Hey everyone. I just love the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer and I thought I would make a fan-made story as a sequel to the fourth book, Breaking Dawn. Everything is for Stephenie Meyer, an inspiration, role model and hero to millions of people across the globe. Points of view will change from character to character so I hope you don’t get confused! Sorry, if I do confuse you. I’ll start off with Bella! I don’t mean anything. Once again, this is fan-made and I am using characters from the Twilight Saga. There are NO chapters, just character changes. Well, I suppose each character change is its own chapter. The idea for this story is from Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Saga. The song Decode is from Paramore. No copyright intended. Leave a comment! STEPHENIE MEYER

Twilight: Sequel to Breaking Dawn - Dawn of Dreams- FINISHED!

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It has been four years since the marriage of Edward and Bella.They have to move to Astoria, Oregon and Jacob and Nessie are involved in a car accident. Then, a group of newborn vampires catch Nessie's scent and follow them to the new home. What will happen to Nessie and Jacob? What can Bella and Edward do? Will they have to move again, privately?* If there are any mistakes you detect, leave a comment and I'll get to it ASAP.*Bella chapter added *Renesmee chapter added *Jacob chapter added *Edward chapter added *Alice chapter added *Aro chapter added *Rosalie chapter added *Charlie chapter added*If you are reading Twilight related documents, listening to the Twilight movie soundtrack and reveal meanings to words. It also inspired words to flow from your fingers onto the computer screen.*As I add a new chapter, I may make some changed to earlier chapters, so you can re-read those, to see the changes.*Please comment!*I'm glad you like my story so far!*And yes, I know Riley does get burned, but I changed things!

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Page 1: Twilight: Sequel to Breaking Dawn - Dawn of Dreams- FINISHED!

dawn of dreams

by ayswn

A sequel to breaking dawn of the twilight saga by


Page 2: Twilight: Sequel to Breaking Dawn - Dawn of Dreams- FINISHED!

Hey everyone. I just love the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer and I thought I would make a fan-made story as a sequel to the fourth book, Breaking Dawn. Everything is for Stephenie Meyer, an inspiration, role model and hero to millions of people across the globe.

Points of view will change from character to character so I hope you don’t get confused! Sorry, if I do confuse you. I’ll start off with Bella!

I don’t mean anything. Once again, this is fan-made and I am using characters from the Twilight Saga. There are NO chapters, just character changes. Well, I suppose each character change is its own chapter.

The idea for this story is from Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Saga. The song Decode is from Paramore. No copyright intended. Leave a comment!

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It’s been 4 years since Edward and I have married and it’s time to move. Charlie has been visiting more often as we announced that we would move. Everyone was sad, Angela, Ben, Mike, teachers, even Jessica and Lauren. Charlie took it the hardest; he probably wanted to spend more time with us before we left. I’m not sure – I never asked Edward.

I’m packing up. We’re moving to Astoria, Oregon. I’m packing slowly, trying to calm Charlie down. It’s not working but, I just can’t stop it. Emmett’s giving me heck for slowing everyone down, but it was funny.

Renesmee is absolutely beautiful. She’s about the size of a 15 year old now. We told Charlie that she had a growth spurt, like Jacob. A big one. Of course, it also didn’t help Charlie when the memory of Jacob phasing in front of him. There was a time when I said to her, “Renesmee, you are the most beautiful girl in the entire world.”

“No.” Jacob had disagreed. “She’s not the most beautiful girl in the world, the most beautiful person.” I had disagreed again, mentally.

I smiled. It’s hard to leave Forks, leaving behind everyone I love, excluding my vampire family and Jacob. If Jacob didn’t come, then Renesmee would have to stay, and I wouldn’t have that.

“Okay! I’m done!” I said as I skipped down the stairs.

“It’s about time.” Emmett grumbled as I pecked Renesmee and Jacob on the cheek. Rose chuckled as I gave Edward a passionate kiss on the lips.

“Let’s go. Are we running or taking the plane?” I asked, knowing the answer, not mentioning it.

Alice looked up at me sternly. “Seriously, Bella. Do you think we’d really run? I don’t think that Nessie could run.”

“She could ride on Jacob’s back.” I teased. Alice rolled her eyes.

“She could,” Jacob said.

“Okay, let’s just get into those cars!” said an impatient Alice.

Edward laughed. I looked at him curiously. “What’s so funny?”

“It seems that we are pushing Emmett a little too far.” Edward chuckled. Sure enough, when I looked, Emmett was ready to pounce – right on me.

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“Oh.” That was all I could force out, I was in fits. “Okay, let’s go. Before Emmett destroys the house – and the cars for that matter.”

“Finally.” Emmett hissed.

Jacob and Nessie took Jacob’s Rabbit. Alice and Jasper took the Porsche. I took my Ferrari F430. Carlisle and Esme went in Carlisle’s Mercedes. Rosalie went in her BMW and Emmett goes through the forest in his Jeep Wrangler. Edward took his Volvo and Charlie offered to take Edward’s ‘special occasion’ car, an Aston Martin V12 Vanquish.

Carlisle has already bought a house there, with Esme’s opinion. I was sure that Alice would launch into a mission when we were there – new clothes.

It was lonely, but I decided to call Jake and Nessie to check up on them. I dialled Jake’s cell phone number and pressed the phone to my ear.

“Hey, Bells.” Jake greeted me.

“Hi, Jake. How’s Ness?”

“Oh, she’s fine; you want to talk to her?”


“Kay. Hang on.” I hear a light ruffle. “For you, Ness.” I hear Jake whisper. I hear Nessie’s hands curl around the phone and I hear her speak.

“Momma?” Renesmee never called me Mom or Mommy or anything like that.

“Yeah, it’s me, Renesmee. How are things with Jacob?”

“Well, it’s been fine...” she said. “But something happened.” She mumbled, knowing I could hear.

“Don’t tell her.” I heard Jacob grumble. “She’ll go crazy!”

“But why?” Renesmee whined. “Doesn’t she have a right to know?” Ness didn’t wait for an answer. “Momma, Jacob’s car ran out of gas and we stopped at the gas station. And as we were coming out, into an intersection, some person ran a red and hit us. Then -”

“No...” I whispered.

She didn’t hear me. “The right side of the Rabbit is crushed. Jacob’s okay but...” Nessie trailed off.

“Are you okay?”

“Well...” another ruffle sounded. “Hey!” Nessie complained.

“Sorry.” Jacob said absently. “Bella? Can we talk about this later?”

I sighed. “Sure. Mind speeding up?”

“No. Do you?”

“I already am. Go! I’ll tell Edward.” I was rushed.

Jake sighed and hung up. I hung up too. It was a good thing I had the way to Astoria memorized.

“Edward?” I asked as soon as the ringing ended.

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“Bella, love, is something wrong?”


“What happened?” He’s anxious. I was too.

“Jake and Nessie were in an accident. Some guy ran a red. Renesmee said that Jacob was alright but the right side of the car was crushed and...” I trailed off, just like Nessie did.

“Oh, no.” Edward whispered. I pushed down the acceleration. Edward heard the pedal going down and did the same in return. “See you there.” He said, pained.

“Okay. Yes. Bye, I love you. Don’t tell Charlie!”

“I love you too.” He hung up. I listened to the dial tone and hung up as well. Edward would surely tell the others. Everyone would be worried about Renesmee. Only Jake and she knew how she looked. She wouldn’t heal fast like werewolves. At least we had Carlisle. The speedometer inched past 150 miles per hour. The meter slowly rose to top speed. No one would see the license plate; maybe even barely see the car.

The unfamiliar buildings of Astoria rushed past me and I stopped by a gas station to ask for directions to the new house.

“Hello.” Said the male attendant there. “My name is Joe. Do you need anything?” I’m dazzling him. Obviously.

“Well, yes. Could you give me directions to...?” I gave him the address and he wrote down several sentences on a scrap piece of paper and gave it to me. I smiled at him, showing my rows of teeth. “Thank you.”

He was either scared or dazzled more, because it took him time to recover and say, “You’re welcome.”

I turned and walked gracefully out the door and slipped into my Ferrari. Speeding up again, I rushed to my new home. I stopped at an intersection. In the other lane, a familiar car also stopped.

“Rosalie?” I asked, in a normal conversation voice. She would hear me, if it was her. It was definitely a she.

She turned her head and grimaced. “Edward got to you?” Rosalie would be just as worried as me. She was practically a second mother to Nessie.

“Yes.” She whispered. I heard it as if she was talking in my ear.

“Horrible.” I whispered. Rose nodded. The traffic light turned green and we both speeded forward. I switched lanes, and fell in line behind Rose. I didn’t know the way.

Obviously, she did. We turned into a neighbourhood and speeded into a street. She pulled up onto a driveway and opened a garage door. I didn’t have a key. The garage was huge – probably Emmett updated it – so there was room for every car. There was Edward, Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Alice and Jasper. Now there is Rose and I. Jake and Nessie wasn’t here. That can’t be good. And Charlie is going to take a while, he obeys the speed limit. He is Chief of Police in Forks.

“Hey, Rose!” Emmett opened the back door. “Come on in, Bella. Edward’s getting nosy in our heads.” We all chuckled.

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“Emmett’s exaggerating.” Edward said, appearing at Emmett’s side. The chuckle became a laugh. I listened to the chorus of different bells.

“Anything from Jake?” I asked, changing the mood.

“Nothing.” Emmett confirmed.

“That can’t be good.” Just then, my cell phone rang.


“Bella, it’s getting worse.” Rose and Emmett left, to say that we were here. Edward seemed to be lost in deep concentration.

“Jake? Where are you?”

“Entering Astoria.”

“Hurry up!” I said impatiently. “If it’s worse then we should get Carlisle to treat it. Please, Jake. How did it get worse?”

“That’s it. The injuries aren’t worse.” Jake’s voice cracked. Before I could reply, he answered my unspoken question. “Some newborns caught the scent of Nessie’s blood. None I’ve seen before, considering the so many we saw that day. They feed on humans, saw their eyes. They’re following us in the trees and water. There are about 5.”

“Oh, no. That can’t be good. Speed up, Jake, please.”

“Jeez, Bells. The Rabbit’s crushed, can’t go that fast anymore.” Jacob said.

“What about Renesmee?” I wailed, the bells in my voice breaking.

Jake gasped and his foot pressed down on the accelerator. “I’ll be right there.” He said pained. “Good thing Carlisle gave me directions.” Since Jacob imprinted on Renesmee, a respect has formed for our family – after all, he is a part of it. “Gotta go, Bella. See you in a few.” Then he muttered, “Speed up, you stupid car.”

“Okay.” I choked out. He hung up. I hung up and broke into tearless, dry sobs.

“Are you alright?” Edward put his arm around my waist and pulled me in. “What did Jacob say?” He didn’t hear the conversation.

“Jacob said that there were about 5 newborns, following them, after catching Nessie’s scent. I’m so worried!” I felt as if this was my fault.

Edward detected my despair and guiltiness. He closed the door. “Bella, love, don’t take the blame. It was that person who ran the red and hit the Rabbit... on Nessie’s side.” He said reluctantly. He turned my face to look at his. “Please don’t be sad. It’s bad enough with Renesmee in pain. I don’t need you in pain too.” He crooned, trying to comfort me.

I took a deep breath, though I didn’t need it. “You’re right. Let’s go in, tell Carlisle.” Edward nodded and leaned down. I stretched up on my toes to close the 10 inches difference in our heights. Our lips met in between and trying to prolong the moment, I put my arms around his neck. His fingers locked in my hair, tangled from the speed my car went.

After about 30 seconds, Edward pulled away. “They’re wondering where we are.”

“Then let’s go.” I said, hiding the disappointment I felt.

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I explained everything I knew to Carlisle and Esme. Esme’s face grew sadder with every word I said.

“The newborns...” muttered Carlisle thoughtfully.

“What about them?” There wasn’t a curious look on Edward’s face. Of course he already knew.

“He’s wondering who created the newborns.” Edward said. “Who created these newborns? Where?” He mimicked Carlisle’s curious voice to perfection.

Carlisle chuckled. “Precisely. Bella, where were you when you received the call from Jacob and Renesmee?”

“Well, actually, I called them, and I believe I was 40 miles out of Forks. I wanted to check on them.”

“A car accident so early. Maybe it was intended?” Carlisle mused. Esme gasped, finding some meaning that no one else did.

“What is it?” asked Jasper.

“Oh...” Alice’s eyes went blank. Edward’s head snapped toward her.

“What do you see?” asked Rosalie.

“I see... Jacob is in the neighbourhood.” A hopeful expression lit up on Rosalie’s face. “The newborns are still following them. There are 6 of them now. Not a newborn but he still lives on human blood. It looks like... Riley? It can’t be!”

“Riley?” I whispered. Riley had been with Victoria when she tried to kill me 4 years ago.

“That’s him. That’s strange. I thought Seth ripped him to bits.”

“Maybe another nomad was formed?” I volunteered. “And found the pieces. Maybe he – or she – put Riley back together. You didn’t burn Riley did you, Edward?”

“No.” Edward said, catching on.

“This isn’t good.” Rosalie whispered, pained. Emmett put an arm around her shoulder and tried to comfort her.

“Is there anything else, Alice?” Jasper asked.

“No.” Alice said, her face falling.

Everyone was nervous. We would either have to kill the newborns and Riley or convince them to live on animal blood. Or die.

“I don’t like the idea of killing them.” Carlisle said. “We have to try... to convince them into our ‘vegetarian’ diet.” He left out the possibility of our death.

“What if...” Rosalie inquired, “What if... Riley creates more newborns and trains them, like he did with Victoria?” This question brought many more boiling questions into my head, demanding an answer.

“Jasper? Can you...?” Esme asked. Jasper nodded and everyone relaxed temporarily.

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I sighed. It was nice to feel comfort. I leaned onto Edward. When would Jake get here with Nessie? Everyone was so worried. Or did the newborns get to them? Despite Jasper’s power, I felt nervous again.

The garage door opened and a beat up car rolled in.


“Jacob, it hurts.” I whimpered.

“I know, Nessie. We’re almost home.” Jacob’s voice was pained. It hurt to know that he was hurt, even emotionally.

“But the newborns...”

“We’ll fight.”

“What if you get hurt, Jacob?” I asked. I cared for him.

“I’ll be okay. I promise, Nessie. I promise.” We pulled into an unfamiliar garage.

“We’re here, Bells.” Jacob said.

Bella! Momma! Momma opened the door and said, “Oh, Jake! You’re here.” Her gaze turned to meet my eyes. Her eyes examined my wounds. “Oh, that’s bad. I’ll close the garage door so the newborns...” Momma knew about the newborn vampires? And they were after me. I shuddered as the rumble of the garage door faded away. Suddenly the ground disappeared under me.

“Jacob!” I whined. I looked up to see his 7 foot tall figure. He smiled at me. “I thought it hurt.” Jacob was right. It did hurt. We’re lucky we’re still together. Bella kept the door open for Jacob and me to go through.

“Oh my.” Someone gasped. I think it was Grandmother Esme.

Daddy was right there by my side. He stroked his fingers down the long scars on my body. “Did you see who ran the red light, Renesmee?”

I shook my head and winced. “No.”

“Carlisle?” Momma asked Grandfather.

“Of course, Bella.” Suddenly, Grandpa’s face was gazing back at mine. “Are you okay?”

“It hurts. And the newborn vampires are scary. They have red eyes.” Of course. Jacob set me down onto a white couch and walked over to Edward to start a conversation, with a solemn expression.

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“Strange how you’re still bleeding. It must have taken what, an hour and about 10 minutes for you to get here from the scene of the accident? Did anything else happen on the way?”

“Yes.” I whispered. Jacob shot a look my way, warning me. I ignored him, for once. This was important. “We were about to enter the neighbourhood and the street was empty. We couldn’t see the newborn vampires anywhere so Jacob slowed down.

“He pulled over to the side of the road to take a rest. Then, one of the vampires jumped onto the back of the car but we didn’t hear, feel or see it. Then...” I flinched. “Then, he bit me.” Jacob growled, Momma and Rosalie gasped and Daddy stiffened. “The venom didn’t affect me though. If it did, wouldn’t I be in more pain than this?”

Grandpa nodded. “Yes, you would be.”

“Then maybe I’m not affected because I’m half vampire already?”

Grandpa nodded again. “That’s an interesting theory. A thoughtful expression crossed his face.

“Hey!” a familiar set of bells twinkled. “Renesmee, did you grow again? You seem so much bigger!” Momma’s face appeared.

I smiled. “I don’t know. It has been a long time since Carlisle measured me. I’m still growing.”

“Go Gramps!” boomed Emmett, causing everyone to laugh.

“What does it look like, Momma?” I asked.

Momma analysed me. “Well... for sure you don’t look 15. Maybe more like 18.”

Jacob, my Jacob smiled. “Now you’re what, 9 years younger than me, according to Bella.”

“No.” I disagreed. “I’m not that old. I’m only 4, Jacob!” I looked at Daddy. He seemed to be in deep concentration. “Do you hear something, Daddy?” Everyone turned to look. A deep crease formed on Daddy’s forehead.

Momma put a hand on his shoulder. “What is it?”

“They’re planning a strategy now. Not done though. Shoot, they remembered my ‘extra sense.’ Going out too far for me to hear. Can you see them, Alice?”

All eyes turned to Aunt Alice. Her eyes went blank and glassy. After 2 seconds, Alice opened her eyes. “I can’t see them... just like 4 years ago.”

I took a deep breath and winced. Jacob looked at me. “Are you thirsty?” I nodded. Jacob looked at Grandpa. “Carlisle, do you mind if I take Nessie out hunting?”

“No, but...” Grandfather scanned the eyes of first Alice, then Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, then Daddy and finally Momma. I think Momma’s eyes were darkest. “I think you should take Bella; she looks really thirsty.”

Momma smiled and brought a twinkle into her eyes. Jacob nodded and picked me up again.

“Jacob!” I whined again and everyone laughed. Jacob handed me to Momma and we walked out the back. There was a forest there and I could faintly smell some deer. Jacob ran

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into the forest ahead of us and began trembling as he prepared to shape-shift into a russet wolf. He came out again and howled.

“Why, Jacob?” Daddy asked as he came out the house. He listened for several seconds. “Oh. Then it’s a good thing Bella’s coming. Shield.”

“Daddy, what did Jacob think?”

“That the newborns are in that forest.” Daddy growled.

Momma stiffened and put me on Jacob’s back. I grabbed onto the russet fur and tried not to pull. I didn’t want to rip his hair out. Though it might be funny. Daddy laughed. Momma looked at him curiously and he pointed at me.

Then his eyes grew wide and he pointed at the forest. Both he and Momma tensed and we proceeded slowly to the forest’s edge.

Jacob growled. He obviously didn’t like putting me at risk. Sometimes, I wished he didn’t imprint on me, on the 10th of September, when I was annoyed or angry. Sometimes, I was the happiest I could be – with Jacob. Daddy listened intently to my thoughts. “Eavesdropper.” I mumbled and Daddy laughed. “Momma?”

Momma looked at me. “Renesmee, is there something you want to show me?” I nodded and she walked closer to pick me up. I pressed my hand to her cheek and showed her what happened in more detail than I described. The beat up car, the crash, myself knocked unconscious, Jacob worrying the entire time, the newborns, everything. Daddy listened too. Jacob already knew everything. Obviously.

We continued into the forest. A herd of elk passed by and everyone pounced. Jacob and I went back to our old contest – who could catch the biggest animal?

“Mine’s the biggest, Jacob!” I insisted.

The russet wolf shook its head.

“Yes.” Then I re-examined the two animals and gave up. “Fine. You win.” Jacob laughed – though it sounded as if he were choking.

Something else pounced. It wasn’t an animal. It wasn’t Momma or Daddy. There were through the trees. Once I looked closer, I recognized him as one of the vampires after me. Jacob didn’t see it, or hear it. I screamed and fell over. Jacob’s head whipped around and he attacked the airborne vampire. He must have been calling Daddy is his head because Daddy suddenly appeared, pulling Momma behind him. Momma stared at Jacob and the vampire.

“A newborn.” She whispered. “Riley sent him?” she asked Daddy.

“Yes.” Daddy nodded.

I kept on watching Jacob wrestle with the vampire, resisting the urge to scream. A metallic scream was issued and 2 more vampires leaped from the trees. I screamed again. Daddy growled and jumped, collided with the two. Momma screamed too. “Edward!”

Now there were three vampires here. Alice said there were 6. I looked closer at the vampires. All of their eyes were coal black. I looked at Momma’s eyes. Her eyes were golden brown. Daddy’s eyes were the same colour. These strange vampires are thirsty and Jacob and I were the only ones who had blood here, but Jacob smelled bad to them.

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I stood up and walked over to Momma and sat down again. Momma took up a shield that covered the two of us. The vampire Jacob was fighting began retreating, looking for help. Jacob began to follow him when Daddy said, “No.” Jacob looked at him and whined. “Go tell Carlisle and the others. Hurry, Jacob!” he ordered as he knocked one of the other vampires down. The wolf nodded and disappeared through the trees, just as the newborn vampire he was attacking did.

The soft thud of Jacob’s paws on the muddy ground disappeared and was replaced with silence. “Jacob.” I muttered.

“He will be okay, Renesmee.” Momma whispered, just for me. Then aloud, she said, “I wonder where Riley went. Wasn’t he the leader?”

“Yes.” Daddy said, falling.

“Edward, do you need help?” asked Momma, worried.

“I’ll be fine. Besides, if you come and help, what if one of them comes from behind?” Daddy turned down the offer and kept fighting. “Take her back to the house!” he ordered.

“Are you sure, Edward?” Momma asked. Daddy nodded. “Okay.” She said uncertainly. Momma picked me up.

“Momma, I can run.”

“Not as fast.” She disagreed and then we were flying. The trees flew past me and I felt Momma jump as we sailed over a river. I could also hear that we were being chased and I looked behind us. 2 vampires with black eyes were following us.

“Momma.” I whispered.

“I know. Once we’re at the house, we’ll be okay.” I looked back in front of us, trying to forget the chase. I hated chase scenes but I never had a reason. Now I do have a reason. No matter how fast you run or how much energy you have, it’s always going to end so why prolong the moment, the pain?

Then the house was there. I marvelled at the white walls and blank windows at we got closer. Suddenly, Esme was at the window staring out. Her eyes grew wide and she disappeared, maybe to tell the others. The back door opened and Momma sailed through. Alice closed the door swiftly and the newborns clawed at it.

“Emmett?” Rosalie asked. Emmett smiled and leaned against the back door.

“Where’s Edward?” asked Jacob.

“Still fighting.” Momma whispered. I yawned and stretched.

“Oh, we still haven’t got a bed for you two.” Carlisle admitted.

Esme laughed. “No worries. I brought a few blankets back. Jacob, do you mind sleeping in the house?”

“No. Not anymore.”

“The blankets are upstairs.” Esme said.

Momma took me up the stairs and found some blankets. She whirled around the room picking up blankets and arranging them. There were about 10 blankets. 5 for Jacob, 5 for me, then. Jacob came up the stairs.

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“Jeez, Bells. You look like an angry tornado. And you do know, I don’t need blankets on top. Just something to sleep on.” Jacob teased. “Is there some special occasion coming up?”

“I’m worried, actually.” Momma snapped. She set me down on a pile of blankets. “You see...” I didn’t hear the rest. I had fallen asleep.

“Finally! You’re up!” Emmett said. “I’d been waiting here a while.“Huh? Did something happen?”

“Huh. Yeah. Bella’s been bugging me about it. I swear, Jacob -” he wrinkled is nose, “- looked 27. Plus, your growth spurt is getting bigger. You grew a lot overnight. Seriously, you’re taller than Bella now.”

“I’m taller than Momma, now? How?”

“Who knows?” Emmett shrugged. “Everyone’s waiting for you downstairs.”

I yawned and stood up. “Fine.” I trudged down the stairs to find that Emmett wasn’t kidding. Everyone was staring expectantly at the bottom of the staircase where I emerged. I sat down next to Momma.

Emmett was right! I looked down at her. I was taller by about 3 inches. Momma looked up at me and smiled.

“Amazing.” Carlisle breathed.

“I don’t get it.” Jasper said.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. “Does the Volturi know we moved?” Daddy asked. Daddy? Daddy came back!

“Yes.” It was Esme who spoke.

“Humph.” Jacob grumbled. Rosalie smiled. Rosalie was like a second Momma to me.

Carlisle stood up to open the door. “Delivery for Renesmee Carlie Cullen?” a mailman said. For me? From who?

“Yes, Renesmee lives here.” Grandpa said politely.

“Here you go.” The mailman gave Carlisle the package. Carlisle closed the door.

“Renesmee. Here’s a package for you.” He said very calmly.

“Are you sure it’s safe?” Daddy asked.

“Of course, Edward. The smell is familiar. It’s from the Volturi.”

“Must be from Aro,” Rosalie said. Aro? Aro of the Volturi who tried to kill us 4 years ago?

“Give the package to me.” I said. Carlisle handed it to Alice who handed it to me. I ripped off the paper. Inside was a navy blue box. I opened the lid. Inside was a gold necklace, gems of different colours of the rainbow strung onto the string. “Wow. Pretty. It looks like the one Momma got from Aro.”

“Wow, Renesmee, Aro must have seen something.”

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Alice gasped. No one badgered her for information until her eyes coloured and focused again. “Oh.” Alice and Daddy said in unison.

“What happened?” asked Emmett.

Daddy nodded to Alice. Alice began, “I saw the reason why Aro sent the necklace. I never thought...” she looked at Daddy.

“Alice is trying to say, back when we left Forks, in Volterra, Alice showed Aro some things. I think it slipped my mind but she saw Bella with Renesmee and Jacob. Then, the two of them marrying so Aro can’t have forgotten that.” Daddy shook his head. Me? Marrying Jacob? Sure, but I’m only 2, almost 3. Of course it didn’t look like that. I didn’t even look like Momma’s daughter!

Jasper looked at me. “Nessie, you didn’t get much to drink yesterday, did you?” Jasper looked uneasy as he talked to me. Alice took hold of his hand and Jasper’s expression relaxed. Alice calmed him down. I guess, he could control other’s feelings but his own, not so much.

“No.” I replied. “I only killed one deer.” I made a face. “Jacob won.” Jacob laughed.

“And we haven’t stocked the kitchen. I guess you’ll have to go hunting again.” Carlisle said. “Alice, are they planning an attack?”

Alice’s eyes went blank again and came back after a long moment. “No.” She sounded confident. “They’re trying to come up with a new plan. It will take them a while. Maybe done by tomorrow.”

“Great.” Emmett said. “Time for my fill.”

“I’m coming.” Rosalie said.

Jasper and Alice were coming too. Carlisle and Esme were fine and of course, Momma and Daddy just went. Jacob is of course coming.

“And Edward,” Rosalie said, “Charlie came and dropped off the special occasion car.”

“Thanks, Rose. For telling me.”

“Now.” Emmett said, tensed like a runner. “Let’s go.”

We all ran out of the back door, except for me.

I was riding on Jacob’s back. Once we were sure we were out of range of Daddy’s mind reading talent, I pressed my hand to Jacob’s bobbing cheek. We had a silent conversation.

How do you think Alice saw us marrying?

Jacob’s shoulders bobbed up and back down.

Do you want to?

Jacob looked at me and whined softly.

Oh. Yeah. Sometimes it’s so easy to forget that you imprinted on me. Did you know that, Jacob?

The russet wolf shook his head.

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Won’t you have to go back to La Push sometime, though? You can’t stay away from them right now. Sam has got to be telling you to go back now.

Another shake of the head.

Is Sam telling you to stay until I’m safe? I asked, even though I knew the answer.

He nodded. We were at the forest’s edge now and we went to the right.

I smell deer again.

Jacob nodded again. Then he pounced. I fell off his back but landed gently on my feet. I ran after him. I got another deer.

“I win!” I exclaimed. Jacob analysed the two deer on the ground and whined. He nodded. He turned and ran off in the distance. I caught up and jumped onto his back. He didn’t complain. We continued this contest until we were both full. He walked out of sight and came back human. We started back home.

“You’re back late.” Mumbled Emmett.

“I’ve decided.” Jacob says. “I’m going back to La Push for the week. I’ll come back.” He added when he saw me looking at him. “Edward, don’t you dare.” A threatening look appeared on Jacob’s face.

Daddy laughed. “I won’t. It will be a nice surprise. For everyone.”

“I’ll run home now. See you.” Jacob says.

“Bye, Jacob.” I say and I hug him.

He runs out the door and phases.

The dawn of my dreams began.


I did love her. I did imprint on her. I’m just not sure if I’m ready for the whole marriage thing. The million steel cables connecting me to her have grown stronger. Bella says I look 30. Nessie is about a foot shorter than me. I’ll wait a week. Nessie gets thirsty faster than the others. I ran into the forest and phased. As soon as I began running, I was greeted with my name.

Jacob Black.

What is it, Sam? I asked.

You can’t stay in Astoria forever. You do know that.

Sam, you know the Cullens are harmless!

You can’t know that, Jacob! They are the ‘cold ones’ our grandfathers met! Sam insisted.

Do you think it’s my fault I imprinted on Bella’s daughter? I challenged.

You have got to try, Jacob!

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That would be like you trying to stay away from Emily, Sam! Everyone else – Leah, Seth, Paul, Jared, Collin, everyone – listened to our argument.

You know, Sam. Jacob’s right. Seth piped in.

Shut up, Seth. I growled.

Jacob Black. Sam said. How could you have decided that? She’s only 4!

Stop it, Sam! I can always leave again! Sam growled but fell silent. He didn’t want me to leave. I’m coming home for a week. Does that make you happy?

Yes, Jacob. It does. Then Sam was gone. Billy will be happy.

Am I allowed to have some peace and quiet? I asked.

Sure. I think I hear Kim calling. Jared said and phased out.

Hey, Jake. Mind if I crash at your house? Paul asked.

Not that it would do much if I said no. Rachel would kill me if I said no. I grumbled. Hey, Seth, could you shut up until I get home? Seth phased out. Guess this is the best I can get. I sped up. See you guys.

I think Seth will be pretty happy. Leah said sarcastically. You’re coming back to La Push. What a joy! Why are you coming back?

No one likes disobeying the Alpha.

You’re supposed to be the Alpha, Jacob!

Wow! Really? Then why is Sam the Alpha? Collin asked.

Please stay out of this, Collin. Leah warned. When Jacob gets back, I call for a fight.

I laughed and pushed myself faster. Yeah, like Sue would like that.

We heal fast, don’t forget.

Bring it on. I challenged.

Finally! Someone who accepts! Leah said in relief. Brady and Collin phased out. Everyone started to phase out. They obviously didn’t want to feel the pain from the fight. Leah began running towards me.

I’m warning you. Everyone says I’m the best. Even Sam says so. You don’t have a prayer, Leah.

Leah barked, laughed then whined. I thought you would go easy. She teased.

Shut up, Leah. Meet in Idaho? I’m passing Cheyenne right now. I sped up.

Fine. Got a certain place in mind, O fearless leader?

No. As long as it’s away from humans – I mean non shape-shifters. I forgot – we were humans. I’m fine with wherever it is. I felt Leah speed up.

We were silent until we met in the forest in Idaho.

Bring it on, child. Leah challenged. We both tensed.

Let’s not dig through minds. I said.

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Good idea, kid. No cheating that way. Leah agreed.

Start! I said without warning and pounced.

Hey! Leah protested, falling over. And we wrestled around. Time! Leah thought.

What is it, Leah? I’m exasperated.

First scar wins? Leah asked.

Fine! I say and pounce again.

We wrestle for several minutes, every time one is about to pierce, the other evades the attack.

Yes! Told you I’m the best, Leah! I thought as I pierced her grey fur.

Quil appeared. Hey! What are you guys doing over in Idaho? He read our thoughts. Oh. Jeez, Leah, why did you ask Jake, of all people?

I thought it would be fun. Leah retorted.

Anyway, Sam says that you two should come back. He said ‘something happened.’ Quil went through the conversation for us.

“What happened?” I asked. Quil went through for us.

Sam said, “People are going missing again. It must be vampires.” He sneered the word. I growled.

Sheesh, calm down, Jake. Leah scolded me.

Sorr-y! Quil, continue.

”It can’t be ‘vegetarian’ vampires, can it Sam?”

“No, Quil. The Cullens are in Astoria and the other clan is in Denali. The trail smelled different than before. Nothing we’ve ever witnessed.”

“Wow. Maybe Jacob can recognize it.” I snorted.

Shut up, Jake. Leah said.

I grumbled but didn’t say anything.

Wow, Jake. Stop interrupting. I can’t believe I’m agreeing with Leah though. Leah and I were running back to La Push.

“Go get Jacob, then Quil.”

“Fine. I’ll go find Jacob. I think Collin said something about them going to Idaho for a match or something.”

Sam sighed. “Go get them. Before they hurt each other.” Now Leah snorted.

Sam’s too late. Jacob won. Leah hissed.

Just hurry up! Sam won’t be happy if you take a while. Really, Leah. You can run.

Not with a long gash on my front leg, arm.

I snickered. Sorry, Leah.

Apology accepted. Not.

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Hey! You’re the one who wanted to go fight!

Very good point, Mr. Hot Shot. I grumbled, letting Leah go. I sped up, not wanting to make Sam upset. Quil encouraged us to go faster and loaded me with information of what happened while I was with the Cullens.

Leah and I ran into the forest by La Push and split up. We phased back and walked out the same way, to see Quil. Quil gestured for us to follow him and he led the way to Emily’s house.

“Sam! Emily!” I greeted the two. “Hey, Dad.”

“Jake. It’s been a while.” Dad smiled in his old wheelchair.

“Yeah. Who pushed you here?”

“Seth. Seth Clearwater.” Of course, who else would care? Well, I guess Sue would help. Seth is way too fond of me.

“How were things without me, Dad?”

“Rachel went out shopping for groceries. Paul raided the pantry and fridge again.” Dad sighed. “Can’t stop you werewolves from eating. Poor Emily here, has to cook enough for 15 everyday.” Dad smiled again and laughed.

“Billy, I don’t cook that much every day. Maybe every second day.” Emily corrected. “For Sam, I cook every day.” Then she spoke to me. “Jacob, are you hungry? I think there are some cupcakes on the table.” She looked behind her. “Yup. There are some. Help yourself.”

“Thanks, Emily.” I mumbled as Sam wrapped an arm around Emily’s shoulders. I sat down on the table and stuffed a whole cake into my mouth.

“Jacob, did Quil tell you about the people disappearing?” Sam asked. I nodded. “You done?” I stuffed another cake into my mouth and shoved another in my pocket. I nodded again. “Then come on. I’ll show you the trail.” I stood up as Sam took his arm away from Emily’s shoulders and waved to me. I followed him.

Outside of the house, I swallowed the cupcake and asked, “Sam, will we have to phase to get there?”

“No. It’s really close, just behind the house.” Poor Sam. The vampires right behind Emily’s house.

“Okay. Let’s see – smell – it.” Sam led me behind the house into the space behind it.

“Here.” Sam pointed to the ground and I knelt down and sniffed the ground. The scent was vaguely familiar. “Jacob. Do you recognize this scent?”

“Yes. I do.”

“Whose is it?”

“It’s one of the newborn vampires Ness – Renesmee and I ran into on the way to Astoria.”

“Tell me about it, Jacob.” Sam ordered.

“On the way, we were involved in a... car accident. Don’t tell Billy. Some guy ran a red. He hit the right side of the Rabbit and Ne - Renesmee got hit. When we entered the

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neighbourhood where the Cullen’s new house was, some newborn vampires caught her scent. They were following us and...” I wrinkled my nose. “Boy, did they smell bad! Plus, this smells like the older one... The one Seth ripped apart 4 years ago.”

“Seth?” Sam asked.

“Sure. I’ll go get him.” I offered and without Sam’s approval, I turned and left.

“Seth!” I called, banging on the Clearwater’s door. “Seth! Come out!”

Sue opened the door. “Hi, Jacob. How are you?”

“I’m good, but Sam wants to see Seth. Is he here?”

“No, Jacob. I think he went out cliff diving today.” She answered.

“Okay. Thanks, Sue!” I called as I turned around and ran to the cliff. I went through the trees so I could run faster where no one would see me. At the cliff I saw Seth about to make a running jump.

“Seth!” Seth stopped just before jumping and turned his head towards me, surprised.

“Yeah?” Seth ran over.

“Kid, remember that bloodsucker you killed when the redhead was here?”

“Huh? Oh. Yeah. What about him?”

“We think he came back. People are disappearing again. Come on. I’ll show you the path. We can phase and run through the trees.”

“Aw. Sure thing, Jake. Show me.” I led him into the trees and we split up. We met again where out instincts told us to.

Come on, Jake. Let’s see it. Seth whined. I’m not whining! He protested. I’m not happy I missed perfect weather for cliff diving!

I laughed. Suck it up, kid. This is important. I sped up.

Hey! Seth was falling behind.

I snickered. Seth sped up and I raced to the spot where the trail lay. Sam was still waiting there, sitting, but when he caught sight of my russet brown fur and Seth’s sandy coat, he sat up and went back into Emily’s place.


Seth circled the area, nose an inch from the ground. Seems familiar. He observed. He sniffed again. Sure smells like that Riley dude. I’ll go talk to Sam. The pack should know this.

Sure. Hurry, though. Seth ran into the trees and came out human. He jumped through Emily’s open window, as the door was locked.

“Hey Sam.” I heard Seth say.

“Seth, is it familiar?” Sam asked.

“Yes. It smells like the redhead’s accomplice when they tried to kill Bella, a couple years back. I think the pack should know, but I’ll understand if you disagree.”

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“No, the pack should know. And Jacob, I know you can hear. Go ahead and call the pack.” The voice of the Alpha rang through.

I sat back on my haunches and howled.

What is it, Jake? Embry was the first in. Sam and Seth came in right after Embry.

I asked Jacob to call a meeting. Sam thought. He waited until everyone phases in. First Quil, then Collin, Brady then everyone came in, Paul and Jared coming last. Paul and Jared grumbled, annoyed.

We think we know who has been killing travelers. Sam briefly explained.

Who is it? Jared asked. The annoyance in his thoughts were gone.

Watch Jacob’s thoughts. He has the most information. I started at the car crash and continued through to the present.

Who’s that non-newborn bloodsucker? Paul sneered.

A vampire named Riley I supposedly killed 4 years ago.

Leah snorted. Yeah, right. Seth, you killing a vampire? I find that hard to believe.

You can ask Edward. Or Bella. Or any of the other Cullens. I shuddered. Edward told me all about that night, how Riley’s arm was dragging itself across the ground. I shuddered again.

You can leave, Jacob. You already know what I’m about to tell the others. Sam dismissed.

Thanks, Sam. I thought quietly as I ran into the trees.

Seth, could you... Sam’s thought stopped abruptly as I phased out.

I didn’t know what I would do. It was just the first day and I’m missing Nessie already. I’m not sure if I can live through the next 6 days. I decided to go cliff diving. Seth was right. It really was beautiful out, the water was perfect. I ran to the cliff and looked down its hundred feet.

I backed up 10 human paces and ran. In a swift movement, I rolled up on the balls of my feet, crouched and dove.

Two birds circled the skies above and I looked up as I splashed into the water. Those to birds reminded me of Nessie and I.

I should go home and change. I ran into the forest and began taking longer strides, but slowed down when I reached the door. I let myself in, to see Billy sitting there.

“Cliff diving?” Dad guessed.

“Sure.” I shrugged.

“I thought Sam called a meeting.”“He went through stuff I already knew.”

“Oh.” I went upstairs and changed.

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I took a quick glance at the calendar. It’s September 3rd. It’s a week and 3 days until Bella’s birthday. I guess I should head up to maybe Port Angeles in a borrowed car to get something for...

Hey. Didn’t Bella give birth to Renesmee 3 days before her birthday? That means... Nessie birthday is in a week!? That’s the day we get back. Time to hit the mall.

“Heading out?” Dad asked as I bounded down the stairs.

“Yeah.” I breathed. “Nessie’s birthday is on the 10th, Bella’s on the 13th.”

“Birthday shopping.” Dad nodded, letting me pass. “But what car are you going to use?” he called after me.

“I have a week.” I stopped dead on the doorstep. “Plus, I have the parts...”

Dad nodded. “Go ahead. The garage is open.”

“Thanks Dad!” I said happily as I switched directions and practically jumped into the garage. “It’s car time.” I murmured as I dreamed about Nessie and I.

“Done!” I exclaimed aloud as I fixed the last piece into place. It’s the 8th.

“Mind if I look?” Dad called from outside the garage door. I didn’t answer, instead, I opened the door. “Nice.” He said appreciatively. “Seth, Quil and Embry might want to see that.”

“Sure. Got the phone?” Dad pulled it out of his pocket.

“They always want to look are your little inventions.” Dad smiled as he handed me the phone.

First, I dialled Quil.

“Hey dude. What’s up?”

“New car coming up.” I said, as if it were a grand prize.

“Aw, sweet! Jake, you are awesome!” Quil exclaimed. “Problem is, I’m with Claire.”

“Bring her. She should enjoy.”

“Thanks, bro! I’ll call Embry.”

“Thanks, Quil. I was going to invite him over, but sounds like you got it covered.”

“No prob, dude. See you in a few.”

“Yup.” I hung up.

“Hey, Jake. Made something new?” He guessed.

“Aw. Man. You’re Edward!” I complained.

“No way. I’m no vampire, just a werewolf. So I’m right?” Seth inquired.

“Big time.” I sighed and confirmed.

“Cool. I’m coming over. Bye.”

“Bye.” I said to the new dial tone. I removed the receiver from my ear and pushed the ‘end’ button.

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Suddenly the doorbell sounded. I opened the garage door and called Quil and Embry over. I could see Seth running in the distance.

“Cool!” Embry exclaimed. “What do you call it?”

“Embry! I just finished! Besides, I didn’t use pieces from a certain brand. Some pieces from Honda, Chevrolet, different things.” I shrugged.

Seth arrived and the three began drilling me with educational questions on cars, motorbikes, et cetera.

“Embry Call! You come here!” We all looked up and there was Embry’s mom.

“Sneaking out at night, eh?” Embry mumbled under his breath but stood up and walked over. “What is it, Mom?”

“You keep on sneaking out at night! Do you want me to bar those windows?”

“Like it would make much difference.” Quil snickered.

Embry kept it cool. “No!” but a smile was threatening to show at the end of his lips. He was obviously thinking the same as Quil. As soon as Embry and his mom were out of earshot, the rest of us burst out in loud guffaws.

“Okay. What’s the occasion now?” Seth asked.

“Nessie’s birthday is in 2 days, Bella’s in 5.”

“Shopping for the girls, huh?” Quil elbowed me.

“Quil!” I complained.


I climbed into my unnamed car and turned on the engine. “Move it. Shopping takes me forever.” Quil, seeming to grasp some meaning, backed away, dragging Seth along with him. I clicked the gearshift into reverse and swung the steering wheel while changing the shift again and the car shot forwards.

I went through the streets of Forks, obeying the speed limits and traffic lights, unlike the Cullens who were completely oblivious to the streets.

I pulled into a parking lot at Port Angeles. I walked around the sidewalks, looking for something for Nessie.

As I passed one store something flashing in the sunlight caught my eye. I stopped and turned my attention to a window. In the window, shining, was a golden bracelet, sitting next to a diamond ring. I smiled as I stepped inside the store.

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Edward! Alice called tentatively in her head.

“What is it, Alice?”

What are you doing? Do you realize that Nessie’s birthday is tomorrow?

My eyes shot open and I stared into Alice’s eyes in wide shock. “What?” I mouthed. If Renesmee’s birthday was tomorrow, then Bella’s was in 4 days! Crap!

Can we go shopping? Please? We can split up, when Bella goes to get Nessie’s present... Alice went through the plan, perfecting it. So, will you come?

I walked up to Alice and looked down at her 4 foot 10 figure. She looked up at my 6 foot 2 figure. “Are you serious?” I asked sarcastically.

“Yes.” Alice said innocently. I sighed, closed my eyes and went back to where I was sitting. Suddenly the doorbell rang.

Edward, make sure Nessie doesn’t answer the door. Or Bella. The familiar husky voice of Jacob rang through my head. I opened my eyes to see Renesmee reaching for the door.

“No, Nessie.” Bella and Nessie looked at me curiously.

When Nessie looked back at the door, I mouthed to Bella. “Jacob.” Bella nodded and took Nessie to Alice.

“Bella...” Alice spoke, most likely about the shopping trip. I got up to answer the door. Jacob was through the door, across the room and up the stairs in what would be swift movement to human eyes. Nessie was the only one who didn’t see Jacob, but she felt the unnatural breeze and turned around, to see me answering the door. Unspoken shock and confusion ran through her head, wordless.


I went into Rosalie’s head. Oh, Nessie and Bella are going to love the presents Emmett and I are giving them! I backed out before she could explain about them.

I switched to Esme. Nessie must be very excited, and Bella too. She made no effort to describe the gifts, for she then realized that I was listening.

I went to Alice. I know exactly what I’m going to get these two. I looked at her. A smirk flitted across her face and disappeared. I shook my head and went upstairs.

You know why I’m here.

“This is very generous of you, Jacob.”

Thanks, Edward. You’re opinion? Jacob took two boxes out of the bag he was carrying, one a deep navy blue and the other red. The red box was larger. Jacob picked put each on the bed he was sitting on – Nessie’s.

I picked up the red box and opened it. A golden bracelet sat inside. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote in my ‘personal calligraphy’ as Bella calls it:

Is the bracelet for Bella?

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Yes. Jacob answered. I closed the red box and picked up the navy one. This one was a little harder to open. When I saw what was inside, I smiled and wrote:

Nice, Jacob. Nessie will love it.

Thanks. Jacob thought. He took the box from me and put both boxes back in the bag. I’ll do it tomorrow. It’s my birthday present to her.

I smiled and went downstairs while Jacob scavenged for a place to hide the bag.

“Oh.” Alice gasped as my foot swiftly touched the bottom step.

“What is it, Alice?” Esme and Rosalie asked, Rosalie leaning closer to hear.

“Just wait.” Alice said breathlessly.

Before Jacob imprinted on Renesmee. Now Jacob is hiding something. Later Jacob and Renesmee marrying.

“Oh!” Alice exclaimed again.

“Alice, don’t say a thing.” I growled.

“At least not to Nessie.” Alice snickered.

“Hey! What is it? What is it?” Nessie complained.

Jacob bounded down the stairs, whistling. “Do you know what everyone’s talking about?” Nessie demanded of him.

Jacob smirked. “Yup.” Because I’m the one who started it. Jacob added mentally.

Nessie grumbled and crossed her arms. Jacob laughed, picked her up and carried her like a child. “You look thirsty.” With that, Jacob turned and ran out the back door.

“Alright, Edward, Alice. What is this secrecy all about?” demanded Emmett, his fists curling up.

Rosalie put a hand on his shoulder and thought, Really, what is it?

Bella, Carlisle and Esme looked at me with honest curiosity. Jasper looked at Alice but tried to keep everyone calm.

Alice rattled off before I could open my mouth to explain thoroughly.

“Well, when I had my vision, like, 1 minute ago, I saw Jacob imprinting on Nessie, then Jacob hiding something in Nessie’s room and then the two of them marrying!” Alice practically screamed the last word.

Bella’s hand flew to her mouth and Rosalie hugged her. “Oh, Bella!”

Esme, Jasper and Carlisle smiled.

Emmett’s hands unclenched and went to stop Rosalie from strangling Bella, though Bella still would have survived.

“Is that where Jacob went with Renesmee?” Esme asked.

“No.” I said. “Jacob’s doing it tomorrow. He also seems to remember that Nessie gets thirsty faster than the rest of us.

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Carlisle sighed. “We’ll have to go shopping soon and get some food for her and Jacob.”

“Oh, oh!” Alice cried. “Bella, Edward and I are going shopping, we can pick up some food.”

Jasper and Emmett turned their heads to look at me incredulously. Are you crazy? They asked mentally in unison.

When no one was looking I mouthed to them, “Not my fault. You know how she is.”

Jasper nodded and Emmett stood up. God, she’s making the boys go crazy now. Then he changed his mind and sat down again.

Nessie laughed as she came in the door with Jacob. Her eyes were not any different but her hair was tangled.

“Have you been racing?” Esme asked.

Jacob nodded. “Yup. It helped. The suspense is killing her.”

Bella raised her eyebrow. “Oh, is that so?”

Suddenly, Alice grabbed Bella’s arm and mine and dragged us outside. Bella and I laughed. Nessie pressed her hand against Rosalie’s and asked. Where are they going?

“Alice planned a trip and decided to kidnap your parents.” Rosalie smiled jokingly.

Alice hissed as she pushed us into the back seat of her Porsche 911 Turbo. She climbed into the driver’s seat just as Bella and I began laughing.

She sped through the streets, oblivious as we all were, to speed limits and traffic lights. We came upon a mall, now familiar to me as I saw it in Alice’s mind.

“What is this place, Alice?” Bella asked.

“A mall.” Alice shrugged. “What else?”

“Hmm...” Bella pretended to think. “Your house?” she teased.

“Very funny. Get out of my car.”

“I’m going to go get Nessie something.” Bella said, walking in the other direction.

“I’m coming. I feel extremely bad. I forgot Nessie’s birthday.” I grumbled.

Alice laughed and walked in the other direction.

I scanned the windows. Mainly, there were just books, but that’s when something caught my eye.

“Bella, love, look at that.” There in the window, was a life-sized wooden statue of a wolf howling, that was on sale.

“Nessie would love that. Reminds her of Jacob, you know?” Bella murmured as she leaned into my side.

“You go ahead. I’ll catch up.” I said. She took her head off my shoulder and started walking again. I walked into the store.

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“How may I help you?” A middle-aged lady stood behind the counter, bearing a name tag that identified her as Teri. He’s not my age. He’s not my age. She chanted in her head. I held back a sigh. Why was it always girls behind these counters?

“I’m just wondering, how much is that wolf statue in the window?” I purred.

The lady blinked twice before answering. I fought back another sigh. “It’s 40 percent off at the moment. It’s currently one-thousand and sixty dollars. No one buys it because it’s too expensive.” Of course. She thought. Why would this man buy it?

“I’ll take it.” I said holding back a smirk. I would buy it for my daughter and her love, a werewolf.

Teri’s eyes widened as I took out several one hundred dollar bills. Teri took the money and as she was about to give me change, I objected. “Keep the change.” She put the money back in the drawer and shut the cash register.

She came out from behind the counter and took the wolf down, with help of her assistant who came out of the storage room at that moment. Who in the world bought...? Oh. He thought when he saw me looking expectant. Good thing there was an extra seat in Alice’s Porsche.

“Do you need it delivered to your household? This statue is heavy.” Teri offered.

“I’ll manage.” I said. I’d carried heavier before. I took it back to Alice’s car, not bumping into anyone. I put it in the empty seat. Alice probably unlocked it, seeing me buying the statue.

Now I had to catch up with Bella. I created an illusion by going into the washroom. No one was in there so I ran at a speed that made me invisible. When I found Bella, she was looking in a window. Luckily, there was a store with another washroom inside. I went inside. Empty again. I came out at a human speed.

“Edward!” Bella hugged me and I hugged her back.

“Did you find anything?” I asked. She shook her head. “Then what are you looking at?”

Bella nodded to the window. There was a small painting of Forks sitting in the window. “A memory.” Bella whispered. I could see what she meant. She missed Charlie. “I should keep going.” Bella shrugged. “It’s not like I’ll ever get that. For such a small painting, it’s extremely expensive, I don’t think Alice would like that.”

Alice wouldn’t like Bella spending her money on that. But what about me?

Edward! I was shocked. Alice calling my name in the middle of shopping? Unusual.

Which one? I can’t decide for Nessie! Alice showed me what she was talking about. She was holding two dresses by the hanger at arm’s length. One was long sleeved, tight and maroon, like dried blood. It had a rose in one corner of the torso and the skirt-like part was layered.

The second dress was lilac and strapless. It was long, layered, it was a little loose and it was frilled at the bottom.

I took out my cell phone and pressed buttons 4 to speed dial Alice.

“So?” Alice asked immediately.

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“Alice! Remember what you say? When you can’t decide between two, get both!” I finished, as if it were obvious... even though it obviously was obvious. I hung up.

I went inside the store and bought the painting of Forks quickly. I ran at a human pace to catch up with Bella.

“What did you buy?” Bella asked suspiciously at the sight of the bag in my hand. “Some things did catch my eye. She spread out her shield, covering me and bending it so humans would not hear her thoughts.

The shoes?

I smiled mischievously.

The dress.

My smile didn’t change as we kept walking.

The charm?

“Try again.”

She let her shield snap back into place. I could tell she was resisting the impulse to stick her tongue out at me.

“Find anything for Nessie yet?”

Bella shook her head, as if ashamed. “No.”

The mall was squared and we completing the third wall when Bella stopped. “Wow.” She breathed.

In the window, standing up on a stand was a diamond necklace. “It matches her ring.” I mumbled in Bella’s ear.

She turned to stare at me. “Really?” I nodded.

“Hey! Edward! Bella!” Alice called. We both turned to see Alice happily skipping towards us, holding about 20 bags in her hands.

“How many bags do you have there, Alice?” Bella asked.

“I don`t know.” Alice shrugged. “Maybe 25? Here.” Alice handed me some bags, and Bella some bags. “Oh.” She gasped, when she saw the necklace we were looking at.

Then her eyes went blank. “Oh, Bella! Nessie will love that! She’ll get her ring first so she can get the full impact!”

“I didn’t decide yet!” protested Bella.

“You will.” Alice reminded her.

Bella sighed and I chuckled. “You’re right.” Bella admitted, as if she were guilty, saying so. “You’re right.”

“I’ll carry those.” I offered as Bella made an unsuccessful attempt to go inside the store.

“Thanks, Edward,” she said as she handed me the bags.

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I gave Alice a devilish stare as I went to sit down on a bench. I waited for Bella to come out. Finally, she did.

“I guess it was to be expected.” She mumbled as she came out.

“What?” I asked as I stood up.

“Several thousand dollars. I thought it would be much more, for such a beautiful necklace.” Bella explained.

We walked silently and swiftly back to the Turbo and Alice sped our way home.

We slipped through the door to hear Decode by Paramore.

The truth is hiding in your eyesAnd it’s hanging on your tongue

Just boiling in my bloodBut you think that I can’t see

What kind of man that you areIf you’re a man at all

Well, I will figure this one outOn my own

Bella and I smiled. This song reminded us of when Bella found out that we were vampires. This song described the moment extremely well. It brought back many happy memories. We closed out eyes and enjoyed the song.

“Happy 5th birthday, Nessie!” Jacob hugged the new five year old in his arms that had the appearance of a 22 year old.

“Thanks, Jacob!” Nessie said happily.

Everyone else chorused, “Happy birthday, Nessie!” Still, Bella said Renesmee.

“Come on!” Jacob gently tugged Nessie’s arm. Nessie let Jacob drag her out the door.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Emmett laughed. “Five year old Nessie is in for a surprise!” Everyone agreed with a soft murmur and nods. We had a huge cake in the kitchen – Jacob would probably eat most of it.

I just caught the end of the conversation between Nessie and Jacob.

What? Nessie thought, confused. Already? It must be... what they were talking about.

Why isn’t she answering? Is this at a wrong time? She just needs time. Jacob thought.

“Yes.” Nessie said confident. Wow. Yes! Jacob thought happily.

“What did she say, Edward?” Carlisle asked.

Everyone wanted to hear the answer.

“Yes.” I quoted her, imitating her voice. The room broke out into cheers. Bella hugged me.

“Nessie must be so happy.” She whispered.

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She stretched up on her toes and I bent down. Our lips met and we didn’t stop until I heard Jacob and Nessie coming, several minutes later. I pulled away and murmured, “Nessie and Jacob. Today’s their day.”

Nessie was practically skipping as she came in the door, holding Jacob’s hand. She let go of Jacob and ran to hug Bella and I.

“Momma! Daddy! Do you know what Jacob did?”

Of course we knew, but we wanted to make Nessie happy. “No.” Bella lied expertly. “What did he do?” The excitement in her voice wasn’t false.

“He proposed to me!” Nessie cried happily. She swung her hands around Bella.

A chorus of “Congratulations!” rang through.

“Nessie!” Alice looked up at her. “Open your presents! Here’s one from Edward.” Alice pointed to a rather large box in the front row of presents Alice precariously stacked up.

“Dad? You bought that?” Nessie asked surprised.

“Okay, it’s big.” I laughed.

Nessie ripped apart the paper in the swift movement and opened the box inside. She peered over the rim and smiled. “Jacob, come look.”

Jacob went over and looked into the box, over Nessie’s head. “Nice, Edward.” He said appreciatively. Nessie destroyed the box and took the statue to the foot of the stairs. She then picked up the present from Bella. It was in another navy blue box, identical to the one her wedding ring had been in. She opened the box with little difficulty.

“Momma. It’s beautiful.” She whispered. Jacob took the necklace from her hands and fastened it around her neck.

“Here’s mine and Emmett’s.” Rosalie offered. Nessie went through the presents, admiring each one. Rosalie got her a snow globe, with everyone in it, the Jacob figure never getting covered in snow when everyone did.

“Nice, Blondie. Making the snow turn to water where you put me?” Jacob asked sarcastically but there was some meaning behind the sarcasm.

Rose actually flashed an actual warm smile at Jacob. “I’m glad you like it.” she said gleeful.

Renesmee went through each present admiring each one.

“Oh!” Alice remembered. When I heard what she was about to say, I rolled my eyes.

“Wow, Alice. Big surprise. You always go overboard!”

“Like I care.” Alice retorted. “Renesmee has never seen it! You’re lucky I didn’t do it today!”

“Say it.” Emmett mumbled.

“Renesmee, Jacob, can I plan your wedding?” Alice asked excitedly. Everyone groaned. “What?” Alice asked.

Nessie and Jacob looked at each other. “Why not?”

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“Yay!” I squealed.

“Alice, you must really love this kind of thing.” Jacob said.

“Yup.” I exclaimed happily. Then I screamed, the bells in my voice striking a very high note. Not in the happy way, the scared way.

“What is it, Alice?” Jasper asked, holding me up.

“Just wait.” I say scared. There is Riley with about a dozen thirsty newborn vampires behind him, waiting for us to go hunting so they can ambush. They must really want Nessie’s blood. Riley wants revenge for his lost so-called lover, Victoria. They have a strategy. Edward revealed my thoughts to the others. The vision stopped and Edward stopped talking.

“Edward?” Carlisle asked urgently. “Can you hear their thoughts?”

Edward concentrated and then a frustrated look appeared on his face. A crease formed on his forehead. “Nothing.” He confirmed.

“Who cares?” asks Emmett, his muscles flexing. “Bring them on!”

“Emmett! We’re outnumbered!”

“So?” Emmett smirked. Rosalie looked ready to attack Emmett for what he was thinking.

“No, Emmett. No way!” Rosalie said.

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“She’s right, Emmett.” Bella agreed. Jacob growled and trembled, the sound coming from his chest. “Don’t phase, Jacob.” She added. At first I wondered why, and then I remembered. People around a phasing werewolf get hurt. I inhaled and wrinkled my nose. I forgot. There’s a werewolf in the room.

“We should go hunting as a group.” Esme said quietly. I looked at everyone’s eyes. All of them were darkened, except, of course, Jacob’s.

“Yes.” I agreed. Then, more cheerful, “So, when are we going?” I asked.

Edward and Bella looked at each other. “Tomorrow?” asked Edward. Bella nodded.

Sure. I told Edward in my head.

No one else spoke aloud so they must have answered in their head, as well.

“Well, then. It’s settled.” Edward said. With those words out of his mouth, I bounded up the stairs to my new room, which I shared with Jasper.

I opened two rather large boxes in one corner of the room. Both were filled to the brim with decorations, like ones I used for Edward and Bella’s wedding, the graduation party, Bella’s birthday... Nessie and Jacob’s wedding is going to be great!

I pulled out extremely long pieces of string with white roses pinned onto them, another of the same string but with red roses and many other decorations. I went downstairs again and asked Nessie, “Where?”

She pressed her hand to my cheek and showed me. Alice, I want to go back to Forks, so Charlie and everyone else and enjoy.

“I agree, Renesmee.” Edward said.

Eavesdropper. I thought.

“Perhaps the same place?” Edward asked.

I don’t see anything wrong with that. Renesmee thought.

“Go ahead, Alice.” Edward dismissed and I went upstairs again to begin a plan.

“Come down, Alice!” Jasper came up the stairs to make me leave the room and the decorations.

“Why, Jasper?” I complained. I could spend weeks in my room, if parties or any special occasions were involved – especially if I was planning them.

“Alice.” Jasper used his talent to calm me and pull me away from the decorations. “We’re going hunting.”

I sighed and placed a pout on my face. “Fine.” Of course we were going as a group, because they were waiting to ambush us. Because of my vision. I sighed again and followed Jasper down the stairs.

“Alice! Finally!” Emmett teased. “I thought we would have to drag you down!”

Esme looked at him sternly.

I suddenly began to feel the burning hot fire in my throat stronger now. “Let’s go.” I growled, as to not trigger my aggressive side.

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Carlisle quickly went into the kitchen and brought out some bread. “Here, Renesmee.” He whispered, handing it to Nessie.

She took it and began nibbling it. Jacob swung her onto his back and chuckled softly. Jasper had instinctively sank lower into an attack position. I swiftly grabbed his hand, gently and soothed him in a soft voice.

“Don’t, Jasper. Relax.” Jasper straightened up but I could see the pain he was enduring from his thirst. “Let’s go.” I said again.

I was at the door in a second and I opened it up. Everyone filed out and then we were running.

Edward was in the lead, of course, with Bella close behind. Emmett was a little ahead, running alongside Rose. Jacob was up ahead also, with Nessie on his back, who was eating the bread Carlisle gave her. Esme and Carlisle were running alongside Jasper and I. We were all clustered together as a group.

“We shouldn’t split up.” Edward said quietly as he stopped. “At least be within second or two’s distance.”

Quickly, everyone found several animals to drink from. Apparently Jacob has just eaten at the house and stood around, supervising his fiancée, who finished her bread. Soon, everyone’s eyes were a golden brown, except Renesmee, whose brown eyes had a yellow tint to them when full, a black tint to them when thirsty.

Suddenly, there were several metallic screeches. They had chosen a perfect time to act, when we were separated and momentarily distracted.

A brief vision flashed through my mind. Riley, saying: “Whoever gets to her, can have her.” It reminded me of when Victoria lied to Riley and several other newborns to get to Bella, 4 years ago.

My eyes focused in time to see a blood-thirsty newborn jumping on me. I looked at Jasper, he was wrestling another vampire. My eyes flashed back to the newborn and I quickly dodged his attack. I faintly smelled a herd of deer in the distance.

“I’ll be right back.” I murmured, knowing everyone would hear. I could hear the newborn behind me as I went to catch one or two deer to see if I could convince any newborns to adapt to animal blood. I killed two, not spilling any blood and brought it back to Jasper.

I couldn’t tell at first glance who was winning Jasper’s match but I knew, if these vampires were truly thirsty, they would drink this animal blood.

I carefully slit one deer’s body. Then I slit the other deer, hoping my plan would work. The vampire fighting Jasper froze, as if trying to solve an extremely difficult problem. The vampire in pursuit of me stopped in front of the animals. I thought I saw his eyes go darker than the night black they already were. Then he backed up, afraid to taste the animal blood.

He tried to turn and run but his feet wouldn’t move. He was too thirsty. The pain must have been too much then, because in a millisecond, he was at the ground, drinking from the deer.

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When both deer were drained, he looked up at me and smiled faintly. “Thank you.” His eyes were red, but had an amber tint to them. He was getting used to animal blood good. He ran away.

“Jasper, are you okay?” I was at Jasper’s side instantly.

Jasper looked at me, the faded vampire bites on his stone-hard skin, glowing in the faint sunlight. “Yes.” I pulled the still-frozen vampire off of him and sent him off in the direction of the herd of deer. Jasper got up and smiled. “Great idea, Alice. Let’s go help the others.”

We went back to the clearing where we had split up. Jasper went to Edward and Bella while I went to Jacob and Nessie. Carlisle and Esme would be reasoning with the newborns. Emmett was huge – yes, I know I’m small but still!

Jacob wasn’t in his wolf form and several newborns were attacking him. Nessie looked at me. I was at Nessie’s side in a second.

“Nessie, just make sure no one won’t get hurt. I have a plan.” I whispered in her ear.

Nessie nodded, “Ok.” She whispered back. She stood up and pounced.

I heard and smelled some bear in the distance. Sorry, Emmett. I smiled and ran off into the lush trees. There were about 5 bears. I smiled and pounced, quietly and quickly killing each one, not spilling any blood. I carried them back to where Nessie and Jacob were. I dropped 3 bears.

I went to Bella, Edward and Jasper. Edward looked up briefly, hearing my thoughts. “Excellent!” he murmured to me. I dropped the remaining two bears. I didn’t stop to see what would happen to these two, because I ran back to Nessie and Jacob.

There were 3 newborn vampires here now. The 3 bears were drained, empty. I sank into an attack position, the newborn vampires shifting in response.

Jasper appeared. “What happened, Alice? I felt...” he looked at the newborns and tensed.

“Are the others okay?” I asked.

“Yes...” Jasper said reluctantly. “Not here though.”

“Jacob, get Nessie away.” I ordered. I knew that normally, Jacob would try to annoy me and disobey, but today was different. He picked up Nessie and ran back to the house.

The newborns attempted to follow them but Jasper blocked the path which Jacob and Nessie took.

One of the newborns growled.

“Alice! Jasper! Get out!” Bella said frantically, suddenly appearing.

“What? What happened?” I asked.

“The forest is on fire!” Bella looked at the newborns. They had a look of fear plastered on their faces. “You can come, if you can behave.” She told them. She turned and darted back towards the house.

Jasper ran after her. I looked at the newborns. “Are you coming?” they looked at each other reluctantly.

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One replied. “I’m coming.” One by one, they agreed. I turned tail and ran through the trees.

I could smell the smoke emitting from the flames. The flames were getting closer. I looked behind me. “Faster!” I yelled at the newborns. I looked back up ahead and broke through the trees into a plain, open field. I could see the house in the distance. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the smoke-free air.

I opened my eyes again. Several deer were running gently across the ground, soft thuds reaching my ears.

“Look!” I called softly to the newborns, who were right behind me. I pointed to the deer crossing the plains. I think I saw their eyes darken and then lighten to an extremely deep maroon.

Away from the dangerous flames, the newborns jumped after the deer, mindlessly, I presume, because of their thirst. I smiled briefly after them and turned around. The fire had spread to as far as my improved vampire sight can see. We would need to find a new place to hunt, unless the city plants new trees for more animals to take as homes. I frowned and ran back to the house.

Once I reached the back door, it opened. “What took you so long?” Emmett asked me.

“The newborns, Emmett. And I was thinking.” I replied, keeping the sarcasm out of my voice.

Emmett snorted. “You are always thinking. You actually stopped to help the newborns?” He laughed.

“Emmett.” Esme said disapprovingly from inside. Then she appeared. “Are you okay, Alice? And Emmett, it was right for her and Bella -”

“Bella was there?” Emmett snorted again.

Esme continued as if Emmett didn’t speak. “- to help the newborns. They obviously didn’t know what they were doing. Riley was their creator, so wouldn’t they follow his orders, Emmett?” she said this all gently, like the mom she wants to be and is.

Then to me, she said. “It really was the right thing. Where are the newborns?”

“They caught the scent of some deer.” I replied, simply.

“Ah.” Esme said, before inviting me back into the house.

I saw that Jasper was about to ask if I was okay, but then he must have felt the calm I felt that moment, no nervousness, which was which he probably expected.

Edward heard my thoughts, calm. The others probably saw my expression. No nervousness, no anger, no misery, I was perfectly calm. We had helped everyone we could.

“You had an excellent idea, Alice.” Carlisle said, also calm. “Jasper and Edward told me. You saw that they were so thirsty, that they would drink anything, just as I did, when I first became a vampire. Carlisle’s expression became thoughtful and he froze, thinking.

Everyone slowly agreed. I smiled. I helped our family and the newborns Riley made. “I wonder where Riley went...?” I turned to Edward.

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“He was there.” Edward said, confirming what I thought. “Watching the fights, supervising. Alice, can you see if he’s planning anything?”

I stopped, closed my eyes and concentrated on Riley. I waited 10 seconds, 20, and then 30. Nothing came. I reopened my eyes. “I can’t see anything. Maybe he’s evading my visions again.” I sighed. “Anyway...” I trailed off and Edward laughed.

“Alice, you just can’t get away from the decorations and clothes, can you?” Edward teased. I stuck my tongue out at him like a five-year-old child, in a fight with another kid.

I went upstairs and grabbed my purse. I also made a checklist. I would need to bring Jacob and Nessie with me. I bounded down the stairs.

“C’mon, Nessie, Jacob!” I went out the back door and was in my Porsche before they reacted to my words. I laughed, the bells in my voice tinkling. “Are you coming? This is for you guys, you know!” I reminded them, while put my keys into the ignition and I revved the engine.

Nessie came through the door first and Jacob followed right after. Nessie got into the passenger seat beside me and Jacob would follow in his new car. We drove to the mall. I dragged – literally – Nessie and Jacob to a shop for weddings. I did Nessie’s outfit first.

“Jacob, leave.” I ordered. “You don’t get to see until the day of.” Jacob sighed, but left. I held dresses up to Nessie’s body. One, I really loved. It was strapless, the bottom was slightly layered and it dragged a little behind.

“Nessie, look at this one.” I turned it around and showed it to her.

“Wow.” Nessie breathed.

“Go try it on.” I encouraged her. She took the dress by the hanger and walked to the dressing room. “Stop!” I said abruptly, holding out a hand to stop Nessie from walking out through the aisle towards the dressing rooms.

“What?” Nessie complained.

“Jacob.” I hissed, speaking to both, Nessie and Jacob. Jacob looked my way, confused. Good, he couldn’t see Nessie. “Get out of here. I’ll come and get you later.” Jacob shrugged but walked away. I let Nessie go, “Now you can go.”

I waited impatiently outside the rooms, tapping my foot. I stopped when Nessie came out nervously. I smiled at her and gave her two thumbs up. The dress fit her perfectly, complimenting her pale skin. Her Bella brown eyes and her shoulder length curls added the right amount colour, but it was missing something... it could be fixed later.

“Perfect!” I told her. I looked at the price tag and smiled. Of course it would be expensive, it was so beautiful. “Take it off. I’ll have to go work on Jacob. I’ll take it, you can go shopping.” Nessie changed into her normal clothes and I took the wedding dress. We went to buy it, so Jacob couldn’t see it. I took the bag and Nessie walked out.

“Jacob?” I called. Jacob appeared around the corner and he eyed the bag in my hand, while raising his eyebrow. “Nope.” I said, pulling the bag away. Then I dropped the bag – it wasn’t my fault! I saw Riley. Then the vision went blank. Then I saw him going somewhere. I shook my head and focused, picking up the bag again.

“What did you see, Alice?” Jacob said under his breath so no one could hear.

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“I was only getting flashes. Two, to be exact, one showing Riley, the other showing him going somewhere.” I shook my head and looked up at the 7 foot figure of Jacob. “You’re going to need a big size.” I said in a normal voice. “Let me see what size you’ll need. Be right back.”

I walked into the washroom and came out several seconds. I walked towards the men’s rack and pulled out a very large tux. This would be large for any average person and almost everything was big to me.

“Here, Jacob.” I handed him the tux. “Go -” but Jacob was already going to the dressing room.

I waited outside the dressing rooms again. I smiled as Jacob came out. I looked up 2 feet and 2 inches and looked down at the floor, examining Jacob’s figure. I nodded and he went back into the rooms to change back into his normal clothes.

“Where did Nessie go?” Jacob asked when he came out.

“Shopping” I added smugly. Jacob sighed and rolled his eyes at me. Then I spotted her sitting outside. “There she is, Jake.” I pointed at her and she waved at us.

Jake smiled and walked out the store to join her. I bought the tux for Jacob and I went outside to join the two.

“Are we leaving?” I asked cheerfully. “Or are we finishing today?”

Nessie and Jacob looked at each other. Jacob yawned. Nessie looked at him sternly. “When was the last time you slept?”

Jacob shrugged. “I don’t know, really.”

Nessie sighed. “Have you honestly been up all night on guard?”

“Yes.” Jacob said sheepishly, hanging his head playfully.

“You are going home, Jacob. Go sleep. I’ll be with Alice.” Nessie ordered. I held back a laugh. Nessie was a little like Bella when she was pregnant.

Jacob gave Nessie a quick peck on the cheek and left. Nessie looked down at me. “Let’s go!”

“Well, when you’re wearing the dress, it’s almost as if something’s missing. I mean, it fits perfectly, and your eyes and hair give it colour but still.” I babbled. “I’m thinking a little... pink?” I questioned.

“I did get a good look of myself in the mirror so I agree with you.” Nessie pressed a finger to her cheek, thinking. “Maybe a pin for the dress?”

I visualized the picture. “Hmmm. Seems about right. Let’s go see what there is.” I dragged her along. I suppose we looked funny. She was a good foot taller than me.

“Oh! Look at that rose pin!” I pointed out to Nessie.


“Nessie, you should start acting like a 22 year old, not like a 5 year old.” I scolded. “I’m going to get you a cell phone for sure this time.”

Nessie laughed. “Whatever you say, Alice.”

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We went to many different shops, looking for just the right accessories for Nessie. We ended up with rose pins, 2 for Nessie’s hair and 1 to pin to the dress.

“Shoes...” I mumbled, taking Nessie to the shoe store. “White heels...”

“Alice...” Nessie started to protest. She had that part of Bella in her. I held a long pale white finger to silence her. I tapped different boxes, as if I were doing inventory, keeping track of what was there and what wasn’t.

“Here!” I exclaimed, taking a box off the racks. “Try this on, Nessie!” Nessie put the shoes on and held them out to me. “Try walking.” I encouraged. Nessie stood up and walked around a small circle. She had no difficulty with that. “Great!” I clapped my hands in glee. “You can take them off now.”

I put the shoes back into the box. “I think we have enough make-up at home.” We went to buy the shoes and we got into my Porsche.

“I have to say, I’m disappointed, Alice.” Nessie teased. I looked at her, plain curiosity in my eyes. Nessie laughed and pressed her hand to my cheek.

She showed me clips of me coming home with armfuls of shopping bags – so many I need at least 2 other people to help me - whereas today, we only had 4 bags, one including a new cell for Nessie.

Just as I was about to start the engine, my own cell phone rang. It was Jasper, but with a text message this time.

Jasper: Alice, are you there?

Alice: Yes, of course. What’s wrong? Why texting instead of talking?

Jasper: Too much of risk.

Alice: What do you mean?

Jasper: Riley. He’s listening to everything we do, but for some reason, we can’t catch him.

Alice: That’s strange. Did anything else happen?

Jasper: Yes. Carlisle went out and said he would be back in 5 minutes. That was half an hour ago. Edward can’t hear his thoughts.

Alice: That’s not good. We’re coming home.

Jasper: Alright. But wait, can you see anything?

I stopped my fingers from moving and concentrated. I was aware of Nessie reading out our conversation but I concentrated on Carlisle and Riley. I got flashes. Riley. Carlisle. Lots of newborns. The Volturi.

Jasper: What do you see?

Alice: I only got so much. I saw Riley, Carlisle, lots of newborns and the Volturi.

Jasper: The Volturi? How will they become involved?

Alice: I don’t know. I’m coming home.

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I snapped my cell phone shut and revved the engine.

“Oh no.” Nessie whispered. “Jacob?” she mumbled. I sped home; the cars passing us were a blur, even to my eyes.

I pulled into the garage in a matter of minutes and ran into the house. Esme was waiting there, with a solemn expression on her face.

“Jasper told us.” She told me quietly.

I sat down on the couch, shaking my head. I lay down and thought about the Volturi. Suddenly a vision of Riley filled my head. He was talking to one of the newborns. I listened carefully to the conversation they were having.

“Madison.” Riley said. “Your extra talent seems to be that you can make someone think something that isn’t really the truth. Use it to give us allies.”

“Oh!” I gasped. My eyes focused and I saw everyone in the room, except for Carlisle.

Edward was staring out into space. “So that’s how the Volturi become involved.” He murmured.

“How?” Emmett and Rosalie asked at the same time.

“There’s a newborn, her name is Madison.” I started, still trying to regain focus. “‘Your extra talent seems to be that you can make someone think something that isn’t really the truth. Use it to give us allies.’” I quoted Riley, using his voice. “That’s what Riley said to one of the newborns.”

Looks of confusion and terror crossed everyone’s faces.

“What should we do?” Esme asked.

No one answered.

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NOTE: Sorry it’s so short. I just wanted to get the whole story about how the Volturi gets involved! ~ ayswn

“Aro, we have a visitor.” Demetri informed me. Demetri’s talent, being a tracker is so useful at times!

“Who is it?” I asked with what Marcus and Caius call, ‘unnecessary excitement. Marcus and Caius’ faces were rather dull. Sometimes, I just do not know why.

“A nomad, Aro, who is 4 years old and he is with another newborn, not even a month yet.”

“It is controlled?” I asked, calmly.


“That is so amazing. A little like little Bella was when she was born!” I wondered in amusement.

“They are waiting outside.” Demetri said.

“Demetri, be a dear and please go get them.” I dismissed.

Demetri grumbled, “Why can’t you call them in?” so low that human ears would not hear it, even right next to him. Anyway, he went out the door and came back a second later with two nomads at his side. Demetri left Marcus, Caius and I to talk to these two.

“Why have you come?” Marcus asked.

“I am Riley.” The older one spoke. “This is Madison. We have come to tell you something.”

“And what is this?” Caius asked.

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“Madison shall show you.” Riley said pointing to the newborn at his side. Madison calmly held her hand out to me. I put my hand in hers and let her show me what she had experienced since her transformation.

The pain was all too familiar. All vampires were familiar with it, but detested it. It was like fire, the one thing we were not immune to.

Then Riley telling her different things, like how to hunt, and survive alone, basics for nomads. Then there were the Cullens. Ah! There was my old friend Carlisle. There is Alice, Edward. Bella and little Renesmee, though Renesmee was taller than everyone else now. Almost like the Children of the Moon, werewolves.

Then a relationship between Renesmee and one of the Children of the Moon. That wolf is familiar, like 4 years ago, when we had the wrong assumption about Renesmee. These were not the Children of the Moon but he was still a werewolf. No crime in that.

Suddenly there was an image of the Cullens telling the secret of vampires to mortals. Impossible! They know that this will just get them killed! But they did it, so they will need to die.

I took my hand from Madison’s. Madison looked at me. “Do you see?” she asked.

“Yes, this is so not like them, though.” I nodded.

“What has happened, Aro?” Caius demanded.

“The Olympic coven has revealed our secret.”

“The law claims them.” Caius hissed.

“Indeed, dear brother. Indeed.” I said sadly.

Marcus listened to this in silence. He was staring at nothing. “Get the guard.” He said.

We gathered the entire guard, but the wives wished to remain in Volterra. We had Alec, with his power to make someone lose their senses, whereas his sister, Jane does the opposite, creating an illusion of pain to the victim. We had Chelsea, Afton, Corin, Demetri, Felix, Heidi, Renata and Santiago also. Everyone was coming – except for the wives.

Unless Madison and Riley were lying – which was extremely unlikely – the Cullens would have to die.


“The Volturi are coming.” I suggested quietly. “This Madison must have told them we did some unforgivable crime. Riley must have learned the rules... but he’s not following them.”

“True, Rosalie. But, the question is, how are we going to get Carlisle back and make the Volturi believe us?” The dog asked, sarcastically. Our friendship – if you could really call it that – had not improved over the last couple years – except for the fact that he imprinted on Nessie and Nessie returned that interest.

“Jacob.” Nessie soothed him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Nessie was such a good girl, being like a second mother to her was an honour.

“We should -” Alice began.

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“Wait a second, Alice.” Edward interrupted. He concentrated. “They’re already here. They’re in the field behind.” He looked over his shoulder at the door. Sure enough, there were about 25 vampires out there. The Volturi, the Volturi guard and maybe some of the nomads Riley created. I wonder where he got that control.

“I was thinking about that too, Rose. Maybe practice, I suppose.” Edward muttered.

I hissed, sank into an attacking position and faced the now open back door. “Jeez, Rose. Calm down.” Emmett urged. I didn’t relax my stance. “Hey, Jazz.”

A feeling of calm swept over me. I gave up and stood up normally. “Let’s go.” I sighed as Esme – Esme – said these words. I forgot – Carlisle.

“But Esme -” Bella protested.

“Bella. We have a shield, you. I personally think we’ll be fine if our minds are protected. We got through last time.”

“Last time, we had witnesses.” Bella hissed. Edward put an arm around her waist to calm her.

I walked out the door, Emmett right behind me. Aro turned to meet my gaze and I waited for Bella to come out. I could almost feel it as she spread out her shield to protect everyone as they came out.

I couldn’t see Carlisle.

“Where is he?” Edward asked softly, as I thought the exact same words.

“Who knows?” Alice countered quietly.

Then he came out of the crowd.

“Esme, Alice, Jasper, Edward, Bella, Emmett, Rosalie, Renesmee, Jacob. These guys mean no harm. Madison has shown me that.” Carlisle explained.

“No, Carlisle!” I hissed. “Alice had a vision!”

“Her visions aren’t sure!” Carlisle countered, roughly. Strange for him.

“But that was the only one she had, so it must be positive!” I didn’t wait for an answer. “We know what Madison’s gift is!”

“Then what is it?” There was an honest curiosity in his voice.

“Alice?” I murmured.

“Carlisle, in my vision I saw Riley and Madison. Riley was telling Madison what her gift was. She is able to make someone think something that isn’t really the truth! She lied to you!”

“Wait!” Aro – Aro? – cut in. “Madison showed me something else.”

Carlisle held up a hand. “Just wait, Aro, old friend.” Then to us, “What do you mean? How do you know this was positive?”

“Ever since she had this vision, she has been looking for these nomads! Nothing came up!” I seemed to be doing most of the arguing.

Carlisle hissed. “You can’t prove anything! Madison, come show them!”

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Madison stepped forwards, holding her hand out. Jasper walked forwards. Alice made a move to stop him but stopped her arm halfway.

Madison’s hand met Jasper’s and his eyes went blank. Jasper removed his hand, thinking.

“What you just showed me contradicts was Alice saw. But...” Jasper began backing towards us. “You’re nervous, and that is something.”

“Aro?” Alice asked dryly. She held her hand out. “Bella.” Bella took her shield away from Alice and Alice proceeded to approach Aro. Aro waved off his anxious guard and came forwards to meet Alice in the middle. His hand met Alice’s.

He must be seeing everything that has happened since we found out about Riley. Everything.

Aro removed his hand from Alice’s. “Did you see it?” Alice asked.

“Yes. I understand.” He turned and faced Madison. “Madison. Come forward.” Madison stepped forward 2 steps, nervously. “Is this true, this gift of yours?”

“Yes and no.” Madison said. “I can show other people thoughts of mine but I cannot lie with my thoughts.”

What did she mean? Lying to Aro was nearly impossible. I tensed.

“Rosalie.” Edward hissed.

I straightened up. I couldn’t attack. Not now.

“But lying with thoughts is not Alice’s talent and what I see from her is true. You must be the liar.” Aro explained, puzzled.

“No, I cannot lie.” Madison insisted.

Alice had backed up and joined Bella’s shield again. Suddenly, I heard Bella’s voice.

What is it, Alice? She asked.

Everyone except Edward and Bella jumped. Then our heads turned to Alice.

“You liar!” she screamed at Madison. My eyes widened in shock, as did Esme’s and Carlisle, who was standing behind Aro. “You showed Carlisle you meant no harm, you kept lying so Edward couldn’t see the truth and you showed Aro we committed an unforgivable crime! We did nothing wrong!” she screeched.

Aro spoke. “That is true. Madison showed me that you did commit a crime.”

“Then what did we commit?” Alice was in high gear.

“She showed me you told humans of our secret.” Of course, the one important rule.

“What?” Alice asked, her voice lowering. “We would never!”

Carlisle looked shocked. “We did not do that!” he turned his back to us and backed towards us. Bella must have extended her shield to welcome Carlisle. “I’m sorry.” He murmured.

Madison had not said a word since Alice began yelling at her and now she spoke. “I don’t understand.”

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She must have stopped lying with her thoughts, because Edward stepped in. “Yes, you do. You are following Riley’s orders. He loved someone named Victoria who did not return that interest. Victoria is now dead and Riley wishes for revenge.”

“That isn’t true!” Riley hissed. His eyes found Renesmee and his black eyes flashed menacingly as he crouched.

“You can’t prove it!” I hissed.

“Stop.” Aro ordered. He pointed at us. “Did you tell humans of our secret?”

“Of course not!” Esme said, shocked.

“Liars!” Madison hissed.

“You can only call us liars because of your lying gift!” Alice countered. “Riley told you to use this gift to give you allies, so you got the most powerful ally you can get!”

Aro cut in. “Madison! What is your gift?”

“My gift... I can show other people what I am thinking by touching them.” Madison replied.

“Impossible.” Jasper murmured. “Renesmee.”

“That can’t be!” Renesmee said. “I am the only one in the world who can do that. I’m half human – half vampire.”

“Madison. Let’s go!” Riley hissed. He turned and ran into the burnt trees, Madison following close behind.

“Demetri.” Aro mumbled.

“Aro!” Caius hissed. “We have no proof, whatsoever that the Olympic coven did not tell the secret! They could have committed the crime when Carlisle was not present!” Carlisle looked around surprised.

“Correct, Caius, but I see a flaw in that.” Esme said calmly. “We did nothing of the sort, and Aro just looked through Alice’s thoughts. Remember, Aro can hear and see everything – the pain, dim human memories, everything. Didn’t he see that we did nothing like that?”

“Aro...” Marcus mumbled.

“Dear brothers, they are correct. If I did not have this gift, I was have so agreed with you, Caius, but that is not how it is. We no longer have business here.” With those words, Aro turned and ran.

“We won’t be hearing from them for a while.” Edward murmured.

A thought completely unrelated to the current subject popped into my head. Bella’s birthday is tomorrow!

“Thank you, Rosalie.” He whispered.

Hey, you’re the one who forgot. I scolded him.

He looked at me with an apologetic look on his face. With the same look, he looked at Bella.

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I rolled my eyes. I should go shopping for Bella. Emmett was busy watching a game so I got out a piece of paper. I folded it in half and wrote on the outside: Emmett

Inside, I wrote:

DO NOT READ ALOUD! I’m going shopping for Bella’s birthday tomorrow. I don’t want to say it aloud since she’s right there. Enjoy the game.

I shut the card, dropped the card on Emmett’s lap and was in my car in seconds. I heard Emmett chuckle as he read the note and I revved the engine.

In minutes, I was at the mall. I walked about the stores. I was used to the men looking at me, but I paid no attention. I had a picture of the family in my pocket. I walked past a man who was painting, portraits, everything. I stopped, took the picture out of my pocket and walked up to the man.

“Excuse me, could you do something for me?” I began.

The man looked up and nodded.

“Happy birthday, Bella!” everyone chorused – though Nessie said ‘Momma.’

I could tell that if Bella could still blush, she definitely would have. She still hated birthdays apparently. It made her ‘older’ than Edward. Of course, Edward was a little over a hundred years older than Bella.

“Open mine first, Bella!” Alice cried. Emmett and Edward rolled their eyes.

“Fine.” Bella sighed, picking up a present from a small pile that had a tag saying:

TO: Bella

FROM: Alice & Jasper

She opened the rather large present, to find a box. She opened that box to find a wrapped box. She kept on unwrapping and unwrapping and it was a charm. Looking closely, you could see a tiny picture of Bella and Edward that was engraved on the wood. Bella quickly added it to the bracelet around her wrist, already holding a diamond heart from Edward and a wolf charm from the dog.

“Alice...” Bella whispered. Her shoulders began shaking gently as she cried tearlessly.

Bella closed her eyes and picked up a random present. It was the one from Emmett and I. Great! I wrapped this present normally, unlike Alice. She ripped off the paper and carefully opened the box inside to reveal the family portrait. I took out the sample picture and threw it on top of the painting.

Bella turned to smile at me. “Thanks, Rose. It’s beautiful.” She picked up the present from Carlisle and Esme next. I knew that they gave her plane tickets again, just as they had on her last official birthday, 4 years ago.

“Oh, Esme, Carlisle. Thank you!” I peeked at the tickets. They were to Houston, then Rio de Janeiro. A stop to Isle Esme, then.

She then opened the present from Jacob and Nessie. It was like a box of memories – I mean the glass cubes with pictures on each face.

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The next present was from Renee. Bella got another photo album.

From Charlie, she got a camera. Same as her 18th birthday.

The last present she opened was from Edward. It was a tiny locket, one side had a picture of Nessie, Jacob, Edward and Bella together and the other side had a picture of Charlie and Renee.

“Thank you, everyone.” Bella sobbed quietly.

Suddenly the phone rang.

Bella looked at the Caller ID. “Charlie.” She muttered. She picked up the receiver, “Hello?”

“Happy birthday, Bella!” Charlie yelled. Even if we were humans, we’d still be able to hear it.

“Thanks, Dad.” Bella said.

“Ugh. Station’s calling. Sorry, Bells. See you later.”

“Yup, alright, Dad.”

Bella hung up on the phone and looked apologetically around the room, meeting the eyes of everyone. “Sorry about that.”

“Not a problem, Bella.” Esme said. “He’s your father, he gets to say happy birthday to you.” She assured Bella calmly.

Nessie yawned.

Bella’s eyes flashed to her face. “You can go to sleep, Renesmee.” She offered.

“Thanks, Momma.” She yawned again, stood up and walked upstairs.

Jacob began to follow her but then decided otherwise.

“Excuse me.” I murmured as I stood up and followed Nessie.

“Nessie?” I asked, as I opened her door a little. I heard her sit on her bed.


“It’s Rosalie.” Normally, I would have said Rose, but I felt as if there was something going on. I wasn’t even entirely sure why I was up here talking to her. Maybe it’s the alone time. Who knew?

Nessie’s face appeared from behind a pillow. Curiosity crossed her face.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I wonder what Charlie is doing.” Stronger curiosity took over the weaker curiosity. She pressed her hand to my cheek. Don’t you wonder too? Since the station called when Charlie called to say ‘Happy Birthday’ to Momma, he never said what condition he was in. I’m a little worried.

“I do wonder as well, Nessie, but I’m absolutely positive he’s fine.” I replied honestly. “You’re tired, and you have to get some sleep. You must be a little stressful after yesterday and did you sleep at all, last night?”

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Nessie yawned and nodded, probably too tired. She collapsed onto her bed and her face became peaceful as the strong hands of slumber overwhelmed her.

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I’m tired of tricks and secrets.

Sure, the La Push gang down in... well, La Push are werewolves. Those are enough myths for a millennium, but still. Something was going on with the Cullens. Could fictional characters actually become life? Or had they already been existing for a time?

So I turned on the computer. I typed in all the traits Bella now had. Golden eyes, Black eyes, Pale, ice cold skin, voice like bells, dark shadows under eyes. I hit enter and the most unusual thing popped up.


I clicked on the link, hoping nothing fit.

All vampires live on blood. They drink human blood, making their eyes a crimson red. There is believed to be vampires who do not live on human blood. They live on animal blood, thus making their eyes first amber, then golden brown. Whenever vampires get thirsty, their eyes turn black.

All vampires have pale, white, ice cold skin. Relationships between vampires and humans are very rare.

They all have exceptional hearing. All vampires are strong and fast. Some may possess special gifts.

There is not much known about vampires.

It wasn’t much. Everything fit. Bella never ate. Her eyes were always either black or topaz. She was pale, and she was definitely cold. When I first felt her skin, I thought she had a fever.

Could the Cullens be vampires?

There was only one way to find out.

The station would have to do with my absence. I called and left a message. I shrugged on my jacket and pulled my keys out of my pocket.

I was going to Astoria, Oregon.

I was so eager to see them, that even I, Chief of Police in Forks, had trouble obeying the speed limits. I should call, let them know I was coming. At a red traffic light, I pulled out my cell phone and dialled their new house number.

“Hello? Who is this?” the voice was calm, practiced.

“Carlisle, is this you?” I asked.

“Yes, Charlie. Is something wrong?”

“Do you mind if I talk to Bella?” I hope I didn’t disturb anything.

“No, not at all. She’s right here.” Carlisle confirmed. “Bella!” he called in a normal conversation voice. The words exceptional hearing rang through my head. Of course, if they were vampires, Bella could be out in the backyard and still hear him.

“Yes, Carlisle?” Bella asked.

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“Charlie.” Carlisle dismissed, letting Bella pick up the phone.

“Hey, Dad.” She greeted me. “How are things in Forks?”

“I don’t know.” I answered honestly. “I’m not in Forks.” I could tell she was about to ask why I wasn’t in Forks so I answered her unspoken question. “I’m coming to visit.”

“Right now?” Bella’s voice raised an octave or two.

“Yes. I have... something to tell you.” I’m not sure why, but I am reluctant to part with the information that was possibly a myth. Why would the Cullens be vampires?

“Oh... Alright. Do you need the address?”

“Of course not, I’ve been there before, to drop off Edward’s Aston Martin.” I reminded her.

“Of course.” Bella laughed. “I guess I’ll see you later.”

“See you, Bells.” I hung up and pressed down on the gas pedal as my front tires were welcomed by the highway.

I couldn’t wait. But what if I was wrong? I don’t know. I’d be embarrassed, no doubt about that. But if I was right, what would I do?

“Hello, Charlie. Come on in. Bella told us you were coming.” Carlisle welcomed me warmly, moving to the side, creating a passageway for me to walk through.

“Hey, Carlisle. Thanks.” I murmured, walking into the house, looking around.

I was in the main room, the family room. One wall was completely glass, with a glass sliding door with a thin white outline for the frame. The walls were white. A white sofa stood in the corner and a widescreen television centered against the wall. Several picture frames lined the walls, pictures of families, friends and landscapes. There was a door leading to a kitchen and another leading to a washroom.

“Wow.” Was all I could force out.

“Hey, Charlie.” Jacob appeared at the foot of a staircase, followed by Nessie, clinging to his arm.

“Nessie, didn’t you just turn... five?” Of course she did! Did she have a growth spurt too? Oh yeah, she did. She was a foot shorter than Jacob!

“Um...” Nessie mumbled.

“Hello, Charlie.” Edward greeted me, saving Nessie and Jacob, walking in from the kitchen, Bella following him.

“Hey, Dad.” Bella said. She walked up to hug me.

“Hi, Edward. Hey Bells. I missed you guys.” I said.

Edward paused for a fraction of a second then started moving again. “So how are things in Forks, Charlie?”

“No crimes for a while.” I allowed.

Edward stiffened beside Bella. Bella turned her head to Edward curiously. Then Edward shook his head. A few seconds later, he nodded.

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What was that all about?

“Sorry, Charlie. We kept it from you for your safety.” Edward apologized.

“What?” I asked confused. Some may possess special gifts.

“Your... research.” Edward seemed reluctant.

I caught on. Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Jasper entered the room.

“Oh!” Alice gasped, her eyes going blank. That’s not something you see every day. Special gifts. Her eyes focused again. “Charlie, you found out!”

Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett looked at her curiously. I was frozen in the center of the room. I had been right? How? I shook my head and went to sit on the sofa.

“No point in hiding from Charlie anymore.” Carlisle said – almost sad. “Charlie, I am 368 years old. Edward is the oldest of those I created. Jasper and Alice came to us by themselves. Edward is able to read minds, Bella being the only one in the world he can’t. Bella is a shield, protecting our minds, but this way, she can also project thoughts to those inside the shield. Alice can see the future but the entire future shifts as someone makes a decision. Jasper is able to manipulate another being’s emotions.”

I suddenly felt very calm. Then, it faded away. Then, I heard a voice in my head – Bella’s voice. I can also do this, Dad. I jumped and looked at Bella.

“You... are vampires?” I asked, incredulous.

“Sorry, Dad.” Bella whispered.

I don’t know how many expressions crossed my face. Fear. Pain. Loss. What else? Bella?

Edward said something under his breath. Everyone – Alice, Jasper, Esme, Carlisle, Rosalie, Emmett, Bella, Jacob and Nessie looked at him. Exceptional hearing. So, werewolves had good hearing too?

“I guess... that’s a good thing.” Esme muttered.

“I suppose so...” Bella said.

“Grandpa...?” Nessie asked.

“Yeah?” I turned my attention to her.

“Jacob and I are getting married!” she squealed. I flinched slightly. The girl was only five for goodness sake!

“Who has the appearance of a 22 year old.” Edward muttered to me. I looked. He was right. And Jacob was 20 and Bella was 22. They looked exactly the same as before. Like Carlisle said, he was 368... Vampires didn’t age.

“Yes.” Edward said again. I was losing Bella. I sighed, finding the truth behind a wall of confusion.

This made no sense, but in a weird way, it did. She chose this life for herself, knowing she would hurt others this way. She planned to keep this away from me, Renee, anyone who may go into shock or anything like that.

Hey, but wait. Vampire didn’t age but... Nessie was growing and aging. Huh... Huh?

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“I’ll explain later, Charlie.” Edward said. A little annoying, but it saved time. I raised an eyebrow in Nessie’s direction.

Nessie caught the look and looked away.

Without waiting for an excuse, I walked backwards out the door.

Edward followed me out.

“So, isn’t Nessie a vamp, too?” I asked.

“Yes and no.” Edward looked at me. An expression of confusion crossed my face. “Bella had Renesmee when she was still human. She nearly died giving birth to her, but I changed her before she did die.”

So, if Edward wasn’t there, Bella would have been long gone.

“Yes.” Edward replied to my thoughts. “She is also having a growth spurt, like a werewolf. She will reach full maturity in 11 years.”

Oh. So Bella practically was dead, but alive. Undead. Huh. Creepy.

“I heard something about newborns...?”

“Uh, about that. See, Nessie is half human so she has blood and has a beating heart. When she and Jacob were coming here, they were in a car crash.” I stiffened. “Jacob came out fine but Nessie received several injuries. Some human blood drinking newborn vampires caught her scent. They were thirsty so they began to follow Jacob and Nessie here. We are trying to get them to drink animal blood. Otherwise, one group will have to die.” Edward explained.

“I see.” I mumbled. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

Hmmm. I wonder if you can wait for my sequel to this sequel....? This is the end of Dawn of Dreams!