THE PRECARIOUS. PApENCE OF PAPA-wears thin as J\lrs. Yoder's inceuant cesslplaC' conUnUes Jn tonlcht's product.Jon or "Papa h AU."· Left lo are Sonja Smith, Sue Warrick, and Peter Ford. ..... Kansas, March 8, 1963 No. 21 Coming .•• Friday, Murch s lbroagh sun- Stage Band lo Perform day, March 10 - -Regional Youth Tomorroao Night in. SU Confettnee: Scbolarablp Teall. I · Fric!Jly, March 8 and Salorday, McPhers<>n College Stage Band March '- "Papa Is All," Brown will perform tomorrow evening Andilorlum, ·8 p.m. al 9: 30 In lhe Student Union base. ment for lhe Regional Youth Con· Wednesday, Mardi U-State forence. Peace Spttch Cont.st, B ro w n All students are ln\'ik!d to at- Audilorium. 1 p.m. lend the program which will lea- • Friday, March IS - Centenary ,...... .turo numbers from the Stage Choir, .Bro•11 Auditorium, 8 p.m. Bond side of a record to be re- In Chapel Next Week · Taesday - A play, "The Sand· Pll•,' God and Prayer,' " will be PttSented by vol1D1tttra under Ille dlreeUon or Mlsa Mary Ano Rcl>- lnson, dean of women. and CecU Haycock, minister of educaUon al Ille church of the Brethrco. Friday - W-.i Hubbard, will sho,.. .. UdH !rom Rossla. leased later this month. Both Stage Band and Conrerl Band ore featured on this record. Seniors to l\fukc Plans For Cap, Gown Rental Youth Swarm To. Conference Acllvllles are in full swing for the high "school and college stu. denls Involved in Regional Youth Conference now be I a g held. Theme of lhe conference lhls year is " He Who Loses His Life for My S4ke •.. " GLteat leader for thl1 yrar'1 eonfercnee ls the Rev. Tom Wil- son, Cblc"JO, ru. 'lbe Rev. W1llOa allended both -..., Blllllcal Seminar)- _ and Clllcago 'Il>eolosl- cal Seminary Ill Clllcago. He Is curreatly one of the lour pastors at the First Church of lhe Brethren In Chicago. "To Fill the Empllneu" ls the Iheme of the speech coelest be- 111( bold lllls ·tbe chareb. Wllmen will be aJlllOaDC. ed al the buqael lllPl- At 3 p.m. on Fridlly "Invest Your Summer" will be lhe main topic ior a discussion which will include plons for lhe Trnll Hike this summer. "Mocollege Presents," a con: cert by lhe A Cappella Oiolr and other talent numbers will be pre-· scnted at 4 p.m. ·Will Dramatize Is All' in Brown Seniors may go . to the Alumni Office in Mohler Hall to be meas- ured' !or commcnccmcnt caps and gowns. 'Ibe rental Ice Is $3 which must be paid at the time or mcnsurcment. ll is necessary. 1!10t mcasure- menls be taken by Saturday, March 9. Art Students To See Works Of Van Gogh In Brown Auditorium at 8 p.m., lhe •piny, "Papa is All" will be presented for the conferees. · A 'tour of the eollece will be offered lo the eonferees al 4 p.m. OD SatanlQ>. Eada deparimeel of lhe eolkfe will be optt. Coa· ler<H may Ihm •1111 Ille doput. menl of their al wblch time the proleuon of lbal de- partment wlR meet with them. :·Pnpn Is All," a comedy in three acts, will· be presented by the McPhers<>n College Players in llrown .Auditorium tonight and to- morrow .night at.8, Tho by · Gre•ne, ls about a Menoonlle family, lhe Aulcamp1. Papa ls . a burly, lyranoJcaJ, evil fail.er •ilo In the ume .;, ttUcloo IUPPIUS· H lbc simplest pleuorca aad rtt· re•llons of his famlb". Papa Aukamp is played by Pel.- er iwiior from Rochester, Minn. Mama Aukamp, both senile and Councils Will Sponsor St. "Pat's · rarty !\larch 16 A cqme-as-you-nre SI. Pars Party is plonned Jointly by Jhe MacoUege Men's and Wo- mcn·s Councils. The party "111 be held Saturday; l\larch 16. 8:30 lo 11 ,30 p.m. in the Student Union l.wscmenl. sturdy, is meek, nol from fcnr or Papa, but from deeply rooted re- ligious conviclions. Sue Warrick. senior from Limon, Colo., plays the part ot Mama. The dlnlglller and IOD, Emma and Jak•, "worldly:" lh•I° ii. they are not yet Menaonlt.e. DeU Ana Larsen, freshman from MePbenon, ls Emnu1, and John Harriaon. Junior from Be.loll, Is Jake. Sonja Smith, a special student from McPherson. Plays lhe part or Mrs. Yoder. a busy-body neigh· bor who leis Mrs.· Aukamp know all of the lalcsl gossip. 1 Tho PcDftlylvaola Slate P6ilee- inao, Brendle, Is played by Ed· win Mohler, senior lrom MePber· IOD. ) The construction or the sci was directed by Michael Begolc, sen· ·or ! from McPherson. and Jnmes junior from Edwnrdsvll· · le, · 111. They \<'ere assisted by members or the Ad\ •anecd Piny Production class. - Bcgole, stage mu•t· er for lhc production, Is uslsled by Donna McBride. sophomore from f'redericksburg, Iowa. Properties. crew is headed by Will Be Thursday For Exit' BJ _Sartre • 'fryoul.S for "No Exit," a onc- act pfoy by ' Jean-Paul S4rt re. will be hl!ld Thursday. Maren 14, . 7 p.m. 1 in room m ol Mohler Hall. John Harrison. Junior from llcloil. is directing this pln.y Part.a are open for two wu.:Oe it and two men: Estelle Rl.Jc.ault, a Promlscuous.seasuall st: Inez Ser· c.ono. a proudly evil, cruel Les- bilui: ' tk Valet, a disheartening, • ·lseacre, bellbop: and Joseph Garcia, a sdf-desplslnt coward ... ell.It. announcctl. Sonja Smith Is direellng this play wtil<h also has pam for two women and hro men: a bus. b:lnd and wil•, a payebl•lrisl, and a mald. This play by Marijone and Joeph Hayes will be gi\1' h l9r the McPherson County Wo cn"ft'Fed· eraled Clubs. · · .Also lhls \\ " ttk ,, · the me.mbc.:.S o( Ille Adno.W Play Produelloo claSs will betfo work on scones which they will OD April I lo the Women'• Federated Clubl: ' 'f'lo Exit" will be given in Members of this class arc Son- chypel, Fridlly April 26. ja Smith, John Hor· Tryouts for "A Womon·s Priv- ri S. m, Beloit: Peter Ford, Rochcs- ilcgc." • oi>e-act, will be held ter, Minn.; and Michael Begolc, Uds coming week, the dole to be ._: -i' E lois Nelson. senior from Irunan: she ;s assisted by Connie Andes, junior lrom Mound City, Mo. Ari wock for the pli17 Jiu been done by Oeuls Emmori. Mplo. omore from Add, Iowa, Ulisttd by Judy Atwater, freahmao from Larned, and Vance IJexander, sophomore from Geaeoeo. James Wca,•cr will be assisted on lhc light and sound crew by Dennis Emmert and O.avid Pel· crs. freshman from Des Moines, Iowa. ' Tickets for "Papa Is All" will be 50 cent for students ond one dollar for ndulls. lllacollegc SIU• dents will be admilled on their ?di\lity tickets. Three Students To Visit Mexico Three McPherson College stu. dents ha, •e been acccptc/t lo al· tend a trn\ 1 CI seminar in Mexico during lhe Easler vacation. The three - Carolyn Lehman, sophomore lrom McPhcrs<>n: Ed Mohler, senior from McPhers<Jn, and Jeanelle Weddle. sophomore from Bloom-will be in a group which will study "Christion Per- spccti\-es on lnlcr-Amerienn Ten· sions." 1be will_ curr ent problems .and situations in\"olv- ing the Americas. Along with the seminars. ihcy will make cxcurs· ions lo religious and cullural cen- ters, arts and crnrts center s. ond villages in the vicinity of Mexico City. Newton Law)re1· To Here . R. F. llrd 0 llcka. al nalh"e of Czechoslo\·okia '\·ho -now Jives in Newton. '"11 speak al lhe Mc- , Phers<>n Ch ,!lrl:h of the Brethren, ·March 18, for lhe McPberson br a nch of. the American Associ- a tion of University Women., All Macollcae students are In· \•iled to heor his tnlk. "\Yhnl ll Mcans to Be l\ D American ... All students cnrolled...Jll. art courses will be !raveling lo Kan- sas City to view the paintings and drawings of tho Dutch paint· er, Von Gogh, being exhibited prescnlly at lhe Nelson Gallery. The exhibition. which will be shown only in two other cities in lhe Uoiled Stales, Is n collection of his finest works gathered from European and American galler- ies. . Opportunity for all sludents lo allcnd the exhibition on either S41urdny. March 23. or Sunday, lllurch 24. eon be made, provided al least thirty-nine students or 0 faculty members notify Mn;. Dar- lene Blickenstaff, Instructor in nrt. before Monday, March II . Transportation fee will be $3.50 per person round trip and must be paid lo Mrs. Bllckcnstalr be- fore Friday, March IS. Other expenses will include a fifty cent fee. !stude nt rate! lo visit the gallery plus approximate- ly one dollar for lhe evening meal. The bus will lca\'C at 9 a.m. and will return aboul 10:30 p.m. Chapel Features Dramatization 'The -Sandbox'· HighllghUng the conference ac- Uvilles will be a banquet at 7: 30 p.m. Saturday, in the Student Union. Or. Raymond Flory. pro- leuor of political science and his- tory will speak oa "Where do We go from Here?" Also Included In the PfOITam will be a-. by the Tnanpel Quai1cl and Ladles read· inf and a comedy paa'Cl.nime. Following lhe banquet, Ibo Stage Band will present a concert at 9:30 p.m In lhe Student Union. <;ollege Announces Plans .. For '63 Summer Sessions A 1 £!1lativc &ehcdule 1963 qumce. II II beal, wllife ,..a, workshops and Courses lo ei.roii for Ibo ..... , Ramllllt nt Mncollcge has been announced. al 1 the ilme of Ille ar1Pla1 Sessfons will begin on Monday, mer 111 June 3. '.All a.._ ani . achedule Sludenls will be permllled to gin at 8 a.m. eacb ilq. take only one course al a time. and plaao 1eNom will lie ., ..._ This llUDIDer, llfte ..__ able by will be olfettd. T•aebblc lbe Re- Lion with IDllnlciliils tarted Pupll will be olfered from should be made pi19r lo ... Ju.ne 3 lo Jane 10. Modern Math· menl / · •· emalk:I will '!" glvca 'J""' J1D1e Studenll .dOlirlpg lo 10 lo June 17. Slarthlt Jnoe 3 SU111J11er IChool credit ot cibeliii and en41at Jane 17, ""'-- transcripll of 1'0ri< takm duri!li EdueatloD Worbbop will be a( . these DOllfy .... !•red. Registrar of this at earollmliit Drivers Education lnslructor's time. coliric w lJlrun - m.m :rune ' 3 ro - All '"l: aadidates __ _ ...... , .... _ July e and Gener.al College-Chem· at ·Ille eoaetllllllll ot Ille .... Next Tuesday's ch111>el will e-0n- islry from June 10 lo July 8. sealoo mus& Dlllll)o Ille ....... sist or a onc-acl play entitled Two courses, The Short Story of lb- ·1n1em11om a4 : llllib Iii " The sandbox. God and Prayer: · · and Rocroational Leadership, will pn>per lllTllll(emeell 1'°"W !It The play is a symbol of people be bffcrcd from June 17 lo JutY 8. otbenrlae, . .... who hesitate lo plunge into Chris- Four eoanes, Cea· not be ob&aboed 1111111 J- , tlanity. It also takes up problems lory f'unpe, ·Geotoo, · Cldblnl which confront young people to- Anlhropoloa._and lllslor7 of Ed- dny. , ueaUon will be liv"I from Jui¥ ,. 1 • Cast members n1'c : the minis- 8 lo 29. FIJ:lt Aid will be Firat fVin.e Week• Eria ' lcr, Cecil · Haycock, director bC ofl•red lrGll;l. Jnly 8' 1o fl .Jul1 zz. On Fridfiy; March :!9 Otrislian education al lhe Me- Four · other co.urses -arc Jchcd· · , '.!be cloaes Pherson· Churc;!l of the Brelh[en; uled juty 29 to · Au:uit 16. day, Maid> !9 . The ,.as addeY- mother, Chris. Cole. freShman lneluded are · tJieinelilry Ecooom· e<l .durinc Jheee rint 'ainip weiilll from "Bluc(ield, W. Va.: father, ics, Music History and do not become partof the p... • Wendell Lauver. senior from Mc- htion, Ulc and Teachings of Jesus, 1 ' Phers<>n: Richard. Ken • nnd of"J:>olitic;al ·lii>ougbl. Gr...ie. available" junior from . Orrville. Ohio; Beth, J ! MJ are fU\per 1emear •, 8 (Udj,nts •before lhe , end oe die Nancy Ho\'1s. so11homore frdm ter "°!"· Eilrolbnent will la k o neicl weelt , . : Woynesboro, Pa.; nnd Tom. On· place durlntr Ille flrll bour al the . . .. vid Anders, jwtlor, McPherson. .begloniag of each course se-

To. Conference-· Acllvllles arearchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v47-21r.pdf · Of Van Gogh In Brown Auditorium at 8 p.m., lhe •piny, "Papa is All" will be presented

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Page 1: To. Conference-· Acllvllles arearchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v47-21r.pdf · Of Van Gogh In Brown Auditorium at 8 p.m., lhe •piny, "Papa is All" will be presented

THE PRECARIOUS. PApENCE OF PAPA-wears thin as J\lrs. Yoder's inceuant cesslplaC' conUnUes Jn tonlcht's product.Jon or "Papa h AU."· Left lo ~bl are Sonja Smith, Sue Warrick, and Peter Ford.


Kansas, March 8, 1963 No. 21

Coming .•• Friday, Murch s lbroagh sun- Stage Band lo Perform

day, March 10 - -Regional Youth Tomorroao Night in. SU Confettnee: Scbolarablp Teall. I ·

Fric!Jly, March 8 and Salorday, McPhers<>n College Stage Band March '-"Papa Is All," Brown will perform tomorrow evening Andilorlum, ·8 p.m. al 9:30 In lhe Student Union base.

ment for lhe Regional Youth Con· Wednesday, Mardi U-State forence.

Peace Spttch Cont.st, B ro w n All students are ln\'ik!d to at-Audilorium. 1 p.m. lend the program which will lea-

• Friday, March IS - Centenary ,.......turo numbers from the Stage Choir, .Bro•11 Auditorium, 8 p.m. Bond side of a record to be re-

In Chapel Next Week · Taesday - A play, "The Sand·

Pll•,' God and Prayer,' " will be PttSented by vol1D1tttra under Ille dlreeUon or Mlsa Mary Ano Rcl>­lnson, dean of women. and CecU Haycock, minister of educaUon al Ille church of the Brethrco.

Friday - W-.i Hubbard, will sho,.. .. UdH !rom Rossla.

leased later this month. Both Stage Band and Conrerl

Band ore featured on this record.

Seniors to l\fukc Plans For Cap, Gown Rental

Youth Swarm To. Conference-·

Acllvllles are in full swing for the high "school and college stu. denls Involved in Regional Youth Conference now be I a g held. Theme of lhe conference lhls year is " He Who Loses His Life for My S4ke •.. "

GLteat leader for thl1 yrar'1 eonfercnee ls the Rev. Tom Wil­son, Cblc"JO, ru. 'lbe Rev. W1llOa allended both -..., Blllllcal Seminar)-_ and Clllcago 'Il>eolosl­cal Seminary Ill Clllcago.

He Is curreatly one of the lour pastors at the First Church of lhe Brethren In Chicago.

"To Fill the Empllneu" ls the Iheme of the speech coelest be-111( bold lllls ~la ·tbe chareb. Wllmen will be aJlllOaDC.

ed al the buqael Sa~ lllPl-At 3 p.m. on Fridlly "Invest

Your Summer" will be lhe main topic ior a discussion which will include plons for lhe Trnll Hike this summer.

"Mocollege Presents," a con: cert by lhe A Cappella Oiolr and other talent numbers will be pre-· scnted at 4 p.m.

PI~y~rs ·Will Dramatize ~Papa Is All' in Brown

Seniors may go . to the Alumni Office in Mohler Hall to be meas­ured' !or commcnccmcnt caps and gowns. 'Ibe rental Ice Is $3 which must be paid at the time or mcnsurcment. ll is necessary. 1!10t mcasure­

menls be taken by Saturday, March 9.

Art Students To See Works Of Van Gogh

In Brown Auditorium at 8 p.m., lhe •piny, "Papa is All" will be presented for the conferees. ·

A 'tour of the eollece will be offered lo the eonferees al 4 p.m. OD SatanlQ>. Eada deparimeel of lhe eolkfe will be optt. Coa· ler<H may Ihm •1111 Ille doput. menl of their d>o~. al wblch time the proleuon of lbal de­partment wlR meet with them. :·Pnpn Is All," a comedy in

three acts, will· be presented by the McPhers<>n College Players in llrown .Auditorium tonight and to­

morrow .night at.8,

Tho ~. by · Palle~

Gre•ne, ls about a Menoonlle family, lhe Aulcamp1. Papa ls. a

burly, lyranoJcaJ, evil fail.er •ilo

In the ume .;, ttUcloo IUPPIUS· H lbc simplest pleuorca aad rtt·

re•llons of his famlb".

Papa Aukamp is played by Pel.­er ~·ord, iwiior from Rochester, Minn.

Mama Aukamp, both senile and

Councils Will Sponsor St. "Pat's ·rarty !\larch 16

A cqme-as-you-nre SI. Pars Party is ~ing plonned Jointly by Jhe MacoUege Men's and Wo­mcn·s Councils. The party "111 be held Saturday; l\larch 16. 8:30 lo 11 ,30 p.m. in the Student Union l.wscmenl.

sturdy, is meek, nol from fcnr or Papa, but from deeply rooted re­ligious conviclions. Sue Warrick. senior from Limon, Colo., plays the part ot Mama.

The dlnlglller and IOD, Emma and Jak•, re~ "worldly:" lh•I° ii. they are not yet Menaonlt.e. DeU Ana Larsen, freshman from MePbenon, ls Emnu1, and John Harriaon. Junior from Be.loll, Is Jake.

Sonja Smith, a special student from McPherson. Plays lhe part or Mrs. Yoder. a busy-body neigh· bor who leis Mrs.· Aukamp know all of the lalcsl gossip. 1

Tho PcDftlylvaola Slate P6ilee­inao, Brendle, Is played by Ed· win Mohler, senior lrom MePber· IOD. )

The construction or the sci was directed by Michael Begolc, sen· ·or! from McPherson. and Jnmes ~en.\1cr, junior from Edwnrdsvll·

· le, · 111 . They \<'ere assisted by members or the Ad\•anecd Piny Production class. - ~llcha•I Bcgole, stage mu•t· er for lhc production, Is uslsled by Donna McBride. sophomore from f' redericksburg, Iowa.

Properties . crew is headed by

Tryout~. Will Be Thursday For ~No Exit' BJ _Sartre • 'fryoul.S for "No Exit," a onc­act pfoy by ' Jean-Paul S4rtre. will be hl!ld Thursday. Maren 14,

. 7 p.m.1 in room m ol Mohler Hall. John Harrison. Junior from llcloil. is directing this pln.y

Part.a are open for two wu.:Oeit and two men: Estelle Rl.Jc.ault, a Promlscuous.seasuallst: Inez Ser· c.ono. a proudly evil, cruel Les­bilui: ' tk Valet, a disheartening, • ·lseacre, bellbop: and Joseph Garcia, a sdf-desplslnt neorou~. coward ... ell.It.

announcctl. Sonja Smith Is direellng this

play wtil<h also has pam for two women and hro men: a bus. b:lnd and wil•, a payebl•lrisl, and a mald. •

This play by Marijone and Jos· eph Hayes will be gi\1' h l9r the McPherson County Wo cn"ft'Fed· eraled Clubs. · ·

.Also lhls \\"ttk,, · the me.mbc.:.S o( Ille Adno.W Play Produelloo claSs will betfo work on scones which they will p~ol OD April I lo the Women'• Federated Clubl:

' 'f'lo Exit" will be given in Members of this class arc Son-chypel, Fridlly April 26. ja Smith, McPherson~ John Hor·

Tryouts for "A Womon·s Priv- riS.m, Beloit: Peter Ford, Rochcs­ilcgc." • oi>e-act, will be held ter, Minn.; and Michael Begolc, Uds coming week, the dole to be._: ~!cPherson.


Elois Nelson. senior from Irunan: she ;s assisted by Connie Andes, junior lrom Mound City, Mo.

Ari wock for the pli17 Jiu been done by Oeuls Emmori. Mplo. omore from Add, Iowa, Ulisttd by Judy Atwater, freahmao from Larned, and Vance IJexander, sophomore from Geaeoeo.

James Wca,•cr will be assisted on lhc light and sound crew by Dennis Emmert and O.avid Pel· crs. freshman from Des Moines, Iowa. '

Tickets for "Papa Is All" will be 50 cent for students ond one dollar for ndulls. lllacollegc SIU•

dents will be admilled on their ?di\lity tickets.

Three Students To Visit Mexico

Three McPherson College stu. dents ha,•e been acccptc/t lo al· tend a trn\1CI seminar in Mexico during lhe Easler vacation.

The three - Carolyn Lehman, sophomore lrom McPhcrs<>n: Ed Mohler, senior from McPhers<Jn, and Jeanelle Weddle. sophomore from Bloom-will be in a group which will study "Christion Per­spccti\-es on lnlcr-Amerienn Ten· sions."

1be GfOU~ will_ study~ current problems .and situations in\"olv­ing the Americas. Along with the seminars. ihcy will make cxcurs· ions lo religious and cullural cen­ters, arts and crnrts centers. ond villages in the vicinity of Mexico City. •

Newton Law)re1· To ~pe'ak Here.

R. F. llrd0

llcka. al nalh"e of Czechoslo\·okia '\·ho -now Jives in Newton. '"11 speak al lhe Mc­

,Phers<>n Ch,!lrl:h of the Brethren, ·March 18, for lhe McPberson bra nch of. the American Associ­a tion of University Women. ,

All Macollcae students are In· \ •iled to heor his tnlk. "\Yhnl ll Mcans to Be l\D American ...

All students cnrolled...Jll. art courses will be !raveling lo Kan­sas City to view the paintings and drawings of tho Dutch paint· er, Von Gogh, being exhibited prescnlly at lhe Nelson Gallery.

The exhibition. which will be shown only in two other cities in lhe Uoiled Stales, Is n collection of his finest works gathered from European and American galler-ies. .

Opportunity for all sludents lo allcnd the exhibition on either S41urdny. March 23. or Sunday, lllurch 24. eon be made, provided al least thirty-nine students or


faculty members notify Mn;. Dar­lene Blickenstaff, Instructor in nrt. before Monday, March II.

Transportation fee will be $3.50 per person round trip and must be paid lo Mrs. Bllckcnstalr be­fore Friday, March IS.

Other expenses will include a fifty cent fee. !student rate! lo visit the gallery plus approximate­ly one dollar for lhe evening meal.

The bus will lca\'C at 9 a.m. and will return aboul 10:30 p.m.

Chapel Features Dramatization 0£ 'The-Sandbox'·

HighllghUng the conference ac­Uvilles will be a banquet at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, in the Student Union. Or. Raymond Flory. pro­leuor of political science and his­tory will speak oa "Where do We go from Here?"

Also Included In the PfOITam will be a-. by the Tnanpel Quai1cl and Ladles ~. • read· inf and a comedy paa'Cl.nime.

Following lhe banquet, Ibo Stage Band will present a concert at 9:30 p.m In lhe Student Union.

<;ollege Announces Plans .. For '63 Summer Sessions

A 1£!1lativc &ehcdule f~r 1963 qumce. II II beal, wllife ,..a, summc~ workshops and Courses lo ei.roii for Ibo ....., Ramllllt nt Mncollcge has been announced. al 1the ilme of Ille ar1Pla1 -~ Sessfons will begin on Monday, mer ~I. 111 June 3. '.All a.._ ani. achedule to~

Sludenls will be permllled to gin at 8 a.m. eacb ilq. ~ take only one course a l a time. and plaao 1eNom will lie.,..._

This llUDIDer, llfte ..__ able by a~ ~ will be olfettd. T•aebblc lbe Re- Lion with Inell~ IDllnlciliils tarted Pupll will be olfered from should be made pi19r lo ... Ju.ne 3 lo Jane 10. Modern Math· menl / · •· emalk:I will '!" glvca 'J""' J1D1e Studenll .dOlirlpg lo ·~ • 10 lo June 17. Slarthlt Jnoe 3 SU111J11er IChool credit ot cibeliii and en41at Jane 17, ""'-- transcripll of 1'0ri< takm duri!li EdueatloD Worbbop will be a(. these -.l~ahould DOllfy .... !•red. Registrar of this at earollmliit

Drivers Education lnslructor's time. coliric wlJlrun- m.m :rune' 3 ro- All '"l:aadidates ___ ......,.... _ July e and Gener.al College-Chem· at ·Ille eoaetllllllll ot Ille ....

Next Tuesday's ch111>el will e-0n- islry from June 10 lo July 8. sealoo mus& Dlllll)o Ille ....... sist or a onc-acl play entitled Two courses, The Short Story of lb- ·1n1em11om a4 :llllib Iii " The sandbox. God and Prayer: · · and Rocroational Leadership, will pn>per lllTllll(emeell 1'°"W !It

The play is a symbol of people be bffcrcd from June 17 lo JutY 8. ~L otbenrlae, ~ ..... who hesitate lo plunge into Chris- Four eoanes, ~ Cea· not be ob&aboed 1111111 J-, ~ tlanity. It also takes up problems lory f'unpe, ·Geotoo, · Cldblnl which confront young people to- Anlhropoloa._and lllslor7 of Ed-dny. , ueaUon will be liv"I from Jui¥ ,. 1 • Cast members n1'c : the minis- 8 lo ~uly 29. FIJ:lt Aid will be Firat •fVin.e Week• Eria ' lcr, Cecil· Haycock, director bC ofl•red lrGll;l. Jnly 8'1ofl.Jul1 zz. On Fridfiy; March :!9 Otrislian education al lhe Me- Four ·other co.urses -arc Jchcd· · , '.!be ~ cloaes cm .~ Pherson· Churc;!l of the Brelh[en; uled r~· juty• 29 to · Au:uit 16. day, Maid> !9. The ,.as addeY-mother, Chris. Cole. freShman lneluded are· tJieinelilry Ecooom· •e<l .durinc Jheee rint 'ainip weiilll from "Bluc(ield, W. Va.: father, ics, Music History and A~precl- do not become partof the p...

• Wendell Lauver. senior from Mc- htion, Ulc and Teachings of Jesus, ~ 1 ~~ ' • Phers<>n: Richard. Ken ~m.ucker, • nnd Hl~ory of"J:>olitic;al ·lii>ougbl. Gr...ie. ~~not'be available"

junior from . Orrville. Ohio; Beth, J Tull~ !MJ are fU\per 1emear •, 8(Udj,nts •before lhe , end oe die Nancy Ho\'1s. so11homore frdm ter "°!"· Eilrolbnent will la k o neicl weelt • , . : Woynesboro, Pa.; nnd Tom. On· place durlntr Ille flrll bour al the • . . .. vid Anders, jwtlor, McPherson. .begloniag of each course se-

Page 2: To. Conference-· Acllvllles arearchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v47-21r.pdf · Of Van Gogh In Brown Auditorium at 8 p.m., lhe •piny, "Papa is All" will be presented

Spectator, Page 2 ~arch 8, 1963

MacOUege Government Lacks Oriental OfferS_ View

Represent Students _Of,~~y 1:,~'!.,.~~~~~-~~ .. Initiative to America'• firat land-grant college va ulted into the ns Student Council r epl'esentat ives, and greatly en- At Ille southeast corner or Aslo. on o!liciol looguogc.

headlines Inst spring whe n It was announced that the h1111ccg the pogsibility of electing students who lll'C. · lies 0 blfss(uf peninsula- so Flori· Al a naUon at lls lnron<i" the

:Board ,of Regents of tl)at· institlition hnd voted to dis-. genu i'nely intel'ested in stude nt govel'nment. da·l.ikc tho! we rrequenlly com· !l'Al•Yaa culture Is crowing slo•·· _ pare Palm Bench lo the sort gol· ly lltrougb .l!Sslq\l .. llon or cultures

•• coQ,tin.~e .the compulsory Re,s,en •e Officer Training I dd' • . 'II I h · den sand olong the sunny beaches from th• ~··•···•· Ch'··~· •nd n a •lion, 11 wa , op e, promote a greater diver- ..._, """"' •

Cor;pa pr.ogram on n three year trial basis. of our Mllfny Peninsula. llldlans, altllo~ British culluraJ gence· of opinion a m ong Council m emb ers a nd give the This u~ alrtp of laJld, ao largu I a 11 u ea c e ii not aa unlm. ·

, What the ·headline• fa"iled to acknowledge was

that thq dri\}jn,g force bc)lind this decis ion was·not the ~owaStnte'tacu1ty, administration, or Bonrd of Regents, 1i11l an a lert, ·aggressive, ·young man named Dick

• <f~~ backed l>y one of the stropgest s tudent govern-

.men~ ·in t he Midwest. . • ·

. Shortly after .the election, Gimer and t he olhe r • member-s of t he stud.ent senate rolled up .their shirt:

sliiev~s ai:id began fjghtiug for the e limination of t he .B~~C pr<!gr\lm against ,fotmid·abl1t oppos iton. They submitted .their proposition to officials in W ashington. 'D. C., "to the faculty at Iowa State, . and personally

~ argued their case to a s uccessful conclusion before the

Boa rd of Regents: ·

tt ~to me-that w e at McPhel'son College could take a ser,ious· look at what happened a t Jowu Stale,

· a nd resolve to ma,ke our student government t he active ,'

<l!ivl.ng, viab)e organization that .it ought -to be- a ~up which is more t han n committee on m iscellaneous

. affairs, but one which is capable of fu lfill ing t he needs

off-campus group of studenL~ a greater · .;oice in t he tllaa England wllbout Wales, b.. porlaat factor tn !be evolution 01

Studen t Council. • population or sevoa million. u th• Mala)'an ,culture.

' Another idea which has more merit than I or igin-

nlly asslgned it, is t hat of publis hing a statement of

policies and goals by each pres idential h opeful.

Perhaps it would be advantageous to· ask each cnndidatJ for such n platform, k eeping in mind t hnt

the' c haracter and ability of t he candidate is usunily

'more incUcatil'o oi t h l! prog1·a m which \Viii be achieved t hnn t e platform itse)i. · ·

But organizational reform is not enqugh . . Unless

that Council is g.ranted som e real authority, qualified individuals will not wa&te t heir time seeking an office so they can nod t heir h ead s for 1111 hour ever y Vvednes-

duy ni1ht. ·

It's time to e liminate the vngue generalities of

The Growl, and d ecide just what the fun tion of this gl'oup is· an~ what specific powel' it po~esses .

Amc~lca ii known as the melUnJ Despite its lroplcal climotc, the pot of the West, MalllJ'a 11 un- humid atmosphere guided by the doub~Jy the meJUag pot or the Monsoon lrom the Indian Ocenn East. . ond the South Chino Seo moin­

~ts populntlon Is _comprised lllins the tem_pcral~re range ti,e. choeffy. of Mnlays. Chinese. and tween 65 and 90 degrees. Indians. Tbe' seuon •U~rnates betwttn

After 170 yelln of British rule, bol an~ cool. JI ii no surpris. ll attained full nationhood In 1957. therefore, that many early im: As th~ go\'crnment was handed mJpaats came from China nnd over through pcace(ul negolla· , India. llon, stronc Imprints or El!lllilh Singapore, "Pearl or !he Or· cbar.lclerislla dominate the whole ient." is the second farge.<t free naUonal outlook: It Is a mon· port in Ilic British Common..-calth arcb7. and by rights, ll lnberlled fl!!cause of its villi.I gcograJ'hicai the B'rilish·tttylcd parUamdtary position. it is Ule gateway. 00.

system. tween the Fnr E.nst Lind the :.tid­Thc economy or the notion de· die Easl.

df· ~he studeri!. body.

·It ia difflcull to aacertain whether our Student '­

Council is weak due to its organizational structure or ·llec'auee of the ·'limitation of its pow~r. It is pro.bably

Can it decide ho;w to utilize t he S t ude nt Union or

is t his powel' reserved for the Stud ent Union Boal'd ? hould it b e rep~esented in the planning of new cam pus

buil~ings so t hat provisions for n student s nack bal' or wnlk:in bookstore aren't "uccidently" over looked?

pends ~!most wholly on agricuf. Essentially. Malnya Is pro-Wcs­ture and nnturnl resources. lk· tern although its nntional charact· ing a major produce.r of natural eristics are chiefly Eastern. Be. rubber nnd lfn ore in the world. ing in such a position. it is po­

lite Malayan economy is thus tentially a go-between In the fur. stabilized. thcrance of mull.ml underslar?~

Now we ~nJoy the highest s t...ind· ins between Eosl and \\'.?st. ard of .. Jh"lng- ln southeast Asia. .Recently, tnrge foreign capital, especiallY Amt ricnn invtstmtnt. bas bttn. pou;lng ln ste;adUy to ht-Ip acctle.nale. lndustrializ.aUon . •

' College, Plans Bum111et a combi1111tion of both. -h.

I feel the Student Coun~ took a big tep in t he light direction last week by establishing n committee to change the.electorinl pr ocedure of that organization.

· • The committee'• pro_pose,d revis ion requires 't hat C<Veiy candidate for t he Rtude.n t CQuncil must petition

and cnr;i actively campni~n for the position. Jn addit ion

td the class . representatiyes, eig ht m e mbers will be

.c~osen at large on a plurality basis.

Here ia a plan that makes sense. It e liminates t he

"blgh-scho,ol" system of voting cu~rent!y in use, i.e .. )i\!f~cting the Jdng and Queen from every cla~~ to ~ervc

:Student Council Considers . '

Possible Election Changes By Rocer~.;.I

Mnin item of bu;in~ at the rdular student Cowtcil ml'(!ting Fe!i: :IS concerned ,a po~lble <)>inac In the Student Council OISbstltuUoo regarding .elcc­tloii of Student Council members. i'tliett II '°°")eelinf that thore ~ be ,feater competition for

I CoWlc!t posllljH&8 1j1 thot <;4w1e11 'wt11 act with Its fulie1t

WtlH. · president has selected n

ee to. mttl and bring n ndollon to the next meet·

nny changes that should

~=made. This could mean some gel ' In the procedure or the

• Ing elections. · '?be mallU al 111• Student Coua·

ell s<IUng up o used f!ook snlcs se.n/:e was · d ropped because or the ... m1n, lnod<quoey or the preseul syslem and becaUS<> or the compltXJty of stUing it up

ond m,klog\'t '"°"'-Student Council rcccfrcd a let.

tcr from ~ radio station in Wich­ita concerning n beaut)' contest. Since the nmtter wns presented to the student body last year and no resPortse wn.s shown. it was decided to drop the maucr this year.

Student Council would lik to remind the student body tlrnt S;_mdny noon Is still a drcss.-u1> meal a s spooificd in the Growl. Student cooperation woukl be ap· preciated in this matter.

. T'H-E S~Et: T-A T o ·R - · ~ OfflOlol student publlcollon ol McPherso~ College, McPherson. Katlaa•, publlshed by the Student Council weekly (30 issucsl durlnn }t~:r:1n7~!~sC:sC:pt during coUege recesses •. nt 1600 E. Euclid:

Second class postaae paid nt' McPherson, Kansas Campus office-Student Union basement 1

~:~~~~~~p~o~i~.Au.s:;:···· · - -· --···-···-·-· :-····32.so FuD .. *11;' students subscrtpuoD., ar; ~~i~d~.i~ -t~itf~~~-- ·-- · !l~:-

1912 1993

llt'nl')' f;;..,. Jim Wl!'l• ..r

In sh.or!, let'• write down on paper j ust w h at the

t udent Col\l1cil can a nd cannot do and decide on ce and for all if it r eally has enough signific~nt power to

be en lied a "s tud.e nt government."

The Senate at Ames proved its a bility to r e present

!own State students fast spring: 1 hop e that somedny l he ~ncollege Student Council will be s trong, active, nnd 11nporlant enough to represent il~ students in a s imilul' way. WMB •

Brahs: Corps Exists For three Purposes

"The Peace Corps would have been formed even ir the Coni­munisl mo\·emcnt did not exist."

stnted Stuart Drabs, 1>rogram of·

ficcr ror the Peace Corps, when he visited the campus Inst Tues­


"' It wns formed ror the purpose or I 11 rul!illing a need for middle· lb\lel manpower in lhc emerging nmlons. •2) dc\'t•loping n situa· lion \\here ideas and nsQirations could be rrecf)' cxch!lng<d fle-1wcen United States citizens and !hose or other rmlions, nnd f3>

mnnd there and also becnuse Washington orricials feel thol we have too often neglected our neighbors to the Soulli."

In discussing the mot1vation for joining Ilic· Pc•ce Corps, Brohs indlcoted Uiat although the rea· sons arc varied, most volunteers hnvc 4 humanitarian rather Umn a religious motivation.

Ile oddcd that those who ore primnril}' religiously .. motiv:ued u.sunlly work through ffii.ssion pro· grams or their church.

. The nollonnl language is BAS· AHA MEL.AVU-Malay: hoi.·c,·cr. the English speaking populotion

incoq>oroting into our culture R ea<ler SU!!:!!eSIS tiOmcthing or lhc essence or other V\.J ~

The 33nl Annual Booster Ban­quet will be held in Ilic Studcni Union March 30. This is a thank you from Jhe College lo the bus· incss men and other contributors

cultures through the return or Unsi(YJ1e<l Lette rs ,·otuntcers:· o- St d l BOd Will S l

Asked wh~thcr tti.rormotion of Not Be Printed u en y _e ect thc-Pe11ec Corps 'ms occelcra(cd- D ·--. ---- p - - Q by its PQfitical connotntions in car Editor, ,'-'ampus- ea ers lfa1•cli~29,---thc election or 19GO, llrnh.< replied ll SCC',"S to me thot freedom or thlll the cffocl or the election al. speech. ir extended, also cnluils n Student Council elections will

though hastening the cstobUsh- rcsponslbilily for such speech. I be held on Fridny, Mnrch 29. or. mcnt of the Peace Corps by "'fi\'C '~ould suggest that any feller to rices to be riffC<~ ~Y the elections

. or lcn" )'Cars. was 'only a more the et_litor or ~e Spectator not will be president and treasurer rnpid de,·c.Jopmcnl of a desire ~ pnnlcd ir perrhission is Dot of the Student Council. Student Y'at w~ already prevalent in gi,·en 10 d i ' ' u J g ,e the wr iter 's . Court members, cheerleaders. and

the ~unlr~·. "' name. _.,/ MCA orriccrs.

'. .110 nddcd th.at se\'qr-01 un'i,•cr~- Jernld Wrny Cnndidatcs for the ollice or

, 1l 1cs had conducted studies on the • ' . Student Council pJsideat muat

l rcnslbility or such .o program E11itor'• Note · . , . ·;_bc ·m~mbe,. or the senior ctau find these \fCfC. used•' by the Pres· ' · · '· • ·:.. ' "• n~x't Year; a1u' shllll ~1 nominated !dent's tosk force in cstobllshlJig To w~om it may co ccro,' . •;, by .a peUllon.,beartnr the sl(na. the Peace Corps. . • ·. IYhotwcr wrote . Ilic reply to . lures of lflt,y mombers or the

B ohs 1 J1m Weaver~ • letter last week 1tud•nl bot17. , • r commented tlult 0000 vol· forgot to si,i:n their .name berorc T

untecrs will~ be in the Cicld by dropping it in) the Spec mailbox. I ' reasurer condldates must~ be 1004 und thot almost half of Uicm I cannot publish Ilic felt~· un I member~ or n~•t year's junior

. will be in LoUn Amorlcn- "par. 1 k ' eta~ and aro , olso . nominntc'<I tinily because or the i'COL de· ~w the idcnllty"9f \h~ writer. by petition.

Five cheerle.ad,rs svw ~ elect.

· rd. These candJd:iles must :ilsq be nomlnotcd by peilllon.

MCA orricc cnndld:ncs urc nom· lru:iled by Ilic present MCJ\ cabi· net. ·'" • E~cb class sru.lJ -1 ,nomln.ate al

l~ast two more c:uulJdates Urnn fl& r~specU\•c number of rcprc· sentDU\•es for Stud. int Cou-;t. J\11 tltglblo former membe,nl sJulil . automaUcaUy be · nomlDlated- for ·

• the electloa. Any oilier intcrcst<d ·and quali· '

fied pe~son may atso "l" for clcc· lion by submitting o petition bear· ing Ill lcosl firty signntu,.es .

All Student Court members must hnvc nt lcost a' ·1.5 grade

• point average. ·

Page 3: To. Conference-· Acllvllles arearchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v47-21r.pdf · Of Van Gogh In Brown Auditorium at 8 p.m., lhe •piny, "Papa is All" will be presented


: . ,

~:::--;-~~~--:-~~-:-~::::::-~-:::-~--:~~~--::==:::=-~~~~~~:.:._..::_:--_:_.:__:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:__~:__~S:p=e~c~ta~t~o~r,JP~aJg~e~S , March 8, 1963

-Elmore Gains · ~tei Mai~iai~~ . T.oP, -~~~k .~,·

C A.~- H · Of Mac _ Bas~et~aU. Squ~~~ · .· K ~""'. . o.n Ql'S . The best ·~eco<d or McP.herson Jar sei.SO:. . pla~ unde!taled .. : College basketball I.cams for 1962· ~o~'vcr, M?~ was Z·2, In:f•~•

J)(!ryl ·Elmore senior fr:o~ Cret. ... Jy, Colo.. was named to the 1962· 1'I ali·l'Ollfercnce team for the f\~ms.is Conference.

John Tt•glcr. sophomore ~~m Gcr.1ld, l\to., was also given hon· 0rahle· mention lot '1.M all-con· (tttnC't' ttnm. •

Dery! was the sccynd lending ~rcr in ,the conference witJ1 n 20A m·erngc. John _.was the lhird k'mlin? scorer .and lc!lding- re· bounder for Mac.

Others named lo .the all - con· reiffice lirst team along with El· more included: oOn Turner. s ·. western: Douc Ade. BcU.any; Tom,

Kinder, Ottawa: CJark 11 3 y, Friends: nod Bob Pnnkrat'l, nc. thel.

Those ~iven second tcnm hon­ors incl~dc Ray Thome. KWU: Harold Smallwood. C ol E:: Puul ,Johnson, Belhony: Dudty Boeken and Ken Becker, Sterling.

11tose retth:ing honorable m t n· tion iocludtct the fotlowfng: Dabe Haw~. Baker: John Armstfong, Sterling; Frank G;ieddert, Bethel.

· .Bill Stophcns. Lorry Miller. -Gary West. S'wcstern: John Tes:·

. ler. Mac: lloreld Johnson. KWU: Don Simetka. C or E: Bob •\hl­sledt. Belhuny, and · .Tom wm. son, Otulwa. .

Bethany Fihishes Second

In Final Conference. Play Deth:my College clinched SCC· Jar and t<tumpcd Friends in tor

ond pince in the Kansas Confer· good at Snllna last l\fond:iy. KWU t·n<<'. and Friends clinched last defeated Fri.ends 99.SS. pL1l'e in the league through actio"'-. Harold Johnson led K iW with la.4 week. 32 points.

llethany registered Us ninth ~~1r:iighf \1lctory by running rough· ~uHI o\·cr the conference win· • nrr. Southwestern 'it-SS at Lindi. borg.

Doug Ade. Paul Johnson, and Bob ,\hlstedl led the s\.·e<les lo \•ictnry, Bclhany pulled awny irom ihc start nnd wo never sc.1 iC1usly thrnatened.

KWU ~limbed oul o! lhc ttl·

Final St;indings \I' r, J'c:t.

'5'western ••...•... . . H ·1 .777 Beliu>ny ... . .. . . 13 .722 Belhel .......... .... 12 .&.iJ Slerling .. .. . . .. .. .. ll .Gil MAC . .. . ... . ....... 10 ,;ss Ottawa •• . • • . • . • . • .. JO .SSG C of E . . .. ........ . 10 .sr.G' Baker .... ... ..... .. 7 11 .369 KWU .. ... .. . ... .. . . 2 16 . Ill Friends ... .. . . . . . . . I 17 .05G

Women Drop Final Game Of Season -i'1·Tournament

The :IJ11C01icge Women's bos­ketball team took second pince in the Sterling Women's lm•ifn. · tionat bnsket~oll Tournament, los· in!! to S1crling 49-45 jn lhe finnls List Sotunlny. .

'i1,,ys took ·third place by dc­fcming Sterling in .t_!l~ olhci- gnmc.

:\If Pherson ndvanced Into the fln ~1ls ·by. dcftaUnK lloys' on Rri·

d".'" whtl'i< Slcrll°' advanced to lhl!' final Jt3mc by defealJnt Ta· hor.

~lac d~!calcd Hays 38-34 in the OJ>Cning round of lhe tournnmcnt. with .-\nne Kruse· hitting 21 points. :itac won lhe game on fr~ thows ;1s Hays had one more field ~o.nl 1h~in ~lac.

In the fin:..Js , Mac losJ to Sier· ling ·194 $, •tht, lime losing · the ;-pn1e on rrcc lhows. Jean Cole· mltn, from Stcrliug, led all seor· l' l'S with 25 . points, ,while . Anne Kruse bit for 24 ~ints.

'.\lac trailed the cntfre game: . IHI at the end or th~ fi rst qunr·

i\fac hit' only se\·en out or 28 .,tiee throws for the .gQJTle and missed II fre?C throws just in the final quarter.

Bulldogs Fil·st In Field Goals, Free Thr9ws

The McPherson ulldogs ns a' team ha\'C mo\·cd into first J>loce in both !rec lhrow1 and Ii e Id goal shOQting, according to the


Jalestf4Pistrict JO statisti~s.

Muc . .'s Cngcrs ~1 rc hiting iO JM?r cent from the Cree throw line mid 46 per cent !rem the field tl1reugh 24 games.

Dery) Elmore , Bulldog gunrd, dropped to sixth in individunl scorinc. '111rough 24 games. m. more carries Jl 19.5 .a\'crot:,c.

ln the indh·idun( field go.11 de­partmein. Art Hoch holds the number rour spot. hitting nt a 51. per,. cent cli . Le oy Weddle is in a . ntth place tie in- field goal shooting. hilling 50 per cent.

• l<t-29,17. al tl hall. :ind...U,?Z,

the cn<.I or the lhi<d quarter. A~ one time in t.hc Ulird quarter Mnc· trniled by 21 points.

A fntious roUrlh quarter rally hy ~lcPhtrsiin resulted : in th c closeness of the tiual score. ?ttac hit for 18 l!Olnls In lhe final period, holding •Sterll~g td 'Six.

Elmore. also holds d~wn the number li\·c spot in indf\1idunl free threw shooting. lie is hitting

' 81 per cent from the charity line. Next week will be the lin'11

NAIA District JO report.


I See

~ ·,, SU·P~R.IO;;;;Y~LEANERS .

~ .. 1.

.r Elton · Lobban ·Metors, Inc.


Before you !;!uy 1ive UI a try

o .'

63 would hiwe l;Tbc l]le ii\l~ i:iveo not regularly tchediilcc1. ln Pft· .the c ~1aco11eic Women's team. ·season •dloa •t • cliDJc, Mee

Their regulnr ~son record wa.s 8-0, while O\'crall they were 10·2.

I .

lost lo Ster1Jn1 31~. aud Ille ,.;. ltat~ M•r1T11ount Conti• sut.

~ . In .re·~•r tCL•~n play, Moc ~·.w::<P''.:111 · defeated Central College twice.

In i!ost·senson plDy in the -Ster­Ung Toumnment. Mac defeoted Hays 38"34 und .. thcn lost' a second • ·ume lo Sterling 49-;15.

AT THE CONCLUSJo~:-or a ~uccessful season, U.e Maeollcrc sextet conched by Doris Co1>1>ock. Top . row: Udt to rl,bt> Jud)' ClaaSsen. An,11c Kruse, Connie And~. Jud)' Penny, Anna Hutchison. • and Jeanette Weddle. Bottoni row: Nancy Miller. Ka.ren Andes. Judy Knelson. ~ane}· £rritt, :and Sliirlu Vanderau.

From The .Locker RooJP, .. . I Uy Lnrry Morlan

~7-$7" and 47.JO. In these Cilmes only freshmen and sophomores wire aUo•'ed to compete.

Mac also defeated the Bethel team twic~. wlnntng 37.32 in their ~irsl meeting nnd then winning 71-45 in 'the second meeting. Anno Kruse hit her season high m the second Bethel &nme, gelling 37 points.

Two wins wuc r:egfstered ovtr Tabor Collef'· Jn fhe tint llkmt' at Tabor, Mac won 40.3(), while !n lhe second gam~ at M'Uc, Mc· Pherson won 47·3!.

McPherson defeated Friends 49· 13 and Sterling 44-36 to end rcgil·


Tbose wbo played for McPW,.

son lhnlugb IJ>e - indode the ronowlnr: An.ne Krase, Nao· cy Errilt, .Karen Aad .. , J.a d y Penny, Judy Knelsoa. ' ,DofQnl :P.J:iddJ•, Connie And .. , .Anna ·Hal­chlso.n, ShJrley Vanderau, Ju,dy Claassen. JcancUe °\\'edcllc, and Nancy Miiier.

Final statistics showed McPher­son with nn orfen;;ive avetage. or 45.6 points por game and a dc-1fensive avcrtJgC pf 32.8 points 1>er game. Anne· Kruse finished as ' the . top scorer with a 23.3 point B\'CrD,gc.'!.

Since there :ire so many ditrercnt sets or all-Amcricuns announced about this time. I reel only justi· ficd in nd\'an&ing my own choices for -all-eonfcrcnce choices for lhc Kansas Conference.

Thr fint tcnm would include the foUcwing: Doug Ade, Uclh· any; Tom Kinder. Ounwn: Har· old Smnllwood, c; of E: Do,p Tur· ner, Southwestern: D c r )' I El· tnore. ~foe.

Mae :Masters. During' COurt

13·. Foes· Season

The Second team 1,1.·oukhconsist or the following: Ken Becker, Sterlin.::;:: Mnnly Tubbs. C of E: John Tegeler. Mac; Bob Pnn· kralz. Bethel : Clork Ii.al'. Friends.

The third tcnm would be con1. posed or the roilo~ing: !'liarion Enke. Mac: Dabs Hawk. Rnker ; Frank Goddcrt, Bethel: J oh n Armstrong, Sterling; Ray Thome, KWU,

I chose these on my own views fro01 gomcs agninst the Bulldogs.

IC you notice an absence' of bosketboll players next Monday. there is no need for nlnrm.

The bnskctlJall team will be gone to Kansas City onr Mondny, March U to watch lhe opening games of lhc NAii\ ]'ournamt nl. Tht boys • ·Ill lcm·e early Mon· d:ay momlns: and will ~turn l:atc londay nli;ht.

Lynn W:u·ncr. l\lac trac,kmnn. recently r:m from the Mneollct;e gym to Gnlvn and back. This nm. accordi~ to n car speedometer. i .J dis'\ancc or 13 miles.

Lynn ran this distance in a time of I hour nnd 29 minutes, which would ~ivc him, a time of t1boul G hours in the present 50 milf lad.

!'\larion F.nke :ilso ran this: dlS· tancc in :t time or 1 hour and 3S minulcs. only he didn't reel so well when he finishcU.

Bacon Au.to Parts And



• 113 E . EUclld

The Moundridge Touruomcnl Nov. 29 to Dec. I , opened lho t962.o:! baskelboll season lor Mc· Pherson College A-team, and the Bulldogs endcil ploy Feb. 25 with· a rinal season record or 13 wins and 12 losses.

!\lac ended the Season with a scorinK anrage of it.lt polnll

per g;imc and gave .up .an aver·

nge or 72.32 Points per game. Jn

totals, Mac scored 1808 pola'ls

and gave up 1808 points.

The Bulldogs Jost the ·opening ·game or the Moundridge Toum· ament to Bethany 74-&t in over· time but won third pl.Dec in the tourney by dercoling Tabor GS·GO.

Mac lost Us opening conic,.. cnce game to Bethel 72-65 at New· toa. SOulhwCJlcrn then defcntcd Mac 75.73 Jn a thriller at Mc· Pherson.

A great second half pre\'ided Ole Bulldogs with U1cir first COii· fc.rcnce victory, wilh an 81·79 win 01·er SlerilnA. Otlawa then heal Mac 82-66 at Ottawa.

The Bttlldogs guJned their sec· ond league win by defeating high· ly regarded C or E 68-61 at Moc. This win left Moc M O\'Crall.

Tabor won the Christmas Toum· ament as Mnc started "1 four game losing streak. Losses 1n the

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tournament wore 78-07 lo Bethel, .close boll game . 84-69 to Sterling. and 90-81 to Phil· The Frlentll garRe otuted Mae lips or Okl•rma.. OD anolhtt ... 1nn1ng, itreM lllM

FollowinK Christmas vac:aUon, ·was lo be termluttd ODIJ b)' Ille Mac lost. to Jidhariy 74-60 ot dose of the baskc&ball· sH.ioa. Undsborg. Jt "'as la ihJs game Mac delcnled 'Friends tto'.100 that a glass backboard was bro- in the bc•l offensive ·oulput' ~1 ken. the year: l}n~or ·was next. fa lull

The Bulldogs next went on 0 75-SS. • •

fi · Wesleyan dosed ~- J11-.v l\·c. game wJnning streak. The ror Mac Witb a ?l-6"1 ' loss lo tbe

streak wns started with a 71·10 win over Friends. :r.he second vie· Bulldogs. Mac flnlsbed ln' a 111111

place( tit In lbe conltrence wtlla - ~:':..u:: over Tabor 80·7-t in nn .; -1o:s ttcont: , . ..... ... ~ · p.- ~· ~ ·

· · · The Bul ldogs closed the aeaaon Tbe third 1lralgbl wto was over • ' by delenUng Tabor 71.0S, marl<·

Baker 'lS.54 al Baldwin. T h • ;;,g the third time Mac has !>en· founh victory In lk ltttak was ten the Bluejnys. -over KWV 78..st at McPbencon.

The filth• win or lhe streak s'" over Bethel Coll~gc Giro at Mac. 1'!is win le!t Mol: 8-8 overall.

The win slreok was lollowed by a . three game losing skin by the Bulldogs. Losses were to Sou<~· west~rn 94-81 , Sterling 82·711, nnd Ottawa 73-&8, '

. The toslnr $treak " 'as snapped by the second 111•in of the season O\'tt C of E '6-U at Em_poria,

Belhnny the """1e to Moc and delealed the Bulldogs 6Hl In n


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Page 4: To. Conference-· Acllvllles arearchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v47-21r.pdf · Of Van Gogh In Brown Auditorium at 8 p.m., lhe •piny, "Papa is All" will be presented

lr..o t, 1983 .., . ·- ~-8 tor, Pap f

; , · .ard Seat~ · New Truste~s · ~t , Las~ Week's Meeting ' -· ·.At the Trustee Meelinc held on itralloe l>ttwffa lbe two mtti...

~mpus Gro\!ps Will Host ·Wilson ·This Sunday

The Rev. Tom Wiison of Chi· cago, JU., 1uesi speaker for the Regional Yoolh ·eonfcr!ncc this w<!d<end. will meet wilh I h c Oiurch Vocations Fellowship and the College CBYF Sunday, Maren 10.

,Mac P~ogre~ses in· Socia( Life Since Open·iizg 75 Years Ag9

~ last week the' follow· his iJI the <ol!tt Board of n-­llie . - ~ were seated: i-... ~ wllla the fol-Cjleml Harris. Jelmlnp, La: I>a- loWlllJ --.s: ' >iii!-.~. Perryton, Teit.; John Ernest Petenon, Wichita: Paul Wfman. Mlnol, 111. D.: Ra Y Sargent, McPherson: Milton Mor­~. Worthln&ton. Minn. rlson, Salina: Roy.al Yoder. Con· · Jn'. addition, Pal§ Sargent ol wll)': Paul Sherfy, McPherSOD: ~was~ as a Emerson Ch!Jhobn, Roxbury.

' larce for a alx • year 0

Dr: D. w. Bitting~. preslden; or the college, is an ex-<>lllcio member or the Board.

OtJotr ~· olllctn of 1be allef• allo - dolel)' with Dr. BlllblJer ud lhis .M:nmlttee. ......... Ute lwo meeliDI• ol lhe lolol Board.

"'J!il!I ' Sbetfy. · McPbonon. re- ", ' Board meellng invoh·ed reeeiv· ~ as leCttlarY ol the board: in& reports Crom the vo.!ious com-"Olidiili )'oder, elected treasurer mittes ..¢ the Board. as weJl as Cl;lllle .board: · . reports 1.from ' the adminlstrntlon ~· Commllltt, .,, h ( c h or the college to U1< Banro. ....... wllll u..: c:olkre ~- MallA!ft 'wbldo .,,. .. · ma<kkttd t·~· In lllls mttltllJ -- hadf•l-d~ Aids College ary. coulderaliou for Ute llCbool K . ,;i. year 116U4, various matters ol JP.:~.VJilo .'as Consultant' hulldlnf• and """"""' vortous :J?f.. Wayne Ge~. dean or col- molten or llnaDces of Ille eol· !fl! .id prolessor ol economics. kf•, and .-.lderaliou of r..­if~ u c:allplt&nl for Sin· ally and w.tf for the sdiool · .. Collese at Dayton, ohio. Dr. :rear 116U4. ~-(fert will be working with them One of the items or the m<'CI· ti!:.tllt'"tDtii ~U!ullon Pipifatn" Ing was that ol completing the ~;;.~move toward their North arr.angements with the Federal ~ Auociallou membersbip. Govtmment !or the financing lhc · ·:,OP'·Marcb 21·22 lie wlll be con- new men's residence hall In the ~ · w)th the admlnistraliori meeting, the Board or Trustees ~lf-lty ol Sinclair College on sold $575.000 In hon8s to the Fed· IJidr campus. era! Government. ' ~~- ... . . ~nd of Cir~t Appri0aches ¥,l»r. ·Mac .Debate Squa«l

M will meet al 2 p.m. Sunt:ny in the Student Unioo 'Quiet Room. 'ibeir topic for discussion will be ' 'The lnne.r·Ciiy Ministry."

SUndny evening· at 6:30. the Re~. Wilson will meci with the Colle;• CBYF in the church So­cial Room. 'ibe topic will be "Ra· cial Problems in the Church.''

Al students and rnculty mem· bers are invited to these meetings.

Eleve:q Become .Junior Memllers· Of English G1·oup

' Elel'en McPherson College slu·. dents have enrolled as junior members in the . NnUonal Coun· ell ot Teachers or English. These juniors .and seniors are prospec­til'e teachers of English on the secondary and college level

These NCTE Junior members will receive English Journal or College English as well as being able to purchase NCTE materials al a reduced rate.

Mrs. Homer Brunk. assO<:i"­ate proressor o! English and journalism, is 5P0nsorlng the stu­

. dents desiring Junior member· ship. She has been a member or NCTE for 20 ycnrs.

I! any other McPherson Col· lege student desires 11 junior membership in NCTE, he may contact Mrs. Brunk.

,~l~e debaters near · t he Ullom were Picked Crom the pre­~ el the tU3 1oumament cir· lbninary rounds and -entered' the C11if ·.P- they compete in the Be- finals on Salurdll)' morning. . Committee l\lukes Plans lhel ·invitational Toumameot i... la debate llClloe, VIJol:n a ad For Book Fnir in "April nlomow at 1'(ewlbn. BttclilY ttmabled uadef~le<I lor Plans are now in the making

L . five rouada before IDCCUlnblaf lo for a book lair to be hcld oo cam· -~-l~ae teams will enter -th• a team from Wldtlta University • pus sometime in April. Teachers

......... ~. -• ._...,_t In .the qurter.flaals. . . arc now deciding which books ~ Is Ille Jut oatlai lor lbe Brown and Dadisman were whip- they would like to recommend for ..- esdMlar Ille ·Pl JU- --P<d in the octa·flnals by Ottawa the !air. 'ibe book.fair committee ~ ~.u.ui loanlapoeat at nnd fmlshed the tournament with ,.;n then go from this list. ~Ile, • DL, Mardi lJ.:3. · a 2-2 mnrk. Parr and Solomon Carolyn Trapp. chnirman or the :~ "-.dtend three teams de- ( were I,? at the St. John event. committee. slated that students

bilAid in the• St. John's tourna- · might like to be saving their '!Ft at• W"lllfield: Mac speakers Church Will ObllerVe money for books which they woutf ~'plrtlclpalcd ID se••cral indi•.. like lo purchase. iau.t, events. • Gr~! Hour of Sharing .--· ---,------, ·~ Elanhlse com~ed In • The ~urch of the Brethren will A , ".h Sh ~· and Mike Brown eater- participate with fellow Christians merican ll Oe OP ~ •"""'-"-" ,..aklnc. in the One Great Hour or Shar· -~ D..itsmu "'1•'-<I In ~~g to be observed Sunday. March 112 W . Euclid pedlt laterpM&Uon. Bible , In- ~Pheraon, Kansa_s WiiorttaUon a a·d Impromptu Through the' One Great Hour or

• • ,.-,. Sharing. churches support th e aims and objectives of the Free­

• Roger Solomon entered Bible dom from Hunger cam(>aign of inlerJ>!'etatloo and Ken Ullom and the Food and AJ:Jicu!lurc Oriani· Weyland llee:;hly competed in znlibn or the United Nations. Impromptu speaking. ContribUUons . will he shared :~""· Brow~. Beeghly . and with those in need overseas.

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Since Its Op.rung in 1888, 'lo!c· Pherson College h8s progressed nnd expanded, not bnly In lls edu· cnlional racilities .and iducalional program, ·but also in Its social' aspects.

On S<pt. S, 1888, the McPbusoD CollOC• ud Jaduslrial IDIUtute opened Its doors for the lint time with . seventy slud<nts in atten­~-

The chllrter of the institution states thal the college l''BS found· cd for \he purpose of maintaining on lnslilullon of learning In har­mony with the principles or the German Baptist Brethren. •

lb• lnstltotloa maintained • de­p4rtment of liberal arts, a com­muclal deportment, an iJldt». trial department, a normal de­Parlment. and a departmtnt or the Bibi<.

A'h important milestone in ilS history was re.ached on Feb. 12, 1898. when the name McPherson College ·was o!!icially adopted. ~ collor• be(aa. opentlolls

•1th aoe halldln( and lhea maa· · oged for some years with the orig­inal bulldlnf, Fahaet1tock Hall, an~ th.• second haUll.lnc. Sharp Hall.

In 1906, the Carne.ile Library was built. and in 1916 Arnold Hall. which was the women's dor· mitory Was built. -

The literary societies. which dale to the very beginning or the school, were important social or­ganizations. The Emersonlo.ns and the Ciceronjons vied with each other in working up large mem· herships and producing competi· lii.'<~ programs.

The P~bltlon League w • s ·organized In lltll, .and the Slu­ckul Volunteer Bud In 1896, be­laC kDoW'll at Ont. however, as the Mlssloo Band.

For entertainment in the early years or the college, students would play croquet and tennis and pitch horseshoes.

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.\ Follo'w the Bulldogs

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The rules and regulaUons cl the cotlece were quite strict. Some of them that appeared in the lint catalog are as follows:

"All lludents are requlttd to be preseal at chapel eseretses ... all ttdllliou: .also lo .... lead Sallda:r SciloOI and o a e churdl : service uch Lord's day at lbe coll<C• chapel or at some olhir" ~. wbore lhelr paronts OC" partllu may dlttct In writ.. bii.

"Students must exUnguish their lights promptly at 10 p.m. unless excused by the prorcssor in charge or the ball.

"No IA4l:r or (tnllemu will be ,.allowed to t.respa11 on the terll· tory of the OPPoSlte sex. except by special permlulon ol the pres­lde.nL

"Students desiring to lea\'e the grounds or to visit other students during stuctY hours must obl.4in permission Crom the professor In charge or their hall.

" Ladles .and (Ontkmea wHI aot ride, walk,' or play 19felber ex· ..,pt hy special orra.agemeat with the pRsldeaL

" No st_udenls rooming in 1he dormitoey shaU be absent niter JO p.m. unless by permission of the president. •

"Students delllrilll to visit the cemetery or lo 10 to tbe city nwllt obtain permiNlon from the pttS­ldetd. eseepl oa SatnrdaJ' alter· nooa.s bel'llttll 1 aad 4 p.m. when (tntral liberty lo 110 to the clt;r and ttlurn Is sruted..

"Students will be permitted to meet in the chapel for social inter· course 20 minutes after supper or each day-SundllY excepted-also !or · 20 minutes alter the . close

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or sociel,y meetings, such soa,1 meetinP to be undtt the SUpOr.

vision ol one or more or the lato ulty.

" 'Visitors desiring to call upoa students In the building must ap. ply to the president.

" AD -.,.i.en of the Bttth,.,. or German Baptist Cbun:b .,. tt<j1l1recl to comply w l t h u.. princlpl.. ol ~ormlty .. the work! aad lo COlllorm to u.. c-m order ol the church 1a apparel and weortnc of the ti.Ir

"Those who are not memhe~ or the German Baptist church qrc expected to make no display in the use or jewelry and to ob­serve the laws or plainness and simpllcit.y In their nppnrcl."

Centenary Choir To Appear Herc

The Centenary College Choir from Shreveport, La., will •1> pear In Brown Auditorium al I p.m. Friday, March 15. Tht program is being sponsored bl' the Woman's Club of the city ..

For students, Tickets are a.·aiJ. able at 50 rents .and for adults at $1. They will be sold in Felio..-­ship Holl on March 12 following chapel.

Any profit realized from this coocqrt will be given to !ht music and drama departnients o( llfacollege.

The choir Is under the din<:· lion or A. C. Voran who did h~ undergraduate work at Macoll<ft before joining the £acuity. lit joined the faculty or Centenary College In 1937. •••••••••••••••••••••• . . . . : Wash! : . . : For :.... .. : . ''-"' . : 15c : .. . • At • . . : Giant Wash : . . : Wl'l'H THlS COUPON" : . . • • ••••••••••••••••••••••


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