2 PUBLISHED EVERY Thursday S to l'J pages? .lEFFERSON IA N DEMOCRAT Entered No\. sth ism. at the PoKtofltoe, El lens sura, Washington us entitled u> second class costal rates, Ke entered as second olass manor August 11 i vs. at the post office at Kllensburg, Wash., under the act ol March 8, 1879. oi m X 410 North Pine Street, Between fourth and Fifth, i TERMS: SI.SO PER ANNUM rfobt. A. Turner Editor PUBLISHER AM) PROPRIETOR AO VERTISINC RA TES FLAT RATE IJHc PER INCH Spat 5 id * luce a I inches I week I I 1\u25a0 M I 12 IIS | I ;io 10 " l :ii 40 8 " I ! ci 120 j | Rate on stipulated number ot Inches to u< run ut any nuie iltir- nit' tbe year: l- MO la l»He Hl-1040 In 11 1041-8080 in 10 1081-4100 in » 4001 and up ' READERS: in Ad. 001. Per bine *c in Local Col. Per Line Wo CONDITIONS OF CHANGE Copy must be In our bands by Monday and Thursday noon of eucb sieek. Ails, changed iwlce a month without extra charge. Change, unuer two weeks, not ox- ? ceedlng 901n, 80c; above SOin, si KITTITAS valley of itself is capa- ble of supporting ami prospering a population of 75,000 and it will not be many y ears hence before she will be doing this very thing, too. There should be a long pull, a strong pull and a pull altogether for a nice, cleaner and more pop- ulous Ellensburg. There is no good reason why Ellensburg, with the unlimited resources behind and all around it should not have a pop- ulation of 10,000 before January Ist 191". The industrious people of Vaki ma have a wonderful liking for buying photos of Kittitas fruit, scenery, etc., and putting the Saint- on exhibition as the "real pro- ducts" of Yakima county. In a recent publication a cut made from a photo taken hy O. \V. PaUtzke of an apple tree in W. T. Sheldon's orchard, and the faces of Mr. Sheldon, wife and children were shown in the branches, surrounded by beautiful foliage and lucious fruit, was shown as one of the "real products of Yakima," but the faces gave the whole thing away. But that is all right. They have to have the best and of course must come to Kittitas to get it. It would perhaps be well for those people to bear in mind the scprit- "I can trutlifully say that I believe that, but for the u.-.e of your Emulsion I would long since have been in my grave. I was past work - could not walk up-hi!l without coughing very hard." THIS, uid much more was written by Mr. G. W. Hower- ton, Clark's Gap, \V. Va. We would like to send you a full copy of his letter, or you might write him direct. His case was really marvelous, but is only one of the many proofs that Scott's Emulsion is the most strengthening and re-vitalizing preparation in the world. Even in that most stubborn of all diseases (consumption) it does won- ders, and in less serious troubles, such as anemia, bronchitis, asthma, catarrh, or loss of flesh from any cause the effect is much quicker. D n ? l' hy. Get » brttl,- ol SCOTT'S KMI'I-SION? be mire id SCOTT'S and try It ALL DRUGGISTS I.' t ii* «fn'! yOU Mr H''WPrton'» ]t»tf**r riru. Ri-nip Uteratnre "i» Con«tmptioa« ,i k| M>ad ai a Post Card tad mention thin pnpw* SCOTT & BOWNE 409 Pearl Street New York Ural injunctions: "lie sure your sins will liiul you out," ami "The wages of sin is death.'' PoSSIBLY after all. much good ! may come of the win k of the last legislature. At least we hope so. It seems to us that if it does noth- ing else, it ought to dissolve party lines through independent votes ami put men in the next legislature on their merits ami not on political lines Of course we all know that as a rule legislative ho lies are made up of men who care little tor prill ciples ami will sacrifice everything ami anything for the sake ot get- ting there. The primary election law was in sonic respects a farce before the convening of the last legislature, and it is certainly more so now. It is now amended so that a voter is required to register his name ami swear to his parte affiliations. This goes beyond just authority ami the pale of common decency ami this clause was surely inserted in the interests of scheming politi- cians ami to make the law as odious as possible to the rank ami tile of the voters that they might demand its reoeal. CrrriNg up of the huge land- holdings near this city is the thing The Dawn has for years argued must be done before we could pos- sible hope for Ellensburg to ever become a city, and now that Henn Kleinberg. J. 11. Smithson, J. C McCanley ami others are to do this, we can look forward to a time in the near future when Ellensburg will be a city 15,000 to 20,000. The more small holdings we have the more mouths must be fed ami bodies clothed. the more intensified farming and the more perfect pro- duction. How's This? tte offer One Hnndred Dollars Reward rorany ciw «>f Catursh thau cannot no cured bj Mali's i latarrb cur>-. f. j CHENEY. A CO., Toledo, o. We. tho understened, have dnown P .1 Che- ney for the last IS fears, acd believe him per. fectly honorable in all business transaction)* and are perfeaUy rble to carry out any obliga- tions mailt- by his ru m. Waldinu, KINN Vn a Nun is Wholesale OriunrtsU Toledo, <> Hail's Catarrh Cure Ii tak.-n internally.acting directly upon the Moot' ana mucous surface* "t thesystem. Testimonials sent free. Price file per bottle, Bold by al. Druggists. Tale' Poll's Family Pills for Constitution COUNTRY NEWS Valley View News VALLEY View. March 31.?George Mop has leased 40 acres of thp I! F, Reed ranch anr] has a force of live to seven men grubbing sage hrnsh pre par Story to planting thirty acres in po*a!oc-~. The Baptist church is up ami will son be ready for use. Guy t'. Williams i-. having a now fence built around his land near Kitti tas. I _____ T, i*. Kfith has rented the W, T Sheldon ranch up in tiie Johnson can- yon ami is now a full fledged "Sow f 'reeker. " Abe Wheeler his finished hauling out a flne lot ot he best barn yard manure in the country, lie pulled out fully live hundred oads. Miller Bros . the well drillers, finish i f*d a 130 foot well on the lid Mudd ' ranch a few days since. The water stands within 30 fe t of the top. Cbss. Woddell and Abe Wheeler rented forty acres of the B. F. Reed radeb. They will plant twenty-five acres of tlie forty to spuds, the remaind- er in oa's. ('has. Wadde! wears a bright smile from the fact that a nice youug lad} has moved into our neighborhood thai looks good to him, but ('has. is from Missourl, you know. The Badger Pocket folks have made some changes. Mr. Fry has moved to R. I. Scammon's ranch. H. W. I.oilm- an has moved from the city to his ranch and from now on will be a granger indeed. Tom Martin lias finished hi> new- house, and it is v good mark of indus- trious and energetic young' man to build with liis own bands a home like I this. I'll bet a coou skin lie don't batch long, for no young man of his type will wait until leap year. There are a good many strangers in our section looking for homes and as to quantity and quality our end of tin j county is tlie best, and if they can't be suited in our midst, it will not be for I the lack of line crop.. John Foust has had about 00 acres of sage brush land grubbed and cleared ready for the plow this spring. William Davidson had some relativi s and acquaintances to come iv from old " DR.PIERCES GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY I <>W 1 HE Tennessee, who contemplate locatiug in tl.is vail. v. Tbej are a very destf able class anil take hold with a The services al tbe Presbyterian cine cli last Sunday evening was well attended and a good sermon was given il?. people bj W. Eadle on the question ~f intemperance, and tbe Sunday school lesson on temperanae after services was analyzed In such a simple way thai the young folks speak ol it In the high- est term-. Mr. Clawton, ofthellrni ofClaws d & Bell) went over to Seattle Inst week on butinesa and pleasure vlsll bis mother und relatives. The Milwaukee has completed Its work of truck !ajlog through n> the line and no <l«m 1 »t. will have their regular schedule trains runningsoon This is good news t" Kittitas valley and especially to 11?»- cast end. Kittitas is coming t<> the fronl now with one store running aod two more in course of construction, one hardware und the other a genera! merchandise establishment. The large hotel of Mr Delmose la having the finishing touches put on this week, it will i>e ready for bust- ness. HOME-MADE MIXTURE CURES RHEUMATISM Tells How Any One Can Pre- pare Simple Home-Made Mixture. Said to Over- come Rheumatism 'I'iiere is so much Itheumattsm here in our neighborhood now that tbe fol- lowing advice will be highly appreclat ed by those who suffer: Get from any good pharmacy one- half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon. three ounces of Compound Syrup Sarsapa- rilla. Shake these well In a bottle aud take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime; also drink plentj of good water. It is claimed that there are few vic- tim-, of tbisdread and torturous disease who .vill fall to find ready relief in this simple home-in.ide mixture, and in most cases a permanent cure is t!,< result. This simple recipe is said to strength* en and cleanse the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys so that tin y can filter and strain from 'lie liloou and system the poisons, acid-, an i waste matter, which cause not only Rheumatism, bui numerous other diseases. Kvery man or woai in her- who feels that their kiiln -ys are not healthy and active, ol who suffers from any urinary trouble whatever, should not hesitate to make up this mixture, as It Is certain to do much cool, and may save yon from much misery and suffering after while. Our home druggists say t hey will either supply the ingredients or mix tlie prescription ready to take If our ready ask them. \u25a0> The Country Editor. A well known magazine published i for retail dealers bas the Following r. marks to make about newspaper adver tlsing! if a member of your family died, would you print the resolutions on a billboard? [f your wife entertained would you tend an account of it to tbe theatre urogram man? If you were going to enlarge your )itsine-s would you advertise it in a ; hotel register? ' If you were going to have a wedding .n your family would you gel out v naud hill. Voa w .uld send snoh items to a news paper, wouldn't j our Then why dot you out such adver- Isementa In a newspaper, Everyman who uses tbe billboard is : tdding to nature faking. Every dollar spent in a theatre pro- ;ram. in a register, In a directory or in t handbill, is a legitimate dollar taken tway from tbe newspapers ol your own. The oewsparers build your town: why not bely build up tbe newsparers? There is no better advertisement in tbe .vorld for a town than a good news- Daper. A newspaper is the barometer if the towns industry. Show us a good newspaper, full of advertising and we will show you a good town, full of live, prosperous merchants. Billboards are an eyesore; handbills are a nuisance; theatre programs are worthless; hotel registers, from an ad- vertising standpoint, are ridiculous, Newspapers are tow n builders, town advertisers, fortune-makers, news dis semidators, sermon deliverers, prosper- ity forecasters ?they are a necessity- not a luxury, Without them we would retrogade to tlie mediaeval days. Don't patronize them from a char- THK ELLENSBURG LAWN. KITTITAS COUNTY, WAM**?£*ZJ^ lu bu sentimental standpolnl patronize tbem because tbey deliver t ?. goods-thai is, Kfcbey are tie rlgbt Cu' oui tbe foolUhDess ami work for the up building "f your town. West Side News WEST Sim: March .11 Pine rain OUt this way Monday. j, L Oardlnler Is reported as being ,!11itf sick with gall stones. W. T* Conant Is hauling off bis last year - crop of bay. il \. Crawford was up the Koblnson canyon after fence |><»ti .1 f'-w days sloce. Sixteen guests fared sumptuously at tbe boms ol Martin Frederick a few days since, among whom we may men ?ion .1. Crawford. Will Plpper and wife and Will Gillis and Mis-How.-, all <>f KUensburg. Mi-s Nettie Adler, after speudinga few days at home, returned to Thorp to Qntsh her stay with Mrs. Qoribrook. Victor Steveos has so far recovered from his net-tit Illness as to l»- able 10 utend school again. Communication KllknsbL'RG, March 31.?The Dawn [(you will allow me, 1 will answer my friends and brother railway I >.»\s in regard to the N. I' B. A hospital beo» ctits. They can not spend 50 cents a month for any 'it-tier use, if they never have to go to tlie hospital. It will benefit -.cmc other railroad brother that is to unfortunate a-, to xci si.-k or crippled and ne'-ds to have the rare of doctors and mires. As far as treat- ment is concerned, you net the best doctors. Mowers, Argue, Obrine and Sbafer will t;ive you the i»--,t of medical aid that can ?><? bad with l»r. Mowers aschlef surgeon., and with one of tli*- 'icst corps of aurses in tbe state, with Miss Weller as head rjut-se. They do ail that tender bands arid thoughts can do and they eat.not receive praise enough for their heroic work ai.d tender words. Yours trul v. V. K. \V. INDIGESTION IS ENDED FOREVER Misery from an Upset Stomach Vanishes Five Minutes Later Why not start now- today, and for- ever rid yourself of Stomach trouble and Indigestion-.- A dieted stomach get the blues and grumbles, dive it 1 a good eat. and then take Pape's l»ia-i- --epsln to start the digestive juices work- ing. There will be no dyspepsia or belching of Gas or eructations ol uudi- (jested food; no feeling like a lump ( f lead in the stomach or heartburn, sick headache and Dizziness, and your food will not furment and poison your breath with nauseous odors. l'ape's Diapepstn costs only .10 cents for a large ease at any drugstore here, and will relieve the most obstinate case I of 11,digesthm and upset Stomach In live minutes. , There is nothing else better to take 'Has from Stomach and cleanse the i stomach and intestines, and besides, one triangule wi'l digest and prepare i for assimilation into the blood all you.t ! food the same as a souud. health ; stomach would do it. t When Diapepsin works, your stom- ach rests-gets itself iv order, cleanse Up and then you feel like eating when 1 I you come to the table, and what you eat will do yon good. ; Abselute relief from all stomach: j Misery ig waiting for yon as soon us you decide to begin taking Diapepsin. ; ''"pcs Diapepsin, because you want to be thoroughly cured of todigettlon. I| I Lost. Strayed or Stolen?A black cocker spaniel, bob tail eight months n a m m * 6 B W<>t ' k U =°- Uotifv \ l>. a, Westcott.' v Incubator For Sale I have an Old Trusty Incubator? 200 egg size, good as new, that I will sell at a bargain. Apply al The Dawn \u25a0 ounce, The Washington National Bank A Xl _ $50,000.00 CAPITAL SURPLUS " - l5 ' OMM Only Bank in Kittitas Co. Under Gov. Supervision BOARD OF DIRECTORS: \ o Johnson VV. T. Morrison J. H. Smithson Soren Sorenson ? Stewar , C . W. Johnsone j ames Stevenson < " Mewan These are the men who manage the business of the largest and strong* Hank in the County. We solicit you. business and promise you every accommodation warranted In safe, conservative banking methods. THE SAFEST WAY IS BEST DANK CHECK is much safer than cash in the settlement <<f accounts. It does away with danger ol loss, errors and disputes, as your cam filed checks, which we return to you, are the very best receipts you can have. Deposit your money with us and pay your bills by c heck. THE FARMERS BANK Careful Prescription Work. We are not infallible. No human is. But we have our work so systematized and are mo careful about every phase ol it. that we certain- ly bave reason to be proud ol iv clean record. Pbyslciaaa who have in- vestigated our prescription counter commend our work most highly and gladly send js their prescriptions. We invite yours. Harry S, Elwood. The Prescription Druggist. if you have been fooled in the clothes you have bought it was not our fault, we have al way 5 kept 600 d clothes in our ?store. we always .shall. it pays, come TO US THEN AND LET US CLOTHE YOU. A 516 BUNCH FOR YOUR DOLLAR IS WHAT WE -SHALL GIVE YOU. B CUSTOMER PUT WI.SE IS A CUS- TOMER MADE FOR US. YOU MAY BE WISHING A NEW .SUIT FOR EASTER. SUPPOSE YOU LOOK AT OUR SUITS. A SWELL 5J6.?0 SUIT FOR si 5.00. .SEE STEIN. BLOCK AND CO S LATEST STYLES AT C. L. Collins ii; cr aI HE CLoT HIER AND FURNISHER MST AROUND THE CORNER. THIRD STREET flkwbuq Veberioaru Hospital c 4. J. DAMMAN, D. V. S, M. D. V. Office: 607 X. Main. Residence: 007 1 N. Main Phone: Red SB3 Call and .see my Clinic. Kvery day Clinic Day.

The Ellensburg Dawn (Ellensburg, Wash.) (Ellensburg, Wash

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Page 1: The Ellensburg Dawn (Ellensburg, Wash.) (Ellensburg, Wash


PUBLISHED EVERY ThursdayS to l'J pages?


Entered No\. sth ism. at the PoKtofltoe, Ellens sura, Washington us entitled u>second class costal rates,

Ke entered as second olass manor August 11i vs. at the post office at Kllensburg,Wash., under the act ol March 8, 1879.

oi m X 410 North Pine Street, Betweenfourth and Fifth,





Spat 5 id * luce a

I inches I week II 1\u25a0 M I 12 IIS |I t» ;io 10 "

l :ii 40 8 " I! ci 120 j |

Rate on stipulated number otInches to u< run ut any nuie iltir-nit' tbe year:

l- MO la l»HeHl-1040 In 11

1041-8080 in 101081-4100 in »

4001 and up'

READERS:in Ad. 001. Per bine *cin Local Col. Per Line Wo

CONDITIONS OF CHANGECopy must be In our bands by

Monday and Thursday noon ofeucb sieek. Ails, changed iwlcea month without extra charge.Change, unuer two weeks, not ox- ?ceedlng 901n, 80c; above SOin, si

KITTITAS valley of itself is capa-

ble of supporting ami prospering a

population of 75,000 and it will

not be many y ears hence beforeshe will be doing this very thing,


There should be a long pull, a

strong pull and a pull altogetherfor a nice, cleaner and more pop-ulous Ellensburg. There is no good

reason why Ellensburg, with the

unlimited resources behind and allaround it should not have a pop-ulation of 10,000 before January

Ist 191".

The industrious people of Vaki

ma have a wonderful liking for

buying photos of Kittitas fruit,

scenery, etc., and putting the Saint-

on exhibition as the "real pro-ducts" of Yakima county. In arecent publication a cut made from

a photo taken hy O. \V. PaUtzke of

an apple tree in W. T. Sheldon'sorchard, and the faces of Mr.Sheldon, wife and children wereshown in the branches, surroundedby beautiful foliage and luciousfruit, was shown as one of the

"real products of Yakima," but

the faces gave the whole thingaway. But that is all right. Theyhave to have the best and of coursemust come to Kittitas to get it. Itwould perhaps be well for those

people to bear in mind the scprit-

"I can trutlifully saythat I believe that, but forthe u.-.e of your EmulsionI would long since havebeen in my grave. I waspast work - could not walkup-hi!l without coughingvery hard."

THIS, uid much more waswritten by Mr. G. W. Hower-ton, Clark's Gap, \V. Va. Wewould like to send you a fullcopy of his letter, or youmight write him direct. Hiscase was really marvelous,but is only one of the manyproofs that


is the most strengtheningand re-vitalizing preparationin the world. Even in thatmost stubborn of all diseases(consumption) it does won-ders, and in less serioustroubles, such as anemia,bronchitis, asthma, catarrh,or loss of flesh from anycause the effect is muchquicker.D n ? l' hy. Get » brttl,- ol SCOTT'SKMI'I-SION? be mire id SCOTT'S andtry It


I.' t ii* «fn'! yOU Mr H''WPrton'» ]t»tf**r

riru. Ri-nip Uteratnre "i» Con«tmptioa«,i k| M>ad ai a Post Card tad mentionthin pnpw*

SCOTT & BOWNE409 Pearl Street New York

Ural injunctions: "lie sure yoursins will liiul you out," ami "Thewages of sin is death.''

PoSSIBLY after all. much good! may come of the win k of the last

legislature. At least we hope so.It seems to us that if it does noth-ing else, it ought to dissolve partylines through independent votesami put men in the next legislatureon their merits ami not on political

lines Of course we all know that

as a rule legislative ho lies are madeup of men who care little tor prill

ciples ami will sacrifice everything

ami anything for the sake ot get-

ting there.

The primary election law wasin sonic respects a farce before theconvening of the last legislature,

and it is certainly more so now.It is now amended so that a voteris required to register his name amiswear to his parte affiliations.This goes beyond just authorityami the pale of common decency

ami this clause was surely insertedin the interests of scheming politi-cians ami to make the law asodious as possible to the rank amitile of the voters that they might

demand its reoeal.

CrrriNg up of the huge land-holdings near this city is the thing

The Dawn has for years argued

must be done before we could pos-

sible hope for Ellensburg to everbecome a city, and now that HennKleinberg. J. 11. Smithson, J. CMcCanley ami others are to do this,

we can look forward to a time inthe near future when Ellensburgwill be a city 15,000 to 20,000.

The more small holdings we havethe more mouths must be fed amibodies clothed. the more intensifiedfarming and the more perfect pro-


How's This?tte offerOne Hnndred Dollars Reward rorany

ciw «>f Catursh thau cannot no cured bj Mali'si latarrb cur>-.

f. j CHENEY. A CO., Toledo, o.We. tho understened, have dnown P .1 Che-

ney for the last IS fears, acd believe him per.fectly honorable in all business transaction)*

and are perfeaUy rble to carry out any obliga-tions mailt- by his ru m.

Waldinu, KINN Vn a Nun isWholesale OriunrtsU Toledo, <>

Hail's Catarrh Cure Ii tak.-n internally.actingdirectly upon the Moot' ana mucous surface* "tthesystem. Testimonials sent free. Price fileper bottle, Bold by al. Druggists.

Tale' Poll's Family Pills for Constitution


Valley View News

VALLEY View. March 31.?GeorgeMop has leased 40 acres of thp I! F,

Reed ranch anr] has a force of live to

seven men grubbing sage hrnsh pre parStory to planting thirty acres in


The Baptist church is up ami willson be ready for use.

Guy t'. Williams i-. having a now

fence built around his land near Kittitas.

I _____

T, i*. Kfith has rented the W, TSheldon ranch up in tiie Johnson can-

yon ami is now a full fledged "Sowf'reeker. "

Abe Wheeler his finished haulingout a flne lot ot he best barn yardmanure in the country, lie pulled out

fully live hundred oads.Miller Bros . the well drillers, finish

i f*d a 130 foot well on the lid Mudd' ranch a few days since. The water

stands within 30 fe t of the top.

Cbss. Woddell and Abe Wheelerrented forty acres of the B. F. Reedradeb. They will plant twenty-fiveacres of tlie forty to spuds, the remaind-er in oa's.

('has. Wadde! wears a bright smilefrom the fact that a nice youug lad}has moved into our neighborhood thailooks good to him, but ('has. is from

Missourl, you know.

The Badger Pocket folks have madesome changes. Mr. Fry has moved to

R. I. Scammon's ranch. H. W. I.oilm-an has moved from the city to hisranch and from now on will be agranger indeed.

Tom Martin lias finished hi> new-house, and it is v good mark of indus-trious and energetic young' man to

build with liis own bands a home likeI this. I'll bet a coou skin lie don't

batch long, for no young man of histype will wait until leap year.

There are a good many strangers inour section looking for homes and as toquantity and quality our end of tin

j county is tlie best, and if they can't besuited in our midst, it will not be for

I the lack of line crop..

John Foust has had about 00 acresof sage brush land grubbed and clearedready for the plow this spring.

William Davidson had some relativi sand acquaintances to come iv from old





Tennessee, who contemplate locatiug

in tl.is vail. v. Tbej are a very destf

able class anil take hold with a

The services al tbe Presbyterian

cine cli last Sunday evening was well

attended and a good sermon was given

il?. people bj W. Eadle on the question~f intemperance, and tbe Sunday schoollesson on temperanae after serviceswas analyzed In such a simple way thai

the young folks speak ol it In the high-

est term-.

Mr. Clawton, ofthellrni ofClaws d

& Bell) went over to Seattle Inst week

on butinesa and pleasure vlsll bismother und relatives.

The Milwaukee has completed Itswork of truck !ajlog through n> the

line and no <l«m 1»t. will have theirregular schedule trains runningsoon

This is good news t" Kittitas valley andespecially to 11?»- cast end.

Kittitas is coming t<> the fronl nowwith one store running aod two morein course of construction, one hardwareund the other a genera! merchandiseestablishment.

The large hotel of Mr Delmose lahaving the finishing touches put onthis week, it will i>e ready for bust-ness.


Tells How Any One Can Pre-pare Simple Home-Made

Mixture. Said to Over-come Rheumatism

'I'iiere is so much Itheumattsm here

in our neighborhood now that tbe fol-

lowing advice will be highly appreclated by those who suffer:

Get from any good pharmacy one-

half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion,

one ounce Compound Kargon. three

ounces of Compound Syrup Sarsapa-rilla. Shake these well In a bottle audtake in teaspoonful doses after eachmeal and at bedtime; also drink plentjof good water.

It is claimed that there are few vic-

tim-, of tbisdread and torturous diseasewho .vill fall to find ready relief in thissimple home-in.ide mixture, and inmost cases a permanent cure is t!,<

result.This simple recipe is said to strength*

en and cleanse the eliminative tissuesof the Kidneys so that tin y can filterand strain from 'lie liloou and system

the poisons, acid-, an i waste matter,

which cause not only Rheumatism, buinumerous other diseases. Kvery manor woai in her- who feels that theirkiiln -ys are not healthy and active, ol

who suffers from any urinary troublewhatever, should not hesitate to makeup this mixture, as It Is certain to do

much cool, and may save yon from

much misery and suffering after while.Our home druggists say t hey will

either supply the ingredients or mixtlie prescription ready to take If ourready ask them. \u25a0>

The Country Editor.

A well known magazine publishedi for retail dealers bas the Following r.marks to make about newspaper advertlsing!

if a member of your family died,

would you print the resolutions on abillboard?

[f your wife entertained would youtend an account of it to tbe theatreurogram man?

If you were going to enlarge your)itsine-s would you advertise it in a

; hotel register?' If you were going to have a wedding.n your family would you gel out v

naud hill.Voa w .uld send snoh items to a news

paper, wouldn't j ourThen why dot you out such adver-

Isementa In a newspaper,Everyman who uses tbe billboard is

: tdding to nature faking.

Every dollar spent in a theatre pro-;ram. in a register, In a directory or int handbill, is a legitimate dollar taken

tway from tbe newspapers ol yourown.

The oewsparers build your town:

why not bely build up tbe newsparers?There is no better advertisement in tbe.vorld for a town than a good news-Daper. A newspaper is the barometerif the towns industry. Show us a good

newspaper, full of advertising and wewill show you a good town, full of live,prosperous merchants.

Billboards are an eyesore; handbills

are a nuisance; theatre programs areworthless; hotel registers, from an ad-vertising standpoint, are ridiculous,

Newspapers are tow n builders, town

advertisers, fortune-makers, news dissemidators, sermon deliverers, prosper-ity forecasters ?they are a necessity-not a luxury, Without them we wouldretrogade to tlie mediaeval days.

Don't patronize them from a char-


lubu sentimental standpolnl

patronize tbem because tbey deliver

t ?. goods-thai is, Kfcbey are tie rlgbt

Cu' oui tbe foolUhDess ami work for

the up building "f your town.

West Side News

WEST Sim: March .11 Pine rain

OUt this way Monday.

j, L Oardlnler Is reported as being

,!11itf sick with gall stones.

W. T* Conant Is hauling off bis lastyear - crop of bay.

il \. Crawford was up the Koblnsoncanyon after fence |><»ti .1 f'-w days

sloce.Sixteen guests fared sumptuously at

tbe boms ol Martin Frederick a few

days since, among whom we may men?ion .1. Crawford. Will Plpper and wife

and Will Gillis and Mis-How.-, all <>f

KUensburg.Mi-s Nettie Adler, after speudinga

few days at home, returned to Thorpto Qntsh her stay with Mrs. Qoribrook.

Victor Steveos has so far recoveredfrom his net-tit Illness as to l»- able 10

utend school again.


KllknsbL'RG, March 31.?The Dawn[(you willallow me, 1 will answer

my friends and brother railway I >.»\s inregard to the N. I' B. A hospital beo»ctits. They can not spend 50 cents amonth for any 'it-tier use, if they neverhave to go to tlie hospital. It willbenefit -.cmc other railroad brotherthat is to unfortunate a-, to xci si.-k or

crippled and ne'-ds to have the rare ofdoctors and mires. As far as treat-

ment is concerned, you net the bestdoctors. Mowers, Argue, Obrine andSbafer will t;ive you the i»--,t of medicalaid that can ?><? bad with l»r. Mowersaschlef surgeon., and with one of tli*-'icst corps of aurses in tbe state, withMiss Weller as head rjut-se. They doail that tender bands arid thoughts cando and they eat.not receive praiseenough for their heroic work ai.d tenderwords.

Yours trul v.V. K. \V.


Misery from an Upset StomachVanishes Five Minutes Later

Why not start now- today, and for-ever rid yourself of Stomach troubleand Indigestion-.- A dieted stomachget the blues and grumbles, dive it 1a good eat. and then take Pape's l»ia-i---epsln to start the digestive juices work-ing. There will be no dyspepsia orbelching of Gas or eructations ol uudi-(jested food; no feeling like a lump ( flead in the stomach or heartburn, sickheadache and Dizziness, and your foodwill not furment and poison yourbreath with nauseous odors.

l'ape's Diapepstn costs only .10 centsfor a large ease at any drugstore here,and will relieve the most obstinate case Iof 11,digesthm and upset Stomach Inlive minutes.

, There is nothing else better to take'Has from Stomach and cleanse the

i stomach and intestines, and besides,one triangule wi'l digest and prepare

i for assimilation into the blood all you.t! food the same as a souud. health

; stomach would do it.

t When Diapepsin works, your stom-ach rests-gets itself iv order, cleanseUp and then you feel like eating when 1

I you come to the table, and what youeat will do yon good.

; Abselute relief from all stomach:j Misery ig waiting for yon as soon usyou decide to begin taking Diapepsin.

; ''"pcs Diapepsin, because you want tobe thoroughly cured of todigettlon. I|

I Lost. Strayed or Stolen?A blackcocker spaniel, bob tail eight monthsn a


*6 B W<>t 'k U=°- Uotifv\ l>. a, Westcott.' v

Incubator For SaleI have an Old Trusty Incubator? 200egg size, good as new, that I will sellat a bargain. Apply al The Dawn

\u25a0 ounce,

The Washington National BankA

Xl_ $50,000.00


"- l5 ' OMM

Only Bank in Kittitas Co. Under Gov. Supervision

BOARD OF DIRECTORS:\ o Johnson VV. T. Morrison J. H. Smithson

Soren Sorenson? Stewar , C . W. Johnsone

james Stevenson < " Mewan

These are the men who manage the business of the largest and strong*

Hank in the County.

We solicit you. business and promise you every accommodation warranted

In safe, conservative banking methods.


DANK CHECK is much safer than cash

in the settlement <<f accounts.

It does away with danger ol loss, errors and

disputes, as your cam filed checks, which we return

to you, are the very best receipts you can have.

Deposit your money with us and pay your

bills by c heck.


Careful Prescription Work.

We are not infallible. No human is. But we have our work sosystematized and are mo careful about every phase ol it. that we certain-ly bave reason to be proud ol ivclean record. Pbyslciaaa who have in-

vestigated our prescription counter commend our work most highly andgladly send js their prescriptions. We invite yours.

Harry S, Elwood. The Prescription Druggist.

if you have been fooled in the clothes youhave bought it was not our fault, wehave al way 5 kept 600 dclothes in our?store. we always .shall. it pays, comeTO US THEN AND LET US CLOTHE YOU. A 516BUNCH FOR YOUR DOLLAR IS WHAT WE -SHALLGIVE YOU. B CUSTOMER PUT WI.SE IS A CUS-TOMER MADE FOR US. YOU MAY BE WISHING ANEW .SUIT FOR EASTER. SUPPOSE YOU LOOKAT OUR SUITS. A SWELL 5J6.?0 SUIT FORsi 5.00. .SEE STEIN. BLOCK AND CO S LATESTSTYLES AT


flkwbuq Veberioaru Hospitalc 4. J. DAMMAN, D. V. S, M. D. V.

Office: 607 X. Main. Residence: 007 1 N. MainPhone: Red SB3

Call and .see my Clinic. Kvery day Clinic Day.