THE DEVELOPMENT OF DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS FROM …digital_collect.lib.buu.ac.th/dcms/files/56710008.pdf · traditional trade or the systematics back and front office of modern trade

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JUNE 2015



I would like to express my sincere gratitude and deep appreciation to my

major advisor, Dr. Suthasinee Susiwa, for all of their guidance, and valuable advice

throughout this study. Great appreciation is offered to all committee members and all

experts involved in validating the instrument, thank you very much for your support,

attention, and motivation.

I also would like to thank for the Chief executive officer of the Thai-olympic

fibre cement Co.,Ltd.,Ms. Ongon Taechamahaphant who give me permission to

conduct research and the unofficial interviewed in many times. The TOFC colleague

and customers who collaborated in the long time interview. I am gratefully indebted

for all the Graduate school of commerce, Burapha University officers who

participated in this study.

Finally, great respect to my beloved family; for your loving, patience,

caretaking, attention, and support throughout my study.

Sitti Jittichanon









SUSIVA, Ph.D. 201 P. 2014.

The Purpose of this thesis was to study the development of construction material

distribution channel from traditional trade to modern trade by a case of The Thai Olympic fibre

cement co.,ltd. The study contains 1) the generalize of distribution channel network in Thailand,

2) similarities and differentiation of modern trade and traditional trade, 3) factors of business

model transformation and 4) strategic plan to transforming and 5) completed transform modern

trade. This qualitative research used the purposive sampling and then snowball sampling method

by individual interview with semi- structure questionnaire from nationwide customers of the

company and its employees.

The distribution network of construction materials in Thailand describe by sales type

such as retails, wholesales, project sales and modern trade sales or by product brand from

manufacturer and Portland cement factory which own each other brand, the differences network

have their own regulation but mostly network in the country have no more strong regulation to

enforce the customers therefore the brand, product substitution, channel overlapped and conflict

were plenty in the market. The differentiation and similarities of two trading model were have

their strong point such as the close relationship with long term coordination in local area of

traditional trade or the systematics back and front office of modern trade which make each model

survived in the heavily competition environment. In the changing world of business, the

proliferation of customers' needs was the main factor that affects the firm to transform itself

to increase the competition capabilities, changing in customer expectation, the buyers with more

knowledgeable and many branches diversification to the major cities were the factors of business

model transformation. Laos’s construction materials distribution market should be develop the

business model in briefly years depending on the socialism government to open for the capitalism

in future. Some firms in Laos were developed themselves with extant resources.

The two strategic plan of transformed and transforming modern trade were concentrate

on the relationship marketing which were the way to maintain the customer loyalty and modify

the suitable business relationship of the company with the customer. The evaluation and the

contingency plan were contained in this thesis.


ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... iv

CONTENTS ............................................................................................................... v

LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................... vii

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................... xii


1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 1

Background of the study ............................................................................. 1

Problem statement....................................................................................... 6

Research objective ...................................................................................... 7

Research question ....................................................................................... 7

Conceptual framework ................................................................................ 8

Research contributions ................................................................................ 9

Scope of study ............................................................................................. 9

Terminologies ............................................................................................. 9

2 LITERATURE REVIEWS ................................................................................ 12

Business-to-business marketing .................................................................. 12

Business products classification ................................................................. 15

Distribution channels of the business to business marketing ..................... 16

Pricing in business to business marketing .................................................. 19

Business marketing communication ........................................................... 20

Business relationships ................................................................................. 21

Business networks....................................................................................... 25

Business models .......................................................................................... 26

Strategic plan .............................................................................................. 28

Articles and other related research summarizes: Traditional trade

and modern trade ........................................................................................ 29

3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ....................................................................... 34

Research design .......................................................................................... 34

Populations and sample design ................................................................... 34




Data gathering methods .............................................................................. 35

Questionnaire design................................................................................... 35

Validity and reliability test ......................................................................... 35

Data processing and analysis ...................................................................... 38

4 RESEARCH RESULTS .................................................................................... 39

Part 1 Presents the external participants' research result and data

analysis........................................................................................................ 39

Part 2 Presents the internal participants' research result and data

Analysis ......................................................................................................103


Part 1 Conclusion ........................................................................................150

Part 2 Presents the strategic recommendations ...........................................162

Part 3 Recommendation for further study...................................................167

BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................168

APPENDIX ................................................................................................................173

APPENDIX I ........................................................................................................174

APPENDIX II .......................................................................................................189

BIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................201



Table Page

1-1 Gross domestic product originating from construction at current market

prices .............................................................................................................. 2

2-1 Differences between business and consumer markets ................................... 13

2-2 The sixteen detailed business model archetypes ............................................ 27

4-1 External participants' organizational data ...................................................... 40

4-2 Thailand's distribution network description ................................................... 42

4-3 TOFC's distribution network description ....................................................... 44

4-4 TOFC's distribution network classification ................................................... 46

4-5 Business competition situation analysis......................................................... 47

4-6 Business categorizes ...................................................................................... 48

4-7 The benefit aspects as TOFC's distribution network member gained… ....... 49

4-8 The independently business operation aspects of TOFC's distribution

network member ............................................................................................ 50

4-9 The TOFC's network member be the member of another company .............. 52

4-10 Customer satisfaction and the reasons ........................................................... 53

4-11 The problem as the member of TOFC distribution network.......................... 54

4-12 The modern trade aspects............................................................................... 56

4-13 Business model description............................................................................ 58

4-14 The description of traditional trade ................................................................ 60

4-15 The description of modern trade .................................................................... 62

4-16 The similarities of traditional trade and modern trade ................................... 63

4-17 The differentiation of traditional trade and modern trade .............................. 64

4-18 The main forces of traditional trade transforms to the modern trade ............ 66

4-19 The construction material demand ................................................................. 68

4-20 The modern trade influences the construction material distribution

market ............................................................................................................ 70

4-21 The level of emphasize in the transformation ................................................ 72

4-22 The level of TOFC’s emphasizing in the transformation .............................. 73



Table Page

4-23 The level of TOFC’s emphasizing in the transformation compare

with the rival in the industry .......................................................................... 74

4-24 The inter-relationship between TOFC's distribution network member ......... 75

4-25 The benefit to business result in relationship of TOFC’s distribution

network member ............................................................................................ 76

4-26 The most evidence with business relationship of TOFC's distribution

Network.......................................................................................................... 77

4-27 How the TOFC builds the business relationship with customer .................... 78

4-28 The importance with TOFC relationship ....................................................... 80

4-29 How customer builds relationship with TOFC .............................................. 81

4-30 The results of the relationship with TOFC .................................................... 83

4-31 The level of business relationship with TOFC .............................................. 85

4-32 The relationship aspects between TOFC and the customers ......................... 86

4-33 The view point of two relationship aspects .................................................... 87

4-34 The most beneficial relationship in the business short term .......................... 88

4-35 The most beneficial relationship in the business long term ........................... 89

4-36 The business value added from TOFC relationship ....................................... 90

4-37 The most effective marketing activities ......................................................... 91

4-38 The differences definition of public modern trade and Localize

modern trade .................................................................................................. 92

4-39 The most potential modern trade merchandisers in Thailand………….. ...... 94

4-40 The consideration factors of modern trade customer ..................................... 95

4-41 The marketing mix to modern trade............................................................... 97

4-42 The marketing activities to modern trade ...................................................... 98

4-43 The inappropriate marketing activities for modern trade .............................. 99

4-44 The most effective communication tools for modern trade ...........................100

4-45 The business survival in competition .............................................................101

4-46 The ideas to TOFC with business network development ..............................102



Table Page

4-47 The ideas to TOFC to make our network more competitiveness ...................103

4-48 Respondent Individual questions ...................................................................104

4-49 Thailand's Distribution network description ..................................................106

4-50 TOFC's distribution network description .......................................................108

4-51 TOFC's distribution network classification ...................................................109

4-52 Business competition situation analysis.........................................................110

4-53 Business categorizes ......................................................................................111

4-54 The difference aspects of the modern trade and traditional trade ..................112

4-55 The description of traditional trade ................................................................114

4-56 The description of modern trade ....................................................................115

4-57 The similarities of traditional trade and modern trade ...................................116

4-58 The differentiation of traditional trade and modern trade ..............................117

4-59 The main forces of traditional trade transforms to the modern trade ............119

4-60 The construction material demand .................................................................120

4-61 The modern trade influences the construction material

distribution market .........................................................................................121

4-62 The level of emphasize in the transformation ................................................122

4-63 The level of TOFC’s emphasizing in the transformation ..............................124

4-64 The level of TOFC’s emphasizing in the transformation compare with

the rival in the industry ..................................................................................125

4-65 The way of TOFC gives the importance to customer relationship ................127

4-66 How TOFC builds relationship with customer ..............................................128

4-67 The results of the relationship with customer ................................................129

4-68 The inter-relationship of TOFC customer......................................................130

4-69 The beneficial from customer inter-relationship ............................................131

4-70 The level of business relationship with TOFC ..............................................132

4-71 The relationship aspects between TOFC and the customers .........................133

4-72 The view point of two relationship aspects ....................................................134



Table Page

4-73 The most beneficial relationship in the business short term ..........................135

4-74 The most beneficial relationship in the business long term ...........................136

4-75 The business value added from customer relationship ..................................137

4-76 The most effective marketing activities .........................................................138

4-77 The differences definition of public modern trade and localize modern

Trade ..............................................................................................................139

4-78 The most potential modern trade merchandisers in Thailand ........................140

4-79 The consideration factors of modern trade customer .....................................141

4-80 The marketing mix to modern trade...............................................................142

4-81 The marketing activities to modern trade ......................................................143

4-82 The inappropriate marketing activities for modern trade ..............................144

4-83 The most effective communication tools for modern trade ...........................145

4-84 The business survival in competition .............................................................146

4-85 The ideas to TOFC with business network development ..............................147

4-86 The ideas to TOFC to make our network more competitiveness ...................148

4-87 The economic worthwhile of company's policies with modern trade............149

5-1 Shop descriptions ...........................................................................................150

5-2 Years of established .......................................................................................151

5-3 Business owner’s generation..........................................................................151

5-4 Years of TOFC's distribution network ...........................................................151

5-5 Working level.................................................................................................152

5-6 Years of working............................................................................................152

5-7 Years of current position ................................................................................152

5-8 Related with sales department .......................................................................153

5-9 Related with modern trade sales ....................................................................153

5-10 Description of Thailand’s construction material distribution network ..........153

5-11 Differentiation of the business model between the traditional and

modern trade by internal respondents ............................................................155



Table Page

5-12 Differentiation of the business model between the traditional

and modern trade by external respondents .....................................................156

5-13 Similarities of the business model between the traditional

and modern trade by internal respondents .....................................................156

5-14 Similarities of the business model between the traditional

and modern trade by external respondents .....................................................157

5-15 The factors and its reasons of transformation ................................................158

5-16 TOFC’s SWOT analysis ................................................................................161



Figures Page

1-1 Conceptual framework ..................................................................................... 8

2-1 Routes to business markets .............................................................................. 17

2-2 Pluralistic multi-channel system ...................................................................... 17

2-3 Monolithic multi-channel system .................................................................... 18

2-4 Communication mix and customer acquisition process .................................. 20

2-5 The uncertainties of customers and suppliers .................................................. 23

2-6 The development of customer-supplier relationship ....................................... 24

2-7 Branches of home improvement stores in provinces with high potential ........ 33



Background of the study

Thailand first cement factory founded in 1913, names Siam Cement Group,

or SCG (The Siam Cement Group, 2014). Under the royal command of King Rama

the sixth to reduce the importation of the cement from overseas, which marked

significant born of the construction industry in Thailand. Its establishment occurred

the new business form in Thailand. The construction materials merchandiser networks

in Thailand had been enduring with the construction industry through hundred years.

In 1917 Siam Cement exported cement to Singapore, Penang and the northern

Malaya; these were the first construction materials commercial in the country.

Nevertheless, the first official marketing and sales firm had been established in 1962

that take responsibility for the SCG trading business. Therefrom many construction

materials manufacturers were founded in Thailand’s construction materials trading

war i.e. Siam City Cement Co., Ltd in 1969, The Thai Olympic Fibre-Cement Co.,

Ltd in 1974 and TPI Concrete Co., Ltd in 1991, etc.

Since the year 2000 Thai Gross Domestic Product (GDP) originating from

construction at current market prices indicator had been increasing, which illustrate

that the construction industry of Thailand was successive growth (See Table 1-1).

In 1997, the indicator fell down first time since 1990; it’s a sign of

economics recession. For 4 years ago the GDP had been increasing until now. In

2012, the indicator of GDP originated from construction both private construction and

public construction was nearly 350,000 million baht, which is double figure from 12

years ago.


Table 1-1 Gross domestic product originating from construction at current

market prices

Year Private construction Public construction Total value added

1990 102,326 33,251 135,577

1991 123,857 43,985 167,842

1992 129,540 57,851 187,391

1993 152,279 69,814 222,093

1994 176,928 92,607 269,535

1995 195,509 111,323 306,832

1996 202,360 146,897 349,257

1997 104,433 162,150 266,583

1998 54,127 132,207 186,334

1999 42,129 126,520 168,649

2000 49,110 103,214 152,324

2001 53,416 101,614 155,030

2002 65,816 100,903 166,719

2003 79,463 96,127 175,590

2004 93,284 103,730 197,014

2005 104,819 121,835 226,654

2006 110,744 134,473 245,217

2007 111,617 151,771 263,388

2008 119,934 147,009 266,943

2009 114,446 156,811 271,257

2010 131,150 171,641 302,791

2011 147,447 159,392 306,839

2012 163,498 175,553 339,051

Source: Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board, National

Income of Thailand; 2013


The construction industry makes a vital contribution to the competitiveness

and prosperity of the economy. A modern, efficient infrastructure is a key driver of

productivity, and the construction industry has a major role in delivering the

built infrastructure in an innovative and cost effective way (Lawson, 2013). The

construction industry is one of the major key drivers in Thai economy. The upstream

stage in the construction industry may also a construction materials supplier who has

provided raw materials to contractors or other business. So the construction materials

supplier was the protagonist of the construction industry supply chain. “A supply

chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a customer

request” (Chopra & Meindl, 2004). A variety of stages in supply chain include

components or raw materials, manufacturers, wholesalers or distributors, retailers and

customers. Once we focused on the bond or relationship between manufacturers

and distributors in this supply chain. Companies cannot choose whether to have

relationship because a company cannot exist without relationship or interaction with

another. “Interaction can be interpreted as a confrontation process that occurs between

companies and which changes and transforms aspects of the resources and

activities of the involved companies and of the companies themselves” (Ford,

Gadde, Håkansson, Snehota, &Waluszewski, 2010). The interaction between

members in the business network was normally run on day-to-day basis but the

changing of business environment affected more on some firms either positive

or negative.

For the industry, the key of business insistent is the distribution networks

that are the intermediary between manufacturers, customers and end users. This

middle man has a massive role in Thai construction industry, for example, distributing

the products throughout the country, keeping stocks locally, and the most important

one is interacting with the customers and end-users. In 1997, the biggest financial

crisis in Asia, especially in Thailand had happened, which knew as Tom Yum Kung

crisis, The Thai construction materials manufacturers had suffered with many issues

such as debt restructuring, refinancing and sale the stock to the foreign investors.

After that the scrabble to business survive have many solution, one route to business

existence eternally is developed.


The marketing mix is the critical instrument of marketers which often

referred as 4P’s, product, price, promotion and place. The products would develop

internally the business organization or sometime co-creation with outsider, the prices

shall be set from marketing department and modify from related people sometimes

and the promotions are the same. The development of place, marketing channel or

distribution channel must be sustain from many sectors in the supply chain as the

sales policy from manufacturer, the empathy from customer and recognize of

changing in business world from entrepreneur.

According to the information above, the distribution channel owners must be

modulate their own business apposite to transformed commercial. The highlight of

changing in marketing place is the procreation of modern trade, especially in

construction materials merchandisers, the major brands of modern trades just

established not over 20 years ago. For example, HOMEPRO was established

in 1995 with the first branch situated in Rangsit area and 64 operating branches

(Homepro, 2014), The Global House was found in 1997 with the first branch located

at Roi-et province and 31 operating branches (Globalhouse, 2014), HOMEWORK

was established in 2001 with the first branch on the 5th

floor of Central plaza Bangna

and 7 operating branches (Homework, 2014), DO HOME was found in 2008 with

the first branch located on Nakornratchasima province and 5 operating branches

(Dohome, 2014) and the latest one, Thaiwatsadu established in 2010 with the first

branch located at Bangbuathong Nonthaburi and 28 operating branches around the

country (Thaiwatsadu, 2014). The unforgettable marketplace of the construction

materials merchandisers was the traditional trade which have operated their business

successfully for long-standing. At the present the business environment of

competition changed, the traditional trade may have to reform themselves in order

to survive the business environment. These trading patterns modification may be

influence by customer behavior, supplier’s negotiation or other factors that are the

beneficial changed to the entire supply chain member.

One of the first construction materials distribution network in Thailand

belong to the SCG. The long lasting trader network survived the abundant obstacles

of Thai economy. Nowadays SCG is the largest construction materials distribution

chain that transformed their authorized dealers to modern outlets. The SCG’s


authorized dealers transformation is the remarkable situation which many researchers

studied their business approaches. The business development of SCG illustrated that

the expansion of the retail business with the warehouse store format by acquired a

31% stake in Siam Global House Public Company Limited to enhanced the

capabilities and opportunities for future business expansion as well as increasing

operating efficiency, the development of dealers continually by upgrading all HOME

MART stores to have the same standard interior features, store management, and

service format, development of potential wholesale dealers by managing the supply

chain and supporting promotional activities targeted at sub-dealers and the

development of project dealers using project management system as one stop solution

that provides real time services and enables SCG's customers to effectively manage

product flow in each construction project (The Siam Cement Group, 2014).

All development activities showed the SCG’s authorized dealers have to follow

their management policies.

The Thai Olympic Fibre-Cement Co.,Ltd. or “TOFC”, the manufacturer and

trader of the products under the names SHERA and HAHUANG. The TOFC had been

managing the distribution channels in Thailand and exporting the products to foreign

country especially the border country around Thailand. The fifty years old company

had established with the strong relationship with the customer, the intimate trading

milieu and the familiar contract which were the key success of this business

organization. As time passes the variable of business environment have been changing

so the familiar business process could not endure and the professional implementation

must be replaced. The distribution channels management process of TOFC provide

the independent business operation to every authorized dealers but some dimension

of marketing approaches, the TOFC probably interferences direct or indirect way such

as the pricing policies, customer relationship management, after sales services and the

products guarantee etc. Many TOFC’s authorized dealers are the potential distributor

in their neighborhood and some are strong in the nationwide therefore the CEO’s

vision is not enforces any authorized dealers to do something but the TOFC will

suggests and advises the customer to modify their business personally

(Taechamahaphant, 2014)


Intentionally the marketing strategies of TOFC emphasize in pricing

strategies as the special discount, the product innovation and the trading promotion

with authorized dealers. Unprecedented the channel strategies are remarkably less

concern by almost marketing procedure. Inattentiveness one of the marketing mix,

place is the essential composition for providing the product at a place which is

convenient for consumers to access. (Kotler, 1960) Whilst traditional trade of

construction merchandisers will modify, the national brand modern trade will

increasingly born. One of the problems with the traditional trade survival is the

competition adaptable whether the outlet modify, sales process or any reformation,

the entrepreneurs must be pursue the evolution of business. However the expansion

of modern trade or the transformation of traditional trade, the market place of

construction material merchandiser in Thailand and ASEAN is one of the marketing

topics which interested for the way that going to be and the final result.

Problem statement

The conditions for conducting business in the retailing industry are changing

rapidly, as they are in many other industries. Driven by a complex mix of

technological, social, economic and political factors, mergers, acquisitions and

internal restructuring have reshaped the competitive environment of retailing industry

(Hingley, Taylor, & Eillis, 2007).There is no one motivation or pleasure that effects

the distribution to transform itself into modern trade. There are many factors that

influence the primitive distribution channels to evolve their business. The

fundamental of ownership data, business model, the business operation and the

business relationship in Traditional trade and Modern trade those have any point

differences or similarities. The factors of loyalty in each form of commercial are vary.

Finally through this study, the researchers summarize any result.

In this study, The Thai Olympic Fibre-Cement Co.,Ltd. or “TOFC”

which the researcher has been working need to develop the marketing strategy

that implements to the two form of trading with B2B marketing and relationship

marketing. The TOFC was founded with the aim of producing fibre cement roofing

under the brand "Ha Huang" (meaning 'five circles' in Thai), which served as the solid

foundation and the source for nurturing the commitment, inspiration and skills among


staff from generation to generation. These efforts contributed to making the dreams of

Thai people come true. The last 38 years of commitment has seen significant growth.

The company has expanded to a number of plants serving Thailand and the Asian

region and it has taken part in ensuring growing quality of life not only for Thai

society but also for the region. The company has grown significantly under the brand

"SHERA", which is not limited only to roofing but has extended its range to fiber

cement materials for walling, ceiling, flooring and furniture. “We will continue our

commitment to upgrading building standards in a sustainable manner for people

around the globe” the vision of TOFC that drive the organization with inspiration

of all parts to success (The Thai Olympic Fibre-Cement, 2014).

The construction materials merchandiser distribution network studies, the

differences or similarities of two trading firm and the factors of transformation to next

generation business model. All studies issue in this document have only one purpose

that the most important. The strategic plans of Business-to-business , they have a

single destination to improve sales operation with the extremely understanding.

Research objectives

1. To study the distribution network of the construction materials

merchandiser in Thailand.

2. To understand the differences and similarities of the business model

between the traditional and modern trade in the construction materials merchandiser

in Thailand.

3. To identify factors influence the transformation of the traditional

merchandiser to the modern trade in the construction materials industry in Thailand.

4. To lies a Business to Business strategic plan to encourage traditional

trade with transformation to modern trade.

5. To draw a Business to Business strategic plan to modern trade.

Research question

The research questions that are going to determine in this study are as



1. What is the distribution network of the construction materials

merchandiser in Thailand?

2. What business models are suitable to distribution network of the

construction materials merchandiser in Thailand?

3. How differences and similarities of the business model between the

traditional and modern trade in the construction materials merchandiser in Thailand?

4. What are the factors that influence the traditional trade transforms into

the modern trade?

Conceptual framework

Figure 1-1 Conceptual framework

Construction materials merchandiser distribution network

1. The distribution network generalization

2. The network paradigm

(Kotler & Armstrong, 2008; Piercy & Cravens, 1994)

Traditional trade

1. Business model

2. Owner personal data

3. Business network

4. Business network dynamics

5. Relationship management

6. Derived demand

(Ford, 2013)

Modern trade

1. Business model

2. Stakeholder data

3. Business network

4. Business network dynamics

5. Relationship management

6. Derived demand

(Ford, 2013)

Strategic plans

1. B2B with transformed modern trade

2. B2B with traditional trade to transformation

(Chernev, 2012; McDonals, 2006)

Transformation factor

1. Proliferation of customer’s


2. Shift in balance of channel


3. changing strategic priorities


Research contributions

The research aims to study on expectations and perceptions of the

distribution network of the construction materials merchandiser in Thailand towards

transformation of the business model and the new role that the organization will

handle as follow:

1. The better understanding of the distribution network of the construction

materials merchandiser may lead to the improvement of the companies in response

to the transformation of the customer’s nature of the business.

2. This study was expected to provide a factors influence the transformation

of the traditional merchandiser to the modern trade in the construction materials

industry in Thailand.

3. This study was anticipated to organize the strategic plans that maintain

customer loyalty of the transformed customers.

Scope of the study

1. Scope of content

This study is conducted to investigate the distribution network of the

construction materials merchandiser, how the traditional business model and the

modern trade difference or similar, the factor of modernization and the strategic plans

to entrepreneurs.

2. Scope of population and sample size

The population of this study was 1,038 outlets of The Thai Olympic Fiber-

cement customers and 625 employees of the company as of March 15, 2014. The

sample size was 10 external respondents including 2 Laos’s customers and 15 internal


3. Scope of time

The research will collect data and analysis until March to September, 2014.


Authorized dealer is the distributor which received the allowance from the

manufacturer company to trade and distributed their goods to customer. Under the


regulation, sales and marketing, the authorized dealer must be followed the company


Business model describe of the different parts of a business or organization

showing how they will work together successfully.

Business regulation describes the rules of each distribution network that

enforce the network member to follow the company policies or the principle of

working together.

Business Relationship is an association between individuals or companies

entered into for commercial purposes and sometimes formalized with legal contracts

or agreements. Many senior corporate executives maintain a friendly business

relationship with an extensive network of other executives, business people and

contractors that they can call upon for advice or for other business purposes.

Channel development the situation when a company tries to increase its

sales through a particular distribution channel, combination of channels or business

capabilities expansion.

Distribution channel is the intermediaries which deliver a good to the end

customer. A distribution network can include wholesalers, retailers, and even the

distributors that indirect forms of merchandiser.

Distribution network entire chain of distribution intermediaries from the

supplier to the consumer. A strong and efficient distribution network is one of the

most important assets a manufacturer can have, and is the biggest deterrent that faces

the new competitors.

Home solution is the TOFC’s policy with new business model to develop

the customer in the traditional trade model to modern trade, the business process, the

back and front office renovation and sales presentation style would be develop by the

company pattern.

Localize modern trade, defined by SHERA’s CEO is the business model of

construction material merchandiser which develop themselves from the traditional

trade model to modern trade approach and increase the number of branches

nationwide or the same region such as DoHome Tor watsadu and Kanyong.

Merchandiser is the indirect sales force that offer support to retailers for in-

store activities, such as shelf location, pricing and compliance with special programs.


Mixed model refer to the business model that developed but some aspects

should not such as the outlet display renovated to modern trade style but the sales

process operate with manual operate.

Modern trade as opposed to traditional retail shops refers to a full range of

sale methods based on marketing techniques: for instance in self-service shops you

have no more sales attendants.

Non-SCG Distribution network excluded the SCG distribution network

which trades the construction materials from manufacturers to end-user or business

customers such as SCC, TPI and Mahaphant channel network.

Public modern trade is the business model of construction material

merchandiser which establishes as the modern trade style and increase the number

of branches nationwide or cross country investment such as HomePro and

ThaiWatsadu. The definition by SHERA’s CEO.

SCG distribution network is the construction materials distribution channel

network of Siam Cement Group that authorized to buy and sell the products under

the brand SCG or Chang with supervision by the company. A developed distribution

channel network as we known SCG Home mart and SCG Home solution.

Strategic marketing plan is a systematic process of envisioning a desired

future, and translating this vision into broadly defined goals or objectives and a

sequence of steps to achieve by implement the marketing strategy.

TOFC refer to The Thai-Olympic fibre cement company limited. The

SHERA and HaHuang brand of construction materials manufacturer and trader which

manage their own distribution channel network.

Traditional trade is the construction materials merchandiser business model

that runs theirs firm as a personal business not perform likes a professional

entrepreneur in any viewpoint of business process.

Transformed modern trade is the traditional trade that transform to modern

trade model already. Not congenially modern trade since the firm established.

Transformation is the process of changing completely the character or

appearance of something in order to improve




This chapter is explaining the literature including the theoretical

consideration and articles related to this research, which are summarized into the

following topics:

1. Business to business (B2B) marketing

2. Business products classification

3. Distribution channels of the business to business marketing

4. Pricing in business to business marketing

5. Business marketing communication

5.1 The appropriate communication tools with the customer acquisition


5.2 Roles of advertising, sales promotion and public relations in the

business communication mix

6. Business Relationships

6.1 The substance of business relationships

6.2 The facets of a relationship

7. Business networks

8. Business models

8.1 Definition of business model

8.2 MIT business model archetypes

8.3 The two business models by Viswanathan (2011)

9. Strategic plan

9.1 Three key principles in writing a marketing plan

9.2 The key components of the marketing plan

10. Articles and other related research summarizes: Traditional trade and

modern trade


Business-to-business marketing

In the business world, one of the most important aspect with interaction

between organizations or business firms. The organization as a customers have the

difference buying behavior, communication, relation and marketing approaches.

Business marketing is marketing products or services to other company, government

bodies, institutions and other organizations (Dwyer, Tanner, & John, 2006). The

differences between business markets and consumer markets have three dimensions

(Brennan, Canning, & McDowell, 2011) that show in table2-1 Differences between

business and consumer markets.

Table 2-1 Differences between business and consumer markets

Market structure differences


Business marketing Consumer marketing

Nature of demand Derived Direct

Demand volatility Greater volatility Less volatility

Demand elasticity Less elasticity More elasticity

Reverse elasticity More common Less common

Nature of customers Greater heterogeneity Greater homogeneity

Market fragmentation


fragmentation Less fragmentation

Market complexity More complex Less complex

Market size Larger overall value Smaller overall value

Number of buyers per seller Few Many

Number of buyers per segment Few Many

Relative size of buyer/seller Often similar Seller much larger

Geographic concentration Often clustered Usually dispersed


Table 2-1 (Com.)

Market structure differences


Business marketing Consumer marketing

Buying influences Many Few

Purchase cycles Often long Usually short

Transaction value Often high Usually small

Buying process complexity Often complex Usually simple

Buyer/seller interdependence Often high Usually low

Purchase professionalism Often high Usually low

Importance of relationship Often important Usually unimportant

Degree of interactivity Often high Usually low

Formal, written rules Common Uncommon

Marketing practice


Dimension Business Marketing Consumer marketing

Selling process System selling Product selling

Personal selling Used extensively Limited

Use of relationships Used extensively Limited

Promotional strategies Limited, customer-


Mass marketing

Web integration Greater Limited

Branding Limited Extensive,


Market research Limited Extensive

Segmentation Unsophisticated Sophisticated

Competitor awareness Lower Higher

Product complexity Greater Lesser

Derived demand

The indirect demand of the firms that buy goods or services from

manufacturers and sales it to end users. Normally the direct demand is supposed that


consumers only buy goods to satisfy their need and want so the business which serve

their need get the wholly demand from many customers. For example, the direct

demand of houses creates a derived demand for Portland concrete, steel, timber wood,

tiles and brick. The derived demand for tiles creates many more forms of derived

demand, including transport services, raw materials, production machine and more.

All of derived demand in the chain is influence by direct demand from consumers.

Business products classification

The quite separation of business products is the difference from the

consumer products. The product is part of the organization’s final product or

facilitates the organization’s activities (Dwyer et al., 2006). Raw materials,

component parts, capital equipment and maintenance, repair and operations products

are the products that involving in the process of production. Raw materials are the

products which manufacturer buys to produce the goods to offer the next participant

in supply chain. Buyers used the materials in processing of final product. Component

parts or OEM parts are the products used to installation with final products or part of

final products. For example, roof tiles install with screw and truss then complete with

the accessory equipment. Capital equipment is the large equipment which the firms

buy to install or use in the production process. For example the roofing industry buys

the robot for the production line to increase production efficiency or the construction

contractors buy crane to easier elevate the construction materials. Maintenance, repair

and operations products or facilitating supplies is the supporting products that not

including in the final products of business but it supports the firm to produces. Such

as air conditioner, office supplies or any services. Similarly the standard approach to

separate the business products from consumer products based on the use to which the

products are put, and the extent to which they are incorporated into the final product

(Brennan et al., 2011). This can classify into six sub groups as installation, accessory

equipment, maintenance, repair and operating supplies, raw materials, manufactured

materials and parts and business services. In contrast the classification system above,

the buyer’s evaluation of the effort involved in acquiring the product and risk of

making a poor decision. Both considered to be the cost of decision and the effort is a


viable which buyer pay to gain a product such as money, energy and time (Murphy &

Enis, 1986). First the convenience products which buyer pays an effort and takes risk

for a little. MRO supplies are including in this group. Preference products is a little

more effort and risk which buyer will pay to get it. The buyer pays a little more

expensive cost but the greater chance to make a wrong decision. Shopping products is

like an accessory equipment, materials and parts of the classification above that the

buyer pays higher price and associates risk with possibly making the wrong decision.

Last the specialty products, the highest rank of risk and effort to gain it. Buyer must

prepare to invest in specialty products with more time and energy because it is

important to make a right decision in high value purchasing.

Distribution channels of the Business to business marketing

The distribution channels in the business to business dimensions provided

the three categories except the internet site channels. Normally different industries

vary unique of the distribution channels. In this study, the researcher aim at the

distribution channels of Thailand’s construction materials study. So the business to

business distribution channels theories will focus that related only in the distribution

channels of Thailand’s construction materials. The complexity of business to business

distribution channels divided into three major system as following (Brennan et al.,


1. Single route to multiple routes is the basic distribution system. First

the producer direct to industrial customer is a very simple approach to use their

producer’s sales force straightly to industrial customers. Then if the products were

more famous in the market but the producer less capabilities to reach or handles it,

franchisee is the one method to solved problem by gives the right to sell products or

services in the specific area. The two routes of business markets are agent and

distributor, which some homologous activities and heterologous business process

such as the right to sell goods from producer is similar but the range of sell service or

benefits are difference. The last route of business market is the producer to agent then

sell to the distributor after that the firm’s customer is the last one. The agent respond

to sell to the distributor then it gain the profits from selling. See Figure 2-1


ProducerIndustrial customer

ProducerIndustrial customer


ProducerIndustrial customer


ProducerIndustrial customer


ProducerIndustrial customer


Figure 2-1 Routes to business markets

2. A pluralistic multi-channel system, the multiple routes to distinct market

segment and product groups. Cooperation between the channels concerned, such as

the reference of customer to another or assisted to win the customers in another must

be emphasizes. See Figure 2-2


Border distributors

Modern trade distributors


International distributors

Direct sales

Industrial Customers

Industrial Customers

Industrial Customers

Industrial Customers

Industrial Customers

Figure 2-2 Pluralistic multi-channel system


3. A monolithic multi-channel system, the single one structure of direct and

indirect channels to gain the markets. Business provide their own sales force to

approached with the main distributors and then each distributors connected to another

distributors that separated by different market segmentation. Finally the distributors in

each segment sold to the firms. See Figure 2-3


Sales Forces

Main distribution





Industrial Customers

Industrial Customers

Industrial Customers

Figure 2-3 Monolithic multi-channel system

Both routes of business markets affected the business marketer’s operations

in different indicators. The Marketing overhead costs, field coordination of producers

or resellers, abilities to differentiate technical service and the development of selling

expertise of pluralistic multi-channel system are higher than monolithic multi-channel

system. But the flexibility in customer buying pattern of monolithic multi-channel

system is higher.


Pricing in business to business marketing

When the firm setting prices to business customer, the classic factors of

consideration are three C’s. Costs or break-even, the firm’s pricing also calculated

from the average production cost plus standard profits. To business survival, the

marketers had to parsimoniously concern about the overall costs and the effect of

prices setting with the sales and marketing. Customers and demand analysis is

changes by pricing decision. The demand elasticity, normal demand and perverse

demand or elastic and inelastic demand are the factors which price setting people

must considers carefully. The last C is competitors whether the oligopoly and

competitive market or price leader and followers, the competition environment is

the key of pricing in business markets.

1. Business to business pricing in relational aspects

1.1 The pricing effects of long-term buyer and supplier relationship

The stable relationship between buyer and seller generated higher benefits

to both such as inventory cost reduction, higher sales growth and decrease transaction

costs. Long-term relationship of participants in business is the source of new product

idea, new product co-creation and help to attract new business. Price concession from

the suppliers is may be occur when the price increasing or decreasing. Normally long-

term customer relationships place suppliers under price pressure but pay off in terms

of profitability.

1.2 Supply chain pricing

More pricing collaboration of member in the supply chain will increase

their profitability. The traditional pricing approach as win or lose or zero - sum games

were obsoleted. Two concepts of pricing in supply chain are, ensure of realize value

from sales goods is optimized and how to distribute the values within the supply

chain’s members.


Business marketing communication

In each stage of customer acquisition process and communication objectives,

the company has the appropriate communication tools step by step.

Figure2-4 Communication mix and customer acquisition process

(Anderson & Narus, 2004)

The communications mix was the promotional tools that the business

marketer use to achieved the communication objective or the customer use to make a

decision of purchasing. The promotional mix was vary depending on the category of

products. The promotional mix comprised of personal selling, the most importance of

every product type such as the major capital equipment minor capital equipment

materials, component parts and supplies, tradeshow, sales promotion, direct mail,

technical literature and trade advertising.

Advertising strategy has the process that consisting of, first to setting

advertising objective by aware the performance goals and the target audience. Second

formulate the creative plan with developed the message that communicate to the

target audience then select the media which the target audience can reached whether

the broadcast media digital media or display advertising the selection must be match

to the objective and the budget, finally evaluate the advertising effectiveness.

Communucation objectives Target segments Communication tools

Awareness Leads


mail,publicity e.g. industry


Interest Enquiries



de shows

Evaluation ProspectsTelemarketing,Field sales


Trial New customers Inside sales calls

Purchase Established customersTransactional and

relationship sales teams


Sales promotion in the business market comprised of the sales personnel

with offered the incentives to gain the short term targets of the organization. The

intermediaries were the push sales strategy by offered the incentives or promotional

pricing. Company provided informational materials to the distributors for preliminary

sales. The incentives used for business customer to attract them win the targets.

Public relations (PR), the marketing tools used to manage the organization

image by attract and keep the good employees, handle issue and overcome

misconceptions that relate to the organization, build the goodwill among publics,

build prestige and reputation of the organization and promote the products.

Business relationships

In the business competitive environment each business organization must be

survive by interdependence with another, to fulfill or compensate the lack of some

capabilities in the firm. Relationships is one of the key factors to success the business

purpose as the partner, joint venture, alliance or any business relations or individual

relations. The development of relationship will be increase or decrease, it depend on

the members involved. This study is to find the relationship in the construction

materials distribution network’s background, development and the future of

distribution channel’s relationship. In the relationship dimensions, the issues are


1. The substance of business relationships

1.1 Characteristics of business relationship

The business relationship characterized to four different aspects:

Continuity: The business relation of two companies built up from a

limited association to a very close involvement, not only one transaction but often

stretch over a long period with business proceed. The age of the relationship is the

one indicator which precondition for change and development.

Complexity: The element of complexity is the number, type and the

contract pattern of individuals involved in the relationship, the different status,

organizational roles and personal background are another factor. Complexity in

another aspect is the scope and use of established relationship.


Symmetry: The members in the business relationship tend to have

resources and capabilities that are more balanced. Symmetry of business relationship

present in term of resources and initiative of the parties involved.

Informality: The formal contracts are common, often limited, and

ineffective with uncertainties, conflicts and crises taking care to the member in

business relationship. The closely relationship build on such as trust and confidence

which related to the time dimension.

1.2 Business relationship process characteristics can be classified by

interactions of three elements as followed;

1.2.1 Interaction between actors. This topic concentrates on the

individual contract between two or more actors from difference companies. It will be

consider on the distance between the actors (Johanson & Wiedersheim-Paul, 1975)

The social distance, culture distance, technological distance and time distance

between the actors will influence them by each factors. Interpersonal interaction

cannot be separated from its social context through which people get to know each

other in the meeting room or on the golf course. When it is effective, interpersonal

interaction leads to the formation of actors bonds between the individual, based on

their mutual learning, trust and commitment.

1.2.2 Interaction between activities. Relationship start operating to

achieve their purpose when activities are undertaken that deliver that purpose,

whether it is design activity from a supplier or requests for information from a

customer. Typically, an activity cycle between two companies would commence

with an order and end when it is delivered. However, depending upon the nature of a

relationship it may be that other activities are worthy of note in a network diagram,

such as a joint research project or combined promotional activity. The consequence of

mapping the link between the parties in the network is an indication of the range of

activities that are taking place and the relative role that the focal company has in this.

1.2.3 Interaction between resources. Resource are used by actors, but

many also be created as part of the relationship exchange. The resource may be used

by actors on their own or combined with the resource of other parties to create a

shared resource. For instance, there may be design inputs from a variety of network

actors making use of a shared design system.


2. The facets of a relationship

2.1 The relationship as a device

2.1.1 To increase efficiency

2.1.2 To achieve innovation

2.1.3 To influence other.

Need, Network and fulfillment uncertainties---------------------------------

Problem solving and fulfillment abilities

Capacity, application and fulfillment uncertainties

---------------------------------Problem solving and fulfillment abilities

Customer Supplier

Figure 2-5 The uncertainties of customers and supplier

The customers and the suppliers each have uncertainties situation and each

fulfill each other with their abilities that involved in the relationship. For one activity

of one side effect to another one in the relationship and that activity influence another

one to acts something.

2.2 The relationship as an asset

2.2.1 Managing relationship assets over time.


Pre-relationship stageHigh inertia

Question -What will we both get? -How much investment

-What adaptation?-What learning

Exploratory stageInvestment of time for learning and distance

reduction no routine or commitment.

Developing stageIntensive mutual learning building trust

through investment and informal adaptation

Stable stageRoutine and institutionalisation

Wider experienceChanged requirementInsufficient resourcesLack of commitment

Figure 2-6 The development of customer-supplier relationship

The development of customer-supplier relationship has four stages; pre-

relationship stage, exploratory stages, developing stage and stable stage are in

difference situation of interaction. Any stages have their relation management in each

process. To examine the process of relationship change and development and

highlight the management tasks involved by considering the difference stage that a

relationship can be in and how it moves between these stages (Ford, 1980).

2.2.2 Relationship assets within a portfolio

2.3 Relationships as a problem

2.3.1 Relationships are unruly

2.3.2 Relationships are undetermined

2.3.3 Relationships are demanding

2.3.4 Relationships are exclusive

2.3.5 Relationships are sticky


Business network

The network derives from centralizing phenomena or of productive

decentralization (Powell, 2001) there are no constraints in its formation in terms of

size: company networks are formed both by small business realities, as well as by

large companies (Grandori, 1999). From this point, the phenomenon of company

networks represents an opportunity for encounter and growth. The company network

is a free business association, able to create structures and processes capable of joint

decision making and of integrating the efforts of members to design and produce

goods and services, to develop new processes, to reduce times needed for innovation

or for entry into the market, to exchange information and other resources

(Trequattrini, Russo, & Lombardi, 2012). Business networking is the process of

establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with other business people and

potential clients and/or customers (Ward, 2013). A collection of people, preferably

with a broad array of experience and knowledge, to which an individual is in periodic

contract (Byham, 2009)

Business network have the two common things. First the networking

involves others. No company can live alone, all interdependence with other. Changing

in one company impacts another in the network. Second networking is never limited

to a single relationship. All companies are intermediaries for others. The two issues

of networking approached which identify the key aspects of networking:

Networking with whom? The “whom” in this question is the counterpart in

the relationship who has an important to another involved or someone that influence

members in the network. But all operation in the company is not related with another,

the company tried to find only one or a few aspects of matching. The single company

success in networking, they can divide into two tasks. First is to search for the

dimensions that relate to the three or more companies that are involved and the second

is to establish cooperation with the counterparts based on those identified dimensions.

What the network about? The potential change in activities or the resources

of the members in network is the basically finding of all networks. Combination in

activities or resources of members in network will be worthy if lower costs or higher



Business model

Weill and Vitale (2001) include “roles and relationships among a firm’s

customers, allies, and suppliers, major flows of product, information, and money, and

major benefits to participants” in their definition of a business model. Business

models emphasize the design of the transactions of a firm in creating value (Amit, &

Zott, 2001), the blend of the value stream for buyers and partners, the revenue stream,

and the logical stream (the design of the supply chain) (Mahadevan, 2000), and the

firm’s core logic for creating value (Linder, & Cantrell, 2000). In contrast, Magretta

(2002) argued that the strength of a business model is that it tells a story about the

business, focusing attention on how pieces of the business fit together - with the

strategy describing how the firm differentiates itself and deals with competition.

Business models have the added attraction of being potentially comparable across


The MIT Business Model Archetypes (BMAs) based on two fundamental

dimensions of what a business does. The first dimension, what types of rights are

being sold, it gives rise to four basic business models: Creator, Distributor, Landlord,

and Broker. The second dimension, what types of assets are involved distinguishes

among four important asset types: physical, financial, intangible, and human. This

distinction leads to four subcategories within each of the four basic business models

for a total of 16 specialized business model types. Of these 16 possible business

models, only 14 are common use in the business world. (Weill, Malone, D’Urso,

Herman, & Woerner, 2005)


Table 2-2 The sixteen detailed business model archetypes

Basic business

model archetype

What type of asset is involved?

Financial Physical Intangible Human

Creator Entrepreneur Manufacturer Inventor Creator*

Distributor Financial




IP Trader Human


Landlord Financial







Broker Financial




IP Broker HR Broker

The wholesaler or retailer is the distributor of goods, who have right in the

goods that they sold to the customer and the goods that they sold, is a physical thing.

For another concept presents the business model, there are from the Indian

academic. Business model defines what a business does and how it makes money

doing that. (Viswanathan, 2011). In this article separate the business models to 2

main categories.

1. Traditional business model

Create a physical good, a service or a virtual good : movie, music. This is

the most fundamental business model. Create a product or service and sell it, either

directly to the customer or to a distributor. The primary challenge here is building the

right product and finding the right channel partner. There are three variants of this.

First direct Marketing to consumer. Second sell it to distributors and retailers. Last the

exclusive rights to certain distributors. The creators limit the distribution to only one

or a few distributors.

Distributor of goods and services. The goal of distributors is to connect the

creator and the consumer. The distributors aggregate goods from various creators and

bring economies of scale in distribution and logistics. The general purpose retailers,


focusing on a specific niche, private sales club, one product a day model or bricks and

Clicks model are in this type.

Franchisee model, razor and blades model is the seller sells one product for

free or very low cost, brokerage/Marketplace model, landlord model, advertisement

based models, subscription based model that gets a period fee from the user, lead

generation and affiliate marketing. In this model, a business offers a service to the

user and as a byproduct generates a lead to another business and gets a commission

from them and the multilevel marketing. This is a model that converts part of the

consumers into salespeople. There could be multiple levels of customers in a

distribution hierarchy with consumers who bring in more people into the distribution

network rewarded more.

2. New Business model

Listing fee model, selling customer data, micropayment for content,

freemium model, crowdsourcing model, open source customization and maintenance,

no-frills model, network effect model, pay with social currency, in-app commerce,

groupon model, customer rating & support, certification & verification and the

sponsorship model are the new business model which the Indian academic classified.

Strategic plan

Mintzberg (1994), illustrated the definitions of strategic planning in

“The rise and fall in strategic planning” that strategic planning is the future thinking

which controlled the future of business organization and including the integrated

decision making of formalize method to create articulate consequence. The

accomplishment plan depend on recognize the future, estimate the current situation

by strength and weakness firm assessment and the management ability of business

environment fluctuation in the future. The process of strategic planning in marketing

articles of John F. Dix and H. Lee “Buck” Mathews presents 10 steps of planning

process since the introduction to strategic planning until the summary and conclusion

of all process. Current situation analysis, segmentation analysis, SWOT Analysis,

core competencies analysis, key success factors, business unit strategy / business plan,

balanced score card and evaluation. The current situation analysis contains the vision


and mission statement which consist of description and understanding to all

employees especially the management level in the organization, the external

organization environment such as economic, politics and legal that affects the

business should be analyses in this step. Step two the segmentation analysis this

process is to match the company’s current or prospective products and services with

the market’s potential. SWOT analysis consist the external and internal organization

analysis to identify the relative position of the firm to the market, the customer and to

the competition. Key success factors define by the customer or market which is the

functions, activities or business practices of the firm. The six steps described the

analysis that needs to be undertaken to be in a position to develop a clear, distinctive

and differentiated strategic statement for the business. The measurements by financial

and non-financial targets are the effective method to evaluate the planning

achievement. The selected both financial and non-financial measures must be a

balanced mix and must be few but important to the sustainability of the business.

The evaluation process needs to be on going and continuous. The evaluation process

provides a check-up on the progress of the business compared to both the short term

business plan and the long term strategic plan.

Articles and other related research summarizes: Traditional trade

and modern trade

“One of the most important retail trends is the consolidation of fragmented

retail outlets into powerful retail chains and super stores. In addition to creating large-

scale mass merchandisers, this consolidation has produced a number of specialized

retailers concentrating on a single category.” (Chernev, 2012)

Khuntee and Leopenwong (2000), studied the operation of construction

material on traditional trade in Mueng district, Udornthani province, the impact of the

entering of construction material on modern trade to traditional trade, buying

behavior of customer on construction material, the important factor to construction

material buying and proposed the reforming approach and development direction of

construction material on traditional trade in order to bring forward. The

questionnaires of data record from 46 entrepreneur representative samples, opened


more than 10 years and 1 million or more of Start-up capital. And 400 customer

representative samples from all of 397,291 population in study area.

The result of the study showed that the participation of modern trade varied

the sales and impacted on the management of traditional trade with their continue

marketing promotion, bargaining power with supplier, new technology to use,

appropriate location advantageous, Systematic administration, product has a category.

Make it interesting and attractive to consumers and Result in changes in consumer

attitudes. Also found that mainly representative sample buy construction material

from modern Trade, as customer estimate the modern trade has variety of product

more than traditional trade. So in order to survive of construction material on

traditional trade, Should be gathered for create the authority to negotiate with

supplier, conflict high product cost and can Competitive with modern trade. The

traditional trade should be adapted about operation, marketing promotion and

consumer behavior track, because the most impact derives from customer behavior.

The SCB Economic Intelligence Center expose the business article on

23 April 2013 that:

Higher consumer purchasing power and rapid expansion in residential

property developments trigger the strong growth potential for home improvement

retailers. However, competition is high and rising as big players continue to roll out

new stores, especially in upcountry, and to tailor their business models to meet local


Home improvement retailing, which focuses on sales of building materials

and interior decorative goods, is growing significantly thanks to higher household

purchasing power and a growing consumer preference for modern trade stores. During

the past three years, starting before the floods of late 2011, demand for these products

has grown steadily. The sector's major players have enjoyed growth in sales by up to

16% each year from 2009 to 2012, far above the average 3% growth rate for non-

grocery retail sales in general. One reason is higher incomes both in Bangkok and the

provinces. Bangkok's population having middle income and above (over 15,000 Baht

per month) has increased from 37% of the total in 2007 to 46% in 2011, while in the

outer provinces the share has risen from 14% to 19%. By 2020 the middle-income-

and-up share of the national population is expected to grow to 40%, from 20% today.


The rise in purchasing power will propel this sector, as seen in well-established

trends. During 2007 to 2011, for example, the housing expenditure has increased by

33% per year among consumers in Bangkok and 10% per year in other provinces.

Another factor supporting growth is a rising consumer preference for convenience and

product varieties, which favors modern trade retailers. And consumers are

increasingly adopting a do-it-yourself approach to home improvement, boosting


The other big supporting factor is growth of the real estate sector in

Bangkok and other major provinces. Housing projects in these areas have shown

obvious growth during the past three years. In 2013, the large developers plan to

continue their expansions, especially in major provinces. Sansiri PCL, for example, is

planning 60 billion Baht in project investments, 73% of it in Bangkok and 23% in

major provinces. Land and Houses PCL plans to invest 43 billion Baht, 80% for

Bangkok and 20% elsewhere. The provinces outside Bangkok that have drawn the

most attention from developers include Phuket, Chonburi, Hua Hin, Chiang Mai,

Khon Kaen and Udon Thani. This will boost demand for home improvement products

as well.

Beyond these major provincial areas, other provinces will also generate

opportunities for these retailers. Among these are Chanthaburi, Trang, Lopburi,

Chachoengsao, Chiang Rai, Samut Songkhram, and Ang Thong. These provinces

have few home improvement retailers despite their population density. Moreover,

many of the provinces mentioned above also have higher rates of electricity usage per

household compared to the national average of 1,600 Kilowatts per hour per user,

which reflects higher spending on household and electrical goods. Not only that, some

provinces like Chiang Rai and Chanthaburi are located in the border areas and could

attract customers from neighboring countries as well.

Major players, especially Big-box model, are rapidly adding branches to

conquer prime locations. Possessing the prime location is extremely advantageous

because good sites near cities and residential areas are hard to find and rising in price.

Building a branch requires approximately 6-9 months of construction, so faster

expansion means faster access to consumers nearby, especially in locations without

modern trade competition. The 'first mover' advantage is especially significant for


companies operating home centers or big-box stores, which have more than 50,000

SKUs. All of these players are competing for locations nationwide. Home Pro plans to

expand by at least eight branches, Siam Global House will add 10-12 branches and

Thai Watsadu plans 10 new branches. Furthermore, specialty retail stores, like

Boonthavorn and Index Living Mall, are also expanding in 2013. Boonthavorn plans

two new branches in Chiang Mai and Phuket, while Index Living Mall will add three


Home improvement chains are now competing to reach consumers in

segments where they lack market share. Purchasers of home improvement products

can be split into two types, namely consumers and contractors or developers.

Consumer turn to specialty stores when they have specific needs, such as buying tiles

at Boonthavorn or furniture at Index Living Mall. However, if they seek convenience,

they will go to one store where they can get many products, like Home Center format.

However, operators have begun to diversify in response to demands from another

segment. One successful model addresses market segmentation, such as the Central

Retail group investing in construction materials store in order to expand their

customer base into all segments, including contractors, rather than their original

model of Homeworks, which focused on retail consumers. Recently, Home Pro,

which deploys the big-box format, has planned to target the builder and contractor

market by opening a new store format under a brand called Mega Home, which

focuses on bricks, cement, sand and other basic construction materials. At the same

time, Home Pro will continue to add branches to further penetrate the retail consumer


Retailers can differentiate by developing new and better services and loyalty

programs. Relevant services include design, installation and repairs/renovation.

Repair and renovation services are significant because independent workers and

contractors are increasingly hard to find. Some operators are developing more on-site

home services to attract consumers, such as monitoring, cleaning and replacing

products as well as painting and renovations. Even though this income is not a main

part of total revenue generated by the retailers, it is a selling point that can attract new

customers and develop loyalty through customer satisfaction. Another strategy that

should not be overlooked is a good loyalty program. Because purchases of home


improvement products are not as frequent as for other consumer goods, a loyalty

program or membership card can help attract customers to return to the same store.

Figure 2-7 Branches of home improvement stores in provinces with high potential

Source: EIC analysis based on data from company reports and media




The researcher wants to identify the model of distribution channels of

construction material in Thailand and its development affects the business strategies.

The study consist the qualitative research which contains the element of the study

as follow:

1. Research design

2. Populations and sample design

3. Data gathering methods

4. Questionnaire design

5. Validity and reliability test

6. Data processing and analysis

Research design

This research section consist the complements of the study with

qualitative interviews and qualitative documents (Creswell, 2014) that the researcher

conducts face to face interviews with participants, telephone interviews or engages

in focus group. These interviews involve semi-structure and generally open-ended

questions. The qualitative documents, that the researcher investigates the public

document (article, journals, newspaper, official report) or private documents (personal

journals, letters, e-mails). To examine the construction materials merchandiser

distribution network in Thailand with the distribution network generalization and

the network paradigm. After that observed the traditional trade and modern trade

in the dimension of ownership’s data, business model, business network and

relationship. Finally to investigate the 3 main factors of transformation.

Population and sample design

Population of this study is the traditional and modern trade authorized

distributor of TOFC throughout Thailand. The research is to purposefully select


participants by researcher judgment until the data is saturated, then the researcher stop

collecting data.

Data gathering methods

The researcher divided the data gathering methods into two segments as


1. Review data: The researcher investigates the public documents as the

related research, articles, newspaper and internet website or private documents as

the internal documents of TOFC.

2. Field Data: The researcher collecting the data by in-depth interview

with the face to face participation to know the attitude, inspiration and opinion

of interviewed. The semi-constructed interview is selected method of unofficial

interview with define the question that extensive and according to the study objective.

Among the interviewing, the researcher asks for allowance to sound record and


Questionnaire design

The semi-structure questionnaire will be divided into 5 parts as follow:

Part 1 contains question about Individual data of business owner and the

TOFC employees.

Part 2 contains questions about the distribution channel network and

construction material business model in Thailand.

Part 3 contains questions about business model.

Part 4 contains questions about the relationship management.

Part 5 contains question about the strategic plan.

Validity and reliability test

1. Validity Test

In the study researcher actively incorporates validity strategies with multiple

approaches. The eight primary strategies, organized from those most frequently used


and easy to implement to those occasionally used and more difficult to implement

(Creswell, 2014):

1.1 Triangulate difference data source of information by examining

evidence from the source and using it to build a coherent justification for themes.

If themes are established based on converging several sources of data or perspectives

from participants, then this process can be claimed as adding to the validity of the


1.2 Use member checking to determine the accuracy of the qualitative

finding through taking the final report or specific descriptions or themes back to

participants and determining whether these participants feel that they are accuracy.

1.3 Use a rich, thick description to convey the findings.

1.4 Clarify the bias the researcher brings to the study.

1.5 Also present negative or discrepant information that runs counter

to the themes.

1.6 Spend prolonged time in the field. The more experience that the

researcher has with participants in their setting, the more accurate or valid will be

the findings.

1.7 Use peer debriefing to enhance the accuracy of the account.

1.8 Use an external auditor to review the entire project.

After the process of validity strategy, the researcher will present the

questionnaire from related research to discuss with adviser then considers the content

validity, the wording that should be revising before gathering the actual data.

Step 1 content validity test

Researcher wills the precision of the content (Content validity) with 3

experts’ to ensure that the questionnaire measurement can cover all the contents


1. Mr.Patchara Mahaburapha Vice President Sales Department

2. Mr.Suchat Kasapsan Assistant Vice President Sales


3. Mr.Apisade Maichan Assistance Vice President Project sales

4. Dr.Tongkarn Kaewwchalermtong Graduate school of Commerce,

Burapha University


5. Dr. Krit Jarinto Graduate school of Commerce,

Burapha University

The questions in this part should have all content completed, that are

provided in the research by considering the following:

1. The contents of questions in each part can be complete with the related


2. The topic in the questionnaire should separate into main topic follow

by second topic and sub topic.

3. The texts in questionnaire associated with the content which considering

of content coverage, concordance between sub subject and main subject, and the

concordance between content, objective by analyze one by one item and determine

the score each item as below:

3.1 The question is appropriated to the objective will score 1 point

3.2 The question is in appropriated with the objective will score -1 point

3.3 Uncertain with the objective will score 0 point

After that the researcher will use this final score form all expertise to

measure index Item-object of concordance: IOC (Rovinelli & Hambleton, 1977)

by calculating formula as follow:



Which ΣR is the total score by all expertise committee

N is number of expertise committee

The result meaning will be interpret to the below criteria

1. The result of IOC between 1 to -1,

2. The questions that relate to the content will close to 1.00

3. The questions that relate should be less than 0.5.


2. Reliability Test

The qualitative reliability procedure (Creswell, 2014):

2.1 Check transcripts to make sure that they do not contain obvious

mistake made during transcription.

2.2 Cross-checking with another people, advisor or specialist. Miles and

Huberman (1994) recommended that the consistency of agreement at least 80% of

the time for good qualitative reliability.

Data analysis and interpretation

The study will collect data of a population from interviews by develop

descriptions and themes from the data, to present these descriptions and themes that

convey multiple perspective from participants and detailed description of the setting

or individuals. The results provide an in-depth analysis of the interviewed data.

The data analysis and interpretation process need to include the following steps:

1. Interpret the tape recording to each questionnaire one by one of all


2. Reading through all data to summarize into the topics and the reasons

of some data by the table to categories all information.

3. Coding the data by tick into the table if some data are duplicated.

4. Conclude the data by interpret the meaning of themes and description

on the high scores to lower topics or reason in every table.

5. After that discuss the data from the research objective on the conclusion





This research adopted the qualitative analysis applying in in-depth interview

as data collection tool. The data collection used purposive sampling and snowball

sampling method by individual interview with semi- structure interview guide

from nationwide customers of the company and its employees.

Part 1 presents the external participants' research result and data analysis.

Section 1 results of analysis about external participants’ organizational


Section 2 results of analysis about distribution channel network and


material business model in Thailand data.

Section 3 results of analysis about business model data.

Section 4 results of analysis about relationship management data.

Section 5 results of analysis about strategic planning data.

Part 2 presents the internal participants' research result and data analysis.

Section 1 results of analysis about internal participants’ personal data.

Section 2 results of analysis about distribution channel network and


material business model in Thailand data.

Section 3 results of analysis about business model data.

Section 4 results of analysis about relationship management data.

Section 5 results of analysis about strategic planning data.

Part 1 Presents the external participants' research result and data


Section1 results of analysis about external participants’

organizational data.



Table 4-1 External participants' organizational data

Respondent Shop description Years of


Generation Authorized



Number of


IT used Member of




Years of




E 1 Modern trade 41 First 250 150 Yes Yes 25

E 2 Mixed model 41 Second 250 150 Yes Yes 25

E 3 Home solution 2 First 1 5 No Yes 2

E 4 Hardware shop 9 First 50 500 Yes Yes 9

E 5 General retail shop 30 Second 50 200 Yes Yes 12

E 6 General wholesales 22 Second 10 45 Yes Yes 7

E 7 Home decoration shop 8 First 250 260 Yes Yes 4

E 8 General wholesale and retail 31 Second 1 70 Yes Yes 20

E 9 General wholesale and retail 24 Second 50 50 Yes Yes 12

E 10 General wholesale and retail 41 Second 5 50 Yes Yes 25

E 11 General retail shop 21 First 1 30 Yes Yes 12

E 12 Modern trade 14 First na. 150 Yes Yes 7


Table 4-1 shows 12 external respondents or customers of the company, two

of the respondents described their shop as the modern trade because the renovation of

show room to sales the products directly to consumer and emphasized on retails, one

of the customer said their shop was a mixed model which were the aggregation of

modern trade style and traditional trade style such as the customer take caring closely

like a traditional trade but systematics business processing like a modern trade. The

home solution was the one of the TOFC’s policies, the description illustrate the shop

like a product show room emphasized on the presentation of product application. One

of the participant said they was the hardware shop which focus on hardware products,

the construction materials was the minor products line in the shop. Home decoration

shop was the outlet sells the sanitary ware, floor and wall tiles and the general whole

sale and retail shop was the old style outlet sells the completely products line, the

decoration, sanitary ware , hardware and construction materials in one place. The age

of the business from 8 to the oldest 41 years old. The researcher interviewed the

business founder and the successors in a 50 percentages. The authorized capital at

least was 1 million baht and the highest investment was 250 million baht for 3 outlets.

The number of employees 50 percent were 100 employees and 50 percent were less

than 100 employees. Only one participants’ shop was not used IT with their shop,

almost participants were used IT in the shop. All participants said they were a

member of TOFC's distribution network. Ultimately the age of TOFC's distribution

network member were 4 to 25 years such as 20 years TOFC’s member was the

general wholesale and retail shop that inherit their business from their parents and

their known many aspects of opportunities and problem of the TOFC network.

Section2 results of analysis about distribution channel network and

construction material business model in Thailand data.




Table 4-2 Thailand's distribution network description
















Segment by

customer level





E 1 - - - -

E 2 - - - - -

E 3 - - - - - -

E 4 - - - - - -

E 5 - - - - - -

E 6 - - - - -

E 7 - - - - - -

E 8 - - - - - -

E 9 - - - - - -

E 10 - - - -

Percentage 90% 20% 10% 30% 20% 20% 50% 20%

E 11 - - - - -

E 12 - - - -

Percentage 100% 0% 100% 50% 0% 0% 100% 0%


Tables 4-2 Shows 90 percent of participants said the construction materials

distribution network divide by the brand of product manufacturers because it is the

clearest principal way to described. For example the SCG distribution network has its

brand on their own the business model, the business process or any aspects it has their

own style. 50 percent of participants comment that the firm must be authorized by the

manufacturer but they may sales products from other manufacturers in the industry for

30 percent of interviews. It means if the firms want to sale products from the

manufacturer, they must get the right from the company before. 20 percent said they

can describe Thailand's distribution network by Portland cement manufacturer's

brand, the steady customer that loyal to each brand, the customer level of each target

group and the independently management in each shop. 10 percent of participants

presented sometimes they describe the construction material distribution network by

brand substitution. 100 percent of Laos customers said the brand of product

manufacturers, brand substitution and the right of products selling were the distinct

descriptions. 50 percent said the distribution network in Laos generally overlapped.



Table 4-3 TOFC's distribution network description



network description





Able to










with rival















E 1 - - - - -

E 2 - - - - - - - -

E 3 - - - - - -

E 4 - - - - - - -

E 5 - - - - - - - - -

E 6 - - - - - - - - -

E 7 - - - - - - - - -

E 8 - - - - - - - -

E 9 - - - - - -

E 10 - - - - -

Percentage 50% 40% 40% 40% 30% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20%

E 11 - - - - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - - - -

Percentage 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0%


Table 4-3 Shows the 50 percent of participants said the dealer must sales

SHERA and Ha-huang products. 40 percent described the channel able to sales rival's

products, the dealer and company has a long relationship and closed together. So the

overlapped with rival's channel can be occurred by 30 percent description. 20 percent

described the distributors must be the policy follower; sales the innovation products

and the company was powerless on enforce the channels. Ten percent of participants

think they can help the company to create working process together and they got

many well support from TOFC. 100 percent of Laos’s customer said the distributor

must sales SHERA and Ha-huang products and followed the company policies.


Table 4-4 TOFC's distribution network classification











by target


Categorized by


E 1 - -

E 2 - -

E 3 -

E 4 - -

E 5 - -

E 6 - -

E 7 - - -

E 8 - -

E 9 - - -

E 10 - -

Percentage 90% 10% 80% 10%

E 11 - -

E 12 - - -

Percentage 0% 100% 0% 50%

Table 4-4 Shows TOFC's Distribution network classify by 90 percent of

participants said the company used a Pluralistic multi-channel and ten percent said

monolithic multi-channel because 80 percent explained the company categorize by

target group and ten percent think by demographic. Laos 100 percent participants said

the company used the monolithic multi-channel because the company authorized only

two dealers in Laos to sell the products, categorized by demographic factor from 50

percent of customer's opinion.



Table 4-5 Business competition situation analysis.


n situation


market leader













Easy market















E 1 - - - - - - - - - -

E 2 - - - - - - - - - -

E 3 - - - - - - - -

E 4 - - - - - - - - -

E 5 - - - - - - - - - -

E 6 - - - - - - - - - - -

E 7 - - - - - - - - - -

E 8 - - - - - - - - - -

E 9 - - - - - - - - - -

E 10 - - - - - - - -

Percentage 30% 50% 20% 20% 10% 20% 40% 10% 10% 20% 10% NA.

E 11 - - - - - - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - - - - - -

Percentage 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0% 50%


Table 4-5 shows 50 percent of participants said the regulation enforcement

affects the business competition situation. The easy market entering was the huge

factor of competition in 40 percent opinions and 30 percent said the strongest market

leader in sales and marketing performed. 20 percent said freely in brand switching, the

product substitution, knowledgeable customer and the competition in service were the

competitive situation. Ten percent said the margin negotiation, price war, differences

in business target and the plenty of business opportunities were the competition

indicators. 100 percent of Laos’s participants said the competition situation was the

product substitution and 50 percent said the easy market entering and cross country

competition were significant to Laos’s competitive environment.

Table 4-6 Business categorizes.



Wholesales Retails Direct



trade sales







E 1 - - - -

E 2 - - - -

E 3 - - - -

E 4 - - - - - -

E 5 - - -

E 6 - - - - - -

E 7 - - - - -

E 8 - - - -

E 9 - - - - -

E 10 - - - - -

Percentage 20% 90% 10% 40% 60% 10% 10%

E 11 - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - -

Percentage 50% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Table 4-6 Shows 90 percent of participants were reatil,60 percent were

project sales,40 percent were modern trade model, 20 percent were wholesale and

other ten percent categorized themselves into direct sale, home solution shop and


niche market provider. 100 percent of Laos’s collaborators were retail shop and 50

percent were wholesale.

Table 4-7 The benefit aspects as TOFC's distribution network member gained.

Benefit aspects

from company Branding




administrative Marketing Trading



E 1 - - - -

E 2 - - - -

E 3 - - - -

E 4 - - - - -

E 5 - - - - -

E 6 - - - -

E 7 - - - -

E 8 - - - - -

E 9 - - - - -

E 10 - - -

Percentage 40% 30% 0% 50% 10% 40%

E 11 - - - - -

E 12 - - - -

Percentage 50% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100%

Table 4-7 shows the benefit aspects as TOFC's distribution network member

gained from the company by 50 percent answered the marketing knowledge, 40

percent said strong brand and innovative products which made more benefits to their

firm. 30 percent said they received the support from the company representative and

ten percent gained only the trading benefit from TOFC. 100 percent of Laos customer

said innovation products was the most beneficial to their firm and 50 percent show the

brand of TOFC was strong.



Table 4-8 The independently business operation aspects of TOFC's distribution network member.



Independent (Non-




Dependent (Pricing or





E 1 - - - - -

E 2 - - -

E 3 - - - - - -

E 4 - - - - -

E 5 - - - - -

E 6 - - - -

E 7 - - - - -

E 8 - - - - -

E 9 - - - - - -

E 10 - - - - -

Percentage 90% 60% 10% 0% 30% 10% 10%

E 11 - - - - -

E 12 - - - - -

Percentage 100% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%


Table 4-8 Shows 90 percent of customer said they have independently

operation and ten percent doubtful. The reasons were a non-intervention from the

company for 60 percent opinions and ten percent said there do not any punishment

rules for the network members. 30 percent think the pricing policy or targeting and ten

percent explained the company policies, sometimes enforce their business. 100

percent of Laos participants said they have the independently business operation on

their own because the company never intervene the business.



Table 4-9 The TOFC's network member be the member of another company.



No SCG SCC Diamond TPI Oranit Lack of




Relationship Products




Brand well


E 1 - - - - - - - - - -

E 2 - - - - - - - - -

E 3 - - - - - - - - - - -

E 4 - - - - - - - - -

E 5 - - - - - - - - -

E 6 - - - - - - - - -

E 7 - - - - - - - - - - -

E 8 - - - - - - - - - -

E 9 - - - - - - - - -

E 10 - - - - - -

Percentage 30% 0% 0% 60% 50% 10% 30% 10% 30% 40% 10% NA.

E 11 - - - - - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - - - - - -

Percentage 0% 100% 0% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100%


Table 4-9 presents 60 percent were the member of Diamond, 50 percent

were the member of TPI and ten percent were the member of Oranit. Thirty percent of

participants were not the member of other company network. 40 percent gave the

reason to fulfill their products length, 30 percent said because the relationship and

lack of stock of TOFC. 10 percent said they gained more margin and immoderate

stock. 100 percent of Laos be the member of SCG network and 50 percent were the

member of Diamond because two brand were well known in Laos.

Table 4-10 Customer satisfaction and the reasons.



TOFC Rival Equivalent Long






E 1 - - -

E 2 - - - -

E 3 - - - -

E 4 - - -

E 5 - - - -

E 6 - - -

E 7 - - -

E 8 - - - - -

E 9 - - - -

E 10 - - -

Percentage 40% 30% 30% 50% 80% 10%

E 11 - - - -

E 12 - - - - -

Percentage 50% 0% 50% 0% 50% 0%

Table 4-10 shows 40 percent of customers satisfied TOFC more,30 percent

said they appreciated rival more and 30 percent were equivalent satisfaction because

they have closer coordination for 80 percent explained, 50 percent said because the

long relationship and ten percent said they got a harmonious policies which match to

their company. 50 percent of Laos’s participants said they satisfied TOFC more and

50 percent said maybe because they got the closer coordination from the




Table 4-11 The problem as the member of TOFC distribution network.

Problem with


Sales Marketing Cooperation Competition Company




Lack of stock Channel


E 1 - - - - -

E 2 - - - - - -

E 3 - - - - - -

E 4 - - - - - -

E 5 - - - - - -

E 6 - - - - - - -

E 7 - - - - - -

E 8 - - - - - -

E 9 - - - - -

E 10 - - - - - - -

Percentage 10% 10% 40% 60% 20% 30% 10% 20%

E 11 - - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - - -

Percentage 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 50% 0%


Table 4-11 presents 60 percent of network member thought the competition

capabilities were the network problem,40 percent said the cooperation with internal

process,30 percent said the delivery process,20 percent said the company policies and

the channel conflict and ten percent said sales, marketing and lack of stock were the

problem of the network. 50 percent of Laos participants said lack of stock and 100

percent said the delivery process were the big problem.

Section3 results of analysis about business model data.



Table 4-12 The modern trade aspects.

Aspects of

modern trade

Sizing Displaying Shop




Self service Emphasize on

price war






back &

front end




E 1 - - - - - - -

E 2 - - - - - - -

E 3 - - - -

E 4 - - - - - - - -

E 5 - - - - - - -

E 6 - - - - - - -

E 7 - - - - - - - -

E 8 - - - - - - - -

E 9 - - - - - -

E 10 - - - - - -

Percentage 40% 80% 40% 20% 40% 10% 30% 20% 20% 20%

E 11 - - - - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - - - - -

Percentage 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 50% 0% 0%


Table 4-12 shows 80 percent explained the modern trade display was

outstanding, 40 percent said the shop area size, shop counselor and self- services were

facets of modern trade model. 30 percent distinguish on a number of investments and

20 percent explained the management by professional, the high cost of operations, the

systematic back and front end and there were not price war. Ten percent thought

modern trade emphasize on price war only. 100 percent of Laos’s customer said the

display and higher management cost were the modern trade aspects.



Table 4-13 Business model description.









Show room Sales


Customer take


Show only




back &

front end

Non pricing


E 1 - - - - - - -

E 2 - - - - - -

E 3 - - - - - - -

E 4 - - - - - -

E 5 - - - - - - -

E 6 - - - - - - -

E 7 - - - - - - -

E 8 - - - - - - -

E 9 - - - - - - -

E 10 - - - - - -

Percentage 50% 10% 30% 10% 80% 20% 10% 10% 10%

E 11 - - - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - -

Percentage 50% 50% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 50% 0%


Table 4-13 shows 50 percent of customer described their business as the

traditional trade, 30 percent as the mixed- model,10 percent as the modern trade and

ten percent as the show room of innovation products. The participants gave the

reasons of why they described , the sales process was the reason that 80 percent of

participants said, 20 percent said because their style of customer take care and 10

percent gave the reasons of non-price war, the systematic of business process and they

only show the product application not concentrate to sell. 50 percent of Laos customer

said they was the traditional trade and other 50 percent said they was the modern trade

because the sales process by 100 percent customer's opinion and 50 percent said

because their systematic of business process.



Table 4-14 The description of traditional trade.

Description of

traditional trade

Untidy display Selling process non-systematic






Sales margin


Service concern

E 1 - - - -

E 2 - - - -

E 3 - - - - -

E 4 - - - - -

E 5 - - - - - -

E 6 - - - - -

E 7 - - - - -

E 8 - - - - - -

E 9 - - - -

E 10 - - -

Percentage 60% 20% 60% 30% 40% 10% 10%

E 11 - - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - -

Percentage 50% 0% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0%


Table4-14 presents the characters of traditional trade by 60 percent of

customer considered on the untidy display in the shop and the non-systematic

management. 40 percent said traditional trade has non-standard pricing, 30 percent

said they have a long relationship with their customer, 20 percent considered in the

selling process and two ten percent looked at the sales margin and selling service. 50

percent Laos’s participants said the untidy display and non-systematic management

were the traditional trade characters.



Table 4-15 The description of modern trade.

Description of

modern trade











One pricing Customer


Low price

E 1 - - - - -

E 2 - - - -

E 3 - - - -

E 4 - - - - - - -

E 5 - - - - - - -

E 6 - - - - - - -

E 7 - - - - - -

E 8 - - - - - - -

E 9 - - - -

E 10 - -

Percentage 70% 30% 50% 20% 30% 30% 10% 30%

E 11 - - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - -

Percentage 50% 0% 100% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0%


Table4-15 presents the characters of modern trade by 70 percent of customer

considered on the remarkable display in the shop which give the shopping experiences

and the systematic management in the opinion of 50 percent of participants. 30

percent said modern trade has a nationwide branch, one pricing standard, low price

strategy and considered in the selling process. 20 percent said the large capital of

investment and ten percent said the customer neglect of modern trade that can find

normally in the shop. 100 percent Laos participants said the systematic management,

50 percent said the remarkable display and large capital of investment were the

modern trade characters.

Table 4-16 The similarities of traditional trade and modern trade.

Similarities of 2


Product Location Price war Developed

traditional trade

Shop design

E 1 - - - -

E 2 - - - -

E 3 - - - -

E 4 - - - -

E 5 - - - -

E 6 - - - -

E 7 - - - -

E 8 - - - - -

E 9 - - - -

E 10 - - -

Percentage 20% 30% 30% 10% 10%

E 11 - - - - -

E 12 - - - - -

Percentage 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Table 4-16 shows 30 percent of participants said the shop location of 2

difference models always placed in the same area likewise 30 percent of the

customer's opinion showed the price war was the tool of business competition. 20

percent said they sold the same products, ten percent said some shop designs were

similar and ten percent said many modern trades were the developed traditional trade.



Table 4-17 The differentiation of traditional trade and modern trade.


of 2 model









Credit sales Selling price Shop feature

E 1 - - - - - -

E 2 - - - - - -

E 3 - - - - - -

E 4 - - - - -

E 5 - - - - - -

E 6 - - - - - -

E 7 - - - - - -

E 8 - - - - - -

E 9 - - - - - -

E 10 - - - -

Percentage 50% 20% 10% 20% 20% 10% 0%

E 11 - - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - - -

Percentage 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 50%


Table 4-17 presents 50 percent of participants explained customer

relationships were differ. 20 percent said the marketing tactics, the systematic

management and the credit sales were differ from one another. Ten percent said the

systematic responsibilities on their mistake and ten percent said the differences on the

selling price. 50 percent of Laos’s participants said the shop features were easiest




Table 4-18 The main forces of traditional trade transforms to the modern trade

Factors for



of customers'


Shift in

balance of







capabilities for


and variety












threats of





E 1 - - - - - - - -

E 2 - - - - -

E 3 - - - - - - -

E 4 - - - - - -

E 5 - - - - - - -

E 6 - - - - - - - -

E 7 - - - - - - -

E 8 - - - - - - - -

E 9 - - - - - - -

E 10 - - - - - -

Percentage 90% 10% 20% 20% 10% 60% 10% 80% 10% NA.

E 11 - - - - - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - - - -

Percentage 0% 0% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100%


Table 4-18 presents 90 percent of collaborators said the proliferation of

customers' need, 20 percent said the changing strategic priorities and ten percent said

the shift in balance of channel power were the factors which forced the business

model transformation. This is because of more knowledgeable buyers in 80 percent

opinion,60 percent said the changing in customer expectation,20 percent said the

expanding capabilities for addressability and variety, ten percent said the channel

diversity, ten percent said the enhanced of bargaining power and ten percent said the

credible threats of backward integration. 50 percent of Laos’s participants said the

changing strategic priorities because they faced with the external pressure from border

country by 100 percent of Laos customers' opinion.



Table 4-19 The construction material demand.

Demand Derived







change target






Differ in each

customer group

E 1 - - -

E 2 - -

E 3 - - - - -

E 4 - - - - - -

E 5 - - - - -

E 6 - - - - -

E 7 - - - - - -

E 8 - - - - -

E 9 - - - - -

E 10 - - - - -

Percentage 80% 80% 20% 10% 10% 20% 10%

E 11 - - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - -

Percentage 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0%


Table 4-19 shows the construction material demand were a derived demand

in 80 percent opinion because they were a influencer in decision making, the demand

was not directly from the consumers like 80 percent of participants said. 20 percent

said it was the direct demand which the same with other industry in 20 percent

opinion because in the decoration products market, the display in the shop can

change the decision making of consumer in 10 percent opinion and 10 percent said

it was different in each customer group.



Table 4-20 The modern trade influences the construction material distribution market.

Modern trade

influences market

Less Medium Most Unchanged


















more mkt.




trade rival

E 1 - - - - - - - - -

E 2 - - - - - - - - -

E 3 - - - - - - - -

E 4 - - - - - - - - -

E 5 - - - - - - -

E 6 - - - - - - - - -

E 7 - - - - - - - - -

E 8 - - - - - - - - - -

E 9 - - - - - - - - -

E 10 - - - - - - - -

Percentage 10% 20% 70% 10% 40% 30% 20% 10% 10% 10% NA.

E 11 - - - - - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - - - - -

Percentage 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100%


Table 4-20 shows 70 percent of participants said the modern trade influences

most of the construction material distribution market, 20 percent said in the medium

level and 10 percent said there were less influences. This is because of the modern

trade were the customer behavior changer in 40 percent opinion,30 percent said the

modern trade were the customer educator,ten percent said the influencer in market

price, reduced the sales margin and the modern trade have many marketing activities

which lead the rival to followed. In contrast the modern trade was not change the

customer behavior in ten percent opinion and not the market indicator in 20 percent of

participants' opinion. 100 percent of Lao participants said the modern trade was less

influences Laos market because there was not the real modern trade rival.



Table 4-21 The level of emphasize in the transformation.

Emphasize in


Less Medium Most Already changed Large investment Market trend Future plan

E 1 - - - - -

E 2 - -

E 3 - - -

E 4 - - - - -

E 5 - - - - -

E 6 - - - - - -

E 7 - - - -

E 8 - - - - -

E 9 - - - - - -

E 10 - - - - -

Percentage 20% 20% 60% 60% 20% 30% 30%

E 11 - - - - -

E 12 - - - - -

Percentage 0% 0% 100% 50% 0% 0% 50%


Table 4-21 presents 60 percent of participants gave most emphasized in the

transformation,20 percent were in the medium level and 20 percent were less

emphasized because 60 percent said they were already changed,30 percent said the

market environment forced them,30 percent said it was in the future plan of the

business and 20 percent said it was the large investment. 100 percent of Laos

participants said they were most emphasized on the transformation because 50 percent

said they were already changed and 50 percent said the modern trade transformation

were in the future plan of their business.

Table 4-22 The level of TOFC’s emphasizing in the transformation.


Emphasize in


Less Medium Most Unhelpful





E 1 - - -

E 2 - - -

E 3 - - -

E 4 - -

E 5 - - - -

E 6 - -

E 7 - - -

E 8 - - -

E 9 - - - -

E 10 - -

Percentage 90% 10% 0% 40% 70%

E 11 - - -

E 12 - - - - -

Percentage 50% 0% 0% 0% 50%

Table 4-22 shows 90 percent of participants thought the TOFC pay less

emphasized in the transformation and ten percent said in the medium level because

there were non-substantial policies in 70 percent opinion and 40 percent said there

were unhelpful facilities. 50 percent of Laos participants said TOFC pay less


emphasized in the transformation because there were non-substantial policies in 50

percent opinion.

Table 4-23 The level of TOFC’s emphasizing in the transformation compare with

the rival in the industry.

Rival comparison Less Medium Most Helpful


Slow moving


E 1 - - -

E 2 - - -

E 3 - - -

E 4 - - - -

E 5 - - -

E 6 - - - -

E 7 - - - -

E 8 - - -

E 9 - - - -

E 10 - - -

Percentage 70% 10% 20% 50% 10%

E 11 - - - - -

E 12 - - - - -

Percentage 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Table 4-23 shows 70 percent of participants thought the TOFC pay less

emphasized in the business model transformation than the rival, 20 percent said

TOFC emphasized in transformation most more than the rival and ten percent said in

the medium level because there got the helpful facilities from the company in 50

percent opinion and ten percent said there were slowly moving development in their



Section4 results of analysis about relationship management data.

Table 4-24 The inter-relationship between TOFC's distribution network member.

Customer inter-


Yes No Private





pass on



E 1 - - - -

E 2 - - - -

E 3 - - -

E 4 - - - - -

E 5 - - - -

E 6 - - - - -

E 7 - - - -

E 8 - - - -

E 9 - - - -

E 10 - - -

Percentage 60% 40% 60% 20% 10% 10%

E 11 - - - - -

E 12 - - - - -

Percentage 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Table 4-24 Shows 60 percent of collaborator’s thought they has inter-

relationship between network member, whereas 40 percent think not. The reasons

were they have private relationship together by 60 percent said,20 percent said they

have private limitation to associate with another and last two reasons ten percent said

they always pass on the customer to their friends and they have conflict with other

TOFC dealer. 100 percent of Laos’s participants said they do not have any inter-

relationship between TOFC network in Laos.


Table 4-25 The benefit to business result in relationship of TOFC’s distribution

network member.



Yes No Encourage






pass on




E 1 - - - -

E 2 - - - -

E 3 - - - -

E 4 - - - -

E 5 - - - -

E 6 - - - -

E 7 - - - -

E 8 - - - -

E 9 - - - -

E 10 - - -

Percentage 100% 0% 20% 40% 30% 20%

E 11 - - - - -

E 12 - - - - -

Percentage 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Table 4-25 Shows 100 percent of participants’ opinion that the relationship

of TOFC’s distribution network member is beneficial to business result because they

can exchange the business data by 40 percent said, 20 percent said they can pass on

the customer in difference area to their friends and 20 percent said they want the

encouragement between network members and reduce the channel conflict. 100

percent of Laos’s participants said they do not have any inter-relationship between

TOFC networks in Laos.


Table 4-26 The most evidence with business relationship of TOFC's distribution


Evidence of

relation with



trading issue

Patronize Private relation

with employee








E 1 - - - -

E 2 - - - -

E 3 - - - -

E 4 - - - -

E 5 - - - - -

E 6 - - - -

E 7 - - - - -

E 8 - - - -

E 9 - - - -

E 10 - -

Percentage 50% 20% 50% 20% 50% 10%

E 11 - - - -

E 12 - - - - -

Percentage 100% 0% 50% 0% 0% 0%

Table 4-26 shows 50 percent of participants show the most evidence with

business relationship of TOFC's distribution network were the issue of normal process

in trading and the private relationship with TOFC employee. The business patronizes

between company and customers were the most evidence of 20 percent opinion. Why

they gave that reason, 50 percent said because the close coordination, 20 percent said

the disappearance of personal relation and ten percent said the relationship were

unsubstantial for them. 100 percent of LAOS collaborators said the normal trading

issue was the most evidence with business relationship of TOFC's distribution

network in LAOS and 50 percent show they has only private relationship with

TOFC's representative.



Table 4-27 How the TOFC builds the business relationship with customer.






Improve agility

of routine work

Sales visit TOFC owner/

high mgt visit

Data support Less attentive Set annual activities for


E 1 - - - - -

E 2 - - - - -

E 3 - - - - - -

E 4 - - - - -

E 5 - - - - -

E 6 - - - - - -

E 7 - - - - -

E 8 - - - - - -

E 9 - - - - - -

E 10 - - - -

Percentage 50% 10% 20% 40% 30% 10% 10%

E 11 - - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - -

Percentage 0% 0% 50% 50% 0% 0% 0%


Table 4-27 In customers opinion 50 percent said the personal coalition was

the one way that company use to build the relationship with customer, 40 percent said

they want the TOFC owner or any high level management to visit their firm,30

percent said TOFC gave the data to support their business decision, 20 percent said

only sales visit in monthly routine can build the relationship and three last way were

to improve agility of routine work, set annual activities for member in network and

pay less attentive to their firm can build the relationship with them. 50 percent of

Laos’s participants said the TOFC owner or high level management person visiting

and representative visiting monthly can build the relationship with them.



Table 4-28 The importance with TOFC relationship.

Important with TOFC Important Unimportant Long relationship Patronize Product strengthen Key success

E 1 - - -

E 2 - - -

E 3 - - -

E 4 - - - -

E 5 - - - -

E 6 - - - - -

E 7 - - - - -

E 8 - - - - -

E 9 - - - - -

E 10 - - -

Percentage 100% 0% 20% 40% 10% 30%

E 11 - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - -

Percentage 50% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%


Table 4-28 presents 100 percent of customers gave the importance in the

relationship with TOFC because they were the together contributor by 40 percent

opinion. The relationship with TOFC is the key success of their business in 30 percent

participants' opinion and 20 percent said the prolonged relationship, ten percent said

because the relationship with the company will strengthen the product and its

marketing. 50 percent of Laos’s collaborators shown the relationship with TOFC was

importance to their business.

Table 4-29 How customer builds relationship with TOFC.

How customer

build relationship

with TOFC

Met and receive

any TOFC data

Complaining any




Market data


E 1 - -

E 2 - -

E 3 - -

E 4 - -

E 5 -

E 6 - -

E 7 - - -

E 8 - -

E 9 -

E 10 - -

Percentage 100% 30% 40% 40%

E 11 - - -

E 12 - - - -

Percentage 50% 0% 0% 0%

Table 4-29 shows 100 percent of participants said they can kept the

relationship with TOFC by meet and receive any TOFC data from the representative

monthly.40 percent made relationship with company by give many ideas of

development and interchange the market data together. The problem complaining was


the one way that 30 percent of customers made relationship. 50 percent of Laos’s

participants said they can make the relationship with TOFC by monthly meet and

receive any TOFC data from the representative.




Table 4-30 The results of the relationship with TOFC.

Result of


Positive Negative Problem


Prove by higher


Product knowledge


Market data


Policy poor


E 1 - - - - -

E 2 - - - -

E 3 - - - - -

E 4 - - - -

E 5 - - - -

E 6 - - - - -

E 7 - - - - - -

E 8 - - - - - -

E 9 - - - -

E 10 - -

Percentage 90% 20% 40% 10% 40% 20% 30%

E 11 - - -

E 12 - - - -

Percentage 100% 0% 100% 50% 50% 50% 0%


Table 4-30 presents the positive results of relationship with TOFC was the

answer of 90 percent of participants. 20 percent gave the negative results of the

business relationship. The most two famous reasons were the problem proved and

they can improve their product knowledge from any connection with the company, 40

percent of each participants said. 30 percent said they received the poor

communication of company policy.20 percent of collaborators described they can

interchange the market data with company representative and ten percent explain their

problem can be proved by the higher level officers in TOFC. 100 percent of Laos’s

collaborators said they get the positive result from the relationship because their

problem always proved and 50 percent explained the management level always solved

their problem, improved their products knowledge and interchanged the market data

in LAOS with company delegates.



Table 4-31 The level of business relationship with TOFC.

Level of


Repeat customer Clients Advocates Partners Data


Introduce to


Problem solving


E 1 - - - -

E 2 - - - - -

E 3 - - - -

E 4 - - - - - -

E 5 - - - - - -

E 6 - - - - -

E 7 - - - - - -

E 8 - - - - -

E 9 - - - - -

E 10 - - -

Percentage 10% 10% 20% 60% 50% 20% 30%

E 11 - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - -

Percentage 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 50% 0%


Table 4-31 shows the most appropriate relationship level was partner that

60 percent gave and advocates of the company was 20 percent from participation. The

clients and repeat customer were ten percent by each participant. And why they gave

that level, 50 percent said they have interchange the data between them and the

company, 30 percent said they get the problem solved from TOFC and 20 percent said

they introduce the company to another. The 100 percent of LAOS’s participants said

they were the clients but sometimes they introduced TOFC to another in the opinion

of 50 percent collaborators.



Table 4-32 The relationship aspects between TOFC and the customers.



Business tools Business assets Problem of


Business co-


Cause of

customer lose




value added


with business

E 1 - - - - -

E 2 - - - -

E 3 - - - - - -

E 4 - - - - - -

E 5 - - - - - - -

E 6 - - - - -

E 7 - - - - - -

E 8 - - - - - - -

E 9 - - - - - -

E 10 - - -

Percentage 60% 60% 20% 20% 10% 30% 30% 20%

E 11 - - - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - - - -

Percentage 50% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%


Table 4-32 shows the same level, 60 percent of participants’ show the

relationship aspects of them with TOFC were the business tools and the business

assets. Therefrom 20 percent said it is the problem of business because it was

unimportant with them, 20 percent of participants said. The reasons of any

relationship aspects that 30 percent gave, they have closer coordination with TOFC

more the rival and gain the business value added from the relationship. 20 percent

said they are the business co-creator with TOFC and ten percent answered that

relationship were a cause of customer lose. 50 percent of LAOS participants said the

relationship with the company were the business tools which used to achieved the

business target.

Table 4-33 The view point of two relationship aspects.

View point of two


Difference Similarity cannot


Difference positive


E 1 - -

E 2 - -

E 3 - -

E 4 - -

E 5 - - -

E 6 - - -

E 7 - -

E 8 - - -

E 9 - - -

E 10 - -

Percentage 20% 80% 40% 20%

E 11 - - -

E 12 - - - -

Percentage 0% 50% 0% 0%

Table 4-33 shows 80 percent of participants show the organizational and the

personal relationship were similar but 20 percent said there are distinguish. 40 percent

said they cannot separate the differentiation of both and 20 percent shown there are


many difference viewpoint such as the private trust and the business rules that is the

difference kind of relationship. LAOS 50 percent participants said it is the similar

aspects of two kind of relationship.

Table 4-34 The most beneficial relationship in the business short term.

Short term Organizational Personal facile routine work Interpersonal trust

E 1 - - - -

E 2 - - -

E 3 - - - -

E 4 - - -

E 5 - - - -

E 6 - -

E 7 - -

E 8 - - -

E 9 - - - -

E 10 - -

Percentage 10% 50% 10% 20%

E 11 - - -

E 12 - - - -

Percentage 0% 50% 0% 0%

Table 4-34 shows, in short term 50 percent of participants said personal

relationship were beneficial to their firm more organizational relationship that ten

percent of participants said. The reasons were to facile the routine work with TOFC's

officer for ten percent answering and they trust the interpersonal relationship for 20

percent. Finally 50 percent of LAOS participants said the personal relationship was

more beneficial.


Table 4-35 The most beneficial relationship in the business long term.

Long term Organizational Personal Long term


Future planning


E 1 - - - -

E 2 - -

E 3 - - - -

E 4 - -

E 5 - - - -

E 6 - -

E 7 - -

E 8 - - -

E 9 - - - -

E 10 - -

Percentage 30% 30% 30% 20%

E 11 - - -

E 12 - - - -

Percentage 0% 50% 0% 0%

Table 4-35 in the same result 30% of participants said the organizational

and personal relationship were both beneficial to their business in long term at the

same level. 30% said because long term gets a familiar coordination and 20% want to

plan the business future with TOFC. 50% of LAOS’s customers said in long term the

personal relationship of them and TOFC's representatives were more beneficial to

their firm.




Table 4-36 The business value added from TOFC relationship.

Value added of


Can Cannot Must be


Two way


Develop business


Develop new


dissatisfy current


E 1 - - - - -

E 2 - - - - -

E 3 - - - -

E 4 - - - - -

E 5 - - - - -

E 6 - - - - -

E 7 - - - - - -

E 8 - - - - -

E 9 - - - - - -

E 10 - - - -

Percentage 90% 10% 10% 10% 50% 10% 20%

E 11 - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - -

Percentage 100% 0% 0% 0% 50% 0% 0%


Table 4-36 shows 90 percent of participants said the relationship between

their business and TOFC will make the business value added but ten percent were not.

50 percent gave the reason of business knowledge development and ten percent

suggest developing new product for the network. And other 2 reasons said by ten

percent of each topic, the current relationship must be adjustable and inter-

relationship could be the two way communication. Customer dissatisfy in current

situation is the reason of 20 percent participants said. 100 percent of LAOS’s

participants said the relationship between their business and TOFC will make more

value added.

Table 4-37 The most effective marketing activities.

Effective activities Private meeting Co-meeting Customer seminar

E 1 -

E 2 - -

E 3 - -

E 4 - -

E 5 - -

E 6 - -

E 7 - -

E 8 - -

E 9 - -

E 10 - -

Percentage 40% 10% 60%

E 11 - -

E 12 - -

Percentage 50% 0% 50%

Table 4-37 shows 60 percent in the interview offered the customer seminar

is appropriate to their firm, they recommend only knowledge interchange seminar not

to product sales or company policy seminar were more effective. 40 percent of

participants said private meeting or dinner is necessary to their business. The co-

meeting between customer's key person and management team of TOFC is


appropriate in ten percent participants' opinion. LAOS’s participants wanted the

private meeting and customer seminar in the same level at 50 percent.

Section5 results of analysis about strategic planning data.

Table 4-38 The differences definition of public modern trade and Localize

modern trade.

Modern trade definition Yes No Ambiguous meaning

E 1 - -

E 2 -

E 3 -

E 4 -

E 5 - -

E 6 - -

E 7 -

E 8 - -

E 9 - -

E 10 - -

Percentage 30% 70% 40%

E 11 - -

E 12 - -

Percentage 0% 100% 0%

Table 4-38 shows 70 percent of participants said No because the

ambiguously meaning like 40 percent suggest. 30 percent understand the meaning

of two definitions. 100 percent of LAOS’s customer said they do not know at all.

The CEO’s definitions was not recognize generally but it was the important way to

specify the differences of modern trade model.



Table 4-39 The most potential modern trade merchandisers in Thailand.

Most potential

modern trade

Homepro Thaiwatsadu Global House Difference

target group

High end


Large capital Diverse many



E 1 - - - -

E 2 - - - - -

E 3 - - - - - -

E 4 - - - - -

E 5 - - -

E 6 - - - -

E 7 - - - -

E 8 - - - - - - -

E 9 - - - - -

E 10 - - -

Percentage 80% 50% 10% 60% 50% 30% 60%

E 11 - - - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - - -

Percentage 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100%


Table 4-39 shows HomePro was the most potential modern trade

merchandisers in Thailand by 80 percent of external participants said. 50 percent said

Thaiwatsadu and ten percent said Global House. The reasons are the diversification of

branches and they have difference target group in the market from each 60 percent

gave the opinion. 50 percent said the modern trade potential measured from its stayed

in the high end market. Finally 30 percent said the large capital to investment is the

potential measurement. 100 percent of LAOS’s participants said SCG is the most

potential modern trade merchandisers in Thailand.

Table 4-40 The consideration factors of modern trade customer.

Factors of

together work

Branding Business






Sales margin

E 1 - - -

E 2 - -

E 3 - - -

E 4 - - -

E 5 - -

E 6 - - - -

E 7 - - - -

E 8 - - -

E 9 - -

E 10 - - -

Percentage 70% 50% 10% 30% 50%

E 11 - - - -

E 12 - - - -

Percentage 100% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Table 4-40 shows the brand was the famous factors of 70 percent of

participants consider when they want to work together with TOFC. 50 percent

answered business policy and 50 percent said sales margin are the two factors that

they consider. The competitive capabilities of company were the factor which 30


percent chose. Ten percent said the company vision is the considered factor. 100

percent of LAOS’s participants think branding is the major factor that they considered

when they want to join the network.



Table 4-41 The marketing mix to modern trade.

Marketing mix with

modern trade

Pricing Promotion Up to date


Product Reduce price


Reduce channel






E 1 - - - -

E 2 - - - - - -

E 3 - - -- - - -

E 4 - - - - - -

E 5 - - - - - -

E 6 - - - - - -

E 7 - - - - - -

E 8 - - - - - - -

E 9 - - - - - -

E 10 - - - - - -

Percentage 40% 30% 10% 30% 40% 20% 30% 10%

E 11 - - - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - - -

Percentage 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0%


Table 4-41 shows 40 percent preferred pricing to TOFC to improve or

progress with modern trade.30 percent said product and promotion were the two

marketing mix, that TOFC will used. And ten percent of participants said TOFC must

to re-thinking about the market segmentation. Why the participants preferred each

marketing mix,40 percent wanted to reduced price war,30 percent commend the

product diversity will segment the customer into each group,20 percent wanted to

reduce conflict in network and ten percent said product specify by customer group is

the reason of them.

Table 4-42 The marketing activities to modern trade.

Marketing activities to

modern trade

Local co-








E 1 - - -

E 2 - -

E 3 - - -

E 4 - - -

E 5 - -

E 6 - - -

E 7 - - -

E 8 - - - -

E 9 - -

E 10 - -

Percentage 20% 60% 30% 20%

E 11 - - -

E 12 - - - -

Percentage 0% 50% 0% 0%

Table 4-42 shows the outstanding display in the shop is marketing activities

of 60 percent prefer to TOFC to modern trade. 30 percent said the product counselor

is the one way of TOFC worked with modern trade. The local co-advertising and

media advertising, the two marketing activities which 20 percent preferred.


Table 4-43 The inappropriate marketing activities for modern trade.

Marketing activities not

to modern trade

Premium special


Privilege Discount promotion

E 1 -

E 2 - -

E 3 - -

E 4 - -

E 5 - -

E 6 - -

E 7 -

E 8 - -

E 9 - -

E 10 -

Percentage 80% 20% 30%

E 11 - - -

E 12 - - -

Percentage NA. NA. NA.

Table 4-43 shows 80 percent of participants’ said premium special discount

is not appropriate marketing activities to provide with modern trade like the

promotion that reduce modern trade cost like 30 percent opinion. And 20 percent

said the privilege of any business process with the company were not appropriate.


Table 4-44 The most effective communication tools for modern trade.








User seminar Mass





E 1 - - - -

E 2 - - - -

E 3 - - - -

E 4 - - - -

E 5 - - -

E 6 - - - -

E 7 - - - -

E 8 - - - -

E 9 - - - -

E 10 - - -

Percentage 30% 10% 10% 30% 40%

E 11 - - - - -

E 12 - - - - -

Percentage NA. NA. NA. NA. NA.

Table 4-44 shows the most effective communication tools in 40 percent of

participants’ opinion is POS marketing activities which attracted the consumer in the

sales area. 30 percent gave street banner and mass advertising is the potential Medias

to consumer. Ten percent said pricing promotion is most effective and ten percent

said the product user seminar.



Table 4-45 The business survival in competition.



Survive Give up More closer with

steady customer

Avoid to another


Be the


Find the way to

fight with mega




E 1 -

E 2 - - - - -

E 3 - - - - -

E 4 - - - - -

E 5 - - - - -

E 6 - - - -

E 7 - - - -

E 8 - - - - - -

E 9 - - - - -

E 10 - - - -

Percentage 100% 0% 30% 10% 10% 40% 70%


Table 4-45 shows 100 percent said if traditional trade do not developed the

business, they survived in the world of competition because they still develop the firm

continuously in the opinion of 70 percent of participants’. 40 percent said they can

find their own way to fight with the mega capital from large investor.30 percent will

keep the relationship with steady customer closer. ten percent of participants avoided

another related products in the industry and ten percent will be the manufacturer in the

same related industry.

Table 4-46 The ideas to TOFC with business network development.

Ideas to




SHERA home





specify by

each model




Develop on

their own


E 1 - - - - -

E 2 - - - - -

E 3 - - -

E 4 - - - - -

E 5 - - - -

E 6 - - - -

E 7 - - - - -

E 8 - - - - -

E 9 - - - - -

E 10 - - - -

Percentage 70% 20% 20% 10% 10% 20%

E 11 - - - - - -

E 12 - - - - - -

Percentage NA. NA. NA. NA. NA. NA.

Table 4-46 shows the business advised is the most famous propose idea

from 70 percent of customer. 20 percent need TOFC to provide the SHERA home

center concept on them and 20 percent need the company gave the tangible policy

what TOFC want to develop the dealer. Ten percent suggest TOFC must be the local

collaboration supporter. In products aspect, ten percent wanted the company to

specify some products group to sell in modern trade or traditional trade in one way. At

the last 20 percent wanted to develop their firm on their own way.


Table 4-47 The ideas to TOFC to make our network more competitiveness.




seminar to agent

Co-promotion Company as

a mentor

Close private


E 1 - - -

E 2 - - -

E 3 - - -

E 4 - - -

E 5 - - -

E 6 - - -

E 7 - - -

E 8 - -

E 9 - - -

E 10 - -

Percentage 60% 20% 30% 10%

E 11 - - - -

E 12 - - - -

Percentage NA. NA. NA. NA.

Table 4-47 shows 60 percent of participants’ said the knowledge seminar

directly to dealer within network will make the competitive capabilities as the

business coach like 30 percent recommend. Co-promotion is the one of 20 percent

give the suggestion and closer private relationship with the distribution channels of

TOFC, it is the other proposition which make the network more competitive.


Part 2 presents the internal participants' research result and

data analysis.

Section1 results of analysis about internal participants’ personal data.

Table 4-48 Respondent Individual questions.

Respondent Working Level Years of


Years of




with sales


Related with

modern trade


I 1 Senior Management 26 2 Yes Yes

I 2 Senior Management 2 2 Yes Yes

I 3 Operation 7 7 Yes No

I 4 Operation 14 14 Yes No

I 5 Operation 17 5 Yes No

I 6 Middle Management 21 14 Yes No

I 7 Middle Management 18 5 Yes No

I 8 Middle Management 11 6 Yes Yes

I 9 Middle Management 2 2 Yes Yes

I 10 Middle Management 2 2 No Yes

I 11 Middle Management 9 4 Yes Yes

I 12 Senior Management 21 1 Yes Yes

I 13 Senior Management 9 2 Yes Yes

I 14 Operation 8 8 Yes No

I 15 Middle Management 23 2 Yes No

Table 4-48 presents the 15 respondents individual data, four were the senior

management position which determine the company policies, seven were the middle

management level which handle the department or team to achieve the company

target and four were an operation level which followed the policies to reach the

corporation target. The highest numbers of years of working was 26 years and the

lowest was 2 years, most of participants working in the company more than 10 years.

13 participants working in current position less than 10 years except 2 respondents.

14 of respondents were working related with sales department and 8 respondents work

related with modern department. The researcher intended to interview the employees


that working related with sales department because the main issue of this research is

about the sales and marketing only. But one of the respondents was not work related

with sales department because they worked in supporting with marketing data.

Section2 results of analysis about distribution channel network and

construction material business model in Thailand data.



Table 4-49 Thailand's Distribution network description

Thailand's Distribution

network description

By sales



profit gap





Business legal








I 1 - - - - - - - -

I 2 - - - - - - - -

I 3 - - -

I 4 - - -

I 5 - - - -

I 6 - - -

I 7 - - -

I 8 - - -

I 9 - - -

I 10 - - - - -

I 11 - -

I 12 - -

I 13 - - - - -

I 14 - - - - - -

I 15 - -

Percentage 80% 47% 60% 33% 40% 53% 60% 27%


Tables 4-49 Shows 80 percent of participants said the construction materials

distribution network divide by the sales type. 60 percent of participants comment that

the firm has business to business relationship and some distribution were overlapped

together. 53 percent said in this industry were plenty of brand substitution, 47 percent

said the difference network were difference profit gap by each company policy. 40

percent of participants said some network has the strong business legal and

punishment with its own business regulation by 33 percent opinion. Finally the steady

customers that loyal each brand were the indicator of each network.



Table 4-50 TOFC's distribution network description

TOFC's Distribution

network description



Non business


Strong sub

agent policy



Able to sales

Rival's product





I 1 - - - - - - -

I 2 - - - - - - -

I 3 - - - -

I 4 - - - - -

I 5 - - - -

I 6

I 7 -

I 8 - - -

I 9 - -

I 10 - - - -

I 11 - - - - - -

I 12 - -

I 13 - -

I 14 -

I 15 -

Percentage 80% 53% 27% 60% 40% 53% 33%


Table 4-50 shows the 80 percent of participants’ said the dealers have

familiar relationship with the company and they always have the high loyalty in 60

percent opinion. The same 53 percent said TOFC's network do not have business

regulation because the long relationship with coordination. 40 percent said the

customer able to sales rival's products, finally 27 percent said TOFC has a strong

sub agent policy.

Table 4-51 TOFC's distribution network classification

TOFC's Distribution

network classification

Pluralistic multi-


Categorized by

target group

Categorized by


I 1 -

I 2 -

I 3 -

I 4 -

I 5 -

I 6

I 7 -

I 8

I 9 -

I 10 -

I 11 -

I 12 -

I 13 -

I 14 -

I 15

Percentage 100% 100% 20%

Table 4-51 Shows TOFC's Distribution network classify by 100 percent of

participants said the company used a Pluralistic multi-channel because 100 percent

explained the company categorize by target group and 20 percent thought by




Table 4-52 Business competition situation analysis.



Strongest market


Best marketing



switching freely



Price war Service




I 1 - - -

I 2 - -

I 3 - - -

I 4 - - - -

I 5 - - -

I 6 - -

I 7 -

I 8 - -

I 9 - - - -

I 10 - - - -

I 11 - -

I 12 - - - -

I 13 - - -

I 14 - -

I 15 - - - -

Percentage 80% 73% 40% 80% 47% 40% 53%


Table 4-52 shows 80 percent of participants said the market leader were

strongest with the best marketing approach for every rival in the industry by 73

percent opinion. 80 percent said there were plenty of product substitutions. Every

rival have the comparative advantage of its own in 53 percent opinion and 47 percent

said the price war were the famous competition tools. Finally 40 percent said there

were allover freely in brand switching and service competition.

Table 4-53 Business categorizes.



Wholesales Retails Direct sales Modern trade


Project sales

I 1

I 2

I 3

I 4

I 5

I 6

I 7 -

I 8 -

I 9

I 10

I 11 -

I 12 -

I 13 -

I 14 -

I 15 -

Percentage 100% 100% 53% 100% 100%

Table 4-53 Shows 100 percent of participants' thought the customer can be

categorized into wholesale, retail, modern trade sales and project sales. 53 percent

were categorized the customer into direct sales.



Section3 results of analysis about business model data.

Table 4-54 The difference aspects of the modern trade and traditional trade.

Difference aspects Management


Sales system Display Sizing Self service Large


High cost Shop


I 1 -

I 2 - - -

I 3 - - - - -

I 4 - - - - - -

I 5 - - - - - -

I 6 -

I 7 - -

I 8 - - - - -

I 9 - - - - -

I 10 - - -

I 11 - -

I 12 - - - -

I 13

I 14 - - - -

I 15 - - - - - -

Percentage 60% 80% 93% 47% 60% 20% 27% 60%


Table 4-54 shows the difference aspects of the modern trade and traditional

trade in 93 percent opinion was the display, 80 percent was sales system, three of 60

percent said the management system, self-services and shop counselor. 47 percent

said the shop area size, 20 percent concerned in the size of investment which larger

than traditional trade and 27 percent said the higher cost.



Table4-55 The description of traditional trade

Description of

traditional trade

High margin Private capital On profit










I 1 - -

I 2 - - -

I 3 - - - - -

I 4 - - - - - -

I 5 - - - - -

I 6 - - - -

I 7 - -

I 8 - - - -

I 9 - - -

I 10 - - - - -

I 11 -

I 12 - - -

I 13 - - -

I 14 - - -

I 15 - - - -

Percentage 40% 60% 40% 73% 60% 47% 27%


Table4-55 presents the characters of traditional trade by 73 percent of

customer considered on the untidy display in the shop and 60 percent said the non-

systematic management and the customer invest on their own private capital. 47

percent said they have a long relationship with their customer and 40 percent

considered in the high margin selling and the marketing practice depends on the

profit that the firm gained. Finally 27 percent said the traditional trade has no standard


Table 4-56 The description of modern trade.

Description of

modern trade



Retail price








I 1 -

I 2 -

I 3 - -

I 4 - - -

I 5 - - -

I 6 - - -

I 7 -

I 8

I 9 - - -

I 10 - -

I 11 -

I 12 -

I 13 - - -

I 14 -

I 15 - - - -

Percentage 60% 40% 87% 47% 73%

Table4-56 presents the characters of modern trade by 87 percent considered

on the products full range in the shop and the good service in the opinion of 73

percent of participants. 60 percent said modern trade has many sales facilitate. 47


percent said they can received the shopping experiences in the shop and 40 percent

said the modern trade were the determiner of area retailing price.

Table 4-57 The similarities of traditional trade and modern trade.

Similarities of 2


Product Location Price war Developed



Shop design

I 1 - - -

I 2 - - -

I 3 - - - -

I 4 - - - -

I 5 - - -

I 6 - - -

I 7 - -

I 8 - -

I 9 - - - -

I 10 - - -

I 11 - - -

I 12 -

I 13 - - - -

I 14 - - -

I 15 - - -

Percentage 67% 33% 60% 27% 13%

Table 4-57 shows 67 percent of participants said the products that sales in

two kind of shop were the same likewise 60 percent of the employee's opinion showed

the price war was the tool of business competition. 33 percent said they placed in the

same area, 27 percent said many modern trades were the developed traditional trade

and 13 percent said they were similar in the shop design.



Table 4-58 The differentiation of traditional trade and modern trade.

Differences of 2




Marketing tactics Systematic




Credit sales Selling price Shop feature

I 1 - -

I 2 - - -

I 3 - - -

I 4 - - - - -

I 5 - - - -

I 6 - - - -

I 7 - - - -

I 8 - - -

I 9 - - - - -

I 10 - - - - -

I 11 - -

I 12 - - -

I 13 - - -

I 14 - - - -

I 15 - - -

Percentage 53% 47% 33% 60% 20% 33% 100%


Table 4-58 presents 53 percent of participants explained customer relationships were

differ. 47 percent said the marketing tactics, 60 percent said the systematic

management and 20 percent said the credit sales were differ from one another.33

percent said the systematic responsibilities on their mistake and 33 percent said the

differences on the selling price. All of participants said the shop features were the

easiest remarkable.



Table 4-59 The main forces of traditional trade transforms to the modern trade.

Factors for


Proliferation of



Shift in

balance of







capabilities for


and variety











Credible threats

of backward


I 1 - - - -

I 2 - - -

I 3 - - - - -

I 4 - - - - - - -

I 5 - - - - - -

I 6 - - - - - - -

I 7 - - - - -

I 8 - - - - -

I 9 - - - - - - -

I 10 - - - - - - -

I 11 -

I 12 - - - - -

I 13 - - - - - -

I 14 - - - - - -

I 15 - - - - -

Percentage 87% 13% 20% 20% 60% 80% 13% 60% 20%


Table 4-59 presents 87 percent of collaborators said the proliferation of

customers' need, 20 percent said the changing strtegic priorities and 13 percent said

the shift in balance of channel power were the factors which forced the business

model transformation. This is because of more knowledgeable buyers in 60 percent

opinion, 80 percent said the changing in customer expectation,20 percent said the

expanding capabilities for addressability and variety, 60 percent said the channel

diversity,13 percent said the enhanced of bargaining power and 20 percent said the

credible threats of backward integration.

Table 4-60 The construction material demand.

Demand Derived demand Direct demand

I 1 - -

I 2 -

I 3 -

I 4 -

I 5 -

I 6

I 7 -

I 8 - -

I 9 -

I 10 -

I 11 - -

I 12

I 13 -

I 14 -

I 15 - -

Percentage 73% 13%

Table 4-60 shows the construction material demand were a derived demand

in 73 percent opinion because they were an influencer in decision making, the demand

was not directly from the consumers whereas 13 percent said it was the direct




Table 4-61 The modern trade influences the construction material distribution market.

Modern trade

influences market

Most Market indicator Customer

behavior changer



Market price


Reduce market


Much more mkt


I 1 - -

I 2 - -

I 3 - - - -

I 4 - - - - -

I 5 - - - - -

I 6 - - - - -

I 7 - - - -

I 8 - - - -

I 9 - - - -

I 10 - - -

I 11 - - - -

I 12 - - - -

I 13 - - - -

I 14 - - - - -

I 15 - - - - -

Percentage 100% 47% 40% 33% 13% 27% 40%


Table 4-61 shows 100 percent of participants said the modern trade

influences most of the construction material distribution market. This is because of

the modern trade were the customer behavior changer in 40 percent opinion, 33

percent said the modern trade were the customer educator, 13 percent said the

influencer in market price, 27 percent said the modern trade reduced the sales margin

and 40 percent said the modern trade have many marketing activities which lead the

rival to followed and be the market indicator in 47 percent of participants' opinion.

Table 4-62 The level of emphasize in the transformation.

Emphasize in


Most Learning




to customer


trend tracer

By researcher


I 1 - - -

I 2 - - -

I 3 - - -

I 4 - - -

I 5 - - -

I 6 - - - -

I 7 - -

I 8 - - -

I 9 - - -

I 10 - - -

I 11 -

I 12 - -

I 13 - - -

I 14 - - -

I 15 - - -

Percentage 100% 33% 27% 47% 13%


Table 4-62 Presents 100 percent of participants gave most emphasized in

the transformation because 47 percent said they were the market trend tracer, 33

percent said they wanted to learning more about modern trade, 27 percent said gave

the information to their customer already and 13 percent the researchers observed that

they were most concerned on it.



Table 4-63 The level of TOFC’s emphasizing in the transformation.

TOFC's Emphasize in


Less Medium Most Trade marketing


Slowly develop Non substantial


I 1 - - - - - -

I 2 - - - - - -

I 3 - - - -

I 4 - - - -

I 5 - - - -

I 6 - - - -

I 7 - - -

I 8 - - - -

I 9 - - - -

I 10 - - - -

I 11 - - - - -

I 12 - - - - -

I 13 - - - - -

I 14 - - - -

I 15 - - - - -

Percentage 27% 13% 47% 33% 7% 27%


Table 4-63 shows 27 percent of participants thought the TOFC pay less

emphasized in the transformation, 13 percent said in the medium level and 47 percent

said TOFC pay most emphasized in the transformation because there were non-

substantial policy in 27 percent opinion and 7 percent thought they were slowly

develop the organization to supported the change. 33 percent said TOFC set the trade

marketing department to support the new market trend.

Table 4-64 The level of TOFC’s emphasizing in the transformation compare with

the rival in the industry.



Less Medium Most Rival





Co-development of

rival and its


I 1 - - - - - -

I 2 - - - -

I 3 - - - - -

I 4 - - - - -

I 5 - - - - -

I 6 - - - - -

I 7 - - -

I 8 - - -

I 9 - - - -

I 10 - - - -

I 11 - - - -

I 12 - - - - -

I 13 - - - -

I 14 - - - - -

I 15 - - - - -

Percentage 40% 40% 13% 20% 27% 13%

Table 4-64 shows 40 percent of participants thought the TOFC pay less

emphasized in the business model transformation than the rival, 13 percent said

TOFC emphasized in transformation most more than the rival and 40 percent said in

the medium level because there develop slowly by 27 percent opinion, 20 percent


said the rival has many tangible policies of development and 13 percent thought the

rival have a co-development with their own customers.

Section4 results of analysis about relationship management data.



Table 4-65 The way of TOFC gives the importance to customer relationship.

Give importance

on relationship

DNA Promotion CRM


Sales promotion Sales routine


Benefit comparable

with rival



I 1 - - - -

I 2 - - - -

I 3 - - - - -

I 4 - - - - -

I 5 - - - - -

I 6 - -

I 7 -

I 8 - - - -

I 9 - - - -

I 10 - - - -

I 11 - -

I 12 - - -

I 13 - - -

I 14

I 15 -

Percentage 67% 67% 33% 47% 33% 40%


Table 4-65 presents the ways of TOFC gave importance to the customer

whom 67 percent said they created the DNA promotion and CRM department to do.

47 percent said they developed the sales routine task and 33 percent said the sales

promotion was the way that TOFC gives importance to the customer. The TOFC gave

the suggestion to the researcher, 40 percent wanted the company to allocate the new

customer priority and 33 percent noticed that the benefit must be comparable to the


Table 4-66 How TOFC builds relationship with customer.

How make


Traveling trip Sales

routine task

Special occasion





I 1 - - -

I 2 - - - -

I 3 -

I 4 -

I 5 -

I 6 - -

I 7

I 8 - - -

I 9 - - -

I 10 - - -

I 11 - -

I 12 - -

I 13 - - - -

I 14 - -

I 15 - -

Percentage 40% 53% 33% 53%

Table 4-66 shows 53 percent of participants said they can kept the

relationship with customer by always talk about the new product or the innovation of

the company in the sales and marketing routine task.40 percent made relationship


with customer by company traveling trip and 33 percent by the special occasion gift to

the customer.

Table 4-67 The results of the relationship with customer.

Result of


Positive Moderate Negative Must closer Will be fixed

I 1 - - - - -

I 2 - - - - -

I 3 - - - -

I 4 - - -

I 5 - - -

I 6 - - -

I 7 - - -

I 8 - - -

I 9 - - -

I 10 - - -

I 11 - - -

I 12 - - -

I 13 - - -

I 14 - - -

I 15 - - - -

Percentage 7% 47% 33% 47% 27%

Table 4-67 presents the positive results of relationship with TOFC was the

answer of 7 percent of participants. 33 percent gave the negative results of the

business relationship and 47 percent said there were moderate. The most two famous

suggestion were the company must connected with the customer closer and the

relationship must be instantly reform.


Table 4-68 The inter-relationship of TOFC customer.

Relationship between








I 1 - -

I 2 - - -

I 3 -

I 4 -

I 5 -

I 6 -

I 7 -

I 8

I 9 -

I 10 -

I 11 -

I 12

I 13 -

I 14 -

I 15 - -

Percentage 47% 60% 73%

Table4-68 shows 73 percent of participants said the traveling trip was the

one way that the customer will known each other, 60 percent said the company

nationwide seminar and 47 percent said the unofficial introduce from TOFC

employee were the way that the customer can be related.


Table 4-69 The beneficial from customer inter-relationship.

Benefits of customer inter-


Business role


To further


Referrer to


I 1

I 2 - -

I 3 - -

I 4 - - -

I 5 - -

I 6 - - -

I 7 -

I 8 - -

I 9 - -

I 10 - -

I 11 - -

I 12 -

I 13 - -

I 14 - -

I 15 - - -

Percentage 20% 53% 33%

Table 4-69 shows the beneficial from customer inter-relationship by 53

percent said it can used to the further development in many business facet, 20 percent

said it can be the role model to other customer with their business successful story and

33 percent said sometimes the customer be the referrer to the new one.


Table 4-70 The level of business relationship with TOFC.

Level of


Partners Co-





to another

Problem solving


I 1 - - - -

I 2 - - -

I 3 - - -

I 4 - - -

I 5 - - -

I 6 - - -

I 7 -

I 8 - - -

I 9 - -

I 10 - - -

I 11 - - -

I 12 - - -

I 13 - - -

I 14 - - -

I 15 -

Percentage 93% 40% 53% 13% 20%

Table 4-70 shows the most appropriate relationship level was partner that

93 percent gave. And why they gave that level, 53 percent said they have interchange

the data between them and the company, 20 percent said they get the problem solved

with their customer, 40 percent said they wanted the customer to be the co-developer

and 13 percent said they wanted the customer to introduce the company to another.


Table 4-71 The relationship aspects between TOFC and the customers.

Relationship aspects Business tools Business assets Problem of business

I 1 -

I 2 - -

I 3 - -

I 4 - -

I 5 - -

I 6 - -

I 7 - -

I 8 -

I 9 - -

I 10 - -

I 11 - -

I 12 -

I 13 - -

I 14 - -

I 15 - -

Percentage 60% 53% 7%

Table 4-71 shows 60 percent of participants said the relationship aspects of

them with the customer were the business tools and 53 percent said it was the

business assets. Therefrom seven percent said it was the problem of business.


Table 4-72 The view point of two relationship aspects.

View point of two


Difference Similarity cannot


Private relation is


I 1 - - - -

I 2 - -

I 3 - -

I 4 - -

I 5 - -

I 6 - - -

I 7 - -

I 8 -

I 9 - -

I 10 - -

I 11 - -

I 12 - - -

I 13 - -

I 14 - -

I 15 - - -

Percentage 47% 47% 40% 40%

Table 4-72 shows 47 percent of participants said the organizational and the

personal relationship were similar likewise 47 percent said there are distinguish

because they cannot separate the differentiation of both in 40 percent opinion and 40

percent said the private relationship were tactile.


Table 4-73 The most beneficial relationship in the business short term.

Short term Organizational Personal facile routine




I 1 - - - -

I 2 - - - -

I 3 - -

I 4 - -

I 5 - -

I 6 - -

I 7 - - -

I 8 - -

I 9 -

I 10 - -

I 11 - -

I 12 - -

I 13 -

I 14 - -

I 15 - -

Percentage 20% 87% 53% 20%

Table 4-73 shows, in short term 87 percent of participants said personal

relationship were beneficial more organizational relationship that 20 percent of

participants said. The reasons were to facile the routine work with the customer and

TOFC's officer for 53 percent answering and they trust the interpersonal relationship

for 20 percent.


Table 4-74 The most beneficial relationship in the business long term.

Long term Organizational Personal Long term


Future planing


I 1 - - - -

I 2 - - - -

I 3 - -

I 4 - -

I 5 - -

I 6 - -

I 7 -

I 8 - -

I 9 -

I 10 -

I 11 - -

I 12 -

I 13 -

I 14 - -

I 15 - -

Percentage 87% 33% 47% 40%

Table 4-74 shows 87 percent of participants said the organizational were

beneficial more the personal relationship in long term as 33 percent said. 47 percent

said because long term gets a familiar coordination and 40 percent want to plan the

business future with together.


Table 4-75 The business value added from customer relationship.

Value added

of business

Yes Must be


Two way


Develop business


Develop new


I 1 - - - -

I 2 - - -

I 3 - - -

I 4 - -

I 5 - - -

I 6 - - -

I 7 - - -

I 8 - - -

I 9 -

I 10 - -

I 11 - -

I 12 - - -

I 13 - -

I 14 - -

I 15 - - -

Percentage 100% 60% 20% 33% 27%

Table 4-75 shows 100 percent of participants said the relationship between

customer and TOFC will make the business value added. 33 percent gave the reason

of business knowledge development and 27 percent suggested to develop new product

for the network. And other two reasons 60 percent said the current relationship must

be adjustable and inter-relationship could be the two way communication in 20

percent of employees' opinion.


Table 4-76 The most effective marketing activities.



Nationwide special

occasion party

Traveling trip High management


I 1 - - -

I 2 -

I 3 - -

I 4 - -

I 5 - -

I 6 -

I 7

I 8 -

I 9 -

I 10

I 11 -

I 12

I 13 -

I 14 -

I 15

Percentage 87% 73% 33%

Table 4-76 shows 87 percent in the interview offered the customer seminar

is appropriate to their customer; they recommend the party, the knowledge

interchange seminar or special occasion party. 73 percent of participants said the

company traveling trip was necessary to their customer relation and the co-meeting

between customer's key people or management team of TOFC is appropriate in 33

percent participants' opinion.

Section5 results of analysis about strategic planning data.


Table 4-77 The differences definition of public modern trade and Localize modern


Modern trade definition Yes No Ambiguous meaning

I 1 - -

I 2 - -

I 3 - -

I 4 - -

I 5 - -

I 6 - -

I 7 - -

I 8 - -

I 9 -

I 10 - -

I 11 - -

I 12 - -

I 13 -

I 14 - -

I 15 - -

Percentage 73% 27% 13%

Table 4-77 shows 27 percent of participants said no because the

ambiguously meaning like 13 percent suggest. 73 percent understand the meaning

of two definitions.



Table 4-78 The most potential modern trade merchandisers in Thailand.

Most potential

modern trade

Homepro DoHome Thai watsadu Global


SCG Difference

strength point

Large capital Diverse many


I 1 - - - - - - -

I 2 - - - - -

I 3 - - - - -

I 4 - - - - - -

I 5 - - - - -

I 6 - - - - -

I 7 - - - - -

I 8 - - -

I 9 - - -

I 10 - - - - - -

I 11 - - - -

I 12 - - - - - -

I 13 - - - - -

I 14 - - - - -

I 15 - - - -

Percentage 80% 27% 47% 13% 20% 33% 40% 47%


Table 4-78 shows HomePro was the most potential modern trade

merchandisers in Thailand by 80 percent of internal participants said. 47 percent said

Thaiwatsadu, 27 percent said Dohome,13 percent said Global House and 20 percent

said SCG. The reasons were the diversification of many branches for 47 percent said

and a large capital to invest or compete by 40 percent said. Finally 33 percent said

each modern trade has a different strength point.

Table 4-79 The consideration factors of modern trade customer.

Factors of

together work

Branding Business


Company vision Competitive


Sales margin

I 1 - - - -

I 2 - - -

I 3 - - -

I 4 - - - -

I 5 - - - -

I 6 - - - -

I 7 - - - -

I 8 - - - -

I 9 - - -

I 10 - - - -

I 11 - - -

I 12 - -

I 13 - - - -

I 14 - -

I 15 - - -

Percentage 53% 13% 7% 40% 47%

Table 4-79 shows the brand was the famous factors of 53 percent of

participants consider when the customer wanted to work together with TOFC. 13

percent answered business policy and 47 percent said sales margin are the two factors

that they consider. The competitive capabilities of company were the factors which 40

percent chose. Seven percent said the company vision was the considered factor.




Table 4-80 The marketing mix to modern trade.

Marketing mix

with modern trade

Pricing Promotion Product Reduce price war Product diversity Reduce channel


Product specify

I 1 - - - - -

I 2 - - - - - -

I 3 - - - - -

I 4 - - - - - -

I 5 - - - - - -

I 6 - - - - - -

I 7 - - - -

I 8 - - - - -

I 9 - -

I 10 - - - - -

I 11 - - -

I 12 - - - - - -

I 13 - - - -

I 14 - - - - -

I 15 - - - - - -

Percentage 67% 33% 33% 20% 13% 33% 7%


Table 4-80 shows 67 percent preferred pricing to TOFC to improve or

progress with modern trade.33 percent said product and promotion were the two

marketing mix which TOFC will used. Why the participants preferred each marketing

mix,20 percent wanted to reduced price war,13 percent commend the product

diversity will segment the customer into each group,33 percent wanted to reduce

conflict in network and seven percent said product specify by customer group is the

reason of them.

Table 4-81 The marketing activities to modern trade.

Marketing activities to

modern trade

Local co-








I 1 - -

I 2 - -

I 3 - -

I 4 - - -

I 5 - - -

I 6 - - -

I 7 - -

I 8 - -

I 9 - - -

I 10 - -

I 11

I 12 - - -

I 13 - -

I 14 - -

I 15 - - -

Percentage 27% 80% 40% 27%

Table 4-81 shows the outstanding display in the shop is marketing activities

of 80 percent prefer to TOFC to modern trade. 40 percent said the product counselor

is the one way of TOFC worked with modern trade. The local co-advertising and

media advertising, the two marketing activities which 27 percent preferred.


Table 4-82 The inappropriate marketing activities for modern trade.

Marketing activities

not to modern trade


special discount



Privilege Price compensate

I 1 - - - -

I 2 - - - -

I 3 - - -

I 4 - - -

I 5 - - -

I 6 - -

I 7 - - -

I 8 - - -

I 9 - - -

I 10 - - -

I 11 - - - -

I 12 - - -

I 13 - - -

I 14 - - -

I 15 - -

Percentage 40% 20% 7% 27%

Table 4-82 shows 40 percent of participants’ said premium special discount

is not appropriate marketing activities to provide with modern trade like the

promotion that reduce modern trade cost with 20 percent opinion. And seven percent

said the privilege of any business process with the company were not appropriate.

Finally 27 percent said the price compensate were really not workable.


Table 4-83 The most effective communication tools for modern trade.


communication tools



User seminar Mass


POS marketing


I 1 - -

I 2 - -

I 3 - - -

I 4 - - -

I 5 - -

I 6 - - -

I 7 -

I 8 - - -

I 9 - -

I 10 - -

I 11

I 12 - -

I 13 - -

I 14 - -

I 15 - -

Percentage 60% 33% 47% 53%

Table 4-83 shows the most effective communication tools in 53 percent of

participants’ opinion was POS marketing activities which attracted the consumer in

the sales area. 60 percent gave the street banner, 47 percent said the mass advertising

was the potential medias to consumer and 33 percent said the product user seminar.


Table 4-84 The business survival in competition.

Business survival Survive Give up Outstanding




On target


I 1 - -

I 2 - - -

I 3 - - -

I 4 - - - -

I 5 - - - -

I 6 - - -

I 7 - - -

I 8 - - -

I 9 - - - -

I 10 - - - -

I 11 - -

I 12 - - - -

I 13 - - -

I 14 - - - -

I 15 - - - -

Percentage 100% 0% 20% 27% 20%

Table 4-84 shows 100 percent said if traditional trade do not developed the

business, they survived in the world of competition because they still develop the firm

carefully in the opinion of 27 percent of participants. 20 percent said they can find

their own way which their target group's demand and 20 percent said the modern trade

will reduce the outstanding in the market in one day.




Table 4-85 The ideas to TOFC with business network development.

Ideas to





product variety

SHERA home

center concept

IT suggestion Systematically




E 1 - - -

E 2 - - -

E 3 - - - - -

E 4 - - - - -

E 5 - - - - -

E 6 - - - - - -

E 7 - - - -

E 8 - - -

E 9 - - - - -

E 10 - - - -

E 11 - - - - -

E 12 - - - -

E 13 - - - -

E 14 - - - - -

E 15 - - - -

Percentage 13% 13% 33% 27% 33% 47%


Table 4-85 shows 33 percent need TOFC to provide the SHERA home

center concept to the market and 33 percent said the customer must to be the

systematically management on their firm likewise the IT in the shop 27 percent

suggested to every firms. The continuous development of the company or the

customer was necessary by 47 percent suggestion and two of 13 percent of

participants show the increasing in product variety and the developing in

transportation service as the multi drop that modern trade cannot were the one way to

develop the business network.

Table 4-86 The ideas to TOFC to make our network more competitiveness

Competitive ideas Knowledge seminar

to agent

Co-promotion POS Promotion

E 1 - - -

E 2 - -

E 3 - -

E 4 - -

E 5 - -

E 6 - -

E 7 -

E 8 - -

E 9 -

E 10 - -

E 11 -

E 12 - -

E 13 - -

E 14 - -

E 15 - -

Percentage 60% 20% 33%


Table 4-86 shows 60 percent of participants said the knowledge seminar

directly to dealer within network will make the competitive capabilities as the

business coach. Co-promotion was the one idea of 20 percent gave the suggestion and

POS promotions were the one best way.

Table 4-87 The economic worthwhile of company's policies with modern trade.

Economic worthwhile Worthwhile Future


Market trend


E 1 - - -

E 2 - - -

E 3 -

E 4 -

E 5 -

E 6 -

E 7

E 8 - -

E 9 -

E 10 -

E 11 -

E 12 -

E 13 - -

E 14 -

E 15 - -

Percentage 87% 67% 7%

Table 4-87 show 87 percent said the company's policies with modern trade

were worthwhile because it was the future investment in 67 percent opinion and it

necessary to follow the market trend.



This thesis topic “The development of distribution channels from traditional

trade to modern trade: A case study of The Thai Olympic Fibre cement Co., Ltd” have

five objectives. This qualitative research was surveyed and observed by researcher for

12 external respondents and 15 internal respondents. Conclusion, discussion and

recommendation can be drawn as follows:

Part 1 Conclusion

The participants in this research were the customers and employees of the

company which concluded the external participants’ data as the table below:

Table 5-1 Shop descriptions

Shop descriptions Percent

general wholesale and retail shop 25%

modern trade shop 17%

general retail shop 17%

Mixed model between traditional and modern trade 8%

Home solution 8%

Hardware shop 8%

Home decoration modern trade 8%

General wholesales 8%

Twenty five percent of participants were the general wholesale and retail

shop, 17 percent were a modern trade shop and general retail shop, the other was a

mixed model between traditional and modern trade, home solution, hardware shop,

general wholesales and a modern trade home decoration shop.


Table 5-2 Years of established

Years of established Percent

over20 years 67%

below 20 years 33%

Sixty seven percent were established over 20 years and 33 percent have

found the business below 20 years.

Table 5-3 Business owner’s generation

Generation Percent

The business founder 50%

The business successor 50%

The researcher interview the business founder and their successor in second

generation by 50 percent to 50 percent

Table 5-4 Years of TOFC's distribution network

Years of TOFC's distribution network Percent

over10 years 58%

below 10 years 42%

Fifty eight percent of customers were the member of TOFC's distribution

network over 10 years and 42 percent were below. The internal respondents or

employees were concluded in the table below:


Table 5-5 Working Level

Working Level Percent

Senior Management 13%

Operation 27%

Middle Management 47%

Senior Management 13%

Forty seven percent of participants were the middle management level, 27

percent were the senior management and 27 percent were the operation level.

Table 5-6 Years of working

Years of working Percent

Not over 10 years 46%

10-20 years 27%

Over 20 years 27%

Numbers of working years 46 percent of participants were not over ten

years, 27 percent were ten to twenty years and 27 percent were over twenty years.

Table 5-7 Years of current position

Years of current position Percent

Not over 10 years 87%

Over 10 years 13%

The numbers of years in current position 87 percent were not over ten years

and 13 percent were over ten years held.


Table 5-8 Related with sales department

Related with sales department Percent

Related with sales duty 93%

Not related with sales duty 7%

Ninety three percent of participants' duties were related with sales

department and 7 percent were not.

Table 5-9 Related with modern trade sales

Related with modern trade sales Percent

Related with modern trade sales duty 53%

Not related with modern trade sales duty 47%

Fifty three percent of participants' duties were related with the modern trade

sales area whereas 47 percent of participants' duties were related with other.

The researcher studied the distribution network of the construction materials

merchandiser in Thailand.

Table 5-10 Description of Thailand’s construction material distribution network

Thailand's Distribution network description External Laos Internal

Manufacturer's brand 90% 100% -

Portland cement manufacturer's brand 20% - -

Brand substitution 10% 100% 53%

Channel overlapped 30% 50% 60%

Steady customer 20% - 27%

Segment by customer level 20% - -

Authorized agent 50% 100% -

Dependently management 20% - -


Table 5-10 (Con.)

Thailand's Distribution network description External Laos Internal

Business regulation - - 33%

Business legal punishment - - 40%

By sales type - - 80%

Difference profit gap - - 47%

B2B relationship - - 60%

Most of internal respondents separated the distribution network by sales type

such as retails, wholesales, project sales, modern trade sales and direct sales but the

external respondents described distribution network by product brand from

manufacturer and Portland cement factory which own each other brand. The internal

respondents said mostly distribution network in Thailand have only business

relationship and their channels were overlapped which affected to easily substituted

in brand. Each distribution network had their own identification, the obvious character

was the differentiation of profit gap which the market leader set the standard sales

prices or some player placed the high margin sales. The business regulation and

punishment of every distribution network was the indicator for relationship between

the network focal and member therefore the loyalty customer of distribution net

work was the last concerned from them. External respondent described the character

of distribution network from right to selling product from the manufacturer; the

authorized agent will get the privilege in their selling area without new authorized

dealer from the company unless the old one was closed or the company policy

untraceable. Generally the network member able to sell another product from the rival

in the same industry means no strong regulation forced the distribution channel to be a

single brand dealer, nevertheless only the industry leader enforced their dealer with

many business rules and punishment which discomfort some dealer and obstruct the

new customer to be the network member. The last 2 descriptions of construction

material merchandisers network in Thailand were the independently in business

management which many participants concerned and each distribution network were


divided from the level of each customer group, the market leader approached the

higher customer group and the follower committed with the lower group.

The differences and similarities of the business model between the

traditional and modern trade in the construction materials merchandiser in Thailand

from the research are summarized in the table below:

Table 5-11 Differentiation of the business model between the traditional and modern

trade by internal respondents

Internal result Percentage

Shop feature 100%

Sales system 80%

Systematic management 60%

Self service 60%

Shop counselor 60%

Customer relationship 53%

Marketing tactics 47%

Shop sizing 47%

Systematic responsibilities 33%

Selling price 33%

High cost 27%

Large investment 20%

Credit sales 20%


Table 5-12 Differentiation of the business model between the traditional and modern

trade by external respondents

External result Percentage

Customer relationship 50%

Credit sales 20%

Systematic management 20%

Marketing tactics 20%

Systematic responsibilities 10%

Selling price 10%

The results showed six similar aspects in the differentiation of the business

model from internal and external respondents as customer relationship, systematic

management, marketing tactics, systematic responsibilities, selling price and credit

sales. These were the six strengthen point of each model such as the closer customer

relationship was the strength of traditional trade which they have the long

coordination with their local customer as result to sell in credit term with regular

customers. The systematic management was the strength of modern trade model

which operated the large firm without difficulty.

Table 5-13 Similarities of the business model between the traditional and modern

trade by internal respondents

Internal result Percentage

Product 67%

Price war 60%

Location 33%

Developed traditional trade 27%

Shop design 13%


Table 5-14 Similarities of the business model between the traditional and modern

trade by external respondents

External result Percentage

Location 30%

Price war 30%

Product 20%

Developed traditional trade 10%

Shop design 10%

The five similar results from the research with internal and external

respondents presented there are no more similarities aspects of two business model,

top three most concerned topics were products price war and location. The products

result show each business model sell the same thing that influence the market cannot

escape the competition in price war so to avoid this competition environment, the

manufacturer and channels should be segment the products by each target group

separately. Famous place of commercial were attract the large or small players in the

market so the small and medium firms should find the newly location to other fresh

opportunities if there are the new face challenger with the large one.

Identify factors influence the transformation of the traditional merchandiser

to the modern trade in the construction materials industry in Thailand from the result

of research summarized in the table below:


Table 5-15 The factors and its reasons of transformation

Factors Internal External

Proliferation of customers' needs 87% 90%

Changing strategic priorities 20% 20%

Shift in balance of channel power 13% 10%


Customer expectation 80% 60%

More knowledgeable buyers 60% 80%

Channel diversity 60% 10%

Credible threats of backward integration 20% 10%

Expanding capabilities for addressability and variety 20% 20%

Enhanced bargaining power 13% 10%

Over 80 percentages of respondents from 2 fields’ research showed the

consistent result was the proliferation of customers' needs be the most influence factor

of business model transformation after that two factors were not affected as expected.

The changing in customer expectation from more knowledge about the products and

market were lead the distributors to develop their business style and followed the

market trend intimately. Many branch diversification of public modern trade drive the

local players to transform themselves into any model which suitable to their resources

or capabilities.

The definition of modern trade as the public modern trade and localize

modern trade were recognized by external and internal respondents in the high

percentages, over 70 percentages of internal know the meaning but 70 percentages of

external do not know so the ambiguous meaning should be clear to any stakeholders.

Homepro was the most potential modern trade merchandisers in Thailand because its

branches diversification in nationwide and spread brand to different target. Branding

was the first consideration factors of modern trade by 70 percentages of external

participants’ opinion likes the company policies and sales margin which were in the

high percentages of considered. One last consideration factor from 40 percentages


of internal participants was the competitive capabilities which show the future

existence of each business. The highest percentages of marketing mix to approach

with modern trade was the pricing which the cause of pricing war, the reduction of

sales margin, the new price indicator in the market and the conflict between channels.

Outstanding display in the shop was the most appropriate marketing activities with

modern trade by express approval from 2 part of research fields. Inappropriate

marketing activities for modern trade were a premium special discount and price

compensate that affects the network member in wide area. Totally summarize of the

most effective communication tools for modern trade were the local marketing as

POS marketing activities, street banner and local user seminar should built the

modern trade stronger and the mass media advertising should make the network

more valuable. A hundred percentages of 2 fields’ research said every firm can be

survival in competition environment in condition of carefully continuous developed

and matched their capabilities to the appropriately resources.

A brief observation between interviews in Laos showed various information

about Laos distribution channel and selling system. 100 percentages of Laos’s

participants described the construction material distribution networks in Laos should

be authorized from the products manufacturer, it was the cause of every distribution

channel commit the selling products with the manufacturer’s brand and the similar

percentages showed there were simple in brand substitution. 50 percentages said there

were plenty of channel overlapped with the rival. As the member of TOFC’s network

they should be followed the company policies and the important things was they must

sell SHERA and Hahuang products, 100 Laos percentages said. 100 percentages of

Laos respondents clarified the distribution network of TOFC was a monolithic multi-

channel which means the company authorized few dealer to access the whole market with

every target group, the categorization by demographic factor was the simple one method of

50 percentages commented. In the competition analysis facet, Laos 100 percentages of

respondents said the product substitution was plenty in the market whether the Chinese

products, Vietnamese or Thai should compete in Laos market however in the different target

group. As the results of easy market entering by 50 percentages opinion, many foreign

products were popular with Laos people especially Thai products was the most recognized

to Lao. Cross country competition was the one of business environment that directs Laos

business competition from 50 percentages opinion. All of Laos participants were a retails


shop and 50 percentages was wholesales.100 percentages said the most benefits of being the

TOFC’s network member was the innovation products which they should offered their high

end customer in the country and 50 percentages said branding of the TOFC should made them

easier to present to their consumers. A hundred percentages showed they have independently

operation their firm because the company should not intervened any process and they were

the authorized dealer of SCG by 50 percentages were the Diamond authorized dealer also.

The reason of being another authorized dealer because that brand was well known in Laos.

Half percentages of Lao participants said they satisfied TOFC more than the rival likewise 50

percentages said they preferred equally by the closer coordination was the key that 50

percentages gave. The delivery process was the main trouble which 100 percentages showed

and 50 percentages said lack of products stock was the problem as the member of TOFC’s


These interviews shows the results that the business model of modern trade in the

construction materials merchandiser in Laos was not explicit appeared but the stream of

development around the country made them learn more about the modern trade business

model. Differentiation of outlet features were the clearest outlook of Lao participants, 100

percentages said remarkable display in the shop, selling process and the systematic

management. The cost of management and the large capital were the description of modern

trade in 50 percentages opinion. 100 percentages Lao respondents said the external pressure

was the main factors of business model transformation then they paid most attention on it.

TOFC must provide the substantial policy and helpful facilities to Laos customer with 50

percentages opinion.

A hundred percentages of Lao participants said they have no business relationship

between the network member and they do not think that was beneficial to their business. Only

normal issue of trading was the most evidence with business relationship of TOFC by 100

percentages opinion and 50 percentages said they have only the private relationship with the

company employees by monthly visit and the TOFC’s owner visit but they prefer the close

relationship with the company was necessary to them. Positive relationship with the company

should make them prove the business problem, receive the market or corporate data and

improve product or business knowledge.

The most potential modern trade merchandiser in Lao participants’ opinion was

SGC because the brand is well known but they do not know the definition of modern trade for

100 percentages of interviewees. 100 percentages preferred the product mix to TOFC with

modern trade model and they thought the outstanding display was the most appropriate

marketing activities to modern trade. Researcher perspective of Laos interviews, first the


distribution network was belong to a few number of entrepreneur under the limitation of

socialism, it is the cause of imperfectly competitive market then the business development

should not expanding rapidly. Imperfectly competitive market affects Laos do not have many

kind of business model in distribution channel, the traditional trade model is plenty but the

modern trade is moderately found in the capital. Finally the external business pressure around

the country is the factor influence the transformation in Laos.

With every data from the interviews, the researcher evaluates the strength

and weakness of the company, the opportunities and threat of the external

environment as the table below:

Table 5-16 TOFC’s SWOT analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

~Knowledgeable customer ~Brand switching freely

~Strong brand ~Product substitution

~Strong marketing practices ~Marketing approaches

~Innovation product ~Independently business operation

~Independently business operation ~Lack of competition capabilities

~Plenty of products variety ~Cumbersome cooperation

~Closer coordination and long relationship ~Non substantial transformation policy

~The patronize relation of customer and


~Unhelpful transformation facilities

~Strong private inter-relationship of


~Company policy poor communication

~The customer and company data


~Current situation dissatisfaction

~Interpersonal trust of the customer and


~Co-developed of business knowledge

~SHERA home center concept

~Market instruction from company advise


Table 5-16 (Con.)

Opportunities Threats

~Regulation enforcement ~Strongest market leader

~Abundant market opportunities ~Easy market entering

~Service competition ~Price war

~Difference targeting ~Helpful transformation facilities

~Customer behavior changer ~Modern trade cannot indicate market

~Customer educators ~Enhanced bargaining power

~Understanding of derived demand ~Credible threats of backward integration

~More knowledgeable buyers ~Large capital to investment

~Customer expectation ~Diversification of modern trade branches

~Expanding capabilities for addressability

and variety

~High end market accession

~Difference target group

~Reduction of price war

~Reduction of channel conflict

~The channel Development on their own


Strengths of the business were the strong branding, SHERA and Ha-Huang

were the reputation construction material brand in Thailand for 40 years, the brand

value and a massive loyalty customer show the strength point of the brand. The

products innovation and variety makes the company has many

Part 2 presents the strategic recommendation

First section recommends the business to business strategic plan with

transformed modern trade with the relationship marketing theory that has many

relationship aspects to improve and maintain the business relationship between two

parts in the network.

The corporate strategic is to set up the new department as the market

research and development department and reorganize the sales and marketing


departments to work around the customer relationship. The division strategic for sales

department is establishing a new division as the Localize modern trade division to

look after these groups of customers and develop the customer's information center.

And the functional strategic, the researcher presents 3 parts of the functional strategy

along the objectives as follow.

Business relationship continuity maintain by the business pioneer party and

business successor seminar which build up the chance of TOFC’s employees in every

level that related the customer interaction to meet face to face and make the closer

relationship with their customer.

The reformation of complexity in the task connection system and create the

symmetry in the organization between the company and target group by systematize

the customer interaction and set up the new sales department to operate with target

group. Finally the informality relationship was necessary so the high level executive's

visiting plan with target group should setting up like the research result before that 40

percentages of external participants said they wanted the TOFC’s owner or any high

management employee to visit, 50 percentages said the personal coalition was the

one way to build relation with the customers. The most evidence with business

relationship of TOFC’s distribution network was the private relation with TOFC’s

employees by close coordination as 50 percentages of customers answered. The 60

percentages of external participants showed the customer seminars were the most

effective activities to build the relationship and 40 percentages said the private

meetings were appropriate. Internal participants’ opinion illustrated the nationwide

seminar has been build the relationship from 60 percentages opinion and 87

percentages said the nationwide special occasion party was the most effective

marketing activities. Nearly a hundred percentages pointed the relationship with

TOFC can make the value added to the firm but should be adjust in some manner by

60 percentages said.

The second strategy to the transformed modern trade are to create the

business role model within target group member for encouraged interaction between

actors in the network as 20 percentages of internal participants shown. The 60

percentages of external participants said private relationship between network

members were practicable. The main supporter of local marketing with target group is


the interaction between activities of network members. 40 percentages of customer

presented the collaboration in business development was a choice to make the

relationship with the company and 50 percentages said the market data interchanged

was appropriate to their business.20 percentages of external participants and 27

percentages of internal respondents said the company should be the local co-

advertising. The region or sales area interchanged data seminar to sharing the business

knowledge between network members in the target group which raise the interaction

between resources of network member likes 60 percentages of external respondents

said they have the relationship between together in the network, 40 percentages

shown the data exchange was beneficially and 30 percentages wanted the company to

support the data in the market.

Eventually the strategy to the transformed modern trade are the development

of DNA and CRM system to match this customer group need, co-creation with the

shop display and training the shop counselor and co-invention the new products with

target group. All the strategies are the business devices which 60 percentages of

external and internal respondents illustrated. The 67 percentages internal participants

said the company gave the importance to customer relationship by DNA promotion

and CRM department set up, 53 percentages make the relationship with the customers

by introduce the innovation products, 40 percentages represented the level of

relationship with the co-developer partner and 27 percentages illustrated the

relationship will make more value added to the business by to be one part of new

products developer ,80 percentages said outstanding display and 40 percentages

preferred product counselor were the marketing activities to modern trade. The 90

percentages of external respondents said they got the positive results from relationship

with the company in term of improving the product knowledge in the opinion of 40

percentages, 60 percentages said they should be the business partner of TOFC, 20

percentages said they should be the business co-creator, 10 percentages clearly shown

the new product co-develop, 60 percentages said outstanding display and 30

percentages preferred product counselor were the marketing activities to modern

trade. Set the possible interesting benefits and obvious punishment specifically the

target group for established the new concerned customer group. As 40 percentages of

internal respondents shown the new customers prioritize was necessary to the


company, 53 percentages said TOFC have non business regulation which the dealers

independently operated the firm but many times the company’s policies was

impracticable likes 20 percentages external participants said the company has

powerless enforcement the network members.

Second recommendation is the business to business strategic plan with the

traditional trade to transformation, the corporate strategic is to setting up the new

department as the market research and development department and reorganize the

sales and marketing departments to work around the customer relationship. The

division strategic especially the sales department is to establish a new division as the

Localize modern trade division to look after these groups of customers and develop

the customer's information center. And the functional strategic statement, the

researcher presents 3 parts of the functional strategy as follow.

The nurture and enhancement of business relationship between the business

pioneer and the successor with the company are applying the characteristics of

business relationship theory which divided its characteristics into three manners:

continuity, complexity, symmetry and informality. The first strategy is the business

pioneer party and business successor seminars which build up the chance of TOFC’s

employees in every level that related the customer interaction to meet face to face

and make the closer relationship with their customer. As 60 percentages of external

respondents suggest the customer seminar was appropriate marketing activities and

60 percentages of internal respondents presents the business knowledge seminars to

agent was the most effective marketing activities.

The reduction and management of relation complexity within company and

dealers was the business advisor to develop the business model to modern trade or

SHERA home solution business model which matched the dealers’ business approach

to the company’s policy, these strategies should arrange the symmetry of relationship

in the same way. SHERA home solution center concept and the systematically

management were the two ideas which 33 percentages of TOFC’s employees offered

to their customers and 27 percentages suggested the information technology system.

70 percentages of customer requested the company’s advice and 20 percentages

agreed the SHERA home solution center concept with 20 percentages wanted the

tangible policy to obviously path of model development.


Finally the informality relationship was necessary so the high level

executive's visiting plan with target group should setting up like the research result

before that 40 percentages of external participants said they wanted the TOFC’s

owner or any high management employee to visit, 50 percentages said the personal

coalition was the one way to build relation with the customers. The most evidence

with business relationship of TOFC’s distribution network was the private relation

with TOFC’s employees by close coordination as 50 percentages of customers

answered. The 60 percentages of external participants showed the customer seminars

were the most effective activities to build the relationship and 40 percentages said the

private meetings were appropriate. Internal participants’ opinion illustrated the

nationwide seminar has been build the relationship from 60 percentages opinion and

87 percentages said the nationwide special occasion party was the most effective

marketing activities. Nearly a hundred percentages pointed the relationship with

TOFC can make the value added to the firm but should be adjust in some manner by

60 percentages said.

The second strategies to the transforming modern trade are focus on the

process characteristics of business relationship as interaction between actors, activities

and resources of the member in relationship. Create real time interaction system via

IT system between company and customer to raise the efficiency of coordination such

as factory stock, logistics and sales process. 53 percentages of internal respondents

showed the routine task should make the customer relationship effectively, 47

percentages gave importance to customer relationship by the sales routine task in

contrast to the result of relationship that TOFC’s employees said there were in

moderate level from 47 percentages opinion then they suggested to make closer

dealing. The next strategy is the local co-marketing by support the marketing

knowledge likes 40 percentages of external respondents said they wanted to

interchange the market data with the company, 50 percentages said the relationship

can make more value added to their business by develop business knowledge


Finally the strategies to the transforming modern trade are set up the

marketing information center to services the customer of the network. 60 percentages

of customers said the relationship with TOFC was the business device which is the


key success and 60 percentages of employees said relationship with customers was

the business device which must to maintain and intimate. The financial supporting

program to the potential dealers that wanted to develop their business by introduce to

the financial institution or the company financial support. 60 percentages of customers

said the relationship with TOFC was the business assets which the portfolio of their

business to further investment and 53 percentages of employees said the relationship

with customers was the business assets too. Set the possible interesting benefits and

obvious punishment specifically the target group for established the new concerned

customer group. As 40 percentages of internal respondents shown the new customers

prioritize was necessary to the company, 53 percentages said TOFC have non

business regulation which the dealers independently operated the firm but many times

the company’s policies was impracticable likes 20 percentages external participants

said the company has powerless enforcement the network members.

Part 3 Recommendation for further study

The researcher has the following recommendations for future studies:

1. Studies should be conducted to determine the business to business

marketing to the localized modern trade.

2. Additional studies should be conducted on the other marketing aspects

except the relation marketing like this research such as marketing communication and

marketing strategy.

3. Derived demand in construction materials industry for distribution

channel is concern by many players in the market so the specific studied about this

will interested.

4. The company should concerned the differentiation of business to business

marketing and business to consumer marketing which approach the vary method.



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Appendix I



Semi-structure questionaire for external respondents




This is a semi-structure questionaire used for gathering required data to meet

a thesis's objectives in completion of the master of business administration-global

business management major, Graduate School of Commerce, Burapa University.

This research contains five objectives, which are as follow:

1. To study the distribution network of the construction materials

merchandiser in Thailand.

2. To understand the differences and similarities of the business model

between the traditional and modern trade in the construction materials merchandiser

in Thailand.

3. To identify factors influence the transformation of the traditional

merchandiser to the modern trade in the construction materials industry in Thailand.

4. To lies a Business to Business strategic plan to encourage traditional

trade with transformation to modern trade.

5. To draw a Business to Business strategic plan to modern trade.

This semi-structure questionaire comprises of 5 sections hereinafter:

Section 1 Oganizational questions

Section 2 Distribution channel network and construction material business

model in Thailand

Section 3 Business Model Questions

Section 4 Relationship Management Questions

Section 5 Strategic Planning Questions


Section 1 Organizational questions

1. Shop characteristics and descriptions………………………………………………

2. Years of established……………………Generation………………………………..

3. Authorized capital………………………No. of Employees……………………….

4. Does your business employ any IS/IT for internal management purposes?


5. Do you think, are you one of the members of TOFC distribution network?


6. How many years are you a TOFC's authorized dealer?


Section 2 Distribuiton channel network and construction material business

model in Thailand

1. Plesase describe the construction materials distribution network in Thailand, in

your opinion?



2. Plesase describe the construction materials distribution network of TOFC?



3. Please clarify the distribution network of TOFC?



4. Please analyze the competitive situation in the business? I



5. Please describe about your business characteristics?




6. As you are a member of TOFC distribution network, what is the most benefit that

you gained1;



7. As you are the member of TOFC distribution network, did you have independently

business operation1^



8. Are you the member of other construction materials distribution network?



9. which one you are more satisfy, the TOFC distribution network or other

distribution network? And why^



10. Did you have any problem as the member of TOFC distribution networks



Section 3 Business Model

1. In what way do you know the modern trade in some aspect?



2. Please describe your business model?



3. Please describe the construction material distributors as the traditional trade by

your opinion?




4. Please describe the construction material distributors as the modern trade by your




5. Please compare the similarities of traditional trade and modern trade?



6. Please compare the differnces of traditional trade and modern trade?



7. What are the main factors that force the traditional trade transforms to the modern

trade? ll



8. Do you think, the construction material demand is difference from the other




9. Do you think the modern trade influences the construction material distribution in

massive role1;



10. Do you think, you pay attention on the transformation of modern trade enough?





11. Do you think, the TOFC pays attention on the transformation of modern trade

enough? How? And compare with the rival in the industry'



Section 4 Relationship management

1. Do you think the TOFC's distribution network members has some relationship

with each others?



2. Do you think the relationship of TOFC's distribution network members is

beneficial to business result1;



3. What is the most evidence with business relationship of TOFC's distribution




4. How the company build the business relationship with customer?



5. Do you give the importance in realtionship with TOFC?



6. Currently, how do you make the relationship with TOFC?



7. What is the results of the relationship with TOFC?




8. What level of business relationship with TOFC that appropriate to your business?



9. What relationship aspects are appropriate to your business and TOFC? I



10. Do you think the organizational relationship is differ from the personal

relationship? How different1?



11. In short term, what is the most benefitcial relationship between organizational

and personal?



12. In long term, what is the most benefitcial relationship between organizational and




13. Currently, do you think the relationship between your firm and TOFC will make

more value added to your business'



14. What is the most effective marketing activities that appropriate to your firm?




Section 5 Strategic planning

1. Do you know the differences definition of Public modern trade and Localize

modern trade? Please describe1?



2. What is the most potential modern trade merchandisers in Thailand?



3. If you are the modern trade merchandisers, what factors do you consider to work




4. What is the marketing mix that you will prefer with TOFC to modern trade?



5. What is the marketing activities that you will prefer with TOFC to modern trade?



6. What is the marketing activities that you do think not appropriate to modern




7. What are the communication tools that the most effective to modern trade firm?



8. Do you think, if the traditional trade do not develop their firm, will they survive in

the business competition1?




9. Do you have any propose ideas to TOFC with business network development1?



10. Please you give at least 1 ideas for the TOFC to make our network more

competitive in the market1?




Semi-structure questionaire for internal respondents




This is a semi-structure questionaire used for gathering required data to meet

a thesis's objectives in completion of the master of business administration - global

business management major, Graduate School of Commerce, Burapa University.

This research contains five objectives, which are as follow:

1. To study the distribution network of the construction materials

merchandiser in Thailand.

2. To understand the differences and similarities of the business model

between the traditional and modern trade in the construction materials merchandiser

in Thailand.

3. To identify factors influence the transformation of the traditional

merchandiser to the modern trade in the construction materials industry in Thailand.

4. To lies a Business to Business strategic plan to encourage traditional

trade with transformation to modern trade.

5. To draw a Business to Business strategic plan to modern trade.

This semi-structure questionaire comprises of 5 sections hereinafter:

Section 1 Oganizational questions

Section 2 Distribuiton channel network and construction material business

model in Thailand

Section 3 Business Model Questions

Section 4 Relationship Management Questions

Section 5 Strategic Planning Questions


Section 1 Respondent Individual questions

1. Respondent's Organizational level

peration Middle Management

Senior Management Other

2. Years of working in TOFC………………………………………………………….

3. Years of current position…………………………………………………………….

4. Does your work related with sales duty? Yes


5. Does your work related with modern trade? Yes


Section 2 Distribution channel network and construction material business

model in Thailand

1. Plesase describe the construction materials distribution network in Thailand, in

your opinion1:




2. Plesase describe the construction materials distribution network of TOFC?



3. Please clarify the distribution network of TOFC?



4. Please analyze the competitive situation in the business?



5. Please categorizes the TOFC's customer ?




Section 3 Business Model

1. How difference about the modern trade and traditional trade as the construction

material distribution networks



2. Please describe the construction material distributors as the traditional trade by

your opinion1:



3. Please describe the construction material distributors as the modern trade by your




4. Please compare the similarities of traditional trade and modern trade?



5. Please compare the differnces of traditional trade and modern trade?



6. What are the main factors that force the traditional trade transforms to the modern




7. Do you think, the construction material demand is difference from the other




8. Do you think the modern trade influences the construction material distribution in

massive role1:




9. Do you think, you pay attention on the transformation of modern trade enough?




10. Do you think, the TOFC pay attention on the transformation of modern trade

enough? How? And compare with the rival in the industry1]



Section 4 Relationship management

1. How TOFC gives the importance to customer relationship?



2. Currently, how could you make the relationship with customer?



3. What is the results of that relationship ?



4. How the company build the relationship between its customer':



5. How TOFC used the relationship between its customer beneficially?



6. What level of business relationship which TOFC expected from customer?



7. What relationship aspects are appropriate to your customer, in your opinion?




8. Do you think the organizational relationship is differ from the personal




9. In short term, what is the most benefitcial relationship between organizational and




10. In long term, what is the most benefitcial relationship between organizational and




11. Currently, do you think the relationship between your company and customer will

make more value added to your business1]



12. What is the most effective marketing activities that appropriate to your customer?



Section 5 Strategic planning

1. Do you know the differences definition of Public modern trade and Localize

modern trade? Please describe?



2. What is the most potential modern trade merchandisers in Thailand?



3. If you are the modern trade merchandisers, what factors do you consider to work





4. What is the marketing mix that you will prefer with TOFC to modern trade?



5. What is the marketing activities that you will prefer with TOFC to modern trade?



6. What is the marketing activities that you do think not appropriate to modern




7. What are the communication tools that the most effective to modern trade firm?



8. Do you think, if the traditional trade do not develop their firm, will they survived

in the business competition1]



9. Do you have any propose ideas to your customer to development their business?



10. In your opinion, do you think the company's policies with modern trade are

economic worthwhile1:



11. Please you give at least one ideas to TOFC to make our network more





Appendix II

Index of item Objective Congruence














Name Mr. Sitti Jittichanon

Date of birth August 27, 1989

Place of birth Rayong,Thailand

Present address 2221 Moo.5 Sam Rong Nua, Mueang Samut

Prakan District, Samut Prakan, Thailand 10270

Positions held

2005-2006 Distribution Sales as Modern Trade division

The THAI OLYMPIC Fibre Cement CO., LTD.

2006-2007 Distribution Sales as Specialty store division

The THAI OLYMPIC Fibre Cement CO., LTD.

2007-2010 Project Sales Eastern of Thailand area

The THAI OLYMPIC Fibre Cement CO., LTD.

2010-Present Architect Relation Executive in Eastern of

Thailand area The THAI OLYMPIC Fibre

Cement CO., LTD.


2001-2005 Bachelor Degree of Business Administration,

International Business Management,

Kasetsart University.

2013-2015 Master Degree of Business Administration,

Global Business Management, Graduate school

of commerce, Burapha University.