By Janet Miller. Copyright © 2011, TeamRCIA.com. All rights reserved. CATECHISTS NOTES The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Year A Children’s RCIA Resource HOW TO USE THIS RESOURCE Dismissal Session The Dismissal Session is for catechumens only who are dismissed from worship before the Creed (RCIA #75.3). The Dismissal Session group may gather for the Catechetical Session at another time during the week. Catechetical Session When the Dismissal Session is immediately followed by the Catechetical Session, parents or other sponsors join the group after Eucharist. Baptized children preparing for confirmation and Eucharist may also join in the Catechetical Session (RCIA #254; Appendix III, #19). Select the session options that fit your time frame. NOTES FOR THIS SUNDAY Sunday’s readings Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14b-16a Psalm 147:12-15, 19-20 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 John 6:51-58 Doctrine correlations Receiving the Eucharist in Holy Communion brings intimate union with Christ Jesus. The eucharistic banquet is the foundation of life in Christ (CCC #1391). Holy Communion achieves in our spiritual life what material food produces in our bodies, preserving, renewing, and increasing the life of grace received at Baptism (CCC #1392). RCIA team notes Celebrations of the word of God are arranged for the benefit of the catechumens to help them on their journey (RCIA #75.3). See the Crossing the Ages Activity Option and consider planning a prayer service to include the entire RCIA team, adult catechumens, and members of the faith community (RCIA #9.2).

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ · The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Year A HOW TO USE THIS RESOURCE Children’s RCIA Resource Dismissal

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Page 1: The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ · The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Year A HOW TO USE THIS RESOURCE Children’s RCIA Resource Dismissal

By Janet Miller. Copyright © 2011, TeamRCIA.com. All rights reserved.


The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Year A


Dismissal Session The Dismissal Session is for catechumens only who are dismissed from worship before the Creed (RCIA #75.3). The Dismissal Session group may gather for the Catechetical Session at another time during the week.

Catechetical Session When the Dismissal Session is immediately followed by the Catechetical Session, parents or other sponsors join the group after Eucharist. Baptized children preparing for confirmation and Eucharist may also join in the Catechetical Session (RCIA #254; Appendix III, #19). Select the session options that fit your time frame.


Sunday’s readings Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14b-16a Psalm 147:12-15, 19-20 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 John 6:51-58

Doctrine correlations Receiving the Eucharist in Holy Communion brings intimate union

with Christ Jesus. The eucharistic banquet is the foundation of life in Christ (CCC #1391).

Holy Communion achieves in our spiritual life what material food produces in our bodies, preserving, renewing, and increasing the life of grace received at Baptism (CCC #1392).

RCIA team notes Celebrations of the word of God are arranged for the benefit of the catechumens to help them on their journey (RCIA #75.3). See the Crossing the Ages Activity Option and consider planning a prayer service to include the entire RCIA team, adult catechumens, and members of the faith community (RCIA #9.2).

Page 2: The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ · The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Year A HOW TO USE THIS RESOURCE Children’s RCIA Resource Dismissal


Items to prepare check-in sheet and nametag materials

poster paper or white board, erasers, and erasable markers white cloth on table or counter space for prayer

Bibles, one set to John 6

cards for prayer readers bread covered with a cloth or in a container

candle in a heat-proof holder, matches

imaginative play items

Sharing Faith questions, copies of “Faith at Home”

Gathering Prayer Ritual Set a prayer space with a covered whole loaf of freshly baked bread. Print the four readers’ parts on separate numbered cards. Collect and retain the cards for upcoming sessions.

Singing option Use music from your faith community resources. The suggestion is a guide. Bring songbooks and music in a player.

Building Community Bring artificial and imaginative play items, such as, plastic flower, plant, and food, play money, toy cell phone, promotional “Your Name Here” credit card, baby keys, stuffed animals, and baby doll.

Snack option Send a reminder to the sponsor providing the snack this week.

Sharing Faith groups Put the Scripture citation with the questions on cards for group leaders.

Crossing the Ages Activity option: “Sharing Bread” Invite a presider and provide an outline with reflection notes. Invite other members of the faith community and a music minister. Bring singing aids. Reserve the location or plan to create a worship environment in the catechetical room. Have volunteers prepare intercessions and practice readings.


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Catechumens, having heard the Sunday proclamation of word, are dismissed from the Mass. Greet the catechumens as they arrive. Have them check in and put on nametags. For anyone new provide nametag materials.


All stand around the prayer focal point. Chime a percussion instrument as a call to prayer.

(+) Light the candle. Uncover bread.

O God, you love us and promise us salvation.

Be with us gathered here in your name.

(Prayer adapted from the Lauda Sion Sequence)

Reader 1: Lo! Angels’ food is given. See, children, bread from heaven.

Reader 2: Paschal Lamb’s lifeblood spilling, Jesus, a victim willing.

Reader 3: Wonderful bread, Good Shepherd, tend us. Jesus, eternal goodness send us.

Reader 4: When the sacrament is broken, Do not doubt. Believe God’s word spoken.

All: Amen. Alleluia.

Invite the members, when you lift a hand, to respond with, “God fills us with the best of wheat.” Prayerfully say each of the following verses inspired by Psalm 147, and call for the response by lifting a hand.

Glorify your God, O Zion, who has blessed your children among you. (response)

God grants peace and fills you with the best of wheat. (response)

God’s word runs swiftly with a command for all the earth. (response)

Song Suggestion: “Psalm 34: Taste and See,” from Give Your Gifts, Melody Book, GIA Publications, Inc.

Extinguish the candle flame. Cover bread.

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Invite everyone to sit in a circle. Introduce anyone new. Invite sharing about their experiences with the “Faith at Home” pages from the previous session.


Real Presence: Assign partners. Distribute the play items. Ask them to talk about what they could do and what would their responsibilities be if the items were real. After a few minutes, invite them to share comments with the whole group. Say:

Jesus’s presence in our lives is real. It is not artificial or plastic or pretend. When we have Jesus in our lives, we share in the power of God to do really good things. With Jesus comes the responsibility of showing God’s love.


Have everyone sit with Bibles in a circle. Use the following as a guide. For information, refer to “Insight for the Catechist” and the reflections on the “Faith at Home” page.

Help everyone find Deuteronomy 8:2-16. Explain that this is part of a speech Moses made.

What did God do for the Hebrew people? (Affirm responses.)

If needed, explain:

Moses was afraid the people would forget God during good times. He believed difficulties were given by God as a test. Followers of Jesus understand that problems occur for many reasons, and God, who is with us, helps us.

Have the catechumens read 1 Corinthians 10:16-17.

What do you notice in the reading?


Family and friends develop feelings of belonging together by sharing food and drink. Saint Paul reminds us that participation in the body and blood of Christ forms believers into one church. During these sessions you are preparing to become a eucharistic participant.

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Have everyone find John 6:51-58. Ask:

What interests you in this passage?

Children who are at a literal stage may have difficulty understanding symbolism. Emphasize:

Holy Communion is real food for the spirit. Christ is present in eucharistic bread and wine which nourishes the faithful for doing Christ’s work together. The words “flesh and blood” emphasize that Holy Communion is real food for our souls.

How often, if ever, have you wanted to stay and share in Eucharist instead of being dismissed?

How are these dismissal sessions helpful?

Address the members’ comments. Conclude:

This week, our worship celebration focuses on the Body and Blood of Christ. After baptism, you will join at the table to eat and drink eucharistic food and be one in Christ with other Catholics.


Jesus wants everyone to have what is needed, so we ask God in prayer. When I lift my hand please respond, “God who calls us to be one, hear our prayer.”

For all who are hungry, may they know God’s loving care and receive food. (Lift a hand for the response.)

That people with cultural differences will find unity. (Lift a hand for the response.)

Lead us with all catechumens to the table of the Eucharist. (Lift a hand for the response.)

Invite the members to contribute intercessions. Conclude:

Blessed are you, God of all creation. Hear our prayers, those we have spoken and those we hold in our hearts. Through your goodness you give us the bread of life. Unite us as one in Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

All: Amen.

Option: Break for a snack or social time. If the group disperses now and meets for catechesis later in the week, collect nametags.

Page 6: The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ · The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Year A HOW TO USE THIS RESOURCE Children’s RCIA Resource Dismissal

By Janet Miller. Copyright © 2011, TeamRCIA.com. Photo courtesy of David Gunter. All rights reserved.

The Catechetical Session follows the Dismissal Session either immediately or at another time during the week. The catechetical session is designed for catechumens and parents or sponsors to grow in faith together. The status of the catechumens never is to be confused with that of baptized children preparing for confirmation or Eucharist, who may join in this catechesis as supportive companions (RCIA, Appendix III, #19). Extra time or reconvening may be needed for the Celebration of the Word of God option.


Welcome the catechumens, parents, sponsors, and any baptized children arriving from liturgy. If this Catechetical Session is not following the Dismissal Session, allow an additional ten minutes and begin with the Gathering segment in the Dismissal Session. Have those arriving check in and put on nametags.


Invite everyone to stand around the prayer focal point. Use the (†) prayer from the Gathering Prayer Ritual in the Dismissal Session, another prayer, or sing a gathering song from liturgy.


Introduce the reading:

Jesus wanted followers to know that believing in him would be difficult after his death. He, however, would be with them in a special new way, a way that no one before had ever known. His talk about eating and drinking flesh and blood was strange. The Last Supper had not yet happened. They did not know that Jesus’ flesh and blood would be eucharistic bread and wine.

Have everyone take Bibles and look at John 6:51-58.

About what were the people quarreling?

What did Jesus say about their quarreling?

Affirm their responses, and conclude:

Jesus gave his flesh and blood on the cross and continues to give his life in the bread and wine of Eucharist.


Form groups of four to six mixed-age groups with Bibles. (If there are only a few participants, lead the discussion as a whole group.) Print the questions on large paper or marker board, or distribute questions on cards for an adult to lead. Circulate to offer support as needed.




Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14b-16a Psalm 147:12-15, 19-20 1 Corinthians 10:16-17

John 6:51-58

Insight for the Catechist

In ancient Jewish culture the “cup of blessing” was a cup of wine drunk at the end of a meal as a thanksgiving blessing. The ritual was adopted for Christian liturgy.

While earthly food nourishes our body, heavenly bread offers divine life. We who accept “the bread that came down from heaven” live eternally. When we celebrate the mystery of the Eucharist we receive Jesus, the bread of life that nourishes our faith.

The biblical Jews found the talk of eating and drinking “flesh and blood" to be extremely harsh. The Eucharist symbolically challenges Jesus’ followers to go to extremes in doing what right and just.

Those sharing in Eucharist share in the one body of Christ and with one another. The many, however different they may be, become one. Those who eat and drink sacramental eucharistic food receive what is truly life-giving.


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Which teachings of Jesus do you need help to understand better?

Why do you go to Mass and participate in worshiping God?

What are your feelings about waiting to share in the Liturgy of the Eucharist?

In what ways might you give of yourself as a young follower of Jesus?

Invite each person to comment on something they discovered. Summarize:

At baptism, you will enter into the life of Jesus in a new way. Then, Holy Communion will preserve, renew, and increase your spiritual life. Eucharist is for our souls what material food is for our bodies.



Provide sanitary wipes for members to clean their hands. Invite everyone to stand around the prayer focal point. Encourage them to offer insights from this week’s session. Summarize:

Participating in Holy Eucharist brings intimate union with Jesus Christ. The eucharistic banquet is the foundation of life in Christ.


Uncover the loaf of bread. Say:

Let us break bread together as a sign of our desire to be one in Christ.

Invite members to come forward, break a piece of bread, and return to places holding the bread. Say:

Jesus, true bread, feed us with the food of everlasting life. Strengthen us with your Spirit for willingness to share. May this prayer prepare the catechumens for their Holy Communion.

Invite everyone to eat the bread. Raise your hands in blessing over the group. Say:

Go forth from this place sharing the life of Christ.

And may the ever-living God bless us, (Make the Sign of the Cross on yourself as a model for everyone.) protect us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.

All: Amen.

Distribute the “Faith at Home” page. Collect the nametags.

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Crossing the Ages Activity (Optional activity: 20 minutes)

Celebration of the Word of God: “Sharing Bread” (Preparation for eucharistic participation, RCIA #75.3)

Provide an opportunity for everyone to wash their hands. If possible, reconvene in a chapel or worship area with members, parents, sponsors, and other members of the faith community. If worshipping in the catechetical center, move the tables and arrange the chairs in a U-shape around a prayer focal point with a lectern and a table with a candle and the bread. Use songs from faith community worship. The suggestions below are from Give Your Gifts, Melody Book, GIA Publications, Inc.

Greeting: Greet the catechumens and community members who have joined in this celebration.

Song: “For Living, For Dying”

Reading: Ruth 2:14-18

Responsorial Psalm: “Psalm 34: Taste and See”

Gospel: Mark 8:1-9

Reflection Possibilities:

Ruth, providing for her mother-in-law, received food for herself. God provides an abundance to share. Jesus feeds our hungers in Eucharist. Connect aspects of a family meal to eucharistic worship.

Someone plans and gets things ready. The family gathers at a time and place. Interruptions are minimized. The table/altar is prepared. Prayers are offered. Words are shared as someone talks and others listen. Traditions are developed and maintained. The time together is formative and important. The experience of sharing builds unity. Everyone carries the family’s values into the world.


Concluding Rite: Share Bread (See Closing Prayer.)

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By Janet Miller. Copyright © 2011, TeamRCIA.com. Photo courtesy of Mary Bren. All rights reserved. Permission is given to reproduce this handout for family home use.

At a convenient time for the family, gather around a dining table or in the living room. Silence all electronics. Place a Bible opened to John 6:51 in the center. Begin with a moment of quiet.


Moses feared the people would neglect their faith once they were secure in a new land, so he felt that God was testing them. Today, we know that circumstances of nature and poor choices may cause calamity. But we also know that God is with us and that good can come out of calamity.

What are the characteristics of God?

What in the passage shows that God gives two kinds of food, physical and spiritual?

We often depend on God to provide relief in times of trouble, but to what extent do we remember God when we are having good times?

Together form some both/and prayers. For example: Be with me God both when I am struggling with a test and when I am rejoicing over a good grade.


The Christians in Corinth had a dilemma. The meat sold in butcher shops often had been dedicated to idols. Some Christians ate this meat believing the dedication was meaningless since idols were unreal. Others believed Christians should reject the cup and food of idols as a sign of belonging to Christ. Paul emphasized the importance of sharing the bread of life in Eucharist as symbolic unity in Christ and participation in the church’s mission.

How does participation in Mass transform each family member?

Faith at Home The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Year A

Remember Sunday’s Word

Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14b-16a

Psalm 147:12-15, 19-20 1 Corinthians 10:16-17

John 6:51-58

Page 10: The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ · The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Year A HOW TO USE THIS RESOURCE Children’s RCIA Resource Dismissal

Each family member imagines being a type of bread and explains about the type of bread they might be.


The crowds who followed Jesus received free food. Jesus wanted them to look beyond their physical needs and see a new way of living. Of course, at the time of this story, the Last Supper had not yet occurred. Those who stayed with Jesus and trusted his word would see him take the bread, bless it, and say, “This is my Body which will be broken for you.” They would see him take the cup and say, “This is my blood which will be poured out for the life of the world.”

Which teachings of Jesus might each family member have difficulty understanding or accepting?

Consider what your family’s spiritual diet is like. Talk about ways your family prays, how you participate in worship, and how you each carry godly ways into the world. Together talk about ways people eat as metaphors for a spiritual diet. For example:

“Slow food” might mean journaling or writing poetry.

“Leisurely breakfast” might mean reflecting on God during a morning walk or meditating as the sun rises.

“Leftovers” might be doing God’s work if there is time after school, work, and fun.

For each family member and the family as a whole, rate your spiritual lives using the meal metaphor list. One is low and ten is high. Focus on faith actions, not meal habits.

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Year A TeamRCIA.com



Soft inside










___ Fast food

___ Full course meals

___ Backyard friendly get-togethers

___ Leisurely breakfasts

___ Grab and go foods

___ Baby food

___ Slow food

___ Leftovers

___ Feasting

___ Bread and wine