***Confidential Report*** Underground Explosives Secrets

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***Confidential Report***

Underground Explosives


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Underground Explosive Secrets


Underground Explosive Secrets

By Caleb Lee

© UGAR LLC 2014 and Beyond

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted

in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying,

recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express

written, dated and signed permission from the author.


The information presented herein represents the view of the author

as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which

conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update

his opinion based on the new conditions. The report is for

informational purposes only. While every attempt has been made to

verify the information provided in this report, neither the author nor

his affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors,

inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are

unintentional. If advice concerning legal or related matters is

needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be

sought. This report is not intended for use as a source of legal

advice. You should be aware of any laws which govern the topics

discussed herein in your city, country and state. Any reference to

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Underground Explosive Secrets


Underground Explosives Guide

With the direction the country is going, it seems more and more like we are heading

into a major catastrophe ...

While the actual form of that catastrophe is still up for grabs, the country is likely to

end up in financial ruin, social chaos, a civil war or under martial law.

We may even see more than one of those things happening at the same time.

With such a rosy outlook, it’s no wonder that so many people are buying guns and

stockpiling ammunition for them.

For the last few years, gun and ammo sales have outpaced any other time in our

nation’s history. There are more guns per capita now than ever before.

In a way, that’s a bit funny ...

The liberals who control Washington keep talking about taking our guns away from

us, but all they are succeeding in doing is putting more guns into honest citizens’


Not only that, but the citizens who are buying the guns are conservatives, not liberals.

Should things break down and anarchy or civil war break out, those people would

have written their own death sentence.

The Second Amendment was specifically created as part of the Bill of Rights so that

We The People would have the ability to protect ourselves from tyranny.

The founding fathers had just fought a war against tyranny and they realized that as

long as politicians existed, there was a risk that our nation would fall into tyranny

once again. In order to make it possible for us to throw off an oppressive government,

they ensured that we would have the right to fight against those government forces.

At the time that the Bill of Rights was written civilian arms and military arms were

essentially the same thing. Muskets were muskets, whether owned by the Army or

owned by private citizens. In fact, most went to war with their own firearms, rather

than using issue guns.

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Other than rifles and pistols, the only real weapons of war that were used at that time

were cannon. While cannon were much more powerful than rifles, they weren’t

restricted to government ownership.

Many merchant sailing ships had cannon as well, in order to protect themselves from

pirates. The cannon which the Continental Army used in the Revolutionary War were

mostly made, paid for and owned by private citizens, who saw it as their civic duty to

acquire those cannon.

Today’s military has weapons that the average individual couldn’t think of owning.

Artillery, rockets, tanks, aircraft, missiles and bombs put the private citizen at a

distinct disadvantage in any new revolution. Our only chance as citizens would be to

manufacture our own explosives and use them in guerilla warfare.


Manufacturing your own explosives, without a license from the Bureau of Alcohol,

Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) is illegal. This is something that could find you

spending a considerable amount of time in jail if you were caught at it. Owning

explosives is likewise considered illegal, regardless of their size. Even homemade

fireworks are considered illegal. This report is for information and academic purposes

only. You alone are entirely responsible for your actions!

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What Makes it Go Bang?

Let’s talk a moment about what makes explosives work.

For any explosive to work, it needs three ingredients:

A rapidly burning combustible which creates a lot of hot expanding gas

A casing to contain that hot expanding gas, up until it shatters

An igniter start the combustible burning

It is possible to make an explosive without fire, if chemicals are used that react with

each other or a material that decomposes rapidly is used; but even in these cases, the

theory is the same.

The explosion isn’t caused by burning; it’s caused by the rapidly expanding gas. If the

combustible material is placed in the open, rather than in a container, it won’t

explode; all it will do is to burn.

For it to explode, the pressure of the gas must reach a high enough point that it

shatters the casing or container, causing pieces of shrapnel to scatter in all directions.

That shrapnel is immediately followed by the pressure wave of the expanding gas.

These two together are what cause the damage.

While the filler provides the explosive force, the casing provides most of the damage,

except in the case of nuclear explosions. If the only purpose is to have explosive

force, such as for demolition work or mining, then the casing is relatively


However, if the purpose is to create damage or injury, using the explosive as a

weapon, then the casing becomes even more important than the filler.

Of course, the casing must match the filler in that the filler is strong enough to shatter

the casing.

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Pineapple Grenade

Baseball Grenade

The explosive grenade is a perfect example of this ...

The old Pineapple Grenade of the World War II era had an obviously scored casing.

The purpose of this scoring was to provide clear lines for the grenade’s casing to

break apart, causing shrapnel that could wound enemy soldiers.

This was eventually replaced by the baseball grenade. This is manufactured out of a

continual coil of steel, which is notched on the inside. That causes it to break into

many more pieces than the pineapple grenades could, creating much more shrapnel to

cause injuries.

So when one is designing any explosive to be used as a weapon, they need to pay as

much attention to the container or casing, as they do to the combustible material


On the other hand, if the explosive is being used purely to provide destructive force,

but does not need shrapnel, such as in the case of building demolitions or opening a

mine shaft, then the case is somewhat immaterial.

Dynamite, used for blasting in solid rock is encased in a cardboard tube. That tube is

then placed in a hole drilled into the rock. In this manner, it doesn’t provide anything

in the way of effective shrapnel. None of the explosive force is wasted in breaking the

casing apart and making shrapnel out of it. Instead all the force of the explosion is

directed at the rock that the dynamite is encased in, splitting the rock open.

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Other types of explosive fillers provide a greater or lesser amount of explosive

pressure than the TNT (trinitrotoluene) used in dynamite does.

While everyone wants the most bang they can get for their buck, these more powerful

explosives are usually much more expensive. That limits them largely to military use.

The faster the explosive filler burns the more explosive energy it produces. You really

can’t get an explosion out of a wood fire, as all the oxygen in the container would be

consumed before enough pressure is created.

On the other hand, gunpowder burns much more quickly, creating enough force to

explode, or at least to push the bullet out of the muzzle of the gun with enough force

that it seems like an explosion.

While most people think of a Molotov Cocktail as an explosive, it isn’t actually one.

The classic Molatov Cocktail is a glass bottle filled with gasoline. A piece of cloth is

stuffed in the neck of the bottle as a wick and left hanging out. This wick is lit just

before throwing the bottle.

The reason why the Molotov Cocktail isn’t an explosive is that they aren’t intended to

explode. When the cocktail arrives at its destination, it breaks open, spewing the gas

out which then burns. If it were thrown in such a way that it did not break open, then

there is a chance that it would explode.

However, that’s not the intent. The intent is that it is used as a fire bomb, with the idea

of catching other things on fire.

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Let’s Talk Fuses

Since most explosives burn (other than nuclear explosives) then we need something to

start them burning. There are some chemical explosives which will start burning on

their own, as soon as they are mixed together; but for most explosives, some external

fire starter is necessary to get the fire going.

The classic formula for fire requires three ingredients:




This is no different for explosives than it is for anything else. The explosive material

itself provides the fuel, air that is trapped in the container with the explosive filler

provides the oxygen and the fuse provides the heat. This heat can be in the form of a

hot spark, a hot electrical wire or a flame, depending upon the type of fuse used.

In a modern pistol or rifle cartridge, the primer is the fuse for the controlled explosion

that causes the cartridge to fire, expelling the bullet. The primer contains a chemical

which is a primary explosive. Primary explosives are those that take very little outside

stimuli to ignite. In the case of a cartridge primer, the outside stimulus is the hit from

the firing pin, which causes the primary explosive to be crushed between the primer

case and the anvil (a small piece of metal in the back of the primer). This produces a

spark, which ignites the gunpowder.

For the sake of making your own explosives, there are two primary types of fuses that

you can use effectively.

The first of these is an electronic fuse. This is what you commonly see in the movies,

when a clock is attached to the side of a few sticks of dynamite to make a bomb.

The other is the standard, “slow burning” fuse. Both of these can be made rather


Electronic Fuse

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The easiest electric igniter to obtain is the type that are used to launch model rockets.

These are made of nichrome wire coated with a primary explosive that is actuated by

heat. The nichrome wire resists electricity, so it heated up when current passes

through it. Depending upon the explosive filler you use, fine gauge (30 gauge or finer)

nichrome wire can be used without the chemical coating as the igniter portion of the


To make a fuse out of this, all you need are a couple of batteries, the nichrome wire

and something to use as a switch. When the switch closes the circuit, the current from

the batteries flows through the nichrome wire, heating it. That in turn should ignite the


Electronic Timed Fuse

To make an electronic fuse, you need to add a digital clock to the electronic fuse, in

place of the switch. Digital clocks make excellent timers for electronic fuses, as they

all have an alarm function built into them. This alarm can be used to trigger the fuse.

You will have to do a little bit of experimentation with the clock you have. Start by

determining where the contacts for the alarm buzzer are on the clock’s circuit board.

These are usually easy to find, as the buzzer will be mounted there. Remove the

buzzer and you have access to those contacts.

With some clocks, you will be able to attach the leads for the nichrome wire igniter

directly to the circuit board, as there will be enough power sent to the buzzer to heat

the nichrome wire (this is the part that requires experimentation).

If the clock does not provide enough power, connect the buzzer contacts to a latching

relay, with a battery pack. When the clock reaches the alarm time, it will trigger the

relay, connecting the battery pack to the nichrome fuse igniter.

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Slow Burning Fuse

The type of fuse that you light with a match is called “slow burning fuse.” While it

may seem rather fast burning to you and I, compared to explosive filler it burns very

slowly. You can make slow burning fuse in a number of ways, including out of stump

remover and sugar.

To make a slow burning fuse:

1. Cut a 12 foot piece of white, 100% cotton yarn.

2. Thoroughly mix together 36 grams of stump remover and 24 grams of common

white sugar.

3. Place a frying pan over medium heat and allow it to heat up over medium heat.

4. Put 1/3 cup of water in the pan. It should come to a boil instantly.

5. Sprinkle in the stump remover and sugar mixture, so that it is spread out in the

pan. Stir it so that it all dissolves.

6. Allow the water to boil out of the mixture, until it becomes frothy.

7. Add the yarn to the chemical mix, so that it can soak up the chemicals. Push it

under with a spatula to ensure that it all soaks up the mixture evenly.

8. Continue allowing the water to boil out of the pan, as the chemicals are being

absorbed into the yarn. Hold onto one end of the yarn, so that it doesn’t knot up

when you pull it out of the pan.

9. Spread the yarn onto a cookie sheet, with a back-and-forth pattern, so that the

yarn does not cross itself at any point.

10. Bake in the oven at 300 degrees for 20 minutes. Keep an eye on it, as you don’t

want it to burn. When it is done, it should be lightly golden.

11. Allow the cord to cool and cut to the length that you want to use.

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This type of slow burning fuse will burn at about three seconds per inch. While it is

possible to use other materials than the yarn for the base material, yarn seems to work

the best.

Now let’s talk about what goes INSIDE the explosives ...

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Making Explosive Fillers

Of course, the easiest way to make any explosive is with gunpowder.

Gunpowder is readily available for reloading firearms, although some form of

identification may be requested in some states.

Black powder is legally considered an explosive, although surprisingly modern

smokeless powder is not, even though it is actually more explosive than black powder


Making Black Powder

The nice thing about black powder is that you can make it yourself.

There are several different recipes for making black powder, which vary in the

process but not so much in the results. Essentially, all black powder is made of the

same three ingredients:

Saltpeter (potassium nitrate)



All three of these ingredients need to be finely ground. The finer ground they are, the

more consistent and potent the black powder you can create. The standard ratio for

these ingredients is: 15:3:2 (saltpeter:charcoal:sulfer) by weight; not by volume.

In addition to using finely ground, pure ingredients, the other deciding factor for the

black powder’s potency is how it is mixed. Since we are talking about explosives in

this report, I will explain how to make a potent black powder.

1. Chill 750 ml of isopropyl rubbing alcohol in the freezer for at least 24 hours.

2. Mix 30 grams of powdered charcoal with 20 grams of powdered sulfur.

3. Pour three cups of boiling water into a kitchen blender. Slowly add 150 grams

of saltpeter. Cover the blender and agitate at a medium speed for ten minutes.

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4. Slowly add the 50 grams of charcoal/sulfur mix to the liquefied potassium

nitrate a little at a time. Do this by turning off the blender, adding a small

amount of the powdered mix and then turning on the blender to mix it in.

Repeat as many times as necessary to add the whole amount.

Remember, you are working with highly flammable and explosive elements

here. Take your time. Rushing the process could cause early ignition, with

disastrous results.

5. Allow the blender to mix all the ingredients at high speed for about 15 minutes.

6. Slowly pour in the chilled alcohol, while the blender is continuing to run. This

will cause the black powder to start solidifying. You should hear the blender

start to labor and slow down as you add the alcohol.

7. Place a coffee filter into a sieve. Pour the mixture into it, scraping any powder

residue out of the blender.

8. Allow the mixture to drain in the sieve until it is damp. When it is dry enough,

you should be able to leave an impression in it when you push down on it with

a finger.

9. Remove the coffee filter and black powder mixture from the sieve. Holding the

sieve over cardboard or blotting paper. Put the black powder only back into the

sieve and press it through the screen, filtering out large particles.

10. Spread the black powder out on the cardboard or blotter paper and allow it to

dry in the sun for 24 hours.

Please note: if it is damp in the area where you are, dew will collect on the

black powder. In that case, place the black powder in a shed or other protected

area to keep it dry overnight.

11. Run the dried black powder through a finer sieve, removing any large particles

or chunks of solids. These particles are not usable.

Black powder made in this manner can be used for reloading gun cartridges, making

fireworks or making homemade bombs.

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Interestingly enough, most fireworks are made using black powder, rather than

modern smokeless powder.

If black powder is used for firearms, whether black powder firearms or modern

firearms, the barrel of the firearm should be cleaned after firing, as black powder is


Keep the finished black powder in an airtight container until you are ready to use it, to

keep it from collecting moisture. Wet powder doesn’t burn well and will give

unpredictable results.

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Making Solidox Explosives

Solidox provides a very easy way to make an explosive, using readily available, over-

the-counter ingredients. You can buy Solidox in most hardware stores and welding

supply centers. It is commonly used as an oxidizing agent for welding.

The name Solidox refers to it being solid oxygen, although oxygen is not the major

ingredient. It is made of potassium chlorate, which was used as a bomb filter in the

World War II era.

Since Solidox is an oxidizing agent, it needs something that can be used with it as an

energy source. While there are many potential energy sources available, the easiest to

acquire and use for Solidox explosives is common white table sugar.

To make explosives out of Solidox and sugar:

1. Start by removing the Solidox from the aluminum can it comes in. Solidox is

sold in the form of sticks, which need to be powdered in order to make

explosives. There are many ways of breaking up the sticks to make them into a

powder; but as a fine powder is needed, using a mortar and pestle is the best

way to powder it.

2. Grind white granulated sugar to make it into powder. You can also use

powdered sugar, saving yourself the time of grinding it.

3. Thoroughly mix the Solidox with granulated white sugar in a ratio of 1:1 by

weight (not by volume). It is important that the right ratio be held and that it is

measured by weight.

That’s it; your Solidox explosive is ready for use.

Be extremely careful when handling the finished explosive and while mixing it.

Any friction, heat, flame or spark can cause it to explode unexpectedly.

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Making Different Bombs

Fertilizer Bombs

The fertilizer or ANFO (ammonium nitrate/fuel oil) bomb is a standard tool of

terrorists worldwide. Its popularity is based upon the ease in getting your hands on the

necessary ingredients and the virtually foolproof recipe for making the bomb.

It is probably the easiest explosive to make, while still providing a lot of punch.

The basic ingredients for an ANFO explosive are any ammonium based chemical

fertilizer and diesel fuel. There are a number of ways you can mix them and

containers that you can put them in, but the basic idea is to mix the fertilizer and

diesel fuel together and put them in a container. It is necessary that the entire mixture

remain thoroughly wetted. One way of doing this is to:

1. Make a pouch out of several layers of newspaper.

2. Place a pile of ammonia based fertilizer in the newspaper pouch.

3. Cover the fertilizer with cotton.

4. Soak the cotton with diesel fuel. This will allow it to trickle down into the

fertilizer, wetting it.

That’s it.

All you have to do is put light the newspaper as the fuse and run, making sure that you

can run faster than the fuse can.

Calcium Carbide Bomb

Calcium carbide (also known as miner’s carbide) is an interesting chemical. It is best

known for use in old time miner’s lamps, and is still available in many hardware


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When calcium carbide is mixed with water, it produces acetylene carbonate gas. This

is similar to the acetylene gas used in cutting torches and just about as flammable.

You can make an explosion with calcium carbide, without any fuse. Simply put some

calcium carbide in a jar with water in it and screw on the top. As the gas is released, it

will build up pressure inside the glass jar, until the point where the jar explodes.

To make a more impressive explosion, all you need is a spark or open flame outside

the jar.

Then, when the jar breaks open, the acetylene carbonate gas will ignite instantly,

making it appear as if the jar exploded from the burning gas.

This makes for a rather nice fireball and a very impressive explosion, even if it

doesn’t have a lot of explosive force.

Gasoline/Potassium Bomb

Another category of bomb that makes a spectacular explosion, without needing any

sort of fuse is chemical bombs.

In the case of chemical bombs, it is the mixing of the chemicals together that produces

the explosion, rather than fire causing the explosive filler to burn.

One easy way to make one of these bombs is with gasoline and potassium


You can get potassium permanganate from snake bite kits. It is also used extensively

in water treatment plants. You can find it in this form in some swimming pool supply

stores. In that application, it is used to remove the rotten egg smell from well water,

which is caused by hydrogen sulfide.

This type of bomb is made in a glass jar. While that limits the amount of shrapnel

created, it doesn’t limit the explosive power of the bomb.

It is essentially a fuel-air explosive, so for a very small amount of chemicals, it

produces the same explosive force as a half stick of dynamite.

1. Put a few drops of gasoline into a glass jar and cap it.

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2. Rotate and shake the jar to ensure that the gasoline has coated the entire inner

surface of the jar.

3. Open the jar and add a few drops of potassium permanganate.

4. Close the jar tightly.

5. To detonate, throw the jar against something with enough force to cause it to

break open.

Due to the high explosive force of this mixture, make sure that you are protected from

the blast, either by distance or by being behind something that the glass shrapnel can’t


If you need some sort of homemade grenade, this would be a great option.

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Turning Your Explosive Filler into a Bomb ...

As I mentioned earlier, your bomb case will have a lot to do with how effective your

bomb explodes and what damage it does when it does explode.

Fireworks are made with cardboard, paper or plastic bomb casings, so that when they

explode, they won’t do much damage. The idea is that the bomb casing will either be

consumed by the burning of the explosive filler or will not turn into harmful shrapnel.

For harmful shrapnel, you need something hard, which will turn into jagged pieces of

hard destructive material.

Other than turning a panel truck into a fertilizer bomb, for homemade bombs this

usually means either glass jars or pipe bombs. While a panel truck makes lots of very

effective shrapnel for a large bomb, it is a bit expensive and sure to get you thrown

into jail as a terrorist.

Glass jars and bottles are natural bomb casings. If you need to insert a fuse all that is

required is to put a hole in the cap. Actually, you are better off replacing the cap with

something that plugs the opening more thoroughly, so that the bomb doesn’t just blow

the cap off.

Pipe bombs are easy to make, as they are made out of commonly available iron pipe

and threaded caps, which can be purchased at any hardware store, building supply

center or plumbing supply.

The iron pipe shatters well, making a fair amount of shrapnel. You can improve upon

this somewhat by scoring the pipe and caps with a grinder or cutoff wheel, similar to

how a pineapple grenade is scored to make it bust into shrapnel.

The fuse is inserted into a pipe bomb through a hole drilled into one of the caps. This

type of bomb is most often used with a slow burning fuse; although it will work

equally well with an electric fuse.

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Directing the Charge

Shaped charges are used in both weapons and for demolition work.

Any explosive provides equal explosive force in all directions. However, that

explosive force can be directed, either by providing a damper or by shaping the


A damper is something to contain the explosive charge.

If you were in the Old West and trying to blow a hole in a safe with dynamite, you

could make your dynamite more effective by piling sandbags around the safe, so that

the dynamite was trapped between the sandbags and the safe. Then, when the

dynamite exploded, a larger percentage of the force would be directed in towards the

safe, and not out into the air.

Shaped charges take this the next step by forming the explosive itself into a shape that

concentrates the explosive force so that it is directed at what you want to blow up.

While there are many configurations for shaped charges, the simplest is a bowl shape.

If the bowl is placed with the opening towards what you want to destroy with the

explosion, the shock wave from the explosive would be concentrated on that side,

while the shock wave on the outside of the bowl would be less severe.

In such a shaped charge, it is not that the explosive on the concave side is any more

potent, but rather that the shock wave is concentrated into a smaller space. That’s

where shaped charges receive their boost from, concentrating the shock wave;

essentially the same thing that a damper does for the explosive.

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Underground Explosive Secrets


A Final Word ...

Again, all the information in this short report is intended to be for informational

purposes only ...

Explosives are not toys. They can cause you or someone you love harm,

dismemberment or even death. Don’t play around.

That said: I believe knowledge is powerful – and in many cases can one day save your


This information deserves to be in the hands of any responsible Patriot who seeks it

out ...

And remember: this is not all there is to knowing explosives. This report is just a

primer. Overconfidence can be dangerous.

Thank you for reading this report.