THE ADAIR COUNTY NEWS VOLUME 4 i 501 UMBIA A v AIR COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY APRIL 24 1901 NUMBER 24 POSTUFFICE DIRECTORY J M Russell Postmaster Office hours week days 700 a m to 93i pm COURT DIRECTORY Clnausessions a yearThird In nay and third Monday in January third Monday In September SommonwealthsAttornoyNIl W Aaro- nSheriffJ W Hurt ClerkJno B Coffey j COUNTY CcuBTFirst Monday In each wont Judge J W Butler County AttorneyJasG rnett Jr ClerkT It Stults JailerS H Mitchell 0 Assessora ABradshaw SurveyorR T McCaffree School SuptW DJones- CoronerLeonard Fletchery 3KT CoOBTRegularcourt second Monday I ach month idgeJ W Atkins- orneyGordon Montgomery CHURCH DIRECTORY PRESBYTERINi BCBHTIUB STUEETROV T F Walton pastor Services second and fourth Sunday m evelY Snndaysehoolat9 each month bath Prayer meeting every v Light METHODIST BOBKSVLLB S TReTW P Cordon pastor Services first Sunday in each month Sundayschool every Sabbath at 9 a m Prayer meeting Thursday nightv B PTISTS GBBKJCSBOBQ STRBETRev astor Services third Sunday In each monthJ at 9am iandayschol meeting Tuesday nightJ OHBISTIN CAMPBKLL8VILLK P KElder L Williams First Sunday Iri each Pastor Services Sabbath at 9 am month Sundayschool overt Prayer meeU ng Wednesday nigh- tDODGES MASONIC COMTUBIA LODGE No 98 F and A IRegue ar meeting In their ball over bank on Frt lynlghton or before the full moon In each month 0KB VM T B STULTS Secj COLUMBIA CHAPTER R A M No 7meets first Monday night In each month J U MOBEELI H P W W BBADSHAW Secretary so a7S = SS C DS riJj ye 42r F t i 0E Also Dealer in FINE STETSON HATS AND ALL OTHER STYLISH BRANDSCI Remember the place 408 West Market atf flancock Hotel BURKSVILLE STREET Columbia Ky an JUNIUS HANCOCK Propt 0 fSTThe above Hotel hits het n rir forrthe rta fi- jiuot Tabli supplied with flu belt the uiarkei affords Rates runsomiblu Toad room Feed stable at tache dtiampiti T GOMMHRGIAL HTHJ lid bis JAMESTOWNiKY5 He HOLT VAU6HAN Proprietors 0 Toad above named hotel was recently opened hoe had fine run from the stunt Mrs Boltlookaaner sees that the tabland with the very best the market affords The proprietors arts attentive sad very poUt to my dingle data livery attached to the Terms Ver me teusoni dnyo Lebann Steam Laundry ed LEBANON KY the o 1 rFIOROUGHLY equfpne 4 ijKlerri I laundry nantVcrinducf iliVexri r 1 JT fenced workmen aDd di inj aslihr grade work as can be turned out uu > iiil place io the c entry Painmizti a home Institution Work or Adair T Russell Tapl r aud Green sullcit d w- WJOHNSTOJtSGO Pro REED do MILLER AgenlSt Columbia Kentucky I goodhealt1l he the Liveromach and Bowels IIjrr Th 1 leys TUitWlUvMt Pills for SMrnis lco pie iBufirOoAt t One a doss Sold by S r- r KILLING OF WITCHES Thrilling Account of the Trial of Hote ma the Indian Chief A Law- yer ¬ and an Able Minister AN INTERESTING AND TRUE STORY JJY J ate SCOTT rAms TEX I hIkportedtorTbeNerea In a beautiful valley six miles North West from Grant IT a snug little village situated on the Frisco Railroad thirty miles north of Paris Texas Is the home of a noted Indian jurist and preacher Solomon Hotema- n the witch killer who was tried during the present term of the federal court in Paris charged with murder A man of rare abilities and ownin hundreds of acres of grazing and farm ¬ ing lands Hotema who is a full blood choctaw became the leading man in all his country His witch killing feat wasa great blow to his paleface friends It is a striking instance of the force of heredity and early instilled belief He is fortyeight years old is well educated is an entertaining con- versationalist ¬ and a good writer He for the ministry in a Presby- terian College at Roanoke Va three After his return he was elected and held the office a number of consecutive terms He also was dls district attorney and was a member of the national council eight years At the age of forty Hotema took up the ministry and became a power in the church He had just returned from the general assembly of his church at New Orleans when be kill the Witches In Ills early boyhood he became imbued with the belief in witchcraft by hearing his father Capt John Hotema speak of it Ilotema being asked why half breeds and pale faces were not molested by witches replied that the witches cant shoot balls into them because they eat much salt the balls wont penetrate History shows he says that when thee pale face came to America he discov xed witches among the Indians andI that they bad been among them ever sinceThe Hotema case is one of the most celebrated cases ever tried in the Uni ¬ ted States being the first of the kind since the trial of witch killers in Newc He was the pastor of a church near his home and was veryc popular with the Hock whom he guarde as carefully and tenderly as a father would care fur his family Two years then were several deaths from Meningitis swung his flock and he be lievtd that two women and two men had placed an evil charm on the strick- en ¬ persons He accordingly called in a witch doctor and Sam Frye and began investigation The doctor after In many burning lots of roots herbs told Ilotema that five per¬ sons were implicated In bewitchlnghis flicU and that tht >y should be gotten f hi way or other deaths would w It iii retired tsihisfttudy arm p adill ag and earnestly that his duiWight be revealed W him by the Great Spirit He spent the night in reading the Bible and religious works henext morning he announced that duty had been made clear and that a would rid his country of witches called Frye to accompany him and taking his breach loading shotgun be- atarrrdut oh a murderous mission lit first slopped at the home of the Greenwoods and finding Mrs Green woodat home said Sister Greenwood folks all die soon have no church i g nng ro kill watches Doctor say u witch anal me kill you The wo- man begged for her life but the red Skinned Gospel wjout deliberately rais his gun and blew her brains out He then proceeded torthe home of is GSrmans Mrs Coleman was sit ¬ I ting lu brr room with thn baby in her fi arms when lie entered the room and called henijrtitdi She sprang up and tufted to runhUk hrfdrr she could a ach rbe4lo r hr shot hi r twice kin hr ifirittfhily IUd WunrtliiL thN bab > an111tHirdrwturcdttlt + brnty tnrrlNui ijig here hrmrtGrru o u fie1lUVt and of hits first victim intl idtlsatfim Near his home hq foo- ttarusherman whom the witch doctor hallmarked upd would have killed him then and there but the man plead so earnestly tnathe told him togu home would not kill hint Ml nHXtdav Lle i 1 i tllh Or- wa filCh 11 4 j te tItCUSo dy and brought to Paris and placed in jail where he has been ever since On Sunday before the tragedy Hote ma preached to his congregation about witchcraft and declared in a deploring manner that his people were going back fo the sorceries and practices of old instead of conforming to the ways of Enlightened people He told them that while he was praying be had seen witches coming through the alriin the shape of balls of fire Mrs Hotema testified during the trl al that their only child died a short time before the killing and for two weeks after her husband spent mos of his time in prayer reading the B and interesting passages about witch ¬ craft He would cry quite often and prayed that the witches might bebver come He interpreted the turning of Aarons rod into a serpent and other witchg craftThe killing of the supposed witches by Hotema is but one of many such killings which have occurred among the Choctaws in years past One of the most striking of these witch execu tions took place in Blue county on Bog gy several years ago Stephen Belvin a member of the national council had pneumonia and was being treated by a white physician Being a full blood and unable to speak English Mary Folsom a beautiful half breed girl was sent for to nurse and act as interpre ter and see that the medicine was ad ¬ ministered properly Belvin did notIi Improve and dismissed the white doc tor and called in a Choctaw doctor known as Blind Isom who was fat mous as a witch doctor He examined the patient and said he had been shot by a witch ball and that the girl who was nursing him was the witch He declared that Belvin could not recover unless he killed the witch with his own hands and hacked her to pieces Bels vin consented to carry out the sugges ¬ tion and was provided with a long blad- ed knife which he concealed under his bed cover While the girl was bend ing over the bed administering medi ¬ cine Blind Isom siezed and pressed her down until Belvin could stab her She was literally cut to pieces No ie ¬ punishment was ever inflicted tort this horrible crime There is now a law on the Choctaw statue books which makes it an offense punishable with fifty lashes on thet bare back to say that any one lsa witch that any one has been oewitcbed Despite the law however the belief exists among the full bloods and witch ececutlocs arc frequent in some beau- ties Let the report once get circula ted that sonic old woman is a witch and in a short time she turns up dead The full bloods believe that the witches shoot their balls in an invisa ble manner The victim does not feel any pain until the spell begins to work The witch balls are made difIerentlyI some are made from a grain of and another a blade of grass or it may be something else but the bullet or ball h> always very minute Wneu in tbeI diaguois of a case the doctor discovers that the patient has been bewItched he bleb to work to locate the witch He makes a fire with red oak bark sucks blood from the patient and d spurts it into the lire This will they claim cause the witch to become vio lently ill with colic Of course when person is bewitched suspicion rests upon some particular individual as theI witch After having gone through the incantation with the red oak barkn the party suspected hi watched and if he fails to become sick thou the doctor and his assistants mount their horses and scour the country until some one- s found sick with the colic or some otner ailment When lound the doc tor puts a spell on him in order to re lieve the person bewitched or kills him Beside this there is another way to dispel the evil charm A pit dug in the ground a little fire wade n it and a kettle of water set over the- re Into the kettle different roots are thrown Sticks are then placed across toe pit a blanket stretched cross and the patient placed uu the biauKet In this souse lie io thur fi ou hly steamed white theu witch due P fur suck one uioutuiui or oKod after auOiher uutu thewiuh uali to extract- ed While this ptoce sis guiuguu the to fttiuiiyuf the patient furor a circle around the pit and chadt It the lll Men t survives lJe must pay tots doctor S WLiHt 110 is able to pity or be will re lapse and have to Suffer many lioMbto rhinos iGVt H tuaYbn NSn t PitAad U tilt ui at att8 Ii w l tJ says that he had a right to kill as God directed him to destroy those whom he believed to be witches In killing the witches he claims that be was do- Ing the work Godcommissioned him to do and that he is not criminally re- sponsible for the killing During his confinement Hotema has written a bi ography and sketches in which he makes copious citations from the Bible to prove the existence of witches The trial continued several days and was given to the jury on the 10th inst It is believed that the jnry will acquit or disagree tSay Do you Know That the averge man counts time by pay days That no woman is as pretty as she sometimes looks That it you want to be successful dont squeal but root That the road to success is pave with good advertisements That whether life is worth living depends greatly upon the liver That a bright smile is a womans molasses that catches the flies That when a man marries he halves his rights and doubles his duties That a loaded pistol is a bad thing to fool with or to have a fool with That it never occurs to a boy that he will some day know as little as his fatherC1 That the sweetest girls are seldomest because they are at home busy at work That the best thing that can happen a man is to nave a wife who is also his chum That those who make hay while the sun shines are the most liable to get sunstruck That to go through life with no of humor is like riding a buggy without springs That good advice is good for the wayward boy but it is nothing like a is good whipping very often That you cant always judge by apa pearances The girl with a sailor hat probably never saw a rowboat That a mans friends often know of engagement before he and the girl most interested are aware of it That a palmist may tell all about the human hand but when it comes a poker band they have to pass That when a woman is in great t trouble she cries but when a man is deeply distressed he gets bn a drunk That much of the trouble in this country happens because men take toob much time to make money and too little to enjoy it That the reason why BO many people live beyond their means is because of the credit system They buy more than they are able to pay for Best Remedy For Rheuma- tism QUICK RELIEF FilOJt rAIN All who use Chamberlains Pain alm for rheumatism are delighted with the quick relief from pain It hit b- it affords When speakingof this Mr D N Sink of Troy Ohio sts Sonic tmn ago I hid a M verc attii k of rheumatism in my arm and shout- er ¬ I tried numerous remedies but got no relief until I was recommended- by Messrs Geo F Parsons Co druggists of this place to try Chambe- rlains ¬ Pain Balm They commend ed it so highly that I bought a botte was soon relieved of all pain I have since recommended this liniment to nany of my friends who agree withII that it is the best remedy foe mus- cular rheumatism In the market For sale by M Cravens tel The Plague- Notwithstanding numerous denials the plague exists In San Francisco and ten cases have been officially re¬ ported tiloce the beginning of the Year al of which were fatal The disease liar been confined almost ex ¬ elusively to the Chinese quarter The prevailing type is of the bubonic form mildly contagious hut may at anv time assume a virulent nature Viintunios measures wp at nc e taken t eradicate It Th itt has existed t4rrrGvtrtrtng t offlii It rlri olnce listen 6 h lOiX Tor two case hoer g rwn pat o u d puiIU > IItJJ hi Ui bftiiMi ri njN Pf1 rf January 1st 1900 all flf VCjl l wtre tc fatal The dlsdase may 00utymlld ly contagious but as much cannot ho aid of Its fatality F rtyl wo rawft during the last f arteen m0uthsaud all fatal Btatop it out Oriental da horror s stir aw ctfe r guest This JM r JiI l It j trqiF iUOVr > ruN t or He Kept Ills Leg Twelve years ago J W Sullivan of Hartford Conn scratched his led with a rusty wire Infiamation and blood poising set in For two years he suffered intensely Then the best doc- tors urged amputation but he write I used one bottle of Eclectric Bitters and 112 of Bucklens Arnica Salve and my leg was sound ono wen as ever For Eerptions Exzema Tetter Salt Rheum Sores ahd all blood disorders Electric Bitters has no rival on earth Try them TE Paull will guarantee satisfaction or refund money Only So cents The Farmers Home Fire insuranc Company Junction City Ky 200000 strong Insures all kinds of property I except steam mills hemp and tobacco Rates reasonable Insures against Fire Lightning and Wind Directord A MURRELL Agent- A N WELLS for many years with Continental General Manager Do not leave home on journey wIth- out a bottle of Chamberlans Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Ills pleasant safe and reliable For sale by MCravens The News now nas the most complete assortment of Stationary job material and equipments it has ever had We can please you 11 you need any thing in line A Testimonial From Old England I consider Glumbjrbi a s Cough Rem cdy the best in the world for bronchi tis says Mr William Savory of War rington England It has saved my wifes life she having been a martyr- to bronchitis for over six years being most of the time confined to her bed She is now quite Well It is a great pleasure to the manufacturers of Chamberlains Cough Remedy to be Role to publish testimonials of this character They show that great good being done pain and suffering reliev- ed ¬ and xaluable lives restored to health happiness by this remedy It is for sale by M Cravens PARSON MOSS CO BLACKSMITHS WOODWORKERS COLUMBIA KENTUCKY We are prepared to do any kind of work in our line in firstclass order We have in the business for 25 years and know how to do work Our prices are as low and terms as reasonable- as any firstclass mechanics We will take country produce at market value Give us call Shop near Columbia Mill Co I Columbia 4- AIQD Gampbellsville Stage Line GOOD STOCK COMFORTABLE STAGE SAFE DRIVER o Courteous Attention to Passengers Liavea Columbia a m and makes conn c with Louisville train Leaves Campbells vllle 32J pm just afer arrival of Lostlile train Diliyeicpi Sunday Calls a farcum ao promptly attended to Exp ess lOt Beedj D Aiiller GEORGE LEE Prop Drs R G Goldstein Optic Spj cia ists O 544 fourth We Louisville Ku uiiOlli1i ex UI ill Ill tllKK r 0 lt yr I Thesu getcuien are Professionals o leag ezperlenebtln shnspt thola eA Goldstein who was JsO nas ane ticfati iliruughoat Restock Th fines Glasses GaD Be farnUbtfd abort notice I Ors GalUstei1i EiIi71o y No- n 2 N t3t Jordan Uo to Gradyville and breed to the best stallion Kentucky at 1000 moneydue neighborhood ¬ himself to be one of the best breeders in Kentucky His colts have been thelState I will stand my two fine jacks at 7 to insure a mare with foal due when fact is or mare re- moved ¬ from The jacks I also sell the Chicago at 125 to 150 pr hundred When in and want the at the lowest prices call on inc I COUNTY 1894 Peacock I inI twentyone blues several of them be ing in model riogs If ou want some thing that will bring fancy prices breed to Jordan Mr of near owns three of Jordans colts that cannot be pur chased less each His colts have been sold to my certain knowledge from to OTTAU ANTEE colts to be sound or no pay 1GOV ST JOHN AND JOE money ascertained neighborhood alwaysbring Fertilizer Gradyville Lestgcods handle 1dents everything in the way of Dry Goods Hardware Osborne Corn Drills etc Give me a call W L GRADY Gradyville W T STEPHENS DEALER IX Dry Goods Notions BootsfShoes 1 aso keep a large stock of CLOTHINGwhich I have a nice line of MILLINERY on hands ELKHORN KENTUCKY GT BLACKLEY PENH IX Peacock Bascom Garnett for 150 100 GOO I his Notions Q S IIWOOD Independent Tobacco Warehouse BLACKLEY HURST Sc CO ATJOTIO 1ST SALES DAILY REURRNS PROMPTLY MADE 1119 to 1125 W Main St LOUISVILLE KY Four Mouths Free Mark Your Hints INDEPENDENT 5OOOO v For Nearest Correct Guesses on the Total Vote of Ohio on November S 1901 will be distributed to patrons of the Weekly Enquirer as follows For Nearest Correot Guess 60OO For Second Nearest Correct Guess 3000 tI ThirdIe Ie Ie 1500 tI FourthII rr 1000 1 tI FifthII II II 500 II Sixth II a 4OO II Seventh Ie 11 r1 300 I U N f1i20 8h100 amounting to OOOO 2OOO II II 200 25I a 6OOO Ie 1000 10 10OOO II 3060u 5Ie a 15300 A total of 4387 prizes ithigto50OOO In case of tie guesses prize equally divided Contest closes November 3 1901 The Total Vote of Ohio in 1891 was 795631 1892 861625 1893CI r 835604 776819 1895 846996 Columbia Groceries Buggies Machines Storage HOUSE was 103010 1897 864022 1898II 793169 1899II 920872 1900tI 1049121 GueSs what it will be in 1901 6OOO An additional prize of 6000 for any person making an exactly correct guess If there be more than one exactly correct guess the 6000 to be equally divided among them The Conditions areS100 for years subscription to the Weekly Enquirer entitles subscriber to one guess 1000 for ten yearly subscriptions secures ten gueaBOS 1000 for one subscription ten years secures ten Set No commissions or extra guesses For further particulars see Weekly Enquirer Send all orders to ENQUIRER COMPANY Cincinnati O rTvooeom 1 thVProlits I 1fo aee- 4Bncs I loath- Itsartoe uo- wU WP ¬ than I i 1896 M 4 a such Under our plan of selling carriage bug Thejobbee t rltb bei anufactureryoupap only the cost or V X youtake d X fullest assortment Our plan of Nia p Setif J 4 t r enstM l rt Sol ling Carriages Direct > tow res our ttiait MM One OBBiffetB JUtetrattd cauiecM ebsuhar n r irAde atg gsr YSQsfeech tHE COIUMWC CARRIAIE AW i 15 772 Miimlre fcs r t Gr

The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1901-04 …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt75736m158g/data/0074.pdf · THEADAIR COUNTY NEWS VOLUME 4 i 501 UMBIA A v AIR COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY

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J M Russell PostmasterOffice hours week days 700 a m to 93i pm


Clnausessions a yearThirdIn nay andthirdMonday in January

third Monday In September

SommonwealthsAttornoyNIl W Aaro-nSheriffJ W HurtClerkJno B Coffey j

COUNTY CcuBTFirst Monday In each wont

Judge J W ButlerCounty AttorneyJasG rnett JrClerkT It StultsJailerS H Mitchell 0

Assessora ABradshawSurveyorR T McCaffree

School SuptW DJones-CoronerLeonard Fletchery3KT CoOBTRegularcourt second Monday I

ach monthidgeJ W Atkins-

orneyGordon Montgomery



pastor Services second and fourth Sundaym evelYSnndaysehoolat9each month

bath Prayer meeting every v




pastor Services first Sunday in each month

Sundayschool every Sabbath at 9 a m Prayer

meeting ThursdaynightvB PTISTS

GBBKJCSBOBQ STRBETRevastor Services third Sunday In each monthJ

at 9amiandayscholmeeting Tuesday nightJ



First Sunday Iri eachPastor Services

Sabbath at 9 ammonth Sundayschool overtPrayer meeU ng Wednesday nigh-



COMTUBIA LODGE No 98 F and A IReguear meeting In their ball over bank on Frt

lynlghton or before the full moon In each

month 0KB VMT B STULTS Secj

COLUMBIA CHAPTER R A M No 7meetsfirst Monday night In each month


W W BBADSHAW Secretary



riJjye 42rF

t i 0EAlso Dealer in


OTHER STYLISH BRANDSCIRemember the place 408 West Market



Columbia Ky an

JUNIUS HANCOCK Propt0fSTThe above Hotel hits het n rir

forrthe rtafi-

jiuot Tabli supplied with flu beltthe uiarkei affords Rates runsomibluToad room Feed stable attache






HOLT VAU6HAN Proprietors

0Toad above named hotel was recently openedhoe had fine run from the stunt Mrs

Boltlookaanersees that the tablandwith the very best the market affords Theproprietors arts attentive sad very poUt to mydingledata livery attached to the Terms Ver

meteusoni dnyoLebann Steam Laundry ed



1 rFIOROUGHLY equfpne 4 ijKlerri I

laundry nantVcrinducf iliVexri r1 JT

fenced workmen aDd di inj aslihrgrade work as can be turned out uu > iiilplace io the c entry Painmizti ahome Institution Work or Adair TRussell Tapl r aud Green sullcit d



Columbia Kentucky

I goodhealt1l hethe Liveromach and Bowels IIjrr Th

1 leys TUitWlUvMt Pills for SMrnis lcopie iBufirOoAt t One a doss Sold by




Thrilling Account of the Trial of Hotema the Indian Chief A Law-


and an Able Minister



hIkportedtorTbeNereaIn a beautiful valley six miles

North West from Grant I T a snuglittle village situated on the FriscoRailroad thirty miles north of ParisTexas Is the home of a noted Indianjurist and preacher Solomon Hotema-

n the witch killer who was tried duringthe present term of the federal courtin Paris charged with murder

A man of rare abilities and owninhundreds of acres of grazing and farm ¬

ing lands Hotema who is a fullblood choctaw became the leading manin all his country His witch killingfeat wasa great blow to his palefacefriends It is a striking instance ofthe force of heredity and early instilledbelief He is fortyeight years old iswell educated is an entertaining con-


and a good writer Hefor the ministry in a Presby-

terian College at Roanoke Va threeAfter his return he was elected

and held the office a number ofconsecutive terms He also was dlsdistrict attorney and was a member ofthe national council eight years

At the age of forty Hotema took upthe ministry and became a power inthe church He had just returnedfrom the general assembly of hischurch at New Orleans when be kill

the Witches In Ills early boyhoodhe became imbued with the belief inwitchcraft by hearing his father CaptJohn Hotema speak of it

Ilotema being asked why half breedsand pale faces were not molested bywitches replied that the witches cantshoot balls into them because they eat

much salt the balls wont penetrateHistory shows he says that when theepale face came to America he discovxed witches among the Indians andIthat they bad been among them ever


Hotema case is one of the mostcelebrated cases ever tried in the Uni ¬

ted States being the first of the kindsince the trial of witch killers in Newc

He was the pastor of achurch near his home and was verycpopular with the Hock whom he guarde

as carefully and tenderly as a fatherwould care fur his family Two years

then were several deaths fromMeningitis swung his flock and he believtd that two women and two menhad placed an evil charm on the strick-en


persons He accordingly called in awitch doctor and Sam Frye and began

investigation The doctor after Inmany burning lots of roots

herbs told Ilotema that five per¬

sons were implicated In bewitchlnghisflicU and that tht >y should be gotten

f hi way or other deaths wouldw It iii retired tsihisfttudy

arm p adillag and earnestly that hisduiWight be revealed W him by theGreat Spirit He spent the night inreading the Bible and religious works

henext morning he announced thatduty had been made clear and that awould rid his country of witchescalled Frye to accompany him and

taking his breach loading shotgun be-

atarrrdut oh a murderous mission

lit first slopped at the home of theGreenwoods and finding Mrs Greenwoodat home said Sister Greenwood

folks all die soon have no church ig nng ro kill watches Doctor say

u witch anal me kill you The wo-

man begged for her life but the redSkinned Gospel wjout deliberately rais

his gun and blew her brains outHe then proceeded torthe home of is

GSrmans Mrs Coleman was sit¬ I

ting lu brr room with thn baby in her fi

arms when lie entered the room andcalled henijrtitdi She sprang up andtufted to runhUk hrfdrr she could aach rbe4lo r hrshot hi r twice kin

hr ifirittfhily IUd WunrtliiL thNbab> an111tHirdrwturcdttlt + brnty

tnrrlNui ijig here hrmrtGrruo u fie1lUVt and of hits first victim

intl idtlsatfim Near his home hq foo-ttarusherman whom the witch doctorhallmarked upd would have killed himthen and there but the man plead soearnestly tnathe told him togu home

would not kill hint Ml nHXtdav

Lle i 1 i tllh Or-

wafilCh 11 4 j te tItCUSo

dy and brought to Paris and placed injail where he has been ever since

On Sunday before the tragedy Hotema preached to his congregation aboutwitchcraft and declared in a deploringmanner that his people were goingback fo the sorceries and practices ofold instead of conforming to the waysof Enlightened people He told themthat while he was praying be had seenwitches coming through the alriin theshape of balls of fire

Mrs Hotema testified during the trlal that their only child died a shorttime before the killing and for twoweeks after her husband spent mosof his time in prayer reading the Band interesting passages about witch ¬

craft He would cry quite often andprayed that the witches might bebvercome He interpreted the turning of

Aarons rod into a serpent and otherwitchgcraftThekilling of the supposed witches

by Hotema is but one of many suchkillings which have occurred amongthe Choctaws in years past One of themost striking of these witch executions took place in Blue county on Boggy several years ago Stephen Belvina member of the national council hadpneumonia and was being treated by awhite physician Being a full bloodand unable to speak English Mary

Folsom a beautiful half breed girl was

sent for to nurse and act as interpreter and see that the medicine was ad¬

ministered properly Belvin did notIiImprove and dismissed the white doctor and called in a Choctaw doctorknown as Blind Isom who was fatmous as a witch doctor He examinedthe patient and said he had been shotby a witch ball and that the girl whowas nursing him was the witch Hedeclared that Belvin could not recoverunless he killed the witch with his ownhands and hacked her to pieces Belsvin consented to carry out the sugges ¬

tion and was provided with a long blad-

ed knife which he concealed under hisbed cover While the girl was bending over the bed administering medi¬

cine Blind Isom siezed and pressed herdown until Belvin could stab herShe was literally cut to pieces No ie ¬

punishment was ever inflicted tortthis horrible crime

There is now a law on the Choctawstatue books which makes it an offensepunishable with fifty lashes on thetbare back to say that any one lsa witch

that any one has been oewitcbedDespite the law however the beliefexists among the full bloods and witchececutlocs arc frequent in some beau-

ties Let the report once get circulated that sonic old woman is a witchand in a short time she turns up dead

The full bloods believe that thewitches shoot their balls in an invisable manner The victim does not feelany pain until the spell begins to workThe witch balls are made difIerentlyIsome are made from a grain of andanother a blade of grass or it may besomething else but the bullet or ballh> always very minute Wneu in tbeIdiaguois of a case the doctor discoversthat the patient has been bewItchedhe bleb to work to locate the witchHe makes a fire with red oak barksucks blood from the patient and d

spurts it into the lire This will theyclaim cause the witch to become violently ill with colic Of course when

person is bewitched suspicion restsupon some particular individual as theIwitch After having gone throughthe incantation with the red oak barknthe party suspected hi watched and ifhe fails to become sick thou the doctorand his assistants mount their horsesand scour the country until some one-

s found sick with the colic or someotner ailment When lound the doctor puts a spell on him in order to relieve the person bewitched or killshim Beside this there is anotherway to dispel the evil charm A pit

dug in the ground a little fire waden it and a kettle of water set over the-re Into the kettle different roots

are thrown Sticks are then placedacross toe pit a blanket stretched

cross and the patient placed uu thebiauKet In this souse lie io thurfiou hly steamed white theu witch due P

fur suck one uioutuiui or oKod afterauOiher uutu thewiuh uali to extract-ed While this ptoce sis guiuguu the tofttiuiiyuf the patient furor a circlearound the pit and chadt It the lllMen t survives lJe must pay tots doctor S

WLiHt 110 is able to pity or be will relapse and have to Suffer many lioMbtorhinos

iGVt H tuaYbn NSn tPitAad U tilt ui at att8 Ii


l tJ

says that he had a right to kill as God

directed him to destroy those whom

he believed to be witches In killingthe witches he claims that be was do-

Ing the work Godcommissioned him todo and that he is not criminally re-

sponsible for the killing During hisconfinement Hotema has written a bi

ography and sketches in which hemakes copious citations from the Bibleto prove the existence of witches

The trial continued several days andwas given to the jury on the 10th instIt is believed that the jnry will acquitor disagree

tSay Do you Know

That the averge man counts timeby pay days

That no woman is as pretty as shesometimes looks

That it you want to be successful

dont squeal but root

That the road to success is pavewith good advertisements

That whether life is worth livingdepends greatly upon the liver

That a bright smile is a womansmolasses that catches the flies

That when a man marries he halveshis rights and doubles his duties

That a loaded pistol is a bad thingto fool with or to have a fool with

That it never occurs to a boy thathe will some day know as little as hisfatherC1That the sweetest girls are seldomest

because they are at home busy atwork

That the best thing that can happena man is to nave a wife who is also

his chum

That those who make hay while thesun shines are the most liable to getsunstruck

That to go through life with no

of humor is like riding a buggywithout springs

That good advice is good for thewayward boy but it is nothing like a isgood whipping very often

That you cant always judge by apapearances The girl with a sailor hatprobably never saw a rowboat

That a mans friends often know of

engagement before he and the girlmost interested are aware of it

That a palmist may tell all aboutthe human hand but when it comes

a poker band they have to pass

That when a woman is in great t

trouble she cries but when a man isdeeply distressed he gets bn a drunk

That much of the trouble in thiscountry happens because men take toobmuch time to make money and too

little to enjoy itThat the reason why BO many people

live beyond their means is because of

the credit system They buy morethan they are able to pay for

Best Remedy For Rheuma-


All who use Chamberlains Painalm for rheumatism are delighted

with the quick relief from pain It hit b-

it affords When speakingof this MrD N Sink of Troy Ohio stsSonic tmn ago I hid a M verc attii k

of rheumatism in my arm and shout-er


I tried numerous remedies butgot no relief until I was recommended-by Messrs Geo F Parsons Codruggists of this place to try Chambe-rlains


Pain Balm They commended it so highly that I bought a botte

was soon relieved of all pain I havesince recommended this liniment tonany of my friends who agree withII

that it is the best remedy foe mus-cular rheumatism In the market Forsale by M Cravens


The Plague-

Notwithstanding numerous denialsthe plague exists In San Franciscoand ten cases have been officially re¬

ported tiloce the beginning of theYear al of which were fatal Thedisease liar been confined almost ex¬

elusively to the Chinese quarter Theprevailing type is of the bubonic formmildly contagious hut may at anvtime assume a virulent natureViintunios measures wp at nc etaken t eradicate It Th itt hasexisted t4rrrGvtrtrtng t offlii It

rlri olnce listen 6 h lOiX Tortwo case hoer g rwn pat o u dpuiIU > IItJJ hi Ui bftiiMi ri njN Pf1 rf

January 1st 1900 all flf VCjl l wtre tcfatal The dlsdase may 00utymlldly contagious but as much cannot ho

aid of Its fatality F rtyl wo rawftduring the last f arteen m0uthsaudall fatal Btatop it out Oriental da

horror s stir a w ctfe r guest

This JM r JiI l It j trqiFiUOVr > ruN

t or

He Kept Ills LegTwelve years ago J W Sullivan of

Hartford Conn scratched his led

with a rusty wire Infiamation andblood poising set in For two years hesuffered intensely Then the best doc-

tors urged amputation but hewrite I used one bottle of EclectricBitters and 112 of Bucklens ArnicaSalve and my leg was sound ono wenas ever For Eerptions Exzema

Tetter Salt Rheum Sores ahd allblood disorders Electric Bitters has no

rival on earth Try them T E Paullwill guarantee satisfaction or refundmoney Only So cents

The Farmers Home Fire insurancCompany Junction City Ky 200000strong Insures all kinds of property I

except steam mills hemp and tobacco

Rates reasonable Insures againstFire Lightning and Wind

DirectordA MURRELL Agent-

A N WELLS for many years withContinental General Manager

Do not leave home on journey wIth-

out a bottle of Chamberlans Colic

Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Illspleasant safe and reliable For saleby MCravens

The News now nas the most completeassortment of Stationary job materialand equipments it has ever had Wecan please you 11 you need any thing in


A Testimonial From Old EnglandI consider Glumbjrbi a s Cough Rem

cdy the best in the world for bronchitis says Mr William Savory of Warrington England It has saved my

wifes life she having been a martyr-

to bronchitis for over six years beingmost of the time confined to her bed

She is now quite Well It is a greatpleasure to the manufacturers of

Chamberlains Cough Remedy to beRole to publish testimonials of thischaracter They show that great good

being done pain and suffering reliev-ed


and xaluable lives restored to healthhappiness by this remedy It is

for sale by M Cravens





We are prepared to doany kind of work in

our line in firstclass order We havein the business for 25 years and

know how to do workOur prices are as low

and terms as reasonable-as any firstclass mechanics We will

take country produceat market value Give

us call Shop near Columbia Mill Co

I Columbia 4-


Gampbellsville Stage Line



Courteous Attention to Passengers

Liavea Columbia a m and makes conn cwith Louisville train Leaves Campbells

vllle 32J pm just afer arrival of Lostliletrain

Diliyeicpi Sunday Calls a farcum aopromptly attended to Exp ess lOt Beedj D

AiillerGEORGE LEE Prop

Drs R G Goldstein

Optic Spj cia istsO

544 fourth We Louisville Ku

uiiOlli1i exUI ill Ill tllKK r 0

lt yrI

Thesu getcuien are Professionals o leagezperlenebtln shnspt thola e A Goldstein

who was JsO nas ane ticfati iliruughoatRestock Th fines Glasses GaD Be farnUbtfd

abort noticeI

Ors GalUstei1i EiIi71o y No-n

2 Nt3t


Uo to Gradyville and breed to the best stallionKentucky at 1000

moneydueneighborhood ¬

himself to be one of the best breedersin Kentucky His colts have been

thelStateI will stand my two fine jacks at 7

to insure a mare with foal duewhen fact is or mare re-


from The jacks

I also sell the Chicago at125 to 150 pr hundred When in

and want the atthe lowest prices call on inc I



Peacock I

inItwentyone blues several of them being in model riogs If ou want something that will bring fancy pricesbreed to Jordan Mr

of near owns threeof Jordans colts that cannot be purchased less each Hiscolts have been sold to my certainknowledge from to OTTAU

ANTEE colts to be sound or no pay





Gradyville Lestgcodshandle

1dentseverything in the way of Dry Goods

HardwareOsborne Corn Drills etcGive me a call

W L GRADY Gradyville


Dry Goods Notions BootsfShoes1 aso keep a large stock of

CLOTHINGwhichI have a nice line of MILLINERY on hands



Peacock BascomGarnett

for 150

100 GOO Ihis



S IIWOODIndependent Tobacco Warehouse



1119 to 1125 W Main St LOUISVILLE KYFour Mouths Free



For Nearest Correct Guesses on the Total Vote of Ohio on November S

1901 will be distributed to patrons of the Weekly Enquirer as follows

For Nearest Correot Guess 60OOFor Second Nearest Correct Guess 3000

tI ThirdIe Ie Ie 1500tI FourthII rr 1000 1tI FifthII II II 500II Sixth II a 4OOII Seventh Ie 11 r1 300I

UN f1i20 8h100 amounting to


II II 200 25Ia6OOO

Ie 1000 10 10OOOII 3060u 5Ie a 15300

A total of 4387 prizes ithigto50OOOIn case of tie guesses prize equally dividedContest closes November 3 1901The Total Vote of Ohio in

1891 was 7956311892 8616251893CI r 835604

7768191895 846996


Groceries BuggiesMachines


was 1030101897 8640221898II 7931691899II 9208721900tI 1049121

GueSs what it will be in 1901

6OOOAn additional prize of 6000 for any person making an exactly correct

guess If there be more than one exactly correct guess the 6000 to beequally divided among themThe Conditions areS100 for years subscription to the Weekly

Enquirer entitles subscriber to one guess1000 for ten yearly subscriptions secures ten gueaBOS1000 for one subscription ten years secures ten Set

No commissions or extra guesses For further particulars see WeeklyEnquirer Send all orders to ENQUIRER COMPANY Cincinnati O

rTvooeom1 thVProlitsI 1fo aee-


I loath-Itsartoe







1896 M4


Under our plan of selling carriage bugThejobbee trltb bei anufactureryoupap only the cost or

VX youtake dX fullest assortment Our plan of


J4 t r

enstMl rt

Sol ling Carriages Direct >tow res our ttiait

MM One OBBiffetB JUtetrattd cauiecM ebsuharnr irAde atg gsrYSQsfeech

tHE COIUMWC CARRIAIE AW i15 772 Miimlre fcs r t
