t t c i I I i 4 LOCKPORT UNION-SUN AND JOURNAL, Tuetdoy, July 6, 1943 Lilies, Garden Bouquets Decorate Church For Rhodes/Taylor Wedding White lilies and other garden flowers with palms and fern* were attractively arranged at the Warren's Corners Meth- odist Church of the marriage there on Saturday at 2 o'clock of Miss Mary Janet Taylor and Lt. Lewis W. Rhodes, The bride Is the daughter of Mr. j- > ~ and Mrs. Ray A. Taylor of War- bonnet and Miss Trelchler's, blue ren's Corners and Lt. Rhodes la with a rose bonnet. They carried the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Henry Rhodes of Appleton. The Rev. Louis Teague performed the cere- mony and the bride was given in marriage by her father. Miss Mar- garet Baker, a cousin of the bride, "I Love You Truly'' and Miss Ruth Richards of Warren's Corners, pianist, played the wedding music. Bride Wears Marquisette The bride wore a gown of mar- quisette made princess style with lace inserts, sweetheart neckline and train. She wore a finger-tip veil and a single strand of pearls, the gift of the groom. She car- ried roses and gypsophila. Miss Marjory Jesson of Lyndon- ville, maid of honor, wore a pink marquisette dress with rainbow skirt and matching heart-shaped bonnet. Miss Betty Jane Smith of Buffalo and Miss Genevieve Treichler of North Tonawanda, bridesmaids, wore Identical dresses, Miss Smith's of rose with a blue Your Wardrobe Stays Attractive Longer With Our Special Clean- ing. WHY NOT TRY IT? FHONR 2250 Paris Dry Cleaners 9 W. MAIN ST. pink roses and carnations. Miss Jesson's bouquet being tied with blue and the bridesmaids' with pink. Barbara Jean McGowan, cousin of the bride, was flower Siri. Robert EUonor of Appleton was best man and ushers were Gordon Rhodes of Appleton, brother of the groom, and David Hutchinson of Buffalo. Mrs. Taylor wore * green flowered silk print and Mrs. Rhodes wore a blue flowered silk. Reception In Church Parlors Following the ceremony, a re- ception to 100 was held in the church narlors, where' garden flowers with white lilies and del- prunium predominating were ar- ranged In attractive bouquets. Twelve were seated at the bridal table centered with Ulies and white roses and the wedding cake. Lt. and Mrs. Rhodes will make their home in Boise, Ida. The bride's traveling dress was of blue and white crepe with white acces- sories. Out-of-town wedding guests were from Buffalo, Barker, North Tonawanda, Appleton and San Francisco. Men's Oxfords Air conditioned ventilation for cool and comfortable walking. In the new shades of army brown, and tan . . . they are smartly styled for your SUMMER SPORTS. FURLONG'S St Main St., near Pine Lockport, N. Y. Veterans' Auxiliary Observes Day In commemoration of the 167th year of Independence Day, a patriotic program was held Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Laura Henderson. 104 Park Ave., president of the United Spanish War Veterans' Auxiliary. Taking part in the program were: Hattie Marshall, Mary Axtell. Donald Young. Junior Smith, Maureen Harris, Lena Troianl. Enza Troianl, Beverly Young. Joan Weland. Oeraldine Harris, Joan Smith, Duane Fredericks, Lydla VI- bonardo. Charles Axtell, Martha Webster. Betty Harris, Diaaa Fredericks, Robert Kendse, Greta Humphrey, Lena Meyers, Burt Wright, Laura Henderson. Following the program refresh- mente were served. Mrs. Hugh and Mrs. Nelson Moreland assisting. Weddings WELL BEHAVED SLIP FITS BETTER Social Events Motor Corps Entertained Mrs. Arthur B. B. Harrison, cap- tain of the Motor Corps Unit of Lockport Branch, American Red Cross, entertained members of the corps at an attractive garden tea Saturday at her home, Stonehurst. Farewell Party A farewell party in the form of a wiener roast was given at Outwater Memorial Park recently for Mr. and Mrs. William A. Bowne Jr., of Bewley Parkway, by employes of the Railway Express Agency and their wives. Mr. and Mrs. Bowne will leave soon to make their home in Canajoharie, where Mr. Bowne will be agent. Girts were presented to both honor guests. Those attending In- cluded Mr. and^ Mrs. Charles Cole, Mar. and Mrs. John Moran, Mr. and Mrs. John Straaael, Mr. and Mrs. William Tagg, Mr. and Mrs Edward Whiter, William Dempsey and Rus- sell Mangold. American farmers produced more than lour million acres of flax- seed in 1943. EXPERIENCED HAIR-DRESSER WANTED / Salary Ml to 175 Weekly Write Box 14 Union-Sun SMART FORM CORSET SHOP BACKACHE is frequently due to a sprain where the sacrum joins the lilac at base of spine. To persons suffering from this sacroiliac sprain this garment will give immediate relief and comfort. SOSwp Slattery-Brolinskl Mrs. Daniel Babosuk announces the marriage of her sister, Miss Esther Brollnski. to Howard M. Slattery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Slattery, June 23, at St. Joseph's Church. Attendants were Miss Alice Babosuk and Sid Conley. Hamilton- Schilling The marriage of Miss Marie E. Schilling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schilling of Gas- port, to William Hamilton, son of. Alexander Hamilton, was solemn- ized at 4 o'clock, June 26, at the home of the bride's parents, the Rev. Theodore Keuhner officiat- ing. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white chiffon gown with sweetheart neckline, trimmed with lace and circular veil of illusion attached to a calot. She wore pearls, the gift of the groom, and carried gardenias with sweetheart roses and gypsophila. Her attendant. Miss Jane Blood of Boston, wore a gown of aqua- marine color . with a matching rosette with sweetheart roses to her hair. She carried talisman roses. Richard Ewing of Middle- port was best man. Mrs. Schilling wore a gown of white shadow crepe with red access sories and a corsage of red and white roses. eawsisft House decorations were palms, ferns, peonies, roses and del- phinium. Thirty-five guests at- tended the ceremony and recep- tion following, including a number from Lockport, Boston, Wallkill, HarUand and Barker. The bridal table was centered with a wedding cake with roses arranged at each end. .A wedding bell was suspended from the chandelier and tapers were arranged from the center to each corner of the table. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton left for a short wedding trip, the bride wearing a beige suit with red ac- cessories. They will make their home at 250 Genesee St., apart- ment 2C. Lockport. Pre-nuptial events included variety showers given by Mrs. Ken- neth schilling at her home in Mld- dleport, Miss Irene Spark at her home in Gasport and Miss Helen Maynard at her home In Middle- port. A IIS Attractive Reception At Bride's Home Follows Bullen^Myers Nuptials Miss Ruth Mary Myers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Myers of Beach Ridge Road, Lockport, chose an attractive gown of white slipper satin for her marriage on Saturday morn- ing at 11:30, to Lester T. fiullen of Lyndonville, which was solemnized in St. Christopher Shrine Rectory, Campbell Boule- vard, the Rev. Bertram Troutman officiating. The bride, who was given in mar Announcements Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Diebold of SOS Hawley St.. announce the birth of a son, Thomas Bruce, jury a ^ Lockport City Hospital M Ruth Oroff. "^ riage by her father, was attended by Mrs. Betty Tait of Preston, Ont., as matron of honor and Miss Nor- ma M. Myers, sister of the bride, and Miss Dorothy O. Hlnkson of Gasport, as bridesmaids. Richard Thompson of Toungstown was best man and ushers were Clifford Bullen, Mlddleport, and Lee Brock- man, Lockport. Robert J. Tait was ring bearer. Gown Is Princess Style The bride's gown was fashioned in princess style with a sweet- heart neckline, leg - of-mutton sleeves extending to points over the hands and a train. Her veil was caught to a crown of pearls and orange blossoms and she car- ried white roses and baby's breath tied with white satin ribbon. Mrs. Tait wore a blue dress. Miss Club Activities 9308] Sew your own! They fit better, last longer. Marian Martin Pattern 9308 is cut for comfort* and sleek fit. And there are panties and bloomers to match. Easy Sew-Chart included. Pattern 8308 may be ordered only in women's sizes 34, 38, 38, 40, 42, 44, 48, 48, 50, Size 36, slip requires 2 3-8 yards 39-inch fabric, 3 3-4 yards lace edging; panties 1 1-8 yards 39-inch, 2 1-2 yards lace edging. Send SIXTEEN CENTS in coins for this Marian Martin pattern. Write plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. TEN CENTS more and the Mar- ian Martin Summer Pattern Book is yours! Smart hand bag pat- tern printed right In book. Send your order to Union-Sun and Journal Pattern Department 232 West 18th St., New York, 11, N. Y. Closed Wednesday MKS. ESTHER STM0NDS aw Olson Bldg. XL 4T2 Baptist Joint Picnic The Philathea Class and Men's Bible Class of the Baptist Church will unite for a picnic at Outwater Memorial Park tomorrow at 6 o'clock. Dr. George T. Webb will speak briefly and other entertainment has been planned. Members of both classes are asked to take their own table service. Queen Esther Circle The Queen Esther Circle of Sec- ond Presbyterian Church will meet for a pot-luck supper at Outwater Memorial Park this evening at 6:30. The group will meet at the picnic grounds below the rose arbor. Each member will take her own beverage and table service, as well as a covered dish. Reunion Postponed The reunion and picnic of the Dale family will be postponed for the duration. Merton Dale is presi- dent of the group. Newcomers Mothers' Club The Newcomers Mothers' Club Myers wore pink and Miss Hlnk- son, blue. All three wore white accessories and carried pink roses. Mrs. Myers, mother of the bride, wore an aquamarine crepe dress and Mrs. William Coates of Carl- ton Place, Lockport, sister of Mr. Bullen, wore pink crepe. Both wore corsages of pink roses and sweet peas. Reception Follows Cme hundred guests attended a reception at the home of the bride's parents, following the cere- mony. A buffet luncheon was served, 16 being seated at the bridal table, centered with yellow roses, with yellow and white streamers extending to each place. A three- tiered wedding cake was topped by a miniature bride and groom. Quests included Mr. and Mrs. James Tait and son Robert of Preston, Out., Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ford Bullen of Mlddleport, Mrs. Gertrude Allen of Newfane, Mrs. Mildred Farraday and daughter, Marilyn, of East Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Bullen will make their home in Lockport. Notice To Bidders Sealed bids are requested for the transportation of approximately 225 pupils of Central school district number 1, Town of Newfane and Wilson, Newfane, N. Y., for the school year 1943-44. The following is the route or routes of the transportation vehicle: Any of the roads of the Town of Newfane and adjoining school dis- tricts as the Board of Education may direct, daily mileage to be ap- proximately 135 miles. Form of proposal, copy of pro- posed contract and envelop in which to Inclose bid may be ob- tained from Edwin T. Se&rle, clerk, Newfane, N. Y., on request. Sealed bids on the forms and In the envelops provided for the pur- Russell Reynolds, 355 Personals MENUS Of The Day By MRS. ALEXANDER GEORGE Iron For Summer Pep (Point-Rationed Foods Are Starred) Iron Builds The Blood Liver Piquant Garden Salad tuk'n Rln? ..Butter or Margarine Chilled Melon Hot Tea DO YOU O NEED MONEY f If Yea Borrow lose . SMS . ss.se . 4s.es . MM Ton Bopay la Weekly Payment Week* . . 9 M l is weeks . its 20 Weeks . . i -ss as weeks . i M . IS Weeks . *•» IU,C««t!*l We SIM J.SS I «. n , or.r «M t>* «p to SMO .r« on a proportionate a«U . . . Vmg* Owe periods ea tarrer assents a s a weekly or monthly basts, as aisuii CERTIFIED FINANCE CO., Inc. 11 MAIN STREET Seeono User LOCKPORT. N. T. Mrs. Frank H. Fogal is in the City Hospital. Miss Mary Conley and Miss Dorothy Leggett of Genesee Street have returned home after spending the week-end at Canandaigua. Pvt. Frank E. Harwood Jr., who has been on furlough from Base Headquarters of the Army Air Corps at Harlingen, Tex,, returned to his squadron Monday evening. The Misses Mary, Ruth and Christine Bailey, Marjorie Thomp- son and Norma Dillabaugh of New- fane are spending the week at Camp Allen, Olcott. * • Miss Rose Rothfeler, Mrs. Robert Fitzgerald and son. Jack, spent the week-end at Oswego, where they visited Mrs. Fitzgerald's son, Aviation Seaman Robert Fitz- gerald. The Rev. and Mrs. Paul Mor- rison left Monday for Silver Lake, where Mr. Morrison is dean of the Ministerial Conference being held there this week. Mrs. Alice Worden of Olcott Is a patient in Lockport City Hospital, where she is suffering with blood poisoning. Cadet James R. Haskell, w h o i s In officers' training at the Mari- time Academy. Ft. Schulery, has been visiting his mother, Mrs. R, F. Haskell, 485 East Ave., over the week-end. Mrs. Herbert P. Olover and Mrs. Harold X. Murphy returned Satur- day from Rochester, where they at- tended the conference of the New York State Federation of Women's Republican Clubs Inc. William E. Castle. USNR, left Saturday for Milwaukee to enter Marquette University. IiVer Pwjiia n t 1 pound sliced beef liver 4 tablespoons flour 1-4 teaspoon salt 1-8 teaspoon pepper *4 tablespoons bacon fat (or other kind) Soak liver 5 water to cover 1-4 cup boiling . water 1 sliced tomato < un peeled) 2 thin slices onion 1-4 cup chopped green peppers (optional) minutes in boiling. Drain, wipe dry | Pa^ 01 *** and sprinkle with flour, salt and pepper. Brown on both sides In fat, heated in frying pan. Add water and lid. Cook slowly 10 minutes. Top with rest of ingredi- ents. Baste and broil or bake 1 minutes to brown the top. Baste twice. The broiler rack should be placed about 6 Inches below the with Mrs. East Ave. Raymond Ladles' Aid The Raymond Ladies' Aid So ciety will have its annual picnic tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sand. Bach is asked to take sandwiches and a dish of food, Warren's Corners Club The Warren's Corners Thursday study Club will meet Thursday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. William Hall, with Mrs. Orrin Woodcock and Mrs. Richard Beutel as assisting hostesses. Each is re- quested to take a needle and thimble for Red Cross sewing. Endeavor Circle The Endeavor Circle of King's Daughters of the English Lutheran Church will meet for a 1 o'clock' luncheon In the church parlors on Thursday. This will be a pot-luck luncheon with roDs and a beverage provided. Each is asked to take one dish of food. The regular business meeting will follow. Employed Girls The YW Employed Girls* Group will meet tomorrow evening at Out- water Memorial Park to bowl on the green. Girls must wear sneak- ers or healless shoes, At S o'clock near- the greens a picnic supper will be served. Re- servations for the supper must be made at the "Y" before noon to- morrow. Any employed girl may win T. Searle. Clerk. Newfane, N. Y., not later than 8:00 P. M., July 19. They will be publicly opened at Newfane, N. Y., at 8:00 P. M. July 19, 1943 in the high school. The Board of Education hereby reserves the right to reject any or all bids BOARD OF EDUCATION, Trustee or Board of Education. District No. 1. Town of Newfane, N. Y. 7, 13c GASOLINE AT DON ALLEN'S SERVICE CENTER Watest GIRLS'SPORT JACKETS 1.50 '* »* '•• . flame. Garden Salad 3 cups sliced 1-3 cup diced celery 1-8 teaspoon paprika 4 tablespoons French dressing crisp cabbage 2-3 cup grated crisp raw carrots 1-2 cup diced radishes Pile up the cabbage on shallow dish, top with rest of vegetables and sprinkle with seasonings and dressings. Garnish with parsley. TROOP 5 FLANS FOR CAMP Boy Scouts of Troop 5, First Pres- byterian Church, who plan to go to camp in Allegany State Park, should report at 8:30 this evening at Oamp Sutltff Rotary, according to Scoutmaster Ray Oaylord who will lead the troop during their two-weeks* camping. cake com- pressed yeast 2 tablespoons lukewarm water 3 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt *3 tablespoons shortening Mix yeast and water In bowl. Add sugar and salt. Mothers' Council, Troop % A regular meeting of Mothers' Council, Boy Scout Troop 2, will be held this evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. William Hurst, 29 Morrow Ave. Plans for boys' oamp will be discussed. Zimmerman Reunion N The tenth annual reunion of the descendants of Fred and Ernestine Bask Zimmerman will be postponed until * later date. Wyndham Lawn Home The Board of Directresses of Wyndham Lawn Home will meet tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock at the hems. Sloppy Joe type. Just the thing for wear with summer slacks, shorts or playsulte. Sizes 8-ie. White, copen. red. The Tot & Teen Shop 110-112 Walnut S t Rlalto Bldg. # l cup milk 1 egg. beaten 1-2 cup raisins 1-3 teaspoon vanilla 1-4 teaspoon grated orange rind t 1-3 cups flour lane Heat shortening and milk and cool to lukewarm. Add to yeast blend, add egg, raisings, vanilla, rind and 9 cups glow. Beat until smooth. Stir in rest of flour and mix thoroughly. Cover with cloth and set in room of average tempera- ture (72 P.) Let rise until doubled In bulk (this will take shout 3 hours.. Place the dough in a greased ring mold. Or toss roll onto floured board and roll into a "rope" about 1 1-4 Inches thick. Then arrange In circle on greased shallow pan. Cover with cloth and let rice until doubled in bulk— •bout 1 1-2 hours. Lightly sprinkle the top with 3 tablespoons sugar mixed with 1*4 teaspoon cinnamon and a speck of salt Bake 38 mfh- utes or until well browned In a moderate oven (350. > Italian Somallland is the source of half the world s supply of ia- WAC Survey Workers Will Meet Tonight There will be a meeting this evening at 7:30 at the New York State Etectxic and Gas Corporation mm of all women who have volunteered to help make a survey of WAC material in Lockport. The meeting is in connection With Lockport War Council's wwer to k> nation-wide appeal for mors women to enter the WAC branch of war service. An OCD bulletin points out that already enough men have been replaced by WACs to equal the full number involved in taking Tunisia. SOCIAL PAGE , 0 »\ •« with the* ••to' 01 * 1 1 SeoHest ta$te-te»» ter$ Delicious—refreshing—wholesome—and offering quick- energy value. Made with fresh, luscious fruits and nourish- ing milk products. Ask your Sealtest dealer for these Real Fruit Sherbets in bulk—in sodas and sundaes at the foun- tain—and in combination with ice cream in die red, white and grey Sealtest Package. FRO-JOY SSMtAt IC1 CHAM COMOIATIOM Division of ItspkBjki Dairy Protlmeli Corporsi,on OONT MISS THE SEALTEST PROGRAM. THURSDAYS. 9:30 P. M..NBC NETWORK Liquidating The Entire Stock Of The Leader Store Located At 67 Main Street Staging The Most Sensational Series Of Low Prices Ever Presented To The People of Lockport SAVE 40 To 50% On Your New Fall Coat BUY KNOW - - HW THE DIFFERENCE $50 Fur Trimmed Coats Gorfeons Far Trimmed Coats saade of the finest fabrics made In America; Needlepoints and Commodore cloths; The furs are Grey Squlrrell, Fes, Wolf and Martin; Every garment In this gross IS perfectly tailored and hand- somely lined; Sisea range from 16 to 54. This Is one chance in a thousand to get the greatest east valve In the state. Colors are Mack, Navy, Maroon and Brown; AS to he closed ont at onep rice. COVER THE EARTH W. & A \SHEaWINWlLUAHS\ PAINTS BERT and BEN S MARKET PHONE » M OPEN EVENINGS Postponed Piano Recital The postponed piano recital of Klare N. PhlUeo, pupU Of Harland W. D. Smith, wm be given tomor- row (Wednesday) evening, at 1:10 o'clock to the parlor of Emmanuel Methodist Church, Mr, PhfOso will he assisted by Mrs. Harland W. D. of will be welcome. $5.98 DRESSES one a ndtwo piece dresses; The styles are «P the very latest and the newest In town. When yew see them yes will want to buy net sue, bmt three or fear at the Sale Fries $7.98 DRESSES 3 98 •Ass ix A w/rmo or aTturs Tbtrs is peaee is Uttea citsfe XXX\ worm woathor one sunshine art for you, bit very bid for YOUR FUR COAT CONTtOUIO-COlO PUR STORAGE CAUL 1T7I NOW MODEL FUR SHOP ffMAK If. LOOtrOET Lovely Dresses of Jersey and Flat Crepe styles to salt every woman ta the land; Elate colors ta the dark shades and plenty of light colors ta prints and small afi over flgvxea. Stats for the larger woman all Included sp to else So. Ai to go at the Sato Price; Each Dress Now $30.00 TOPPERS 17 Toppers, Sport Coats, Tailored Coats ta a 1 setoctton of the ssest popster styles, colors; Navy htae and blacks lbs/ at* serf eet coats for year vaeattoa or lsshuss wear. Cone ta, k try them on and save test abewt one half. Pries Now 95 816.50 Chesterfields Here are the at tMs of the jtantor eetor£*8tardy that will stand plenty $3.98 DRESSES Dresses ta a erases Itee of stem Weights for warm weather and for fall wear. Is- etaded te this tot are eeesAtfsl In ffsaatdMrVV S*J HsY*sftWAla**teaV ^BhShahfl •atass te tte M wbtobsbe fstsss prteed at SIM. Tew *13 1 •flaw Pswi The Leader Store Kennedy Bros,, Owner* Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

New York State Digital Library - Fultonhistory.com 18/Lockport NY... · 2012-03-13 · Gown Is Princess Style The bride's gown was fashioned in princess style with a sweet heart neckline,

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Page 1: New York State Digital Library - Fultonhistory.com 18/Lockport NY... · 2012-03-13 · Gown Is Princess Style The bride's gown was fashioned in princess style with a sweet heart neckline,

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Lilies, Garden Bouquets

Decorate Church For Rhodes/Taylor Wedding

White lilies and other garden flowers with palms and fern* were attractively arranged at the Warren's Corners Meth­odist Church of the marriage there on Saturday at 2 o'clock of Miss Mary Janet Taylor and Lt. Lewis W. Rhodes,

The bride Is the daughter of Mr. j- > ~ and Mrs. Ray A. Taylor of War- bonnet and Miss Trelchler's, blue ren's Corners and Lt. Rhodes la with a rose bonnet. They carried the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Henry Rhodes of Appleton. The Rev. Louis Teague performed the cere­mony and the bride was given in marriage by her father. Miss Mar­garet Baker, a cousin of the bride, "I Love You Truly'' and Miss Ruth Richards of Warren's Corners, pianist, played the wedding music.

Bride Wears Marquisette The bride wore a gown of mar­

quisette made princess style with lace inserts, sweetheart neckline and train. She wore a finger-tip veil and a single strand of pearls, the gift of the groom. She car­ried roses and gypsophila.

Miss Marjory Jesson of Lyndon-ville, maid of honor, wore a pink marquisette dress with rainbow skirt and matching heart-shaped bonnet. Miss Betty Jane Smith of Buffalo and Miss Genevieve Treichler of North Tonawanda, bridesmaids, wore Identical dresses, Miss Smith's of rose with a blue

Your Wardrobe

Stays Attractive Longer With Our Special Clean­ing.


Paris Dry Cleaners 9 W. MAIN ST.

pink roses and carnations. Miss Jesson's bouquet being tied with blue and the bridesmaids' with pink. Barbara Jean McGowan, cousin of the bride, was flower Siri.

Robert EUonor of Appleton was best man and ushers were Gordon Rhodes of Appleton, brother of the groom, and David Hutchinson of Buffalo.

Mrs. Taylor wore * green flowered silk print and Mrs. Rhodes wore a blue flowered silk. Reception In Church Parlors

Following the ceremony, a re­ception to 100 was held in the church narlors, where' garden flowers with white lilies and del-prunium predominating were ar­ranged In attractive bouquets. Twelve were seated at the bridal table centered with Ulies and white roses and the wedding cake.

Lt. and Mrs. Rhodes will make their home in Boise, Ida. The bride's traveling dress was of blue and white crepe with white acces­sories.

Out-of-town wedding guests were from Buffalo, Barker, North Tonawanda, Appleton and San Francisco.

Men's Oxfords Air conditioned ventilation for cool and comfortable walking.

In the new shades of army brown, and tan . . . they are smartly styled for your SUMMER SPORTS.

FURLONG'S St Main St., near Pine

Lockport, N. Y.

Veterans' Auxiliary Observes Day

I n commemorat ion of the 167th year of Independence Day, a patriotic program was held Monday afternoon a t the home of Mrs. Laura Henderson . 104 Park Ave., president of the United Span i sh War Veterans ' Auxiliary.

T a k i n g part in the program were:

Hat t i e Marshal l , Mary Axtell . Donald Y o u n g .

Junior S m i t h , Maureen Harris, Lena Troianl .

Enza Troianl , Beverly Young . Joan W e l a n d .

Oera ld ine Harris, Joan S m i t h , Duane Fredericks, Lydla VI-bonardo. Char les Axtell, Martha Webster.

B e t t y Harris , D i a a a Fredericks, Robert K e n d s e , Greta Humphrey, Lena Meyers , Burt Wright, Laura Henderson.

Fo l lowing t h e program refresh-mente were served. Mrs. Hugh a n d Mrs. N e l s o n Moreland assisting.



Social Events Motor Corps Entertained

Mrs. Arthur B. B. Harrison, cap­tain of the Motor Corps Unit of Lockport Branch, American Red Cross, entertained members of the corps at an attractive garden tea Saturday at her home, Stonehurst. Farewell Party

A farewell party in the form of a wiener roast was given at Outwater Memorial Park recently for Mr. and Mrs. William A. Bowne Jr., of Bewley Parkway, by employes of the Railway Express Agency and their wives. Mr. and Mrs. Bowne will leave soon to make their home in Canajoharie, where Mr. Bowne will be agent.

Girts were presented to both honor guests. Those attending In­cluded Mr. and̂ Mrs. Charles Cole, Mar. and Mrs. John Moran, Mr. and Mrs. John Straaael, Mr. and Mrs. William Tagg, Mr. and Mrs Edward Whiter, William Dempsey and Rus­sell Mangold.

American farmers produced more than lour million acres of flax­seed in 1943.



Salary Ml to 175 Weekly

Write Box 14 Union-Sun


BACKACHE is frequently due to a sprain where the sacrum joins the lilac at base of spine. To persons suffering from this sacroiliac sprain this garment will give immediate relief and comfort.


Slattery-Brolinskl Mrs. Daniel Babosuk announces

the marriage of her sister, Miss Esther Brollnski. to Howard M. Slattery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Slattery, June 23, at St. Joseph's Church.

Attendants were Miss Alice Babosuk and Sid Conley. Hamilton- Schilling

The marriage of Miss Marie E. Schilling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schilling of Gas-port, to William Hamilton, son of. Alexander Hamilton, was solemn­ized at 4 o'clock, June 26, at the home of the bride's parents, the Rev. Theodore Keuhner officiat­ing.

The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white chiffon gown with sweetheart neckline, trimmed with lace and circular veil of illusion attached to a calot. She wore pearls, the gift of the groom, and carried gardenias with sweetheart roses and gypsophila.

Her attendant. Miss Jane Blood of Boston, wore a gown of aqua­marine color . with a matching rosette with sweetheart roses to her hair. She carried talisman roses. Richard Ewing of Middle-port was best man.

Mrs. Schilling wore a gown of white shadow crepe with red access sories and a corsage of red and white roses. eawsisft

House decorations were palms, ferns, peonies, roses and del­phinium. Thirty-five guests at­tended the ceremony and recep­tion following, including a number from Lockport, Boston, Wallkill, HarUand and Barker. The bridal table was centered with a wedding cake with roses arranged at each end. .A wedding bell was suspended from the chandelier and tapers were arranged from the center to each corner of the table.

Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton left for a short wedding trip, the bride wearing a beige suit with red ac­cessories. They will make their home at 250 Genesee St., apart­ment 2C. Lockport.

Pre-nuptial e v e n t s included variety showers given by Mrs. Ken­neth schilling at her home in Mld­dleport, Miss Irene Spark at her home in Gasport and Miss Helen Maynard at her home In Middle-port.


Attractive Reception

At Bride's Home Follows

Bullen^Myers Nuptials Miss Ruth Mary Myers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy L.

Myers of Beach Ridge Road, Lockport, chose an attractive gown of white slipper satin for her marriage on Saturday morn­ing at 11:30, to Lester T. fiullen of Lyndonville, which was solemnized in St. Christopher Shrine Rectory, Campbell Boule­vard, the Rev. Bertram Troutman officiating.

The bride, who was given in mar

Announcements Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Diebold of

SOS Hawley St . . announce the birth

of a son , T h o m a s Bruce, jury a ^ Lockport City Hospi ta l M

Ruth Oroff. " ^

riage by her father, was attended by Mrs. Betty Tait of Preston, Ont., as matron of honor and Miss Nor­ma M. Myers, sister of the bride, and Miss Dorothy O. Hlnkson of Gasport, as bridesmaids. Richard Thompson of Toungstown was best man and ushers were Clifford Bullen, Mlddleport, and Lee Brock-man, Lockport. Robert J. Tait was ring bearer.

Gown Is Princess Style The bride's gown was fashioned

in princess style with a sweet­heart neckline, leg - of-mutton sleeves extending to points over the hands and a train. Her veil was caught to a crown of pearls and orange blossoms and she car­ried white roses and baby's breath tied with white satin ribbon.

Mrs. Tait wore a blue dress. Miss

Club Activities


Sew your own! They fit better, last longer. Marian Martin Pattern 9308 is cut for comfort* and sleek fit. And there are panties and bloomers to match. Easy Sew-Chart included.

Pattern 8308 may be ordered only in women's sizes 34, 38, 38, 40, 42, 44, 48, 48, 50, Size 36, slip requires 2 3-8 yards 39-inch fabric, 3 3-4 yards lace edging; panties 1 1-8 yards 39-inch, 2 1-2 yards lace edging.

Send SIXTEEN CENTS in coins for this Marian Martin pattern. Write plainly SIZE, NAME, AD­DRESS, STYLE NUMBER.

TEN CENTS more and the Mar­ian Martin Summer Pattern Book is yours! Smart hand bag pat­tern printed right In book.

Send your order to Union-Sun and Journal Pattern Department 232 West 18th St., New York, 11, N. Y.

Closed Wednesday

MKS. ESTHER STM0NDS aw Olson Bldg. XL 4T2

Baptist Joint Picnic The Philathea Class and Men's

Bible Class of the Baptist Church will unite for a picnic at Outwater Memorial Park tomorrow at 6 o'clock.

Dr. George T. Webb will speak briefly and other entertainment has been planned. Members of both classes are asked to take their own table service.

Queen Esther Circle The Queen Esther Circle of Sec­

ond Presbyterian Church will meet for a pot-luck supper at Outwater Memorial Park this evening at 6:30. The group will meet at the picnic grounds below the rose arbor.

Each member will take her own beverage and table service, as well as a covered dish.

Reunion Postponed The reunion and picnic of the

Dale family will be postponed for the duration. Merton Dale is presi­dent of the group.

Newcomers Mothers' Club The Newcomers Mothers' Club

Myers wore pink and Miss Hlnk­son, blue. All three wore white accessories and carried pink roses.

Mrs. Myers, mother of the bride, wore an aquamarine crepe dress and Mrs. William Coates of Carl­ton Place, Lockport, sister of Mr. Bullen, wore pink crepe. Both wore corsages of pink roses and sweet peas.

Reception Follows Cme hundred guests attended a

reception at the home of the bride's parents, following the cere­mony. A buffet luncheon was served, 16 being seated at the bridal table, centered with yellow roses, with yellow and white streamers extending to each place. A three-tiered wedding cake was topped by a miniature bride and groom.

Quests included Mr. and Mrs. James Tait and son Robert of Preston, Out., Mr. and Mrs. Clif­ford Bullen of Mlddleport, Mrs. Gertrude Allen of Newfane, Mrs. Mildred Farraday and daughter, Marilyn, of East Wilson.

Mr. and Mrs. Bullen will make their home in Lockport.

Notice To Bidders Sealed bids are requested for the

transportation of approximately 225 pupils of Central school district number 1, Town of Newfane and Wilson, Newfane, N. Y., for the school year 1943-44.

The following is the route or routes of the transportation vehicle: Any of the roads of the Town of Newfane and adjoining school dis­tricts as the Board of Education may direct, daily mileage to be ap­proximately 135 miles.

Form of proposal, copy of pro­posed contract and envelop in which to Inclose bid may be ob­tained from Edwin T. Se&rle, clerk, Newfane, N. Y., on request.

Sealed bids on the forms and In the envelops provided for the pur-

Russell Reynolds, 355



Iron For Summer Pep (Point-Rationed Foods Are Starred)

Iron Builds The Blood Liver Piquant Garden Salad

tuk'n Rln? ..Butter or Margarine Chilled Melon

Hot Tea


• lose . SMS . ss.se . 4s.es . M M

Ton Bopay la Weekly Payment • Week* . . 9 M l •

is weeks . • i ts • 20 Weeks . . i -ss • as weeks . • i M . IS Weeks . • *•»

I U , C « « t ! * l

We S I M

J.SS I « . n , or . r «M t>* «p to SMO .r« on a proportionate a « U . . . Vmg* Owe periods e a tarrer a s s e n t s a s a weekly or monthly basts, as a i s u i i


Mrs. Frank H. Fogal is in the City Hospital.

• • • Miss Mary Conley and Miss

Dorothy Leggett of Genesee Street have returned home after spending the week-end at Canandaigua.

• • • Pvt . F r a n k E. Harwood Jr., w h o

has b e e n on furlough from B a s e Headquarters of the Army Air Corps a t Harl ingen, Tex,, re turned to h i s squadron Monday evening .

• • • The Misses Mary, Ruth and

Christine Bailey, Marjorie Thomp­son and Norma Dillabaugh of New­fane are spending the week at Camp Allen, Olcott.

• * • Miss Rose Rothfeler, Mrs. Robert

Fitzgerald a n d son. Jack, s p e n t the week-end a t Oswego, where they visited Mrs. Fitzgerald's son , Aviation S e a m a n Robert F i t z ­gerald.

• • • T h e Rev . and Mrs. Paul Mor­

rison le f t Monday for Si lver Lake, where Mr. Morrison is dean of the Ministerial Conference being he ld there th i s week.

• • • Mrs. Alice Worden of Olcott Is

a patient in Lockport City Hospital, where she is suffering with blood poisoning.

• • • Cadet J a m e s R. Haskell, w h o i s

In off icers' training a t t h e Mari ­t ime Academy. Ft. Schulery, h a s been vis it ing his mother, Mrs. R, F. Haskel l , 485 East Ave., over the week-end .

• • • Mrs. Herbert P. Olover and Mrs.

Harold X . Murphy returned S a t u r ­day from Rochester, where they a t ­tended the conference of t h e N e w York S t a t e Federation of Women' s Republ ican Clubs Inc.

• • • Wi l l iam E. Castle. USNR, left

Saturday for Milwaukee to enter Marquet te University.

IiVer Pwjiia n t

1 pound sliced beef liver

4 tablespoons flour

1-4 teaspoon salt

1-8 teaspoon pepper

*4 tablespoons bacon fat (or other kind) Soak liver 5

water to cover

1-4 cup boiling . water

1 sliced tomato < un peeled)

2 thin slices onion

1-4 cup chopped green peppers (optional)

minutes in boiling. Drain, wipe dry | Pa^0 1***

and sprinkle with flour, salt and pepper. Brown on both sides In fat, heated in frying pan. Add water and lid. Cook slowly 10 minutes. Top with rest of ingredi­ents. Baste and broil or bake 1 minutes to brown the top. Baste twice. The broiler rack should be placed about 6 Inches below the

with Mrs. East Ave. Raymond Ladles' Aid

The Raymond Ladies' Aid So ciety will have its annual picnic tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sand. Bach is asked to take sandwiches and a dish of food, Warren's Corners Club

The Warren's Corners Thursday study Club will meet Thursday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. William Hall, with Mrs. Orrin Woodcock and Mrs. Richard Beutel as assisting hostesses. Each is re­quested to take a needle and thimble for Red Cross sewing.

Endeavor Circle The Endeavor Circle of King's

Daughters of the English Lutheran Church will meet for a 1 o'clock' luncheon In the church parlors on Thursday. This will be a pot-luck luncheon with roDs and a beverage provided. Each is asked to take one dish of food. The regular business meeting will follow.

Employed Girls The YW Employed Girls* Group

will meet tomorrow evening at Out­water Memorial Park to bowl on the green. Girls must wear sneak­ers or healless shoes,

At S o'clock near- the greens a picnic supper will be served. Re­servations for the supper must be made at the "Y" before noon to­morrow. Any employed girl may

win T. Searle. Clerk. Newfane, N. Y., not later than 8:00 P. M., July 19. They will be publicly opened at Newfane, N. Y., at 8:00 P. M. July 19, 1943 in the high school.

The Board of Education hereby reserves the right to reject any or all bids

BOARD OF EDUCATION, Trustee or Board of Education.

District No. 1. Town of Newfane, N. Y. 7, 13c






' * • » * ' • • .

flame. Garden Salad 3 cups sliced 1-3 cup diced

celery 1-8 teaspoon

paprika 4 tablespoons

French dressing

crisp cabbage

2-3 cup grated crisp raw carrots

1-2 cup diced radishes Pile up the cabbage on shallow

dish, top with rest of vegetables and sprinkle with seasonings and dressings. Garnish with parsley.

TROOP 5 FLANS FOR CAMP Boy Scouts of Troop 5, First Pres­

byterian Church, who plan to go to camp in Allegany State Park, should report at 8:30 this evening at Oamp Sutltff Rotary, according to Scoutmaster Ray Oaylord who will lead the troop during their two-weeks* camping.

cake com­pressed yeast

2 tablespoons lukewarm water

3 tablespoons sugar

1 teaspoon salt *3 tablespoons

shortening Mix yeast and water In

bowl. Add sugar and salt.

Mothers' Council, Troop % A regular meeting of Mothers'

Council, Boy Scout Troop 2, will be held this evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. William Hurst, 29 Morrow Ave. Plans for boys' oamp will be discussed. Zimmerman Reunion N

The tenth annual reunion of the descendants of Fred and Ernestine Bask Zimmerman will be postponed until * later date.

Wyndham Lawn Home The Board of Directresses of

Wyndham Lawn Home will meet tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock at the hems.

Sloppy Joe type. Just the thing for wear with summer slacks, shorts or playsulte. Sizes 8-ie. White, copen. red.

The Tot & Teen Shop

110-112 Walnut S t Rlalto Bldg.


l cup milk 1 egg. beaten 1-2 cup raisins 1-3 teaspoon

vanilla 1-4 teaspoon

grated orange rind

t 1-3 cups flour

lane Heat

shortening and milk and cool to lukewarm. Add to yeast blend, add egg, raisings, vanilla, rind and 9 cups glow. Beat until smooth. Stir in rest of flour and mix thoroughly. Cover with cloth and set in room of average tempera­ture (72 P.) Let rise until doubled In bulk (this will take shout 3 hours.. Place the dough in a greased ring mold. Or toss roll onto floured board and roll into a "rope" about 1 1-4 Inches thick. Then arrange In circle on greased shallow pan. Cover with cloth and let rice until doubled in bulk— •bout 1 1-2 hours. Lightly sprinkle the top with 3 tablespoons sugar mixed with 1*4 teaspoon cinnamon and a speck of salt Bake 38 mfh-utes or until well browned In a moderate oven (350. >

Italian Somallland is the source of half the world s supply of ia-

WAC Survey Workers Will Meet Tonight

There will be a meeting this evening at 7:30 at the New York State Etectxic and Gas Corporation

mm of all women who have volunteered to help make a survey of WAC material in Lockport.

The meeting is in connection With Lockport War Council's

wwer to k> nation-wide appeal for mors women to enter the WAC branch of war service. An OCD bulletin points out that already enough men have been replaced by WACs to equal the full number involved in taking Tunisia. SOCIAL PAGE

, 0 »\ • « with the* ••to'01*1

1 SeoHest ta$te-te»»ter$

Delicious—refreshing—wholesome—and offering quick-energy value. Made with fresh, luscious fruits and nourish­ing milk products. Ask your Sealtest dealer for these Real Fruit Sherbets in bulk—in sodas and sundaes at the foun­tain—and in combination with ice cream in die red, white and grey Sealtest Package.


SSMtAt IC1 CHAM COMOIATIOM Division of ItspkBjki Dairy Protlmeli Corporsi,on


Liquidating The Entire Stock Of The Leader Store Located At 67 Main Street

Staging The Most Sensational Series Of Low Prices Ever Presented To The People of Lockport

SAVE 40 To 50% On Your New Fall Coat


$50 Fur Trimmed Coats Gorfeons Far Trimmed Coats saade of the finest fabrics made In America; Needlepoints and Commodore cloths; The furs are Grey Squlrrell, Fes, Wolf and Martin; Every garment In this gross IS perfectly tailored and hand­somely lined; Sisea range from 16 to 54. This Is one chance in a thousand to get the greatest east valve In the state. Colors are Mack, Navy, Maroon and Brown; AS to he closed ont at onep rice.



W . & A




Postponed Piano Recital

The postponed piano recital of Klare N. PhlUeo, pupU Of Harland W. D. Smith, wm be given tomor­row (Wednesday) evening, at 1:10 o'clock to the parlor of Emmanuel Methodist Church, Mr, PhfOso will he assisted by Mrs. Harland W. D.


will be welcome.

$5.98 DRESSES one a ndtwo piece dresses; The styles are «P t h e very la tes t and the newest In town. W h e n yew see them y e s will want to buy net sue, bmt three or fear at the Sale Fries

$7.98 DRESSES 3 98


ix A w/rmo or aTturs Tbtrs is peaee i s Uttea citsfe XXX\

worm woathor one sunshine a r t

for you ,

bit very bid for YOUR FUR COAT





ffMAK I f . LOOtrOET

Lovely Dresses of Jersey and Flat Crepe styles to salt every woman ta the land; Elate colors ta the dark shades and plenty of light colors ta prints and small afi over flgvxea. Stats for the larger woman all Included sp to else So. Ai to go at the Sato Price; Each Dress Now

$30.00 TOPPERS

17 Toppers, Sport Coats, Tailored Coats ta a

1 setoctton of the ssest popster styles, colors; Navy htae and blacks

l b s / at* serf eet coats for year vaeattoa or lsshuss wear. Cone ta,

ktry them on and save test abewt one half. Pries Now


816.50 Chesterfields Here are the

at tMs

of the jtantor eetor£*8tardy that will stand plenty

$3.98 DRESSES Dresses ta a erases Itee of stem Weights for warm weather and for fall wear. Is-etaded te this tot are eeesAtfsl I n ffsaatdMrVV S * J HsY*sftWAla**teaV ^BhShahfl

•atass te tte M wbtobsbe fstsss prteed at SIM. Tew

*13 1 •flaw Pswi

The Leader Store Kennedy Bros,, Owner*

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