Community That Maers Tower Tidings VOLUME LIII SUMMER 2020 NUMBER 7

Tower Tidings · Allowing Memorial Services to be held, out of doors, in our Memorial Garden, following the safety guidelines from our Safety & Security ommittee. Vacation ible School

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Page 1: Tower Tidings · Allowing Memorial Services to be held, out of doors, in our Memorial Garden, following the safety guidelines from our Safety & Security ommittee. Vacation ible School

Community That Matters




Page 2: Tower Tidings · Allowing Memorial Services to be held, out of doors, in our Memorial Garden, following the safety guidelines from our Safety & Security ommittee. Vacation ible School


Associate Pastor for Congregational Life and Mission

The Reverend Sarah Green

I recently listened to an episode of the podcast Everything Happens by Duke professor Kate Bowler with guest Lori Gottlieb, a therapist, author, and columnist for The Atlantic. In the episode, Kate and Lori discussed the hierarchy of grief and pain that unconsciously governs us as we interact with others and also with ourselves. It goes like this: a woman has a miscarriage, but at least she didn’t lose an 8-year-old child; someone goes through a breakup, but at least it wasn’t a divorce; a family struggles with anxiety over COVID-19, isolation, and home-schooling, but at least no one in their family has been sick and they still have their jobs. By invoking the hierarchy, we dismiss the pain before us and communicate that whatever the person is experiencing isn’t really so bad because that, that over there is real suffering. We may intend to foster perspective or point out what’s still good in life, but instead we leave a suffering person wondering, “Does my pain count?” We fail to fully and truly hear and hold another’s pain (or our own). And what’s especially crazy about the hierarchy is that it’s limitless. I have sat beside some of the very people others point to as “having it worse,” like terminally ill cancer patients hospitalized with NG-tubes sucking bile from their insides 24 hours a day, who still say that what they’re going through isn’t so terrible because someone else has it really bad. Jesus never applied a hierarchy to those who came to him for healing. He didn’t dismiss the hemorrhaging woman’s experience by comparing it to the blind man’s. He didn’t ask the masses of people clamoring for his attention to consider whether someone else had it worse or encourage them just to be content and grateful for what they did have. Jesus cherished each person and held each person’s pain as worthy of his attention and love. As we look at the world around us writhing with so much pain, I believe it’s vital for us as Christians to throw out the hierarchy once and for all, to stop ranking and invalidating, and instead to start truly listening. Without the hierarchy, we can hear a friend’s crippling anxiety about re-opening amidst COVID-19 without any “but at least…” Without the hierarchy, we can name all we’re grateful for in our lives without negating the hurt and struggle we also carry. Without the hierarchy, we can truly listen to black pain and rage and fear without a knee-jerk “but what about…” that does nothing to advance justice. Without the hierarchy, we can deeply hear another’s pain and then allow our own experiences of suffering to lead us to join them with compassion and love. And that joining takes us all down the path of healing we so desperately need.

The Hierarchy of Grief

Page 3: Tower Tidings · Allowing Memorial Services to be held, out of doors, in our Memorial Garden, following the safety guidelines from our Safety & Security ommittee. Vacation ible School


Masks Not Required! by Vern Verhoef

… for the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance,

but the Lord looks on the heart. I Samuel 16:7 (NRSV)

“Masks not required” are strange words in today’s environment of the Covid-19 pandemic. Everywhere I turn I see signs to “wear your mask while in public” or “face coverings required to enter this store.” Even at home my wife is busy sewing masks for children, grandchildren, neighbors, and friends. But a mask is not always a physical mask that we place over our face. We often wear social masks to conform to our environment, i.e. to become one of the crowd, and thus avoid confrontation or discomfort. Recognizing and discarding our social masks is at the heart of being and becoming the Beloved Community. In this broken world of polarizing messages and devastating violence, the work of “undoing racism” and movement toward a Beloved Community is critically important. As a participant in this initiative with Rendall Memorial Presbyterian Church in Harlem, I have begun to identify several masks that I wear. The first mask is one of Indifference – your pain does not affect me, so why should I care? Second, the mask of comfort – I’m doing okay so why should I be around someone who makes me feel guilty? Third, the mask of white privilege – hey, we live in a free country, right? Look at me – I got where I am by working hard, right? And four, the mask of perfectionism – okay, I see the structural racism built into our society, but I can’t fix it so why start if I won’t be successful? The more I look at these masks, the scarier it becomes to strip them off. I do not want to be that vulnerable. Consider the masks that you wear. Are they similar to mine? Are they different? Is it hard to peel them back? Is it difficult to see yourself honestly? Is it difficult to have honest conversation with others when you don’t agree with them? The verse from I

Samuel redirects us – it is never about our superficial appearance but it is always about our heart. My prayer is that my heart grows in the Spirit of Christ which has the power to break through my fears and uncertainties and move me toward the Beloved Community.

Vern Verhoef

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Undoing Racism Resources by Karen Brunner


Blood at the Root: A Racial Cleansing in America by Patrick Phillips

How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi.

Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson.

Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong by James W. Loewen

The Cross and the Lynching Tree by James Cone

The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander

The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B. DuBois

The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson

The 1619 Project (all articles), The New York Times Magazine, August 18, 2019

Waking Up White and Finding Myself in the Story of Race by Debby Irving

White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin Diangelo

Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Caf-eteria? By Beverly Daniel Tatum


Beloved by Toni Morrison

Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead

The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead

Young Adult Nonfiction

Stamped: Racism, Antiracism and You by Jason Reynolds and Ibram Y. Kendi

Other Resources

Eyes on the Prize, PBS Television Documentary Series, Part One: America’s Civil Rights Years 1954-1965 (1987) and Part Two: America at the Racial Crossroads 1995-1985 (1990). PBS DVD – libraries, internet, Netflix

National Museum of African American History and Culture https://nmaahc.si.edu/

Association of African American Museums https://blackmuseums.org/

For the past several years, members of our congregation including Karen Brunner have been engaged with Rendall Memorial Presbyterian Church in Harlem in our Undoing Racism project. These efforts echo the growing national conversation within our denomination and beyond about the scourge of systemic racism in our country. Karen traveled with some members of the group to Ghana last summer where this photo was taken.

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Outreach During Covid-19:

PCM received a Presbyterian Disaster Assistance emergency grant of $2000 on behalf of 3 of our community partners: nourish.NJ, Table of Hope and Interfaith Food Pantry. The money will be distributed evenly to those 3 organizations. Our May Food Drive for Interfaith Food Pantry was a great success thanks to all of you! With-out being able to collect in-kind donations, many gave online, others wrote checks to the church…we are COVID-adaptive! Over $3300 was collected. Combined with the almost $700 from the PDA Grant…this resulted in a total of $4000 raised for them! The Outreach Committee is working hard to distribute funds from our budget to our mission partners in support their work during the pandemic. More details to come in the next Tower Tidings. Thank you for being a caring, giving congregation. August campaign for Table of Hope In August, we would normally collect supplies and food items for Table of Hope at Bethel Church/SpringstreetCDC. This year, as with our food drive, donations can be made thru our website at https://pcm.breezechms.com/give/online (or theirs at https://springstreetcdc.org/get-involved/donate/ OR, you can mail a check to PCM with “Table of Hope” on the memo line. Table of Hope Mobile Food Pantry continues to see an unprecedented increase in demand from those facing food insecurity. In April and May 2020, Table of Hope served 9,467 families and gave out 444,384 lbs. of food (222.19 tons)! The organization works to ensure that fami-lies and seniors have produce, dairy, meat, canned/dried goods, and bread for their house-holds, in addition to providing take-out dinners Monday to Friday. Table of Hope’s Volunteer Coordinator Meredith Davidson says, “We appreciate ALL donations and volunteer help during this ever evolving, challenging time.”

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Dr. Matthew Webb Director of Music

What’s Going on in Worship & Music?

Over the past few months, we have been spending time talking about the effects of COVID-19 on our worship and music. In spite of physical distancing and the complications that scientists have provided about the difficulty of singing in groups, we have found ways to create community and to continue to sing together. Our music ministry continues to create videos for worship each week, utilizing the gifts of our Organ Scholar, Kevin Graf, our Choral Scholars, and members of our Chancel Choir. Our musicians have risen to the challenge of honing their technological skills in video and audio recording, providing strong messages of hope, truth, and love to our community. Additionally, we have had Zoom musicians’ hangouts on Wednesday evenings, where we connect with each other, sharing about our lives and encouraging each other during this extraordinary time.

I am grateful for my colleagues for their work each week in filming and editing beautiful worship services that are seen throughout our area, our country, and across the world. We recognize the importance of providing worship experiences outside of the four walls of the sanctuary and chapel, and are seeking ways to continue to do that as we slowly transition to in-person gatherings in the coming months. We recognize that there is no substitute for gathering as the body of Christ, but while we must physically distance, our worship continues, our service to the community continues, our education continues, and our pastoral ministry continues. Thank you for all of your encouraging feedback as we continue to be the Presbyterian Church in Morristown, a congregation that exists beyond walls, beyond pandemic, and beyond the space that separates us. May our hearts continue to be as one until we meet again.

Grace and Peace, Matt

PCM Choral Scholars Emily Gaffney, Ignacio-Angulo-Pizarro,

Amanda Agnew, and Steve Kass

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We are looking for a crew of 8-10 volunteers to rotate worship service productions as well as future live-stream events at the Church on the Green. We need: Videographers- to help record, live stream,

and operate cameras or software Audio techs- to operate/monitor sound

quality during and post-production Video Editors- to creatively and seamlessly

assemble final video product Production Assistants- to provide real-time

support to the crew Please indicate what (if any) equipment you have. Experience preferred. Consideration may be given to anyone who exhibits an under-standing of video production. You will receive: Hands-on experience Training from A/V professionals Credit for your work For consideration, please send your reel, resume, website, or social media handles to Cali at [email protected].

Crew Call




Please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767)

or visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter: PCMorristown to schedule

an appointment.


Stay Connected! Wednesday, July 8 and August 12 at 1pm Call (929) 205-6099, When prompted, enter Meeting ID: 890 0734 1586 Prayer call with Pastor Sarah Green will include a brief scripture reading, a chance for participants to share their prayer concerns and connect a bit with one another, and an extended time of prayer to lift up shared concerns. Ideal for those not online, though all are welcome.

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Patrick Allred Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry

During our online worship service on Sunday, June 28 we will celebrate our Class of 2020 High School Graduates and Confirmands. While it certainly isn’t the preferred way to celebrate their accomplishments, it will be so sweet to see our Graduates during their infant, toddler, childhood and adolescent years in the pictures that the families of our graaduates provided for the Senior Slideshow. We are highlighting our Confirma-tion Class by sharing pictures of them serving at the Youth Service Opportunities Project in New York City. The Affirmation of Faith that we speak together that morning is a reading that combines all of our confirmand’s Affirmations. The Affirmation of Faith is able to share some of the individual perspectives from our confirm-ands, but also highlights the common themes of faith that they shared this year during their Confirmation journey. Graduates and Confirmands, your church loves you and we are incredibly proud of you!

After three months of exclusively virtual events for our Youth and Young Adults at the Presby-

terian Church in Morristown, July will begin to include some outdoor, in-person meetings for

Middle School and High School students and Young Professionals in addition to our virtual

meetings. This summer will have weekly sandwich making for our Middle School and High

School students that supports Bridges in Summit, a local High School mission trip during the last

week of July that supports some of the ministries of our church, and our Middle School stu-

dents taking a week to “compete” in some mission “challenges” that they can do at home or in

their neighborhood with friends and family. Lastly, most of these events have been a collabora-

tive effort with the youth leaders at the Central Presbyterian Church in Summit, Basking Ridge

Presbyterian Church, and Restore Ministries in Elizabeth. We are excited to see how God leads

us this summer!

Some of our PCM 2020 graduates including Paige Leahy, Anna Alessio, Jacob Gulisano, Vienna Volinsky and Caleigh Lawlor. Not pictured - Benjamin Redgate

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Vacation Bible School Rocky Railway will be rolling into the parking lot of the Parish House August 17-21. We will learn how Jesus’ power helps us to do hard things, gives us hope and helps us to be bold. We have very limited openings for children in 1st—5th grade. Register now at pcmorristown.org Contact Alexandra Mead with any questions including safety precautions at [email protected]

Missing Our Acolytes!

Grace and peace to you all! In this time of virtual worship, we won’t be able to have the usual service recognizing those of our acolytes who are graduating seniors. We look forward to that wonderful time when we can again gather together for worship, and when we will be able to honor our young adults who have provided such faithful service to our church.

Meanwhile, let’s celebrate Caleigh Lawlor, Ben Redgate, and Vienna Volinsky! Each of them has served as an acolyte for the entire five years for which they were eligible and managed to do it while staying on top of their school responsibilities and sports activities. We will miss them when they go away to college in the fall (pandemic permitting), but look forward to seeing them again over the holidays, recognizing them in person, and presenting them each with a memento of their service. We miss all our acolytes! Thank you for every-thing you have done and hang in there, this too, shall pass. Although we don’t have acolytes for virtual church, all rising eighth graders and high school students are welcome to contact me at [email protected] if you would like to join the acolyte team once we are back in the Sanctuary.

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Your pain counts. Our Stephen Ministers are here to walk beside you, to share the load of whatever you are facing, and to care unconditionally. Don’t wait another day to reach out for the support and compassion you deserve. Contact Rev. Sarah Green or Stephen Leaders Lois Honigfeld ([email protected]) or Jim Wood ([email protected]).

Mental Health during COVID-19

These past months have impacted our mental health in significant ways, and the process of re-opening will only shift and change the effects, not instantly eliminate them. The PC(USA) Men-tal Health Ministries page lists just some of the people who are on the emotional front lines of COVID-19:

Health workers, first responders, caregivers and other essential workers. People who become severely ill and their loved ones. Loved ones separated during quarantine, hospitalization, and at the end of life. People most at risk of serious illness or death from COVID-19. People who lose livelihoods, lack healthcare access, risk losing homes, are food insecure. People with limited access to social connection and support. Children at home with parents unable to meet their physical and/or emotional needs. Parents juggling jobs with childcare and home-schooling. Couples whose relationships are strained by the added stress. People in recovery from addiction and/or mental illness. Pre-existing exposure to chronic stress and trauma is compounded for people of color al-

ready living with the impact of racism and who are now disproportionately dying from COVID-19 or being blamed for the virus, also for adults and children who were already lacking secure access to food, shelter, and health care before the pandemic.

If you are struggling right now, help is available. Reach out to one of the pastors or church staff. Or consider some of these resources: The Mental Health Association in New Jersey with New Jersey Hope and Healing is offering a wide array of virtual support groups for health care workers, caregivers, teachers, parents, adults, teenagers, Baby Boomers, Spanish-speakers, and many more. Find the schedule at: https://www.mhanj.org/njhope/ The Mental Health Associate of Essex and Morris has a great local referral service to help you find the mental health professional that’s right for you. Call them at (973) 334-3496. Their website lists mental health and COVID-19 resources, including information on how to support loved ones with depression or anxiety during this pandemic: https://www.mhaessexmorris.org/covid-19/

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Recent Donations

To the Commemorative Fund

In Honor of

Marilynn Harris Sarah Galo

In Memory of

Bob Harris Jean Jones

Charles Vander Pyle Lois LaVenture

DIVERSITY UNITED IN CRISIS For the past two years, the Diversity Coalition of Morris County (DCMC) has produced a summer event on the Morristown Green to celebrate the diverse cultural, religious and ethnic gifts of our neighbors. This year, faced with a worldwide pandemic due to the corona virus, we are prevent-ed from physical gatherings, but continue through use of technology and

social media to inform the public about the work that we individually and collectively do, and offer our united appeal to stand up for one another, and work together as one community. In response to increased need created by the pandemic, the DCMC joins together with the Morristown Clergy Council, Cornerstone Family Programs/Neighborhood House, Morris Area NJ Together leaders, and Wind of the Spirit to support local housing needs through the emer-gency rent relief fund njtogether.org/morris-rent, and we invite you to do the same.

Please look for our video Diversity United in Crisis set for release July 12 and our new

multicultural cookbook later this month on our website: diversitydaymc.org

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Session Notes June 2020 Wendy M. Doidge, Clerk of Session

Session received and welcomed into Membership our 2020 Confirmands:

Abby Ewing, Bridget Ewing, Colleen Ewing, Kevin Clark, Lily Crean, Ben Knesl, Brooke Leahy, Gideon Nichols, Jana Rinaldi, Luke Stebbins, and Griffin Thomas

As you read in last month’s Tower Tidings, our Safety & Security Ministry team continues to be hard at work establishing guidelines for the safest return to our buildings and the use of our outdoor spaces.

Session Actions approved on June 18, 2020: Entering into an agreement with Kraft Events (Jennifer Kraft) to serve as our exclusive event planner. However, PCM Buildings & Grounds Operations Committee must approve all requests for the use of our facilities.

Session Approved- Effective Dates TBA by Follow-up Emails: Allowing our PCM small groups to use the Parish House, following safety guidelines from our Safety & Security Committee. Allowing baptisms to be held, outdoors in the Church on the Green courtyard, following the safety guidelines from our Safety & Security Committee. Allowing Memorial Services to be held, out of doors, in our Memorial Garden, following the safety guidelines from our Safety & Security Committee. Vacation Bible School (VBS) is set to take place, out of doors (August 17-21) following protocols set by State Summer camp guidelines, limiting participation to 50 children. Mrs. Mead has additionally worked out protocols for small groups of 8 or 9 children, the sani-tizing and individual use of materials to minimize cross contact, safe games- being mindful of social distancing. The hours will also be shortened to 9:00 to 11:30 am. A video will be created and sent to families letting them know what to expect when their children attend VBS. Motion approved.

Worship services will continue to be filmed and shown on YouTube on Sunday mornings. Mem-bers will be receiving a survey that will seek information about their comfort level and timing with re-entry.

Daily emails will be modified to more of how we sent them pre-Covid; weekly email being sent out on Mondays with a devotion, Thursday would broadcast the weekend news along with an-other devotion, and Sunday’s email would be the link to the worship service.

There are no plans for indoor worship in the sanctuary at this time.

PCM 2020 Confirmands heading out to serve at the Youth Service

Opportunities Project in New York City last fall.

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Presbyterian Church Nursery School

Presbyterian Church Nursery School Director Jeanne Mueller

PCNS wrapped up this most unusual school year with a festive car parade. Each family looped through the Parish House parking lot, and students had the opportuni-ty to say farewell and receive a packet of their artwork, personal items and goodies. There were happy reunions and lots of laughter. We wish everyone a safe and fun summer!

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Ministers The Reverend Dr. David Smazik, Senior Pastor

[email protected]

The Reverend Sarah Green, Associate Pastor [email protected]

Children’s Ministries

Alexandra Mead, Director of Christian Education [email protected]

Music Ministries

Dr. Matthew Webb, Director of Music [email protected]

Ignacio Angulo-Pizarro, Children’s Music

Director,, [email protected]

Youth Ministries Patrick Allred, Youth and Young Adult Director

[email protected]

Director of Operations Dan Keoppel

[email protected]

Finance Administrator Henry Ahlers

[email protected]

Financial Secretary Nancy Alessio

[email protected]

Communications Coordinator Crystal “Cali” Woods

[email protected]

Administrative Assistants

Sarah Galo [email protected]

Julie Hess [email protected]


Kristo Pango Weeknight Custodian

Sigris Lorena Girón Sorto Weekend Custodian

Cory VillNeuve

Presbyterian Church Nursery School Jeanne Mueller, Director

[email protected] (973) 540-1114

(973) 538-1776

[email protected] www.pcmorristown.org

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Summer Dates to Remember 7/2 MS Sandwich Making 7/3 Caregiver Support Group 7/6 Book Group – White Fragility

7/7 Book Group – White Fragility, Book Group – White Fragility, Young Professionals Group 7/8 MS Youth Group 7/9 HS Sandwich Making, Stephen Ministry, Diversity Day Committee 7/10 Caregiver Support Group 7/12 Diversity Day meeting, HS Mission Prep 7/13 Book Group – White Fragility 7/14 Book Group – White Fragility, Book Group – White Fragility 7/16 MS Sandwich Making, Session 7/17 Caregiver Support Group 7/19 HS Mission Prep 7/20 Buildings and Grounds Operations, Book Group – White Fragility, NS Advisory Board 7/21 Book Group – White Fragility, Book Group – White Fragility, Young Professionals Group 7/22 MS Youth Group 7/23 Red Cross Blood Drive, HS Sandwich Making, Stephen Ministry 7/24 Caregiver Support Group 7/26 HS Mission Prep 7/27-7/30 HS Mission Trip 7/27 Book Group – White Fragility 7/28 Book Group – White Fragility, Book Group – White Fragility 7/30 MS Sandwich Making 7/31 Caregiver Support Group 8/1-8/31 Table of Hope Food and Supply Drive 8/4 Young Professionals Group 8/5 MS Youth Group 8/6 MS Sandwich Making 8/7 Caregiver Support Group 8/13 HS Sandwich Making, Stephen Ministry 8/14 Caregiver Support Group 8/17-8/21 VBS 8/17 Buildings and Grounds Operations, 7:30 pm NS Advisory Board 8/21 Caregiver Support Group 8/27 Stephen Ministry 8/28 Caregiver Support Group

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July 5 Worship Online

July 12 Worship Online

July 19 Worship Online

July 26 Worship Online

August 2 Worship Online

August 9 Worship Online

August 16 Worship Online

August 23 Worship Online

August 30 Worship Online

65 South Street Morristown, NJ 07960

Please let the church office know if your address or membership status has changed

Fresh Traditional® Worship

Sunday Mornings