UWO Mechanical Components Design for Mechatronic Systems (MSE 3380) Sample Problems - Solutions v3

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UWO Mechanical Components Design for Mechatronic Systems (MSE 3380) Sample Problems - Solutions v3

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  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 1/25

    1. [Stress analysis] A sign of dimensions 2.0 m 1.2 m is supported by a hollow circular

    pole having outer diameter 220 mm and inner diameter 180 mm as shown in the left and

    centre figures. The sign is offset 0.5 m from the centerline of the pole and its lower edge

    is 6.0 m above the ground.

    (a) (b) (c)

    A wind pressure against the sign produces a resultant force, , that acts at the midpoint of

    the sign (right figure) and is equal to the pressure, , times the area, sign, over which it


    = sign = (2.0 kPa)(2.0 m 1.2 m) = 4.8 kN .

    The line of action of is at height = 6.6 m above the ground and at distance = 1.5 m

    from the centerline of the pole. Neglecting stress concentrations and the weight of all

    components, determine:

    (a) the moment of inertia, , polar moment of inertia, , cross-sectional of the pole, pole,

    and the relevant first moment of area for a hollow-semicircle given by,


    3(23 1


    (b) the equivalent force-couple system (, , , ,, ) at the centroid of the section

    of interest.

    (c) the normal and shear stress components acting on the element at .

    (d) the normal and shear stress components acting on the element at .

    (e) the principal stresses, maximum shear stress and corresponding normal stress at

    (max, min, max) geometrically using Mohrs circle.

    (f) the principal stresses, maximum shear stress and corresponding normal stress at

    (max, min, max) using any method. Sketch two stress elements (at ) that illustrate

    the principal and maximum shear stress states (explicitly identify their orientations).

    Bonus: (+1 point) Determine if the pole will yield at using the maximum-distortion-

    energy (von Mises) criterion given = 60 MPa for the steel used.

  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 2/25


    (a) Let the pole symbol be and the sign symbol be . Thus, we have the second moment

    of area (or moment of inertia) with respect to the -axis to their centroids

    = 2d

    = 2dd 2




    = d 2


    2d 2




    12 , where = 2.0 m and = 1.2 m

    = 0.288 m4

    = 2dext



    = ( sin )2(dd)ext




    ( sin )2(dd)int




    = sin2 d2





    4(ext4 int

    4 ) ,

    where ext =220

    2 mm = 0.110 m and ext =


    2 mm = 0.090 m

    63.5 106 m4 = 0.635 dm4

    and with respect to the -axis to their centroids

    = 2d

    = 2dd 2




    = 2d 2


    d 2



    , where = 2.0 m and = 1.2 m

    = 0.8 m4

  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 3/25

    = 2dext



    = ( cos )2(dd)ext




    ( cos )2(dd)int




    = cos2 d2





    4(ext4 int

    4 ) ,

    where ext =220

    2 mm = 0.110 m and ext =


    2 mm = 0.090 m

    63.5 106 m4 = 0.635 dm4 =

    Their polar second moment of area (or polar moment of inertia) are

    = 2d

    = (2 + 2)d

    = 2d

    + 2d

    = +

    = (0.8 + 0.288) m4

    = 1.088 m4

    = 2dext



    = 2(dd)ext








    = d2





    2(ext4 int

    4 )

    = 2 = 2

    2 (63.5 106 m4)

    = 127 106 m4 = 1.27 dm4

  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 4/25

    The cross-sectional area of the pole is

    pole = = ext int

    = (ext2 int

    2 ) ,

    where ext =220

    2 mm = 0.110 m and ext =


    2 mm = 0.090 m

    12.6 103 m2 = 1.26 dm2

    The relevant first moment of area for a hollow-semicircle is given by

    = ext()dext



    where () is the thickness in the -axis

    = ext



    int ,

    where is the top (or bottom) portion of the members

    cross-sectional area, defined from the section where ()

    is measured, and is the distance to the centroid of ,

    measured from the neutral axis

    = [ ( sin )(dd)



    ext ] ext

    [ ( sin )(dd)



    int ] int

    = sin d





    3(ext3 int

    3 ) ,

    where ext =220

    2 mm = 0.110 m and ext =


    2 mm = 0.090 m

    401 106 m3 = 401 cm3



    ext int

    Centroid of int

    Centroid of ext



    Neutral axis

  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 5/25

    (b) According to the illustrations and knowing that = 1.5 m and = 6.6 m, the

    equivalent force-couple system (, , , ,, ) at the point of the section is

    (0,, 0,, 0, ) = (0 N, 4.8 kN, 0 N, 7.2 kNm, 0 Nm, 31.68 kNm)

    = (0, 4.8, 0, 7.2, 0, 31.68) 103 [S. I. ]


    y z = 0


    = 0


    = 0 =

  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 6/25

    (c) The state of stress at the point is



    , given the flexure (bending) due to


    (4.8 kN) (6.6 m) (0.110 m)

    (63.5 106 m4)

    55 MPa

    = 0 , since no force stress this direction


    , given the torsion due to


    (4.8 kN) (1.5 m) (0.110 m)

    (127 106 m4)

    6.2 MPa

  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 7/25

    (d) The state of stress at the point is


    = = 0 , since no force stress these directions




    given the torsion and the transverse force due to

    where = and = 2 (ext int)

    = [ext


    2(ext int)] ,

    where ext =220

    2 mm = 0.110 m and ext =


    2 mm = 0.090 m

    (4.8 kN)

    [(1.5 m) (0.110 m)

    (127 106 m4)+

    (401 106 m3)

    2 (63.5 106 m4) (0.110 m 0.090 m)]

    7.0 MPa

  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 8/25

    (e) Constructing the Mohrs circle, we got that

    max 55.7 MPa

    min 0.7 MPa

    max 28.2 MPa

    27.5 MPa (when = )

    (f) Once there is no normal stress in the direction studied in the exercise (d), the maximum

    shear stress is the same that is already calculated with null corresponding normal stress

    and the principal stresses are those that happen when the orientation of the stress

    element is 90 2 = 45 due to the Mohrs circle simplification. Thus, we got

    max = || 7.0 MPa (at = 45)

    min = || 7.0 MPa (at = 135)

    max = || 7.0 MPa

    = 0 MPa (when = )


    45 0

    max min

  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 9/25

    Bonus: According to the Distortion Energy Theory, the distortion energy density in terms

    of equivalent (von Misses) stress, VM, is given by

    =1 +


    Knowing that the von Mises stress for a two-dimensional plane stress state can be

    defined in terms of principal stresses as

    VM = max2 maxmin + min2

    and once the stresses at correspond to a situation that only shear stress exists, which

    means that

    max = min =

    we got that the yield stress (critical stress value) is

    VM = 2 + () + 2 = 3


    which means that the material will yield at if the shear stress reaches 1 3 0.577

    of the yield stress.

    Thus, given = 60 MPa,

    7.0 MPa 60 MPa

    3 35 MPa

    respect the maximum-distortion-energy (von Mises) condition and will not yield at .

  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 10/25

    2. [Stress-based design] A simply-supported beam is required to support the loads shown,

    and the grade of steel to be used has all = 170 MPa and all = 100 MPa. Neglecting the

    effect of fillets, stress concentrations, out-of-plane stresses due to the loads and weight of

    the bream, determine:

    (a) the reaction forces at the supports.

    (b) the maximum magnitudes of the shear force and bending moment.

    (c) the required section modulus, min, due to flexure.

    (d) the most appropriate standard SI Wide-Flange beam section that should be used from

    those listed in the table below.

    Shape Section modulus

    [103 mm3]

    W200 19.3 162.0

    W150 24 167.0

    W150 18 120.0

    W150 13.5 91.1

    W130 28.1 167.0

    W130 23.8 140.0

    W100 19.3 89.5

    (e) if the selected beam will fail due to the maximum shear in the web, max

    (assume uniform shear stress in the web; note that the table of properties of standard W

    sections is attached).

    (f) if the selected beam will fail due to the maximum flexural stress on the outermost

    surface of the flange, .

    Bonus: (+2 point) Determine if the selected beam will fail due to the maximum principal

    stress at the web-flange junction, max. Assume uniform shear stress in the web.


    6 kN

    12 kN

  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 11/25


    (a) Defining the reaction forces at each support as illustrated below in the free body


    and once the beam is static, the sum of every bending moment about any point must be

    zero. Thus, about we have

    = 0 (6 kN) (2 m) + (12 kN) (4 m) + (6 m) = 0

    = 10 kN

    Also, this static situation requires that the sum of the forces in all directions must be

    zero, we have

    { = 0 = 0

    = 0 + (6 kN) + (12 kN) + = 0 = 8 kN


    6 kN

    12 kN

  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 12/25

    (b) Analysing the shear forces across the beam, we have that

    () = {

    = 8 kN, 0 m < 2 m

    + (6 kN) = 2 kN, 2 m < 4 m

    + (6 kN) + (12 kN) = 10 kN, 4 m < 6 m

    Analysing the bending moments across the beam, we have that

    () = {

    = 8 [kNm], 0 m < 2 m

    + (6 kN)( 2) = 2 + 12 [kNm], 2 m < 4 m

    + (6 kN)( 2) + (12 kN)( 4) = 10 + 60 [kNm], 4 m 6 m

    Thus, the maximum shear force max and the maximum bending moment max are

    max = 10 kN and max = 20 kNm

  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 13/25

    (c) Knowing the maximum bending moment at 4 m, the correspondent maximum shear

    stress at that point is given by

    max =maxmax

    where max is the maximum distance of material of the cross section from the neutral

    axis. However, we do not have any information about the cross section of the beam, so

    we cannot know . However, we can use the definition of the elastic section modulus



    so that, using the previous equation, we have

    max =max


    Once the maximum bending moment was calculated in the last exercise and maximum

    shear stress allowed was given, i.e. max = all = 170 MPa, the required minimum

    elastic sections modulus is

    =20 103 Nm

    170 106N m2 118 103 mm3

    (d) The most appropriate standard SI Wide-Flange beam section that should be used from

    the table given is the one that have the least value of elastic section modulus that is

    greater that min, which is the shape W150 18 . This choice often guarantees the

    selection of the least expansive beam in the table, once their price generally increases

    with greater section modulus. The chosen beams dimensions are shown above:

    153 mm

    7.11 mm

    102 mm

    5.84 mm




  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 14/25

    (e) We define the maximum shear stress distribution by

    max =max

    However, if we assume an uniform shear stress on the beams section, we can define

    the maximum shear stress by

    max =max

    where is the section area of the web, i.e. = 2, so that

    max =(10 kN)

    (0.00584 m)(0.153 m 2 0.00711 m) 12 MPa

    Thus, once

    max < all = 100 MPa

    the beam chosen will endure the loads without any failing on the web.

  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 15/25

    (f) Now that we have information about the section, we can calculate the real maximum

    shear stress at the outermost surface of the flange by

    a =maxmax

    where the second moment of area can be checked within a table or calculated as

    = 1 + 2 + 3 = (1 + 112) + (2 + 22

    2) + (3 + 332)

    = {1

    12(0.102 m)(0.00711 m)3


    + (0.102 m)(0.00711 m) {[0.153 m (0.00711 m) 2 ] (0.153 m) 2 }2}

    1 1


    12(0.00584 m)(0.153 m 2 0.00711 m)3


    + {1

    12(0.102 m)(0.00711 m)3


    + (0.102 m)(0.00711 m) [(0.00711 m) 2 (0.153 m) 2 ]2}

    3 3

    9.0 106 m4

    which does not match exactly with the value 9.20 106 m4 of the table from

    Appendix C of [1]. Using the both values, we have

    1 (20 103 Nm) [(0.153 m) 2 ]

    (9.0 106 m4)

    170 MPa

    2 =(20 103 Nm) [(0.153 m) 2 ]

    (9.20 106 m4)

    166 MPa

    Once 2 < 1 all = 170 MPa , the chosen beam will (almost) not fail.

    Bonus: At the web-flange junction, we have a different = max = max 0.00711 m

    = (0.153 m) 2 (0.00711 m) = 0.06939 m, so that

    max1 (20 103 Nm) (0.06939 m)

    (7.8 106 m4)

    75 MPa

    max2 =(20 103 Nm) (0.06939 m)

    (9.20 106 m4)

    77 MPa

    Once max2 < max1 < all = 170 MPa , the chosen beam will not fail.


    [1] F. P. Beer, E. R. Johnston, Jr., J. T. DeWolf, and D. F. Mazurek, Mechanics of Materials, 7th ed.

    New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2015.

  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 16/25

    3. [Stress analysis in shafts] A torque = 100 Nm is applied to the shaft , which is

    running at constant speed and contains gear . Gear transmits torque to shaft

    through gear , which drives the chain sprocket at , transmitting a force as shown.

    Sprocket , gear , and gear have pitch diameters of = 150 mm, = 250 mm, and

    = 125 mm, respectively. The contact force between the gears is transmitted through the

    pressure angle = 20. Assuming no frictional losses and considering the bearings at

    , , , and to be simple supports, locate the point on shaft that contains the

    maximum normal and maximum shear stresses. Combine these stresses and determine the

    maximum principal normal and shear stresses in the shaft.

  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 17/25


    Analysing the first gear, , we have the following free body diagram

    Thus, equalling the sum of all the bending moments to zero, we have the following

    reaction force

    = 0

    2+ = 0



    =100 Nm

    62.5 103 m

    = 1.6 kN

    and using the geometry of the force , we can calculate its norm by


    =1.6 kN

    cos 20

    1.7 kN

    and the norm of the normal force

    = tan

    = (1.6 kN) tan 20

    0.58 kN

    62.5 mm



    = 100 Nm

  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 18/25

    Using the law of conservation of energy with no frictional losses, the reaction force

    calculated in the gear is the same reaction force in the gear with opposite orientation

    such that the norms are the same

    = 1.7 kN

    = = 1.6 kN

    = 0.58 kN

    and the static give the torque by

    = 0

    2+ = 0



    = (1.6 kN) (125 103 m)

    = 200 Nm

    This value could also be calculated by using the following relationship between the

    diameter (or radius) of both gears



    = (100 Nm) (250 mm

    125 mm)

    = 200 Nm

    125 mm



  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 19/25

    Assuming that this torque is transmitted without losses to the sprocket , we have

    equal magnitude and opposite orientation


    such that we have the following diagram

    Determining the force , we have



    =200 Nm

    0.075 m

    = 2. 6 kN

    0 15 mm 75 mm 125 mm

    = 200 Nm

    = 200 Nm

  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 20/25

    Thus, analysing the beam forces in the plane

    we have the reaction forces given by the equilibrium of the bending moments in

    = 0

    ( + ) + ( + + ) = 0

    = + ( + )

    + +

    (2. 6 kN) (0.075 m) + (0.58 kN) (0.325 m)

    (0.450 m)

    0.87 kN

    and the equilibrium in the -axis

    = 0

    + = 0

    = +

    2. 6 kN + 0.58 kN 0.87 kN

    2.4 kN

    This gives us the following shear force distribution in the -plane

    () = {

    2.4 kN, 0 mm < 75 mm

    0.28 kN, 75 mm < 325 mm

    0.87 kN, 325 mm 450 mm

    0.58 kN = 2. 6 kN

    = 75 mm = 250 mm = 125 mm

  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 21/25

    and the following bending moments distribution in the same plane


    = {

    2.4 [kNm], 0 mm < 75 mm

    ( 0.075) 0.28 + 0.20 [kNm], 75 mm < 325 mm

    ( 0.075) ( 0.325) 0.87 + 0.39 [kNm], 325 mm 450 mm

    Thus, the maximum shear force max and the maximum bending moment max are

    max 2.4 kN from to and max 180 Nm at

    Analysing the state of stress at in the plane ,

    using the maximum bending moment max, we can calculate the maximum principal

    normal stress in the shaft

    max =max( 2 )

    =max( 2 )

    4 4=2max3

    =2 (180 Nm)

    (0.015 m)3

    34 MPa




  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 22/25

    and the maximum shear stress

    max = max(max

    ( 2 )


    = max(max(2

    3 3 )

    (4 4 )( 2 )

    (4 2 ))

    = max(8max 3


    8 (2.4 103 N) (0.015 m) + 3 (200 Nm)

    3 (0.015 m)3

    28 MPa

    Otherwise, analysing the beam forces in the plane

    we have the reaction forces given by the equilibrium of the bending moments in

    = 0

    + ( + ) ( + + ) = 0

    = + ( + )

    + +

    =(2. 6 kN) (0.075 mm) + (1.6 kN) (0.325 m)

    (0.450 m)

    = 0.71 kN

    and the equilibrium in the -axis

    = 0

    + = 0

    = +

    = 2. 6 kN 1.6 kN + 0.71 kN

    = 1. 7 kN

    = 1.6 kN = 2. 6 kN

    = 75 mm = 250 mm = 125 mm

  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 23/25

    This gives us the following shear force distribution in the -plane

    () = {

    = 1. 7 kN, 0 mm < 75 mm

    = 0. 8 kN, 75 mm < 325 mm

    + = 0.71 kN, 325 mm 450 mm

    and the following bending moments distribution in the same axis


    = {

    = 1. 7 [kNm], 0 mm < 75 mm

    ( 0.075) = 0. 8 + 0.20 [kNm], 75 mm < 325 mm

    ( 0.075) + ( 0.325) = 0.71 0.32 [kNm], 325 mm 450 mm

    Thus, the maximum shear force max and the maximum bending moment max are

    max = 1. 7 kN from to and max = 133. 3 Nm at

  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 24/25

    Analysing the state of stress at in the plane ,

    using the maximum bending moment max, we can calculate the maximum principal

    normal stress in the shaft

    max =max( 2 )

    =max( 2 )

    4 4=2max3

    =2 (133. 3 Nm)

    (0.015 m)3

    25 MPa

    and the maximum shear stress

    max = max(max

    ( 2 )


    = max(max(2

    3 3 )

    (4 4 )( 2 )

    (4 2 ))

    = max(8max 3


    8 (1. 7 103 N) (0.015 m) + 3 (200 Nm)

    3 (0.015 m)3

    26 MPa




  • MSE 3380 UWO Sample Problems (v3)

    Fernando Freitas Alves [email protected] Jan 21, 2015 25/25

    Plotting in a 3D view, we got the following state of stress at

    max 34 MPa

    max 25 MPa

    max 28 MPa

    max 26 MPa max 26 MPa

    max 28 MPa

    1. [Stress analysis] A sign of dimensions 2.0 m 1.2 m is supported by a hollow circular pole having outer diameter 220 mm and inner diameter 180 mm as shown in the left and centre figures. The sign is offset 0.5 m from the centerline of the pole and...(a) the moment of inertia, , polar moment of inertia, , cross-sectional of the pole, ,-pole., and the relevant first moment of area for a hollow-semicircle given by, =,2-3.,,-2-3.,-1-3...(b) the equivalent force-couple system ,,,-.,,-.,,,-.,,-.. at the centroid of the section of interest.(c) the normal and shear stress components acting on the element at .(d) the normal and shear stress components acting on the element at .(e) the principal stresses, maximum shear stress and corresponding normal stress at (,-max., ,-min., ,-max.) geometrically using Mohrs circle.(f) the principal stresses, maximum shear stress and corresponding normal stress at (,-max., ,-min., ,-max.) using any method. Sketch two stress elements (at ) that illustrate the principal and maximum shear stress states (explicitly identi...Bonus: (+1 point) Determine if the pole will yield at using the maximum-distortion-energy (von Mises) criterion given ,-.=60 MPa for the steel used.SOLUTION(a) Let the pole symbol be and the sign symbol be . Thus, we have the second moment of area (or moment of inertia) with respect to the -axis to their centroids(b) According to the illustrations and knowing that =1.5 m and =6.6 m, the equivalent force-couple system (,,-.,,-.,,,-.,,-.) at the point of the section is(c) The state of stress at the point is(d) The state of stress at the point is(e) Constructing the Mohrs circle, we got that(f) Once there is no normal stress in the direction studied in the exercise (d), the maximum shear stress is the same that is already calculated with null corresponding normal stress and the principal stresses are those that happen when the orientatio...Bonus: According to the Distortion Energy Theory, the distortion energy density in terms of equivalent (von Misses) stress, ,-VM., is given by

    2. [Stress-based design] A simply-supported beam is required to support the loads shown, and the grade of steel to be used has ,-all.=170 MPa and ,-all.=100 MPa. Neglecting the effect of fillets, stress concentrations, out-of-plane stresses due to...(a) the reaction forces at the supports.(b) the maximum magnitudes of the shear force and bending moment.(c) the required section modulus, ,-min., due to flexure.(d) the most appropriate standard SI Wide-Flange beam section that should be used from those listed in the table below.(e) if the selected beam will fail due to the maximum shear in the web, ,-max. (assume uniform shear stress in the web; note that the table of properties of standard W sections is attached).(f) if the selected beam will fail due to the maximum flexural stress on the outermost surface of the flange, ,-..Bonus: (+2 point) Determine if the selected beam will fail due to the maximum principal stress at the web-flange junction, ,-max.. Assume uniform shear stress in the web.SOLUTION(a) Defining the reaction forces at each support as illustrated below in the free body diagram(b) Analysing the shear forces across the beam, we have that(c) Knowing the maximum bending moment at 4 m, the correspondent maximum shear stress at that point is given by(d) The most appropriate standard SI Wide-Flange beam section that should be used from the table given is the one that have the least value of elastic section modulus that is greater that ,-min., which is the shape ,W15018.. This choice often gu...(e) We define the maximum shear stress distribution by(f) Now that we have information about the section, we can calculate the real maximum shear stress at the outermost surface of the flange byBonus: At the web-flange junction, we have a different =,-max-.=,-max.0.00711 m =,,0.153 m.-2.,0.00711 m.=0.06939 m, so that

    3. [Stress analysis in shafts] A torque =100 Nm is applied to the shaft , which is running at constant speed and contains gear . Gear transmits torque to shaft through gear , which drives the chain sprocket at , transmitting ...SOLUTION