 00 1,410. 000.

Dow Jones Aversges Naaa Changes

IndUSt. 411 54 0 41 R. R. 147.08+0 56 Utll. 83.07+0.20







87 N a r t b Mala Newfane . N . T . 3101—5051

6111 HJttAL HOME 263 tat An. lac

PHONE 34911 Clemens O. Goul


Affiliated Atomic Dev. Bullock Commonwealth Dividend Shares Fidelity Group Securities:

Bid Asked 5 93 6.41

13 50 14.82 33.32 36 49

8.71 0.47 2.44 2.68

26 35 38 49

Cap. Growth Common Stock Fully Admin, lac. Investors Mass. Invest. Trust Nation-Wlde Bal. Wellington

Bid Asked 9.74 10.67

11 84 l l f f 9.54 10.45

15.81 17.00 29.12 81.48 18 67 20.20 25.16 27.42

PAIR KYHOiDS Funeral Home 46 East Ave.

P H O N E 3-3611


242 St

PHONES: 3-6300 4-3511 4-0224 3 5774



Our Busiasss Is Ts Help You Is Such Matters



We will be In the Rialte building until Fab. 26th

A. D. PALMER PH. 3-3888 C. R. PALMER

Mr. Hlckey said hs tried to find out from Norman Wager what had happened and that Norman re­plied, "last week they beat up my old man. I went ln to get some oil snd they hit ma over the head." ' Mr. Hlckey said there was blood oa Norman Wager's face and that his sweat shirt was saturated with kerosene. He said there was no sign of blood on the elder Wager.

Mr. E v e s said oa cross exami­nation that the elder Wager was thin snd wslked rsther unsteadily with a limp.

Defense Attorney Abrsmowits asked Mr. Hlckey If he remem­bered the sged man being injured in an accident some time before, but Mr. Hlckey said he had no recollection of this.

Deputy Zlehm told of going to see the Wagers st the hosptial la­ter In the day at Niagara Falls . He ssld young Wager talked s o m e but was incoherent.

The deputy ss ld it was not un til Wager was arrested and brought to the Sheriff's Office here that he made a statement.

l a reference te the fire, Wag-sr said In the signed state­ment that he took a Jug of ell from the house to the shed t e empty it Into an oil drum. While he waa emptying it, he said a fire broke out. He said he w a s not sure how he suf­fered a cut oa his head. He said he didn't knew whether he ran against the deer or waa hit by someone. Dr. J a m e s Macsluso, Lockport.

testified that the elder Wager was transferred from Niagara Falls to the Niagara County Hospital here where he died Oct. 6.

"He never regained conscious­ness and never answered any questions," Dr. Macaluso said.

After the man's death. Dr. Mac­aluso said he notified the coroner who ordered sn sutopsy.

Dr. William F. Jacobs, Buffalo, who made the post mortem exam­ination, attributed death to a cer­ebral hemorrhage resulting from a head Injury. He said that If it had not been for the head injury, the aged man might have lived several years .

"Might the Injury have result­ed from the msn falling and strik­ing his h e s d ? " asked Defease At­torney Abramowitz.

"Yes ." replied Dr. Jacobs. "Could it have resulted from be­

ing punched or struck ln the faee?" asked District Attorney Earl.

Dr. Jacobs said this also was a possibility.

Asked by the defense attar ney whether the injury could have been suffered aa leng as a year before the man's death, the doctor said that it eeald aet have been mere thaa three mouths. The Jury of ten men and two

women was completed esr ly Tues­day afternoon after 36 talesmen had been examined. Eight were ex-

Grange Degrees To Be Held; Events Slated

Minister Subs For Pastor; Events Related

The Rev. Jesse Simoson Simoson of North Tonawanda, con ducted the Sunday morning wor ship service at the Sanborn Bap­tist Church in the absence of the pastor, the Rev. Glenn B. Faucett, who Is confined to his bed with a leg ailment. Mr Simoson used for his sermon text, "Can It Be' as he related how each ts guilty of sin, and should ask forgiveness.

The Family Fellowship Supper and program was enjoyed by the families of the congregation Sun­day evening. The dessert was fur­nished by the committee of Mrs. Msurice Klybert, Mrs. Addison Woodworth and Mrs. Marlyn Mc-Colley.

Miss Lois Chestnut gave an ac­count of her experiences as com­munity ambssador to Finland this past summer.

S T A T U O P j fawTOMC supRsaat O O U H T OO0NTT.




ISM lal 4-D on a 1»56 Im-


In pursuance of an Order of the Hon. Prank J. Kronenberg, Surro­gate of the County of Niagara, N O T I C E is hereby given, accord' lng to law. to all persona having claim against Roberta C. Camp-jell, late of the City Of Lockport. Jounty of Niagara, State Of New York, deceased; that they are re­quired to exhibit the eame with

the vouchers thereof, to the sub­scribers at their place of transact­ing business, at the law offices of Pred J. Smith Esq.. their attor­ney, at No. 401 Bewley Building City of Lockport. County of Niag­ara, state of New York, on or be­fore the 1st day of July. 1958. Dated: December 38, 1954


Administratrices with the Will annexed of the Estate of

Roberta C. Campbell PRED J. SMITH. Esq. Attorney for Administratrices Office and Poet Office Address 401 Bewley Building Lockport, New York

13-29 — 6-29 — Wednesday

LYNDONVILLE — Lyndonville Subordinate Grange, 1146, met for a short business meeting conducted by Master Leslie Waters. An an­nouncement was made that the first and second degrees will be conferred by the East Pembroke degree tram at Gaines Grange to­morrow and that the local Grange will sponsor another card party Saturday. The party committee in charge is composed of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thiel, Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Stisser and Mr. 'and Mrs Grant Woodworth.

Contest leaders were announced for the membership drive to start soon. They are: Glenn Allen snd Hilford Willis.

Mr. Allen, in charge of the meet­ing program introduced two fer­tilizer specialists who showed films emphasizing the needs of the soil for phosphorus. The theme of the films was the place phosphorus plays in all life. A portion dealt with the mining and preparation bf phosphorus for application to the soil.

Harold Sweet, an employe of the Schoelles Supply Company. Inc., received a gift ln recognition of his "outstanding gas service dur­ing the year 1954" at a recent meeting ln New York City.

Only nine such awards were made for 1954 and Mr. Sweet was ord.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bower, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryce. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bower and daughter, Patricia, were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. Robert Gow and fam­ily of Hartland In celebration of Betty Jean Gow's third birthday anniversary.

The lesson on Personality Purses will be presented to Yates Home Bureau Unit tomorrow aft­ernoon by Mrs. Una Smythe at the home of Mrs. Harvey Blanchard, West Avenue at 2 o'clock.

The pupils of the Seventh and Eighth Grades of the Sanborn Ele­mentary School, West Street, held a Valentine's party Monday. A tureen dinner was enjoyed at noon and g a m e s with prizes were featured. The teacher, Mrs. LeVan Daley, was in charge.

Mrs. Roy Ensminger has re­turned to her home, Niagara St., from Niagara Fal ls Memorial Hos­pital.

Charlotte Rlchardsoa, Lockport Road, has returned home from Lockport City Hospital, where she underwent an appendectomy. Her mother, Mrs. Emory Richardson Is confined to the hospital, with in­juries received when she fell on the ice while visiting her daugh­ter at the hospital.

Lyadonville Parent - Teacher Association will hold their month­ly meeting at 8 o'clock tomorrow in the elementary school. It will be a social evening with dancing, cards and an auction.

Charles Teachout and Frank Siemens will be in charge of the music. Each member is asked to take a 50 cent article or more for the auction.

Mrs. J a m e s Loughrey Jr., Ray­mond Road, has returned from an extended visit with her mother, Mrs. M. A. Mack, and Mr. Lough-rey's brother. Dr. Joseph Lough rev. and other relatives at Pitts­burgh.

\ sOtsV tJasajUmsm j ^rV^Pa^RuVCHI

fmt it i Mtttusl Investment company sfsjuig I uveruusd, msasftd investment in common stocks at esrasii tons selected so Hw sens at po»>N« pirtiripttion is Canada's ivewra.

The fads an tnit B S J M toed aft con­tained ia a free booklet arosasdui for y*w ojay, SUM the asssoa below ts



Mrs Herbert Flack, Saunders Settlement Road, has returned home from Lockport City Hospital, where she was a surgical patient.

Galea Tretchler, a student at the Agricultural and Technical School, Farmingdale. L. I., visit­ed his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Treichler, Saunders Settlement Road, over the weekend.

G-9 Club Speaker Compare* American German Industries

A Pittsburgh management con­sultant, Harry F. Gracey, was the guest speaker Monday evening at the Harrison G-9 Foremen's Club meeting.

Mr. Gracey has Just returned from Germany after a year of working with foreign management on a technical assistance project for the Foreign Operation* Admin­istration under the Marshall Plan.

He compared the American and German management by relating his experiences with the "militar­ism brand" of Industry. Mr. Grac­ey said, "most (German) plants are ruled by three top executives, who are the ruling hand, most hsve efficient workers who believ* in quality rather than quantity. In' ™LTBa m ^ i l n i. w lii these plant, 40 cent, an hour is a ; J 0 ^ d . v 2 L X . a P'M n, decent wage, and most of tbum H ? w S t ,£«»'"« £ ' ? / ° f : . - . , „ „ „ I , . I . i„ tw>i» tr.A* • fleers meeting will be held at 7 are specialists ln their trade. | p M^ r ^ , 7 a a . and Feb. birth-

ADVERTISEMENT Sealed proposals will be re-

reived by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Lockport, New York, until 8:00 P.M.. East­ern Standard Time, on the 7th day of March A.D., 1955. at the City Hall, Pine Street, Lockport, New York, for Contract No. 28 — 24 Inch Auxiliary Raw Water Line on Summit Street from State Hbad to Filtration Plant. All sealed proposals will be publicly opened and read at the time and place designated.

Copies of bidding forms speci­fications, and other contract doc uments are on file and open to public inspection at the office of the Commissioner of Public Works. City Hall. Lockport. New York, and at the office of The rhester Engineers, 210 East Park Way. Pittsburgh 12, Pennsylvania.

The successful bidder will be required to furnish satisfactory Performance and Labor and Ma­terialmen's Bonds.

Copies of the plans and specifi­cations may be obtained from the office of The Chester Engineers on deposit of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for each aet of documents so obtained, the full amount of which will be refunded to each actual bidder, and Fifteen Dol­lars ($15.00) will be returned to all others who return plans and specifications in good condition within ten (10) days after opening of bids.

A certified check or bank draft payable to the City of Lockport. New York, or a satisfactory bid bond executed by the bidder and a surety company, ia aa amount equal to five per cent (5%) of the bid shaU be submitted with each bid.

No bid may be withdrawn untill sixty (60) days after the same has been filed with the City of Lock-port.

The City of Lockport reserves the right to reject any and nil bids and to waive any Informali­ties in bidding.

By order of the Common Coun­cil — Dated Sept. 27, 1954.


BY: K. F . Anderson City Clerk

14. 15, 16c


SOa Walbrldge Building Buffalo 3, Mew York

Plaintiff, -agalnst-

DAKDBL CRANE and -JANE-CRANE, his wife, first name unknown. "Jans" being ficti­cious, true name of tno defen­dant baton unknown to plaintiff:



DOE", hit wife, the nainea "JOHN DOS" and "MART DOS", being fictitious. IV being intended to represent and de­scribe thereby any and all per­sona or corporations who are or Claim to be administrators, ex­ecutors, and-or legatees, de­visees, helrs-at-law. distribu­tees, personal representatives, successors and assigns of ei­ther or any of the above named defendants and of DAN P. TOWER, and-or all persona and corporations who by purchase. Inheritance, or otherwise have or claim to have any interest derived through either at any of the above defendants, if they or any of them be dead, all of whom and whose names are un­known Sb the plaintiff;



MONED to answer the complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the com­plaint la not served with this sum­mons, to serve a notice of appear­ance on the plaintiff's attorney within twenty (30) days after the

I service of this summons, exclu­sive of the day of service. In oaae of your failure to appear or answer. Judgment will be taken against you by default for the re­lief demanded ln the complaint TRIAL TO BE HELD IN THS

COUNTY OP NIAOARA Dated: January 32nd, 1985

MORRIS WEINaTETN, Attorney for Plaintiff, Office and P. O. Address 803 Walbrldge Building Buffalo. New York

TO THE ABOVE NAMSD DE­PENDANTS:— The foregoing summons la

served upon you by publication putauant to Section 23 under Chapter 666 of the 1936 Laws of the State of New York.

The object of thla action ft to foreclose the plaintiff's lien of taxes for the 1962 County Tax Lien aa set forth ln the complaint and upon the premises described below. The property In question Is described as follows:—

ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate ln the Town of Porter, Coun­ty of Niagara, and State of *a*w York, being part of lot number 43. township 16, and range 8. and more particular ly described aa follows:

Chrysler Imper: Just traded In -nertal by a business man who S e i n e the finest. Whoever la lucky enough to be the next owner, buys a well eared for car with all equipment and accessories, low mileage, and the pr ice ia low too.

19*3 Plymouth Cranbrook Sedans. Three t o choose from. All late trades, and one owner care. If you own an older car. look at any one of these 3 Plymouth* for miles of care­free driving. They're priced below market and carry our usual service guarantee.

1069 Chevrolet Bel-Air Hard Top Sport Ooupe. Two color design. Dlacruttinatlng owner gave this oar excellent care. We took l t ln trade on a new 1068 Chrysler Windsor.

1090 Pontine 4-D. Sedan. We have tabbed this car below market for Immediate sale. Worth looking at

1061 Chrysler Windsor Deluxe 4-D. Sedan. Several to choose from All are recent trades and best of all. these cars axe marked at a low, low February Price.

1080 Bulek Special 3-Door. If you like Bulck. here is a oar priced far below the trade-in value.

1064 Ford Custom line Sedan, radio, heater and defrosters. windshield washers, direction Signals, etc. 4000 miles at several hundred dollars under the original delivery price. Winterized and ready to go.




OPEN EVENINGS. PHONE 3-S7M T15-16c—11 '53 STUDEBAKER V-8 sport coupe.

overdrive, w-w tires, radio, heat­er, very low mileage. Phone 4-44*71. 15-Hc— U

TOTHILL AUTO SALES Hudson Sales A Service

4-Wheel Drive Willys Jeep A Trucks

S4-2S Chapel St Ph. S-2911 18-930—11

1047 Pontlae, original owner. Inquire at 103 Dorchee-FOR SALS. tar Road or phone 3-8888.


trade. Let us sell your car on consignment and get you top dol­lar. A rich commission, less than 3%. BAEB USED CARS, 381 Walnut St , 4-1547, »-»H4.



72, of Machias. died ln a hospital Tuesday night of Injuries received la a two-car collision Sunday near Yorkshire ln Cattaraugus County

NOTICE OF MEETINGS The regular meeting of Lockport

Grange No. 1282 will be held Thursday evening at 8 P.M. in the Redman Hall. Ladies please bring sweet rolls. 15, 18nc

"Foreign plants do not believe In long range planning and have no conception of mass ^produc­tion," he said. "They have, how­ever, developed a system of sim­plification and some means of standardization "

Another guest who Spoke was Edward D. Rollert, new general "*IT*-"*?>T manager of Harrison Radiator Di- " « « " » « • •

tV|o?nMrGpX!t S f S . S O T I-ockport Rebekah Lodge No. u°.n..V/_!!o!Lw.tui?!dAh.e...,!f-O.up..o!i2»0 will hold its regular meeting

In I 0.0 F. Temple Thursday eve­ning at 7 o'clock followed by

days will be celebrated. Entertain ment will follow the meeting.


The regular meeting of Ladies Auxiliary No. 2535 V.F.W., wUl be held Wednesdsy evening t P.M initiation af new members. Re-

• 15.16nc

hi* interest in their sctivities and of how interested ha was in work­ing with them.

Nominations were made for the 1955-58 election to be held March 21. at Petrie's. Transit Road. Names placed la nomination were: Joseph Greco, president; Alton Horanburg, vice president, Frsn-els J. Hogan, secretary; Ray­mond K LeVan, financial secre-

N.Tlen tary and Albert pnoit for a

cards at 8 o'clock. Marion Brewer, N. G. Mildred Nayman, Sec'y.


Stated communication of Red Jacket Lodge. No. 848. will be held st the Mssonic Temple, Main and Cottage Sts , on Thursday evening, February 17th at 7:30 o'clock. The

three year term oa the board of ^ f E t ^ Apprentice wUl directors of the organization.

STATE FAIR DATE SET be conferred on a class of csndi dates with Rt. Wor. Montford Hollv, P D.D.G.M. s s Msster.

ALBANY i * - The 109th New, visiting Masons sre cordially wel-York State Fair will be held s t ' comr Syracuse Sept. 3-10 Agriculture, Karl L. Wheeler. Master Commissioner Daniel J. Csrey sn j H, Floyd Schafer, Sec y nounced Tuesday, ' 16,17ac

• , ^ " l n k oounded on the west aide by the center Una of Lake Road ln the village of Ran-eomvilie, In the said city and county; on the north aide by lands formerly owned by James Stacey by deed record­ed ln the Office of the Clerk ?L t l»e County of Niagara ln liber 387 of Deeds at page 107; on the south side by lands formerly owned by Ed­ward J. Hiiiman and Emma Hiilman. by deed recorded In the Office of the Clark of the County of Niagara ln liber 600 Of Deeda at page 888; o n the east by landa Formerly owned by Curtiss Brothers, being a lot 78 feat front and rear by 8 chains and 68 links on the north and south line.

Dated: January SI, 1968 MORRIS WEINSTEDt Attorney for Plaintiff Office and F. O. Address $ » w » J h r l d p Building Buffalo 3, New Tork

?. 19. 38, 3, 9. 16c

J. RATHKE & SONS Sales - PACKARD - Service

Wright's Cora. Ph. 4-9789 Open 8:00 A.M., ta 8:30 P.M.

Man. Thru Frl. Sat.. TO 0:00 16-18C—11

Hi ncnwidni In loving memory of our wtf e

and^ mother. Mildred Sowar, who • • * • • £ • £ { . « » * • « ->. Fstoru-We do not need a apaolal day Jo bring her to our minds. The days we do not think of her Are vary hard to find.

Sndhrrntaaed by Buassand and Children.

— 1&=L



SUFPLT COMPANT Pursuant to Article 7 Of the Part­nership Law of the State of New Tork

WHEREAS the business of the firm of SUNRISE LUMBER AND 8UPPLT COMPANT. a partner •hip Which haa transacted bust nesa ln this atate under said name, continues to be conducted by one of the partners therein, and whereas the business hereto­fore conducted by aatd firm is to be conducted hereafter by the un­dersigned In the name of SUN­RISE LUMBER AND SUPPLY COMPANT.

NOW, THEREFORE, the un­dersigned, in pursuance of the statute ln such caae made and pro-Tided, does make, sign, and ac­knowledge thta certificate and de­clares that the person Intending to deeJ under the name of SUN­RISE LUMBER AND SUFPLT COMPANT. with his respective

Blace of residence is aa follows: OR MAN S. COMRIE. place Of

residence being 38 Minard Street. Lockport. New Tork.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 31st day of January, 1966


On this Slst day of January. 10S6. before me. the subscriber, personslly appeared NORMAN S. roMflfE to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described In and who exe­cuted the within Instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same.

FRSD J. SMITH Fred J. Smith. Reg. No. 9098

Notary Pubric, State of New Tork. Residing tn Niagara Co. at time of appointment. My Commis­sion Expiree March SO. 1968.

0. 16. 39 March 9e

—HOME-MADE PIE— Lunchea. Sodsss, Sundaes,

XMIeknas MUk-Shakas Munsojlls

Across Prom t h e Plana


1868 Ford Country Squire Radio, Heater, Fordomatie, other extras.

1961 Ford Country Squire "6" cylinder, new tires, heater,

than 36,000 miles. 1061 Nash Rambler Station Wagon.

Radio, heater. New 1066 Ford Mainline Ranch

Wagon "6" cylinder, heater, signals, etc.

HOWELL MOTORS INC Par*! Sales * Service

2501. Open Evenings 7-9 NEWFANE, N. Y.





Notice is hereby given that sealed bids wUl be received by the undersigned at the office of the City Building. Pine Street, Lock-port, New Tork, until 8 P.M., Mon­day evening. February 28th. 1095, for quantities of liquid chlorine for the sewage treatment plant. pumping s u u o a and ftlirstUia

7 Personals RJOTPM" Rolen. Burns, Tsara. Mrs WUL Brown. SI Prospect. Bacon St . entrance, 3-989L

9-33c— 7 T < ^ ' t X - ^ L W A ' " 9 ° BRTTER

AT THE PRESTIOE DRAP BRT C E N T E R . " Cold Springs Road. Lockport. Reduced coat of labor on custom made drap­eries and slip covers. Wide se­lection of fabrte for draperies, alio covers and upholstery. Dial 8-9799. 18-160—7

REWRAVTNO — M O T H H O L E S Bums, Teare, Mrs. Ralph Wheat-on. 179 Lock Street Side Bn-tranea. Dial e-ault,


Iso Late Te (Unify *per»m»m the bath

Nirw UPPER s basted, oak floor.. Thermodor range and oven. Aduiu preferred. Appreciated when seen. Phone 4-4M01. 16-I8C—74

FOR SALS—1949 Che*. Deluxe panel truck, u ton. 19*7 Fleet-

3 Door Sedan, radio, _J Ohev neater. 199 N. Transit Road.

1 6 - I 9 p - II 3 SMALL FTJfWlBJBBD ltatit bouse-

keeptns; rooms for employed mid-dleaced persona. 3 blocks from Harrisons. 99 Chestnut St.

le-iac—«7 TRUCK DRIVE* WANTBD-^lppl

SamtaraJero'a packing bouee, Ketohum Avenue. Newfane.

16-190—93 s

COAL STOVR for Base, also two or three tons of hay. K. Kanwetx, Lette Road. Mtdrtloport, 16c—61

WANTED TO RUT, 9 bedroom house, ln or near cftr. Reasonable price. Write box St. Unton-8un 4t Journal. 1*-I8c—48

RAM AM DDTNSs^-Ooutttrj Style, Sat-E2$T;-I?*rs4 ,&M at Terrft MAlER-SCHULE CMC starting at s P M , at Terry» «jg SVECT AVF n Corners Fire Hall, Route 77, 6 milea aaat of Lockport. Adults Si M. Children under tweiTt Its*



1951 Plymouth Cranbrook Sedan. Radio and Heater

1988 Dadga Coronet V 4 sedan. Radio and Beater

1954 Dedge Clnb Coupe. Heater and Gyromatic

1058 Packard Tudor. Clean. Radio and Heater

1951 Dedge Coronet Sedan. Radio and Heater

1910 Plymouth Club Coupe. Radio and Heater

195t Dedge Coronet Sedan. Radio aad Heater

1940 Nash Tudor 1949 Studebaker Sedan. Radio and

Heater last Dedge Clnb Coupe. Leaded 19ft Willy's Tudor. Radla and

Heater aad Overdrive 1861 Chrysler Windsor Club Coupe.




SATURDAY TIL 4 p.m. Park Ave. , Between Hawtey

* Trasatt Sta. Phone M i l l — 3 3344



1998 Wlllya 9 door. 1081 DeSoto Club Conipe 1960 DeSoto d u n Coupe. 1980 Chevrolet 3 door 19B1 Nsah Ambassador Sedan. 1949 DaSoto Sedan 1949 Chrysler Sedan. 1949 Plymouth Sedan. 194S Dodge Sedan.

MullartoVs Uutxi Car U t Open Evenings Men. Thru FH.

Sat, Tin 4. 8 POOPING 8T.



18c—11 1948 Chevrolet Sedan, D»UverT~Re~ conditioned and Repe4ntid



PH. 3-8540 19c—11


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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
