Visual Identity Guidelines June 1, 2014

Visual Identity Guidelineslinksinc.org/39thna/Links Visual Identity Guidelines.pdfThe Links, Incorporated Visual Identity Guidelines Junes 1, 2014 The Links, Incorporated Visual Identity

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Page 1: Visual Identity Guidelineslinksinc.org/39thna/Links Visual Identity Guidelines.pdfThe Links, Incorporated Visual Identity Guidelines Junes 1, 2014 The Links, Incorporated Visual Identity

Visual Identity Guidelines

June 1, 2014

Page 2: Visual Identity Guidelineslinksinc.org/39thna/Links Visual Identity Guidelines.pdfThe Links, Incorporated Visual Identity Guidelines Junes 1, 2014 The Links, Incorporated Visual Identity

The Links, Incorporated

Visual Identity Guidelines

Junes 1, 2014 The Links, Incorporated Visual Identity Guidelines | Page 2

Table of Contents

Background Information 3

Introduction 4

Brand Touch Points 4

Contact 4

Branding Guidelines

Use of Logo 5

Logo Color Usage 6

Use of Name 7

Use of Logotype 8

Use of Logomark 8

Use of Tagline 8

Use of Theme 8

Use of Fonts and Style Type 9

Use of Color 9

Co-Branding Guidelines 11

Merchandise Guidelines

Apparel 12

Bags and Handbags 13

Jewelry 13

Novelties 13

Stationery 13


Area and Chapter Names 14

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Visual Identity Guidelines

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Background Information


The Links, Incorporated is a premier international service organization with nearly 12,000

members in 279 chapters located in 41 states, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth

of the Bahamas.

The Links, Incorporated, in 2011, celebrated 65 years as a women’s volunteer service

organization committed to enriching, sustaining and ensuring the cultural and economic survival

of African Americans and other persons of African ancestry.

The key programming initiatives of The Links, Incorporated are organized into facets: Services

to Youth, The Arts, National Trends and Services, International Trends and Services, and Health

and Human Services.

Working closely with partners, sponsors and supporters, The Links, Incorporated is focused on

creating transformational programming and impacting lives in communities of color.

The Links Foundation, Incorporated, the philanthropic arm of The Links, Incorporated, has made

more than $25 million in charitable contributions since its founding in 1979.

For more information, visit www.linksinc.org.


The Links, Incorporated attracts distinguished women who are achievers and who have made a

difference in their communities and in the world.

Links members are business and civic leaders, role models, mentors, activists and volunteers

who work towards a common vision by engaging like-minded organizations and individuals for


The Links, Incorporated is built upon a legacy of friends providing service that changes lives,

established by the original circle of nine friends in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1946. This

legacy of friendship is alive and well – and it informs and supports our mission.

Links members regularly contribute more than 500,000 documented service hours in their

communities annually, amassing more than 2 million recorded service hours since 2009.

The Links, Incorporated is a community of leaders who suggest change and are game changers.

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Visual Identity Guidelines

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The Links, Incorporated Visual Identity Guidelines provide a framework for the creation of

Links branded merchandise and collateral that represents the organization in a manner consistent

with its vision, mission and goals. The first section offers guidelines on proper use of The Links

logo, name, tagline and other identity elements. The second and third sections provide guidance

on co-branding and merchandising.

To effectively communicate and protect The Links legacy, our commitment to branding

excellence is vital. These guidelines provide general directions for using The Links official

trademarks and visual identity elements, and are by no means comprehensive at this time nor

address every conceivable application of the organization’s identity elements. However, to

ensure that The Links brand is presented in a consistent and purposeful manner, certain elements

of the organization’s trademarks and visual identity must be used in a way that protects the

organization’s persona.

The following pages elaborate on each of The Links identity elements and provide guidelines for

their proper use. This set of visual identity guidelines are designed for implementation by the

national organization, its areas and chapters, as well as, the organization’s approved certified

vendors and other approved third-parties.


The Links, Incorporated is a preeminent women’s organization with a rich legacy of more than

65 years of friendship and service. Members have a passion to serve and aim to better the lives of

African Americans and other persons of African ancestry. The name of The Links, Incorporated

has come to represent programmatic excellence, leadership, service and transformative change.

The Links logo is a visual representation of the organization as a whole. The Links, Incorporated

has gone through a remarkable brand evolution through the years; however, the constant has

been its logo.

A conservative yet transformative organization, The Links globe with chain symbol is a simple,

clean, timeless and elegant representation of the organization. The organization’s overall visual

identity is reflective of these four touch points. As such, these touch points should be reflective

in the design of Links branded merchandise and collateral.


Any questions regarding the use of this guide may be directed to The Links, Incorporated’s

Communications Committee at [email protected].

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Visual Identity Guidelines

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Branding Guidelines


The logo is the essence of The Links, Incorporated’s visual identity. The logo is the official

brand of the national organization, its four areas and 279 chapters. Using the logo in a consistent

manner is essential for visual coherence and maintaining the strength of The Links, Incorporated


Any use of the logo by a third party must be approved by the national headquarters of The Links,

Incorporated. All areas and chapters of The Links, Incorporated are approved to use the logo and

need not obtain additional approvals. The logo may only be used as described herein.

The logo contains three elements: (1) Logotype (name); (2) Logomark (image); (3) Tagline. (All

references to the logo within this guide refer to the use of all three elements)

The logo is a registered trademark of The Links, Incorporated and cannot be altered, with the

exception of adding an area or chapter name to the logo as shown below.

When using the area or chapter name in conjunction with the national logo, the area or chapter

name should be printed in a compatible font

Replicas or images similar to The Links, Incorporated logo should NOT be used.

DO NOT add any other tagline or messaging to the logo.

Alternate logos should NOT be created for any of the four areas, chapters of the

organization, or chapter clusters.

Eastern Area Norfolk (VA) Chapter




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Visual Identity Guidelines

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Color should be PANTONE: 347 (spot color) | R:0 G:161 B:96 | C:100 M:0 Y:86 K:8

May use white (reversed out) or black as an alternative.



Logo should not be stretched, skewed or altered in any way.

Border should not be placed directly around the logo.

Drop shadow should not be applied to logo.

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Visual Identity Guidelines

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The Links, Incorporated and The Links Foundation, Incorporated

When the formal names of the organization or its foundation are written in their entirety, the

following capitalization and punctuation nuances should be adhered to:

Capitalize “The” in all references to the national organization and its foundation

Place a comma after “Links” in “The Links, Incorporated” and after “Foundation” in “The Links

Foundation, Incorporated”

DO NOT abbreviate “Incorporated” when used

Areas and Chapters of The Links, Incorporated

Area or chapter name should precede the organization’s name.

Chapters of the organization should be written with their two-letter state abbreviation in


­ See page 14 for a complete list of The Links, Incorporated’s area and chapter names

ACCEPTABLE (All acceptable forms of organization’s name)

The Links, Incorporated The Links Foundation, Incorporated The Links The Links Foundation Links

UNACCEPTABLE (Sample of unacceptable forms of organization’s name)

The Links Incorporated The Links Foundation Incorporated The Links, Inc. Links, Inc. Links, Incorporated Links Foundation, Inc. Link

ACCEPTABLE Area Names Eastern Area of The Links, Incorporated Eastern Area, The Links, Incorporated Eastern Area Chapter Names Norfolk (VA) Chapter of The Links,

Incorporated Norfolk (VA) Chapter, The Links,

Incorporated Norfolk (VA) Chapter


Area Names The Links, Incorporated Eastern Area Eastern Area Links Inc Chapter Names The Links, Incorporated Norfolk (VA)

Chapter Links Norfolk Chapter Norfolk Chapter

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Visual Identity Guidelines

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The stacked logotype (organization’s name) may be used separately

from the logomark and tagline.

Acceptable logotype colors are green, white and black.

Words in the logotype must be stacked as shown.

DO NOT combine the logotype with any other logos or identities.

DO NOT distort or rotate the logotype.

DO NOT place any part of the logotype in box.

DO NOT apply a drop shadow to the logotype.


DO NOT use the logomark (globe with chain) or any of its components independently from the



The tagline — Linked in Friendship, Connected in Service — is a description of the organization

and its mission.

Wording and punctuation of the official tagline should NOT be altered in

any way.

DO NOT remove the tagline from the logo; tagline must always be a part

of the logo.

Tagline may be called out and incorporated into merchandise or collateral

design; however, the logo must also be a part of the design. (See example below)

­ Suggested uses of called out tagline are on letterhead, invitations, programs and other

printed materials.

Tagline may be written one or two lines. If written on two lines, “Linked in Friendship,” must

appear on the first line, and “Connected in Service” must appear the second line.


Each national president of the organization creates a theme to establish a tone and inspiration for

her administration.

Only the tagline of the current national president may be used.

Wording and punctuation of the national president’s theme should NOT be altered in any way.

Linked in Friendship, Connected in Service

Tagline Call Out

Logo present in design

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Visual Identity Guidelines

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Official font is Optima

­ Similar san serif fonts such as Calibri, Arial, Helvetica are acceptable replacements

Organization’s name can be written in a script font.

­ Suggested script fonts include Vladimir Script (Vladimir Script), Vivaldi (Vivaldi) and

Edwardian Script (Edwardian Script)

Name can be written horizontally or vertically.

When spelling the name vertically, letters should be rotated as a unit and should not be stacked

on top of one another.

Name should be written on one or two lines only. DO NOT write name on three lines.

DO NOT present organization’s name in multiple fonts; a single font must be used.

DO NOT apply all capitalization to any of the words in organization’s name. Only the first letter

of each word should be capitalized.

­ Exceptions are permissible for some apparel and jewelry design (see Merchandise

Guidelines on page 12-13)

DO NOT curve or distort organization’s name in any way.



The Links, T



The Links










The Links, Incorporated The Links, Incorporated

The Links, Incorporated

The Links, Incorporated


e Lin

ks, In




Horizontal Versions

Vertical Version

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Visual Identity Guidelines

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The official colors of The Links, Incorporated are green and white.

Industry standard PMS 347 green should be used or matched using CMYK or RGB.

Primary Colors

PANTONE: 347 (spot color)

R:0 G:161 B:96

C:100 M:0 Y:86 K:8


R:255 G:255 B:255

C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:0

Secondary Colors

Secondary colors broaden the palette of approved green and white. These colors may be used to

provide variety and visual interest without leaving the recognized palette. Sample secondary colors


Light Green R:233 G:244 B:226

C:8 M:0 Y:13 K:0


R:77 G:77 B:79

C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:85


R:219 G:206 B:172

C:0 M:4 Y:20 K:7

Secondary colors should never be used in place of the primary colors.

Secondary colors should be used in less than 50 percent of the color palette for one piece.

Secondary colors may be used as a background for The Links logo.

Tertiary Colors

Tertiary colors are complementary to The Links official colors, but are not recognizable identifiers

of The Links, Incorporated or The Links Foundation, Incorporated. Sample tertiary colors include:


R:0 G:88 B:169

C:100 M:72 Y:0 K:0


R:208 G:87 B:39

C:13 M:79 Y:100 K:3


R:204 G:156 B:74

C:20 M:38 Y:84 K:1


R:0 G: 0 B: 0

C:0 M:0 Y:0 K: 100

Tertiary colors should never be used in place of the primary colors, only as highlight colors.

Tertiary colors should be used very sparingly—that is, in less than 10 percent of the color

palette for one piece.

Tertiary colors should not be used as a background for The Links logo.

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Visual Identity Guidelines

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Sample notepad with partner logos

Co-Branding Any use of the logo must be approved by the national headquarters of The Links, Incorporated. All areas and

chapters of The Links, Incorporated are approved to use the logo and need not obtain additional approvals.


Vendor’s logo or other identity marks (i.e. name, trademark or contact information) should NOT

be placed in proximity of The Links logo, name, tagline or other identity elements on

merchandise or collateral intended for retail sale. If this information is present, The Links logo,

name, tagline or theme must take prominent position.


Be cautious of the space between The Links

logo and the logo of an apparel manufacturing

company. Logos must not be paired or placed

closely together. Give appropriate space

between each logo.

The logo, name or identity mark of another organization,

including sororities and fraternities, shout NOT be

incorporated into the design of any merchandise or collateral

bearing The Links logo, name or other identity marks.

When The Links, its areas or chapters collaborate with sponsors or

program partners, The Links logo should be placed on any co-branded

merchandise or collateral. The logo may be placed alongside sponsor or

partner logos, maintaining appropriate spacing.

Front of Card

Linked in Friendship, Connected in Service

ABC Designs

ABC Designs

Back of Card Back of Card

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Visual Identity Guidelines

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Merchandise Guidelines Any use of the logo must be approved by the national headquarters of The Links, Incorporated. All areas and

chapters of The Links, Incorporated are approved to use the logo and need not obtain additional approvals.


Shirts, t-shirts, pants, shorts, sweatshirts, etc.

Logo must be prominently placed on merchandise.

Placement of the logo and/or the organization’s name should be tasteful.

Appropriate placements of logo and name on apparel include:

­ Top: upper breast plate, back (upper or center), sleeve

­ Bottom: outer leg (along seam), upper thigh, helm

White rose or rose likeness is the only permissible object that may be incorporated into apparel

design. Design should not have images or renderings of people or objects.

Permissible apparel colors include:

Green Black

White Gray

Tan Cream

Apparel should be made of medium to high-quality materials and fabrics.

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Visual Identity Guidelines

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BAGS AND HANDBAGS – Purses, totes, wallets, etc.

Logo must be prominently placed on merchandise.

Logo and organization’ name should be in green, white or black, unless embroidered, embossed

or debossed on merchandise; in such cases, the logo or name can appear in the color of the


White rose or rose likeness is the only permissible object that may be incorporated into bag

design. Design should not have images or renderings of people or other objects.

Permissible merchandise colors include:

Green Gray Brown (Leather only)

White Gold Beige/Tan/Camel/Canvas

Black Silver

JEWELRY – Pins, necklaces, bracelets, etc.

Due to the intricacy of jewelry design, The Links logo does not have to be present on all jewelry


Acceptable presentation of organization’s name: The Links, Incorporated; The Links Foundation,

Incorporated; The Links; Links.

­ “Link” may be used on personalized jewelry and must accompany a name – e.g., Link


White rose or rose likeness is the only permissible object that may be incorporated into jewelry

design. Design should not have images or renderings of people or other objects.

If the logo is a part of the design, the globe with chain MUST be clearly present. A globe by

itself is NOT acceptable. A ring around a globe is not acceptable in place of the chain. If a globe

with chain cannot be replicated then it should NOT be used in the design.

Only semi precious and precious stones should be used on jewelry bearing The Links logo and/

or name.

NOVELTIES – Mugs, candles, magnets, etc.

Logo must be prominently placed on merchandise.

Official Links green, or a similar green, must been incorporated in design.

White rose or rose likeness is the only permissible object that may be incorporated into design.

Design should not have images or renderings of people or other objects.

Use of white rose is permitted.

STATIONERY – Note cards, notebooks, journals, pens, attaché covers, etc.

Logo must be prominently placed on merchandise.

Designs should adhere to the color usage guidelines on page 9.

White rose or rose likeness is the only permissible object that may be incorporated into

stationery design. Design should not have images or renderings of people or other objects.

Use of white rose is permitted.

“Link” may be used on personalized stationery and must accompany a name – e.g,. Link Mary,

Link Mary Smith.

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Visual Identity Guidelines

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Proper Form of Area and Chapter Names Names of areas and chapters should always precede the organization’s name.


Eastern Area Southern Area

Central Area Western Area


Aiken (SC) Chapter Brooklyn (NY) Chapter Dade County (FL) Chapter

Alameda Contra-Costa (CA) Chapter Brunswick (GA) Chapter Dallas (TX) Chapter

Albany (GA) Chapter Buckhead/Cascade City (GA) Chapter Danville (VA) Chapter

Albany District (NY) Chapter Bucks County (PA) Chapter Dayton (OH) Chapter

Albuquerque (NM) Chapter Buffalo (NY) Chapter Daytona Beach (FL) Chapter

Alexandria (LA) Chapter Camellia Rose (GA) Chapter Delaware Valley (PA) Chapter

Altamonte Springs (FL) Chapter Capital City (DC) Chapter Denver (CO) Chapter

Anchorage (AK) Chapter Central Illinois (IL) Chapter Des Moines (IA) Chapter

Angel City (CA) Chapter Central New Jersey (NJ) Chapter Detroit (MI) Chapter

Annapolis (MD) Chapter Channel Islands (CA) Chapter Dogwood City (GA) Chapter

Ann Arbor (MI) Chapter Charleston (SC) Chapter Dover (DE) Chapter

Archway (MO) Chapter Charleston Institute (WV) Chapter Durham (NC) Chapter

Arlington (VA) Chapter Charlotte (NC) Chapter East Texas (TX) Chapter

Asheville (NC) Chapter Charlottesville (VA) Chapter Eastern Shore (NY) Chapter

Athens (GA) Chapter Chattanooga (TN) Chapter El Paso (TX) Chapter

Atlanta (GA) Chapter Chesapeake/Virginia Beach (VA) Chapter Elizabeth City (NC) Chapter

Atlantic City (NJ) Chapter Chicago (IL) Chapter Erie County (NY) Chapter

Augusta (GA) Chapter Cincinnati (OH) Chapter Essex County (NJ) Chapter

Austin (TX) Chapter Circle City (IN) Chapter Fairfield County (CT) Chapter

Azalea City (GA) Chapter Claremont Area (CA) Chapter Farmington Valley (CT) Chapter

Bakersfield (CA) Chapter Cleveland (OH) Chapter Fayetteville (NC) Chapter

Baltimore (MD) Chapter Columbia (MD) Chapter Flint Area (MI) Chapter

Baton Rouge (LA) Chapter Columbia (SC) Chapter Fort Bend County (TX) Chapter

Bergen County (NJ) Chapter Columbus (GA) Chapter Fort Lauderdale (FL) Chapter

Beverly Hills West (CA) Chapter Columbus (OH) Chapter Fort Valley (GA) Chapter

Birmingham (AL) Chapter Columbus-Lowndes (MS) Chapter Fort Wayne (IN) Chapter

Bold City (FL) Chapter Commonwealth (VA) Chapter Fort Worth (TX) Chapter

Boston (MA) Chapter Cream City (WI) Chapter Frankfort/Lexington (KY) Chapter

Bradenton/Sarasota (FL) Chapter Crescent City (LA) Chapter Fresno (CA) Chapter

Brevard County (FL) Chapter Crown Jewels (NC) Chapter Gainesville (FL) Chapter

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Gateway (MO) Chapter Knoxville (TN) Chapter Newport News (VA) Chapter

Golden Triangle (TX) Chapter La Capitale (LA) Chapter Niagara Falls (NY) Chapter

Great Lakes (MI) Chapter LaGrange (GA) Chapter Norfolk (VA) Chapter

Greater Bronx (NY) Chapter Lake Gaston Area (NC) Chapter North Broward County (FL) Chapter

Greater Denton County (TX) Chapter Lake Shore (IL) Chapter North Jersey (NJ) Chapter

Greater Hartford (CT) Chapter Lansing/East Lansing (MI) Chapter North Shore (IL) Chapter

Greater Hudson Valley (NY) Chapter Las Vegas (NV) Chapter Northern Indiana (IN) Chapter

Greater Huntsville (AL) Chapter LeFleur's Bluff (MS) Chapter Oakland Bay Area (CA) Chapter

Greater Kansas City (MO) Chapter Little Rock (AR) Chapter Oakland County (MI) Chapter

Greater Miami (FL) Chapter Lone Star (TX) Chapter Oklahoma City (OK) Chapter

Greater Mobile (AL) Chapter Long Island (NY) Chapter Old Dominion (VA) Chapter

Greater New York (NY) Chapter Los Angeles (CA) Chapter Omaha (NE) Chapter

Greater Providence (RI) Chapter Louisville (KY) Chapter Orange County (CA) Chapter

Greater Queens (NY) Chapter Lynchburg (VA) Chapter Orangeburg (SC) Chapter

Greater Rappahannock (VA) Chapter Macon (GA) Chapter Orlando (FL) Chapter

Greater Seattle (WA) Chapter Madison Metropolitan (WI) Chapter Palos Verdes (CA) Chapter

Greater Springfield (MA) Chapter Magic City (AL) Chapter Parthenon (TN) Chapter

Greater Wayne County (MI) Chapter Magnolia (GA) Chapter Pasadena-Altadena (CA) Chapter

Greensboro (NC) Chapter Memphis (TN) Chapter Patapsco River (MD) Chapter

Greenville (SC) Chapter Metro-Manhattan (NY) Chapter Peninsula Bay (CA) Chapter

Gulf Coast Apollo (TX) Chapter Metropolitan (DC) Chapter Penn Towne (PA) Chapter

Hampton (VA) Chapter Miami-Biscayne Bay (FL) Chapter Pensacola (FL) Chapter

Harbor Area (CA) Chapter Mid-Cities (TX) Chapter Petersburg (VA) Chapter

Harbor City (MD) Chapter Middlesex County (MA) Chapter Philadelphia (PA) Chapter

Harbor Lites (IL) Chapter Milford (CT) Chapter Phoenix (AZ) Chapter

Harrisburg (PA) Chapter Milwaukee (WI) Chapter Piedmont (NC) Chapter

Hawaii (HI) Chapter Minneapolis-St. Paul (MN) Chapter Pine Bluff (AR) Chapter

Hendersonville Area (TN) Chapter Mississippi Delta (MS) Chapter Pittsburgh (PA) Chapter

Hoffman Estates (IL) Chapter Missouri City (TX) Chapter Plano North Metroplex (TX) Chapter

Houston (TX) Chapter Monroe-Grambling (LA) Chapter Pontchartrain (LA) Chapter

Huntington (WV) Chapter Monterey Bay (CA) Chapter Port City (TX) Chapter

Indianapolis (IN) Chapter Montgomery (AL) Chapter Portland (OR) Chapter

Inglewood-Pacific (CA) Chapter Montgomery County (PA) Chapter Portsmouth (VA) Chapter

Jackson (MS) Chapter Morris County (NJ) Chapter Potomac (VA) Chapter

Jackson (TN) Chapter Music City (TN) Chapter Prince George's County (MD) Chapter

Jackson County (MO) Chapter Nashville (TN) Chapter Princess Anne (MD) Chapter

Jacksonville (FL) Chapter Nassau Bahamas Quad Cities (IL) Chapter

James River Valley (VA) Chapter Natchez (MS) Chapter Queen City (OH) Chapter

Kalamazoo (MI) Chapter New Haven (CT) Chapter Raleigh (NC) Chapter

Kent Area (OH) Chapter New Orleans (LA) Chapter Rancocas Valley (NJ) Chapter

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Raritan Valley (NJ) Chapter Toledo (OH) Chapter

Renaissance (MI) Chapter Topeka (KS) Chapter

Reston (VA) Chapter Town Lake (TX) Chapter

Richmond (VA) Chapter Treasure Coast (FL) Chapter

River City (TN) Chapter Triangle Park (NC) Chapter

Roanoke (VA) Chapter Tri-Cities (WA) Chapter

Rochester (NY) Chapter Tri-City (MI) Chapter

Sacramento (CA) Chapter Tri-County (AL) Chapter

San Antonio (TX) Chapter Trinity (TX) Chapter

San Bernardino Valley (CA) Chapter Tucson (AZ) Chapter

San Diego (CA) Chapter Tulsa (OK) Chapter

San Fernando Valley (CA) Chapter Tuscaloosa (AL) Chapter

San Francisco (CA) Chapter Tuskegee (AL) Chapter

San Jose (CA) Chapter Twin Rivers (OH) Chapter

Savannah (GA) Chapter Vicksburg (MS) Chapter

Selma (AL) Chapter Waco (TX) Chapter

Shelby County (TN) Chapter Washington (DC) Chapter

Shreveport (LA) Chapter Waterbury (CT) Chapter

Silver Spring (MD) Chapter West Palm Beach (FL) Chapter

Solano County (CA) Chapter West Towns (IL) Chapter

South Bay Area (CA) Chapter Westchester County (NY) Chapter

South Bend Area (IN) Chapter Western Reserve (OH) Chapter

South Jersey (NJ) Chapter Wichita (KS) Chapter

South Suburban Chicago (IL) Chapter Wilberforce (OH) Chapter

Southern Maryland Chain (MD) Chapter Wilmington (DE) Chapter

Southern West Virginia (WV) Chapter Wilmington (NC) Chapter

Southside (VA) Chapter Wilson-Rocky Mount-Tarboro

Spartanburg (SC) Chapter Windy City (IL) Chapter

Spokane (WA) Chapter Winton-Salem (NC) Chapter

Springfield (OH) Chapter Youngstown (OH) Chapter

St. Louis (MO) Chapter

St. Petersburg (FL) Chapter

Stockton (CA) Chapter

Suffolk (VA) Chapter

Syracuse (NY) Chapter

Tacoma (WA) Chapter

Tallahassee (FL) Chapter

Tampa (FL) Chapter

Texas Spring Cypress (TX) Chapter

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The Links, Incorporated

1200 Massachusetts Ave, NW

Washington, DC 20005

Tel: 202-842-8686 | Fax: 202-842-4020


Contact: [email protected]