TIEIIWADAJR COUNTY NEWS VOLUME 6 COLUMBIA ADAIR COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 21 1903 NUMBER 49 POST OFPICE DIRECTORY J M BUSS LL POSTMASTER- HT BAKES DEPUTY POSTMASTER Ottlcf hems wctU days 7COa ta to f30pm COUnT DIKECTOKY qi ICCIT Coo RT Three sessions yearThlr tmilay In January third Monday In May ani- lTiird MondiytnBeptetn er Orcult Judge W WJones Commonwealth II Attorney NH W Aaron SjtriffF W tint r t ireait Clerk JB Cody < OOUNTT Cooiir First Monday In each month JudgeT AMurrcll CI County Attorney JasGstnett Jr Oivil T a 3ti > ltl Jailer J K P Coaover Assessor BW Bunon Stirreyor R T McCaffree School 3upt WD Jones CoicnerC M Bussell ITT OOURT Begularcourt second ifondayIn each month Judge T O Davidson Attorney Gordon Montgomry MarshaGT Flowers CHURCH DIRECTORY PRESBYTERIAN Bun tSVILLK STEBHT Rev pastor Services second and fourth Sunday in each month Sundayschool t8 a IlL ereiy isibbath Prayer meeting every Wednesday night METHODIST BosrsviLia STBBBTRev E M Metcalfe pastor Serrlces first Sunday In each month Sundayschool every Sabbath at 0 a m Prayer mooting Thursday night BAPTIST GBBENSBOBO STBEET Bev JP ScrugRs 1 pastor Fiwt and third Sunday beach month Saadayschool every Sabbath 9 a m Prayer mating Tuesday night OHBIBTIANC- AMPBBL16VIILE Plan Ed W K Azbill IasJor Servlcec Second and Fourth Sundajs in etch month Sundayschool every Sab- bath at 930 ac1 Prayer meeting Wednesday night LODGES MASONIC COLOMBIA LODGE No 98 F and A rdBegu lar meeting in their hall over bank on Fdt day nighton or before the full moon in J month IW W DJoneBecrctnryt meetsI COLUMBIA CHAWE E AM No 7 Friday night alter full moonJ MUBUELL Hp W WBBADSHAW Sccretarye YETINERY SURGEON Fistulo Pollevil splints spavin or any surgical work done at fair prices I am fixed to take care of stockt SD ORENSHAW- H mile from Columbia on Disappointm- entS C NEAT t WITII OTTER cQ CO WHOLESALEf GROCERS and COMMISSION MERCHANTSt Louisville Kentuckys XX ti I C S GRADY DENTIST I s i Gold SPECIAL Filling 0It I work IfirOF F I Murrells Store Columbia Ky a 5 + g ri- t Scientific Shoeing 0 I am ready to do Black Smith ¬ ing of any kindfrom horse shoe ng to the repairing of the finest vehicles 1 will make a specialty of shoeing horses with diseased hoofa and guarantee satisfaction My shop is located back of livery ask Barbee Robertson v Give i me your workJ COFFEY v a VHmore Hotel 9 W M WIIiMORK Prop llchi T I FUERh Is tin osiftirr place to sui than at the ulHivwd nunieilhptfl j GnodfsampJe ro ns ate a ttrJfijla I thle 1 t 6 rrILdti t > ibt hleati hell r 6f rfk6- Cw J E t- fl Pt x t rSTilL STORMY ALONG NEW NEW EH6UHa COAST 1Boston Out The heavy North ¬ east wind and rainstorm which has pre vailed moor the New England coast since Friday showed little abatement t early to day Reports from all sections of the coast show heavy seas with some damage io waterfront property and small shipping The ample warn ing given of the approach of the dIs- turbance It is hoped will prevent heavy damage at sea TO BUY KENTUCKY The details of the conference recente ly held in Indianapolis have just be- come ¬ known and it brings to light a startling condition or affair reveal log how recklessly txe Republicans are bargaining In order to steal the vote of the Commonwealth and give it Belknap and the Republican State ticket List week John W Yerkes Commissioner of Internal Revenue slipped into Indianapolis from Wash- ington and was met there by Senator Fairbanks of Indiana the fugitive W S Taylor Dr W Godfrey Hunter Chairman of the Republican State Campaign Committee J H Newman the figurehead chairman of the Com- mittee and Collector ET Franks of Owensbofo The results of that con furecce arc numerous In the fIrst place fugitive Taylor who has always been Dr Hunters closest friend armed to write to his friends in the mountains asking them to support Hunter for Congress in that dlstrlct In the second place in return for a promise of Kentuckys support for anything he may want Senator Fair- banks agreed to see that Taylor is protected in Indiana and it is said- thationator Fairbanks futher prom = to see that a campaign fund was in raised among the Indiana Republicans- to be sent to Kentucky just before the coming election The Republican if campaign committee have a larger cor ruptlon fund this year than they have ever had at any previous election con sequently when Mr Faltbanks con tribution is received from Indiana the sum will have grown to enormous proportionsIt of the Republicans to flood the State with this money dur- Ing ¬ the laSt days of the campaign and to use it in an endeavor to buy the floating vote and to corrupt the elec officers Mr Yerkes was more responsible for the nomination of Mr Belknap than anv other man and Dr Hunter is now managing Mr Belkuaps campaign therefore even the presence of Mr Yerkes and Dr Hunter at a confer¬ ence with fugitive Taylor is sufficient or all thinking people to see clearly that thcRapublican leaders of Ken including the nominee for Gov trnor and the patron saint Yerkes indorse Taylor Powers and all the other men charged vlth the mur derof Wiliian Goebel No one doubts a that Taylor is lending his assistance to to the Kentucky Republicans now be- cause ¬ he knows he will be benefited by overthrow of Democratic govern went in Kentucky- It is astounding to see that Taylor has sufficient influence auioun any set of people in Kentucky to address letters to them to secure their support of any candidate In their presence at Indianapolis Mr Yerkes and Mr Franks are encouraging Internal RevI enue employes throughout the State to take an active interest in politic t5 which is in direct violation of the Fed eral Statutes T be conference a t Indianapolis brought to light any number of real = cms why thinking persons should cast their vote against time Republican par ty which allows such men as Taylor jiud Hunter to control and direct its affairs11JIAT MIGHT HA VE 21EEX la vain the Kerpant endeavored to beguile Eve into plucking and eating the app1ojt jSeSit Is a beautiful red and tempt¬ lugtotbct lthturgeel the wily ser ¬ pent Yes it looks all right repliedEvfc Then eat Raid the serpent IbutyoaI cant ring in slip Ben Davis apples on juie v r IAR that IJilR particular apple J should hayebeen dia tsy red 1 t f 1 q r iT j V BOSTON CHINEE 1GOBACK I Boston Oct 12Or the350 or more Chinese taken into custody here yes terday because they could not produce registration certificates about 1 00on were released during the night friends having placed the requisite papers be- fore the Federal authorities The po lice say that most of the others will probably be deported A large num- ber claim their certificates have been lost but the act of congress makes tic I provision for such loss and In such the authorities say deportation must take place TIlE DIFFERENCE When we consider the energy and ability praised by it and how bright young lives become failures b fearing to attempt we wish the words I cant and impossible were eliminated from the language of the young at least Because the road is rough and toilsome and the labor hard and vexing Is it right to falter when the prize is well worth the struggle The crown of victory is reserved for those who strive and however accl dent may seem to elevate another there is no royal road to for tune Thee victories worth having are rarely won by the I cants on the lips of the young no words sound so miserable as the shrinkings that betrays the cow aids spirit Seek not to do beyond your strength but having measured your means and faculties consider you can afford to tall Accept the full- est measure of toil and struggle brave- ly ¬ toward the top Remember that your burden bearing will give youe strength if you carry the load aright My dear boys you cannot afford to be a cowardly My dear girls your motto life should be to succeed Scout the idea as you please it Isctnot our stars but ourselves that are to blame we are underlings Climb Achieve Fall if you must fall with your hands reaching upward A de- termination ¬ to succeed and a persis- tent effort toward success have made more than one name Immortal Do not acknowledge defeat a COL BELKNAP ON KFNTUCKX In his his speeches Col Morris 3 Belknap the Republican nominee for Governor has made and is making a serious reflection upon the women and men of Kentucky who are known thea world over as the truest and best the most hospitable and the most chival- rous ¬ In his opening speech at Mum fordsville Col Belknap made this startling statement Our young men are now hearing what manner of men these oldtime Kentuckians were and from theme comes the demand upon us for civic conditions that will restore to them their birthright We can not stop our ears to the call and with us now lies the rcsponslbllito making this State lit place for our sons and daughters live in This statement shows that Col Bel knap has indeed a poor opinion of the people of his own State He says thatf Kentucky is no fit place in which toI rear boys and girls Col Belknap Is probably the only person who has ever made such an expression concerning the old Commonwealth The citizens of this State have alI ways prided themselves upon their Old Keatucky Home and Col Bel kuap is the first person on record who has ever said that Kentucky was no place to rear boys and girls Col Bel knapmust have a poor opinion of the State and the people of the State or he would have made no such statement in his opening speech The good citi ¬ zens of the State should repudiate such a reflection upon the women o t the Cotumonwerlth by votlngagalnst t Belknap and the Republican State ticket on Noeember 3 The government ulllce holders who dont make a contribution to the Re jmblican campaign fund in Kentucky will soon find their occupation pone Thi amount donated is not let ttp the inclination or jlidgmentof the contri ¬ butor it is a certain per cent of his salary A 75000 memorial hospital will be erected at Chicago in bunny of Miss Francis E Wtlllarrt i3xP0stmisir General Wilson S VElfseUdled In Buffalo K yri last irl 1- L y o fi CHILD ASSAULTED THEN KILLED o Wilmington Del Oct 12Mary Kosklski agtd 13 years daughter of Polish parenss was found dead in a ditch within a taw squares of her home Bradford street In South Wilming ton early today and investigation showed that she had been assaulted and thrown into the water From the tact that she had been assisting a sick neighbor last evening her parents sup- posed she was spending the night there and made no inquiry when she failed to return home The police officials are without a clew OBITUARY On Monday morning September 21 1003 this community asI intelligencey W H Wheathad been suddenly called to meet her God She had not beery sick but a- very short time and hersndden death came unexpectedly to her many friends and especially to parents who had never heard of her sudden illness She was a sincere Christian a devoted wife and loving and mod l mother She was nearing her thirtieth birthday She was reared ill Adair county and was a daughter- of Robert Humphrey She had many kind and loving friends in fact all who knew her loved her a amiable disposition and Christian characterI In her death the community has lost a friend the church an obedi ¬ nt member the household a de ¬ voted wife and three little boye dear and loving mother But what is to us an irrepara- ble ¬ loss is to her everlasting gain and peace So we console ours- elves with this truth that as she was an earnest Christian and in the very last hours of her life gave all the evidence that we couldd wish of her hopes of joy we should not weep and that while we grope about in sorrow for few more days that she has gono with the heavenly cohorts to sing tho sweet anthems of heaven So dear husband fathei moth ¬ er brother sister and dear little baby boys she has only bade you adieu for a little while and if you re only faithful you will meet heri again to part moreJOHN WHITE- Out in Kansas which is always dOIng something out of the usual line the school boards in a Dum- ber of counties and districts adopt ¬ d an iron oleo rule that they would employ no female teachers who would not agree neither to flirt become engaged nor marry while held said positions The schoolmistresses had nothing to do but submit to tho cruel de ¬ oision as they regarded it but bided their time and soon had things all their own way An election came off and the horrid men who constituted the school boards were ingloriously defeated and women were elected in their stead and now the schoolmaams can flirt to their hearts content and love and be loved just likeI other people BRAIN LEAKS It Jiakes at least two to gossip one to talk and one to listen The trouble with some people is that they mistake liberty for license A great many men who belong to church do not belong to anythIng else You may pray for what you want but God will RIve only what you need Speaking of world benefactor whats the matter with the individual who invented pumpkin pie The fatman deserves plenty of sym ¬ pathy No matter how badly he feel his wife will think he is shamming Man usually is willing to pay myr to be amused than instructd becau e be thinks that be already ° ows it all The husband who is always seeking to be a gojd fclUjyr11 usually KuccefdH only in giving his wife a bad time The man who Is too eocd to go to the pellis usually the mats who kicks louupst and loudest about the way I are being run tti t i > f i fC i T F rt- t yam CLAY WILL CASE TtiROWN OUT OF GQUNIY COURT Ric pond Ky Oct 12The will case of the late CassIus M Clay was brought upin the County conrt here to day Judge TurpIn heard argu- ment both for accepting and rejecting the will and a decision was announced rejecting it and the case was thrown out of the County court It will be- taken to the Clrcuitcourt TWO WOMEN President Roosevelt basthrongh his postmaster general removed from the Greenwood Del postJ office Miss Huldah B Todd on the specious plea that she is ob noxious to the mouthpiece of Gas Addicks Senator Allee Miss Todd had served five years as postmistress at Greenwood and had given the fullest satisfaction to the patrons of the office She was in no sense obnoxious to them She was first appointed to a fur- y ar term by President McKinley and after serving that was reap pointed by President Roosevelt She had served one year under her reappointment when her official head was chopped off tc meet the political demands of addioks and crowdMinnie Cox tendered her resig- nation as postmistress at Indiano la Miss but her resignation hue not beau accepted For about year now she has been carried upon the salary roll of the govern ment on the presidents orders though she has rendered not one cents worfeh of service She was personally obnoxious in her official capacity to the vast majority of the patrons of the office who had the temerity to say so in resolu- tions ¬ adopted in mass meeting She recognized the feat that her presence in the postoffice was ob- noxious ¬ to the vast maiority of patrons of the office and ten ered her resignation What explanation can be given of this wjdely different treatment accorded by President Roosevelt- to these two women Can it be possible that negro mgnia has been carried to the point where the blank sister is pro ¬ tooted and coddled and fed upon government pap simply becance is black while the white lady s thrown out of office solely be cause somebody who is the favor ¬ ite of some politician wants the job These questions are pertinent not impertinent The country would like to know the exact at titude of this administration to- ward women and it has right to knowAtlanta Constitution FROM TEXAS ABBOTT TEX Oct 6 1903 Editor of the News Kind sir thought I would step in and take a chat with you Well cotton picking is in full blast Crops are very good in this county will mako something like onehalt bale per acre Although we are having lots of rain at pres- ent farmers have gathered lots of cotton I have out ten bales sold seven at an average of 5400 per bale But like all other farm- ing ¬ a great deal of expense to it As dragging along sack filled with cotton is somewhat strain ¬ ing on ones nerVes and often cause dreamsI had one the other night and looking upon you as Joseph the 2d will ask you to in- terpret it for me Like this Twas ata baseball game last part of the 9th inning when Mr scorekeeper calls Beokham a the bat Hurt on deok Belknap in the hole while Mr Baker played short stop etc When the game leavings the ground it was noticed that a cabin was on fire all Bae ¬ kr was badly Hurt while Bel knaps face was burned tea crisp and the soak in his crow said go away back and st down Boys turnout and watch Rolliujbat those dropsr Of course all that Rus ia wants In Manchuria Is govenrmental reforms S t- tt F Fi J 2 MAYOR REMOVED L FROM OFfiCE Mattoon III Oct 12Judge Hen- ley sentenced Mayor Menke who w recently found guilty of malfeasance In office to pay a nominal ficeand re- moved ¬ him from office The city council will meet tonight to call an election for Mayor ADAIR CmCUIT Co JRT Central Ky Asylum Puffs NoticeMichael I will on Monday Nov 2 1003 at the courthouse door in Columbia Ky sell on a credit of six months three tracts of land which are described in the Judgment rendered in this action at the Sept term 1903 of the above court L B Hurt Garnett Garnett Master Comr Attorneys ADAm CIRCUIT COURT Lucy Burton c Plffs NoticeWilliam I will on Monday November 2 1903 at the court house door in Columbia Ky sell at public auction on a credit of six months six tracts of land which are described in the Judgment render- ed In this action at the Sept term 1903 of this court L B Hurt Garnett Garnett Master Comr Attorneys ADAm CIRCUIT COURT Geo W Petree PHI vs Notice Bella Harden sAdm r Deft I will on Monday November 2 1903 sell at public auction at the court- house door in Columbia Ky an un- divided ¬ oneseventh Interest in a tract particular made to the Judgment rendered in this action at the September term 1903 Garnett Garnett L B Hurt Attorneys Master Comr ADAIR Cmciur COUNT Geo A Atkins c PlUs vs Notice W Lisle Atkins c Defts I will on Monday November 2 1903 at the court house door in Columbia Ky sell at public auction on a credit of six months an undivided one aixtn interest in 142 acres at land For a more particular description reference- Is made to the Judgment rendered in this action at the September term 1903 L B Hurt Garnett Garnett Master Comr Attorneys ADAm CIRCUIT COURT N M Tutt PHI 1 Ebelee VBf Notice Jas T vs- Ebelee Page PlffI Bradshaw Deft j I will on Monday November 2 1903 at the courthouse door in Columbia Ky sell at public auction on a credit of six months 32 acres of land which is described with Judgment rendered- In this action at the September term 1903 of this court L B Hurt Rollln Hurt Master Comr Attorney CLOYDS LANDING W T Hume of Burksvllle has bought W H Goffs farm paying 92050 He is building a new residence and will remove to it soon Mrs James Glass Is very sick and very little hopes of her recovery Mrs Lula Gary and Mrs Laury Car are visiting at Kettle this week The Kentucky Petroleum Co has struck oil again on the Ransom Rich farm making a total of three good pro- ducers on this farm They will put- down a number of wells soon Several wells are under way in the Salt Lick Bend field and prospects good for pipeline Eld Rybt Kfrby will begin a pro tracted meeting in the Bend Sunday Oct 11 An interesting meeting is expected S D Raney has a new baby girl at his house Nasht ¬ vide in a few days to resume his studies lu the medical college S S Davis and his sisterinlaw Miss Mattie Ranes will leave for Tex as in a few days to visit relatives Cary Bros are having two additional rooms built to their store house to ac- Commodate their trade which Is in creasing ai a rapid rate A St Joseph Mo dispatch says The skin from a negro girl was grit te upon the arm of Miss Annie Ellison the daughter of a farmer near Wat ena Kan a year ago and the skin t be white girl is turning black J i > t t BOBBITT HOTEL LEBANON KY J D BOBBITT < SON Proprietors Railroad Street Within Fifty Yards of the Depot oas iNewly and neatly furnished = clea teds Special accommodations reasonableTraded spjcttully solicited 71Y 75DSTONE have an Excellent MAD STONE which has been tried in about one hundred cases of hydrophobia and snake bites with good results I incite on to many of the ase Write or call on me- t CAMP KNOX KY J AJ ULWO R TH of G M WISEMAN SON of JEWELERS and OPTICIANS Dealers In Diamonds and Precious Stones 0 Special attention given to work and all orders of goods in our line 132 West Market between 1st and 2nd OpotiteMndcHill LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY BIG FOUR ROUTE Summer Tourist Line MOUNTAINS LAKES FOREST AND SHORE NEW YORK AND BOSTON The Travelers Favorite Line Chicago Pullman Sleeping Cars Strictly Modern Indianapolis Peoria and al points in Indiana and Michigan Unequaled Dining Car Service Modern Equipment Fast Sched- ules ¬ Write for Summer Tourist bookWARREN J LYNCH W P DEPPE Qenl Pass Ticket Agt Asst GP kT A CINCINNATI OHIO a SJ GATES General AgentLouisville Ky CHEAP LANDS For Homeseekers and Colonies The country along the Cotton Belt Route in Southeast Missouri Arkan sis Northwest Louisiana and Texas offers the greatest opportunities for Homeseekers Mild climate good water cheap building material abund ance of fuel and soil that will often in a single season yield enough to pay for the ground Land can Jie bought as cheap as 5250 an acre prairie land at 4 and 5 per acre up bottom land at 35 and 96 per acre up improved or pery coloniestracts of 2000 to 8000 acres at 81 to 810 per acre bic money in this for a good organizer Fruit and trnck lands in the famous peach and tomato belt of East Texas at 810 to 820 per acre up Write us for information about cheap rates excursion dates al so literature descriptive of this great aa you no more the rent vou pay every year E w LABEAUM G P T A Cotton Belt Route St LouisMo COLimiJU SLVllKET REPORTED BY SAM LEWIS S Wool Grease oloan < 18 Washed Wool 25 Beeswax 22 Feathers 44 Hides Green r 5 Hides Dry Gingeng 400 Spring Chicken 8 Old Hens 7- EKgs 15 Dried Apples 2 Or anbmittedOft for revision w jekly i t > <

The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1903-10-21 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt766t0gvc14/data/0173.pdf · TIEIIWADAJR COUNTY NEWS VOLUME 6 COLUMBIA ADAIR COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY

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Page 1: The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1903-10-21 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt766t0gvc14/data/0173.pdf · TIEIIWADAJR COUNTY NEWS VOLUME 6 COLUMBIA ADAIR COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY





Ottlcf hems wctU days 7COa ta to f30pm


qi ICCIT Coo RT Three sessions yearThlrtmilay In January third Monday In May ani-

lTiird MondiytnBeptetn erOrcult Judge W WJones

Commonwealth II Attorney NH W AaronSjtriffF W tint rt ireait Clerk JB Cody <

OOUNTT Cooiir First Monday In each monthJudgeT AMurrcll

CI County Attorney JasGstnett JrOivil T a 3ti > ltlJailerJ K P Coaover

Assessor BW BunonStirreyor R T McCaffreeSchool 3upt WD JonesCoicnerC M Bussell

ITT OOURT Begularcourt second ifondayIn

each monthJudge T O Davidson

Attorney Gordon Montgomry

MarshaGT Flowers



Bun tSVILLK STEBHT Revpastor Services second and fourth Sundayin each month Sundayschool t8 a IlL ereiyisibbath Prayer meeting every Wednesday



BosrsviLia STBBBTRev E M Metcalfe

pastor Serrlces first Sunday In each monthSundayschool every Sabbath at 0 a m Prayermooting Thursday night



1 pastor Fiwt and third Sunday beach monthSaadayschool every Sabbath 9 a m Prayermating Tuesday night


AMPBBL16VIILE Plan Ed W K Azbill

IasJor Servlcec Second and Fourth Sundajsin etch month Sundayschool every Sab-

bath at 930 ac1 Prayer meeting Wednesdaynight



COLOMBIA LODGE No 98 F and A rdBegular meeting in their hall over bank on Fdtday nighton or before the full moon in

Jmonth IWW DJoneBecrctnryt


Friday night alter fullmoonJ



Fistulo Pollevil splints spavin or

any surgical work done at fair prices

I am fixed to take care of stocktSD ORENSHAW-

H mile from Columbia on Disappointm-




Louisville KentuckysXX ti


s i


Filling0ItI workIfirOF F I

Murrells Store Columbia Ky a5

+ g ri-


Scientific Shoeing

0I am ready to do Black Smith ¬

ing of any kindfrom horse shoe

ng to the repairing of the finestvehicles 1 will make a specialtyof shoeing horses with diseased

hoofa and guarantee satisfactionMy shop is located back of liveryask Barbee Robertson v Give

ime your


vaVHmore Hotel


W M WIIiMORK Propllchi T


FUERh Is tin osiftirr place to suithan at the ulHivwd nunieilhptfl j

GnodfsampJe ro ns ate a ttrJfijla Ithle 1 t 6 rrILdti t

>ibt hleati hellr






x t




1Boston Out The heavy North ¬

east wind and rainstorm which has prevailed moor the New England coastsince Friday showed little abatement tearly to day Reports from all sectionsof the coast show heavy seas withsome damage io waterfront propertyand small shipping The ample warning given of the approach of the dIs-

turbance It is hoped will preventheavy damage at sea


The details of the conference recentely held in Indianapolis have just be-



known and it brings to light astartling condition or affair reveallog how recklessly txe Republicansare bargaining In order to steal thevote of the Commonwealth and give itBelknap and the Republican Stateticket List week John W YerkesCommissioner of Internal Revenueslipped into Indianapolis from Wash-ington and was met there by SenatorFairbanks of Indiana the fugitive WS Taylor Dr W Godfrey HunterChairman of the Republican StateCampaign Committee J H Newmanthe figurehead chairman of the Com-

mittee and Collector ET Franks ofOwensbofo The results of that con

furecce arc numerousIn the fIrst place fugitive Taylor

who has always been Dr Huntersclosest friend armed to write to hisfriends in the mountains asking themto support Hunter for Congress in thatdlstrlct

In the second place in return for apromise of Kentuckys support foranything he may want Senator Fair-

banks agreed to see that Taylor isprotected in Indiana and it is said-

thationator Fairbanks futher prom=

to see that a campaign fund was inraised among the Indiana Republicans-

to be sent to Kentucky just before thecoming election The Republican ifcampaign committee have a larger corruptlon fund this year than they haveever had at any previous election con

sequently when Mr Faltbanks con

tribution is received from Indiana thesum will have grown to enormous

proportionsItof the Republicans to

flood the State with this money dur-


the laSt days of the campaign andto use it in an endeavor to buy thefloating vote and to corrupt the elec

officersMr Yerkes was more responsible for

the nomination of Mr Belknap thananv other man and Dr Hunter is now

managing Mr Belkuaps campaigntherefore even the presence of MrYerkes and Dr Hunter at a confer¬

ence with fugitive Taylor is sufficientor all thinking people to see clearly

that thcRapublican leaders of Kenincluding the nominee for Gov

trnor and the patron saint Yerkesindorse Taylor Powers and all

the other men charged vlth the murderof Wiliian Goebel No one doubts athat Taylor is lending his assistance toto the Kentucky Republicans now be-


he knows he will be benefited by

overthrow of Democratic governwent in Kentucky-

It is astounding to see that Taylorhas sufficient influence auioun any

set of people in Kentucky to addressletters to them to secure their supportof any candidate In their presenceat Indianapolis Mr Yerkes and MrFranks are encouraging Internal RevIenue employes throughout the State totake an active interest in politic t5which is in direct violation of the Federal Statutes

T b e conference a t Indianapolisbrought to light any number of real =

cms why thinking persons should casttheir vote against time Republican party which allows such men as Taylorjiud Hunter to control and direct its



la vain the Kerpant endeavored tobeguile Eve into plucking and eatingthe app1ojtjSeSit Is a beautiful red and tempt¬

lugtotbct lthturgeel the wily ser¬

pentYes it looks all right repliedEvfcThen eat Raid the serpentIbutyoaIcant ring in slip Ben Davis apples on

juie v rIAR that IJilR particular apple J

should hayebeen dia tsy red 1

t f 1 qr

iT jV




IBoston Oct 12Or the350 or more

Chinese taken into custody here yes

terday because they could not produceregistration certificates about 100onwere released during the night friendshaving placed the requisite papers be-

fore the Federal authorities The po

lice say that most of the others willprobably be deported A large num-

ber claim their certificates have beenlost but the act of congress makes tic I

provision for such loss and In suchthe authorities say deportation

must take place


When we consider the energy andability praised by it and how

bright young lives become failures b

fearing to attempt we wish the words

I cant and impossible wereeliminated from the language of theyoung at least Because the road isrough and toilsome and the labor hard

and vexing Is it right to falter whenthe prize is well worth the struggleThe crown of victory is reserved forthose who strive and however accl

dent may seem to elevate anotherthere is no royal road to for tune Theevictories worth having are rarely won

by the I cants on the lips of theyoung no words sound so miserable asthe shrinkings that betrays the cow

aids spirit Seek not to do beyond

your strength but having measuredyour means and faculties consideryou can afford to tall Accept the full-

est measure of toil and struggle brave-



toward the top Remember thatyour burden bearing will give youestrength if you carry the load arightMy dear boys you cannot afford to be

acowardly My dear girls your motto

life should be to succeed Scoutthe idea as you please it Isctnot ourstars but ourselves that are to blame

we are underlings ClimbAchieve Fall if you must fall withyour hands reaching upward A de-



to succeed and a persis-

tent effort toward success have mademore than one name Immortal Do

not acknowledge defeat a


In his his speeches Col Morris 3Belknap the Republican nominee forGovernor has made and is making aserious reflection upon the women andmen of Kentucky who are known theaworld over as the truest and best themost hospitable and the most chival-


In his opening speech at Mum

fordsville Col Belknap made thisstartling statement

Our young men are now hearingwhat manner of men these oldtimeKentuckians were and from themecomes the demand upon us for civicconditions that will restore to themtheir birthright We can not stop ourears to the call and with us now liesthe rcsponslbllito making this State

lit place for our sons and daughterslive in

This statement shows that Col Bel

knap has indeed a poor opinion of thepeople of his own State He says thatfKentucky is no fit place in which toIrear boys and girls Col Belknap Is

probably the only person who has evermade such an expression concerningthe old Commonwealth

The citizens of this State have alIways prided themselves upon their

Old Keatucky Home and Col Bel

kuap is the first person on record who

has ever said that Kentucky was no

place to rear boys and girls Col Bel

knapmust have a poor opinion of theState and the people of the State orhe would have made no such statementin his opening speech The good citi ¬

zens of the State should repudiatesuch a reflection upon the women otthe Cotumonwerlth by votlngagalnst tBelknap and the Republican Stateticket on Noeember 3

The government ulllce holders who

dont make a contribution to the Rejmblican campaign fund in Kentuckywill soon find their occupation pone

Thi amount donated is not let ttp theinclination or jlidgmentof the contri ¬

butor it is a certain per cent of hissalary

A 75000 memorial hospital will beerected at Chicago in bunny of Miss

Francis E Wtlllarrt

i3xP0stmisir General Wilson S

VElfseUdled In Buffalo K yri lastirl1-


y o





Wilmington Del Oct 12MaryKosklski agtd 13 years daughter ofPolish parenss was found dead in aditch within a taw squares of her home

Bradford street In South Wilmington early today and investigationshowed that she had been assaultedand thrown into the water From thetact that she had been assisting a sickneighbor last evening her parents sup-

posed she was spending the night thereand made no inquiry when she failedto return home The police officialsare without a clew


On Monday morning September21 1003 this community asIintelligenceyW H Wheathad been suddenlycalled to meet her God

She had not beery sick but a-

very short time and hersnddendeath came unexpectedly to hermany friends and especially toparents who had never heard ofher sudden illness

She was a sincere Christian adevoted wife and loving and modl mother

She was nearing her thirtiethbirthday She was reared illAdair county and was a daughter-of Robert Humphrey She hadmany kind and loving friends infact all who knew her loved her aamiable disposition and Christian

characterIIn her death the community has

lost a friend the church an obedi ¬

nt member the household a de ¬

voted wife and three little boyedear and loving motherBut what is to us an irrepara-



loss is to her everlasting gainand peace So we console ours-

elves with this truth that asshe was an earnest Christian andin the very last hours of her lifegave all the evidence that we coulddwish of her hopes of joywe should not weep and thatwhile we grope about in sorrow for

few more days that she hasgono with the heavenly cohorts tosing tho sweet anthems of heaven

So dear husband fathei moth ¬

er brother sister and dear littlebaby boys she has only bade youadieu for a little while and if you

re only faithful you will meet heriagain to part


Out in Kansas which is alwaysdOIng something out of the usualline the school boards in a Dum-

ber of counties and districts adopt ¬

d an iron oleo rule that theywould employ no female teacherswho would not agree neither toflirt become engaged nor marrywhile held said positionsThe schoolmistresses had nothingto do but submit to tho cruel de ¬

oision as they regarded it butbided their time and soon hadthings all their own way Anelection came off and the horridmen who constituted the schoolboards were ingloriously defeatedand women were elected in theirstead and now the schoolmaamscan flirt to their hearts contentand love and be loved just likeIother people


It Jiakes at least two to gossip one

to talk and one to listenThe trouble with some people is

that they mistake liberty for license

A great many men who belong tochurch do not belong to anythIng else

You may pray for what you wantbut God will RIve only what you need

Speaking of world benefactorwhats the matter with the individualwho invented pumpkin pie

The fatman deserves plenty of sym ¬

pathy No matter how badly he feelhis wife will think he is shamming

Man usually is willing to pay myrto be amused than instructd becau e

be thinks that be already ° ows it all

The husband who is always seekingto be a gojd fclUjyr11 usually KuccefdH

only in giving his wife a bad time

The man who Is too eocd to go tothe pellis usually the mats who kickslouupst and loudest about the way I

are being run

tti ti > f i

fCi T



t yam




Ric pond Ky Oct 12The willcase of the late CassIus M Clay was

brought upin the County conrt hereto day Judge TurpIn heard argu-ment both for accepting and rejectingthe will and a decision was announcedrejecting it and the case was thrownout of the County court It will be-

taken to the Clrcuitcourt


President Roosevelt basthronghhis postmaster general removedfrom the Greenwood Del postJoffice Miss Huldah B Todd onthe specious plea that she is obnoxious to the mouthpiece of

Gas Addicks Senator AlleeMiss Todd had served five years aspostmistress at Greenwood andhad given the fullest satisfactionto the patrons of the office Shewas in no sense obnoxious to themShe was first appointed to a fur-y ar term by President McKinleyand after serving that was reappointed by President RooseveltShe had served one year under herreappointment when her officialhead was chopped off tc meet thepolitical demands of addioks and


Cox tendered her resig-

nation as postmistress at Indianola Miss but her resignation huenot beau accepted For about

year now she has been carriedupon the salary roll of the government on the presidents ordersthough she has rendered not onecents worfeh of service She waspersonally obnoxious in her officialcapacity to the vast majority ofthe patrons of the office who hadthe temerity to say so in resolu-


adopted in mass meetingShe recognized the feat that herpresence in the postoffice was ob-


to the vast maiority of

patrons of the office and tenered her resignationWhat explanation can be given

of this wjdely different treatmentaccorded by President Roosevelt-to these two women

Can it be possible that negromgnia has been carried to thepoint where the blank sister is pro ¬

tooted and coddled and fed upongovernment pap simply becance

is black while the white ladys thrown out of office solely be

cause somebody who is the favor¬

ite of some politician wants thejob

These questions are pertinentnot impertinent The countrywould like to know the exact attitude of this administration to-ward women and it has right toknowAtlanta Constitution


ABBOTT TEX Oct 6 1903

Editor of the NewsKind sir thought I would step

in and take a chat with youWell cotton picking is in full

blast Crops are very good in thiscounty will mako something likeonehalt bale per acre Althoughwe are having lots of rain at pres-

ent farmers have gathered lots ofcotton I have out ten balessold seven at an average of 5400per bale But like all other farm-ing


a great deal of expense to itAs dragging along sack filledwith cotton is somewhat strain ¬ing on ones nerVes and oftencause dreamsI had one the othernight and looking upon you asJoseph the 2d will ask you to in-

terpret it for me Like thisTwas ata baseball game last

part of the 9th inning when Mrscorekeeper calls Beokham athe bat Hurt on deok Belknap inthe hole while Mr Baker playedshort stop etc When the gameleavingsthe ground it was noticed that a

cabin was on fire allBae ¬

kr was badly Hurt while Belknaps face was burned tea crispand the soak in his crow said goaway back and st down Boysturnout and watch Rolliujbatthose dropsr

Of course all that Rus ia wants In

Manchuria Is govenrmental reforms

S t-







Mattoon III Oct 12Judge Hen-

ley sentenced Mayor Menke who w

recently found guilty of malfeasanceIn office to pay a nominal ficeand re-


him from office The citycouncil will meet tonight to call anelection for Mayor

ADAIR CmCUIT Co JRTCentral Ky Asylum Puffs

NoticeMichaelI will on Monday Nov 2 1003 at

the courthouse door in Columbia Kysell on a credit of six months threetracts of land which are described inthe Judgment rendered in this actionat the Sept term 1903 of the abovecourt L B HurtGarnett Garnett Master Comr



Lucy Burton c Plffs

NoticeWilliamI will on Monday November 2 1903

at the court house door in ColumbiaKy sell at public auction on a creditof six months six tracts of land whichare described in the Judgment render-ed In this action at the Sept term 1903of this court L B HurtGarnett Garnett Master Comr



Geo W Petree PHIvs Notice

Bella Harden sAdm r DeftI will on Monday November 2 1903

sell at public auction at the court-house door in Columbia Ky an un-


oneseventh Interest in a tractparticularmade to the Judgment rendered in thisaction at the September term 1903

Garnett Garnett L B HurtAttorneys Master Comr


Geo A Atkins c PlUsvs Notice

W Lisle Atkins c DeftsI will on Monday November 2 1903

at the court house door in ColumbiaKy sell at public auction on a creditof six months an undivided one aixtninterest in 142 acres at land For amore particular description reference-Is made to the Judgment rendered inthis action at the September term1903 L B HurtGarnett Garnett Master Comr



N M Tutt PHI 1

EbeleeVBfNoticeJas T



Page PlffIBradshaw Deft j

I will on Monday November 2 1903

at the courthouse door in ColumbiaKy sell at public auction on a creditof six months 32 acres of land whichis described with Judgment rendered-In this action at the September term1903 of this court L B HurtRollln Hurt Master Comr



W T Hume of Burksvllle hasbought W H Goffs farm paying92050 He is building a new residenceand will remove to it soon

Mrs James Glass Is very sick andvery little hopes of her recovery

Mrs Lula Gary and Mrs Laury Carare visiting at Kettle this week

The Kentucky Petroleum Co hasstruck oil again on the Ransom Richfarm making a total of three good pro-

ducers on this farm They will put-

down a number of wells soon Severalwells are under way in the Salt LickBend field and prospects good forpipeline

Eld Rybt Kfrby will begin a pro

tracted meeting in the Bend SundayOct 11 An interesting meeting is


S D Raney has a new baby girl athis houseNasht ¬

vide in a few days to resume hisstudies lu the medical college

S S Davis and his sisterinlawMiss Mattie Ranes will leave for Texas in a few days to visit relatives

Cary Bros are having two additionalrooms built to their store house to ac-

Commodate their trade which Is in

creasing ai a rapid rate

A St Joseph Mo dispatch says

The skin from a negro girl was grit te

upon the arm of Miss Annie Ellisonthe daughter of a farmer near Watena Kan a year ago and the skint be white girl is turning black

J i





J D BOBBITT < SON ProprietorsRailroad Street Within Fifty

Yards of the DepotoasiNewly and neatly furnished =

clea teds Special accommodations

reasonableTradedspjcttully solicited

71Y 75DSTONEhave an Excellent MAD

STONE which has been triedin about one hundred casesof hydrophobia and snakebites with good results Iincite on to many of thease Write or call on me-t CAMP KNOX KY



JEWELERS and OPTICIANSDealers In Diamonds and Precious Stones0Special attention given to work andall orders of goods in our line 132 WestMarket between 1st and 2nd



BIG FOUR ROUTESummer Tourist Line



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Chicago Pullman Sleeping Cars

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Unequaled Dining Car ServiceModern Equipment Fast Sched-


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For Homeseekers andColonies

The country along the Cotton BeltRoute in Southeast Missouri Arkansis Northwest Louisiana and Texasoffers the greatest opportunities forHomeseekers Mild climate goodwater cheap building material abundance of fuel and soil that will oftenin a single season yield enough to payfor the ground Land can Jie boughtas cheap as 5250 an acre prairie landat 4 and 5 per acre up bottom landat 35 and 96 per acre up improved orperycoloniestracts of 2000 to 8000 acresat 81 to 810 per acre bic money in thisfor a good organizer Fruit and trncklands in the famous peach and tomatobelt of East Texas at 810 to 820 peracre up Write us for informationabout cheap rates excursion dates also literature descriptive of this greataayou no morethe rent vou pay every yearE w LABEAUM G P T A

Cotton Belt RouteSt LouisMo




Wool Grease oloan < 18

Washed Wool 25Beeswax 22Feathers 44Hides Green r 5Hides DryGingeng 400Spring Chicken 8Old Hens 7-

EKgs 15

Dried Apples 2OranbmittedOft

for revision w jeklyi t>
