Iw&otmt oliaaca of A nard Castle. AKY 17TH, 1917 ]of the new war er column, will Id tlie popularity *itial stages, has ie. Tpe terms unimpeachable. Government and le, is the winning (civilization and Ion of Prussian Jon of humanity ^oko and the most mpt and active %oa of the loan human progress nal existence ia public are being 3 contribnting to the financial aid victory. And it t it is the spirit, of the community, veru meat's ap peal ponse worthy of p freeborn people. of the duty of ^ad and with more itself hitherto, t big subscrip- Ledding to the on t lie part of us words which, places are not event there is a : disregarded- Milk. alo Mercury." ow t?kioe pUcs j-luatlon of milk, t'V3j!ookfld. Ia l^'ewo ia the at •» e o - u n a a i t y 931, rsoolvoa. »tl 5i m for g > ids A i I wrong ia uoer is equtlly of profit in order himself ani his -Ii am, Sir, your B\RNhRD. r'.icgsot', ilk. dale Wef3ury." thst milk a6 5 3. a S'TViOntbl? fat ''an b ••»? steak at th»j 5<UJ ouScher a. H> Has to live thi k tk»(s milk la (sonnies, whatever k r>? trxvt t!>.ai the 11 tVi- ;miik now, •.b ivo 100 p e r asti .V. the aims n bis Ane, I have a*? l a 4'. mar o t a »->:•,( w» workiig- b:a »v.d we hive oi wisli anyone to I wrote tbo miikaellers at 4<. nar quart aa i I die not, nor tain *-iy man by Tit price ho oaanot Jest of too -Ymrl, 'WORKINCI-MAN. »17. ST PROBLEM. Urb;n Council, e members ct the iriet Council was r F. J. Wilsop, J.P., TB present Messrs S»OD , C. Hedley, (clerk), J. H. Veltoh I Martin (Inspector). '.1. g waa| c avened Ins tbo question of "ict'.on bo : &d a r 3, wtltteo and aft H.L. J.P., d's attention baa ot allotmonte, and ing taken by the •nc .oo'.l-n wun the It ooourred to we.et end of the 1 piece ot land for I am d.-sirei by Hla form yuur Council b > very glad to en terms whioh he iy a. ranged to the In reference to wn u *d, whioh la ,:rk, that gentleman o tia rffoQ'i that he |fce m-.tiar with air d that all uoooou- aiUbla allotments he bid received alVmoots in the varying from the fu -vd-a-helf. birr? tkc-Uue field [ten allotmtuts, and i. applications. A • htiou WAS direoted Ekst flell and the comply'a occupa- nald >..pp'jalte the land o^ned by the Sohiol in the "ted .bat Mr York's ~re in extent, and Chairman and Mr r&l qteation ol r receiving replies I, who are to be "cultural value was on at B2 per aere allotments over the tie; are, because I ve-al moo making rest gardens. tatots. to regctiate with 1 tor U ( J y .qa'aiiion r, the Seea having id i>t A g r i c u l t u r e guaracfeed. The ho wholesale price, Sallowed through the vo theaa sets, the MS, Improvement. _ z-: lostli .cafor ph/*/ reJ . • i fbeir merit* laws; and * (tii wisraioa to the •.. taa workhouse lie urvqyur, urgloK Or wan tea Uie road fer '• /o '"d be trained' n , ./iia «baa the aua t'.'xhi cbjecs to* . .— . a i c >x alder** k farther udjjaraedt r Si-optoa presentioC dilLS, THE T£E8DALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1917. LOCAL AND OTHER NOTES. Lord Barnard continues to improve steadily in health. o Lady Barnard is seriousjy indisposed, but the Doctor reported on Friday that she was progressing satisfactorily. O—r The Lord Bishop of Itipon has given instructions to a commission to make suggestions for an alteration, so much needed, of the boundaries of Kirkby Ravensworth and Barningham as they affect each other. o— A famous Headmaster,witli local associations, died in London, on Snnday, in the person of Prebendary Henry Whitehead Moss, who was Headmaster of Shrewsbury School for 42years. The-d8eeased gentleman was born at Lincoln in 184t. In 1887 he was made Prebendary of Hereford Cathedral, and married Mary, daughter of the Rev. W. A. Beaufort. Vicar of £gglestone. by whom he leaves two sons and four daughters. During the vicariate of the Rev. J. T. Penrose, the deceased for a time occupied tho vicarage in this town. Miss Metcalfe, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Metcalfe, Dalton Fields, is giving her valuable services during the war as organist at Barningham Parish Church. This young, unassuming lady is proving to be an accomplished musician, manipulating the pedals and stops with great skill, and bringing out the quality of this beautiful organ. o Tho funeral of the late Mr A. W. Monk, for many years secretary and managing director of the West Auckland Brewery Company, and <vhose death occurred at Percy Gardens, Tyne- mouth, took place at West Auckland. The deceased gentleman was well known at Barnard Castle. The far-reaching comradeship and influence j of the Xorth Eastern County School has just been exemplified at Aldershot.where Mr Frank I lllsley is stationed, as a dispensing chemist in the Royal Army Medical Corps. TZo sooner . had our townsman arrived than he met a school companion—an "old boy" from the famous 1 middle-class school. Yesterday's bulletin shows that Lady [Barnard's health is improving, but, for the I present, the greatest care is necessary. —o The induction of the Rev. W. Callender Wake into the assistantship of Union Church, I Islington, London, will take place at morning prayer on Sunday, February 4th. The service I will be fully choral, and will be conducted by lthe K e v . C . J . Barry, M.A. The well-trained Ichoir of the Union Chnrch will render musical kerns. The morning attendance at this INonconformist Cathedral is about 600. C. Watson has been the Mount, Barnard Lieutenant-Colonel H. pending a few days at istle. o Mrs J. W. B. Heslop, of Startforth Villa, is irogressing favourably towards recovery. In the storm foxes are becoming audacious in their depredations, and arc worrying poultry inite near the town. o Lord Barnard's second son, Captain the Hon. | YT. Yano, of the Y'eomanry, has been at home on leave for a week, looking extremely well. He left Raby on Saturday on his return to France. There are the names of forty-four men on the Startforth Parish Church roll of honour. The Rector of Rokeby says that to waste nothing, to save in everything; and to lend to ie country all you can is national service. Private C. Atkinson, Londings, Startforth, M the Durham Light Infantry, who has been la France for 17 months, and has been doing I--9 dance work, is spending a short leave of I jsenco with his parents. The Vicar of Laithkirk offers tho great npathy of the parish to the parents and relatives of Maurice Jackson and Jack Smith »ho have made the great sacrifice for their fountry. o Private Joe Gray, Bank, Barnard Castle, of J-e York and Lancaster Regiment, who has •served i n France for about two years, has Wived home on a few days' leave of absence. Last week, Corporal A. E. Fox, only son of Jthe late Mr L. A. Fox, and of Mrs Rndd ftartforth, left Catterick Training Corps for Trance. All our best wishes go with him, and fopes of a speedy return. o A war savings' association is to be started t Bowes. Private Albert Evans, Thorngate, Barnard t-'astlo, of the Durham Light Infantry, has ^rived from France on a short furlough. His Officer and Chaplain both testify what a ine youDg soldier Lance-Corporal Donald was Khile the people of the district honour him as lae first Bowes lad to give his life in the war fad thoir heartfelt sympathy goes out to his parents and other friends in their sad loss o The directors' report and balance-sheet of the Teesdale Associated Farmers, Limited, for |te half-year ending December 31st, 1916, has lust been issued to the shareholders, and, pder the able secretary and manager, M r A . h Wilson, a gratifying financial statement is J^de. The profit brought forward from last falf-year was £285 17s., which, added to that I<* the half-year ending on the 31st of tecember last, £274 2s. 10tL, makes a total Irofit for one year of £550 19s. lOd. There other highly satisfactory features in the PPOrt. Yesterday morning, at a special sitting of the Barnard Castle Police Court, before Mr J. G. Hall, a young soldier, named William Parker, was charged with being an absentee from the Durham Light Infantry. Tho accused confessed to having stayed over his leave. Parker, who is a native of NortUallerton, has a sister residing at Mortham Tower. The young fellow has been badly wounded in the arm in France, but has completely recovered.—P.C. Clarke arrested the youth.—He was remanded to await an escort. Private W. Emerson, Wesley-terrace, Bank, 1 * Barnard Castle, who has been doing foreign service, is spending a few days' leave ofl absence at home. o Corporal J. W. Walton, of Stainton, who has been on active service with the Northumber- land Fusiliers continuously for a period of one year and seven months, has been wounded in the shoulder, and is now lying in a base hospital in France. The Zetland foxhounds will meet on Thursday at Easby, and on Saturday at Hcighington, each day at eleven o'clock. Lambs are beginning to make their appear- ance in the lowland farms in Wharfedale. - \t Toesdale has been snowbound for more than a week. Appealing for his son at the Carnarvonshire tribunal, a father said that another son was serving his country—in an American munition factory. Yesterday there was no coursing at Piercebridge. The Honorary Secretary of Lady Aune Lambton's Durham County Work Depot begs to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of garments, etc., from the following :—Gainford men and Gainford and District Branch of Queen Mary's Needlework Guild (per Mrs Joseph Pease). o Woodcock are extremely plentiful in Devonshire this year. It is officially announced that an Agricultural Machinery Branch has been set up in connection with the Board of Agriculture; to deal with the manufacture of agricultural: machinery and implements—classed as! munitions. Mr George Nixon, son of Mr and Mrs Nixon, Flatts View, is armourer staff-sergeant, and; not acting-sergeant as stated in our last issue. Private Joe Hoggett, Wycliite, of the Royal, Field Artillery, who has been at the front, is spending a short furlough at home; and- Private John Hoggett, of Low Startforth, Barnard Castle, of the Northumberland Fusiliers, left his native place on Monday after a short leave of absence. Private A. It. Stiles, of Barnard Castle, hasf been home on six days' leave of absence to see; his parents, and looks quite smart and well. Ho left by an early train on Saturday morning for a Midland camp. The Suggestions Ollice of the National: Service Department has issued a letter to the drapery trade "suggesting" that creditt accounts as between the retail trader and the' public should be temporarily discontinued. The New War Loan. MAIN POINTS SIMPLY EXPLAINED. The foUnwinsr, pif.rrrsphs explain li a BMiwr, sfcrlppfd rf reebftickHMea. tho main points oi |he.D(iw Ww Lr.*r. The L^an is rf two kinds : in »&ca it might) be eaid that there are two Loans. The itterest on ibe first one is subject to Income Tax: that on the second rot, except, nt conrso, that those investing in the second are Iisble to Super-tex if the wnoanS of the'" toocma o) reqnirea. The first of the two Loans may ba subscribed tot either thrnngh the ? « ' Office or through bauks, end the second through bank .i cnly. Paragraphs (a) and (d) refer to snbecr!»tions through bank?. (a) The Loan Subject to Income Tax. 1. Interest on this Loan will b» paid at c*i - **te of 5 per cent. The Luan is issued at £95 pet cent., 1.1%, every £100 worih of saoek costa £95 (inly. This r<j.-,t:y raem thv,; the Interval on the ual mm Invented work* on"! at abcat 5-J per onst. Partner, tahlnft iu*n jjecouot the foot that £100 wlh uiHirarvteJy ba repaid for evsvy £95 Invested, actd the actual interest works ont at £5 3:. lOd. per eeot. 2, Payment may hi made by ios^almenfiq as follows: 5 per o « s. an RppIi-'siMoc, 15 p** cent, on iUrci 2nd end M»rch 23id, tan<* 20 oer cent, on April lSbh May 9.h and M a ; 30 •«>. 3. The first dividend will paid on the 1»> Java this jear. Its am"unt will ba £1 $•>. 91. pei- c?nt. i n ' a l l y p a i d s^<l^:m."•t•!.?, a n d I t s , 1 0 L per oftot. i;n allotments whioh hiv? b"Mn pai^ by Instalmeats. Ietateat wiM tboTeaft?r bo paid on uvery following Decem 'Kv lsv m& Jn>ie ls^, 4, The Loan will be repaid at p»r on the Is* J u n e , 1947, b a t *fcc> r'••*&*. la wr .^rved t r < repay it, on three myths' i -tlee xc-ing giver, on .'.Tiy date after JUTS let, 19i9. (b) Tha Loan Fre9 of Insoms Tr<x, 1. This Lo»n will ba issued at £100 per aeai,, i.e.. £100 wov:-a ct Stock will cat eiaoii;/ £1C0. and the iaterast wi:l ba £4 par cent. 2. PsyixRnts may bi ntada by instalments as follows:—5 per cent, on application, 15 per cent, on March 2nd. and! 20 por cent, cn March 1S«J, Apiii i8tb, May 9 a a-.'d May 30!h. 3. The first dividend trill be paid on Apiil 15th on fully paid allotments, and will amount to 12*. 83. per cent. Tho flret dividend on money paid in by Instaltvipnls will be tba fni' haif-yeai's dividend, payable on Oc>obar 155h of 6hu year. 4. Tnis Loan will b* repaid at psr en tbfl 15sii October^ 1942. Tbo right is reserved, iiowevor, to repay it, cn three monthfc' u-./rict. gives, on any dato after Ootubcr 15'h, 1929, (<0 Bishop of Peterborough's Example. The Bishop of Peterborough has given instructions that no flowers are to be planted in the Palace gardens this season, and vege- tables are to be cultivated instead. Miss Mary Anderson Back to the Stage. Miss Mary Aaeeraou la ft-/make are-sppesr- anee on ah* atago lor pne w»ek, beginning fa Jannar* 29 % Mr Raill baa peraoatled her to Bive th»i bkleni y scare from " Romeo and Ju'aot " at tfca tV uiHnt Oollaeaa for chari^ble Food Contrdlor's Conferences^ Yesteril-y, Lorfi Pevuwpor* t*ti Fjcd Oootroll'v, mstadepntatio: o{< it r»kn cisherr. It w i s una of a nsries of oonaercBOea which^be ia holding in order obtain vitai icformation oi vfhioh i. bt»" • >£. pimej. LOCAL WAB IML-BGENCY MEETING. COMMITTEE Prayer is the adjusting of life's compass to h will of God, and is the -very life breath of jjc soul. It is the shield of tho Almighty, and bo scourge of the devil, and is the power to ealiso the presence of the Eternal in the heart 1 man," said the Rev. W. Callender Wake, on unday night. the death is announced at Simonstone Hall, '*ar Hardrow, Hawes, Wemsleydale, of Mr ,*orge Harker, auctioneer, formerly of Gordon .ouse and Bede-terraee, Barnard Castle, firing his residence here the deceased gentle- *"n was on tho staff of auctioneers at the arnard Castle and TeesdaJo Auction Mart, d for twenty-five years the well-known «uer had been connected with the JN'onh jorkshire Farmers' Stock Mart Company at orthallerton. He was for a long time on the °uncil of the Barnard Castle Agricultural c 'ety, and there was no more active and "thusiast'ur member of that body on show ys. The remains of the late Mr Geo. Harker The Coming Entertainment for Children. A meeting of the members of the Barnard Castle w a r JImergenoy Committee was held on Wednesday night. Mr P. J. Wilson, J.P., presided, and there were slao piesent Mrs Winpenny. Mrs Walton, Misses Railton, Appleby, Walton, Birker, Messrs R. B, Morton 6. Burt, J K Dent, H. Walker, J. Lynn,. J, Guy* I Qainnec, C. Hedley, i. R. Arravsmlth, J Wiseman, and J. I. Dawsnn (oler>).—The Clerk reported tt:-i he had received an official acknowledgment that the ChriBtmaa gifts sect so local soldiexs r.brosd bad been duly received and distributed.—Mr Davtson also raad a 'tire- from .MODS Praet thanking the bonoar&blo members ot the oommitteo and the' charitable sauls of the looaiity for that philanthropy extended to themselves as ro.'ngacfi. and expressing their sincere gratis Vade, vhiln wiabipg at the late holy season uppj Christmas and prosperous New Year t-j U.—The Clerk also said be had two cards j cm Madame Guiesnaert and the Beck family, h owing that they had not forgotten the efforts cf the committee. — Mr Hediey moved, and it •vs.* agreed the memoranda sent from Lbeir Bl?i»u friends ba enserod upon the minutes* —A numbe? of aooounts were ordered to b# aid, d the LaditB* Committee and aeverai gentle."nen ready to assiss were ssked to remaiif n order to push forward the propoBc$ ehildret'a pntertainir 'eui, a fear being xpressed that tho innoUun might bocoma belated. "ere |ieaut aids' 'gre a; attet »hov aisd .\l Xor for- «•!•• I e >"rest. on Saturday last, in the •id <|iiiet ce metery at Hard row. y token of re spect and sytnpatfc y of ber of friend s, including many A 'om Numbers who were preven ted he obsequies sent tokens of kindly •ho late Mr- Harker was widely much respec/ted in the north, and ill be felt b;p his numerous friends. Icnderson, M.P., speaking at the |i Conversion of War Sscurties of Earli*? k,u -8 Into tha Hew War Lo«n, Holders of any c! -?» ft llowlcv: securities rxrj use them as ?sym?nt £ JV the now War L 'i »n:— i per ceat. War Loan ; S'pc!- eant. Ese/»f qarr Becas, cluo October 5th, 1919 anr; 1921; per eo«r. Bxcheqaer Boadi, das December lst, 1920; per cent- Exchequer B..nc.s, due February lGti:, 1920 T.fco?o who invest in tba new 5 par cent. Loan will roeaivo £105 5i. 33. ct the now nsock lor fc«.oh £100 fhoy o-onrrert, 'f'aosa Invesiing ia oho 4 per csai, La»a Vviil recoivo exactly £100 fo" each £100 Ihey convert. Hojdera rlcaiiting to convsr'j the oid utook ictt; he now mnst give notice to she Bank cf England in the r-jescribed form not later than ffsbiusry 16.h. (<0 Svms Other Points. 1, .Ip^iioaJlone must be for sna-B of £50 or nnHipIsa i'mre-at-, »r..i will be rccsived at tho i. K nt Iksgiabd Lo.-.bs u a i c . or may be forwarded through yry banket '„v stookVcker in the Uaited Kingdom, 2, Icocce Tax na tho 5 pa* cect. Lo^n will c>t be riij^ncrsed i-t 'ih'-i i -on-cc, but will be b» paid k.y recipients !n the ifiXimty tr*>y. 3, Ics'.aiujects max be'p,'..ld up in fall on or altee BSafeh 2ad ot this y^-st (wder dlsoaant at toe /ate of 4 per ces:«- p^r aonuef, calculated from t h a d a t e wfc<n tb«> «ext icsfMi»ni.t ia due. 4 Tie Lc^sn tney im toro^ABr-rt in tbo form eisuer of S'.oek os Hat The. B iud« will be iewd in denomliiit'ca o££50 £100, £200, £500, £1,000, sad £5.000. 5. i'ho lists will close o:> Fgb'uaTy 16tb. (*) Tost 0ffii8 l;sue. 1. T i e 5 per c#".t. Loan m*y h:> tak • u p in fi®ailn: amounta—£5 or multiples thereof— thrwu,.- the Pos!> Office. Eaoh £5 w-jith of Loan wifl, ot course, cast, £4 15s, "2. Ttuse t» id ear.'ler atcniitico vt the kitius DWii* ib vr, ir„ie.ox^u or issued through tba Post Office, can onl; convert them into new War Loan thrcngh the Post Office, and nndor the Post Office prospeotns. It will be seen that the Loau is an attractive one, offering tx good rate of interest, and at the same time, by ica method of instalments, making the way easy for many investors who, without some such arrangement, might find it difficult to take up the stock. It should be noted that tho Treasury will set aside money with which the Government will buy back Loan stock if its market price faila at any time below irsne price. This will, of course, tend to prevent depreoiatioc. Mesnwhile, for those who are unable to make any investment, even under the oamparatively easy conditions oi the Loan, there remain the War Savings Certificates, as before. Toe National War Ssviags Committee has pfaced its organization throughout the country under the direction of the Chancellor cf the Exchequer far the purpose of furthering the War Loan campaign. Local War Savings Committees may be applied to for icformatioa on any point connected with the Loan. WAR ON ALGQK0I : PRACHCM SUOGESTIO^. To tba Editor ot tfea " Tecedale Morcovy." fiia,—The Rev, J . H a w k i n s fella to Begoto'at* difficulties, but kep.plng to a t ( i nr,d amoqtll* surfaceri airily avoSda thrm the wall» be' tries to enptn're the unwary by H scanted bean ar.? ! a pincb of snnff. Never a word did he vauehaafe on the bw of tho " House," the convalpsieenc?< of tiie Kinp, or, to him, tps perverted tasks of our Premiors r Weil, well! I vfM %'i once puUodl up if I faUed in givi^e medical authority for my assertions, but, havi"??: it^t.") BO, I am aimp.y told tha* opit-lonr- diffnr, but wa know that. I admitted it Ther would hr,vo boon «o o iriresp >adeac« on. thi? aabjaet bad it not been si. I regr&t thai mv las", laitor should hsvo been so tinged •whu tne'anehaly as to b&va deprE80?d bim. Let uv row try wj nheer Man up with tinmdih.fcj? more tuan qnihb'is,^; o? dere by-pi*y. Prohibiti »u i s not pbligaiiorv, feov.,j» •• depraved mlhorlvy, eofBier man, 1 • ,f.vs—*.h-a who have rarely d>j?« * honest dav'a w..rk ir< tb.Mr llv»s, mrr>. attracted by n Vigh w s j ; aiaturb tho general harmony ?*nd nui obe working msehinn rut ct gear -Th^se are people to penish and prohibit. Probibi'.loo has beoft a fa'Jure wjberever trls^. The history "t tbo sa-c»i!ed any " 6tat r .s o! Aicerics, so Ur as ii relates to this su-.jecfi, is that of *»vs.ftior, deAeit>,'^cnutc^ling.'and frau>*. Any a^Breiu^iead acjauTner in 4u--8» states will "issare yen that K?C shoHoa :;in always be. ohtairr«d by D sm?* ?, a \vir>k: K.I oxcuso ir »»ay '}>n% store. >~*t ? an opsin feco tha-i a deceitfui toagnv. Partial prohiblttOs has had like r«>saitB bsro. Doctors', oertlftaatss are, eomp^ritively, ?.s abttndftot in sarao Mcens^f! h<<n3?s t.s Trer.RCii'j notas It a admitted that 'be b :r.-"or district, nador at*ta eontrol, is amorf; ihe h%d i^nds. tbo ^.".rron pitches. Prohibit'on wonld rae?r; Bgrsat loss of revenue at % raiimsnt when evft;*y benny is i^oedtd. I* ^";'nld C '?rsai^i? lead to a gi the labour market, and a at diatnrbv downing " f '^ebor'.' ! It ia oura tix?ay. vice y v raurt fiw try to g-ji it. Orgioal sip, beredltar; eaoash, etl-crwlsi. we w HM C«I iif tools wb^n tio fate ci bhe Eajpiri* hangs in toe b*lane«>. Restslctod hours, or partial prohibi- tion, bite given cet3aia o ! acf B tha tlmr. -A Shvit- lives. Iniempsrarrco has been thrusl upon brme life. L n t thn R->v. J . Ht^k'^a rfad the 4 Fortnightly " for thla Month, and will *!& oaco gr«ep tho dangers t.f fchq aitna^ion. Force, here, it juo remsdy. 8u«h la. the- wilfulness t :f an that i-% Rossis, nud<rr prohibittan, di-genT"~.tcB' bave B<*,i«u|ed therc- selv'J with e&n-dej3olugne, rae'.hytatpd Siiiri>. varnish, and vzdum other b dy-and-sbul *«troying drags. Better a g!?«m cf good, wholeeome beet and a social pipe la the cfcimcry corae' 1 . Tha Olydo petitian Waa " w :rkad " by 4 be "Strength of Bril-:*.in" movomeof. rnat organisation opeoiyj adVertlacd that workiBc shouted "down wltfci the pubHo-hoMe." No plaee waa spr.olfted, rnd nothing wao ever advanee^ to corroborate sneh a atatemeat, but the cba7ge of *h« Mas-iere' ff-jderatio-i r.na at cree Mpadiated b<- the mec. I will stake t : i.- Rev I . Bawkina a pjreaent of this: We eat ao-i drink tan too greedily. I will go fact.'xcr »a-rt say tba!; drnnkeuoees is n doteateble vio-T unworth? of •» 3rif!j ! )e!",, sad ir>exoMable ia a 8sv.<ge. B u t petrs- :-,>! freedom la above hught else Xbonaaeda.el ourbrtataod t>rsr?st are gi-'log tbeii iives to preserve i". [t wss the aigoet ctamp of iujp-<r!i5 Cinav But 1 w*o To roob not % s.t. *he C±UHO of talitt is not •i'AM bs in tao etone »g ». Loaded sk'cR, aodtieoed e ilia, and an ever- varying climate seem to demand the stimuiat'Og and ehoeric-s effc.'s cf aleahoUes. «ut mat-, t!>e widewolld over, turns to tfaiem You see a farmer liisiqg his aolL Ha ip not ca much applying piaid fond s». libenting the latent energy atored as his Held. Kor batter or worse we tavo become an i.tdustrial people K >s the liev J. Hawkias ci.-t seen a mati, naked t > the waiat, throwing huge ohnnks of pig iroi' into a far&ape ? Tho ewes'; p-surs down bJm. At LUe bad of bid r-hih he is brain-f»Kgod and iuuso5o-wesr;. He n.ili baa a store ot energy left) but it nosds iibcrsting Alcohol ;.s the ageo* tor doing ?t. He era now valk hcino and opjoy his dinner, T""PI b<»f^ io9ch».c!oal grind, the dsicg ufalifce j b,oay by d«>y, ^t u llko LiachiRa ,'u! n a ras-a doni.. H : s vtttsllty alter it in low. Ale >Vol, iu moderat:»n, oete free his reserves of at.'engta. If there is anythi? g eles equally tffactive,. !*>»• those wr-.o daory aicohoi brti.g ii forward. Then there is tha workman's home. lu our great towns how many can be termed a ace ? Nothing but n bsok-yard, with everywhere a barrier •>( bricks: not a ysrd n{ grosad t 0 divert bis thoughts It his children's play, Go and ' ;ok inside these homes of the EiKlisbuua, and then tell me if It ia any wander he should turn from it to seek warmth and soo-al cheer elsewhere. If you won't cnango tH this, and if you won't lift him out oi himself, don't st.sad in the way, you prohibitionists hsvo ao long doi,' , of all improvements to the public-tionae, 'out give up the impraotic?,i and i naossibie, AS4 m.ke his only house ot rest as mug, as obeery, and as recreating as yoa era-.—Yohra trui?. WILLIAM 8 i'A WEE. 9, MlHon-streot, West H^rUepool, January 12th, 1917. The Drink Problsm. PIG8 ARK OFTEN TROUBLED WIT WOKMd. Thorley'a Worm Howders will eleae asm*. Bo?d in Cartons eontaiaieg 6 Powders, >J., &y Afents in all pa'ts; or by post IS Powder*, 1/1; 96 Powders, 6/6, on /ec?lpt of rewiJ &,.<!«, by Joseph Tbcrley, Limited, King'* Crcaa, laoados, N. JBTVISGJR^T 'W '01vl^.3sT °.bouM Ber.ii tn--» stamp* lor our Illustrated BooJt coutaiaiiig rahUabla inibrmation how all Irre«nilaritiofl ucd miHatCOiinwi moy be entirely avoided or removed by Hi -uple ravons. Beconiaontled h? e&iicent Physicians fte t h e o n b SftifOa curt., and gennln© remedy, testimonials. Nerer lalln. Eatabliahed 1862. Thousand* of j IO KEEPERS WHO WISH THEIR PIQ8 oav shuuiii*us» IU » Condiavsnt Tborley's Fond I >r C«tt-e; keeps Piga thrifty, bold lu Cases eoatalning &C p a c k e t s , Five 31-illings, by Ageols in r,'» (.'arts. a, i M PMl SLAHGHARIJ, nT.ARKaosT HormvL O^LSTOM f.a«K.?.o»nojr.. YOU SHOULD NOTE THE FACT thai your Hall* Croy.aon, si.id: If wc went I ^w!* will bo healtUev and lav moto Egjp 1! the spirit, of steadfastness and j V«-n pivf^>M A •peinkline;ol Ovum ThurloyB , then he be lieved victory would be Pv u'.try Spic^ m t«lr «oft fo<.d - B o l d by tn& .hat even I ;his year might witness \ BaVawsoW ol A. K. Barker, Com Merchants, The War Loan: The Note of Confidence. One of the best things about the row War Loan is the absolute confidence wbiah every body appears tc feel as to i.a success. The note haB bsen one ot assured osrtain*v from tbe first moment. The apt title of the " Viotory Loan," coined for the new issue almast as soon as it was expected, has a double meaning. It is the Loan that is to bring victory, and, because of this, it is in itself bound to be i\ triumphant success. It ia as if people looked upon it SB almost a sentient thing, conscious it if s mission, and resolved that It *il! not fsii This is as it sbouM be. Yetfsinow op 'iaiiiim now and then defeats itself, » wt ^d of ^arnirg may beset down. Wo apiimisBa gh«uld •••ke any of us fovg«.s tlisi only by iiidividu^l eft nt can the expected ouccess be rerlised. A faith that all i« goirg to b* well do?n not make things move nutumaUoaliy to tlo goal, nod faith divorced from works would i.a this m%tior nnd in failure just becitusa everyooo thought success so certain that they folded th-dr bandc What is needed in the esse of tho Lorn is plenty ct optimise:, but nothing ci fatalisaa Tbo Loan will be a sncotps, if we make it so Each one, un?U f>c 1-as brought whatever contri- bution ia possible t-i hinj. had bett.*? ba v.- optimls*h, bu'i apprf"har.^iie, fesllciK tost thi itiCk of what he might havo effared m>y endargsr the whole thing. That mr .y be> ao exapgsratior, but It is b«-tt«r than the optimigm wbloh eimpiy lets things go. And the sum of the matter ia: " Be so confident of what can be done by a whole natioe doing its best, th& you dare not lose tbe chance of shaikg in a success so great." i :.nguration of p eace. J Barmaid Castle. The Temperance Question. T- tb«> Ecitar of t h e * feesfele MoKenry." DEAR Ria,— 5r Btasaet having repented of hie ti»?.,:y ).^i!',iirr to vrivo v,h CO - 8 a i..pfl!'SS J--C8,1 Bunst la einr esyMd a fa-iber werl I vill pvy Mr HV'-wt the a 'tuoiUnent«.( '• Slog that I believe him to qaH'.« e s p a b h l vt Scaling with two o*' <JVBU three r >r>f-— on'•'bare sro su'ely two or three M r S men The sturd; efaaaspinn of Indiviriu^.l rights and 'Ibertlea, wha loudly e 'nmr .or ?i af??.!^**. aoy ii t ^jfereocp, can snare e n bo tbe s m;> g.'n?l»;- -nn who is mo?e *h>n ralliJSy eatboslaftie *'jnut the appointment of a "dictator." It, however, there Should bs bu4 ihe nr.» M r Scamor, who noi or.'-j .pppov^i nf a di-Msata* but will ev.-n fce'p t<s to !?5ot»*o, s;>' •• g v» it "x only ay beefateck and not hl« beof In qaeatl-m, f-hen, r,t eonfte the d^fliai ; ty o' debating the Huhjnc" befe*c ns is apparent •7eryosi<?. I f<a I encot aec-ipt lb» dogmatic statemept '.hafe na ehsmieslfl an U'ied In tbfl mtrafaetnre of aleoholio Hqaort. I !:oc-> M ? ''i-•*•*.'* m^y bo h:daeed to supplt- ajp.it his btief •-.'*!!«< jn u"» asuettiou. If so, I rory h.*v<» BeeiAthi .g tuf' her to add. Bu'; I rm eacwt ; x;i;r<3 i••> j in Issu", i>" tr> ibe veins of ateohol In '• :e phyaleal systea . This c a n n o t bo d!*9ujig<><* *'A felly In- a I -*^:er o r two, and I trust' Mr Stealer mil stid to his cuus. Sir P/ed-jti-.k IrSseS stabse: '• Phere fa a great deniro «.r» Sho pa>"6 cf raec t. bo fi*. V young man eannot ho fi« if IK< takoa aleoho'. l?y r„) poesihiiny ear be want it. N 't one wh • is you*--" and healihy c\ i went ale' ay m:*?-j 6«:.*<! he.oan -vs - > e'-rjeioicn." Too i.tt: Sir Ao<?*»-.-? Clark, t&.fL physician to Hoi HvjdSty Qj S .- ; . Viotor;! says: ? c-V Rood healaa v>'.% in L. . jadgnen', -.'w.ys be Irjurod even by s-tnill Mm of ale' The saoio authority -'luefcren s«j is strysbnine (0 i:« It r^nks wlfh tb an ..g, i i si:«e way o? r»tHe» Thomaa Barlow. :'.".', K C V.O , wrlr<,3: •'- : ne is ro.% as is euppoaed/cbe milk of Use &g?d.' Is tends to pif.daci o«\.*dl-a wsakovat, uscular e«3d rheumatic PHI.-.". an-? deterioration of the firs arterioles r»n^ h-iord vessd»\ Al-.:;bol ic so resp.ic "*ib!" f r mnoh iasanltT and mental Stsorder." S i r V i e t o - r H roiey, F R . 3 , F.R.C.8. etc, r.nd C r . U s v Siurgo, M.D. (L^.'dun), wric : " Fi'-qasr!'; i;Wemp*>s h a v ; been msd'i toasserSf.lo whether there exists * SBiaiaaai do'ie of cicc-hc:' .vhij -i r» m t o JJ»V 4-s»'>.?i<;5'.-tt hMng affected i.~. f i j d 'S '.dvaiitspnrus w»j-, -iod, in -;c; -- J .-. ica wuti the steady •.' • "C ol selejntlflo op! i-> this matter, su • aud email emcunks have h • saggo as permi;o"o' ! ?. -In reality we have no pi • * thai -. uifnituaat ond permiasib'e floee exi at r.it" To quote Frederick frevai again: " * a a work producer a>c.,b--.i is exc/«diegly exsrava- pan':, anr?. >;t,^ i ther extravagant tuesaa.w, it ia apt to lead ti physic I baekaoptcy. Ic is wall -kcowe that traopj ealtoot marsh on alcohol. I was with the reftsf coiumo that moved c n to Ladyamitb, It was .. • i •• mely rrylaK liae, apt.rt frt.m t'.-o h.-i- ;>I t^r, weather. In that column of a mo 30,000 sten thg first » h ;i dropped cui worn t-uo t«l! me A , o* tba short tc to, or the big arr, ni t! H«.tle met-., hui tho driokeM, -.r.C they dr »pped on-, as C'SMIJ c3 it tbt-y had bt:«n iabeUed with p. big tetter on their bvk?." Aic u,:^, r-s t i ' Stamee «• uj»y b i easi!; aasfmiiu'ed, buu is m> proof > i ii» food value Sr. Erackne.' »•->- : " A!-j.,.--.' !.;*••» tb« iargeat tasiiLt «.-t viotlma by oabas' - j it v9;jre, !.i fcba' it w-.fc-rm^n a *.t - powes of rseiataoce co sickoi ss. eo that the appareotl qiite temperate driobor ...':: to t. lu-.g lefiainmatloO: cr aa infectiuus ^l;e'.si which the 8'.U!,e", normal b'dy easily cvs-e T/. ...,"* Per*»pa wci ma? havo ah Spportunl «• nl tflseussieg nlcoboi b\ rela;i-te n.'.ibmism 1 klzohiA It »• P ••aon, ••.~eo':c, *; • <a i /otuis. Hovi : >. ie afwava ^fnvwdl b.; It." Sir UPPER Qfllf MOTES, [BY O U * OWJC CORKHSPONDHMT.] In i*9 anbFc-:b?re f fie farmers' Cr->3P fasafe) "i H\'*> : 1 ci>>--"» w<* pSBlttei ••• InahtaVi Wn bj:-s a. %\ 9i.; rind Sirs PI. SB, ti 6t V A eaDttaaoejs sanw-etr.ne h»o pimsited in Teeadale n » « a * • •• -v»•:•? ;-g b'ocked no the md -.c-dn' wirfc a'T»:.«t at a BteedaHUL A ' e g'j camber of aheep ttvo iio.'i- o->r«j-V.. ja, c - a i fl -<rm ..i"- -jr. Sa*i :in *.'o a' 10? t• lie '.z-j.;u: OV.cft %•< 1 -c.r?»ty of y a 'P. atat) hi »ae to* z ttoM work, f*-m- as nave ba' 1 i m st ? ;x'\;us ;.itse, *** A namhsr c.l d"Rtb8 h"»v.< oeea I 'Jaring »*tok *!r W. W'td, prpfteUir »f the Otevelaad Arm? :x>-.'. .1, pn-ssd wi» a Suo}*v we*b a*'.cr n l-.-ig *v.(? p^lnfnl ii'^sa. Tl'e dec-=>-f..' i;^:':'. u s n w*s 55 j«>a»a 'g-.. Izi tmaa blind laf r >m-. tiaae T':o Intss«*at t::-k ;.*»<••- . * TfU'sd-y, i .i St- ~ ! t%--'f. e»orse- ?yci',raiidii; «i ™r» I kso r.f ro «pro ; - 'Hie Iste sfr Ward waa a freeaeas *, «• large Dsmrbas of tro crafs the c v <*eq«ii«. *** Miss V.. E ChUIeaoB, only iasightsa of Mr and Ifwj Ooltln»x.', Hresms Lodge, Laea ^* IP, t^inJ m Taesdayioa ah e--.riy age of 17 y- u Shi • , ^ntadVettoina b«atsaf4fi Em, tloja "l-.-s ns- .1 aaloeof thedewaeSeSl ii teni in i-attnkirk ehnfohyard r l eolte of theaanrmr r e e t h e r , *. ''T^i.-i' •{ 1r\?.txiA (ca«h*""' , d b( f it*'* - Mhcteel r«spec*. The K^v. O. P»tiirr on •- Ivc- I rir-r'oe I* kHs Pritiil »»i * C:.: ai ! aiaa effijietod at the graveside. y Mrs r-»a-? Ti dor, Pale-terraea. Mlisllstte, Mold '.oij !iby?c'.<'d iahaMfantupas**t aw*y on Widaesd>> >»* vrcoou ai L'-J* II?" A 7t ye-,"/. Her hafb >.- 1 predeeaaaed he* 27 -«<ir« aa;o. The i:-; rrm<- .-. . j -fe o . Saeday alcern > .i, ia Sr. Mary's churchj»rd, ^midat evary canlfest^ti a of ibe d-<sp.F,~ reg»-d. *** The deaU r-:-.»k p! an Saauslay m-rni«ig of >Vic L:C»;« waean Swiehank,a mIIleoae and tigbly nspeeted latateir, Bish Ifceannj ^iddUttn. The • c - s - . ) geot!effls«« who i"»a 64 j-<-.-<ra of ag waa a bachelor, led w*e of h geafet aed ki d dlspoef ioa. *«.« rvi vaarteedaj i,-. St. U *J*M a^sweifawfl. %* The reaoli s.f ~b.u <j billfar^ handicap ic eoanretlon wit'- the Pfeobanies' Ica*itaw>, IfiIdletoo, was M follow*: 1, Mr J 0:11; 2, Mr H. G. Morton;- 3, M i J Ami .-. The result if the 'i. T»--ID'J ^•.•ook -cu 'i v?*s: 1, Masts* wVBImpsaa ; x, ' It J. U . W a a i t . V -tr VAI: J -., ,.f Dirt Pi, ' ad fc!s c t ' : ? ' • c- c--''- - t, ".-'or ^'.y w.-fk whilst U-Uc^'.na - i- aur.: j-ai?-it lo the e.- c'ioa of a large aotor ahAi ar MldiZetoa f-s tho «teiST'oL^.a Baribm OosBnaasb sr-d ;<x:drtdi!0. Th. 3<.rt„ 4J.O. F.fT.R,, s ha?>» begnu t.» r tgara aa a drag and n-t a i M.l) , t 'r ,t P : " A?c proper acoeptatlon lbt a Sir Spencer Veils, s : f I t Is only h.rJv wo Msobpl iv. traa iighc »>t>5." Sir Jtc; - Barr, '-.I is out a shod in thi. :f the word, it fs Praotisa Ileal Economy by juicing Howeon and Keay's Clothing Club.—Full particubrs at Teesdale House, Barnard Castle. To the Editor ol the " Tecsaale Mexcciry." 8iR,~Yourca "jreapondT :n.S ol Wadneedsy, tho S:d instant, has certainty " ite gift of the »olden mcurh." bur still th& trnth is " at hat it bitotb like a eerpsns, and siingeti-. Ilka an adder." But purely year oorrcspocdarit Ci.ud give another side to tho question, Saa he hoard of the " whisky qaaus " in the big cities during Christmas v??ek ? The Heense- kaiders thesisalvps describe these bappentegs a s m::sti rrK'^^t^Me. Ite'i-w I Rivo a cattle-g ficm the leading srtSela ct •', noo»tish daily piper, which eposks for Use -l :—" The demand for some maaauira of prohibition during tha war has been stvscgtben^d by the d< c:;-t - . arrived at by feha Municipal Confersr.oe hold tt Edinburgh yesterday. 'It i« Boateeljf tube imagined that the solemnly duQlared via* cf the representatives of the l&rgai Scottish mucicipa'.Ulea—representing aa they do a large majori&y of the pocple of Scotland- eas bs act i.».ida by tb<i Qovernment or allowed to pass unheeded. The demand mnde i'j for th* prohibi'iion of tV^s a«!a of ardans. spirits duriop tho w:*r, sr.d If she Government Cannot st« their- way to csrr.v this policy iatd effect, they must at l»Est "aoloto long s^atp what they are prtparsd to do. k stointtou "t the problem bshira the dem<tr<s Cansot hi much longer de'Byed." Your? C !?EiespcudeHt must know t*:a'; vt-sd scd railway trutoport fsciiiiies aow lax;;• BBgigei for the transit ot'bser «nd spl'* with' t.ta K-mla that the tiransit of win.- naatprtai is swflouaiy impede:}. The iliivk Hade i; Its modern form Is t> damnable ca/iki? fating at oar n*«;i".>ri»i life, aud ssiiousiy imps-it! eor euerg'.cs. BuggoetiuiiS' are p r e v e n t <ib«« the caftion should not throw li ov.-r, b -i take It ;wv»-, r< d tit aU veated rtvd •*'*.'.»> cuts c-?oc.>i-.ie|. ilea iv, other trades have ^actifioed their eapital, aud ia tecs of thousands oi eaaes their vc-ry lift.- Wocd Wonld th;so who reeoaunend S :J<.> pnreha^e of the p?iv*ie t.nA vesCjed inter<-.st^ of thifi traffic alB3 jrwem^mund thaS eve.-., ms.n v o has for bis Ki^tf and c-u&ry saorific id hiscapitsi-io whawverf-.?mbe m -y hsv« S:- :l>i it —ba p^ii? tlio Jn'l vtlo--; t -f «u?h interes u (Veated p>r,d private) g.'ivf-n the Btete ? 3* the drink tr.-tlia In itn pre/jent foi ca is proved an evil and a daagei* tc she uatii-'io j woilati ivmustbad'is'uioyed.—Y:urs,eto,, 0. I Kilmaxnook, Jacu*ry 15th, 1917, sedative." 1 cannot b?ttc? conclude this 1 prelimi j*y c.cisr man by again quoting thol tate Si.- Andrew C ; « k : As I W .ekn- at the I hnspival wares to-day, ana saw that seven oat ' o| every t»u ow. d tbeiz dtapaees to n.c^-iol, I C:;a!d lamsnt that the tieaehlog about thia qu?s.'to;» was n -ii mj-.o dir...*: and more aeeieiva thr,n I* h„s. heoii. I t.;u dk;,.. give u? my profeaci u. to givo up evi j tfai . , v-.d to go forth up."?/ - * i>:;iy t i u s - d ^ p r e a c h i o v: • !> m«n. Bew*«re of tbis " H-:i .y i t t" e - " —Vt«ry truly y. urs, P. G. tUTEHOTJSB. Oobd^n Hjase, Barnatd Castle, Jauuar 1 16;h, 1917. Alcohol and tha War. 'ounri a Week for a Discharged Barnard Oastle oidier, PdH8i«ii W- *ng BgMsd. Tic ;!?-.aica nathorfti e 'ava tag fcV- ca*-» <••'. «x-P.-lv y-m«e D 'iiic' *:<;e*". I I "i- , -.- i i.- r >igti- land) Work! aaa hospital. Dssastf .-}• tf«<> ot..'aie^- i-.- ibera, one . t Vi'ilv,-:" -.d tw »others •••oi.dd. p ^'-t *?sr-y na * c<rar,.'r.- r hiv, sa. Nouv 0wnp*lle ••-•d Armrnttprsa, gaavrd, ar.-d dlscbugrai r«: ii 81 pc«t«'»>i-. Ti -'o i:f...£-*ir; J a- M 8se(f a pi?j sit - : •- ': -Mid •« *:>• yesuag eh Id. t; Wilt be «ac ro tbe rkhcae . c;; W gt.;n -i-p' fic'i-sd $(•<» offi m aa who is aaMBraerfv ^'i-i-Caml -.'» r'-au's -ice Oemmkwiioi "* -•' the <t HoepitaJ baveuowai r e d Dos I W( Z.1 l t.T: Ivo '.J. i b^.sfum M ; «. etien in st- o a a (Canber- hue • » ""<ne v, a m wra 'ortd I Sght a t " \s b-.c?ly . peir d»y aud <.ni thren aiilaai into fruardlsDB 3 - : -akir, ,i) ti:e •oiaea aa £1 per CU * St. Dyspeptics Should Avoid Zrugs and Medicines. "ry i. Li i ; & M«gm; Irstcad. g.niif? people atii cUajalyyb at ifc» is <yaii to da^-, »r 1 ^ cUSi'jm, iii -.^-u.- >-iut.''p..?, icvt k ii7u,'-'..',patent fl.U .'B i, -. ic;:.' X. .. ; tl. '^''SlV -OtS, i tc Lot ci. -tt g •• ho f fjia d<x o ..>.- batten tbe •-vi ' ', '•• o A ' . ..-. . el her drugs nor oics,;. s p. ..a.t p 'i .ii^i> f laCsytcm s,«ur: i. l.e p:: ..-.-j:.. •-'.cL it Li.-.t:ijiog •*•••»• i >f miat > • o s of Indigestion and dytp'^Eia. Th*| enysjlve wmpr.-ri.y relief, Tc the Eiitos of c fa >• Teeedak) '.ii'^eary,*' SIR, Your c )?f..sp ;;'e.t, Mr K-.ki^f, qnotes Slv; Barry Jahnstoo to <:'•*> fil.oi that c-ho o b j e c t s o! our Soldiers la Prance hi,-. ; frequently bs-jn f.-ustr*t--d t v rou«h cve«- i'»dulg"nce in aleohi!. Scoli at\s. inaeuts eee^i | to b? sillkig very e&ac deflrir.ee oJ Defesi .J J of the Roslm Act, >;"3 i if they are act absolute j untruth. 1 w mid recommeed him to pander j ti'--» wcrie ti 7jo:d breach, who s*ys i.bAt, i<. his i.pini.-.', " t i c ?rit-sb -...-iditer h:* ->«i» extr-tcrdioary mow.! op'rit sod pova». I can no; in a y other w«y explain th« alsaoei Euperustar.il c. a- ,. • 3. d esaactsoo thsy have shewn in she fiold throogbont this v?.i;. It ia only these who have nerved wita the tntepc who know h ft {-3r.«i¥o b$.s bean theii ordasi, and hjw their eoatsga h?,s been &rit.-d. It- is thetmea ia tho benches who bave saved this country from disaster, »t;d -that ia • fant fh.^t the oouatry will neves f-.Tget." As fjr pmhibiti - r i d i : s prospect*, cLe Ch-^i'io'.- the C^v.r.v O.^-ol a...-, i s t y s : •• Tiii.*. Bard 'irite to eii>er a-, ofe.-. eounee betweou extremists on b r . sides. Op to 19 5 there had bona n > T. '.I progtsss iu the •••»uii- d tempereaoe for80'? ^ecr.^chi»fi; bec&n hs violence of tcetotnl advocatvc, w.'f.-? .v?re cs 6ulp »b'e as ths mosn e-^lfl*>> .rr •voia Prohibition hsts proved & uilate lu J . c l a of the Uaittd 8t*;a« ol AsjtiM, auu rV.ro IS no reason to f-xp'.et; be i;<-r r> R-alw he?o." N.J doubt ws ail »?riie viiii temperaaae is a desirable ihisig—tt -rrij;;;j .rnc <i i ;.i it-: ga-- but w have no U » J in laaetinism - I as.", yourH truly, J H. BOURNS. Tho Qreca.Ootheratono, Jauur.ry 10 ,3 ,1917, hut 1. v<Mncvftfistag qu 1- us im t:ken, [li is •* mattat nl reg/ei thaswe Ba - i c ti.e future, publish no tnor.:. loeg letteia nu tf o &b -ve or sr.y ot'jor sutjact, eacepl OB taost urgent and pressing t»:aMets, r -.s a being that anMl not bs.vo the ppioe at ou: disposal, o^kst to artangenw.rs new 0 nspleted lot redacing the 4>z\ at M i <4 Journal during the cjakinnaoae ot tbi . Men bsvirg been d r s ^ n >ff foi . servles us?*! tho p«<.'«? «-i«,<2 sre the ebiel C&BH:*; Va ««utu«nc;i S» the I.*. . . rf Loci B:-.raard Ss .. model.--To ] Funeral ot tha i?to i«r Coattj, of Long Green. The remains cf ii)^ l»f« Mr Co !»'5i• were b-ierred in Btrtiiogba^l ebnrebyi <; • at Prldayef-;o. - o , ..-i>ii Ceci uGl^SRh reverantiy 1 fticiat^d. Thu o-ti'l m-.u • •* wee-' -v •• \% - > Coatee, sen; tlrapdMiS White, an> - DavUiSv-n, Mr *»d abe aillv ._,•<.• na-ie-law and «5'.ogh»ese ; M r a t u '-rs C •*I•• <t, •• • . J ila«er-ia-law j ?.ti*s Cxvos-. sjate< ; !ud K r and Suits Dfl-.-t ccnata'.. fbere -.••• -1 largernd rep'tesentativolgs ! . eri r: I I 1 ».ad beigbhonri. Owlagt!, the depth <>f tvjpw, Mr NloUoleooj the unoerteti -, »;v . prrrmptly foenr;.J h<j re and Blefgti, nod mc-''. o*m{ »tl y waa f«it f»r Mia CoateeJbh|B wiu.t.-, »• .-• 1 as unable, in lie c l l v a s i a <-•• d i t i a a • . > •• ...... tan fnnertl. Tlaheeisenpj BRmrutr^! c ; acbre were eupt<iic«i (rum tut: £iug's :-!•••.<•;• UM ws. s:ia all tae iicw t !, o ..c«,» n-.rvr.I. h c. i.ogercus as .-vsr. F t'*..u 1 now I tbat'« why 'I.e. af-u -i .-i-.d .'g..' - 1 M-fij. (10m diKfp.'.li-o M I 1- . re-©a *.?.u'r.: -Just'get k.-tir. ;avc bisuritted PI-.^U.PIJ i.-»ui jiur ch' miefeac I 1 -.k- n»t? a-tttaationiifnl ?» Uttie •i'j. i!um«.j ,4icly aJ.'t-r essay a>c»J. i>.ie will I; ..•.?. j aeatralias U » sid j,; d amp ail food fermen Hasina, thus ncabttng j ;.u prjoy h-t.-i.y t i t iu %tic> at :XP'-K.:.C.: g -oe lt«el p »;.i o;- u:plc: sattoesS r.ttecwarda. 1 Many of u taei a this a.!>'ct, feael » K the Mewwted mag i i. Iec»h , c»> : iy e.f Q C.*.k -;r, H*iii,;, tap Battel P '-srm&cy ; B . Boldawonh, s, ....... ^ t t ; T. B. I >»icy, liaikf I -piiiee ; »cd L\, Uni: r, i!>. b !-piaec>, llMCafi l svl.-; n a f-»iJa': lot-i*:- f«c«a»ie, there ..u»d Be • • •. B e a l t j In gi-. , the prepaxaticn tt .' UK- iai it deaeasjaa. / eplacas ^eat and tggs ! Shredded ' v^ORA " B-.tt 8et-« umura tb» ligt,!n 8 ; pfiJ.- ; L,".- i d|-Fetrv - is t' .-o SSSSScat milk paddtsgc. N.; cki., olaatpa, u; prsaiu. I lb. »-q*».'.:B li :h. r»v- east- A',uy,n fr»»e. A : ik ynov gcoot: la* * TOii-,.'' I lb. th xos. 1/2; ii'»7i'.. H-lu'- :• it«S * MPTSIS, •:•<".' '.: v : ^f: - ; f*">g. Kr>r;ag.?, GIBSON : EORWELL. -O. i ., a- y 131917, at tic. |£*r«*« < Mf-.i K:!.-.;ii C». 'r. Cjar'.eB Robert*Idea vm ol ii .• i= •-' 1 Tb msa Uihso-., Kaaxvalj Q Logs, H • •• . i. iLily, n>' --Ufc. inc. of - .J ,s Jjf.i. Borwell, StM Beta 1 , Barnatd Casi tt. (by special 3»i;;>8 & WIN BANK.—At HV" ?k- ••, v?i»<iU>lon.ln- Teeadata, "a Ja aatf 13.o, .'i.e-maa Wetson Swlnhank, r^f-a 64 tearav—Waa "..tftrredat St. Maryw Chnrch, Kidwletow, to lucsday, Jsr-.U'iy lu.h. Ptnapt. a. Si . ii-caty lS'.b, R-.'.KC*; psson, beloved hatband of •"sra T .. . - C V I * - r eid*nce at i-80 . " . J IS b. Prlenda ptetsaansrpl v. | ' I Ir. MssBorlatn, V ILLMAN. - r ! ,. I • . . i i . : \V ft l^-tui WsjUui . i<.F., •- . I j lulled on 1114 19 o. I M by bis fo BWd c- i ; :j7eij. oiiuniE. - J . ' C "•• cf X*!tba -:i ; . <••• • • ' v • ,u»- . i •' J a m e s I sal D •. . . - •-<-- , Tao died ce i:zo:-r i4ti,. 19(5 14 v< ira. Jn=t Iwo yuirs r~o *b.r IU : Uov.- V.L he 1 Itttaif l a c ! But S'M hm us 10 rc--JK .'ilx-r N I.'J ou wjtta wm IM aw place. >;v» f •-. t-.-ecbf •.'. \j .: ? . 1 3 , Ofcts- Sti t, i fc'ow, K Igtie;, ;-.t" i f V.. c Field, Mtckaaton. Iilsss Thar.ks. ii US BaIU^S9 AtiU iWiUCY, ii. : ...... ; B^ck :'OV I 8 . I • . : . (or kit.<l 8yia{>*iibjf ii. . :'.u u • utd bu »-tij Ott<. >T

The New War Loan. Qfllf - Teesdale Mercury Archiveteesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1917/January-17/January...Lord Barnard's second son, Captain the Hon. | YT. Yano, of the Y'eomanry,

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Page 1: The New War Loan. Qfllf - Teesdale Mercury Archiveteesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1917/January-17/January...Lord Barnard's second son, Captain the Hon. | YT. Yano, of the Y'eomanry,

Iw&otmt oliaaca of A nard Castle.

A K Y 1 7 T H , 1917

]o f the n e w w a r er column, w i l l Id t l ie popular i ty

* i t ia l s tages , has i e . T p e t erms

unimpeachable. Government and le, is the winn ing ( c i v i l i z a t i o n and I o n of P r u s s i a n Jon of humanity ^oko and the most mpt and a c t i v e %oa of the loan human progress

n a l ex i s tence ia p u b l i c are be ing 3 contr ibnt ing to

the f inancial a i d v i c t o r y . A n d i t t i t i s the s p i r i t ,

of the community, veru meat's ap peal ponse wor thy of

p freeborn people. of the duty of

^ad and w i t h more itself h i therto , t b ig s u b s c r i p -

L e d d i n g to the on t lie par t of

u s words which, p laces are not event t h e r e is a

: disregarded-

Milk. alo M e r c u r y . "

o w t ? k i o e p U c s j - luat lon of mi lk ,

t'V3j!ookfld. I a l ^ ' e w o i a the

at •» eo -unaa i ty 931, rsoolvoa. »tl 5i m for g > ids

A i I wrong i a uoer i s e q u t l l y

of p r o f i t in o r d e r himself a n i h i s

- I i am, S i r , y o u r B \ R N h R D .

r ' . icgsot ' ,

ilk. dale W e f 3 u r y . "

t h s t m i l k a6 5 3. a S ' T V i O n t b l ? fa t

' 'an b ••»? s teak a t th»j 5<UJ ouScher

a. H> Has t o l i v e t h i k tk»(s m i l k l a

(sonnies, w h a t e v e r k r>? trxvt t!>.ai t h e 11 t V i - ;miik n o w ,

•.b ivo 100 per asti .V. the a i m s

n bis Ane, I h a v e a*? l a 4'. m a r o t a »->:•,( w» w o r k i i g -b:a »v.d we h i v e oi wisli anyone to

I w r o t e tbo m i i k a e l l e r s

at 4<. nar q u a r t aa i I d i e n o t , n o r t a i n * - i y man b y

Tit pr i ce ho o a a n o t J e s t o f too - Y m r l , ' W O R K I N C I - M A N . »17.

ST PROBLEM. U r b ; n Counc i l , e members c t t h e i r i e t C o u n c i l w a s r F . J . W i l s o p , J.P., TB present M e s s r s

S » O D , C. H e d l e y , ( c l e r k ) , J . H. V e l t o h I M a r t i n ( I n s p e c t o r ) .

'.1. g waa| c a v e n e d I n s tbo q u e s t i o n o f " i c t ' . o n bo : &d a r3, wt l t teo a n d

a f t H . L . J.P., d's a t t e n t i o n baa

ot a l l o t m o n t e , a n d i n g t a k e n b y t h e •nc.oo'.l-n w u n t h e

I t o o o u r r e d t o we.et e n d o f t h e

1 p i ece ot l a n d f o r I am d . - s i r e i by H l a

f o r m y u u r C o u n c i l b > v e r y g l a d t o

e n t e r m s w h i o h h e i y a. ranged t o t h e

I n re fe rence t o w n u * d , w h i o h l a , : r k , t h a t g e n t l e m a n

o tia rffoQ'i t h a t h e |fce m- . t i a r w i t h a i r

d that a l l u o o o o u -a i U b l a a l l o t m e n t s

he b i d r e c e i v e d a l V m o o t s i n the v a r y i n g f r o m the

• f u - v d - a - h e l f . birr? t k c - U u e f i e l d

[ t e n a l lotmtuts , a n d i . a p p l i c a t i o n s . A • htiou WAS d i r e o t e d Ekst flell a n d the c o m p l y ' a occupa -n a l d >..pp'jalte the

l a n d o ^ n e d b y t h e S o h i o l i n t h e

" ted .bat M r Y o r k ' s ~re i n e x t e n t , a n d C h a i r m a n a n d M r r & l q t e a t i o n o l

r r e c e i v i n g r e p l i e s I , w h o a r e to b e

" c u l t u r a l v a l u e w a s on at B2 per a e r e

a l l o t m e n t s o v e r t h e

t i e ; are, because I v e - a l moo m a k i n g r e s t gardens .

t a t o t s . t o r egc t ia te w i t h

1 t o r U ( J y . q a ' a i i i o n r, the Seea h a v i n g i d i>t A g r i c u l t u r e gu a rac f eed . T h e

h o wholesa le p r i c e , Sallowed t h r o u g h t h e

vo theaa sets , t h e M S ,

Improvement. _ z-: los t l i . cafor p h / * /

r e J . • i f b e i r m e r i t * l a w s ; a n d *

(tii w i sra ioa t o t h e •.. taa w o r k h o u s e l i e urvqyur, u r g l o K Or wan tea U ie r o a d fer '• / o ' " d be t r a i n e d ' n , . / i ia «baa t h e aua t ' . 'xhi cbjecs t o *

. .— . a i c >x alder** k f a r t h e r u d j j a r a e d t r S i -optoa presentioC

d i l L S ,

T H E T£E8DALE M E R C U R Y — W E D N E S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 17, 1917.

L O C A L A N D O T H E R N O T E S .

L o r d B a r n a r d continues to improve s teadi ly i n heal th .

o L a d y B a r n a r d is ser iousjy indisposed, but

the Doctor reported on F r i d a y tha t she was progress ing sat i s factor i ly .

O — r T h e L o r d Bishop of I t ipon has given

instruct ions to a commission to make suggestions for an a l terat ion, so much needed, of the boundaries of K i r k b y R a v e n s w o r t h and Barningham as they affect each other.

— o— — A famous Headmaster,wit l i local associat ions ,

died in London, on Snnday, i n the person of Prebendary Henry Whitehead Moss, who was Headmaster of S h r e w s b u r y School for 42years . The-d8eeased gentleman was born a t L i n c o l n in 184t. I n 1887 he w a s made Prebendary of Hereford C a t h e d r a l , and marr ied Mary , daughter of the R e v . W . A . Beaufort . V i c a r of £gglestone. by whom he leaves two sons and four daughters . D u r i n g the v i c a r i a t e of the Rev . J . T . Penrose , the deceased for a t ime occupied tho v i carage i n th i s town.

M i s s Metcal fe , only daughter of M r and M r s Metcalfe, Dalton F i e l d s , i s g iv ing her va luable services d u r i n g the w a r as organist at Barningham P a r i s h C h u r c h . T h i s young, unassuming lady i s prov ing to be an accomplished music ian, manipulat ing the pedals and stops w i t h great s k i l l , and br ing ing out the qua l i ty of th i s beautiful organ.

o T h o funeral of the la te M r A . W . Monk, for

many years s e c r e t a r y and managing d irec tor of the West A u c k l a n d B r e w e r y Company, and <vhose death o c c u r r e d at P e r c y Gardens , T y n e -mouth, took p lace a t W e s t A u c k l a n d . T h e deceased gentleman was w e l l known at B a r n a r d Castle.

The far -reach ing comradeship and influence j of the X o r t h E a s t e r n County School has j u s t been exemplified a t Aldershot .where M r F r a n k

I lllsley is stat ioned, as a dispensing chemist in the R o y a l A r m y M e d i c a l Corps . TZo sooner

. had our townsman a r r i v e d than he met a school companion—an " o l d b o y " from the famous

1 middle-class school .

Yes terday ' s bu l l e t in shows that L a d y [Barnard's hea l th i s improving, but, for the I present, the greatest c a r e is necessary.

—o — The induct ion of the R e v . W. Ca l l ender Wake

into the ass i s tantsh ip of Union C h u r c h , I Islington, London, w i l l take place a t morning • prayer on Sunday, F e b r u a r y 4th. T h e s e r v i c e I will be ful ly chora l , and w i l l be conducted b y lthe K e v . C . J . B a r r y , M . A . T h e wel l - tra ined Ichoir of the Union C h n r c h w i l l render musical

kerns. T h e morning attendance a t th i s INonconformist C a t h e d r a l is about 600.

C . Watson has been the Mount , B a r n a r d

Lieutenant-Colonel H . pending a few d a y s at istle.

o — Mrs J . W. B . Heslop, of S tar t for th V i l l a , i s

irogressing favourably towards recovery .

In the storm foxes are becoming audacious in their depredations, and a r c w o r r y i n g poultry inite near the town.

o Lord Barnard's second son, C a p t a i n the Hon.

| YT. Yano , of the Y'eomanry, has been a t home on leave for a week, looking extremely w e l l . He left R a b y on S a t u r d a y on his r e t u r n to France.

There are the names of forty-four men on the Startforth P a r i s h C h u r c h r o l l of honour.

The R e c t o r of R o k e b y says that to waste nothing, to save in everything; and to lend to ie country a l l you can is national s erv i ce .

Private C . Atk inson , Londings , Start forth , M the D u r h a m L i g h t In fantry , who has been la France for 17 months, and has been doing I - - 9 dance work , is spending a shor t l eave of I jsenco w i t h h i s parents .

The V i c a r of L a i t h k i r k offers tho great npathy of the par i sh to the parents and

relatives of M a u r i c e J a c k s o n and J a c k Smith »ho have made the great sacrif ice for the i r

fountry. o

Private Joe G r a y , B a n k , B a r n a r d C a s t l e , of J-e Y o r k a n d L a n c a s t e r Reg iment , who has •served in F r a n c e for about two years , has

Wived home on a few days' leave of absence.

Last week, Corporal A . E . F o x , only son of Jthe late M r L . A . F o x , and of M r s R n d d ftartforth, left C a t t e r i c k T r a i n i n g C o r p s for Trance. A l l our best w i shes go w i t h him, and fopes of a speedy r e t u r n .

o A war savings ' associat ion i s to be s t a r t e d

t Bowes.

Private A l b e r t E v a n s , Thorngate , B a r n a r d t-'astlo, of the Durham L i g h t In fantry , has ^rived from F r a n c e on a shor t furlough.

His Officer and C h a p l a i n both test i fy w h a t a ine youDg so ldier L a n c e - C o r p o r a l Donald w a s Khile the people of the d i s t r i c t honour him as lae first Bowes l a d to g ive h i s l i fe i n the w a r fad thoir heart fe l t sympathy goes out to h i s parents and other fr iends i n t h e i r sad loss

o The d irectors ' report and balance-sheet of

the Teesdale Assoc ia ted F a r m e r s , L i m i t e d , for |te half-year ending December 31st, 1916, has lust been i ssued to the shareholders , a n d , pder the able s e c r e t a r y and manager, M r A . h Wilson, a grat i fy ing f inancial s tatement i s J^de. T h e profit brought forward from las t falf-year w a s £285 17s., w h i c h , added to tha t I<* the half-year ending on the 31st of

tecember las t , £274 2s. 10tL, makes a tota l Irofit for one y e a r of £550 19s. lOd. T h e r e

other h ighly sat i s factory features i n the PPOrt.

Y e s t e r d a y morning, at a spec ia l s i t t ing of the B a r n a r d C a s t l e Pol ice Court , before M r J . G . H a l l , a young soldier, named W i l l i a m P a r k e r , was charged w i t h be ing an absentee from the Durham L i g h t In fantry . T h o accused confessed to hav ing s tayed over h i s leave. Parker , who is a nat ive of NortUallerton, has a s i s ter res id ing a t Mortham T o w e r . T h e young fellow has been badly wounded i n the arm in F r a n c e , but has completely recovered .—P.C. C l a r k e arres t ed the youth.—He was remanded to a w a i t an escort .

P r i v a t e W. Emerson , Wes ley- terrace , Bank,1* B a r n a r d Cast l e , who has been doing foreign serv ice , is spending a few days' leave ofl absence at home. •

o Corpora l J . W. Walton, of Stainton, who has

been on ac t ive s e r v i c e w i t h the Northumber­land F u s i l i e r s continuously for a period of one year and seven months, has been wounded in the shoulder, and is now l y i n g i n a base hospital i n F r a n c e .

T h e Ze t land foxhounds w i l l meet on T h u r s d a y at E a s b y , and on Saturday at Hcighington, each day a t e leven o'clock.

L a m b s are beginning to make the i r appear­ance i n the lowland farms in Wharfedale .

— - \t — Toesdale has been snowbound for more than

a week.

Appeal ing for h i s son a t the C a r n a r v o n s h i r e t r ibuna l , a father sa id that another son was s e r v i n g his country—in an A m e r i c a n munition factory.

Y e s t e r d a y there was no cours ing at P iercebr idge .

T h e Honorary S e c r e t a r y of L a d y Aune Lambton's Durham County Work Depot begs to acknowledge wi th thanks the rece ip t of garments, etc. , from the fol lowing :—Gainford men and Gainford and D i s t r i c t B r a n c h of Queen Mary ' s Needlework G u i l d (per M r s Joseph Pease) .

o Woodcock are extremely plenti ful i n

Devonshire th i s year .

I t i s officially announced that an A g r i c u l t u r a l Mach inery B r a n c h has been set up in connection w i t h the Board of Agr icul ture; to deal w i t h the manufacture of agr i cu l tura l : machinery and implements—classed as! munitions.

M r George Nixon, son of M r and M r s Nixon, F l a t t s V i e w , is armourer staff-sergeant, and; not act ing-sergeant as s ta ted i n our last issue.

P r i v a t e Joe Hoggett , Wycl i i te , of the R o y a l , F i e l d A r t i l l e r y , who has been a t the front, i s spending a short furlough a t home; and-Pr iva te John Hoggett, of L o w Start for th , B a r n a r d Cas t l e , of the Northumberland F u s i l i e r s , left h i s nat ive place on Monday after a short l eave of absence.

P r i v a t e A . I t . S t i l es , of B a r n a r d Cast l e , hasf been home on s ix days' l eave of absence to see; his parents , and looks quite smart and w e l l . Ho left by an ear ly t r a i n on Saturday morning for a M i d l a n d camp.

T h e Suggest ions Ollice of the National: S e r v i c e Department has i s sued a l e t ter to t h e drapery trade " s u g g e s t i n g " that creditt accounts as between the r e t a i l t rader and the' publ ic should be temporari ly discontinued.


T h e foUnwinsr, p i f . r r r s p h s expla in l i a BMiwr, sfcrlppfd r f reebftickHMea. tho main pointsoi |he.D(iw W w L r . * r . T h e L ^ a n is rf two kinds : i n »&ca i t might) be eaid that there are two L o a n s .

T h e i t t e r e s t on i b e first one is subject to Income T a x : that on the second rot , except, nt conrso, that those inves t ing in the second are I i sb le to Super-tex if the wnoanS of the'" toocma o ) reqnirea. T h e first of the two Loans may ba subscr ibed tot e i ther thrnngh the ? « ' Office or through bauks, end the second through bank . i cn ly .

Paragraphs (a) and (d) refer to snbecr!»tions through bank?.

( a ) The Loan Subject to Income Tax. 1. In teres t on th i s L o a n w i l l b» paid at c*i -

**te of 5 per cent . T h e L u a n is issued at £95 pet cent. , 1.1%, every £100 wor ih of saoek costa £95 (inly. T h i s r<j.-,t:y raem thv,; the Interva l on the ual m m Invented work* on"! at abcat 5-J per onst. Par tner , tahlnft iu*n jjecouot the foot that £100 w l h uiHirarvteJy ba repaid for evsvy £95 Invested, actd the ac tua l interest works ont at £ 5 3:. lOd. per eeot.

2, Payment may hi made by ios^almenfiq as fol lows: 5 per o « s. an RppIi-'siMoc, 15 p** cent, on i U r c i 2nd end M»rch 23id, tan<* 20 o e r cent , on A p r i l lSbh May 9.h and M a ; 30 •«>.

3. T h e first dividend wi l l paid on the 1»> Java this j e a r . I t s am"unt w i l l ba £1 $•>. 91. pei- c?nt . i n ' a l l y paid s^<l :m."•t•!.?, and I t s , 1 0 L per oftot. i;n allotments whioh h i v ? b " M n pai^ by Instalmeats . Ie tateat wiM tboTeaft?r bo paid on uvery following D e c e m ' K v l sv m& Jn>ie ls^,

4, T h e L o a n w i l l be repaid at p»r on the I s * June , 1947, bat *fcc> r'••*&*. la w r . ^ r v e d tr< repay i t , on three m y t h s ' i - t l ee xc-ing g iver , on .'.Tiy date after J U T S let, 19i9.

(b ) Tha Loan Fre9 of Insoms Tr<x, 1. T h i s Lo»n w i l l ba i ssued at £100 per

aeai,, i.e.. £100 wov:-a ct Stock w i l l c a t e iao i i ; / £1C0. and the ia teras t w i : l ba £ 4 par cent .

2. PsyixRnts may b i ntada by instalments as fol lows:—5 per cent, on appl icat ion, 15 per cent, on March 2nd. and! 20 por cent, cn M a r c h 1S«J, A p i i i i8 tb , May 9 a a-.'d May 30!h.

3. T h e first dividend tr i l l be paid on A p i i l 15th on ful ly paid allotments, and w i l l amount to 12*. 83. per cent. T h o flret d iv idend on money paid in by Instaltvipnls w i l l be tba fni' haif-yeai's dividend, payable on Oc>obar 155h of 6 h u year .

4. T n i s Loan w i l l b* repaid at p s r en tbfl 15sii October^ 1942. T b o r ight is reserved, iiowevor, to repay i t , c n three monthfc' u-./rict.

g ives , on any dato after Ootubcr 15'h, 1929, (<0

Bishop of Peterborough's Example.

T h e Bishop of Peterborough has g iven instruct ions that no flowers a r e to be p lan ted in the Palace gardens this season, and vege­tables are to be cu l t i va ted instead.

Miss Mary Anderson Back to the Stage.

M i s s M a r y Aaeeraou la ft-/make a r e - s p p e s r -anee on ah* atago lor pne w»ek, beginning f a J a n n a r * 29 % M r R a i l l baa peraoatled her to B i v e th»i bkleni y s c a r e from " Romeo and Ju'aot " at tfca tV uiHnt O o l l a e a a for c h a r i ^ b l e

Food Contrdlor's Conferences^

Y e s t e r i l - y , Lorf i Pevuwpor* t*ti F j c d Oootrol l 'v , m s t a d e p n t a t i o : o{< it r»kn c i sherr . I t w i s una of a nsr ies of oonaercBOea which^be ia holding in order b» obtain v i ta i icformation o i vfhioh i . bt»" • >£. p i m e j .



P r a y e r is the adjust ing of life's compass to h w i l l of God, and is the -very l i fe breath of jjc soul. I t i s the sh ie ld of tho Almighty , and bo scourge of the devi l , a n d is the power to ealiso the presence of the E t e r n a l in the heart 1 man," sa id the R e v . W. C a l l e n d e r W a k e , on unday night .

the death is announced at Simonstone H a l l , '*ar Hardrow, H a w e s , Wemsleydale, of M r ,*orge H a r k e r , auct ioneer , formerly of Gordon .ouse and Bede- terraee , B a r n a r d Cast l e , firing h i s res idence he r e t h e deceased gentle-*"n was on tho staff of auct ioneers a t the arnard Cas t l e and TeesdaJo Auc t ion M a r t , d for twenty-five y e a r s the we l l -known

«uer had been connec ted wi th the JN'onh jorkshire F a r m e r s ' S t o c k M a r t Company a t orthallerton. H e was for a long time on the °uncil of the B a r n a r d C a s t l e A g r i c u l t u r a l

c ' e ty , and there w a s n o more a c t i v e and "thusiast'ur member of t h a t body on show ys. T h e remains of t h e late M r Geo . H a r k e r

The Coming Entertainment for Children.

A meeting of the members of the B a r n a r d C a s t l e w a r JImergenoy Committee was held on Wednesday night . M r P . J . Wilson, J . P . , pres ided , and there w e r e slao p iesent M r s Winpenny. M r s Walton, Misses R a i l t o n , Appleby , Walton, B i r k e r , Messrs R . B , Morton 6 . Burt , J K Dent, H . Walker , J . L y n n , . J , Guy* I Q a i n n e c , C . Hedley, i . R . A r r a v s m l t h , J Wiseman, and J . I . Dawsnn (oler>).—The C l e r k repor ted tt:-i he had rece ived an official acknowledgment that the ChriBtmaa gifts s e c t so loca l soldiexs r.brosd bad been duly rece ived and d i s tr ibuted .—Mr Davtson also raad a 'tire- from .MODS P r a e t thanking the bonoar&blo members ot the oommitteo and the' char i table sauls of the looaiity for that phi lanthropy extended to themselves as ro.'ngacfi. and express ing the ir s incere gratis Vade, v h i l n wiabipg at the late holy season

u p p j Chr i s tmas and prosperous New Y e a r t-j U.—The C l e r k also sa id be had two c a r d s

j c m Madame Guiesnaert and the Beck family, h owing that they had not forgotten the efforts

cf the committee. — M r Hediey moved, and i t •vs.* agreed the memoranda sent from Lbeir B l ? i » u friends ba enserod upon the minutes* —A numbe? of aooounts were ordered to b # aid, d the LaditB* Committee and a e v e r a i

gentle."nen ready to assiss were s sked to remaiif n o r d e r to push forward the propoBc$

e h i l d r e t ' a pnterta in ir ' eu i , a fear being x p r e s s e d that tho innoUun might bocoma


"ere |ieaut

aids' 'gre

a; attet N « »hov a i sd

. \ l Xor for-«•! • •

I e

>"rest. on S a t u r d a y las t , i n the •id <|iiiet ce metery a t H a r d row. y token of re spect and sytnpatfc y of

• ber of friend s, inc luding many A 'om Numbers who w e r e preven ted

he obsequies s e n t tokens of k i n d l y •ho late Mr- H a r k e r w a s w i d e l y much respec/ ted in the north , a n d i l l be felt b;p his numerous fr iends.

Icnderson, M . P . , speaking a t the |i

Conversion of War S s c u r t i e s of E a r l i * ? k,u -8 Into tha Hew War Lo«n,

Holders of any c ! - ? » ft llowlcv: secur i t ies rxrj use them as ? s y m ? n t £JV the now War L ' i » n : — i

per ceat . W a r Loan ; S'pc!- eant. Ese/»f q a r r B e c a s , cluo October 5th,

1919 anr; 1921; per eo«r. Bxcheqaer Boadi , d a s December

l s t , 1920; per cent- E x c h e q u e r B..nc.s, due F e b r u a r y

lGti: , 1920 T.fco?o who invest in tba new 5 par cent.

Loan w i l l roeaivo £105 5 i . 33. ct the now nsock lor fc«.oh £100 fhoy o-onrrert, 'f'aosa Inves i ing i a oho 4 per c s a i , La»a Vviil recoivo exac t ly £100 fo" each £100 Ihey convert . Hojdera rlcaiiting to convsr'j the oid utook ictt;

he now mnst give notice to she Bank cf England in the r-jescribed form not la ter than ffsbiusry 16.h.

(<0 Svms Other Points . 1, .Ip^iioaJlone must be for sna-B of £50 or

nnHipIsa i'mre-at-, »r..i w i l l be r c c s i v e d at tho i. K nt Iksgiabd Lo.-.bs u a i c . or may be forwarded through y r y banket '„v s t o o k V c k e r in the Uai ted Kingdom,

2, I c o c c e T a x na tho 5 pa* cec t . Lo^n wi l l c>t be riij^ncrsed i-t 'ih'-i i-on-cc, but w i l l be b» paid k.y rec ipients !n the ifiXimty tr*>y.

3, Ics' .aiujects max be'p,'..ld up in fa l l on or altee BSafeh 2ad ot th i s y^-st (wder dlsoaant a t toe / a t e of 4 per ces:«- p^r aonuef, ca lcu la ted from tha date wfc<n tb«> «ext icsfMi»ni.t ia due.

4 T i e Lc^sn tney im toro^ABr-rt in tbo form eisuer of S'.oek os Hat T h e . B iud« w i l l be i e w d in denomli i i t 'ca o££50 £100, £200, £500, £1,000, s a d £5.000.

5. i'ho l i s t s wi l l close o:> F g b ' u a T y 16tb.

(*) Tost 0ffii8 l ;sue. 1. T i e 5 per c#".t. Loan m*y h:> tak • u p in

fi®ailn: amounta—£5 or multiples thereof— thrwu,.- the Pos!> Office. E a o h £5 w-j i th of Loan wifl, ot course, cast, £4 15s,

"2. T t u s e t» id ear.'ler a tcn i i t i co vt the kitius D W i i * i b v r , ir„ie.ox^u or issued through tba Post Office, can onl; convert them into new W a r L o a n thrcngh the Post Office, and nndor the Post Office prospeotns.

I t w i l l be seen that the Loau is an a t tract ive one, offering tx good rate of interest , and at the same time, by ica method of instalments, making the way easy for many investors who, without some such arrangement, might find i t difficult to take up the stock.

I t should be noted that tho T r e a s u r y w i l l set aside money wi th w h i c h the Government w i l l buy back L o a n stock if i t s market pr ice faila at any time below irsne price . T h i s w i l l , of course, tend to prevent depreoiatioc.

Mesnwhi l e , for those who are unable to make any investment, even under the oamparatively easy conditions oi the L o a n , there remain the War Savings Certif icates , as before.

T o e National W a r S s v i a g s Committee has pfaced i ts organization throughout the country under the direct ion of the Chancel lor c f the Exchequer far the purpose of furthering the W a r L o a n campaign. L o c a l W a r Sav ings Committees may be applied to for icformatioa on any point connected w i t h the L o a n .


To tba Editor ot tfea " Tecedale Morcovy." fiia,—The R e v , J . H a w k i n s fella to Begoto'at*

difficulties, but kep.plng to a t ( i nr,d amoqtll* surfaceri a i r i l y avoSda thrm the wall» be' tr ies to enptn're the unwary by H scanted bean ar.?!

a p i n c b of snnff. Never a word d i d he vauehaafe on the b w of tho " House," the convalpsieenc?< of tiie K i n p , or, to him, tps perverted tasks of our Premiors r W e i l , w e l l ! I vfM %'i once puUodl up if I faUed in givi^e medical authori ty for my assertions, but, havi"??: it^t.") BO, I am aimp.y told tha* opit-lonr-diffnr, but wa know that. I admitted i t T h e r w o u l d hr,vo b o o n «o o iriresp >adeac« on. thi? aabjaet bad i t not been s i . I regr&t t h a i mv las", la i tor should hsvo been so tinged •whu tne'anehaly as to b&va deprE80?d bim. L e t uv r o w t r y wj nheer Man up wi th tinmdih.fcj? more tuan qnihb'is,^; o? d e r e by-pi*y.

Proh ib i t i »u i s not pbligaiiorv, feov.,j» •• depraved mlhorlvy, eofBier man, 1 • ,f .vs—*.h-a w h o have rare ly d>j?« * honest dav'a w. .rk ir< tb.Mr llv»s, mrr>. a t tracted by n Vigh w s j ; a iaturb t h o general harmony ?*nd n u i obe w o r k i n g msehinn r u t ct gear -Th^se are people to penish and prohibit. Probibi'.loo h a s beoft a fa'Jure wjberever t r l s ^ . T h e history " t tbo sa-c»i !ed any " 6tat r.s o! A i c e r i c s , so Ur as ii re lates to this su-.jecfi, i s that of *»vs.ftior, deAeit>,'^cnutc^ling.'and frau>*. Any a ^ B r e i u ^ i e a d acjauTner i n 4u--8» s t a t e s wi l l "issare yen that K ? C shoHoa :;in a l w a y s be. ohtairr«d by D sm?* ?, a \vir>k: K.I oxcuso ir »»ay '}>n% store. >~*t ? an opsin feco tha-i a deceitfui toagnv. P a r t i a l prohiblttOs h a s had l ike r«>saitB bsro. Doctors', oertlftaatss a r e , eomp^rit ively, ?.s abttndftot i n s a r a o Mcens^f! h<<n3?s t.s Trer .RCi i ' j notas I t a admitted that 'be b :r.-"or d i s t r i c t , nador a t * t a eontrol, i s amorf; ihe h%d i^nds. t b o ^.".rron p i t ches . Prohibit'on wonld rae?r; B g r s a t loss of r e v e n u e a t % raiimsnt when evft;*y benny is i^oedtd. I*

^";'nld C '?rsai^i? lead to a gi the labour market, and a

at d i a t n r b v downing "

f'^ebor'.' ! I t ia oura t i x?ay . v i ce y v raurt fiw try to g-ji i t . O r g i o a l s ip, beredltar; eaoash , et l-crwlsi . we w HM

C « I iif tools

wb^n t i o fate ci bhe Eajpiri* hangs in toe b*lane«>. Res t s l c tod hours, or part ia l prohibi­tion, bite given cet3aia o !acf B tha tlmr. -A Shvit-l ives . Iniempsrarrco has been t h r u s l upon brme life. L n t thn R->v. J . H t ^ k ' ^ a r f a d the

4 For tn ight ly " for thla M o n t h , and wi l l *!& oaco gr«ep tho dangers t.f fchq aitna^ion. F o r c e , here, it juo remsdy. 8u«h la. the-wilfulness t:f a n that i-% R o s s i s , nud<rr prohibittan, di-genT"~.tcB' bave B<*,i«u|ed therc-s e l v ' J wi th e&n-dej3olugne, rae'.hytatpd Siiiri>. varn i sh , and vzdum other b dy-and-sbul *«troying drags . Bet ter a g!?«m cf good, wholeeome beet and a soc ia l pipe l a the cfcimcry corae' 1 .

T h a Olydo petit ian Waa " w :rkad " by 4 be " S t r e n g t h of Bril-:*.in" movomeof. r n a t organisation opeoiyj adVertlacd that w o r k i B c shouted "down wltfci the pubHo-hoMe." No plaee waa spr.olfted, r n d nothing wao ever advanee^ to corroborate sneh a atatemeat, but the c b a 7 g e of *h« Mas-iere' ff-jderatio-i r.na at c r e e Mpadiated b<- the mec. I w i l l stake t :i .-R e v I . B a w k i n a a pjreaent of t h i s : W e eat ao-i dr ink tan too greedi ly . I wi l l go fact.'xcr »a-rt say tba!; drnnkeuoees is n doteateble vio-T unworth? of •» 3rif!j !)e!",, s a d ir>exoMable ia a 8sv.<ge. But petrs- :-,>! f r e e d o m la above hught else Xbonaaeda.e l ourbrta taod t>rsr?st are gi-'log t b e i i i ives to preserve i". [ t w s s the aigoet ctamp of iujp-<r!i5 Cinav But 1 w*o

To roob not % s.t. *he C±UHO of • talitt i s not •i'AM b s i n tao

etone »g ». Loaded s k ' c R , aodtieoed e il ia, and an ever- varying c l imate seem to demand the stimuiat'Og and ehoeric-s effc. 's c f aleahoUes. «ut mat-, t!>e w i d e w o l l d over, turns to tfaiem Y o u see a farmer l i i s iqg his aolL Ha ip not ca much applying piaid fond s». l i b e n t i n g the latent energy atored as his Held. Kor batter or worse we tavo become an i . tdustrial people K >s the l i ev J . H a w k i a s ci.-t seen a mati, naked t > the waiat , throwing huge ohnnks of pig iroi' into a far&ape ? Tho ewes'; p-surs down bJm. A t LUe bad of bid r-hih he is brain-f»Kgod and iuuso5o-wesr;. He n.ili baa a store ot energy left) but i t nosds i ibcrs t ing Alcohol ;.s the ageo* tor doing ?t. He e r a now v a l k hcino and opjoy his dinner, T""PI b<»f io9ch».c!oal grind, the d s i c g u fa l i f ce j b ,oay by d«>y, ^t u llko L i a c h i R a , 'u! n a ras-a doni . . H : s vtttsllty a l ter i t in low. Ale >Vol, iu moderat:»n, oete free his reserves of at.'engta. I f there is anythi? g eles equal ly tffactive,. !*>»• those wr-.o daory aicohoi brti.g ii forward.

T h e n there is tha workman's home. l u our great towns how many can be termed a ace ? Nothing but n bsok-yard, w i th everywhere a barr ier •>( b r i c k s : not a y s r d n{ grosad t 0

diver t bis thoughts I t his chi ldren's play, Go and ' ;ok inside these homes of the E i K l i s b u u a , and then te l l me if It ia any wander he should turn from i t to seek warmth and soo-al cheer elsewhere. I f you won't cnango t H this, and if you won't l i ft him out oi himself, don't st.sad in the way, you prohibitionists hsvo ao long doi,' , of a l l improvements to the public-tionae, 'out g ive up the impraotic?,i and i naossibie, AS4 m . k e his only house ot res t as m u g , as obeery, and as recreat ing as yoa era-.—Yohra t r u i ? .

W I L L I A M 8 i'A W E E . 9, MlHon-streot, West H^rUepool, January

12th, 1917.

The Drink Problsm.

P I G 8 A R K O F T E N T R O U B L E D W I T W O K M d . Thor ley 'a Worm Howders w i l l eleae asm*. Bo?d i n Cartons eontaiaieg 6 Powders, >J., &y A f e n t s i n a l l p a ' t s ; or by post I S Powder*, 1/1; 96 Powders, 6/6, on / e c ? l p t of r e w i J &,.<!«, by Joseph T b c r l e y , L imi ted , K i n g ' * Crcaa , laoados, N .

J B T V I S G J R ^ T ' W ' 0 1 v l ^ . 3 s T °.bouM Ber.ii tn--» stamp* lor our I l lus t ra ted BooJt coutaiaii ig rahUabla in ibrmat ion how a l l Irre«nilaritiofl ucd miHatCOiinwi moy be entirely avoided or removed by Hi-uple ravons. Beconiaontled h? e&iicent Physicians fte the o n b SftifOa curt., and gennln© remedy,

testimonials. Nerer lalln.

Eatabliahed 1862. Thousand* of

j I O K E E P E R S WHO W I S H T H E I R P I Q 8 oav shuuiii*us» IU » Condiavsnt Tbor ley ' s Fond I >r C«tt-e; keeps Piga thrifty , bold lu Cases eoatalning &C packets, F i v e 31-illings, by Ageols i n r,'» (.'arts.

a, i

M PMl S L A H G H A R I J , n T . A R K a o s T HormvL O ^ L S T O M f.a«K.?.o»nojr.. Y O U S H O U L D N O T E T H E F A C T t h a i your

Hall* Croy .aon , s i . i d : I f w c w e n t I ^ w ! * w i l l bo hea l tUev and lav moto E g j p 1! the s p i r i t , of s teadfastness and j V«-n p i v f ^ > M A •pe inkl ine;o l Ovum T h u r l o y B

, then he be l i eved v i c t o r y would be Pv u'.try S p i c ^ m t « l r «oft fo<.d - B o l d by tn& .hat even I ;his y e a r might wi tness \ BaVawsoW o l A. K. Barker , C o m Merchants,

The War Loan: The Note of Confidence. One of the best things about the r o w W a r

L o a n i s the absolute confidence wbiah every body appears t c feel as to i . a success . T h e note haB bsen one ot assured osrtain*v from tbe first moment. T h e apt t i t le of the " Viotory L o a n , " coined for the new issue almast as soon as i t was expected, has a double meaning. I t i s the L o a n that i s to br ing v ic tory , and, because of this , i t i s i n i tself bound to be i\ tr iumphant success . I t ia as if people looked upon i t S B almost a sentient thing, conscious it i f s mission, and resolved that I t * i l ! not fs i i

T h i s is as i t sbouM be. Yetfs inow o p ' i a i i i i m now and then defeats itself, » w t ^ d of ^ a r n i r g may b e s e t down. Wo apiimisBa gh«uld •••ke any o f us fovg«.s t l i s i only by i i idividu^l e f tn t can the expected ouccess be rer l i s ed . A faith that a l l i« go i rg to b* wel l do?n not make things move nutumaUoaliy to t l o goal, nod faith divorced from works would i.a this m%tior nnd i n fai lure jus t becitusa everyooo thought success so cer ta in that they folded th-dr b a n d c

What is needed in the esse of tho L o r n is plenty ct optimise:, but nothing ci fatalisaa Tbo Loan wi l l be a sncotps, if we make it so E a c h one, un?U f>c 1-as brought whatever contri­bution ia possible t-i h in j . had bett.*? ba v.-optimls*h, bu'i apprf"har.^iie, fesllciK tos t thi itiCk of what he might havo effared m>y e n d a r g s r the whole thing. T h a t mr.y be> ao exapgsrat ior , but I t is b«-tt«r than the optimigm wbloh eimpiy lets things go. And the sum of the matter ia: " Be so confident of what can be done by a whole natioe doing i t s best, th& you dare not lose tbe chance of s h a i k g in a success so great."

i : .nguration o f p eace . J B a r m a i d Cas t l e .

The Temperance Question.

T - tb«> E c i t a r of t h e * f e e s f e l e MoKenry." D E A R Ria ,— 5r Btasaet hav ing repented of

hie ti»?.,:y ).^i!',iirr to vrivo v,h C O - 8 a i . . p f l ! ' S S J--C8,1 Bunst l a einr e syMd a f a - i b e r w e r l I v i l l pvy M r HV'-wt the a 'tuoiUnent«.( '• Slog that I bel ieve him to qaH'.« espabhl vt Scaling with two o*' <JVBU three r>r>f-— on '•' — bare s ro su'ely two or three M r S men The s t u r d ; efaaaspinn o f Indiviriu^.l rights and 'Ibertlea, w h a loudly e ' nmr .or? i af??.!^**. aoy ii t^ j f e reocp , can snare e n bo tbe s m;> g.'n?l»;-- n n who is mo?e *h>n ralliJSy eatboslaftie *'jnut the appointment of a "dic tator ." I t , however, there Should bs bu4 ihe nr.» M r Scamor, who noi or.'-j .pppov^i nf a di-Msata* but w i l l ev.-n fce'p t<s to !?5ot»*o, s;>' •• g v» it "x only a y beefateck and not hl« beof In qaeatl-m, f-hen, r,t e o n f t e the d^fliai ;ty o' debating the Huhjnc" befe*c ns is apparent •7eryosi<?. I f<a I e n c o t aec-ipt lb»

dogmatic statemept '.hafe na ehsmieslfl a n U'ied In tbfl mtra fae tnre of aleoholio Hqaort . I !:oc-> M? ''i-•*•*.'* m^y bo h:daeed to supplt-ajp.it h i s btief • - . ' * ! ! « < j n u"» asuettiou. I f so, I rory h.*v<» B e e i A t h i .g tuf' her to add.

Bu'; I r m eacwt ; x;i;r<3 i••> j in Issu", i>" tr> ibe ve ins of ateohol In '• :e phyaleal sys tea . T h i s cannot bo d!*9ujig<><* *'A fe l ly In- a I -* :er or two, and I trust' M r Stealer mil s t i d to his cuus . S i r P/ed-jti- .k I r S s e S s tabse : '• Phere fa a great deniro «.r» Sho pa>"6 cf raec t. bo fi*. V young man eannot ho fi« i f IK< takoa aleoho'. l?y r„) poesihi iny ear be want it . N ' t one wh • is you*--" and healihy c\ i went a l e ' ay m:*?-j 6«:.*<! he.oan -vs - > e ' - r je io i cn ." T o o i.tt: S i r Ao<?*»-.-? C l a r k , t&.fL phys ic ian to H o i HvjdSty Q j S . - ; . V i o t o r ; ! s a y s : ? c-V Rood healaa v>'.% in L . . j a d g n e n ' , - . 'w .ys be I r j u r o d even by s-tnill Mm of ale' T h e saoio authority -'luefcren s«j is s trysbnine ( 0 i:« I t r^nks wlfh tb an ..g, i i si:«e way o? r»tHe» Thomaa Barlow. :'.".', K C V . O , wrlr<,3: • ' - : ne is ro.% as is euppoaed/cbe milk of Use &g?d.' I s tends to p i f . d a c i o«\.*dl-a wsakovat, uscular e«3d rheumatic PHI . - ." . an-? deterioration of the firs arterioles r»n^ h-iord vessd»\ Al-.:;bol i c

so resp.ic"*ib!" f r mnoh ia san l tT and mental Stsorder." S irVie to -r H roiey, F R . 3 , F . R . C . 8 . etc , r.nd C r . U s v S iurgo , M.D. (L^.'dun), w r i c : " Fi'-qasr!'; i;Wemp*>s hav; been msd'i toasserSf. lo whether there ex i s t s * SBiaiaaai do'ie of cicc-hc:' .vhi j - i r» mto JJ»V 4-s»'>.?i<;5'.-tt • hMng affected i.~. f i j d 'S ' .dvai i tspnrus w»j-, -iod, in -;c; --J.-. ica w u t i the steady •.' • "C ol selejntlflo op! i - > this matter, su • aud email emcunks have h • saggo as permi;o"o' !?. - I n reality we have no pi • * thai -. uifnituaat ond permiasib'e floee exi at r.it" To quote F r e d e r i c k f r e v a i again: " * a a work producer a>c.,b--.i is exc/«diegly exsrava-pan':, anr?. >;t, i ther extravagant tuesaa .w, i t ia apt to lead ti physic I baekaoptcy. I c is wa l l -kcowe that t r a o p j ealtoot marsh on alcohol. I was with the reftsf coiumo that moved c n to Ladyamitb, I t was .. • i •• mely r r y l a K l i a e , apt.rt frt.m t'.-o h . - i - ;>I t^r, weather. I n that column of a mo 30,000 sten thg first » h ; i dropped cui worn t-uo t«l! m e A , o* tba short tc to, or the big arr , n i t! H«.tle met-., h u i tho dr iokeM, -.r.C they dr »pped on-, as C ' S M I J c 3 it tbt-y had bt:«n iabeUed wi th p. b ig tetter on the ir b v k ? . "

Aic u,:^, r-s t i ' Stamee «• uj»y b i easi!; aasfmiiu'ed, buu is m> proof > i ii» f o o d value S r . Erackne.' »•->- : " A!-j.,.--.' !.;*••» tb« iargeat t a s i i L t «.-t viotlma by oabas' - j it v9;jre, ! . i fcba' i t w-.fc-rm^n a *.t - powes of rseiataoce co s i cko i ss . eo that the appareotl qiite temperate driobor . . . ' : : to t. lu-.g lefiainmatloO: c r a a infectiuus ^l;e '.si which the 8'.U!,e", normal b'dy easi ly c v s - e T/. ...,"* Per*»pa wci ma? havo ah Spportunl «• nl tflseussieg nlcoboi b\ rela;i-te i« n . ' . ibmism

1 klzohiA It »• P ••aon, ••.~eo':c, *; • <a i/otuis.

Hovi :>. ie afwava fnvwdl b.; I t ." S i r


I n i * 9 a n b F c - : b ? r e f — f ie fa rmers ' Cr->3P fasafe) " i H\'*> : 1 ci>>--"» w<*

pSBlttei ••• InahtaVi W n bj:-s a . %\ 9i.; r i n d Sirs PI . SB, t i 6t • V

A eaDttaaoejs sanw-etr.ne h»o p i m s i t e d in Teeadale n » « a * • •• -v»•:•? ; -g b'ocked no the m d - . c - d n ' wirfc a 'T»:.«t a t a BteedaHUL A ' e g'j camber of aheep t t v o iio.'i- o->r«j-V.. j a , c - a i fl -<rm . . i " - - jr . Sa*i:in *.'o a ' 10? t• lie '.z-j.;u: OV.cft%•< 1 -c .r?»ty of y a 'P. atat) hi »ae to* z t t o M work, f*-m- as nave ba' 1 i m st ? ;x'\;us ;.itse,

* * * A namhsr c.l d " R t b 8 h"»v.< oeea I 'Jaring

» * t o k * ! r W. W ' t d , p r p f t e U i r »f the Otevelaad Arm? :x>-.'. .1, pn-ssd w i » a S u o } * v we*b a*'.cr n l-.-ig *v.(? p ^ l n f n l i i ' ^ s a . T l ' e dec-=>-f..' i;^:':'. u s n w*s 55 j«>a»a 'g-.. Izi tmaa blind la f r >m-. tiaae T':o Intss«*at t : : - k ;.*»<••- . * T f U ' s d - y , i . i St- ~!t%--'f. e»orse-?yci',raiidii; «i™r» I kso r . f ro«pro ; - 'Hie I s t e s fr Ward waa a freeaeas *, «• large Dsmrbas of t r o crafs the c v<*eq«ii«.

*** M i s s V.. E ChUIeaoB, only iasightsa of M r

and Ifwj W « Ooltln»x.', Hresms Lodge, L a e a * I P , t^inJ m T a e s d a y i o a ah e--.riy age of

1 7 y- u Shi • , ^ n t a d V e t t o i n a b«atsaf4fi E m , tloja "l-.-s ns- .1 aa loeof thedewaeSeSl

'« i i teni in i -attnkirk ehnfohyard r l „ eolte of t h e a a n r m r reether, *. ' ' T ^ i . - i ' •{ 1r\?.txiA (ca«h*""',d b ( f it*'* - M h c t e e l r«spec*. T h e K^v. O. P»tiirr on •- Ivc- • I r ir-r 'oe I * k H s P r i t i i l » » i * C : . : ai ! aiaa effijietod a t the graves ide .

y M r s r-»a-? T i dor , Pa le - t erraea . M l i s l l s t t e ,

M o l d ' . o i j !iby?c'.<'d iahaMfantupas**t aw*y on Widaesd>> >»* v r c o o u a i L'-J* I I ? " A 7t ye-,"/. Her hafb >.- 1 predeeaaaed he* 2 7 - « < i r « aa;o. T h e i:-; rrm<- .-. . j -fe o . Saeday a lcern > . i , i a Sr. Mary ' s churchj»rd, ^midat evary canl fes t^t i a of ibe d-<sp.F,~ reg»-d.

*** T h e deaU r-:-.»k p ! • an Saaus lay m-rni«ig

of >Vic L : C » ; « waean S w i e h a n k , a m I I l e o a e and t igb ly n s p e e t e d latateir, B i s h Ifceannj ^ i d d U t t n . T h e • c - s - . ) geot!effls«« who i"»a 64 j-<-.-<ra of ag waa a bachelor, l ed w*e of h geafet aed k i d dlspoef ioa. *«.«

rvi vaarteedaj i,-. S t . U *J*M a^sweifawfl. % *

T h e reao l i s.f ~b.u <j bil lfar^ handicap i c eoanret lon wit'- the Pfeobanies' Ica*itaw>, I f i Idletoo , was M fol low*: 1, M r J 0:11; 2, Mr H. G . Morton;- 3 , M i J A m i . - . The result i f the ' i . T»--ID'J ^ • . • o o k - c u ' i v ? * s : 1 , Masts* wVBImpsaa ; x, ' It J. U . W a a i t .

V - t r V A I : J -., ,.f Dirt P i , ' ad fc!s

c t ' : ? ' • c- c--''- - t, " . - ' o r^' .y w.-fk whi l s t U-Uc^'.na - i - aur.: j - a i ? - i t lo the e.- c ' ioa of a large aotor ahAi ar Mld iZetoa f - s tho «teiST'oL^.a Baribm OosBnaasb

sr-d ;<x:drtdi!0. T h . 3<.rt„ 4J.O. F.fT.R,, s ha?>» begnu t.» r tgara aa a drag and n-t a i M.l) , t ' r ,t P : " A?c proper acoeptatlon

l b t a S i r Spencer V e i l s , s : f I t I s only h.rJv wo Msobpl iv. t r a a iighc »>t>5." S i r J t c ; - Barr, '- .I i s out a shod in thi . :f the word, i t fs

Praot isa I l e a l Economy by ju ic ing Howeon and K e a y ' s Clothing C l u b . — F u l l p a r t i c u b r s at Teesdale House, Barnard Castle.

T o the E d i t o r ol the " T e c s a a l e Mexcciry."

8iR,~Yourca"jreapondT:n.S ol Wadneedsy, tho S:d instant , has certainty " i t e gift of the »olden mcurh." bur s t i l l th& trnth i s " at hat i t bitotb l ike a eerpsns, and siingeti-. I lka an adder." But purely y e a r oorrcspocdarit C i . u d give another s ide to tho question, S a a he hoard of the " whisky qaaus " in the big c i t i es during Chris tmas v??ek ? T h e Heense-kaiders thesisalvps describe these bappentegs as m::sti rrK'^^t^Me. Ite'i-w I Rivo a cattle-g f icm the leading srtSela ct •', noo»tish daily p iper , which eposks for U s e - l : — " T h e demand for some maaauira of prohibition during tha war has been stvscgtben^d by the d< c:;-t - . arr ived at by feha Munic ipa l Confersr.oe hold t t E d i n b u r g h yesterday. ' I t i« Boateeljf t u b e imagined that the solemnly duQlared v i a * c f the representat ives of the l&rgai Scott i sh mucicipa'.Ulea—representing aa they do a large majori&y of the pocple of S c o t l a n d - eas bs act i.».ida by tb<i Qovernment or al lowed to pass unheeded. T h e demand mnde i'j for th* prohibi'iion of tV s a«!a of ardans. sp ir i t s duriop tho w:*r, sr.d If she Government Cannot st« their- way to csrr.v this policy iatd effect, they must at l»Est "aoloto long s^atp what they are pr tparsd to do. k stointtou "t the problem b s h i r a the dem<tr<s Cansot hi much longer de'Byed."

Your? C ! ? E i e s p c u d e H t must know t*:a'; vt-sd s c d ra i lway trutoport f s c i i i i i e s aow lax;;• B B g i g e i for the trans i t o t ' b s e r «nd spl'* wi th ' t . ta K-mla that the tiransit of win.-naatprtai is swflouaiy impede:}. T h e iliivk Hade i; I ts modern form Is t> damnable ca/ iki? fa t ing a t oar n*«;i".>ri»i life, aud s s i i o u s i y imps-it! eor euerg'.cs. BuggoetiuiiS' are p r e v e n t <ib«« the caftion should not throw li ov.-r, b - i take It ;wv»-, r< d tit aU veated rtvd •*'*.'.»> c u t s c-?oc.>i-.ie|. i l e a iv, other trades have ^actifioed their eapital , aud i a tecs of thousands oi eaaes their vc-ry l i f t . -Wocd Wonld th;so who reeoaunend S :J<.> pnreha^e of the p? iv* ie t.nA vesCjed inter<-.st^ of thifi traffic a l B 3 jrwem^mund thaS eve.-., ms.n v o has for bis Ki^tf and c - u & r y saorific id h i s c a p i t s i - i o whawver f - . ?mbe m -y hsv« S:- :l>i it —ba p^ii? tlio Jn'l vtlo--; t-f «u?h interes u (Veated p>r,d private) g.'ivf-n the Btete ? 3* the dr ink tr.-tlia In itn pre/jent foi ca is proved an e v i l and a daagei* t c she uatii-'io

j woilati ivmustbad'is 'uioyed.—Y:urs,eto, , 0. I Kilmaxnook, J a c u * r y 15th, 1917,

sedative." 1 cannot b ? t t c ? conclude this 1

prelimi j * y c . c i s r m a n b y aga in quoting t h o l tate Si.- Andrew C ; « k : As I W .ekn- at the I hnspival wares to-day, a n a saw that seven oat ' o | every t»u ow. d tbeiz dtapaees to n.c^-iol, I C:;a!d lamsnt that the tieaehlog about thia qu?s.'to;» was n - i i mj-.o dir...*: and more aeeie iva thr,n I * h„s. heoii. I t.;u d k ; , . . g ive u ? my profeaci u. to givo up e v i j tfai . , v-.d to go forth up."?/ -* i>:;iy t i u s - d ^ preachio v: • !> m«n. Bew*«re of tbis " H-:i .y i t t" e - " —Vt«ry truly y. urs , P . G . t U T E H O T J S B .

Oobd^n H j a s e , Barnatd Cast le , J a u u a r 1

16;h, 1917.

Alcohol and tha War.

'ounri a Week for a Discharged Barnard Oastle oidier,

PdH8i«ii W- *ng BgMsd. T i c ;!?-.aica nathorfti e ' a v a tag

fcV- ca*-» <••'. «x-P.-lv y-m«e D 'iiic' *:<;e*". I I "i- , -.- i i.- r >igti-land) Work! aaa hospital. Dssastf . - } • tf«<> ot..'aie^- i-.- ibera, one . t Vi'ilv,-:" -.d tw »others • • • o i . d d . p^'-t *?sr-y na * c<rar,.'r.- r h i v , s a . Nouv 0wnp*lle ••-•d Armrnttprsa, gaavrd, ar.-d d l scbugra i r«: ii 81 pc«t«'»>i-. Ti-'o i:f...£-*ir; J a-M 8se(f a pi?j sit - : •- ': -Mid •« *:>• yesuag eh I d . t; Wilt be «ac ro tbe rkhcae . c;; W gt.;n -i-p' fic'i-sd $(•<» offi m aa who is aaMBraerfv • ^' i - i -Caml - . ' » r'-au's -ice Oemmkwiioi "* -•' the <t HoepitaJ b a v e u o w a i r e d Dos I W( Z.1 l t . T : Ivo ' . J . i b ^ . s f u m M ;

«. etien in • st- o a

a ( C a n b e r -hue •» ""<ne v, a m w r a • • ' o r t d

I Sght a t " \s b-.c?ly . peir d»y

a u d <.ni thren

aiilaai i n t o f r u a r d l s D B

3 - : - a k i r , • , i ) t i : e

•o iaea aa £ 1 per CU * S t .

Dyspeptics Should Avoid Zrugs and Medicines.

"ry i . Li i ;& M«gm ; I r s t c a d . g.ni i f? people atii cUajalyyb at ifc» i s <yaii to

d a ^ - , »r 1 ^ cUSi'jm, i i i - . ^ - u . - > - i u t . ' ' p . . ? , i c v t k ii7u,'-'..',patent f l . U . ' B i , -. ic;:.' X. .. ; t l . ' ^ ' ' S l V - O t S , i t c L o t c i . -tt g •• ho f fjia d<x o • ..>.- batten tbe •-vi ' ', '•• o • A ' . ..-. . el her drugs nor oics,;. s p. . . a . t p ' i .ii^i> f laCsytcm s,«ur: i. l . e p:: . . - . - j : . . • - ' .cL i t L i . - . t : i j i o g •*•••»• i >f m i a t > • o s of Indigestion and d y t p ' ^ E i a . T h * | enysjlve wmpr.-ri .y rel ief ,

T c the E i i t o s of c fa >• Teeedak) '.ii'^eary,*' S I R , — Y o u r c )?f..sp ; ; ' e . t , M r K - . k i ^ f ,

qnotes Slv; B a r r y Jahnstoo to <:'•*> f i l . o i that c-ho objects o! o u r Soldiers la Prance hi,-. ; frequently bs-jn f.-ustr*t--d t v rou«h cve«-i'»dulg"nce i n a leohi! . Scol i at\s. inaeuts eee^i | to b ? s i l l k i g very e&ac deflrir.ee oJ Defesi . J J of the Ros lm Act , >;"3 i i f they a r e a c t absolute j untruth. 1 w mid recommeed him to p a n d e r j ti'--» w c r i e t i 7jo:d breach , who s*ys i.bAt, i<. his i.pini.-.' , " t i c ?rit-sb -...-iditer h : * ->«i» extr-tcrdioary mow.! op'rit s o d pova». I can no; i n a y other w«y explain th« alsaoei E u p e r u s t a r . i l c. a- ,. • 3 . d e s a a c t s o o thsy have shewn in she fiold throogbont this v? . i ; . I t ia only these who have nerved w i t a the tntepc w h o know h ft {-3r.«i¥o b$.s bean thei i ordas i , and h j w their eoatsga h?,s been &rit.-d. It- is thetmea i a tho b e n c h e s who bave saved th i s c o u n t r y from disaster, »t;d -that ia • fant fh.^t the oouatry w i l l neves f-.Tget."

As f j r p m h i b i t i - r i d i : s prospect*, cLe Ch-^i'io'.- the C ^ v . r . v O.^-ol a...-, i s t y s : •• Tiii.*. B a r d ' ir i te to eii>er a-, ofe.-. eounee betweou extremists on b r . sides. Op to 19 5 there had bona n > T. ' .I progtsss iu the •••»uii- d tempereaoe for80'? ^ecr.^chi»fi; bec&n hs violence of tcetotnl advocatvc, w.'f.-? .v?re cs 6ulp»b'e as ths mosn e- lfl*>> . r r •voia Prohibition hsts proved & u i l a t e lu J . c l a of the U a i t t d 8t*;a« ol A s j t i M , auu r V . r o I S no reason t o f-xp'.et; be i;<-r r> R-alw h e ? o . "

N . J doubt ws a i l »?riie v i i i i temperaaae is a desirable ihisig—tt-rr i j ; ; ; j .rnc<i i;.i it-: g a - -but w have no U » J i n laaet inism - I as.", y o u r H truly , J H . B O U R N S .

T h o Qreca.Ootheratono, Jauur.ry 1 0 , 3 , 1 9 1 7 ,

hut 1. v<Mncvftfistag q u 1- us im t : k e n ,

[ l i i s •* mattat n l reg/ei t h a s w e Ba - i c ti.e future, publish no tnor.:. loeg le t te ia nu tf o &b -ve or sr.y ot'jor s u t j a c t , eacepl OB taost urgent and pressing t»:aMets, r -.s a being that * « anMl not bs.vo the ppioe at o u : disposal, o ^ k s t to a r t a n g e n w . r s new 0 nspleted lot redac ing the 4>z\ at M i<4 Journal dur ing the c jak innaoae ot tbi . • Men b s v i r g been d r s ^ n >ff foi . s erv les us?*! tho p«<.'«? «-i«,<2 s re the ebiel C&BH:*; Va ««utu«nc;i S » the I.*. . . rf L o c i B:-.raard Ss . . model . - -To ]

Funeral ot tha i?to i«r Coattj, of Long Green.

T h e remains cf i i )^ l»f« M r Co!» '5i• were b- ierred in Btrtiiogba^l ebnrebyi <; • at Prldayef-;o.-o,..-i>ii C e c i uGl^SRh reverant iy 1 fticiat^d. Thu o-ti'l m-.u • •* wee-' -v •• \% - > Coatee, s e n ; t l r a p d M i S White, an> - • DavUiSv-n, M r *»d a b e a i l l v ._,•<.• na-ie-law and «5'.ogh»ese ; M r a t u '-rs C •*I•• <t, •• • . J ila«er-ia-law j ?.ti*s Cxvos- . sjate< ; ! u d K r and Suits Dfl-.-t ccnata'.. f b e r e -.••• -1 l a r g e r n d rep'tesentativolgs !. eri r: I I 1 ».ad beigbhonri . Owlagt!, the depth <>f tvjpw, M r NloUoleooj the unoerteti - , »;v . prrrmptly foenr;.J h<j r e and Blefgti, nod mc-''. o*m{ »tl y waa f«it f»r M i a CoateeJbh|B wiu. t . - , »• .-• 1 as unable, in l i e c l l v a s i a <-•• d i t i a a • . > ••...... tan fnnertl. T l a h e e i s e n p j BRmrutr^! c ; acbre were eupt<iic«i (rum t u t : £ i u g ' s :-!•••.<•;• UM ws.

s:ia a l l tae i i c w t ! , o ..c«,» n-.rvr.I. h c. i . o g e r c u s as . -vsr . F t'*..u 1 now I • tbat'« w h y 'I.e. af-u -i .-i-.d . ' g . . ' - 1 M - f i j . (10m diKfp.'.li-o M I 1- . re-©a *.? .u'r . : -Just'get k . - t i r . ; a v c bisuritted P I - . ^ U . P I J i . -»ui j i u r ch' miefeac I 1 - .k- n»t? a-tttaationiifnl ?» Ut t i e •i'j. t « i !um«.j ,4 ic ly aJ.'t-r essay a>c»J. i>.ie w i l l I; . . • .? . j aeatra l ias U » sid j , ; d amp a i l f o o d fer men Hasina, thus ncabttng j ; . u p r j o y h-t.-i.y t i t i u %tic> at : X P ' - K . : . C . : g -oe lt«el p»;.i o;- u :p lc : sattoesS r.ttecwarda. 1 Many of • u taei a this a . ! > ' c t , feael »K the Mewwted mag i i . Iec»h , c»>:iy e.f Q C . * . k - ; r , H*iii,;, tap Battel P ' - s r m & c y ; B . Bo ldawonh, s , . . . . . . . ^ t t ; T. B. I >»icy, l i a i k f I -piiiee ; »cd L \ , Uni: r , i!>. b !-piaec>, l l M C a f i l s v l . - ; n a f-»iJa': lot-i*:- f«c«a»ie, there ..u»d Be • • •. B e a l t j In g i - . , the prepaxaticn t t . ' U K - iai i t deaeasjaa.

/ eplacas ^eat and tggs ! Shredded ' v ^ O R A " B-.tt 8et-« umura tb»

l ig t , !n 8 ; p f i J . - ; L , " . - i d|-Fetrv - is t' .-o SSSSScat milk paddtsgc. N.; cki., o laatpa, u ; prsaiu. I lb. »-q*».'.:B l i :h. r»v- east- A',uy,n fr»»e. A : ik ynov gcoot: la* * T O i i - , . ' ' I lb. th xos. 1/2; i i ' » 7 i ' . . H- lu ' - :• • it«S *

MPTSIS, •:•<".' ' . : v : ^ f : - ; f * " > g . • K r > r ; a g . ? ,

G I B S O N : E O R W E L L . - O . i . , a- y 1 3 1 9 1 7 , a t tic. |£*r«*« < M f - . i K : ! . - . ; i i C». ' r . Cjar'.eB R o b e r t * I d e a vm ol i i .• i= •-' 1 Tb msa Uihso-., Kaaxvalj Q Logs, H • •• . i . • i L i l y , n > ' - - U f c . inc. of - . J ,s J j f . i . Borwe l l , S t M B e t a 1 , Barnatd Casi tt. (by spec ia l

3»i;;>8 & WIN B A N K . — A t H V " ?k- • • , v?i»<iU>lon.ln-

Teeadata, "a J a aatf 13.o, .'i.e-maa Wetson Swlnhank, r^f-a 64 tearav—Waa "..tftrredat St . Maryw C h n r c h , Kidwletow, to lucsday, J s r - . U ' i y l u . h .

Ptnapt. a. Si . i i - c a t y lS'.b, R - . ' . K C * ; ps son , beloved hatband of •"sraT .. . - C V I * - r e i d * n c e a t i-80 . " . J IS b. Pr lenda ptetsaansrpl v. | ' I

Ir. MssBorlatn, V I L L M A N . - r ! , . I • . . i i . : \ V ft l^-tui

WsjUui . i < . F . , •- . I j lul led on • 1114 19 o. I M by b i s

fo BWd c- i ; : j 7 e i j . o i i u n i E . - J . ' C "•• cf X * ! t b a - : i ; . <••• • • ' v • ,u»- • . i •' James

I sal D •. . . - •-<-- , T a o died ce i:zo:-r i4t i , . 19(5 14 v< ira.

Jn=t Iwo yuirs r~o *b.r I U : Uov.- V . L he 1 Itttaif l a c !

But S ' M hm us 10 rc--JK .'ilx-r N I . ' J ou wjtta wm IM aw place.

• >;v» f •-. t-.-ecbf •.'. \j . : ? . 1 3 , Ofcts-Sti t, i fc'ow, K I g t i e ; , ;-.t" i f V . . c F i e l d , Mtckaaton.

I i l s s s Thar.ks. ii U S BaIU^S9 AtiU i W i U C Y , i i . : . . . . . . ; B^ck

: ' O V I 8 . I • . : . (or kit.<l 8yia{>*iibjf i i . . : ' .u u • • u t d b u » - t i j Ott<. > T