THE JUNIOR STATEMENT The Official Newsletter of the Junior State of America (JSA) JSA Be the People April 2012 Volume 1, Issue 5 As Spring State nears The Statement Rolls on By: Iman Baghai First off, thank you for reading The Junior Statement. The Statement will help bridge the gap between JSAers all over the nation. This will be the ninth edition of The Statement and the fifth full edition. This month’s issue will consist of the usual diverse topics discussed in The Statement from JSA news to foreign policy to Obamacare and even foolish advice. I urge you to check out the articles and discuss them with your peers. It is through these discussions that we can become more educated citizens. Again if ANYONE is interested in writing for The Statement on pretty much anything then please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] Also, if you have any feedback we'd love to hear from y'all. Page 2 Obamacare Page 3 North Korea and Nukes Page 4 Issaquah Minicon Page 5-6 Iran and Israel Page 6-7 Syria Page 7-9 Foolish Advice

The Junior Statement - April

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Page 1: The Junior Statement - April

THE JUNIOR STATEMENT The Official Newsletter of the Junior State of America (JSA)

JSA Be the People

April 2012 Volume 1, Issue 5

As Spring State nears The Statement Rolls on By: Iman Baghai

First off, thank you for reading The Junior Statement. The Statement will help bridge the gap between JSAers all over the nation. This will be the ninth edition of The Statement and the fifth full edition. This month’s issue will consist of the usual diverse topics discussed in The Statement from JSA news to foreign policy to Obamacare and even foolish advice. I urge you to check out the articles and discuss them with your peers. It is through these discussions that we can become more educated citizens. Again if ANYONE is interested in writing for The Statement on pretty much anything then please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] Also, if you have any feedback we'd love to hear from y'all.

Page 2 Obamacare Page 3 North Korea and Nukes Page 4 Issaquah Minicon Page 5-6 Iran and Israel Page 6-7 Syria Page 7-9 Foolish Advice

Page 2: The Junior Statement - April

THE JUNIOR STATEMENT The Official Newsletter of the Junior State of America (JSA)

JSA Be the People

Constitutionality of Obamacare

By: Karthik Palaniappan PNW 2012

The Affordable Care Act or “Obamacare” was

passed by President Obama back in 2010 and many consider

it his landmark domestic achievement. It aims to lower

healthcare costs for everybody and close holes. These holes

include insurance companies denying coverage because of

preexisting conditions or imposing lifetime limits on the

amount of healthcare one can buy. This healthcare law

would prevent insurance companies from doing this, which

most agree is constitutional. There are other minor

provisions. The main constitutional debate, the centerpiece

of the whole law, is the “individual mandate.” The law

requires that all individuals buy health insurance or pay a

penalty—a tax of the same amount as a basic healthcare

plan. Only Native Americans and undocumented aliens are

exempt. This mandate, the framers of the law argue, is

necessary to keep costs down for everyone. The law expands

Medicaid to cover more low-income families, and forces

states to create health care “exchanges” for people to choose

from insurance plans and also prevents insurance companies

from discriminating against women or people with

preexisting conditions. Obviously, without the mandate,

premiums would skyrocket and companies would go

bankrupt. To provide healthcare for unhealthy people, the

law adds healthy people to the market as a counterbalance.

The question is: does Congress have the power to mandate

everyone buy healthcare?

Many believe Congress does not have this power.

Even a liberal interpretation of the Constitution would not

allow Congress to force Americans to buy health insurance.

In Wickard v. Filburn the Supreme Court said Congress

could regulate home-grown wheat that was only for the

farmer’s personal use—not interstate commerce. In that case,

overproduction of wheat was affecting interstate commerce,

so the Court stretched the Constitution. Many conservatives

would not even go that far, but Obamacare is even worse.

Even if this brings down costs (which is debatable), it is a

huge usurpation of power by the federal government. The

states can regulate healthcare just the same, and states like

Massachusetts and Hawaii have already done so. However,

if the federal government suddenly has the power to force

someone into commerce who would not otherwise enter

commerce, our liberties are at stake. The founders intended

with the Bill of Rights that the federal government could not

trespass on our individual liberties—our freedoms. If this is

constitutional, it sets a precedent that Congress has virtually

unlimited power in commerce—that is not what the founders

intended, and that is not what the American people want. In

fact, an ABC/Washington Post poll found that 67% of

Americans either oppose the law completely or want to

repeal the individual mandate. Only 25% strongly support

the law.

Others believe that the mandate is constitutional.

This law does fit with past Supreme Court precedents. The

wheat grower case set the precedent that Congress can deal

with anything that affects interstate commerce. Healthcare is

very unlike other industries—you will never know

definitively when you will need healthcare and when you

will not—so it’s not a free market. As a society we have

decided that people who end up in the ER and do not have

healthcare should receive care. This obligation affects

interstate commerce because federal tax dollars are used to

pay for that care (so taxpayers in Washington have to pay for

healthcare for a sick person in Oregon). Under the current

system, this is very inefficient. 5% of patients incur 50% of

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THE JUNIOR STATEMENT The Official Newsletter of the Junior State of America (JSA)

JSA Be the People

the healthcare costs according to a CNN documentary on

healthcare. The easiest way to save money is to insure that

everyone, including the 5%, have access to preventative care

so that some or most will not need the expensive treatments

that cost so much money. Hence, this law prevents insurance

companies from imposing lifetime caps or denying coverage

for people with preexisting conditions. It can also be

considered constitutional by the taxing and spending powers

of Congress. McCulloh v. Maryland set that Congress had

implied powers, including broad taxing and spending

powers. The “mandate” is not really a mandate since nobody

really needs to buy healthcare—they just pay a penalty if

they don’t. The so called “penalty” can be considered a “tax”

since it is collected in the IRS code. Finally, it can be

deemed constitutional through the “necessary and proper”

clause of the constitution. Preventing insurance companies

from denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions

is constitutional, but both sides agree that it will not work

without the individual mandate. So, the mandate is

“necessary and proper” to carry out this act of Congress.

The implications of this law being overturned would

be profound. Millions of Americans who would have health

insurance may lose it. This is a really important issue

especially for youth. The law guarantees that anyone can

stay on their parent’s health insurance plan until they are 26.

If this is overturned, we would have to start back at square

one, back to the partisan fights, to attempt to fix the broken

healthcare system.

But what do I think? I think the ACA is

constitutional. The Founding Fathers stretched the

Constitution quite a bit to fit their needs, just as we have

done throughout our history (i.e. New Deal). With the

economy in shambles, I think the federal government should

have more power to act.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the court upheld the

ACA—both Justice Roberts and Justice Kennedy seemed to

shift in favor of the mandate toward the end of oral

arguments (though both were skeptical at the beginning). It

will be interesting to see play out.

The one thing I’m worried about is silly partisanship

over this one issue. President Obama recently said it would

be “unprecedented” for the Supreme Court to nullify a valid

act of Congress. First, Marbury v. Madison set the precedent

of judicial review. Secondly, Obama used to be a

constitutional law professor. If the Supreme Court overturns

the ACA, I think he will run against the Court—just more

partisan charges of “judicial activism”. Later, a conservative

judge asked the justice department to write a letter

explaining their understanding of judicial review. When

judges respond to politicians, there seems to be a partisan

problem even within the (supposedly impartial) judiciary.

Similarly, if the Court upholds the ACA, I’m sure the

Republicans will criticize the Court as liberal, activist, and

their usual rhetoric—it’s negative and unhelpful. The

American people really want Washington to do something,

not just blame others.

I think the Court should delay its decision until next

term to protect itself. Both sides will criticize unfavorable

decisions, and a 5-4 majority will only make the Court look

partisan—that’s a bad reputation for the Court, and we don’t

want to repeat Bush v. Gore. It should stay out of this

political debate for now.

A Short History of North Korea’s Nuclear Policy By Jack Noland

Shrouded in a curtain of state control, North Korea is

one of the most restrictive nations on the planet. In many

ways, North Korea is still an enigma to the average America.

Heavily guarded from outside eyes, and governed by an

autocratic political structure, North Korea is difficult to

understand. Couple this with the fact that North Korea is

one of the final bastions of Communism, and the unfortunate

sentiment that Cold War memories engender, and United

States foreign policy with North Korea is strained, to say the


The already challenging issue is made more

troublesome when nuclear weapons are added to the

equation. During the Cold War, one of the United States’

primary prerogatives was to prevent nuclear proliferation in

Communist nations. Though the war is over, America still

seeks to reduce the global influence of nuclear weapons.

Because North Korea decided to vacate the worldwide

Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty in 1993 and pursue an

atomic weapons development program, it is worthwhile to

analyze North Korea’s nuclear policy.

After leaving the treaty, North Korea decided to

close its nuclear program to international eyes by refusing to

accept weapons inspectors. In 1998, following five years of

buildup and plutonium manufacturing, North Korea

launched a missile into the atmosphere, under the guise of it

being a satellite. However, it is highly speculated that this

was the nation’s first attempt at an intercontinental ballistic

missile, or ICBM, often used for carrying nuclear warheads.

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THE JUNIOR STATEMENT The Official Newsletter of the Junior State of America (JSA)

JSA Be the People

Then, in 2003, North Korea began to shoot missiles into the

Sea of Japan, angering many Japanese officials who believed

themselves to be at risk. By 2006, North Korea had removed

much of the disingenuous façade of their program by

formally announcing that American military intervention in

Korea would be met with nuclear bombing. To prove its

capability, on October 9th of the same year, North Korea

tested its first nuclear weapon.

After three years of nuclear development the nation

tested its first warhead underground on May 25th, 2009. In

its most aggressive and militant announcement to date, North

Korea vowed to strike against South Korea if the North’s

cargo ships were delayed or searched by anyone. Over the

course of 2009, the government ordered the testing of

nineteen separate missiles of varying ranges. In December

2011, the Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-il,

died, leaving the reins to his son, Kim Jong-un.

In a radical departure from the militancy of his

father’s rule, Kim Jong-un agreed to halt North Korea’s

nuclear program in exchange for American food aid in

February of this year. After just under one month, the nation

reinstated the program, with Kim Jong-un preparing a long-

range missile for launch in the summer. The United States is

in the midst of negotiations, and has recently condemned

further nuclear development. At this apparent setback,

North Korea has drawn its curtain of secrecy tighter, and the

true nature of its nuclear program may never fully be known.

International Hosts the PNW's Second Minicon

By: Iman Baghai

On March 17, 2012 International High School

hosted the PNW's second Minicon. International's

conference attracted students from various chapters to

engage in debates revolving around the election. The event's

theme was







around the



that ranged



that Romney will win the nomination on the account of his

physical appearance” to “Resolved, that Paul will be

nominated because of his unrivaled foreign policy


The debates provided the delegates with good

humor, discussion, and debate. International also hosted a

candidates forum for JSAers who are running for the elected

offices of Greater Puget Sound Region Vice Mayor, Greater

Puget Sound Region Mayor, PNW Lt. Governor, and PNW

Governor. Some of the questions asked regarded what

experience they have to be qualified for their position and

others included how they would describe themselves in one


The keynote debate at the end of the day regarded

who would win on Election Day, November 6: President

Barack Obama, or the best Republican nominee, determined

by the debates from the day, Mitt Romney. After an intense

debate, the delegates overwhelmingly believed President

Barack Obama should keep his job by a vote of 23-2.

After a successful day of debate it is clear that

majority of these JSAers leaned towards Barack Obama and

are excited and engaged for the upcoming election.

The JSAers that were awarded best speaker awards

during their debates are as follows: Iman Baghai (2),

Issaquah High School; Vikram Kumor, Issaquah High

School; Will Badart, International High School; and

Brandon Lecoq, International High School.

Upon reflection, International student, Will Badart,

who did majority of the planning for the minicon believed

that "the mincon was excellent. The turnout was great,

people were really involved in their debates, and the

candidate's forum was really productive."

As the second mini-convention in the PNW wraps

up, the future awaits how many more there will be.

Texas Spring State

By Christy Luspo

Members of the Texas Junior State came together in

Houston, Texas to attend Spring State 2012: “The American

Identity: From the Founder to the Future.” The three day

convention was held from Friday, March 23 to Sunday,

March 25. During this time, the members of the Texas Junior

State expanded their knowledge of American politics and

were given the opportunity to share their opinions as

involved speakers. Held at the J.W. Marriott Hotel across

from the Houston Galleria, Spring State 2012 proved to be a

weekend full of engaging debates, thought talks, and

entertainment. Jackie Parker from St. Agnes Academy

shares, “Spring State this year was fantastic. I had the

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THE JUNIOR STATEMENT The Official Newsletter of the Junior State of America (JSA)

JSA Be the People

opportunity to share my own political opinions in debates

and it was exciting to be a part of the election process. I

can’t wait for next year!” Students were able to familiarize themselves with

the political process and fostered discourse on important

issues and current events during the convention. Engaging as

community leaders, members of the Texas Junior State were

invited to participate in debates, thought talks, a Quizbowl,

and evening activities during the three day convention where

they made new friends and reconnected with old ones.

Evening activities included a neon themed dance, a ‘Night in

New Orleans’ themed dance, poker, and board games. Texas

JSAers owned the political process and got their voices

heard. From debates ranging from a three-headed schizo to a

thought-talk about victimless crimes, the weekend was full

of creative and inventive debaters.

Spring State is always one of the most important

conventions of the year because of the elections that take

place for leadership positions, both on the regional and

statewide level. Students had the opportunity to run,

campaign, and elect their officers for the next year. It was

both exciting and stressful for the candidates to be a part of

the election process, and the anxiety culminated among those

running for office until the very last hours of the convention.

On Saturday night, the Regional officers were elected for the

GCR, ACR, and PMR, while on Sunday morning, the

officers for the State positions were elected. The election

results for state office are as follows:

Governor: Griffin Rubin

Lieutenant Governor: Toni Nickel

Speaker of the House: Austin Bryan

The Texas Junior State is looking forward to a great

year with our newly elected officials. Spring State 2012 was

a bittersweet convention with the rising of newly elected

leaders and the departure of a talented generation of Junior

Statesmen. As the year comes to a close, it is important to

remember that the Texas Junior State is comprised of

politically active teenagers that will make a difference in

today’s society.

The True Nature of the Iranian-Israeli Conflict

By Jack Noland

Israel and Iran are ideologically a world apart, but

geographically are only about 1,000 miles separated. Both

lie within the volatile amalgamation of cultures and history

that is the Middle East. Both Israel and Iran are guided by

the strong tribalism fomented by Judaism and Islam,

respectively. Both also vie for dominance, recognition, and

respect in an ever-changing region and world, creating

unbelievable and explosive tension.

As Americans, we have the “honor” of being the

world’s policemen, as we have shown time-and-time again

in a multitude of nations. On the other side, many nations

have come to rely on us for support. This gives us a certain

amount of self-confidence in our intermediary capabilities,

and an often-elevated and presumptuous perception of what

is right for the rest of the world. This behavior is misguided,

as the Israel-Iranian conflict is a multi-faceted, and by no

means easy to solve, situation.

In light of Iran’s recent refusal to discontinue its

nuclear-enrichment program, suggested by the United States

and a variety of other world leaders, Israel has announced

that it is willing to go to war against Iran to prevent Iran’s

manufacturing of nuclear weapons. Previously, Iranian

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has stated that the

Holocaust did not happen, and the government has stated

that Israel should not exist. Israel has taken a staunchly anti-

Iranian view as well. It is easy for Americans to sit on the

sidelines and side with one side or the other. We can

prescribe any number of remedies, ranging from economic

sanctions to direct military intervention. Yet, the conflict is

not simply black and white.

As journalist Thomas L. Friedman writes in his

From Beirut to Jerusalem, the millennia-old conflict in the

Middle East is based on three major principles. First, the

political system of these countries is based on tribalism.

Judaism and Islam are by no means fully unified religions;

there are several different sects and cultural groups within

each one. Similarly, the conflict between Judaism and Islam

is a battle that has been waged for centuries, most

conspicuously exhibited in the Israeli-Palestinian hostilities.

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THE JUNIOR STATEMENT The Official Newsletter of the Junior State of America (JSA)

JSA Be the People

This current debate is merely a manifestation of this eternal

war of ideas.

Second, the Middle East is fraught with totalitarian

and autocratic regimes. Indeed, this is because only the

strong rulers survive. While clearly visible in theocratic

Iran, this idea governs much of Israeli politics as well.

Despite being a democracy, the Prime Minister of Israel

must be forceful, assertive, and unafraid to vilify the

surrounding Muslims.

Third, and finally, the boundaries of the Middle East

were and are foreign creations, crafted in disregard for the

cultural layout of the region. In the 1920s, the Middle East

was carved up between European superpowers, forcing

many people who fundamentally disagreed on a variety of

matters into a small space. This added fuel to the ideological

fire, and is responsible for the much of the pressure that

heavily permeates the Middle East.

It is easy for us to call for change and even suggest

certain alterations, but it is also shortsighted. The Middle

East is a region that has remained in conflict for centuries,

and will most likely still do so in the future. Unfortunately,

there is no silver bullet to solve the Iranian and Israeli

problem, but simple understanding of the fundamental

differences between the two goes a long way toward helping

to assuage the issue. This is by no means a call for inaction,

but simply careful consideration of the facts. America

cannot afford wrongful intervention.

Syria—What Should We Do?

By: Karthik Palaniappan

A host of protests and demonstrations began around

the Arab World in Arab Spring on January 26, 2011, and

continue over a year later. They developed to protest the

authoritarian, corrupt government and high unemployment.

It has called for the resignation of dictator Bashar al-Assad;

democratic reforms; expanded civil rights, including the

recognition of Kurdish rights (a sect of Islam); and the lifting

of “emergency law” created during the war with Israel fifty

years ago. This meant that freedoms of speech, press, and

assembly were very restricted, and that opposition to the

government could be repressed. The Assad regime has

finally lifted emergency law, granted citizenship to some

Kurds, released some political prisoners, and cut taxes,

amongst other reforms.

However, the most important tenet—that Assad step

down—has not happened. Instead, the power hungry dictator

has been using force against the protestors. What started as

peaceful protests has now turned into a fight between the

Free Syrian Army (rebels) and the Syrian Army. The rebels

are dominated by the Sunni Muslims (majority religious

group in the country), while the government is mostly

Alawites (minority). As of mid March, according to the UN,

about 10,000 people have been killed, including up to 400

children. Unlike in Egypt and Libya, the rebels are not

necessarily winning. President Assad’s forces are gaining

back momentum.

The international community has been very vocal

against the regime. The US, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, NATO,

and the Arab League have come out on the side of the

protestors. Only countries like Iran and Iraq have come out

on the side of Assad. Unlike in Libya, most nations are not

willing to pledge military resources to aid the rebels.

Major sources of opposition to military aid from the

international community are China and Russia. They both

have a veto in the UN Security Council and have been

opposed to officially condemning the regime or applying

sanctions. They argue that this could escalate into foreign


However, back at home, many are calling for US

involvement in the conflict. Senator John McCain of Arizona

is one of the most vocal, writing:

President Obama has stated that preventing mass

atrocities is a vital part of our national security policy.

He has said that the killing in Syria must stop and that

Assad must go. If that is the case, we must take action

to make those words a reality. How many more must

die before we act?

He notes that this does not need to be

unilateral. We can work with the Arab League, the

European Union, and NATO.

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JSA Be the People

He further argues that this is in our national

security interest as well as Israel’s. Syria is Iran’s

main ally. It has developed weapons of mass

destruction, sponsored terrorism, and killed US

troops in Iraq.

However, many are opposed to “another

Iraq.” Last time we went to war with a Middle

Eastern country with a strong dictator, we stayed for

10 years—far longer than we expected. Syria also

has a stronger military than Libya with Russian-built

air defenses that are five times as strong as theirs. If

we attack, Assad could also launch an anti-US

campaign on state TV, showing pictures of bombs

falling and dead Syrians. That may have unintended


Also, the international community is less

than willing to intervene again. The Arab League is

not as willing to militarily intervene as with Libya.

NATO and the UN will not necessarily support a

military effort, either.

Finally, the Syrian opposition (like Iraq) is

very fractured along religious/ethnic lines. A civil

war may erupt, making the problem far worse. Iraq’s

civil war has not been as big because of US

peacekeeping troops.

My take is: let’s be careful. We cannot be

the police force of the world forever. There are and

there will be other powerful anti-democratic forces

in the world. I think in the 21st century, the US

should realize it needs to better take care of its fiscal

house first. If the international community is willing

to have a concerted effort then US should

participate. If not, then we should intervene alone.

Maybe aid and supplies to democratic forces would

be acceptable, but getting involved in unnecessary

wars is just silly. I highly respect Senator McCain,

but I think his foreign policy is overly idealistic and


Foolish Advice

by Haylee Millikan

People have always told me, “Haylee, young love is

foolish.” “Young people are foolish.” “Don’t you think

you’re being stupid?” “You need to study harder, do better,

so your future is better,” and then, in a nostalgic breath, after

the lecture, they quietly mutter, “I wish I would’ve used my

youth completely differently.” And I’ve been given plenty of

advice, but I think it’s time the youth starts giving some

advice of our own, because doesn’t everyone always say that

they wasted their youth? So, instead of listening to the

elders, we should start listening to ourselves, the quiet

whispers of truth that come from being a child.

Only listen to adults when they’re recounting things

they should have done. When your mother tells you that she

wishes she wouldn’t have fought with her best friend over

that boy, don’t fight with your best friend over that boy.

When your teddy bear father tells you that he was once that

nerd no one would be friends with, be friends with those

nerds. Who knows; maybe someday, they’ll be the men you

want to marry. When he also tells you that in high school he

wishes he had gone to all those dances, don’t miss out on

them. Don’t waste your time sitting at home on Facebook,

get out and have teenage fun. When your neighbor, the one

who sat with you when you were five while your baby

brother was born, tells you that he wishes he hadn’t wasted

time worrying about college, follow his example, but not

completely. Work hard, but don’t stress over whether or not

you’ll get in. Whatever happens will happen, and from the

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THE JUNIOR STATEMENT The Official Newsletter of the Junior State of America (JSA)

JSA Be the People

sounds of it, most people can’t remember their SAT scores,

let alone the colleges they didn’t get into.

Be reckless. Not with people’s hearts, or with your

life; but be reckless with your dignity. Be reckless with your

emotions and (sometimes) your body. Have the epic

skateboarding accident your parents had when they were

young. Embarrass yourself completely. Take the dare instead

of the truth. Stick your tongue to that frozen pole. Don’t

regret any of the times you snuck out and didn’t do anything

but lie in that dark field and watch the freckled sky. Always

cry when you’re sad, whether it’s in front of your mom or

sitting in the bathtub after your boyfriend of two months

breaks up with you. Fall deeply in love. Hurt doesn’t last as

long as we think it does, and life is about learning who

you’re capable of loving. Tell your parents you love them—

whether or not that’s normal in your family. Don’t be

grumpy when your mother wants to spend time with you.

And if you’re on a trip and see something your dad might

like, buy it. You never know what will become the most

important item they own. Don’t fight with your siblings.

You’re allowed to get into a few knock-out fights, but let

them be laughable memories instead of memories you’ll

never talk about again because you’ve lost touch.

Read a lot. Don’t be one of those idiotic teenagers

who says “like” and follows all the latest trends - unless

that’s who you really are. Youth isn’t about conforming; it’s

about figuring out how to be the best you can be. So don’t be

embarrassed when you buy those pants that aren’t the

‘normal style.’ Create your own happiness. Learn how to

rely on yourself for joy. Look at the sky often, and ponder

the greater good and what might happen after we die. Don’t

follow blindly in your parent’s religion, but read up on all

the different kinds. Figure out what you believe in, and then

trust yourself. You are allowed to change your mind. Don’t

feel like you don’t know anything because you are young—it

is often that the young are wiser than the old. The old lose

sight of how they felt when they were young, but the young

get glimpses of the old souls they have inside of themselves.

Relish in your good looks. Don’t be cocky, you

probably aren’t the most attractive thing in the world, but at

this point, we are growing up instead of growing old. There

are times when we will find stretch marks, or we will have

frizzy hair, or our palms will sweat and we will wonder if

life is always this awkward, but it passes. That monstrous zit

you have on your forehead will go away, your broken heart

will mend, your parents will forget about the C you got in

World History, and you’ll start growing old instead of

growing up. Cherish the moments where you learn

something you didn’t know before. Do this every day,

multiple times, if you can. Read the paper. Care. Say “no”

when you want to. Don’t lie about your heart, don’t lie about

your faith, and don’t lie about who you are. Other than that,

lie. Lie about your age and how many people you’ve kissed

and whether or not you would vote for a Republican. When

you turn eighteen, vote for whoever you want to. Protest the

government. Don’t be hard on yourself when you lose

something; if it really matters, it’ll find its way back to you.

Now that I mention it, don’t be hard on yourself in general.

The problems we have today are not going to matter in

twenty years. So move on.

Don’t shut up about your cup size. Talk about

politics and sex and all the things you probably shouldn’t,

but be objective. Let other people change your mind about

things. Read newspaper articles from all different

affiliations. Try vegetarianism. Kiss who you want to kiss.

Don’t worry about the first one, or the last one, or the one

where you bump noses. Kisses are kisses: memorable, sweet,

and one of the most important things in life. Read Audrey

Hepburn quotes; I’ve found she’s right about most things.

Read Carl Marx and research the Holocaust and the Civil

Rights Movement and the Rwandan Genocide. Be aware of

all of the things going on in the world.

Spend your parents’ money. Beg them to let you go

to New York. While you’re there, try a Coney Island hot dog

and talk to homeless men. Don’t be scared of the people on

the streets; they have lives just as you do. Be scared of the

dark. If you’re a boy, watch scary movies with girls. They’ll

only agree to watch it if they want to hold your hand. Trust

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me on that one. Cry at chick flicks. Be sensitive. Yell at that

dumb bully that is picking on the mentally handicapped kids.

Pretend you’re scary, march right up to the girl you hate, and

then tell her you like her hair. Be nice to those who you

don’t like. You learn late in life that being fake is part of

being an adult; sometimes, you just have to deal with the

people you don’t like.

Most importantly, don’t listen to me at all. Figure

out for yourself how you want to live your life. Write essays

on advice you would give if people were actually listening.

Read (and write) dumb adolescent poetry in your journal. Be

nostalgic about when you were six years old. Tell people you

love them, whether you do or not. Be who you are, and

struggle to be who you want to be. Think about your future a

lot. Plan your first apartment and name your children and

read your horoscope. Be silly and childish and live in the

moment. Moments, most of the time, are all we have.

Moments are the build-up to great advice; moments lead to

experience, and experience leads us to opinions. Opinions

are the basis of advice, which should be given often, with a

heavy heart and a kind voice.