Think Globally, Act Locally The Rotterdam story on GPP Léon Dijk, Consultant for Green Public Procurement, City of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Think Globally, Act Locally - Procura · Think Globally, Act Locally The Rotterdam story on GPP Léon Dijk, Consultant for Green Public Procurement, City of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

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Page 1: Think Globally, Act Locally - Procura · Think Globally, Act Locally The Rotterdam story on GPP Léon Dijk, Consultant for Green Public Procurement, City of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Think Globally,

Act Locally

The Rotterdam story on GPP

Léon Dijk, Consultant for Green Public Procurement, City of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Page 2: Think Globally, Act Locally - Procura · Think Globally, Act Locally The Rotterdam story on GPP Léon Dijk, Consultant for Green Public Procurement, City of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

A quick tour… Action Plan on SPP 2016-2020

Awarding Environmental

Management Performance of


100% certified tropical timber

Buying Materials with an

Environmental Product

Declaration (EPD)

Zero Emission Delivery of

Goods and Services by 2025

Circular Procurement

Electricity from new RES

Page 3: Think Globally, Act Locally - Procura · Think Globally, Act Locally The Rotterdam story on GPP Léon Dijk, Consultant for Green Public Procurement, City of Rotterdam, The Netherlands


Materials Buildings

Facility Services

€ 1 miljard

Page 4: Think Globally, Act Locally - Procura · Think Globally, Act Locally The Rotterdam story on GPP Léon Dijk, Consultant for Green Public Procurement, City of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Procura+ Oslo 2018

Page 5: Think Globally, Act Locally - Procura · Think Globally, Act Locally The Rotterdam story on GPP Léon Dijk, Consultant for Green Public Procurement, City of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

What’s new in the Rotterdam SPP Plan?

Ensuring SPP at the management level

Processing SPP through a comprehensive service


Monitoring SPP contracted supplier performances

Enlarging SPP scope towards Social

Enterprices/SME’s Procura+ Oslo 2018

Page 6: Think Globally, Act Locally - Procura · Think Globally, Act Locally The Rotterdam story on GPP Léon Dijk, Consultant for Green Public Procurement, City of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Procurement criteria EMS

6 27-3-2018 Voorbeeldpresentatie

Page 7: Think Globally, Act Locally - Procura · Think Globally, Act Locally The Rotterdam story on GPP Léon Dijk, Consultant for Green Public Procurement, City of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Materials Purchasing using EPD’s and LCA results

Source: CE Delft (2015). Update Prioritering handelingsperspectieven verduurzaming betonketen. Door M. van Lieshout

Page 8: Think Globally, Act Locally - Procura · Think Globally, Act Locally The Rotterdam story on GPP Léon Dijk, Consultant for Green Public Procurement, City of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Zero emission deliveries goods&services

Procura+ Oslo 2018

Page 9: Think Globally, Act Locally - Procura · Think Globally, Act Locally The Rotterdam story on GPP Léon Dijk, Consultant for Green Public Procurement, City of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Circular Procurement

9 27-3-2018

Page 10: Think Globally, Act Locally - Procura · Think Globally, Act Locally The Rotterdam story on GPP Léon Dijk, Consultant for Green Public Procurement, City of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Innovation Procurement of Energy

10 27-3-2018 Voorbeeldpresentatie

Page 11: Think Globally, Act Locally - Procura · Think Globally, Act Locally The Rotterdam story on GPP Léon Dijk, Consultant for Green Public Procurement, City of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

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Procura+ Oslo 2018