THE HERALD July 31, 2019 Volume 51, Number 31 MISSION MISSION MISSION MISSION To Make Disciples of Jesus Christ VISION VISION VISION VISION We are seeking to reach beyond ourselves by Inviting others to a Life in Jesus, Growing as Disciples, and Caring for People. MINISTRY TEAM Every Member Minister Dr. Steven A. Screws Pastor Dr. Les Hutson Music Dr. Amy Holder Children Dr. Hardin Coleman Youth Jane Doss Pianist Dr. Les Hutson Interim Organist Andrew Skelton Church Administrator Breanna Welch Nursery Yvonne Marchik Children’s Place Director Joy Overby Church Secretary The Grace of a New Beginning He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Revelaon 21:5 Each day that dawns is a new beginning. Our Heavenly Father is the God of new beginnings. The school bells will soon ring and call for a new beginning. Teachers, administrators, and educaonal staff are already making preparaons. Students and parents are going to registraon, orientaon and the blessing of the schools. It is me for a fresh start, the grace of a new beginning! I Will Sing to The Lord I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. Psalm 104:33 This Sunday Randy Sharpe, Hunter Holderfield, and the Praise Team will lead us in worship during the 8:45 a.m. service. Wesley Hardman and our faithful and talented Jane Doss will be singing and playing at 11 a.m. The women’s choir was great last week. Camp Maranatha Day We have the camp reserved for fellowship, games, swimming, dinner, and worship from 2 to 7 p.m. Sunday a:ernoon. Read Dr. Amy’s note for specifics. If you are not up to paddle boards or ziplines then join us for dinner and worship. This is a good way to get to know your Church Family and enjoy God’s creaon. Please join us this Sunday for worship, the blessing of the backpacks at both morning services, and the recognion of our educators. Pray for the children, families, and educators. Yours in Christ, Steve PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition www.CutePDF.com

THE HERALDfumcscottsboro.org/uploads/3/4/7/1/34711007/herald... · THE HERALD July 31, 2019 Volume 51, Number 31 MISSIONMISSION To Make Disciples of Jesus Christ VISIONVISION We are

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Page 1: THE HERALDfumcscottsboro.org/uploads/3/4/7/1/34711007/herald... · THE HERALD July 31, 2019 Volume 51, Number 31 MISSIONMISSION To Make Disciples of Jesus Christ VISIONVISION We are


July 31, 2019 Volume 51, Number 31


To Make Disciples of

Jesus Christ


We are seeking to reach

beyond ourselves by

Inviting others to a Life

in Jesus,

Growing as Disciples, and

Caring for People.


Every Member


Dr. Steven A. Screws


Dr. Les Hutson


Dr. Amy Holder


Dr. Hardin Coleman


Jane Doss


Dr. Les Hutson

Interim Organist

Andrew Skelton

Church Administrator

Breanna Welch


Yvonne Marchik

Children’s Place Director

Joy Overby

Church Secretary

The Grace of a New Beginning

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!”

Revela�on 21:5

Each day that dawns is a new beginning. Our Heavenly Father is the God of new

beginnings. The school bells will soon ring and call for a new beginning. Teachers,

administrators, and educa�onal staff are already making prepara�ons. Students and

parents are going to registra�on, orienta�on and the blessing of the schools. It is �me

for a fresh start, the grace of a new beginning!

I Will Sing to The Lord

I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.

Psalm 104:33

This Sunday Randy Sharpe, Hunter Holderfield, and the Praise Team will lead us in

worship during the 8:45 a.m. service. Wesley Hardman and our faithful and talented

Jane Doss will be singing and playing at 11 a.m. The women’s choir was great last week.

Camp Maranatha Day

We have the camp reserved for fellowship, games, swimming, dinner, and

worship from 2 to 7 p.m. Sunday a:ernoon. Read Dr. Amy’s note for specifics. If you

are not up to paddle boards or ziplines then join us for dinner and worship. This is a

good way to get to know your Church Family and enjoy God’s crea�on.

Please join us this Sunday for worship, the blessing of the backpacks at both

morning services, and the recogni�on of our educators. Pray for the

children, families, and educators.

Yours in Christ,


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SERVING Financial


8:45: Josh Brickley/Bill Layton

11:00: Blake Wright

Altar Guild


Brenda Shanks

Dot Claybrook

Children’s Church

August 4

Lindsey Foster/Shalyn Benson

August 11

Emily Brickley/Jodie Jacobs

Acolytes & Crucifer

August 4

Alex Holder

Maggie Armstrong

Audrey Hardman

August 11

Ray Walden

Gabby Walden

Chandler Hurt

Sound System

Byron Burton

Jason Welch

Chris�an Hutson


Wednesday 7/31/19

Meet at the church at 6pm to ride the bus to each school or just meet us there!

Caldwell 6:15pm Nelson 7:00pm

SJHS 6:30pm SHS 7:30pm

Collins 6:45pm


Sunday 8/4/19 at both services

Please invite any educators you may know to join us!


August 4th from 2-7pm FUMC will be playing and worshiping at Camp Maranatha!

Please join us for any part of our fun day!!

1:30pm meet at the church if you want to ride the bus or meet us at camp at 2pm.

2-5pm Swimming, Canoes, Paddle Boards, Giant Swing, Zipline, and playground.

5pm dinner at the Pavillion everyone is welcome!!

At 6pm Pastor Steve will lead worship �me by the lake.



Worship Attendance Week ended

July 28, 2019 589

Locked in to Serving the Savior Our summer mission trip always ignites our student’s spirits to serve others.

Unfortunately, some�mes the busyness of life can dampen this desire with other well

intended events and opportuni�es. We must con�nually seek and serve the opportuni�es

God puts before us.

This weekend we held our annual ‘Lock-in to Service’ overnight event. Our Youth

showed up ready to serve boldly. We began by crea�ng gi:/treat baskets to deliver to the

nurses and health care providers at Highlands Medical Center. Our mission was to bring

some joy and gra�tude to a group of people serving others daily. Along the way, God gave

us some opportuni�es to visit and pray with some of the pa�ents needing a liEle hope

too. We had also prepared notes of encouragement and gra�tude to place on the vehicles

of those working the night shi:. I pray that the students messages brought inspira�on as

they came out the following day �red from a long nights work.

A:er staying up waaaay too late - these servant hearts s�ll had no slow down in

them. We showed up at Collin’s Elementary School for a community work day. The Lord

knew we would be needed as the turnout was slim. The students were all smiles while

cleaning the sidewalks and grounds and pain�ng the long hall of lockers. Saturday

a:ernoon took us to the Life Resource Center to lend a hand with some of their ongoing

renova�ons. Finally, we enjoyed some well deserved fellowship over a meal before

depar�ng for home. I am assured that God would share the words found in MaEhew

25:23 with these young servants of

the Savior, “Well done, good and

faithful servants!”

In our devo�on �me Friday

night, the students shared on the

ways, places, and reasons we

serve. It became clear that we are

called to serve all God’s Children

with any need any�me out of our

love for Jesus Christ. Church, let us

con�nue to answer the daily call to

come together and love like Jesus.

Blessings, Hardin


Wed, July 31st - Blessings of the

Schools prayer journey 6 - 8pm

Sun, Aug 4th - Camp Maranatha

for Children & Youth 2 - 6pm

Aug 24-25th - Whitewater Worship

(Registra�ons filling up!)

Page 3: THE HERALDfumcscottsboro.org/uploads/3/4/7/1/34711007/herald... · THE HERALD July 31, 2019 Volume 51, Number 31 MISSIONMISSION To Make Disciples of Jesus Christ VISIONVISION We are


Jo Smith

Charlene Larson

Dean Woodall

Juanita Lee

Joyce Kennamer


Bryan Woodall

Fran Steelman


Fannie Pearl Eidson


Hazel Butler


Elisabeth Collins

Faye Berry

BeAy Burton

Dorothy Hopps

BeAye McGahey

Francis Chapman


Our Church Family

Molly Bailey

Bailey Family

Ben Beasley

Dru BeaLe

Hoppy Bishop

BeEy Burton

Ralph Bush

Amy Cameron

Frances Chapman

Johnnie Coleman

Brandy Crosslin

Bill Green

Edith Hambrick

David Hopps

ScoE Huffstetler

Harold Jensen

Jim Johns

David Latham

Bill Layton

Stephanie Massey

Dana Raispis

Marilyn Reed

Barbara Rogers

Jon Rogers

Kay Rogers

Rick Sanders

Mike Shanks

JoAnn Sims

Fran Steelman

Thomas Stewart

Chris�ne Sumner

Courtney Thomas

Dana Thomas

Dean Tucker

Mahala Valencia

Virginia Wallingsford

Keith Webb

LyneEe Webb

Cody Weimer

Bob Word

Our Church Friends

Joe Abercrombie

Karen Adams

Shelia ArE

Ken Bonner

Mary E. Brown

Kip Cameron

Becky Joyner Carr

Patricia Combs

Maria Cooper

Judy Kay Dawson

Judy Durham

Heather Foote

Carolyn Frakes

John Frey

Jody Gamble

Amber Gilbert

Rita Williams Glasz

Brooke Gogan

Waylon Gorham

Joey Grahm

Cooper Haislip

Dee Harrington

Gladys Helms

Teri Hess

Dorothy Holcomb

RJ Holcomb

Randall Holder

Aiden Hughes

Deborah Hutchins

Addison James

And the James


Ashley Johnson

Bill Johnson

Elaine Johnson

Lois Johnson

Bill Karrh

Ina King

George Lee

Abby Lusk

Patricia Chandler Lusk

Maria Mae

Kindal Mason

Karen McLeod

Emily McNew

Reuben Miller

Charles Murphy

Myers Family

Pat Nolan

Howard and Shirley Palmes

Vernie Pearson

Chris�ne Perkins

Lee Piskorz

Feri Raiis

Derek Remitz

Steve Richards

Doris Rousseau

Bonnie Rowe

Susan Ruprecht

Tracy Scoggins

Zeb Scheurman

Travis Shelton

Jennifer BrackeE Schulz

Brenda Talley

Denise Weeks Thomas

Our Troops

Tony Welks

Michele Cleveland Wells

Dennis Williamson

Heather Basile Winfrey

A Mercy Minute

Those people who tried to bury you didn’t

realize you were a seed. Our speaker this week at CR

had posted a beau�ful tes�mony including a message

from God that said, “I have prepared a place to plant

you, and water you so that you may grow for my other

children to see.” Not by coincidence, she messaged

that very day inquiring about a Women’s Step Study

and agreed to share her story at Mercy Place. BriAney

Turner’s story of the dis-ease of addic�on being

transformed to the fer�le soil of hope, redemp�on,

and grace by Jesus Christ will inspire all - join us for

this anointed night of recovery worship!

Blessings, Hardin

All of our members who are homebound, at assisted living faciliCes, and nursing homes.

Pictured above: Our youth at Life Resource Services during ‘Lock In to


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THE HERALD First United Methodist Church

1105 South Broad Street

ScoEsboro, Alabama 35768

Phone: 256-574-2545

Fax: 256-259-5715


E-MAIL: [email protected]


THE HERALD, published weekly,

except two weeks vaca�on and

Christmas week, by the First United

Methodist Church, 1105 South Broad

Street, ScoEsboro, Alabama 35768.

Periodical postage i s paid at

ScoEsboro, Alabama 35768.

USPS 554-720.

Sunday, August 4 8:45a.m. Contemporary Worship 9:45a.m. Sunday School 10:00a.m. Sunday School at Fellowship 11:00a.m. Traditional Worship 2:00p.m. Scouts at Fellowship 2:00-7:00p.m. Church at Camp Maranatha 5:00p.m. Read THE BOOK Bible Study Monday, August 5 Tuesday, August 6 6:00p.m. Praise Band Practice 7:00p.m. Mercy Place Band Practice Wednesday, August 7 6:30a.m. Men’s Bible Study 6:00p.m. ‘Voices of the Heart’ Book Study 6:00p.m. Blessing of the Schools/ Back to School Prayer Walk

Thursday, August 8 9:30a.m. Ladies Prayer Group 5:30p.m. Celebrate Recovery Meal 6:15p.m. Mercy Place Service 7:15p.m. CR Small groups Friday, August 9 Saturday, August 10 5:00p.m. Swim Team Banquet

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

4 Blessing of the


Camp Maranatha


5 6 7 School Starts 8 9 10 5:00p.m. Swim


11 10:15a.m. New

School Year Kickoff/

Promotion Sunday

Mitchell Birthday

Celebration at


12 12:00p.m. Noon


6:00p.m. Girl Scouts

At Fellowship

13 9:30a.m. Peace by

Piece Quilters

14 15 16 17

18 11:00a.m. UMM

Sunday Lunch

2:30p.m. Trustees

5:30-7p.m. 1st Kids/

Lambs Resume

19 20 5:30p.m. Finance 21 22 23 24 Youth Whitewater


25 Youth Whitewater


26 6:00p.m. Girl

Scouts at Fellowship

27 28 12:00p.m. Noon

Cane Club at


29 30 31



8:45a.m. Contemporary Service

9:45a.m. Sunday School

10:00a.m. Sunday School at Fellowship

11:00a.m. Tradi onal Service

2:00p.m. Scouts at Fellowship

5:00p.m. Read THE BOOK Bible Study

5:30p.m. Youth



6:00p.m. Praise Team Prac ce

7:00p.m. Mercy Place Band Prac ce


6:30a.m. Men’s Bible Study

5:30p.m. Youth

6:00p.m. ‘Voices of the Heart’ Book



9:00a.m. Senior Choir

5:30p.m. Celebrate Recovery Meal

6:15p.m. Mercy Place Service

6:30p.m. Community Band

at Fellowship

7:15p.m. CR Small Groups



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02 Gary Stewart 02 Kathy Wright 03 Debra Brickley 03 Eddie Smith 06 Collins Bradford 06 Carolyn Deerman 06 Diane Cooke 06 Kenneth Webb 07 Bob Freeman 07 Ray Chapman 07 Georgia Boles 08 John Radavsky 08 Eddie Sisco 09 Ann Bittel 09 Jennifer Burks

10 Brian Steinmetz 11 Tanya Welch 12 Nancy Mattingly

20 Chase Berry 22 Jerry Marshall 22 Adair Shultz 22 Jason Turner 22 Virginia Wallingsford 23 Jerry Rossano 23 Jake Wright 24 Jamie Hardman 24 Lane Benson 27 Grayson Simmons 27 Evans Wright 27 Kathryn Wilson 28 Steve Cleaver 28 Bill Layton 29 Lois Horton 30 Barbara Akin 31 Myra Bailey

13 Adelaide Benson 14 Jack Livingston 15 Martha Chapman 15 Jim Parker 16 Joseph Basile 16 Cora Mercer 17 Anna Jackson Holly 17 Doug Hodges 18 Jim Campbell 18 Paige Hodges 18 Evelyn Herrington 18 Scott Holder 19 Mike Hodges

June 24-July 31 Honorariums and Memorials

HONORARIUMS General Fund In honor of Gene Holder By Doug and Nancy Hodges In honor of Jim and Bobbie Johns By Doug and Nancy Hodges In honor of Christine Sumner By Doug and Nancy Hodges MEMORIALS Celebrate Recovery Fund In memory of Connie Cotten By Mary and Rick Nixon By David and Beth Presley Children’s Fund In memory of Linda Richardson Bonner By Ben and Joan Richardson Discretionary Fund In memory of Shirley Smith By Deon and Judy Smith General Fund In memory of Ray Knight By Friendship Sunday School Class Shoes For Orphan Souls In memory of Rena Ward By Larry Ward

SHOE BOXES Christmas Shoe Boxes for Children in Central America will be ready for adoption starting Sunday, August 4th. Deadline to return is Friday, August 30th. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. The Disaster Warehouse in Decatur coordinates this mission project. UMW of our church helps facilitate the project. We have 100 shoe boxes that need adopting. Pick yours up today.

Missing Bible Studies Some of the Beth Moore Bible Studies are missing from the Resource Room. If you have borrowed one, please let Joy know, so we can verify where all the studies are.

LADIES BIBLE STUDY The Ladies Bible Study will begin on Thursday, August 15, at noon. We will be studying Beth Moore’s study on David, Seeking a Heart Like His. If you would like to participate, please let Sue Paulk (256-599-9617) or Ginny Joseph (256-239-5312) know so we can purchase a workbook for you. The study time is usually around 2 hours.