Theodore Roosevelt 1901- 1909 Rough Rider • Conservation Big Stick Square Deal Progressives / Muckrakers • Panama Treaty of Portsmouth

Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909 Rough Rider Conservation Big Stick Square Deal Progressives / Muckrakers Panama Treaty of Portsmouth

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Page 1: Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909 Rough Rider Conservation Big Stick Square Deal Progressives / Muckrakers Panama Treaty of Portsmouth

Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909

• Rough Rider• Conservation• Big Stick• Square Deal• Progressives /

Muckrakers• Panama• Treaty of Portsmouth

Page 2: Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909 Rough Rider Conservation Big Stick Square Deal Progressives / Muckrakers Panama Treaty of Portsmouth

William Taft 1909-1913

• TR’s Successor• Dollar Diplomacy • Surprisingly

Conservative• Height of Immigration

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Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921• “Bull Moose” Election• Surprisingly Progressive• Interventionism in

Caribbean • Mexico • Bank and trust reform • Height of Lynching / Riots• WWI / Treaty of Versailles• Income Tax, Direct

Election of Senators, Suffrage, Prohibition

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Harding, Coolidge, Hoover1921-1933

• “a return to normalcy”• “the business of America is

business”• The “roaring 20s”• Great Migration, Harlem

Renaissance• Consumer Economy /

speculative buying• Perceived wealth v. reality • Isolationism• Prohibition / Organized Crime• 1929 Crash Start of

Depression • Trickle Down Economics

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Franklin Roosevelt 1933-1945• Height of Great Depression• Brains Trust• New Deal

– Bank Holiday– Alphabet Agencies– Social Security– Fireside Chats

• Arsenal of Democracy / Lend Lease

• WWII • “the only thing we have to

fear, is fear itself

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Truman 1945-1953

• End of WWII• Start of Cold War / NATO• Truman Doctrine and

Marshall Plan• Containment• Korean War –

Desegregation of Military• Maintaining New Deal

Programs • Taft Hartley Act • “the buck stops here”

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Eisenhower (1953-1961)

• General – WWII D-Day • Start of Arms Race• Interstate Highway

system• Guatemala Interventions• Start of Vietnam• Brown v. Board of Ed.• Federal De-Segregation• New Youth Culture• Quote: “beware the rise

of the military industrial complex”

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Kennedy (1961-1963)

• only Catholic Prez• Television• Berlin Wall • Bay of Pigs • Cuban Missile Crisis• Expansion of Vietnam • Camelot image, Space

program, Peace Corps • “ask not what your

country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”

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Johnson (1963-1969)• Escalation of Vietnam• Anti War / Anti Government • Great Society• Civil Rights Bills • Hippies / Counterculture • “I’m not going to send

American boys over to do what Asian boys should be doing for themselves”

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Nixon (1969-1974)• Expansion / End of

Vietnam• Détente• Relations with China• Watergate• Man on the moon• Institutes some Great

Society • Race Riots• Roe v. Wade• “you won’t have Richard

Nixon to kick around anymore”

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Ford (1974-1977)

• Endgame of Vietnam• Oil Problems / OPEC• Challenge to US

industry• Inflation / Stagflation

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Carter (1977-1981)• Governor of Georgia• Camp David Accords• Oil Crisis• Iran Hostage Crisis• Soviet Invasion of

Afghanistan• Inflation /

Unemployment • 3 Mile Island • Disco

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Reagan (1981-1989)

Cold War Re-intensification



Iran Contra Scandal

Libya Issues


“it’s morning in America”

“the Soviet Union is an evil empire”

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Bush (late 80s early 90s)• Before Prez

– Ambassador, CIA director, VP

• For Policy as Prez– Panama, Gulf War, Early Somalia

• Dom Policy as Pres– Continue Reagan era Deregulation– Recession that he refuses to name

• Quote: “Read my lips, no new taxes”

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Clinton (90s)

• Before Prez1. Governor of AR

• As Prez– Whitewater Scandal

a. Real Estate Dealb. Special Prosecuterc. Lewinskyd. Impeachmente. Result

– Tech Boom, Stock Market Boom– Waco, Oklahoma City – Somalia, Kosovo– 1st WTC Bombing, Kenya/ Tanzania Embassy Bombings, USS Cole

C. Quote: “It’s the economy, stupid!”

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Bush II (2001-2009)• Before Prez

– Oil Business, Baseball Business,Governor of TX

– “Compassionate Conservative”

• As Prez– Influenced by old “neocons” – 9/11– Afghanistan / Iraq Wars – Return to Reagan style Tax Cuts / De-

Regulation– Hurricane Katrina – Great Recession of 2008

• Quote ; “N. Korea, Iran, and Iraq constitute an axis of evil”

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Obama (2009 - • Before President:

– Community organizer, Senator (IL), 2004 convention

• As President

– Great Recession of 2008

• The Jobless Recovery

– Health Care Law (Obamacare)

– End of Iraq / Afghanistan Wars

– Benghazi Attack

– MidEast Revolutions … $4 gas

Quote – “If you like the health insurance you have now, you can keep it.”