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  • 8/13/2019 Van Becca the Drierge Brothers120510 0411



  • 8/13/2019 Van Becca the Drierge Brothers120510 0411


    Blood Exchange 1 The Drierge Brothers 

    Angelina Canley has been blind from a very young age. She issaved from mortal injury when Lucan Drierge removes her fromthe path of danger.

    Lucan Drierge is a vampire and knows Angelina is mate to him andhis brother, Trey. He invites her back to his home for dinner, andthey begin to court their woman.

    They have to convince Angelina they love her and would give theirlives to keep her safe. Their mate tries to run from them but can'ttake the last step to leave. Just when their relationship begins tosettle and their mate is more accepting, evil stalks their woman.

    Will they be able to protect the love of their lives, or will they betoo late to save her?

    Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillationbetween or among siblings. 

    Genre: Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal,


    Length: 37,999 words

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     Blood Exchange 1

    Becca Van


    Siren Publishing, Inc.

  • 8/13/2019 Van Becca the Drierge Brothers120510 0411



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    IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting

    THE DRIERGE BROTHERSCopyright © 2012 by Becca VanE-book ISBN: 978-1-61926-675-9

    First E-book Publication: June 2012

    Cover design by Les Byerley 

    All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not bereproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, includingelectronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, withoutexpress written permission.

    All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblanceto actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

    PUBLISHERSiren Publishing,

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    Letter to Readers 

    Dear Readers,

    If you have purchased this copy of The Drierge Brothers  by BeccaVan from or its official distributors, thank you. Also,thank you for not sharing your copy of this book.

    Regarding E-book Piracy 

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    This is Becca Van’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respectMs. Van’s right to earn a living from her work.

    Amanda Hilton,

  • 8/13/2019 Van Becca the Drierge Brothers120510 0411



    I would like to dedicate this book to Diana, Lena, Kathryn, and all

    the people working at Siren-BookStrand, for their continued

    understanding and support. Thank you so very, very much.

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    THE DRIERGE BROTHERS Blood Exchange 1

    BECCA VANCopyright © 2012

    Chapter One

    Lucan Drierge felt like he’d been struck by lightning. The woman

    walking down the sidewalk toward him was like poetry in motion. He

    watched the graceful way she moved, flowing and elegant even

    though she was impaired. Her cane swished back and forth in front of

    her. Her eyes were covered with dark glasses, and not being able to

    see them frustrated him. He wanted to know what color they were.

    Since her hair was blonde, he imagined her eyes were blue, but he

    wanted to see them for himself to be sure.

    He shook himself from his trance when another pedestrian

     bumped into him, and he moved out of the way. With a thought, he

    hid himself from view, keeping his gaze fixed on the blind woman.

    He wanted nothing else to distract him from her. Who was she, and

    why did the sight of her move him so deeply? Lucan had come out

    onto the nocturnal Portland streets to feed, but now nothing mattered

    except the woman before him.

    His heartbeat accelerated as she approached. Like him, she didn’t

    need the brightness glowing from the streetlights. Unlike him, shelooked completely calm and composed. If he tried to talk to her, he

    was going to make a fool of himself. But I must know her name.

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    The Drierge Brothers 9 

    Using his preternatural senses, he brushed against her mind, and

    her name drifted into his mind. Angelina Canley, such an apt name

    for her. She looked so angelic, he was afraid to approach her. If he

    dared to speak to her, would she even give him the time of day?

    Lucan wasn’t used to feeling unconfident. Not being mortal, he

    had powers beyond the imagination of a human. He could move so

    quickly he couldn’t be seen by the naked eye. He could float amongst

    the clouds, could dissolve into tiny particles and reemerge in the blink

    of an eye, and he had the strength of more than ten men. He could

    read minds and heal another by exchanging blood. Forming fireballs

    and electrical sparks was a breeze to him, and he could use his mindto compel others to do his bidding.

    Yet none of those powers could help him now. What good was

     being a vampire when all he wanted was to talk to the woman of his


    When she walked past him as he hid amongst the shadows, she

    turned her head toward him, as if she knew he was there watching her.

    The scent of her blood pumping from her heart and through her veins

    called to him. He could just imagine the sweet, pure taste of her life-

    giving fluid as it flowed over his tongue and filled his organs.

    Cloaking himself so none of the humans would be aware of his

     presence, he moved away from the brick wall he was leaning against.

    Her scent called to him, and he had to follow her. He knew she was

    on her way home from work after a long day and even though she was

    tired, she found the walk invigorating. He knew where she lived and

    intended to follow her, to make sure she arrived home safely.

    He inhaled deeply and pulled her scent into his nostrils and lungs.

    He knew without a doubt in his mind that she was his and his

     brother’s mate.

    Lucan had never reacted to another human being the way he wasreacting to her. The scent of her blood running beneath her skin was

    so sweet, he was having trouble containing his inner beast from

    rushing over to her, taking her into his arms, sinking his fangs into a

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    10   Becca Van

    vein, and tasting her sweet essence. His muscles had grown taut at the

    first sight of her, and he was shaking with the need to be close to her.

    He had never felt such excited desire before. Adrenaline ran through

    his body, making him feel so strong and masculine, but at the same

    time, weak with desire.

    She was so small compared to him, but to the normal mortal she

    was a good height, standing around five foot nine. She wasn’t petite,

     but she wasn’t hefty. She had an hourglass figure with abundant

     breasts and nicely rounded hips. Her legs were long and, from what

    he could see beneath her denim blue jeans, muscular. He wondered if

    that muscle tone came from working out or walking everywhere.She hesitated at the corner of the street and cocked her head,

    appearing to listen. When the pedestrian sign turned green, the signal

    sounded that it was safe for her to walk. She placed a foot forward,

    about to step off the curb.

    His preternatural senses kicked in, and he leaped forward. He

    clasped her arm and pulled her to a halt, just as an out-of-control cab

    careened through the red light. The noise of the vehicle colliding with

    another was so very loud to his sensitive ears. He cringed as metal

    connected with metal and glass exploded into the air and onto the

    ground. Then the sounds surrounding him diminished as blood roared

    in his ears.

    She smelled of honeysuckle and vanilla, and the top her head only

    came up to his chin. He could hear her rapid heartbeat, and the scent

    of her blood running beneath the surface of her skin called to him. He

    felt his gums beginning to itch and knew he was in danger of losing

    control. But he wouldn’t allow that to happen. He didn’t want to scare

    her away. Not when he’d only just found her.

    The breath froze in his lungs and his heart stuttered as she spoke

    for the first time.“Oh, my gosh. Thank you so much. I didn’t even hear that car

    until it was almost too late.”

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    The Drierge Brothers 11 

    Her voice was light and feminine. He shivered as it washed over


    “You’re welcome,” he replied as he stood staring down into her

    upturned face.

    He wanted her, and he wanted her now, but he knew he would

    have to take care with her. She would be very cautious of a strange

    man she couldn’t see coming on to her, flirting with her. He had

    approached another blind woman once before in his long life, and she

    had been very nervous around him almost to the point of being afraid.

    He wondered if this woman would react the same, or if that

    nervousness was a personality trait.“Let me escort you. I wouldn’t be able to rest well if I didn’t

    know you were safe.”

    “Thank you, but I’m fine,” she answered him. He heard her heart

    rate pick up even more, and he held his breath, hoping she wasn’t

    afraid of him. Maybe it was just a reaction to her near miss.

    He touched her shoulder and slid his palm down her arm and took

    her hand in his. “My name is Lucan Drierge. I only want to see you

    home safe and sound. I couldn’t live with myself if you didn’t make it

    home safely when I am here with you now.”

    “Okay. Thank you, Mr. Drierge,” she said, capitulating.

    “Please, call me Lucan. And you are?” Lucan asked as he tucked

    her arm around his and pulled her in close to his side. Even though he

    already knew her name, he went through the motions of courtesy. He

    couldn’t very well call her by name if he hadn’t asked her what it was.

    He didn’t want to scare her off, since they had only just met.

    “Angelina Canley,” she replied.

    “Angelina. It’s such a pretty name. You are, you know,” Lucan

    said as he waited for a police car and paramedics to come to a halt

     before sweeping her safely across the road.“I am what?” she asked.

    “An angel. You look like you should have wings.”

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    12   Becca Van

    His beautiful angel threw her head back and laughed. Not a titter

    or a giggle, but a full-bodied sound that came from deep inside her.

    “Yeah right, an angel who keeps tripping over her halo,” she

    replied dryly.

    He smiled down at her even though she couldn’t see him. He was

    looking forward to getting to know his sweet angel. She obviously

    had a sense of humor. He wondered what pushed her buttons and

    made her angry. He wanted to see her with all her emotions laid bare,

    to know every little detail about her, and he couldn’t wait for the

    layers of her personality to be revealed to him.

    His cock twitched with excited interest. Engorged, it pressedagainst his metal fly as the sound of her voice wrapped around him.

    His breath caught in his throat when she turned her head toward him

    and he saw small dimples indenting her white, creamy skin.

    He wanted to claim her for all time and know she would never

    want or be able to leave his or his brother’s side.

    She was a teacher to blind students. Helping them learn to read

     braille and how to deal with living without sight. She was so caring

    and patient, and he felt so unworthy of her.

    He had lived for over a hundred years and had waited for this

    moment for so long, he wanted to pull her into his arms and claim her

    immediately. His desire only increased when he realized that

    Angelina, too, would benefit from claiming. If he took her life’s blood

    into his body, exchanging some of his own with her, he could repair

    the damage to her eyes. It had been done before. Other vampires had

    exchanged blood with mortals over the years and the knowledge of

    the incidents had been passed from one of his kind to another.

    She had been blind since she was a teenager. An accident had

    rendered her unable to see. She had scarring around her eyes, and

    that’s why she hid behind her dark glasses. She had no need for themother than to hide.

    Lucan intended to woo her gently. He wanted to spend as much

    time as he could with her but knew that just wasn’t possible. Her

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    The Drierge Brothers 13 

    waking hours were when he slept. Frustration curled through him, and

    he damned his genes for the first time in his life. He wanted to spend

    every minute of every day and night with her.

    “I think you have been watching too much television, Lucan. I

    look nothing like an angel.”

    “Oh yes, you do. You are so beautiful. So sweet and innocent,”

    Lucan replied adamantly.

    “How would you know? You don’t even know me,” Angelina

    replied with a smile.

    Lucan could hear her counting in her mind and knew she was

    aware of their closeness to her apartment.“We are here,” she stated.

    He stopped when she did just outside her apartment building and

    then cursed as the smile disappeared from her face. She turned to him

    and frowned. Brushing her mind with his, he smiled when he heard

    the inner conversation she was having with herself. She wanted to ask

    him in for coffee but was debating how that would look given their

    short acquaintance.

    She was attracted to him. His heart lifted as he recognized that her

    attraction was rolling off of her in waves. While he could see the

    effects of that attraction, he also knew the decision to get to know him

    must be hers. If this woman was his mate, he would force nothing

    upon her.

    He waited patiently for her to decide what she was going to do.

    When she had resolved her inner dilemma, he exhaled quietly as the

    tension eased from his body.

    “Would you like to come in for coffee? It’s the least I can do after

    you kept me safe,” Angelina asked.

    “Thank you. I believe I will,” Lucan replied and let her lead him

    up the entrance steps. He took note of the lack of security in the building and mentally cursed a blue streak when he saw the dark

    hallway. Angelina was no more bothered by darkness than he was, but

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    14   Becca Van

    he disliked the idea that anyone could hide in the shadows and hurt an

    unsuspecting female.

    Inside the elevator he stood back from her, seeing everything,

    hearing everything. The elevator stopped on the fourth floor, and he

    followed her out. This corridor was as dark as the entry.

    Lucan heard a tiny sound and looked down the hall to see a man

    stick his head out his apartment door. He nearly growled out loud

    when the male watched Angelina until she was standing at her front

    door with her keys in her hand. He stepped around her and blocked

    the stranger’s view of her and glared hard.

    The man disappeared, slamming his door in his haste. Angelinahad unlocked her door and opened it, but she stopped and turned

    toward the other apartment.

    “Mark? Are you there? Well, that’s strange. Mark always greets

    me when I get home. I wonder what happened,” she said quietly.

    He felt a bit guilty about chasing her protector away. Angelina

    had gone inside, leaving him in the hall. A vampire was unable to

    enter another’s home without an invitation. Lucan wondered if she

    had forgotten he was with her, but then she turned to him.

    “Please, come in.”

    And just like that, he was free to enter her home whenever he

    desired. He could have used his voice to compel her to invite him in,

     but he didn’t want to force his mate in any way. He stepped over the

    threshold and closed the door behind him.

    He looked around at her sparse but comfortable furniture. There

    were no knickknacks or photos around, and he wondered about her

    family. He didn’t want to delve deeper into her mind unless

    absolutely necessary. He’d gleaned enough from her memories


    Even though he could ascertain everything he needed and wantedto know by pushing farther into her subconscious, he didn’t want her

    to feel betrayed or violated once he told her that he’d been in her

    thoughts. Humans could take that kind of thing personally.

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    The Drierge Brothers 15 

     Not that he did it on purpose. Since she was his mate, her thoughts

    came at him fast and hard. He’d never experienced anything like it

     before. Usually he had to push further into a human’s mind to read

    their thoughts. She was just so open, and her thoughts had just floated

    to him when he had brushed his mind against hers.

    He pulled his mind from hers and followed her into her small

    kitchen. Watching her move around as if she could see was hard for

    him to fathom, since he had never lost his sight. She would have had

    to map out where everything was in her mind. It must have taken her

    a lot of time and frustration to become as independent as she was. The

    sweet sound of her voice pulled him from his thoughts.“Would you like tea or coffee, Lucan?”

    “No, thank you.” He was pleased she was willing to get to know

    him over a cup of coffee, but he would never touch the stuff. Human

    food and drink were poisonous to his kind, and he wasn’t about to

    make himself sick.

    “I have some soda or just plain old water if you would prefer,” she


    “Nothing, thanks, angel,” he replied and moved toward her. He

    made sure to make noise so she could hear him coming. She stood

    with her head cocked slightly and facing him. When he was a hair’s

     breadth away from her, he stood still and inhaled, once more taking

    her sweet scent into his nostrils. She didn’t move away from him.

    Though she held her ground, he could hear her rapid heartbeat and

    feel her breath as it passed her lips and caressed the skin at the base of

    his neck. The muscles in his body tautened as if her hot, moist breath

    was her hand on his skin. He moved his hands up, making sure the

    sleeves of his shirt rubbed against the side of his body, and he cupped

    her face in between his hands.

    “What are you doing, Lucan? I only asked you in for a drink,nothing else,” she said breathily.

    “I need to taste you, angel. I want to taste the sweetness of your

    lips. Tell me now if you don’t want my kiss,” Lucan said quietly.

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    16    Becca Van

    He held his breath for an interminable moment and let it out with

    a sigh of relief when she answered him.

    “I want that, too.” She whispered her reply.

    He lifted her face up for his kiss.

    Throughout the brief time he’d known her, the desire to take her

    lips had almost crippled him with its intensity. He was nearly afraid of

    what he would feel. He slowly lowered his head, letting her feel his

     breath brush over her lips, and then leaned down the last inch to

    connect their mouths.

    He held still. His heart was beating fast at the first sweet contact

    of her mouth on his. He had to move. He couldn’t stand not having allof her. He brushed his lips back and forth over hers, and his balls

    drew up tight as she softly moaned against his mouth. Hunger such as

    he’d never known before surged through his body and through his

     blood, heating his skin.

    Lucan groaned when her lips parted on another moan, and he

    swept his tongue into her moist cavern. Her sweet flavor exploded on

    his taste buds, making him crave more of her taste. He tangled her

    tongue with his and savored her honey flavor. He felt his gums begin

    to itch again, warning him the he was pushing his control.

    He slowed the kiss down until he was sipping at her moist, plump

    lips, then gently removed his mouth from hers, resting his forehead on

    top of her head, his hands still lightly holding her face, as he gained

    control once more.

    He felt her stiffen in his arms, and he caressed her face with his

    fingers, stood up straight, and released her. He stepped back, allowing

    her room to breathe and taking temptation from his own hands.

    “Have dinner with me tomorrow,” he stated and watched as she

    stood still. She reminded him of a fox frozen in the headlights of an

    oncoming car. He heard her breathy sigh and knew she was going torefuse him. He wanted, no, needed her in his house. He wanted her to

    meet his brother, Trey. He wanted to confirm his suspicion that Trey

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    The Drierge Brothers 17  

    felt it, too, even though he was sure she was the one they had been

    waiting for.

    His heart sank, but he strengthened his resolve. If she didn’t

    accept his invitation, he would meet her every evening on her walk

    home from work. Even though he had the power to compel her to his

    will, didn’t think it fair to do so. Winning her heart, knowing that she

    truly wanted him was worth having to do it the hard way.

    Braced for disappointment as he was, she blew him away with her

    next words.

    “Yes. I’d like that, thank you.”

    It was just as well she couldn’t see him smiling, Lucan thought.He probably looked like an idiot.

    A new plan unfolded in his mind. They would talk over dinner,

    giving her a chance to get to know him. A slow, gentle approach was

    necessary with humans who had no knowledge of vampires. He and

    his brother had agreed on this long ago, should they ever find their

    mate. They wanted her to accept them for who they were and to agree

    to exchanging blood with them.

    Once the third exchange had taken place, she would transform and

     be as they were. Vampire. She would join them in immortality,

    surviving off blood as they did, and she would have abilities beyond

    her imagining.

    “I will be by to pick you up just after dusk, at 6:30 p.m. Is that

    enough time for you to get home from work?”

    “Yes. I’ll be ready.”

    “Until tomorrow. Sleep well, my angel,” Lucan said. He gave her

    one last lingering look and left.

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    18    Becca Van

    Chapter Two

    Angelina heard the door to her apartment close. She slumped

    against the counter and wondered what the hell she was doing. She

    had never let a stranger into her home before. She had been about to

    go inside to the sanctity and security of her apartment and leave him

    on the sidewalk, but instead, she had found herself asking him in for


    What the hell? From the moment she’d heard his voice, she was

    lost. Just thinking about that deep voice made goose bumps erupt all

    over her body again. She squeezed her legs together, trying to relieve

    the ache in her pussy. It didn’t help at all. In fact, the action only

    seemed to make matters worse.

    When he’d kissed her, her blood had heated to a raging inferno,

     burning out of control. His cool hands on her hot face had feltheavenly.

    Angelina flinched at the loud knock on her door. She hadn’t

    moved since Lucan had left, and anyone could walk right on in

    through her unlocked door if they so desired. She had never been so

    careless before. She hurried to the door and stood listening, her hands

    on the handle and lock.

    “Who is it?”

    “It’s me, Angelina, open up.”

    “Mark,” she greeted when she opened the door. “I missed you this

    evening. Were you out?”“No. I saw you had company and didn’t want to interrupt,” Mark

    replied. He stayed in the corridor. Angelina, without realizing she was

    doing it, was blocking him from coming into the apartment. “Who

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    The Drierge Brothers 19 

    was the man, Angelina? You shouldn’t associate with the likes of

    him. He looks dangerous.”

    “He’s a friend, Mark,” she found herself explaining. She frowned.

    What is wrong with me? I don’t even know the man. 

    “I’ve never seen him before. You’ve never brought anyone home

     before. Who was he?”

    Angelina felt herself frowning again, though this time for a

    different reason. Mark’s peevish tone of voice and prying questions

    were unlike him. She made herself answer patiently.

    “His name is Lucan Drierge and he saved my life. He stopped me

    from getting slammed by a car. The least I could do was to offer theman a cup of coffee after he saw me safely home.”

    “Have dinner with me, Angelina,” Mark said suddenly.

    Angelina was surprised by her neighbor’s offer. He had never

    asked her out before. Sure, he looked out each night to make sure

    she’d made it home safely and they sometimes chatted when he did,

     but that was as far as things had gone. He was nice enough, but she

    didn’t think of him in that way. He had only ever treated her like a


    “Thank you for the offer, but not tonight. I am so tired I just want

    to fall into bed.”

    Mark dropped the disagreeable tone, sounding like his usual self.

    “Did you have a rough day, honey?”

    “Um, no, not really. It was just a very long day.” Did he miss the

     part about her almost getting flattened while crossing the street?

    Angelina realized that Mark hadn’t even reacted to her description of

    her near-death experience.

    “What about tomorrow night?” Mark asked.

    “I’m sorry, but I already have plans.”

    “With him?” And just like that, his voice turned aggravated again.“Damn it, Angelina. You could be putting yourself up for a world of

    trouble and hurt. I don’t like the look of him. He reminds me of a lion

    after his prey.”

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    20   Becca Van

    “Don’t be ludicrous. How can you tell that? You didn’t even meet

    the man,” Angelina replied coolly.

    “I’m not trying to upset you, Angelina. I’m just looking out for

    you,” Mark pleaded.

    “Look, I appreciate it, Mark, but I’m a big girl. I’ve been looking

    after myself for a long time.”

    “I’m here if you need me, Angelina. Just give a holler,” Mark


    “Thanks, Mark. You’re a good friend.”

    “Well, I’d better be going. Good night.”

    “Good night, Mark,” Angelina replied. His footsteps receded, andshe locked the door. She sighed with both frustration and relief. Mark

    had never asked her out before, and she wasn’t sure she was

    comfortable with it, but he was her neighbor, so it wasn’t as if she

    could avoid him. Maybe he’d give up when he realized she wasn’t

    interested. Lucan was the one who interested her.

    Smiling to herself, she wondered what had made her so popular

    tonight. I should almost get hit by cars more often. 

    * * * *

    Lucan arrived home moments after leaving his angel’s apartment.

    Blood was still coursing through his veins, and his cock was so hard

    he was going to have to take matters into his own hand, so to speak.

    He looked at his older brother sitting on the living room sofa

    watching the football game. Trey looked up at him and stilled. He

    sniffed the air and, in the blink of an eye, joined him across the room.

    He leaned closer to him, inhaled again, and looked him in the eye.

    “What is that?”

    “That wonderful scent would be our mate.” Lucan watched,satisfied, as Trey’s eyes widened. His brother leaned back on his heels

    as though about to fall over. Lucan would have liked to milk Trey’s

    reaction a little longer, but he couldn’t hold back his excitement.

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    The Drierge Brothers 21 

    “God, Trey, she is so gorgeous. I had to fight my inner beast from

    stripping her naked, plunging my cock into her wet pussy, and biting


    “Are you sure, though?” Trey asked, still recovering from his

    shock. “She’s our mate?”

    “Ninety-nine percent sure. I want your confirmation, though. She

    could be the one we’ve been waiting for. No, she is definitely the one

    we’ve been waiting for,” Lucan stated on a wistful sigh.

    “What does she look like? What’s her name? Where does she


    Lucan laughed and took a seat on the sofa. “She is so beautiful.She has long blonde hair, and she’s tall for a woman, Trey. She has

    curves and the longest, sweetest legs I’ve ever seen on anyone. She

    has a woman’s body, not that of a waif or a child. She has hourglass

    curves, and she’s so soft.”

    “What color are her eyes?”

    “I don’t know. She’s blind, Trey. She wears these big dark glasses

    to hide her eyes. She has scars around her eyes and doesn’t like

     people to see them. She was injured as a teenager and hasn’t been

    able to see since. She’s so sweet, though, and her mouth…Fuck. I

    could nibble on her mouth for hours.”

    “How did you meet her?”

    “She walked past me on her way home from work. I stopped her

    from getting hurt from a runaway cab, and the rest, as they say, is

    history. She’s coming here for dinner tomorrow night.”

    “That was fast. Good work, Luc.”

    “Even though she was hesitant at first, she finally let go and asked

    me in for coffee. She kissed me back of her own free will. I can’t wait

    to have her here, in our home. Tomorrow night isn’t going to come

    around fast enough.” Lucan sighed.“You say she was injured? God, I can’t stand the thought of her

     being hurt. We could heal her so easily. You still haven’t told me her

    name,” Trey stated.

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    “Angelina Canley, our very own angel, Trey.”

    Through their mental link, Trey said, “Let me see her.” 

    Lucan felt the brush of his brother in his mind. He pictured

    Angelina in his mind, and Trey inhaled sharply. His brother growled

    in arousal and approval as her saw their angel for the first time, and

    Lucan‘s dick and balls ached even more as he, too, admired her

     perfect body. Lucan was filled with a hunger so fierce he knew he

    was going to have to feed well this night.

    It seemed Trey was in the same predicament. No sooner did he

    feel his brother withdraw from his mind, than he dematerialized with

    a thought. Lucan followed suit.Lucan’s body, now a mass of floating particles, flew through the

    night sky in search of prey to satiate his raging hunger. His mind

    vibrated with the awareness that his brother was doing the exact same

    thing, his desire to feed also sparked by the sight of his perfect angel.

    Lucan had heard it said that feeding from one’s mate was like no

    other experience. It was not just a base satisfaction of hunger, but a

    melding of souls. Someday he knew he would share that with


    When he lowered over Forest Park in his hometown of Portland,

    the particles joined together and reformed into solid flesh. He cleared

    his mind, allowing him to infiltrate the minds of the three men

    walking and chatting through the park and call them to him. He compelled them to stand before him, and he grasped the first

    young male by the arms, pulling him close. In a daze and under the

    control of Lucan’s mind, the man obediently offered his neck to him

     by tilting his head back.

    Lucan wasted no time and sank his fangs into the rich, life-giving

    vein and drank, reveling in the sensation of the blood nourishing him.

    He would have to be careful as he fed. His hunger was more than he’dever experienced before, and he didn’t want to hurt the young men by

    taking too much.

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    He withdrew his fangs and swept his tongue over the wound. His

    saliva seeped into the gash, closing it and leaving no evidence of his

    existence behind. He reached for the next young man and then the

    next. Still his hunger wasn’t appeased. Usually he was sated after

    feeding from one human, but he knew he would hunger until he had

    his angel in his arms and her blood running through his veins.

    It wouldn’t be tonight, he thought sadly. Tonight he and Trey

    would watch sports, restless for the night to pass. They would sleep

    the deep, healing sleep of their kind, and when the sun set he would

    go to her and bring her home for the first time.

    He erased the memory of his feeding as he once againdematerialized, releasing the men from the spell and leaving them to

    wonder where their time had gone. His disembodied spirit rose and

    raced through the air, heading for home with the thoughts of his angel

    in the forefront of his mind.

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    Chapter Three

    Angelina had just slipped her feet into her comfortable flat shoes

    when a knock sounded at her door. She took a deep breath and

    wondered what had possessed her to accept an invitation to dinner

    from a stranger. There was something about Lucan Drierge that pulled

    her in. There was a dark, dangerous, menacing quality to the man, but

    she felt the need to be in his presence, to be close to him. She was

    excited yet nervous about the upcoming evening.

    She released her breath and walked toward the door. She hesitated

    with her hand on the doorknob, feeling as if she were standing on the

    edge of a pool, about to take a plunge into the unknown. She opened

    the door on an exhale, trying to calm her nervousness.

    “Hello, angel.” His deep voice wrapped around her, making her

     breasts swell, her nipples harden, and her pussy clench with need.“Hi, Lucan,” she replied breathlessly.

    “Are you ready to go, baby?”

    “Yes, just let me get my purse,” she replied, retrieving her purse

    and stepping out into the hall. She couldn’t prevent the shiver of

    desire that raced over her as he took her by the arm and led her to the


    “You shouldn’t open your door unless you know who it is first,

    angel,” Lucan reproved gently.

    “I knew it was you. I was expecting you. Besides, I never get

    visitors.”“Still, please promise me you will find out before you open your

    door,” Lucan stated.

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    “Okay.” Part of her just agreed to change the subject, but she had

    to admit privately that his concern was touching. He barely knew her,

     but he seemed to care so much.

    “Good girl. Come, we are nearly at my car,” Lucan said. He

    helped her into his vehicle so she wouldn’t hit her head. He powered

    up the car, and judging by the sound of the engine, he drove a

     powerful sports car. Then he pulled out into the traffic.

    Angelina was too nervous to make conversation, though it did

    finally occur to her to ask where they were going for dinner. Lucan

    answered simply that he was going to cook for her. Somehow the idea

    of going to Lucan’s house heightened Angelina’s nervousness a littlemore, and the rest of the car ride passed quietly. Twenty minutes later

    he slowed the car and then stopped. He helped her out and led her

    inside. Although she couldn’t see, the house felt old to her. She could

    feel cool draughts and hear the creaks from settling timber. She

    sighed and wished she could see the place, then pushed that thought to

    the back of her mind.

    “Angel, I’d like you to meet my brother, Trey Drierge. Trey, this

    is Angelina Canley.”

     Brother ? Angelina’s thoughts swirled with confusion. Why was

    Lucan’s brother hanging around?  Maybe he’s just helping with the

    cooking and then he’ll leave.

    “Angelina, I am very pleased to make your acquaintance,” Trey

    said in a deep, raspy voice. He took her hand, and tingles of electricity

    shot up her arm, over her chest, and down to her pussy. What the hell,

    girl? You’re turning into a whore, lusting after two men, and brothers

    at that. “Welcome to our home.”

    She heard a gasp and wondered what was going on. Was it

     possible he had felt that electric spark, too? Or had she just zapped

    him with static electricity? Way to go. “Thank you. Nice to meet you,” she replied. Then Lucan began to

    lead her into the next room.

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    “Dinner is ready. I’m sure you’re hungry after such a long day.

    Let us feed you and then we can listen to some music and talk.”

    Angelina noticed that he said “we.“ So Trey wasn’t going to just

    disappear once dinner was served. She couldn‘t figure out whether or

    not she was disappointed. On the one hand, Lucan had given her

    every sign that this was a date, not a chance for her to hang out with

    him and his brother. Then again, something about Trey’s presence

    was just as deliciously attractive as his brother’s.

    She was happy to let Lucan guide her while she tried to figure out

    what the brothers had up their sleeves. She was seated at a table, and

    the aroma of food wafted to her nostrils.“Thank you,” Angelina said and relaxed into her chair. She

    cautiously felt for the glass with her fingertips and picked it up, taking

    a sip, grateful it held water.

    “What do you do for a living, Angelina?” Trey asked.

    “I work with sight-impaired children. I teach them to read braille

    and how to cope with everyday life.”

    “Do you like working with children?” he asked.

    “Yes. They are so innocent and easy to please. The kids work

    harder than anyone I have known. It’s hard work but a very rewarding

     job to teach them how to read and to become independent with their


    “How old are you, baby?” Lucan asked.

    “Twenty-five. Why?”

    “You’re such a babe in the woods. I was just curious, angel,”

    Lucan replied.

    “How old are you?” Angelina asked, raising her chin in defiance.

    “I am thirty-five. Trey is thirty-eight.”

    “You’re not married?”

    “No.”“Have you ever been?” Angelina asked curiously.


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    Angelina sighed with relief. She had been holding her breath until

    he answered and hadn’t even realized it until she breathed out. God

     Angelina, what is wrong with you? You’ve only just met and already

     you feel possessive of both of them.

     Both of them?  Now there was a thought. What if this date was

    with both of them? That would solve the question in Angelina’s mind

    of which of them she found more compelling, though it raised a whole

    host of other questions.

    You’re letting your imagination get away from you. Before she

    could bring herself fully back down to earth, though, Trey asked, “Do

    you have a boyfriend, baby?”“No,” Angelina replied with a melancholy sigh. “Being impaired

    sort of puts me at a disadvantage.”

    “Why would you think that, honey?” Trey asked from across the


    “No one is interested in courting a blind woman,” she replied.

    “That’s their loss, angel. They are obviously blind to your beauty

    and wonderful qualities. They don’t see beyond the surface. Eat,

     baby. Then we can go into the living room where it is more

    comfortable,” Lucan suggested. A plate thudded softly to the place

     before her just before his footsteps moved away from her.

    Angelina began to eat. The food was wonderful, and she ate

    everything on her plate. She heard the sounds of cutlery on plates

    from the men’s seats, but something was off. She couldn’t for the life

    of her fathom what it was, though.

    They talked about inconsequential things as they ate, keeping the

    mood light. She placed her cutlery on her plate and picked up her

    wine. She took several sips of the fruity, rich drink and listened as

    silenced prevailed. What are they doing? Are they staring at me? The

    hair on her nape stood on end, and she shifted in her seat nervously.She heard a swishing sound, and she felt Lucan beside her.

    She knew it was him by his unique scent. Already she was able to

    discern him from Trey because their scents were different. Lucan

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    smelled of the earth with a hint of pine and Trey had an aroma of

    sandalwood about him. Lucan took the wine glass from her hand, and

    his voice washed over her as he spoke.

    “Let’s go to the living room and get comfortable, angel.” Lucan

     placed his hand on her shoulder. She rose when he pulled her chair

     back, and she shivered when Trey took her other arm.

    They led her into the other room and seated her on a comfortable

    sofa. She felt the cushion beside her dip, indicating Lucan was at her

    side. Soft music filled the air, and the cushion on her other side

    compressed as Trey sat down.

    She could feel their eyes on her. Goose bumps rose where theirsight touched her. Her areolas puckered, and her nipples elongated.

    Why did these two men turn her on so much? She’d never felt desire

    for anyone before.

    “Angelina, Trey and I are both very attracted to you. We want to

     begin a relationship with you and see where things end up,” Lucan


    “Um, I don’t know what to say.” Though stunned that both men

    were interested in her, she was also a little thrilled. For a minute there,

    she’d been thinking this wasn’t a date at all, and now it turned out to

     be a date with both of them.

    “Honey, are you attracted to us?” Trey asked.

    She debated about whether to answer truthfully but couldn’t lie to

    them or to herself. Knowing they were as attracted to her as she was

    to them made her yearn even more for their attention.

    She had never really had a relationship before and even though

    she knew she should be cautious and not plunge into anything with

     both feet, the urge to have a close, intimate relationship was too good

    to ignore. Having been so lonely for so long, she couldn’t pass up this

    opportunity and disregard what she felt.Even though she had only just met them, she felt connected to

    Trey and Lucan on a soul-deep level. It was as if she had known them

    for years, instead of just hours. She didn’t know if they would begin a

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    The Drierge Brothers 29 

    relationship, much less if it would last, but if she didn’t give them a

    chance she may forever wonder about what could have been.

    Taking a deep, fortifying breath she turned toward Trey and

    answered. “Yes, but before we start anything I would really like to

    know more about you both.”

    “What would you like to know, Angelina?” Lucan asked.

    “What do you do for a living?”

    “Honey, we don’t really work. We are retired,” Trey answered.

    “But you’re so young,” she stated with bewilderment.

    “We made some very lucrative investments when we were

    younger, angel. We have so much money we wouldn’t be able tospend it all in one lifetime,” Lucan explained.

    “Hm, okay, I can accept that, but if you don’t work, what do you

    do with your time?”

    “There is so much you need to know about us, honey, but we

    don’t want to overload you with too much information too soon,”

    Trey stated quietly.

    “That’s very intriguing.” Despite herself, Angelina fell a little

    more under their spell. Their reticence ought to have made her

    suspicious, but she found, to her surprise, that she trusted them.

    They must have felt her relax or somehow understood that her

    curiosity was satisfied, because Trey asked, “Will you let us pleasure

    you, honey? Lucan and I would very much like to make you feel


    Angelina wanted that more than anything else in the world, right

    at that moment. She craved to feel their mouths and hands on her

     body. She ignored her inner voice’s warning that this was a dangerous

    idea and decided to let things happen and see where they led. She

    wanted to get closer to them on a physical as well as an emotional

    level. She wanted to burrow her way under their skin and into theirhearts and never leave, but she also wanted to know she had some

    control over the situation.

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    “If I let you touch me and I don’t feel comfortable or don’t like

    something you do, and I ask you to stop, then will you?”

    “Yes, honey, I promise,” Trey answered.

    “I will stop immediately if that is your wish, angel,” Lucan


    “Then yes, I would like that very much.”

    She jumped when each of her hands was enveloped in one of

    theirs. They leaned closer to her, and then they began kissing along

    the sides of her neck. She leaned her head back on the sofa, with her

     breath rasping in and out of her lungs. Her pussy clenched and

    dripped her juices as two tongues slid over her sensitive skin. Theynever released her hands, but their free hands reached up at the same

    time and cupped her breasts.

    Angelina arched into their touch, wanting, needing more from

    them. She sobbed with frustration when Lucan removed his hand

    from her left breast, then cried out as he took her nipple into his

    mouth, heedless of the bra and shirt covering her flesh. Trey urged her

    to turn her head, and she whimpered as he covered her mouth with

    his. He tasted so good that she never wanted the kiss to end. She slid

    her tongue along his and groaned as he tangled his with hers.

    She was on fire, and she didn’t know how to quench the flames.

    Her stomach quivered when she felt a hand caress lightly over her

     belly and deft fingers undo the button on her slacks. The zipper was

    lowered, and cool, masculine fingers slid beneath the waistband of her

     panties, sifting through the curls that covered her mound.

    Her hands were released, and Lucan’s and Trey’s hands stole to

    the buttons of her shirt. One started at the top, the other at the bottom,

    and they met in the middle. Cool air wafted over her skin as the

    material of her blouse was pulled away from her body. A small tug to

    her bra and her aching breasts were bare. Her nipples hardened everfurther as the cool air kissed her skin.

    The hand in her panties glided down until it cupped her pussy, and

    she opened her legs more, giving it access. Fingers slid through her

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    The Drierge Brothers 31 

    wet folds, gathering her cream, and then they touched her clit,

    massaging her, pleasuring her in tight, light little circles.

    She cried out as two warm mouths covered her nipples and

    suckled them. Something was happening deep inside her womb. She

    liked it, craved it, but didn’t know what she was reaching for. A

    finger slid into her wet pussy hole and began to move in and out of

    her sheath as a thumb flicked over her clit. Her body was shaking, the

    storm roiling around her, sweeping her up in its tempestuous embrace.

    She arched her hips up as her limbs shook, and then she was swept up

    in the maelstrom and flew through the air.

    She screamed as the walls of her pussy clamped down on thefinger buried in her cunt, her whole body trembling as wave after

    wave of pleasure crashed over her. White-hot pain stabbed into each

    side of her neck, throwing her into the vortex once more. She was

    only vaguely aware of the two men at her sides until finally the last

    contraction ebbed away. Her harsh, rapid breathing was loud to her

    own ears, and she became aware again of the two men at her sides.

    Oh fuck. What have I done? Angelina pulled her clothes back into

     place, covering her nakedness, trying to hide the vulnerability she felt.

    She bit on her lip nervously and jumped when she felt large male

    hands clasp hers.

    “You’re beautiful when you come, angel,” Lucan whispered into

    her ear.

    “Oh God, I can’t believe I let you do that,” she said, berating

    herself for letting her libido rule her mind. She had never let anyone

    touch her so intimately before. She wanted to run home and hide

    away forever. “I’ve never had one man touch me, let alone two.”

    “Did you enjoy it, honey?” Trey asked.

    “How can you ask me that? Of course I enjoyed it. But now I

    think you should take me home.”“Why, angel? If you’d like it, too, we’d love to spend more time

    with you. Is that okay, baby?” Lucan asked.

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    “Yes! No! I don’t know,” Angelina replied with uncertainty. She

    slipped her hand from Lucan’s and touched the side of her neck.

    That’s weird . The skin there was smooth and unbroken, but she

    remembered a pain there, momentary but intense. She was inclined to

    doubt what she remembered, or to write it off to the whirlwind of

    sensation she’d been feeling.

    But she trusted what she remembered. There was something

    strange going on…

    Lucan took her hand again as soon as she lowered it from her

    neck. His big hand squeezed hers

    “Baby, that was only a taste of the pleasure we can give you.Wouldn’t you like to explore this…connection between us?”

    “I don’t know. God, how can you make me want you? I feel like

    you’re taking over my body and my mind. I feel like I’m losing


    “We don’t want you to feel that way. You will always be who you

    are. No one can change that,” Trey stated. He placed his free hand

    over hers reassuringly. “Please, stay the night with us.”

    Angelina was torn. She wanted to stay and experience more of

    what they had just given her, but her head protested. She had only just

    met these two men, and she was confused over why they both wanted

    her. Were they just playing with her and her emotions as well as her

     body? Or were they genuine and really felt a connection with her?

    The thought of going back to her empty apartment, of being alone

    and lonely again, held no appeal. She had filled her life with her

    students and had no social life at all. She hated being alone. She had

     become independent and self-sufficient out of necessity, but while she

    loved her students, she craved adult contact. Although she had learned

    to ignore her body’s urges and had buried them deep, she didn’t know

    if she would be able to do that again. The thought of being held intheir arms was just too tempting to ignore. She didn’t want to go

    home to her empty apartment. She wanted to stay.

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    Angelina took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She was about

    to do one of the most insane things she had ever done in her life.

    “Angel, we will never crowd you or make you do anything you

    don’t want to. Stay,” Lucan whispered against her ear, causing her to

    shiver as his warm breath caressed her flesh.

    “Yes,” she replied quietly and hoped she just hadn’t made the

     biggest mistake of her life. She agreed to stay the night because she

    wanted to have sex with them, but the thought was intimidating.

    “You won’t regret it, baby,” Lucan stated and swept her up into

    his arms. She prayed he was right.

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    Chapter Four

    Lucan lifted his angel up into his arms and strode purposely from

    the room. He took the stairs two at a time, his brother following close

     behind, and he entered the room he and Trey had prepared a long time

    ago for their mate. Trey swept his hand in front of him, dispelling the

    dust from the room. He carried Angelina to the large bed and gently

     placed her in the middle, climbing on beside her with Trey on the

    opposite side.

    Cupping her cheek in his hand, he turned her head toward him,

    leaned over, and covered her mouth with his own. He nibbled and

    nipped on her lower lip until her flesh parted and he tasted her sweet

     breath. His tongue slid out and pushed into mouth, and Lucan groaned

    as she tentatively responded. His balls tightened at the sound of the

    whimpers emerging from her throat, and he tangled his tongue withhers, deepening the kiss. One taste of her would never be enough. He

    withdrew his tongue, released her lips, and opened his eyes to look

    down at her.

    She was so beautiful, so lush and ripe, with her passion simmering

     beneath the surface. He moved his hand beneath the material of her

    shirt, and Trey took her mouth. He released the buttons on her blouse

    and parted the fabric. Her skin was tinged pink with her desire, from

    her breasts all the way up her neck to her cheeks. Lucan reached up

    and released the front catch of her bra, and her nipples peaked in the

    cool air. He bent his head and took one of her ripe berries into hismouth and sucked. Her nipple touched the roof of his mouth, and he

    growled as he tasted her sweetness on his tongue. He gently scraped

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    one of his now-elongated fangs over the hard nub and caged her soft,

    fleshy mound with his hand as she bucked up into his mouth.

    Lucan pulled back and stood to the side of his bed. He had to have

    her now. He couldn’t wait another minute. He pulled his shirt up over

    his head, heedless of the buttons ripping from the material, and

    shucked his jeans and briefs. He climbed back onto the bed, but this

    time he made room for his body between her legs. He undid her pants

    and hooked his thumbs into the waistband, pulling them and her

     panties down her legs and off over her feet. Trey pulled her shirt and

     bra from her torso, and then he, too, began to remove his clothes.

    Placing the palms of his hands on her shins, Lucan slowly, gentlyslid them over her soft, warm skin. He took deep breaths, trying to

    hold his inner beast back when the scent of her pussy reached his

    nostrils. His palms smoothed up the inside of her thighs, and he gently

    spread her legs. He moved his body down between her limbs until he

    was lying on his belly. He lowered his head and kissed the top of her

     pubic mound then slid his tongue into her dew-moistened slit and

    licked over her clit. His angel bucked her hips up, silently begging for

    more. His tongue glided through her folds and pushed into her cream-

    filled hole. Her salty-sweet essence coated his tongue, and he lapped

    it up and swallowed her fluid.

    Moving his free hand to the top of her cunt, he lightly caressed her

    clit, producing more of her sweet cum. His tongue moved between her

    labial lips again, flicking and laving over her clit as he slowly rimmed

    her hole with a finger. He gently thrust his digit into her cunt and

    growled as her muscles clenched around his flesh.

    Lucan pulled his finger out and pumped it back in, all the while

    attending to her engorged bundle of nerves with his tongue. She was

    so damn tight that he wondered if she was a virgin. Then he

    remembered what she said. That she never had one man touch her, letalone two. His angel was as pure as her name.

    As he thought of any other man touching his precious angel, a

    flood of possessiveness washed over him. No one else would touch

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    her. He would never let her leave for the rest of eternity. He brushed

    against her mind with his own and felt how much she needed Lucan

    and Trey to put out flames burning inside her.

    He withdrew his finger and mouth, sat up between her legs, and

    clasped her hips. He aimed his cock for her pussy and stayed still with

    his flesh kissing hers. He halted before pressing into Angelina and

    looked into her face, still obscured by the dark glasses. Tentatively, he

    raised one hand and brushed the hair away from his angel’s face.

    “This is your first time, isn’t it, baby?”

    She nodded and wriggled her hips, teasing his cock with the

    delicious moisture seeping from her cunt.“Are you ready?” he asked, pushing his cock against her wet

    folds, and she moaned in response. “Baby, I need to know.”

    She nibbled on her bottom lip, appearing hesitant for a moment,

     but then her resolve returned.


    “Yes what, angel? I need to hear you say it.”

    On a shuddering breath, she said, “Yes, I’m ready. Please.”

    He groaned as her flesh separated around the head of his hard,

     blood-engorged dick and held still when he was through her tight

    muscles. When her muscles relaxed, he eased his way into her wet

    cunt until his balls were against her ass. She cried out with pleasure

    and bucked her hips up toward his. Nudging Trey aside, he covered

    her body with his, taking her mouth with ravenous carnality. He

    glided his cock out to the tip and surged back in. He weaned his

    mouth from hers as he rocked his hips back and forth, savoring her

    wet heat enveloping him.

    Again and again, he surged into her, craving a sweet taste of her

     blood. Her internal walls rippled around him, and he knew that she

    was close to release. His flesh slapped against hers, and he twisted alittle, making sure his pubic bone slid over her clit. She screamed as

    she clamped down on him, her muscles contracting and releasing

    around his hard rod, over and over again.

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    He was so close to his peak but needed to feel her life’s essence

    on his tongue. He pulled her up into his arms, growling as his cock

    slid in a little farther into her now-dripping cunt.

    “Angel, I need to taste your blood. Will you let me sink my fangs

    into you?” Lucan asked through panting breaths, holding still as he

    waited for her answer.

    Her face was still flushed pink from her orgasm when she tilted

    her head in toward his. He smiled down at her.

    “Fangs? You have fangs? What are you?” she asked him with a

    tremor in her voice.

    “We are vampires, baby, and you are our mate. I need to feelconnected with you on a deeper level, angel, and if I taste your blood

    our union will be more soul deep than you could ever imagine.”

    “Will I change if you bite me? Would I end up like you?” she

    asked and he brushed against her mind to ascertain her level of


    He was surprised when he found acceptance of his species in her

    mind. Making sure not to push too deeply into her thoughts, he stayed

    connected to her as she processed what he had told her. She had felt

    that there was something different about him from the beginning, and

    the bite he and Trey had slipped in back on the couch swirled in her

    thoughts now. Their mate was a clever one.

    He couldn’t stop a grin from forming when he found bits of

    mythology running through her mind. Some of it was factual, though

    other thoughts were fiction. He and Trey would have to set her

    straight later. If she accepted them and agreed to bond with them for

    eternity she would need to learn everything she could about their

    species to keep her safe. Pushing those thoughts aside, he answered


    “No, baby. We would need to exchange blood with you threetimes for that to happen. I wouldn’t do that to you without your

    consent. But if you allowed us to exchange blood once, we would be

    able to heal your sight.”

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    “You could heal me?” she asked in an awed whisper.


    “Oh my God. You are telling me, by just exchanging blood with

    you and Trey once, I would regain my eyesight?”

    “Yes, angel.”

    “Will it hurt?”

    “For a brief moment but then the pain will turn to pleasure. Since

    you are our mate, you will climax every time we bite you, baby.“

    Lucan was still in her mind as his angel thought about what it

    would mean to see again. At first she felt elated, but then her logic

    kicked in and she wondered if she would still be able to teach her blind students.

    But underlying all her thoughts was the need to be loved, no

    matter whether she could or couldn’t see. He felt her loneliness and

    empathized with her emotions. Even though he had never been totally

    alone with Trey by his side, it wasn’t the same. He knew what it was

    like to yearn for the other half of his soul.

    He pulled her in tightly against his chest and hugged her. She felt

    so right in his arms that he wanted to tell her to come and live in his

    house with him and his brother, but he didn’t want to throw too much

    at her at once.

    “Yes,” his angel blurted out. “I want you to bite me, the both of


    “Are you certain, honey?” Trey asked. “You will be linked to us

    for all your life if we do this.”

    “Yes, and I also want to exchange blood with you. I want to see

    again, but I don’t know if I can stomach drinking your blood,” she

    whispered, and Lucan saw a single tear track down her cheek.

    “I can help you with that if you will let me, angel. I can use my

    mind to make it easier for you. If you allow it, you won’t even knowwhat you are doing until it is over.”

    “Yes. Please. Do it now,” she commanded.

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    The Drierge Brothers 39 

    Shifting her in his arms until they were chest to breast, he bent

    down, licking over the skin of her neck. He groaned when her pussy

     pulsed around his rock-hard cock, which was still buried the depths of

    her hot, wet cunt. His teeth sliced through her skin like a hot knife in


    He felt the heated tingle at the base of his spine and thrust his hips

    up, pushing his cock to butt against her cervix. She cried out again as

    her muscles spasmed around him, and his balls drew up tight. His roar

    of release was muffled against the skin of her throat. His cock shot

    load after load of his cum deep into her body, and he held still,

    savoring the carnal rapture.He withdrew his fangs from her neck, bathed the wound with

    saliva from his tongue, and pulled her head down to his chest. He

    elongated one of his nails into a razor-sharp claw and sliced open his

    wrist. He held her head gently but firmly and compelled her to take

    his blood into her body.

    Lucan moaned as her mouth and tongue glided over the flesh of

    his wrist. His heart clenched as she drank his blood, forever entwining

    them, mind, body, and soul. He pulled his wrist away and closed the

    gash with his own tongue. Holding her against him, he looked down

    into her face. Her lips were smeared with remnants of his blood. She

    looked like she was intoxicated from his essence and from the passion

    they had just shared. He gently lifted her up and passed her over to


    * * * *

    Trey took Angelina from his brother and pulled her onto his lap.

    Her head slumped back onto his shoulder, and she smiled up at him.

    “Trey, I need you,” she panted out and reached up to clasp hisshoulders.

    He wanted to see the color of her eyes, but he didn’t want to

    frighten her by removing her dark glasses. He bent his head and

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     brushed his lips over hers. His cock pulsed and throbbed as she

    moaned into his mouth. He deepened the kiss, sweeping his tongue

    into her depths and tangling it with hers. He sucked and nibbled on

    her lower lip. He had already removed his clothes, and now he just

    wanted to sink his erection into her wet pussy.

    “How was that, honey? Did you like that?”

    She twisted languorously in his arms, and a slow smile spread

    across her face.

    “Very, very much.” She ran one hand up and down his arms, as if

    seeing him by touch, and he could smell her arousal climbing once

    more. “In fact I’d like to do it again.”A lump of anticipation formed in Trey’s throat. “With me?” he

    asked, his voice unusually raspy.

    “With you,” she whispered. “Now.”

    He scooted up the bed until his back was resting on the pillows

    against the headboard, and he turned her in his lap. She was now

    straddling his hips, and her cunt was touching his dick. He clasped her

    hips and lifted her until his cock was aligned with her vagina, and

    then he slowly began to penetrate her. The sensation of her delicate,

    wet flesh separating and then enfolding him was nearly too much to


    Angelina mewled as she used her legs and hips to help impale

    herself on his cock. He growled as the walls of her pussy clenched

    and released around his now fully embedded shaft. His first instinct

    was to pump his hips and slide his cock in and out of her sheath hard

    and fast until they both reached completion, but he didn’t want his

    first time with her to be over too fast. He wanted to savor her body

    and their lovemaking. He wanted to connect with her on a deep

    emotional level as well as the physical.

    Trey began a slow, easy rhythm and helped her to move with hishands at her hips. Now that he was inside her, loving her, he couldn’t

    get enough. He wanted to burrow his way inside her heart and never

    leave. The walls of her cunt fluttered around his hard rod, and he

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    The Drierge Brothers 41 

    groaned, knowing he needed more. He scooted down the mattress

    until he lay flat and carefully rolled until he covered her with his

     body. He levered up onto his arms and began to move faster. He

    shuttled his cock in and out of her pussy, increasing the speed and

    depths of his thrusts. His balls crawled up into his body in response to

    the sounds she made in the back of her throat.

    He sat up between her splayed thighs and held on to her hips

    firmly, propelling his erection in and out her faster and harder. She

    arched her hips up to him, making him go deeper inside her than he

    had before. He felt the head of his cock touch against her cervix, and

    she arched her neck, crying out with pleasure and passion. She was so beautiful. He wanted to stay buried inside her forever.

    Her internal walls rippled around him once more, getting tighter

    and tighter, and he knew she was nearly there.

    “Please Trey, I need more. Bite me,” she sobbed. “I want to feel

    connected to you, just like Lucan. Take control of my mind and make

    me drink from you.”

    “Are you certain, honey?” he asked just to be sure she knew what

    she was asking.

    “Yes. Please,” she begged.

    He leaned back over her and licked along the skin of her neck,

     breathing in the intoxicating scent of woman and blood. He scraped

    his fangs over her, and then he slid them into her vein as she screamed

    with her climax. Her delectable life’s essence filled his mouth, and he

    felt the connection with her straight away. She was wrapped around

    his heart and soul almost instantly.

    Her pussy contracted around his dick, massaging his flesh, and

    drew the cum up from his balls. He yelled as his cock palpitated

    inside her, spewing his sperm deep. He withdrew his fangs from her

    skin and laved his tongue over the wound. He moved back, sitting between her thighs, his deflating penis still buried in her, and pulled

    her up over his lap.

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    Trey was still breathing heavily but concentrated on lengthening

    his fingernail into a talon. He slashed a wound on his chest and gently

     brought Angelina’s head down.

    “Drink my blood, Angelina,” Trey commanded, using the power

    of his voice to compel her. She gave in to him without a qualm, and

    his cock began to harden once more as her mouth moved over his

    flesh. Her tongue lapped over the wound he had created, and his body

    clenched tight. He gently tugged on her hair, removing her mouth

    from his chest, and looked at the already-healing gash. Gently he

    removed his dick from her cunt, tenderly lowering her to the bed.

    Trey heard her sigh, and she rolled over onto her side. Her breathing deepened and evened out, and he knew their mate had fallen


    He covered her with the quilt, and he and Lucan dressed and

    retreated from the room. He and his brother had to make sure

    Angelina was safe while they were sleeping in the hours of the day.

    They hadn’t planned to love her body and claim her. It had just

    happened. Now, he wanted to make sure she stayed within the

    confines of the house. He didn’t want her out amongst the humans.

    They could not be trusted. He needed her to stay because now that

    they had exchanged blood with her, she was going to begin healing

    and even though she had consented and wanted the exchange he was

    worried that when her sight returned, she was going to freak out.

    He just hoped she didn’t become too frightened or disorientated

    once her sight returned. What the hell am I going to do if she runs?

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    The Drierge Brothers 43 

    Chapter Five

    Angelina stretched out her muscles as she awoke. Her body was

    sore, but not in a bad way. The soft sheets and quilt slid over her

    naked body as she moved, and she froze. What the hell? Why am I

    naked?  Memories of the previous night came crashing through her

     brain. She’d had sex…with two men. What the hell was I thinking? 

    She opened her eyes and gasped as her world spun on its axis. She

    could see! They had told her they could heal her, and even though she

    had wanted that more than anything, she hadn’t believed them. She

    closed her eyes and opened them again slowly. The images before her

    were blurry, but she could see! She put her hands to her face and felt

    that the skin on the outsides of her eyes was unmarked. Even her scars

    were gone.

    Acting on instinct, she reached out to grab her dark glasses, butthen realized she wouldn’t need them. There was no longer any

    reason to hide her unseeing eyes or the unsightly scars from the


    She looked around the room and gasped again. She was alone in

    an unfamiliar room. The bed she lay in was an old four poster with

    navy-blue velvet draping from the frame. Oh. My. God. I can see! 

    Angelina pushed the covers aside and stood. She looked about

    curiously and saw a mirror attached to an antique-looking wooden

    dresser. She moved slowly toward it, almost too scared to look, but

    drawn nevertheless.She looked at the strange woman in the reflection and looked for

    the child she remembered. Her eyes were the same strange violet

    color. Her hair was longer and thicker than she remembered, but still

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    the same strawberry blonde with gold streaks. Her body was trim but

    voluptuous. She had wide hips and a narrow waist, and she was top-

    heavy. Nothing special, but oh, what a joy it was to be able to see


    The last time she had looked at herself in a mirror, she had been

    teenager. The explosion of the stove in her parents’ kitchen had taken

    her sight as well as her parents’ lives. She remembered her mother

    and father dancing around her in the kitchen. They had just found out

    her mom was pregnant again, and they were all celebrating. There had

     been a funny smell and then a loud explosion. Angelina had been

    thrown across the room and had been blind from that moment on.She studied the skin around her eyes and knew a miracle had

    happened to restore her eyesight and to make her scars disappear.

    Even though she could see, the images were hazy and she felt a little

    queasy. She felt as if her balance was off. She turned away from the

    image and looked about the room for a connecting bath. Her gut

    clenched. The room wasn’t just unfamiliar, it wasn’t hers. She was

    still in the Drierges’ home. More of the previous night came flooding

     back to her, but her mind recoiled from the memories. They’d said

    they could heal her, and now she could see, but how was any of that

     possible? They said they were vampires, too… 

    Angelina closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She wanted to

    go home. At home, she could figure out what was happening to her

    and what she wanted to do about it.

    After finding both her clothes and the bathroom, she stepped into

    the opulent room. The bathroom was nearly as big as her whole

    apartment. Who would need so much room? She gave a negligible

    shrug and stepped into the shower. Once she was washed, dried, and

    dressed, she crept to the door of the bedroom and opened it, peering

    out along the hall. When she saw no one, she stepped out.Keeping her hand on the wall for balance, she walked along at a

    quick pace. She grasped ahold of the banister on the stairs and began

    to step down, holding her breath until she was nearly at the bottom,

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    The Drierge Brothers 45 

    expecting Lucan or Trey to make an appearance and stop her. When

    no one appeared she felt a little disappointed. The house was bigger

    than she’d originally thought, and she had no idea where they were.

    As much as she feared them showing up and stopping her from

    leaving, she also wanted them to be here. There was so much she

    needed them to explain.

    Angelina walked into the large living room where she had left her

     purse. She looked around, trying to reconcile her mental map of the

    space with what it looked like. After she realized she didn’t even

    know what color her purse was, she closed her eyes. By feeling her

    way around the room as she would have when she was blind, shetraced her way back to where she remembered leaving her purse. She

    found it exactly where she expected it.

    When her hand closed around the strap, she opened her eyes.

    Okay, so it’s a black purse. Sighing, Angelina picked it up and headed

    to the front door.

    Her hand was on the doorknob, and as she turned it, the thought of

    leaving Lucan and Trey rushed into her head and pierced her heart

    with pain. She sobbed out loud, then choked the noise off. She

    couldn’t do it.

    For some reason, the thought of walking out that door and never

    seeing Lucan and Trey again devastated her. She turned and walked

     back into the living room. The sun was going down and it would soon

     be night. She stood at the window for a long moment, unable to enjoy

    the radiant colors of the sunset. She’d missed a whole day. Soon she

    would be expected back at work. Could she go back to work? How

    would she explain her sight? She wanted to go home, but couldn’t

    stand the thought of walking out that door. She wondered where the

    two brothers were. Why aren’t they here with me?  What the hell is

    going on? Angelina sat down on the sofa and curled up in the corner. She

    was going to have to wait to question them until they deigned to put

    in an appearance.

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    She had no idea how long she sat there staring into space, her

    mind awhirl, but the next thing she knew, two men stood before her.

    Angelina straightened. She had just enough time to wonder if these

    two were the Drierge brothers, and then their scents reached her nose.

    Sandalwood and pine.

    Her recognition was cemented when one of the men stepped

    closer to her and spoke. “Angel, are you all right?”

    She sighed, feeling a little less conflicted already. She’d know

    Lucan’s voice anywhere.

    She looked up at Lucan and studied him. He was very tall, and

    had dark, collar-length hair and dark eyebrows and eyelashes. Hisirises were nearly black. He had broad, muscular shoulders and biceps

    which bulged from beneath his black T-shirt. His pectoral muscles

    were large, and then his torso tapered down to slim hips, muscular

    thighs, and long legs encased in black jeans. She perused his length

    again until she was looking into his eyes once more.

    “What did you do to me? I want to go home but… I don’t want to.

    I can’t,” she said, uncertainty in her voice.

    “Baby, we are connected for all time. Now that we have

    exchanged blood, we won’t want to be apart for very long,” Lucan

    said as he sat down on the sofa next to her.

    She wanted answers, and she wanted them now. She couldn’t

     blame either of them for what she was feeling. They had both tried to

    explain to her what was involved if she let them make love with her

    and exchange blood, and even though she had accepted what they had

    told her on the surface, on a more subconscious level she hadn’t

     believed them.

    “Angelina, you are our mate. We have been looking for you for

    more years than we can remember. We never thought we would find

    the woman of our dreams, but then you walked past me and I knew.You are the only woman for Trey and I. You complete us in a way

    you will never be able to understand. We told you this last night,

     baby. What don’t you understand?”

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    “What do you mean, I am your mate?”

    Angelina flinched when Lucan took her hand in his and Trey

    moved closer. He knelt down in front of her, and she couldn’t help but

    stare. Trey was the complete opposite of his brother in coloring. His

    eyes were a sky blue and his hair, brows, and lashes were blond. Even

    though he was muscular, his body was leaner than Lucan’s.

    “We would give our lives to keep you safe,” Trey stated quietly.

    “Angel, Lucan and I are vampires. I know Lucan told you this last

    night and even though you accepted his declaration at the time, you

    didn’t really believe him, did you? We have lived on this earth for

    over a century. You are out mate, which means you are our wife.”“What? Are you for real? No way. You can’t be. Vampires aren’t

    real, and there’s no way I’m your mate or wife, whatever you want to

    call it,” Angelina stated adamantly and withdrew her hands from

    theirs. She blinked as tears pricked the back of her eyes. She was

    confused about what she felt for them. On one level she wanted to run

    and hide in her apartment, on another level she wanted to stay by their

    sides and never leave.

    She swung her legs to the floor, careful not to touch Trey, and

    stood. Whenever either of them touched her or she them, her body

    went up in flames and she could think of nothing but making love

    with them.

    Her sight was getting better and wasn’t so hazy, and she didn’t

    feel nauseous anymore. She moved away from the sofa and the

    Drierge brothers, picked up her purse, and headed out of the room

    without looking back.

    She placed her hand on the doorknob and tried to make herself

    open the door. Once again, she couldn’t do it. What the hell? It was

    easy to open a door and step out, but she couldn’t make herself go

    through with it.Angelina gave a moan of despondency and anxiety, then turned

    her back to the door and slid down the timber until she was sitting on

    the cold tile floor. She brought her legs up to her chest, wrapped her

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    arms around her knees, and rested her head on them. Tears seeped

    from her eyes, and she didn’t even know why.

    She felt them nearby, but didn’t look up. She didn’t want them

    touching her, but she felt as if her heart would break if she left them.

    Muscular arms slid around and beneath her, lifting her from the

    floor and startling her. She snuggled into the masculine chest and

    inhaled. The warm scent told her that Trey’s arms enfolded her. She

    clutched her purse tightly, the one thing that was real in an unfamiliar

    world. Trey sat down and cradled her on his lap, but she kept her head

    and eyes lowered.

    “Are you compelling me into not being able to leave?” she askedand waited with trepidation for the answer.

    “No, Angelina. We would never do that to you. If you want to go

    home we will take you. I don’t understand why you feel you can’t

    leave,” he answered.

    She didn’t want to answer. She knew there was nothing keeping

    her here except her own conflicted desires, but to admit that aloud

    seemed like a confession of weakness.

    “I think I know what’s going on,” Lucan stated from across the

    way. “Last night Trey and I put up a protection spell around the


    Beside her, Trey said, “Oh.” Angelina looked between them in


    “Protection spell?” she repeated.

    “It’s among our powers,” Lucan said.

    Angelina narrowed her eyes. “So you didn’t control my mind, but

    you put a spell on me?”

    “Not on  you,” Lucan reassured her hastily. “It’s there to protect


    “What my brother is trying to say,” Trey interrupted, “is that wemight have cast the protection spell kind of strong.” The little smile

    he offered her went some way toward dispersing her fear and

    irritation. “We wanted to make sure you’re safe.”

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    “Let me remove the spell,” Lucan said. “I’m not saying it’ll fix

    things, but it might make you feel better.”

    She watched as Lucan chanted under his breath and waved his

    hand in the a