trenirng program push ups

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  • 7/30/2019 trenirng program push ups


    Before you start with our pushups training program, you have to take ourtest,to see where you are and where to start and how to

    plan your pushups training program.Training program for first week can be started for those who managed to do up to 13

    pushups on the test. The rest of you can start a program for week 3, 5, 7 or even 9, depends on how many pushups you

    managed to do in your test.


    Take the number of pushups you managed to do in your test and pick up the appropriate column. If you managed up to 6 pushups,pick column number 1. If you managed from 6 up to 13 pushups, pick column number 2. If you managed more than 13 pushups, takea look at table for week 3, 5, 7 or 9, depends on how many pushups you managed to do in your test.You start your training with serie #1, then you take a rest of 60 seconds, continue with serie #2 and so on. If you need, you can

    take a longer rest between series.

    PUSHUPS TESTTake this test and please,dont cheat.Test is very simpleget down and make as many correct pushups you can.You can view

    and compare your test results in table number 1:


    up to 35 years

    (number of pushups)

    35 to 50 years

    (number of pushups)

    more than 50 years

    (number of pushups)

    no power

    0 - 6

    0 - 6

    0 6


    7 13

    7 12

    7 10


    14 32

    13 26

    11 19

    above average

    33 55

    27 45

    20 32


    56 99

    46 8033 50

    full of power

    100 and more

    81 and more

    51 and more

    If you would like to know where you stand compared to others, you can view the awerage results in table number 2:

    no power






    above average




    full of power


    You too can come to rate strong or even full of power if you just show some will, discipline and you follow ourpushups training

    program.You wont achive this over night, but you can achive this in 4, 6, 10 or 12 weeks.

  • 7/30/2019 trenirng program push ups


    Week 1 & 2Take the number of pushups you managed to do in your test and pick up the appropriate column.

  • 7/30/2019 trenirng program push ups


    Take a rest for 2 days, then make new test.


    After 2nd week it is time for new test. Depending on the results of the test, continue with an appropriate week and column, even if

    it means you have to do 1st or 2nd week again.

    Continue to week 3 & 4 if you managed to do more than 13 pushups.

    Week 3 & 4Take the number of pushups you managed to do in your test and pick up the appropriate column.

  • 7/30/2019 trenirng program push ups


    Take a rest for 2 days, then make new test.


    After 4th week it is time for new test. Depending on the results of the test, continue with an appropriate week and column, even if it

    means you have to do 3rd or 4th week again.

    Continue to week 5 & 6 if you managed to do more than 28 pushups.

    Week 5 & 6

    Take the number of pushups you managed to do in your test and pick up the appropriate column.

  • 7/30/2019 trenirng program push ups


    Take a rest for 2 days, then make new test.


    After 6th week it is time for new test. Depending on the results of the test, continue with an appropriate week and column, even if it

    means you have to do 5th or 6th week again.

    Continue to week 7 & 8 if you managed to do more than 45 pushups.

    Week 7 & 8Take the number of pushups you managed to do in your test and pick up the appropriate column.

  • 7/30/2019 trenirng program push ups


    Take a rest for 2 days, then make new test.

  • 7/30/2019 trenirng program push ups



    After 8th week it is time for new test. Depending on the results of the test, continue with an appropriate week and column, even if it

    means you have to do 7th or 8th week again.

    Continue to week 9 & 10 if you managed to do more than 65 pushups.

    Week 9 & 10Take the number of pushups you managed to do in your test and pick up the appropriate column.

  • 7/30/2019 trenirng program push ups


    CONGRATULATIONS! You managed to do 100 pushups at once!