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David Berkowitz

Brian Carter

Joel Comm

David J. Deal

Jason Falls

Bryan Kramer

Jason Miller

Christopher Penn

Ted Rubin

Dennis Yu


Simon Mansell, Simon Wardropper

Douglas Hwa, Uyen Nguyen


Sarah Kang


[email protected]

tel: (917) 933-7800© Sprinklr 2015. All rights reserved.


03 Introduction

04 Executive Summary

05 Part 1: The Growth of Mobile Advertising

07 Part 2: The Role Social Media Plays

09 Part 3: Tips for Winning at Social Mobile

13 Conclusion

14 Part 4: Insights From 10 Industry Experts

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the insider’s guide to social mobile advertising

sprinklr.com [email protected](917) 933-7800© Sprinklr 2015. All rights reserved.



“It’s the year of mobile.” Are you tired of that phrase yet? We’ve been hearing that it’s the “year of mobile” every year since 2008. But here’s the truth: while the world was arguing over if, when, and how the year of mobile would come, the Age of Mobile happened. Mobile is already taking over the advertising world – your company may just not have noticed yet.

If you’re reading this and you haven’t mastered mobile ads, you’re way behind. And that’s understandable. As an advertising platform, mobile can be complicated and difficult to navigate. There are countless rules and variables to keep in mind.

But there is one fundamental aspect of mobile that any brand can master to catch up and win at mobile advertising. The secret ingredient is social media. In this whitepaper, we’ll explain why and teach you how to use social media to win at mobile advertising.

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executive summary

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DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO READ? HERE ARE THE HIGHLIGHTSThe mobile advertising industry is growing.

• There are 300,000,000 more mobile connections than human beings.

• Mobile beats desktop for total searches in numerous markets, including the U.S. and Japan.

• U.S. mobile ad spend will be $28.5 billion by the end of 2015; the global market will be $70 billion.

• By the end of 2016, global mobile ad spend will reach $100 billion; it’ll be more than half of total digital spend.

Consumers now prefer mobile over traditional platforms.

• Americans spend more time using mobile than watching TV (2 hours, 57 minutes vs. 2 hours, 48 minutes).

• Americans spend more time browsing on mobile than they do on desktop (60% vs. 40%).

Social networks drive the growth of mobile advertising.

• Two out of the three biggest players in mobile advertising in the U.S. are social networks.

• Facebook alone controls 10% of all digital ad spend.

Insights from top experts:

Jason Falls Elasticity, @JasonFalls The key to better conversions is relevancy—targeting more effectively. So get as granular as you can.

Dennis Yu BlitzMetrics, @dennisyu Your first foray into mobile ads should be on Facebook, in the same way that your first foray into search should be with Google.

David Berkowitz MRY, @dberkowitz Don’t treat mobile advertising like advertising. Mobile gets extremely personal for consumers.

Jason Miller LinkedIn, @JasonMillerCA 75% of engagement with Sponsored Updates on LinkedIn happens on mobile.

Christopher Penn Shift Communications, @cspenn Remember 3 key things: What’s your audience? What are your goals? What are your gross and net margins?

and many more! (skip to page 14 for tips)

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the insider’s guide to social mobile advertising

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Source: Millenial Media


Source: US Census Bureau, GSMA Intelligence

mobile usage desktop usage60% 40%


At this very moment, there are 7.5 billion mobile connections. The world population sits at 7.2 billion – meaning there are 300,000,000 more mobile connections than people.


People are choosing mobile over traditionally dominant platforms. They spend more time browsing on mobile than they do on desktop. They even spend more time with their phones than they do watching television (2 hours, 57 minutes vs. 2 hours, 48 minutes).

Think of your own habits: you check your phone first thing in the morning, as you walk to the train, while you wait in traffic, during your lunch break, etc. It’s always within arm’s reach.


To understand the importance of mobile advertising, let’s first take a look at why mobile is so dominant today.

more mobile connections than human beings


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$40 billionUS



$22 billion

$7 billion


It’s not just people making the great shift to mobile.

The world of business has also gone in a mobile-friendly direction. Google gave a huge bump to mobile in April 2015, when it updated its algorithm to give higher rankings to “mobile-friendly” sites on mobile search results. Google also announced that mobile is actually beating desktop for total searches in numerous markets, including the U.S. and Japan.


In 2011, a ComScore study forecasted that mobile ad spend would reach $2.5 billion in the U.S. by 2014. Well, 2014 came and went. How did mobile ad actuals compare to their expectations? By beating the original prediction by nearly 800%, coming in at $19 billion.

The mobile advertising expansion shows no signs of slowing down. By the end of this year, mobile spending is expected to reach $28.5 billion in the U.S. and nearly $70 billion worldwide. And by the end of 2016, the global mobile ad market will surpass $100 billion and will be more than 50% of total digital ad spend.


Source: eMarketer

$100 billion

Global mobile ad spend will reach $100 billion by the end of 2016 – led by the US, China, and the UK.

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The mobile landscape can be ridiculously complex: there are numerous networks, devices, agencies, DSPs (demand side platforms), and other factors to take into consideration. But if there is one fundamental thing you should know about the mobile advertising landscape, it’s this: social media is the key to success.

As mobile advertising grows, the influence of social media on it grows in tandem. Two out of the three biggest players in mobile advertising in the U.S. are social networks. Facebook alone controls 10% of all US digital ad spending.

Just as social networks drive mobile advertising’s growth, mobile drives advertising on social networks. Facebook, which controls 71% of all social ad spend, made $3.32 billion in Q1 2015. Almost three-quarters of that revenue came from mobile advertising.


Source: eMarketer

35.2% Google

16.7% Facebook

3.7% Twitter

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Twitter, the third largest player in mobile advertising, announced a Q1 2015 ad revenue of $388 million – a 72% jump from last year. Even more noteworthy: mobile ads accounted for 89% of total ad revenue.

This symbiotic relationship between social and mobile creates unique opportunities for brands, as they benefit from the behaviors of mobile users:

1. Users are more social on mobile: 71% of time spent on social networks happens on mobile devices.

2. They consume more content on mobile: 75% of consumers use a smartphone to watch online videos.

3. They engage more on mobile: online video viewers are almost 3X more likely to click through to a brand’s website from their smartphone or tablet than from a laptop or desktop.


Source: eMarketer

*acquired Tumblr in 2013

Brands also benefit from the tracking available via social media networks, where users’ activities can be measured and targeted once they “log in.”

The non-disruptive nature of social media ads is an important benefit for brands, as well. Social networks have taken great strides to make sure ads are seamlessly integrated into the overall experience. And nowhere is this seamless relevance more important than on mobile, where the intimacy of the interaction amplifies the reaction, for better or worse.






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Figuring out what works best for your company on mobile will require becoming more familiar with the space (and a fair amount of trial and error). With that said, there are some general practices your brand can follow.


Are you trying to establish a brand identity, attract new customers, or generate interest for a new product? Go to page 10 to learn tips for branding-focused objectives.


Are you trying to get someone to download an app or purchase

a product? Check out the tips specific to your goals on page 12.


Hop to page 14 to learn general best practices for creating the

right messages and visuals for your social mobile ads.

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the insider’s guide to social mobile advertising

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What are you trying to achieve? Of course you (and your senior management) have a burning desire to buy fans, create buzz, or get more reach. But before gunning for those big numbers, it’s important to know what your objectives are. Are you trying to establish a brand identity, attract new customers, or generate interest for a new product? Each objective will have a completely different execution strategy, as well as its own set of relevant success metrics.


Many brands rely on engagement as the main determinant of success. Engagement is important, but a simple “like” isn’t the only (or best) way to measure your performance with social mobile advertising. When choosing your campaign’s success metrics, start with the objective. The rest will follow. Here are a couple examples:

• If your goal is awareness, you should probably be looking closely at shares. This is good indication of how well your branded message is traveling.

• If your goal is to increase consideration, maybe you should prioritize sentiment – as measured by positivity of comments – which will give you a clearer idea of how the product resonated with your audience.

If you have multiple key metrics, consider weighting them based on your business priorities. You can even experiment with different weightings, adjusting to suit your brand’s needs. With the right metrics selected – and a weighting system to help analyze them – you have specific, clear direction to test and optimize your campaign.


Social and mobile provide intimate details about your audience and their behaviors. Use this rich data to inform your targeting. When focusing on branding, pay close attention to the mental mode someone is in when they’re exposed to your ad. For example:

• Are they relaxed? Perhaps you can target them with something long-form, since they’ll be more likely to browse and consume branded content.

• Did they just have a major life event? If you’re a jewelry brand, maybe now’s a good time to get in front of someone who just had a one-year anniversary.

• Are they close to making a decision? Look at those recently browsing on your mobile site. Are they literally close to you? If you’re a clothing retailer, look at people near your store.

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A common problem brands encounter has to do with promoted posts going “dark.” You may not know that while your promoted posts get shares, likes, and comments, they don’t fall under “organic activity” – which means your community management or customer care team won’t see these messages on their monitoring dashboards. As a result, these “dark” posts continue receiving engagement that you’re not aware of – the good, the bad, and the ugly. At best, you’ll come off as uncaring to those you just paid to impress. At worst, your brand’s reputation could be put at risk.

Best practice is to continuously monitor the comments on your paid content, and continuously change your creative and targeting based on feedback from the community.


Brands already running a TV ad around a product launch or specific event will often consider adding a mobile component to get more miles out of their investment. If you choose to do so, make sure messaging and creative across these screens are consistent (while being channel-specific), so that the TV ad can provide context for the mobile component, and vice versa. This way, as people move from one screen to another, they’ll continue to be exposed to your campaign.


1. HAVE CLEAR OBJECTIVES Before gunning for those big numbers, it’s important to know what your objectives are.

2. CHOOSE THE RIGHT METRICS A simple “like” isn’t the only (or best) way to measure your performance with social mobile advertising.

3. GET CREATIVE WITH TARGETING Social and mobile provide intimate details about your audience and their behaviors; use this rich data to inform your targeting.

4. BE AWARE OF ALL FEEDBACK Continuously monitor the comments on your paid content.

5. KEEP SCREENS CONSISTENT If you choose to use mobile as a “second screen,” make sure messaging and creative is consistent.

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If you’re not effectively tracking, you can’t prove the value of your ads. So before doing anything, get your tracking in place. Thankfully, social networks are continuously building sophisticated tracking mechanisms into their platforms. Facebook user IDs, for example, can track specific individuals as they switch between laptops and phones – this is something even cookies can’t pull off.

If you’re running ads on one social network, tracking will be relatively simple; you’re only dealing with one tracking system.

If you’re running mobile ads on multiple social networks, however, attribution might become an issue. Imagine that someone hops between different social apps before they click on one of your ads... which network gets credit for the conversion? Technically, they all played a part. This is where using a third-party tracking partner comes in handy; they can provide unified and accurate reporting across all your paid initiatives.


There are 2 billion active social media accounts today. Most of these people will not be of interest to your brand. It’s crucial to really nail down the audience you’re trying to reach with your social mobile ads, so that you’re not wasting your time (and theirs).

When setting up your targeting, go beyond obvious demographics like location, age range, income, and education level. You also want to consider the psychographic targeting available on social media networks, such as interests, beliefs, values, and behaviors. For example, if you’re trying to sell a stand mixer, you might get a huge audience if you target 18- to 35-year-old female Facebook users living in the U.S. But your ads will be much more relevant and effective if you incorporate psychographic filters into the mix. Maybe you should target 18- to 35-year-old females living near your store locations, who are really into food and cooking, and just bought a new home. The result will be a smaller pool of people, but they’ll be the ones more likely to buy your product.

Of course, keep in mind that you shouldn’t get too granular with your targeting. You’ll always have to strike the balance between reaching the right people, and as many people as possible.

Once you figure out your target audience, you can then use creative and messaging that resonate best with them.


Testing is key to optimization. It’s one of the best ways to figure out which channels, targeting options, and messages work best for your brand. Consider testing factors like:

• How much copy should your creative include?

• Should you even have text on your creative, or should you rely on social messaging (i.e., the copy on the post) for your copy, and keep the creative as purely visual?

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• What’s the optimal color combination for your images?

• What audience interest groups should you target? Consider trying some out-of-the-box groups in case there are audiences you haven’t taken into consideration.

• What channel has the lowest CPC (cost per conversion)?

• What channel has the highest quality of conversions?

Because social media advertising allows for so many different options in terms of targeting and creative, you’d be remiss not to take advantage. Reserve at least 10% of your budget for testing.


Seems pretty obvious, but some advertisers overlook this element. You must be sure your audience understands what you really want them to do. Do you want them to visit your site? Go to your app? Enter a contest? Should they tap, swipe, watch, share, or save?

Whatever the next action from your ad is, make it crystal clear in both messaging and creative.

There’s a lot of content vying for people’s attention each time they pick up their phones, so you’ll only have a few seconds to grab their attention and compel them to take a second action. Don’t waste that opportunity by muddling the message.


1. GET YOUR TRACKING IN PLACE If you’re not effectively tracking, you can’t prove the value of your ads.

2. KNOW WHO YOU’RE TARGETING Consider psychographic targeting options available on social networks, such as interests, beliefs, values, and behaviors.

3. ALWAYS BE TESTING Reserve at least 10% of your budget for testing.

4. HAVE A CLEAR CTA You must be sure your audience understands what you really want them to do next.

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We really can’t stress this enough: don’t be lazy with your creative. You’re working with drastically smaller screens, so you can’t simply repurpose the creative from your other initiatives (e.g., TV or banner ads). Make sure the creative for a mobile ad is created with mobile in mind.


From smartphones to tablets, and from Apple to Samsung and many more, your ads will live on very different devices. Certain creative techniques will work better on one device than another – for instance, we’ve found that white backgrounds work well on iOS devices, but aren’t great on Android. Also, don’t forget the obvious stuff, like making sure your creative is congruent with the device and audience – don’t show an iPhone if you’re targeting Galaxy users, and don’t ask people to enter a contest by texting in a code if you’re targeting tablets.


Don’t forget about the size of the content. Videos usually perform well (in terms of higher quality engagements and conversions) but they might take longer to download or view if the device doesn’t have 3G or higher. This could ruin the entire experience of your mobile ad.


People have come to expect ads on TV. When they hear a highly promotional voice-over on a commercial, they’re not caught off guard. On social and mobile, it’s an entirely different game. Since these environments are super personal and intimate by nature, you can’t be overly promotional or jargony in your social mobile ads.

You have a lot of contextual information about your audience members from their social profiles – use this to inform your creative so that the ad doesn’t disrupt the user experience

CONCLUSIONAs the world of business continues to become mobile-friendly – it’s more essential than ever to nail down the basics of mobile advertising (i.e., the social networks). We hope the past few chapters have provided you with the foundation you need to get started.

To further help you, we’ve also rounded up 10 leading industry experts and asked them to weigh in on the topic. Turn the page to learn their top tricks and tips.

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tips from the experts

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A few tips for mobile advertising greatness from our roundtable of industry experts, influencers, and brand leaders.

Brian Carter

David J. Deal

Bryan Kramer

Jason Miller

Jason Falls

Christopher Penn

Joel Comm

Dennis Yu

Ted Rubin

David Berkowitz

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tips from the experts

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Brian Carter@briancarter Best-selling author of The Like Economy, LinkedIn for Business, Facebook Marketing, and The Cowbell Principle.

“Combine mobile social advertising with mobile search advertising.”

When we advertise with AdWords or Facebook ads, we always include the mobile options, unless the mobile website experience isn’t up to par. If you have a responsive site and people convert well on the site, then mobile ads are recommended. Interestingly, we have found that Facebook ads are very effective for both B2B and B2C, and are often the most affordable option for quality leads. You can target who people are via job title, industry, company, and other criteria.

We recommend combining mobile social advertising with mobile search advertising to get prospects before people look, and when they are looking. If you reach a prospect earlier, you can get into the consideration set and possibly even get a deal before the prospect looks too deeply at your competitors.

“Think of mobile as a behavior, not just a platform for ads.”

Think of mobile as a behavior, not just a platform for ads. Create content that most effectively connects your brand with the mobile behaviors of your audience.

For example, Starwood Hotels has built its brand by being useful to consumers who rely on their mobile devices to manage their travel needs. Starwood offers branded smartphone and Apple Watch apps that help travelers do everything from checking in to their hotels to unlocking the doors to their rooms.

Taking a different approach, Pep Boys has generated revenue by creating mobile wallet offers for consumers searching and shopping on the go. Both Starwood Hotels and Pep Boys understand how to adapt their brands to mobile lifestyles instead of looking at mobile as another ad distribution channel.

David J. Deal@davidjdeal Speaker and

consultant in branding and

content marketing, specifically in

digital and mobile.

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tips from the experts

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“Use bigger text and concise messaging.”

75% of Sponsored Updates engagement happens on mobile, so make sure your landing page is responsive and looks good on smaller screens. Use bigger text and concise messaging on your finger-friendly forms. LinkedIn Autofill can also help boost conversion rates on mobile devices.

Jason Miller@JasonMillerCA Author, keynote

speaker, and senior manager

of global content marketing at

LinkedIn Marketing Solutions.

“Get as granular as you can.”

The key to better conversions is relevancy. Leveraging IP targeting along with mobile advertising means that you can dial-in a specific neighborhood, office building, or even single dwelling. Targeting more effectively creates a much higher chance the ad will work. So get as granular as you can.

Jason Falls@JasonFalls

SVP of digital strategy at

Elasticity, digital strategist, author,

and speaker.

“Make sure you invest the time to put a social strategy around your mobile campaign.”

Networks such as Twitter and Instagram were born on mobile, so your advertising must include a social element. Make sure you invest the time to put a social strategy around your mobile campaign and integrate it at each appropriate touch point. A few ideas might be:

• Making your website tabs accessible on Facebook.

• Use geographic-based apps to connect with local customers.

• Develop a blog that’s mobile-friendly.

• Go with social networks that like video and image content, which is easily uploaded by mobile users.

A mobile campaign doesn’t just have to be advertising, though. It can engage and create a community of people that want to share, which gives you enough legs to potentially go viral.

Bryan Kramer@bryankramer CEO of PureMatter, social strategist, TED speaker, and author.

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“What gross and net margins do you have on your ads?”

There are three things that are by far the most important:

1. What audience are you trying to reach? This includes the types of devices, the bandwidth available, and the applications.

2. What goals are you trying to achieve? This can include brand awareness, audience growth, or calls to action for things like lead generation.

3. What gross and net margins do you have on your ads? It is very easy for both agencies and brands to get burned when what looks like positive revenue ultimately turns out to be a net loss because the cost of acquisition was too high.

Christopher Penn@cspenn

VP of marketing technologies

at SHIFT Communications,

keynote speaker, and best-selling author,

most recently of Marketing Blue Belt.

“Hire an ad professional.”

Facebook ads are still one of the best ways to target your customers on mobile. Just make sure you hire an ad professional to do your buys or you can blow through a lot of cash quickly! Joel Comm

@joelcomm New York Times

best-selling author of Twitter Power 3.0.

“Use your performance on Facebook as a benchmark.”

Your first foray into mobile ads should be on Facebook, in the same way that your first foray into search should be with Google. You’re doing this not because Facebook has more mobile inventory, but because optimization is easier.

Over 70% of Facebook’s ads are already mobile placements and they automatically resize your creatives based on the user’s device type – even accounting if they’re on 3G or 4G. If your goal is engagement, expect a cost per engagement of under 15 cents for CPG and about a dollar in “non-sexy” industries. Cost per installs should be under $3, cost per video view under 20 cents, and cost per website click under 50 cents. Use your performance (cost by business objective) on Facebook as a benchmark before you head into Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, iAds, and even third party networks.

By testing with Facebook first, you know what creatives work against which targets. They have a world-class targeting system and allow bidding by business objective, unlike other mobile publishers or DSPs (demand side platforms). Same applies to Facebook’s retargeting, especially natively via WCA (website custom audiences) and email audiences rather than using third-party retargeting platforms.

Dennis Yu@dennisyu Co-founder and CTO of BlitzMetrics.

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“It is time to re-build our one-on-one communication skills.”

Advertising is advertising. My advice is to build a mobile community – engage, interact, add value, and show support for what is important to your consumers. In today’s digital world it’s all too easy for us, both as brands and individuals, to let our relationship-building muscles atrophy. We get caught up in a multi-tasking whirlwind of emails, social updates, ads, and messaging and it’s easy to let a connection or a conversation fall through the cracks. We’re super-connected, yet somehow disconnected at the same time. This puts us at risk of losing the very relationships that help us prosper as companies and people.

It is time to re-build our one-on-one communication skills and the muscles that we’ve forgotten in our rush to new technologies. These skills scale via mobile and social because most people participate vicariously via the few who interact publicly and share when they are engaged. In order to get buy-in from the C-suite, be sure to bring awareness to the fact that while a Network gives you Reach, a Community gives you Power. That power solidifies Trust and Loyalty, which leads directly to ROI for any person or organization.

Ted Rubin

@TedRubin Social marketing strategist, keynote speaker, brand evangelist, and author.

“Focus on the value exchange first.”

Don’t treat mobile advertising like advertising. Mobile gets extremely personal for consumers. This is a device that’s always within arm’s reach, and sometimes it’s even physically strapped to their arms. Think about the value you can provide.

Can you make sure they know about a time-sensitive offer available nearby that’s targeted to their interests or preferences? Can you give them a few minutes of entertainment while they’re in transit or waiting in line? Can you make it easier for people to get around, find nearby points of interest, or connect with others? Can you reward them for achieving milestones, however meaningful (e.g. walking 10,000 steps in a day) or frivolous (beating the boss in a game)?

Mobile can do all of this, while helping you achieve your goals of building your brand, generating foot traffic, racking up leads, or moving products. Focus on the value exchange first, and then see which advertising and marketing offerings can help you achieve it.

Ultimately, think about the golden rule and respect your target audience in the way you hope others will respect you.

David Berkowitz

@dberkowitz CMO at MRY

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