Chapter 1 Economic assignments: Assignment 1.1: in the first house of the street (number 2)“park road” there live the old mr. and mrs. Kop, but there aren’t living alone there because Jan de Bont ( a student) lives also in their house. In the second house ( number 4) lives the family Vegter. A single mother with two adolescent children: Jaap Vegter (16) and Sandra Vegter (14). In house number 6 lives the family Thielman aren’t Dutch because there coming from Curaçao ( a Dutch colony). They have three children: Aischa (13) and Maritza (10) they like playing with their neighbor girls. They also have a boy called Patrick and he played soccer at the alstad’s soccer club. On the end of the street (number 8) lives the brinsbergen family. Madelein (14) and Anne (12) Brinsbergen are the two girls of mom and dad brinsbergen. Madelein is in the second grade and Anne is in group 8 Assignment 1.2 Family kop and jan are with 3 Family Brinsbergen are with 4 Family Vegter are with 3 Family Thielman are with 5 15:5= 3 So the average number of persons per family is 3. That 5 is because Jan is a household but shares a house because he's rented Assignment 1.3: The Family kop are just retired from their hairdressing salon, Mr Kop have just retired from it. Mrs Kop was already retired. The get a revives benefit. Mrs Binsbergen is a French teacher on high school, Mr Binsbergen works as nurse in a hospital. They get their income from both paid jobs. Mrs Vegter has no job at all, but she's looking for a paid job. Until that the get money from the national assistance benefits.

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Chapter 1Economic assignments:

Assignment 1.1: in the first house of the street (number 2)“park road” there live the old mr. and mrs. Kop, but there aren’t living alone there because Jan de Bont ( a student) lives also in their house. In the second house ( number 4) lives the family Vegter. A single mother with two adolescent children: Jaap Vegter (16) and Sandra Vegter (14). In house number 6 lives the family Thielman aren’t Dutch because there coming from Curaçao ( a Dutch colony). They have three children: Aischa (13) and Maritza (10) they like playing with their neighbor girls. They also have a boy called Patrick and he played soccer at the alstad’s soccer club.On the end of the street (number 8) lives the brinsbergen family. Madelein (14) and Anne (12) Brinsbergen are the two girls of mom and dad brinsbergen. Madelein is in the second grade and Anne is in group 8

Assignment 1.2 Family kop and jan are with 3Family Brinsbergen are with 4Family Vegter are with 3Family Thielman are with 515:5= 3So the average number of persons per family is 3.That 5 is because Jan is a household but shares a house because he's rented

Assignment 1.3:The Family kop are just retired from their hairdressing salon, Mr Kop have just retired from it. Mrs Kop was already retired. The get a revives benefit.Mrs Binsbergen is a French teacher on high school, Mr Binsbergen works as nurse in a hospital. They get their income from both paid jobs.Mrs Vegter has no job at all, but she's looking for a paid job. Until that the get money from the national assistance benefits.Jan de Bont don't work, because he's a student. He also get money from the government.The family Thielman is dependent on their dad. Their mom is a housewife and father works as nurseryman. They only get income from father.

Assignment 1.4:You don't have to do something for pocket money, you just get it in a regularity from your parents. The money you earn by a teen job, you need to work fore. Work money is sometimes much more than pocket money. The big difference are that you need to work for your money, by other not.

Assignment 1.5:1: it's not pocket money, because you needed to work for the money you get2: it's no pocket money, because you have it not from your boss but you had to work for it

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3: it is pocket money because you get it from your parents and you didn't work for it4: it's no pocket money, because you’ saved it from something5: it's no pocket money, because you don't get something it only cost your parents something 6: it's no pocket money, because you don't get it from your parents 7: it's no pocket money, because you don't get something it only cost your parents something

Assignment 1.6€10x52=€520

Assignment 1.7It was both the same.

Assignment 1.8A. €50x12=€600. €600x52=1154B. €2.50x52= €130. €130x12=1083C. €480x52=923D. €45,50x4=182. 182x52=350

Assignment 1.9 People taking part in the production process must relinquish part of their income in the form of taxes and premiums. The taxes and premiums end up in a kitty from which the transfer incomes are financed. So money is transferred from the working population of the people who live on benefits.

Assignment 1.10

Assignment 1.11Yes, my answers are correct.

Assignment 1.12€595000000000/8500000=595000

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Assignment 1.15A) 58,2% (336/598 x100= 58)B) Profit/total income x100%C) 13,7 % (82/598 x100%)

Assignment 1.16Interest: 24,1% (144/598 x100)Rent: 4% (24/598 x100)Lease: 2% (12/598 x100)

Assignment 1.17A) 2 (from 15 up to and including 17) and (18 up to including 24)B) FC) Ilse

Assignment 1.18:

Assignment 1.19:A) In the histogram you find numbers of pupils and their degree of statisfaction. In the

circle graph you find percentages of the total amount with leisure activities. B) You first need to convert the numbers into percentages of the total number of pupils

that surveyed. You find the total number of pupils who surveyed by adding up the numbers per rectangle

C) The total of numbers of pupils is: 10+30+60+40+10=150Exceptionally statisfied: 10/150x100%=6.7%Highly statisfied: 30/150x100%=20%Satisfied: 60/150x100%=40%Reasonable satisfied: 40/150x100%=26.7%Not so satisfied:10/150x100%=6.7%

When you add this all up you will get 100,1%, you may round it of on 101 that is also allowed.

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Assignment 1.20A) By the first column and than in the last bit of that. There stands less than an hour per

week. Than you know that you are probably wright. Than you go and look in which row the age from 12 to 18 stands. Above the second column you see 12 to 18. And than you go down with your finger where the your first answer was. So the answer is row 5 and column 2

B) You do the same as by A. The answer here is: row 9 and column 3.C) Because kids from the age 0-12 don't watch the news or read the newspaper at all,

that's why they didn't do that by this age groupD) The group from 18-25 watches the most tv (20 hours of more per week)E) The group from 18-25 watches 51% tv, that is really a lot.F) This is because the group 18-25 watch much more news than the group 0-12

Assignment 1.21A) €15x12= €180

€180x5= 900 per weekB) see graphC) €15x4=€60

€60x5=€300D) see graph

E) See graph

Assignment 1.22A) In the period of 1999-2000 there you see the sharpest increase of percentage form

39% to 51%. This is definitely the biggest increase of %.B) No, the group of woman between 15 and 65 may have grown very strongly in this

period (as it has indeed). If the total group has grown, then 52% of all woman 15 and 65 indicate a much

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Chapter 2Assignment 2.1 The whole number is 64.7968375

A) 64.796838B) 64.7968C) 64.80D) 65

Assignment 2.2 Your average mark will be: 7.7+8.7+5.8+6.5= 28.7 28.7/4=7.152 Rounded of to one decimal=7.2 So your average mark will be a 7.2

Assignment 2.3A) 6.5+5.8+17.4+15.4= 45.2

45.1/6= 7.52So your average on your rapport will be 7.5

B) You need to round a 5 off to above so it becomes a 8

Assignment 2.4A) 24+18+12+12+24= 90

90/15=6Jaap gets a permanent contract because he get a 7.1 as average and he needed to score above 7

B) 8+6+6+8+6= 3434/5= 6.8In this case he would not have a permanent contract

Assignment 2.5A) 8.2+7.4+4.2+6.1+7.6+5.9= 39.4

39.4/6=6.6Rounded off to a whole number it is a 7

B) 16.4+14.8+12.6+24.4+22.8+23.6=114.1114.1/18=6.4Rounded off is it a 6

Assignment 2.6:A) 12x123x0.13= 191.88. So they spend €191.88 per year on their computers

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B) Clothes: 52x30x0.35= 534Sweets and snacks: 52x30x0.14= 218.40Computers: 52x30x0.13= 202.8The pupils will spend on a yearly basis €534 on clothes, €218,40 on sweets and snacks and €202,80 on their computer. Which means they can spend 80.6% on the top three things

C) 12x123x0.35= 516,6516,6x182000= 94021200All the 15 year old pupils in the Netherlands together spend in total €94021200 on clothes per year.

Assignment 2.7A) 1 the part :18 girls. The whole: 30 pupils

2 the part: 15 houses with balconies. The whole: 60 houses3 the part: 300 homeless people. The whole: 45000 inhabitants 4 the part: 150 articles above 100 pieces. The whole: 800 articles

B) 1: 18/30 x 100= 60%2: 15/60 x 100=25%3: 300/45000 x 100=0.7%4: 150/800 x 100=18.8%

Assignment 2.8:A) the part= 107, that’s the height of Mary after 3 years. The whole= 82, that's the

height after a year. 107/82x100= 130.5%. B) You need to subtract 100 from the percentage because here set up height was

already 100%, so 130.5-100= 30.5%. So she has grown 30.5% more.

Assignment 2.9:A) 1.600/64= 25. 25x100=2500. So here income before she retired it's 2500B) 380 billion/80= 4.75 billion. 4.75 billion x100= 475 billion. So the national income is

475 billion

Assignment 2.106.05 million-6.2 million/ 6.2 million x 100= -2.4%. So the jobs are with a percentage of 2.4 decreased. So that means 1 on the 148800 people is dismissed. In one year, it can be included by an faliciment like V&D now, more people get fired by then. Also if big companies or small companies can have effects in how much people get fired each year.

Assignment 2.11:A) (65,000-40,000)= 25,000. 25.000/40,000 x100= 62.5B) 50,000-65,000= 15,000. 15,000/65,000 x100= -23.1, that means it increase. C) 50,000-40,000= 10,000. 10,000/40,000 x100= 25D) No, because there are different bases and A is the only one with the base of 65,000.

So it's not possible that A+B would become C.

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Assignment 2.12 EU: 195 billion/13,050 billion x100= 1,5% China: 176 billion/ 2,520 billion x100= 7%

Assignment 2.13A) In absolute term Gino pays more tax than Maria. Because he pays 17,200 tax and she

pays 8,400 taxB) Gino: 17,200/80,000 x100= 21.5%

Maria: 8,400/28,000 x100= 29,4%So Maria pays more Tax proportional because she has 29,4% and Gino has 21.5%

Assignment 2.14A) 400/1,000 x100= 40%

500/1,500 x100 = 33.3%600/2,000 x100 = 30%On the budget of 1000, 40% is spend on food. On the budget of 1500, 33.3% is spend on food. On the budget of 2000, 30% is spend on food.

B) It decrease absolutely C) Stays the same relatively

Assignment 2.15:A) 25916/1086= 24800B) 4.5x25916/104,5= 1116

Assignment 2.16:A) 100%+6%=106%

254400000/106x100= 240.000.000B) 100%-12%= 88%

116.160/88x12= 15.840

Assignment 2.17A) Market share schoenenreus:

40.000/120.000x100=33.3% or 1/3B) Market share schoenenreus next year:

50,000/120,000x100=41.6%C) Incorrect because than they are talking about the % what the market share in total

has increased and not specific the schoenenreus it selfD) 50,000-40,000= 10,000

10,000/40,000=0,250,25x100= 25%

E) 18-25=-7-7/25=-0,28-0,28x100=-28So the sales in Arnhem have decreased by 28%

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Assignment 2.18A) €398.65/121= 3.294

3.294x100=€329.40B) €8,904/106=84

84x100=€8,400C) €26.62/121=22

22x1.06=€23.32 (why x1.06? Because you need to add it up and than you put your two last digits behind your dot and than multiply it)

D) €2,820x0.4= 11281,128+2,820= 3,9483,948x1.21= €4,777.08

E) 100-40=60%2,820/60=4747x100=€4,7004,700x1.21=€5,687

Assignment 2.19A) (a) €57,96B)

(b) €51,00(c) 6,96

Assignment 2.20When you have a balanced budget you don't have to worry about your future (if you have enough money for later, will my kids have enough money later end so on) which means you have less stress than people with no balanced budget. Also you have that much money that you don't have to borrow that often and you don't have to pay interest to the banks that you have money borrowed, so you have more money left. You can do more things than other ones without a balanced budget and you can spend money more freely.

Assignment 2.21A) you can earn extra money

you can get fired, and than you have no income anymoreExpenture is more or less expensive. So you can or can't spend a lot of money without any consequences

B) earn more money by working more besides your own job you already have

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borrow money, but than you also have dept because you have to pay it back on a certain period, otherwise they will take (beslag) on your stuff.Spend less money on things that are not really necessary

Assignment 2.22A) (I calculate again and than it was 528, so it the answer is 582!!)

B) beginning of January: €20income: €556,17Expenditure: €530So it is 558,17-530=28,17 26,17+20,00=46,17

C) Jan reserve €48,17 at the end of the month January. This is the amount of money he can reserve for February or other things he like.

Assignment 2.23A) 15% of the kids with a age of 12 have already a sideline job and 1/3 have already a

holiday job. But you only may have a paid job when you are at the age of 13 years. So

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in this way it is maybe cild labour but almost every cild does it voluntary to earn more money.

B) The hotel and catering industry because it's so busy which can lead under early stress which can lead to a early burnout by a very young kid at the age for example 15 or 16 years.

C) Kids may and can choose on their own from the age of 12 if they want a teen job like reclame folders or babysitting. The earlier they can experience with working and getting money, the more they will think about it and spend their money more wisely like they did before they had their job

D) When kids are only focusing on their job and earning money on a young age than school would not that important and they have no time any more to play outside or do fun things like every kid from there age should do.

Assignment 2.24- How much can I earn in one month/week/day- If she get any discount in the restaurant or even for free- If there is maybe an change that she can get an permanent contract- If she can swim (after work) for free in the swimming pool.

Assignment 2.25The fight of an higher weigh ratio is much higher because everyone become an free rider. The permanent contracts are not that popular anymore, until some point all the permanent contracts are gone. Until more and more members and membership wouldn't exist anymore.

Assignment 2.26

The picture of 2.26 is on the other page……. Because the picture was too big to put over here. And if I did he put everything down………………….

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Assignment 2.26

Assignment 2.27Net salary is the take home salary of the employee while gross salary is salary an employee gets every time on the bankNet salary = after the deductions Gross salary = before the deduction

Assignment 2.28Gross wage = 12x830=9.960Wage tax (year)= 12x91.58= 1.098,96Monthly basis= 91,58/830=0,11 0,11x100= 11%

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Assignment 2.29a) a person who works for legitimately needs to pay tax and premium on their wage.

While a person who works for undeclared doesn’t have to pay this amounts at all. While the law that the government made up many years up ago there stands that you have to pay tax on your wage…

income Tax you need to payUntil 19.822 euros 36,52%19.822-57.585 euros 42%57.585 euros or higher 52%

b) The wage= €91.58Marleen needs to divide this amount into two, because she gets half of this which become her monthly income€91.58/2 = €45.79

Assignment 2.30A) if something happens to you, you can’t pay it because when you do undeclared work you don’t get any benefit for this. Because you need to pay and participate the society work to get an benefit if your ill or if you had an car accident. This is why people who de undeclared work will die from things that could have been treaded if they did just normal work like almost all the people do in the Netherlands.B) - the people who do undeclared work have lower rights on their pension - the most people who do undeclared work (china/India/japan/Asia) have all really poor work conditions….. - those people have no wright to speak in the public because they didn’t hold them all to the law, and those countries think that they didn’t make those laws for nothingC) all legal works needs to pay tax and wage. If all illegal works should stop with working on the black market than more and more tax and premium could come in into the country. If this happened the government can take some consequences an could be lower the tax in their whole country for all the people who live there. This is also good for the country it self because it will rise on the national gross product! Because the net wage salary from every employer goes up and the gross wage will become much lower than it first was.D) I think I would go for declared working, because with cash in hand working your boss need to be sneaky to give you some money so that YOU don’t have to pay any tax. But there’s also something wrong with declared working, like in 2014 in France 10,600 people died because they did declared work!!!!!!!

Assignment 2.31A) No, because yes I do work but I do baby sitting and holiday jobs. Soon I will work much more because than I have the age to work more and then you have also more kind of variation.B) - that you and your boss don’t agree about the amount of money you get every month/year/week (wage) - that your boss thinks that you have done something wrong but you know strongly that you didn’t did that or that you weren’t even working that day - that you make an huge mistake and people were getting injured, your boss says that is was your fault again but you said that is was the material and the oether stuff you got from the company your working with

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C) Yes, because some people need my money more than I do. Because the only thing I need it for is for fun things and clothes, so I can defenelty miss €12 every month. It hurts when you are going out with friends and buy stuff where you already knew from you are never going to use it ever, when I think about that I think that people or even children from the money that I just spend on some rubbish they had could by food for a whole month or something like that…… we need to be happy that we have that much money and can spend, but are we all really that egoism to give some people a bit of our happiness???????

Assignment 2.32A) An school can only take over the MR’s advice for doing things, if it went wrong the MR is not respond for that because they only give them an advice B) I don’t really have an problem. I have good friends, a good home and an dear family. That’s everything you need to be very happy. But maybe I would be more happy if……. I don’t get that much injured. But I may not complain, because kids on the other side of the world wants to have my life and they will take the risks and everything with it.