V I i Vaul Sunday Generally TIiT11IlATH6R Gds tonight 4 QJ 1 1f t U ittit + R4 I VOL XVII NO 187 PADUOAH KENTUCKY SATURDAY EVENING AUGUST 5 1905 10 CENTS PER WEEK I THE PEACE ENVOYS VISIT THE PRESIDENT IWRussians and Japanese Meet on a Peace ful Footing at Oyster Bay r I THERE WERE SPEECH MAKING HAND- SHAKING a AND GENERAL GOOD CHEER M 1Guns Boomed Salutes and the Distinguished Visit ors Became Guests of President 11OlIter hay Aug IiTho booming guns thlx afternoon gUI hot the peace plenipotentia ¬ It ries of Japan and Russia had been I t brought together by President Roo o i volt h I The Japanese envoys were the firs gto arrive President Roosevelt wet swatting thom In tho cabin of t- hsMayllower of and Assistant Secretary 1of Stale Plercu made the Introduo f lions of the Russian ambassador who in the meantime had arrived I aboard the Chattanooga In their turn they loft tho ship F InF ¬ troduced Then the two lIartleo wwe + brought together and speeches hand ¬ i shaking and conversation followed All hand partook of standup but tot limchoon Soon afterwards fare ¬ wells wore amid and tho nmbajadori Nowk York All Honor Shown Them t Sara Roosevelt of tho Russian and Japa ¬ nose peace envoys today r Tho reception which was a formal greeting tolho representatives of tho bolllsordnt powers by President 14 Roosvolt on behalf of tho United States government took place 0 the cruiser Mayflower at 130 p m I and was attended by a notable dem- on ¬ trnllon In honor of the distin ¬ guished guests of the country wh have been designated by their em ¬ perors as their representatives to tho Washington pence conference P Tho president and the state and navy departments united to extend n cordial greeting to tho plenipoten ¬ lanes nnd to facilitate In every pos ¬ sible way their mission of pence Every honor duo their runic Is be- Ing ¬ pnld the envoys and tho cordiali ¬ t ty of the greetings on behalf of tho American people will leave nothing to bo desired Tho president and Mrs Roosevelt entertainsr d k Serglus Will and Baron Rosen the t Russian emperors plenlpotenlnrlos 1 to tho peace conference I A considerable number of residents l of Oyster Hay had assembled at the station to see the Russian 1 1when they arrived yesterday Th 1 1enynys wore met by messengers from tho presidents official household and escorted by tho otllcors wore direct ¬ ed to a carriage which President Roosevelt lied sent to the station t to convoy them to Sagamore Bill Flit Pent ProspwlH New Yorlc Aug IL Mr Salto the mouthpiece of tho Japanese pence plenipotentiaries was asked today before ho left for Oyster Hay how thu prospects fur pwico looked VNot very bright ho ropllodhut wit are hopeful tho conference may con ¬ elude successfully a Rattle I I May Mnko Peace London Aug C Telegrams fromt the Japanese correspondent at Mojl comments upon tho tremendous ex E tent of Llnovltchs command Includ ¬ lug as It does Vladivostok and North t ti inP s least and may finish tho season this E Hatement having been received this morning by President Charlie Brown in a telegram trout Princeton Princeton Is short In finances ani would have had to null tomorrow had ll not peon for a public meeting last 4 Korea and doubts the Russian 1ern ability to have an effective of such a farextended line which l Is unprecedented In the world history Ho declares that the coming battle unless averted by peace nego ¬ tiations will bo on such n gigantic scale as to decide the war once and- o for all Glad It Is On Tuesday St Petersburg Aug GThe se ¬ lection of Tuesday as the day for the opening of the RussoJapanese peace conference has relieved the mlndf of many Russians who feared that the conference might begin on Mon ¬ day which to tho Muscovites Is the day of evil omen Definite Informal tlon as to tho nature of tho Japanese terms Is not expected before Thurs day Attempt to Assassinate Atkarek Russia Aug GAn at ¬ tempt was made yesterday to assassi ¬ efteaLfops Enveloping Vladivostok St Petersburg Aug 6Dlejalch en received from the front Manchu ¬ ria say lliat tho Japanese army la Vladivostokn Tho movement of Jap troops In the direction of tho Russia post Is evi ¬ dently to bo prepared to strike a de ¬ negotiationso tit Portsmouth fall Cliliui Buying llnllronds london Aug G Advices from Pckln state that the Chinese govern ¬ ment Is proceeding steadily to carry out tho purpose resolved upon to purchase all tho railways In tho empire whether built through the use of foreign or native capital HOUSE TltAIIEU KILLED at Street Guard Wy Jackson a street guard shot and killed Joo McDermott n onolegged horse trader In Duzenberrys sa ¬ intos 1 toe take n drink with him Tho latter re ¬ fused to accopt and at tho same time abused Jackson Ho pulled his pistol and fired twlco when Jackson drow his gun and shot McDonnell to death Jackson surrendered and Is now In tho city jail 1 Edwards to nucited Wright Washington D C Aug 5Ine- vent Governor General Wright of the Philippines decides to bo a can ¬ didate for tho senate front Tenner see It is said Colonel Clarence Ed ¬ wards chief of the bureau of Insu ¬ lar affairs will succeed Wright Didnt Want to Eat Underground Houghton Mich Aug Three- hundred minors at Adventure mine have struck because tho management ordered that the men should eat their dinners underground Instead of com ing to tho surface as formerly tJ Princeton Will Remain in the Kitty I League at Least Another Week night and the collection of sufficient funds to keep the team going anoth ¬ or week It Is understood the sports lii Princeton will have enough col lected by next week to finish the sea son Vlncennes will gw to Princeton if ter time Paducah series to open U se ¬ ries of four games It r I MONKEY DIES Deprived of Cigarettes tho Chlni pmreo Wastedl Away Anderson Ind Aug 6As tho result of being deprived of cigarettes since It has boon In Indiana a cigarettesmoking chimpanzee of the Hagcnback show died In this city Physicians wore called to conduct an autopsy They reported that thoy found tho tracheal muscles rigid and I contracted and also tho Intercostal and abdominal muscles In a condI- tion ¬ showing they had been deprived I of n sedative produced by cigarettes I that could not bo replaced by other narcotics + PREACHER MELD Tried on Serious Charges Preferred 1 by a Young Lady Greensbiirg Penn Aug riHev George Hulmo pastor of tho Church of God at Keckfiburg I was given a hearing last night before Roger II Welty u Justice of the peace at Net ¬ ty Mr Hulme was charged with as- saulting ¬ Miss Daisy Porch aged 20 a member of his congregation Tho evldenco produced by tho girl before tho Justice of the peace re suited In holding the pastor under ball for trial at court Increase DltllciiltlPH of Operation St Paul Aug GTho difficulties In train operation will be greatly In creased by orders received here by the conductors and engineers on the two systems Grand Chief Engineer Stone of the Order of Railroad Engin- eers ¬ instructed the members of that body to cease assuming any functions of the telegraphers and E E Stark head of tho Railway Conductor has Issued a like order The Tele ¬ graphers hero say that much of the success the roads have had In mov ¬ ing trains Is duo to the aid given bj the members of these orders Floating Pool Room Leaves Chicago Chicago Aug GTh steamer City of Traverse the floating pool room whoso passengers underwent so many vicissitudes Thursday clear ed last night for Kenoshn WIs It Is generally accepted that In tho opin ¬ ion of tho Illinois authorities nc further effort will bo made to use this city as a base for operations of the boat and that she will hereafter eavo the Wisconsin port to receive the wireless messages llrlrk Fell On Head George Gownsend colored of North Thirteenth street while going up a ladder at tho Michael collar factory on North Third near Monroe this afternoon was painfully hurt br- a brick from a hod carried by a negro falling on his head Only a scalp wound was Inflicted and Townsend was soon able to go home A Military Burial Stockbridgo Mass Aug iThl funeral of Ensign Newman K Perry one of the officers who lost Lila life through tho explosion of the gunboa Bennlngton at San Diego Cal wat held here The body was borno to tho cemetery under an escort of a company of the state militia Trains I Aro Running On Time Nqw York Aug 6At tho officer of tho Northern Pacific railway here tho following dispatch from tho gen- eral ¬ passenger agent at St Paul war received today Passenger trains are being operated practically on time Dont fool any effects front the strike Can assure you of gOof ser ¬ vice over the entire line Must ate Represented by County At torney Frankfort Aug G Attorney Gen ¬ eral Hays today handed down an opinion that revenue agents must be represented by the county attorney of tho county where they sue for back taxes and that they have no au ¬ thority to employ other counsel In such cnsoc Government Wants a Report Washington Aug GAttorney General Moody lute sent a telegram to the various U S district attorneys along lines of the Great Northern Pacific railways requesting Informa ¬ lion In regard to Iho telegraphers strike and Its possible effect upon the transmission Into touch of for ¬ eign std domestic commerce A Double Tragedy La Porte Ind Aug 6David Reed of Hamlet aged 55 shot and killed his wife and walked four mllej to the l Kankekee river and drowned himself No ruuon is known for thu act except that his wife wanted to return to her homo In Michigan J F 4 THE PRELIMINARY TRIAL BEGINS Lr IrNIL Loving Arraigned in Po- lice r Court 011 Murder Warrant I Only One Witness Heart pto Noon = Tho Curse Not Ho Con eluded Today TUB DEFENDANT WILL TESTIFY The preliminary hearing of II II Loving charged with time wilful murder of Herbert A Hose began this morning at tho city hall before Special Judge D A Cross and will probably not be finished today un ¬ less those Is a night session After the Inking of the testimony which will necessarily be slower than yes ¬ terday at the coroners Inquest be ¬ cause tho trlallsi more Important arguments will consume some little tllller r I Attorney Hal Corbett for the de ¬ tense said this afternoon that the derendantMr Loving would be put on the stands Ho declined to say whet his client would testify but did say I have had a great merry criminal cases during my practice but I never had one In which thero was a more perfect de ¬ fense than In this one The attorneys for tho common ¬ wealth today are County Attorney Eugene Graves Attorney W F llradshaw Sr and Attorney John B Wlckllffe of Wlckllffe For time do ¬ tense Attorneys Hal Corbett Tom Harrison and Flournoy Reed Tho case was called about 10 oclock but on account of theab ¬ sence of witnesses was left open un ¬ til 1030 Mr V J Blow one of the witnesses was then reported at Uardwell and It vas said could not reach here today and It was agreed In order not to put oft the trial to accept his tcstlmonV given yesterday at tho Inquest and read It from tho stenographic copy The theory tho commonwealth will strive to establish Is that tho re ¬ cent business relations of Loving and Rose had developed a bitter feeling between them That Rose had threatened to expose Loving and to make it warm for the firm out of which he had been kicked and that Loving left Rose In his Lovlngs of tee deliberately went homo after his pistol and returning walked into tho room and shot Rose down as Rose was trying to reach a window and escape not giving him tho slight ¬ est chance for his life and probably shooting him once or twice while he was down That Loving went home for the pistol for no other purpose than to shoot Rose and that he did not shot Rose In selfdefense or be ¬ cause ho was In fear of his life Tho defense will undertake to prove self defenso It will undertake to show It Is claimed that Rose went to Mr Loving for money not to make him sign a paper or for anything else That ho made threats of bodily harm then and had made them for several days and that when Loving went back after getting his pistol Rose started towards him with his hand In his pocket in a threatening attitude One strong point that tho defense expects to make Is that the shot it Is generally admitted struck Rose first tho one In time side paralyzed him and caus ed him to fall Instantly and that to have fallen where he was found near the door shows conclusively that he was going towards Loving and was very close to him when shot and ho fell Tho preliminary hearing is sImp- ly ¬ for the purpose of deciding wheth- er to hold the prisoner over without ball or to grant ball Tho coroners Inquest has no bearing on the pro ¬ liminary trial and tho preliminary trial has no bearing on the final dis- position ¬ of tho case If ball Is refus ¬ ed at this preliminary hearing a o writ of habeas corpus can bo taken out before the circuit judge and a motion for ball then bo made and time evldenco heard and ball allowed or refused But no matter what Is done with time case now the grand Jury In Sep ¬ tember decides finally and may ei ¬ ther indict or nollo pros Attorney Hal Corbett said today that he knows that Rose had gone to Lovlugs office for money Thursday morning Ono of Attorney Corbette clients a Mrs Hamilton hall prop- erty ¬ that hind In sonic way bcconui Involved In Loving and Roses busi ¬ PM1 ness transactions and she hadnt a scrap of paper to show that she own ¬ od it Attorney Corbott went to Rose and Loving and told them they must 1 fix It up They agreed to sign a deed to It nnd It was then discovered that time Globe hank hold a mortugaKri on It for 22ti Rose consulted Alton noy Corbett about It and ached what ht must do and was told he mutt get Ut J22G and pay the mortgage Ho tnld U7G and said ho would pay Itt I a rest Thursday Thursday he called on Attorney Corbett and said hoil lieu boon unable to ruHi the re ¬ mainder but thought ho could l nnd started to Lovlngn office nftei It At Lovings office tho first thing ho de ¬ manded was monoy Objected to Verdict When the verdict was returned br the coroners jury yesterday after ¬ noon County Attorney Eugene Graves objected to It claiming that It was not In accordance with time law an that Loving ought to be either exon- erated or blamed Lovlngs attorneys thought the ver ¬ diet was all right and suggested that t If any changes were made they might bo limited to tho elimination of the word perhaps which would imav been a practical exoneration After considerable talk Justice Young an- nounced I ¬ that he would accept the verdict and he then discharged the JuryThe half l of the bullet which the autopsy developed spll upon striking Roses skull has been found It was picked up In the room day before yesterday by Eugene Bryant who formerly worked for the lumber com- pany Tho whole bullet was round 1 by Dr Robert Rivers That Visit to the Bull Game In regard to Mr Lovlngs going to time baseball game a prominent at- torney ¬ states that Mr Loving was there when he the attorney got there during the second Inning and I that ho remained there until tho game was out- Kvlilcncc Heard Today J D Gilbert bookkeeper for tho Kentucky Mill and Lumber company was tho first witness Introduced to ¬ day He told substantially the same story as ho did yesterday He ad mitted that when lie saw Rose j through tho door after Loving arriv ¬ ed and started In Rose was making towards the eastern part of the room as if to reach the window Ho ex ¬ plained however that Rose thea I turned and started towards Loving Ho was on the stand until the noon adjournmentThis the testimony of V J Blow at the coroners inquest was read After that Bookkeeper Gilbert was brought back and asked In regard to the car load of the corn ¬ panys lumber Rose Is alleged to have sold and kept the money Gilbert told of seeing a check at tho bank payable to Rose that aroused his i suspicions and after investigating I and finding that they had shipped no such car as tho number of that men ¬ Honed In the check ho reported It t to i Mr Loving and this was all that lie i knew about it Coroner Crow and son Charles i Crow will testify next and It Is not yet certain how many other witnesses will bo Introduced but is almost cer ¬ taro that the trial will not be finish ¬ ed todayLoving Is still out under guard At AVoodvllle Miss Bertlo Crows subject for to ¬ morrow at Grahamvllle Ky will be Why a Woman Has a Right t to Preach Any ono wishing to go i Just take a lunch and spend the day You will enjoy yourselves Service at 10 a m3prnnnd8pemA- fter Paducnh Players Lloyd and Land received tele- grams this afternoon from Managei Lew Whistler of the Memphis South ern league team Ho wanted Land Livable Frakes and Gllltgan in case tho Kith league disbanded and asked them to wire lowest terms TODAYS I MARKET CItyWheat m Cloi Sept 7711 7GH Dec 78 77 Corn Sept 46 4 I J lit Dec 39 39 Onts Sept 27 2- 7Pek Y Sept i13G 1347 Cottons Aug 1030 10- 38Oct1065 1058 DecJIOOG 1009 Jan 1074 1674 Stocks r C 171 L N 14GA 14GY6 o f1 In Paduceh and McCrackenS S Connty moro people rend The Sun titan any other paper 411 t UNCLE SAM TO MANAGE THE FEVER CAMPAIGN President Receives Request of Southern ers and Issues Orders THE BLOODLESS INTERSTATE WAR WILL PROBABLY SOON COME TO END Everything Will be Left to Federal Authorities IINearly 50 New Cases Reported Yesterdayr n < << pppa p I 41tEC01tD TO LAST NGIIIT X- y v tIi t New cases up to 0 p III 11 ft- A Total rases to date diti A Deaths up I to 0 p III tit it Total deaths to date till + P c + The Government Will Aid Washington Aug G President Roosevelt last night forwarded t Surgeon General Wyman of the Pub lie Health and Marino Hospital serv- Ice n t telegram from Governor Blan chard of Louisiana requesting that the United States government toke control of the yellow fever situationI in Now Orleans The president dl reeled the surgeon general to take every step In his power to meet th situation In New Orleans and to null fy him what further action l Is advisa ¬ ble and possible for federal author ties to take Situation Is Grave New Orleans Aug 5Wlth the Intention of admitting Unit the fever situation Is beyond control but 1 In huge of reviving confidence it was decided to request President Rouse Toll to have the United States gor eminent assume full charge of tit struggle now In progress to wipe out the yellow fever The public approves of the action taken The expectation Is that with- in the next two days Surgeon General Wyman with all tho resources of the government will be enlisted actlve I y in the campaign The action was taken as a result of a meeting held late yesterday at j tended by city officials and ctala I board Surgeon White of the marine hospital service and a number of representative citizens It was limo concensus of opinion that If tho gov ernment control was resolved upon there Would be an immediate restor Mien of confidence throughout Lou ¬ isiana and the other sntcs whore there has been criticism of the local authorllles for not sooner making public the exslenco of the fever Time announcement of the action token at first created some alarm In the city growing out of the fact that It meant that the situation had grows entirely beyond control but that alarm was allayed when 11 became known that tho authorities had acted simply In belief that tho prompt as tlon now In turning over the dlrec tlon of affairs to the marine hosplta service In whom there Is supreme confidence here would almost cer ¬ tainly avoid an epidemic People of New Orleans Glad New Orleans La Aug GThoI people of the city are In a Joyful frame of mind today because the Unit ed States marine service will take charge of the yellow fever situation within fortyeight hours Precautions at rest St Louis East St Louis III Aug GTho health and police authorities have established strict precautions to pro ¬ vent infection from tho yellow lover although no absolute quarantine rules have been established Every New Castle Ky Aug 5Tho jailer of this place George W Kelly was arrested this morning on a charge of malfeasance preferred by Attorney Charles H Sanford He alleges that the jail ¬ er never keeps his prisoners locked i train from tho south Is visited by Inspectors and orders have been is- sued by the board of health that passengers who are apparently In ill health and might be suspected of immediately to the detention hospital outside of the city limits This IN Not Yellow Fever Santiago Cuba Aug 6Tho Uno ¬ der observation live of the Crow of tho steamer Alhenlana which ar ¬ rived hero from Colon on July 30 t has unanimously decided that they are suffering from malarial fever and not yellow favor r Flagships Seized Flage ¬ ship Grace of tho Mississippi patrol squadron and another vessel the Tlpsey which had been stationed I In > Lake Borgno canal were seized their flags hauled down and the of ¬ ficers and crews placed under arrest Time crow of tho Tlpsoy will be taken to St Bernard parish while the crow of tho Grace silt be brought to this city both to await the action of tho grand Jurys of tho respective par ¬ ishes In which their offenses were ° committed SOME OF THESE I ARK PEOPLE SOME OF OUR STATESMEN WANT TO have SelfGovernment Arc Not Used to Civilization L t Washington Aug 6Roports continue to reach the war depart ¬ ment of atrocities practiced on time natives of Samar by Filipinos who are opposing American Domination In several instances natives who dis ¬ regard the commands Pulajanos were captured and beheaded One cutthroat seized his own slslerln law because sho sympathized with the American authorities and sever ¬ ed her right leg cut away a portion of her side Sho was then drlvon out Into tho highway J More SelfGovcrnment Material i Washington D C Aug GIn ¬ formation has been received hero that fifteen native treasurers In tho higher civilization province In tho Philippines are now in tho clutches of the law because of shortages In accounts aggregating ten thousand pesos Ono escaped one was fined andr suspended three wore sent to pris ¬ on and ten are awaiting trial 1 DIG DAMAGE > V Results to Industrial Plants In Ten- nessee From Rain Knoxvlllo reds Aug GEsti ¬ mates show that tho damage In this vicinity by tho rainstorm yesterday Is almost a quarter of a million dol ¬ + ° lars mostly to Industrial plants Jailer IAnd I Commonwealths but allows them to run about the Iup night and day Yesterday he took the wholo bunch of prisoners to the county fair at Eminence this county and ono day last week one of the prisoners a negro was allowr ed to make an excursion to Louis ¬ ville and back

Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898). (Paducah, KY) 1905-08 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt72jm23cn9h/data/0250.pdf · Every honor duo their runic Is be-Ing ¬ pnld the envoys and tho cordiali

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TIiT11IlATH6RGds tonight


QJ11f tU ittit+R4



IWRussiansand Japanese Meet on a Peace

ful Footing at Oyster BayrI



1Guns Boomed Salutes and the Distinguished Visit

ors Became Guests of President

11OlIter hay Aug IiTho boomingguns thlx afternoon gUI

hot the peace plenipotentia ¬

It ries of Japan and Russia had beenI

t brought together by President Roo o

i volth I The Japanese envoys were the firsgto arrive President Roosevelt wet

swatting thom In tho cabin of t-hsMayllowerof and Assistant Secretary1of Stale Plercu made the Introduo

f lions of the Russian ambassadorwho in the meantime had arrivedI

aboard the ChattanoogaIn their turn they loft tho ship

FInF ¬

troduced Then the two lIartleo wwe+ brought together and speeches hand ¬

i shaking and conversation followedAll hand partook of standup but

tot limchoon Soon afterwards fare ¬

wells wore amid and tho nmbajadoriNowkYork

All Honor Shown Them

t SaraRoosevelt of tho Russian and Japa ¬

nose peace envoys todayr Tho reception which was a formal

greeting tolho representatives oftho bolllsordnt powers by President

14 Roosvolt on behalf of tho UnitedStates government took place 0

the cruiser Mayflower at 130 p mI and was attended by a notable dem-



trnllon In honor of the distin ¬

guished guests of the country whhave been designated by their em ¬

perors as their representatives to thoWashington pence conference

P Tho president and the state andnavy departments united to extend n

cordial greeting to tho plenipoten ¬

lanes nnd to facilitate In every pos ¬

sible way their mission of penceEvery honor duo their runic Is be-


pnld the envoys and tho cordiali ¬

tty of the greetings on behalf of thoAmerican people will leave nothingto bo desired

Tho president and Mrs Rooseveltentertainsr dk Serglus Will and Baron Rosen the

t Russian emperors plenlpotenlnrlos1 to tho peace conference

I A considerable number of residentslof Oyster Hay had assembled at thestation to see the Russian

11when they arrived yesterday Th11enynys wore met by messengers from

tho presidents official household andescorted by tho otllcors wore direct ¬

ed to a carriage which PresidentRoosevelt lied sent to the station ttoconvoy them to Sagamore Bill

Flit Pent ProspwlHNew Yorlc Aug ILMr Salto

the mouthpiece of tho Japanesepence plenipotentiaries was askedtoday before ho left for Oyster Hayhow thu prospects fur pwico lookedVNot very bright ho ropllodhut witare hopeful tho conference may con ¬

elude successfullya

RattleI I May Mnko PeaceLondon Aug C Telegrams fromt

the Japanese correspondent at Mojlcomments upon tho tremendous ex

E tent of Llnovltchs command Includ ¬

lug as It does Vladivostok and Northt


least and may finish tho season thisE Hatement having been received this

morning by President Charlie Brownin a telegram trout Princeton

Princeton Is short In finances aniwould have had to null tomorrow hadll not peon for a public meeting last


Korea and doubts the Russian

1ern ability to have an effectiveof such a farextended line

which lIs unprecedented In the worldhistory Ho declares that the comingbattle unless averted by peace nego ¬

tiations will bo on such n giganticscale as to decide the war once and-

o for all

Glad It Is On TuesdaySt Petersburg Aug GThe se ¬

lection of Tuesday as the day for theopening of the RussoJapanese peace

conference has relieved the mlndfof many Russians who feared thatthe conference might begin on Mon ¬

day which to tho Muscovites Is theday of evil omen Definite Informaltlon as to tho nature of tho Japaneseterms Is not expected before Thursday

Attempt to AssassinateAtkarek Russia Aug GAn at ¬

tempt was made yesterday to assassi ¬


Enveloping VladivostokSt Petersburg Aug 6Dlejalch

en received from the front Manchu ¬

ria say lliat tho Japanese army la

VladivostoknTho movement of Jap troops In thedirection of tho Russia post Is evi ¬

dently to bo prepared to strike a de¬

negotiationsotit Portsmouth fall

Cliliui Buying llnllrondslondon Aug G Advices from

Pckln state that the Chinese govern ¬

ment Is proceeding steadily to carryout tho purpose resolved upon topurchase all tho railways In thoempire whether built through theuse of foreign or native capital

HOUSE TltAIIEU KILLEDatStreet GuardWyJackson a street guard shot andkilled Joo McDermott n onoleggedhorse trader In Duzenberrys sa ¬intos1toetake n drink with him Tho latter re ¬

fused to accopt and at tho same timeabused Jackson Ho pulled his pistoland fired twlco when Jackson drowhis gun and shot McDonnell todeath Jackson surrendered and Isnow In tho city jail

1Edwards to nucited WrightWashington D C Aug 5Ine-

vent Governor General Wright ofthe Philippines decides to bo a can ¬

didate for tho senate front Tennersee It is said Colonel Clarence Ed ¬

wards chief of the bureau of Insu ¬

lar affairs will succeed Wright

Didnt Want to Eat UndergroundHoughton Mich Aug Three-

hundred minors at Adventure minehave struck because tho managementordered that the men should eat theirdinners underground Instead of coming to tho surface as formerly

tJ Princeton Will Remain in the Kitty

ILeague at Least Another Week

night and the collection of sufficientfunds to keep the team going anoth ¬

or week It Is understood the sportslii Princeton will have enough collected by next week to finish the season

Vlncennes will gw to Princeton ifter time Paducah series to open U se ¬

ries of four games



Deprived of Cigarettes tho Chlnipmreo Wastedl Away

Anderson Ind Aug 6As thoresult of being deprived of cigarettessince It has boon In Indiana acigarettesmoking chimpanzee of theHagcnback show died In this cityPhysicians wore called to conductan autopsy They reported that thoyfound tho tracheal muscles rigid andI

contracted and also tho Intercostaland abdominal muscles In a condI-tion


showing they had been deprived I

of n sedative produced by cigarettesI

that could not bo replaced by othernarcotics



Tried on Serious Charges Preferred1

by a Young Lady

Greensbiirg Penn Aug riHevGeorge Hulmo pastor of tho Churchof God at KeckfiburgI was given ahearing last night before Roger IIWelty u Justice of the peace at Net ¬

ty Mr Hulme was charged with as-


Miss Daisy Porch aged 20a member of his congregation

Tho evldenco produced by tho girlbefore tho Justice of the peace resuited In holding the pastor underball for trial at court

Increase DltllciiltlPH of OperationSt Paul Aug GTho difficulties

In train operation will be greatly Increased by orders received here by

the conductors and engineers on thetwo systems Grand Chief EngineerStone of the Order of Railroad Engin-


instructed the members of thatbody to cease assuming any functionsof the telegraphers and E E Starkhead of tho Railway Conductorhas Issued a like order The Tele ¬

graphers hero say that much of thesuccess the roads have had In mov ¬

ing trains Is duo to the aid given bjthe members of these orders

Floating Pool Room Leaves ChicagoChicago Aug GTh steamer

City of Traverse the floating poolroom whoso passengers underwentso many vicissitudes Thursday cleared last night for Kenoshn WIs ItIs generally accepted that In tho opin ¬

ion of tho Illinois authorities ncfurther effort will bo made to usethis city as a base for operations ofthe boat and that she will hereaftereavo the Wisconsin port to receive

the wireless messages

llrlrk Fell On HeadGeorge Gownsend colored of

North Thirteenth street while goingup a ladder at tho Michael collarfactory on North Third near Monroethis afternoon was painfully hurt br-

a brick from a hod carried by a negrofalling on his head Only a scalpwound was Inflicted and Townsendwas soon able to go home

A Military BurialStockbridgo Mass Aug iThl

funeral of Ensign Newman K Perryone of the officers who lost Lila lifethrough tho explosion of the gunboaBennlngton at San Diego Cal watheld here The body was borno totho cemetery under an escort of acompany of the state militia

TrainsI Aro Running On TimeNqw York Aug 6At tho officer

of tho Northern Pacific railway heretho following dispatch from tho gen-


passenger agent at St Paul warreceived today Passenger trainsare being operated practically on

time Dont fool any effects front thestrike Can assure you of gOof ser¬

vice over the entire line

Must ate Represented by County At1 ¬

torneyFrankfort Aug G Attorney Gen ¬

eral Hays today handed down anopinion that revenue agents must berepresented by the county attorneyof tho county where they sue forback taxes and that they have no au ¬

thority to employ other counsel In

such cnsoc

Government Wants a ReportWashington Aug GAttorney

General Moody lute sent a telegramto the various U S district attorneysalong lines of the Great NorthernPacific railways requesting Informa ¬

lion In regard to Iho telegraphersstrike and Its possible effect uponthe transmission Into touch of for ¬

eign std domestic commerce

A Double TragedyLa Porte Ind Aug 6David

Reed of Hamlet aged 55 shot andkilled his wife and walked four mllejto the lKankekee river and drownedhimself No ruuon is known for thuact except that his wife wanted toreturn to her homo In Michigan





LrIrNIL Loving Arraigned in Po-


Court 011 Murder WarrantI

Only One Witness Heart pto Noon=Tho Curse Not Ho Con

eluded Today


The preliminary hearing of II IILoving charged with time wilfulmurder of Herbert A Hose beganthis morning at tho city hall beforeSpecial Judge D A Cross and willprobably not be finished today un ¬

less those Is a night session Afterthe Inking of the testimony whichwill necessarily be slower than yes ¬

terday at the coroners Inquest be ¬

cause tho trlallsi more Importantarguments will consume some littletllllerr


Attorney Hal Corbett for the de ¬

tense said this afternoon that thederendantMr Loving would beput on the stands Ho declined tosay whet his client would testifybut did say I have had a greatmerry criminal cases during mypractice but I never had one Inwhich thero was a more perfect de ¬

fense than In this oneThe attorneys for tho common ¬

wealth today are County AttorneyEugene Graves Attorney W Fllradshaw Sr and Attorney John BWlckllffe of Wlckllffe For time do ¬

tense Attorneys Hal Corbett TomHarrison and Flournoy Reed

Tho case was called about 10oclock but on account of theab ¬

sence of witnesses was left open un ¬

til 1030 Mr V J Blow one ofthe witnesses was then reported atUardwell and It vas said could notreach here today and It was agreedIn order not to put oft the trial toaccept his tcstlmonV given yesterdayat tho Inquest and read It from thostenographic copy

The theory tho commonwealthwill strive to establish Is that tho re ¬

cent business relations of Lovingand Rose had developed a bitterfeeling between them That Rose hadthreatened to expose Loving and tomake it warm for the firm out ofwhich he had been kicked and thatLoving left Rose In his Lovlngs oftee deliberately went homo after hispistol and returning walked intotho room and shot Rose down asRose was trying to reach a windowand escape not giving him tho slight¬

est chance for his life and probablyshooting him once or twice while hewas down That Loving went homefor the pistol for no other purposethan to shoot Rose and that he didnot shot Rose In selfdefense or be ¬

cause ho was In fear of his life

Tho defense will undertake toprove self defenso It will undertaketo show It Is claimed that Rosewent to Mr Loving for money notto make him sign a paper or foranything else That ho made threatsof bodily harm then and had madethem for several days and that whenLoving went back after getting hispistol Rose started towards himwith his hand In his pocket in athreatening attitude One strongpoint that tho defense expects tomake Is that the shot it Is generallyadmitted struck Rose first tho oneIn time side paralyzed him and caused him to fall Instantly and thatto have fallen where he was foundnear the door shows conclusivelythat he was going towards Lovingand was very close to him when shotand ho fell

Tho preliminary hearing is sImp-ly


for the purpose of deciding wheth-er to hold the prisoner over withoutball or to grant ball Tho coronersInquest has no bearing on the pro ¬

liminary trial and tho preliminarytrial has no bearing on the final dis-


of tho case If ball Is refus ¬

ed at this preliminary hearing a o

writ of habeas corpus can bo takenout before the circuit judge and amotion for ball then bo made andtime evldenco heard and ball allowedor refused

But no matter what Is done withtime case now the grand Jury In Sep ¬

tember decides finally and may ei ¬

ther indict or nollo prosAttorney Hal Corbett said today

that he knows that Rose had gone toLovlugs office for money Thursdaymorning Ono of Attorney Corbetteclients a Mrs Hamilton hall prop-erty


that hind In sonic way bcconuiInvolved In Loving and Roses busi ¬


ness transactions and she hadnt ascrap of paper to show that she own ¬

od it Attorney Corbott went to Roseand Loving and told them they must


fix It up They agreed to sign a deedto It nnd It was then discovered thattime Globe hank hold a mortugaKri onIt for 22ti Rose consulted Altonnoy Corbett about It and ached whatht must do and was told he muttget Ut J22G and pay the mortgageHo tnld U7G and said ho would payIttI a rest Thursday Thursday hecalled on Attorney Corbett and saidhoil lieu boon unable to ruHi the re ¬

mainder but thought ho couldl nndstarted to Lovlngn office nftei It AtLovings office tho first thing ho de ¬

manded was monoyObjected to Verdict

When the verdict was returned b rthe coroners jury yesterday after¬

noon County Attorney Eugene Gravesobjected to It claiming that It wasnot In accordance with time law anthat Loving ought to be either exon-

erated or blamedLovlngs attorneys thought the ver ¬

diet was all right and suggested thattIf any changes were made they mightbo limited to tho elimination of theword perhaps which would imav

been a practical exoneration Afterconsiderable talk Justice Young an-

nouncedI ¬

that he would accept theverdict and he then discharged theJuryThe

halfl of the bullet which theautopsy developed spll upon strikingRoses skull has been found It waspicked up In the room day beforeyesterday by Eugene Bryant whoformerly worked for the lumber com-pany Tho whole bullet was round1

by Dr Robert RiversThat Visit to the Bull Game

In regard to Mr Lovlngs going totime baseball game a prominent at-torney


states that Mr Loving wasthere when he the attorney gotthere during the second Inning andI

that ho remained there until thogame was out-

Kvlilcncc Heard TodayJ D Gilbert bookkeeper for tho

Kentucky Mill and Lumber companywas tho first witness Introduced to ¬

day He told substantially the samestory as ho did yesterday He admitted that when lie saw Rose


through tho door after Loving arriv ¬

ed and started In Rose was makingtowards the eastern part of the roomas if to reach the window Ho ex ¬

plained however that Rose theaI

turned and started towards LovingHo was on the stand until the noon

adjournmentThisthe testimony of

V J Blow at the coroners inquestwas read After that BookkeeperGilbert was brought back and askedIn regard to the car load of the corn ¬

panys lumber Rose Is alleged to havesold and kept the money Gilberttold of seeing a check at tho bankpayable to Rose that aroused hisi

suspicions and after investigatingI

and finding that they had shipped nosuch car as tho number of that men ¬

Honed In the check ho reported It ttoi

Mr Loving and this was all that liei

knew about itCoroner Crow and son Charles i

Crow will testify next and It Is notyet certain how many other witnesseswill bo Introduced but is almost cer¬

taro that the trial will not be finish ¬


Is still out under guard

At AVoodvllleMiss Bertlo Crows subject for to ¬

morrow at Grahamvllle Ky will be

Why a Woman Has a Right ttoPreach Any ono wishing to go i

Just take a lunch and spend the dayYou will enjoy yourselves Serviceat 10 a m3prnnnd8pemA-

fter Paducnh PlayersLloyd and Land received tele-

grams this afternoon from Managei

Lew Whistler of the Memphis Southern league team Ho wanted LandLivable Frakes and Gllltgan in casetho Kith league disbanded and askedthem to wire lowest terms



CItyWheat m CloiSept 7711 7GHDec 78 77

CornSept 46 4 IJ lit

Dec 39 39

OntsSept 27 2-


Sept i13G 1347Cottons

Aug 1030 10-38Oct1065 1058DecJIOOG 1009Jan 1074 1674

Stocksr C 171L N 14GA 14GY6



In Paduceh and McCrackenSS

Connty moro people rend The

Sun titan any other paper




President Receives Request of Southerners and Issues Orders



Everything Will be Left to Federal AuthoritiesIINearly 50 New Cases Reported Yesterdayr


<<< pppa pI

41tEC01tD TO LAST NGIIIT X-y vtIit New cases up to 0 p III 11 ft-

A Total rases to date ditiA Deaths upI to 0 p III titit Total deaths to date till



c +

The Government Will AidWashington Aug G President

Roosevelt last night forwarded t

Surgeon General Wyman of the Publie Health and Marino Hospital serv-Ice n ttelegram from Governor Blanchard of Louisiana requesting thatthe United States government tokecontrol of the yellow fever situationI

in Now Orleans The president dlreeled the surgeon general to takeevery step In his power to meet thsituation In New Orleans and to nullfy him what further action lIs advisa ¬

ble and possible for federal authorties to take

Situation Is GraveNew Orleans Aug 5Wlth the

Intention of admitting Unit the feversituation Is beyond control but 1Inhuge of reviving confidence it wasdecided to request President RouseToll to have the United States goreminent assume full charge of titstruggle now In progress to wipe outthe yellow fever

The public approves of the actiontaken The expectation Is that with-in the next two days Surgeon GeneralWyman with all tho resources of thegovernment will be enlisted actlveIy in the campaign

The action was taken as a resultof a meeting held late yesterday at j

tended by city officials and ctala I

board Surgeon White of the marinehospital service and a number ofrepresentative citizens It was limo

concensus of opinion that If tho government control was resolved uponthere Would be an immediate restorMien of confidence throughout Lou ¬

isiana and the other sntcs whorethere has been criticism of the localauthorllles for not sooner makingpublic the exslenco of the fever

Time announcement of the actiontoken at first created some alarm Inthe city growing out of the fact thatIt meant that the situation had growsentirely beyond control but thatalarm was allayed when 11 becameknown that tho authorities had actedsimply In belief that tho prompt astlon now In turning over the dlrectlon of affairs to the marine hospltaservice In whom there Is supremeconfidence here would almost cer ¬

tainly avoid an epidemic

People of New Orleans GladNew Orleans La Aug GThoI

people of the city are In a Joyfulframe of mind today because the United States marine service will takecharge of the yellow fever situationwithin fortyeight hours

Precautions at rest St LouisEast St Louis III Aug GTho

health and police authorities haveestablished strict precautions to pro ¬

vent infection from tho yellow loveralthough no absolute quarantinerules have been established Every

New Castle Ky Aug 5Thojailer of this place George W Kellywas arrested this morning on acharge of malfeasance preferred by

Attorney Charles

H Sanford He alleges that the jail ¬

er never keeps his prisoners locked


train from tho south Is visited byInspectors and orders have been is-

sued by the board of health thatpassengers who are apparently In illhealth and might be suspected of

immediatelyto the detention hospital outside ofthe city limits

This IN Not Yellow FeverSantiago Cuba Aug 6ThoUno ¬

der observation live of the Crow oftho steamer Alhenlana which ar ¬

rived hero from Colon on July 30 thas unanimously decided that theyare suffering from malarial feverand not yellow favor


Flagships SeizedFlage¬

ship Grace of tho Mississippi patrolsquadron and another vessel theTlpsey which had been stationed IIn>Lake Borgno canal were seizedtheir flags hauled down and the of¬

ficers and crews placed under arrestTime crow of tho Tlpsoy will be takento St Bernard parish while thecrow of tho Grace silt be brought tothis city both to await the action oftho grand Jurys of tho respective par¬

ishes In which their offenses were °




have SelfGovernment Arc NotUsed to Civilization

L tWashington Aug 6Roports

continue to reach the war depart ¬

ment of atrocities practiced on time

natives of Samar by Filipinos whoare opposing American DominationIn several instances natives who dis ¬

regard the commands Pulajanoswere captured and beheaded Onecutthroat seized his own slslerlnlaw because sho sympathized withthe American authorities and sever¬

ed her right leg cut away a portionof her side Sho was then drlvon outInto tho highway

JMore SelfGovcrnment Material i

Washington D C Aug GIn ¬

formation has been received herothat fifteen native treasurers In thohigher civilization province In tho

Philippines are now in tho clutchesof the law because of shortages Inaccounts aggregating ten thousandpesos Ono escaped one was fined andrsuspended three wore sent to pris ¬

on and ten are awaiting trial 1


VResults to Industrial Plants In Ten-

nessee From Rain

Knoxvlllo reds Aug GEsti ¬

mates show that tho damage In thisvicinity by tho rainstorm yesterdayIs almost a quarter of a million dol ¬ +


lars mostly to Industrial plants



but allows them to run about theIup night and day Yesterday hetook the wholo bunch of prisonersto the county fair at Eminence thiscounty and ono day last week oneof the prisoners a negro was allowred to make an excursion to Louis ¬

ville and back