T H E VOL. XII. N O . 6 . TWELF.1 HiW Z^ THE P M mu,. jiarcnceVan DeusenW illSpealt ' Saturday Night —^— b WJI.SON c u m WILL OKSKBVE THE J - (KTASIOy. B, ____ 2. ^ P FnbUc InTltcd f« Ifonr I rhuch D1s> P eassed by a 8p«iker of Stutcwldc ^ Fiunc. - n --------- P k The mootlnB for Clnronco Von Dcu- ^ o D , candidate for Btnto auditor, hns ^ D^o sot for Saturday night at tho f. P&riah hall, uodor Uio auBpIcos of tho y Wilson and Marshall club, the occafllon' j bolag tho cclcbratton of Woodtov; j, Wilson day. Mr. Van Douflcn will 5, Hpoak ot Filer ot 2 o'clock in iho ofter* ^ noon and at Buhl at 4 o'clock. Ho will ^ bo ot HolllBtor next TueBday after- ^ noon. All-have boon invited by tho Wilson and Marshall club to attend g , the Parish Hall mooting. TWINIim) C tNTURYCllIB 1 HriraBiG ^ OnoBts of Clnb Are Enthusiastic Orer [ Oo.OporstioD Shown by Organlea* | tloos of Thlft SeoUon. I --J--------- \ Tuesday afternoon at tho TwentioUi j Century club, wos in charge of Mrs. . Kennedy Packard. Aftor a plono boIo , by Mrs. Qoibort, thot waa hcortJly on- corbd, Mrs. Dwight Bang In hor usuol * ploaaljig mannor. Mrs. M. J. Swooloy, . tho newly electod presldont ot tlie . . alttt* todorftUon, wm thoa aeteod to toll { of Jior visit to the Utah state fedcra* | tlA meotlng la Sail L<ako. > j -j^Ot particular Interest to the people , W ot tho Twin' PallB tract wore tho ro- , P porta ot Mrs. McMahon and - Mrs. , m- Spoaglor. who were guest* at the con* W TOntlon here. They were.enthusiastic y t over tho co-oporotloa or "toam work" , I ahowa by the cluha of thU aoctlon. , E They also said that this Idaho fodera- , r tioQ mooting hore would do more to , r ^ vivrtlTn thc_Twln-Falla tract 1than | |..a o y other convention held here. Mrs. ] I Sweeloy then said that tlifc^ycar would , I bo dOTOtod to increasing the univor- . L slty loan fund. Tho clubB all over the ■ state will work to bring this fupd to a , ^ p o ln t whore It will compare more n& m rably with tho funds of tho other U B t e g J O a t -Ua,__ . - ., : ^ V ^ ^ o r a l bui-or-town ' guests wore . ^ftr<n|ut,-wbo wero oHkcd to-eay a-fow ^ W w o fe - They were Mrs. Faria ot Bolne, Curtis oaa flirs. J. W. Farls of Buhl, Mrs. H. H. Schlldman of Filer, and Mrs. Mboro of Moroa. Aftor a social cup of tea tho club adjourned. -------- 34io-aft«mooi»-of=-Octobor:^ir=wiU b« to charge of Mrs. Wilfred McKay- OlBon. There will be some novel and amusing features, and tbo program will bo well worth hearing. The musical depurtment will moot on Thursday, Octohor 26, at- tho homo of Mrs. Qttlbert ot 2:30 shorp. Tbo mootings will bo weekly, and tho first work to bo taken up la the study of tho opera "The Mascotto,” by Edmond Audran. The current events dbpartmonl vflU meet ot tho commercial club rooms on Wednesday, November 8; ot 2:30. The fltudy-of Alaska will bd begun-at this mooting. *” y------- RfflAl NEIGHBORS HttTING 'ASUCaSS K Largo Attcd'danco From Surroand' Ing Countrr and Fine I’rognun €lvcn. Out of town guests from elovon comps of Itoyal Neighbors attended tho moiling presided ov«r here last weeli by Supremo Oracle Myra B. Enright; L assisted by national and stato officers. Tho first day's soBslon closed wltli I ^iB sbt rofrcshmonts. Tho afternoon sob- \ llpn of tho second day was taken' up I wkh Instructions by tho vJelUsg offl- i con, At ff>80 a bamiuol was sprved at tbo P ari^ hall by tho Episcopal lO" dies, at '^hlch IM pl&tea were laid. - MuBlc--warTUMi<irerTjy’ Jft»diunes A. N. Sprague and D. B. Regah and W. ______________________ : ---------- - At night a class, ot tIfty.~wM-lalti> «ted. The visitors gave unstinted praise to tho toam for its tine work to contotTlng degroes. ODD FEIXOWB HOKE « V------- :^i*^^-T«o»:GK43CPXODaB . The ;deltgatlon of Odd Fellows and Rebekitii «ho atunded the meeUas* ot th»!snnd,lodget.of their respectiTO orders la Coenr d'Alene last week are back sfslB. George B. flchweifsr wss elected depntj grand master, while & O. UcAaley and O.^ W. Daughei^ ee^ cupied cbilnnaaBblpt on impoi^nt '•v f TW ra YEAR. TWIN F 411 [NDORStS , M l . NANSEN «iiul)llc»n r»|>vr Thiit Poli- tics Uo Laid A^Ide niid Election -Mudo I'nnnimouH. . 1 > In all cdltorini In whicli lt.s iiHckI- ncc to the Republicnu parly Ih rfc- | orated, the Idaho Call, pu'IiIIhIiciI at Tnflicrly,' sugKosts ttmt p'urtlminHinir 0 laid usido and that tlio people of win FallH c'ounty join unnnlmounly in )0 oloctlon of Judgo I^awrciico Hun- on, one ot the Domocnillc logUUv- ve nomlneoa. Tho life hlHtory oi' tho lonoor Is set forth at longtli nnd IiIh iRce nfl a citizen iti eulogized. Ilia ervlcc oa tho board ot truBtcea of tlic .Iblon Stato Normal school Is pralaod nd his long cnrcor aa JuHtlce ot the » eace Is mentioned with wordH of 'orm endorsomont. The Coll Boys: "While The Idaho Call t« Rupportlns < he Republican party in the presont ampaign it Is a ploaauro to say a /ord In behalf of the candidacy of udgo Lawrence HnnBoh, of Hansen., dr. Hanson belongs to that clasa tliat 3 rapidly disappearing from Idaho— hose hardy old pioneers who caroo loro forty yes:rs ago when ploneorlog a tho woBtenv ftta-tos meant sometUlag lifferont from tho "pioneering" of the cttlors oa tfao Twin Falls tract. ' "Mr. Honsen'n' residence hero dates J rom 1877. when ho moved to the sUte rdm lodlanapolla, Indiana, to which :tate he had emigrated from Denmark b 1869. He located at Rock Crook Ad engaged In farming and stock ■alalng, being acUvoly cngftgod in that odustry until, a few years ago, when lo felt that ho had earn^ a rest. Dur- Dg the olgbt years ho waa in Indlana- )Olls ho tollowod a trade bo had mas- ^ ered in Denmark, that of carpontor I ind millrlgbt. Two years after lo- \ lating at Rock Crook ho was elected ^ o tho position ot Justice-of the peace, . md ho has heon ro-cteetcd to tho po- liUon ooch succoflslvo term since that > Jme, having Xho distinction, perhaps, t >f holding' tbo office of justice of Uio | )odco tor a longer period than any ^ >ther man In tho state, and bis record 8 surpassed - by tow in tho county. ' rhough making hla homo at Hanson at I Jiej>monttlmo,,hostlll votes at Rock « rreok and Is atill lusUco o^.that.pro- i :iact. I - • , i "In 1002 he was appointed a mem- < }cr ot tho board Vt truBteos of tho Al- i jion Stato Normol achool, bobg re- ’ ippolnlcd Buccekslvoly until he had : jcrved tea year&. He. wos reappoint- ' Id for 0 six year term.by Qovomor i Eialnofl, but did not desire lo.serve ony • longer. At the first board mcQtlng iftor Judgo Hanaon was appointed ho was elected president of the board, and ho hold that position during tho : Lon years he was on tho board. It was while ho was o (nomber ot tho board that tho Albion State Normal school w«i?i^ff=^aiSa=firUiu duSu^-Biato- pchqols and began a period of useful- riesa that has grown and exteadod with-<ach:sucvCTdliioUUi; - - "The tewn^of Hanaon woe named for Judgo Hanaon and a tow years ago ho built a modest little homo there and'was preparing to spend tlio re- wlthln o halt hour'B drIvc' 6 niIa“Rock' Creek hom'o and property; the scone of his labors for nearly forty years. About a year ago ho had tho misfor- tune to loBo his llfo companion and a daughter- when they ^er^klllcd in an automobile accldoni noor Twin Falls. "Tho Judgo 1b still vigorouB for a man of his age, nnc{ ho la fully able to dlachorgo tho dutlea of a legialntor ohculd the people of the county oloct him. ' "It Isn't nccossary to soy anything about how Judge Hnnsen stands on public quostiony. Ask any old-tlmor what kind of a citizen Judge Hansen 1b and ho wlU leU you thov there Isn't n squaror man in Idaho or ony other state. "In speaking ot his rnndldarv he stated frankly that he did not dostro to bo a candidate, but that aorao of his frlonds UiBlstod that^ho let his name go before tho people. "I am not go- ing to make nn extensive campaign,” Btalod tbo Judge, "but 1 am in the roco at tho urgent rociuost of some of my friends..and it the.people want mo I o<n not afraid but what I con give a good accQunt ot myaelf.' . "Whot F^lno thing It would bo If partisan politics could be laid asldo and tho pioneers of '04 and 'OG could join the pioneers of {be ’70'c and ‘80's and tho more rei^oQt arrivals and make Judgo Hansen's election unanimous In rocognltlon ot a sterling citizcn and his sorvlcos to -the state?’' ------ r^HABGED WITH BOOZE, - Uo Hassea, W. 0. McCoy. W. 0. BtickjLMd.,W>_N_Hose-wet6-arrested. at tbe.Corcorao-rooms-laet--week-on- the charge ot having booco in tbolr possesaion. . Rose entered a plea of Kuiltr and was bound over to the dis - trict eonm Hassen' pWded not guil- g y d bis prellmljUCT. w ajL^t tor to,- ' JAPS W THE TOLLS, ' SayoM d SaiB Kajra of Bahl, were arreated.this^week obarged with iifiproper relation*- with c. white (irl In the west, iand eltt* Tbt first was fotmd 'fftilltjr and sentenced to five tnoaths by Judge Oatrotn. Kawa's trial M.B«.M9r.to4wr,.:;. - TWICE-i IN F rALLS, TWIN FALLS' COUN l “I AM FOR WILSON,” J HEAD OF THEUNIOI NIiW YOUK,—Itolicrt S. Lovoit. HyHteni, In u utatomoiii coiiich oiji HlaHimcnt ho iinyii: I •'NolwitliiiiiiiKlltiK lilH ai-llon in am for .WiliiQU^ ■Ti»U-wait.!>..)iilnUk<t m ake ihlHtakcH. Wo iniisi li<- Jii (Ii; l i] My firm conviction Ih that Wllnon )in croillt tliiui moHi prcHldeniH wlio Imv "WilBon Boivictl the rurnm cy i|u wisely tliitt his most rccklcHH critics "HI h niunnKomoiit of our rolatlo Is tho grentoKt nnd niout brlilliint pii “Scratch Niha J. J}. Waten Reply to Ft Republican Representc With Improper Meth for Division of Com. Returning to.tho charge, Hon Jos. A. W aters In tf reply to Hon. J. W. Fnrls, made public today, again ad- viucti all Reiiubllcans who aro oppos- ed lo.county division to “scratch NI- hart". Mr. Waters denies that ho meant to intlmoto that Mr. Paris In any ' way acted in a dlehonorablo mannor and sa >'8 that his conduct in Uila respect was in striking con- trast with tbot of Mr. Nlbart when tho latter was in tbo legislature. Ho diarges Mr. Nlhart with unfairness and says that he eocured tho defeat of tbo agricultural school bill, by dlckorlng with tbo reprcsentativJiB and senators from North. Idaho for votes for county division. Lastly, Mr. W aters demands to know by what right Mr. ,Forl 8,.a Democrat, asks a Republican county central commlttoo to endorse Fred Nlhnrt. Tho letter follows; Hon. J..W . Farls, Duhl, Idaho. Dear Sir: I hove no disposition to ongago In a nowspapor controversy with any- one, and as neither you or I aro can- afdatesv rfltFOffiagTtLtiZYu tBia=ot^W ¥ county aro not particularly intorest- bd in our logislatlvo rocords of tho t>ttet..—PardoD:::me..-howBverr-fog-tha- porsonal roforenco to tho extent ot saying that 1 hod good and honent motive for every leglslaCLvo vote I coal, and atn ready at the proper tlmo and place to_d_o_f«?nd my overy action ;— 1 -feet,— nerertheless,— tbaF your open letter of -recent date mer - its a reply. You sGom to think that I made a personal attack upon tho Integrity of your leglslotlve record. That con- clusion is unwarranted,>and I think that your ovor-eonaltlvo nature, has caused you'to read between tbo lines and find chargos thot wero neltbor worded nor Intended. No, Mr. Farls,' I cast no Insinuation against your leglalotlvo effort for county division two years ago, nor do I'occuso you of "double crossing" onyonli,'for you had warned tho voters before election day as to. what w'ould bo your action. Your octlon In this respect- but emnhaslses In contrast tho action of Frod Nlhnrt when ho wos a member of tho legis- lature four years ago. Thon, ho had been Intrusted with tho affairs of tho entire county^ and sent to Boise ns tbo result of a splendid vote from.oyor}' community. But when tho sMslon was drawing to a closo ho, without, consulting hl^ general constituency -and -taking counsel only with a few politicians and lot ownors in RuhU slunged headlong ' into tho effort tofdivldo tho county. Ho oyon in his j ’e'kf to obtain a county soot for nis homo town (In- cldontially socurlpg tor himself a fat I political poBitloi^ so far forgot hli obligation to tboso ho was presumed tO' ronrosont as to tight and secure tho defeat of a bill that boro hli name, and all 'because tho psssagi of'that- bH1,-whlch- provided for iht location of an Agribultural school : doim Jiere, mightJienefit those who npposfld hla division schema.. . Nat* . orally, the university tntereets -o1 , N or^ Idaho opposed our demandi ‘ for an agriouUnral scbool, and Ur. ' .Nlhsrt. making commbn cause witli the enemies of tbe couat^ secured ' the QBiverelty support rot .hls'-dlvls- Ion bill. In tset.' tjte senator froic Latah coonty representing tbe «nl- verslty interests was so miadfnl oi , his obllcatloB to Mr, Nlhart for d» k feaUnc o w ftirriettltiirsl.sebool-'trni 1 or so loyal to th« eonditloas oi I his bartaln..that Bfijntrodnced thi I Buhl Gountr-41rlsfoir Dill in t^e seo' I ate- ■Thlt it nb .m U ess eharge, C M . B o o t h , V-WEEK 'A L L T . IDAHO. THURSDAY, 01 AYS R. S. LOVETT, I PACIFIC RAILWAY ^ 1 lioad of the riiloti I’iiciflc railway for Proslil<'iit WIlHon. ' in lilii titc olght lioiir <lay'‘cf(iilrov<rrny, I , -una-tt-n<>fiouT«-onerbnr-WP-Tni— ■« by tlio av<irai;(> oT iiclilovL’nmniK.. • * rt moro grj'.-il ii.-iilc.vompnin to IiIk J B procodcd him. .‘Btlon, U HO .‘ftuctually and [iro silent u|ioii .tlio iiubject. ' ns to the Kuroprnin war Hliiiallon { ;o in ou r diitlonmiU- liiiiiory." , rt” Repeats ; in Forcible iris’ Criticism tioe Charges Nihart ods in Previous IVor^ 'y- rwin FallK rcprcflontatlve in ' that eglBlatnro, and by others familiar with tho UiBtory of Iho BOBalon. It ifr. Nibart donies this, ask him why, ivbon the roll was being called for Inal vote upon tho agricultural ichool bill, he. In renponso to the :omng ot his name tho first time, laid “I pass," thereby givng verifi- cation to tiifl current rumor that ho md promised tho unlvoralty inter- 3 st 8 that If hia vote ’^aa aQcoeeary to jofoat tbo bill he would vote agalnat No. I have never, nor Jo I new charge you with being a. traitor , or wlUi being unfair, but knowing tbnt you are a prominent Democrat, ond nl proaont a Domo- :rntlc office holder, would like to iiak when, and by whnt authority you. were granted tho right to de- mand certain statementa and actions Df the chairman of tho Republican County Central committee, and why. as Buch jiromlnont Democrat, yt>u aro speaking for. and ospoualng the caUBo. of Fred Nlhart, whom you claim to bo o "prominent and regu- Infly nominated'' Republican. ' You did say "Mgularly nominated,'* did you not? It Is to lough. It Is Uio xaiaaf^tmdutg^tfflli. IliiU^lfatf. 6 no~Tfl feKiilorly nominated ho hns secured tho. support .of hla 'party frlqada^wbll«»-l^ think ynn will not- deny tiint you 'and nearly every othor Domocrat>ln Buhrentered tho Itcpubllciin primary for tho purpose of eupiiorllas and. folBtlng Frcd-Nl- hart's candidacy upon tho Ropubll- xanHrDtrthoT25ufalyr-:3«rthinfPK5eiJ= InR with either tho spirit or tho let- ter of tho Primary Law, and la tho nomination so aecurod a "rcg'ulor” ono? , I now charge that Mr. Nibart. re- ceiving tho support of but practic- ally one-Blxth of tho RopubUcaiiB participating In tb’o recent primaries, was not rogulorly nominated, and Is not a candidate for the purpose of Republican principles; that he con- Bequcntly Is not entitled to tho sup^ port ot Republicans. I also charge that since he Is tho candidate and the chosen ropresentatlvo ot a fac- Uon. he la entitled to the auoport ot only thoflo who bellovo In that fac- tional fight. I underatand that Mr. Nihart.goes to anti-dlvifllonlsts and makon a plea tor sympathy and support •becauti® he its n candidate upon tbo Republican ticket. Dut wo say to him, "Go to those who bollovo in county division, tho only cause to which you Hove proven loyal, and thoro ask for the sympathy thot hero must bo denied —go- to tbo city o£-Dubl. the onlj community to which-you have prov- en true, and there aak tor the votea that you ao sorely need." Again I Bay to all 'Republicans in our splendid county. "Scratch Nl J , A. 'WATERS. sHOfii m r im ~ : TOAip omcUs Anson Jaai^aleXIUin'Tlii They WlU Beeommend an Appro prUUon. . - TtuU. the bttloUkls-oC - U\« Orecoi Shorty Line will recommend. Uie ba] lasting of the.Toad fron^ here to Bflni dolta In order; to ip rw n t dust Is u atatement tbat sn«r«l of'them mad to James McMillan. SMretarr ot th Commercial cltib U'tbls city, Tuesday Mr. McHiV«n sayi Ihst thoy atate that they would place tbe Item In th next annual budget and to have I , adopUd.. ... V . S T I 3T . 26, 1916. . SUBS( M A IN tl. W. WILSON M B N E O TODAY ■oimliir I’JiyMlciiui I.ooks Titln As K«’. suit of IVonnd. But Appi'arn OtIuT' ivlse limlthy. "I am HO much oviTconic by lliiH rc- :''|>thili. Ihat I lilt) iiniihill ni-imv imy. H. W. \YHHon with li.'fp emolion today to ib TI.MICS o.^- )ortcr on IiIh Toturti troni llie ijonicr. vliorc lie waa woiitidcd Honie wgoI<k il?7Tr Tlio band iiccompanlud by a ifaHi concourHu of cilli'enH aBsembloil It tlip Oregon, Short'Lino di-jiot (o ;;rcc‘t Use popular phyHlcIan on IiIh rn* ;urn. Captain Wllnon walked on ;rutcl\cu, 1 )\U made hlH way unaided. ilU'Ingkud (lilnncr than when he lofti but IiIh ficHli had u h<?althy glow nnd lie appeared Hovoral years younger. A wild shout with crlcH for Doctor Wll- Hoh aroHo when he appeared. In reply to a nucBtlon from Corporal Jnmes. Riley, U. S. A., he aald: "Thinga oni about the unnie down there aa when you wore on tl\c border: there U not much difference.'' TWIN fALLS WINS HER fOyRTH GAME Shoshone is Defeated 33 to 0 on Own Territory VICTORY IS DL'E TO CO.NSIHTENT I'LAYINO OF LOCALS. Neuman, McCmckon, Holler and IIo^* dcrman .Make Toachdonns—Tnin I'allB UHtd With Succed*. Tho Twin Falls high football (oem Rcorod Its fourth. consocuUvo victory last Friday by defeating ShoBhono high by tlie score ot^a-u, on Shoshono territory. Tho local boys played n conalttteal game throughout, and were rewarded, by on overwhelming vic- tory. SiiOBbone rucelvcd tho ball at the beginning of tho first quarter and re- turned It to tlio thirty yord line. Twin held-them for downs, and upon taking the bait returned It rnpldly, in splto of tho fact that Twin F^lls was play- ing three auba. In a botIcb of end runa and line bucks ot from three to tmichdow.n,‘'Ncuman'carrying'iho‘b4 il across tho. line, after which he kicked For tlio remainder of tho (juortot Shoahono worked fairly hard, keeping tho boys (rom scoring again. . D\lrinK.th&.aeco&d ;;uartfir-Shoshone tried a foko which worked witli suet -gDod3xa&coBB>tinii=Twm- down to bualneas. Shoshono was hoU for downs again and McCracken car riod tlie ball acrosa tho lino on a wld< end run. Neuman again kicked goal Tho half ended with the ball In Sho shone territory. In Twin Falls' possos ftlon. The regular toqm played the sec ond half and almost doubled th< scoro In tho third quarter. Posboi were used to a' great extent, few o them being Incomploto. McCrackoi repeated his portormonco' of tho sec ond quarter and Holdorman klcke< goal. Holdorman made a touchdown oi n. lino pluagQ a few mlnutos later. Th goal was missed. During tlie third Quarter Twin Fall mon sustained minor Injuries and th Shoshono lino was materially weak ' coed by having tbolr quortor knockc ouL Shoshono tried their toko, twlci without goln, and Twin Falls look tli ball again, pn tbo Shoshone twent yard line UoUor broke through tti , line for tho fifth touchdown ot ti; 1 gomo. Tbo goal was missed agal) With tho s^ro of 33-0 staring In tho '' facos, tlio Sboshono boys made a lai and tuUle attempt to partially ov« , things up, but wore uosnccesBful. TI . gamo ended with the ball on Sh< shono's thirty yard lino, in Twin's po seaatoQ. ’Tbo noxt gomo will be bold boi with RuUort. Friday, tho t 8th. .Th will bo tho fifth game of the soaso ' and a llrely'onb is anticipated. t Thd last league game is to be pla od. with BubI, at Buhl, a week fro Friday. This : wUl probably deck J- ^he-cha^iplonship of the Jeaino.'-T- Twin Falls. Sboshoi) Hbller ------------F. B--------- - Wllsi (Patton, sub) McCracken------- U H. ------------Oim I Holdennan ________8 wo) (Scott, sob) Netnaan ---------- Q. B . ----------- Johsst e FI* B. ------Nsuni e Bailer ____ H ' T . _________a w li • Dsy-w ------ -- U Q..~ ----------Mm < r. Scott—-.— ^ ------C. --------------- Turn d (Olascov. sub.) e iy^ards ---------- R, 0 --------- - .Cai It Do’m U '- ---------- B .T ,-...^-.'W olt. R. a ..........Cull M E S :RIPTI0N $2.00 per y ea r 50NDEtfCTI0N. ON IN BUHL. Independent District Again Sub- --------- niitsPropositiOB-------------- CASTLKKOni) .HA> I'ltKIHCT.S THAT It WILL CARltV. •Sajf. I'oojdp of Ills rrocinct Arc Will- - Inp 1ft (Jho Fiilr Hearing l« llanKos llrldgi* I’Inn. ' "Wc aro pu.HliIng a bond oloctlon for good roada in the Uuhl Independent diHtrlct. and when tho votes are count- '' 0(1 I fni;l certain that It will corry Uilff tinio." anld Ed S. Couho, ot CnHtleford, to a TIMES reporter Tuesday after- noon. "Tho farniorH are convinced that Uioy need good highways," he con- tinuod, "nnd thiry arc going to voto tor them. Tlio bonda fell a little short of the required two-thirds tho lost time, but Blnco then many of those who vot- ed agalnat them iiovo been thinking the mutter ovor nnd . have changed tlielr mlnda. They discovered tliat the ' woar and tear on tlioir hftrncBs and wagontt pulling ovor chuck holoH and ruts would about pay tor tho Intoroat on the required bonds, nnd they oro right In lino tor them. Of courao,' It would'moon tliat they could haul big- ger loada if they hod tho good roads. Wo think that a railroad out there would be a fine thing, but we have had BO much talk on that, that rosult- od In nothing, that wo aro not going to pay much o^ntlon until somebody comos nlon^ wltli money to build It. At preaont we consider tho good roods proposition ot moro practlcol Import- anco^than the railroad." "I b-S. p. Atherton again loading the fight against tho bonds," ho was ask-' ed. . . "I haven't hoard it K ho ie.’and he had better not, it ho wonts any votoa~ in Costloford proclnct," replied Mr. COUBO. "How about the Hansen bridge bonda, would they get a good voto out there?" pursued tlio roportor. "I do not know,”, replied Mr. Couao. "I had heard little or nothing about the mattor. I bcUovQ-Uiat tlio peoplo there'ore open to conviction and will- ing toj;ivo tho mitttor a fair hearing and voto for It if convinced that it ought to go through. PerBonally. I would bo open to conviction. 1 should like to BOO bridges along to e S n ^ M nbTairbe'built ot once, bo a begin- ning must be mado. somowhere. It JIaasen—doBOPVea a bridge It aboald— have it. I suggoBt that tho peoplo in- terested ought to lay the mottor be- fore tbo voters." ww=iDiis====-== m RW ATTRITION Totm DlMossIng Project on Sliwts and at Meetings Throngbont the (Joqnty. The-voters ot Twin Falls county are becoming moro and more Intorested in tho Hansen bridge, proposition, accords ing to th'oso who hav« attended tbe ' mootings or who havo boon l^ tb e country talking to tho people, 'i'horo Is a .general tooling that, the addition of a largo amount of trade to this > county's business men will holp tho ! wholo county, as woll as holp tboBO on tho north sido. Tbe Hansen Bridge 1 association 1 a still busy on tbe mat- , tor and doing everything possible to ) arouao interest. .It is arguad that the r bond Issue will bo small and Uio In- lerc&t chargo on U Insignlticont. D - PROFESSOR E. J. FJELSTED.. ; COES TO MCATEU.0 TO I.ITB a ProtesBor E. J. Floated ot the'onl- ' 0 versity oxtenqlon leaves abortly . for >- Pocatello t6 tako charge ot tbe ar- I- rangements for tbe seed, livestock and farm products shovf to be-si'*en thore- e in Janoary. Professor F^jelsted has- s been connected with tbe work here I, for .som^ tlas and Is Mgarded' hr fanners generally as, an aothorlty. '. Tbe sbow of wblch Mr. RJelsted wfll n ttke ebarge, will begin Jannatr 8 and 0 eontlntte for « week. , '' B . iro c u ) S»CU88 SliflBlOXv a 'NaU6asl.'jrtiUe.u:d'etot7.Qa were discos^ ta s t i ^ . l ^ psaQOi^ « tin mt ' wsll & tbe SUr.theat^r, n j ir prlmaH^} H» told Itr W ra ly ens« the n dlvtslaW 'e tiifiiiR w S ^ ra ^ " ........

TW ICE-i V-W EEKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · T H E VOL. XII. NO. 6 . TWELF.1 H iW Z^ THE P M mu,. jiarcnceVan DeusenWillSpealt ' Saturday

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Page 1: TW ICE-i V-W EEKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · T H E VOL. XII. NO. 6 . TWELF.1 H iW Z^ THE P M mu,. jiarcnceVan DeusenWillSpealt ' Saturday

T H EV O L . X I I . N O . 6 . T W E L F .1

H i W Z ^THE P M m u , .

jiarcnceVan DeusenWillSpealt ' Saturday Night


- (KTASIOy. B,____ 2. ^

PFnbUc InTltcd f« Ifonr Irhuch D1s> P

eassed by a 8p « ik er of Stutcwldc ^ Fiunc. - n

--------- Pk T he mootlnB for Clnronco Von Dcu- ^ o D , candidate for Btnto auditor, hns

D ^ o so t for Saturday n ig h t a t tho f. P&riah hall, uodor Uio auBpIcos of tho y W ilson and M arshall club, the occafllon' j bolag tho cclcbratton of Woodtov; j, W ilson day. Mr. Van Douflcn will 5, Hpoak o t F ile r o t 2 o'clock in iho ofter* ^ noon and a t Buhl a t 4 o'clock. Ho will ^ bo o t HolllBtor next TueBday a fte r- ^ noon. A ll-have boon invited by tho W ilson and M arshall club to attend g

, the P arish H all mooting.

TWINIim) CtNTURY CllIB 1 H riraB iG ^

OnoBts of Clnb Are E n thusiastic O rer [ Oo.OporstioD Shown by Organlea* | tloos of Thlft SeoUon. I

--J--------- \Tuesday afternoon a t tho TwentioUi j

C entury club, wos in charge of Mrs. . K ennedy Packard. Aftor a plono boIo , by Mrs. Qoibort, thot waa hcortJly on- corbd, Mrs. Dwight Bang In hor usuol * ploaaljig mannor. Mrs. M. J . Swooloy, . tho new ly electod presldont o t tlie .

. alttt* todorftUon, w m thoa aeteod to to ll { o f J io r v is it to the Utah s ta te fedcra* | t l A m eotlng la Sail L<ako. >j

- j^ O t p a rticu la r In terest to th e people , W o t tho Twin' PallB tra c t wore tho ro - , P po rta o t M rs. McMahon and - M rs. , m- Spoaglor. who w ere guest* a t th e con* W TOntlon here. They w ere.en thusiastic y t over tho co-oporotloa or "toam w ork" , I ahow a by th e cluha of thU aoctlon. , E T hey also said tha t th is Idaho fodera- , r tioQ mooting hore would do more to , r ^ vivrtlTn th c_T w ln -F alla tra c t 1 than | | . . a o y o th e r convention held here. Mrs. ] I Sweeloy then s a id tha t tlifc^ycar would , I bo dOTOtod to increasing th e univor- . L s lty loan fund. Tho clubB all over the ■ s ta te w ill work to bring th is fupd to a , ^ p o l n t whore It w ill com pare more n & m r a b l y w ith tho funds o f tho o therU B t e g J O a t -Ua,__ — . - . , :^ V ^ ^ o r a l bui-or-town ' guests wore . ^ f t r< n |u t ,-w b o wero oHkcd to-eay a-fow W w o f e - They were M rs. F a ria o t Bolne,

C urtis oaa flirs. J . W. F arls of B uhl, Mrs. H. H. Schlldman of Filer, and M rs. Mboro of Moroa.

Aftor a social cup of te a tho club adjourned.

--------34io-aft«mooi»-of=-Octobor:^ir=wiUb« to charge of Mrs. W ilfred McKay- OlBon. There will be some novel and am using features, and tbo program w ill bo well w orth hearing.

T he m usical depurtm ent w ill moot o n T hursday, Octohor 26, at- tho homo o f M rs. Q ttlbert o t 2:30 shorp. Tbo m ootings will bo weekly, and tho firs t work to bo taken up la th e study of tho opera "The M ascotto,” by Edmond A udran.

T he cu rren t events dbpartm onl vflU m eet o t tho commercial club rooms on W ednesday, November 8; o t 2:30. The fltudy-of A laska will bd b egun-a t th is m ooting. *” y-------


K L argo Attcd'danco From S u rro an d ' Ing C oun trr and F ine I’rognun € lvcn .

Out o f tow n guests from elovon com ps of Itoyal Neighbors attended tho m o iling presided ov«r here la s t weeli by Suprem o Oracle Myra B. E nright;

L assis ted by national and s ta to officers.Tho f irs t day 's soBslon closed wltli

I ^ iB s b t rofrcshm onts. Tho afternoon sob- \ l l p n of tho second day w as taken' up I w k h Instructions by tho vJelUsg offl- i c o n , A t ff>80 a bamiuol w as sprved a t

tbo P a r i ^ ha ll by tho Episcopal lO" d ies, a t '^h lch IM pl&tea w ere laid.- MuBlc--warTUMi<irerTjy’ Jft»diunes A. N. Sprague and D. B. R egah and W.

______________________ :---------- -A t n ig h t a c lass, o t tIfty.~wM-lalti>

«ted . The v isito rs gave unstinted p ra ise to tho toam for its tine work to contotTlng degroes.

ODD FEIXOW B HOKE «V------- :^ i* ^ ^ -T « o » :G K 4 3 C P X O D a B. The ;deltgatlon o f Odd F ellow s and R eb ek itii « h o a tu n d ed the meeUas* o t th » !sn n d ,lo d g e t.o f th e ir respectiTO o rd e rs la Coenr d'A lene la s t w eek a re back s fs lB . George B. flchw eifsr w ss e lected d ep n tj grand m aste r, w hile & O. UcA aley and O. W. D a u g h e i^ ee^ cupied cb ilnnaaB b lp t on im p o i^ n t

' • v fT W

r a Y E A R . T W I N F

411 [NDORStS ,M l . NANSEN

«iiul)llc»n r»|>vr Thiit Poli­tics Uo Laid A^Ide niid Election -Mudo I'nnnimouH. . 1 >

In all cdltorini In whicli lt.s iiHckI- ncc to the Republicnu parly Ih rfc- | orated, the Idaho Call, pu'IiIIhIiciI a t Tnflicrly,' sugKosts ttmt p'urtlminHinir 0 laid usido and th a t tlio people of win FallH c'ounty join unnnlmounly in )0 oloctlon of Judgo I^awrciico Hun- on, one o t th e Domocnillc logUUv- ve nomlneoa. Tho life hlHtory oi' tho lonoor Is se t fo rth a t longtli nnd IiIh iRce nfl a citizen iti eulogized. Ilia ervlcc oa tho board o t truBtcea of tlic .Iblon Stato Norm al school Is pralaod nd his long cn rco r aa JuHtlce o t the » eace Is m entioned with wordH of 'o rm endorsomont. The Coll Boys:

"W hile The Idaho Call t« Rupportlns < he Republican p a rty in the presont ampaign it Is a ploaauro to say a /o rd In behalf o f the candidacy of udgo Law rence HnnBoh, of Hansen., dr. Hanson belongs to th a t clasa tliat 3 rapidly d isappearing from Idaho— hose hardy old pioneers who caroo loro forty yes:rs ago when ploneorlog a tho woBtenv ftta-tos m eant sometUlag lifferont from tho "pioneering" of the cttlo rs oa tfao Twin Falls tract. '

"Mr. H onsen'n ' residence hero dates J rom 1877. w hen ho moved to the sU te rdm lodlanapolla, Indiana, to which :tate he had em igrated from Denmark b 1869. H e located a t Rock Crook Ad engaged In farm ing and stock ■alalng, being acUvoly cngftgod in th a t odustry un til, a few y ears ago, when lo fe lt th a t ho had e a r n ^ a rest. Dur- Dg th e olgbt yea rs ho waa in Indlana- )Olls ho tollowod a trade bo had m as- ered in D enm ark, th a t o f carpontor I ind m illrlgbt. Two years a fte r lo- \ lating a t Rock Crook ho was elected o tho position o t Justice-of the peace, . md ho has heon ro-cteetcd to tho po- liUon ooch succoflslvo term since th a t > Jme, having Xho d istinction, perhaps, t >f holding' tbo office of justice of Uio | )odco to r a longer period than any >ther man In tho s ta te , and bis record 8 surpassed - by tow in tho county. ' rhough m aking hla homo a t H anson a t I J ie j> m o n ttlm o ,,h o s tl l l votes a t R ock « rreo k and Is a ti l l lusUco o ^ .tha t.p ro - i :iact. I - • , ■ i

"In 1002 he w as appointed a mem- < }cr o t tho board V t truBteos of tho Al- i jion Stato Normol achool, b obg re - ’ ippolnlcd Buccekslvoly un til he had : jcrved tea year&. He. wos reappoint- ' Id for 0 six year te rm .b y Qovomor i Eialnofl, bu t did n o t desire lo .serve ony • longer. A t th e f i r s t board mcQtlng if to r Judgo Hanaon was appointed ho was elected p residen t o f the board, and ho hold th a t position during tho : Lon y ears he w as on tho board. I t was while ho w as o (nomber o t tho board th a t tho Albion S ta te Normal school w « i? i^ ff= ^ a iS a = firU iu duS u^-B iato - pchqols and began a period of useful- riesa th a t has grow n and exteadod w ith-<ach: su cvCTdli io U U i; - -

"The tew n^of Hanaon woe named fo r Judgo Hanaon and a tow years ago ho built a m odest little homo there a n d 'w a s p reparing to spend tlio re-

w lthln o h a lt hour'B d rIvc '6 n iI a “Rock' C reek hom'o and property; the scone of h is labors fo r nearly forty years. About a year ago ho had tho m isfor­tune to loBo h is llfo companion and a daughter- when they ^ e r ^ k l l lc d in an automobile acc ldon i noor Twin Falls.

"Tho Judgo 1b still vigorouB for a m an of his age, nnc{ ho la fully ab le to dlachorgo tho dutlea of a legialntor ohculd the people of the county oloct him . '

"It Isn 't nccossary to soy anything about how Judge Hnnsen stands on public quostiony. Ask any old-tlmor w h a t kind o f a citizen Judge Hansen 1b and ho w lU leU you thov there Isn 't n squaror m an in Idaho or ony other state.

"In speaking o t his rnndldarv he sta ted frankly th a t he did not dostro to bo a candidate, b u t th a t aorao of his frlonds UiBlstod that^ho le t his name go before tho people. "I am not go­ing to m ake nn extensive campaign,” Btalod tbo Judge, " b u t 1 am in the roco a t tho u rgent rociuost of some of my friends..and it the .people w ant mo I o<n not afraid bu t w hat I con give a good accQunt o t myaelf.' .

"Whot F ^ ln o th ing It would bo If partisan politics could be laid asldo an d tho pioneers o f '04 and 'OG could jo in the pioneers of {be ’70'c and ‘80's and tho m ore rei^oQt a rriva ls and m ake Judgo H ansen 's election unanim ous In rocognltlon o t a sterling citizcn and h is sorvlcos to -the sta te?’'

------ r^H A B G ED W ITH BOOZE, -U o H assea, W. 0 . McCoy. W. 0.

BtickjLM d.,W >_N_Hose-wet6-arrested . a t tbe.C orcorao-room s-laet--w eek-on- th e charge o t h av ing booco in tbo lr possesaion. . R ose en tered a plea o f K u iltr and w as bound over to the dis ­t r ic t e o n m H assen ' p W ded n o t guil- g y d b is prellm ljUCT. w a jL ^ t to r to,-

' JA PS W T H E TOLLS,' S a y o M d SaiB K ajra of Bahl,w ere arreated .th is^w eek obarged w ith iifiproper relation*- w ith c. w hite ( i r l In th e w est, iand eltt* T b t f ir s t w as fotmd 'fftilltjr and sentenced to five tnoaths by Ju d g e Oatrotn. K aw a's tr ia l M.B«.M9r .to 4wr,.:;. -

T W I C E - i

I N FrA L L S , T W I N F A L L S ' C O U N l


NIiW YOUK,— Ito lic rt S. L ovoit. HyHteni, In u u ta tom o iii coiiich o iji H laH im cnt ho iinyii:

I •'NolwitliiiiiiiKlltiK lilH ai-llon ina m fo r .WiliiQU^ ■Ti»U-wait.!>..)iilnUk<t m a k e ihlHtakcH. Wo in iis i li<- J ii(Ii; l’i] My f irm conv ic tion Ih th a t W llnon )in c ro il lt tliiui moHi prcHldeniH wlio Imv

"W ilBon Boivictl th e r u r n m c y i|u w ise ly tli itt h is m o s t rccklcHH c r it ic s

"H Ih n iunnK om oiit o f o u r ro la tlo Is th o grentoK t n n d n iout b r l i l l i in t pii

“Scratch Niha J . J}. Waten

Reply to FtRepublican Representc

W ith Improper Meth fo r Division o f Com.

R etu rn in g to .th o charge, Hon Jos. A. W a te rs In tf rep ly to H on. J . W. F n rls , m ade public today, again ad - viucti a ll Reiiubllcans who aro oppos­ed lo .coun ty division to “ scra tch NI- h a r t" . Mr. W aters denies th a t ho m ean t to intlm oto th a t Mr. P a r is In any ' way acted in a dlehonorablo m annor and sa>'8 th a t h is conduct in Uila respec t was in s tr ik in g con­tr a s t w ith tb o t o f M r. N lb a rt w hen th o la t te r w as in tbo leg is la tu re . Ho d ia rg e s Mr. N lhart w ith un fa irness a n d say s th a t h e eocured tho defea t o f tbo ag ricu ltu ra l school bill, by d lcko rlng w ith tbo reprcsentativJiB and sen a to rs from N orth. Idaho fo r vo tes fo r county division. Lastly, M r. W a te rs dem ands to know by w h a t r ig h t Mr. ,Forl8 , . a Dem ocrat, a sk s a Republican county cen tral com m lttoo to endorse F red N lhnrt.

Tho le t te r follow s;H on. J . .W . Farls,

Duhl, Idaho.D ea r S ir:

I hove no disposition to ongago In a nowspapor controversy w ith any­one, and a s ne ith e r you o r I aro can- a fd a tesv rfltFOffiagTtL tiZYu tBia=ot^ W ¥ coun ty a ro n o t particu la rly in to rest- bd in o u r logislatlvo rocords of tho t>ttet . .—P ardoD:::me ..-h owBverr-fog -tha- porsonal roforenco to tho ex ten t o t say ing th a t 1 hod good and honent m otive fo r every leglslaCLvo vote I coal, a n d atn ready a t th e p roper tlm o and place to_d_o_f«?nd m y overy ac tion ;— 1 -feet,— nererthe less,— tb aF y o u r open le tte r o f -recent d a te m er­its a reply.

You sGom to th in k th a t I m ade a personal a tta ck upon tho In teg rity of y o u r leglslotlve record . T h a t con­clusion is u nw arran ted ,> and I th ink th a t y ou r ovor-eonaltlvo n a tu re , has caused y o u 'to read betw een tbo lines a n d find chargos th o t wero n e ltb o r worded n o r In tended. No, Mr. F a r l s , ' I cast no Insinuation a g a in s t y ou r leglalotlvo e ffo r t fo r county division two y ears ago, no r do I 'occuso you of "double crossing" o n y o n l i , 'f o r you had w arned tho vo te rs befo re election day a s to. w hat w 'ould bo your action. Y our octlon In th is respect- b u t em nhaslses In c o n tra s t tho action of F rod N lhnrt w hen ho wos a m em ber of tho leg is­la tu r e fo u r years ago . Thon, ho had been In tru sted w ith tho a ffa irs of tho en tire county^ and se n t to Boise n s tbo re su lt of a sp lendid vote from .oyor} ' com m unity. B u t when tho sM slon was draw ing to a closo ho, w ith o u t, consulting hl^ general constituency -an d -tak ing counsel on ly w ith a few politic ians and lo t ow nors in RuhU s lu n g e d headlong

' in to tho e ffo rt to fd iv ldo tho county. Ho oyon in his j ’e'kf to ob tain a county soot for n is homo tow n (In- cldon tia lly socurlpg to r h im se lf a fa t

I po litical poBitloi^ so fa r fo rg o t h li ob ligation to tboso ho w as presum ed tO' ronrosont as to tig h t and secure th o de fea t o f a b ill th a t boro h li nam e, an d all 'b ecause tho p sssag i o f 'th a t - bH1,-whlch- p rovided fo r ih t location of an A g ribu ltu ra l school

: d o im Jiere, m ig h tJ ie n e f i t those who n pposfld h la division schem a.. . Nat*

. o ra lly , th e un iversity tn te ree ts -o1 , N o r ^ Id ah o opposed o u r dem andi ‘ fo r a n agriouU nral scbool, a n d U r. ' .N lh srt . m ak ing com m bn cause witli

th e enem ies of tbe couat^ secured ' th e QBiverelty su p p o rt r o t .hls'-dlvls-

Ion b ill. In ts e t . ' tjte se n a to r froic L a ta h coon ty rep resen ting tb e «nl- v e rs lty in te re sts w as so m iad fn l oi

, h is obllcatloB to M r, N lh a r t f o r d » k feaU nc o w ftirriettltiirsl.sebool-'trni 1 o r so loyal to th « eonditloas oi I h is b a r ta ln . . th a t B fijn tro d n ced th i I B u h l G ountr-41rlsfoir Dill in t^ e seo' I a te - ■ T h l t i t nb .m U e s s eharge,

C M . B o o t h ,

V - W E E K

' A L LT . ID A H O . T H U R S D A Y , 01


lioad o f th e r iilo t i I’iiciflc ra ilw a y for Proslil<'iit WIlHon. ' in lilii

titc olght lioiir <lay'‘cf(iilrov<rrny, I , -una-tt-n<>fiouT«-onerbnr-WP-Tni— ■«by tlio av<irai;(> oT iiclilovL’nmniK.. • *

rt m oro grj'.-il ii.-iilc.vompnin to IiIk J B procodcd him..‘B tlon, U HO .‘f tu c tu a lly and[iro s i l e n t u|ioii .tlio iiub jec t. 'ns to th e Kuroprnin w a r Hliiiallon {;o in o u r diitlonmiU- liiiiio ry ." ,

rt” Repeats ; in Forcible iris’ Criticismtioe Charges Nihart ods in Previous IVor^'y-rw in FallK rcprcflontatlve in ' th a t eglBlatnro, and by others fam ilia r with th o UiBtory of Iho BOBalon. It ifr. N ib a r t donies th is, ask him why, ivbon th e roll was being called fo r Inal vote upon tho ag ricu ltu ra l ichool b ill, he. In renponso to the :o m n g o t h is nam e tho firs t tim e, laid “ I pass," thereby givng v erifi­ca tion to tiifl cu rren t rum or th a t ho m d prom ised tho unlvoralty in te r- 3st8 th a t If hia vo te ’ aa aQcoeeary to jo fo a t tbo bill he would vote aga lna t

No. I have never, n o rJo I new charge you with being a . t r a i to r , o r wlUi being unfair, b u t know ing tb n t you are a prom inent Dem ocrat, ond nl proaont a Domo- :rn tlc o ffice holder, would like to iiak w hen, and by w hnt au tho rity you. w ere g ran ted tho righ t to de­mand certa in statem enta and actions Df th e chairm an of tho Republican County Central committee, and why. as Buch jirom lnont Dem ocrat, yt>u aro speaking for. and ospoualng the caUBo. of F red N lhart, whom you claim to bo o "prom inen t and regu- Infly nom inated '' R epublican. ' You did say "M gularly nominated,'* did you not? I t Is to lough. I t Is Uio x a i a a f ^ tm d u tg ^ t f f l l i . I l i iU ^ lfa tf . 6 no~Tfl feKiilorly nom inated ho hns secured tho . support .o f hla 'p a r ty frlqada^wbll«»-l^ th ink ynn will not- deny tiint you 'a n d nearly every o tho r Domocrat>ln B u h re n te re d tho Itcpubllciin prim ary fo r tho purpose of eup iio rllas and. folBtlng F rcd -N l- h a r t 's candidacy upon tho Ropubll- xanHrDtrthoT25ufalyr-:3«rthinfPK5eiJ= InR with e ith e r tho sp ir it o r tho le t­te r o f tho Prim ary Law, and la tho nom ination so aecurod a "rcg 'ulor” ono? ,

I now charge th a t Mr. N ibart. re ­ceiving tho support of b u t p rac tic ­ally one-Blxth of tho RopubUcaiiB partic ipating In tb’o recen t prim aries, was n o t rogulorly nom inated, an d Is n o t a candidate fo r th e purpose of Republican princip les; th a t he con- Bequcntly Is n o t en titled to tho sup^ po rt o t Republicans. I also charge th a t since he Is tho candidate and th e chosen ropresentatlvo o t a fac- Uon. he la entitled to the auoport o t only thoflo w ho bellovo In th a t fac­tional fight.

I underatand th a t Mr. N ihart.goes to anti-dlvifllonlsts and makon a plea to r sym pathy and su p p o rt •becauti® he

its n candidate upon tbo Republican ticket. D u t wo say to him , "Go to those who bollovo in county division, tho only cause to which you Hove proven loyal, and thoro ask fo r the sym pathy th o t hero m ust bo denied — go- to tbo city o£-D ubl. the o n lj com m unity to w hich-you have prov­en tru e , and th e re aak to r the votea th a t you ao sorely need ."

Again I Bay to a l l 'R epublicans in o u r splendid county. "Scratch Nl


sHOfii m r i m ~

: TOAipo m c U s A nson J a a i ^ a leX IU in 'T lii

They WlU Beeommend a n Approp rU U o n .

. - TtuU. the bttloUkls-oC - U\« Orecoi Shorty Line will recommend. Uie ba] lasting of the.Toad fron^ h ere to Bflni dolta In order; t o i p r w n t dust Is u atatem ent t b a t s n « r« l o f 'th em mad to Jam es McMillan. S M re ta rr o t th Commercial cltib U 'tb ls city, Tuesday Mr. McHiV«n sa y i I h s t thoy ata te th a t they would place tbe Item In th nex t annua l budget and to have I

, adopUd.. ... V • ‘ .

S T I3T. 26, 1916. . SUBS(



■oimliir I’JiyMlciiui I.ooks Titln As K«’. su it of IVonnd. But Appi'arn OtIuT' ivlse lim lthy .

"I am HO much oviTconic by lliiH rc- :''|>thili. Ihat I lilt) iiniihill ni-imv imy.

H. W. \YHHon with li.'fp emolion today to ib TI.MICS o. - )ortcr on IiIh Toturti troni llie ijonicr. vliorc lie waa woiitidcd Honie wgoI<k il?7Tr Tlio band iiccompanlud by a ifaHi concourHu of cilli'enH aBsembloil It tlip Oregon, S h o r t 'L in o di-jiot (o ;;rcc‘t Use popular phyHlcIan on IiIh rn* ;urn. Captain Wllnon walked on ;rutcl\cu, 1)\U m ade hlH way unaided. ilU'Ingkud (lilnncr than when he lofti but IiIh ficHli had u h<?althy glow nnd lie appeared Hovoral years younger. A wild shout with crlcH for Doctor Wll- Hoh aroHo when he appeared. In reply to a nucBtlon from Corporal Jnmes. Riley, U. S. A., he aald: "Thinga oni about the unnie down there aa when you wore on tl\c bo rder: there U not much difference.''


Shoshone is Defeated 33 to 0

on Own Territory


Neuman, McCmckon, H oller and IIo^* dcrman .Make T oachdonns—T nin I'allB UHtd W ith Succed*.

Tho Twin F alls high football (oem Rcorod Its fourth. consocuUvo victory la s t Friday by defeating ShoBhono high by tlie score o t^ a -u , on Shoshono territory. Tho local boys played n conalttteal game th roughout, and were rewarded, by on overwhelm ing vic­tory.

SiiOBbone rucelvcd tho ball a t the beginning of tho f irs t qua rte r and re­turned It to tlio th ir ty yord line. Twin held-them for downs, and upon taking the bait returned It rnpldly, in splto of tho fact th a t T w in F^lls was play­ing three auba. In a botIcb of end runa and line bucks ot from three to

tmichdow.n,‘'N cu m an 'ca rry in g 'ih o ‘b4 il across tho. line, a f te r which he kicked

For tlio rem ainder of tho (juortot Shoahono worked fa irly hard, keeping tho boys (rom scoring again.. D\lrinK.th&.aeco&d ;;uartfir-Shoshone tried a foko which worked w itli suet -gDod3xa&coBB>tinii=Twm- down to bualneas. Shoshono was hoU for downs again and McCracken c a r riod tlie ball acrosa tho lino on a wld< end run. Neuman again kicked goal Tho half ended w ith the ball In Sho shone territory. In T w in F a lls ' possos ftlon.

The regular toqm played the sec ond half and alm ost doubled th< scoro In tho th ird quarter. Posboi were used to a ' g re a t extent, few o them being Incomploto. McCrackoi repeated his portorm onco' of tho sec ond quarter and Holdorm an klcke< goal. Holdorman m ade a touchdown oi n. lino pluagQ a few m lnutos la te r. Th goal was missed.

During tlie th ird Quarter Twin Fall mon sustained m inor Injuries and th Shoshono lino w as m aterially weak

' coed by having tb o lr quortor knockc ouL Shoshono tr ie d th e ir toko, twlci w ithout goln, and Tw in F a lls look tli ball again, p n tbo Shoshone twent yard line UoUor broke th rough tti

, line for tho fifth touchdown o t ti; 1 gomo. Tbo goal w as m issed agal)

W ith tho s ^ r o of 33-0 s ta ring In tho '' facos, tlio Sboshono boys made a lai

and tuUle a ttem p t to partia lly ov« , things up, b u t w ore uosnccesBful. TI . gamo ended w ith the ball on Sh<

shono's th irty y a rd lino, in Tw in 's po seaatoQ. ’

’Tbo noxt gomo w ill be bold boi w ith RuUort. F riday , tho t 8th . .Th will bo tho fifth gam e of the soaso

' and a llre ly 'onb is anticipated.

tThd la st league gam e is to be pla od. w ith BubI, a t B uhl, a week fro Friday. This : wUl probably deck J- ^he-cha^iplonship of th e Jea ino .'-T - Tw in Falls. Sboshoi)

Hbller ------------F . B --------- - Wllsi(Patton, sub)M cCracken------- U H . ------------O im

I H oldennan ________8wo)(Scott, sob)N etnaan---------- Q. B . ----------- Johsst

e FI* B. ------N sunie B aile r ____ H ' T . _________aw li• D sy -w ------ -- U Q ..~ ----------Mm <r. S c o t t—-.— ------C . --------------- Turnd (Olascov. sub.)e i y ^ a r d s ---------- R , 0 --------- - .CaiIt Do’m U '- ---------- B . T , - . . . ^ - . 'W o l t .

R. a ..........Cull

M E S: R I P T I 0 N $ 2 .0 0 p e r y e a r

50N D E tfC T I0N .ON IN BUHL.

Independent District Again Sub-



•Sajf. I'oojdp of Ills rro c in c t Arc W ill- - Inp 1ft (Jho F iilr Hearing l« llanKos llrldgi* I’Inn. '

"Wc aro pu.HliIng a bond oloctlon for good roada in the Uuhl Independent diHtrlct. and when tho votes are count- '' 0(1 I fni;l certain tha t It will corry Uilff tinio." anld Ed S. Couho, o t CnHtleford, to a TIMES reporter Tuesday a fte r­noon. "Tho farniorH are convinced th a t Uioy need good highways," h e con- tinuod, "nnd thiry arc going to voto to r them. Tlio bonda fell a little sh o rt of the required tw o-thirds tho lost time, but Blnco then many of those who vot­ed agalnat them iiovo been thinking the m utter ovor nnd . have changed tlielr mlnda. They discovered tliat the ' w oar and tea r on tlioir hftrncBs and wagontt pulling ovor chuck holoH and ru ts would about pay tor tho Intoroat on the required bonds, nnd they oro r ig h t In lino to r them. Of courao,' It would'moon tliat they could haul big­ger loada if they hod tho good roads.Wo think th a t a railroad o u t there would be a fine thing, b u t we have had BO much ta lk on that, th a t rosult- od In nothing, th a t wo aro n o t going to pay much o ^ n t lo n until somebody comos n lo n ^ wltli money to build It.A t preaont we consider tho good roods proposition o t moro practlcol Import- anco^than the railroad."

" Ib-S. p. A therton again loading the fight against tho bonds," ho w as ask-' ed. . .

" I haven't hoard i t K ho ie .’and he had better not, i t ho wonts any votoa~ in Costloford proclnct," replied Mr. COUBO.

"How about the Hansen bridge bonda, would they get a good voto out th e re?" pursued tlio roportor.

" I do not know,”, replied Mr. Couao." I had heard little o r nothing about the mattor. I bcUovQ-Uiat tlio peoplo th e re 'o re open to conviction and w ill­ing to j;iv o tho m itttor a fa ir hearing and voto for It if convinced th a t it ought to go through. PerBonally. I would bo open to conviction. 1 should like to BOO bridges along t o e S n ^ M

n b T a ir b e 'b u i l t o t once, bo a begin­n ing m ust be mado. somowhere. I t J Iaasen —doBOPVea a b ridge It aboald— have it. I suggoBt th a t tho peoplo in ­terested ought to lay the m ottor be­fore tbo voters."

w w = iD iis= = = = -= = m R W ATTRITION

T o tm DlMossIng Pro jec t on S liw ts and a t Meetings Throngbont the (Joqnty. •

The-voters o t Twin F alls county are becoming moro and more Intorested in tho Hansen bridge, proposition, accords ing to th'oso who hav« a ttended tbe ' mootings o r who havo boon l ^ t b e country talk ing to tho people, 'i'horo Is a .general tooling tha t, th e addition o f a largo am ount of trad e to th is

> county 's business men w ill holp tho ! wholo county, a s woll a s holp tboBO on ■ tho north sido. Tbe Hansen Bridge 1 association 1a s till busy on tbe m at- , to r and doing everything possible to ) arouao in terest. . I t is arguad th a t the r bond Issue will bo small and Uio In-

lerc&t chargo on U Insignlticont.D- PROFESSOR E . J . F JE L S T E D ..; COES TO M C A T E U .0 TO I.ITB a ProtesBor E. J . Floated o t th e 'o n l- ' 0 versity oxtenqlon leaves abortly . for >- Pocatello t6 tako charge o t tbe a r- I- rangem ents for tbe seed, livestock and

farm products shovf to be-si'*en thore- e in Janoary . Professor F^jelsted has- s been connected w ith tbe w ork here I, fo r .som^ t l a s a n d Is M garded ' h r

fan n ers generally as, an aothorlty . '. Tbe sbow of wblch M r. RJelsted wfll

n t tk e ebarge, w ill begin J a n n a t r 8 and 0 eontlntte fo r « week. , ' '

B. irocu) S»CU88 SliflBlOXva 'N aU 6a s l.'j r t iU e .u :d 'e to t7 .Qa

w ere d i s c o s ^ t a s t i ^ . l ^ p s a Q O i^ « tin mt

' wsll& tb e S U r . th e a t^ r ,

n j

ir prlm aH ^}H » to ld I t r W r a

ly ens« then d l v t s l a W ' e t i i f i i i R w S ^ r a

^ "


Page 2: TW ICE-i V-W EEKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · T H E VOL. XII. NO. 6 . TWELF.1 H iW Z^ THE P M mu,. jiarcnceVan DeusenWillSpealt ' Saturday

t T ^ Q E -A -W jm T O IH FALLSTMBBIHragDAY. OCT. 2t. 1M9 • . ' ' _



_______ H O U S E . SA Y S E X .P R E S ID E N IT A F T . "W O U L O H A V E PLU N G EC U S INTO W A R .”

■ F a c t J — J t- .- .s rv f it m JiJ; • '•Wi hlili-la'il iiu r <luiy liy (allltiK lu lnk< iiiiy ly, .m iiiou iii 'iiii; tli iit «'( w.riiiil iK' lu 'M lnil."

F a c t 2— U<n'M'V<-U su li l: " I t ’ Is i........... \Vk'l;c(l lliln ,■ lo U'l- iii-iitn il Imlwc.'oi

rl>:lii iiiul vvnmu'. I. <•., b riw o i'ii ^U-l (,’liijii jijiil Ik T iiiu n y ." . .

F a c t 3— r.Moi (l.'tuniiio 'cl llKj I 'l i 's l (li'Ul fo r ••|HiHlllutilim>us cnii'iiKrt" li Ills iK 'Udtlulic'iis w ill) C i-riiia iiy . iiix r i'iu 'aU 'tl n il of Kduv.'Vcir.s

F a c t 4— LiJil;.-!- Kiivi; iitlirn iH ce lo Hr s a iiif (liM'lrinc.

F a c t 5 — . Il«niscv<'li ( l. 'r la n -tl !• wiiiilil a niiinliiiilloii iil tliliiiiiilM o f -i lii ' l 'i '. ." r i-s s lv c - I ’lir ty if -ill R ep u b tle a ii'”P a r ty ~ w o u ltt—Tiominntc— m n n 'W h o a e -fo re ig n p o llc le e -w c rc _ li a cc o rd a n ce w ith h lo 'o w n l

F a c t 6 —O n .liiiic- U), iln- Uvi.iilillcii N a tio n a l C onvo iilii'n inHiiliiiitoil t l i 'f (Jliai'li'S lIuKlt'-H.

F a c t 7— O n .Im iu IUidmiivcIl miI'I ."T fic y (M r. W llso u :im l JjI.s i>nrty h a v e iiiii« lit UH H int ju 'aco . llii: lu 'ac o f oow ard lc i' a ii 'l tllslio iio r h tid lixUi

• f fn 'iie . ' lo lh (‘ w i'lfa ro o f miic-r.H, I to l)(‘ im t above ri;;liic-ousa«.‘SH. aliovtli<; s iv n i uiilliiicliiiin jn 'r t i ir iii i in w <i

.ili ily ."F a c t 8 —O n .fiitif -7 , wil<J

‘'III uiy jtiil;;iii<'Ut tile iiinn lnatlo ii < M r. Uiinlu'H m oi-is ilu- {itiy) cmni (U)ii. No Koori A in c rln ili I'a ti iiav tiny fi'i-lliij; cxci'jit s c o rn am i iloltrsli tliiii fo r th o se proreBflional G erm ai A m e ric an s w ho oeek lo m ake th e An e rlca n P r c t ld e n t In i-rfci-i j v iccro o f th e G crm afT E m p e ro r. T iipy rc p r i M'Ht tiin t lu liiiT i'iii'i' l o ' l l n ' i io lilir i r a c ia l Iiy|>lii'ii w lilrli Is tiu- anKiK‘1 «if m o ral irraM 'ii lo tliL- U oim lili' 1 a m c'vrlitiii i l ia l th a t oatK lliial (Uii»:lii's) Ls lnL-ii]iitlrlc> o f I/cIn;: Itilli ('(KH-*! f».v ilio j’lf l n t !ln'>iiy iilifn a li'i l AniiTloaiiH."

F a c t 9—i 't i .him - U‘.t Uoom^voit an lliiK lu 's- w or.' a 'r (liiini-r loK ?th iT -f« iw o i i i i^ 'a lia lf hourK. ‘‘ '

F a c t 10—A ftiT Ilm t illiintT n ii« lit ' Kiiiil: "W e ta lk e d v e fy fu lly o v e r a m fltte rs ' . \ S V U’KKK I S C O M l'U y i '. A C C (im >.-’

F a c t 11—Tlii-.'i' ( lay s a fliT th a t <lli HIT K oos.-voii sa l.l o f IIiiK ii.'s : “ Hi hiflh q u a iltle o iiftis* rt'Conmn-niJ liii (I) 111.- .•^itoi'iii lit tin- w hole w orli p a r tic u la r ly to th e sy m p a th y of th A lHes. H t‘ ccrcaliil}'»vo«l<l cK'ver liav witTiTi'il till- <1ov<TntUi‘Ul of tln* U iiltr StalL'f!, IIS <jrK- o f th e siKinilorli-H lo tli lla>.’ii(' T rc a ly . to (lass o v e r w lllio i p ro to s t till’ v io la tio n of UL-lj:liiin’a uoi t r a l i ly hy C o n a a u y . IIo w m ihl nev i \vrlt<' tw o noii-K on tlio Minu- offonK I l f tn-rJiJifi.w Irs'ijc It m irnJJi,I m r u f lo r w a n l s In- w onlil n e t acoonllii lo h is coiisL 'lftiro an il fo r Hit- Iioik o f c lv llli 'a llo n . T h is Is w lia t lit* ta ln ly w ill do. If la- hc i-o n ica . U: 1’ro sh li‘n t o f tli i ' U nli.-il S ta tv s ."

F a c t 12— O n A i i ^ s i :il , U oosevo lt d noiiHc'C'd C v r tm ii fo r "ucUi,

^ a^--Ki‘rvnntM ntnl a llli-s o f (^ r rn iim v

fiillln i: to llv.- ii[> to liH d u ty to reel_______ th e Inu a s lo n of B e lg ium .. ll>- niiili-<

■ “ \V«r can p m .in pow er iiti m lnilnlKtr: tio n w hich w ill llv<‘ Dp to o iir nalloti:

.A.k hciwi'i'it .\}p. JItjyIii iinil M r. W .lison, w ho c an d o u b t whl<

-----------in—iU u-_iim u_vvliu_ ivU L _iU lL _iiusli:jc o u ra i;i‘ s ia tu i fo r lln ' tia iiin ia l du ty

F a c t 13—O n S i'p icm h iT 1. Ilim ln w ired Ilo c 'sc v e li; ,y | ln,-(irllly_c<inKra ill lile you ,on ilic- sp.-vcli a t l .i 'w isn fiHiJ ujiriiil.v y n \tr ciT<'cl}'K i i p p o r i s p o k f Ilf Itiiciscvi'it a s "T ii H la lw nrt- A m erli'iiii w ho w'ol;o •• il .c o u n try " ; nud ap i'd Ko.i-..'Vi.lt by sa Iu k : "W e w an t d<-i'('K t.. n ia n 'h wori! I am nol om- of Hie l;lnil th a t Is ti p ro u d to ll;;h t," t»n lii . ' fo llow in ;: dii 111- h liili'il Ui.'ii ) ir k n e w n Ju ii w jis i lo o s e v i 'i f ’:— ^Mnltie s]ici’i'ii, a n d e d o rsed e v ery w ord of It!

F a c t l-J—(.’iind idaii- lln ;:ln -s siirin fro m ili'e m ost lnyul o f I tr l iM i kIo. th e W .'W i, I IU liilli.T .•Miit.'iali'd fn i

•W ales In isri.'i, h a re l j seveu y e a r s I to r i ' CJj.'U'Irv ujjs- hi,n i.

■ F a c t 1 5 - ,\Ir, I lu :;lie s n iiiu ra iiy syi piithl7.es wUli K n^liiiid .-iis i|n ,'s a .mo f a ............ a lminl;,*raiit w ith Hic o u n try w lil.'li h e l..v lu;;ly ri'ferH

.a s • 'F a llie ilii tid ." I t Is on ly im tu r th a t M r. II.ii;;iies sim iild siiimi> lils a

UJMUJ n il iJj.'ii iitKl iriM liieer o f (I.Tnnm -A n'uTlci c l t lz i 'i i s - u t te r s .

.F a c t 16—II l{ o i)s .'v .'lfs ix .llcy, wlih M r. MuKli'-.H h a s ac-i;i-pie.l ’w ith o

,, m(7dlllc'all<tn. hail, fo r Hie p a s t : m o n th s , l.een th e policy of thi.s tio •TfijneijJ. w jtr hJH» 'O iT iiiituy « o ij h n v e he cn lii i'v ltalile . i -

F a c t 17— A nd if w e Iiad cotirinerc w e cou ld Im vc of)tnlucd n o th in g mo th a n tin apoloRy fo#w roiiK s c o m m lttf a . p ro m ise to re sp e c t o u r riKliL'i th e fu tu ro , luid u ta o n e la ry Im lem iilt;

F a c t 18— 1( M r. In c icc tjr rc H ld en t on tli la Iksuc. It Ih iiotl. t o ttll th e w o rld ' th u t A m erica repui!

.n te jj licT. po licy o f pi-aci; f o r tl F^o«aevelt>H uahei policy of w a r . I ,

: .I,- t lw .lssue b e no t nilH underfttood. W ’■ni. ‘ k oow .. th e w orld know s, th a t W oo

m il- W ilson w ill tm h n ii i t i th e iinle.HH thti, N n tlo n 'n h ono r Ih uKsalk' H o Ib no m oru u f ra ld to IlKlit llm n re a l G od-fcarlUK,, Im ivp. . uprlKl

.m a n Nlioulii hi-. T iiu u c iitfu l m en kno . ,U ia t u r re s ld c n t udv lscd l iy liooseve

Id Q ccord u u d uKrc-cmont w ith Itoo.s i r e l t , w o u ld aa nooa ua b e r l^u

A v o te f o r U u ch c a lo it p o te n tia l T»t f o r w ar.

. Now L e t Ua A dd I t A ll U p, O ni io l ln e c a ro fu l ly tlu i t " W o ta lk e d ver; i u l l y o v e r a ll m a tte r* a n d W IJllB II C O M I 'I J iT B A CCOUD I"

w i th W hom ?In c o m p le te a cco rd w ith R ooseveltIn I'oinpletL- a c c o rd wiiU Hii> ma:

I w ho b raz en ly H aun ts hl» loutliln:• h a tre d o f (Jerm iu iy a m i IiIh nn lm oslt,„ J o w a r i l___p iT n inn -A m orlcuiiH; o peni,j p rn is e s ilie AliieH "w lio a re dutllcatei

to tli.p TitiiHe a n d u rc IlK litliiB .for tli p r in r l i i l e " ; pn iillcly priiclalniH I I iikIi*-

L- ''(jm ilitie .s w lilc li miiHt rocom iaond hli• to tile sympntlile.H o f th e ,-A lll«i" ,• treac lie .nu isly c a l l s ' U il;, I’reHlilyiit" o

Ills c o u n try ii "n io lly co d d le .” and 1 " m an o f wea.^cl w on tH "; an il frilwd , asscrl.H tluU w u w e r j ' liO U N I) I) . t r e a ty ol)llf;all<niH to no to w ar w ll

G i'cm any o v e r H eln iun i!IliU^iie.s talk.s o f r in tlona l lio tio rl

, W ill'll 111- doffeil lln- e rm in e rob ,1 o f Hii: SupreiiiL- C o u rt o f Hie U liilo

S fn tc s nfui. forsoolc (ht- so c ie ty o f 1{ Ju s il i- i 's an il tu rn e d IiIh buck to Ui p re c e p ts o f lU iickKtono. Col:e. an M arsln ill. lie seenv-ii Vo h a v e ilonncil tli c ra z y u n li t o f a n v.xl^eucy c iim liilnl lo becom e th e c ounsel o f I 'lln i

' J ll tc lico c l;. W Iilcox. I’e rk ln s . Scliw ai UirTui'iTrVfiWUK'

'IJnn tr;? ;—C i^ n p — 5<nionr;z-l;od[:c*.— Itoo M ori:nn. e l a l.— nnil Hie po litica l lit

" ile r s tu d y o f liie m an w ith .w lio m In.- 1 '■ In c o m p le le a c c o rd — tlio iiiiin w ho say

w e iiiii;lil to be,- a t w a r w llli ( ic rm a n r ,and wlUi M exico—IlO USI'iV lCLTl} • _________________

r" BOLTS G. 0. P., BACKS WILSOIH ----------e F re d e r ic k A yer, F in a n c ie r a n d Men if b e r o f U nion L eague C lub, M akes

■ ^ , 0 0 0 C o n trib u tio n .

I'VcfliTJc/.’ A yer. :i itiviiiliL-r -o l 'f t 'n io n l.eii;:ue c iu l i - t h e c e iiie r of It* I- p jib ilean lsu i 111 N ew Y ori! ( ity . I f 'm I’ in Iliv c o u n try — lia s se iil n chcck I i ' C h a ln n a n V a n c e .McCormick o f t l

D em o cra tic N a tio n a l C o inm litee f<I. S1,(XW. Ills c im tr ib u llo n to th e can y [ iiikI f<n' Our rr-fU -clloo o t I'n-.-i

di.'iit W ilson . WlHi ills .elieck lie kci >• a le i le r . Ill w liicii h e s a i d : il ■•Convinced n s I iiiii th a t M r. W llso ir. Is one of 'H ie (greatest I 'res lden i

\vc i-vcr h av e liad . iil.s iu itred • !• w ar 4itu'l love of iiix c o u n try perciII.' Idk Ji'wel.s Ih bi.s crow n •

ollice, I scm l iii 'i-ew lih liK'loscd idil cliecli fo r to h e a dded lo tl•I' N iiH onal cam pa lun fiim l fo r li

elecH on."■s M r. Ay<-r' is a la w y e r anil linancle l[ II iifi'-Ioni: ICi'piiiiilcaii, am i W h .mod |.; Iio lde r a n d <ini- o f Hn- few ili re c to rs <

Hie N ew Vorl< T r ib u n e As.soelaiioi p iil)llsh ers o f till' N ew Yol-i; T r i i .J n

g w iiicli Is siipiiortliiK ' U n tile s , tl . -------------------------------

.* W H A T M R. T A F T T H IN K S ,, O F P R E S ID E N T W IL SO N

T h is Is no tim e to p o in t ou t l. i m is ta k e s o f th e p a s t. T h is la .f. no tim e, by a t ta c k s upon th e

G enera l In com m and, to Qivc th e idea th a t o u r co m m an d e r has n o t a un ite d people beh ind him .

W e a re .fo rtu n a te In hav ino f . k e p t ou t o f th e p rese n t Euro* I,. p e an W a r and w e oug h t to su p - '

p o r t th e A dm in lo tra tlon in keep- ing u s o u t. If w e had a Jingo in th e W h ite H o u se th iB .coun try W ould now be a t w a r w ith

----1 —g^i-many- ____________H e (W ilson ) l« no t a Demo-

1. ' c ra f P re s id e n t. H e Ib o u r ^ P rfS W en tr-M ir ir^ irs t-a rT -A m ep * - ijI c an , th e sam e a s w e a re . W e

m u st a ll b e A m e ric an s firnt,,j, ; , , — E x -P res ld en t T a f t.

G re a te s t B enefit to F a rm ers .I,' ‘When ConKH'ss 'pn:*sefl' the - Hm

C rediifi bill a few W eeks a p ) U p iac u |ion th e s ia tu te IkiiiKs a m e asu re K feaier d irec t lii'iii-lU lo th e fn rn ic

y . o f ilie I 'li lle il S l :i(e s Ilian any leu I'j, liillo ii cfi(ic(c'<i s l t u \ i ‘ tin-

tlie * lie p a r ii iie n t o f A urlciiiiu re, ni n e a r ly II ;;e n e ra tlo n a i ;o .- T h e N utlc ni M cutiiiy.

n ji = _ I ^

‘i, ‘ ■ TE N Q t/E S T tO N S FO R „n J V O T E R S

J T en q u e s tio n s fo r v o te r# to „ a n sw e r in a d v an c e of E lec tion „i : 0 .iy :

J 1— W hy a re th e K in o s o fW a il { S t re e t su p p o r tin g Mr. H u g h es?

,,l « 2— W hy a re th e g re a t finarv « c la l In te re s ts vvhich fa v o r a

f.g. « C e n tra l bank . In su b s ti tu tio n i„ » fo r th e F e d e ra l R ese rve sy stem .

« su p p o r tin g Mr. H ughes?L-h > 3— W hy a re th e high .p -o tec -

,1 tiv e m onopo lis ta w ho p re p a re d ; th e S c hedu les o f th o P ayno i A d rlch ta r i f f f o r Mr. H ughes?

j j ' — W hy Is e v e ry enem y of , i A m erican n e u tra l i ty fo r Mr.

j J H u g h es? ■rc * 5— W hy a re a ll a d v o ca tes o f , j a rm e ii in te rv e n tio n In iMexIco

I f o r Mr. H ughes?. , I 6— W hy a re th e tru s t* a n d •d ' i g ree d In ev ery sec-

tIon of th e U n ite d S ta te # fo r• i Mr. H ughes?'• ? 7 - W h y a re th e h e ro e a of-

i m ilita ry c o n tcr lp tlo ii fo r ' Mr. t H ughes?

^ j 8— W hy Is e v e ry po litica l re- / I - a c tio n a ry and bou rbon fo r M r

\ H ughes?,■ » 9— W hy is e v e ry enem y of In

X d o s t r ia l ’refo rm fo r Mr. H uflhes. _ ♦ 10— W hy Is e v i r y bo ss an . ? p o litica l g r a f te r in th - R jp u '^ j can p a rty for M r ■

t * '

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Page 3: TW ICE-i V-W EEKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · T H E VOL. XII. NO. 6 . TWELF.1 H iW Z^ THE P M mu,. jiarcnceVan DeusenWillSpealt ' Saturday

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H o w D o Y o u J u <

III y o u r o p in ion n pood liiR licst t e s t o f B ccurity . I ts fv i‘ii e x ceed llio deniaiidH of

|j u x e n ip lify th e m o d e rn sp ir i , ^ ■ ill lieap iiiK nieiiHure. A n d i j 5 o r g e n u in e f r ie n d ly in te r e s t in

J j m Uh vuH toiners.A y ) . .W hen you know tTic T\v|P_IIU : r \„ „ y „ „ y ^V..1l y».. Will hnnA* In 'v n y s . l o n io e t t l i e s e t e s t s . A ■ H UR im t t e r .

r V t w i n f a l l s - T R U S T c o r

FACTS A B O W T H T i. (From »ol8c Ca

F o l l o w i n g an o tfo n on tho p a r t i ot tho StaloBinan to mako I t ap - e

.poar tlia t ' Governor A lexander WAH t r ^ n g to piny poUtlca <n Uio a ta te c of Iowa bocauBc of a le tte r w rlltcn by fi

him to E. T. MorodKh of tha t s ta te , a l: m uch BtroDsor le tte r upon Uie som e t m atto r wrUlen by Governor John M> t H aines w as given out a t Uie (COvert X n o r’B office today. t

Tho opportunliy mode by Uio morn* a log paper to m iB rc p re so a l O overnor c Alexander a rises o u t o f the deplorable t

. ftillure of Uio W est End Twin F a lls s . p ro ject, one of Uio num erous pro jects a• b an d ltd enUrely by Republican offl- n

clalB 60 fa r a s tho s ta te of Id a h o 'Is s concerned, a failure, too. It is claimed

\ a t Uie execuUve offices here, duo more . p a rticu la rly to b lunders of a Repub-

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' OF^Rfl^E W l^ Q X _ _ I l e p a b l l c a ^ ^ d l d a t e F or Conntr.

Assessor.- <A4T«rti8Mi»ttt) — --------


WASHINGTONLivery anil FbbiI Stable

- ’ I I E WOODCOCK, Prop.

' NOW OPEL -F a r m m and Team ster*, G h e n»a ca lL _B «ard Ing_ ju id_ f2!^ .n ff_ .jo o r stock a t BIGHT FBICE8.

PRTHRUP, K l l j ^ l

& C 0 .

HtaBe»peUs S e ^ ! l ) « a ^ n m S S OF

Clowr SgedG«t Oar PricM cm a o w

** M Bk *>

JULCBICE KEATniG. Btijer. .OfOee 0pp . Tw in Falls Feed

I — - and Ic«. Co. '^ . 1 . , M« B ... I B J

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tein i n m ^ B S S i i an W U H S I t S m ^ M l ^ be^ J M i IIii I fllM gr i j j _________kM —M w m H g n i T g y y - - h i»

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i a e a B a n k ? vi

1 h n n k iiiu.Ht pasn lli<* ' fu c il i l ie n fnuKt e q u a l, , fj

' i t s p i i t r o n \ . It. niUKt c(t o f Hcrviuc. g iv inK i t n'la s tly , i t niuKt ta k e a ^

tliiuR s o f eoiHiern to \

) w•in Fall.H B a n k & T r u s t ur J J i a t ,.iL.L‘u d tu i :a i r? u d t .— ^,Vc in v i te y o u to know

. e:BANK & ^ E

aPA N Y ^ J >0uil

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«EREDITH LEHERpltal News) «l

D■ ■ . . ......... . . 4 tlean s ta te engineer than to any ono | •lee. . ' /

Wlillo Uio W est £^(I Twin F alls \ em pany has so fa r made a m iserab le ‘ aHure of Us pro ject and has failed to Ive up to Its contract, th ere Is noUilng , 0 .Bliow, so the claim Is mnde, th a t “ here has ever, boon anyth ing to occur , 0 show an y personal dishonesty on ho p a r t o f MeredtUi, who Is ono o f tho tockliolders of Uio company. On Ufo \ oDtrary th e re Is abundant oTldenco in ho records of tho bUUj land board to } how th a t M eredith has boeii a poraon- .1 losor because ho advanced h is own ’ aoney in on effo rt to p revent loss lo etU ers. ^

GoTcm er Ilnlnes’ L etter,T he le tte r w ritten by Governor *

la inea w hich was dollberfctoly wlUi- i lOld by Uio StatoamoQ la o rder to cast eflectlen upon GoTornor Aloxandor, s a s follow s: >

Boise, Del. 13,1916. 1 ion . E. T. MerodiUi.

D es'M oines. Iow a: <' My-Dear Mr. M eredith: .Responding ' 0 a req u es t fo r informaUon conCem- < ng ou r eonnecUon. wlUi tho W est End ?wln F a lls IrrigaU on company. It ' :Ivea mo p leasu re to s ta le th a t whllo I ' ras tho R epublican governor of tho itftto o t Idaho , 1 was, by vlrtuo o t th a t itfice, chairm an of the land board lavlng chargo of th* Irrigation pro- ects o f th is atate.

D uring th e m any Umos m anors come • leforo the board affecting the com- >any in w hich you w ere Inlerostod, wo ound th a t you alw ays acted In the u t- nost good faith and th a t you porson- klly did all th a t anyone couI<^do to*g^dfl-pmtjx»Hne_«hnat>-whft-»ftm-1n. : {CBtotB in ttie com pany ,' tiad u ^ n many: o ccad o n s I t ~waB.B^tcd to tho

thfit ynn would wllftoplv. tinrrl^ .nco your ow n ioloreats If tho Interests Df o thers coulil bo protected.

Tho fa ilu re a num ber of y ears ago of a..ldrgO-Chiaego-bond-houso- preet- pltated m ost of tho troub les which do- TClopwJ;=5IRrTreiaiW ^oiFnof=5hyono olso is responBlble for p resen t condl- Uons.' However, I am very happy to Batc.thatXQOiUUonB aro .now .Improv-. ing, and i t 1b m y Judgm ent that'uU i* m ately overy investor, as well as your­self. w ill bo reim bursed.

■During m y.adm inistra tion your com­pany subm itted to m em bers of tbo s la te land b o a i^ a l l o f i ts records and vouchers concertilng every oxpondl- luro, and a f te r being checkM by Uie Carey a c t com m issioner, v^ero found to bo absolutely c o r re c t I t w as also found th a t ne ith e r you no r any olhor m em ber o l tho company had rccoWed ono dollar, elUior d irectly o r ind irect­ly, b u t on the contrary , th a t you had personally advanced m any thousands ot dollars, to Uie company lo protect those who had mnde invenlm enls in Its land. ,

Ex tending lo you my kindost person­al, regards, I beg to rem ain

• •' M ost cordially yours,'. JOHN M. H A IN E S.,

F w m d o te rn o r Alevanflor.F o r ^ h a ^ u rp o s e of com parison,, the

lo ite r w ritten by Governor A lexander Is also given, a a follows:

Boise. Ida., Sept. 27. 1916. Hon. E. T. M eredith.

Dos Moines. Iowa. •D ear S ir : 1 u n d e rs ta n d th a t th o

p a rU sa n proBB o f y our s t a t e Is a t ta a k - in g your p e rs o n a l c h a r a c te r in re g a rd to y our co n n ec U o n w ith th o W est End T w in F a lls In rig a U o n c o m p an y In th e s ta to o f Idaho,

Since m y coonecUon w ith the. sta te land board oa chairm an, your company h u 'done 'wh&i: h a s b een 'reo iiircd of them , g lT lnc a i^ew bond for tho faith ­fu l perform ance o fr co n trac t in ploee o f .an o ld one w hich 'w e betievod to be obsolete and n o t v a lid ,In law. You have also, sp e n t m oney in rebabll- I ta ling th e p ro jec t so th a t the bonafide ae ttle rs can l i r e upon th e t r a c t

P rev io u i to m y m em bership oa the board, th e atComejr general, who waa a m em ber, in form s m e th a t you acted In .good fa ith an d p n t aome o f your own m o n e j i n th e pro ject to help il along, and It, therefore , gives m e plea­su re to w rite these few lines, to you in o rd e r th a t yon m ay p ro tec t o u g c lf and eattsfy y e a r poflsUtnenta U ia f ^ e r e I r no th ing in y ou r eonnecUoa w/Ui this p ro jec t th a t reflects In a n y w a y on

m r Integrity , honesty and good In- ntloiiB.

■youre very tru ly . ,^ . M. ALBXAI^DBR.

. J Governor. ^Cites Case o( H am m ett. |,

'■ThttKIng lil l l projocl wdh nl»o ono n t tho worKl Irrigallon failu res In Uio }l Lalo,” said Govoriior Aluxiindor':i p rl- n ate secre ta ry in speaklnK ot tliu m at- i tr th is m orning,' “b u t who Ik Uicre b lio would caul dKpurBlons upon Uio t oncHty o t poor olA HuinmeU whcmr r >mi-of.alt-UlK-grum-woalUt.-Urovn-hl»i- -1 isano? Thin Is tlin poultlon lukcu bj .1 lovornpr Alcxutidor In tlio m atter. lU- OCH n o t condono tlio failure of the .-i ro jcci no r the fiilluro o t the coini) iii> . 3 live up lo llH con tract; ho Hlniply efUHOH lo purm lt un.liidividuiil w r ^ ^ - \ ally Blandurcd to Kuffor eucli Hluiidcr f' (hen tho tru th should relieve him v rom blame. Many corponitlonB fall n n d fail m iserably w ithout Uio fau lt oC li tockliolders who nioy, a s ninUcr o t i act, be us heavy suftorers na any. In 'low o t tho wlUiholUlnp fro iirllic p u b - , Ic ot tho HntncH letter. It Ik oiiHy to M 100 w here tho condeniniiilon ahould t all for tho effort lo mako poUtlcH. I l \ ;ertalnly doea fiol fnll upon Iho .Kover- lo r." • • 1

lleiT They lllittort Tile Kucts.If the political doHdnleii of tlio s la te '

if Iowa havo bcconic so Im porlunt ' vlihin the sta to of Idaho, why should ' he m orning paper lie abouH l by with- ' iQlding Ihp fartH? -W tll nnt IhP tn itti J It in properly with iho dcitllnlos of ' ilaios nnd nations?

■Wlio denies the tru tii ot nil tliiit Oov- ' )m or A loxandor snyii In his le tte r to ’

T. M eredith? Nohody, not even the ' 3tate»mon which slnnd convicted It- ' lolf o t falsehood as w ill bo shown. .Noi ' won B arker who has taken the uuus- ' .lal and Qucstionnlilo tnctliod of giv­ing out to Uio prORB o t the s ta le of lown an Impreeslon of nn oftlclnl ac t which has novor taken pince nnd which it appears probable never will lake place.

B arker has given out to the preua of tho s ta le o t lowu a roHoluHan which ho says he will p resen t to Uie s ta te Innd board. Suppose ho dncK present 11, does Hint signify i t w ill m eet with Uio approval o f nny ono. oven Darker him ­self? But oven If presented, It con­ta in s now here a denial of tho truU itul- n e ss of llio sta tem ents in tho le tte r o t O over/ior Aloxandor, unless It be th a t B arker w an u to deny tho t A ttorney General Peterson mnde ceruiln atato- m cnts lo the governor, and Uiis he docs n o t clnliq. Bark e r w ants to h it a t Alexander.' b u T T re jn ronllty bits a t Pelorton .

T he m orning paper now fran tically Boek's lo chargo Governor Alexiinder w ith nn attem pt to m ake pollUcs .be­cause ho la not-horo to attend a m eet­ing of Uio land -board m any days a fte r Uio m eeting referred to had been call- ed. ^

Governor A lexander was hore on the day the mooting was s e t

Govornor Aloxandor Instructed Uic reg is te r o f tho land board lo coll a mooting of th a t bonrd for th a t day.

Tho reg is te r of th e board reported Uial Uio Republican members of the board had vanished and could not bo found.

Does th a t look like Uie governor was t ry in g lo ov^ido any Issue o r tha t ii » 'as' ho who w as try ing to play poli- U csf

L est o u r ritatem ent bo (lucaUoncd, lo t us quote from the S taleam an of Octo­b er 16. 08 follows:

No L and B oard Qoomm—A m eeting of tho s ta le land board scheduled fo r S aturday had to be postponed because of lack o t a quorum . Tbo governor spent Sat­urday in his office, leaving again

. to d ay fo r th e norUi end of the sta te . I l was bis f irs t appear­ance a t the s ta te houao in moro than a wook. S ecretary of S tate

__B ajko r is o_ut of_thp_cl.ly.,_a8_l8 _— Sia to -I iind fto rg H im BH—j-j a t g r a ^ e — , . G eneral Pe te rson .waa._called_.to ,.

Pocatello F rid ay n igh t on busl-— n c sa riroTing o n ly MiBg n rcCfl'f m d

tbo governor o f tho board in tho


Three to fifty the speed re all over the

■Ahd20to.2S . the econom

A corking goc


sUtle house. Petorsoh will re turn. . -Monday, b u t by Uiai Umo Ui'e gov­orn o r w ill have loft again, I

Tho SUitOBmnn says Octobor 15 w as 10 d a te net to consider the p iattur a t sue. The S(utoi;iii;ui Hays tlio Ruver- ur WBB hero timi <lay, l:ui ili-a nil ihe cpubllcan niciiiI.'tTii of tlio hourd wero wny oxcept Ml»s .McCoy, U cnuld ;.\L rnld .lull Ml...:i. .M'Coy Icfl Hip ime day the Kovernor loft and tliut 10 nex t dny Ui« ro wuh not even one irniHor of Un liciunl hi Uie city, Imt ,-j*i«forrod-tu-a*iu«iv<>-l»y-fnlHn(*-i« - >U Uio.trutli,Why wall nni Iiir lic r tlicri> tci jin'-

.•iit Uio rebuliuloii dial in- hud i;lv<-ii ) tho prtM!< i l liic- Kiiiir i:f Iowa ’!Who phiys; tlie ^^^vtTllor i

'ho la on Uiu julj wla-n htmiiHrHK IS not 1 ir h e o r ln g ^ r ilie nocri'lary of-Htnle. I ho gives lo the proHH of another litato bogus rosoluthiii wIilcU ho (l<i<>» not

avo Uie couranc to Uo. promsiit n> luy uforo the bonrd as Im Hiild liu woiiltl? Moreover, It (iovornor Aloxandor

•na try ing to jiluy jioUUch for the • onofll of a I)i-iiio<?rut wIio Uaiiticncd ] ) bo running for Kovi-mor In riiwii, ] 'hiki about Uovonior llalinm who •rote the same iiiun a iiuich Hiroager Jtter than dill Covcnior Aloxandor? Why does the Sintcsiiiaii dollhonito-

f wlUihold Uio lliilno't lo ttrr? Wan It jr tho purpouo nf muklnj; pi)lltlc«, or .'liul? Wo prufcr lo think II wuh for ho purpose of iIoooIvIuk, Jumi im II ■Iways-docolvuK-wln-i> i i i i . f Ih .p.uuL , p p o r tu u l^Tho Hnlnofl lettor will be found oIhc'-

L-hero In Ihls Imnie ana readora nro nvlled to compiirt! u with the Aluxnii- Icr le tte r and llion Hay wIieDier Uiu hnrge Is true tliiit Aloxiuidef Is trying 0 m ako pollUoH for tlio «tate of Iowa, ir Hint he ia shlrkliiK a duty wlion ho vas.prosoQl on lUc Uuy sc l for heur- ng.

Tho SUitesninii sayn tho Iloimbllcnn nem bers do not wlnti u> hold a meet- ng upon BO inipurtant n m atte r In the ibaence of tho Kovernur.

Why th is sntUlun oonKlderatlon tor :he govornor? When did the llcpuljll- :nn members dlncovor ■ ihelr doler- mlnatlon to bo no courteous to (3ov- s rno r Aloxnndor? I’erhapii It Is en­largem ent of tho h ea rt on the part of B arker, who now noeda nnothor op­portun ity lo '•explain" why ho wns not p resen t to proHoiil lila roHoluUon w hich ho gave to tho pre»s of flio state of Iow a before he gnvo It to Uio hoard to w hich It wan to bo proaontcd and of which ho„lH a inoniher, o r ovcn-to the preas of hlH^iwn iitaie of Idalio. Il would be .ft safe liet Uiui if Uie govor- npr w ore now on his w a y th UoIho to call a special meeting, B ark er would vanlstv agdi!)^ J«ri uk ho vaolBhud on tho day upon which the maUor had been se t fo r formal hoarlng.

Artesian City |Tlmoe* Sneclal CorresDendeiifc.

Tho ladles of A rtcalan gnvo Mra. E dith Gardner a p a r ly -a t her homo lo a l 'r r ld a y atlcrnoon. Tho Ume waa very ploaBontly spen t unUl five o'clock when a dainty luncheon w as served. T he guests were M rs. R. J . Day, Mrs. Kssle Workman, Hazel W orkm an, Mrs. Chas. Cassoday, M rs. F ran k Terrill, Mrs. J . McMonimcn, Mrs. It. B. Raa- doll and Mrs. BdlUi Gardner.

Geo. HonroUi camo hero F riday from LewlatOD, Idalio. H e expects to buy land and make th is hla fu ture home.

Mr. nnd Mra, W m. Moyos and fam­ily wore guests a t tho I t B. Randall homo Sunday oveQing.-

Mrs. T. Callin' w as shopping In Twin F alls Saturday. .• Mr. nnd Mra. R. J . Dny wero trans- acilnp biiHlnoHs in Twin Falla Tues­day. .*

D. D. Moorman of Twin Falla, was hore for a few days la s t week.

J, R. _nowor_l8_lu3ro_ from Durley c pep^o f ^ i -

fo lfo ................................ .. • . _H. C. Randoll Is busy digging his

•potiitoca "in ' M mrtmigh-Uila-weckT-— ^Mrs. Ila Collier o f Twin F ails, was

.-■f- f l k

rh o u sanper hour on high—that’s port v/e get from owners ooiontry.

I . . 'miles per gallon of gas is ? re p o rt^ :__ ^..................

d car— ‘r

a F. WA-rSON, 31TI»W III>>O m bi>

C o t f o*'The N a tu ra l ^S h orten ing’ 1K p a re croc^u ■ ^ II n u t -b ro w n--------- ----------- - I — n a ss-p ro d u

is------ - F o o d s frI a n d im p ro '


iero vlslUng ho r -paronts, Mr. and Mrs. F . J . T errill for a fow diiyii.


Idaho D epaW omen’s Shoes

Sale $5.00T h is (lopn rltn e iil w as n e v e r in sh n p o lo liilu ' n i r i ' o f y n i i r wi fo o tw n n r fo r fa ll a n d w in te r . N o. ]:j;i c x jic tly ji-s illii.siniiiMl s id e , is a h ra u l i t 'u l h lacU sm liu tlin i shoo H 1-J in ch lo p . w it Wfll, so li’ a n d lo a lh c r L m iis h^^ i.s 'n p o p u la r shno Iho c o u n tr j \V.o hav o a ll sizos iinil llio n*i

'r o w w itllh s to fit sh'tidi'i- i ’ ric-ed u t . . . . . . . 7 ............ ............



Women’s KidA n o th e r b e a u ty iij w o m e n ’s Inco shoe, m a d e o v e r th o nc p o in te d to e . Sec thi.s o ne , p r i(

Special fc $ 2 . 9 5 =100 pairs women’s good »ho( $5.00 regular price—to close placed on sale Saturday u t . . .

B etter Styles in 'At $5.00 we are showing tho 1 be had. The dark cocoa brov

.■■Wc.havo-them with, boat red !y e e -w iudow to n ig h l a n d ju i i (

' p r ic e s v r i t i r o th e r $6.00 n n d ' — Oti r -^ ;)ecia I P r i c e - r r - . . . .-t .

. fc,

d s B ehi]1 A pric.e th a t m akes i 1 on the face of the

T h at combinaitibn h: ' thousands of can

> weeks to d weeks.- B u t 'Wffi’re getting-tt

B e tt^ see u s a b o u t;

S Shoihone S tm t West d C o ^ V W . ToUdo.OI.to bb>U .S .JL ” .

l e n eJlenc th e n e x t t t a c " y o u p n v ;ttes . I t g ives th e m a te n d e r; p n is t w ith o il t h e in s id e good* ,

ed in CottolcDC a r e d igestib le e d 'in flavor.Your Rrcxer will supply Coitolene _Sregularly, in lafRe or'em ail palls. ’*Glvo him your order today. n

" C e t to U n t m a k t$ &good eoohinB b e t t ^ ’ w .


Mr, Torrlll Iihh hoon lo Oakloy-tii got • IiIh yoiir’s supply o f flour.

rtmsnt S tore

* ■ 'Iho


foot, V.$5 .00

V n Attractive Shoe at $6.50

tyl(> Nn, Kl.'i. O no o f tho n iost

<)j)uliir ho o ts D n tin* ii ia rk ol tu^ 21

ay . A w o m e n 's Iu k Ij c u t b lack

i«’i k ill lao f shoo , m e d iu m lo n g

limp w ith , a ll le a th e r c u rv e d

I'ol. w ell solo, a re a l p ra c t ic a l

lot* fo r s t r e t 't w ea r. S p ec ia l

r i c e ........................................... . ..$ Q .5 0

Shoes a t $7.00in e q u a l i ty b la e k a n d w h ile k id A-cst la s ts , w ith lo n g v a r a p .a n d e d . a t . ................. ; ...........................$7.00

r Saturday$2.95

s, as-sorted v a lu e s f ro m $4.00 to o u t th e e n t ir e lo t th e y w ill bo.......... ................................................ $2.95

foung M en’s Shoes te s t lin o o f E n g lis h s ty le sh o e s to n 's seem to b e f a v o u r e d 's o m uch . ^ eo lin solos a n d , b ro a d lo w heeln. 1 o”! ^ yoursclveB . ~ T ^ ie n “eo m p aro i?7.00“ « h o e s ~ 8 h o w n - e lsew here .’ “

.............p m --------------------

^ V / z 'H o rs« p o w « r.

eries ^ ^


* 6 3 5Road«Ur$620


id ^; the greatest value ■ , earth—IS kept the f^ to ry o 1 behind sales-for .

em, iiuighfcalong.. . _ . rours today.



Page 4: TW ICE-i V-W EEKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · T H E VOL. XII. NO. 6 . TWELF.1 H iW Z^ THE P M mu,. jiarcnceVan DeusenWillSpealt ' Saturday

’ _________ . ' ' __________ . T W I O B .A - W E E K T W m r A U .B T I M E B T H n B 8 D A Y ,O O T .a 6 .J 6 ia ------- --- ------------ ■ ■ V —


HOW 1>I1> YOU liO JT,<SIU 1>AY18{

HOW d id you co n d u c t y o u r p r im a ry c n n ip a tg n w lthtfl' tlio Inw ro U - llvo to oxpendituroH uh y o u r uf-

n U a v lt f ile d \ r t t h tlio Boorotaxy of____utalcjLjlcclurcii_iliaL_j-iiu_illd2_..... ............

l lo rm n n T tiy lo r.. ro rllfitia t lm t hlH cx |>cni]lturc!i fo r -hu iuo im rpoau w ero m o re tlin ii yourH. y p i ovury l)ody , w h o UiiowB m iyturiiK a t a l l iib o u l ixill- l lc a iiiid nl)out th o cohi. o f cn tnp iilj;n - liiK, know fi (lint .Mr. T iiy lo r ciim o no- w huT r 'miikltiK llio th u t youinudi-; tJiu t ho ra m e now lio ro iii 'iir irav flitiK ih c n iiin lio r o f iiillen tliiit y o u tr a v c lo d ; iiow lioro n e a r koiicII iic

' 'l ^ a r a m o m l - X i . .

__________________ MONDAY A lTill" 'I’lili'iitiHl r i n

Wallace Reid a

“The House of Th(l ly U V . .1]

iMiss lU d g t'ly . in a .p a r t siii^n liii p o r t r a y s tbi- n -sfli‘ss

th n .'u to n s th e l ia p p iiu 'ns ot' iim l f f im l^ iin ilu s io iiiiiv r ir

o f a fa iry tjilo aiUlcil •ro inaiico !

/ ( 'u l , llczii I.Iar'H It^ lii 'lo r 's (lunri<Ts” i



The Trail of tliEA PARAMOUN


A nd a Hilarotis WM. COBURN, P ian ist

EV ER Y ^ M A TIN EE DAILY, 5c & 10c

t Now men! Now is things you oro needing Wool Bnisli "U terin color w itl^extm _stronj an d wear-'WCUrariS-lS

J M en’s ex tra qualityY heels and toes., a n d 'aY tops. N ot an assorted * » good clean reg u la r s' ^ black, d a rk g rey or ^ lig h t grey o r nattiral.Y as lost season, a t th e : T colors a t 25 cents a pa J - M en’s heavy wool sc

y a rn kind, b u f the goc ♦♦♦ keep the feet warm.

a t 30 cents a pair, o r 2 ♦ > M en's e x tra 'h ca v y ^- A sp u n ” k ind. G rcat fo

Blue, trrey and whjte,, ' pairs for 95 cents. "*

^ M EN 'S COLD W E /» M en's heavy cottoA suits. W arm and we

'lik e wool. M ade wit ex tn i good"cnffs on si

\ roomy, giving lots of^ lar.^ M en's cream color 'Y soft and warm, nicely ♦a* garm ent fo r the price. ♦> M en's fleece lined i A grey color, a fine gar

good fittin," aiid well1 dollar. •

. Y The same good numY lo t less th an elsew hen ’€ ♦ Union suits, regular

■ ^ . ta ll man, also the kin<^ I carry a good lineY • proved make. Temple J ' heavy weights fo r m

*j* prices thiin sold elscw

E X C H A N G E S .r _ ■ ■

]u u ( th e n u m b e r o f 'lo ttc r ii y o u s e n t o u t : n o w lio rc n e a r cngURlnB tlio n u m ­b e r o f p iiliilc huIlH to Bpcnk in th a t you -oiiRaRod; n o w h u re n c u r h a d th u n u m b e r o f p u rn o n n l w o rk u rn w lio u ro ■ k n n w n -u a iia lly .tu ^b rJu b ttU U c tt-o t- th iH k ind fo r m o n e y o n ly , a n d Inul ong n g c d n o tl i ln c like* U io n u m b e r o f n u to m o - liiioii u t th u p u llii ill e v e ry c o u n ty la til l ' H tate H in t‘y o u lind.

C^itiliiln J)nvlH certlflcH t h a t lie Hjicnt n e n rty uh n iuc ii uh you d id a n d overy liody k n o w n th a t iio d id n o t on- KiiKe doub1e>iiu(;<! iidvcrliH cm entH in nowHiiajKTii o f th e i ita te nnd liavc d(iuble-|)nKO elro iiliirH by (he lliousunilH

" o f

T f e r e ^ID_TOESDAy__________iiloplay I-'avoriti's , . ,

nd Cleo Ridgiely

; Golden Windows”Ki-’P K U .sy N ■

ly siiitotl tl) lior peeuliur powuis, g fo r riflu'.H wliii-h so oftiui . tlk ‘ poor. H e r experiuiices .

hiiiTiill IliiVprottj' fpfltnrL's-----------to s trong ulcmeiits o f

itul draina.

.1 i.i I “The LonliuidH................. Uf I.UKOiU’*

15urton Holmes TmTClH.




IN FO X J r 's . F.\MC)i;.S PI.AV il ill DiipliitJite tl) tile Hc'iuity of I’his W orld K n o \m Story.


One A ct ComedyN E IL SCH ETTLER, Violin

EVEN INGEV E N IN G S 10c & 15c

z z z z z z z 3the tim e to bu y those i 4?: fo r th is cool w eather. Ao ” m en 's socks, n a tn ra l - Aj__hc_ckjind toes. _W arm _____^

a p air. ' " j ' coshmoro hose, doublepliced ^oles, e x tra good Vlo t of odds a n d ends, b u ^ *2lock, all one grade, in *5

oxford, (c lerica l), also‘The same good q u ah ty J

same low price , a ll th ree ^

)cks. N ot th e cotton core fid o ld fash ioned sort th a t ♦♦ D ark blue an d d a rk greyp ^ r fo r 55 cents. * «. m l sockn. T ho “ Home- «r keeping the feet w arm . ^

a t 50 cents a pair, o r 2 _

ITH ER W EA RA BLES. n. ecru color r ib union tar well. Do n o t sh rink h m ilita ry shouldei* an il JCCVC3 and legs. F u ll and *3comfort, p riced a t a dol-

.vool finished union suits, %■ finished, and a splendid «one dollar each. ^

inion suits, s ilv e r or ligh t ^m ent to keep you warm . Jmade. This one also a t a • J

ibcrs as las t y e a r an d a t a- \ ■■ _• cut. iip" t o l iz e 50 fo r theJ fo r the sh o rt s to u t man. ^of L. D. S. garm enta ap- ^brand , ligh t, medium and Jen and women, a t low er J•here. *•

• printed thorofrom ood acnt broadcaa UirouRhout tbo alato , and it la oquall] well known th a t ho traveled largol: by outomobllo w hilo you took thi

. Pullm an rou te ovorywhoro. Kolng ovu: tiiQ name te rr ito ry tim e nnd hgnin.'

t QoorKO Crum sp d o t.n o t much lea* than you did, nnd ho wan vaircely ad t vertlaed In Uio nowspupers whll 0 llioro-w«H hard ly a newHpnpcr in tli0 utate th a t d id ;n o t '^ o o r Irom wook t L jcco lt-or^rom '-aajt-W -jluyn-your-U ka1 aeus III liirKcr o r nm allcr iilz'e. Crur - didn't RGt entire ly nround ihe Htat '» twice during tlio whole prim ary cnm

palgu whllu you w ere from nortli t ^ south and from oaul to Hie woHt bnc! I and forth ho m any timo:* Hiat HoIk* people nilRlit nlmoHt have li<-un junti► fled In w ondering it you hn<l not tnk U <'U up your renldence hero, c liher per H m anently o r In anticipation of the po . Kiilon you hope to Occupy.

' Now. how did you do i( ’/Cnplnln DovIh boldly miiil !l coiildn’

he done. W e rcmombor Hn' lii!itanc< not iim n y y ca ra ag o .o f iitmHior.bank e r m aking a atrenuouB tainim lsn o the Htnte who mado nfflduvit tha t hi bad kept iilB expenditures wlthla Hn leKal rofiuirementa, yot nfUT his ban! iind failed hecuuao of hlii ln'avy .oiiiii' pnlgn obllgatlona, It wnt< .atict-rlalnot lliut, ho had spen t n«mrly. If luil nullc $100,000 InHtond of the nllowci b y law . ■'

Maybe you d idn 't buy as many iiewa paperH an th a t fellow did. but you did mail a lot of loltora. not <in.- to end addrcHH, b u t Hcvoral o f tbrm lo oacl: poryon whono nam e yon had. Tht postage would cxhauHt your allowance to oay nothing of tho miit:h grentui coHt of p rin ting , purcha>><- of onvc' lopoH nnd nddroaalng untl inaiilmy

How did you do It?Was not OaptAin Davis' ^vanlln^

Justified?—Capital Nowh.


Q_.L-.MR. HUGHES. Iiow would yoi Im-vtj handled the furi'tKn iillu

* ntlon If you hnd pre.nident?

A. I bcllovo la a high protocHvi •tariff. '

Q. How would a protfctlvi: tarif help the United S ta tes »liirhi« ilie IJu ropean w ar? ,

A. Wo Bhould protoct AiiKTlcan In tcroats In Mexico.

Q. How would you liav.- Iian<llci the Mexican Rltuatlon?

A. 1 nra for undilut<<l .Xmoricnn ism.

Q. W hat will you do It cl,'i't<‘<17 A. The Repubtlcnn party Iiiih i

KlorlouB h istory of arhicvenieiil.- Spokane VrcHB.


T h e ed itor of the local llcpiibllcni new spaper Is h rosldi-nt of Twli PiillB county.’ Ho has. In fact

no voice In ou r a ffa irs hen '. Y< i thii Ib the ed itor who Is dlacuxsln^ at xucl length the' m atter o f rcaldi'm-e nf vnr louB nnd sundry of ou r citizens. Hi aBBnilH Johnny Murphy, who ram hero w ith tho harb lngors of gold day* and he hatFwrgnM about tho ed itor 0 Tho Profff-Tlmes beentino he has no been liero so long. Ami th is sam e crl tical Republican editor In not a vote In SliOBliono county, lint a reuldent o Twin FallH county, if he votes Uil year, he will havo to travel to Twli Kails county to deposit his bulloi When ho becomes a voler In Shoahon dounty, he will be privileged to tal:

I ubout our county affairs.—W allac y, Tress-T liues.

GOMPKHS OFFICIALLY ^ ADVOCATES WILSON’S CAtSl ^ Q A M U E U OOMPKns... p residen t c ■ the American Federation of l>i

^ ho ftd f iu a r te rs In Now Y o rk , Issued a ; o ffic ia l addroHS to Uie A aerJcon poc f . .p la -c o m p tu - lD s thi. l»b o f-:^« )o w i8 -< u P re s id e n t W ilson a n d C harles 1 , H u g h es. T b o prcH ldcnt. ho re m a rk e i f Is th e f i r s t chlOf e x e c u tir o to nam e W m e m b er o f a n o rg u iik p e d labor un lo^ .^ -O ne .oC.hla. cablaou__ Ha-r«wounir tlHriegrsUintTn and official ac ts of tl: A Wllaon adnilnlatrailoifr pitying p a rt k .‘-ular altunilon to H» a ttitu d e towai► Uic use of thu lnJun<'Hon of labor 01 ^ pules.

AgniHBl Ilugh'os tho lobor lead<► urRCB tha t he <ou<'urri'd in tho dec

sloiiH-In the Danliurry hatters* cai and In a doclsloii cow rlng a cnsii 1

Arizona also Indiraioil his bcllor-thi Hi.' liiJiincHoii ran h.- UBCd again, lab o r—W ells i.V rvj Horald.


f - T T Ih c e ri.ili i lUai mjiho to l l s c ra tc l I I InK 1« to ho <l,.tii' hy th o v o te r s . r* th e co ia in j: .•loc Hon o n N ovcm bi 5 Hie 7Hi. a s s lio rl <-oiif,.r.’n c 03 w ith vo J er,i pn>ve. V .Ty f rw :it rn ig h t tlc k c

w ill 1ji- vriti ii. A f>'w ^ e u r s a g O 't l f-ir.ilKlK lic'li.'i w;i;. (II,. ru le . T h e n H

t v))ti;rs i in i iii i . tn c i i III a p p re c ia te tl V* wl.siloiii o f f o rn e t t i i i r p a r ty w hen K I'aiiie ii) .O iim y ;in,t prcc lD C t cand ^ ilai.'H, T ill' iiiri 'c t v illi' fo r c o n g rc

s lo n a l c a n d h la ie s H ica .tooK th o p a ||v il.u a ii'.h lp fr.m i th - ' le g is la tiv e a t ^ - la lo «aiidiil:it. :i nii.i now .' th is yea

S Hin votcr:^ iiri- tim thinking ao mui alioiu p.iriv. iv n i wlHi reforent-e 1 Hi.- Iiri'^l.l.-Iiry. as th .y nro about tl

♦ man. - And ilils Is rljTlit. Tho incron Id nuinlier of si-rai.hud tickets eai

I !:uc(ccdiiu: >'UTHon :.lmply shows t Y ‘ inili-piadoni-ii of tln ' vo ters and t

liberty of thouKlit and action of t nvcriiKe elH zi'ii-.-M ackay Miner.

^ A D visF.s k E i 'im ii^ V N S --------------J . TO ‘ SUI T KYKS, HOLD NOSES, t AM> v o n : 'F B S T R A ia il

T IN'2 wat(.li\vor<l of tho Republic party tills year in Ooodlng cot

^ ly i». "Vote -iCr S t r a l g h f Fy ibii; ilii-rr I'l. of course. B very go J * reason, which Is Hii.s: Tho Rcpub i '-an county (.•aiidldale.-i. ^wlth Hio < t ceplloa of .soniP'oii.ttie ticket, aro vt► ♦ "wi-riU hlHlors," nnd belong to t I Goodins ring. Tlils tho Ropublica y Hictii'ielvi'. fully r.-allso. , They rc ►To ^ i' Him II' Hic voter chccks over I

iirtiiii's u-lil. h‘ appear In UiO R^put t ';in m liim n at^il proceeds to compt

ncll-lilti ; ls 'o il ti 'c ticket w ith 1 Ocnioi null- «an<llil:aeH for tho nai

J > n " |t^ ii i i^ i> gri'M m ajority of I W "K t. cf thi‘ MMin'y. r rg a n llo is

-ii'i 'r-, ■•,•'11 r> r-th e candldT •• t 'o t ’'n i f r : i t ' •• •koL .

■ ■ c in H'e )i‘i»♦.. -.-•'ltd ou r I



> '♦ ' '







I C l a r e nV . O FFE R AN IN STRUM EN


♦% T A L E N T ..

V 1

c *


. ^ The hcndlinc attm ctlon ti Y fwturcH KlJifl Clarice, 1 , She u a poBt^master on ti tirognuA tho blind pianist,

A startllnff nnd ot

! / 'i r fT S B l-R C lIlSPA Tai!) X Clarlco & Grogan bcadUrn

* both I'inlshcd iuI I sIh In tb«]

Y KKPi nLICAN, SFm N O FII• J k A la r l f t r of musical no f Y Clarice and Grogon. B iss - : M = tnlpnt. Mr. GrO|

1 f rompOHl(Ion»> Tho ac t is- y should l>c seen by oIU'

V CLEVELAND PLA"lN D E J '■ V A'^Yorthj- net In th a t of “ •% JilM Clnrlce Jb an nccomp A has tm re led th e world ori

^ = o n * ^ f ; t l» = fo p o iM s tip la js ° & ■ Instm m enU C larence Oroi* JL showing rcmnrkaUe^moftJc

; Xv■' ^ TH IS

i i A T T H Iit X

• ALW AY A G0<


X vice. If you m ust vote a Htraight re publican ticket—Hhut your eyoH, hee your noso and "vote 'or stra lg litl ”e This is th e only wny th a t the Gocil ing ring can got back Into powor, aI- ihoy know It.—llagerm an Herald,

J KHIBITS INVENTIONS H . fOR IRRIGATION WO!Z 0 . W. lUco H as I’erfocled T hree IdtI, Which H e T hinks W m SlmpUfy

rigntlug I’roblcras. .le ——■ o Saturday afternoon a t tho dll

north of tho ball park, G. W. Rice t on exhibit Uirec of his la te InventU

— -O TrH rrlgBU ng-w hich-tba-lavcatot- lleves will g reatly simplify tbo pn

[w lema of Uie irrigato r. Mr. Rico 1 ,n Installed tho Inventions as they wo Q. bo used in ‘practical work and v or ready to explain tho various pol

nnd advantages of his system over <II. of tho others In uuo a t present.r l Tho invention of g reatest Impc ~ anco to tho Irrigator, sald^M r. I t

wo^ the ad justable Irrigator. T Q, consisted o t a galvanized iron pipe

threo Bocuons. which had ad justsI,(j openings a t p roper intervals forII. IrrigaUon of both beots and other p ^ I •,) po was reverslblo for tie on both eldea of a ditch and this n Qe j tlons capab lo 'o f fitting one Inside t i c | . . . . c r lu lucilita lo moving from of placo to another. Tho in take ’

.t.recned and thu irrigation openl on- pinned so th a t corrugations co

f 'ntervnlii of 20'lncl two and oue-balf feet and three :



: P ai ■'





m e r b n j m d G e eW O H A V E M ORE TH A N M AI K L 7 T H R E E T E A R S AGO IN T E TH E Y H A V E PLA Y ED MAN BAB T H E Y H A V E B E E N F E A r U N ITED STATES.

i c e G r o gTA L ACT O F D EC ID ED MEET L E T O T H E M O S T O R IT IO A L . I ff, W H O IS TO TA LLY B LIN D , 1



KANSAS C i r It tho leading thea- KntJi' B rolhe t ta len ted Ila rp ls tc . program alld He harp . C lareneo PLs a wonder. H is f e a t^ T b e y te

dffinoLr^CHiGAGO TB

lU th Itrotlii!! th e bill. They nro nets l« * te off ir line . , the two weste

:M ..« a ss .=iTelUe. b g h . a l,r a iu l c c IJ i h u r l ,h i , n .n . w ba 1. to te ll . S ,

r r n ; —--------------------------SRAW M UM )B a th BroUk

C larlee a n d G rogan. la r d e ^ n d . Ilshed H arp is t, who - the ease-o f-i' Dr and Is know n as has pow er en w r-pf-thiit - >HiaTitlful— :^lia« a p lfnsh ?an, a blind p lan fit, -witlTDio grw a l gcnins.' of the bill a t- , r • -



le-)ld 1

,j. New Stock ofnd .

Hallowc, SEE OI

- a t V A R N E Y ’S

Lch _______ _________________________lad “■ ’m s one-half fecL. This plpo measi be- about a li tv foct In length tmil Ita t ob- w eight w as n o t ovor sixty poundt lad “I havo studied on th is invention uld a yea r,” said Mr. lUco. '.’and havt

ways kep t In mind tho pracUcabilll n ts the pipe. I ts uso wilt mnko the in m y to r’s work easie r and better work

bo accomplished by Us use than irt- p resen t ayatcm of boxes and clu Ico. Tbo regulation of w afir-iira-fcR toi htu tills invention nnd Its uso ellmln : la the change In flow duo to a sai ble riso o r 'fa ll of w ater In the dlich. Uio nly place two miles west of tho 'ro- I have a le a s t JIBO worth of lumhi uso boxes and checks, which require >ec* Htant a tttn tio n . wlille wltli the U! Gie I HiIh piping, th is troulitn and exp one I could bo done away with.”* a n ) A n o th e r o f M r. K ico’a lnv«,n' n g s was tjic I r r ig a tio n ch ec k . ndju» u ld to d itc h e s f ro m o p e fo o t to th re e lies, o o e -lin lf f e e t w ide. Mr, n ic e snlil a n d I t w nn e.'i.slly ndJUHtnble. a n d p o r

E A f i i E lr-M A T IN E E ... ', . Y



t r i o t iY



r o t h e r s jrrge Meigs UE GOOD. T H E Y A PPE A B E i / i A 3 E IR F IR S T PERFO RM A N CE,Y OF T H E L E A D IN G OIR. Y JB E D IN M A N y O F T H E i ^ - V


ROM y \ . Y

E- \ *4

r f o s t £^_ _ - ^rs wei:e the fea tu re of th e GLOBE YLhoy certainly a r e elwiB en* ^irform lng seem iD ^y Inposslb le A>k M Tcral bowB clbB lngaa el6:bt> ^

mCNE SATfS* - yr s s ta r t In w here o th e r a th le tic Vand we feel safe In h j Ib^ th a t Arn boyn a re two of th e b est atb* fBrOle etage bos know n: V

1, SAN FRA5C|8C0>» ^!rs offer (be b e s t K ro b a tle a c t ^

r s b a re been held over by pops* XPick, tho sm alle r o f tho two, ha* foritln irth a t-m ak es one th ln k ~ h o ~ —vingb to noTo any thinff. G e o r^ ^gn»erB o n a H ^ inid-htffldleff-Dra ~ _ Y :te s t ease. They a re the featttre Vthe Hippodrome- A




’ e n G o o ^ _JR WINDOW

139 Main WesVPhone 366

red and fnr niore durab le and substantia 3loI. Ibnn any ntharu^haok upon th« marko

today. Tho th ird InTcntlon woa a sel fo r ad justing and portab le ditch box fo: a l . those irrfga to ra who wero uaing th<

jro l ”holo In tho. b in k ’*,method of irrlgat iga- loR. Ra v alue, said Mr. Rice, lay l> nay Its handiness and elim ination of wasl* U)c outs.

cKb. TIx} inventions wero mado lo-T*'^’ e-of Falls-tn -»oooK lanoo-w ith^U i* -lnv« aicg to r's p lans and Mr.' Rice expects ti don have the m anufacture of these 01 On Buch a basliT that by noxt-season Irri

city Rntors will bo .supplied w ith these do r in vices.?on- TO THK VOTERS OP TWIN PALI; e of CO: HAVINQ B D ^ SELECTED A* .'nso tho Dem ocratic pHm aries a«' a can

didatn for reproscntatlvo. I sollcltyou ions voto November 7th. I promlao If e r ^ able I'd to perform tho duties of the otfl) and faithfully. itlm t JAM ES FITZGERALD,able , fA dfertliem ent)

Page 5: TW ICE-i V-W EEKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · T H E VOL. XII. NO. 6 . TWELF.1 H iW Z^ THE P M mu,. jiarcnceVan DeusenWillSpealt ' Saturday

f q MNovelized From the o f th e S am e N am e

. i r Copyright. 1916, by

- S Y N O P S I S .

Plorpont SHifriiril. - with .hlii dauKhUr ^ Olorliw in wInirrliiK aI I 'u lm Hmuli. Uo-

cumtnir loxt In tlie cvurRUilftn aiorin (nlla Into tliu liuiKin or tliu Boinlnolc InOIa:m. oho fultii.ln lovo with hfir JTBCUcr. r r o - .

-----Ji«atrr-nvo- yanhHuigr nlio loiivus .ichocl' nnil ineolH J-'r<-iR.tiu ut tho tlieater; tio liitti

(orRoitan Glorlti. l.u ltr l-'ruiiouu jjit- fliiiulctt l»T 10 rurslVA litm. Olurlii'n olii- lFr-ln.lM«, I^ln, becomeii Intennely jeal­ous und Douior Itoyce din:(ivorii Iti lier an iilly. I''r<inciiii lukoa laavo of Qlorla. SIi.< Hrvs (rom lit>r window an uUnck mndn «i|ion til-ii. Uacior Ilovco convinces lior It In i3-1lrlum. Blin urcldontly aooa tlia nup> poKL-ii nuli'lite o( 1''run<!uu repurtrd In tlio PBl)or ' Cilorlit tiwi.Mrfl tv flnil Llio mur> dcrnr. UU>rlii Innliiin In RolnsHo Palm Beucli. 8hu III r<L-o);n]20<l l>y one-tJmo cnpior. tlio yoiini: tnillun chief. !{«, t«Ila her ihui Kciy.'o und not I''rencau wa7

k h«r reacuor at tlmi ilir.c. niorln uilAnda X n lshl court; nha ncicH Muiry ilxire. iilnu

V th e tramp who attacke<l fronoixu. Ilui V lad se lT«eman rclciueB him. Shn rollowj

'iJje tramp wlion h» Jeavoa cqurt. 8iio Ilmla heraoir In a low naloon dance hall, and ia Miected by ono of tha patrona aa his piirt* ner. Doctor noycc. howevor, follgwB hor cuid when ho utloniptii a. rtncui, culla down a riol on Uialr head*. Tho hall la rsldod and tho crowd, Includlnc Gloria and Roycfl, Is Arrested and taken before J u d n Freeman, j ^ m t r arrtvea with tho child Olorta^jpi^lscd to odopt-^^SUo or-Staflo rd home. followa T raak andlanda on a hou««boat to hoa r him occuted o t P ronoau’a m urder. She confront* him ; ho IreprUona her, b u t aho tl«a h im up and «sc«poa. Iti tho ya ch t Olorlfl. ond the men pum uo the bar^e. In th o *flght th a t fol* Iowa T nuik la badly w ounded. H o li Uk> en to th e Btttfford hom e. Iloyce on* deavora to re tu rn to l<ola h e r le tte rs to F reneau . D uring a, p la y fu l acuffle Gloria seea a n d rccotnlxea tn o envelope. Sho

,ouap«eta Iloyco of com p llc ltr In th e mur* d«r. H oye« t«Jl« h e r aiX Sho *e«a one o t Lota’ lotlera to F reneau . Ju d so rreo* m an confesaea hla p a r t. W hen Lois la confron ted ih e fleea from O loria Intent oit aulclde. O u t G lo ria races a fte r her and - p reventa he r from com m lttinc tho deed. She thon re tu m a tho le ttera to Lola and forrlvos her. T h ln k ln r Uiat D a ­vid la th e ono reaponalblo for Freneau 'n d e a th , ahe tdkea him aaldo lo confront T raak . B u t T roak haa been aplrtUd aw ay by Judffe P re e n a n w ho beUevea as Glo­r ia doea.

twentieth; episode

A Love’s Rewardf T h e m ystciT ot inyBtorlcs. tbo mys-

terr that eavelopa erc rj «ther, /« th» m ystery of llfo anil i ts ncfatlvc, death.' Plorpont Stafford had Rlren h is dauRh- to r Gloria w hat tho pcnDlieas T rask hail slvoti hlH daiieh tcr Nell, life, the sutDfi all bcRinnln^. u ll nccossary c ift o f Judge Frccm un to, hla dnusbtcr Lois.

Through th e exlHtcnceB of these th ree daughtcMi R ichnrd Frcncnu had wundcrod liku a Handsomo Don Juan, w rapping each In rom ance nod. grief,

k ns In a crimson clonk with n bUick j L lln ln f At t»n1in Tlpiifh ho hiul-fllrt«iL •- \w ith_'LQ>BJ*Jwmim.nnJ-won-th<» Child

\ e n r t o f Qloria S tafford. Gloria’s fa- ~ “ >Ap p hnd w lso lr unntchod ’ Kor awny----- froni-hl»-6pelUftnd-i»nt-hVr-to-«<!hf>ol-

fo r five yeiirs before sho should cutortbo school of life. .............

In th a t long intorluilo Dick Frenenn’s----- frlvolou»-h<*urt-hBd-Ron6T-butterllylnff------ b ither-nnd-yonr—IR-hlt^-hllInbler-t^ay»-

_ _ He Talked Very Eam ettly .

a s a brokeVs clerk lys m et Nell T rask, whose pretty face w ns -her only for­tune, and tho ctnjflo of her misfortnne. Freneau hnd d ta l t sucrilpffc to tho pow er of life and- le ft Nell broken h earted w ith lio wedding ring. •

In his la ter p rosperity as a wlnnef__ . -and-lOBor-of-tortupfla bo had .forgotten

Nell and turned to m ore gorgcouB creo- turc«. sud i as Lola. H er bo had won uw ay from tfte sacram cntS o f her wed­d ing , ring. And th en Qlorla drifted hack into b is Ufo llko a w hite dove, an d ho felt th a t b© hod nevur lovod t;lll now. W hat tbo re su lt o f such a ^ l o n

^ m lgbt b a te been no ono wna ever to Y <3lorla fe lt III, and morely

to br«ntbe became, tbo one great-prob­lem with her.

Perhaps the to rm ents of pain and. .L _ _______ aha «<n>lavwjint

A ft

w m m!MT HUGHE?M otion Picture Play b y G eo rg e K le ine

Adelaide M .H aabea •« • ij

paiif-H Hli(< \voul<l hiivo hiKl to endure iiH tho-wiru «if Kreni'iiu, for he hu.l ull Ibii KriK'CH Mild noni- o f llie Kpvprltles of chiirncter. Gloria had kniiwii only hlH diurin.i wlu-n aho miw him jniir- (lerwl-bcforo-hcr-wlntlnw.- SUir hud ii lonK Imtth; to lier.siiiulL- lii?r pcojilc! tha t she ov.'u mnv ihe deed. H er dr.i-ior, St<?i)hoii Uoyco. persisted In ilci.'iniiiii; th a t w hat kIio witniiSHed wim the 11c- tlVm of her IiniiKimitlon.

Wltli g rea t dlfllculty nlio had learned a few truthH. She had overtaken T ra sk only to be told tiiut she ha<l bel­te r le t lilm go sliiec hln o>nfc.s.slrm would involve her broilicr David. Slio had rcfUHed to Iietlovc tha t David had taken Juwikc Into his own haiiilH, uud liku an u n den t Indian hired a bravu to n.‘wji«»lwjUo JjJ.s cjjeiny. T nisk iiJono could elcur David of th a t chur»;e or fasten It on him. And Trask hud van- iahed.

Doctor n o jc e had done nil he could to keep Gloria from plcrclng tho veil about the crlmo. lin t now tliu t she had Ictirnod n p a r t o f Frcneau*« duplldty, ho was ready to help her toarn all tlio tru th . Uo w as eager to know It him­self.

When aho told him th a t Traak had been curried off. ho Hnld: •‘They can’t ca rry him fa r w ithout killing him. Uo is doomoa anyway. I'm nfruid. Wo m ust find him soon' o r tboro will be npthlng to And."''

B o spoke a tniU i th a t T rask himself w as beginning to realize. Tho human fram e Is n o t built to servo as a buffor between yachts and barges, and T rask 's fm m o was w reckcd wilbin his flesh by hla accidcnL i l l s fea r o f Jus­tice bad m ade him consent to tbe ef­fo r t to Gscapo from tb& Stafford liousei b u t tho Judge’s automobllo bad not gone fa r when 110 w as compelled' to beg tha t I t run moro slowly. Finally It grew plain to him th a t ho was obont to cscapo from earth ly Judgm ent and punishm ent altogether. U o bad notb* iHg eo fe a r trom tbepoU<x or tbe w ear­e rs of the block robe. H e began to fea r tho moro w hat higher courts aw aited him . H e dared not en te r those trlbu* nnlH with a burden on his soiil.

Suddenly ho fe lt th a t Gloria, whQ had hpen hln to rm entor an d his enemy, was one person on ea rth who could glvo l^ni co m fo rt H e began to* cry, out th a t ho w anted to be taken back to her. Jod and Nell and Iho chauffeur thought him mud, but they w ere ufm id of him. Uo held tho un- cuuiiy WBu{»oo-«f-the-power-ta-dlb.------

said, as ho checked tho cnr and began 10 ' tu rn U round.” H o Imd a'HUifer- -»UUou»-fw>f-of-thwarting a jaan '8-ta«t~ w ish. Uo''wuB not a fra id of anything else, b u t h c -w u8 .la .a -pan lcJea t Trask- nhould die in liis car. Uo paid llttlo heed-toT m sk*s'g ronn»-nnd-m ade*all- ■flpced-to-thc-8tnfford~homc:----------^

Koyce.bad Just taken G loria Into hln c a r to se t fo rth on n huiit for T raak when Judge-Freem an 's m otor brought him back. Judgo Kreemun saw tho m eeting nnd ho w a s covcred w ith chagrin, l i e saw th a t Gloria recog- ulxod hls^chaufteur. and aho threw him a look of reproudi, but uhe waa too much almorbed In Traalc'a needs to rt“ proacb hliu.

To Gloria's natonlHhnient, when Tmslc' WUH lifted Xr<im th e csir lie did not glaru a t-h er. h u t put hla hand out to Jier.

"Uo's got a lot ho w an ts to tell you,” Nell explained.

Uvyce motioned for one of the re- d in in g chi^ira'tO be brougiit frofti the «un parlor and Trnak placed in It. When tbey aturted to take him Into tho huuae. Iiowever. he aiiook liU head-arid m oaned: "No. no; le a re inu out under th e sky over wiiero there 's llowera."

i t ia atrungo how Uio Bu/TerlJig of on enemy pleads- and pniya fo r him. Gloria waa d iatraeted w ith ayinpatliy fo r 'rraak , and, her. h eart ached for him aa fu r an old friend In dlatreaa. She had the gervants carry him to a flower-walled nook w here the breeze wim spicy and tliero w as aliado w ith­o u t glootn.

Judgo Freem an w atched the gronp ond an Idea came to him. He stepped in to the h ouHo and m otlened, tp_l’ler- pont S tafford's aec re ta ry t6'l)ribi{ liIs" noto pad und pencils.

"Is ; t u dictation?" ,tho 'B cccetory asked. -

■•Yes," said tho Judge, “b u t i t ’s bo- yond m luf. I t 's possibly tho final sta tem ent of a dying m an and I t may

^huTo_ leRnl irai>ortniige,’!,,________ _H e leti the secretary back of tiie

arbor, w here bo could h ea r w ithout being Seen. Tho secretory did not rd la h liucb eavesdropping, b u t tbo Judgo kep t him to th e work.

There'- was some delay in making Traak a s cosy os possible, and Iloyco sen t fo r bis m cdidoa case th a t ho m ight keep him from .a sudden col* lapse. T rosk grow Im patien t ^ t b the delay ond clutched a t G loria^ nom* hllnt^: "Lfsren, m issy ; I-d o n ’t ta o w

< r l t 1cst who von air. b u t 1 co t a

_____ ' . 1

know about th a t yellow dog F renean."’ Gloria wincod a t th e Insult to her

dead lover, b u t sho mado no protest. T rask held her w ith lean flngora th a t hu rt os he ilntK«rti her clone.

“You aald yua st-i'ii me 1:111 lliat rn;\n. W hut waa ho to you?"• Gloria Hushed aa ahc sighed: "I loved liim .. Wo wero -ongagud to bo

Tgisk dm ckled grueaomdy. "1 thoiiKlit likely. I guexH I done you u aervlce glttlii' rid of hliti. l ie was eu- guKi'd to my Klrl .iVrst, iniKny. lie proailsod to taarry l i e told in.- he wnH gola' to m arry her and ho allowL'd he’d coaie rl«ht bar):. But he never' did.

"You Kcc. I used to I)'- a liurBeinan,Init niy wlfo—N»'ll's tna—K“l limg trouble and tluMloftor nald 1 had-iaiKlit «<i talie Lier to >;<.i7fii Ca'Ilaa or aome- wiiert'H. So I did. I to . jk jo mltiin’ <lo\vn tliere—foiiiid Kiiiiie zinc. ' New York hrokera got liii'reated, si'iit a young feller naaied F reneau down to iortk over till? jirop’ty.

•“H e waa thoro when Noll f.-tdied nin tiiy illiincr pall. H e took (gaito a

(o f(er-*-liitritf 'rotif«l fur hevt-nil •iiiysi • i’oor fclrl, phimli crazy nvf r him. •She liudii'L saw many felliTa and he waa a killer anywhere hew eat, I guesH.

"I ki:idie<l him with lila arm 'round Nell and T was goln' to lii'at him np. Wlslit I hud. Ih it he saya they 'w ere engaged. So I . wIkIiwI 'em w.-ll, Null h d n ‘ happy aa all get oat. Tlien he gi-ta u (elcgram t(> go back to Ifie city. H e never comes back, never wrltea. Seeiiietl like Nell took «>n more'u alie'd ought to. aad hy and by I knew why.

"H er maw didn 't gpt any better and ahe died down thert.—died before alio knowed w hat had happencHi to the girl. Havin' my wlfo die und after*

' "Leave Her to Me, Miss, She Belongt to Me."

worda havin' Nell goln’ crazy with sham e a t not bein’ nobody's wife drove

. -mo-aut-of-my-nenBes-klnd-ofi—I-nerer* ---- -----------------

“I got over bein' mad a t NoU, und wo como away froiji Uiere before the

: bualnenn again and d idn 't have much . . tim e . for_lookln’- up -M iator-Freneau. I When I found him hy accident It waa I- -outHlde-your—h o u se -In —th e—ctty."~l- Jn m p p rt-fo r~ W m -n n d -h n ^ h lr 'Tnt?.~ l I cliaHcd hla autuinoblli! and got run over ; by another one. W ent to Uie boKpltal. : (^tiiie out a inlte wronger tlian w hat 1 ) w ent in, I gues.s.1 “Nell told mo aho'd found whore he• lived and she'd w ent to aee lilta, took I tho baby with her, i)ogged him to love I licr again, o r leustwaya to marry her '■ Jor (he haby'H Bftkc. But no, he

woiiidn't. He Jcat laughed n l her and I told lier to 'go <m away.I “When she lo ld n;o tha t, my head : •kinrt^jf fllled up.w lth poiaon. 1 didn't

w af^ anything hut th a t feller's life. ’ I put out a fte r him anil alwilys Jeat

n0»awl him. T hat night I followe(J■ him to your house,< seen him go, la ! tliere, u iid 'l w aited f o r ‘iilm. A police­

man chased m« uway nnd he musiI have w ent aw ay w ithout m y aw ln' I him, for I crep' back lo th a t hnjTiighU'• m ent to w atch fo r him. He didn’t

conio jy*ih^)Ut I waited. By and by II Meen aomebody cojHln' up ' JlJveraldt . drive. I t wns h im .. r thouglit I muHl ’ n Went cnizy. I guoaa I had. But 1 ' waited for him. H e stopped iind'ilght- . od a m atch to ligh t n clgaretto wltli, . nnd I crrp’ up bchint him nnd got a I grar.d holt on h is neck with Iheae old• ten flngers and—” ’

His' g reat crookcd tingers m ade e I feeble repetition of Uielr work, ond I Gloria ' covcred h e r eyes. Traak- laughed.• “I s’pose I'rt ought to feel sorry, nn«l

1 do, DOW th a t I 've got to go whuro bb't' w e n t B ut It fe lt m ighty good then tr

know he wasn’t* goln’ to breok an j ’ more hearts o r fool any li^oro girls,‘ **I le ft him lay th ere in tho snow and ' I got awtiy fa s t os 1 could. N ext daj- 'IU p o c ted .to .s0«-a blg bolteMn-tho-pa'■ pers. Not a word. A hull week passed t o-^J not a word. I fe lt creepy abotit It Then I read about hliA bein’ found

> down in tbo bay aod l cdnlda't under . stand. I been driven n e a r but o ' m j t senses try in ' to flgger oiit bow ho goi> tbertj.'*---------------------------------- '} T be secretary la biding woodpred• (00 , b n t the Jndge k e p t sIleDCO and sc ’ did Oloria on her. aide of tb e flowei• screen.'' * Qloria was not - concerned nboal• nW .M . at.^ . . . . . . . . I . .


a t tho llllle biihy th a t Nell carried al­w ays In liiT arm. Her lual apark of lovo for I'r.'aeim dlc<l out In Iut aoiii, h*avlng ii iiiti’i-l.v dark. TImt.- wiih ntii vnough .'inlu.iM left t„- n„r.- wjtli loii^.v. Sin- «iiK i< xit..ss to lan e <hine w ltii I 're iiiau forevrr. ''

W hen 'I'nislc. uppvidetl f.jr her for- xH-erif?<H-lf-lit-hml-fiiiiM>-il-hiT-ntiy-iiiiliir- hh.. gave il li-.M.ly, il.T h itter lu-itrl C<-ll th a t 'ri'j.>l; iiiKl I'hiiK- a eleiiaslii;: m sk III r.MiovIm; rr.'ii.-au fruia thv earth .

Truak li.icl; . .\lintisirtl and iil>Jiand n la\.'d lis h»l<l ..ir b.T. Thru riho le ft hiia li> tlx- mliilstrulUiahyil' D octor llii.vci-, who wlil.spered Ui li^r th a t she Inal li.-iiir i>oi Ilngvr to thr laat. He s<-iil li<-r awuy. She wV'iil toh e r ro..... In i. Uni.'lliiess iin.r.' j.io-found Ihita >-hr liail evi-r fell. She had not .•M'li a d.-ud lovi- f<.r e.n.ii.i.n- l.)nahlp a..w. .sh.- foiiiiil the photo­graph of lM-,.a.'ini there aiul her lips curled with dl. ;,•llst a t the kissra she had MiiiiiinN'n'il >m Llial worsUlin'd Image.

Iti hor ut.iil, sb^ broke U to pieces, HII(J Jjiyhii- U«- [risuiMUiti In thv viuiHy ni-eplaw. -cr maieh .to Iheia. She w atd ied lUi'iii liarn aad Hung herself across her |i>'d \v,-..-|)liig laadly. Sho w ept her>.-lf m exhaustion and lliiully lo Hleep, U was a iroiilded sloe], with u iildeous vision of Kr^m-au In lafermil llamea thul aiauatod ahoiil him as ilu- tlainea hud duai'eil uround his jihoto- graph <jnl,v they did not cohsmae him.

Ho put Ills uniis o u r to her throiiKii th e llameM, ajiiieullag'for pardon. She licitfd Iilai suy: "tiloria, 1 had repent­ed « my '.'vll wiiys and vow<-d to mead them, but 1 wiis atruck down before I could. l''.ir>;lve m e!"

Sh«l all^u•..red him harsh ly : "Ask Nell, ifot aie. Coiae hack aad uialo

•the-evil you did."H oalghed: '-If only I eoiild. There

iH only one evil tha t can be undaae. I sto le your lovo from a man who loved you before I did, aad lovca you atill. Glvo him yoar la-art, Gloria. Give him your heart, Gloria—Glo-rl-al"

•H la voice dlo<l a w a t aa the vision of him faded and she woke. She 'wept Again to think of the pity of life and d eath and love, and her heart melted n little toward Freneau.

Sho batlied her eyes and went out into, Uio hall. There she found Ndl T ra sk weeping Inconaoluhly. Her fa ­th e r wai< dead. Gloria look the girl in to her ariaa and tried to' tidnk of consolatinns where there were none. Her- nnger raged again u t l-'reneau. whose treacheries were to blame for ovnrythiag. Tiie man Jed, hearing N ell weep, came blundering Into the houao and up the atuira und claimed h e r frota (ilorla’a nrms, aaying: '•LeaVo lier to me. mlsa. She belonga to me. She told ifie ull you heard KHlay u long, while ago. 1 love her Just tin same, or more, maybe. And I'll tak i good ca re ot iter aitd the baby ., It's a nice baby; It a in 't to blame. I'll tako good care of tho buby, miaa. and N d i, too.” ^

Gloria surrcatlered the girl to him nnd ayw th a t Nell leaned heavily upon hla strong, encircling arma.

Gloria left them togetlicr and wont down to tho living room. There she found Judge Freeman. Tho haggard- neas aeemed to have loft hla ancient face, n e spoke to h e r :

_ J l U w m \ Wliat TniHk lohl- ynu 1 never wii»_Ho g lad .b r so_ proud _to_.bi proved wrong^ i owe uav id u imniblcnpology.'-’ ....... -

"Will yon make It to hlmT’________"No. not for tvorirt. Tho m q« pro­

found apologies we nh(ke to people arc tbe silent onoa they^never hoar. ] cmild-uuUapologlXtf-to-Davhl-wltlioui

th a t I could never do. Lois Is.golnr to be a gw d wlfo to lilm. S b /ough t to hav.' her chance to build-up theii lIvoH togeiher. Have yon the b e a n Ki tea r th -Jrliom c to plccca now? Hav« you tla-rTgH T

(;iorla anau-erfid drearily : “I haven'i the strength. T hat'a about ull 1 know.'

She walked out upon the lawn when tlio sim.>(efwaa adding ulmoat intoler iiT)le lieilhty to tiie m ajesty of tho rivet nnd the I’ailsudes. Tho vaat old peaks llko releiitleaa Judges, were being soft ened Into a tcndernesH by the sofi colors from tho’aky. Gloria sa t dowt on a honch beforo a softly plaahlnf ftiunialn whoso w aters wero mado roaj by the light. Itoyce found her then and sat down hy her. He was tirei and very aolomn with the lust iJtea o:

■ o ldT nisk ."Is-your heart nt peace a t j a s t

GlorlaV" he murmureti."At peace, no t" ahe gasped. "It li

all In chaon.""About Freneau, I mean.”".No, 1 hate lilm now—<ir ut leaat I’n

trying to.""Don't iiatc him, G lo ^ i. Don’t halt

him.""You ask thal?""Yes, for how was he to blame? Hi

was born w hat h o w a a ; he went thi way his oaturo-drove him. He had lit ^lo help from women exeent to bo whu ho waa. H e paid a hideous pricc to

. the wrong bo did.""Don’t you hiUo him ?'’"No.""O r anybodyr’"No. Hate 1s .not only tmchriatloc

Gloria, It's unsciontlflc; It’s ignoratit .It conics only from nn inabllltJr o r ai un^'Ulingncss to understand. .1 can' bear to tblnk of your d e a r.b ea rt glv in s out sucb poison os batred implies.'

"You wank n o to lovo ovorybodj then?" ■ . -

. .**lnclading youT*•'Gloria rW hat moro mlgbt havo been sail

there woa no teulng, fo r A unt Bortco .sla cnmc.hnstlinff down tbe lawn wtU a ysrdleagtb of^commlCted l l s ts 'u h tasks for Gloria.* Before ber tempes


Trask Tel

was kept on the rua for tlays aai nlghlH. She worke<l as imly rich w(jai on w<irk wlioii somo i>rgy of eharlt; l.-< on 'foot.

fJInrla In tarn kept overyone In he iielghlioraoo.1 s.-amperlag. Her father her fath.'rV seeretary. h e rt.ro iher am hla seen tat-y. <‘ven her bn ither's wife she irt1idi2 use of.

Lois ro-Hpomled to the lash with ai enlhn.Kliism iJiar snrprlsetl Gloria. Sh liegiin to nnilorstaiiil that itlleness Imi lioen a more cogent exeiiHe for frivol liy than she bad hellev.tl whoa Lol g a v o 'l t . She Kjiw that l/ilu ' hearl which hiid yh'lded too easily to th hlaiidlshnionls of Freaeait. yielded a eiiKily to IlM* allurem ents of unHoIllsI labor.

The p lans fo r tiie Polish foto wer diangod again and again. Tlie bo; S tas waa ao m iidi In tho way tha •(ilorla set him a lask [o ke<'p hlai. on from Milder her feet. He liron«hl li

tn 'y ch lld re ii ( t t t l ie vicinage aad estati llahed himself us their leailer.

Some of tho rleh tola, like tb d parents, w ere good felloxva: a few o them woeful snobs. Thewe la tte r IwU to.1 S ias w ith his orljiln. whereupo

' he had reso rt to the wild ariiltramMi of hattle. and two or thn-e sma l)l«K>dy noaes n iln -d tw rro r three hunt

; aome su its o f dotliea. A fter tha t Stn was the accepted leader.

In hla reaearchea among the plctnr books he found n “ Pled Piper of Han: lln" and made hla "Aunt Gloria" tel iiim all about i t He decldcd tha t sh aliould be tho pled plQer and he .won!' organize an urmy of d iild n 'tr fo r 'h c to pipe uway. She kissed film for th iiiHplrutlon and th a l ev en /w as one u the m jge^ses of the afternoon. Moh of.X '^'i’ thronged the Stafford eatat on the afterno<iu of the feallval un

- ■t ill! itiads iiutanh' w t r tniTinam pir l tnT?

' Tiiere wna no hesitation about .on- ploying pfntJlcnl ftiefiKKls ot oxtortln- from tbo r i rh . au. miid i -moiKiy tit the ' liad been rircklesa enough to bring wit■ them. Tho hollow ey ts of tho raggc• siar%ellnga of Poland would have tlllo• -vdth-wontlor i f 'th e y could'hnvo~Bec L -ln-far-i»fC-Am»*ri«:tt-Ui»-woll-fod,-*lU I clad urlatocriils reveling in t l id r hi

half. -It-wuK-u atrangu way-of-gettin• f<y>d fon th e jinngn-, but it was tl) ' f a sh lo n rf the day, nnd riloat lmi>ortui ’ of all, I t uccompllahed Its purpose.

. Tlie world was so packed wit 1 tragwly and ao hounded with cries f( ’ pity tha t i t took something more Uia .• sorrow to wheedle funds ,from tl: . weary public: I t took beauty and ei• tertainm ent. Gloria furnished those I

full measure a t her festival. In b(. rairgeil. doublet and hoso, with h( [ foathere<l cap atilt, sho danced an I piped, and tin; chlhlren followed ubot . the lawn with a i.nivlng audlonco tl f she led her little army into the grci . cave th a l I'lo rpoat hud ordered coi i* airueted In one of hln hills, t The mofliora le ft behind- prctendt

to weep for the ir lost ones, and Uit begged tlie pled i»li>er lo return. S

’ Gloria, contrary to IradlUon, cnii J back from the cave, and, surroundi

tiy her kidnaped troop, bowed ut bowed.

, Gloria w as good und tlri*d when It last t»f tin? K|M:ctatora had gone hon Impiwerislied. Sho stretched herae out on Ihe divan in the living room at felt her old lonclineRS come back upc tier. H er task wus done and she wns I

no moro uso to tho worid, for, < course, be* fu lher hud pointed out :

j her th a t ho r .p roject,to takd tbe fdni

linpoaslbllity. There w ere several ml lion soldiers between b e r and Polsn und the price of tbe voyage, even ■die rou ld mako it. would buy sever thousandM 'of loaves of brend.

!' Sho wos in so foriom a humor tbi■ when p o c to r Royce took a clmlr cloi ' t« -h e r-and -p th tred -fo rth -h ia -p ra ls«

, alu> oiccepted them hungrily. Ho wi• cncourugcd to tho wlidoat hopes by bi

response and ho kept bunching h' chair c loser nod closet.

H ls t te a d wns alm ost toacblng be■ when her fa th e r had como into tl

room w ith tho p ro c e s s b fT ho 'f« tl'ri. 'T bo re w ere baskets of bills aad boxi

of colD an d tbo totol was tbausanda < !; d o lla rs .' ■“ ' Uoyco fell back disbearlcned. I ^ bad forgotten hoxv rich Gloria w as, a i• bow poor In e«mij.nriHon wa#-even «i

lo Hia Story.

tolling hor Intw long anil how deeply he had lovod hor, bill hi; fe lt that: sud i

' a doi-laratlon would only be u pre- H iim iituiius fiiUy.

Gloria tonld not read hia thoughts, but sill- kaew th a t h<! Iiad. saddenly chilled aad shortly a fte r he wna gone. Ami tlieii ahe knew how much alio missed him. Sin* waa tem pted to fall III again sn tha t ahe might summon him to M'liU upon her once mare. But hor lioaltli, w lildi had broken down when she was fn the first tUish of her affair with I’reneair (fo r ' ‘affair" wna what ahe ealieil |c now), held up splen­didly wlien she fe ll sick ut heart and wonry of life.

For Koiae reason which lie did not ' make plain—hirg<-ly boeause his excuse

wns ariKlrlal—Doctor Boyce-happened to dfop In a t tlie country place n few days later. The fac t was th a t he could neither endure the lack o f GIorliKnor llnd a planslhle reason fo r calling. ho ealli'd and inumblcd h is reason 1^ articulately.

He talked, very onrncally about noth- I Ing a t all aad kept saying th a t ho must

go, but did nat go. A t length be really-"' ■ started , and Gloria fe lt th a t she w a y ‘ being marooaed once more on tlio dull waste of life. So she protended to

‘ swiKin. He heard her llttlo gaap nnd saw her toppling over o a a carefully

• selcctod soft »pot. H e ra n to ber ia great alnnn, tried her pulse and found ,

- It normal, chafed her hand and found• It warm. He wns bowtldered. Tbo ' symptoms nnd tbo condition did not ' Jibe.' - Gloria opened one eye an d watched

him unbeknownst. Ho lot go her band ' und w u lk ^ U ie floor.• S h o ^ t up in disgust, demanding,' "Don't you know w hut Is the m atter ’ wltii me?"L Ho KliDok his head meekly.

She caat her eyes up in despair and

doctor to keep In th e tam lly . Good-; by!.............. ........................................................------ ‘*Itt-tfae-f»t»ilry *~fae s ta ramw od , wen—

I ------- ----------------------------------------------

{. ---------- ' -------

- -




'■ "skT— ^

<f “ 1 Got a Good Hold on His N eckP'

Q dering why she said Just t h a t ‘.‘Did g you say *ln tho ftimlly?* ’• -Iij. She-lookotl nf Mm wUh tlfrgpolr In l. her eyes nnd nodded her bead., " i s a id ‘in the family I*" sho said. f And. “O b !’’ said ho.

Tliot} he s ta re d .a t h e r 's o hard tba t sho closed her eyes and dl(l not see tho

J ' change come over b is faco from be- ^ w ilderment to lin eager euc«j, to a

^ ngo. Sbo did n o t evea aee .b im scIm f her In bis arm s a a d k iss hor. B a t abe- waa well a v a r« tb a t h e did. Aad ahe

bad a womanly lotulUon th a t romanc*,'- Inst«ad of belns ended l o r .b e n had g }ust befon. *

- ----------------- T H B -B N l^— . . . . . . .

T o n MT ow t 'Toer n c e tm l a e to m t i j r i f :a ~ t a f r — — ---------- — :—

Page 6: TW ICE-i V-W EEKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · T H E VOL. XII. NO. 6 . TWELF.1 H iW Z^ THE P M mu,. jiarcnceVan DeusenWillSpealt ' Saturday

" . ■ _____ ' --------- ---m m T'/ i p A u m i i r v m r i i r T A T Y S • m W M T tT T n tf ll lA V O flT 9fi I f l lf l ' _ • » __________________

T h e T w i n 1T W IC E -,

P u b lif lh e d T u e s d a y s (



“ tsjoticetth e y f a i l to r e m it b e fo re c x p iru li( A ieumecI t b a t u o n lii iu o u s se rv ic e i p e c te d to n o tify u s w i th re n s o u u l i f DO Jo n g c r dcljircd .

E n te r e d a t th e T w in F a l ls {) a tw ii:e -a -w eek p u b l ic a t io n , O ctob

. 0 . D. THOMA‘ •I iiotifV ill y()iir” tiiii)

i-o iitin iia l iv f t - r r t i c ; to s ta t i iim de b y h if . i iiid ’ J u i* li t<i p r in t III! 1 sui<l V(m w ill be (

“ 1 bt-rehy «>ve Viu'cxn^ t!in 'u iiislunct.‘s K urro n m liiig

••1 w a s ehMftiHl te in p o n i i-an clul) ( I w a s n o t (.■ j.-ctcd ni) i>ri.'siilcutfl<H-{i‘d a t th i te rro r), n n d w h en I w iis 'o lo w o u ld n n t.sc ra tc -h in y ba llo t c o n ce rn ed th a t th e w o rs t Rt!

''b i 's t U em o i-ra t,’ 1 d id n o t r o e r a t th a t w as n u t ru n u in i; •frien d s a r e eoni-c^rned I n i‘\ p u b liea iis o r D en io e ru ts . O: c x e e p t w h en th e y r u n fo r o f I do n o t ktKiw w li.-tb w y o u c n i te a t te m p t lo h u r t m e ( m isiiifornuH l, h u t w h a te v e r

/ a ju s t ie e by p r in t in t? th is le/ T h e above is th e t e x t o f a w

T hM K S b y M r. I). T h o n n is .W e h a v e re j ie a le d ly « sse r(e il

“ f a i r p lay . liife is to o s l j^ t l to . ' ' a te n iisre i» resen tjitio n o r d is t\)rtio ii

p ro b a b ly th e iiiost v o e ife ro n s .iu <b pre.ss w h ifh 1ms h<-en e h u ra e te r iz o “ «<inaro’’ w illi j)o li t ie a l o p p o n en t!

T h u s , if th e |)H blieuT ion o f A a n y m e a su re n ii t in a te a n y s u p p o s e to iMr. T rio iiias b y th e p u b lie a tio n K atherijiR u t th e I’a r is h h a l l ,o n t h i l lu y h e s e lu b . w e a r e jr la d to r u n i

R e a d e rs m ay be in te r e s te d in e e rn in u th e s ta te m e n t^ n ta d e b y ; th ro u R h a p r o m in e n t J lep u b lic iin apcech w a s m en tio n e il m e re ly a s a o u r in fo r tn u ir t w a s tolling? iis, l ie to H r ; T honu is w as, in stA -eral rc fe e lin g t h a t p e rh a p s M r. T h o u u is h o r h iu l po ssib ly b e e n n u s q u o te d , T l v iew th o jie n tlc m a n . A s u r e s u l t i a r r iv e d a t th e e o n e lu s io n U jiit M r. s a i d :* “ 1 ineiinV w h a t I s a id

b e in g b e t te r th a n th e b est D b e liev e it . I h a v o v o te d fo: o ne t h a t I even d id v o te fo a n d gave m e th e w o rs t o f tileo ted . I a m th ro u g h w ith

O f co u rse i f M r. T h o n u is h a s i d id a te s fo r <-»unty o ff ie e s , if sue< t h a t th e above sa d a n d d is tre s s in

• hinm .- m in n n rtin trT h a t >fT. T h o n u is is le m p o ra r

aud~inis^TK^ii s incc su p p o se d b y T H E TI.MIOS, a n d ini

-------ifr-a t‘Ar;i>fftk ia J iy - i \d i i i -li we- w il lJ jW e ho p e th o fu ll p u b lica lH )n i

t h a t m a y h a v e b een <l(un‘ to Ihe c lu b .-J ilU io u g h .-w h ilc - w e - re u o y n i w h a t J l r . T h o m as sa id h e s a id , t in lo o ir im y ~ l)e tte r io u s tlu iu tlic f in

. p

T h a t t h r public. i-ee«(gniziis’I . g e n e ra l s e n t im e n t m a n ife s tc il am .

e n t v o te r s t h r o u g h o u t th e c iu in ty I\I. K e n d a ll, On H ie s c o rc o f c. oi n e ss a n d r e g a rd fo r th e fe e lin g s o p o lle d to d ea l < .ffie ia lly , he is Hi s e rv e d th e eo u n iy . l ;n ic s s idl_^i;; m a jo r i ty is assn rc il.

The TheatresD o ro liiy GiiOi un il I 'n itiU n-.-in ietl Kc'

m u r r ic .l (it th o c-l<isc: i.f tl .o Prl u iig lc -F ln o A rtii p liiv- " f i r c tc l ic n lUuii clcni I n . ’.’ o n e sp .-u lo . I)u l.:h a irU .e o tli .T I ta l ia n a ti.l ■•iirh l.u s o n ly ai o lo m o n tu ry nf l'.n t:U sli. iliHorvIc.'H I'vo LuadiiJM are*w tm lr." fo r llio ruapoHHcii.

"a co p y o f a M r.',.I In l ii .l l i .n .l n io r th a n o n e liu m lro d Tcui in IciiKtii. w a bw llt in l!i(! T rlaiiK l.).F in .--A ri.H Hindi u l 1X)H A tU !e lf« -r» r Ih .; n i‘W f . 'a liir .

- " G rc tc h c n lii '; C r.M ;nliorii, lU urrln D o ro t liy Q l«h. In o r d e r to siiow lif o lb n k UilH H lrce l.tn o ro th a n tw o l.uii

____ drcil cx ttn cae— droHsed, In -<'i)rroc:t~ Dutrli -<'«kU iui

T here were alHo n niiml.or oC iminm iictorH.

‘‘IU G S ’’ N() TlK.\rTV ,1M> I'AVIS OXI.Y TW O HO NK S A l t \

T lio u ln io s t-l iu n iu n In le llln o n rc , o tto Bliown by nioinhcrH o f th e c a n in e fuiii l iv <H Hnlrt to b e im tly I lh iM tnitod li •‘H anrt." llic (lOK-aetor w lio toni:hc« sy m p n llic tlc ch o rd In liln p i i r t in "T h I 'n tr io t ," tlie T rh u iK lc - ln c c p iny , i: w h ic h W illiam S. M a rt Ih » ta rro ( w lilc h w llh b o th o i i l t ru c t io n a l tiio Or p h c u m ThiirHdriy. F r id a y a n d iil Sa l urflny'B m n linoe.

‘•Hiirs" 1» tlovolnil U> hlH younK n ia» to r. p la y e d hy C.iDrK S lo n e , n a d one Hcetyi sliow -. liic dc; n n d tlio Ixjy ph iy iaK ‘■nujcr," wlti hMcUh In iitead o t Ktum. In ina liln j: ih l

____ ,HCgn<- ••ItiiKK" watcli«:<l Miinlcr SK.ii'TioT(5“ nin "K inr' h r miTaltT'and wli.n called upon lo perform In a lllic niiui no r readily duplicated tho mliltnr;

, m ovement of hlH nlaynmto, Ilti In »i <,n

F a l l s T i m e sA-W EEKin d - T h u r s d a y s b y tho .

J U S H I N Q C O M P A N Y , L t d .

S IM S , K d ito r

■l Y E A R IN -ilD V A N O B.N C K : M a n y s u b s c r ib e rs p re fe r i r su b se rip tio n K in te r r u p te d in ease )n. N o tw ith s ta n d in g th is , i t is not ,s d e s ire d ;*8t,ill, s u b s c r ib e rs a r e c;.x- lie p ro m p tn e s s to s to p i f t h e p a p e r

ostofiice a s seco n d c la ss m a t t e r as c r 18. 1910.

.S E X P L A IN S , e r a n d in y o u r ed ilu riiU s a •m en ts a lle g e d li. h a v e b een • in fo rm you . tha t, if y o u w ill

lo in g ju s l ie e to me.A w o rd s t h a t I u se d u u d th e l lie s ta te m e n ts , c iry o h a irm a n o f th e H epub li- p n is id e n t a n d th e n i h as b een ^ s d a te — t h a t w a s y o u r f i r s t “ c le d e lia in n a n I s a id ‘ t h a t 1 ; t h a t a s f a r a s m y v o te w a s

■juiblican w a s b e l te r th a n th e e fu r in a n y w a y to a n y D eni- f o r o ff ic e a n d a s f a r a s m y

e r a sk w h e th e r t lie v a r e He- lie lo o k s a.s goo d a s th e o th e r ' fiee , a n d i l com es to m y v o te . m is(iu()ted m e w ith th e d e lib - ■* ir n o t, o r w h e th e r y o u w*Te

th e m o tiv e y o u w ill d o n u ­t te r . ”r i t t e n s ta te m e n l a d d re s se d to T llK

in th e se co lu m n s fha( w e b e jiev e in lev o te a n y p o r tio n o f i t lo d e lib e r- I. T h is .p a p e r h as been Ih e f i r s t and .•n tn ineing t h a t p o rtio n o f tin- Idalui d b y Ih e .u l te r la ck o f d e s ir e to be

Ir. T h o m a s ’ e o m m u n ic a tin n w ill in il u i ju s t ie c th a t m ay h av e b e e n d o u r

o f w h a t h e s a id to Ih e lU 'p u b lieanI occasio n <d' th e o rg a n iz a t io n o f ih e t.k n o w in g t h a t o u r in fo rn u itio n eon-

\ l r . T h o m a s o n th a t o c e a s io u eam e o f Ib is e o u n ty . a n d -Mr, T h o m a s '

n in c id e n t o f th e nu^eling o f w h ieh a liz in g t h a t th e s ta te m e n t c n id ite d fspeets, a r a th e r a m a z in g o n e . lu id a d n o t m e a n t to be ta k e n se r io a s ly , .IE T IM E S s e n t a r e p o r te r to in te r- [)f th is- p r e c a u t io n a ry in te n 'i e w ; w e T h o m a s w a s “ s ta n d in g p a t . ” fo r he

a b o u t th e w o r s t R opub lic iu i. 'em o c ra t. I s ta n d on th a t . I r lo ca l D e m o c ra ts a n d ev e ry r . e x c e p t o ne , tu rn e d on m e •• it t h r o u g h h is o ffice w h en th e m .'^ V

is su ra n c c s l h a t Ih e R e p u b lic a n can- :essfu l. w ill m a k e i t a p o in t to see g eo iid it io n is rc v e rse tl. w e c a n n o t

llien i---------------------------------------------- —v c h a irm a n o f th e R e p u b lic a n <dub. 'n, a n d 'in iio l- r l u i p ie <^1enT.''it>; irid cn ta llv mentif»ne«l oiie<! o r iw iee ,» [>l.Nl i n in t l . . . f l l t l i n - ------------if th e a b o v e w ill r ig h t a n y in.}uslie( te m p o ra ry c h a irm a n o f th e H u g h e id-iuiilig lit_re-vi.siou..oC - w o r d in g ol- in i th o r ized . re v ise d v e rs io n d o c s n ’1 iTT. ■ . -

U B L IC s e ; ^ _ a n t . ______ __filith fu l s e rv ic e is in d ie a tc d b y tbi<n\: m a n y ................................1 in d e p c n din faV o r o f th e re -e lce ib m o f F ra n ]

lo m y , e ff ic ic n i'v , jiro in p tn e ss , po lite iV th o se w il l iw b o n i he b as b e e n com e. p e e r o f a n v olTii>,'i- t l ia t h a s eve in., fa il, b is r e tu rn With a i, .incrensei

e r , n't l i i e 's ld . . c l hill bu iiltle . a w a il ia order.4.

L fttor, In tiili. « riiip lnK d r a m a < .Mi-xlcan h ..n ! . 'r llfo, a n d u f to r tli

• d e a th o f “ L lttU lldl.,.," " ita K s " en lo t t llii! ro iin i In w liicli tiie body o f hlii m;i! ; t . 'r rej>0 Heti. iind JiinrpinK u p o n th- Iicd. e u d d lc H 'a l tlie i.liic iif hlii formL il lilayniiUo, H<- ^ a z e s a t th e c o h l. deaII f le e w llh u l ia l Is .,a‘,l lo ho tll(- tao;

;h e a r tro n d ln K i.nR nish \^•rlltcn in ever,1 j lino o f hl.-i ( ju lv iT ini; ili th ! IkuIv. ■

A fte r III,, b u r ia l . ••UaKJi" In hco URa la , c roucU cd .« h Uh> «u;\vly-iin»i

,, u rav e . In an a illtud< ' nf u l lo r uhan d o i ^ m en t.. .4oenilnKly rcu llz lm ; lii< loim li „ liiet H nffered ihrniik-l> Uio tin l lm e ly en

o f hl.s " ^ J u r ” pliiyniaio .

u 3[AHY n C K F O U H W IL L HK ' ' ’ SKKN AS A IH 'T C JI l i l R

F o r Ihe hc-eneK-in ihlii fan c ln a tin j ' T n tn b ln n tlo n o f conierly n n d pa tln ;

w h ir l. tranH pIro In I lo lliin d . th e p ro d i e e rs e rou lpd a e o nudn to D u tc h vIlhiK nnd tran H iw rted ImnijredK o f ••vllli

.. K 'irH 'M o tlic npot w h ere KOvcral day w ere eon»uni(;d In p h o to R rap h ln B lii

a a rllD n , W hen i l u l d a j i n d J ie r l li re o 111 I- th ' h ro tl ie n . leave H ollan d a n d com o t y A n ie r ic a th e a .-tion Ih t r u n n fe r rc d t irT > cn n « y lv an la w iie re M uldii'n u n r lo rc o .HldcH, 0 / courHO lie hi a ty p ic a l P e n r n , ;<ylvanla n u to h m a n . hi. Jn o . H. O ’B rle i I, wlKi d lreiU ed tlin p ro iliij-tlo tr fo r lli -iFarnouM P h iy c rs . took liln eo m p an - • I r ? th e h e a r t of Hit; Pcna .^y lv :in la H iitc

'=''^ h i : 't tlio prop<S

T iione w ho a re a i 'n is to n ie d to rot: K i>"< t (ho n a n i.' o f M ary I ’le iifo rd wit Il Ili.'lleale eoni.Mly and . r e a l p a llio ri Wi:

n o t be .lii.apiM .irited wlir'ii Itie p o p a la f iv o r lte a p iie a ra In '•lltrTTa F ro m llo i

r 7 l ; i ) i( l , ''~ l l i i i it I..I a ll rlr.v ieii n p ” in- •ni'W /^nnii of.iirrM eiii.,i|„ i, :i;i,l 1,1 !. jiiM I' KUlKe lli;it In ;.(! iir lc la a l 111 tren tin n ll, tiin t ev i‘11 tliiiHo u’li., i,„v.- ...........

• . . ■ ■________ •__ J

» win find much th a t is now oud m or I th a t l8 IrrcBlBllblQ in ^ I s producllon.


W hen w m inm A. Brady announce' blK duclnlon to taku chnrgo o f thu pro

.. ductlonal cad of Iho W orld Film cur

” foaturo unleflB It roally wob a Ioatur< very fow people vcraod in Uio tlioalrl ciil buHlnoHH, flRurod th a t tills-le.ulin llKht of HUiROcrnft would pluai;e rlfili liUo the work and dcvoto hlii liaiu an

r caorKy to, plclurcfl. Novertholesn. thu (5 In juHt wlial Mr. Brady luui don< . Every day In the week, and' aoniollaic SundavH. Wlllliim A. Brady li< In th

> World i'lln i Hliidios. coat and lial of. r working as hard aH any director, pla>

er o r Hcono Hblflor. W illiam A. Hrad _ hiiH promised lo rIvo Uio plioiopla “ world be llc r motion plcturofl. uail lu' I

KolnB to do Jiiflt tlm t ihlnR. One r.fiil : la lest perHonally HuporvlHCd roleaa-'

|H "T he Rail U ldor," with Hoiu'i’ l ’'!t era nnd Zena Kccfe. dlrootwl-liy Man rice T ourneur. I l in a g ro a t Improve iiient over miuiy p a s t rolcaacH. It wll bt! Hhowa a t the IhIu th ea tre on .Moa day and TucHdny. .


Founded on an did fairy ta le of tw. clilldron who climbed from tholr lit tie cotlafio to the Iioubc on llie lilt only lo dlRcovor th a t tho golden wla dowH wore mado of nolbing but th Hun shinlnB on broken window pano and looking back they boc the »am golden cffccl on Uic pones of the win dows In the ir own lltUo home, L. V Jefferson and C harles Sarvor hav conBlructed a Bpiendid pliotoilrnmn "The Houae of Iho Golden Wlnilowii. a Param ount ptclurc, w hich will b B ccn-'n t'thc .ldaho Monday and Taeii day. w ith Cleo' Rldgloy and Wnlhu: Held, th e J ^ k y starB,' in Uio leadliii roles. .

The Htory Ib a modern vertiion o this old fairy ta lo and tho-BcenoH ar laid in the green fielda of Callforal

' and show In a a trik lng m anner Ium true happincBB is really a t ono’n owi

1 flrcaJde. •«,



Second I*roirr»m of LTecnm Count* e I'rescalfld Tuesday ETcntng C‘>nlabi I Many B eautiful Mnslcal Knmben*,

‘‘ The music lovers of Twin Falla wor given un.eypucial tre a t Tuesday even

■ Ing a l tlie Layering th ea tre hy ih I! M arcus K ellem ian company. The sec ' ond program of Uie^ Lycoum coura

proved highly en te rta in ing and lb th ree meniburii of Uie company foua'

' II ncccBBary lo respond to repcate, I encorcH. Tho program was well hni

ancud and the in te rp re ta tions of tb ’ num bers roadifred wero original am

pleasing, and the largo audience prov • ed m oei upproclativo of Mr. KuHor

nian'B vocal boIod, the' violin Holon b: Lucille Janovlteh, and the piano worl of .Vlcolal Schneer.

The nex l num ber on ih e Lyceur course Ib “The K lllarney GlrlH," win appear Uecombcr 20.



t U St^cond Of Its Kind and Is Repro _ _ a tic tJv a -U f , l o.n c r flf JcnrlfH -F.Igh , H nnd r ^ BrIIIiiintrt Uix;^

E. C. Layering, m anager of tho Lav '• firing ihealre , received Ihla week on' - Juitt alrw »ly^inKtrtlle<i-o-new-cur ta ii

which Is Hoaielhing new In ilic way o . a B tage decorutlon. Though odvao

^ lage w as taken o t Bome of Uie spoc ' t o a - ih e -o u r tn in for--(idverll»in(ri«n ' t poaea. the feature of the ru rlu ill 11«

In u ie novoUy“o^ the cen tral decors tjon. •

A' reproducUon was made of 11) world-famous., T6wcr of Jewels, a t tl: V’nnam a-i*acitlc\’CxpoalUon, which 1

, ItHolf iH nn arUHtlc piece of work, bt '• Ihe outHandlng beauty of the plctui :k Ih llie clever reproduction of tho jo^ e- elod work w h ich ‘covered tliu fa

hulldiug. The otfeci o f ihc eontini , oua iw iukle o t colored llKiita waa o -* laincd by the uiie of suu brlllian 'd which reflect the light— from— 0

Klobea in itiu ilieatrii. The n a tu r Mway of Ihe InimeiiKo curtain lacroas

“ ililit . cffccl and under the spot-llg ;,P the curialn Is particu larly bcauUft

A mnnll picture of ihe fc rrltiu coul - Ih uIho reproduced aail the iiko of tl

brllllanlii'K ivca this picture added a iraclloa,

'I'hc l u rta ln is ih.; work of (’h a rd ;■ and (.’iiarelte, liietiic [lalnlers, of L ‘ Angele;!, Calif,;rnla. Mr. i:iiarctto

, In the- city u. Mii.:,riiii. ad lln- InBtall , lion and he aay.t tha t ibla la tho so

: ' ond curialn of lt» kind in ih<; Unili States, Ihe firHt h,-lai; Install.'d in theatre in UoIho, The curialn waa US' tor Uif. flra l Tu...<lay evciiliiK a t t:

' .Marcus KclhTinaa .v ciiniplii.y entch e , ______

“ HAM AM)” (.-OKS m (;ilK ll.The local rcatauranlii luiv,. <lecid'

to inuk t a raise of five cents <m atei and OKK ordern, Kivlng as tli.'ir reaBi

t*' tho IncreaBcd coal of raw material.


H BY TWENIIEItl CENTURY Clllie ---------It- Vote of TJinnkH Extended ThoHO W:to Jle lpcd .Make JU'teiil FedorattQ ClubH M eeting a S u r e ty . '

n- A t a recen t m eeting of the Two n. Ueth Century club, the following i lie KoluUon, proposed by Mra. M. J. Swc ly Icy. waa unanlmouBly adopted::-li! W lioroas. the Tw entieth Ccntu 6r club realizes th a t Uie m ost Buccoa

jfu l foderatlon evor held In Idaho-w a- j the re su lt of tho co-oporatlon of t th U plendld ru ra l women ot Ihu Tw 111 I i'^iliii fedcrntlon. of llx, women of t rirjM aroa and F ile r club, nf tho worn d- 'o f U.o Hubl H ub. who so gonnrntiH a wiHlHted In all wayiw In carry lnn ' w Uils g rea t work; -III' W herena, wo also re.allTio tha t w it

) th« m en w ith tho ir antomobilflB, i women opening tho ir homes, tbo mui clans givlDg Bo gonorously o t tho ir U entfl. Uiis Bpiendid ontertalnm o

[ could n o t havo been extended to o• dlBUriguished guosla; •

Bo it Resolved, th a t a vote of than be-ex tended-tO 'thoB e-not-tncm bcnr

' our club fo r all courloHy.givep; Ui I notcH to Uiis offect bo Bcnt to tho fc ; orated ru ra l clilb, also to tbo Fill I Maroa and Buhl cluba, and th a t copi

nf tlilH', resolution bo published In' t ‘ papera of Tw in F alls. F iU r and Bui

; EXCDltSIOKS TO POCATELLO Via 0 . S. L. fo r United CatUo ai Horuo G row ers AsBOclatlon - eonve

. tion, and Automobllo Show. TIckt . limited to November CUi. See Agon , tor ralCH luid fu rther dotails.; ^ (AdTcrtlsoment)i I . — 1 .^


' Idaho Department Store

J Econom yBasem ent


Men’s ShoesI

on Sale

$1.49! ’ D o n 't .fa il fo lo o k a t thcs«

sh o es on sa le in o u r E c o n o n i; Jh \je m o n t. W e in te n d to clos(

I o u t o ne e n t i r e l in e -ofS a m p le S hoes. T h e y c o m e ^ m ed iu m w<>ight b lu e h e r s ty h

[ d re s s sh o es— th e y a r e lUl f in e l j ! nn ido a n d th o .stylps a ro g o o d• So n o w is Ih e t im e to ta k e n d• v a n ta g e o f th is u n u s u a l o f f e r j ing . T h e se sh o es a r c a c tu a l l j 1 w orU i a g r e a t d e a l m o re . Y o u i

ch o ice o f th e e n tire lo t a t —

$1.49Just a Few

' Specials on S^ite~~

[ >I<*n’B ^?nx, r e g u la r lO e v a lu e i. — an-Kpwt»d-wtU.-...-..^^-r^-,^-,A<

. M e n ’s C a n v a s fllo v es . re g u la i) 1 0c v a lu e , on sp e c ia l s a le .' .S t

8 3V om ciiZ s-_ llo .sti___re g u la r . . .lijjvalue^ on spec ia l s a le a t . .1 0

8 G ood Q u a lity H room s, re g u la ° nr>e v a lu e , on sa le a t .............19

S lip J o i n t I’lie rs . r e g td a r 2.1 v a lu e , on. sa le j i l ....................15

I S te e l 'M e a l C leav e rs , f e g u lh r 2;1 I- v a lu e , o n sp ec ia l s a l e .......... 1£

»l I ro n s , on sa le a t........... '..§1 .5ISIt P e tro le u m .Tellv. b n ttl

2 5e v a lu e . ,m sa le a t . . 12 1-5

I ’u rk is h n a th T ow els , re g u li 20e v a in ,., on s a l e . . . . 12 1-J

O ne P in t T in C ups, r e g u la r ; 1“ v a lu e , on sa le a t . . . . ' . .2 1-5

A la rm C locks, r e g u la r $ l .f d v a lu e , on sp ec ia l s a l t '..........8{

:d Y a lo P a d lo c k .r e g i i la r l i r . , ; v a lu le on sa le a t ..........y .................. 21

S te e l S p a d in ;« ^ < ’o rk s , reg u li $1 .00 v a lu C o n sa le a t . . . . 71

ij C h a ir M ats , rV -W ar l")e v a lu,k . <m sa le a t ......................... ......... ;1(m ' , '

D ish ^ P an , 17-<iuart e n a m c le r e g td a r v a lu e GOe, o n sa le 3S

E n a m e le d S eam lesa R o a a te r p $2 .00 v a h i ^ j j ^ a l e a t ........$ 1 .'

T in M ilk F a ils , 1 2 -q u a r t siz r)Oc v a lu e , o n s a le ...............

!d ■

Sample Knit .Goods


W o h a v o f in e l in e o f M Sn 1° W o m e n ’s a n d C h i ld r e n ’s S w cj ,ci- e rs , fap K . .M ittens, e tc ,, a ll sai ml p ie s , p r i c e d , a t u n u s u a l ly lo !>■-}. . .p ticc s . . Ivimk ov er, th e s e e x t '• 'j valuc.s b e fo n . b u y in g . I n 'm a i

j e a se s th e y a ro less th a n w hol if s a le p r ic e s . '

ka : : , • '

S : | ■ Tho Now York TiBr. tho leading-nowBpapos : of tho beat “ &ome>'

: : Bureau of Inveatigal■ ; / tect their patrons ;

i^cprosent, or make i nd : with^presonting thon- • sale.

; The National bod’ing. men are makioj

1: about more truthful= ;: ,ers throughout the (

;; I t seems unfortun^many business men,

I p o s i t i o n s in the bna ; necesstuy to resort t

seuting their merohf • During tho past v,

bt»e (socks) display ed “ Wool hose, 2 pa

: was not a partible oDuring the past e

, vertdsements of a si an organization hay; tween thirty-five at they buy their good from mills w d facto

! . to undersell gompetifact the proprietor

; ' chiim has hat two &< in Montana, and m

! comes from St. 'Loui; Kot long since I si; played in tho windI marked ai special

pression tbat .they samo kind that wer the store. As a mai pies sold by a trave! house, and only diti

‘ ; were more or less si- I ' right for a store to

■ and sell them at lest 3 is misleading to disfi making it appear a‘ regular go<^ in th(' I make n^claims' ; ing or the selling o:

based on facts. Tho ble, and the method! of by the best husiqe

' and every member q'Store and trade ani right kind of goo^

7 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l I I I I I

Piano at a^SacriEice.

pianos. ilaUier than pay storage . ro-ehip this Instrument to Ogden, j_ will floii it to g reaaflaaihltuar^

special price, on oaay te r^ . Oi\ f will rent the pliino with th© privl:

: IT - 4 ; ' ' - : ORPHEUIc ^ Mo n day :


'■ :~ F I N i r S E T r a

: Grglchen,!ie " " . I I —




5c , ,■ Mend._ ______ _______________________.

'8, ___________,____________________19 _ " "


(Em bracing degree course


'II- j t t l n B i r .B B JW j Tf ™ ™ *iw - l^ -[p P |lg p g ]^ g q |gBHjB^tti^*tTraly!c- ^

O u Vaw O oU »r* .B iar..^ la«r

;hunc,-rflccg^ed as one i5rs of the country, and one ' papers, has established a •ion, its object being to pro- rom advertisers who mis- ;dsstatements in .connection ;goods wWch they offer for ,

or association of advertis- : a special effort to bring statements from advertis- '

ountry.i,te, in fact deplorable, that ;some occupying prominent ‘|oess world, sh<^d deem it 1 misrepresentations in pre- ndise to the baying public, eek I h a ^ seen men's half ed in a wimdow and mark- Irs for 25 cents’’ and thcro |f wool in them. ;Iz months I have read ad- !ore ohiiming to bo part of ;ng a number of stores (be- - d forty), and stAting tbat ' !} in krge quantities direct ;ries, thereby enabling them ;Knrs. While as a matter of of tho .store making this Iores, one in Idaho and ono . ; ich of his merchandise ;Jdbbing Houses.

,w a nnmber of articles dis->w'of a Department Store ;irices, and giving the im- ;represented others of the • I5 for sale ou the inside of ;ter of fact they were sam-ing salesman for a jobbing^I of a kind, and naturally - Itiled and mussed. I t is all ;buy samples at a discount •than regular prices, but it !

lay them in ^ o w windows,. ;i if they wete part of the ;s to c k . .

n connection with my buy- !’ merchandise that are sot. ;goods we sell are dependa- ;we use are those approved !

iS men in the count^. Any. |r a family can come to tbis v I I be sure of receivmg the It right prices.

o f b u y in g l a t e r a n d a p p ly r e s t o b p a i c h a so p rlco . I n an sw o rlD g p lo o so e:lv fu l l r e f e re n c e s I n ' f i r s t le t te r . Ac

''o T droBB G L 'B JN 'D R O H .-lluaisiV i-a I'lA W jaX U iarta m J ltfth, —

o r (X f lrS l iB e m e n t)wo —— --------------------------------■t g FOR SALB-GOtt po ta to bags chcai we aTB. iJ irscn 'T an ch riia tf m llo south ( ogo S.\W. cornor of H ollister, Idaho.




NGLE PLAYSn Full ValueiUALITY. . . ......RTAINipiNT.' W

.LEGE OF ENGINEERING8T.S, OAKLAND, C A H FO R N U .KC, of Technical TrololRff.I in) E lectrical and U och. En^InM r*

iDff, CItII and M ining -Engineer. Ing, and A rchltectoro | also spo- c iar courses In A uto Engineering and MaclUho Shop Prnctlco.

^ AXX A W P O U C T t To s tv eh lg l\ B tnndnrd EnKln«eHnK oouraoB,

• -with a lt unneceanary Aubjocta J f f r omltCed nnd npecln llslng In lha «s-

. S tu ilen ta do ocluivl e n?lneo rlng ■ M i l l w ork w lille p um uln tr n tu d le s— B r S t i i Kninirur more th a n th u u ry ; prao(i>

litl UiiowI<-,ieo niKl NkUl.• _‘1 % h i .rn u lu a trii lodntod w,llh

■ oTnrnnrifo comiHiny lu n t year.Ill TFTa -----

Page 7: TW ICE-i V-W EEKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · T H E VOL. XII. NO. 6 . TWELF.1 H iW Z^ THE P M mu,. jiarcnceVan DeusenWillSpealt ' Saturday

Id io theatre- ^ — Fwo-Days—


OCTOBER 27 and 21

Our Custom(and olhen who a n plan

H e re a r c a few fnetS 'W hiii i n te n d to o r tlo r ] )o r tn ii ts in c C hrifitm ns.

O n th e tw -en tic th d a y o f 0 n e s s p a s se d th e a m o u n t w h ich v 1915. I n o th e r wordH, th e tw o n ro b e fo re u s a n d o u r vo lu m e < to ta l v o lu m e o f la s t y e a r .


T h e m o n th o f A u g u s t,391G, show s th e la rg e s t p o r t r a i t b u s in e ss f o r a s in g le m o n th t h a t w e-havu e v e r h a d in I d a h o w ith tlie

'c x c c p t io n o f o n e 'D e c e rn - il b e r . T h is is a p h e n o m e n a l || ex p e rie n c e , o ne t h a t w e i d id n o t e x p e c t o r p la n fo r . 'jj

I t in d ic a te s b e y o n d a ' jf d o n b t t h a t m o re a n d m o re | p e o p lo a re s e n d in g p h o to - *; g r a p h s a s g i f t s ; i t p ro v es, to o , t h a t th e p o r t r a i t s wo m a k o a r e bo ld in h ig h es­te e m b y a n in c re a s in g n u m b e r o f p e o p le . '

W o w a n t to m a k e , y o u r h o lid a y p ic tu re s — y o u rs

} w a n t th e b u s in e ss o f evehy ono \ i ty . B u t, in s im p le ju s t ic e bo th

a rco so n id )lc a iu o \in t o f t im e in • S o m a n y n e g le c t to a r r a c

com es. T h a t w il l bo a v e ry c y e a r . "Why n o t ^ ilan f o r y o u nowY I t is n o t a d a y to o soon , k n o w , a n d w o rk m a n sb jp o f qi do n e . C om e e a r ly — i t ’s to you

The Bbl- A ______________


Gocfrgo H. Darrow Icfl th is wcok for ____San piqgo,_CalIfornla. -

n . S. 81mpaQn-and-tflmHy m o in the ict7 ,frcm Qoodloir.

A. W. Andorson o l Burloy, v o s in Twin PallB TuoBday.

J . H. Day won oTor from Eden on a sho rf v is it th is 'wook.

A. S . RoamB w a s a buslnosB v ls l to i from H olllstor Tnosday. i

--------- K o lth -F o rg n o o B H a -a p e n d ln ^ -fo ^dajTB in Twin FaJls from H arcllon. •

B. R. W hlto QOd H. Thoroflon wore buBlnosB TiBltore from OoodloK Mon­day. ________________

> Holon Friedm an loft for liOs AngC' ^ lOB thla wcok and oxpocts to romolc

Uioro fo r Uio winter.

P. F. Murray of U>o City Pharm acy lo tt Tuesday for American Falla t( look Into bUBlncsn m ottcrn Uiorc.

DB. F . G. BEEBE D entist

C ratr» I Bnndlag. Fbooa 424.

^ i ,



: : . And many, other good keep winter slock. • On display a1



nlng lo be our euslomers)II

h d ire c t ly oun cen i y o u if y o u ' »ur s tu d io b c tw c fu Jiow luid '

c to b e r, 191G, our- p o r t r a i t busi- .’0 d id d \ ir iu g th e w jio le y e a r o f | m o s t a c tiv e m o n th s o f th e .year o f p o r t r a l t t i r c n o w I'xei-odH th e

• i

-' f w M

t M \

— and yours—and ^ o u rs ; wo who has confidence in ou r abiU

I lo you and to us, wo m ust have which to do your work, tgo fo r 's i t t in g un til D ecem ber' row ded timq-in ou r studio this' r Christm as sitting now—righ t

“ Q uality firs t” ia our ^im, you la li ty can no t be too hurriedly LT advantage. . . . i

lee Studio____________________ / "

K |th c rln e F. Normlngton ot Albion,

T . L. Forrin and W. A. Budge aro.bUBln^aa TfnltOta__fmm n n r1i>y thiwwook.

' 'L. A. Nelson o t Oakloy, waa In tho c U y th S o a rly p a rfo m fO ’W 6ckon‘l)UB- incBB.'__________ ______________

_ C ^ I . . I ?poth >JnjijmAbciM tietn,Idaho speaking fo r tho RopubllconB-'thla wook.-

J . N. C laar has ro tnm od from a trip lo Ciutada, whore ho rccontly took a p a rty of bomo-BOOkorB.

H. P . Cbapplo an d 'fam ily havo ro- tu rned from an oxtonded v isit to bov- o r a rpiiTts~of tLfl -------------------------------

Major F red R. Roed Is in 'U io city th is woook from Halloy. vlslUng his m any friends and acquaintancoa.

Judgo J . C. R ogers was In Twin Falla early . thla. week .from Burloy to a ttend tho sosslon o t tho d is tric t c o u rt

H elen Strobock and Jau n ita Doan, aftor a two days' v isit wlUi thoir par-

> cnls, re tu rned Sunday to Albion, whore Utoy 0X0 attending Uio Btato normal.

Mosdames M. J . Swooloy and 'A. D. N orton wero guests a t tho banquet giv­en tho women on Uie HughcB woman’* Bpociol ot S a lt Loko C ity la s t weok. ^


B O X L O T S A L EW B O F F E R P O E yO U B ; S E L E O T I


\0 K . b a n a n a

tnjf varie ties a i re d u c e d prices. N i o u r o ld i t ^ , K ogersoii Hotel-Bldj


= ^ = = - = = — = — = - - - • 2 2r a O R A -W llE K T W IN F A L L S T IM ]


I C T A P YI T i n n t

In H er Lat

la f r o iF | P O S S l B L E - T H E R E W I L I


I s lluv lnp Home IMiIlt—Tlio R ever­end G. W. C ru ter tins had work begun on a now hom e, on Seventh avenue nortli, opposite the high Hchool build­ing. ________________

M urlauffff (’ouiilo M arried—Guy Dunlap nnd Ardciui AdmtiHon of Mur- tnugl), wero m arried by J uhUco SmlUi TuoHday, October

N en -Telcpliune Books Out—Thu M ountain S tates Telephone company liofl been busy th is wcok dlKtribultng tho Octobcr isauc ot tho iclopbonc di­rectory. ■ ‘ ‘

H ardw are Company Moves—Work wiiy begun Snturdiiy night by Uiu P e t­erson H ardw are company to move Its large stock to the now location In llie

I tle c building on Main north.

Sues F o r lUvorcc—Izctta C. Brown brought ncUon ngainat hor husband, Alfred E. Brown, in Uio d istric t court, Tuesday, and on tho grounds of non­support pruya for a divorce and tho pornilHsIon lo again aaaume hor maid­en name, Ize tta C..Calon;

n is tr ic t Court Opens—T he prelim in­a ry opening of tho Octobcr term of the d istrict court began Monday m orning and tho Umo a t presen t Is being de­voted to hearing of motions nnd de­m urrers. Ju ry eases will not be heard unUl November 12. when Uie regu lar w ork of Uie term begins.

New Singer a t Boffcmon—MrH. A frof of tho Rogorson cate has obuitned the Borvlces, fo r thin week only, of MIrk Leonora Annino, lyric soprano, who Is delighting Uio p atrons of tho cufo w ith operaUc and p o p u la r Boloctlona. Miss A nnlno.jvaa a pupil of .tho celebrated Ita lian teacher, Maestro Carlo Scbas- tlsao e , of Naples.

' H arried—A t tUo offlcIaUog m inis­te r 's residence, Saturday evening a t 7:00 o'clock, Mr. Qnbo Wlndol of Twin F alls, and Miss MyrUe Maaklnson, a l­so of Twin FallB. Mr. and Mra. L. S. Jones of Kimberly, accompanlng. The beautifu l rin g ceremony was pro­nounced by Rev. W alter E. Harman, p a a lo r 'F ir s t ChrlsUan church. The young couple will roaldo on a ronch nea r Eden.

Itlg M as flHt H alP-Fdl& TurB ltt-" 8cbd.-w1io~reBraCB—brt—HUiHicr—n u t

norlbw eat of Twin Falls, win give « , cloBing out sale of all his personal

proporfy^invroqU nyT " October ‘ 30Ui consisting of horses, cntUe, hogs, farn:

, m achinery, household-goods, etc. W- U -M cC oy-of- FUor»_JflU_conduct.,UH

aalo, and C. A. Robinson will bo tlu- clerkt—M rr-Turnlpsoed-haB-leasotl—4

(, large ranch nco r WelBcr, TJaho.

® “ ‘F o m i ^ - I s Omitted—In lin-ndver Uaemont b y 'E . S. Joluisob. of lh«

- Johnson Auto Bales company, a p p e a r a Ing in the Tuesday Issue ot THE

TIMES, regarding InformaUon to auto ' m oblllats about anU-freosing mixtures . an omission of ono of the formull wm . InadvortonUy mado. This was Un

form ula fo r tomporalnros from 10 do ~ •grcoB u >-e(Ml»graoa-bolog-iiiro.jKhlyJ y is : Wood alcohol. 7G per cent, gly 3 cerlno 12\i per cent? and water

per c e n t

- Dancing A c a d c m r^ p e n * —To cele 0 brato tho opening of Uio Imperln

D ancing-A cadem y an informal bal was held a t CoUlllon hall Tuesdu;

, evening and a largo crowd wns In nt Z tondance. A largo num ber o t the Inl Q esl dances w ore In progress and prlzu

w ere aw arded couples dancing Ui best w altz and oiM>£top. Dlumon

). prizes wero aw arded T. S. W illis an '- EUiol Berry for tho best wallx. Mis s Berry rocclvtng a pendant and Mi _ | v ^ s a sUckpln; -Paul Yeager nn

A pples I


RP.-n C H E E K '

B L A C K T W i a


fow is the time to' lay in yourar- ■ . ^


i s T H n B S D A Y . O C T . 2 6 .1 6 1 9


m mest Photoplay Succe

Ii H o l l, BE STAND1NG"R00M Ot

MIhs i-'roKt were succesHful In winning ihc prlzfti for the bcHt one-ntep, which won; a nllvor c i^ar holder and a Holld Rold rhiK.' Miultime Cookorly Ib coa- JucfliiK tho Imperial Acuiloiny.

It. K. Hiibler liulIdH—On (he lot iid* iolnlng ilio WoHlorn Auto compilny’n ganiRe. It. 1C. Uoblor Is liavliig con- Blructod u bUHlneSH building. :!!) Iiy llir. feel, to bo uBcd by tho WcHtern Aiito cTonipany for Kto^ige puriioBUH and their Hiock of nccesHorlcH.

Many Visit Jnrbldgc—For the pur- potU! of meeting witli Uic^iiHlnoHM men of JiirhUlKe to dincuHs the odvlHablllty of improving the ronds, a party of 20 Twin Falls busincils men Ictt for Jur- bldgo Sunday, relum ing* Tuesday af­ternoon. The visitors found road dls- cuHKlon to be i<omewhai prc-mnture btil Uiey enjoyed thoIr vlull to the tnliiinK lown.

Twin Falls Bojh On (Mrcult— DIuk Cameron nnd George Meigs, two well known Twin Falls boya, will appear nt tiio Orpliouni theiilru th is week-end in an ucrohutic aklt in which they have toured Iho country d uring the past iwo years, oppearlog on tw o vaudeville clr- Buits. The boys mado the ir appcaroncc In Uiis line ot work over two yeak-s ngo and their. succcsB m ay bo noted from th,o ninny favorable p ress notices rc- celVcd. They travel under the name of tliu Until Brothers.

CHURCHESS t. T d ^ d ’7 ~ ^ th 0 U c.” ’

Corner of Second avenuo and Fifth ulreei east. Rev. N. P. Hahn, rector. Sunday masBcs n t 8:00 and 10:30 a. ni. Evening Bcrvlccs a l 7:30 o’clock. Weck-dny maaa nt 8:00 o'clock n. m.

' Ascension Episcopal.' 'Stfiaday Bcbool every Sunday a t 10

a.' m .; morning servlco and sermon Sundays.'11 a ..m .; V esper Borvlccs at 4 p. a . ; early eu charlst th ird Sunday every, monUi a t '11 p. m. 0 come, lot u s sing unto tho Lord. Let os worship llm in tbe beauty o l holiness. Spe­cially good singing. A cordial Inviux- Uon to all. • Rev. L. B. Franck. Rector; residence, 21& 3rd Avo. No. CUurcb, corner 3rd Ave. No. a n d 2nd 8U

B aptist Cbnrch.. 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. ClaBset for everybody. 11:00 a. m. sermon; “The Religious Value of W ork." 6:3( p.(m. B. YT'K U.t "Tho Religious Con'

m ofrj^'N ot Ashamed of Christ." W« extend a cordial invIUUon to even ono lo-attend-eaeb-of-U ieee-soiaacea Good music and C hristian fellowBhi) will always be found a t our church Tho pastor and h is wife aro now lof-'tttftd nt I tli whnrithey wUl be glnd to recelvo Ihel: fflcnfls.


F irs t C hristian Church.- ■At the m orning servlco Iho 'pnstoi

Wulusr E. Harm an, will conclude hi •'Echoes From tho ConvenUon." whicl 1h a report o t tho national convcnlloi of the churches of C hrist which ho re ceally attended In Dos Molnoa. la. j full house greeted llio paalor lii;j lo r d ’s day m orning to hear the firu InB tallm ent-af -his repiirl. Tho bi, IMlilo school will m c c r l i t 10:00 a. n as usual. -Tbo "JJattlo of tho Winds Is about to becomo a m ging storu Uolse is w orking m ig h t and main i blow us off Uio m ap. I t Is necessnr for every member o t our school to b presont and bo o n , Umo. "Help ben jjolao." Two now C. E. soclellcs wer orsunltcd la st L ord 's dny. Tho Sor lor Hocloty s ta r ts o u t wIUi twenly-flv members; the ad u lt s ta r ts o u t wit 10. Tills Is a step In tho rig h t dlrec Uon. Join ono of those socloUes an liulp spread Uio contagion. "The Fui dameauils of J-’aiUi” will bo Uie poi lo r ’a evening serm on theme. ThcpaJ to r vflll preach a l C urry a l 3:00 p. ii Lord’s day. Tho public Is cordially li vltod to all aorvices.

F irst Chnrch of Chrlitt, Scientist.230 Tlilrd avenue e a s t Sunday so

viccs a t 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Sul iecl of B lb lo 'le sso n f<Tr Octobcr 2 •'Everlasting Punishmeut.". Sundt school ill 10:00 a. m . W ednesday ovei ing meeUngs.- a t-w h ich teallmoDlea < healing In ChrlsUan Science are give begin a t 8i00 o'clock.-. Tho rcadit room Is in tho church, and open fro 2:30 to 4:30 every afternoon exco on Sundays and holidays. Hero Chris

I ian Science lite ra tu re may bo rood ni obUlned.

L n tb a n a CbortiuWorship - a t tho Lntboran ;hur<

noxt Sunday, commomorating tho 3 : anniversary o t tb e Lutheran churc ' Services begin a t 10:80. Sermon au

Joct: “Beware of V ^ n Philosopbj . Sunday school n t. 10:00. You>are i ' vited U) attend-

. . J. A. 8C0LICHT1NQ. PasU

TRA»8P0BTAT10N PROBLEMS.Our now Sunday sa d w eek-end o

> cursions oolTe. them . Many autoisi I too. srO' ftnditig o u t qur 'r a te s a - .cheaper than u s ln s - tbolr own cai. . ._____ ___ _ /\ o T n


m -S S '■ ■ _ .i

l a n t f ”^LY^SATURDAY

P E A <' I ’ninoK, G n ip t's , CiintaloupeH ,I u n d I’cars , fro iii th e cc lc b ra te il

! , t;. Ilaii.sen. Jo lu f 'O o iirU 'y an<ly o u r grouor, o r in u lio le sa lc lo

Tlio c ro p is liKlit, b u t tho <

' ' r i io i ie 21;"). .. ' FR, P . 0 . B ox -m .

H appinessW H IC H DO '

See the

“The WeaknejA M etro W ont - EDM UNl

•W ith Ormi Hawley, C lifford Support

O BJECT—1 Tw oT IccI Comedy by P au l Rosem ary Tbcby. I t is a sure comedics tu rned ou t from th


FOR SALE—ICO acrcs of land wltlII w nter ccrtlflcnto from the slnto fn 100 Inches of w ater; 90 n.cres hns bee

I cleared d ih wheaL Fenced on Ihrc Bides. ■‘ 30 . per acre. Inquire J. ^ B urkett, room 13, F irs t National Ban Bldg. '

WANTED—Woman for houseworl E lderly woraon* prefered. Add. "L.' cnro Times.__________ ^ ^

, v ^ t l O U f E P E T E R f l



H T; A R nllm id S lo rr t l i a t W ill, . Make Yonr NerTCS Quiver, nnd

r Mnke You (<nsp a id Sigh.DrasUc orders signed "IV' nearly

,l caused a Htrlko on u limall ra ll- c road operatcjl nnd domineered , by N'bw York fInancI6r8 .-A ner*

the receipt of one of these or- ders, Jlhi Lewis Is appointed a

0 coininlttee of ono to wnil on "B.” y He does. He also m eets tho

b04» ’H dnughtor. saves the road’s ,1, s l ^ s and bonds from being pll- Q fored hy tho m ysterious "B.”

nchlovcR tho purpose ho stnrtod out lo nccompllKh, uud also wins

I, the girl.


l; MUSTY SUFFERli. ■ ■ (’OMEDV ■


ISIS THEATREky .a.of ; '♦ n. I

='WliittaK N e w D e s i ^

o n P• '

V V I N C E N T P" , : : '-'.“T heC oD • '

e have decided nothing would COSO the children more than . is-winsome photoplay, so we

will run it for ■ _0HILDRBN->5-MATINEE -----

S A T U R D A Y2:00 P. M. & 3:30 Pi M.

with . '" N E A K L Y A D E S E R T e 4 ” •


DOG TURNS NUUSE” . . Two Good Comedies

: : h e s ' ' ' ' * T

\pp lcK , Tonuitoc.s, W ntcrm elonB ♦H iue IjakoH, C ry s ta l S p rin g s , A . X o th e r o rc h a rd s . G e t tlicm f ro m i Is a t th(^ w ureliouso , T w in F a lls . Tu u li ty fin e . TJ IT G R O W E R ? A S S O C IA T IO N f

J . C. M O O U E , J In iia g e r . X

o r Pow er?rou CHOOSE? - Vnswcr in

IS o f S t r e n g t h ”erplay Starring> BBEESEBruce and Evelyn Brent in the ing Cost. ^lATEIMONY7c8t, featuring Harry Myers & augh-maker, one of the cleverest> eastern studios in some time.

T D 17 FRIDAY an d \ . 1 I V E j SA T U R D A Y

; | FAas? 1A good way to determlno th e ' L

valuo of land, is to find out how T much Interest i t w ill pay on th e T

inveatment. Land th a t sells fo r I 1300.00 an aero , will havo to .

’ produce five Umes as much aa land th a t aells fo r ICO.OO an acre.

LISTEN!--------ciuryuli nrrurii to payiseerw- -— =%ff' ■acnr-fu i^rraar-w -th 'V ^i‘i r in = =

Faila tract, w hen you m ay go 50j___ mi|c« .from, hero .apA bux. laad___, th a t w ill produce tho aamo crops

In the aome Quantity, for )60.0Q I an acre.

r THINKHT OVERI - Partia lly im p r o v ^ - I r r l g a t^ - - -

Lands a t 160.00 an aero. Y oa pay (10.00 an'aero-dow n and get- a deed, w ith full paid up w ater righ t, THEN, 17 oreors to pay th e balance. FOR tho f irs t tiro years, all you pay la in le rost a t

. _C .per.ccnt._w hlch-glica_yott_am ;„ . pie Umo to got yourBOlf organ-

. Ized.

INVESTIGATE. SEE T H IS : I t w ill pay you If you aro in tho m arket for land.I l can 't bo boat, and ou r term s a ro BO IlbomI th a t you cannot afTord to pass Uils up.

For full informaUon, drop a ■ card to ..............

i C.E.O O BD O ;j Box 112 TwIn-FoJlB, Idaho

:■ ■■ -

i T i gg a n d C olorings - ^ isp lay a t ’

t t iiw iM

Page 8: TW ICE-i V-W EEKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · T H E VOL. XII. NO. 6 . TWELF.1 H iW Z^ THE P M mu,. jiarcnceVan DeusenWillSpealt ' Saturday

a m r rn w A .n m v i r • ran rM T& TTa.>pnunp.a • p m m fln A V ’ An»p oft i « i q '■

PeOSPEfiliy f l DUE i

J DEMANDS OF Wflft!- :l

_ B L llc C o n iE S _ E n )itL 0 rd in a ry _ B u 5 k j n e s s C h a n n e ls , D c c la rc s -

C h a r le s ’S!; S c liw a b . ^

■ $2,500 ,000 ,O O O T R A D E B A U N C E ■------------------- I

Department of Commerce Showi Va»t *Gain in Wea.lth Under Wilson— j

Munitions Business is but One ^1 Per Cent, of Total. ,

In niiMWor to llu> cry of ni'piiltllraii ' jwlUlcliiiis. iliiii llic! iitii)rfa'iU'iitc<l pros|uTll.v ih;it has coiiu- (»• AimTlcii ,* iitidiT tin? ii(liiilnlHiriitl(»n t»f I’n-slilftit ' Wilson Is Hi’ till' i:iir<>iii‘iiii wi\(jiinliTH, ('iiiiii'H II sinti'iiu'iit froiii / Oliiirli'H M. Si'lnvuli,' linul nf tlic :

S(<'cl (Totiiimiiy. hliiisi;!f u lU'imlilieim. Hint n-fuli-s tlio clinrso. j'

it a mistake to Jmaglnc tha t the [‘ m'ajor portion of our buslnesB 1s war order business." says Mr. Schwab, in a signed artlcie in the October number | i of System. "Even a casuai inspection ' of the great volume of exports wlii demonstrate tha t the bulic is drawn from the ordinary course of business. ' < it is ajso 'found that, a t present prices, domestic business i« as profit­able as foreion munition business."

No one ciiti (idulii llie ciipiiljlilty of < Mr. Scliwui) to JiKlRc the litisliic.'iN kUu- ' atiOQ, nor cnn ono Kiiinwiy th e rccunt < fleurc.s IhsihmI liy the Dcpnrtineiit of Commcrcc. In thlK ropnrt. i t Ih Htutod tliot. (lurinc the flr»t elj:ht moiithH of the pre.sont ftsciil ynir, th e ox|iortK * ■of tho Unltw) Slntos hIiowwI n trnili* hnlanco in fnvor of this country of51.730.000.000. '

Trade Balance $2,SOO,000,000.Prudlctions nre mndP thnt the im ilr

bnlnnco for Uic entity yenr will ox- .1 cccd the unprcccdcntcil.flRiire of $2.- t riOO.OOO.OOO. Tlie vnluc of th e exports '

.for the elBht months wnH JS.Wi.fWO.. I .212. nn iacreaso of $1,203,882,100 over t

’ the uttuo period Inat year. iAnother flnnnclnl authority, too, *

ihan spoken—Charles HnyOnn. of Hor- 1 fon. lio cfltiinntea fhnt Ainerkun necuritlcs Jieltl nbronil.hnve liepn. re- ' Ouced from $0,000,000,000, hnfon? the ' war, to *1,000,000.000 ot the prcHont time. Coincldentnily, *he United SlutoH hna become a creditor of forolKn nn-

•tlona. fo r th e first time In history, to tho extent of 51,500,000.000. Under Wll-

-son. therefore, we have wJpcd out50.000.000.000 of forelcn indebtcilnpss. and nre o «crc>flitor to tho nmount nf Jf>00,000,000.• Mr. HajMen caTT»-^me»tJ«fr'to'TRo ' fac t th a t Ih ls always waa a debtor nation under Republican rule, j All Classes Prospe^jous. '■I And so, from all- secUonK of the countr}', from ull I IiuIh nnd clonscH of buslncsff. froiji tiie merchant, thi manufneturor, the, fhm er. the work- iDffiDDD. come rpport.s of unpanillrictj prosperity. Tlie Chnniber o t Com-

omciai i rep o rr iicciurw that~BnSTc‘ “ stocks are rlHlni;, timt ruilroud oiirn- tnga B te-abnonnnlly hiph OnillcnHnc _

jthe srcat'rooven ien t of coninioditle.‘<). and th a t tho national prnsperlty Mill contTHue.

_;_N ot..tcm r>om ry..proH D i:rlly..duc._to _--- Jh n —war.—1 ^ thla_Hint- lu lllllnf^ _

coffera of tiie nation, ft lins n sound bnsla fo r pennnncncy, maile crrtnin by the laww onucio<J"um l^nir wiisoii " A dm lntstm tton. Tho I*rcsld«‘iit him- leelf. In hl.s recoiit wpwch at Cnltl- 'm ore, cnjphnslxcd thi* valiii' to ilio. .co u n try 'o f the Tnrlff Cominlsslon, tin -1 T rade Coininls.'Jlon, tho 1'cili‘ral Iti- !

iserve itoiinl -iinil the Ntiipplni: hilt. Jhcs(j.J?nncinn.‘iits n<>t only a^II s tliii- '


\T .H E U N I V E R

Sirr llie licw f i 'i i l i i r c s : st n i i i i a t 'i r m id ctk-Ihsi-iI I'ni.r

_ T rout a m i . r c n r : iil) lilui'l m i n t 's ; il itio lo r n i r n l' u j i i

Iim-li a Iriii' I'’nn l. A ii.i ; th e F o rd I'lir s iiii|ily nii :

l in 'd (lioiisanii F o n ! i';ir>. i I ■ 111' dt^Mianil— 'rill* s i r ' - 1- ••( Kiiraiii'O o f sa( isf;irl inn. F-

/I. n i r is ix-ftirin o f i> rnm pi, \ co n iitry dv it . fo r tr;tv< l \ / n F o n ! asi'iil. u r a r nt liiiii

UunalK iiit $ M"), ( 'o ii|)t'li-t Si-ilan f: o. I). D .-lrorii A u to C oniiia iiy . T w in

i i a to th o p r d d u c tiv e a e s s ' d f tb e coon- ;ry . b u t w ill s a fc g u n rd Ita o u tp u t and iro v lu c a m e an s ' o f conveylDB It to a ilho p o r ts o f t h e w o rld . • .............

H ow B u s in e ss H a s G ained.U ero Is J u s t o R llm pso n t perccn-

nKi's, lir e p a re d by e x p e r t stiillK ticiiins, :ha t p roT c <» h n t- :th e >)^JIson AdmUilH-J i i l to i i , hnn i iu a e - I u r - lh ^ p tia p l t t :_________- Increaw e In b a n k (teposlt.<i, 03 pei c e n t .; m oney In -X irc iiliitlonc-;j^ .in !l

; sjw ck o f K nU n 'n U n Jtfd Sfattw , ' 1-1.1 p e r c e n t .; f o re lp i com m erce,)er c e n t . ; \ ) n ln n c e o f t r a d e in favor if U n ited S ta te s , 287.0 p e r cen t.! ig ricu U u rn l ex p o ri.t , -1-1.1 p e r c en t.; n a n itfa e tu rt 'd exporl.n, 1C5 p e r c e n t . ; •nllw iiy rcventie.s, JlT.d p e r c e n t .; valiK )f ueti.T ui cropH m id liv e stoek , 1” .-| ic'p c e n t . : va llii' iif w heiit crop , fl7.?K-r ( 'I 'l i t .; iiiMpiit of iiIk iron . :!.'> pi-i ■<•111. : [iro itiic llon o f s le .'l . iW.ft pei •e iit.: fm 'iii (aijifs. I i',7 i)cT Cent.; tiien •iii|ili<yi-il III iiiaiiiifaelurltiK . 2;i.2 |u 'i • e iii:. wjiK.- - p a id in m iiniinic tni'Ini: »l.r' p r r (.'cnit: c iiiillu l eMi|)l«yi'(l ie n iiiiu riic iiirin ;:. p r r ; valiii if n ia iH ifa f itir ii l prodiictH, •J1.2 p n ;»'iit.

SiV H lii'iiyiTi-'Ni-ei)' ilmt'7iU"il5iT^ <iin d iis try luivi- p n illn -il m nliT th e Kreai iviive of pro sfn T lty (lu il tlic Demo jr a l le n ili iiln ls in itln n hns uToii;;lit.

A.N’D T ilK Ml.’NlTIO.V.S lU 'SINlCSi-:o M i 'u is i : s ON1.Y O.NI-: im-:u c k n t;)l-'‘ -I'HH T O 'I 'A l. U I' .MANUFACr u i i i : i> 1‘iM j i iu c T s .

is I t ' t h e p a r t of w isdom , th e re fo re to g am b le w ith p ro sp e rity euch ai th is?

W ill Ilu- A iiierlm in v o te r Uiire t( llirow invuy ii n u re th in s , on thi t;hiin('e lliiil IiIh r e tu rn m ay b e th« L'nornioiiH coKt o f w a r 's poT erty nii< devaH tniiiin?


S h o rts ig h ted N o t lo E le c t Him,' Sayji. ^ M rs. Jo se p h Pels.

“ 1 h a v e u d e ep conv iction th a t the lope (if D i'inoom cy lie s w ith W'ood- i-ow W llnon. I f w e fail to re -e lec t h im ,,vi! havt? m iieli to fe a r .” '

T h u s w peaks Mn«. .Mnry P e l s . of [’h llad elp h lii. a n In ilep en d cn t in poli- lies a n d one o f th e iw o ..A n ic ric n n le lec iitex to th e S toclcholm Pence Con- 'e re a c e he ld in J a n u a ry , 1010. Sibco h e d e a th of h e r h u sb a n d . Jo se p h FcIb. . ulie h a s c o n tin u ed h is w o rk In th e l-'c1a CoinmlMKion, f o u n d e d .b y h im to ;>ronioto tb e SlURle T a x M o v em en t

" I !«?c 1)0 uSe," sJ)o nnyit, “In plcklnf; iu t specific inoflBures, e i lb e r IhlnRX ilone o r th ln tm left* u n d o n e . I see


-------------- M R ^ M A R Y ,..F E L 8 ..- ,______ _

tfietn n il a« n p a r t o f a jrreo t m an HtrivinR In u K itun llon Incom parohiy T i in r n i i r T r o n ~ v n i n p i s * b c s t f o r Uie c o u n try tiu il lie 'lH IryinK to sa v e . J u th is s liiiiit io n m id th ro u g h Hils en- • dc 'iivor he Is lientm lnK m ore nnd m ore j I Ik- |<i'ii|iIi-'s frli-iiil a n d th e m an wtio <■1111 iiin si a lily ;;iilde th o c o u n try In , (111- (lllllcn lt <lays ( h a t lie aheiid .

" T o Ui'-. | t Ik xo cle a r th a t I (31^- ^

I i

S fA L C A » ; ,

n -a i i i ! im ! im nd ; lu r;;i‘ '

fcfidr-rs li'i/.Ii

iiiri' t liiMi lii'‘ " “ 11 Im:!- II ^

■ , , 'i i i i 'in i '< sc i-v i •(• •! ■■

'. I n t . ' y .iti w i n l l t . r . - ' - -

il. • I 'n i i r i n ' : ' . a r l

^ .V ri, T 'i w n ii r .* .V ’ -^ |o il. O il s a l e a l W 'rs l- |

F a l ls ,^ I d i i l i o . -X

r ' ' '

J h e i J iy o i j r s .chill wb « f h e i s e l e c i j u s f a s H i t v e s f t n e

c o n s i d e r a bg ive you v a lu e iin t h e a m o u n t o f h e a and does not "GO TO J

Sold-n n r » n .1nr«itnnd how liMWle th i i t y e n ,

t u r c lo vo to f o r an y o n e e x ce p t M r. W ilson . M r. W ilson Is tlie m a n w ho w ill iu e v ltn b iy s c rv e -th e - ln te r e s la - o f a ll, e x c e p t Ihoso w ho a ro movlOB he av -

-u a -a n d -e i ir tli to - .sr 'rv^thc lr-ovvn aelflali. e n d s . I t Is no t on ly J l r . W ilson. I t is th e people o f th e U n ite d S to te s , th n t 1 a m ihluHluK of.”

A n iiiilm uin w eek ly wiiKe <if $8,50 f o r e x p iT len red w om en a n d Klrls em - p liiyeil In r . 'ia l i siori'.< is p ro v liled by th e M a ss iic lm s .'tis |» \v Hint w n il In to ^-ffeel . la n u iiry 1. T-he n iiiiituT alTi:rt- eil li.v till" ni-w liiw is e s tim a te d to b e H).(K»(i.

iirw iiu io n iiiilc t<'li']ihoiiu i-xt.'hanBO lia.s ln'i-n <i]ii'ni'cl a t I 'o r ls iu ru n li. I'liR- liiiKl. 11 Is Ih .' la rg e s t o f K.s kind in Ihe r .m iil ry . liiivltn: 7,(XX1 llu.-s con- l1l'eI.• l^_ n r r.(Kl m ure Ihan a iiy 'a i i lo - jiia tli! eN‘'li!iii;:e pn 'V lnusly in exiMt*

F o r siiiiiIU t I'liies nn<l tow ns a rc* •'I'iKly i lw ls r d lln- nlnriii e in |iloys n n i'iila r;;i 'd a n d iiion- Ihan u su a lly pow ­e rfu l iin tiim olillc hn ra . e lcc lr lca lly oj>- • T aterl, 111 sDiiiiil signals.

V iilia ( 'l iy . (!iil., h a s h a d nohody In l is Jiill fo r s ix m on ths , n o t a inarrlnRO fo r a y i'u r, i j l lln- ua d iT ia liiT s hav o a ioveil, iinil th e I'ity laars lia rK o n ly il.uty 111 a y e a r w as to kill a doK.

M iiiid to Jiold Ice-ercaiii <;<inerf’ e re c t, m a d e of slIlT piijier. Is ih e in- von tio ii o f n -N e w Y ork laan .

AC ll(<‘ CVilfnm fil/ice. .Snrco, .Me., on t h e 'O ld O r c h a r d 'r o a d . Ih u a o u th c ro roaebu !ih IW y e u ra o ld .

A fto r th e A ttack .r i v e o ’c lock . S u tlden ’calm . W e l u i -

^ a t e . jT unirlsed a lit tle , lik e tin ; liaro-j a f t e r th e puNHatio o f th e h u n te r. W o

•yriiiHe o u r h e a d s iind InHpect th e hor<» v io n . Yen. I t Is r ea lly ove r. W c c ra w l

o f o u r h o le s a n d w alk a ro u n d a

W e c lim b dow n In to ilio ra v in e a t th e b o tto m o f w h ich U ierc r u n s a litU o rttrenm , c o lo re d w U h blood . * N oT cr iiiltk l. W o a re th ir s ty . W c d r in k oC ili ls w a te r , a n d Utl o u r c iin teen s. W « K u the r to g e th e r o u r d ead . A la s,' th e r e .tro m a n y o f th em I T h o s tr o tc b c r b e a r c r a c a r r y a w a y tlio w ou nded . We d e ep e n o u r sh e l te rs , a n d lin k th e m to ­g e th e r iQ 0 s o r t o f lino o f tre n c h e s . We m u s t bo re a d y to d e fy a n y oU ier at*

«<nck.— L o u Is-O c tav e -l 'h lllp p e , In T he

c d

n t , h a sd p p l y c n n + e r

Wy o u r y o u w

t j h a f me m o n e y .

- e t u r n e d o n e v e r y

t u n its e v e r y to n s t ^SH"—it means, a coal th

by Dealeri----------------- BRITISH

T h is p h o to g ra p h shoWH a v e ry uii V l r y m a rc h in g o v e r c a p tu re d terrU or;

JB eeciY u m ! Y u itG e e , t h a t ’s go o i Daddy likes il too<ao d o e s m a m m a a n d all u g . ^ w e j u s t lo v a B ecco .

A n d m a m m a s a y s i t ' s

f o o d f o r u s . s h e j u s t u s a l l W e w a n t

Y u m I Y p m l G e e . th e It'obd l M a k e s y o u a m a

y o u r l ip * .

I ' s

>f c o a l t h a t w i6 a s k

c o a l # » ' o u i d a m e a n s I h e . ^S e i e c f a c c' d o lla r s p e n t—anlo v e le d —it m e a n s , a ca t win keep yoar home cl


luuuni slijlit In th is w a r o f h ie g u n s ui y on U ic w eB tem f r o n t m ig h t b e im u(

.lT g o A u c o A J t o a S C r "

( o r t h e 11 s o o ny o u t oi i s . y e a r l y o t h e ro u t i a y o f

> a l t h a t w i l ld th is m ean s £if s t i^ th afB D R N S -tP "ean and’dw ays free from

TownrO S E F d t------ -------- —

d tre n c h e a . T h is c o lu m n o f U ri tla h cav- Ined u s b e lo n g in g to a n e n rll« r w a r .

1 ^ T W ra PA L IS TIXB. K a . , OlBA Cmtsco;

• W .T r t , . tw .

Page 9: TW ICE-i V-W EEKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · T H E VOL. XII. NO. 6 . TWELF.1 H iW Z^ THE P M mu,. jiarcnceVan DeusenWillSpealt ' Saturday

• '-L- ’•____ ‘ • ■i*u i i r [» -A _ w i r «rorrK r T ln n tH * p m T ^ n A V a / w o« l a i a • . ' .

Z ...... * NA MnYcnlenlly o lu iU Ied D in e* ’

- — reltaW e p^o^Ie who . . . . ,MU„liPP.r«c!ate .youp p«troo-“ ' ]

_ ' ^= = = = 3 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ' . i

11ATE8-TWICE.A.1VEKK 1 Blootb, p e r Ilne.^-:_______ 4 »c

F o r UiIn D irectory, THE T1H E8 ' ! Sdllclts only Uie adTertlHe* mcHts of pcrmimently w tab - Jlsbei) bu!»]j)e»8 Jiouses and profensIoDsil people. I t tbere* ’ forp quotes no other ra te s fo r J

. itii (iirectory than those ob a montlily baslg. ^

------------- ^ - A I T 0 a H E Y 3 ^ ____:_____

8WBELBY & SWEBLEY, OFFICJe ’s F i r s t NoUooal B ank DWr. ]•

-------- -------------------- — 1;------------- :---------1,ASHER B. 'WILSON. PRACTICE 1N|« All courts. Room 14 1st N at B ank B ldg. | :

[W A N T S^ ------

IM P O R T A N T — D o m ji te le p h o n e T I A n sw e rs in c a re o f T I I E TIM


1 Insertion , per Trord....^_^.»le M inimum to ta l cbo rg i to-be n o t

less th an 85c.' ■ I

BM d y our ad th e firs t tim e It appears and n o tf^ n s im m ed­iately if u e m r »PPm «^_ ,

C all o r m ah y o T ir requlrem en’t« o r phone 88.

ExceDent 160 Acres

No rock , h igh ly Improved, woU •worth i l4 0 a n ae ro .' Owner baa m ^ o , o th« r .. laTOstmeotB and <8000 cash , balance easy, w ill

’ buy th is fa rm under Its valttO. , ■, I

Geo. H. DarrowB lio n « 8 o r U ? .


TOR 8ALB—37 acros 4% rallos aouth Of T w in F a lls , IIGO.OO per'acr® . Crop

__aifal£tt an d c loror. In a a lro o t B . ,J .

FO B SALE—Two reayieot lo ta w ith a a s t f r o n t A ddress Box 706, C ity. .

f o r 'S A LE C H E A P ^ U t 1. block 84. Second Ato. oast, lo t 19. block 58, Sho-

' shone Bt-i T w in F alls. WrlU» th o own- __ or, lock box 1 ^ . H£l»Btor, Idaho.

' FO R S A O J = T O r m lO T ^ lb T ir F = ^ b je, rocking chal^. dining room ond bodroonf se t In oak. C. L. Caadlln.

. C02 2hd-A Te.W . .

FOR SA L& ^A few nlco sm 6oth E a r­ly E a ro k a a n d E arly Six W eeka ipota- tocfl. I . R. D arrow , phono B14-J-1. ,

LINCOLN DOCK LAMBS FOR SALE - f l a n g e r & WllUamB, Holllstor. o r W.a Sangof, Tw in FaHa.___________

F O R 8AI/B—1915 Ford cfir, good condition. Call 600 3rd Avc. W . ,

LEGAL PPBLICATIOW-» < m o B r o » p vB upA T Z oir.

(Serial So. CI4n6>

N.illce In heMby viven tha t Ttionrma O. Bftnilant. o f noBomon, Idnho. who, on April S4, i!H4. mudo hom«»tcArt entry No. OHsiG. for S® 1-4, nectJon >0. town- Bhlp IB w u th . ranro 18 *Mt. BoUo rneri- dlan, hM filed notice of Intention to moke ccmmntailon proof, to eatavilsn claim to the land above dtncrlbeil, t)afore ,

%«5-^ ^ a T m S l name* a* wltneiw##: EW le J. Roark, o{ ^ n r e o n , Idaho; F ran k Yo* S 5 » ;5 r K o iS w ™ A»Jio; W irvln O. Te - ford! of F ^er. Idaho; Benjamin W. Tel-m a . . .

CALL F O B CODKTI W A B E A N T ^ T ho 'fo llow lng county w a rra n ts wllT

be pa id u pon.preM ntaU on'A t.t£o ooun^ t r tre aw ire r 's . office,..Tw in.. P a lls ,

. M aho ;. ■:-------'— ;C u rren t oxponso w arm nta Nos; B68

. to 728. Incl. (S eries 1916.) 'In te re s t on th e above w a rra n ts will

coaso October 8U t;

County T reaanrer.• Dated and posted October 2 1 s t 1016.. j r o n o s r o » v m x x o A z z o v .-

<8erlaJ N a OUaflS) „ ■ , TWpJirtmflni of f*»» Int»rrr.r V.J*- T/in-t

Office a t Malley, IflftWo. Ootober 17.1910.Notlc* Is hereby Klven tha t Joseph'!).

Twree. of Hansen, Idaho, who. on Mny«17t<Bi for N 1*J N W .4 . EW 1-4 .NW*


P. Oothrle A. M, Bowon -Oflloea; Sbosboae BpUdJng.

I J 1 . W 18B.OFFICE ROOMS'6 AND 7; ^ CglftJEftllLBaPlt m ily *



J ..J1 . RADCLIFFB rexpert Accountant. Auditor and Sys. . omutlzor. Room 4. Power Building. '


B, MOROAN NlSBnrr. ARCHITECT. R oom '8, T wId F alls T ru st Building, ^

O S T E O ^T H <

DR. EMMA CROSShAND . / McCornlck Bldg. Phono 135 I

Res. 222 OtU Avo. E. ^ Phono 232 .


•SIT-STRATE W HITE" NOW ON • lalo horo. All calls prom ptly attend- 2 2d. L. A. WlUa miinufacturcrfl' agent, I J l l SlioBhono SC S t , W arbcrg Bldg. • C

' I SELL: BEN Tt BUT X " ^ EXCHANGE t SECUBE V7 UELV, posiTioys, Em j

I E T IM E S o£fico iu r e g a rd to tlie sc lE S m xrat.^c w r i t te n a n d m a ile d or-

280-ncro slock Tnnch, controlB flno range, 2G0 acrcy in cuUlvdtlon, good buildings, decreed w ater r ig h t Price »26,00 on acre; Oiwy icrme. Will con- ‘ Bidor trndo near Twin KuUh. Ollior ‘ flno bargafnfl. CurCfii Investment Co,, -J Hatley, Idaho.

POR SALE AT A BARGAIN—To 'closo oslate, 108 acres l i i m iles from *Twin F alls. W ill bring enough re a l 'In 10 y ears to pay for itself. G. W. <Rice, ttdminlstrtttor. Box 22.___________;

POR SALE—Used playep, piano. Ad- • [Iress G. B. Holmes, box 42, Twin Poll^'TSoho. ...............

FOB BALE—m e Dodge B rotliors , touring citf. N early new.' Lind Auto- ( ihobilo Co.

P b i l SALE OR TRADE—P otato dig- ; io rs and so rte r, used 'ono season. Ad- , IroBs Box 104, Rogors<m, Idaho.

DO YOU WANT .A good buy In a tiomo o r sm all tra c t In Twin F a lls , o r , & 10. 20, 40 o r 80 aero farm . Phono . 772.J o r wrlto box 42 H, caro Twin F tJls Times._________________________


WANTED—A loan of »2,500, f irs t m ortgago socirrlly. L. a , cnro o t Times.

WANTED-I.TWO m en to -lay fifteen thousand feet thrce-lnch flooring. Ono do llar por square.

WANTED—^Two plasterers. . Klm- borly high school.

•WANTED—To buy 320 rods rabb it fencing; Address "Z ," In care of Times.

WANTED—PumlBhed room wUh prtvato fomlly.- preferably w ith sleop- Ing porch, by young single m an. Ad­dress R. S., caro Times.

WANTED—An apprentlco g irl by (Soo. Key, the ta ilo r., 1I6M Main Ato.-

FOR RENT—Furnished house, flno location. Apply •*A," JI!lmca otflco.

FOR RENT—Ono of tbo host store room s In Buhl. W rlto S. a. Ham m el. B uhl, o r J^ulius Rosenberg, S a lt Lake City. U tah ;- ............... ..........


FOR RENT—L arge furn ished sleep­ing room. 617 4th avenue c a s t Phono 767._____________ .

—FOIt* RENT—T w o-furn iflhed- rooms- for ligh t housekeeping, a t 732 2nd Ave. w pat

1-4, neotlon IS. ND 1-4 NB 1-4. soctUn 11. township 11 south, m nse 19 oa.i(, Uolse meridian, haa filed notice of Inten­tion to make commutation proof, to ex- tabllnU claim to the land above describ­ed. t>efore C. C ,SlfSlnii, U. 8. Commln- sloner, n t I ’w lnTU U , Idaho, on the K th day of December. 1916.

Claimant names aa wltneesen: Uenry T. Stevens. William C. Hall, Howard 21 Stevens and John Qourley, alt of-M ur-

Are-YoB f io in g -M a v e -a

Public Sale? . .I .am agMn ^ ro S lle d to o lork y our

sale and purcbaao yo a r paper, and am <A poslUofi to Qttoto Toa r a te s th a t I am certa ld will, appeal to yon a s a t- -traeU ye .,'-’ . ^' l"havo a p la s t o r 'f r e nrrangem ent at- te ra s^ to s t-ap p ea la -to -U ie* w l o n s parchasera '&s ,moro equitablethan those form erly in .vogne in th is commimlty, and th a t will, a t th e sam e tim e, aav e ' m oney f p r th« m im bold­ing a sale. • , '

-If yon a re contem plating bolding a aaie, l e t m o.enbm lt m y proposition to yon.

I have .money available fo r rea l «s- ta te loans, aind a t'a ttra e tlv e r s t e i ^

- a A .R 0 B IN 8 0 K , B oom s l . a n d 'V B a n k ,* T n u t.'C o m -

p s i y j a ^ d to f c : , - - A ^ .

I T w i n F akpis


riM ES PRINTING & PUB^IBHISO X . : ‘All "clBBrf; :of .prlntlngi^r-tinallty work, p ro m p t se rv ice ..


ED \?IN N.’ DAY—PUone 3 1 3 -L D BJdg. • ,


ANCHOR HAY. .GRAIN & FEED Company. Wholesalo and Retail deal­ers, baled hay, a lfa lfa meal, grain and Hccd, cuHtom grinding. 24U-261 Glli Avc. W. Telephone 23. 3ohn Flnke,P r» l^ __________ .

VRATEIlNAr; 8 0 C IE T IE 8 ------

'- M W. A. CAMP. No.- 10890, meet* 2nd aod 4th Thortiday, a t Moose hall II. C. ScrnnloQ, Conuul. IHiul Smith Clerk. O'clo. 3C0-J and 674.

V A N T S lA d s. N o in fo rm a tio n c a n b e g iv en .

• l e f t u t T H E T IM E S o ffice . . *


• WANTED—To ren t forty o r eighty acres hoot or clover land. W ill'o ffe r good propoultlon. Address T . Q., in ry e* o f TlincB.

WANTED TO RENT—40 to 50 acrc.s w ith good improvements. W ant some­th ing th a t will produce good resuliH w ith proper Inbor applied, by an up- to-date farm er. Will oxcJjango rofor- enoes. Address A. H. S., Twin Falla Times.

_________ f OB EXCHAK6E.

FOR TRADE—IfiO ftcrca. High s ta tr cu ltivation, ono' milo tiirlving little town on South Side t r a c t for 80 acrea w ell located. My price JIESO per acre. My equity >18,000. A. H. Q., curoToC Times.

________ . 1 0 8 T .

Uousekoepers, please doa 't fo rget to depend upon th o 'ru s t room exchange fo r y our cookcd food, dainties and sub- s tan tla ls . Salo held every Saturday. L e t tlio m atron (111 your o rders for dressed poultry , cholco butter, fresli eggs, etc. Phono 44D-J.

LOST—l-'rom my place one-half mll<t west o f H ansen, ono Jersey heifer. S years o ld ; ono Durham heifer. 2 years o ld; ono .Jersey h e lfe r .'l year old; no brand. <A liberal rew ard will-be given to Uie finder o f sam e or notify E. C. U ch ty . H ansen, Idaho._________ ’

LOST—P urse containing between $35 and « 0 , tw o concclled notcx and o ther papers, Saturday night, Oc(. 14. on Shoshone . s t r e e t , Rowurd If re­tu rned to .Tim es office.

LOST—P cnant c lass pin, letters C. H. S. On revorse side Initials O. G. S. Suitab le rew ard w ill be paid (iiiOor u ^ n leaving aame tit Times otllco. ^

STRAYED—Two w ork anlmnla. ono bay horse ond one brown mare, field by Tolm an ^rolU C rs;— irr~Mnrtangti7 Owner may get them by puylng charges against- same. Hcltl kIhcq Oc t 1.' B rand Indistinct. - ■ ------

anyth ing of value. Room 23, l^clcde Rooms. A fter 6:00 p. m.

■ AtVdnitlon'WT O ; ^ . Regular meet­ing W ednesday, Nov-. 1. Inltlniion. All membora urged to be j>r<.-Mont.

J . Cohen. H ollister, poys tlie bcdtprlco fo r bcot hides. ■ __________—Band thft •■TTitHiNRHH n mF.r.TORY‘* In tho Tuesday Tim es; U will {niarctil yoo.

’ * " i i e a l t t ’ 't r a w s f e k s ^ *

From the DnDy .Ttanscrfpt--Courte«y tw in FciUs t e * A bstnct.C o

E. Bird to F. W. Crawford. -JIOO. lotfl 1 and 2, Buhl.

8. P. Crlppen to J. J . Rugg, JiSOO, SENW, 10-0-14.

J. B. M iller lo W. R. Boll, %l. U 'i NW, 14-10-15.

R . M cCallum to W. 0 . Olaen. }l. -Vfi,34^11^9.------------ ,

a W. B yrne to J , L. Foxicy. TOO, lo t 13, block 6, McCollum Add.. Uuhl. '

J . B. S chm idt■ to, c. H »i, t s m . SW NW, 33-9-14,

J, D. Bradl'sh to Anno M. DrndiHh, 91, SWBE, 10-10-13.

J . D. Bradfah to J . Lawrle. |33W>. SWSE.-A0-10-13.

U C. H arvey to W. Wasol. U700, lots 0 a n d 10, block U O rBuhl.— - — —

t~ o :-H r^ can o w if '^ ta ':r r ,C ij4 m b o ril» ,- 1176, lo t 19, block' 68, B ubU

Q. H . T u rn e r tb M. E. A lb e r t »1500r o ne-tb lrd Interest- la lo t 20, block 88, Tw lfl/FaUf.

0 . I ‘..A lU n to U B. M nsser, flGOO, lo t lE i b lock 18, n i e r .' S. a S tew art to J . A rsen au lt I1C3.76 lot 6, block 123, Buhl.

W . J . B rady to. J , Z. A rsonault, «1. lo t 2. block UO. Bnbl.

F . H. Siy to M.-H,.Biick, |1 , NWNE, i2-lO -l5. - ■ ,^1L H . B ook-to F . ; a |3000,*1ot

J l s : l i i f e ;H o l e r P e r r i n e ' B | ^ £ i

" D o Y o u W iT h e illustration sb a n d a rtia ic interio: sim ply by'^hg.use i

^ Cornell designers \hom e with Cornell

,, b lue prints d irect ' • ' • DEALER, and the

b e made for-you al <5tligation whateve

Cortiell-Wood-Boai wall'm ateriais. I t

C p rn e ]F o rV

Nail it right to the o f heat, cold and

[ C u a r a n

Muulacturcd by the Cornell Wood


and SWSE, b -lO -lS . „Mary A. N Ihart to J. W. Lentz, ?1,

NV4NHNW3W. 2&-9-14.Mary N Ihsrt tb W. Glnnpp, >1, 8%

NViNW’SW, 26-9-14.S. C. S tew art, to J . Z- ArscnauU,

I4C0, lo ts 13 a n d 14. block 7D. Buhl.J. Z. A racnanlt to C. L. Van OBlran.

}300: lo t 13, b lock 79, Buhl. ____W. R. Boll to E. Sommer, »13,600,

E»ANW, 14-10-17.A. Creasy to U J. Anderson, o t a t .

$160. lo t 2 . b lock 25. F iler. ........... ..

lota 15 ond 16, block 33, Filer.W. W. W igh t to Mary E. Potter. « .

c. W. bld»on. lJutrrlo t 12. block 2 , Narc’o Add, Twin Falls.

M. F . Po trlck to J. B. Paget, $800, lo t 15, block l i e . Tw iu 'Falls.

J . Polkes t o W. P ro BO. 123,955. B«, 7nrTffidH!«i9W rioc«on-13?-'niHr=SiV- NE, 13-11-18. J

J. M. Reid to M. Kopplcman, *1, lot 26. block 98, B uh l, _ . ;

U KKfiABDI.YG MISS WOLFE.I take thlti means or glviUK to tiic

candidacy ot Mias B rlttom ort W olfe, as our county .superin tenden t of schools, my hearty a n d unnunllfled endorsc-monC :------------------------------

She iias every <juaUflcaUon for the office In my Judgm en t She ha8 liad- a wido Hnd thorough tralnlog fo r the work, holding both s ta te and life di­plomas, g ran ted by Dr. Sesson.

Sho has h a d valuable experience In a ffa irs o f tliO office, helping to organ­ize th o school system' of the then now county 6t T w in F alls. wlUi o u r first c o u n ^ su perin tenden t

Sho has been active In ch u rJli'and lite ra ry clrclos. having been an earn­es t w orker I n the Baptist church and Sunday school. ■■ I t is with p articu la r plffasuro tha t I

'raontloa h e t-a s .n tcacher In th e Tj»ln F a lls schools when 1 was a mem ber of tliO'BCliool b o a rd : She was one o t our m ost e a rn e s t sod successful t c a c t^ s , having good 'm ethods, t a c t and disci­p lin e .w ith o u t harshness; thorough In h e r w ork s o d with a personality that coBld. n o t f a l l to bnvo a benoflclal In­fluence upon tljo young mind en tru st­ed to ,h o rca rjs . ' , . '

T Vqaw ati e Vlll m ake a^ |o tid ld_oJ- flceJTsnd-l^ttcB peaJrffarlier-iT ieloyal siip p o it of a ll voterrf, regardless o(

Tiorty affiliations. (• V ery tm ly , \ . *

F. a CHAMBERLAIN.'. (AdTertlsoment)

AflBOiuicenifflt.' >Wo wish t o announce to .onr patroni and to anyone e lA Interestod. th a t wc h a v o 'a n ^ a n se d 'a n nssoeiatlbn tb^b'st*

I^-Twiii Idsfo^

• 1 "L 1 1

m t T h i s D i n iows only one o f an endless va r effects possible in every ro of ComeU-Wood-Board.

vill show you ju s t h o \^ y o u n -Wood-Board. -J tis ts e n d dime to th e Cornell oflices in Chica, plans and specifications with Dsolutely free. ..You \vill be r.

•d, an all'W ood'product, is sui is eccnoniical, easy to apply z

iFW ^7allsf Ceilings a n d P a rt: s tudd ing 'o r over old walls, sound. T akes p a in t o r kal

Comell-Wood-Board is gu; r e e » to warp, buckle, chip, cr

Producu Co. 40.0. Fri»blA Preaideot). CWcsao,

el Lumber Conn

to r caro, for o u r w ork In medicine ani surgery. • . -

Doctor M organ needs no Introduc tion to tho people In th is country. Hi h as practiced hero n early n ine yeari and ' has been m ain tain ing tho Physl f la n s and Surgeons H ospital fortiiroi yVars.

tooctor O ldham Is a graduate* o N^rtliw cstem University Medlca School of Chicago, in 19QS. Has liai liospltal tra in in g and has been prac Ucing nearly ton y e a rs In Oakley Idaho.

It Is ou r purpose to tpko care of ou: rnunfl nn-tho-l'lffhoRl n iano nf srlnntiMi Tmo-otnicat-Htn ^ -

(Signed) N'_______ DR. J . R. MORGAN.^-----DR. B. P . OLDHAM.

OfficcB, C en tral Bldg., over Bedtord F isher Drug Co., Main S t , Twin Falh Idaiio.

(A dvcrtijcm en t)_____

EXCURSIO.VS TO rO t'A T E L lO Via 0 . 8, .L , . fo r U nited C attlo am H orse G row ers A ssbclatlon co'hven lion, aiid AntomobllA Show. Ticket limited to November OUu^Seo Agont fo r ra tes and fu r th e r dotalltf.

'(A dTertlsem onty - x '

A n O l d ;K c \y ro o f in g m a te r ia ls i

s h in g le ro o f c o n t in u e s to fill w a y . '

W o o d .«,|jingJcs o f th e I l a s t y e a r s w i th o u t n e e d o f rc

, __roofing material .m d give go- 3 - . Yo u ^ c i n ’t“ c

sh in g le s . T h e y h a v e p rovc( . - C o m e in a n d se c o u r q u

a fe w p o in te r s o n h o w to la t o s h o w o u r g o o d s . .

• GEMsmnH .L .A U

! ' ; J T ^ i n

. t l J i u f e d - M

n g R o o m ?riety o f beautiful )m in the house

lay beauB fyyour nsion sketches or ;o o r ASK YOUR ' cost estim ate will ^ placed undeP.no

erior to all other nd permanent

B o a rdtionsA non-conductor somine perfectly.

ir a n te e d n o t i c k o r fa il :

tad tW by Ihp dulen littco bere.

pany, Limited


8 S cthei Suit

A New Suit

: .....~ ~I MtuUi, ■ ------------------

L«vi S tnoM & Co^SaaFraBciseo V «inH.4flmuipraize«>iur.y.t.c/

3 1 -■

l a y c o m e a n d g o b u t th e w o o d t l ic b il l in th e s a m e s a t is f a c to ry

e t lo r g ra d e , p ro p o r ly l a i d , 'w i l | ‘)a ir . T h e y m a k e a l ig h t-w e ig h t.- . ' od p ro te c t io n fro m th c >vcatlVer v ; »;p’e fn T f iS i l* w h c n 'y 6 u 'u s c ~ w o o d ~ - t h e i r w o r th . - ' . ' , 2- • •

i l i ty sh in g le s . L e t u s g iv e -y o u - ';. , th e m . W e alvirays ta k e tim e;..,

m O v M a n a x e r v

Page 10: TW ICE-i V-W EEKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · T H E VOL. XII. NO. 6 . TWELF.1 H iW Z^ THE P M mu,. jiarcnceVan DeusenWillSpealt ' Saturday

' " ___________________ .. ■ ■ ■ T w i ( n ^ A - w a K T W N r A L L 8 '« M i i a r a r o a P A V i 6 ( i i i i l a i ; k ^ ^ ■■ v - ' : '^ ■

S T A T E S M A N GE . T H I S E P r

(F rom tho Haitt'rmut

M AUK BATKS, Iho vcFBalilo editor bof Uio P arm a Horald, IndlcatoH uIn-Uiu following liln opinion ot t

-the Stxitasmnn head quill puulior hnd fh la ''crJm fnnl” luck of Infortnntlon con- scoro lng mritt'orit onilH torlcn l uh \wcir T a a cu rre n t cveiitH. Tlio Ilornld Hnyw;

Wo bollcvo 0»il 'VL‘ oxproim ihn nun- t; t lm on t of our cnroful rciulorB when w<; p io y tb a t If n prize woro offered for o cootomptlMo cxprcRslonH by nnd from t a nowspapor, tho Boluo -Slatoyman ii would bo accordcd tho honor (?) by t unlvorBal w n B o n l. In KrIduy’H Ibhuo c tb o ^ tn jf l^ m conlnlned un oddorfnl t rcgorSuiR Jnpan'H contention thu t clt- h Izonu of tliiit country hIiouIiI bn nlluw- a cd to own rortl cstnto In Oils coiintrjO t] and Boys: y 1 h

"TIiIb dnipute with Jupun Ix nnnthur c --------- :------------------------------------------ — tl

Cash Supply Store I 'li of Jarbidge, Nev. I rW. H. HUDSON, Proprietor. X GENERAL HERCIIANUISK T H FKEli 8TABLE8. ♦ 'q

All Kinds o f TraoBportattoo T "• PurQishGd PrompUy. I

l i m n t

, ........................

L a ie t in gi Friday and Saturday |

Matinee and Evening '


1 ^H A W A

~ In a C om plete H aw aiian 1\ ^ an d Instrum ent

^ r T h e - P a i

=- “O f= T h e

; The GREATEST of all

H; i i r i n j»«:-KoioiiViHr An• l l l . r i l l H enry A hiene,

See The Sensational

A rrange Y our T h e a te r 'P a i

Admission 25c An

SEATiS NOW ON SAL!: .............

i X S O N . S r O R ’S N E R V E S «------------ ■ p> VuUpj Hqrnld} o trIkhiR tUHtanco o t how tho W Usoa >v dmlnlHtratlon hao fopoatedly Inrolrod V IllB country In diplomutlc aituiitlonB a rom w.hlcU vlclory cun nol'lic3 giilnud H nd tram wJjIcJj llioru iii no t' otrrnt~\rttlrhonorH ‘----- ---------------------

TIic'.d lH pntfi w llh Ju p u n ro^'ardlnK |}0 !iMo7i oivHcr«JjJp ot JnntjH Ih i io i n ro d u c l o f th e W ilson udm ln iH tn ition ,,nd thiB th o SlntCBninn iihould know h a t o v o o ’body k n o w s. N e ith e r wuh J- L Ihu i iro d u c i o r t h o T n f t ndn iln lB lra- “ ion, n o r th o noow evnlt n iln iln lH tra ilon . I‘ lo r tU o . L in c o ln n a m in lti lrn tlo n , n o r ' ' ho JnckB on n dm in tiiti 'n tlon . I t Iicib '0(in th o Bottlcd po licy of th o c o u n try ,, iiicc IlH b ir th . U luiB paitHcd iw boI-I , :ctl po lic y tli ro u fffr th o «<lnjJ«(«{raflona , c fo rc W llBon und b c to ro *he H upiihll-. an p a rtj - w ere h o rn , I f J u p u n wuntH 0 d isp u te o iir BciverolKn rlR lil to die;- “ iito alons.tliOH O llnt?H, iibc In u t lib e r- j y to do Hu, (iH tihe huB d one tlirouK h Tory K cnoru llon «ince P e r r y n e g o ll- “ tO (1thc firtil-ir«M ily--n iii-W lU ou.huan’L ” In v o lv ed ” anylindy . O u r IroiilleB wUli a p an BUincl uii th e y w ero w rl ltu n by n lo p u b ltca u m u jo r lty In <^ongrcKH, nntl ” ^lltion HtnndH by tiie provlBionB o f ' none trcntlnH . l i e haB a d d e d n o tliln g | ‘> tbeza, aad has 'taken nothing iiwny. ho C allfom ia caso wau a QuoBtlon of (linittlnK JnpnnoHO to tho public " ■hoolB, I t l)iid nothinK to do wltli' ilic Uon owiiQrBhlp of lant}^ and It didn't juch upon thui Kubjoet. , We don 't like !' 0 accum; nny newHpaper of dellbcr- |J

____. . . ______ - ..................... P

T b M l• ~~ ~ ; : tl

t . 0 B

j c t . 2 j - z 8 ;; H



L I A S■ , , s

I I A N S J: , tl

Musical Singing, D ancing ij

al P roduction ^[ 0

_____________---------------- ---------------■ -

_____ • V

■ r ' ’i

: J5 k la » iF i3 iS S H E M i® 9 ' ^



Hlawaii*« -Sw eetest—Tenor.V > ii:emost H aw aiian Basso. K ing of VictroU Steel Piajers.

HUU-HULA Dance— ------- ^ _ ■ 7 1

t ie s Now~A11 Seiti R eserre^

y Part of Theater ^

E A T s i c E E L S - W l L E Y ’S

ito ly lying. U ought not to Uo a t anjr ;.lmo. Mnybo tbo Stalosm aa dooan'f^' t)ut i t sometimos perverts th« tn ith . to nn. ex ten t th a t a'<anuol render m jgtit mlflconutruo it. Lot tho 8tat«Bmui< 7ubl{Bh the tnwrt In regard to tita olteo: nwnorBhlp of lands In t]ilR countlT> nnd then le t It tell tho tru th —UiAt WomiroAv WJlaon J« not now aooklav, ind never ban Bought to Interloro w ltli il)«> ilonroo-of the law, au It waa writ* ton (In thlB event) hy a RepubllcaD idm lutfltnitlan.—Purm a H ernld. ' .

Sem*r I’lpo Special Sonrlce .., J l i id It not been for tho courflO pur- Hiieii by PrcBldent WIlHon on th e ^ rc a t .'art 'Wlieol (lueutlon, the prlco ot louglinutit In Kiilaniftzoo would havo icen reduced lo ono-lmlf.—Special lo' lie lloiue titatCBiuan:

Tlio heavy rain in HuckB county, llennHylvania. JiiBt on llie eve o t a iiutcli plcnlo Ih a ruuuirkublo coliicl- lence. and iniiny Bee In tlilH bad omen lome BlnlHtor connection hetwoeu It ind the iTrlco of wivkcrwaro In Osh- u)H(i. Citidoiif.tedly Prcs(rlc‘n t Wilson B rqsponBlhlo for tliin very unfortun'? lie Hinte <if' atliilri'.—-Siioclal to the JlfltWH);!!!.

The m arket price ot oniona imd,llro- lu rger iias been iierloiiHly nicnacod by ' 'reiildent WllHon HlKiiIng the bill lo nuke ChriH^niiiB u local hullday In Ar- laiiHUB. Another Hliip In the face of- lio Godth'HB of Lth(irty.-iSt>colnt to lie llolse St^w.T Pipe. /

Ah a rcHCiJt o t tJto tii i tk 'lp a t t’d p ro c - u n ia tlo ii o f P reB ld t'n i W llnon d c e la r- n g 11 goni’r a l ThanltK K iving "day o a r ly n N o vem ber. tJiere Ih a B ln ls te r p u r - lOBe to do g r e a t mid I r r e p a r a b le In - lUHtico to tb e tu rk e y tr ib e . O f c o u rso :he protUBt o f th e tu rk e y a h a v o boon 'u th leuB ly dliireK urdo’d, b u t w h n t could io e x p ec ted o f a D em ocratic proBidont ivho BtnndB in th e way u t th e r ig b tn of .ho f r ie n d o f th e U anbw ry Im tte rs ? — S pec ial to th o 13ol»e S e w er P ip e .

Gov. AlevH/ulor'M fnlliiro lo Ijihuc a .iroclnmatlon BuppreBsIng graHHhop- 7ora In Kansna In 1910 should cnueo bo b lush ot Bhuino to m antle tho chook jf ievcry gentlem an in Idaho with a Dtoncbrulae on Ills heel—Spcclal to the Dolse Swill DuekeL


Htntc Organization With SOO jlom bers - Hrprcsvnts 12ri,00u Head of Cattle

an d IlorHCR.

The Idaho Cattle and HorBC Grow- era’ nHROciatlon Is to hold Un firm an* lu a l convention in Pocatello, on tho 31st dny of Octobor, 1916, Buya the Mackay Miner.

Tho OBBOclatlon is composed o f Ida* I lio m en who make a buslnoos of grow* Ing nnd ranging cattle und horBoti on Uio public domain and o a .th c foresta ffltblQ tho borders of tho atato. I t ia the ou tgrow th of an orgonixaUoa ot Bovcral aaaocintlons forincd Id Custer county und throughout cen tral Idaho I for tho protection ot tho induntry, and lo less than six nion thR has gained eight, hundred actlvo mcmborii, ropre- I Renting 125.000 liead o t cattlo and liorsoR, w ith an eijtlninted valuation 3f ton m illion,.dollars w orth o f JIvo- stock, thut a ll depend moro o r leas for range on tlie forestB and public do* main, an much ‘of tho ntock Is grazed Lberoon ono-half of tho tim e. a t. loaBl. [tnd tbo rem ainder of the tim e 1b fed in Uio paBturos ot Idaho raDclimon.

Tho ajw odatlo i baa for Un obJectH bette r^b reed lng \nijd mnrkotlng, Uie a r re s t and convibtlon ot cattlo and IwrflO^thlovcH anji the pro tectloa of

In-M.n-..rftTfl-Whllo It iB tile largOBt industry m tiie Btato of Idaho, affecting tiie weals and wncfl nf more neonlo In tho Gem Htate than any o tiicr of her m any nnd ill* verso JntluHtrlcfl, yet It has been tlio la s t to organize. Tlio-Hwino-brccdcra, th e wool growers, tho dairym en, the b e c -m n n -n n d -th e —f«rmerB,-tho--bool rnelT rtiroTnlncm tio-m crchant-and-tho - m an u fac tu re r and tho potato growerH. and all the Industries aro organized, and now the cattlo and horse growers have a s ta r t upon one of tho biggest organlzaUons in Idaho, w ith almost unKmfted poxslbdUlcR for the future, on account of the force of number» of Idaho cltizons who would be eligible.

To-the-Volers and Tax Payers

of Twin falls County:


, II. C00CIN 8 Uemocralic Candlial^ I'or, I'ouatj

•T m isn rcr.P roper attention to official duUes

jvJU not perm it me to moko a p o rso aa l, appeal to r support lo any g rea t num-l bor; henco I tako th is means of reach­ing you.

I t should n o t bo expected 9 r doslrod tb a t a public official hoglect his of­fice In o rd e r to fa r th e r hla candidacy.

a candidate to r a county ulhce'^wiH'^M' supported according to h is fllnoas for a nd ab ility to handle tho office ho socks, and not bocahso of political or o ther afflllaUons. H aving hod Uie n rlrllo M of- serv ing yoii as treasu rer



J ' ^ C A N


A' b ig ,, tine slx-cyllndor Maxwell. cohI pew 12100, all new tlroB and one ex tra tiro, fhainB. fully equipped, looks like now and hus been driven IcHB thnn 7000 miles. E xtra good value for Homcone who wanffi a soveii-paHSongor car. Price ?S00.00.

Then wo have throe F o n r cars, prlcos ranging . trom *200.00 to $250.00. They are a ll fully equipped, nhonk ub- sorberB, Prosto-llto t a n k , cliainH, etc.

F b r PartJcnJars, See

White's Auto ExchangeShoffaoDe and 2nd Ave. Nortfa

f f l

W e repair Motorcycles and B ic y c l^

Gloysfein Bfos.Sonthem Idaho Agents.

= --lS8gnd^AVft.-8e.--phOBe-7Qg

ind tox ’ 'o lloctbr for the pant eleven UODtllBj_am willing thut you aliould nakft m y (jfforta 'In Ui<H~~capacIty~ Uie laslB for y ou r doclelon as to w hether I o r somo one oluo can and will servo rou .b e tte r as .treoeu rcr during Ujc icx t two years. Approclntlng Uio fac t iiat taxes a re high, I have endoaverod to conduct m y office a t Uie minimum jxpcnso conslatoni w ith proper aur- d ee, w ith tho re su lt th a t tho outlay tor clerical* oaaistanco has been cu t lea rly ono-half. -- I-a» k your uupport-on my-rocordJuid my prom ise thut, if elected, I will con- Jnuo to haadlo Uio office In a bual> noasUko m anner aqd extend to oach m d overy ono good service and duo :oarto«T' •

H. COGQINS. (AdTcrtlHcmcnt)

Murtaugh iVetysjTimes’ C orrespoB d^ee.

Tho lad les ' aid mot nt the hom e of Mrs. Doty Thursday afternoon. A ton- cont te a w as sorvod.

Sovoi’a l o f tho county Kepublfcan :and ldatcs held a ra lly a^ the school hooso T hursday ovonlng. A largo crowd w as p resen t and enjoyed the sveniog. T he candidates prenent woro MesBrs. vHorrlman, EmoH, N lhart, A th­erton. W ilcox nnd Duvall.

F ranc is Johnson haa returned homo from S a lt Lake and. sUtQs his cyca.aro im proving. , ‘

M esdones Kondell, 'H unt, Bovorlln, Oourley and Boyd w ere passcngora to Tw in P a lls Saturday.

M iss Ilia Johnson returned Wodnes- day front Iow a, w here sho sp en t tho la s t tw o m onths.

G ortriida Johnson" of TwJn Falls, a'pccat S aturday and Sunday wlUi hor grand p aren ts , Mr. and Mrs. J . A. Johnson.

.M iss E lva Rowley o f Tw in. Falls, spen t Sunday with hor paronts.

Mr. S tevens and daughter. M rs. J W olls. w ore shopping in Twin F alli Saturday.

P rof. D avis anl> fam ily m otored U Twin FallB Saturday. . . . .

' -Alldr Hanson. Sr., sold his ran ch t< Mr. G eorge of Tw in P alls. lo s t wook C oiuld«rsUon 125.000. Mr. K asM i give* possoBslon January 1. H o maj go to Boise valley.

M isM s Blanche Hovreka and U«:

H M p g m l I

— M O TO R C Y C Ll

— S U P P L IE S -

[IZING - A U T C ^

- p i

| f :


"W hiU o tW s or# claiming <Jt


‘ I ( f M i I L Tl®!

\ V ^ G u a ra


Citizens Elect;, i r : i= a - ja L - J I» ln At«. K. ■

" f w i i eIM P R O V E D A l

A U W l t h O w---------------- -- ------------------- $46,00

W il l b e g la d to s h o w in te r

I am in te re .s te d in s e v e n •y o u a r e iiito rcstec l, p lio n c o r

> I . C. II P h o n o 214 -E

T ^ D E R M YW o o ro e n la rg in g o u r all

f/n ia 'ch in cS ;- e t a ' - O t i t s p c d m e n m anik inB , m a k in g o u r w o r k i b lc . 'W o rk in s ta l le d b y u s J w o n tw o m o d a la o f h o iio r , t l

■ a n d o n o h o n o ra b le m e n tio n . < ufl th o d is t in c t io n o f th o T a x i

. , Boise T a x id e rB . W . L IM B E & T ; M g r.

Rao accoropantod Prod W acholt*> Burloy Bundar afternoon.

Rev. Bm air preached s t Ooldon vi> ley Snnday m orning aad Mjirtaugh . thffw onlng.I Mrs. PraDcls Johnson is en terta l r Ing a a ister trom Spokane and a br

th e r from New York, r f- F arm ers a rc busy digging spuds w




Krengel Machine


know s th a t guaranteed w ork pays.

■■ V , ■


alit^lSSan ffUanmttfinff it.''

L 9 1 6 ^ ^ \

,B S -jjt i te e d / I! t i i v f S

[ I L E S ^ / .

ic S ^ I y Co.--------------- Phene-*«:r^Tr^r:=r=.“ = r

ar Goodingr b tm B T O R o v E D d W a t« r R ig h ts ,a n d U P -------------------- -------------------- -c s te d p a r t ie s th e s e p ro p e r tie s .

I 'p r o p e r t ie s in t im t v ic in ity . I f w r i te

lARKERT w in F a lls

, ■ 1 I . . .

a n d t a n n i n g ’ ’ :>p, in s ta l l in g n e w m ototB , d ru m s , , , i .a re '.m o u iitc d o v e r p a p ie y iT a e h c - - lo th p ro o f, l ig l i t a n d in d e s tn ic ti* t th o P a n a m a -P a c if ic iJ sp o a itio n red go ld , fiv e s ilv e r , f o u r b ro n z e ' ’ )u r q u a l i ty o f w o rk is w in n in g fo r ' le rm is t y o u w in c v e n ju o lly patro:^ •'

ay & Tanning Co.B O IS E , ID A H O . ,

0 beets. C ar shortage is being fo ltJohn Gourley haa moved hia fam ily

Into a p a r t o( the partonago for the n w inter.

T he g irls sowing club mot a t th e I- home of Mrs. H unt Friday.>- -------------------------

In th e Tueeday l im e s —See Iho'Btu* d In u s Directory.

Page 11: TW ICE-i V-W EEKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · T H E VOL. XII. NO. 6 . TWELF.1 H iW Z^ THE P M mu,. jiarcnceVan DeusenWillSpealt ' Saturday

" . ; : S A M P L E . B A i f i O TYou can vote a ticket “straight” by placing an X in the circle below name of party you wish tC vote fo::. Yqu can I “scratch" your ticket bj . erasing name bn

“straight” ticket-yo.u do not wish to Vote for, and^^cing an X in small circie on right of name you wish lo vot3 foir. | ■ ! . , -


F O R P R E S ID E S T I A L E L E C T O R S '.Vo te Fo r Kourj, . . . {

■ y i U : R U y L D A Y ■

■D A V I D L . K V .V X a i J

F R A N K M A R I I N \ '

' i ‘ I '■ . J O H N E . P IN ’c f a c K , ( • )

■ 'F O R R E P nE S E N T .A T IV K S

, V (V oid F o r T w o ' / jr - M a r i o n - J . K i i i m \ , J

j o j l v v . . s t a . n : , e v ■ D

F O n G O T O R X g i^ • j j ^ ; .(V ote F o r O ney ' , ( )

I M O S E S A I jE X A N D E I I ' j \ y

• fFOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR i \• -(V ote F o r O ne) ' f . \

I / E R N E S T h . B a r k e r , ;

V FOR SECRETARy‘o F STATE t tVot*« For Ono) ‘ I |■ W IL U A M T . D O U d H E R T Y j \ ____ /

FOR STATE AUM TOR ;(Vot« r^or.O na) I ;

C L A R E N C E V A X D E T J S E N ; \ _ y

FOR^BTATE TREASURER : / Nr (Vote Por One) l , I

S . P . -W O R T H I N G T O N !

FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL. '. ‘ (V ote F o r: Onrt . ! I j

T . A . 'W A L T E R S | V _ y


L U L U S H O A V .V L T E R C A R L I S L E V— X


T H O M A S p . I jK Y __________ j V /

F O B S T A T E ^ E N iT O B ' j (Vote For Onisi {I

W . P . f e - L - W O R T H j \ _____/ '

FO R STATE REPRESBSTATIVE(V ote F o r T h ree ) j( J

J A S . A . F I T Z G E R A L D

- L X W R E N C E H A ^ S E M IOa .M . S I M S


y o j i I ’j i ; s i D K . \ r j . \ L e l e c t o r s(Volo F o r F o u r) Y |

I ) . K a j u H f J i v _ y

W M I . E S T A 'i m O O l v

K D . A . W A L T E I i S \ )

‘lO - V A T ii V E I I , '

FO R R E P R E S E N T A T IV E S .' . (V oic F o r ■ ( )

n i K T o :< ; h . F R K x c i i

. W ) ) ) j . s o \ T. s . ’v j i 'n i ' O!f 0 R G O V E R N O R !

. 1 fV otc F o r One) • l [ J

| d . W . D A V I S i \ ____ /

F O R L IE U T E N A N T G O V E R N O R '/ I (V ote F o r O ne) ( • ]

• i B . j r . H O L T ____ /

F O R SE C R E T A R Y O P S T A T E '; (V ote F o r One) , / \

G E O . R . B A R K E R j X _ ^

•FC)R S T A T E A U D IT O R ' j N j j (V ote F o r One) ' ( / I

j G E O .- W . L E W I S

^ F O li S T A T E T R E A S U R E R | /■ '" \: (V ote F o r O ne) : IJOirN W. EAGLESON

FO R ; A T T O R N E Y .G E N E IL V L ^ \ (V ote F o r One) I

. .V A R L I.V J . S W E E L E V

F O R S U P £ R IN T E .V D E .V i\O F P U B L IC •i IN S T R U C T IO :^ \ ( \i (V ote F o r O ne)/ : I

> E T H E L L . R E D F I E L D | ______ /

F O R IN S P E C T O R O F M IN E S ■ / " X ^ (V ote F o r O ne) ■ [ )ROBERT .V. BELL j

F O R S T A T E SE N A T O R • j / ' N (V o te F o r O ne) ‘ I ]

S A X r U E L p . A T H E R T O N \ ____ /

F O R S T A T E R E P R E S E N T A T IV E \ '! (V ote F o r T h r tft) I 1NpRitAN BARKER V . P..MIKE3ELL i O

;FREp NIHAET jF O R • .'’^ S C Y C O M M I B S I O N 'E R S ^ y ^ N

■ M m I 1 T h re c i 7*


■ ^ O HF O R P R !-:S ID K .\T IA L E L E C T O R S

J (V o t4 -F o r F o u r) | j

C . 0 . U E L I j A M Y I

C . X . C O O P E U , p

a E . E V A N S ■ o

G E O . M A I i P L E o

FO R R E P R E S E N T A T IV E S 1 / " N(Vote Fo r .Tu -o ) ( \

A L B E R T B . C L A R K _____/

^ SA M G ._ G IL L IL A N D

, F O R G O V E R N O R | / ' ' N(V oto F o r Onc^ |

A N N I E E . T I i l P L O W i

F O R l / e U T E N A N T G O V E R N O R ^(V ote For, Ono) I

•• W A L T E R H . W I L L A R D

FO R S E C R E T A R Y O F S T A T E ^ } / ' ' ' N (Vote* F o r One) I ( j

T H O M A S J . C O O N R O D \ _____ /

F O R S T A T E U D ^ ^ R \ Z '(V o te .F o r One) ; / J

- C A R O L I N E A . S P A R K S | V .____

F O R S T A T E T R E A S U R E R { / ' ' ’’’ ' N (V ote F o r O ne) I J

B E R T H . \ L . R O B E R T S O N _____/

, F O R A T T O R N E Y G E N E R .V L / ' ' N (V ote F o r O ne) ; I J

i J O H N E . D U N L A P \ ___ y

F ^ R S U P E n iS T E S D E S T O F P V B h lC ----- n ~iN S T R U c r r io N \( v i t e F o r O no)' i \ ’ )

' L O U I S ^ . C O B L ^ N T Z j

F O R I N S P E ( ^ R O F M Cs'ES '(V ote F o r O ne) i / ’ j

J A M E S p . R O G E R S ' !

F O R S T A T E SE N A T O R ! / ' " N(V ote F o r O ne) ' , | j

■W. B . E A S T E R L Y | V ____ /

F O R S T A T E R E P R E S E N T A T IV E |(V ote F o r T h ree ) | f J


5 t R 3 . M Y R T L E A Y O T T E . iO p . (5l s o n ( ' j

7 ^ ^,^ F O H C 0 U N ^ '^ C 0 > 1 M 1 S S |0 N 'E R 3

P R O H I B T n N

i Q j rF O R P R E g iD E N T IA L E l ECTC jlS • 1 / " " T N

• (V ote F o r F o u r) . '

! I S A I A H W I L L I . \ ! m ^ i v i y

E . R . H E A D L E Y \ { ^

■ ' i ^ J . I/. t t d x E S - | ^ \

W . I , E D W A lf f i 3

FOR R E PnESEN TA ljlV E^(V ote P o r T w o) I

- - r - : , , ------------------- . . . I

- z z ± ! i ©F O R GOVER.VOI I

.(Voic Poj- O ne) - I ' /

F O R LIEUTE.VA.N-T G O \Ie r > j ) n / ' T N (V oto F o r Ono) j f !

F O R S E C R E T A R Y O F S T A iIb / ' * " T \ (V ote P o r O ne) - _ f ‘I • J

F O R S T A T E A U D IT O R I(V ote F o r One) . \ i f J

- ..................— - ^ - 4 - v - yF O R STATES T R E A S U R E H 11 / ' " ’T N I

• ( V o t f P o r O ne) : ( ' / )

F O R A T T O R N E Y G E N E a |L I(V ote P a r O ne) . ' [ ! . ]

F O R S U P E R IN T E N D E N T O F H U B L ld ]IN S T R U C T IO N [ / A(V ote P o r One) - V ' /

F O R IN S PE C n-O R O F i i l K ^ S ^(V ole P o r One) jj \

J:O R S T A T E S E N A T O nl{V ole P o r One) ] . | '

F O R S T A T E R E P R E S E N T A T IV E(V ote F o r T h ree ) (

i f c o a ^ i n n T c o i n ^ S l E R B J - / C l ^g S ^ ^ r (V ote F o r J t f l ^ ) j 5 ,v [ v S ^ B f l

i oF O R P R E S ID E N T IA L E L E C T O R S N

- (V 6te F o r F o u r) /

.................................... Oz = z L = i Q

FO R RE PR E SE .N -T A T 1V E S \(V ote F o r T w o) [ \

• FO R G OVER.VOR / " N(V ote F o r One) ( \

F O R L IE U T E .\*A .V r-G O V E R N O R(V ote F o r One) I J

F O R SEC 31ETA R Y O F S T A T E(V ote F o r One) . I J

F O R S T A T E A U D IT O R(T o te F o r O ne) I J

- - - t - - - - - - ---------- ^F 0 1 \ S T A T E T R E A S U R E R \

(V ole F o r On*) I J

F O R A T T O R N E Y G E N E R A L(V o ie -F o r One) I \

F O R S U P E R IN T E N D E N T O F P U B L IC / ' " ’" N . .IN S T R U C T IO N ( \(V ote F o r One) ' I J

F O R IN S P E C T O R O P M IN E S(TVote F o r O ne) ! ]

' f o r |b t a t e s e n a t o k / ' \^Vote F o r O ne) » 1


F O R S T A T E R E P R E S E N T A T IV E / ' " ' N(V ote F o r T h re e ) | J

: : : : : : : : oz = = = Q

F O R C O ^ ’T Y C O M M i a S I O ^ a

n o N - p a r t i s A n '

; Judicial);■

■ • ( 'I

i - .

F O R JU S T IC E 6 f T H E S U P R E M E > v \ 'C O U n f — N O N -PA R T IB A N • f \

(V ole F o r /o n e ) \J O H N C . / h l C E

'R O B E R T N . D U N N V . y "

' / -V'

I' ■ ■

j i ■ ■ ■ ;

j ;

! '

i ;■ ■ f '

^ ^ V -i ^

Page 12: TW ICE-i V-W EEKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · T H E VOL. XII. NO. 6 . TWELF.1 H iW Z^ THE P M mu,. jiarcnceVan DeusenWillSpealt ' Saturday

3HTIE SUGHRY fHIGHERiTKIS WffK IStBuIflcanlly StroJife— %

■ ^ ^ ^ ^ n r k c t AIbo ,8howH Some ®

Tho catUo nm rkot In lioldlnK.BUsaily I; Lo stro n g Ql lust wcok'H prJccH;, nl- ; * though ono load o t oxtrn prim e Hifccra J • sold a t $C.8S, n dlm a hiRlior tlinn IhhI week, BU/H U io.PorU und Llvo Slock n<iportor~Monday>-BcBt eowa-nnd-:hetf~- ora nro JuhI on»y n t tnsl .weok’u ijuo* rfj latloDH. T here Ih u b is run of feeder jL; ntutf. In tho ynni w ith Indlcallonn thut they w ill bo den n ed up n t n very Kood \'c figure. .

'p b p hORH m n ln lu ln e d li Icvo l of $9.1!r> -j-; a l l l a s t w to k u n d llio B cncriil fcuUnK [\] WUH tlf iit u Rood r u n of._ hoKn lh in m o rn ia K w p u ld b re n k tb o in ii rk u i u y a h a d o .’ H o w e v e r, Iho m n rlc e t m ill ro - [i] in a ln H M trttn R .n l ?‘J.2r>. \v!lli th ro u i‘X- |: t r a Io q Jh HclflnR a t $0.:sr>; rr.ovcry lfiln 'K In Ibo ho t; d iv ln lon clfiiin ± u p e n r ly ; T h o m n ln io n a n c c o f . ib o m a r k e t n t n le v el o f ?y.2r> f o r p riicU - V c a l ly to n dayw In d lcn lcn n K rcat doa l i|j o f H trenR tli fo r ihlB lin io o f th e you r. rp

E v e ry th ln K KOlnK HlronK In tlio j ; B hccp HOclion, to p InmbH bolai? ao ld u l -H J8 .75. I tif c c lp ls w o re IIkIU. - - S lc c r .q u o ln l io n o a r o : , I’r ln io lly h i . JC.nOdiHi.Hr.: p r im e h e a v y , JG,-iO(tiic..7r): K ood, $G.00(T|)6,ri0:coinmon to f a ir , ?r>;00 :h ■05.25. . • ip

C ow (ju o tn tlo n n a r o : ( 'b o lro . $n.riO(» ;[• C.oq; n ie d iu n t lo good . $4.rr0(fi;[;.00: o r - ;ij d ln n r y to f a ir , J3.r)l)ti'’I.OO: cannerH . J- 53.00584.00. - Th

H o tte r quo tn llonR a r c : C tio lco Hpay- lij c d , ?C,25(B)5.3G: Rood. S4,C0®'r.,00; n ib - '-i « r v n r le l le s , [email protected]. . ;!;

Dull quoUillonH nro : Choice, $4.00(T|' -4.2G; R ood. 9:i.c0^p4-00; modluin, $2.7!) .-k ®3.00. .b

S tockcr quotations nre: nciit hSIccI- ■od. SCO to 1000 lbB.;-«C.G0<Q>n.7S; hesl h Boloctod. GOO to 800 lbs„ JG,25fii)r..r.O; * cholco B lock heifers, S4.riO<ipG.OO; Rood :to Cholcc BloC<t:cowfl, ?4.EO05.OO. S

M ilker quotatione o re : Je rsey holt- ± ■era, $40 and u p ; good g rade HolHtelnii, ^ 485 hnd u p ; Rood g rade Durhnmo, J70 ih ^ 1 0 0 : good Jornoys, |GO0i7G. jp

Hog quotations a r c : Prim o^lRhUi, ^ J0.26^tl.3S; prim e slronRwolRhln. $8.00 ^ ©8.B0; good heavy m ixed, J8.2B; jl; rough hoavy packing, $h.00®R:2G; pigs rr m A skipB, »8.00; Block'hoga, »7.40. I- ^ h o « p quotations oro ; Choice InmbB, jH

48.60Q8.7G; common lambn, J8.00(i> T* ■8.2&; choice ycarlLoR wethorH, }7.2G^ ^ 7.G0; good, *7.0007.25; b e s t ngod wo- -thors, 9G.2G0G.GO; cholco. tiRht cwch, [n 4B.B0; heavy Qwes, »G,00®G.GO. , S


JB Ml S i A n « i f |CoroD«r «f T w lu FallB Conntyl f.

_ n r r . X. E m og-T w in FnllH rmxll- ^ <lato on tho itopabllc u F i r c k d r r o r T l iF p ■offico of coroner, Is a mombers of the — undortaklnR Orm ot OrosBman & Emeu. H o lm a bti^n B riiillucni oi i wm P ^ l l r Blnco4908 and ow ns conRldorahle prop- .(i, o r ty In tho city and county.

D r! E rn e s ' re c o rd Btiows nnuBTinl' ■ q u n llf lc a t io n H fo r th i s roH llion . He

'^ ra d u f tte d - lR m cd icJn o -n n d f«r-ar>-y«ar* -•< w n s n c tlT c ly e n g a g e d In th e p ru c lic e of m e d ic in e n n d B urRory:- P u r ll ie rm o n o ' .ho I f & g r a d u a te o f th e M ussachuB clts C o llo g o o f E m balD ilnR , u t D as lo n , I r tl: -w hlcli in s tJ tu U o it h o w a s f o r Bome tim e e n g a g e d n s In B trn c to r. H o w a s a lso n ^ .lic e n s e d O m bn ltne r in th o B la te o t N ew ni T o r k . R h o d e la la n d a n d Id a h o . D ur- ;i In g hift n r t lv o p r n c t i ro in nioiH i'lno li- . >i y r u olQCtod to th o o ffic e o t c o ro n c r In

G et a Victri --------- eh lerta in -o n J

T h e easiest way to mak the foTks;' to furnish cnt( oughly enjoy.

Stop in and see liljout g< T hanksg iv ing celebration , ite m usic for you, and ( V ictors $10 to $100. V iet

X o g a n Music1 2 6 2 n d S t. E ast Tw in


He was nomin

H e has declai

Tw in Fall^'C cause s h e l ia r^ o w be glad to help div

DcrNot Be forS

You Cann( County '

Fred Nihart \ legislature four yeai

He was not m

Let all who a November 7th.

T a• \

inn^r county ,.MlBRQuri. which ho held r, ,0 term s. During four y ears ot of- w i;o ho personally conductcd 303 In- h< H'HtH. Hi

CAUVfirtlscmcnt)----------------- ir

K>Y-rKATt:RK8-Al«>EI>-T«----------------LATEST MAX>YKLL|MOHEL l.

Uwillorcd in nil the OHBcnllul detn:ilB le Maxwell 25 nutomoKllc npponr^d 1 tho local m arket during tlio pnHl eck-vs*iUi a num ber of now refine- ^ entfi whl«h will undoubtedly prove u ^ rent stIniHlnnt to the «aIo luui dJHtrJ- jllon of ihlH mucbinc In the w est. ' AnionK those reflncmentB arc tho “

[>la to help *; ChanRggrring_____ «e th ings pleasant for all ( ;rta inm cn t they’ll thor-

rtting a V ictrola for your. W c ’li play your favor- ^rxplain our easy term s. ‘rolas $15 to, $300. j

i E E >rTE-0N--T-l^rREPU;

la te d 'f iy ^ e aid of J ^ l

red' ihat his best, efforts '

bounty is one of the tilos fn so rapidly and is beco ade,^her.

; Deceived by )elfish Reasor


at Run Two i Taxes—High(

was not loyal to the inte rs ago. H e is not loyal

lominated-by REPUBLIC.

are opposed to county d

x p a ^tosollno gauRe and the danh ligh t i;v liT c lillk^ tJG un-tH iacd -lo -thc-dnHh- tjlourd. Tho board now carries bo- ^tides the two inontloncil. n Hpccdo- »n c lc r r e leclrle—HtnrtlnR-iind -llKlitIng j|iSffRB nnd nn auimctor. j.—A-now-typo-of-wtodal>h',ld Ib alBO-tcE T. ^;ured. Tlio upper half ot ilie wind- jilhyld ovcrlupH the lower half, uiiiklne •t (njBolutcly rnlD-llRbl. In adilltlon (o I:Ii1h tlie Rlnsn Ir -fitted with whock ad- ilorbers, ellm luatlng all vibration und ■possible chance of bronknge. <

The HcntH of the new Mnxwojl arc i:oaHidorably wider, louRer uj\d doepvr, Iuid the .roar spriuRH havo bdwi lent;- i:honcd fully nix .Inches, Riving llio ca r •iddcd -J^x lb lllly and comfort In -Uh :riding ctunillloH.- i

Whllo ihoHO .new featurcH of the jMuxwcll cnr reprenenl un added miin- <iifucturlng roHl of'm uny tliouHaadii o t -ilollani, Urn price of the ca r will re- ;nain the name ns on tlic prcccdlag *model. •


A Twin PnllH citizen today rfireived j lie following rep ly to n personal let- i ,(ir lo Governor A lexander, nskinR him I to do evcrythlUR possible in bis power ; compatible with HafcRunt-dlnR tlio in- j lercHlH o t the United Sl.itos, to Bccure i •lie re turn of tho Second Idaho from : Ihe border: • • i

"D ear S ir: In the abscnco ot.Gov- • ernor A lexander from the cUy, I do- • iiro lo ucknowledRc receipt o t your i :ojamun{catJon ol Oct. C-Jtli, Jind ivJsh :o mtsUfro you th a t the govornor is willing to do overythlnR ibu t lie cun lo Bdcuro an enrly re turn to thin Rtnlo’ jf the Sccond Idaho reRlment without In Ju r^ iyU io nnliohal IntorostB of oiiF government.

■' • “ Very respec tfu lly ,.“C. O. BIIOXON, -

.Privnlo Secretary ."

TUANSPOUTATION PROBLEMS.Our now Sunday and week-end ex-

cursfooa sotvo Uicm. Moiiy autolsts, tod, aro finding o u t ou r ra te s aro cheaper than using their own ca rs ., Ask about them . A gent Ol 8. L. R. R . ;

, ‘ UdTortlnem enl) i

Dr. Evnns, tlio optician, is a t Hia bomo th is wook, C04 F burth avonue osbt.'w lioro ho will bo glad to soe his old patien ts and a n y .o th e rs irbo m ay wls*!! to BOO him professionally. H« fits g lasses corroctly and attends each c ^ one year.



Democrats for the pnr|

vill be devoted to this (

t important, both politic ming so strong other se

the StatemeIS Will T a ncy is Not a I

bounties Wil ;r Taxes Mea

rests of T w in Falls Coi now and is not entitlec

VNS and is not e^tled

ivision with its attendar

e r s ’

= E ia l iDemocratic

Will address

P A IS a t u r d

I - M r. VanDeus I 2 8 at 2 :0 0 o’clock^ l ^ ’clock, p . m. H e I 2 :00 o’clock.


= » R rT « ^T ^ T E ry

)ose of dividing Twin F

;nd. ~

;aily and financially, in ctions of the state are j'

nts of Politic fou that Nihc ilenace

thout Doubli n Lower Val

jnty when he was a 1 to the support of loya

to PPUBUCAN suppo

It evils vote against

L e a g) •

...... ............ .

C f W i l F lGindidate for St the people, of Twi

U S H Ra y / O c t c!:00-ffCL6C!C-en will sp^ak at Filer o and at Buhl on the will speak at Hollister

d e m o c r a t i c C e n t


^ S L A T U R E - - H I -^ ■ \ ‘ I P

alls'County.- M

the state. Be- , |j :alous and would

ians who irt's

V -.... . H

ng Your | nations

member of the |1 residents. |l

^ II , rt. ■ r

Fred N ihart on ||

u e I

' Miate Auditor jj n Falls at the ii

U i 4i b e r 2 8

_______ j .


1 Saturday, October I same day at 4 :00 I on October '31 ' at I

r a l C o m m itte e I