19,50. O R, Tel. 3804 te. - -Class two. moon AMSta. AND "FE ns, :+: re. best ot price. = 11- Z 7:B °tru est& ' "7" F.-. ed. Er.t• De AND AT ICES le Bowl *room Pny, S AND "ING. e Free. Row, N, AND, TLE, of 5 5 5 of Modern 5 MITH 5 rd Castle 5 5 tkm 5 d Flower RACING TIIIS able Show WEEK itfie Barnard Castle Camera Club The Barnard Castle and District Camera Club started the new winter session on August 31st with p visit from Henry G. Russell, A.A.P.S.. Editor of " Good Photogiaphy.'' and " The Little Man." A very instructive evening was lad aril at the close before going on to Dundee to jiidge the Scottish Interteit'of al Photographic competition, Dir Rus- sell •judged the club's hist mot/tibia cempetition. The subject cif the competition was po:nts taken on /dub outings. 311. was very much impresed by the standard of 'work. partteularly iising the beginners' section. ,Ht awaids were: Advanced eection-1. :Mrs Sham: 2, Mr Waugh; 3. Mr Best. Beginners' section-1, Mr R. Wright; 2. Mr Evans; 3. Mt. A: L. Seine. Slime his arrival back in London. Mr Russell has written, to Mrs Shinn asking permission. to reproduce her 1st award print, " Figure Head." and Mr Wright's let award in the November issue of " Good Photography." Last Tuesday evening a very enjoyable evening was had w,hen Mr H. , W. Milne, president of the Northafler- tun Camera Club, gave a ehoW of 35 man. transpareaces of eolour in Switzerland. A hearty invitation is extended to any amateur photo- grapher to join in these club meet- ings 'held every Thursday evening at 7-30 p.m. in the Y.M.C.A.. Spring Grove. All particulars from 1VLrs H. Simile 8, Huesernarket. Barnard Castle. Many local residents will remem- ber with pleasure the very fine rondo' ing of saored music and operatic arias' by the Tanfield Lea, Epworth Choir at the Hall Street C•ongregational Church in April this year. Sine° that visit they have further distinguis,hed themselves by gaining the Colin Veitcb TrophY at the North of England Musical Tournament for the third year in succession. Barnard Castle is te honoured by a return visit of the famous choir on the 30th September when they will again give a concert at the Hall Street Congregational Ch math. YOU GET AT MARTINS BANK LIMITED CARBOLIC FLUID Approved by the Nlinistry of Agriculture and Fisheries. We can also supply COOPER'S ApprovedFly Dip. GAMMEXANE and D.D.T. HARKER'S FLUID DIP. LITTLES FLUID. SHEEP MARK- ING FLUID. P.T.Z.: in Tablets and Powder. GREEN SALVE for Castration. Arsenic and Sulphur Paste. COOPER'S Sulphur & Arsenic Dip. Quick Acting Dip. nh. ER on. 151) te, tle. E CTED. vett ler E and ICEONb. er own use is yours eat,: B. B. k n. Barnard Ca,t1, ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION. At the monthly meeting held at the Black Beerse Hotel on Weenes- day last with .11ir Li. Hardy in the chair,. a date was fixed tor the vis.t to the Tees-side branch, Mid'dles- brougb. on the 3x-.1 October. the secretary requested that any mem- ber wishing to go, to contact 11.1111 4.1S early as possible. The place of the next monthly meeting was dis- cussed and it was decided Wheats meeting at the Ca:dieters Arms in October. Will the oununittee p.ease note that a, meeting wilt he held at the Cricketers Arms at 7 pm. on Thursday (to-morrow). At the con- clasion of business, aa social even- ing was enjoyed and ou'r thanks go out t: hoet and lcstess for tli excellent sandwiuhes provided ehicli were much appreceated. Following what is at least a temperate' settlement of the London printing dispute, " .N'arnier and Stockbreeder," the 107-year-old journal which. bhroughout its long tradition has never once failed to keep its readere fully iutorme I, resumed nermal publioatiou on Tuesday, Septembem 19th. 'Women's Institutes BOLDRON W.I. . Mrs Coates presided at the meet- ingun Tuesday and read the agenda for the York meeting. Mrs Cook is to go as delegate. Mrs Bradbury read a letter from the president of the Arkengalthdale W. I. and read her report on the annual meeting. Miss P. Gibson gave a demonstra- tion. on raffia work and wa.s thanked by Miss Potts. Mystery parcel given by Mrs Coates was woa by Miss Jeffels. Social half-hour was in charge of Miss Potts and Miss Bradbury. Prizes were won by Mrs Allison and Miss Mona Lewes. Hostesses were Mrs Robineon and Mrs Hutchinson. Eviry Sat. I Ciale dep. 12-32 therstone 12-4 an 11-54 5/3, I'. 11-50 5/6, 11-59 am 5/3; r (940 pm to Bar- li ,Iliro u 'rom the mations FUL-O-PEP dependable feeds made by QUAKER OATS LIMITED, WHITEHAVEN SLEEPLESSNESS • NERVINESS . IRRITABILITY . RHEUMATIC ACHES LASSITUDE . FEVERISHNESS . NEURALGIA . SUNGLARE HEADACHES HOT WEATHER DISCOMFORT . SUDDEN CHILLS AFTER EXERCISE SORE THROATS . TRAVEL WEARINESS ASFRO Made by ASPRO LIMITED Prices: 4d. 71d. FS Slough Bucks RONALD LITTLE, 62, NEWGATE, BARNARD CASTLE. FURNITURE REMOVALS. Deliveries to and from London, Midlands and Southera Counties by arrangement. LOADS FULLY INSURED IN TRANSIT Pull or Part Loada Wanted. 2.1. 200. BAMBRIDGE BROS., MONUMENTAL SCULPTORS, NORTHGATE, DARLINGTON. MEMORLALS IN STONE, MARBLE acid BELEM. Designs and Prices on Application. Local Agent : S. STEWART, 4, Council Houses, Startforth, Barnard Castle. Datanoe No Object. Estd. 1909. Tel. 3776. TREA/EF,)) ) fo r that ,p1,077Y#C tweatiache .Safe relief and real relief—the headache lifts —the pain disappears. It all happens so quickly after you have taken two 'ASPRO' tablets. The analgesic (pain-relieving) action of 'ASPRO' pre- pares the way for Nature to tackle the cause of the pain. That is why •ASPRO' is able to dispel such a vast variety of pain conditions. The effect of 'ASPRO' Is soothing and comforting—the pain goes. leaving you with a feeling of relief and well-being. All over the world 'ASPRO' answers humanity's need for pain-relief. 'ASPRO' does not harm the heart or stomach—it has no harmful after-effects whatever. P ROIGIVILAU 4 THE QUICK AC7/011 YOU NEED AICA/A57 WHORLTON W.I. The Soptembelr meeting was merabers' night. Mrs Wells pee- sided, when a crazy whist drive was held, Mrs Biawman was M.C. The prizewin,ners were Mesdames Camp. bell, Taylor, Bowe, and Gibson. Mrs Mrshall was the winner of the mystery prize, and Mrs N. Gibson end Nurse Fraser being 1st and 2nd in the sandwich cake competition. Will members please note: The Group Meeting to be held at Ovington on October 19th. Claiming Dates. '%"""IA-110.: "NAN T .• OWL"'WELL, WHAT HAVE WE HERE '.)rASKED WILLIE SURPRISED, AS THEY PLACED THEIR BUNDLE AT HIS FEETa."MY1,1:WAS ALL MR OWL COOL() SAY- /ADJUSTING HIS GLASSES IT TOOK me TWO STORKS HARDLY ANY TIME TO REACH THEIR GOAL- AND SOON THEY WERE PLEASED TO SEE WILLIE STANDING BY A TREE TALKING TO HIES FRIEND a t qi_ssp +plait AVINGS eft September, 1950. 4 THE TEESDALE MERCURY. FOOTBALL Upper Dale Notes Barnard Castle and District Darts League By "SPORTSMAN" Auckland Nursing Cup, 1st Roand MIDDLETON WANDERERS v SHILDON UNITED. Dusoite (.01111ter all I ilf•t11,11, there was a •tood attendance when all 'doe Unitedly:sited "Middleton to opene the Wanderers in the 1st renal of the Alicklan,d Nursing Cup. The Wandei ors 'had that g,and stalwalt, Joe Barker, at full back and Jackie Graham returned to the team after three weeks' absenee. Play was very even in the first twenty minutes with both teams playing good football. End-to-enl play ensuel, the respective goal- heepers making sone, good saves. l'he home team opened the:r account when Sanders converted a mutat, by Wilson. The Shildoil forward; were giving the home defence plenty to do, Bolton brought off limey gee' saves. The Wander- ers went further wheal when Hunt beat the goalkeeper for possessien and shot into the empty goal. A tit it lty clearauce by the home defence enabled the Shildon centa, foils-ant to score with a good shot. Half-time; Middleton Wanderers 2. ghildon 1. In the second half Middleti n began to get the upper hand of tlier opponents. Htint scored from a penalty for hands, and after 'further attacks the Wanderers were awarded a corner which 'wag well placed for Sanders to head a graal goal. Paddy Hunt put the home team further ahead to register a hat-trick, his second in, consecutive games. Keep it up Paddy! Result: Middleton Wattclerers 5, Shilion United 1. Next week Westgate United vi'sit Middleton to play the Wanclere•s in the Durham Challenge Cup, 2nd round. Kick° off at 3-15 p.m. Sets' la k011 :deems, 'Stanford). flu. !nee season opened on Sat- :glee. bulldogs. was throwing, iirday. september 16th, with Bar- - i rday. .. The bitele N !siting Cockfield COunty (runners- cured first prize, up). At half-time Coc•kfield were "itiperh - Secured and straight away in , d two thirds. tehe second half made it 3-1. Bar; Property Sale. Rowan Lea, situated at Cassel _Bank, Midlletotain-Teesdale. we s sold by auction on Tuesday alai realised 21,075. The propetty, a four-roomed setnialetaehed !house w:th bathroom inside W.C., had vaeant possession. JameS Pratt an I Sons, were the auctioncer4 and Messrs Barker, Dingle and Laseson, Sunderland, the solicitors Funeral Of Mrs Lee. The interment of Ala, Mary A. Lee. of Bank. House. Holwick. whose death was reported last week. took place on Monday at Laithkirk churchyard. Mrs Lee was 81 years of age. A service was conducted. prior 'to inteanent, by the Rev. H. (l. Proctor, vicar Of Forest-in- Tee !ale. a great friend of the deceased. The chief mourners were: Mr J. Lee. son; Mr ainl Mrs Rank, Walker, daughter and son-in-lama 'Miss Marjorie and Miss Barbara Walker, grandchildren; Mr C. W. Ra ince brother; s Bainbridge (Bowlees), Mr and Mrs R. Lowe (Holwick), Mrs Hodgson Mrs Watson, Mrs Coates (Wensleydale), Mrs Plelts, Mrs Henson (Newcastle) nieces; 1SIr J. Lee (Manchester), 'Mr J. J.Shiell (Darlington), Mr A. affileld (Woodland). 111r C. Shield (Frosterley) Mr A. Lee (Holwiek). nephews. The bearers were Mr .1. .f. Beeehin. Mr A. Hall. Mr C. Bainbridge and Mr F. nollinson. British Legoin. The September monthly meeting of the women's section of the Middleton-in-Teesdale Britsh Legiou was held on Tuesday evening in the Wesley Parlour. Mrs R. Dawson presided. A letter of apology was reeeived from Miss Inman who was to have addressed the meeting but was linable to be present. Miss M. Redfearn was appointed delegate to a group meeting at Staindrore on October 2nd. Mrs Dawson reported that the .annual subscriptions had been paid to the various homes and organisations supported by the section. A bring and buy and harvest stall was arranged for the October meeting. Following the business an interesting talk on "The Women, of India" was gieen by Mes S. F. Wilson. Several musical items were given by the Wesley Girls Club Choir conducted by Mrs Baum and accompanied be: Mrs J. C. Beadle. Mrs V. Itaine won the competition for toffee. Mrs Baum and Mrs Beadle acting as judges. The surprise box was won by Mrs Frank Walton. Supped. hostesses were Mrs Raine, Mrs Walton and Mis Jones. • Wedding at Laithkirk. The wedding took place on Thurs- day at Laithkirk C,hureh of Miss Alice Dent, the only elald of Mr and Mrs William Dent, heron Lodge, Mickleton, and Mr Arthur Portmien Hind, the youngest son of Mrs Hind and the late Mr J. Hind, of Lenten, Middleton-in-Tees- dale. Tthe eedvice was conducted by the Rev. K. F. Lord, vicar of Laithkirk, and Mrs T. Shearwood was organist. The bride was given away by her father. She was ahadmingly attired in a deese ot white figured silk ,with full length veil falling from a, coronet of orange blossom. Her bouquet was com- Posed of white carnations atid white heather. The bridesmaids were Miss Rita Marr, Copley, a friend of the bride, and Miss Wendy Collinson, Middleton-in-Teesdale, uiece af the bridegroom. Miss Marr wore a dreas of ice blue taffeta 'with matching head-dress, and Miss Collinson was attired in a dress of w,hite taffeta with bead-dress of similar material. Their bouquets were of pink and white flowers. Mr Frank Atkinson, of Hutton Rulby, acted as best man g. 1.: teem. popularity ot the we knien's Club and flower and vege- ,a I eat in the club 3 est inlay, e as tellected 'umber of tattle. us years and the tandard of eahibits s eta tly admired by the , jet ons. Mr J. Arm- lla y •Castle garidens, ass lie judge and made , awards: Round lel 3, W111. Ni hol- , Ayes: 1, 2 and 3, Round beettoat: 2. .J. (J. •Wake; 3, Long beetroot: 1. 2, H. Dobinson. 1, R. A. Wilkiii- Ilk. ; 3, E. Patey. Red ,I 2.' H. Williamson. S. Dowson. Caule nib; 2, Jos. Clark; sr at Icy. Shallots: 1 and ; 3, G. lidunmoed. ,,ita 2, A. Dobinseit. I. A. Williamsou; 2. A. Ten ps: 1, Jos. Clark; :t T. Byeis. Winning- \ Williamson; 2, H. quet of flowers: 1, a E. Wall; 3, A. e astene 1, M. E. I tey. Single asters: t, billet!). Carnations: Gent's buttonhole: 2 and 3, G. Ham- omens, any variety Jug; 2, S. Dowson; rysauthemums, dis- t Arntstrong;' 2, A. eanthemums, in- 1rnistrong. Carrots: '• • Mr A. W. Telmer secretarial duties a collection of voluu- ts in aid of the aged ,I. which should benfit a result, of the WEDNESDAY. Haydock Park. PACHADEMIS a though coil.- pletely outclassed bs- French St. beget' stalwarts, ran sufficiently wee to be remembered. He is to take on the old Jai "Mahal for the Cerr Mill Stakes, and think le will take this useful prize to Ma- con. BLACK PAMPAS has choice of engagements this week. hut present intentions are that lie tackles Denizen in the West Lanca- shire .Handicap. The distance here will suit him to a nicety. and I fancy he will nut the littie extra in the heal furlong to hod Houghton's charge. Of the moder- ate lot under orders for the Rieley Selling Handicap. I have most re- eard for PUFF OF WIND, aliost. turn is everdlic. The Richmond animal ty just accomit for Laily l'appageno, THURSDAY. Haydock Park. At ten years CREGG- MORE BOY is by no means a spt•ilt foriv. and I like his prospects in the Old Boston Apprentice Handi- cap. Runaway wi iiii er a similar tsp.. of race at Ripon re/Jetta'''. he has only to do as well in this corn- pally to again eatelt the judge's eyt•. and I take him to score from Dowinipsi. Joint' top-weight in the Wood Pit Selling Plate. WET SAIL will appreciate this easy tive fur- longs. and provided he can peg back Young Sol. lie should be returned the whiner. After a long absence from the raeceourse, AUNT AGNES showed her paces at the Doncaster St. Leger meeting. and although sht-faiied to reach the first three. she ran a very promising effori. That rave will have done her good, and I take her to land the Wigan Sprint Plate from Blue Book. FRIDAY. Neisointle. The medium of an unsuccessful gentile at the York Summer fixture. VATELLUS cost connections a deal of money. and the youngster is tolerably certain to recover losses in _the immediate future. He has his opportunity in the Hazelrigg Nursery Handicap. when he meets Prim and Proper at a difference of three pounds. One of the pair should do the trick. my preference being for Vatellus. Victor in the eorrespcmding event in 1949. YEL- LOW IDOL will make the best go in the Leazes Handicap. From a sta,ble in form. he looks the pick of the entries. and I hope t,o see him score from the improving Cadet Roussel. Winner of her last two races. LYONORA is right on her toes, and I put the Collingwood Plate within her province. There are possibilities about Crispette. and it is this one I fear in standing the first-named. SATURDAY. Newcastle. Harry Peacock fieids a strong team in the Astley Plate and cam choose between Hit-the-Pace and Old Joke. Each has the right credentials, and the selected animal will go very close. For the winner however I turn to BRUNETTO, who put up a good show behind Royal Serenade at Doncaster. There was merit in that performance. sufficient indeed to justify his choice in this company. The Middleham nurtured Picks Barn is coming to his best, and might easily spring a surprise in the Stewards Stakes. While respecting his claims I slightly prefer C.P.O. who seored in Convincing style at the last Beverley ineetime. The mg has come right for him. and his task on this ocaision is no more difficult. That consistent animal UNICORN is under orders for the T6111(1011 Amateur Handicap, in which event he will be piloted by owner rider Mr F. Usher. The combination is dire for a break, and reasonably certain to be concerned in the finish. Life Story le not withoet a thence, and there are ttood reports of French Squadron. I put my trust in Unicorn. GIVES AMPLER PROTECTION; 'AND WILL DESTROY PARASITES ANDe LEAVE THE FLEECE AND SKIN .11N GOODeCONDITION. CARBOLICIIFLUID may also be used on the FARM. For stables, piggeries and kennels, imangers, floors and walls; should be sprinlded with a mixture of two table:spoonsfuls;:of fluid:to one gallon!of water. Ample stocks alailable and prompt attention given to enquiries. Please state requirvnents. othgWhites jaylers Cinch and Horses (2), W,0 and Sets. Mess, 1st Borders (5), The resuit oi Lilts gain(' Was 3 - 2 in !atom- ot the i..:.rigealii, - Mess, .1, weil-deserved victory. A in. Muir- dead, for the Coach and Horse., had difficuay in getting off, other,- wise he would have won his leg. lu the next leg the Coach and horses had Vely hard luck, finishing the leg first, leaving Sgt. P. Mitchell two arrows to get 8x., ,who took verY careful aim and gamed it in one. T. McVey again pl•iyed. a great gatue to beat his opponent on a double. The next leg looked a cer- -Wray for the Coach and Horses, but T. Boyd (capt.) had double trouble alai test on 4x. T. 'aline took the next leg in. tim, **Ie. 111.1K- ittg the game 3-2 in favour of the visitors. The pext two legs were won by the Sergeante' Mess. mak- ing the scare 5-2 in their fevour. Certainly double nimble let the Condi down. ()1i the whole' it was ;1 good game and played iu a friend- ly spirit. . D.L.I. Ass. (3), Red Lion (4). Tie. first leg of this aline between a. W. Wilkinson ;eel A. J. Watson resulted in a draw. Iii the replay Watsen played remarkably well and got game till IS. (... Lodge and F. Charles had a terrific duel. both players wanting 5x, only for Charles to pip Lodge on the post. Ernie Dolan heat .I. Brown. both on to Is. to register the first wie for the Durham:4. R. H. Davidsmt. was beaten by C. Shannell, Ralph only wanted 2x. E. Horseman •was back on form and beat R. Nichol- son. who wanted over two ton. The next lee, was a fight between R• lodge (laiirltains) v. W. Lodge (Lion a Olvd Bob was iv worthy . GAUNLESS VALLEY SCHOOLS winner to make it 3-all. The decal ing leg of this match was between LEAGUE. F. W. Lowe and P. Bousfield. Peter , won game points 'by very steady Cleveland Arms (4), Shoulder of 1:ii:d. Castle Modern (chatupione) t the Northallerton Mutton (3). This was a very sporting game. The 'Shoulder put up e very good I 'ding 2°1- show but were beaten by a more consistent team. C. Cooke was , ard Castle then took over and beaten ay T. Wilson; A. S. Bleab- lifter scoring a second goal were ing was beaten by F. Ashcroft; T. :I twarded a penalty from which Lee 11 3rellw asvaittvoaisi bbeeaate t n J.bywT ..wSimisitlill;; ( .1!: se("*Pd- Result:- Cockfield County. 3; Barnard Castle Moderin.. 3. Lee W. Atkinson beat T. Mirley ; j. s ._eored all -Barnard Cast e s goals. AV. Wade beat E. P. Hall; J. C. Derry beat J. Graxleigh. A. S. Ashcroft had the highest score of HUNWICK v. MIDDLETON 127. After this the Cleveland CELTIC. ladies' team beat 'Shoulder of Mut- The home side won the toss, ton. A very enjoyable evening was spent by all. Thanks to the host wind. The game opened in good gaining advantege of the slope and and hostess. style. ,both teams displaying grand Stainton (3), The Bridge (4). Stainton had only four players touches of football, with Hunwick having slightly more the run of for the match 'but did very well in play. , They opened 'the scoring e.:etting three wins. T. Cooper had within ten minutes. Hughes having haod luck against G.. Bolam, who 'beaten Grieve to the ball gave scored 140. Belem finished this Smurthwaite no chance to 'save. game in 58 and never gave Cooper Play swung t,o the other end, where a chance. H. Embleton, E. Erable- Morton reverted to the left wing ton a.nd C. B. Close beat T. Boys- position. had a hard shot saved by .field, R. C. Plesning and R. Jones Nicholson. Hunesick continued respectively. J. Wally, B. McDon- their pressing and went further ald and A. Evans had byes. EverY- ahead through Hughes, who netted body had a good evening. thanks his second. A further lead by the to Mrs Village. home side was thwanted when Fox and Hounds 5, White Swan 2. K. Dawson set the Fox away bY award. - Further good defensive Snuirthwaite saved from a penalty beating C. Leaske. T. Schofield play followed in the visiting goal- went down to W. Hall. who scored mouth, where Wilkinson headed 140. A. Thom beat R. jones, and from the goal-line only to see Her- J. Shepard 'beat G, Hall. W. bert score from his clearmackt to Robinson. in terrific fortn. beat gain a good first half lead. i y ees. , . Green ' at H. On the resumption rain was fal- Roberts. and Ernie Cockfield beat and the ushers were Mr J. Hind, ling incessantly. ,However, this did brother of the bridegroom, and Mr Pedro Hall. These Cotherstoite not dampen the spirits Of the M. Collinson, brother-in-lave of the boys are beginning to find their visitors, who pressed hard, deter- bride. After a daception at Middleton feet, and a very enjoyable game mined to reduce their deficit. Eales House Hotel, bride and bridegrootn concluded a good„ evening. reduced the lead for Celtic shortly left for London for their honeymoon. Cricketers' Arms (3), Royal Naval after the interval, a deserving goal. . ae bride's travelling ensemble Ass. (4). Foilowing hard attempts by Mor- consisted of an oyster pink dress This was a very good game. The ton on the wing, Estes further re with blue coat and hat and navY issue was in doubt until the last duced the lead by shooting in good accessories. Both bride and &ides dart was throvin. J. A. Dear lost style. Hunwick were the next to groom are well-known in the to F. Chatt; T. Bragger beat Jackie reply. and agaia through Hughes, district, being members of popular Lodge; Morris Clarke lost to 14'• a very capable centre-forward who ;arming families. The bridegroom is B. Whinup; Jim Graham beat W. shot in his third, giving Smur- e11111111111110111111111111111111111111111 LEYBURN AUCTION MART, Fri. a student at the Royal Agricutural. games to date ; keep it uP, Jim I) ; They went further ahead within McGarr (Jim has won all his league thwaite no opportunity to save. 1-7,- College, Cirencester. Ernie Bailey beat Jackie Clarke; five minutes, again through 'MTH & COa E-- Finn trade for dairy cattle. New- and R. McKee heat S. Tombe. The Hughes; who netted his fourth, Pelle 100. -es ly-calven cows and heifers: Attested highlight of this game was the having taken advantage of a defen- E. ---M. Bell, 276; Lord Bolton, 266; STAINTON C.E. SCHOOL _ Mill Foundry, E Sir Guy Ropner, 245; F. W. Place. IMPROVEMENT. . and R. Bowman. Both down to swain and- Morton' reduced -the score match between C. Robinson (capt.) sive lapse by Grieve. Cieltie pressed rd CastIg. -- .. -- 239; Al Ha.nunond, 226 10s. Non- doubles only for Ronnie to win an with a grand goal. Egglestone, 9 Attested--F. Maidman, 267; W. A whist drive in aid of the S Iveson, 266, 244 and 243; C. Lan- Streatlam and Staintou C.E. School _ 'exciting finish. These Navy boys plaaing his first game of the season a Irentoename. Ps caster, 260; R.. Preston. 260; J. improvement fund was held on Fri- season. game at back. with Wilkinson as are putting up a better show this for Celtic. played a commendable Merchants. N Woodward. 256 and 246; T. Kirk- K- bride, £55; W. Lanvson, 254 10s.; W. II. Turnbull, was atc., and Ex-Service Club 1, Golden Lion IL partner. Miss Purvis presented the prizes: The Liens were in a worrying Result: Hunwiek, 5; Middleton day- night. The head master, 311 ''' and Plumbers' -5 J. J. Sunter, 254; G. Beresford, the winners being: Ladies, Miss mood for this fixture. and only Eric Celtic. 3. al, Tiled Fireplaces. elding. fi E50: J. T. Hammond, 253 and 243; Purvis and Miss Kellagher; gents, Osborne saved a big brush for the a R. Hogg, 250 10s.; G. Calvert, 250 'i; -. gent); consolation prizes, Mrs Bailey (capt.); F. J. Smith beat A. Longstaff and Mrs Elliott ; competi- Walker; .j. Ackroyd beat F. Greg- Mr Kellagher and Mrs Bolt (as Club. R. P. Snowball heat W. S 10s.; G. W. Fawcett, 249 and 243; 3 G. Wilkinson, 249; J. Gargett, ory; J. Rodgers boat Stan. Carter• Richmond Catholic Club had a 3 C49; T. H. Kendall. 248; T. Wilk- _ tions, Mrs Harrison and Mrs very elsy victory in their home fix- sa- - inson, 247; C. Sayer, 246 10s.; H. Bailey. Mr Turnbull thanked the L. Kelly ' beat W. Waine; and R. tare with West Witton on Saturday ''4,AIIIIIIA Kirkbride, 240; R. Wilkmson. £36; donors" of prizes and Mr H. Hodg- Little beat J.. W. Waters; E. Os- when they won by 9 goals to l. ;MASTERS, T. Hammel. 240; H. Webster,.234 1.0s.; H. Raw. 230; J. Atkinson, son for his voluntary aasistance. borne beat D. Davidson wanting . lx..E. Osborne had ai 120, F. Greg- tal Sculptor 230; P. Webster. 229. ory a 124. J. Rodgers had three 'neral Mason. lambs to 65s. 6d. H.B. lambs from -728.; Scotch The weekly domino tournament at the Cockfield Workmen's Club tons in suceession. , ad Black Swan 3, Unicorn, Bowes, 4. and Institute, conducted by Messrs DURHAM LIGHT INFANTRY ASSOCIATION. (Formerly G Clarkson Harker) Horticultural and Dispensing Chemists 24, HORSE MARKET, BARNARD CASTLE Telephoae 16 BRANCHES THROUGHOUT GREAT BRITAIN AIL C RSIONS Nothing much doing this week. Final arrangements were made for trip to Roker lights also for whist dxive and dance on Friday filet, and the re-union at Brancepebh Sunday next. Bus to leave Drill Hall at 9-30 a.m.. Be there prompt. Thstak,s tads for turning out ou Sunday. I know t/he weather was terrible, stilt we. were ,nicely 'represented and tihe cause richly deserved a better, but as we saw climatic conditions evere terrilie• Don't forget meeting to-night at 8 p.m. Important. ULLSWATER otor and Boat Eve Sunday 1 /3 d Ca tle dep. 11-3am e.aW 10-54am Ts will travel by Pen ith, by motor ridge, thence (ilenridding, !es pm. vall 'DATION IS LI 11TED. old friend coines,6 140RECAMBE Ci- tations) , 27th Sept. 1 , ,.. 1-5pm; also '-'' ielaw 12-54 put - .. '7 !.5 pm. IIIDDLESGROUGH available A full range of the famous Ful-O-Pep Poultry and Pig Feeds can now be supplied from mu. yin at Whitehaven. The proved advantages of the Ful-O-Pep Feeding Plan, which increases stock health and productivity— saves up to 12°,, on feed costs—is now available to Durham Farmers. Don't Wait! See your merchant today about In Durham again is delivered compensate ou've had to D is first In pen rmanc e • obtigatIonst ed. Why not ss It—eet ter disapeoint. Wensleydale League. to any ordei. ‘I• HEATING. MIT I-1 INEER. ASTLE. (Unicorn) and H. Fuller (Black Swan) „each had a score of 140. A grand match which should have been won by the Swan after win- ning the first three games. Joe Close, the I7nicorn captain, pulled his side together by winning the fourth game, and his other players followed suit. Both the brothers Dale were off form, and Joe Tarn failed to talk them in for once. A very good evening from a sporting team from Bowes, and may the re- turn match next Friday be as good --AND Roan, MECHANICS' WHIST. • A. W. Tanner and T. Byres, W. Hind was beaten ley P. Ever- attracted a goad muster of corn- itt; F. Atkinson iwas beaten by H. petitore and produced several inter- Heaviside• R. Metcalfe was beaten esting games amongst the locally by H. Fuller; F. Scrafton beat tl• ienowned experts. Mr Roy Buttle Tarn; J. Walker beat G. Dale; J. and Mr Wm. Clarke, jun,, were Close beat F. E. Filley; and H. the eventual prizewinners. Preston beat T. Dale. H. Preston BARNARD CASTLE. kx Caltle 319. , STONE YEKOZIATA t.' SPECIALITY. APplication. wort tesdertaken. ° prnniot attention 'Hie and "Flump'' The winners at the military flag whist on Wednesday night in the Mechanics' Institute were: Mrs Grange, Mrs Parrett, Miss Drury, Mr Penner, Mrs Atkins, Miss Hayes. VICE ! by H. MacI6 o 20th Nov• Limit 0,00 ts, Postal "r eposits and Social Churches, coulees. "Dru'et League Table. P. W. L. Golden Lion ... 3 3 0 Cleeeland Arms 3 3 0 Unicorn, Bowes 3 3 0 Coaeh & Horses 3 2 1 Red Lion ... 3 2 1 R.N. Ass. ... 3 2 1 Cricketers' Arms 2 1 1 W/0 & Sgts M. 2 1 1 Black Swan ••• 3 1 2 D.L.I. Ass. . 3 1 2 Bridge Hotel 3 1 2 White Swan ••• 3 1 2 Ex-Ser Club 3 1 2 Fox & Hounds 3 1 2 Sh. ad Mutton 3 0 3 Stainton ... 3 0 Continued Next Weak. F. A. P. 18 3 6 17 4 6 13 8 6 14 7 4 11 10 4 11 10 4 7 7 2 8 6 2 10 11 2 10 11 2 9 12 2 9 12 2 8 13 2 7 14 2 7 14 4 17 1st BOWES BROWNIE NEWS. 3 0 floP iraetrs.Allinson has been awan:ded 0 the prize for the collection of wild

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R, Tel. 3804

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AND "FE ns, :+:

re. best ot price. =

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°truest& '"7"


ed. Er.t•




le Bowl




"ING. e Free.





of 5 5 5 of Modern

5 MITH 5 rd Castle 5

5 tkm 5

d Flower RACING TIIIS able Show WEEK

itfie ■

Barnard Castle Camera Club

The Barnard Castle and District Camera Club started the new winter session on August 31st with p visit from Henry G. Russell, A.A.P.S.. Editor of " Good Photogiaphy.'' and " The Little Man." A very instructive evening was lad aril at the close before going on to Dundee to jiidge the Scottish Interteit'of al Photographic competition, Dir Rus-sell •judged the club's hist mot/tibia cempetition. The subject cif the competition was po:nts taken on /dub outings. 311. was very much impresed by the standard of 'work. partteularly

iising the beginners' section. ,Ht awaids were: Advanced eection-1. :Mrs Sham: 2, Mr Waugh; 3. Mr Best. Beginners' section-1, Mr R. Wright; 2. Mr Evans; 3. Mt. A: L. Seine. Slime his arrival back in London. Mr Russell has written, to Mrs Shinn asking permission. to reproduce her 1st award print, " Figure Head." and Mr Wright's let award in the November issue of " Good Photography." Last Tuesday evening a very enjoyable evening was had w,hen Mr H. , W. Milne, president of the Northafler-tun Camera Club, gave a ehoW of 35 man. transpareaces of eolour in Switzerland. A hearty invitation is extended to any amateur photo-grapher to join in these club meet-ings 'held every Thursday evening at 7-30 p.m. in the Y.M.C.A.. Spring Grove. All particulars from 1VLrs H. Simile 8, Huesernarket. Barnard Castle.

Many local residents will remem-ber with pleasure the very fine rondo' ing of saored music and operatic arias' by the Tanfield Lea, Epworth Choir at the Hall Street C•ongregational Church in April this year. Sine° that visit they have further distinguis,hed themselves by gaining the Colin Veitcb TrophY at the North of England Musical Tournament for the third year in succession. Barnard Castle is te honoured by a return visit of the famous choir on the 30th September when they will again give a concert at the Hall Street Congregational Ch math.




CARBOLIC FLUID Approved by the Nlinistry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

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on. 151)




vett ler

E and


•er own use is yours eat,: B. B. k ■ n. Barnard Ca,t1,


At the monthly meeting held at the Black Beerse Hotel on Weenes-day last with .11ir Li. Hardy in the chair,. a date was fixed tor the vis.t to the Tees-side branch, Mid'dles-brougb. on the 3x-.1 October. the secretary requested that any mem-ber wishing to go, to contact 11.1111

4.1S early as possible. The place of the next monthly meeting was dis-cussed and it was decided Wheats meeting at the Ca:dieters Arms in October. Will the oununittee p.ease note that a, meeting wilt he held at the Cricketers Arms at 7 pm. on Thursday (to-morrow). At the con-clasion of business, aa social even-ing was enjoyed and ou'r thanks go out t: hoet and lcstess for tli excellent sandwiuhes provided ehicli were much appreceated.

Following what is at least a temperate' settlement of the London printing dispute, " .N'arnier and Stockbreeder," the 107-year-old journal which. bhroughout its long tradition has never once failed to keep its readere fully iutorme I, resumed nermal publioatiou on Tuesday, Septembem 19th.

'Women's Institutes BOLDRON W.I.

. Mrs Coates presided at the meet-ingun Tuesday and read the agenda for the York meeting. Mrs Cook is to go as delegate. Mrs Bradbury read a letter from the president of the Arkengalthdale W. I. and read her report on the annual meeting. Miss P. Gibson gave a demonstra-tion. on raffia work and wa.s thanked by Miss Potts. Mystery parcel given by Mrs Coates was woa by Miss Jeffels. Social half-hour was in charge of Miss Potts and Miss Bradbury. Prizes were won by Mrs Allison and Miss Mona Lewes. Hostesses were Mrs Robineon and Mrs Hutchinson.

Eviry Sat. I Ciale dep. 12-32

therstone 12-4 an 11-54 5/3, I'. 11-50 5/6, 11-59 am 5/3; r (940 pm to Bar- li

,Iliro u

'rom the mations




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The Soptembelr meeting was merabers' night. Mrs Wells pee-sided, when a crazy whist drive was held, Mrs Biawman was M.C. The prizewin,ners were Mesdames Camp. bell, Taylor, Bowe, and Gibson. Mrs Mrshall was the winner of the mystery prize, and Mrs N. Gibson end Nurse Fraser being 1st and 2nd in the sandwich cake competition. Will members please note: The Group Meeting to be held at Ovington on October 19th. Claiming Dates.







t qi_ssp

+plait AVINGS


September, 1950.



FOOTBALL Upper Dale Notes Barnard Castle and District Darts


Auckland Nursing Cup, 1st Roand


Dusoite (.01111ter all I ilf•t11,11, there was a •tood attendance when all 'doe Unitedly:sited "Middleton to opene the Wanderers in the 1st renal of the Alicklan,d Nursing Cup.

The Wandei ors 'had that g,and stalwalt, Joe Barker, at full back and Jackie Graham returned to the team after three weeks' absenee.

Play was very even in the first twenty minutes with both teams playing good football. End-to-enl play ensuel, the respective goal-

•heepers making sone, good saves. l'he home team opened the:r

account when Sanders converted a mutat, by Wilson. The Shildoil forward; were giving the home defence plenty to do, Bolton brought off limey gee' saves. The Wander-ers went further wheal when Hunt beat the goalkeeper for possessien and shot into the empty goal. A tit it lty clearauce by the home defence enabled the Shildon centa, foils-ant to score with a good shot. Half-time; Middleton Wanderers 2. ghildon 1.

In the second half Middleti n began to get the upper hand of tlier opponents. Htint scored from a penalty for hands, and after 'further attacks the Wanderers were awarded a corner which 'wag well placed for Sanders to head a graal goal. Paddy Hunt put the home team further ahead to register a hat-trick, his second in, consecutive games. Keep it up Paddy!

Result: Middleton Wattclerers 5, Shilion United 1.

Next week Westgate United vi'sit Middleton to play the Wanclere•s in the Durham Challenge Cup, 2nd round. Kick° off at 3-15 p.m.

Sets' lak011

:deems, 'Stanford). flu. !nee season opened on Sat-

:glee. bulldogs. was throwing, iirday. september 16th, with Bar-

- i rday. .. The bitele N !siting Cockfield COunty (runners-

cured first prize, up). At half-time Coc•kfield were

"itiperh - Secured and straight away in

, d two thirds. tehe second half made it 3-1. Bar;

Property Sale. Rowan Lea, situated at Cassel

_Bank, Midlletotain-Teesdale. we s sold by auction on Tuesday alai realised 21,075. The propetty, a four-roomed setnialetaehed !house w:th bathroom inside W.C., had vaeant possession. JameS Pratt an I Sons, were the auctioncer4 and Messrs Barker, Dingle and Laseson, Sunderland, the solicitors

Funeral Of Mrs Lee. The interment of Ala, Mary A.

Lee. of Bank. House. Holwick. whose death was reported last week. took place on Monday at Laithkirk churchyard. Mrs Lee was 81 years of age. A service was conducted. prior 'to inteanent, by the Rev. H. (l. Proctor, vicar Of Forest-in- Tee !ale. a great friend of the deceased. The chief mourners were: Mr J. Lee. son; Mr ainl Mrs Rank, Walker, daughter and son-in-lama 'Miss Marjorie and Miss Barbara Walker, grandchildren; Mr C. W. Ra ince brother; s Bainbridge (Bowlees), Mr and Mrs R. Lowe (Holwick), Mrs Hodgson Mrs Watson, Mrs Coates (Wensleydale), Mrs Plelts, Mrs Henson (Newcastle) nieces; 1SIr J. Lee (Manchester), 'Mr J. J.Shiell (Darlington), Mr A. affileld (Woodland). 111r C. Shield (Frosterley) Mr A. Lee (Holwiek). nephews. The bearers were Mr .1. .f. Beeehin. Mr A. Hall. Mr C. Bainbridge and Mr F. nollinson.

British Legoin. The September monthly meeting

of the women's section of the Middleton-in-Teesdale Britsh Legiou was held on Tuesday evening in the Wesley Parlour. Mrs R. Dawson presided. A letter of apology was reeeived from Miss Inman who was to have addressed the meeting but was linable to be present. Miss M. Redfearn was appointed delegate to a group meeting at Staindrore on October 2nd. Mrs Dawson reported that the .annual subscriptions had been paid to the various homes and organisations supported by the section. A bring and buy and harvest stall was arranged for the October meeting. Following the business an interesting talk on "The Women, of India" was gieen by Mes S. F. Wilson. Several musical items were given by the Wesley Girls Club Choir conducted by Mrs Baum and accompanied be: Mrs J. C. Beadle. Mrs V. Itaine won the competition for toffee. Mrs Baum and Mrs Beadle acting as judges. The surprise box was won by Mrs Frank Walton. Supped. hostesses were Mrs Raine, Mrs Walton and Mis Jones. •

Wedding at Laithkirk. The wedding took place on Thurs-

day at Laithkirk C,hureh of Miss Alice Dent, the only elald of Mr and Mrs William Dent, heron Lodge, Mickleton, and Mr Arthur Portmien Hind, the youngest son of Mrs Hind and the late Mr J. Hind, of Lenten, Middleton-in-Tees-dale. Tthe eedvice was conducted by the Rev. K. F. Lord, vicar of Laithkirk, and Mrs T. Shearwood was organist. The bride was given away by her father. She was ahadmingly attired in a deese ot white figured silk ,with full length veil falling from a, coronet of orange blossom. Her bouquet was com-Posed of white carnations atid white heather. The bridesmaids were Miss Rita Marr, Copley, a friend of the bride, and Miss Wendy Collinson, Middleton-in-Teesdale, uiece af the bridegroom. Miss Marr wore a dreas of ice blue taffeta 'with matching head-dress, and Miss Collinson was attired in a dress of w,hite taffeta with bead-dress of similar material. Their bouquets were of pink and white flowers. Mr Frank Atkinson, of Hutton Rulby, acted as best man

g. 1.:

teem. popularity ot the we knien's Club and

flower and vege-,a I eat in the club 3 est inlay, e as tellected

'umber of tattle. us years and the

tandard of eahibits s eta tly admired by the , jet ons. Mr J. Arm-

lla y •Castle garidens, ass lie judge and made , awards: Round

lel 3, W111. Ni ■ hol-

, Ayes: 1, 2 and 3, Round beettoat:

2. .J. (J. •Wake; 3, Long beetroot: 1. 2, H. Dobinson. 1, R. A. Wilkiii-

Ilk. ; 3, E. Patey. Red •,I 2.' H. Williamson.

S. Dowson. Caule nib; 2, Jos. Clark;

sr at Icy. Shallots: 1 and ; 3, G. lidunmoed.

,,ita 2, A. Dobinseit. I. A. Williamsou; 2. A. Ten ps: 1, Jos. Clark;

:t T. Byeis. Winning-\ Williamson; 2, H.

quet of flowers: 1, a E. Wall; 3, A. e astene 1, M. E.

I tey. Single asters: t, billet!). Carnations:

Gent's buttonhole: 2 and 3, G. Ham- omens, any variety Jug; 2, S. Dowson; rysauthemums, dis-

t Arntstrong;' 2, A. eanthemums, in-1rnistrong. Carrots:

'• • Mr A. W. Telmer secretarial duties

a collection of voluu-ts in aid of the aged

,I. which should benfit a result, of the

WEDNESDAY. Haydock Park.

PACHADEMIS a though coil.- pletely outclassed bs- French St. beget' stalwarts, ran sufficiently wee to be remembered. He is to take on the old Jai "Mahal for the Cerr Mill Stakes, and think le will take this useful prize to Ma-con. BLACK PAMPAS has choice of engagements this week. hut present intentions are that lie tackles Denizen in the West Lanca-shire .Handicap. The distance here will suit him to a nicety. and I fancy he will nut the littie extra in the heal furlong to hod Houghton's charge. Of the moder-ate lot under orders for the Rieley Selling Handicap. I have most re-eard for PUFF OF WIND, aliost. turn is everdlic. The Richmond animal ty just accomit for Laily l'appageno,

THURSDAY. Haydock Park. At ten years CREGG-

MORE BOY is by no means a spt•ilt foriv. and I like his prospects in the Old Boston Apprentice Handi-cap. Runaway wi iiii er a similar tsp.. of race at Ripon re/Jetta'''. he has only to do as well in this corn-pally to again eatelt the judge's eyt•. and I take him to score from Dowinipsi. Joint' top-weight in the Wood Pit Selling Plate. WET SAIL will appreciate this easy tive fur-longs. and provided he can peg back Young Sol. lie should be returned the whiner. After a long absence from the raeceourse, AUNT AGNES showed her paces at the Doncaster St. Leger meeting. and although sht-faiied to reach the first three. she ran a very promising effori. That rave will have done her good, and I take her to land the Wigan Sprint Plate from Blue Book. FRIDAY. Neisointle.

The medium of an unsuccessful gentile at the York Summer fixture. VATELLUS cost connections a deal of money. and the youngster is tolerably certain to recover losses in _the immediate future. He has his opportunity in the Hazelrigg Nursery Handicap. when he meets Prim and Proper at a difference of three pounds. One of the pair should do the trick. my preference being for Vatellus. Victor in the eorrespcmding event in 1949. YEL-LOW IDOL will make the best go in the Leazes Handicap. From a sta,ble in form. he looks the pick of the entries. and I hope t,o see him score from the improving Cadet Roussel. Winner of her last two races. LYONORA is right on her toes, and I put the Collingwood Plate within her province. There are possibilities about Crispette. and it is this one I fear in standing the first-named. SATURDAY. Newcastle.

Harry Peacock fieids a strong team in the Astley Plate and cam choose between Hit-the-Pace and Old Joke. Each has the right credentials, and the selected animal will go very close. For the winner however I turn to BRUNETTO, who put up a good show behind Royal Serenade at Doncaster. There was merit in that performance. sufficient indeed to justify his choice in this company. The Middleham nurtured Picks Barn is coming to his best, and might easily spring a surprise in the Stewards Stakes. While respecting his claims I slightly prefer C.P.O. who seored in Convincing style at the last Beverley ineetime. The mg has come right for him. and his task on this ocaision is no more difficult. That consistent animal UNICORN is under orders for the T6111(1011 Amateur Handicap, in which event he will be piloted by owner rider Mr F. Usher. The combination is dire for a break, and reasonably certain to be concerned in the finish. Life Story le not withoet a thence, and there are ttood reports of French Squadron. I put my trust in Unicorn.


CARBOLICIIFLUID may also be used on the FARM. For stables, piggeries and kennels,

imangers, floors and walls; should be sprinlded with a mixture of two table:spoonsfuls;:of fluid:to one gallon!of water.

Ample stocks alailable and prompt

attention given to enquiries. Please state requirvnents.

othgWhites jaylers

Cinch and Horses (2), W,0 and Sets. Mess, 1st Borders (5),

The resuit oi Lilts gain(' Was 3 -2 in !atom- ot the i..:.rigealii, - Mess, .1, weil-deserved victory. A in. Muir-dead, for the Coach and Horse., had difficuay in getting off, other,- wise he would have won his leg. lu the next leg the Coach and horses had Vely hard luck, finishing the leg first, leaving Sgt. P. Mitchell two arrows to get 8x., ,who took verY careful aim and gamed it in one. T. McVey again pl•iyed. a great gatue to beat his opponent on a double. The next leg looked a cer--Wray for the Coach and Horses, but T. Boyd (capt.) had double trouble alai test on 4x. T. 'aline took the next leg in. tim, **Ie. 111.1K-

ittg the game 3-2 in favour of the visitors. The pext two legs were won by the Sergeante' Mess. mak-ing the scare 5-2 in their fevour. Certainly double nimble let the Condi down. ()1i the whole' it was ;1 good game and played iu a friend-ly spirit. . D.L.I. Ass. (3), Red Lion (4).

Tie. first leg of this aline between a. W. Wilkinson ;eel A. J. Watson resulted in a draw. Iii the replay Watsen played remarkably well and got game till IS. (... Lodge and F. Charles had a terrific duel. both players wanting 5x, only for Charles to pip Lodge on the post. Ernie Dolan heat .I. Brown. both on to Is. to register the first wie for the Durham:4. R. H. Davidsmt. was beaten by C. Shannell, Ralph only wanted 2x. E. Horseman •was back on form and beat R. Nichol-son. who wanted over two ton. The next lee, was a fight between R• lodge (laiirltains) v. W. Lodge (Lion a Olvd Bob was iv worthy

. GAUNLESS VALLEY SCHOOLS winner to make it 3-all. The decal

ing leg of this match was between LEAGUE.

F. W. Lowe and P. Bousfield. Peter , —

won game points 'by very steady

Cleveland Arms (4), Shoulder of 1:ii:d. Castle Modern (chatupione) t the Northallerton

Mutton (3). This was a very sporting game.

The 'Shoulder put up e very good I 'ding 2°1- show but were beaten by a more consistent team. C. Cooke was , ard Castle then took over and beaten ay T. Wilson; A. S. Bleab- lifter scoring a second goal were

ing was beaten by F. Ashcroft; T. :Itwarded a penalty from which Lee

113rellwasvaittvoaisi bbeeaatet n J.bywT..wSimisitlill;; (.1!: se("*Pd- Result:- Cockfield County. 3; Barnard Castle Moderin.. 3. Lee

W. Atkinson beat T. Mirley ; j. s._eored all -Barnard Cast e s goals.

AV. Wade beat E. P. Hall; J. C. Derry beat J. Graxleigh. A. S. Ashcroft had the highest score of


127. After this the Cleveland CELTIC.

ladies' team beat 'Shoulder of Mut- The home side won the toss, ton. A very enjoyable evening was spent by all. Thanks to the host wind. The game opened in good

gaining advantege of the slope and

and hostess. style. ,both teams displaying grand Stainton (3), The Bridge (4). Stainton had only four players touches of football, with Hunwick

having slightly more the run of for the match 'but did very well in play. , They opened 'the scoring e.:etting three wins. T. Cooper had within ten minutes. Hughes having haod luck against G.. Bolam, who 'beaten Grieve to the ball gave

scored 140. Belem finished this Smurthwaite no chance to 'save. game in 58 and never gave Cooper Play swung t,o the other end, where a chance. H. Embleton, E. Erable- Morton reverted to the left wing ton a.nd C. B. Close beat T. Boys- position. had a hard shot saved by

.field, R. C. Plesning and R. Jones Nicholson. Hunesick continued respectively. J. Wally, B. McDon- their pressing and went further ald and A. Evans had byes. EverY- ahead through Hughes, who netted body had a good evening. thanks his second. A further lead by the to Mrs Village. home side was thwanted when Fox and Hounds 5, White Swan 2.

K. Dawson set the Fox away bY award. - Further good defensive Snuirthwaite saved from a penalty

beating C. Leaske. T. Schofield play followed in the visiting goal-went down to W. Hall. who scored mouth, where Wilkinson headed 140. A. Thom beat R. jones, and from the goal-line only to see Her-J. Shepard 'beat G, Hall. W. bert score from his clearmackt to Robinson. in terrific fortn. beat gain a good first half lead.

i y ees. , . Green ' at H. On the resumption rain was fal- Roberts. and Ernie Cockfield beat and the ushers were Mr J. Hind, ling incessantly. ,However, this did

brother of the bridegroom, and Mr Pedro Hall. These Cotherstoite not dampen the spirits Of the M. Collinson, brother-in-lave of the boys are beginning to find their visitors, who pressed hard, deter-bride. After a daception at Middleton feet, and a very enjoyable game mined to reduce their deficit. Eales House Hotel, bride and bridegrootn concluded a good„ evening. reduced the lead for Celtic shortly left for London for their honeymoon. Cricketers' Arms (3), Royal Naval after the interval, a deserving goal. . • ae bride's travelling ensemble Ass. (4). Foilowing hard attempts by Mor- consisted of an oyster pink dress This was a very good game. The ton on the wing, Estes further re with blue coat and hat and navY issue was in doubt until the last duced the lead by shooting in good accessories. Both bride and &ides dart was throvin. J. A. Dear lost style. Hunwick were the next to groom are well-known in the to F. Chatt; T. Bragger beat Jackie reply. and agaia through Hughes, district, being members of popular Lodge; Morris Clarke lost to 14'• a very capable centre-forward who ;arming families. The bridegroom is B. Whinup; Jim Graham beat W. shot in his third, giving Smur-

e11111111111110111111111111111111111111111 LEYBURN AUCTION MART, Fri. a student at the Royal Agricutural.

games to date ; keep it uP, Jim I) ; They went further ahead within McGarr (Jim has won all his league thwaite no opportunity to save.

1-7,- — College, Cirencester. Ernie Bailey beat Jackie Clarke; five minutes, again through 'MTH & COa E-- Finn trade for dairy cattle. New- and R. McKee heat S. Tombe. The Hughes; who netted his fourth,

Pelle 100. -es ly-calven cows and heifers: Attested

highlight of this game was the having taken advantage of a defen- E. ---M. Bell, 276; Lord Bolton, 266; STAINTON C.E. SCHOOL _

Mill Foundry, E Sir Guy Ropner, 245; F. W. Place. IMPROVEMENT. .

and R. Bowman. Both down to swain and- Morton' reduced -the score match between C. Robinson (capt.) sive lapse by Grieve. Cieltie pressed

rd CastIg. --..-- 239; Al Ha.nunond, 226 10s. Non-

doubles only for Ronnie to win an with a grand goal. Egglestone, 9 Attested--F. Maidman, 267; W. A whist drive in aid of the —

S Iveson, 266, 244 and 243; C. Lan- Streatlam and Staintou C.E. School _ 'exciting finish. These Navy boys plaaing his first game of the season

a Irentoename. Ps caster, 260; R.. Preston. 260; J. improvement fund was held on Fri- season. game at back. with Wilkinson as are putting up a better show this for Celtic. played a commendable


N Woodward. 256 and 246; T. Kirk- K- bride, £55; W. Lanvson, 254 10s.; W. II. Turnbull, was atc., and Ex-Service Club 1, Golden Lion IL partner.

Miss Purvis presented the prizes: The Liens were in a worrying Result: Hunwiek, 5; Middleton

day- night. The head master, 311 ''' and Plumbers'

-5 J. J. Sunter, 254; G. Beresford, the winners being: Ladies, Miss mood for this fixture. and only Eric Celtic. 3. al, Tiled Fireplaces.

elding. fi E50: J. T. Hammond, 253 and 243;

Purvis and Miss Kellagher; gents, Osborne saved a big brush for the a R. Hogg, 250 10s.; G. Calvert, 250 'i;


gent); consolation prizes, Mrs Bailey (capt.); F. J. Smith beat A. Longstaff and Mrs Elliott ; competi- Walker; .j. Ackroyd beat F. Greg-

Mr Kellagher and Mrs Bolt (as Club. R. P. Snowball heat W. S 10s.; G. W. Fawcett, 249 and 243; 3 G. Wilkinson, 249; J. Gargett,

ory; J. Rodgers boat Stan. Carter• Richmond Catholic Club had a 3 C49; T. H. Kendall. 248; T. Wilk-

_ tions, Mrs Harrison and Mrs very elsy victory in their home fix- sa-- inson, 247; C. Sayer, 246 10s.; H.

• • Bailey. Mr Turnbull thanked the L. Kelly ' beat W. Waine; and R. tare with West Witton on Saturday ''4,AIIIIII■

A Kirkbride, 240; R. Wilkmson. £36; donors" of prizes and Mr H. Hodg- Little beat J.. W. Waters; E. Os- when they won by 9 goals to l.


T. Hammel. 240; H. Webster,.234 1.0s.; H. Raw. 230; J. Atkinson, son for his voluntary aasistance. borne beat D. Davidson wanting

. lx..E. Osborne had ai 120, F. Greg- tal Sculptor

230; P. Webster. 229. ory a 124. J. Rodgers had three

'neral Mason. lambs to 65s. 6d. H.B. lambs from -728.; Scotch The weekly domino tournament

at the Cockfield Workmen's Club tons in suceession. , ad

Black Swan 3, Unicorn, Bowes, 4. and Institute, conducted by Messrs


(Formerly G Clarkson Harker)

Horticultural and Dispensing Chemists 24, HORSE MARKET,




C RSIONS Nothing much doing this week. Final arrangements were made for trip to Roker lights also for whist dxive and dance on Friday filet, and the re-union at Brancepebh Sunday next. Bus to leave Drill Hall at 9-30 a.m.. Be there prompt. Thstak,s tads for turning out ou Sunday. I know t/he weather was terrible, stilt we. were ,nicely 'represented and tihe cause richly deserved a better, but as we saw climatic conditions evere terrilie• Don't forget meeting to-night at 8 p.m. Important.


otor and Boat Eve Sunday

1 /3 d Ca tle dep. 11-3am e.aW 10-54am Ts will travel by

Pen ith, by motor ridge, thence

(ilenridding, !es pm.


old friend coines,6

140RECAMBE Ci- tations)

, 27th Sept.

1 , ,.. 1-5pm; also '-'' ielaw 12-54 put

- .. '7 !.5 pm.



A full range of the famous Ful-O-Pep Poultry and Pig Feeds can now be supplied from mu. yin at Whitehaven. The proved advantages of the Ful-O-Pep Feeding Plan, which increases stock health and productivity—saves up to 12°,, on feed costs—is now available to Durham Farmers.

Don't Wait! See your merchant today about

In Durham •

again • •

✓ is delivered compensate

ou've had to D is first In pen rmanc e • obtigatIonst

ed. Why not ss It—eet ter


Wensleydale League.

to any ordei. ‘I• HEATING.


(Unicorn) and H. Fuller (Black Swan) „each had a score of 140. A grand match which should have been won by the Swan after win-ning the first three games. Joe Close, the I7nicorn captain, pulled his side together by winning the fourth game, and his other players followed suit. Both the brothers Dale were off form, and Joe Tarn failed to talk them in for once. A very good evening from a sporting team from Bowes, and may the re-turn match next Friday be as good

--AND Roan, MECHANICS' WHIST. • A. W. Tanner and T. Byres, W. Hind was beaten ley P. Ever- attracted a goad muster of corn- itt; F. Atkinson iwas beaten by H. petitore and produced several inter- Heaviside• R. Metcalfe was beaten esting games amongst the locally by H. Fuller; F. Scrafton beat tl• ienowned experts. Mr Roy Buttle Tarn; J. Walker beat G. Dale; J. and Mr Wm. Clarke, jun,, were Close beat F. E. Filley; and H. the eventual prizewinners. Preston beat T. Dale. H. Preston

BARNARD CASTLE. kx Caltle 319.



wort tesdertaken. ° prnniot attention

'Hie and "Flump''

The winners at the military flag whist on Wednesday night in the Mechanics' Institute were: Mrs Grange, Mrs Parrett, Miss Drury, Mr Penner, Mrs Atkins, Miss Hayes.

VICE ! by H. MacI6

o 20th Nov•

Limit 0,00

ts, Postal "r eposits

and Social Churches,

coulees. "Dru'et

League Table.

P. W. L. Golden Lion ... 3 3 0 Cleeeland Arms 3 3 0 Unicorn, Bowes 3 3 0 Coaeh & Horses 3 2 1 Red Lion ... 3 2 1 R.N. Ass. ... 3 2 1 Cricketers' Arms 2 1 1 W/0 & Sgts M. 2 1 1 Black Swan ••• 3 1 2 D.L.I. Ass. . 3 1 2 Bridge Hotel 3 1 2 White Swan ••• 3 1 2 Ex-Ser Club 3 1 2 Fox & Hounds 3 1 2 Sh. ad Mutton 3 0 3 Stainton ... 3 0 Continued Next Weak.

F. A. P. 18 3 6 17 4 6 13 8 6 14 7 4 11 10 4 11 10 4 7 7 2 8 6 2

10 11 2 10 11 2 9 12 2 9 12 2 8 13 2 7 14 2 7 14 4 17



0 floPiraetrs.Allinson has been awan:ded 0 the prize for the collection of wild