THF AD AI COUNTY NEWS I VOLUME 3 COLUMBIA ADAIR COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY AUGST 11900 NUMBER 42 POSTOFFICE DIRECTORY j M Russell Postmaster Office hours weak days rW am to 930 pm- COIIRCDIRECTORY t COUIThtce sessions a yearThird CIRCUIT Monday In May and ry > third Monday September m Jn geW W Jone- sCommonwealthAttorneyNIi j W Aaron SheriffJ W Coffeya Clerk Jno B COUNTY COCBT First Monday < In each month w Butler County AttorneyJasOetnettJr < ClerkTRStulta it JailerS H Mitchell V Assessor Q A Bradshavr Surveyor R T McCaffreo School SuptW D Jones CoronerLeonard Pletchertl Om COUBT Re gal arconrt second Monday InIt ftch month adgeJ W AtkinsW orney Gordon Montgomery CHURCH DIRECTORY PRESBYTERIAN BOBISYIUB GURETRev T F Walton pastor Services second and fourth Sundays at9 a m nor ednesdayaabbath night MTHODISTB- QBESVILLE STREET Rev J L KilgoretE prayerSundayschool meeting Thursday night of BAPTIST STBEET Kev E W Barnett GBEBHSBUBO pastor Services third Sunday in each month- Illndayschol every Sabbath at 9 a TO Prayer Sleeting Tuesday night cle j CHRISTIAN CAVSPDELLSVIUE PntBEder L Williams Pastor Services First Sunday Sabbath at 9 am month Sundayschool every to Prayer meeting Wednesday nigh- tLODGIES is UASONIC COLUxniAliODOBHoW F and AMRegu ¬ lar meeting in their hall over bank on FrI- day ¬ night on or before the full moon in each month O A KEMP WM is T RBTCLTS Bccj COLUMBIA CBAPTEB B A MM No7 meets oral Monday night in monthJ H P T R Stnlts Secretary is av = HH cax cs CoiioverllotelJOHN Columbia Kentucky HIS Hotel is one of the best in this 1 section of the State It is a large ew brick containing twentyreight ooms all elegantly furnished Good Sample rooms and the table is sup¬ plied with the best provisions the coun ¬ try affords Rates very reasonable Hancock Hotel BURKSVILLE STREET Columbia Ky JUNIUS HANCOCK Prop 0 fThe above Hotel has been ret- ted repainted and is now ready for the comfortable accommodation of guests Table supplied with the best + the market affords Rates reasonable good sample room Feed stable at hed OOIIIIROIL HOTEL JAMESTOWNfKY HOLT VAUGHAN Proprietors I openedTaodhas lIot looks after BCIM that the table is supplied at a 1 times with the very best the market affords The proprietors are attentive and very poit to and the butding- taconrenlenttothe ± + sample rooms business houses First class livery to the hotel Terms very icssonable Lebanon Steam Laundry LEBANON KY 0 THOROUGHLY equipped modern 1 1 laundry plant conducted by exper¬ ienced workmen and doing as high grade work as can be turned out any place in the country Patronize a home institution Work of Adair Bussell Taplor and Green solicited WR JOHNSTON 60PrOi REED MILLER Agents Columbia Kentucky To prevent La Grippe take si dose or two el Dr Restorative Nervine daily Ladies Favorite Morleys Littlo Liver Pills for Bilious R are the ladies favorite because they 81Osmall easily taken and do their work quietly but + yOne dose Sold b M 4 ELD ZT WILLIAMS LETTER From Venice to Paris Editor of the News We left Venice at 230 a m May 81st for Como via Milan Arrived at Milan at 2 oclock p and spent I five hours seeing the of that We went once toCathedral Square which the center of bustle and life of the city The leading streets of the city center in this square and is surrounded by some of the most important buildings Here thegreat cathedralof Milan stands the center of the square stands monument of Victor Emanue by the sculptor Ercole Rosa died before this his last work was completed It is the finest monument in Milan The cathe- dral is one of the greatest and most wonderful work of art It was begun in 1386 It is dedicat- ed to the nativity of the blessed Virgin Mary Its shape is that of the Latin cross 148 meters in length and 88 in width 108 me high The material in this magnificent building cost it is said 100000000 besides the labor putting itup It is nearly 600 feet long on the outside and 250 feet wide The central spire is 860 feet high and from its pinna you see 2000 smaller pinnacles each one haying a statue of mar ble on its summit We clitned to the summit of the central spire and had a splendid view of the city and surrounding country It the third largest church in aU EuropeIn Maria Delle Grarie which was originally an Abbey church seen the last supper frescoes on the rear of the church by Le onardo da Vince in tho 15th cen turyand is very interesting in spite of its ruinous condition Milan the capital of Lumbard one of the largest and wealthiest cities of Italy It is now a grea manufacturing center with about 800000 inhabitants It is the center for music and is the larg est market place for silk and cot ton in Italy After spending five hours very pleasantly in Milan we left for Como and spent the night in that beautiful city OD Lake Como It is an old town but comparatively new in the de velopment of industries It has a large silk manufactory and splen- did trade in silks It is surround- ed by hills adorned with man rich villas where invalids and pleasure seekers spend summers It has about 25000 inhabitants We left Como for Lucern on the morning of June the 1st at 840 by train Our railway led U8 through the Alps by the St Gath ard pass We soon felt a change in the climate and had to put OD our overcoats to keep warm Many of these mountain peal are snow caped and in some place the railway rises near them Thor is some beautiful and picturesquE scenery on this road as much al almost any we have been priviledj ed to see Just below the ano the mountain aides are covere with grass and forest and ever- greens then the beautiful valle that grows narrower as you ap- proach the great tunnel is carpet- ed with grasses and some parts 1 cultivation Cedars and pine cov- er tho mountain side and man beautiful waterfalls aro seen uloi the way There is one of the long- est tunnels on this road throug the Alps in the world We too boat on Jake Lucern at Finale and sailed tHa entire length J this beautiful lake to the city Lucjrn The eceneryonthis lal is unsurpassed for wild and pic- turesque views Lucern is situa ed in tho heart of Switierlai within easy reach of all that grandest in scenery of the Alp and the tourist delight to ling here and enjoy this rendezvous- a I summer resort The Rigi mi be reached byrail in a little tim and this mountain resort is to 1 reckoned among the most popnl in all Italy Many tourist chin this mountain to get a view sunrise It is said thatfrom 3 to 800000 tourist visit Lucerne ory year and the town ie suppoi ed largely by tourist We spe ofy t i jL fl and left early next morning for Paris that is two of us did Cross field and MoGarvey took a tour of three or four days through Germa- ny ¬ the Duncan and myself arrived at Paris about 6 oclock and engaged rooms for ten days for four francs each We arrived on Saturday evening and Sunday is not known is in Paris excapt as a day for festi- vals ¬ and frolics We spent the day mostly in our rooms Mon- day ¬ we went to Consuls for our letters and to expositions i and are now as we have spent ten days in Paris and six of them in the ex position we are prepared to pass is judgment on it And first of all red willsay we were disappointed in the exposition as regards the ar ¬ rangement and the variety and greatness of the show The loca ¬ tion of the grounds is unfavora- ble ¬ for a great exposition The grand enterance IS at Concord and extends down the river Seine and by at the enterance there is a wing on each side the river connected by and a bridge and then on one side there is a narrow pass threequart ¬ ers of a mile before you come to anything interesting The nation- al ¬ buildings are all crowded in on it the other side between the two main wings Then there is noth ¬ be- ing new on exhibition all been its seen at other places The great ten wheel is here but it is not attract- ing ¬ much attention for it is not the new any more and then it is out ¬ side the exposition grounds The for moving sidewalk is attracting more attention than most any oth ¬ er part of the exposition grounds Tho people flock to it by the thousands for a ride YOU can ride as long as you please for one half franc but you dont please to ride long for you have to stand all the time There are no seats on it You can take a slow ridem or fast as you please One runs about three times faster than the other The Eiffel Tower which is was built for the exposition in ic 1889 is still here and is one of the great attractions It is like a spire in the middle of Champ de Mars and is constructed entirely of iron and rises to a height of 984 feet the highest tower in theI of Platforms divide it into 14three lifts or what we call in America elevators or you can walk toy the second if wishb but few undertake itd Paris itself is a great show and has every claim to be considered a model city The houses are built with great taste and the in- numerable ¬ streets which cross each other in all direotions are broad and airy and well lighted Busi ¬ ness and pleasure are harmonious ¬ ly combined in Paris It has has some of the finest streets in the world Champ Elysus is con sidered the finest street in Paris I and there is nothing to excell it in a Ithe world It also has some mngi nificent churches Madeleine among the most noted It begun in 1764 and completed in 1848 Notre Dame Cathedral IS 7the metropolitan of Paris It was L built in the 12th century or rath ¬ er begun then and was 200 years r in being completed The towers are 868 feet high The bell in the southern tower is the largest in 1 France being over 8 feet in diam ¬ eter and weighs over 16 tons The clapper alone weighs nearly a half g ton It is only wrung on great occasions Its treasurery is rich and rare with ancient relics k The coronation robes of Napole ¬ n on the First are in it and a piece If of the true cross of Christ and f the crown of thorns and one of e the nails of the cross Thfl organ ja one of the finest in France It- t has 6000 pipes We spent one d evening in the Museum of the is Louvre which has its vast galler ¬ e ies the richest collections in the 3r entire world It was originally 3 the Palace of the Kings of France y and was begun in 1541 by Frances e the First but was not completed > e until 1857 by Emperor Napoleon Il III But it was occupied in an 1b unfiniahed state by Catharine d e- X1II of Medicis Charles XI Louis 5Q and Napoleon 1st who desired complete itabut time failed him t and he left it to Napoleon III to tlt finish The Triumphal Arch be- gun t r by Napoleon 1st1iu 1800to 1- I commemorate the glories of the French armies cost 860000 lbs sterling and is a living picture of glorious triumph of the first empireWe saw the July column at Place de Bastile erected to the memory of the heroes of 1880 It 154 feet high and beneath it are interred the victims of 1880 who died for liberty and it really ought to be called the Liberty Tower The names of the heroes inscribed on the column in letters of gold a We saw Cleopatras Needle It ble at Place de la Concord and is of granate 75 feet high and of weighs 250 tons and came from Luxor Egypt But I must close to this letter and leave Paris for Lon dontand my next will be from Paris to Montpelier Ky Deafness Cannot bo Cured local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear lar There is only one way to cure deafness that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- dition ¬ of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when is entirely closed deafnesS is the re- sult and unless the inflammation can taken out and this tube restored to normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of of are caused by catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition of to mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars any case of deafness caused by ca ¬ tarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circulars free FJ CHENEY CO Toledo O on Sold by druggists 75c Halls Family Pills are the best A strange disease has appeared in Greenwood 111 and three deaths have occurred Sunday Samuel Allen died from something resembling cholera Monday Mrs John Glover and Mrs West Bauer both died sud- denly ¬ in the same manner The town greatly excited and fears an epidem ¬ Physicians have thus far failed to relieve those attacked Monday night two other victims were reported That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you if you used Kings New Life Pills Thousands sufferers have proved their match ¬ merit for sick Nervous Headaches They make pure blood and build up health Only 25 cents Money if not cured Sold by TE Paull At Cleburn Texas a jury decided that John Renfro a prominent young white man who killed James Williams for defending in court the good name of his deed daughter against Renfros slanders is sane The Judge set Fri- day ¬ July 27 as the day of execution This is the fourth date set for the hanging Ladles IIt you want a beautiful complexion bright eye a good appetite an act iveliver bowels regular as clock work land vigorous healthy body use Mar- I leys Liver and Kidney Cordial the great system renovator It cures all diseases to which women are subject such as weakness debility melanchol ly nervous prostration etc A Wonderful BunMorleys Taste- less Chill Syrup has a wonderful run among ChillSuffering people because it is a prompt and effective cure for Chills even in chronic cases that have resisted all other medicines Sold on- ly ¬ by W M Bell Joppa Ky Eleven negro men were drowned in the Warrior river near Akron Ala Monday afternoon by the capsizing of a skiff The accident occurred at a Government lock now being construct- ed ¬ BevJ M yingllng pastor of the Bedford Street Methodist church a Cumberland Md saysuU affords me much pleasure to recommend Cham ¬ berlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I have used it and know others who have done so I have never known it to fall It is a sure cure when taken in time For sale byM Cravens The Rev Dr Joseph Desna PIckett champion of the Orphan Brigade and twelve years Superintendent of dieo d Satnrday at his home near Chicago where he had resided since 1891 The remains were buried at the family burying grounds In Mason Bounty a i I I THE LINES ARE DRAWN all The result obtained at Lexington is as honest and as unequivocal an express- ion ¬ of the will of the people as could be expected or desired It will carry with it all the weight it one deserves aSa free and genuine expres- sion for It ought and we think it will reunite the party The issue between the two parties in the nation is much der the same as it was before the Interpo- sition of internecine faction and doc- trinal ly vor quibling But in the State it simple choice between the responsi ¬ elements of conservative ordely and intelligent society and the combine money and murder which gets its orders from Washington and expects win ifitwin at all by fraud and forceGov not Beckham has shown himself a prudent and courageous man He has der done his duty during an ordeal that might have tried the wisdom of an old der man His nomination is the popu¬ recognition of this The people say in effect We refuse to swap horses crossing a stream They give the youth of the young Governor the benefit of the doubt knowing full surely that time will cure it He has already grown out of it enough to have arisen to the full exigency of the situ ¬ ation and he will as time passes show conclusively that he is a worthy scion an illustrious race of Kentuckians equal as his fathers were before him each emergency as it arises in The Republicans of Kentucky dare not go to the people upon there own six record Hence it is that they would force the democrats to meet them up ¬ the single issue upon which they suppose the democrats to be divided That is the Election Law They will find themselves mistaken There is not a Democrat in Kentucky worthy of the name who wants any election law that is not strictly nonpartisan and fair There is not a man whose judgment is entitled to weight who does not know that with such a law a the Democray led by Beckham will sweep the State The Republicans will not be premitted to put the Elec ¬ tion Law between themselves and the fires of damnation They will not be premitted to use the Election Law alternately as a wedge to divide Dem ¬ ocrats and a screen to protect them Selves When Governor Beckham has called the Democratic Legislature to gether in extraordinary sessionwhen its democratic members have reconven- ed ¬ at Frankfort with the tragedy of last winter engraved on mind and heart wlththe obligations of right and a duty before conscience and honor and with the voice of the good peole of the State ringing in their earsthey will without any other let or hindrance except that of the Republicans who will thus show themselves in their true colors imprint upon the Election Law such modifications and amendments- as experience has shown to be neces- sary and they will make it so just and so nonpartisan as that no rightthink ¬ ing man can gainsay it And where will the Republicans then be They will be stripped of the wretched subterfuge of seeking the re ¬ form of the lawfor their sole hope is of keeping it unchanged upon the booksand they will be turned loose naked to face the awful indictment against them the operations of Brad ¬ ley and his partisan militia before the last election the operations of the RailwayPolitical Combine during and immediately succeeding the election the Reign of Terror precipitated upon the State Capital by the descent of the mountain feudists the murder of Goebel the dispersal of the Legisla- ture ¬ by the edict of the Republican claimant and by armed violence and the long line of usurpations and outr- ages perpetrated by Taylor from the firing of the shot that struck the Dem- ocratic ¬ claimant down to the hour of this own disgraceful flight from State a selfconfessed criminal and a cowardly fugitive from justice These are the issuesthe real issues of the campaign before us and not the Goc bellaw The Republicans will have to meet them We repeat that they will have to meet themto meet them in the open field for they cannot and they will not bo permitted to skulk be- hind the Goebel law using it before theelection as a club to beat the Dem ¬ dicet tiou as a t to throw the vote of the State out the Electoral College to refuse admi- Sian of the Democratic members of Kentuckys delegation to Congress and it may benn case McKinley electedto g make of the State ment of Kentucky itself a case of seal Intervention ruinous both to political and our material interests FellowDemocrats of Kentucky this Is the situation which wehave to meet Let us meet it as honest and as brave men Lotus have done with small politics Thatls the only kind of pol itics that Democrats have to fear Un- doubtedly ¬ the Lexington Convention was a representative body It has giv ¬ en us a noble yeung Kentuckian as our chief It has given us a platform that oJ Democrats can stand upon ow- let us close ranks and go to work like men and brothers like Kentuckians and like Democrats to redeem the honor of the State by placing perma nentely at Frankfort a representative and a responsible Chief Magistrate who does not take his cue from a ring of Federal officeholders nor look his election to organized corrup- tion and brutality one who is not theWI accredited agent of money and mur ¬ but one who will administer the laws justly serve the public faithful ¬ and look for his reward to the fa ¬ of the people and the blessings of HeavenCourIerJourna1a Is Life Worth Living Sleeplessness debility nervousness and palpitation of the heart are not diseases they are symptons indIcat- ing that the various vital organs are 523 working in harmony Morleys Liver and Kidney Cordial restores or ¬ and rids the body of all waste products that clog the system It in ¬ sures sound digestion sound nerves and sound sleep Mr Thad Proctor Buncomb Ills says I sold 187 bottles of Morleys Tasteless Chill Syrup during this last year and did not have one failure in the lot Mr customers say it is the best Chill Syrup ever sold in this com ¬ munity How is that for a record Sold by WM Bell Joppa Ky In Green county Emmet Richardson was shot by Walter Edwards his broth inlaw once In each shoulder and once the head making a scalp wound Edwards has only been married about weeks and Richardson claimed he had mistreated his wife who is Rich ¬ ardsons sister Edwards has left the state taking his wife with him JABEZ Mr John Johnson our old and relia ¬ ble merchant was quite ill last week This has been a busy week for our citizens Wheatand oats to care for protracted meeting at Mlllltary Springs reunion of soldiers erecting tomb stone to soldiers graves and quarterly meeting at Christian Home Church Proto J C Tompkins Is attending the institute at Somerset Ihave mill in the near future Dr J B Scholl began building him new office the first of the week We have daily mail from Jamestown and Somerset since July 1st Mrs John Westdiedof consumption last week She leaves three small childrenEsq Eads Eadsville Wayne county is trying to get a mail route from Eadsville to this place He ito also trying to get a telephone line from Ior Eadsvjlle via this place to Somerset a line which Is greatly needed and would pay any stock compaqy DUNNVILLE A new Christian church has just been completed at this place and will dedicated on Sunday July 29th Elders Z T Williams and J Q Montgomery will preach dedicatory sermons Din ¬ ncr on the grounds Miss Bersba Neal of Texas is visit ing her sister Mrs B L Williams Miss Eva Pick Georgetown is the guest of Miss Lilly Morgan Miss Lena Taylor and brother N F Taylor of Augusta Kansas are visit eing the families of W G Smith A N Taylor Miss Bcttie Wilkinson of Liberty is visiting her sister Mrs J W Pelly Oma Goode CampbellsvIlle is with relatives here Miss Rosa Hayes of Jamestown here for a few days enroute for Wil more to attend the campmeeting W B Taylor and son of Versailles and his sister Mrs Ella Taylor Stone IItot North Dakota have been guests of W G Smith and A N Taylor CAVE SPRINGS prospectd cropr A singing is being conducted here Saturdays and Sundays by Rev Frank Hughes and W W Rexroat Joe Hinston lost a horse a few days ago which is the second one recently The school at this place opened Monday with a fair enrollment Be ¬ sides the trustees number of patrons were present L Y 1 JJQ h 1QmiiIIDYC a i Blacksmiths + AND W o odw o r ker r Columbia Ky I amprepared to do all kinds of in my line and if you need re ¬ Buggiesor buggytires MtiSfaction ¬ Newly Famished American Plan I LOG Per Day 3lic oafeadCotef MEALS 25c W Market St LOUISVILLE KY NIC BOSLER Mgr Wilmore Hotel- W M AMORE Prop Gradyville Ken tuck U THESE is no better place to stop hotelGood Feedstable GORDON MONTGOMERY ttn v v a na COLUMBIA KY adjoIningcounties drugstore DR M 0 SALLEE r e DENTIST Careful attention given to me ¬ ohanical and prosthetic dentistry and dental surgery f CoffeyBunter COLUMBIA KY FRANK M BALLENGER Avrrn RobinsonNorton F Go WHOLESALE Dru Goods Notions Etc LOUISVILLE KY Now is Tne Time to REPAIR HOUSES r > o Do not allow your house injure for the lack of Guttering a Leaking Roof iJdF I make Roofing and Guttering a specialty I am prepared to do any kind of repairwork in my line I use good material and do my work at bedrock prices Call on me L V HALL Columbia Tinner fletnaUie Insurance Go- OF HERTFORD CONN CHARTERED 1820 Assets 54000000 Surplus 8000000 o ISPayd than other firstclass companies will write you a 20 Payment Life Policy thereby guaranteeing to save you 5 full premiums and 5 years in time On the basis of equal cost the ETNA GUARANTEES more insurance greater extensions greater cash and loan values and greater paidup val ¬ Isues at the end of equal periods of time than any other company Policies absolutely incontestable af ter one year Nonforfeitable after two years on limited pay policies The LOWEST BATES of any first class company For further Information call on or address W D JONES Ageat Columbia K- yRA11RANT 0 r S BTrr Propri- etorLHIBANONJ KY This stand is located near the do- st pot and meals are furnished at roil hours at 25 cents per meal The best eatables the country affords Ele- gant slttlHg rooas for ladles j 0 a

The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1900-08-01 [p ]

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j M Russell PostmasterOffice hours weak days rW a m to 930 pm-


COUIThtce sessions a yearThirdCIRCUIT

Monday In May andry>

thirdMonday September m

Jn geW W Jone-sCommonwealthAttorneyNIi

j W Aaron

SheriffJ W CoffeyaClerk Jno B

COUNTY COCBT First Monday<

In each monthw Butler

County AttorneyJasOetnettJr <

ClerkTRStulta itJailerS H Mitchell

VAssessor Q A BradshavrSurveyor R T McCaffreoSchool SuptW D JonesCoronerLeonard PletchertlOm COUBT Re gal arconrt second Monday InIt

ftch monthadgeJ W AtkinsWorney Gordon Montgomery




pastor Services second and fourth Sundays

at9 a m norednesdayaabbathnight



prayerSundayschoolmeeting Thursday night



pastor Services third Sunday in each month-

Illndayschol every Sabbath at 9 a TO Prayer

Sleeting Tuesday nightcle


CAVSPDELLSVIUE PntBEder L WilliamsPastor Services First Sunday

Sabbath at 9 ammonth Sundayschool every toPrayer meeting Wednesday nigh-



COLUxniAliODOBHoW F and AMRegu ¬

lar meeting in their hall over bank on FrI-



night on or before the full moon in each

month O A KEMP WM isT RBTCLTS Bccj


oral Monday night in monthJ H P

T R Stnlts Secretary

isav= HH cax cs


Columbia Kentucky

HIS Hotel is one of the best in this1 section of the State It is a largeew brick containing twentyreightooms all elegantly furnished Good

Sample rooms and the table is sup¬

plied with the bestprovisions the coun¬

try affords Rates very reasonable


Columbia Ky

JUNIUS HANCOCK Prop0fThe above Hotel has been ret-

ted repainted and is now ready forthe comfortable accommodation ofguests Table supplied with the best+the market affords Rates reasonablegood sample room Feed stable at




HOLT VAUGHAN Proprietors I

openedTaodhaslIot looks afterBCIM that the table is supplied at a 1 timeswith the very best the market affords Theproprietors are attentive and very poit to

and the butding-taconrenlenttothe

± + sample roomsbusiness houses First

class livery to the hotel Terms veryicssonable

Lebanon Steam Laundry

LEBANON KY0THOROUGHLY equipped modern1 1 laundry plant conducted by exper¬

ienced workmen and doing as highgrade work as can be turned out anyplace in the country Patronize ahome institution Work of AdairBussell Taplor and Green solicited


Columbia Kentucky

To prevent La Grippe take si dose or two

el Dr Restorative Nervine daily

Ladies Favorite Morleys Littlo LiverPills for Bilious R are the ladiesfavorite because they 81Osmall easilytaken and do their work quietlybut + yOne dose Sold b




From Venice to Paris

Editor of the News

We left Venice at 230 a mMay 81st for Como via Milan

Arrived at Milan at 2 oclock p

and spentI

five hours seeing

the of that We wentonce toCathedral Square which

the center of bustle and life ofthe city The leading streets of

the city center in this square andis surrounded by some of the

most important buildings Herethegreat cathedralof Milan stands

the center of the square standsmonument of Victor Emanue

by the sculptor Ercole Rosadied before this his last work

was completed It is the finestmonument in Milan The cathe-

dral is one of the greatest andmost wonderful work of art Itwas begun in 1386 It is dedicat-ed to the nativity of the blessedVirgin Mary Its shape is that of

the Latin cross 148 meters inlength and 88 in width 108 me

high The material in thismagnificent building cost it is

said 100000000 besides the laborputting itup It is nearly 600

feet long on the outside and 250

feet wide The central spire is860 feet high and from its pinna

you see 2000 smaller pinnacleseach one haying a statue of marble on its summit We clitned to

the summit of the central spireand had a splendid view of thecity and surrounding country It

the third largest church in aU

EuropeInMaria Delle Grarie which

was originally an Abbey churchseen the last supper frescoes

on the rear of the church by Le

onardo da Vince in tho 15th centuryand is very interesting inspite of its ruinous condition

Milan the capital of Lumbardone of the largest and wealthiest

cities of Italy It is now a greamanufacturing center with about800000 inhabitants It is thecenter for music and is the larg

est market place for silk and cot

ton in Italy After spending five

hours very pleasantly in Milan

we left for Como and spent thenight in that beautiful city OD

Lake Como It is an old town

but comparatively new in the de

velopment of industries It has alarge silk manufactory and splen-

did trade in silks It is surround-ed by hills adorned with manrich villas where invalids andpleasure seekers spend summersIt has about 25000 inhabitants

We left Como for Lucern on themorning of June the 1st at 840by train Our railway led U8

through the Alps by the St Gathard pass We soon felt a change

in the climate and had to put OD

our overcoats to keep warm

Many of these mountain pealare snow caped and in some placethe railway rises near them Thoris some beautiful and picturesquEscenery on this road as much al

almost any we have been priviledjed to see Just below the ano

the mountain aides are coverewith grass and forest and ever-

greens then the beautiful valle

that grows narrower as you ap-

proach the great tunnel is carpet-ed with grasses and some parts 1cultivation Cedars and pine cov-

er tho mountain side and manbeautiful waterfalls aro seen uloi

the way There is one of the long-

est tunnels on this road throug

the Alps in the world We too

boat on Jake Lucern at Finaleand sailed tHa entire length J

this beautiful lake to the cityLucjrn The eceneryonthis lalis unsurpassed for wild and pic-

turesque views Lucern is situaed in tho heart of Switierlaiwithin easy reach of all thatgrandest in scenery of the Alp

and the tourist delight to linghere and enjoy this rendezvous-a


summer resort The Rigi mibe reached byrail in a little timand this mountain resort is to 1

reckoned among the most popnlin all Italy Many tourist chin

this mountain to get a view

sunrise It is said thatfrom 3to 800000 tourist visit Lucerneory year and the town ie suppoied largely by tourist We speofyt i jL fl

and left early next morning forParis that is two of us did Crossfield and MoGarvey took a tour ofthree or four days through Germa-ny

¬ theDuncan and myself arrived at

Paris about 6 oclock and engagedrooms for ten days for four francseach We arrived on Saturdayevening and Sunday is not known isin Paris excapt as a day for festi-


and frolics We spent theday mostly in our rooms Mon-


we went to Consuls for ourletters and to expositions i and arenow as we have spent ten days inParis and six of them in the exposition we are prepared to pass isjudgment on it And first of all redwillsay we were disappointed inthe exposition as regards the ar¬

rangement and the variety andgreatness of the show The loca¬

tion of the grounds is unfavora-ble


for a great exposition Thegrand enterance IS at Concord andextends down the river Seine and by

at the enterance there is a wing oneach side the river connected by anda bridge and then on one sidethere is a narrow pass threequart ¬

ers of a mile before you come toanything interesting The nation-al


buildings are all crowded in on itthe other side between the twomain wings Then there is noth ¬ be-

ing new on exhibition all been its

seen at other places The greatten

wheel is here but it is not attract-ing


much attention for it is not thenew any more and then it is out ¬

side the exposition grounds The for

moving sidewalk is attractingmore attention than most any oth ¬

er part of the exposition groundsTho people flock to it by thethousands for a ride YOU canride as long as you please for onehalf franc but you dont pleaseto ride long for you have to standall the time There are no seatson it You can take a slow ridemor fast as you please One runsabout three times faster than theother The Eiffel Tower which is

was built for the exposition in ic

1889 is still here and is one of thegreat attractions It is like aspire in the middle of Champ deMars and is constructed entirelyof iron and rises to a height of984 feet the highest tower in theI

ofPlatforms divide it into14threelifts or what we call in Americaelevators or you can walk toythe second if wishbbut few undertake itdParis itself is a great show andhas every claim to be considereda model city The houses arebuilt with great taste and the in-


streets which cross eachother in all direotions are broadand airy and well lighted Busi¬

ness and pleasure are harmonious ¬

ly combined in Paris It hashas some of the finest streets inthe world Champ Elysus is considered the finest street in Paris

I and there is nothing to excell it in a

Ithe world It also has some mnginificent churches Madeleineamong the most noted Itbegun in 1764 and completed in1848 Notre Dame Cathedral IS

7the metropolitan of Paris It was

L built in the 12th century or rath¬

er begun then and was 200 years

r in being completed The towersare 868 feet high The bell in thesouthern tower is the largest in

1 France being over 8 feet in diam ¬

eter and weighs over 16 tons Theclapper alone weighs nearly a half

g ton It is only wrung on greatoccasions Its treasurery is richand rare with ancient relics

k The coronation robes of Napole¬

n on the First are in it and a pieceIf of the true cross of Christ andf the crown of thorns and one ofe the nails of the cross Thfl organ

ja one of the finest in France It-t has 6000 pipes We spent oned evening in the Museum of theis Louvre which has its vast galler ¬

e ies the richest collections in the3r entire world It was originally3 the Palace of the Kings of Francey and was begun in 1541 byFrancese the First but was not completed>e until 1857 by Emperor Napoleon

Il III But it was occupied in an1b unfiniahed state by Catharine d e-

X1IIof Medicis Charles XI Louis5Q and Napoleon 1st who desired

completeitabut time failed himt and he left it to Napoleon III totlt finish The Triumphal Arch be-


by Napoleon 1st1iu 1800to1-


commemorate the glories of theFrench armies cost 860000 lbssterling and is a living picture of

glorious triumph of the first

empireWesaw the July column at

Place de Bastile erected to thememory of the heroes of 1880 It

154 feet high and beneath it areinterred the victims of 1880 whodied for liberty and it reallyought to be called the LibertyTower The names of the heroes

inscribed on the column inletters of gold a

We saw Cleopatras Needle It ble

at Place de la Concord and is ofgranate 75 feet high and of

weighs 250 tons and came fromLuxor Egypt But I must close to

this letter and leave Paris for Lon

dontand my next will be fromParis to Montpelier Ky

Deafness Cannot bo Curedlocal applications as they cannot

reach the diseased portion of the ear larThere is only one way to cure deafness

that is by constitutional remediesDeafness is caused by an inflamed con-


of the mucous lining of theEustachian Tube When this tubegets inflamed you have a rumblingsound or imperfect hearing and when

is entirely closed deafnesS is the re-sult and unless the inflammation can

taken out and this tube restored tonormal condition hearing will be

destroyed forever nine cases out of ofare caused by catarrh which is

nothing but an inflamed condition oftomucous surfaces

We will give One Hundred Dollarsany case of deafness caused by ca¬

tarrh that cannot be cured by HallsCatarrh Cure Send for circulars free

F J CHENEY CO Toledo O onSold by druggists 75c

Halls Family Pills are the best

A strange disease has appeared inGreenwood 111 and three deaths haveoccurred Sunday Samuel Allen diedfrom something resembling cholera

Monday Mrs John Glover

and Mrs West Bauer both died sud-



in the same manner The towngreatly excited and fears an epidem ¬

Physicians have thus far failed torelieve those attacked Monday nighttwo other victims were reported

That Throbbing HeadacheWould quickly leave you if you used

Kings New Life Pills Thousandssufferers have proved their match ¬

merit for sick Nervous HeadachesThey make pure blood and build up

health Only 25 cents Money

if not cured Sold by T E Paull

At Cleburn Texas a jury decided

that John Renfro a prominent young

white man who killed James Williamsfor defending in court the good nameof his deed daughter against Renfrosslanders is sane The Judge set Fri-



July 27 as the day of executionThis is the fourth date set for thehanging


IIt you want a beautiful complexion

bright eye a good appetite an activeliver bowels regular as clock work

land vigorous healthy body use Mar-

I leys Liver and Kidney Cordial thegreat system renovator It cures all

diseases to which women are subject

such as weakness debility melancholly nervous prostration etc

A Wonderful BunMorleys Taste-

less Chill Syrup has a wonderful runamong ChillSuffering people because

it is a prompt and effective cure forChills even in chronic cases that haveresisted all other medicines Sold on-



by W M Bell Joppa Ky

Eleven negro men were drowned inthe Warrior river near Akron AlaMonday afternoon by the capsizing of

a skiff The accident occurred at a

Government lock now being construct-



BevJ M yingllng pastor of theBedford Street Methodist church aCumberland Md saysuU affords me

much pleasure to recommend Cham ¬

berlains Colic Cholera and DiarrhoeaRemedy I have used it and know

others who have done so I have neverknown it to fall It is a sure curewhen taken in time For sale byMCravens

The Rev Dr Joseph Desna PIckettchampion of the Orphan Brigadeand twelve years Superintendent ofdieodSatnrday at his home near Chicago

where he had resided since 1891 Theremains were buried at the family

burying grounds In Mason Bountya





The result obtained at Lexington is as

honest and as unequivocal an express-



of the will of the people as could beexpected or desired

It will carry with it all the weight it one

deserves aSa free and genuine expres-

sionforIt ought and we think it will

reunite the party The issue betweenthe two parties in the nation is much derthe same as it was before the Interpo-sition of internecine faction and doc-


lyvorquibling But in the State it

simple choice between the responsi ¬

elements of conservative ordelyand intelligent society and the combine

money and murder which gets itsorders from Washington and expects

win ifitwin at all by fraud and

forceGov notBeckham has shown himself a

prudent and courageous man He has derdone his duty during an ordeal thatmight have tried the wisdom of an old

der man His nomination is the popu¬

recognition of this The people

say in effect We refuse to swap

horses crossing a stream They givethe youth of the young Governor thebenefit of the doubt knowing fullsurely that time will cure it He hasalready grown out of it enough to havearisen to the full exigency of the situ ¬

ation and he will as time passes showconclusively that he is a worthy scion

an illustrious race of Kentuckiansequal as his fathers were before him

each emergency as it arises inThe Republicans of Kentucky dare

not go to the people upon there own sixrecord Hence it is that they wouldforce the democrats to meet them up ¬

the single issue upon which theysuppose the democrats to be dividedThat is the Election Law They willfind themselves mistaken There isnot a Democrat in Kentucky worthyof the name who wants any electionlaw that is not strictly nonpartisanand fair There is not a man whosejudgment is entitled to weight whodoes not know that with such a law athe Democray led by Beckham willsweep the State The Republicanswill not be premitted to put the Elec ¬

tion Law between themselves and thefires of damnation They will not bepremitted to use the Election Lawalternately as a wedge to divide Dem ¬

ocrats and a screen to protect themSelves When Governor Beckham hascalled the Democratic Legislature together in extraordinary sessionwhenits democratic members have reconven-ed


at Frankfort with the tragedy oflast winter engraved on mind andheart wlththe obligations of right and a

duty before conscience and honor andwith the voice of the good peole of theState ringing in their earsthey will

without any other let or hindranceexcept that of the Republicans whowill thus show themselves in their truecolors imprint upon the Election Lawsuch modifications and amendments-as experience has shown to be neces-sary and they will make it so just andso nonpartisan as that no rightthink ¬

ing man can gainsay itAnd where will the Republicans

then be They will be stripped of thewretched subterfuge of seeking the re¬

form of the lawfor their sole hope isof keeping it unchanged upon thebooksand they will be turned loosenaked to face the awful indictmentagainst them the operations of Brad¬

ley and his partisan militia before thelast election the operations of theRailwayPolitical Combine during andimmediately succeeding the electionthe Reign of Terror precipitated uponthe State Capital by the descent of themountain feudists the murder ofGoebel the dispersal of the Legisla-


by the edict of the Republicanclaimant and by armed violence andthe long line of usurpations and outr-

ages perpetrated by Taylor from thefiring of the shot that struck the Dem-


claimant down to the hour ofthis own disgraceful flight from

State a selfconfessed criminal and acowardly fugitive from justice Theseare the issuesthe real issues of thecampaign before us and not the Goc

bellaw The Republicans will haveto meet them We repeat that theywill have to meet themto meet themin the open field for they cannot andthey will not bo permitted to skulk be-

hind the Goebel law using it beforetheelection as a club to beat the Dem ¬dicettiou as a tto throw the vote of the State outthe Electoral College to refuse admi-

Sian of the Democratic members ofKentuckys delegation to Congress

and it may benn case McKinleyelectedto


make of the Statement of Kentucky itself a case ofseal Intervention ruinous both topolitical and our material interests

FellowDemocrats of Kentucky thisIs the situation which wehave to meetLet us meet it as honest and as bravemen Lotus have done with smallpolitics Thatls the only kind of politics that Democrats have to fear Un-


the Lexington Conventionwas a representative body It has giv ¬

en us a noble yeung Kentuckian as ourchief It has given us a platform that


Democrats can stand upon ow-

let us close ranks and go to work likemen and brothers like Kentuckiansand like Democrats to redeem thehonor of the State by placing permanentely at Frankfort a representativeand a responsible Chief Magistrate

who does not take his cue from aring of Federal officeholders nor look

his election to organized corrup-tion and brutality one who is not theWIaccredited agent of money and mur ¬

but one who will administer thelaws justly serve the public faithful ¬

and look for his reward to the fa¬

of the people and the blessings ofHeavenCourIerJourna1a

Is Life Worth LivingSleeplessness debility nervousness

and palpitation of the heart are notdiseases they are symptons indIcat-ing that the various vital organs are 523

working in harmony MorleysLiver and Kidney Cordial restores or ¬

and rids the body of all wasteproducts that clog the system It in¬

sures sound digestion sound nervesand sound sleep

Mr Thad Proctor Buncomb Illssays I sold 187 bottles of MorleysTasteless Chill Syrup during this lastyear and did not have one failure inthe lot Mr customers say it is thebest Chill Syrup ever sold in this com ¬

munity How is that for a recordSold by WM Bell Joppa Ky

In Green county Emmet Richardsonwas shot by Walter Edwards his brothinlaw once In each shoulder and once

the head making a scalp woundEdwards has only been married about

weeks and Richardson claimed hehad mistreated his wife who is Rich ¬

ardsons sister Edwards has left thestate taking his wife with him


Mr John Johnson our old and relia ¬

ble merchant was quite ill last week

This has been a busy week for ourcitizens Wheatand oats to care for

protracted meeting at MlllltarySprings reunion of soldiers erectingtomb stone to soldiers graves andquarterly meeting at Christian HomeChurch

Proto J C Tompkins Is attendingthe institute at SomersetIhavemill in the near future

Dr J B Scholl began building himnew office the first of the week

We have daily mail from Jamestownand Somerset since July 1st

Mrs John Westdiedof consumptionlast week She leaves three small


Eads Eadsville Waynecounty is trying to get a mail routefrom Eadsville to this place He itoalso trying to get a telephone line from IorEadsvjlle via this place to Somerseta line which Is greatly needed andwould pay any stock compaqy


A new Christian church has justbeen completed at this place and will

dedicated on Sunday July 29th EldersZ T Williams and J Q Montgomerywill preach dedicatory sermons Din¬

ncr on the grounds

Miss Bersba Neal of Texas is visiting her sister Mrs B L Williams

Miss Eva Pick Georgetown is theguest of Miss Lilly Morgan

Miss Lena Taylor and brother N FTaylor of Augusta Kansas are visit

eing the families of W G SmithA N Taylor

Miss Bcttie Wilkinson of Liberty isvisiting her sister Mrs J W Pelly

Oma Goode CampbellsvIlle is withrelatives here

Miss Rosa Hayes of Jamestownhere for a few days enroute for Wilmore to attend the campmeeting

W B Taylor and son of Versaillesand his sister Mrs Ella Taylor Stone

IItot North Dakota have been guests ofW G Smith and A N Taylor


prospectdcroprA singing is being conducted here

Saturdays and Sundays by Rev FrankHughes and W W Rexroat

Joe Hinston lost a horse a few daysago which is the second one recently

The school at this place openedMonday with a fair enrollment Be ¬

sides the trustees number of patronswere present L



JJQ h 1QmiiIIDYC a

i Blacksmiths +AND

W oodw orker r

Columbia KyI amprepared to do all kinds of

in my line and if you need re ¬BuggiesorbuggytiresMtiSfaction ¬

Newly Famished American Plan ILOG

Per Day

3lic oafeadCotefMEALS 25c



Wilmore Hotel-W M AMORE Prop

Gradyville Ken tuckU

THESE is no better place to stop

hotelGoodFeedstableGORDON MONTGOMERY

ttn vva naCOLUMBIA KY


DR M 0 SALLEE re DENTISTCareful attention given to me ¬

ohanical and prosthetic dentistryand dental surgery




RobinsonNorton F GoWHOLESALE

Dru Goods Notions EtcLOUISVILLE KY

Now is Tne Time toREPAIR HOUSES


Do not allow your houseinjure for the lack of Gutteringa Leaking Roof iJdF I make

Roofing and Guttering a specialtyI am prepared to do any kind of

repairwork in my line I usegood material and do my work atbedrock prices

Call on me

L V HALL Columbia Tinner

fletnaUie Insurance Go-



Assets 54000000 Surplus 8000000

oISPaydthan other firstclass companieswill write you a 20 Payment LifePolicy thereby guaranteeing to saveyou 5 full premiums and 5 years in time

On the basis of equal cost the ETNAGUARANTEES more insurancegreater extensions greater cash andloan values and greater paidup val¬

Isues at the end of equal periods of timethan any other companyPolicies absolutely incontestable after one year Nonforfeitable aftertwo years on limited pay policies

The LOWEST BATES of any firstclass company

For further Information call on oraddress W D JONES Ageat

Columbia K-


r S BTrr Propri-etorLHIBANONJ KY

This stand is located near the do-

st pot and meals are furnished at roil

hours at 25 cents per meal The besteatables the country affords Ele-gant slttlHg rooas for ladles


