under the sea

under the sea

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Lesson 22. under the sea. <. <. <. <. <. <. lake. <. river. sea. <. ocean. Task 1 : Discuss and answer. What can you find under the sea?. Lesson 22. c o l o u r f u l. coral reefs. be amazed at…. swim – swam - swum. surf –surfed - surfed. dive dove dove. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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under the sea

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lake river sea ocean

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Task 1: Discuss and answer

What can you find under the sea?

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be amazed at….

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swim – swam - swum

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surf –surfed - surfed

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dive dove dove

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How important is the sea to our life?

•The sea gives us much food.

•It helps give us rain for our crops.

•It gives us much salt. (盐 )

•It can keep the weather wet.

•It gives us plants for medicine.


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Task 2: Discuss and answer

What made us know the beauty of the sea?

Who invented the scuba machine?

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What made us know the beauty of the sea?

Who invented the scuba?

Jacques Cousteau

雅克.库斯托.法国摄影家,探险( explorer). 他在1943年发明了水下呼吸器 (scub machine), 俗称水肺.使得探索深海成为可能.

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Read the text and find out fourthings that Cousteau did in the text.

• 1.invented the scuba machine.

2.Made a TV show about the life under the sea.

3.Started the Cousteau Society to help protect life in the sea.4 .encouraged everyone to take part in protecting our lakes, rivers, seas and ocean.

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Read the text again, and answer the following questions:

• 1.What was Cousteau interested in?

• 2.How long did the TV show run?

• 3.Why did the coral reefs become grey? •

4.List two ways to keep the seas clean.

Diving deep into the sea and making videos.

Eight years.

Because people polluted the ocean.

We should not litter the seas and should clean up the dirty parts.

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• 1 使其变成可能• 2 对…感到惊讶• 3 决定做某事• 4 多么重要• 5 遍及全世界• 6 既然,因为• 7 清除• 8 鼓励某人做某事• 9 参加,参与• 10 一年之后

写出下列词组的英文表达。写出下列词组的英文表达。make it possiblebe amazed at

decide to do sthhow importantall over the world

sinceclean up

encourage sb to do sthtake part in

a year later after a year

Page 22: under the sea

Key sentences 1.anywhere else

2.This is because there was no machine allowing a person to breathe under water for a long time.

3.His friend made it possible by inventing the scuba machine.

4.He even made a TV show which ran for eight years.

5.It was very popular and let the people see what life was like under the sea.

6.He was amazed at the colours.

7.Water is very important to our environment.

8.He encouraged everyone to take part in protecting our lakes ,rivers,seas and oceans.

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Step 4 Reading comprehension1.What’s the scuba machine used for?It helps a person to breathe under the waterfor a long time.2.When was it invented?

In 1943.3.Who invented the scuba machine?Jacques Cousteau and his friend.

4.What do you know about Cousteau?Cousteau was very interested in diving deep into the sea,and wanted to be anexplorer. He also liked to make videos.

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5.Did Cousteau buy a ship for pleasure orfor exploring ?For exploring.

6.What did Cousteau do under the sea? He took pictures and videos of many things that people had never seen before.7.Why was Cousteau’s TV show very popular

8.What does the word “run” in this passageMean? 上演

Because it let many people see what life was like under the sea.

It means last.

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9.What amazed Cousteau when he was a boy?

All the colours and all the beautiful fish under the sea.

10.Why did the colourful coral reefs die and become grey?

Because of environment pollution.

11.What did Cousteau do to protect life in the sea?

He started the Cousteau Society to helpprotect life in the sea.

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12.What do you think we should do to protect lakes, rivers seas and oceans?We should not litter waste things into the sea and should clean up the dirty parts..

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翻译下列句子翻译下列句子1. 人们不能够在海南潜水,其他地方也不行。People couldn’t go scuba diving on HainanIsland, or .2. 这是因为没有机器允许人们在海底长时间地呼吸。This is there was no machineallowing people breathe under Water for a long time.3. 雅克 库斯托和他的朋友通过发明潜水器使得在 海底长时间呼吸成可能。Jacques Cousteau .diving deep into the sea.

anywhere else


made it possible

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4. 库斯托对潜入深海很感兴趣。Cousteau divinginto the deep sea.5. 他想成为一名探险家。He wanted an explorer.6. 他喜欢制作录像。He liked to .7. 当他到海底探险时,他常拍些人们以前从没见 过的照片。 he explored the sea, he often of many things that people had never seen before.

was interested in

to be

make videos

As took pictures

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8. 他甚至制作了电视节目,该节目上播了 8 年之长。He even made TV show which .8 eight years.9. 他使很多人看得到海底生活是如何的。He let many people see what life .under the sea.10. 他对所有的颜色的感到很惊讶。 He all the colours.11. 他决定去告诉人们拯救海底环境是多么重要的。He decided tell people . it was to save the environment under the sea.

ran for

was like

was amazed at

to howimportant

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12. 全世界有超过三万会员。There were 30,000 members the world.13. 我们必须清楚肮脏的部分。We should the dirty parts.14. 他鼓励每一个人参加保护我们的湖泊、河流 和海洋。He encouraged everyone to . protecting our lakes, rivers and oceans.

over all over

clean up

take partin

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Task 4: Interview (output)

选四个学生上前当 Jacques Cousteau,其余学生当记者。记者以最快的速度向Jacques Cousteau提问,最后选出“真正”的 Jacques Cousteau和最棒的记者。