4 tJ I t abiuatj uu I i VOL Xl NO 53 i r PADUCAH KY WEDNESDAY MARCH 2 1904 10 CENTS PER WEEK P 11 SHE HASENOUGH Colombia Withdraws Snit Over ruiminu Cnnal Tho Investigation of tho Rcod Smbol Case Begins Miners Strlko May Bo Avoided FLOOD AT TOLEDO OHIO Now Orleans La March 2ThuA- ait a of the Columbian government brought In Paris to restrain the Pana ¬ ma Canal Company from delivering tho canal property to the United States ncconlltfg to on authentic dos ¬ patch hero has been tottlod out of court and tho suit bo withdrawn SMOOT TRIAL BEGAN Washington DO March ITho investigation into the right of trod Smoot Senator from Utah to retain his seat in the U S Senate began today beforo tho SonMo committee Many prominent Mormons aro present and tho case is attracting unusual At ¬ tentlon President Joseph F Smith of tho Mormon church was tho tint witness His testimony related to tho hlitory Mud beliefs In tho Mormon church FLOOD AT TOLEDO Toledo March 2Thlt olty and surrounding country is threatened with tho worst noel in history Tbo cltyis already illlod with artificial Rill water having backed into tbo pas house It is feared tha low will bo heavy COMPROMISE PROBABLE Indianapolis hid March 2Thu Minors and operators have snbiaittted a scale to tbo joint committee and hoiw a compromiso will be effected and n strike avoided Great pressure is being brought on both operators nnd miners to prevent tho closing of tho i mines upon tho committee report Thursday TilE URAIN SITUATION I Chicago March 2Thu grain mar ¬ tats opened this morning with a show of renewed strength and Armour re ported tho bull factor situation duo to higher cables short covering and sev ¬ orAl crop rumor- sLEGATION CLOSES r VENEZUELANr MINISTERS SALARY HAS h BEEN STOPPED I Washington DO Starch 2Tho Venezuelan legation in Washlutgon is to bo closed because President Castro has stopped tho salary of Minister Heinaudoz who however has not lien recalled GUY DEAN FOUND Owcnsboro Ky March 2A tele ¬ gram received from R S Trlplett Wnco Tux snys Guy Dean is with mo ho Is all right This clears tho mystery of tho young coal operator who has loon missing since February 18 No explanation of his prolonged absence accompanies the t telegram COUNTY COURT Will Olnik has qualified as n notary pablio 1 TilE MARKETS i Wt1MAr coon tow Cu > i 941bny I Be t- Coaw 7l M 67ft clJuly tifS ip Si 21 OAK A2 41 43 Tidy 3l 3l 3ql J 311J MarI 3 50 3 oj 134 t Way 515 133a i 5 3- U Ju 15 12 25 IS 72 Auf Is 23 a 7< J IS u- Cc1216 u 18 246 STOCKS- I C > fJ nq zaU r ft N I ln1 lag ut Mo P fSJ Ss sa- pUS A II It us 1II 36i 36- 1s IMMJ J rz REMAINSHERE Funeral of the Late Engineer George i Ills Brother Cowing From Michigan Ills Wife Arrives From Louisville ELKS TO BURY REMAINS Tbo remains of tho Into Engineer Qoorgo Tugg who was killed in tho wreck yesterday morning near Prince ¬ ton Ky wero brought to the oily last evening nnd taken to tho homo of his mothr ia law Mrs MnlvlnJ on West Jefferson street Tho funeral will tsko place tomorrow afternoon at 2 oclock from the first Presbyterian church under the auspices of tho Elks and tho burial will be In Oak Grovog A brother of tho doscssed front Michigan Is expected and his arrival i is awaited by relatives No 202 tho dead engineers engine will be picked up today and brought to tho local shops for repairs Tao wreck occurred after a slow turn had been rounded and the engine truck in such e position as to be forced off tho tracks and thrown far ofT the right of way Tho big mixohlne was loft in such a position that It will bo n bard matter for the wrecklilB crow to right It but such dinicultlcH aro overcome on short notice in railroad service Tho dam ngo to tho culgno can not bo estimated until brought to tho local shops for repairs This morning several big hniidsomo floral designs arrived from Louisville for Engineer Tugs grave Many regrets nUll expressions of sorrow are hoard Mr Tagg being ono of the most popular men both as a railroad and a lodge circles in Faducnb Yesterdays Louisville Times says George Tngg was ono of the best known engineers on tho Illinois Cen ¬ tral railroad Ho was thirtynine years old nnd lived at 1312 Wet Broadway Ho leaves a widow Mrs Molllo Tagg Tagg was nn Englishman by birth but canto to America with his parents who live tit Battle Creek Mich when n boy 110 had been employed by the Illinois Central Railroad company for many years and won the respect of tbo officials pt the company as being one of tho most reliable men in tho service Ho moved to this city from Paducah two yenta ago and was engineer on tho Illinois Central fast train No 201 running between Lonisvillo and Paducah He was a Knight Templar and nn Elk CIRCUIT COURT Ono judgment wns filed in circuit court this morning It was in the case of Lilllo Boyd Burnett against Clifton Burnett suit for divorce in which the decree is granted CALLEDSESSION Rules to be Considered by School Board Tomorrow Few Changes are Contemplated E- xkept In Minor Matters Snpt Lolb a Baseball Fan ORGANIZING HIGH SCHOOL It is expected that much Interest will bo aroused in the school board by the work of the committee on rules and regulations appointed several weeks ago by tbo board to revise roles Dud regulations under which the schools have been running for several yearsTho rules and regulations now in thinclass with charters of tho second class no chango having boon made since the transfer of Paducah from the third to tho iccond olnsis Thorn era certain legislative powers given to tho board under third class chatters that are not in force under second class charters and n complete revision of the rules was necessary It is not known what roles will bo changed but it is said that no changes of material importance the manage ¬ ment of the school will bo made Tho committee will report at tho called meeting tomorrow night and the board will vote on the changes re ¬ commended Superintendent C M Lolb of tbo schools l U n baseball enthusiast and delights in discussing the national game II When in college I was n member of the university baseball team and enjoyed the sport immensely he stated this warning I have always liked baseball from tho fact that I have been clo oly associated with piofos lion III baseball players who have climbed tho ladder to tho top When in my younger days I played ball in amateur teams with men who now ore stare in tho National and American association teams and am proud that I can claim an intimate acquaintance with them Prof Loib strongly favors a High school team but states that he doesnt think tho schools bore have much good material from what ho could hoar Ho intends to encourage a high school team if possible however When dlsucBslng baseball Prof Lolb drops into baseball slang and can name off players of national fame with the rapidity of a Gatling gun Ho knows tho stars in all major and minor leagues and rays ho probably had n good chance to play fast ball had ho not thrown his whip away Whilo a man of high intellectual power he rosognlzes tho merits of such harmless sport and does some little baseball playing himself occa ¬ sionally in amateur teams t Subscribe for The sun SEIZED OUR TUG Insurgents at San Domingo Get ¬ tiug Holder Now Three Moonshiners Killed In Ken I tucky Cleveland Rushes In Print Again 2000 JAPS WOULDBE IIOBSONS San Domingo March 2MlnIHtor Powell has been notified that tho in surgcnts at Sun Porao do Maroons have seized tho American tug boat Porro of the Clyde lino Now York and armed her Stops have beets taken for the protection of all interests RATTLE WITH MOONSHINERS- OwingBville Ky March 2It Is understood that moonshiners and rove enuo men had a desperate battle in Knott county anti William and John Haildii moonshiners were killed and Jack Combs moonshiner was fa ¬ tally injured The men wore surprised working in a cavo it is understood and ono revenue ocfllor was killed CLEVELANDS REPLY Princeton N J March 2Form- or ¬ President Grover Cleveland has is- sued a statement denying that ho over said that hi taw no prospect of nominating ft decent democrat this year Ho states that tho statement credited to him is gratuitous misin ¬ formation to use no stronger phrase WANTED TO BE IIOBSONS Tokio March 2Admlral Toga re- ports ¬ that when the bottling up of tbo harbor was talked of 2000 Japan uso tailors wanted to man tho ships Sdmo of those on tho torpedo boats having no writing matcrialcut them ¬ selves and wrote in their own blood CONFEDERATE REUNION Nashville Tonn March 2Tbon- ew dnto for tho Confederate reunion Juno 14 t 15 and lOhas boon approved by Adjutant General William EMIok el of tho confederate veterans SCHOOL BOOK COMMISSION Frankfort March 2 Governor Beckham has called a meeting of the state school board commission for Friday for organization and putting tho now law into effect SUPPOSED LUNATIC RELEASED Gcorgo Kingston a white man sup posed to bo crazy was locked up last tight It developed today that lio is suffering from excessive UEO of whls key and opiates and lac will be released this evening Ho hue been working on Owens island and was caught run ring about the hollow near tho city hospital by Officers Beadles and Fri ant I I DEEDS Clarence Rollins and others to Jno E Rollins for 1 and other consider ations property near Fifth and Mon too streets MEAGRETIDINGS Have Come From the Far East Today Battle May Be On Possibly Officers are all tiusyJpa Might Bo Willing to Negotiate 4 ATTACK ON PORT ARTHUR London March 2Thoro Is today again a dearth of war news from Port Arthur on the Ynln river This Is thought to bo significant as indicating a possible fight in progress at Port Arthur with tho officials too busily engaged to send dispatches JAPAN IS WILLING London March 2Your correspon dent this evening learns on the high eat diplomatic authority that no over- tures ¬ have yet been made to Japan or Russia relative to mediation If over tares should be made it is understood Japan would give them careful atten ¬ tion and possibly agree if assured her vital Interests be sufficiently protect- ed ¬ MANY SPIES OAUGHT Nagaski March 2Many alleged spies have been identified and impris ¬ oned in Japanese seaports recently Ono spy who wag masking as a coolie was found on n transport nnd jumped overboard and was shot when he arose in the water NO ATTACK YET Washington March 2Information has been received hero ° from Japanese sources that tho J ipancio attack on the Port Arthur peninsular will not occur for about a fortnight NOT ENOUGH SHIPS St Petersburg March 2A tole ¬ grant from Vlndivostock states thnt the Japanese fleet was recently seen off that port is believed to have been reserve vessels and not powerful enough to blockade port MORGAN RESIGNS FORMER PADUOAHAN QUITS THE GULF AND SHIP IS- LAND RAILROAD A dispatch from Gulfport Miss states that Mr Rio hard Morgan su ¬ perintendent of the Gulf and Ship Is- land ¬ railroad has tendered his resig- nation ¬ and will bo snccoded bo Mr P M Seay chief dispatcher It is not known what Mr Morgan will do Mr Morgan was eight or ten years ngo superintendent of tho Louisville division of what l is now tho Illinois Central Ho had since been with tho Gulf lull Ship Island Ho was in Pa- ducah only a fow days ngo on bust I floss I Miss Grace Rnckcr has returned from St Louis where sho had been living with hor aunt Mrs Fears VIEW OF PORT ARTHUR SHOWING THE POSITION OF THE RUSSIAN VESSELS SUBSEQUENT TO THE NIGHT ATTACK OF THE JAPANESE TORPEDO FLOTILLA AND DURING THE DAY BATTLE WITH THE JAPANESE FLEET Tho Japanese demonstrated la their double attack on the Russian vessels at Port Arthur the Duality of their strategy First vticir torpedo boats were permuted to bo seen In the hope of getting tile Russians to conic out after them when the entire Japanese acct would have joined In tho attack hailing In this the Jnps trade their tupelo attack by night Then Instead of running In to put the crippled Russians out of commission and taking chances of being Injured by the furls they remained at u distance of three miles as they realized that their superior inarUsmunshlp was n greater element In their favor at that range than at u shorter one l 5M IN FIRST a DEGREE William Lightfoot Convicted ofi i Murder at Memphis i Tho Verdict Against Man Arrested In Paducah Returned Last Night MANY EXPECTED ACQUITTALFyS William Lightfootthe colored brake man whowns arrested at Paducah a few weeks ago as be stappod aboard the Illinois Contral pay car charged with tho murder of Roy Sloan avrhito flagman who had como up from Mis ¬ sissippi was convicted nt Memphis and will got a sentence of death Atornoys Eugene Graves who as ¬ listed the prosecution and Davo Cross who assisted in the defense rool turned from Memphis last night and 1 when thby left no verdict had been re ¬ turned Last night a telegram was received that Sloan had been convict ¬ ed of murder in tho first degree Tbo outcome of tho trial was quitey a surprise in legal circles bore When Lightfoot bad a trial beforo Judge San- ders hero on the charge of being a fu ¬ gitive from justice to determine who ¬ ther or not to send him back to Ten ¬ nessee the ovidenoo was regarded as weak Tho main thing incriminatingy y was that several white men who might easily have been mistakeny because of tbo resemblance of most col ¬ ored people testified that they saw Sloan and Lightfoot together on the night Sloan was knocked in tho head witbtrlanternandkiiled hearWodi stock Tonn- Lightfoot swore he was In Paducah at tho time and proved it by several reputable colored witnesses Evident ¬ ly the jury in Memphis did not believe these witnesses The evidence was purely ciroum ¬ stautial and there aro a good many people hero who do not believe Light foot is guilty of the murder Sloan 3 was on his way to the pay car hero Ho has a brother who is I O agent at Loltchfiold Ky Ono peculiar thing about the case howovor was that Lightfoot never could show how ho had got from Fulton to Paducah Had he been able to do this bo might a have proven an alibi Attorney Cross states that a number of attorneys at Memphis who heard the evidence expected an acquittal and Attorney Cross felt certain his ollcntj would bo acquitted J Todays Memphis Commercial Ap ¬ poal saysWilliam rightfoot was found guil- ty of murder in tbo first degree by a jury in the criminal court yesterday morning In rondoringits verdict the jury recommended tbo defendant whom they had condemned to tho mercy of tho court but as tbo laws of this state prescribe In language that can not bo mistaken that a menI convicted of murder in the first degree must hang Judge Moss may have to pass the death sentence upon Light foot If tho verdict of the jury had round that thero were mitigating air jutnstanoes in tbo caso and so stated in their verdict this law would not have been effective As the verdict stands Jndgo Moss if be decides that a now trial should not bo accorded the condom negro must pronounce ontoncadiffcatb Thorn is no alter ¬ native him When tho verdict of the jury was read Lightfoot showed no emotion whatever A motion for a now tri al was immediately mado by tho negros Counsel nnd it will be argued Satur dap TO MARRY IN COUNTY Joseph S Carter of Jackson Tonn a railroad conductor and Miss Mattlo E Uansdoll of Woodville this coun- ty wero licensed to wed today Mrs Ed McCutoheon and daughter are visiting the formers parents Mr + and Mrs William Mc Catcheon of Marshall 111 s

Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898). (Paducah, KY) 1904-03 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt722804zk02/data/0423.pdf4 tJ I t abiuatj uu I i VOL Xl NO 53 i r PADUCAH KY WEDNESDAY MARCH 2 1904 10

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Page 1: Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898). (Paducah, KY) 1904-03 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt722804zk02/data/0423.pdf4 tJ I t abiuatj uu I i VOL Xl NO 53 i r PADUCAH KY WEDNESDAY MARCH 2 1904 10



I t abiuatj uuI i




Colombia Withdraws Snit Over

ruiminu Cnnal

Tho Investigation of tho Rcod Smbol

Case Begins Miners Strlko

May Bo Avoided


Now Orleans La March 2ThuA-aita of the Columbian governmentbrought In Paris to restrain the Pana ¬

ma Canal Company from deliveringtho canal property to the UnitedStates ncconlltfg to on authentic dos ¬

patch hero has been tottlod out ofcourt and tho suit bo withdrawn


Washington DO March IThoinvestigation into the right of trodSmoot Senator from Utah to retainhis seat in the U S Senate begantoday beforo tho SonMo committeeMany prominent Mormons aro presentand tho case is attracting unusual At ¬

tentlon President Joseph F Smithof tho Mormon church was tho tintwitness His testimony related to thohlitory Mud beliefs In tho Mormonchurch


Toledo March 2Thlt olty andsurrounding country is threatenedwith tho worst noel in history Tbocltyis already illlod with artificialRill water having backed into tbo pashouse It is feared tha low will boheavy


Indianapolis hid March 2ThuMinors and operators have snbiaittteda scale to tbo joint committee andhoiw a compromiso will be effectedand n strike avoided Great pressureis being brought on both operators nndminers to prevent tho closing of tho

i mines upon tho committee reportThursday

TilE URAIN SITUATIONI Chicago March 2Thu grain mar ¬

tats opened this morning with a showof renewed strength and Armour reported tho bull factor situation duo tohigher cables short covering and sev ¬

orAl crop rumor-




I Washington DO Starch 2ThoVenezuelan legation in Washlutgon isto bo closed because President Castrohas stopped tho salary of MinisterHeinaudoz who however has notlien recalled


Owcnsboro Ky March 2A tele ¬

gram received from R S TrlplettWnco Tux snys Guy Dean is withmo ho Is all right

This clears tho mystery of tho youngcoal operator who has loon missingsince February 18 No explanationof his prolonged absence accompaniesthe ttelegram


Will Olnik has qualified as n notarypablio



iWt1MAr coon tow Cu > i941bnyI

Be t-

Coaw7l M 67ftclJulytifS ip Si 21

OAKA2 41 43Tidy 3l 3l 3ql

J311JMarI3 50 3 oj 134 tWay 515 133a i5 3-

UJu 15 12 25 IS 72Auf Is 23 a 7< JIS u-Cc1216 u 18 246

STOCKS-I C > fJ nq zaUr ft N Iln1 lag utMo P fSJ Ss sa-pUS A II Itus 1II 36i 36-




Funeral of the Late Engineer


Ills Brother Cowing From Michigan

Ills Wife Arrives From



Tbo remains of tho Into EngineerQoorgo Tugg who was killed in thowreck yesterday morning near Prince ¬

ton Ky wero brought to the oily lastevening nnd taken to tho homo of hismothr ia law Mrs MnlvlnJ on WestJefferson street Tho funeral willtsko place tomorrow afternoon at 2

oclock from the first Presbyterianchurch under the auspices of tho Elksand tho burial will be In Oak Grovog

A brother of tho doscssed frontMichigan Is expected and his arrivaliis awaited by relatives

No 202 tho dead engineers engine

will be picked up today and broughtto tho local shops for repairs

Tao wreck occurred after a slowturn had been rounded and the engine

truck in such e position as to be

forced off tho tracks and thrown farofT the right of way

Tho big mixohlne was loft in such aposition that It will bo n bard matterfor the wrecklilB crow to right It butsuch dinicultlcH aro overcome on short

notice in railroad service Tho damngo to tho culgno can not bo estimateduntil brought to tho local shops forrepairs

This morning several big hniidsomofloral designs arrived from Louisvillefor Engineer Tugs grave Manyregrets nUll expressions of sorrow arehoard Mr Tagg being ono of themost popular men both as a railroadand a lodge circles in Faducnb

Yesterdays Louisville Times saysGeorge Tngg was ono of the best

known engineers on tho Illinois Cen ¬

tral railroad Ho was thirtynineyears old nnd lived at 1312 WetBroadway Ho leaves a widow MrsMolllo Tagg

Tagg was nn Englishman by birthbut canto to America with his parentswho live tit Battle Creek Mich whenn boy 110 had been employed by theIllinois Central Railroad company formany years and won the respect oftbo officials pt the company as beingone of tho most reliable men in thoservice

Ho moved to this city from Paducahtwo yenta ago and was engineer on

tho Illinois Central fast train No201 running between Lonisvillo andPaducah He was a Knight Templarand nn Elk


Ono judgment wns filed in circuitcourt this morning It was in thecase of Lilllo Boyd Burnett againstClifton Burnett suit for divorce inwhich the decree is granted


Rules to be Considered by

School Board Tomorrow

Few Changes are Contemplated E-

xkept In Minor Matters Snpt

Lolb a Baseball Fan


It is expected that much Interestwill bo aroused in the school boardby the work of the committee on rulesand regulations appointed severalweeks ago by tbo board to reviseroles Dud regulations under which theschools have been running for several

yearsThorules and regulations now in

thinclasswith charters of tho second class nochango having boon made since thetransfer of Paducah from the thirdto tho iccond olnsis

Thorn era certain legislative powersgiven to tho board under third classchatters that are not in force undersecond class charters and n completerevision of the rules was necessaryIt is not known what roles will bochanged but it is said that no changesof material importance the manage ¬

ment of the school will bo made

Tho committee will report at thocalled meeting tomorrow night andthe board will vote on the changes re¬


Superintendent C M Lolb of tboschools lU n baseball enthusiast anddelights in discussing the nationalgame

II When in college I was n memberof the university baseball team andenjoyed the sport immensely hestated this warning I have alwaysliked baseball from tho fact that I havebeen clo oly associated with piofoslion III baseball players who haveclimbed tho ladder to tho top Whenin my younger days I played ball inamateur teams with men who now orestare in tho National and Americanassociation teams and am proud thatI can claim an intimate acquaintancewith them

Prof Loib strongly favors a Highschool team but states that he doesntthink tho schools bore have muchgood material from what ho couldhoar Ho intends to encourage a highschool team if possible however

When dlsucBslng baseball Prof Lolbdrops into baseball slang and can nameoff players of national fame with therapidity of a Gatling gun Ho knowstho stars in all major and minorleagues and rays ho probably had n

good chance to play fast ball had ho

not thrown his whip awayWhilo a man of high intellectual

power he rosognlzes tho merits ofsuch harmless sport and does some

little baseball playing himself occa ¬

sionally in amateur teams

t Subscribe for The sun



Insurgents at San Domingo Get ¬

tiug Holder Now

Three Moonshiners Killed In KenI

tucky Cleveland Rushes InPrint Again


San Domingo March 2MlnIHtorPowell has been notified that tho insurgcnts at Sun Porao do Maroonshave seized tho American tug boatPorro of the Clyde lino Now Yorkand armed her Stops have beets takenfor the protection of all interests


OwingBville Ky March 2It Is

understood that moonshiners and rove

enuo men had a desperate battle inKnott county anti William and JohnHaildii moonshiners were killedand Jack Combs moonshiner was fa ¬

tally injured The men wore surprisedworking in a cavo it is understoodand ono revenue ocfllor was killed


Princeton N J March 2Form-or


President Grover Cleveland has is-

sued a statement denying that hoover said that hi taw no prospect ofnominating ft decent democrat thisyear Ho states that tho statementcredited to him is gratuitous misin ¬

formation to use no stronger phrase


Tokio March 2Admlral Toga re-


that when the bottling up oftbo harbor was talked of 2000 Japanuso tailors wanted to man tho shipsSdmo of those on tho torpedo boatshaving no writing matcrialcut them ¬

selves and wrote in their own blood

CONFEDERATE REUNIONNashville Tonn March 2Tbon-

ew dnto for tho Confederate reunionJuno 14t 15 and lOhas boon approvedby Adjutant General William EMIokel of tho confederate veterans


Frankfort March 2 GovernorBeckham has called a meeting of thestate school board commission forFriday for organization and puttingtho now law into effect


Gcorgo Kingston a white man supposed to bo crazy was locked up lasttight It developed today that lio issuffering from excessive UEO of whlskey and opiates and lac will be released

this evening Ho hue been workingon Owens island and was caught runring about the hollow near tho cityhospital by Officers Beadles and Friant



Clarence Rollins and others to JnoE Rollins for 1 and other considerations property near Fifth and Montoo streets


Have Come From the Far EastToday Battle May Be On

Possibly Officers are all tiusyJpaMight Bo Willing to



London March 2Thoro Is todayagain a dearth of war news from PortArthur on the Ynln river

This Is thought to bo significant asindicating a possible fight in progressat Port Arthur with tho officials toobusily engaged to send dispatches


London March 2Your correspondent this evening learns on the higheat diplomatic authority that no over-


have yet been made to Japan orRussia relative to mediation If overtares should be made it is understoodJapan would give them careful atten ¬

tion and possibly agree if assured hervital Interests be sufficiently protect-




Nagaski March 2Many allegedspies have been identified and impris ¬

oned in Japanese seaports recentlyOno spy who wag masking as a cooliewas found on n transport nnd jumpedoverboard and was shot when hearose in the water


Washington March 2Informationhas been received hero °fromJapanesesources that tho J ipancio attack onthe Port Arthur peninsular will notoccur for about a fortnight


St Petersburg March 2A tole ¬

grant from Vlndivostock states thntthe Japanese fleet was recently seenoff that port is believed to have beenreserve vessels and not powerfulenough to blockade port




A dispatch from Gulfport Missstates that Mr Rio hard Morgan su ¬

perintendent of the Gulf and Ship Is-


railroad has tendered his resig-


and will bo snccoded bo MrP M Seay chief dispatcher It isnot known what Mr Morgan will do

Mr Morgan was eight or ten yearsngo superintendent of tho Louisvilledivision of what lis now tho IllinoisCentral Ho had since been with thoGulf lull Ship Island Ho was in Pa-

ducah only a fow days ngo on bustI


I Miss Grace Rnckcr has returnedfrom St Louis where sho had beenliving with hor aunt Mrs Fears


OF THE JAPANESE TORPEDO FLOTILLA AND DURING THE DAY BATTLE WITH THE JAPANESE FLEETTho Japanese demonstrated la their double attack on the Russian vessels at Port Arthur the Duality of their strategy First vticir torpedo boats were

permuted to bo seen In the hope of getting tile Russians to conic out after them when the entire Japanese acct would have joined In tho attack hailingIn this the Jnps trade their tupelo attack by night Then Instead of running In to put the crippled Russians out of commission and taking chances ofbeing Injured by the furls they remained at u distance of three miles as they realized that their superior inarUsmunshlp was n greater element In their favorat that range than at u shorter one




William Lightfoot Convicted ofii

Murder at Memphisi

Tho Verdict Against Man Arrested In

Paducah Returned Last



William Lightfootthe colored brakeman whowns arrested at Paducah afew weeks ago as be stappod aboardthe Illinois Contral pay car chargedwith tho murder of Roy Sloan avrhitoflagman who had como up from Mis ¬

sissippi was convicted nt Memphisand will got a sentence of death

Atornoys Eugene Graves who as ¬

listed the prosecution and DavoCross who assisted in the defense roolturned from Memphis last night and


when thby left no verdict had been re ¬

turned Last night a telegram wasreceived that Sloan had been convict ¬

ed of murder in tho first degreeTbo outcome of tho trial was quitey

a surprise in legal circles bore WhenLightfoot bad a trial beforo Judge San-

ders hero on the charge of being a fu ¬

gitive from justice to determine who ¬

ther or not to send him back to Ten ¬

nessee the ovidenoo was regarded asweak Tho main thing incriminatingyywas that several white menwho might easily have been mistakenybecause of tbo resemblance of most col ¬

ored people testified that they sawSloan and Lightfoot together on thenight Sloan was knocked in tho headwitbtrlanternandkiiled hearWodistock Tonn-

Lightfoot swore he was In Paducahat tho time and proved it by severalreputable colored witnesses Evident ¬

ly the jury in Memphis did not believethese witnesses

The evidence was purely ciroum ¬

stautial and there aro a good manypeople hero who do not believe Lightfoot is guilty of the murder Sloan 3

was on his way to the pay car heroHo has a brother who is I O agentat Loltchfiold Ky Ono peculiarthing about the case howovor wasthat Lightfoot never could show howho had got from Fulton to PaducahHad he been able to do this bo might a

have proven an alibiAttorney Cross states that a number

of attorneys at Memphis who heardthe evidence expected an acquittal andAttorney Cross felt certain his ollcntjwould bo acquitted J

Todays Memphis Commercial Ap ¬


rightfoot was found guil-ty of murder in tbo first degree by ajury in the criminal court yesterdaymorning In rondoringits verdict thejury recommended tbo defendantwhom they had condemned to thomercy of tho court but as tbo lawsof this state prescribe In languagethat can not bo mistaken that a menIconvicted of murder in the first degreemust hang Judge Moss may have topass the death sentence upon Lightfoot

If tho verdict of the jury hadround that thero were mitigating airjutnstanoes in tbo caso and so statedin their verdict this law would nothave been effective As the verdictstands Jndgo Moss if be decides thata now trial should not bo accordedthe condom negro must pronounceontoncadiffcatb Thorn is no alter ¬

native himWhen tho verdict of the jury was

read Lightfoot showed no emotionwhatever A motion for a now tri alwas immediately mado by tho negrosCounsel nnd it will be argued Saturdap


Joseph S Carter of Jackson Tonna railroad conductor and Miss MattloE Uansdoll of Woodville this coun-

ty wero licensed to wed today

Mrs Ed McCutoheon and daughterare visiting the formers parents Mr


and Mrs William Mc Catcheon ofMarshall 111 s