Understanding the Mechanisms of Callosal Development Through the Use of Transgenic Mouse Models Amber-Lee S. Donahoo, Assoc. Prof., and Linda J. Richards Bsc(Hons) The cerebral cortex is the area of the brain where higher-order cognitive processing occurs. The 2 hemispheres of the cerebral cortex communicate through one of the largest fiber tracts in the brain, the corpus callosum. Malformation of the corpus callosum in human beings occurs in 1 in 4000 live births, and those afflicted experience an extensive range of neurologic disorders, from relatively mild to severe cognitive deficits. Understanding the molecular and cellular processes involved in these disorders would therefore assist in the development of prognostic tools and therapies. During the past 3 decades, mouse models have been used extensively to determine which molecules play a role in the complex regulation of corpus callosum development. This review provides an update on these studies, as well as highlights the value of using mouse models with the goal of developing therapies for human acallosal syndromes. Semin Pediatr Neurol 16:127–142 © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. T he corpus callosum is the largest fiber tract in the mam- malian brain. It connects neurons in the left and right cerebral hemispheres and is essential for the coordinated transfer of information between them. For the corpus callo- sum to form, several critical developmental events must oc- cur in sequence. These include the patterning and formation of the midline, (which later acts as a substrate for pioneering callosal axons), the generation of callosal neurons and their axons, and the targeting and growth of these axons (a process regulated by specific midline glial structures). Finally, cal- losal axons must locate and innervate their targets in the contralateral hemisphere (Fig 1). As soon as they are as formed, developing neurons are nourished by the vascula- ture of the brain, and thus, like all fiber tracts in the brain, callosal axons are susceptible to vascular insult or cell death mechanisms both during development, and in the adult. Here we discuss the current state of research, using mouse models to investigate these developmental mechanisms, to provide insight into how the corpus callosum forms in hu- man beings, and the mechanisms that could underlie agene- sis or dysgenesis of the corpus callosum. Malformation of the corpus callosum can result in either the complete absence of the corpus callosum (defined as “agenesis of the corpus callosum,” ACC) or partial absence or thinning of the corpus callosum (defined here as “dysgene- sis”). 1 Because of the wide diversity of developmental mech- anisms regulating the midline crossing of callosal axons, there is a spectrum of phenotypic variations of agenesis and dysgenesis of the corpus callosum. 2 When callosal fibers fail to cross the midline, they often remain ipsilateral and form longitudinal axon fascicles (known as Probst bundles). De- scribed in 1901, 3 Probst bundles are likely to be a product of callosal axon misguidance caused by disruption of the mid- line structures and/or their secreted molecules. Probst bun- dles form longitudinally in both cerebral hemispheres (adja- cent to the midline), with recent analyses revealing that the axons project along the rostrocaudal axis of the forebrain (and do not form “whorls,” as classically described) in both mice and human beings. 4-8 The morphology of Probst bun- dles has been demonstrated in both acallosal human cases and mouse models using the three-dimensional technique of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging, which identi- fies fiber tracts by the direction of isotropic water move- ment 7,9 (reviewed in this issue, Wahl 2009). These studies demonstrate that because the axons are able to arrive at the From The Queensland Brain Institute and The School of Biomedical Sci- ences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Supported by an Australian Postgraduate Award and a Queensland Brain Institute supplementary Scholarship (to A.S.D.). L.J.R. is a National Health and Medical Research Council Senior Research Fellow. Address reprint requests to Linda J. Richards, The Queensland Brain Insti- tute and The School of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Queens- land, Brisbane 4072, Australia. E-mail: [email protected] 127 1071-9091/09/$-see front matter © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.spen.2009.07.003

Understanding the mechanism of callosal development

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Donahoo AL, Richards LJ (2009) Understanding the mechanisms of callosal development through the use of transgenic mouse models. Semin Pediatr Neurol 16(3):127-142 (REVIEW)

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nderstanding the Mechanismsf Callosal Development Throughhe Use of Transgenic Mouse Modelsmber-Lee S. Donahoo, Assoc. Prof., and Linda J. Richards Bsc(Hons)

The cerebral cortex is the area of the brain where higher-order cognitive processing occurs.The 2 hemispheres of the cerebral cortex communicate through one of the largest fibertracts in the brain, the corpus callosum. Malformation of the corpus callosum in humanbeings occurs in 1 in 4000 live births, and those afflicted experience an extensive range ofneurologic disorders, from relatively mild to severe cognitive deficits. Understanding themolecular and cellular processes involved in these disorders would therefore assist in thedevelopment of prognostic tools and therapies. During the past 3 decades, mouse modelshave been used extensively to determine which molecules play a role in the complexregulation of corpus callosum development. This review provides an update on thesestudies, as well as highlights the value of using mouse models with the goal of developingtherapies for human acallosal syndromes.Semin Pediatr Neurol 16:127–142 © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



he corpus callosum is the largest fiber tract in the mam-malian brain. It connects neurons in the left and right

erebral hemispheres and is essential for the coordinatedransfer of information between them. For the corpus callo-um to form, several critical developmental events must oc-ur in sequence. These include the patterning and formationf the midline, (which later acts as a substrate for pioneeringallosal axons), the generation of callosal neurons and theirxons, and the targeting and growth of these axons (a processegulated by specific midline glial structures). Finally, cal-osal axons must locate and innervate their targets in theontralateral hemisphere (Fig 1). As soon as they are asormed, developing neurons are nourished by the vascula-ure of the brain, and thus, like all fiber tracts in the brain,allosal axons are susceptible to vascular insult or cell deathechanisms both during development, and in the adult.ere we discuss the current state of research, using mouseodels to investigate these developmental mechanisms, to

rom The Queensland Brain Institute and The School of Biomedical Sci-ences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

upported by an Australian Postgraduate Award and a Queensland BrainInstitute supplementary Scholarship (to A.S.D.).

.J.R. is a National Health and Medical Research Council Senior ResearchFellow.

ddress reprint requests to Linda J. Richards, The Queensland Brain Insti-tute and The School of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Queens-

dland, Brisbane 4072, Australia. E-mail: [email protected]

071-9091/09/$-see front matter © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.oi:10.1016/j.spen.2009.07.003

rovide insight into how the corpus callosum forms in hu-an beings, and the mechanisms that could underlie agene-

is or dysgenesis of the corpus callosum.Malformation of the corpus callosum can result in either

he complete absence of the corpus callosum (defined asagenesis of the corpus callosum,” ACC) or partial absence orhinning of the corpus callosum (defined here as “dysgene-is”).1 Because of the wide diversity of developmental mech-nisms regulating the midline crossing of callosal axons,here is a spectrum of phenotypic variations of agenesis andysgenesis of the corpus callosum.2 When callosal fibers failo cross the midline, they often remain ipsilateral and formongitudinal axon fascicles (known as Probst bundles). De-cribed in 1901,3 Probst bundles are likely to be a product ofallosal axon misguidance caused by disruption of the mid-ine structures and/or their secreted molecules. Probst bun-les form longitudinally in both cerebral hemispheres (adja-ent to the midline), with recent analyses revealing that thexons project along the rostrocaudal axis of the forebrainand do not form “whorls,” as classically described) in bothice and human beings.4-8 The morphology of Probst bun-les has been demonstrated in both acallosal human casesnd mouse models using the three-dimensional technique ofiffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging, which identi-es fiber tracts by the direction of isotropic water move-ent7,9 (reviewed in this issue, Wahl 2009). These studies

emonstrate that because the axons are able to arrive at the





Fttesleabptocaaversion of figure is available online.)

128 A-L.S. Donahoo and L.J. Richards

idline, Probst bundles result from failure of the callosalbers to cross the midline and not defective growth of thexons per se. This phenotype is conserved between ACCatients and most of the � 65 different mouse models of ACCTable 1). A newer method of acquiring and processing dif-usion tensor magnetic resonance imaging informationcalled high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI)nd q-ball imaging) has also revealed fascinating informa-ion about the projection of callosal axons in cases of dys-enesis of the corpus callosum (partial ACC) where a cal-osal remnant remains. Sherr et al86 (also see Wahl, 2009his issue) have found that the position of the remnantlong the rostrocaudal axis cannot be used to predict therigin of the fibers that cross the midline. Their resultsemonstrate that different patients, with similar anatomi-al magnetic resonance imaging scans, can have dramati-ally different axonal connectivity patterns. These differ-nces in callosal connectivity may underlie the behavioralifferences observed in these patients. Although clearlyisible by anatomical magnetic resonance imaging, ACCay therefore represent a more generalized brain-wiringefect than that observed by T1-weighted images alone,ighlighting the value of HARDI and q-ball imaging inevealing more detailed anatomy.

Mouse models provide a way to experimentally elucidatehe molecular mechanisms that cooperate to enable the for-ation and maintenance of the corpus callosum, particularly

s cortical organization is conserved in most mammals87 andany of the genes known to be involved in callosal formation

n the mouse display similar expression profiles within thembryonic human brain.9 Complications in the study ofouse models arise from the use of the wide variety of mouse

trains and also the different techniques used to generateenetic modifications. Such complications are similarly en-ountered in studies mapping human genetic disorders.owever, mice used for research are usually the products ofiligent inbreeding, a process that causes the retention ofenetic instability within many strains (such as 129SV andALB/c, Table 1) that can result in sporadic occurrence ofallosal agenesis.77,78 However, this instability can be over-ome by backcrossing the genetically manipulated heterozy-ous mouse onto a more robust strain (such as C57BL/6).82

rovided back crossing is corporated, mouse models can besed to identify a large cohort of single-gene mutations thatause corpus callosum malformations (Table 1). Many ofhese genes represent excellent candidates for human screenso identify the genetic basis of acallosal syndromes.

As outlined earlier in the text, understanding the develop-ent of the corpus callosum involves an appreciation of the

equence of developmental and molecular events requiredor callosal axon growth and targeting (Fig 1). In the remain-er of this review, we will summarize how various mouseodels have elucidated the different mechanisms controlling

allosal development, and highlight how these studies havelluminated our understanding of callosal malformations in

igure 1 Corpus callosum development in the mouse. (A) Callosal forma-ion firstly requires the establishment of a substrate, which is achievedhrough the fusion of the telencephalic midline. This involves either thelimination or exclusion of the leptomeninges found between the hemi-pheres. (B) The pioneers of the corpus callosum originate from the cingu-atecortex (medial-mostpartof thecortex)andreach themidlinebetweeenmbryonicday14(E14)andE15. (C)Axons fromtheneocortex thengrowlongthepathwaydefinedbythepioneers, expanding thecorpuscallosumy E17. (C) On arrival of callosal axons at the midline, midline cellularopulations(glialwedge, indusiumgriseum,andthesubcallosalsling),andhe extracellular cues that they secrete, assist in the turning and channelingf these axons across the midline. (D) Axon guidance of the caudal corpusallosum may also be facilitated by the hippocampal commissure. After thexons have entered the contralateral hemisphere, they traverse dorsolater-lly before innervating homotopic areas of the contralateral cortex. (Color

uman beings.








Callosal development 129

atterning of theorebrain and Formationf the Commissural Plate

he cerebral cortex is first identified early in development assingle vesicle known as the prosencephalon. The prosen-

ephalon undergoes a process of rapid proliferation and ex-ansion, and over time, the dorsal wall invaginates to form 2elencephalic hemispheres that will become the cerebralemispheres in adults.88 The induction of tissue identity isrst established by the expression of proteins called morpho-ens. Morphogens are crucial in establishing signaling do-ains, called patterning centers, early in development (be-

ore prosencephalic invagination), which then dictate thepecialization of areas within the forebrain through the reg-lation of transcription factors89,90 (Fig 2). Forebrain mor-hogens include members of the bone morphogenic proteinBMP)91 and Wnt protein92 families, which are expressed byhe cortical hem, fibroblast growth factors (FGF), expressedt the midline and in the cortex,93 and Sonic hedgehogShh),94 which is expressed ventrally. These signaling do-ains interact to establish regional identity of the fore-

rain,89,95,96 as well as patterning of the forebrain midline,ncluding the formation of the commissural plate.

The commissural plate is defined as the anatomical do-ain through which all interhemispheric forebrain commis-

ures (the corpus callosum, the hippocampal commissure,nd the anterior commissure) cross the midline during de-elopment97 (Fig 3). Although the anatomy of this domainas been characterized during human development, the mo-

ecular and cellular composition that regulates the formationf the 3 forebrain commissures is yet to be fully determined.ne factor that is known to be a potent regulator of forebrainatterning is Fgf8, which is expressed by the commissurallate93 and regulates expression of other midline mole-ules.98 In mice deficient in Fgf8 (or its receptor FGFR1), theelencephalic midline and all 3 forebrain commissures areisrupted,74,75,99 which indicates that Fgf8 plays an integralole in this system.

elencephalic Midlineusion: Holoprosencephalynd Interhemispheric Cysts

or callosal axons to cross the midline into the contralateralemisphere, a substrate through which the axons can growust first be present. Thus, the inversion of the dorsalrosencephalic wall to form 2 telencephalic hemispheres andhe subsequent fusion of the telencephalic midline are imper-tive for the development of later axon tracts that facilitatenterhemispheric communication and information process-ng. Two main pathologies have been described in humanetuses where the midline substrate is either absent orisrupted, being replaced by a single ventricle or a fluid-lled space (or cyst): holoprosencephaly (which is due to

failure of telencephalic hemisphere formation), and in- f

erhemispheric cyst formation (a build-up of fluid at theidline which disrupts the morphology of the telence-

halic midline structures). The formation of an interhemi-pheric midline cyst, or the disruption of midline fusion, isighly correlated with malformations of the corpus callo-um.100-103

Holoprosencephaly occurs when the prosencephalic vesi-le fails to invaginate to forms 2 telencephalic hemispheres;nstead, a singular hollow vesicle remains and many midlinetructures are lost. Holoprosencephaly, which occurs in.49-1.3 of 10,000 live-births104-107 with a higher incidence

evel of 1 in 250 at prenatal stages, encompasses a variety ofhenotypes, including alobar, semilobar, lobar, and middle

nterhemispheric holoprosencephaly.108-110 Holoprosencep-aly impedes callosal formation because of the loss of theidline substrate. In cases, such as lobar, semilobar, andiddle interhemispheric holoprosencephaly (all of which areartial holoprosencephalies), a remnant of the corpus callo-um remains intact in the areas that are unaffected at theidline.110-111 Analysis of callosal fiber connectivity usingARDI and q-ball imaging in these patients would provide

nteresting information about the ability of callosal axons toroject to their correct targets in this disorder and may revealovel insights into the basis of this disorder.Mouse models have proven very successful in unraveling

he molecular mechanisms that give rise to holoprosen-ephaly (Fig 2), most commonly demonstrating a crucial roleor patterning molecules in the development of the mid-ine. Shh was the first molecule identified in human beingss causing holoprosencephaly when mutated.112 In theouse forebrain, Shh is normally expressed at the ventralidline.94 Holoprosencephaly occurs when Shh is deficient

n transgenic mice113,114 and also when it is ectopically ex-ressed in the dorsal midline, thus disrupting cortical hemignaling centers.115 Holoprosencephaly also occurs whenhe receptor for Shh (Patched) is deficient.116 Zic2 is anotherentral patterning molecule, a deficiency of which has beenound to produce holoprosencephaly in the mouse.117,118

oth Shh and Zic2 have been identified from genetic screensf human holoprosencephalic patients.117 The midline fusesn a ventral to dorsal direction119 and in cases where theignaling centers are deficient, midline formation is impaired,ossibly leading to defects in the subsequent fusion of theelencephalic midline.

Interhemispheric cysts produce different phenotypes fromhose associated with holoprosencephaly. In particular, theelencephalic hemispheres have a definable (though dis-upted) midline in the presence of a cyst, whereas, in holo-rosencephaly the cortex is continuous, showing no mor-hologic differences at the midline as compared with the

ateral cortex.120 Therefore, these 2 midline anomalies riserom different mechanisms—holoprosencephaly from a fail-re of the dorsal prosencephalon to invaginate and form thehemispheres, whereas the cysts cause disturbances to the

stablished telencephalic midline, possibly by an increase ofentricular pressure.120 An alternate hypothesis is that somenterhemispheric midline cysts result from defects in midline

usion. Interhemispheric cysts, including those that associ-






130 A-L.S. Donahoo and L.J. Richards

able 1 Genetically Modified Mice That Display Malformations of the Corpus Callosum


Callosal Phenotype Associated Defects


uidance molecules/receptorsDeleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) Y (100%) Y Y 6,10Draxin Y (58%) Y (42%) Y Y (100%) Y (100%) 11EphA5 Y (100%) N Y (46%) 12,13EphB1 Y (43%) Y (87%) 14EphB2 Y (13%) Y (61%) 14EphrinB3 Y (64%) Y (84%) 14EphB1/EphB2 Y (60%) Y (80%) 14EphB1/EphB3 Y (18%) Y (90%) 14EphB1/EphA4 Y (12%) Y (26%) 14EphB2/EphB3 Y (67%) Y (100%) 14EphrinB3/EphB1 Y (87%) Y (100%) 14EphrinB3/EphB2 Y (45%) Y (100%) 14EprinB3/EphA4 Y (29%) Y (64%) 14Forebrain embryonic zinc fingerlike (Fezl) Y Y N 15Frizzled3 Y Y Y 16,17Netrin-1 Y (100%) Y (100%) Y 18Neuropilin-1sema (Npn-1sema) Y Y Y 19,20Roundabout homolog 2 (Robo-1) Y N Y N 21Robo-1/Robo-2 Y (100%) Y 22Receptor-like tyrosine kinase (Ryk) Y (25%) N N N 23Slit-2 Y N N N 24,25

ranscription factorsChicken ovalbumin upstream promoter transcription

factor I (COUP-TFI)Y (63%) Y (16%) Y Y 26

Empty spiracles homolog 1 (Emx1) Y Y N Y 27,28Empty spiracles homolog 2 (Emx2) Y Y Y 28,29Forkhead box C1 (Foxc1) Y 30Homeobox gene expressed in ES cells 1 (Hesx1) Y (75%) Y (50%) Y (75%) 31Nuclear factor IA (Nfia) Y (100%) Y Y Y 32,33Nuclear factor IB (Nfib) Y Y Y 34Paired box gene 6 (Pax6) Y Y 35Special AT-rich sequence binding domain (Satb2) Y N N N 36,37Tailless (Tlx) Y Y Y 38,39Ventral anterior homeobox 1 (Vax1) Y Y Y 40

xtracellular matrix moleculesAnkyrin Y (62%) 41Laminin �1 Y 42L1 cell adhesion molecule (L1 CAM) Y (17%) Y (83%) Y 43ignaling/cytoplasmic molecules�-Amyloid precursor protein (�-APP) Y Y Y Y 44,45Arx Y Y 46�-catenin Y 47CREB1 Y N Y 48Disrupted in schizophrenia (DISC1) Y (100%) N 49Doublecortin-like kinase (Dclk) Y Y N 50,51Doublecortin (DCX)/Dclk Y Y Y Y 50,51Exostosin-1 (Ext1) Y Y Y 52Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) Y 53FE65/FE65L1 Y (100%) 54Growth associated protein 43 (GAP 43) Y (100%) Y Y (100%) Y (100%) 55,56JNK-interacting protein 3 (Jip3 or Jsap1) Y (100%) N Y 57,58Microtubule-associated protein 1 B (Map 1B) Y (80%) Y (20%) Y N 59Myristoylated alanine-rich protein kinase C

substrate (MARCKS)Y (93%) Y (7%) Y Y 60

macMARCKS (MLP or F52) Y (100%) N N 61

Mena Y (55%) Y N 62










Callosal development 131

te with callosal agenesis, are phenotypically diverse be-ween patients. However, they can be categorized depend-ng on whether they are associated with the ventricularystem (communicating cysts) or not (noncommunicatingysts), and whether there are other obvious phenotypic mal-ormations associated with them.101,103

Recently, a mouse known as hydrocephalous with hop gaithyh) has been identified as displaying an interhemisphericyst correlated with callosal agenesis.121,122 Genetic screenso identify the genes influencing the phenotypes seen in thisouse have revealed a mutation in the protein �-SNAP,123,124

hich plays a role in cellular membrane fusion and intracel-ular transport.125,126 In addition to the hyh mouse, the

ouse strains BALBc/Wah1 and 129 J, as well as the L1 and190-rhoGAP mutant mice, display spontaneous ACC, sug-ested to be secondary to defective interhemispheric fu-ion.43,68,78 Thus, there is some evidence that a subset ofnterhemispheric cysts results from inadequate midline fu-ion rather than increases in intraventricular pressure.

pecificationf Callosal Neurons

hus far, we have highlighted the importance of the for-

able 1 (continued)



Mena Vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein(VASP)


N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachmentprotein, alpha (�-SNAP)


NukP35P190A RhoGAP YP190B RhoGAPProtein-tyrosine-phosphatase sigma (PTP�)Rac1 YSek4 YSek4-/-; Nuk-/- YTriorowth factors/receptorsFibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8) YFibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) YInsulin-like growth factor binding protein 1

(IGFBP-1)CC mouse strainsBALB/cCF YBALB/cWah1 YBTBR T/�tf/tf YChakragati (Ckr)C129F2 YddN YI/LnJ Y129/J Y129S1/SvImJ Y9XCA/Wah Y

ation of the telencephalic midline substrate in forebrain t

evelopment. However, of equal importance is the devel-pment and maturation of neurons making up the cerebralortex. The cerebral cortex is a highly organized six-lay-red structure and the processes that orchestrate its for-ation include cellular proliferation, migration, and sub-

equent differentiation. Normal formation of the corpusallosum is dependent on the generation of callosal neu-ons from progenitor cells (within the ventricular zone), asell as their migration to, and differentiation within, their

ortical layer. Malformation of the cortical architecture isften correlated with callosal dysgenesis. The transcrip-ion factor Emx2, for example, regulates both the prolif-ration127 and migration128 of glutamatergic neurons andhus, when there is an Emx2 deficiency, the cortex is thin-er, with disruptions to its architecture, and the numberf neurons that project an axon medially is reduced, pro-ucing a thinner corpus callosum.19,29

Information regarding the direction of the axonal projectioncallosal or subcortical) is genetically specified within the neu-on before it reaches the cortical plate.129 Transcription factorsan regulate the development of callosal projections by 3 differ-nt mechanisms: (1) the specification of neurons as callosalrojection neurons,36,37,75,130,131 2) the cell-autonomousodification of gene expression within the callosal neuron

al Phenotype Associated Defects


) Y Y (100%) Y (100%) 63

Y N 26

Y (�20%) Y (100%) 64,65Y (100%) N Y 66,67

) Y Y 68Y Y Y 69Y (100%) 70

) Y Y 71) N 64

N Y (100%) 64Y (100%) Y (100%) 72

73Y Y Y 74,75

Y (100%) 76

77Y (8%) 78,79

) Y (83%) 80Y 81Y (58%) Y (7%) 82Y N N 83,84

) 85Y (70%) 77Y (10%) Y (5%) 77

) Y (100%) 79








o promote or repress the expression of specific molecules






s avail

132 A-L.S. Donahoo and L.J. Richards

particularly the expression of receptors and cytoskeletalactors that mediate axon growth through external cues),r (3) by mediating the development and/or the expres-ion of guidance factors in other cellular populations (suchs midline glial populations and the subcallosal sling),hereby indirectly regulating callosal axon pathfinding.

Cell-autonomous regulation of callosal formation can oc-ur through the expression of cortex-specific transcriptionactors, such as Emx1,27,28 Emx2,28,29 and Satb2.36,37,130 Al-hough Emx1 and Emx2 are specifically expressed within theorsal telencephalon, Satb2 is the first transcription factorith an expression profile that is specific for upper-layer

allosal neurons.36,37,130 Additionally, the removal of thisranscription factor causes aberrant axon pathfinding butnly to the subpopulation of callosal axons that would nor-ally express it.36,37 Midline guidance molecules known to

ontribute to callosal development were analyzed in theseutants and were found to be normal.36 These studies pro-

ide the first evidence for a cell-autonomous role by a tran-cription factor in callosal development.

Conversely, transcription factors that could regulate cal-osal development through the mediation of extrinsic cellopulations include nuclear factor 1 A (Nfia)32 and BNfib).34 Nfia and Nfib, although expressed in the corticallate, are not expressed within callosal neurons.132 Nfia andfib mutant mice display a number of morphologic malfor-

Figure 2 Signaling centers in the early development of thin specific locations and their expression regulates latemorphogens determine cell identity and this can be modnature of morphogens requires their expression in dorsoare expressed high dorso-medially and low laterally. Fexpressed ventrally. (B) Later in development, cortical aoverlapping expression patterns of transcription factors.cortical arealization. (C) Many midline molecules have bin transgenic mice.115,206-217 Schematic gives an examholoprosencephalic brain. (Color version of this figure i

ations in the forebrain, including defects in the formation s

f midline glial populations as well as defective migration ofhe subcallosal sling.32,34 Thus, Nfia and Nfib could be regu-ating callosal formation through the development of midlinetructures (discussed later in the text), which in turn mediatexon guidance across the midline.

echanisms ofallosal Axon Guidance

fter the establishment of a midline substrate and corticalrchitecture, cortical wiring is achieved by the postmitoticeuron extending a specialized projection (axon) into theortical substrate to seek out a target and establish a connec-ion. Axonal extension and pathfinding are regulated both byntrinsic and extrinsic guidance mechanisms. The environ-

ent that axons traverse contains a variety of molecules,nown as guidance factors, that influence the direction of theistal tip of the axon (a specialized structure known as therowth cone) based on the receptors that it expresses133

Fig 4). Guidance factors can act in either a short-range man-er [where they are expressed on the cell surface such thatell-cell interactions are required for guidance; such factorsnclude the Ephs and Ephrins, the Semaphorins (Semas) andhe Neuropilins (Npns)] or they can act over a long rangemolecules are secreted into the extracellular environment,

rain. Early in development, morphogens are expressedession of transcription factors. Expression domains ofby their graded expression. (A) The three-dimensionall, mediolateral, and rostrocaudal axes. Wnts and Bmpsexpressed at the rostral telencephalic midline. Shh isotor, somatosensory and visual) are determined by thee graded expression of these proteins plays a key role innd to cause holoprosencephaly when they are mutateda normal coronal brain at E12-13 compared with a

able online.)

e forebr exprulated-ventragfs arereas (m(B) Theen fouple of

uch as occurs with the Netrins and the Slits). Guidance







Callosal development 133

actors can elicit many axonal responses: chemoattractiongrowth toward the cue), chemorepulsion (growth awayrom the cue), permissive (promotes growth into a particularrea), nonpermissive (represses growth into the area), or aariety of these based on other environmental cues and con-entration gradients (Fig 4).

The environment along the extent of the callosal trajectorys complex, comprising multiple overlapping combinationsf guidance factors. Transgenic and knockout mice studiesave demonstrated the different guidance mechanisms that co-perate to achieve callosal formation, and these include bothecreted proteins and membrane-bound molecules (Table 1).

Guidance cues and transcription factors are connectedhrough an intracellular signaling network. The pathwaysithin this network are generally activated by ligand-recep-

or binding (or separation) which stimulates a signal cascadenside the cell, including alterations to the phosphorylationf coreceptors and secondary messengers. Cytoskeletal mol-cules can then be directly altered through the signal cascadend thus can alter the morphology of the growth cone and

Figure 3 (A) The commissural plate and other anatomicathe anatomical domain which all the interhemispheric cois easily identified (green shading) in a sagittal view atembryonic week 11-12 in human beings. (B) In the corbeen shown to have anatomically similar cellular populatthe indusium griseum, and the subcallosal sling. (Color

xon to the environment.134 a

Growth-associated protein 43 (Gap-43) is a growth coneolecule widely used to label growing axons in mouse anduman beings.9,55 In the Gap-43 mutant mouse, all forebrainommissures are malformed.55 However, as the midline inhese animals is normal, the defects in commissure formationre principally because of axon guidance and growth. There-ore, the stability and guidance of the growth cone is crucialor the formation of forebrain commissures. As the moleculesnvolved in these processes in mouse are also conserved inuman beings, it is clinically relevant to understand howhese processes achieve normal development of the nervousystem.

Extracellular matrix molecules are also important fortabilization of tissue integrity. In the cerebral cortex, inarticular, the loss of extracellular matrix molecules leadso defects in the radial-glial basement-membrane frame-ork. This has been shown to result in phenotypes repre-

entative of type II cobblestone lissencephaly, such as cor-ical lamination defects, cortical heterotopias, and midlineusion defects, such as seen in FAK,53 MARCK,60 Jsap157

arities in mouse and humans. The commissural plate isures of the forebrain traverse during development. This

lencephalic midline in embryonic day (E17) mice andlane, developing human fetal brains (week 17; D) havethose seen in mouse (at E17), including the glial wedge,n of this figure is available online.)

l similmmissthe teonal pions to

nd �-catenin47 mutant mice (Table 1). In these mice, cases




134 A-L.S. Donahoo and L.J. Richards

f dysgenesis of the corpus callosum are thought to beecondary to the anomalies in cortical development.

ioneering Axons Pave theay for Later Callosal Axons

he corpus callosum comprises 2 axonal populations fromifferent cortical areas: (1) the neocortex and (2) the medial-ost part of the cortex, known as the cingulate cortex. Axons

riginating from the cingulate cortex are the first to arrive athe telencephalic midline [at embryonic day (E)14-15 in

Figure 4 Mechanisms of axon guidance. To locate their taas an axon, into the cellular substrate where its guidaattractive (green shading) and promote the growth of thethe axons from growing near the source. Guidance cues con the surface of another cell, enabling guidance by cellcone) is extremely sensitive to different gradients of guidresponse of this structure to its environment involves theare actin bundles that comprise the filopodia, pink linesdownstream signaling, initiated by ligand binding of thefigure is available online.)

ice], and innervate the homotopic cingulate cortex in the o

ontralateral hemisphere,135,136 approximately 24 hours be-ore callosal axons from the neocortex reach the midlinecomprising the bulk of this tract).136 Axons from the cingu-ate cortex are thus termed the “pioneering” axons of theorpus callosum in rats and mice.135,136 It has been shownhat a population of callosal axons also arises from the cingu-ate cortex in human beings137 (Fig 3), but whether thesexons pioneer the corpus callosum has yet to be determined.owever, there is evidence to suggest that malformation, or

njury of the cingulate cortex in human beings, can also im-ede callosal connectivity.138,139

Similar to callosal axons from the neocortex, pathfinding

ramidal neurons project a specialized structure, knownmediated by extrinsic cues. These cues can be eitheroward the source, or repulsive (red shading), inhibitingsecreted into the environment, or they can be expressedteractions. The leading process of the axon (the growthues, based on the repertoire of receptors expressed. The

ic rearrangement of its actin cytoskeleton (yellow linesactin filaments within the lamelipodia), often followingors expressed on the growth cone. (Color version of this

rget, pynce isaxon tan be

-cell inance cdynam

are therecept

f the cingulate pioneering axons may be regulated cell-au-










Callosal development 135

onomously by transcription factors, or determined by thextracellular guidance cues expressed at the midline. Thextracellular guidance molecules involved in callosal devel-pment that have been identified thus far at the midline areemporally expressed during both cingulate axon crossingnd neocortical crossing of the midline, suggesting that bothopulations of callosal axons are regulated by similar guid-nce cues. Possible differences in the guidance of these 2opulations may be dependent on the different expression

evels of transcription factors within the cingulate cortex andhe neocortex. Several transcription factors are expressed byoth the cingulate cortex and the neocortex, but occur in aradient across these areas (high medial to low lateral forp8,140 Emx1, and Emx2,141 and low medial to high lateralor Pax6142 and Coup-TFI143; Fig 2). Whether the graded

ediolateral expression pattern of these transcription factorss functionally relevant in the connectivity of either the cin-ulate or the neocortical callosal axons has yet to be deter-ined.Recently, the receptor neuropilin-1 (Npn-1) has been

hown to be involved in corpus callosum formation.19,20,144

ingulate pioneering axons of the corpus callosum expresspn-1 at a crucial temporal stage for callosal development inoth mouse and human beings,9 and the axons of explantsrom the cingulate cortex are attracted toward the Npn-1igand, Sema3C (which is expressed at the midline19). Aspn-1 is highly expressed on axons from the cingulate cor-

ex, it is likely to be a key regulator of cingulate axons. How-ver, Npn-1 is also expressed (albeit a lesser extent) in theortex,145 and a recent study using dominant negative Npn-1n cortical axons demonstrated a cell-autonomous affect onallosal axon guidance.144 Thus, Npn-1 can also play a role inell-autonomous callosal axon guidance from the neocortex.he pioneering axons are hypothesized to guide neocorticalxons by providing a structural framework for callosal axonso follow by direct axon-axon contact, and this is possiblyediated through Npn-1. Evidence to support this hypoth-

sis is that the cortical axons that were injected with a dom-nant-negative Npn-1 displayed defects in fasciculation.144

herefore, Npn-1 may play an important role in callosal for-ation, first by the guidance of cingulate pioneering axons to

he midline, and then through the cell-cell guidance of cal-osal axons from the neocortex.

idline Cellularopulations Regulate theormation of the Corpus Callosumallosal axons are guided medially to the midline where

hey are channeled into the contralateral hemisphere.idline cellular populations that have been shown to as-

ist in the formation of the corpus callosum include theidline zipper glia, the glial wedge, the indusium griseum

lia, and the subcallosal sling.119,146,147 These populationsave been identified in the rostral forebrain of both mouse

nd human beings9 (Fig 3), suggesting that their function a

n formation of the human corpus callosum may also beonserved.

Midline zipper glia are positioned at the telencephalic mid-ine and are thought to assist in the ventral fusion of theorebrain on the basis of their anatomical location.119 How-ver, there is currently nothing known about the molecularegulation of forebrain midline fusion.

The glial wedge is a specialized wedge-shaped glial struc-ure positioned at the medial aspect of the lateral ventricle148

Figs 1 and 3). The glial wedge assists the guidance of callosalxons across the midline by preventing their ventral growthnto the septum. This boundary is thought to be due to bothts anatomical position and also its expression of the guidance

olecule Slit2, which has been shown in vitro to act as aepellent for callosal axons expressing the Slit2 receptor,obo.21,22,24

The indusium griseum is an area of neurons and glia po-itioned dorsal to the corpus callosum (Figs 1 and 3). Indu-ium griseum glia express Slit2 and are thought to act as aorsal repulsive barrier for the axons of the corpus callo-um.24 FGFR1 is crucial for the positioning of the indusiumriseum glia.74,75 In FGFR1 mutant mice, the indusium gri-eum glia do not form properly, causing callosal pathfindingefects despite the maintenance of guidance cue expres-ion.74 Thus, the indusium griseum glia and the glial wedgere important for the correct development of the corpus cal-osum, due to both their position and the expression of func-ional guidance molecules.24,74,75

The subcallosal sling (originally termed the “glial sling”149)omprises a transient population of neurons that arise fromhe medial wall of the lateral ventricle and migrate to theidline, parallel with, and immediately ventral to, the cal-

osal axons.150 The subcallosal sling has also been describedn human beings9,151 (Fig 3). The specific ‘U’ shape of thisormation and the position of these cells relative to the cal-osal axons are suggested to be requisites for the formation ofhe corpus callosum.152 However, an alternate hypothesis ishat the subcallosal sling cells require the axons of the corpusallosum to direct their migration to the midline (as previ-usly described for a postnatal glial population of cells inat153). As the formation of the sling occurs simultaneouslyith the pathfinding of the callosal axons, determininghether callosal axons direct sling cell migration or callosal

xons project across the midline guided by sling cues, will beifficult.ACC in mouse models is often correlated with a disruption

o the subcallosal sling. Interestingly, this correlation isrominent when Probst bundles have formed; in this situa-ion the sling cells either migrate aberrantly into the septumas in Nfia32) or accumulate lateral to these structures (as seenn JSAP homozygous mutants57 and when callosal agenesis isnduced by gamma-irradiation in Swiss mice154). In contrast,he sling is not malformed in mouse mutants that have aubpopulation of callosal axons crossing the midline and doot display Probst bundles (such as Satb236 and BALB/cCF

callosal mice149).








136 A-L.S. Donahoo and L.J. Richards

ippocampal CommissurePossible Differenceslong the Rostrocaudal Axis?)

he environment that callosal axons project through is notonsistent along the rostrocaudal axis of the telencephalon,uggesting that different mechanisms regulate different re-ions of callosal pathfinding. In the caudal telencephalon, theippocampal commissure lies directly ventral to the corpusallosum and is thought to provide a guidance substrate forxons of the splenium (the caudal portion of the corpus cal-osum).155-158 In many mouse strains and transgenic mutantshat have malformation of the corpus callosum there is also aisruption of the hippocampal commissure (which crosseshe midline approximately 24 hours before the corpus callo-um159 (Table 1). Thus, the developmental mechanisms in-olved in the formation of these commissures may overlap.umans also have a hippocampal commissure (Fig 3)160 but

his projection is less developed than in rodents. The hip-ocampal commissure may have a structural role in callosalormation although this hypothesis has yet to be fully inves-igated.

ctivity-Dependent Target Findingollowing crossing of the midline, callosal axons project intohe contralateral hemisphere and innervate targets in a ho-otopic manner. Information transfer between cortical areas

s dependent upon their connectivity, and as the homotopicargeting of callosal neurons is highly specific, understandinghe mechanisms involved in this event is imperative to un-erstanding function. The caudal corpus callosum axonsorm the splenium and originate within the visual cortex.ye enucleation studies in cats have demonstrated a role

or visual experience in callosal formation and mainte-ance.161,162 A phenomenon known as exuberance andruning during development establishes the axonal orga-ization of the visual cortex, a process that has beenidely investigated in cats.163-165 This process involves the

nitial overproduction of axons that invade the contralat-ral hemisphere in search of a target, followed by the sub-equent refinement of the connections by the removal of anynnecessary axons. Neural activity plays a crucial role inxon exuberance and pruning, but this process has yet to beully investigated in mice.

A series of elegant studies in mice using neural activitynhibitors coupled with in vivo electroporation has high-ighted that activity plays a central role in the contralateralargeting of callosal axons in both the occipital and the so-atosensory cortices.166,167 In both of these areas, the callosal

bers mis-targeted when activity was inhibited, and in someases resulted in the aberrant innervation of other corticalayers instead. Interestingly, the dependence of axonal con-ectivity on activity may not be consistent across the rostro-audal axis. In the visual cortex, reduced excitability resultedn aberrant layer positioning of axonal arbors.166 The same

rocedure in somatosensory cortex also demonstrated aber- v

ant layer positioning of axonal arbors; however, a loss ofegion-specific targeting was also found.167 This suggests thatctivity could have different roles in different cortical areas,nd this may be modulated through the expression of region-pecific “positional cues” (undetermined thus far). Whetherctivity provides instructive cues for growing axons orhether it regulates molecular cues within the contralateral

ortex has yet to be determined.

asculature Insult andorpus Callosum Maintenance

ollowing development of the corpus callosum, the cerebralortex requires continual metabolic nourishment from theascular system to ensure the maintenance of this axon tractnd its function. Many clinical studies in human beings haveevealed a correlation between reduced cerebral blood sup-ly and atrophy of the corpus callosum.168,169 Symptoms thatevelop from reduced blood flow include a reduction in theize of the corpus callosum (likely through demyelination),isruptions to callosal connectivity, and lesions to neighbor-

ng cortical areas (in particular the cingulate gyrus). Reduc-ion in cerebral blood flow is also correlated with deficits inognitive function.138,139 However, a caveat to some of thesetudies is that they were conducted using elderly patients,hus it is difficult to determine whether the observed cogni-ive decline stemmed from reduced blood flow or fromge.170,171 Lesions of the white matter are most commonlyescribed in stroke patients, although there is increasing ev-

dence for this occurrence in Alzheimer’s disease and possi-ly other neurodegenerative disorders. In patients with hy-rocephalus (which is commonly associated with callosalysgenesis), there is often a reduction in cerebral bloodow.172 Thus, the preservation of the cortical vasculature, notnly during development but also throughout life, is requiredo maintain the homeostasis and function of the corpus cal-osum.

Stroke has been widely investigated, primarily using ratodels173; however, the potential for genetic modification in

his model is limited. Recently, several research groups haveegun to generate mouse models of stroke enabling the re-oval of relevant genes implicated in cerebrovascular re-air.174,175 The removal of either matrix metalloproteinase-2r 9, for example, reduces the severity of cerebrovascularnjury (including lesions of white matter tracts) following thenduction of stroke in these mice.176,177

There is increasing evidence that many molecular mecha-isms involved in nervous system development also play aole in the development of the vascular system; in particular,here is strong overlap between molecules implicated in axonuidance and those that play a role in angiogenesis and bloodessel pathfinding178 (Table 2). As discussed earlier, theema-Npn ligand-receptor pair are crucial regulators of cal-osal axon guidance.19,144 In addition, Npn-1 mutant miceave deficiencies in blood vessel formation.179,180 Npn-1 isot only a receptor for the class III Semaphorins but also for

ascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), both of which












Callosal development 137

ave also been implicated in blood vessel development.owever, Sema-Npn interactions regulate axon guidancenly, and VEGF-Npn interactions specifically regulate vascu-ar development.181 Semas do regulate angiogenesis buthrough their interactions with the plexin receptors (plexinransgenic mice also display vascular defects182).

VEGF has been comprehensively characterized as an inte-ral factor of vasculature development.183,184 It has also re-ently been reported to play a role in neuro-protection andeuro-repair. However, analysis of a transgenic VEGF-Aouse revealed that VEGF-A regulates the development of

he cerebral cortex, specifically through the vascular systemcompared with a separate transgenic mouse with neuron-pecific mutations to the VEGF-A receptor, Flk1, whichhowed a relatively normal cortical phenotype185). Thus,here is considerable overlap between the molecules that reg-late development of the nervous and vascular systems. Thisould complicate the interpretation of cortical malformationsie, cortical malformations may be secondary to an underly-ng vasculature deficiency). Thus, the multiple roles thathese molecules play in development must be consideredhen analyzing phenotypes of transgenic mouse lines. Re-

earch is currently underway to develop therapies for vascu-ar injuries, with many of these molecules as target candidatesTable 2). The interplay between the vascular and the ner-ous systems also needs to be considered post-development,n the prevention or protection against conditions, such aslzheimer’s disease, tumors, and stroke.

onclusionshe formation of the corpus callosum is complex and the usef mouse models allow researchers to dissect the genes in-olved in molecular regulation of this axon tract. These stud-es help unravel the processes involved, with the ultimateoal of understanding how intrinsic and extrinsic cues act inoncert to form the adult structures. The implementation

able 2 Guidance Molecules That Play a Role in Both Vascul

Ligand Receptor

Nervous Syst


phrinB EphB Axon guidance

EGF Npn-1 —ema Npn-1 Axon guidance (attractiema Plexin Axon guidance (repulsioSema4A *Plexin-D1 RepulsionSema4D *Plexin-B1Sema3F Npn-2

? Robo4 —lit 2 Robo1 Axon guidance (repulsioetrin-1 Unc5b and neogenin? Axon guidance (repulsio

or attraction)

etrin-4 Unc5b and neogenin? —

f new imaging techniques, HARDI and q-ball imaging,

llows a more detailed characterization of the callosal con-ectivity within both mouse and human patients afflictedith congenital malformations. Future use of this techniqueill provide insight into the processes that contribute to cal-

osal formation. Further research to unveil the regulatoryechanisms along the rostrocaudal, mediolateral, and dor-

oventral axes of the forebrain will expand our understand-ng of callosal formation and will bring us 1 step closer to theevelopment for therapies and treatments for acallosal syn-romes in human beings.

cknowledgmentshe authors thank Rowan Tweedale, Michael Piper, and Ilanobius for their comments on the manuscript.

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