Biennial of Design receives professionals from all over the world p. 6 Student from UEMG receives the most important scientifical Brazilian prize p. 7 UEMG NEWS Internationalization is the best destination pp. 3 and 4

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Page 1: UEMG NEWSintranet.uemg.br/comunicacao/arquivos/PubLocalP... · UEMG NEWS Notícias 6 Biennial promoted by UEMG reunited the greatest designers of the world The fourth edition of the

Biennial of Design receives professionals from all over the worldp. 6

Student from UEMG receives the most important scientifical Brazilian prizep. 7


Internationalization is the best destination pp. 3 and 4

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2 Rector’s Speech

When we instituted the International Relations Advisory in UEMG, working on national and international levels, we sought to insert in our institution the academic mobility, seeking to expand the horizons of our students and professors through the contact with other cultures and the development of new academic and professional skills. We started to offer our students and professors the opportunity of overseas qualification, trying different approaches and methodologies, as well as familiarity with new and different cultures.

Nowadays we have over 120 international agreements, providing courses at the undergraduate, Master’s Degree and Doctorate in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia. In a young institution like ours, being a little over 20 years old and with an incipient history of internationalization, the numbers we achieved in such a short time of implementation of the projects

and policies aimed at cultural and academic exchanges, encourages us to tame even more new territory.

One of our first incursions into the field of international mobility was performed by a successful agreement signed with the Politecnico di Torino - POLITO, Italy, where many UEMG professors are currently completing their Doctorate, besides the undergraduate double degree program in Design we maintain with POLITO.

We take part of the pioneer program of the Federal Government, Science without Borders, conceived by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and by the Ministry of Education, through their own respective fomentation institutions – CNPq and CAPES, which promotes the consolidation, expansion and internationalization of the science, technology, innovation, and the Brazilian competitiveness through

the exchange and international mobility. UEMG takes part since the conception of the program with the courses of Engineering, Arts, Design and Information System and has been having, at each call, an expressive number of candidates. At the last edition there were 132 registered students and the tendency is to grow this number.

We also emphasize the State Government, through the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa de Minas Gerais – FAPEMIG (finance agency), with an audacious initiative, paid for the academic period of our students and professors in the larger centers of Higher Education in the world, which gradually also understand the peculiarities of our culture and knowledge, thus making each international stop a small piece of our Minas Gerais State.

Dijon Moraes JuniorRector

Rector’s Speech


Rector: Prof. Dr. Dijon Moraes Júnior; vice-Rector: Prof. Santuza Abras; Teaching pro-Rector: Prof. Renata Vasconcelos; Extension pro-Rector: Prof. Vânia Aparecida Costa; Research and Post-Graduation pro-Rector: Prof. Terezinha Gontijo; Planning, Management and Finances pro-Rector: Prof. Giovânio Aguiar. The UEMG newspaper is a publication of Communication Advisory (ASCOM). Responsible journalist: Wanderley Pinto de Lima – Mtb2319/MG. Editorial and Revision: Wanderley Lima and Leonardo Araújo. Graphic Project and Layout: Sofia Santos. Translation: Renan Melo. Photos and Images: ASCOM, http://www.sxc.hu, http://all-free-download.com/.*

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UEMG NEWS 3Article

Internationalize to growThe Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais - UEMG – is living today a decisive moment. Nowadays Brazil occupies a more favorable position to international cooperation and it is projected on the world stage. Contact with foreign universities is easier, and many times, the Brazilian institutions are the ones who are sought by the foreigners in order to establish new agreements. One of the current challenges of Brazilian universities is to fortify the internationalization

process that can be institutionally defined as the integration of international, intercultural and global dimensions in the purposes and functions of Higher Education.

The UEMG’s International Relations Advisory, created in January 2011, is responsible for the contact with other institutions, academic or not, national or international, aiming the exchange and other forms of collaboration. The goal of its work has been to contribute to the expansion of the education,

research and extension, besides scientific,

technological and cultural support.

This results in exchange of experiences

w i t h

other international universities for sharing the learning.

On the institutional environment, the number of UEMG’s exchange students in the past two years has increased 470%. Today we have 44 students and teachers studying abroad for undergraduate (sandwich or double degree), masters or doctorate. We also rely on the insertion of foreign students in our institution. UEMG has already sent about 200 students and teachers to other countries.

For UEMG, the internationalization arises as a result of two factors: the response to the phenomenon of globalization and the fortification of teaching, research and extension programs. Thus, the Advisory is increasingly seeking to insert the university in the international arena through participation in academic collaboration network, fortifying the professors and students mobility, besides teaching and establishing alliances with technology centers in different parts of the world. Among other things, it seeks to project UEMG on the environment of international Higher Education as a modern and young institution which is fully tuned to the needs of its community.

Danielly TolentinoInternational Relations Advisor

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Exchange at UEMG takes off

Currently search of “Science without Borders” Program is three times higher in comparison with

the first edition. Foreign language obstructs largest numbers.

The practice of international exchange seems to have caught the undergraduates from UEMG. According to the International Relations Advisory, around 60 students are or have already been to countries ranging from North America to Asia and Oceania. Most of them are maintained by full scholarships from CNPq and CAPES via “Science without Borders” Program.

The return of the first UEMG exchange students during the year 2012, seems to have excited the young and stimulated the search for an opportunity. To have an idea of the increased number of interested students, on the first edition of “Science without Borders”, in 2011, there were 39 registered and in the last

period, which ended last December, there were 132.

The numbers could still be more significant if more students had full command of foreign languages. It is one of the main reasons that apart the interest in international experiences.

Detected this gap, there is an ongoing relaxation of the selection rules for students who have passed all other criteria of excellence and documentation, not to be excluded by difficulties with foreign language fluency. “Some foreign universities now accept students who has not achieved the minimum grade at the TOEFL or IELTS [proficiency exams in foreign languages],” confirms Danielly Tolentino, advisor of the International Relations / UEMG. “The

funding agencies continue to assess the language ability in the selection process, but with the difference that the detection of a deficiency in this scope, can lead to the registration in a language course in the host country of the exchange student, rather than one categorical exclusion”, she explains.

In order to democratize the access to opportunities for exchange even more, International Relations Advisory has visited, since the previous year, the units of UEMG to publicize the opportunities and forms of participation to those interested students. The last one was held in Frutal, in the penultimate week of February, and was the subject of the Inaugural Lecture for the freshmen who arrived via examination and SiSU, besides contemplating veteran students.

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The UEMG’s exchange studentsA survey conducted by International Relations Advisory reports that 59 students have been or currently are abroad, and 95% are taking classes at the Design School, in Belo Horizonte, and the Faculty of Engineering (FaEnge), in João Monlevade.

The largest contingent corresponds to undergraduate courses in Graphic Design and Product Design, with 21% of exchange students, followed closely by the Mining Engineering (19%) and Metallurgical Engineering (18%).

The favorite country of destination of the students is Portugal, where they are 41% of them. Then, the United States (18%) and Italy (5%).

Professors also are benefited with exchange opportunities, either by subsidized methods or by private initiatives: 11 professors from the Design School, Guignard School, Music School and Education Faculty are coursing Doctorate. In this case, Italy is the main destination, with 46% of the preference of the professors.


International Relations Advisory

Email: [email protected]

Italians disembarkIf the presence of the university is already felt in foreign educational institutions, the reverse case also occurs. Students from the Politecnico di Torino, Alessandro Montrucchio and Francesco Mazzarella are in Belo Horizonte since the end of February. While the former has returned to Italy in May, the second remains until July 2014. Both attend classes at the Design School, in Belo Horizonte.

Pilot ProjectMain destination of foreign students coming on exchange, the Design School was chosen by International Relations Advisory to develop a pilot project for receiving foreign undergraduates. It’s “Be a Buddy / Be a Host”.

The project aims to facilitate the adjustment of the exchange students, especially among students, teachers and volunteer servers, by someone who is going to accompany the students in the study places, showing the city and its touristic places (in the case of “Be a Buddy”), or else to reserve a place at home to receive an international guests during his/her stay (in the case of “Be a Host”).

According to Danielly Tolentino, the intention is that due to the increasing demand, the project will be expanded and taken on all other UEMG units in Belo Horizonte and in the countryside.

Portugal: 41%

United States: 18%

Italy: 5%

Other: 36%

Portugal: 41%

United States: 18%

Italy: 5%

Other: 36%

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Biennial promoted by UEMG reunitedthe greatest designers of the worldThe fourth edition of the Brazilian Design Biennial, held in Belo Horizonte, promoted by the Minas Gerais State University (UEMG), enabled the gathering of the best professionals in the world, an unique opportunity for the exchange of ideas and knowledge. Besides the shows scattered throughout the city, academic and business activities were also accomplished.

The International Seminar on “Design and Creative Economy” brought together the largest names of the design in the world. The Indian Satyendra Pakhalé was one of the participants, whose works are among the permanent collections of the most prestigious museums of the world; Enrique Avogadro, director of Creative Industries and Exterior Commerce of the city of Buenos Aires; Marie Pok, director of the Great Hornu Images, one of the largest centers of images in the world, Belgium; Elisabeth Sosa, a member of the Administrative Commission of the “Hands of Uruguay”; Waldick Jatobá, coordinator of the São Paulo Design Hall; Rasmus Wiinstedt Tscherning, president of the European Creative Industries Alliance; Oriol Pibernat, director and professor of the University Center for Design and Art of Barcelona and culture consulta-nt of the City of Barcelona; Kelly Berman, manager of the Design Indaba (South Africa), considered a showcase of African design and Deyan Sudjic, director of the Design Museum (UK).

In Guignard School, the T&C Design Center promoted the seminar “Design & Emotion: contributions to humanize contemporary design” which constitutes a space to discuss issues related to aspects of emotion and design. The meeting was coordinated by Professor Moraes Junior Dijon, rector of UEMG.

The following international speakers were invited: Cristina Morozzi, from the Altagamma Foundation (Italy), Marco Maiocchi, from Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and Youngju Oh, born in South Korea and lives in Italy. The national guests were: Vera Damazio PUC-Rio and Rose Andrade, from the Brazilian Association of Fashion Designers, São Paulo. The speakers from UEMG are: Rita Ribeiro and Anderson Horta, both coursing the Design Post-Graduate.

Other speakers who attended the meeting were: Pascale Mussardi, creative director of Hermès and heir, who came to Belo Horizonte for the first time to talk about the petit h; Yoko Takagi, from the renowned Bunka Fashion College; Jordi Montaña and Isa Moll, from ESADE / Spain), Eugenia Martí, from the Barcelona Design Centre; Arturo D’alqua, from Polytechnic of Milan; Hugh Musick, from the Illinois Institute of Technology, and Francesc Aragall Clavé and Maria Inmaculada Bonet, from “Design For All”.

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Carla Maffioletti at the Music SchoolThe soprano Carla Maffiolletti, one of the biggest names in erudite world circuit, was visiting the UEMG Music School (ESMU) in order to meet with the Research Group in Music.

Carla Maffiolletti was welcomed by the rector, Professor Dijon Moraes Júnior and by the director of the School of Music Rogério Bianchi. On the occasion she played the song “Italian Street Song” (Victor Herbert) accompanied by the piano of Professor Dr. Cenira Schreiber, from the ESMU. In the auditorium of the Music School, she talked about her early career, highlighting the relationships between discipline and determination and issues raised by students. It was a very pleasant conversation, which has reached the expectations of teachers and students.

Born in Porto Alegre, the coloratura soprano Carla Maffioletti became worldwide famous as a soloist of the

famous Dutch violinist André Rieu and his Orchestra Johan Strauß and since 2002 has been conducting tours worldwide to large audiences. Besides the repercussion of her work with André Rieu, Carla also won space in traditional erudite circuit. Between 2009 and 2011, she was a soloist of the Opera Gießen, in Germany, where she sang, among others, the role of the Queen of the Night from The Magic Flute by Mozart (1756-1791), the doll Olympia from The Tales of Hoffmann, from Offenbach and the Contessa Boissy from the European premiere of the Opera Lo Schiavo by Carlos Gomes, all performances with great critical and public success. In 2013 was hired by the theater Luzern, in Switzerland, where she sang the most acute role, written by a soprano in the role of the opera Satyricon from Scintilla Bruno Maderna, where the issue requires numerous Si flats above the acute Fas of Queen of the Night from Mozart.

Carla Maffioletti bachelor’s degree is in classical guitar at UFRGS and studied lyrical singing with Neyde Thomas in Curitiba. Rooted in Europe since 1998, she had specialized herself in Opera and Lied with Mya Besselink at the Conservatory Maastricht, in the Netherlands. Since 2000, after being selected in one of prestigious Opernfestspiele Münchner Singchul in Munich, became a student of the renowned American singer Reri Grist.

The Government honors the winner of “Young Scientist” PrizeThe UEMG Products Design student Priscila Loschi, winner of the 26th edition of the Young Scientist Prize at the High Education category, received a plaque from the hands of the Minas Gerais governor, Antonio Anastasia, during the releasing event of Uaitec (Open and Integrated University of Minas Gerais).

Being oriented by the professor Eliane Ayres, the student has researched a sportive costume which was capable of balance the temperature alterations and improve the performance of the athlete. The governor affirmed that “the young student Priscila is a pride of our State” and classified the result of the research as “something revolutionary and unique”.

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8 News

Professors receive training in IndiaThe UEMG’s International Relations Advisor, Danielly Tolentino, headed at the end of last year an international mission of the Minas Gerais State Government to India, where many professionals have received training in the field of Information Technology by the multinational InfoSys. Among the presents, there were also UEMG undergraduate professors of the Information Systems course, who have celebrated the opportunity to learn new skills and then share them with their students.

International AgreementsUEMG has agreement with the following countries and universities

Germany• Akademie der Bildenden Künste München • University of Applied Sciencies, Fachhochschule Koblenz• Schiller International University (campus)• Hochschulrektorenkonferenz – HRK

BelgiumConseil Interuniversitaire de la Communauté Française de Belgique• Université de Liège (ULg);• Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB);• Univesité Catholique de Louvain (UCL);• Université de Mons (UMONS);• Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis (FUSL);• Facultés Universitaires Notre Dame de La Paix (FUNDP).• Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad

France• L’Universite de Cergy-Pontoise• Université de Tolouse II - Le Mirail• Schiller International University (campus)

Italy• Politecnico di Milano – PoliMi• Politecnico di Torino – PoliTo• Universitá degli Studi Del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro”

Portugal• Universidade Aberta de Portugal• Universidade de Aveiro• Universidade de Algarve• Universidade de Coimbra• Universidade de Lisboa• Universidade do Porto• Universidade Nova de Lisboa• Universidade Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

England• University of Bristol• Middlesex University• University of Westminster• University of Wales: Newport• University of Hertfordshire• The British Institute of Technology and E-Commerce• Bangor University• Anglia Ruskin University• University of Bedfordshire• University of Ulster

Spain• Universidad de La Laguna• Schiller International University (campus)

USA• Schiller International University• UC San Diego

South Korea• EWHA Womans University

Mexico• Consejo Mexicano para la Diplomacia Cultural