Under the Sea Coloring Book The following sheets are Under the Sea facts. You can print these up on regular copy paper or card stock. You can have the children do one page a day and then staple the pages together to form a book. Have fun learning about the different sea creatures that you can find under the sea.

Under the Sea Coloring Book The following sheets are Under ...123learncurriculum.info/wp...the-Sea-Coloring-Book.pdf · Under the Sea Coloring Book The following sheets are Under

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Under the Sea Coloring Book

The following sheets are Under the Sea facts. You can print these up on regular copy paper or card stock. You can have the children do one page a day and then staple the pages together to form a book.

Have fun learning about the different sea creatures that you can find under the sea.


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Under the Sea Coloring Book


The Ocean

The ocean covers three-quarters of our planet with its mysterious beauty and abundance life.


Seahorses eat small crustaceans (occasionally fish larva) and live in the shallow tropical or temperate ocean waters in complex habitats relatively near the shore.


The ultimate ruler of the seas, there are more than 460 species of sharks and they are found in waters all over the globe.


American lobsters live on sandy, muddy or rocky bottom areas. They usually hide in holes or under rocks at depths of 10 to 180 feet.


Octopus is a sea animal with a rounded body, large eyes and eight long arms. There are about 100 species of octopuses.


Dolphins live in nearly every ocean and sea, from the Arctic to Antarctica. The beloved dolphin Is inquisitive, intelligent and even capable of learning human-taught language.


Seashells can be found in many colors and shapes.


Jellyfish swim by expanding the body like opening an umbrella, then pulling together rapidly. This squeezes water out from beneath the body and the jellyfish moves upwards. When these movements stop, the jellyfish sinks to the ocean floor.


Shrimp are widely distributed in temperate and tropical salt- and freshwaters. They may grow as long as 9 in. but most are smaller. They swim forward by paddling their abdominal swimmerets and can move backward with swift strokes of their fanlike tails.


Coral is any large group of marine animals related to jellyfish and sea anemones.


Though giant, lumbering blue and humpback whales may seem to have little in common with leaping, cavorting porpoises and dolphins; they are in fact closely related. Indeed, dolphins and porpoises are just small members of the whale “family”, which include nearly 80 species.


Fish are vertebrates (backbone animals) that live in water. There are more kinds of fish than all other kinds of water and land vertebrates put together!


Starfish live on the floor of the ocean. They are active predators and feed on shellfish such as mussels, clams and oysters.


Clams are animals with soft bodies that are covered with a hard protective shell. Clams live on the bottom or along the shores if oceans, lakes or streams in many parts of the world.


Squids live in all seas. They frequently swim in large groups called shoals. Like octopuses, squids can rapidly change colors and patterns of their bodies, often to blend in with their surroundings.

Electric eel

Electric ell is a long, narrow fish that can produce a strong electric discharge. These fish grow to 8 feet long and are olive-brown in color.


Stingrays are commonly found in the shallow coastal waters of temperate seas. They spend the majority of their time inactive, partially buried in sand, often moving only with the sway of the tide. When they are inclined to move, most stingrays swim by undulating their bodies like a wave; others flap their sides like wings. The tail may also be used to maneuver in the water, but its primary purpose is protection.