Articles 114 BioScience February 2008 / Vol. 58 No. 2 www.biosciencemag.org M icrobiotic crusts cover wide-ranging portions of the arid and semiarid regions of the world, keeping wind and water erosion in check, affecting water infiltration and runoff, influencing the establishment of vascular plants, and serving as major primary producers and nitrogen-fixing communities in arid landscapes (Belnap and Lange 2001). Although the crusts are extensive, they are also delicate, requiring decades to a millennium to reestablish after dis- turbances such as livestock trampling or vehicular traffic (Bowker 2007). Crusts comprise communities of cyano- bacteria, lichens, bryophytes, green algae, diatoms, and other taxa that bind the upper layer of soil, producing a physical aggregation ranging in thickness from a few millimeters to several centimeters (figure 1; West 1990, St. Clair and Johan- sen 1993). The widespread distribution and varieties of crust communities, their fragility, and the recent desire to con- serve and restore crusts in arid and semiarid lands have motivated extensive investigations of the physical and phys- iological characteristics of crusts and crust organisms and of the biodiversity of the crust community (Belnap and Lange 2001). Recent reviews have summarized features of crust struc- ture and function (West 1990, Evans and Johansen 1999, Belnap and Lange 2001); we focus here on two intriguing themes that are emerging as the hidden diversity of free- living desert green algae is revealed. First, the remarkable diversity hidden among the microscopic, unicellular desert green algae, spanning five distinct green algal classes and en- compassing many previously unsampled taxa, provides a new perspective on the diversity and evolution of green plants. Second, the multiple, evolutionarily independent transitions from aquatic to desert habitats that we have detected among desert green algae reveal a gold mine of rich, natural variation that has evolved in the presence of strong selective pressures in the desert environment. All em- bryophytes (bryophytes, ferns, gymnosperms, and an- giosperms) derive from a single algal lineage that transitioned from freshwater to dry land (Graham 1993). Hand in hand with the single embryophyte lineage, multiple desert green algal lineages provide independent evolutionary units for When this article was written, Zoe G. Cardon (e-mail: [email protected]) was an associate professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and associate director of the Center for Integrative Geosciences, at the University of Connecticut (UConn) in Storrs; she is now affiliated with the Ecosystems Center at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Louise A. Lewis is an associate professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at UConn; Dennis W. Gray was a postdoctoral researcher there when this article was written, and is now affiliated with the Crop Physiology Laboratory at Utah State University in Logan. © 2008 American Institute of Biological Sciences. The Green Algal Underground: Evolutionary Secrets of Desert Cells ZOE G. CARDON, DENNIS W. GRAY, AND LOUISE A. LEWIS Microscopic, unicellular, free-living green algae are found in desert microbiotic crusts worldwide. Although morphologically simple, green algae in desert crusts have recently been found to be extraordinarily diverse, with membership spanning five green algal classes and encompassing many taxa new to science. This overview explores this remarkable diversity and its potential to lead to new perspectives on the diversity and evolution of green plants. Molecular systematic and physiological data gathered from desert taxa demonstrate that these algae are long-term members of desert communities, not transient visitors from aquatic habitats. Variations in desiccation tolerance and photophysiology among these algae include diverse evolutionary innovations that developed under selective pressures in the desert. Combined with the single embryophyte lineage to which more familiar terrestrial green plants belong, multiple desert green algal lineages provide independent evolutionary units that may enhance understanding of the evolution and ecology of eukaryotic photosynthetic life on land. Keywords: biodiversity, Chlorophyta, desert microbiotic crust, desiccation, green algae

Articles The Green Algal Underground: Evolutionary Secrets ...€¦ · Early taxonomic surveys of desert green algae employed only information about vegetative cell morphology (e.g.,

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Page 1: Articles The Green Algal Underground: Evolutionary Secrets ...€¦ · Early taxonomic surveys of desert green algae employed only information about vegetative cell morphology (e.g.,


114 BioScience • February 2008 / Vol. 58 No. 2 www.biosciencemag.org

Microbiotic crusts cover wide-ranging portions ofthe arid and semiarid regions of the world, keeping

wind and water erosion in check, affecting water infiltrationand runoff, influencing the establishment of vascular plants,and serving as major primary producers and nitrogen-fixingcommunities in arid landscapes (Belnap and Lange 2001). Although the crusts are extensive, they are also delicate, requiring decades to a millennium to reestablish after dis-turbances such as livestock trampling or vehicular traffic(Bowker 2007). Crusts comprise communities of cyano -bacteria, lichens, bryophytes, green algae, diatoms, and othertaxa that bind the upper layer of soil, producing a physical aggregation ranging in thickness from a few millimeters to several centimeters (figure 1; West 1990, St. Clair and Johan -sen 1993). The widespread distribution and varieties of crustcommunities, their fragility, and the recent desire to con-serve and restore crusts in arid and semiarid lands have motivated extensive investigations of the physical and phys-iological characteristics of crusts and crust organisms and ofthe biodiversity of the crust community (Belnap and Lange2001).

Recent reviews have summarized features of crust struc-ture and function (West 1990, Evans and Johansen 1999,Belnap and Lange 2001); we focus here on two intriguingthemes that are emerging as the hidden diversity of free- living desert green algae is revealed. First, the remarkable

diversity hidden among the microscopic, unicellular desertgreen algae, spanning five distinct green algal classes and en-compassing many previously unsampled taxa, provides anew perspective on the diversity and evolution of greenplants. Second, the multiple, evolutionarily independenttransitions from aquatic to desert habitats that we have detected among desert green algae reveal a gold mine of rich,natural variation that has evolved in the presence of strongselective pressures in the desert environment. All em-bryophytes (bryophytes, ferns, gymnosperms, and an-giosperms) derive from a single algal lineage that transitionedfrom freshwater to dry land (Graham 1993). Hand in handwith the single embryophyte lineage, multiple desert green algal lineages provide independent evolutionary units for

When this article was written, Zoe G. Cardon (e-mail: [email protected])

was an associate professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary

Biology, and associate director of the Center for Integrative Geosciences, at

the University of Connecticut (UConn) in Storrs; she is now affiliated with

the Ecosystems Center at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole,

Massachusetts. Louise A. Lewis is an associate professor in the Department

of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at UConn; Dennis W. Gray was a

postdoctoral researcher there when this article was written, and is now

affiliated with the Crop Physiology Laboratory at Utah State University in

Logan. © 2008 American Institute of Biological Sciences.

The Green Algal Underground:Evolutionary Secrets of DesertCells


Microscopic, unicellular, free-living green algae are found in desert microbiotic crusts worldwide. Although morphologically simple, green algae indesert crusts have recently been found to be extraordinarily diverse, with membership spanning five green algal classes and encompassing many taxanew to science. This overview explores this remarkable diversity and its potential to lead to new perspectives on the diversity and evolution of greenplants. Molecular systematic and physiological data gathered from desert taxa demonstrate that these algae are long-term members of desertcommunities, not transient visitors from aquatic habitats. Variations in desiccation tolerance and photophysiology among these algae include diverseevolutionary innovations that developed under selective pressures in the desert. Combined with the single embryophyte lineage to which morefamiliar terrestrial green plants belong, multiple desert green algal lineages provide independent evolutionary units that may enhanceunderstanding of the evolution and ecology of eukaryotic photosynthetic life on land.

Keywords: biodiversity, Chlorophyta, desert microbiotic crust, desiccation, green algae

Page 2: Articles The Green Algal Underground: Evolutionary Secrets ...€¦ · Early taxonomic surveys of desert green algae employed only information about vegetative cell morphology (e.g.,


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the study of mechanisms that met the environmental chal-lenges confronting the ancestor of embryophytes when itfirst made the leap from water to land. Such potential toler-ance or avoidance mechanisms can be tested in an explicitlyphylogenetic context, separating lineage-specific from habitat- specific traits. In this overview, we expand on these two ma-jor emerging themes.

Hidden diversityAt first glance, desert and other terrestrial green algae mayseem to be a fairly narrow group of organisms. These micro -scopic, mostly unicellular eukaryotes range in diameter from10 to 50 micrometers. Morphologically, they are spherical or rod-shaped in the vegetative stage and live singly or in smallpackets of cells (figure 2). Terrestrial green algae are often

difficult to identify—examination of the nonmotile vegeta-tive cells of different ages, the modes of cell division and re-production, and alternate life stages (zoospores and gametes)that are motile by two or more cilia requires that they be iso-lated and cultured. Even though terrestrial green algae arerather simple morphologically, it is now evident that they areevolutionarily diverse, being found in six of ten green algalclasses (figure 3). The surprising amount of diverse green algae in deserts parallels the recently uncovered diversityamong eukaryotic microorganisms from habitats such asanoxic mud, highly acidic rivers, and deep-sea vents (e.g.,Zettler et al. 2002).

Perspectives on the diversity of desert green algae haveshifted dramatically over time with changes in the classifica-tion of green algae and with the use of data at increasingly finerlevels of resolution. Traditional classification systems of greenalgae were based on vegetative cell morphology (e.g., Smith1950); accordingly, classes and orders of green algae whosespecies had similar vegetative morphology were classifiedtogether. Later, specialists of unicellular green algae determinedthat vegetative cell features visible with light microscopy areless predictive of evolutionary relationships than internalcellular features, because the internal traits cut across diversemorphological forms. As electron microscopic data of algalcell division and motile cell structure (such as the swim-ming apparatus) became available for a large number ofspecies, the green algae were divided into five classes basedmore on cell structure than on vegetative morphology (Mat-tox and Stewart 1984). A dramatic difference between the tra-ditional system and the newer five-class system is that algaein one of the classes share motile cell features with those ofland plants (e.g., sperm in bryophytes); this class is thus in-terpreted as having a closer evolutionary history to landplants (Stewart and Mattox 1978).

The five-class system has been developed further with theinclusion of DNA sequence data and an emphasis on phylo-genetic systematics (i.e., naming monophyletic lineages). Toresolve these deepest branches in the green plant tree of life, researchers have used data from slowly evolving regionsin the nuclear 18S rDNA gene and the plastid rbcL (ribulose-biphosphate carboxylase) gene. At present, 10 classes of greenalgae have been named (figure 3). Additional classes are certain to be formalized as data are obtained from poorly stud-ied groups such as the prasinophyte algae, which are recog-nized as a heterogeneous group of motile unicellular forms.Beyond providing a more complete picture of evolutionaryrelationships among different major groups of green algae,molecular phylogenetic studies, some including electronmicro scopy of motile stages, have demonstrated that manyof the commonly encountered terrestrial genera (e.g., Chlorellaand Chlorococcum) are not monophyletic (Nakayama et al.1996, Huss et al. 1999). Taken as a whole, these findings in-dicate that species assessments based on morphological information from vegetative cells alone could underestimategreen algal diversity, perhaps severely.

Figure 1. Microbiotic crust habitats. (a) Gypsiferous crustcommunity northwest of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Notethe footpath worn in the thick crust layer, revealing thewhite gypsum beneath. (b) Crust community in southernArizona. Photographs: Paul O. Lewis.

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Early taxonomic surveys of desert green algae employedonly information about vegetative cell morphology (e.g.,Friedmann et al. 1967, Metting 1981), resulting in a smallnumber of species being described from desert habitats. Additional information from alternate life stages allowedphycologists to recognize many more desert species than had previously been described. For example, Flechtner andcolleagues (1998) recovered 37 green algal taxa, representing19 genera, from one location in Baja California, Mexico. As soil algae biologists who were assessing biodiversity (Flecht-ner 1999, Smith et al. 2004) pointed out, many of the mor-phologically similar taxa that have been recovered fromdistinct habitats are likely to represent distinct species. Morerecently, molecular phylogenetics has been used to makemore accurate assessments of systematic relationships ofdesert green algae, and estimates of the number of differentgreen algae that colonize desert habitats have risen (Lewisand Flechtner 2002, 2004), but sampling is still far from thorough.

To date, more than 400 strains of unicellular green algaehave been cultured from a limited number of soil samplestaken from arid habitats in the Sonoran, Mojave, Chi-huahuan, and Great Basin regions of North America. Thesealgae are currently held in the Biotic Crust Project collection(http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/bcp/). With 18S rDNA se-quence data and information from other gene regions, weare using phylogenetic analyses to answer basic questionsabout the diversity of green algae of desert soils, such as: Howmany transitions to the desert habitat did green algae make?Is there evidence that green algae diversified in deserts, or didthe algae isolated from desert soils develop from spores orother resistant structures recently dispersed from aquatichabitats?

Two papers illustrate the independent evolution of desertgreen algae from aquatic, freshwater green algae. With asmall number (11) of green algal isolates from North Amer-ican deserts, Lewis and Flechtner (2002) determined thatdesert green algae are not monophyletic, but instead arosewithin different classes of algae, and from freshwater an-cestors. With a more extensive phylogenetic analysis of 18SrDNA sequence data from 23 desert and 127 nondesertgreen algae, Lewis and Lewis (2005) confirmed the freshwater

ancestry of desert green algae, and demonstrated that desertalgae include members of five classes of green algae. These in-vestigators identified multiple independent lineages of desertgreen algae within some of the classes. In Lewis and Lewis’s(2005) study, the sampling of species included only isolateswith known habitat data, so that the origins of all sequenceson the tree could be designated as desert or nondesert habi-tat. Two methods were used to estimate the number of in-dependent transitions to the desert habitat in green algae: withphylogenetic trees obtained from Bayesian phylogeneticanalyses, parsimony reconstruction (under optimizations

Figure 2. Examples of the green algae isolated from desert habitats. (a) Scenedesmus rotundus (Chloro-phyceae); (b) Cylindrocystis sp. (Zygnematophyceae); (c) Myrmecia sp. (Trebouxiophyceae); and (d)Chloro sarcinopsis sp. (Chlorophyceae). Scale bar = 10 micrometers. Photographs: Louise A. Lewis.

Figure 3. Summary phylogenetic tree of green plants from thegreen algal perspective. Shown are 10 classes of green algae andthe single monophyletic lineage representing all embryophyteplants (bryophytes, vascular plants, seed plants, floweringplants). Branches on the tree are shaded green to indicate marinelineages and blue to denote freshwater lineages. Orange boxes indicate lineages containing desert biotic crust members, and the numbers in the boxes are conservative estimates of the num-ber of independent terrestrial groups in each. The yellow box associated with Ulvophyceae represents lineages of marine- derived subaerial algae. Relationships and distribution of terrestrial taxa are summarized from Lewis and Flechtner(2004), Lewis and McCourt (2004), Smith and colleagues (2004),Lewis and Lewis (2005), López-Bautista and colleagues (2006),and Rindi and colleagues (2006).

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favoring either reversals or parallel changes) and Bayesianmapping led to a conservative estimate of 14 to 17 indepen-dent transitions from aquatic ancestors to the desert habitat.This work did not take into account all of the sequences nowin hand, however, and the number of desert lineages that wehave detected is increasing with additional sampling. Inter-estingly, reversals from desert to aquatic habitats were not observed, but they may emerge as more isolates are analyzed.

In addition to being diverse phylogenetically, desert greenalgae also hold substantial DNA sequence variation that is notrepresented in public databases by green algae sampled fromaquatic environments (Lewis and Lewis 2005). Comparisonsof desert algae sequences with published sequences of aquaticalgae from the National Center for Biotechnology Informa-tion (determined by BLAST [Basic Local Alignment SearchTool] analysis), along with analyses of desert and aquatictaxa on phylogenetic trees, indicate that some of the desert isolates are distantly related to known aquatic algae, whereasothers are closely related to, and even nested within, knownaquatic genera. If all of the desert taxa were closely related to already-sampled algae, they would represent only minortip branches on the phylogenetic tree, and adding another sequence from a desert alga would increase the tree length onlyslightly. We observed, however, that including new data fromdesert algae adds significantly to the understanding of algaldiversity as measured by the increase in total phylo genetic treelength (Lewis and Lewis 2005), which indicates that at leastsome of these algae are very distinct molecularly from knownaquatic algae.

Phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequence data has generatedimportant insights into the evolution and diversity of greenalgae from deserts, but it is becoming clear that 18S rDNA dataprovide only coarse-grained phylogenetic resolution, andthey are not variable enough for assessing species-level ques-tions. In some cases, cells with similar phenotypes and sim-ilar 18S rDNA sequences are found in both desert and aquatichabitats. Should these isolates be interpreted as a single specieswith wide ecological tolerances, or are they instead distincttaxa with similar morphology?

Lewis and Flechtner (2004) examined evidence for distinctspecies in cases where the 18S data indicated a close rela-tionship to known aquatic green algae. They obtained six isolates from deserts in western North America. These verysmall cells resembled unicellular forms of the freshwaterspecies Scenedesmus obliquus. At the level of 18S rDNA sequence similarity, the six desert isolates shared more than99.6% similarity to the S. obliquus isolates from freshwaterhabitats in Sweden. For most purposes, they would be con-sidered identical to the aquatic isolates. However, in phylo-genetic analysis of a more variable region of the nucleargenome, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of rDNA, thedesert isolates formed two well-supported clades, each pos-sessing ITS haplotypes that were distinct from each other andfrom the aquatic Scenedesmus isolates. Using scanning electronmicro scopy, morphological distinctions were also found in thecell-wall surfaces. Thus, eukaryotic algae found in such

different habitats as freshwater lakes and desert soils can havenearly identical morphology and 18S rDNA sequences, butpossess variation in ITS rDNA that reveals evolutionary divergence between them.

The use of more variable molecular markers, here ITSrDNA, has provided a more complete picture of the diversityof green algae in desert soils and a better understanding of howquickly physiological differences can evolve. Data from stud-ies using such markers, coupled with physiological contrastsdiscussed below, support the notion that desert green algaeare not temporary visitors that recently dispersed from aquatichabitats. This information has important implications for improving the accuracy of biodiversity assessments and for enhancing understanding of the distribution of species invarious habitats.

An obvious cautionary note about using cultured mater-ial to estimate desert algal diversity is that some (or evenmany) of the algae in the sampled desert crusts may have beenmissed because they are not easily cultured. Hawkes andFlechtner (2002) compared the algae detected from cultur-ing with those detected from observing soils directly, andfound 30% more species in the samples processed with directobservation. Other groups have also explored the diversity ofprokaryotic crust microorganisms using the method of en-vironmental sampling. Garcia-Pichel and colleagues (2001)compared microscopic and molecular assessments ofcyanobacterial species in crusts and concluded that eachmethod underestimated certain forms. We have noted onseveral occasions that the cell walls of the desert green algaewe have in hand are very difficult to break open for access toDNA. It may be that very specialized techniques will have tobe developed to capture DNA from all microorganisms present in crusts. Until then, studies using cultured algae willcontinue to elucidate the phylogenetic diversity of green algae in desert soils. In addition, physiological studies of cultured algae provide an opportunity to compare the biol-ogy of individual species of algae in desert soils with that oftheir closest aquatic relatives.

Physiology within the phylogenetic frameworkThe largest, most conspicuous, and best studied monophyleticgroup of green plants that has transitioned from water to landis the embryophytes, which includes the bryophytes and thevascular seedless, seeded, and flowering plants. The greenplant group, however, also includes green algae, and it is clearfrom the work cited above that transitions by these unicellulargreen plants from freshwater to terrestrial habitats, evenharsh deserts, have occurred multiple times. These dramatichabitat transitions, taking place in multiple, evolutionarily independent lineages, make up a diverse phylogenetic back-drop against which to examine physiological mechanisms andintracellular characteristics essential for green plant life onland.

In this context, a shift in perspective toward a more inclu-sive view of the suite of green plant physiologies could revealdrivers behind variation in chloroplast structure and function.


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On the one hand, there is remarkable diversity across greenalgal taxa in such basic photophysiological characters as thepresence and extent of thylakoid membrane stacking in granawithin chloroplasts, separation of photosystems I and IIwithin thylakoids, and carbon dioxide–concentrating mech-anisms (Badger et al. 1998, Gunning and Schwartz 1999,Giordano et al. 2005). Though presence and morphology ofgrana are variable among green algal groups, chloroplast granaare ubiquitous in higher plants, so the higher plant conditioncould be viewed as one of very limited variation in a vast seaof variation on the evolutionary themes of green plant chloro-plast form and function. On the other hand, variation inother photophysiological characteristics may be quite limitedamong green algal lineages, including, for example, in the com-mon, distinctive, humped shape of the chlorophyll fluores-cence induction curve during the first several hundredmilliseconds of a saturating light pulse (Schreiber et al. 2002,Gray et al. 2006). The contrasting pattern in higher plants (inwhich chlorophyll fluorescence does not decline over thesame time frame) could be considered unusual when com-pared with the green algal pattern in a taxonomically highlydiverse framework. Why have different structures or behav-iors appeared in embryophytes? Is this a lineage-specificfluke? Natural selection associated with the terrestrial habit?Are there common structural or physiological charactersthat unify terrestrial green photosynthetic organisms (algaland plant) and distinguish them from aquatic green algae?

An important first step toward using desert green algal lin-eages to begin exploring such questions is to ascertain whetherthe green algae in deserts became established and divergedthere over generations, relative to their aquatic ancestors.Molecular evidence (outlined above; Lewis and Lewis 2005)suggests that indeed the desert green algae are not transientvisitors from aquatic environments; their molecular sequenceshave diverged sufficiently from those of closely related, aquaticsister taxa to suggest that the desert taxa are long-term in-habitants of the desert. Recent parallel work by Gray andcolleagues (2007) examining desiccation tolerance also haspointed clearly to distinct physiologies exhibited by desert andaquatic taxa in “common garden” experiments. One of thegreat hazards of desert life for all unicellular organisms is des-iccation. For photosynthetic microalgae, desiccation threat-ens basic metabolism and can also heighten photodamage tothe photosynthetic apparatus (e.g., Eickmeier et al. 1992,Casper et al. 1993, Baker and Bowyer 1994). There is an ex-tensive body of literature exploring desiccation toleranceand photosynthetic response to desiccation and rehydrationin diverse photosynthetic organisms, including beach-rock mi-crobial mats (with green algae and cyanobacteria; Schreiberet al. 2002), lycophyte “resurrection plants” such as Selaginellaspecies and some angiosperms (e.g., Eickmeier et al. 1992,Casper et al. 1993, Oliver et al. 2000, Rascio and La Rocca2005), Antarctic mosses (e.g., Wasley et al. 2006), and cyano-lichens and chlorolichens (e.g., Nash et al. 1990, Lange et al.1997, Kopecky et al. 2005). These organisms possess a variety of protective mechanisms that, for example, dissi-

pate excess excitation energy when desiccation limits photo-synthetic activity (e.g., Kopecky et al. 2005), or maintain theintegrity of membranes through high concentrations of car-bohydrates or lipids (e.g., Wasley et al. 2006).

Using phylogenetically diverse pairs of closely related desertand aquatic green algae from the Chlorophyceae and Tre-bouxiophyceae (N = 6 for desert taxa, N = 5 for aquatictaxa), Gray and colleagues (2007) used phylogenetically informed statistical methods to explore the ability of desertalgae and close sister aquatic taxa to reinitiate photosynthe-sis after exposure to short- and long-term desiccation stress.Desert and aquatic algae were grown in uni algal culture onporous glass beads contained in small, mesh-bottomed acryliccontainers (figure 4, inset). Moisture in these small contain-ers could be controlled by placing them in larger petri platesand fully hydrating them by allowing water to wick throughthe mesh bottom, or by controlling humidity in the air flow-ing through the petri plate container. Algae were desiccatedeither in the dark or under day–night illumination cycles, andphotosynthetic quantum yield (φPSII) was observed fromdark-adapted samples using chlorophyll fluorimetry. Thequantum yield for all algae declined to near 0 (indicating lossof photosynthetic activity) after 12 to 24 hours of exposureto a drying (25% humidity) airstream. Algae were then allowedto remain dry for an additional 24 hours, 7 days, or 4 weeksin the growth room, after which they were rehydrated and as-sayed for recovery of φPSII. Dark-adapted chlorophyll fluo-rescence was measured at 1 hour, 24 hours, and 48 hours intorehydration in darkness, and again following reilluminationfor 24 hours and for 5 days in the growth chamber.

Overall, isolates from desert crusts maintained quite highφPSII after 24 hours and after 7 days of desiccated conditions,particularly when they were desiccated in the dark. Even after 4 weeks of desiccation, φPSII was not 0 when desert algae desiccated in the dark were rehydrated for just onehour (figure 4). This ability to resurrect photosynthesis wasnot associated with obvious morphological changes, whichwould have indicated entry into spore stages during desic-cation. In contrast, aquatic taxa overall exhibited greatly re-duced φPSII relative to the baseline hydrated condition, evenafter enduring only 24 hours of full desiccation (Gray et al.2007). After 4 weeks of desiccation in light or darkness, φPSII

re covery in aquatic algae rehydrated in darkness was very low,though it could rebound after longer-term reillumination ofthe rehydrated samples (figure 4). The large error bars asso-ciated with φPSII in aquatic algae (figure 4) do not indicate thatdata from single species were variable; instead, there wasdramatic variation among aquatic species in their capacity torecover φPSII after desiccation (for details, see Gray et al. 2007).Algae isolated from desert crusts clearly have superior toler-ance for desiccation; however, desert algae desiccated underdiel light–dark regimes (rather than continuously in thedark) sustained greater damage and more strongly reducedφPSII than dark-desiccated taxa. The mechanisms associatedwith these differences in tolerance of photosynthesis to

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desiccation and illumination are unknown and under con-tinuing investigation.

Beyond this photosynthetic tolerance to desiccation, gen-eral mechanisms of cellular desiccation tolerance have yet tobe examined in desert algae; these mechanisms protect thephotosynthetic apparatus and maintain cellular integrityduring desiccation and upon rehydration. It is clear thatgreen algae have “resting” stages (spores and zygotes) that al-low cells to overwinter in freezing temperatures or to survivefrom year to year in ephemeral pools. Trainor and Gladych(1995) found that even after soils had air-dried for 35 years,green algae—which had survived in unknown form—couldbe cultured from them. In the physiological experiments de-scribed above, however, the green algae survive desiccation inthe vegetative state.

Vegetative desiccation tolerance is widespread in em-bryophytes, appearing in bryophytes, ferns, and many an-giosperms, but tolerant species are rare (Alpert 2000). Oliverand colleagues (2000, 2005) hypothesized that vegetativedesiccation tolerance may be the ancestral condition, often associated with the ability to tolerate and quickly reboundfrom rapid dehydration, as in bryophytes. Desiccation toler-ance in the diploid (sporophyte) vegetative tissues of angio -sperms and ferns, in contrast, can be induced when drying isslow, and recovery upon rehydration can be sluggish (Oliveret al. 2000). For example, in an overview of strategies and dy-namics of desiccation tolerance and recovery in an angio -sperm, a lichen, and a moss, Tuba and colleagues (1998)noted that up to 72 hours are required postrehydration forphotosynthetic recovery in the desiccation-tolerant angio -sperm Xerophyta scabrida. By comparison, desiccation-toleranthaploid (gametophyte) cells of desert bryophytes, such as

the well-studied Tortula,can dry quickly (in lessthan an hour) and returnto normal photosyntheticyield within two hours after rehydration. Bryo -phytes use constitutive expression of protectivecomponents, such as de-hydrin proteins and sug-ars, as well as rapid repairmechanisms (Oliver et al.2000, 2005).

The desert green algaewe have examined exhibitdynamics of desiccationtolerance similar to thoseof mosses, in that vegeta-tive tissues can toleraterapid dehydration, and cellular functions such asphotosynthesis can recoverupon rehydration veryquickly (Gray et al. 2007).

In some cases, more than 90% of initial photosynthetic yieldwas recovered within one hour after rewetting of vegetativetissues of desert algae desiccated in darkness. At this point wedo not know if the green algae express dehydrin-like proteinsor use repair mechanisms seen in desert mosses, but, as Oliverand colleagues (2005) discussed, a key to understanding theevolution of widespread vegetative desiccation tolerance inbryophytes is knowledge of protective and repair mecha-nisms in green algae that share a common ancestor withembryo phyte land plants. Examining desiccation tolerancemechanisms in multiple, independent lineages of desert greenalgae may deepen knowledge of ancestral conditions of vegetative desiccation tolerance in green photosynthetic organisms in general.

Given that both molecular and physiological data indicatethat desert green algae are not just transient aquatic visitorsin the desert landscape, these desert green algal lineages provide potentially very powerful, independent evolutionaryunits with which to examine lineage-specific and habitat- specific patterns in photosynthetic structure and function. Onebasic process for photosynthetic organisms that lends itself toanalysis in this phylogenetic context is energy sharing amongphotosystems I and II. In higher plants, photosystem II (PSII)is concentrated in appressed regions of granal stacks of thy-lakoid membranes, and photosystem I (PSI) is located inthylakoids between grana (Stys 1995, Staehelin 2003, Dekkerand Boekema 2005). Anderson (1999, 2002) hypothesized thatthis separation of photosystems within thylakoid membranesmay be advantageous, given light conditions in the terrestrialhabitat. Light attenuation by terrestrial canopies tends to enrich the far-red wavelengths, which are preferentially ab-sorbed by PSI, in lower canopy layers. The spatial segregation


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Figure 4. Quantum yield of photosystem II determined from chlorophyll fluorescence before and after desiccation of algae, measured from desert and aquatic algae established in separate, uni -algal cultures on porous glass beads (inset photograph). Error bars represent the standard errorfor each group. Photograph: Dennis W. Gray.

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of PSII and PSI in granal-appressed and nonappressed thy-lakoid regions, respectively, minimizes the excitation trans-fer from PSII antennae to PSI (termed spillover), as well as thepreferential use of excitation energy by PSI driven simply byits rapid reaction rates (Trissl and Wilhelm 1993). Overall pho-tosynthetic efficiency is enhanced. Anderson (1999, 2002)further hypothesized that the more homogeneous distribu-tions of PSI and PSII, and less- developed grana, in chloroplastsof many common aquatic green algae may improve photo-synthetic function in water, where far-red wavelengths are thefirst wavelengths lost with depth. Attenuated light in deeperwater is enriched with light preferentially absorbed by PSII,and the mixing of PSII and PSI in algal thylakoids may en-hance excitation spillover from PSII to PSI, improving over-all photosynthetic efficiency under water.

The implicit idea is that grana stacking may correlate withgreen plant life on land, and a lack of stacking may correlatewith green plant life in water. Closely related desert andaquatic green algae provide the opportunity to test this idea.Embryophytes exhibit one strategy for dealing with lightquality “skewed” by the terrestrial habit—the separation of thephotosystems associated with grana stacking of thylakoidmembranes. Other examples of successful strategies may liein the multiple lineages of desert green algae. The presenceof grana may, in fact, be lineage specific, not linked to habitat.

In a survey of aquatic green algae, Gunning and Schwartz(1999) used confocal microscopy to examine patterns ofchlorophyll fluorescence emitted from chloroplasts of intactgreen algal cells. Punctate, bright fluorescence was assumedto indicate the presence of grana stacks in which PSII was con-centrated, as is true in higher plants. Their work showed thatthe extent of grana development depended on green algal lin-eage, at least within the limits of the taxa sampled. In partic-ular, algae in Zygnemophyceae, Coleochaetophyceae, andCharophyceae appeared to have grana, whereas algae fromother classes (with the exception of Cladophora, Ulvophyceae)tended not to exhibit clear grana stacking. Gunning andSchwartz (1999) specifically noted that surveys of Kleb-sormidium, Mesostigma, and Chlorokybus genera in classes thatdiverged even earlier than did Zygnemophyceae are essentialfor exploring the distribution of the grana-stacking charac-ter within the green algal phylogeny; Klebsormidium is wellrepresented within desert algal isolates. Whether all membersof these classes have well-developed grana remains unclear;in particular, do desert algae in these classes have well- developed grana, arguably for similar reasons that terrestrialplants do? Using transmission electron microscopy, Mc-Manus and colleagues (2005) clearly showed that an aquaticspecies of Zygnemophyceae exhibits extensive stacking ofthe thylakoid membranes in grana, yet observation of simi-larly extensive stacking in a phylogenetically close desert rel-ative has remained elusive. The potential implications arestriking; differential extents of stacking in grana among lin-eages of desert green algae could drive substantially differentmechanisms for sharing of excitation energy between PSI and

PSII, potentially with ramifications for handling of excitationenergy by the xanthophyll cycle (or its equivalent; e.g., Niyogiet al. 1997, Niyogi 1999) and by state transitions (Finazzi etal. 2001, Wollman 2001).

Interestingly, Mullineaux (2005) suggests that the separa-tion of photosystems is solely a side effect of granal stackingdriven by a completely different impetus—the need for alarger light-harvesting antenna for PSII under terrestrialshady conditions, coupled with diffusion constraints faced byplastoquinone. However, Mullineaux’s accompanying sug-gestion, that the chloroplasts of algal precursors of landplants may have lost phycobilisomes in response to high lightwhen living at the aquatic-terrestrial interface, does not cor-respond with the current understanding of green algal evo-lution. As detailed above, embryophytes are a comparativelyrecent branch of the green algal tree of life. Because all extantlineages of green algae, from prasinophytes to chlorophytesto charophytes, lack phycobilisomes, it is unlikely that phy-cobilisomes were lost during the transition to a terrestrial lightenvironment. Molecular dating (Yoon et al. 2004) places themost recent common ancestor of all extant green algae at 1100million to 1200 million years ago, far earlier than the originof embryophytes at 420 million to 430 million years ago(Kenrick and Crane 1997).

In sum, crusts are a natural, ongoing laboratory featuringunrelated aquatic taxa that diversified to the desert habit.Ultimately, these evolutionary “experiments” could providevery interesting information about protection against the effects of extreme dehydration, a threat to all known formsof life, and photoprotection under environmental stress, athreat to major primary producers. As in most ecosystems onEarth, the soil microbial community is a frontier, and our un-derstanding of how such communities evolve, influence, andeven create their own environment by constructing com-plex assemblages of various thicknesses, textures, and bio-chemistries is essential for understanding their basic influenceson the biogeochemistry of Earth’s atmosphere and ecosystems.

Learning more about the cryptic diversity of desert greenalgae and their ecological tolerances and physiology alsohas practical application. The green algae are among themajor structural and photosynthetic constituents of desertcrusts, along with cyanobacteria (often dominant),bryophytes, lichens, and fungi, and the physiology of thesemicroscopic, single-celled green algae distributed withinmicrobiotic crusts is practically impossible to study in situ.Yet in cooler habitats that are slightly more moist or acidic,green algae can be the dominant organisms in microbioticcrusts (Büdel 2001, Johansen 2001, Smith et al. 2004). As efforts to restore crusts intensify (Bowker 2007), knowledgeof preferences, physiology, tolerances, and sensitivities ofdominant desert crust organisms, including green algae,will be essential information.

Crusts are targets for restoration for several ecological reasons. They can be dominant sources of productivity andcarbon sequestration in extremely dry environments, andthey can contribute to soil fertility through the fixation of

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nitrogen (Evans and Johansen 1999). Land managers have longnoted the ability of crusts to bind and stabilize soils, preventingerosion (Belnap and Lange 2001). And the diverse physicalstructures of crusts change water movement over soil surfaces,in some cases enhancing water penetration and providing favorable microsites for the germination of seeds, in otherspromoting sheeting of water flow over the landscape. Un-fortunately, biotic crusts are also very fragile structures thatare susceptible to physical disturbances such as livestocktrampling and vehicular traffic, and they recover only veryslowly (Belnap and Lange 2001, Bowker 2007). Interest in or-ganismal diversity in crusts, crust function, crust establish-ment, and crust management has thus grown greatly amongmanagers of western arid and semiarid lands as sustainabil-ity and productivity become interlinked goals.

AcknowledgmentsWe thank Shelley Olm and Deborah Tyser for culture main-tenance and technical assistance, and three anonymous re-viewers for helpful comments. This work was supported bygrants from the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis-tration, Exobiology Program (EXB02-0042-0054) to L. A. L.and Z. G. C., from the National Science Foundation (DEB-0529737) to L. A. L., and from the University of ConnecticutResearch Foundation to Z. G. C. This is publication number11 from the Center for Integrative Geosciences at the Uni-versity of Connecticut.

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