Under the Sea Amendments Created by: Emily B., Rachel M., Suzanna G. Emmy C., I.H., and Noah C. Under the S ea Am endments 1

Under the Sea Amendments

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Under the Sea Amendments. Created by: Emily B., Rachel M., Suzanna G. Emmy C., I.H., and Noah C. Under the Sea Amendments. Amendment #1 Basic Freedoms page 6 and 7 Amendment #2 Right to Bear Arms page 8 Amendment #3 Quartering of Soldiers page 9 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Under the Sea Amendments

Under the Sea AmendmentsCreated by: Emily B., Rachel M., Suzanna G. Emmy C., I.H., and Noah C.Under the Sea Amendments


Page 2: Under the Sea Amendments

Table of contents Amendment #1 Basic Freedoms page 6 and 7

Amendment #2 Right to Bear Arms page 8

Amendment #3 Quartering of Soldiers page 9

Amendment #4 Search and Arrest page 10

Amendment #5 Rights and Criminal Cases page 11

Amendment #6 Right to a Fair Trial page 12

Amendment #7 Rights and Civil Cases page 13

Amendment #8 Bail, Fines, Punishment page 14

Amendment #9 Rights Retained By the People page 15

Amendment #10 States’ Rights page 162

Page 3: Under the Sea Amendments

TABLE OF CONTENTS Amendment #11 Lawsuits Against States page 17

Amendment #12 Presidential Elections page 18

Amendment #13 End of Slavery page 19

Amendment #14 Civil Rights page 20

Amendment #15 Voting Rights page 21

Amendment #16 Income Taxes page 22

Amendment #17 Senatorial Elections page 23

Amendment #18 Prohibition of Liquor page 24

Amendment #19 Woman’s Suffrage page 25

Amendment #20 Terms of Office page 263

Page 4: Under the Sea Amendments

TABLE OF CONTENTS Amendment #21 Repeal of Prohibition page 27

Amendment #22 Term Limit for the Presidency page 28

Amendment #23 Washington D.C., Suffrage page 29

Amendment #24 Abolition of Poll Taxes page 30

Amendment #25 Presidential Succession page 31

Amendment #26 18-Year-Old Suffrage page 33

Amendment #27 Congressional Pay Raises page 33


Page 5: Under the Sea Amendments

Come on friends, lets go find the perfect gift for my prince charming! Its his birthday next week and I need to get him a present as soon as possible!

We can’t go out and search for a gift until we find the amendments that Ursula has scattered across the ocean floor. Lets start looking!


Page 6: Under the Sea Amendments

I’m going to put an article in the “Daily Clam”. It’s going to be all about getting volunteers to help get the amendments back.

Wait, wait, WAIT! You do not have the right to do that! Only the people that work for the newspaper can.


Page 7: Under the Sea Amendments

“Actually Sebastian, Flounder does have this right.”

The first amendment explains the basic rights. You have the freedom of religion, speech, the press, to assemble in public places, and lastly, the right to disagree with the federal government and write them a letter of complaints.


Page 8: Under the Sea Amendments

Hey guys look! I found Amendments one and and! It says here in amendment 2 that people have the ability to keep weapons if they have a license. You also have the right to use these weapons in a militia. For example, the government allows my dad to keep a weapon by his side.


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“There it is!”

Now we have to find amendment three. When there is a time of no war, the government can’t force citizens to let soldiers stay in any house without permission from the owner

“There it is!”


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“My dad just told me he found amendment four in Ursula’s home! It says that the government can’t take away your right to be secure in your persons, houses, papers and effects. This means cops cannot search you without a good reason, to look through your belongings or home, and are only able to search you with a warrant. My father had a warrant from the government which allowed him to search her home, since she stole part of the constitution.”


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Ursula was accused of committing a crime and was brought to trial for stealing. Although she has committed a very serious crime, she has certain basic rights. These are stated in the fifth amendment. She also has the right to a fair trial which is stated in amendment six.


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Guys look I found the fifth and sixth amendment! The fifth amendment says that criminals like Ursula cannot get in trouble for the same crime twice if they are found innocent the first time. They can’t be forced to say something that could be held against them and cannot be put in jail or lose property unless it has to do with the crime they have committed. The sixth amendment states that citizens have the right to a speedy and public trial. They also have the right to a lawyer and to question witnesses in court.


Page 13: Under the Sea Amendments

Look over there! It’s the seventh and eighth amendment. The seventh amendment is about Civil Case rights. Citizens have the right to request a jury trial when two people are discussing something of value. The minimum amount of value that you can sue someone was $20, but now people can sue for more.


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The eighth amendment

says that when a criminal is

put in jail, the government

cannot give excessive fine

or punishments that may be

cruel or unusual.


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“Ariel, There's the ninth amendment! It says that the government has to respect all of the citizens’ rights.”

“Isn’t there more to that amendment?”

‘Yes, Flounder you’re right. Not only does the government have to respect your rights that are listed in the constitution, but they also have to respect the rights that are not listed.”


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The tenth amendment says that rules not named in the Constitution can be determined by states and their people, however the States can’t make rules that go against the Constitution. For example, Ursula would never be able to make a rule that a crime such as stealing the amendments cannot be committed.


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The eleventh amendment says that people cannot sue a state in the federal courts If they are a citizen of another state or country. So, under the sea it means that humans that do not belong in the water are not allowed to sue our federal courts.

“Look at Flounder! The tenth and eleventh amendments are right next to him.”


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“There’s the twelfth Amendment!”

This amendment is the procedure for electing the vice president and the president. This provides the procedure of how the electoral college works.


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The thirteenth amendment states that no one in America can own someone or be owned. Slave owners are not allowed in the U.S. This rule is the same under the sea. Fish do not have the right to own other fish and work them as slaves.


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This amendment is about how blacks could not be citizens of the United States. The government also cannot deprive someone of life liberty or property without the due process of law.

“Guys look! It’s the fourteenth amendment!”


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“ Look guys there’s amendment

fifteen! Flounder it’s right under

your fins.”

The fifteenth amendment says that the states cannot take away an American’s voting rights based on their color, race, or a previous slave. Under the sea this means that our government cannot take away a fish’s rights based on the color of their scaled, their race and if they were once owned by another fish.


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“Look up! There’s amendment sixteen! Were are very close to finding all of the amendments.”

Amendment sixteen states that congress has the power to collect taxes from U.S. citizens based on their income. For example, they collect taxes from my dad based on his


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This amendment means that members of the senate will be elected directly by the voters which are the citizens.

“Now we need to find Amendment seventeen.”


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“I found Amendment seventeen and eighteen.”

The eighteenth Amendment says that the Making or selling of alcohol is now illegal in the U.S. It is also illegal under the sea.


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In amendment nineteen, the government cannot deny the people’s right to vote based on their gender. This amendment gives women the right to vote. “There it is!”


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The twentieth amendment tells the selected dates of when the president, vice president, and congress members end their terms and start them. The president’s and Vice president’s ends on January 20th and the congress end on January 3rd. Also if a president dies the vice president becomes the There’s the

twentieth amendment!”


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“Guys look! There’s the twenty-first amendment. It’s over there next to the seahorse! Do you see it?”

This amendment makes it legal again to produce and sell liquor. This means that the 18th amendment is now out of the constitution.


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Amendment twenty-two states that presidents cannot be a President more than two times (only allowed two terms in office). Also no one who has worked for the President can be a President of America.

“My dad has already been a President under the sea for two years so now, he can no longer be president.”

“I found Amendment twenty-two and twenty-three!”


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Amendment twenty-three Gives Washington D.C. (the capital of the nation, NOT a state) the power to vote for President. Under the sea, it gives our main shore the right to vote for the president too.


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“Look friends! There’s amendment twenty-four and twenty-five. Flounder, would you go and get them for me?”

“Yes, of course I will Ariel.”


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Amendment twenty- four stated that citizens do not have to pay a tax to vote (poll tax).

Amendment twenty-five tells under which

conditions the Vice President should

take over as President (or who should

take place as the Vice President or

President), in case of death or if he

resigns (quits as president). Whenever

there is no Vice President the President

can elect one person and that person

can take office if they get a majority vote

from both houses.


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“Lets try looking at my castle for the last two amendments. Ursula could be trying to trick us.”


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“I found the last two amendments.”

Amendment twenty-six says that people 18 or older can vote during the presidential elections. This means that all of us are allowed to vote.

Amendment twenty-seven says people in the Congress cannot change the amount of money they are paid (senators and representatives) until the next time citizens


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“I got to find the perfect gift for my prince charming!”


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“Thanks for helping me! I couldn’t have done it without you!”