if t4bc fln L VOL XXIII NO 20 PADUCAH KY WEDNESDAY EVENING JANUARY 20 1908 TENrCENTS PER WEEK WHAT RIVER WORK MEANS TO TRAFFIC OFWHOLECOONTBY Nolto Toko Care of Future But to Prevent Retrogression of Volume Railroads Reach Limit of Cap- acity and Possibilities JMST NOT I IXSK MOIIH TIMH Staff CorroHpomliMioe 6 iliigtOH > C Jan 29otterInt- otMhtilUntOrynulratlotu thrdyphI outIlly 0untry doubtlqMt havo taken due nollcti of thy setback tb their plant for Immodhiie oi erntloim given III tho roKirt of Iho committee on ap ¬ propriations taut wICk Chnlrnmn Tawnoy ctild In dlscunnlng tho urgent ilitlclvhqr bill Hint the estimated ox IwndUuro of ono billion dollars for Iho Vital year qf 190S dbl l sot Includo approprtntlQiM for rivers and harbora and he Alto sold this expenditure If carried out would leav a doik4t l of I KWAAwOfrO This deficit howuvor ho predicted could be nvolded by Minllng tho iBtlninte to that amount and the oflldomiy of thn different branch of the Kovwnnwnt would KllIMM 1 unlmvalr l but by Iho closest UmirltiK ho duos not m how any np projirlatton could bo nrade out of Iho rt v mieH I of the govern njun I for rivora trail I mrl orn more Ihnn Uu work al ¬ ready provided for by law This wmewhitt bteek ouriook forI I Iminedktlo river lniirovenifnU In fur liter MihtuDPd by tho probability that liofore the ywsr la out the dcllclt will have grown enormously over wtint NOW opptnrs to be probable In fist omit nut only would no now up ini rlnUfliw be nwifcj but H sharp I curtailment in authorized exp ndlturti wtrukl be necessary untoM the admin Mmilotf mould drt rmhie to put the Kov rftmiht urther In debt The ceases of the Rioady dcoreaM In rCI + aI ore not hnrfl to find and thI I inori iMraiHlnent ones are tho ntiroach of s pr Mdentltil contt the pnmil of prolilliltknr and the effect of the Nuke all of which villeontlnuu to ofivraU adversely for many months nt the IIHNU liberal otlnmt It W olnuwt an statist fact that the Panama I l canal will have to ho nnlhe l on bor rowel monio and from oil cotmldern lloui any rlvwr ami harbor Improve nheuls thud may be decided upon will 1 I h sve to bo flnone Hl dnMnrly 1 Ilio OnljH Mnuis Prom these facts It ta evident that onerRollc action on tho purl of Ihot t river Improvomont oruiinlwitldtm will I I Im lidded i to limiro any favorable Icntolnllon this > cr ir With no Rlh MII hand or iwpocled to tturt the lur I provriiHntB only n bill like Senator NVwtamU provldlnx for IfOODOflOO In bond to be roplenlnhwl by cxor4i Continued on PUg Three SHERIFF CALLED BY NIGHT RIDERS OVER TELEPHONE To niako sure that n letter lidI I drts seal to Sheriff Ogllvlo and SUIc c IKXcilIy written by a committee oft t t nlKlit rldors ruutlieij him tin porafln I mulling tho bettor at Paris fonnt t called tho sheriff up by long distance telephone thlo J1lornlnGI I U that Sheriff Ogllvlo nt J > duI I rah 1 asked u gruff voice when IhoI I tlherln answered n call front the IonllII distance operator of tho Cumberland Telephone this morning Yes replied the sheriff Well did you gttit letter fromI J Purl Tonn I lust night I Yes who aro you anyway Never mind who I am you hnaI bettor tako warning from that letter nnd lieu the 1101011 hung up the rooI culver Sheriff Ogllvlo mado mi effort to thud out from the operator at tho Parlii exchange who tho person WON but Iho girl replied Hint lie was n stranger and had loft the olden Until die telephone mcssngp had Preen I received the sheriff was Inclined < o bollovo that the warring letter was sent by some friend who was Joking him and expected to find out who tho party wast but the tojoptiono nionitnge canned him to think nitro 6orlousl> of the affair no- wGrain Market St Louis Jan 29WkeTt 10U corn 68 i oats B3V4 l r o g Representative Eugene Graves is of Opinion Deadlock Will Not be Broken During Present Session u I Says That Prohibition Senti ¬ ment is Growing and There is Moro Than Nero Talk in Humor lUiintuntnllve Eugene f raves came In front Frankfort last night to look utter HOIIIO cases In circuit court Hint t woru down for trial tills week Mr Graves IH iinlrcil with a Republican 1I- I t I leprcsontatlvo null Ills absence will not affect the senatorial race or any other matter where ixirty lines ar drawer When asked regarding tho senatorial situation Mr Graves ex preswd Iho belle that the dcndlocw- 111 k continuo throughout the tfesslon- I do not bellovo an election will IIQ mndo unlent one side catches the other oft guard some day which la not probable wild Mr Craves The talk about a bill being passed to niako the state a unit In local op¬ lion VlcvtlonB Is not without founda ¬ lion and the sentiment among tho members of both houses In favor ofI such a meaiuro seems to bo growing cvtry day Mr Grave Is confident that the liHI to change tho order of holding circuit courts in the Judicial district will become a law ag I there IH no op- Position from either county TWO PRIMARY LAWS Sj rlnpIUld III Jan 29Tito Oglecby primary bill passed today ITOilOka Jan 9Tho houio l pass olectlonII W H SMITII Ir W I Up Smith 81 yvant ufagu died at Ilia homo of Mr Milton llu chnunnn two and onehalf lullon be- low latnoiit on tho Hlnklevllle road last night of old ago Tho funeral will trtke I i4aco tomorrow nt 12 oclock with burial In Oak Grove cumctury Mr Smith used to IK n resident of Pa ¬ ducah working In Uiu cariwnter buslnoes He was a Mason I and n mumbtr ot f the Christian church for- 6o yours Mr Smith Is survived by three children Mrs Tom Snumperoy and Mrs BotMo Harrivon of Lamont and Mr Wilt Smith Jr of Grahamvlllo I The Mqunpt will have charge of the funerul wjitch will bo held at the 1 home of Mr BucbitniKin whire Mr I Smith died AT I Represent Sentiment That is Overwhelming ill County and Other Places Will Havo Similar Organintions TnH tutitlmcnt Is so strong In the supportersof lOubs In advance oftho state convert ¬ tion to work to secure a solid Tart dnlcgatlon Mother has 4ho distinc ¬ lieu of being limo Una place In Mo bracken county to institute a club although like organizations aro being considered nt other places The Mel her club starts with HE active enthu ¬ siastic members who say they only represent the unanimous sentiment of their district They met teed organized with the following officers J W Fry presi ¬ dent S W Simmons vice presideut JD 1 Miller secretary O W Hust treasurer John A S perry lecturer They will meet every wrote and many nevi names will bo added to the roster this wee- kSTUIi11Y v IS IAST IIY TO 1AY CITY LIGHXK12S Although licenses nro coming stead- ily City Treasurer iDorlan says n number of people have failed to pay and ho tears they will neglect until after Saturday when tho 1 penalty goes on and delinquents quo liable to ar ¬ rest I 1 K I re Him Tragedy New Orleans Jan 29As thin re ¬ troll of wri election row here today at ono of the polling places Canal and Basin streets Joseph G Sclacfcaluga was shot twice by Charles l Prados The wounds may prove fatal N r Iiy > I TEN RECRUITS LEAVING TODAY FOR ARMY POST Like a small military company Sergeant C A Blake and ten recruits Inornhmgt theyleft I wre cured at the local station were In ¬ 1leeyrtrdk Duma Coast artillery service Georgo Collins of CavelnHock III Charles Vaughftfi of CnvcliiJJock Ilir Claud Hntchle of Wlngo Atlas 0 Shelton of Padiicnh Cavalry Hrvlco Frecmon Iladgar of Glen dale lit James M J Davis of lx > la Virgil Durbln of PadUcah Cavalry service In Philippines Walter S San ¬ ders of Paducahr Cap William I L Heed of Evans vllle In accvptlng the men paid SeT Roant Blake many compliments on his work and said they competed ono of the last squads of men he had over examined for the army All are largo muscular fellows and paused tho phynlcal I examination without a thaw They were quiet and orderly suit ttecmtd eager to begin the duties of n soldiers life Vlnynrd was a nK clmcn of jwrfect manhood Per two years ho has been deputy ulicrlrr noor Kllzahcthtown III and before serving as sheriff had BXimrlence as n constable None of limo men have hind any military exper Ion C In closing the work for the month at January Sergeant fluke roll short of Januar 190G Last year he en ¬ rolled 2S mun and thIs year the num ¬ bor was 19 However It was a good thawing for Paducah and excellent prnapoctB are In store for February Thla IH one of Die largest squads of recruit that liu a been sent to the bar racks from Paducah and represents much work by Sergeant Blake TWO BIG FIRES Indianapolis id Jan ICob- llrus warehouse covering a city block was destroyed by flrq this morning The loss fras a million c Kansas City Jan 9Tho east main building and box factory of Nel- son ¬ Morris company wore sacrificed by firemen l last night 4o save the en ¬ tire giant from burning Tho loss was a half million TAFT CLUB ORGANIZED MELBKR BY 35 ENTHUSIASTIC REPUBLICANS CORTELYOU TELLS SENATE ABOUT HIS EMERGENCY ISSUE II Washington Jan 29 Secretary Cortelyoii In statement to the son ¬ ate today JiiMtllled the rmUual methods ho employed In meeting limo recent panic Ho said bo wns bound to have regard not simply to operations of1 tho treasury but their effect on tho financial condition of the country lie would bo glad to bo relieved U part by legislation froni such an obligation In the future Ho defended the Issno of now securities necessary to con wince doubters that the government was alive to tho situation He said onetenth of the mopes In circulation disappeared after the closing of one row York bank Ho met the charge of favoritism In distributing bonds by showing the records that they went to 10 shies and certificates to 1 IS states He declared public dopes ¬ its were made to meet the public de ¬ munch The Panama bond Issue was over subscribed morn than 14 times LONDONS STORIES PROVED ALLURING Now York Jan 29Jnck London In a letter sat tho failure ofbls crew to meet adventures depleted In his former books caused the crew to de- sert ¬ the boat Snark nt Tahiti Lon ¬ don Is now nt San Francisco arId says he will tot A new crew when t ie boat JeaVea Tahiti 7 7I PORTER CHARGED WITH LARCENY OF 12750 IN CASH Boyd Manley Accused of Steal ¬ ing Money and Valuables From J P Fowler Key Returns to Place When Suspect Returns to Work COX AltlWKTKI IJV IOMCI Charged with grand larceny Boyd Manley colored was arrested by the KHco today It Is alleged that Man l ley took 12750 In cash and other notes of value from thy I J p Fowler saloon Second street and Kentucky avenue Sunday afternoon while no j one was present Mr Fowler had the money In his trunk In his room up- stairs and when ho went to supper < tI I C30 oclock the money was there- On I his return at 7 oclock the money and notes wero inlfbliiK and alto a pass key that hung In an accustomed t place was prone Manley has been imrtcr at the sa ¬ loon and the pass key was used to enter the rooms when cleaning Ihemr but the key was not permitted to hoa taken from the building Missing I the key from Its place Mr Fowler said nothing when Mac fey went to work Monday morning but soon afterii his arrival It Is said that Mr Fowler found the key hanging In the right place All that was taken front the trunk Is valued at about 12S0 The doors leading to the room show no evidence of having been forced and the trunk does not appear to have been broken oloen It Is thought the thief used a- key to the trunk also Nothing has hen recovered In lance court this uoralng tile case of Manley was con tinued until Friday mornl- hgFOURhBNYEAR > i OLD GIRL MAKES I UGLY COMPLAINT After a questioning of Gertrude I Dill a 14yearold girl by Police I Judge Cross and Chief of Pollco Col- lins I a warrant was Issued late yester- day afternoon for Sim Walker n wuilkcr charging him with detaining t girl against her will Walker Is bout CO years old and was arrested II y Patrolmen Dugan nnd Doyle and being unable to give bond was placed In jail Walker denies knowing anything of ho charge and his only statement was I am not guilty of the charge The girl asserts that Walker mado imny advances to her to como to so ludcd places Sho told her father nit nothing was dono It Is said as the girl was returning hone with a ran of oil that Walker approached her near Island creek about a week ago The girl says Walker urged her not to tell anything hut her father hind her before Judgo Cross yesterday afternoon and after an examination the warrant was Issued It Is said there have been rumors of a similar nature In Mechanlcfburg1 about Aalker for some tune Walkers i rlomls say there Is nothing In the charge and they believe he will cone s clear Fire and Police Commissioner Mann W Clark 4s quite ill of limo grip at his home at Sixth and Adams streets I = I WI t llIImI I F n Fair and solder tonight ThiuMUiy4 Wrtly cloudy mid not sat told HlKli l t tctnjarsiUm4 yextetdny1 I lowt 1 lay = ft Ii m Beckham and Bradley are Tiedand All Bolters Vote for John R Allen New Man Votes for JJ C Mayo I ARCHITECT WILL PEACH IN PENNSY CAPITOL FRAUDS Harrisburg Pa Jan 29Thal Joseph M Huston l the architect who supervised the construction and equip ¬ ment of the state capitol has decided to turn states evidence seems to bo confirmed by tho appearance of Ills former assistant Stanford B Lewis as a witness for the njosecutlon when the trial of the first four of the ac ¬ cused officials opened Todays session of tho trial was taken In by the opening address of the prosecution and the introduction of various records which arc to form the basIs of the case for the state against the officials who aro accused ot having obtained 13000000 of graft during the building of tho capitol James Scarlett attorney for tho commonwealth explained that tho regular schedule of 1004 contained a Special capital furnishing schedule for all tho Items upon which Sanderson got the contract under the per toot nd per pound system Taking up the payments In the case Mr Scarlelt explained that Sanderson contracted I to supply the furniture under ono Item acid was paid under another lie said that In this case furniture worlh 10000 was chared for andJ J paid for at the rate of 53000 and that nil five defendants Joseph M Huston John H Sanderson James H Shumackor William R Snyder and William L Mathucs wero Involved Architect Huston and Superintend ¬ ent Shumacker he saW knowingly certified the fraudulent bills of ConI tractor Sanderson while Snyder nO auditorgeneral and Olathueg as state treasurer ordered them paid know Ing that they wero fraudulent EPIDEMICS IN COUNTY i Physicians In the county are find- ing ¬ much Illness among the children Around Sharp there is an epidemic ofI I whooping cough and although school I la In session regularly only about half tho pupils are present In the Grahamvllle and Maxon Mills neigh- borhoods ¬ the doctors are busy attend Ing chicken pox cases and In other I parts of the county there are mumps I Ii i Miiynr Wnttn Improving I Mayor A W Watts of Mayflold Is l reported much better today T Mr Smith Was Awaiting With Shotgun Robbers Entry But Ho Ibis Quarry Who Ran Pollee ore busy today looking for a burglar who attempted to enter the residence of Mr J Smith awoll knovt blacksmith at tho railroad shops who lives at InS Guthrlo avo- flue Two shots from a double barr lelt shotgun were fired at the form of the burglar who started to rm when ho discovered that Mr Smith was com lug toward him ills tho shots were tired at close range It Is believed the man was badly wounded and for that reason will bo forced to seek mcdlcaj assistance and will bo found out Mr Smith stated this morning that the man tried to enter the house through a front window and mado four attempts to got In the house be ¬ fore ho discovered that ho was bclnv walled for on the inside Mr Smith having secured his shotgun and sta ¬ tioned himself near tho window watt Ing for tho burglar to got Into the house that ho might arrest him as ht did not care to kill tho man which ho could easily have dono In changing hs position Sir Smith made a slight noise und tho burglar turned to run when ho was fired upon The gun was loaded with number four and five shotThe shot caused excitement In the neighborhood and several men joined Mr Smith In searching for the man but failed to find him The police wore notified and officers were do < tailed on too case but as yet ham failed to find any trace of the burglar Bill Placing Tobacco Interests in Hands of Board of Agri ¬ culture Adjourn Until Tuesday Frankfort Ky Jan ¬ committee on agriculture of the house approVed McChords bill placing tobacco Interests under tho control ol the board of agriculture and putting police Interests of the state practically In the hands of the growers Both houses agreed today to adjourn over until Tuesday In or ¬ der to allow committees to visit the prisons and asylums of tho state Representative Wilson Introduced a resolution which was adopted pro viding for the appointment of a com ¬ mittee of three Democrats and two Republicans to Investigate the new capitol Wilson said he wanted this as an answer to campaign charges On Joint ballot today Deckham re ¬ ceived 57 Bradley 67 John II Allen 7 and J J C Mayo 1 All the for ¬ mer bolters voted for Allen today Hopkins of Johnson Democrat voted for Mayo Hopkins said he voted for Mayo to compliment him and would vote for Beckham whenever his ballot would elect In the senate the legislative nnd senatorial reapportionment bill pre- pared ¬ by exStato Senator Bennett was introduced NIGHT RIDERS BURN TWO TOBACCO BARNS Adalrvllle Ky Jan 29 Special Two large barns on the farm of Jess Burr near here were burned by night riders last night The barns were the property of tenants There were 30 or 40 masked men In the party They shot at the house of Burr but did no other damage PARLIAMENT MEETS Ixndon Jan 29Iarllament which will consider much legislation of interest to the poor man met to- day ¬ Tho kings speech had nothing much out of tho ordinary KvSennlor 11 Bankrupt Now York Jan 29Former Unit- ed ¬ States Senator Warner Miller today made an assignment for the benefit of his creditors Mr Miller Is largely interested In gold and copper mining In the United States and British Co ¬ lumbia being an officer or director several mining companies ofI I BURGLAR CHASE ON GUTHRIE AVENUE WAS WITHOUT REWARD LAST NIGHT Frightened 9Spe- clalThe ARGUMENT BEGUN BY THAW DBFENSB- THIS MORNING Now York Jan 29 hlttlolon for Thaws defense began his address to the Jury today In the case of Harry Thaw charged with killing Stanford Wtlte Mrs William Thaw Evelyn and Mr and Mrs George Carnegie were In the court room which was crowded Around tho court the gen ¬ eral opinion favors disagreement or not guilty on ground of Insanity MINE WORKERS VOTE Indianapolis Ind Jan 29With- out doubt the canvassing coinmlttco will report tonight that the United Mine Workers have elected Thoma I It Lewis president John P White vice prosldont and W D Ryan score tarytreasurer CARNATIONS WORN IN HONOR OF McKINLE- Today Is McKinley day and cams ¬ lions the favorite flower of William McKinley arc seen In almost every button hole Tho patrolmen of tro city aro not an exception to tho rule This morning they were surprised to receive a largo box of carnations from Cv L Brunson the florist and every e apse as ho reported to work was de oral d with one of the flowers by- ofe111os 4 < TENNESSEE GETS TWO AND ONEHALF CENT R R RATE Southern and Queen Crescent AgreeIllinois Central and L vSt N Refuse Another Session Will be Reid to Arrange Agreement EAST HAM STATE IJKXEFITS Nashville Tenn tan 29AIIof the lines controlled by the Southern interests Including the Southern the Mobile and Ohio and the Queen and Crescent accepted time 2 Y cent flat rate The Illinois Central Louls vllle and Nashville and the Nashville Chattanooga and St Louis refused to agreeIt Is expected that a conference of the traflc managers of trje three lat ¬ for roadsswill bq held with the rail road commission with a view looking to a satisfactory adjustment of limo coupon question If the coupon check Is accepted the commission will not Institute mandamus proceedings for the enforcement of Us order ef- fective ¬ April 1 but will abide by the agreement which put Uicno three roads on practically the same tooting as that of the Southern Interests If the railroads do not agree to the cou ¬ pon check the mandatory powers of the commission wlllbo exercised and a rate of 21 14 cents flat will go Into effect and President Smith states that If this Is persisted In the courts will be called upon to dccldo the quest- ion at Issue In the event tho cou ¬ pon attachment Is accepted It will be effective only until tho supreme court of the United States renders a decis ¬ ion In the Georgia rose Among the officials present at the conference were President Thomas of Nashville Chattanooga and St Louts railroad President Smllh of the Lou 1 Isvlllo and Nashville Tho president of tho Illinois Central and Southern wore represented by high traffic offi ¬ dais and members of the legal depart mcnt President Finles of the South- ern was represented by Vice Presi ¬ dent J Til Culp Vice President A B Andrews and Henry Foude general agent President Harahan was rep resented by Messrs C N Burch of the law department A II Hanson passenger traffic manager and li ff Fritch assistant to President IIarii han T C Powell vice president ot the Cincinnati New Orleans and Texas Pacific A R Smith vice president and traffic manager of the Louisville and Nashville II F Smith vice pres ¬ dent and traffic manager of the Nash vllle Chattanooga and St Louis W J Murphy vIce president of the Queen and Crescent W C ninearson general passenger agent of the Queen and Crescent John Bell Kccble dt the legal department of the Louisville and Nashville RAM ATTACKS BOY AND MOTHER BUT IS BEATEN AWAY Maxon Mills Jan 29Spoclal where was an exciting time hero yesterday afternoon nt the country homo of Charles Leake of Paducah when a large ram ljuttod little Charles Toof three years old When airs Ed Toot ran to the rescue she oleo foil a victim to the rums wrath The child had gone to the front yard and when ho was attacked Mrs Toof went to the rescue but she could not carry the child away Mrs Blanche Cor yell daughter of Deputy United States Marshal Elwood Noel was passing and hitching her horse she took tho buggy whip and bravely Joined In the tight Sho struck tho ram several sharp blows across the face and pick Ing tho child up placed It over tho fence Then she kept tho ram at a distance while Mrs Toot sought safety When the ram saw it was vanquished It tried to Jump the fence nail pet to the cuts but a laborer drove tho animal to its pent with a clubjMrs j loot and the child were andY iON HOUSKMAX iII w AND 1UIKAKS LEG AT SCHOOl While plavlng at the High school yesterday Don Houseman tho 11i year old son of Mr and lrsC P Houseman fell and broke his right leg abovo the ankftv The boy was re- moved to his parents home on IJarrlt son street where he Is resting well today

The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1908-01-29 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vx05x7z42/data/0144.pdflimo men have hind any military exper Ion C In closing the work for the month at January

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Page 1: The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1908-01-29 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vx05x7z42/data/0144.pdflimo men have hind any military exper Ion C In closing the work for the month at January

if t4bc flnL





Nolto Toko Care of Future Butto Prevent Retrogression

of Volume

Railroads Reach Limit of Cap-

acity and Possibilities


Staff CorroHpomliMioe6 iliigtOH > C Jan 29otterInt-

otMhtilUntOrynulratlotu thrdyphI

outIlly 0untry doubtlqMt havo takendue nollcti of thy setback tb theirplant for Immodhiie oi erntloim givenIII tho roKirt of Iho committee on ap ¬

propriations taut wICk ChnlrnmnTawnoy ctild In dlscunnlng tho urgentilitlclvhqr bill Hint the estimated oxIwndUuro of ono billion dollars forIho Vital year qf 190S dbll sot IncludoapproprtntlQiM for rivers and harboraand he Alto sold this expenditure Ifcarried out would leav a doik4tl ofI KWAAwOfrO This deficit howuvorho predicted could be nvolded byMinllng tho iBtlninte to that amountand the oflldomiy of thn differentbranch of the Kovwnnwnt wouldKllIMM1 unlmvalr l but by Iho closestUmirltiK ho duos not m how any npprojirlatton could bo nrade out of Ihortv mieHI of the govern njun I for rivoratrailI mrl orn more Ihnn Uu work al ¬

ready provided for by law

This wmewhitt bteek ouriook forIIIminedktlo river lniirovenifnU In furliter MihtuDPd by tho probabilitythat liofore the ywsr la out the dcllcltwill have grown enormously overwtint NOW opptnrs to be probable Infist omit nut only would no now upini rlnUfliw be nwifcj but H sharpI

curtailment in authorized exp ndlturtiwtrukl be necessary untoM the adminMmilotf mould drt rmhie to put theKov rftmiht urther In debt Theceases of the Rioady dcoreaM In rCI+ aI ore not hnrfl to find and thII

inori iMraiHlnent ones are tho ntiroachof s pr Mdentltil contt the pnmilof prolilliltknr and the effect of theNuke all of which villeontlnuu to

ofivraU adversely for many months ntthe IIHNU liberal otlnmt It W olnuwtan statist fact that the Panama Il

canal will have to ho nnlhel on borrowel monio and from oil cotmldernlloui any rlvwr ami harbor Improvenheuls thud may be decided upon will 1

Ih sve to bo flnone Hl dnMnrly1Ilio OnljH Mnuis

Prom these facts It ta evident thatonerRollc action on tho purl of Ihott

river Improvomont oruiinlwitldtm will I

IIIm liddedi to limiro any favorableIcntolnllon this > cr ir With no RlhMII hand or iwpocled to tturt the lur


provriiHntB only n bill like SenatorNVwtamU provldlnx for IfOODOflOOIn bond to be roplenlnhwl by cxor4i

Continued on PUg Three




To niako sure that n letter lidII

drts seal to Sheriff Ogllvlo and SUIcc

IKXcilIy written by a committee oftttnlKlit rldors ruutlieij him tin porafln


mulling tho bettor at Paris fonntt

called tho sheriff up by long distancetelephone thlo J1lornlnGII

U that Sheriff Ogllvlo nt J > duII

rah 1 asked u gruff voice when IhoII

tlherln answered n call front the IonllII

distance operator of tho CumberlandTelephone this morning

Yes replied the sheriffWell did you gttit letter fromI

JPurl Tonn Ilust nightI

Yes who aro you anywayNever mind who I am you hnaI

bettor tako warning from that letternnd lieu the 1101011 hung up the rooIculver

Sheriff Ogllvlo mado mi effort tothud out from the operator at thoParlii exchange who tho person WON

but Iho girl replied Hint lie was n

stranger and had loft the oldenUntil die telephone mcssngp had

PreenI received the sheriff was Inclined< o bollovo that the warring letter wassent by some friend who was Jokinghim and expected to find out who thoparty wast but the tojoptiono nionitnge

canned him to think nitro 6orlousl>

of the affair no-

wGrain MarketSt Louis Jan 29WkeTt 10U

corn 68 i oats B3V4 lr o g

Representative Eugene Graves is

of Opinion Deadlock Will Not be

Broken During Present Sessionu


Says That Prohibition Senti ¬

ment is Growing and Thereis Moro Than Nero Talkin Humor

lUiintuntnllve Eugene f raves cameIn front Frankfort last night to lookutter HOIIIO cases In circuit court Hinttworu down for trial tills week MrGraves IH iinlrcil with a Republican 1I-



Ileprcsontatlvo null Ills absence willnot affect the senatorial race or anyother matter where ixirty lines ardrawer When asked regarding thosenatorial situation Mr Graves expreswd Iho belle that the dcndlocw-


continuo throughout the tfesslon-II do not bellovo an election will

IIQ mndo unlent one side catches theother oft guard some day which la notprobable wild Mr Craves

The talk about a bill being passedto niako the state a unit In local op¬

lion VlcvtlonB Is not without founda ¬

lion and the sentiment among thomembers of both houses In favor ofIsuch a meaiuro seems to bo growingcvtry day

Mr Grave Is confident that theliHI to change tho order of holdingcircuit courts in the Judicial districtwill become a law ag Ithere IH no op-

Position from either county


Sj rlnpIUld III Jan 29TitoOglecby primary bill passed today

ITOilOka Jan 9Tho houio lpass

olectlonIIW H SMITII

Ir W IUp Smith 81 yvant ufagudied at Ilia homo of Mr Milton lluchnunnn two and onehalf lullon be-low latnoiit on tho Hlnklevllle roadlast night of old ago Tho funeralwill trtke I i4aco tomorrow nt 12 oclockwith burial In Oak Grove cumcturyMr Smith used to IK n resident of Pa ¬

ducah working In Uiu cariwnterbuslnoes He was a MasonI and nmumbtr otf the Christian church for-6o yours

Mr Smith Is survived by threechildren Mrs Tom Snumperoy andMrs BotMo Harrivon of Lamont andMr Wilt Smith Jr of Grahamvlllo I

The Mqunpt will have charge of thefunerul wjitch will bo held at the 1

home of Mr BucbitniKin whire Mr I

Smith died



Represent Sentiment That isOverwhelming ill County

and Other Places Will Havo

Similar Organintions

TnH tutitlmcnt Is so strong In the

supportersoflOubs In advance oftho state convert ¬

tion to work to secure a solid Tartdnlcgatlon Mother has 4ho distinc ¬

lieu of being limo Una place In Mobracken county to institute a clubalthough like organizations aro beingconsidered nt other places The Melher club starts with HE active enthu ¬

siastic members who say they onlyrepresent the unanimous sentiment oftheir district

They met teed organized with thefollowing officers J W Fry presi ¬

dent S W Simmons vice presideut

JD1 Miller secretary O W Husttreasurer John A S perry lecturer

They will meet every wrote andmany nevi names will bo added to theroster this wee-




Although licenses nro coming stead-ily City Treasurer iDorlan says n

number of people have failed to payand ho tears they will neglect untilafter Saturday when tho 1penalty goes

on and delinquents quo liable to ar ¬


1K I re Him TragedyNew Orleans Jan 29As thin re ¬

troll of wri election row here today atono of the polling places Canal andBasin streets Joseph G Sclacfcalugawas shot twice by Charles lPrados Thewounds may prove fatal N

rIiy >I




Like a small military companySergeant C A Blake and ten recruitsInornhmgttheyleftIwrecured at the local station were In ¬

1leeyrtrdkDuma Coast artillery serviceGeorgo Collins of CavelnHock IIICharles Vaughftfi of CnvcliiJJockIlir Claud Hntchle of Wlngo Atlas0 Shelton of Padiicnh CavalryHrvlco Frecmon Iladgar of Glendale lit James MJ Davis of lx> laVirgil Durbln of PadUcah Cavalryservice In Philippines Walter S San ¬

ders of PaducahrCap William IL Heed of Evansvllle In accvptlng the men paid SeTRoant Blake many compliments onhis work and said they competed onoof the last squads of men he hadover examined for the army All arelargo muscular fellows and pausedtho phynlcal I examination without athaw They were quiet and orderlysuit ttecmtd eager to begin the dutiesof n soldiers life

Vlnynrd was a nK clmcn of jwrfectmanhood Per two years ho has beendeputy ulicrlrr noor KllzahcthtownIII and before serving as sheriff hadBXimrlence as n constable None oflimo men have hind any military experIon C

In closing the work for the monthat January Sergeant fluke roll shortof Januar 190G Last year he en¬

rolled 2S mun and thIs year the num ¬

bor was 19 However It was a goodthawing for Paducah and excellentprnapoctB are In store for FebruaryThla IH one of Die largest squads ofrecruit that liu a been sent to the barracks from Paducah and representsmuch work by Sergeant Blake


Indianapolis id Jan ICob-llrus warehouse covering a cityblock was destroyed by flrq thismorning The loss fras a millionc

Kansas City Jan 9Tho eastmain building and box factory of Nel-


Morris company wore sacrificedby firemen l last night 4o save the en ¬

tire giant from burning Tho losswas a half million






Washington Jan 29 SecretaryCortelyoii In statement to the son ¬

ate today JiiMtllled the rmUual methodsho employed In meeting limo recentpanic Ho said bo wns bound to haveregard not simply to operations of1

tho treasury but their effect on thofinancial condition of the country liewould bo glad to bo relieved U partby legislation froni such an obligationIn the future Ho defended the Issnoof now securities necessary to conwince doubters that the governmentwas alive to tho situation He saidonetenth of the mopes In circulationdisappeared after the closing of onerow York bank Ho met the chargeof favoritism In distributing bondsby showing the records that theywent to 10 shies and certificates to1IS states He declared public dopes¬

its were made to meet the public de ¬

munch The Panama bond Issue wasover subscribed morn than 14 times



Now York Jan 29Jnck London

In a letter sat tho failure ofbls crew

to meet adventures depleted In his

former books caused the crew to de-



the boat Snark nt Tahiti Lon ¬

don Is now nt San Francisco arId says

he will tot A new crew when t ie boatJeaVea Tahiti




12750 IN CASH

Boyd Manley Accused of Steal ¬

ing Money and ValuablesFrom J P Fowler

Key Returns to Place WhenSuspect Returns to Work


Charged with grand larceny BoydManley colored was arrested by theKHco today It Is alleged that Manlley took 12750 In cash and othernotes of value from thyI J p Fowlersaloon Second street and Kentuckyavenue Sunday afternoon while no j

one was present Mr Fowler had themoney In his trunk In his room up-stairs and when ho went to supper < tII

C30 oclock the money was there-On


his return at 7 oclock the moneyand notes wero inlfbliiK and alto apass key that hung In an accustomedtplace was prone

Manley has been imrtcr at the sa ¬

loon and the pass key was used toenter the rooms when cleaning Ihemrbut the key was not permitted to hoataken from the building Missing

Ithe key from Its place Mr Fowlersaid nothing when Mac fey went towork Monday morning but soon afteriihis arrival It Is said that Mr Fowlerfound the key hanging In the rightplace

All that was taken front the trunkIs valued at about 12S0 The doorsleading to the room show no evidenceof having been forced and the trunkdoes not appear to have been brokenoloen It Is thought the thief used a-

key to the trunk also Nothing hashen recovered In lance court thisuoralng tile case of Manley was continued until Friday mornl-





After a questioning of Gertrude I

Dill a 14yearold girl by Police I

Judge Cross and Chief of Pollco Col-


a warrant was Issued late yester-day afternoon for Sim Walker nwuilkcr charging him with detainingt girl against her will Walker Is

bout CO years old and was arrestedII y Patrolmen Dugan nnd Doyle andbeing unable to give bond was placedIn jail

Walker denies knowing anything ofho charge and his only statement

was I am not guilty of the chargeThe girl asserts that Walker mado

imny advances to her to como to so

ludcd places Sho told her fathernit nothing was dono It Is said asthe girl was returning hone with aran of oil that Walker approachedher near Island creek about a weekago The girl says Walker urged hernot to tell anything hut her fatherhind her before Judgo Cross yesterdayafternoon and after an examinationthe warrant was Issued It Is saidthere have been rumors of a similarnature In Mechanlcfburg1 aboutAalker for some tune Walkers i

rlomls say there Is nothing In thecharge and they believe he will cone s


Fire and Police Commissioner MannW Clark 4s quite ill of limo grip at hishome at Sixth and Adams streets I



F nFair and solder tonight ThiuMUiy4

Wrtly cloudy mid not sat told HlKli

l t tctnjarsiUm4 yextetdny1 I lowt1 lay =

ft Ii


Beckham and Bradley are TiedandAll Bolters Vote for John R Allen

New Man Votes for J J C MayoI




Harrisburg Pa Jan 29ThalJoseph M Huston lthe architect whosupervised the construction and equip ¬

ment of the state capitol has decidedto turn states evidence seems to boconfirmed by tho appearance of Illsformer assistant Stanford B Lewisas a witness for the njosecutlon whenthe trial of the first four of the ac ¬

cused officials opened

Todays session of tho trial wastaken In by the opening address ofthe prosecution and the introductionof various records which arc to formthe basIs of the case for the stateagainst the officials who aro accused othaving obtained 13000000 of graftduring the building of tho capitol

James Scarlett attorney for thocommonwealth explained that thoregular schedule of 1004 contained aSpecial capital furnishing schedule forall tho Items upon which Sandersongot the contract under the per tootnd per pound system Taking up

the payments In the case Mr Scarleltexplained that Sanderson contracted I

to supply the furniture under onoItem acid was paid under another

lie said that In this case furnitureworlh 10000 was chared for andJJ

paid for at the rate of 53000 andthat nil five defendants Joseph MHuston John H Sanderson James HShumackor William R Snyder andWilliam L Mathucs wero Involved

Architect Huston and Superintend ¬

ent Shumacker he saW knowinglycertified the fraudulent bills of ConItractor Sanderson while Snyder nOauditorgeneral and Olathueg as statetreasurer ordered them paid knowIng that they wero fraudulent


Physicians In the county are find-


much Illness among the childrenAround Sharp there is an epidemic ofII

whooping cough and although school I

la In session regularly only abouthalf tho pupils are present In theGrahamvllle and Maxon Mills neigh-


the doctors are busy attendIng chicken pox cases and In other I

parts of the county there are mumps IIi

iMiiynr Wnttn Improving I

Mayor A W Watts of Mayflold Is l

reported much better today

TMr Smith Was Awaiting WithShotgun Robbers Entry But

Ho Ibis QuarryWho Ran

Pollee ore busy today looking for aburglar who attempted to enter theresidence of Mr J Smith awollknovt blacksmith at tho railroadshops who lives at InS Guthrlo avo-

flueTwo shots from a double barr lelt

shotgun were fired at the form of theburglar who started to rm when hodiscovered that Mr Smith was comlug toward him ills tho shots weretired at close range It Is believed theman was badly wounded and for thatreason will bo forced to seek mcdlcajassistance and will bo found out

Mr Smith stated this morning thatthe man tried to enter the housethrough a front window and madofour attempts to got In the house be ¬

fore ho discovered that ho was bclnvwalled for on the inside Mr Smithhaving secured his shotgun and sta ¬

tioned himself near tho window wattIng for tho burglar to got Into thehouse that ho might arrest him as htdid not care to kill tho man which hocould easily have dono In changinghs position Sir Smith made a slightnoise und tho burglar turned to runwhen ho was fired upon The gunwas loaded with number four and five

shotTheshot caused excitement In the

neighborhood and several men joinedMr Smith In searching for the manbut failed to find him The policewore notified and officers were do<

tailed on too case but as yet hamfailed to find any trace of the burglar

Bill Placing Tobacco Interestsin Hands of Board of Agri ¬

culture Adjourn UntilTuesday

Frankfort Ky Jan ¬

committee on agricultureof the house approVed McChords billplacing tobacco Interests under thocontrol ol the board of agricultureand putting police Interests of thestate practically In the hands of thegrowers Both houses agreed todayto adjourn over until Tuesday In or¬

der to allow committees to visit theprisons and asylums of tho state

Representative Wilson Introduceda resolution which was adopted providing for the appointment of a com ¬

mittee of three Democrats and twoRepublicans to Investigate the newcapitol Wilson said he wanted thisas an answer to campaign charges

On Joint ballot today Deckham re¬

ceived 57 Bradley 67 John II Allen7 and J J C Mayo 1 All the for ¬

mer bolters voted for Allen todayHopkins of Johnson Democrat votedfor Mayo Hopkins said he voted forMayo to compliment him and wouldvote for Beckham whenever his ballotwould elect

In the senate the legislative nndsenatorial reapportionment bill pre-pared


by exStato Senator Bennettwas introduced



Adalrvllle Ky Jan 29 SpecialTwo large barns on the farm of

Jess Burr near here were burned bynight riders last night The barnswere the property of tenants Therewere 30 or 40 masked men In theparty They shot at the house ofBurr but did no other damage


Ixndon Jan 29Iarllamentwhich will consider much legislationof interest to the poor man met to-


Tho kings speech had nothingmuch out of tho ordinary

KvSennlor 11 BankruptNow York Jan 29Former Unit-


States Senator Warner Miller todaymade an assignment for the benefit ofhis creditors Mr Miller Is largelyinterested In gold and copper miningIn the United States and British Co¬

lumbia being an officer or directorseveral mining companies ofII








Now York Jan 29 hlttlolon forThaws defense began his address to

the Jury today In the case of Harry

Thaw charged with killing StanfordWtlte Mrs William Thaw Evelyn

and Mr and Mrs George Carnegiewere In the court room which wascrowded Around tho court the gen ¬

eral opinion favors disagreement ornot guilty on ground of Insanity


Indianapolis Ind Jan 29With-out doubt the canvassing coinmlttcowill report tonight that the UnitedMine Workers have elected ThomaIIt Lewis president John P Whitevice prosldont and W D Ryan scoretarytreasurer



Today Is McKinley day and cams ¬

lions the favorite flower of WilliamMcKinley arc seen In almost everybutton hole Tho patrolmen of trocity aro not an exception to tho ruleThis morning they were surprised toreceive a largo box of carnations fromCv L Brunson the florist and every

e apse as ho reported to work wasde oral d with one of the flowers by-

ofe111os4 <




Southern and Queen CrescentAgreeIllinois Central and

L vSt N Refuse

Another Session Will be Reidto Arrange Agreement


Nashville Tenn tan 29AIIofthe lines controlled by the Southerninterests Including the Southern theMobile and Ohio and the Queen andCrescent accepted time 2 Y cent flatrate The Illinois Central Loulsvllle and Nashville and the NashvilleChattanooga and St Louis refused to

agreeItIs expected that a conference of

the traflc managers of trje three lat ¬

for roadsswill bq held with the railroad commission with a view lookingto a satisfactory adjustment of limocoupon question If the couponcheck Is accepted the commission willnot Institute mandamus proceedingsfor the enforcement of Us order ef-


April 1 but will abide by theagreement which put Uicno threeroads on practically the same tootingas that of the Southern Interests Ifthe railroads do not agree to the cou ¬

pon check the mandatory powers ofthe commission wlllbo exercised anda rate of 2114 cents flat will go Intoeffect and President Smith statesthat If this Is persisted In the courtswill be called upon to dccldo the quest-ion at Issue In the event tho cou ¬

pon attachment Is accepted It will beeffective only until tho supreme courtof the United States renders a decis¬

ion In the Georgia roseAmong the officials present at the

conference were President Thomas ofNashville Chattanooga and St Loutsrailroad President Smllh of the Lou 1

Isvlllo and Nashville Tho presidentof tho Illinois Central and Southernwore represented by high traffic offi ¬

dais and members of the legal departmcnt President Finles of the South-ern was represented by Vice Presi ¬

dent J Til Culp Vice President A B

Andrews and Henry Foude generalagent President Harahan was represented by Messrs C N Burch ofthe law department A II Hansonpassenger traffic manager and li ffFritch assistant to President IIariihan T C Powell vice president otthe Cincinnati New Orleans and TexasPacific A R Smith vice presidentand traffic manager of the Louisvilleand Nashville II F Smith vice pres ¬

dent and traffic manager of the Nashvllle Chattanooga and St Louis WJ Murphy vIce president of theQueen and Crescent W C ninearsongeneral passenger agent of the Queenand Crescent John Bell Kccble dtthe legal department of the Louisvilleand Nashville




Maxon Mills Jan 29Spoclalwhere was an exciting time hero

yesterday afternoon nt the countryhomo of Charles Leake of Paducahwhen a large ram ljuttod little CharlesToof three years old When airs EdToot ran to the rescue she oleo foil avictim to the rums wrath The child

had gone to the front yard and whenho was attacked Mrs Toof went to

the rescue but she could not carrythe child away Mrs Blanche Coryell daughter of Deputy United StatesMarshal Elwood Noel was passingand hitching her horse she took thobuggy whip and bravely Joined In thetight Sho struck tho ram severalsharp blows across the face and pickIng tho child up placed It over thofence Then she kept tho ram at adistance while Mrs Toot soughtsafety When the ram saw it wasvanquished It tried to Jump the fencenail pet to the cuts but a laborerdrove tho animal to its pent with aclubjMrsj loot and the child wereandYiON HOUSKMAX iII w AND


While plavlng at the High schoolyesterday Don Houseman tho 11i

year old son of Mr and lrsC PHouseman fell and broke his rightleg abovo the ankftv The boy was re-

moved to his parents home on IJarrltson street where he Is resting welltoday