THE TEESDALE MERCURY 3 iy, 15th June, 1% PLANT HIRE E POOLES COUNTY S, E T C per : Tractor Post Driver ; or 31229 3 D* 5\gd morrow jhoknows. idtrustedbythe e. jhly accuratedose )undworms and ! as a low-volume actingor Drenching, her information and 5WS’Competition. tries PLC, Pharmaceuticals sshire SK104TE EARING.—A. Towler, 50614. ork Wonted AND DRIVER for 11. Teesdale 38213. DRIVER/Mechanic ^it/weekend work dur- ge time. Own trans- slf employed. V.AT. 1. — Phone Teesdale tween 5-30—6-30 p.m. THERSTONE LLAGB HALL HANDICRAFT XHIBITION on lay, 25th June at 2 p.m. : Crochet : Pottery ires : Woodwork IONSTRATIONS tting, Weaving and Printing, etc. ill take place please by 19th June Emission 25p ihouse Teas 50p IAi M GUN aUB SHOOT day, 16th June >-30 p.m. at AM HALL FARM ips and cadi prizes rR ic SWEEP for soot to fall? less, give Bill Cook finished, it’ll be nice can; n think he’d never dale 27418 H STAIN MORE SPORTS om Brough, Cumbria l<iy, 16th June ences 5-30 p.m. 375 prize money 7ive Silver Cups CYCLE EVENTS AR GRASS TRACK RACING JND TRAILS ting cancelled Admission £1, Children 20p >okmakers, Hounds £6 Horses £6 and Catering rights jeretary: M. Buckle Brough 394 MEMORIAL HALL AINDROP I MARKET vy, 18th June 1-30 p.m. still available Wednesday, 15th June, 1983. Miss Sheila Margaret Deans, only daughter of Mr and Mrs A. W. Deans of Redgarth, Stanhope, was married at St. Thomas* Church, Stanhope, to Mr Thomas Neil Tarn, elder son of Mr and Mrs T. S. Tam of Toft House, Eggles- ton. The service was conducted by the Rev. Charles M. Lovell, and the bride was given away by her father. The organist was Mrs Annie Turn- bull and church decorations were by Mrs Beryl Turnbull. The bride’s dress was taffeta with a white figured nylon overskirt, and tiered with lace. The nylon veil was also edged with lace and held in place by orange blossom. Her bouquet was pink roses, freesias and lily of the valley. The bridesmaids Misses Joy and Kay Turnbull, cousins of the bride, wore blue nylon dresses with lace bodices. They had bouquets of carnations and freesias. Another bridesmaid, Miss Laura Deans wore white figured nylon and carried a basket of carnations and freesias. Best man was Mr Martin (Bell, a friend of the bridegroom. The groomsmen were Mr Tim Tara, brother of the bridegroom, and Mr Edward Rowell, a friend. The bride travelled in a lime green knitted suit with white accessories. The couple will live at Toby Hill, Bgglesburn. Picture: John Winter. A fab afternoon with PHAB club Dales P.H.A.B. club was enter- tained by Mrs McRobbie and Mrs White from Bowes. Members always appreciate their visits. The committee discussed with members arrangements for a gar- den party to be held at Balder Grange on Friday week by invita- tion of Mr and Mrs T. Boothroyd. It was agreed' to open the party to everybody so all can go at 2 p.m. and join in. Cotharstome school children will dance on the lawn and there will be stalls, tombola and raffles. Tea will be included in the entry price of 50p. Any donations, cakes or items to sell will be appreciated. If the weather as fine this is a lovely afternoon out. (For 50p anyone can see beautiful views of the Balder, woods and lovely Grange, and enjoy a beautiful tea. Better cottage Lord Barnard has been given planning consent to alter, improve and extend Kitchen Garden Cottage, Selaby, Gainford. There will be a new cloakroom and hail. Anne Tunstall of Sherwood Close, Barnard Castle, had her car damaged by another vehicle which did not stop after she left it in the main car park in the town. A car radio worth £15 and tools COURT CLEARS DRIVER AFTER A DEATH CRASH A driver was cleared of blame by Teesdale magistrates on Wednesday for an accident in which Mrs Barbara Johanson of Whorlton Court was fatally injured. Mrs Johanson, 58, was nearing Westwick as she drove towards Barnard Castle when her car was wrecked in a crash tyiith (one travelling the other way. She died in hospital a few weeks later. The other driver, John Hudson, 30, of South Shields, received two broken legs, a broken arm, a blow to the head, and numerous cuts and bruises. Both cars were written off. Hudson, who is still recovering from the crash which happened last August, limped into court with two sticks. He pleaded not guilty to careless driving, and claimed Mrs Johanson’s car was on the wrong side of the road as he came round a corner. P.C. David Snow, who was first on the scene, told the court both drivers were trapped and had .to be cut free. He accompanied Mrs Johanson to hospital and while there Hudson was wheeled in. The officer added: “He smelt very strongly of drink. He was smiling and did not appear to be in much pain. I asked him how much he had drunk and he told me he had four or five pints.”' P.C. William Huscroft said Hud- son’s car had left the road and hit a wall. Mrs Johamson’s car had been knocked back along the road. He added that skid marks and scrapes on the road indicated Hud- son’s vehicle was on the wrong side of the road. But Mr Wilfred Coulson, an expert engineer whose work includ- ed assessing car damage for in- surance companies, did not agree. He said debris indicated the crash was on Hudson’s side oS the road. He suggested .that the skid marks and scrapes were nothing to do with this accident, because the position of the cars and debris j didn’t correspond with them. Mr Paul Corfield, defending, sub- mitted that in view of the difference of opinion the prosecution had failed to prove Hudson was on the wrong side of the road. He said when Hudson was asked how much he had to drink he was seriously injured, in extreme pain and in no fit state to be asked such a question. Hudson told the court he had only a pint of lager and a pint of shandy. The accident was a blur in his memory, but he could recall rounding the bend on the correct side of the road before confronting Mrs Johansen’s car. The magistrates dismissed the case. But Hudson was fined £10 for failing to provide a specimen of breath. Doctors fold police he could be breathalysed but he refused. He was fined £5 for having a defective footbrake, £15 for having no driving licence, and £25 with £6-66 costs for having no excise licence. He admitted these offences. More town sites wanted for individual houses A plea for more house building plots to be mode available in Barnard Castle was made to Teesdale Council on Wednesday when the future of the town oyer the next eight years was being discussed. He pointed out that 13 sites were earmarked for housing but some people could not find a suitable one. One builder had no land available at all. Only 16 houses had been buih in the last two years, but the blue- print showed that another 171 might be needed by 1991. The scarcity of plots was putting up house prices, he claimed. One modest house was on the market at £42,000 whereas iit would cost only £25,000 in other places. But Mr Michael Pease, chief planning officer, said there were plenty of sites available. No builder had knocked on his door saying he was interested in them. The sites had been identified, but that did not mean they would be available or that anyone wanted to build on them. Some builders might not want to pay the price or wanted other sites that created fewer problems. On the 171 houses which might be needed, he pointed out that this was not a target but an estimate. If there were changes, such as industrial cutbacks, the need might be far lower. Coun. Robin Rackham said there could be scope for new homes in the conversion of old industrial premises such as the mills in Thorn- gate. There was a lot of potential. Mr Pease replied that the sites earmarked were all on virgin land, but if applications were received for converting old buildings they could be favourably considered. He added that the plots Coun. Stoker was talking about were odd ones, but a few houses here or there would make no real inroads into the overall total. Squash can stay A squash count can stay in the former chapel at Lartmgton Hall. Consent for it was confirmed by Teesdale Council on Wednesday, though Coun. John Hinehcliffe again asked for it to be refused. Councillors accepted a written apology from Mrs Claire Rackham following her outburst at a pre- vious meeting at which the squash court was discussed. Treated by Clique Members of Teesdale Society for the Mentally Handicapped and Bishop Auckland Gateway Club, were entertained by Sonic Sound Disco at Glaxo Sports and Social Club. The treat was given by the Beaconsfield Clique and thanks were given to them, their wives, Chris Moore (Sonic Sound) and the secre- tary of Glaxo Sports and Social Club for use of the premises. Everyone enjoyed it and it was greatly appreciated by all. Following a trip to York in May the next outing will be to Whitby on 9th July. Anyone interested can contact Mr Howe, secretary, or Mrs Best, treasurer. Dancing at fair Cotherstone 60s Club’s spring fair was successful and proceeds will enable the club to survive another year. A doll was won by Joyce Morgan of Barnard Castle who guessed the correct name, Polly. Thanks went to Cotherstone School children and teachers for a fine display of dancing, always greatly enjoyed by all present. Mrs Richard Boothroyd opened the fair. She was thanked along with everyone who helped in any way —selling raffle tickets, printing notices, providing stalls, managing the tombola, teas, and raffles, and all who gave generously. Bypass helps villagers by keeping road clear on their carnival day There was plenty of room for a fancy dress procession to make its way through Bowes on Saturday when the first annual carnival was held since the opening of the bypass. Rain stopped for the parade, which was led by Mr Angus For- sythe playing his bagpipes. There was a good attendance in the village hall for the crowning of the carnival queen, 10 years odd Emma Richardson, followed by sideshows, competitions and teas. Emma was crowned by the retiring queen Miss Teresa Buhner. Train bearers were Alison Hodg- son and Anna Mi'lner. Ladies in waiting: Katie Sayer, Gillian Dow- son, Sonia Laws, Kim Gibson, Emma Hughes, Clare Hutchinson. Flower scatiterers: Andrea Atkin- son and Lisa Foster. Page boys: Andrew Hodgson and Karl Williams. Crown bearer: Deborah Richardson. Herald: Ian Kipling. Results of Friday’s sports, which were organised by Mrs P. Fraser and Mrs E. Blakemore were: Flat races.— Toddlers, boys: 1, Jamie Deacon. Giris: 1,# Kelly Richardson: 2, Zoe Smith; 3, Louise Dixon. 5 years, boys: 1, Mark Williams; 2, Barry Richard- son. Girls: 1, Sadly Bousfield. 6 years, boys: 1, Andrew Hodgson; 2, Gary Luck; 3, Karl Williams. Girls: 1, Helen Gafton. 7 years, boys: 1, Andrew Dixon: 2, Brian Close. Girls: 1, Lisa Foster; 2, Deborah Richardson. 8-9 years, boys: 1. Peter Rame; 2. Laurie Smith* 3, Andrew Close. Girls: 1, Emma Hughes; 2. Clare Hutchinson; 3. Andrew Hodgson. 10-11 years, boys: 1, Ian Kioling: 2. Kevin Foster; 3. Paul Kirbv. Girls: 1, Emma Richardson: 2. Nicola Atkinson; 3. Katie Saver. 12-14, bovs: 1, Philip Raine: 2. Andrew Atkinson: 3. CbmVooher Tunstall. Girls: 1, Trina Atkinson: 2, Lesley Atkinson; 3, Blaine Donald and Teresa Buhner. Egg and spoon, 5 years boys: 1. Mark Williams; 2, Barry J. Richardson. Girls: 1. Sally Bous- field. 6 years, boys: 1, Gary Luck; 2. Karl Williams; 3, Andrew Hodg- son. Girls: 1, Helen Garton. 7 years, 'boys: 1, Andrew Dixon; 2, Brian Close. Girls: 1, Lisa Foster: 2, Deborah Richardson. Ball and bucket. 8 years, boys: 1, Andrew dose; 2, Darren Kirby. Girls: 1, Clare Hutchinson; 2, Andrea Atkinson. 9 years, boys: 1, Peter Raine; 2. Laurie Smith; 3, Anthony Donovan. Giris: 1. Emma Hughes; 2, Alison Hodgson; 3, Victoria Knights. 10 years, boys: 1, Kevin Foster; 2 Neal Alderson; 3. Jason Williams. Girls: 1. Emma Richardson; 2, Tracey Alderson: 3. Kim Gibson. 11 years, bovs: 1, Ian Kipling; 2, Martin Wake: 3 Steven Williams. Girls: 1. Nicola Atkinson; 2, Katie Sayer; 3. Sonia Laws. Three legged. 7-8 years boys: 1, Andrew Dixon and Andrew dose. Girls: 1, Lisa Foster and Deborah Richardson. 9 years, bovs: 1, Laurie Smith and Anthony Donovan. Girls: 1, Andrea Atkinson and Alison Hodgson; 2, Emma Hughes and dare Hutchinson. 10-11 years, boys: 1, Kevin Foster and Ian Kip- fling: 2, Steven Williams and Paul Kirby. Girls: 1, Emma/ Richardson and Nicola Atkinson': 2, Katie Sayer and Gillian Dowson; 3, Tracey Alderson and Kim Gibson. Senior, boys: 1, Andrew Atkinson and Paul Wake; 2, Martin Sayer and Simon Bousfield. Girls: 1, Lesley Atkinson and Trina Atkin- son: 2, Teresa Bulmer and Elaine Donald. Long jump. 9-11 vears. boys: 1, Neil Alderson; 2, Ian Kipling: 3, Laurie Smith. Girls: 1, Nicola Atkinson; 2, Emma Richardson: 3. Andrea Atkinson. Senior, boys: 1. Andrew Atkinson; 2 Steven Guy; 3. Trevor Guy. Girls: 1. Trina Atkinson; 2, Lesley Atkinson; 3, Elaine Donald. Girls, 100 yards: 1, Trina Atkin- son; 2, Carol Dobinson; 3. Blaine Donald. Boys fell race: 1, Peter Wilson; 2, Trevor Guy; 3, Andrew Atkin- son. Girls: 1, Blaine Donald; 2, Lesley Atkinson; 3, Nicola Atkin- son. Fancy dress.—5 years and under: 1, Cake, Sarah Lee Wall; 2, Butter- fly. Janet Luck; 3. Gnome. Zoe Smith. 6-8 years: 1, Ghandi, Andrew Close; 2, Hedgehog, Gary Luck; 3, Dusty Bin, Steven Wadi and Red Riding Hood, Helen Garton. 'Pairs: 1, Thief and policeman, James and Jeffrey Milner; 2, Norah Batty and Compo. Yvonne and Alison Mitchell. Groups, children: 1, St. Trinians (Andrew Atkinson, Steven and Jason Williams): 2, Mr Men (Edward and Timothy Bain- bridge and Paul Proud); 3, Alice in Wonderland (Trina. Nicola Atkinson and Lesley Atkinson). Adults: 1, Cinders (Dawn Butter- field, Kay Branlhwaite, Sharon McDougall and Denise Atkinson); 2, Last of Summer Wine (Pat Atkinson. Dot Atkinson Irene Bulmer, June McDougall and Christine Williams). Decorated article on wheels: 1 (joint): Vote for Cuddles, Paul. Martin and Robert Wake: and Aotion Man, Brian Close. Mrs June McDougall won the shapely ankles contest. Policeman and prisoner James and Geoffrey Milner. Last of Summer Wine, with Pat Atkinson , Dot Atkinson , Christine Williams, Irene Bulmer and June McDougall. Cinderella girls Dawn Butterfield, Sharon McDougall, Denise Atkinson and Kay Branthwaite. St. Trinian girls, alias Jason Williams, Stephen Williams and Andrew Atkinson.

3D* - Teesdale Mercury Archiveteesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1983/June-15/June-15-1983-03.pdf · ips and cadi prizes rRic SWEEP for soot to fall? less, give Bill Cook finished, it’ll

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Page 1: 3D* - Teesdale Mercury Archiveteesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1983/June-15/June-15-1983-03.pdf · ips and cadi prizes rRic SWEEP for soot to fall? less, give Bill Cook finished, it’ll

THE TEESDALE MERCURY 3iy, 15th June, 1%



S, E T Cper : Tractor

Post Driver

; or 31229

3D*5\gd morrow jho knows.

id trusted by the e.jhly accurate dose )undworms and ! as a low-volume acting or Drenching, her information and 5WS’ Competition.

tries PLC, Pharmaceuticals sshire SK104TE

EARING.—A. Towler, 50614.

ork Wonted

AND DRIVER for 11. Teesdale 38213.

DRIVER/Mechanic ^it/weekend work dur- ge time. Own trans- slf employed. V.AT. 1. — Phone Teesdale tween 5-30—6-30 p.m.



onla y , 25th June

at 2 p.m.: Crochet : Pottery ires : Woodwork IONSTRATIONS tting, Weaving and Printing, etc. ill take place please by 19th June Emission 25p ihouse Teas 50p



day, 16th June >-30 p.m. at

AM HALL FARM ips and cadi prizes

rR ic SWEEPfor soot to fall?

less, give Bill Cook

finished, it’ll be nice can;

n think he’d never


om Brough, Cumbrial<iy, 16th June ences 5-30 p.m.

375 prize money 7ive Silver Cups CYCLE EVENTS

AR GRASS TRACK RACING JND TRAILS ting cancelled Admission £1, Children 20p>ok makers, Hounds £6 Horses £6 and Catering rights

jeretary: M. Buckle Brough 394



vy, 18th June 1-30 p.m.

still available

Wednesday, 15th June, 1983.

Miss Sheila M argaret Deans, only daughter of M r and M rs A. W. Deans of Redgarth, Stanhope, was married at St. Thomas* Church, Stanhope, to M r Thomas Neil Tarn, elder son of M r and Mrs T. S. T am of Toft House, Eggles­ton.

The service was conducted by the Rev. Charles M. Lovell, and the bride was given away by her father. The organist was M rs Annie Turn- bull and church decorations were by M rs Beryl Turnbull.

The bride’s dress was taffeta with a white figured nylon overskirt, and tiered with lace. The nylon veil was also edged with lace and held in place by orange blossom. Her bouquet was pink roses, freesias and lily of the valley.

The bridesmaids Misses Joy and Kay Turnbull, cousins o f the bride, wore blue nylon dresses with lace bodices. They had bouquets of carnations and freesias. Another bridesmaid, Miss Laura Deans wore white figured nylon and carried a basket o f carnations and freesias.

Best m an was M r M artin (Bell, a friend o f the bridegroom. The groomsmen were M r Tim Tara, brother of the bridegroom, and M r Edward Rowell, a friend.

The bride travelled in a lime green knitted suit with white accessories. The couple will live at Toby Hill, Bgglesburn.

Picture: John Winter.

A fab afternoon with PHAB clubDales P.H.A.B. club was enter­

tained by M rs McRobbie and Mrs W hite from Bowes. Members always appreciate their visits.

The committee discussed with members arrangements for a gar­den party to be held at Balder Grange on Friday week by invita­tion of M r and Mrs T. Boothroyd. It was agreed' to open the party to everybody so all can go a t 2 p.m. and join in.

Cotharstome school children will dance on the lawn and there will be stalls, tombola and raffles. Tea will be included in the entry price of 50p. Any donations, cakes or items to sell will be appreciated.

If the weather as fine this is a lovely afternoon out. (For 50p anyone can see beautiful views of the Balder, woods and lovely Grange, and enjoy a beautiful tea.

Better cottageLord Barnard has been given

planning consent to alter, improve and extend Kitchen Garden Cottage, Selaby, Gainford. There will be a new cloakroom and hail.

Anne Tuns tall of SherwoodClose, Barnard Castle, had her car damaged by another vehicle which did not stop after she left it in the main car park in the town.

A car radio worth £15 and tools


A driver was cleared of blame by Teesdale magistrates on Wednesday for an accident in which Mrs Barbara Johanson of Whorlton Courtwas fatally injured.

M rs Johanson, 58, was nearing Westwick as she drove towards Barnard Castle when her car was wrecked in a crash tyiith (one travelling the other way. She died in hospital a few weeks later.

The other driver, John Hudson, 30, of South Shields, received two broken legs, a broken arm , a blow to the head, and numerous cuts and bruises. Both cars were written off.

Hudson, who is still recovering from the crash which happened last August, limped into court with two sticks. He pleaded not guilty to careless driving, and claimed M rs Johanson’s car was on the wrong side of the road as he came round a corner.

P.C. David Snow, who was first on the scene, told the court both drivers were trapped and had .to be cu t free. He accompanied Mrs Johanson to hospital and while there Hudson was wheeled in.

The officer added: “ He smelt very strongly of drink. H e was

smiling and did not appear to be in m uch pain. I asked him how much he had drunk and he told me he had four o r five pints.”'

P.C. William Huscroft said Hud­son’s car had left the road and hit a wall. M rs Johamson’s car had been knocked back along the road.

H e added that skid marks and scrapes on the road indicated Hud­son’s vehicle was on the wrong side of the road.

But M r Wilfred Coulson, an expert engineer whose work includ­ed assessing car damage fo r in ­surance companies, did not agree.

H e said debris indicated the crash was on Hudson’s side oS the road. He suggested .that the skid marks and scrapes were nothing to do with this accident, because the position of the cars and debris

j didn’t correspond with them.M r Paul Corfield, defending, sub­

mitted tha t in view o f the difference

of opinion the prosecution had failed to prove Hudson was on the wrong side of the road.

He said when Hudson was asked how m uch he had to drink he was seriously injured, in extreme pain and in no fit state to be asked such a question.

Hudson told the court he had only a pint o f lager and a pint of shandy. The accident was a blur in his memory, but he could recall rounding the bend on the correct side of the road before confronting M rs Johansen’s car.

The magistrates dismissed the case. But Hudson was fined £10 for failing to provide a specimen of breath. Doctors fold police he could be breathalysed but he refused.

H e was fined £5 for having a defective footbrake, £15 for having no driving licence, and £25 with £6-66 costs for having no excise licence. He admitted these offences.

More town sites wantedfor individual houses

A plea for more house building plots to be mode available in Barnard Castle was made to Teesdale Council on Wednesday when the future of the town oyer the next eight years was being discussed.

He pointed out that 13 sites were earmarked for housing but some people could not find a suitable one. One builder had no land available at all.

Only 16 houses had been buih in the last two years, but the blue­print showed that another 171 might be needed by 1991.

The scarcity of plots was putting up house prices, he claimed. One modest house was on the m arket at £42,000 whereas iit would cost only £25,000 in other places.

But M r Michael Pease, chief planning officer, said there were plenty of sites available. No builder had knocked on his door saying he was interested in them.

The sites had been identified, but that did not mean they would be available or that anyone wanted to build on them. Some builders might not want to pay the price or wanted other sites that created fewer problems.

On the 171 houses which might be needed, he pointed out that this was not a target but an estimate. If there were changes, such as industrial cutbacks, the need might

be far lower.Coun. Robin Rackham said there

could be scope for new homes in the conversion o f old industrial premises such as the mills in Thorn- gate. There was a lot of potential.

M r Pease replied that the sites earm arked were all on virgin land, but if applications were received for converting old buildings they could be favourably considered.

He added that the plots Coun. Stoker was talking about were odd ones, but a few houses here or there would m ake no real inroads into the overall total.

Squash can stayA squash count can stay in the

form er chapel a t Lartm gton Hall. Consent for it was confirmed by Teesdale Council on Wednesday, though Coun. John Hinehcliffe again asked for it to be refused.

Councillors accepted a written apology from M rs Claire Rackham following her outburst a t a pre­vious meeting a t which the squash court was discussed.

Treated by CliqueM embers o f Teesdale Society fo r

the M entally H andicapped and Bishop A uckland Gateway Club, were entertained by Sonic Sound Disco a t G laxo Sports and Social Club.

T he trea t was given by the Beaconsfield Clique and thanks were given to them , th e ir wives, Chris M oore (Sonic Sound) and the secre­tary o f G laxo Sports and Social Club for use o f the premises.

Everyone enjoyed it and it was greatly appreciated by all.

Following a tr ip to Y ork in May the next outing will be to W hitby on 9th July. Anyone interested can contact M r Howe, secretary, o r M rs Best, treasurer.

Dancing at fairCotherstone 60s Club’s spring

fair was successful and proceeds will enable the club to survive another year. A doll was won by Joyce M organ o f B arnard Castle who guessed the correct nam e, Polly.

Thanks went to Cotherstone School children and teachers for a fine display of dancing, always greatly enjoyed by all present. M rs R ichard Boothroyd opened the fair. She was thanked along with everyone who helped in any way —selling raffle tickets, printing notices, providing stalls, m anaging the tombola, teas, and raffles, and all who gave generously.

Bypass helps villagers by keeping road clear on their carnival day

There was plenty of room for a fancy dress procession to make its way through Bowes on Saturday when the first annual carnival was held since the opening of the bypass.

Rain stopped for the parade, which was led by M r Angus For­sythe playing his bagpipes.

There was a good attendance in the village hall for the crowning of the carnival queen, 10 years odd Emma Richardson, followed by sideshows, competitions and teas.

Emma was crowned by the retiring queen Miss Teresa Buhner. Train bearers were Alison Hodg­son and Anna Mi'lner. Ladies in waiting: Katie Sayer, Gillian Dow- son, Sonia Laws, Kim Gibson, Emma Hughes, Clare Hutchinson.

Flower scatiterers: Andrea Atkin­son and Lisa Foster. Page boys: Andrew Hodgson and Karl Williams. Crown bearer: Deborah Richardson. Herald: Ian Kipling.

Results of Friday’s sports, which were organised by Mrs P. Fraser and Mrs E. Blakemore were:

Flat races.— Toddlers, boys: 1, Jamie Deacon. Giris: 1,# KellyRichardson: 2, Zoe Smith; 3,Louise Dixon. 5 years, boys: 1, M ark Williams; 2, Barry Richard­son. Girls: 1, Sadly Bousfield. 6 years, boys: 1, Andrew Hodgson; 2, G ary Luck; 3, Karl Williams. Girls: 1, Helen G aft on. 7 years, boys: 1, Andrew Dixon: 2, Brian Close. Girls: 1, Lisa Foster; 2, Deborah Richardson.

8-9 years, boys: 1. Peter Rame; 2. Laurie Smith* 3, Andrew Close. Girls: 1, Emma Hughes; 2. Clare Hutchinson; 3. Andrew Hodgson. 10-11 years, boys: 1, Ian Kioling: 2. Kevin Foster; 3. Paul Kirbv. Girls: 1, Emma Richardson: 2. Nicola Atkinson; 3. Katie Saver. 12-14, bovs: 1, Philip Raine: 2. Andrew Atkinson: 3. CbmVooher Tunstall. Girls: 1, Trina Atkinson:

2, Lesley Atkinson; 3, Blaine Donald and Teresa Buhner.

Egg and spoon, 5 years boys: 1. M ark Williams; 2, Barry J. Richardson. Girls: 1. Sally Bous­field. 6 years, boys: 1, G ary Luck; 2. Karl Williams; 3, Andrew Hodg­son. Girls: 1, Helen Garton. 7 years, 'boys: 1, Andrew Dixon; 2, Brian Close. Girls: 1, Lisa Foster:2, Deborah Richardson.

Ball and bucket. 8 years, boys: 1, Andrew d o se ; 2, Darren Kirby. Girls: 1, Clare Hutchinson; 2,Andrea Atkinson. 9 years, boys: 1, Peter Raine; 2. Laurie Smith; 3, Anthony Donovan. Giris: 1. Emma Hughes; 2, Alison Hodgson; 3, Victoria Knights. 10 years, boys: 1, Kevin Foster; 2 Neal Alderson;3. Jason Williams. Girls: 1. Emma Richardson; 2, Tracey Alderson: 3. Kim Gibson. 11 years, bovs: 1, Ian Kipling; 2, Martin Wake: 3 Steven Williams. Girls: 1. Nicola Atkinson; 2, Katie Sayer; 3. Sonia Laws.

Three legged. 7-8 years boys: 1, Andrew Dixon and Andrew d o se . Girls: 1, Lisa Foster and Deborah Richardson. 9 years, bovs: 1, Laurie Smith and Anthony Donovan. Girls: 1, Andrea Atkinson andAlison Hodgson; 2, Emma Hughes and d a r e Hutchinson. 10-11 years, boys: 1, Kevin Foster and Ian Kip- fling: 2, Steven Williams and Paul Kirby. Girls: 1, Emma/ Richardson and Nicola Atkinson': 2, Katie Sayer and Gillian Dowson; 3, Tracey Alderson and Kim Gibson. Senior, boys: 1, Andrew Atkinson and Paul Wake; 2, M artin Sayer and Simon Bousfield. Girls: 1,Lesley Atkinson and Trina Atkin­son: 2, Teresa Bulmer and Elaine Donald.

Long jump. 9-11 vears. boys: 1, Neil Alderson; 2, Ian Kipling: 3, Laurie Smith. Girls: 1, NicolaAtkinson; 2, Em m a Richardson: 3. Andrea Atkinson. Senior, boys: 1. Andrew Atkinson; 2 Steven Guy; 3. Trevor Guy. Girls: 1. Trina Atkinson; 2, Lesley Atkinson; 3, Elaine Donald.

Girls, 100 yards: 1, Trina Atkin­son; 2, Carol Dobinson; 3. Blaine Donald.

Boys fell race: 1, Peter Wilson;

2, Trevor Guy; 3, Andrew Atkin­son. Girls: 1, Blaine Donald; 2, Lesley Atkinson; 3, Nicola Atkin­son.

Fancy dress.—5 years and under: 1, Cake, Sarah Lee Wall; 2, Butter­fly. Janet Luck; 3. Gnome. Zoe Smith. 6-8 years: 1, Ghandi, Andrew Close; 2, Hedgehog, G ary Luck;3, Dusty Bin, Steven Wadi and Red Riding Hood, Helen Garton.

'Pairs: 1, Thief and policeman, James and Jeffrey Milner; 2, Norah Batty and Compo. Yvonne and Alison Mitchell. Groups, children: 1, St. Trinians (Andrew Atkinson, Steven and Jason Williams): 2, M r Men (Edward and Timothy Bain- bridge and Paul Proud); 3, Alice

in W onderland (Trina. Nicola Atkinson and Lesley Atkinson). Adults: 1, Cinders (Dawn Butter­field, Kay Branlhwaite, Sharon McDougall and Denise Atkinson); 2, Last o f Summer Wine (Pat Atkinson. Dot Atkinson Irene Bulmer, June McDougall and Christine Williams). Decorated article on wheels: 1 (joint): Vote for Cuddles, Paul. M artin and Robert Wake: and Aotion Man, Brian Close.

M rs June McDougall won the shapely ankles contest.

Policeman and prisoner — James and Geoffrey Milner.

Last of Summer Wine, with Pat Atkinson, Dot Atkinson, Christine Williams, Irene Bulmer and June McDougall.

Cinderella girls — Dawn Butterfield, Sharon McDougall, Denise Atkinson and Kay Branthwaite.

St. Trinian girls, alias Jason Williams, Stephen Williams and Andrew Atkinson.