IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa Software Announcement ZP10-0016, dated January 12, 2010 IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa Software Announcement ZP10-0016 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 1 V6R2010x opens V6 APIs to the entire ecosystem and furthers adoption with continued progress for industries, mid-market, and non-experts Table of contents 1 Overview 27 Technical information 5 Key prerequisites 29 Ordering information 5 Planned availability date 45 Terms and conditions 6 Description 48 Prices 16 Product positioning 49 Announcement countries 17 Program number At a glance PLM 2.0 is the next step in the evolution of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), and the V6 "online-for-all" platform is the best way to get there. V6 PLM offers: Global collaborative innovation, expanding PLM to include business users and consumers in the product life cycle, using the language of 3D and the power of online communities Lifelike experience with 3D products looking and behaving as in real life, plus an intuitive interface that mimics real life to find, communicate, collaborate, and experience products in 3D A single PLM platform for managing intellectual property (IP) with modeling applications that span all engineering disciplines and business processes Collaborative online creation in real time using Web technology, while bringing product requirements together with functional, logical, and physical (RFLP) definitions of the product Ready-to-use PLM business processes that consolidate engineering and enterprise best practices Lower cost of ownership with a single database, an SOA, and ease of installation V6R2010x continues to open and deliver PLM 2.0 for all industries and furthers the ability for creators, collaborators, and consumers to participate in the product life cycle online using 3D. V6R2010x opens CATIA and ENOVIA V6 APIs to the developer community, enables ENOVIA SmarTeam V5 customers to smoothly transition their CATIA data to V6, allows the repurposing of 3D content online directly from CATIA and ENOVIA 3DLive, and adds new intuitive applications for non-experts. Overview The V6 Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) portfolio delivers a single, open, and scalable SOA platform that spans the complete business enterprise. It natively delivers the engineering, manufacturing, and simulation applications needed to enable users to remotely create and collaborate online. Global collaborative innovation V6 gives anyone who has a stake in the product the ability to participate in its life cycle. It offers unparalleled breadth of collaboration because it embraces the product's creators and its ecosystem, such as people in procurement or marketing

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IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa Software AnnouncementZP10-0016, dated January 12, 2010

IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 1

V6R2010x opens V6 APIs to the entire ecosystemand furthers adoption with continued progress forindustries, mid-market, and non-expertsTable of contents

1 Overview 27 Technical information 5 Key prerequisites 29 Ordering information 5 Planned availability date 45 Terms and conditions 6 Description 48 Prices 16 Product positioning 49 Announcement countries 17 Program number

At a glance

PLM 2.0 is the next step in the evolution of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM),and the V6 "online-for-all" platform is the best way to get there. V6 PLM offers:

• Global collaborative innovation, expanding PLM to include business users andconsumers in the product life cycle, using the language of 3D and the power ofonline communities

• Lifelike experience with 3D products looking and behaving as in real life, plus anintuitive interface that mimics real life to find, communicate, collaborate, andexperience products in 3D

• A single PLM platform for managing intellectual property (IP) with modelingapplications that span all engineering disciplines and business processes

• Collaborative online creation in real time using Web technology, while bringingproduct requirements together with functional, logical, and physical (RFLP)definitions of the product

• Ready-to-use PLM business processes that consolidate engineering and enterprisebest practices

• Lower cost of ownership with a single database, an SOA, and ease of installation

V6R2010x continues to open and deliver PLM 2.0 for all industries and furthers theability for creators, collaborators, and consumers to participate in the product lifecycle online using 3D. V6R2010x opens CATIA and ENOVIA V6 APIs to the developercommunity, enables ENOVIA SmarTeam V5 customers to smoothly transition theirCATIA data to V6, allows the repurposing of 3D content online directly from CATIAand ENOVIA 3DLive, and adds new intuitive applications for non-experts.


The V6 Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) portfolio delivers a single, open, andscalable SOA platform that spans the complete business enterprise. It nativelydelivers the engineering, manufacturing, and simulation applications needed toenable users to remotely create and collaborate online.

Global collaborative innovation

V6 gives anyone who has a stake in the product the ability to participate in itslife cycle. It offers unparalleled breadth of collaboration because it embraces theproduct's creators and its ecosystem, such as people in procurement or marketing

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IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 2

inside or outside the enterprise, as well as consumers. Because it uses the universallanguage of 3D, everybody can participate in a product's life cycle.

V6 enables viral collaboration. Online communities can form in an impromptufashion, allowing people to connect, exchange views, chat, and act on the fly in 3D.

With global collaborative innovation, companies can maximize their intellectualassets to drive the best innovative practices.

Lifelike experience

V6 allows the virtual product to mirror real life. Products look realistic (throughrendering) and behave as they would in real life because the model contains thephysics.

Additionally, the V6 interface is intuitive. Any user can easily search for information,communicate, collaborate, and experience products online in 3D.

A single PLM platform for intellectual property management

The sheer volume of IP necessitates strong IP management capabilities acrossa product's life cycle. The V6 PLM platform delivers a federated view and accessto all relevant knowledge, whether the information is in the PLM system, anotherenterprise application, or from an unstructured data source. This harnesses thecollective intelligence of the extended enterprise. V6 merges the various ENOVIAcollaboration capabilities, including those of earlier versions of MatrixOne, VPLM, andENOVIA SmarTeam, into a single ENOVIA collaboration solution.

Online creation and collaboration

Product authoring and collaboration are enabled for real-time, concurrent workacross multiple remote locations over the Web. For example, a designer with CATIAon a laptop working from home can log in and directly edit a model residing on aserver in the office. Online collaboration also applies to the various views of productdefinition:

• Requirements

• Functional

• Logical

• Physical

Online creation and collaboration are also critical to any company seeking toimplement a global engineering and manufacturing strategy.

Ready-to-use PLM business processes

V6 covers PLM processes across a wide range of industries and unifies engineeringprocesses and all enterprise business processes. V6 industry acceleratorscapture the value within each industry and provide industry-specific PLM productdevelopment best practices and capabilities. As a result, deployments are faster anddeliver a return on investment sooner.

Lower cost of ownership

Having a single database for all applications dramatically reduces the cost ofownership and spurs efficient collaboration. From a CATIA perspective, designmethodologies remain similar to those employed in CATIA V5, minimizing retrainingcosts. In addition, embracing SOA standards allows easy integration with existingsystems and modeling of business processes without requiring programming skills,supporting an adaptable business model.

V6R2010x enhancements

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IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 3

V6R2010x continues to open and deliver PLM 2.0 for all industries and furthers theability for creators, collaborators, and consumers to participate in the product lifecycle online using 3D. V6R2010x:

• Opens CATIA and ENOVIA V6 APIs to the developer community

• Enables ENOVIA SmarTeam V5 customers to smoothly transition their CATIA datato V6

• Allows the repurposing of 3D content online directly from CATIA and ENOVIA3DLive

• Adds new intuitive applications for non-experts

V6R2010x delivers important product enhancements and industry solutions acrossthe full V6 portfolio - CATIA, DELMIA, SIMULIA, ENOVIA, and 3DVIA - in line witheach of the core values critical to enabling PLM 2.0:

Global collaborative innovation -- Expands PLM to include business users, as wellas consumers, in a product's life cycle, using the universal language of 3D and thepower of online communities. Enhancements include:

• CATIA Live Distiller to repurpose 3D content online directly from CATIA orENOVIA 3DLive. Users can publish their 3D models to online communities such as3DVIA.com in a single click so as to provide user-friendly content for consumers,as well as for other enterprise functions such as marketing. This opens the use ofPLM assets to new communities.

• The ability to use Digital Rights Management (DRM) to protect valuable 3DXMLintellectual property accessed with ENOVIA 3DLive. Using 3DXML - an open,standard-based format - Companies can view and share rich PLM informationamong different product stakeholders.

• An enriched CATIA Live portfolio to further empower the casual user communitywith intuitive 3D modeling. V6R2010x now allows users to compose newassemblies naturally and directly in a 3D environment as easily as drag-and-drop.

• Advances in program management, including resource management and allocationbetween projects and organizations to maximize utilization and profitability.V6 Program Management allows companies to provide global teams with theaccurate, real-time information they need to keep projects on track and respondto ever-shrinking product life cycles.

• The ability to assign, track, and manage issues directly in the 3D digital mockupduring design reviews, from identification of concerns to action completion. Thisprovides customers with a more efficient and robust design review process.

Lifelike experience -- Advanced product innovation requires both that a 3Dproduct be experienced as it appears and behaves in real life and that it has anintuitive interface that mimics real life. Enhancements include:

• DELMIA Live Assembly, which allows product designers to easily perform designfor assembly analysis. With its breakthrough film strip-like user interface, userscan create and modify motion sequences while enjoying a 3D lifelike experience asthey perform validation through simulation activities. Users can expect to improvethe quality of their designs and streamline the design for assembly process.

• DELMIA Live Device Behavior, an excellent tool for communicating conceptualmanufacturing plans to stakeholders, or collaborating with engineers and plannersthroughout the extended enterprise. Stakeholders can immerse themselves in thevirtual manufacturing cell, and define and simulate how machines will execute theplanned manufacturing processes.

• Expanded lifelike experience capabilities in Virtual Design to generalize direct3D intuitive and contextual manipulation. The use of live 3D manipulators nowextends beyond mechanical and surface design to the CATIA equipment domain,including in piping and tubing (for example, for easy routing) and in electricalharness flattening (for example, for easy positioning).

• A new paper space feature that provides a WYSIWYG capability, transforming the3DVIA Composer display into a preview of the final document layout. This ensuresthe consistent layout and delivery of content regardless of user display resolutionsfor 3D documentation or specified paper sizes for 2D published illustrations.

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IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 4

• For companies that want to benefit from using 3D as the master source ofinformation, enhanced support of 3DVIA Composer for CATIA V5 FunctionalTolerancing and Annotation (FT&A) data with new cross-highlighting capabilities.By providing interactive FT&A data that highlights the related surfaces for anoperation, 3DVIA Composer and 3DVIA Composer Player Pro ensure that theengineering intent is effectively communicated and understood.

A single PLM platform for IP management -- Harnessing a company's collectiveintelligence, a key aspect of PLM 2.0, requires a single platform that can federateall product-related knowledge no matter where it resides, not just within theengineering and manufacturing realms, but all the way from idea to productexperience. Enhancements include:

• SIMULIA DesignSight Thermal, which provides up-front realistic thermalsimulation of product components. A seamless extension of CATIA V6 productdesign, SIMULIA DesignSight Thermal represents another important step inallowing designers to easily perform robust realistic simulations with the sameAbaqus finite element analysis (FEA) technology used by expert analysts. Itcomplements SIMULIA DesignSight Structure, which is used for linear andnonlinear stress analysis. The SIMULIA DesignSight product suite is engineered forthe design community and does not require analysis expertise.

• Significant enhancements to SIMULIA DesignSight Structure, which provide up-front linear and nonlinear simulation of product parts. These include background/batch analysis that leverages multiple processors and the management andevaluation of simulations directly from ENOVIA 3DLive.

• New capabilities for enterprise users to search, navigate, and perform where-used analysis on data managed with ENOVIA VPM V6. This provides the extendeduser community, including partners and suppliers, with access to critical productinformation such as product attributes, representations, logical-physical links aswell as a 3D product preview, driving engineering and its ecosystem even closer.

Online collaboration and creation -- Collaborative online creation offersauthoring using real-time Web technology and brings product requirementstogether with functional, logical, and physical (RFLP) definitions of the product.Enhancements include:

• Significant advancements in collaboration capabilities between electrical andmechanical CAD due to a new automatic design change management tool. CATIACircuit Board Design now allows for flexible update monitoring of the physicalmock-up of a board assembly with real-time visual feedback on each update.

• Advanced process-driven authoring capabilities for piping and tubing (such as theability to author logical piping lines and use associated data in detail design orspecification-driven design) for improved productivity and quality in the design oflarge-scale installations in aerospace, shipbuilding, and other industries.

• Further improvements to the CATIA collaborative RFLP approach and to themodeling and simulation of multi-discipline systems. With this release, userscan explore multiple alternatives by replaying stored scenarios with differentparameters and then compare results.

• A new full-featured prismatic machining CAD/CAM solution tailored for the mid-market. This tailored solution includes 3D design, prismatic machining, and bill-of-material (BOM) management, enabling small- and medium-sized businesses toquickly experience the value of V6.

• Extensions to the rich V6 machining offering, with new finishing and high-speedmilling operations that help reduce machining programming time, execution time,and tool wear.

Ready-to-use PLM business processes -- Industry-specific, best practices enablea rapid return on investment (ROI) in PLM 2.0 implementations. Enhancementsinclude:

• A new Life Sciences Accelerator for Regulatory Affairs that allows medical devicecompanies to manage the submission of applications to global regulatory agenciesfor market authorization. This new solution complements existing ENOVIALife Sciences Accelerators. These accelerators support the introduction of newproducts on time and on budget. Companies can control changes of regulated

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IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 5

documents while managing all product related data for optimized collaboration.The ENOVIA Life Sciences Accelerators make the V6 platform a key success factorfor customers in that industry.

• Bulk material management capabilities for apparel product lines, collections,or seasons. This extends the existing apparel solution adopted by best-in-classcustomers worldwide. Leveraging these new capabilities early - when collectionsor seasons are defined in PLM - enables inventory pooling and reduction, lowercosts through aggregated purchasing, and material production and consumptioncontrol. In addition, V6R2010x allows users to manage and maintain a universallibrary of care instructions so that labels can be defined early in the designprocess to improve accuracy while ensuring products are compliant with differentgeographic and country rules.

• The ability to implement product quality compliance processes across variousindustries. New ENOVIA solutions provide a closed-loop non-conformancereporting (NCR) and complaint management process based on ISO. In addition,V6R2010x allows for corrective and preventive action (CAPA) tracking and auditmanagement processes.

Lower cost of ownership -- V6 offers a single database for all applications andembraces service oriented architecture (SOA) standards, thereby reducing the costof ownership and allowing easy enterprise integration. Enhancements include:

• The release of CATIA and ENOVIA V6 APIs to the Dassault Systemes developercommunity, the largest partner ecosystem of its kind. Now more than 6,500developers can build online PLM 2.0 applications.

• The ability for customers using ENOVIA SmarTeam V5 to smoothly transitiontheir CATIA data to V6, securing their investment in ENOVIA SmarTeam V5.Both migration from ENOVIA SmarTeam V5 and on-demand carry-over of V5component updates to V6 are supported, allowing for coexistence of ENOVIASmarTeam V5 and V6 projects.

• The ability to expand the number of 3D formats supported by 3DVIA Composerusing a new framework that enables high-quality, externally developed importerproducts to be plugged directly into 3DVIA Composer and 3DVIA Sync. Thisenhancement automatically adds new native 3D import options directly into theuser interface, providing a seamless and intuitive end-user experience.

Key prerequisites

V6R2010x runs on selected versions of:

• Microsoft® Windows(R)


• Sun Solaris

• Linux®

• Macintosh

Note: Depending on the V6R2010x product, the platforms on which the V6R2010xclient and server components run will vary.

Planned availability date

January 15, 2010

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IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 6


For additional information on the enhancements and new products introduced inV6R2010x, refer to the Additional details section.

Lifelike experience with 3DVIA V6

3DVIA Composer revolutionizes the product documentation process for enterprisesof all sizes:

• Reuses digital product definition data, including 3D design data and BOMinformation. Enterprises can quickly and easily automate their deliverableproduction processes while reducing costs and improving quality. With the abilityto automatically update content, 3DVIA Composer enables rich and interactiveproduct documentation to be produced concurrently with the design of theproduct.

• Delivers product information "everyware".

– Its easy-to-use desktop content-creation system allows 3DVIA Composerto quickly and easily automate the creation of assembly and disassemblyprocedures, technical illustrations, interactive 3D animations, training materials,marketing materials, sales tools, and more.

– A lightweight, open, XML-based architecture allows non-technical users tocreate associative 2D and 3D product deliverables directly from digital productdata.

– By seamlessly incorporating BOM data in the output deliverables, 3DVIAComposer supports users in sales, marketing, customer service, training,support, and manufacturing.

• Offers immediate productivity with long term value

– 3DVIA Composer is desktop-based in order to deliver immediate end-userproductivity. An ideal complement to familiar content-creation tools, suchas Microsoft Office applications, HTML and PDF, 3DVIA Composer is easy tolearn and use. For content consumers, 3DVIA Composer eliminates the needto learn a new desktop tool to access accurate and up-to-date deliverables.3DVIA Composer ties desktop and enterprise systems together for both contentconsumers and content creators. Because it has an XML-based architecture,3DVIA Composer can be easily integrated with any enterprise informationsystem, including PLM and enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications.

– 3DVIA Composer can be quickly and easily deployed on users' desktopswithout the need for expensive back-end infrastructures, either with or withoutintegration with PLM and ERP systems.

– 3DVIA Composer is the only system that delivers immediate return oninvestment while simultaneously it is a valuable long-term integration platformthat ensures consistency and accuracy across documentation processes.

• Provides a complete system for maximum productivity

– 3DVIA Composer is a desktop application for revolutionizing the creationof product deliverables. It provides a single, easy-to-learn and easy-to-useapplication designed for end users. 3DVIA Composer does not require CADknowledge or training. Intelligent views permit complex product procedures tobe effectively communicated using a minimum of text. Views can be annotatedand labeled in any way the user wishes. In addition, 3DVIA Composer allowsusers to create styles that can be applied to any content to ensure visualconsistency.

-- Animations including kinematics and reverse-kinematics, as well as high-resolution raster image formats, such as BMP, JPG, PNG, and TIF files, can becreated easily. Producing 2D line art as SVG and CGM files is quick and easywith 3DVIA Composer's built-in technical illustration capabilities.

-- Product information stored in ENOVIA can be directly accessed using thepower of ENOVIA 3DLive. Users can visually navigate and filter the 3D

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IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 7

product configuration and then import it into 3DVIA Composer to create orupdate documentation projects.

-- 3DVIA Composer allows users to control and manage access to theirintellectual property in 3DVIA Composer-generated deliverables. Using rightsmanagement settings, content creators can manage access control whenplaying content with 3DVIA Composer Player and can also use patentedSecure3D technology to prevent copying or theft of IP.

-- Interactive content can also be directly published to 3DVIA.com, where userscan experience the content online.

– 3DVIA Composer Player, a free utility, allows content creators to distribute3DVIA Composer content to any end user with the same high performanceas 3DVIA Composer. More robust than a simple viewer, 3DVIA ComposerPlayer offers content consumers a highly interactive experience with productdeliverables.

– 3DVIA Composer Player Pro offers a powerful API to allow users toquery, manipulate, interact, and display--in real time--3DVIA Composercontent integrated with data originating from external sources. This enablesthe development of 3D interactive custom applications and creates lifelikeexperiences anywhere the 3DVIA Composer Player ActiveX can be used.

– 3DVIA Sync and 3DVIA Enterprise Sync deliver sophisticated, XML-basedassociativity between 3DVIA Composer and any number of enterprise systems.With 3DVIA Sync, changes in metadata, geometry, BOMs, or manufacturinginformation can be updated on the desktop in 3DVIA Composer deliverables,guaranteeing accurate and consistent information. 3DVIA Enterprise Sync offersall of the capabilities of 3DVIA Sync plus the ability to control the processesthrough a command-line interface, allowing sophisticated integrations to beimplemented quickly.

– 3DVIA Check and 3DVIA Path Planning make product deliverables moreuseful and instructive by validating that the procedures can actually beperformed in the real world. 3DVIA Check offers dynamic and static clashdetection, allowing users to quickly qualify service and assembly procedures.3DVIA Path Planning can automatically create assembly and disassembly pathsfor parts and subassemblies to avoid collisions with the rest of the assembly.3DVIA Path Planning allows content creators to plan and guarantee access tocomponents within the assembly to service or repair them.

3DVIA Composer V6R2010x enhancement highlights

Lifelike experience

• Enhanced technical illustration capabilities: The new Paper Space featureprovides a WYSIWYG capability, transforming the 3DVIA Composer display into apreview of the final document layout. This enhancement ensures the consistentlayout and delivery of your content regardless of user display resolutions for 3Ddocumentation or specified paper sizes for 2D published illustrations.

• Enhanced and simplified user experience: The intuitive and easy-to-learnRibbon interface provides the option of organizing commonly used and advancedfunctions in a logical way that allows users of all experience levels to becomemore productive and proficient in 3DVIA Composer.

• Support for CATIA FT&A cross-highlighting: For companies using 3D as themaster source of information, enhanced support CATIA V5 Feature, Tolerancingand Annotation (FT&A) data now includes cross-highlighting capabilities. Byproviding interactive FT&A that highlights the related surfaces for an operation,3DVIA Composer and 3DVIA Composer Player Pro ensure the engineering intent iseffectively communicated and understood by downstream users.

Online creation and collaboration

Direct publishing to 3DVIA.com: 3DVIA Composer content can be directlypublished at 3DVIA.com as standard 3D content or fully interactive 3D documents.This information can then be shared with a large community of 3DVIA.com users. Inaddition, 3DVIA Composer offers effective functionality to help prepare models forsharing on the 3DVIA Mobile application for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

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IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 8

Lower cost of ownership

Interoperability plug-in: The ability to expand the number of 3D formatssupported by 3DVIA Composer through a new framework enables high-quality,externally developed importer products to be plugged directly into 3DVIA Composerand 3DVIA Sync. New native 3D import options are automatically added directly intothe user interface, providing a seamless and intuitive end-user experience.

Collaborative innovation with ENOVIA V6

ENOVIA V6 is the next-generation platform for enabling PLM 2.0 and harnessing thecollective intelligence among online communities. PLM 2.0 brings life to knowledge- from idea to product experience - merging the real and virtual in an immersivelifelike experience.

ENOVIA is a recognized leader in delivering collaborative PLM solutions. V6 mergesthe various ENOVIA collaboration capabilities, including those of earlier versionsof MatrixOne, VPM, and ENOVIA SmarTeam, into a single ENOVIA collaborationsolution.

The ENOVIA collaborative platform delivers the flexibility, open standards, scalabilityand industry-specific functionality that today's global companies need to tie togethermulti-discipline engineering groups and product development contributors fromother business roles.

ENOVIA V6 offers the following for PLM 2.0:

Global collaborative innovation: The future of PLM is about extending thebreadth and depth of collaboration. Everyone, regardless of location or status,can collaborate across business processes - from the lowest level of details acrossall engineering disciplines to the full product definition, bringing together RFLPdefinitions of the product.

Online creation and collaboration: Product creation and collaboration is enabledfor real-time, concurrent work across multiple remote locations with only a Webconnection. This is a major breakthrough for any company implementing a globalengineering and manufacturing strategy.

Single platform for IP management: On a single platform, V6 supports both IPmodeling applications spanning all engineering disciplines and collaborative businessprocesses (CBP) covering the entire product life cycle.

• CATIA, DELMIA, ENOVIA, and SIMULIA applications are built natively on thissingle, open SOA platform.

• Data management is supported for most mechanical, electrical, and artwork CADtools.

• V6 gives a unified, federated view and access to IP, whether the information is inthe PLM system, another enterprise system, or from an unstructured data source.

Ready-to-use PLM business processes: ENOVIA V6 covers PLM processes acrossmultiple industries, unifying engineering processes and all enterprise businessprocesses including program management, compliance management, and sourcing.The ENOVIA solution speaks the customer's language by providing the best practicesand capabilities specific to these industries: aerospace and defense, consumerpackaged goods, automotive, footwear and apparel, industrial equipment, lifesciences, high technology and semiconductor. ENOVIA V6 industry acceleratorsspeed deployment and reduces time to return on investment.

Lifelike experience: V6 delivers an intuitive interface critical to a fully immersiveproduct experience. A common interface across all applications brings IP to lifein 3D. Any user can search for information, communicate using the universallanguage of 3D, experience the product, and collaborate in an immersive online 3Denvironment.

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IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 9

Lower total cost of ownership - Breakthrough return on investment: Theflexible SOA architecture allows easy integration with existing systems and modelingof business process without programming skills, supporting an adaptable businessmodel. Industry-specific solutions capture the value within each industry andprovide the best and most tailored path to PLM. This will spur the adoption andevolution toward complete PLM strategies, and lead to breakthrough return oninvestment.

The ENOVIA domains

The ENOVIA portfolio is organized by domains, which are logical product groupingsbased on the business processes that they address. All products across thesedomains are built with the same technology and can be deployed separately ortogether as part of a single ENOVIA system. The ENOVIA domains are:

• Unified Live Collaboration

• IP Lifecycle Management

• Global Sourcing

• Governance

Unified Live Collaboration allows companies to deploy product life-cycle processesacross the extended enterprise by providing a single view of IP across all businessprocess domains, powerful collaborative process management capabilities, andan SOA that integrates with other enterprise systems. The domain contains thefollowing sub-processes:

• Data warehouse indexing and search aggregates IP across all businessprocess domains into a single meta-model so users across the extended enterprisecan easily and quickly find product IP based on key words and file content,regardless of how it was originally created.

• Business process management and execution enables collaboration involvingstakeholders across product development and identifies where the businessprocess needs to be modified to eliminate bottlenecks.

• IP asset federation leverages product information from other enterprisesystems by federating their IP into the context of product development businessprocesses.

• I-PLM collaboration studio provides the administrative tools to manage anddeploy the ENOVIA system with flexible tools that lower total cost of ownershipwhile fulfilling unique business needs.

IP Lifecycle Management eliminates costly product development errors byenabling improved cross-functional product design, manufacturing planning, andperformance simulation. Within the IP Lifecycle domain are the following sub-processes:

• IP work-in-progress manages the iterative vaulting of IP from engineeringtools so the latest information is available to design teams and cross-functionalcollaborators throughout the world and supply chain.

• IP asset release synchronizes specifications and BOMs from concept to planningto production, reducing errors and costs while enhancing quality and time tomarket.

• IP classification and re-use decreases costs and promotes knowledge transferby classifying IP for reuse.

Global Sourcing allows companies to leverage supply chain capabilities throughoutthe product life cycle and make their suppliers an integral part of productdevelopment. Within Global Sourcing are these sub-processes:

• Supply chain network capabilities allow companies to securely involve supplychain employees in the entire product life cycle.

• Collaborative sourcing implements a design-for-supply strategy with repeatableand standardized direct material sourcing processes that provide the latest

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IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 10

design information to the supply chain and valuable supplier quotation input toengineering.

• Supplier performance monitoring enhances the supplier partnershipby designing, implementing and tracking part qualification plans, supplierdevelopment plans, and scorecards.

Governance allows companies to launch enterprise-wide new product introductionson time and on budget. Within Governance there are a number of sub-processes:

• Requirements management captures customer needs and drives downstreamdevelopment by planning new products with the greatest market impact.

• Portfolio configuration management determines the optimal mix of productcapabilities to meet market demands and minimize engineering costs.

• Program management schedules and tracks all aspects of the productdevelopment process in real time as the work is completed (from creator tocollaborator to consumer), enabling visibility of milestone progress, resourceutilization, project deliverables, and potential risks and issues across theenterprise.

• Decision support business intelligence harnesses the organization's collectiveintelligence in real time with an immersive 3D environment and dashboards thatreveal issues in the product development process.

• Compliancy ensures that product development activities comply with governmentand industry regulations.

ENOVIA V6R2010x enhancement highlights

ENOVIA V6R2010x provides significant improvements in managing work-in-progressengineering IP and its release with enhanced and new cross-functional businessprocesses such as program management, requirements management, productquality, and materials compliance. In addition, improvements to the overall systemfoundation and sourcing processes further unify the ENOVIA platform throughout theextended enterprise.

Global collaborative innovation is supported more thoroughly by allowing theextended enterprise to access work-in-progress engineering data from DassaultSystemes and competitive authoring products through simple data navigation andwhere used analysis. As a result, cross-functional users can make better decisionsbased on the latest engineering progress. In addition, Microsoft Digital RightsManagement technology is used to ensure security of valuable engineering IP evenafter a file has been downloaded from ENOVIA 3DLive.

For the work-in-progress management of Dassault Systemes' authoring tools, userscan now assign, track, and manage issues directly in the 3D digital mockup duringdesign reviews. In addition, customers can transition their CATIA data managementfunctions from ENOVIA SmarTeam V5 to ENOVIA V6, since V6R2010x supports datamigration and/or on-demand references to V5 components within the V6 session tosupport coexistence of the two systems.

New and enhanced cross-functional business process support across all industriesfurther ensures that product IP is available for launch. A new resource supply anddemand process balances availability between projects and organizations. Productquality non-conformance and complaints can be tracked and resolved with correctiveaction and audit management. Industry-specific support includes apparel careinstruction library management during design and development, and bulk materialallocation during sourcing and production. For Life Sciences, a new process nowexists to track submission applications to global regulatory agencies.

Virtual design with CATIA V6

CATIA V6 offers, through a multidisciplinary approach, a full spectrum of virtualdesign capabilities and enables efficient design collaboration to encourage innovationacross the extended enterprise, far beyond traditional core engineering users.CATIA V6 delivers a world-leading solution for 3D product and behavior creation. Itputs 3D collaborative innovation at the heart of the company and helps accelerate

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its transformation toward a full PLM 2.0 approach, addressing all manufacturingorganizations.

Global collaborative innovation: CATIA V6 broadens CATIA usage beyonddesigners to casual users within and outside the engineering department. Ground-breaking collaboration tools enable 3D brainstorming within the community of PLMusers to reach a new level of innovation.

Lifelike experience: CATIA V6 introduces a paradigm shift to enable first-lifeexperience and brings 3D product design to life with unmatched realism. In addition,CATIA V6 offers compelling simplicity and efficiency with in-context 3D manipulatorsand natural 3D operations.

Single PLM platform for IP management: CATIA V6 harnesses collectiveintelligence, making the always up-to-date product definition accessible to thevarious communities from anywhere, at any time. CATIA V6 facilitates multi-discipline collaboration among designers, engineering users and manufacturing usersfrom one unique IP repository, making the company knowledgeware assets availableto all participants.

Online creation and collaboration: CATIA V6 reaches new disciplines with CATIASystems and widens the traditional scope of CATIA to requirements, functional, andlogical views of the physical product in a collaborative manner. This allows for directtraceability of the product from the beginning to end phases of creation. CATIAV6 delivers PLM objects that match collaborative design innovation, eliminatingheavy assembly files, enabling true concurrent design, and eliminating the need forintensive reference management between part, drawing, and products.

Ready-to-use PLM business processes: CATIA V6 opens new opportunities fornew industries such as consumer packaged goods, consumer goods, and high tech.The CATIA V6 product portfolio continues to cover more industry processes.

Lower cost of ownership: CATIA V6 protects the V5 investment. As a naturalextension to V5, CATIA V6 ensures a smooth upgrade and short ramp-up from V5 toV6. The transition to V6 is made easy by the use of the same modeler and ready-to-use migration paths.

The CATIA domains

CATIA organizes its V6 Virtual Design offering into the following domains:

CATIA Systems provides a single simulation platform for hybrid, multi-disciplinarysimulation. It reaches new disciplines and widens the traditional scope of CATIA torequirements, functional, and logical views of the physical product in a collaborativemanner.

CATIA Shape delivers a highly productive environment to easily capture andexpress shape design intent. It provides a complete set of tools to create, validate,and modify any shape type, from free-form styled surfaces to smooth mechanicalshapes, in a collaborative way.

CATIA Mechanical enables the creation of any type of 3D part, from moldedand forged parts, machined parts, and sheetmetal parts, to the final mechanicalassembly. It delivers all the tools needed to complete the product definition,including the ability to specify functional tolerances and annotations directly in 3D.

CATIA Equipment delivers a dedicated electromechanical end-to-end solutionfor designing and documenting electrical modules in all industries that designelectric, electronic, and electromechanical components. It reduces time and cost forcreating electrical modules directly in the digital mock-up, avoiding interferencesand creating up-to-date manufacturing documentation.

CATIA Knowledge and Re-Use accelerates a company's business processeswhile ensuring compliance with best practices and taking advantage of its collectiveknowledge. Users have access to advanced design parameters and knowledge

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capture and optimization tools that allow them to define standard rules and designquality assessment checks.

CATIA V6R2010x enhancement highlights

Global collaborative innovation: CATIA V6 empowers communities of casualusers to benefit from a live 3D portfolio that delivers major changes in 3D modeling.With V6R2010x, users can compose new assemblies naturally and directly in a 3Denvironment as easily as using drag-and-drop.

Lifelike user experience: CATIA V5R2010x continues to improve the lifelike userexperience while providing the CATIA community with full immersion into 3D design.Reaching beyond mechanical and surface design, CATIA now extends the use of live3D manipulators to the CATIA equipment domain, which includes piping and tubing,as well as electrical flattening.

A single PLM platform for IP management: CATIA V6R2010x delivers APIs tocustomize CATIA product usage. The V6 open platform can be used to customizeCATIA applications to fit specific needs and to extend the CATIA portfolio.

Online creation and collaboration

• Systems engineering integration with the V6 simulation hub -- CATIA V6has further improved its collaborative RFLP approach, along with modeling andsimulation of multi-discipline systems. With this release, it is now possible toconduct virtual experiments by capturing and reusing system simulation scenariosand results, enabling multiple replays using different parameters and comparisonof the results.

• Simplified product publication for 3D repurposing -- A new CATIA Livedistiller function makes it easy to create and publish simplified, user-friendlyrepresentations of complex models from CATIA or ENOVIA 3DLive. After extractingthe model at the desired level of detail, the designer can share it through onlinecommunities, such as 3DVIA.com, with a single click.

• A dedicated path to the 3D master process for 2D design offices -- Withthe new CATIA 3D Drafting and Annotation Product (TDA), companies can easilymigrate their 2D drawings and specifications directly to the 3D representation foruse as the future de facto reference.

• Improved usability and quality in surface refinement tools

– A new silhouette feature allows automotive designers to create new partsfrom the projected contours of existing parts. Among many uses, this functionsupports ergonomic studies of automotive interiors.

– The sew function, which is already available in the Part Design workbench,provides part optimization for body-in-white tooling and die processes byenabling surfaces to be reworked locally to achieve better quality.

– The Autofillet command in the Generative Shape Design workbench now fullyapplies to body-in-white processes that use thin sheet metal and thereforerequire different filleting radius values for concave and convex edges.

• A new product for complex piping and tubing design -- The new CATIAGenerative Piping & Tubing (PTA) product offers RFLP-integrated advanced pipingand tubing design applications for very complex design scenarios. It featuresspecification-driven design, rule-driven automatic part placement, and logicallines management. Through flex physical simulation, Generative Piping & Tubingproduces realistically shaped flexible piping and tubing designs based on thephysical attributes of the materials used and environmental behavior. Thesecapabilities combine to improve productivity and the quality of designs for large-scale installations across different industries, including aerospace, automotive,and shipbuilding.

• Strengthened collaboration in the high tech industry with a dedicated toolfor electronic boards -- Collaboration between electrical CAD and mechanicalCAD is significantly improved by a new automatic design change managementtool. CATIA Circuit Board Design now offers flexible update monitoring of thephysical mock-up of a board assembly with a real-time visual feedback.

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Ready-to-use PLM business processes: CATIA V6R2010x enables customersto fully benefit from the V6 portfolio, which has been consolidated to reduce thecomplexity of licensing and to achieve more of a role/industry focus. CATIA nowsupports companies developing large-scale piping and tubing systems in industriessuch as aerospace and shipbuilding, where complex product definitions must bedeveloped efficiently while insuring the integrity and quality of the design withrespect to logical specifications and standards.

Realistic simulation with SIMULIA V6

SIMULIA enables collaboration when performing virtual tests and complyingwith performance specifications. Its portfolio contains powerful tools that enabledesigners and engineering analysts to perform fast, accurate performance studies onparts, components, and products designed with CATIA.

Global collaborative innovation: Simulation results are leveraged throughoutthe enterprise to drive design performance and business-related decisions. Becausesimulation is often performed by specialist teams, it is particularly beneficial fora designer to collaborate with an analyst performing simulation. Immersive chatand the ability to create and compare snapshots facilitate easier and quickercommunication when determining the optimal design structure.

Online creation and collaboration: The online nature of V6 offers real-time,online access to simulation models and results. Models can be accessed anywhere atany time and shared within teams.

Single PLM platform for IP management: Users can manage and securesimulation-generated IP on a single platform, within a shared database. V6extends the concept of PLM from the management of product information to themanagement of simulation data and processes. The single platform is as importantfor making simulation information easily accessible across the enterprise as it is forproduct data. Ultimately, it allows simulation IP to be captured and leveraged in thefuture.

Ready-to-use PLM business processes: A key part of making simulation anintegral business process involves developing and deploying standard simulationprocesses and then ensuring those processes are used consistently across theenterprise.

Lifelike experience: SIMULIA V6 lets users experience physically realistic 3Dproduct behavior to accurately predict the behavior of a product under real worldconditions. Simulation provides a deeper insight into product behavior that not onlyallows the number of expensive physical tests to be reduced, but also increasesconfidence in the design.

Lower total cost of ownership - Breakthrough return on investment:SIMULIA V6 enables customers to consolidate applications by reducing the numberof different simulation tools employed by an enterprise.

The SIMULIA domains

The SIMULIA portfolio is organized by domains--product families organizedaccording to business processes.

Compliance enables virtual testing and the exploration of real-world productbehavior to ensure compliance with regulations or performance targets suchas safety, strength, durability, reliability, and manufacturability. The SIMULIADesignSight product lets designers who have minimal simulation knowledge assesscompliance with performance and manufacturability requirements.

Multiphysics Digital Lab is the state-of-the-art in simulation today. It supports theindustry's extreme diversity of multiphysics simulation requirements, dramaticallyreducing the need for physical testing.

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Open Scientific Platform is the foundation for the development of the lifelikesimulation ecosystem of V6. It provides an open architecture that supports partnerapplications.

iPLM Collaborative Innovation is a collaborative environment that allows usersto capture, manage, reuse, automate, and make decisions on cross-functionalsimulation and scientific data, processes, and IP over the entire life cycle.

SIMULIA V6R2010x enhancement highlights

V6R2010x introduces the SIMULIA DesignSight Thermal (DTH) product.

Global Collaborative Innovation: SIMULIA DesignSight Thermal enablesdesigners with minimal simulation knowledge to assess compliance withperformance and manufacturability requirements, as well as conformance withregulations and industry standards. An intuitive user interface and robust analysiscapabilities provide realistic feedback on product thermal performance.

Online creation and collaboration: SIMULIA DesignSight Thermal enablescollaboration between designers and simulation specialists.

Single PLM platform for IP management: SIMULIA DesignSight Thermalleverages the V6 platform to allow design and engineering teams to manage andsecure their simulation-generated IP.

Ready-to-use PLM business processes: Current products within the SIMULIADesignSight Product Suite (SIMULIA DesignSight Thermal and SIMULIA DesignSightStructure) support powerful declarative method templates that can be configured tosupport unique company processes.

Lifelike experience: SIMULIA DesignSight Thermal provides breakthrough usabilitycombined with robust and scalable realistic simulation technology that allows thedesign community to experience real-world behavior of their product as part of theirdesign process.

Lower total cost of ownership - breakthrough return on investment SIMULIADesignSight Thermal enables thermal analysis during product design, leading tobetter designs, less design iteration, and shorter time to market.

Digital manufacturing and production with DELMIA V6

DELMIA V6 delivers a 3D collaborative innovation and production experiencefor all participants in the manufacturing life cycle, from virtual process andsystem definition, workcell setup, optimization, scheduling, and operation, to themaintenance of real-time production systems. Collaborative manufacturing lifecyclemanagement (MLM) in the 3D virtual world brings all IP in the corporate communityinto one system. All participants can make correct and timely decisions by accessingup-to-date manufacturing life-cycle information in a way that makes it as fast andeasy as surfing the Web in the 3D virtual world of DELMIA. Process engineeringis accelerated to achieve maximum production efficiency, lower costs, improvedquality, and reduced time to market.

Global collaborative innovation: V6 makes manufacturing and productioninformation available to the dynamic communities of an extended enterprise.

Powered by the V6 single platform, the appropriate people in the global communityhave immediate access to people, teams, IP, and manufacturing assets. Thisaccelerates IP sharing and creation by expanding the knowledge network withcollaborative communities.

Lifelike experience: Through its unique and revolutionary 3D navigation ofmanufacturing data, V6 provides a natural 3D PLM environment for locating,viewing, and authoring manufacturing IP. Additionally, new and innovative PLMcontext-based 3D authoring tools provide a user-friendly experience when authoringmanufacturing IP. For example, V6 delivers a new experience in process planning

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where the planner can define an assembly process using a natural and intuitiveapproach within the 3D product environment.

A single PLM platform for IP management: V6 effortlessly connects all PLMenterprise business processes with a single platform, accelerating IP creationthrough the pervasive proliferation of all engineering and manufacturing informationand knowledge. A common user interface experience for all applications fostersactive participation of all stakeholders in the product and the life cycle. Context-based decision making is enabled by automatic change propagation that isaccessible by all communities in the PLM 2.0 environment.

Online creation and collaboration: Today's demands on global manufacturingrequire the power of V6 in a remote environment that enables users to connect,author, and collaborate to make optimum business decisions wherever theyare through Web-enabled authoring of manufacturing processes and real-timecollaboration with remote locations. V6 provides interactive Web-based access toall production assets including plants, resources, processes, and best practices,fostering innovation and collaboration with the global supply chains.

Ready-to-use PLM business processes: Companies can transform theirmanufacturing operations through ready-to-use, industry-specific PLM businessprocesses that capture the value within each industry and provide the best and mosttailored path for PLM 2.0 to drive innovation. Using these PLM business processes,manufacturing becomes an integral part of program management using common IP,predefined industry-specific workflows, and best practices.

Lower total cost of ownership - Breakthrough return on investment: Lowercost of ownership at both the IT and user levels is achieved when V6 is deployed.V6 delivers lower costs for an enterprise IT organization by reducing deploymenttime through simplicity of installation, maintenance, and management via a singleserver and database for all manufacturing and collaborative business processes.Additionally, the adoption of the V6 SOA architecture allows easy integration withexisting systems, and modeling of business processes with no programming skillsneeded to support an adaptable business model. At the user level, an evolved userinterface minimizes the training investment and time needed to achieve optimumlevels of user productivity.

The DELMIA domains

DELMIA organizes its V6 Digital Manufacturing offering into four domains:

Manufacturing Process Planning provides manufacturing communitiesthroughout the supply chain with comprehensive 3D process and resourceplanning solutions for creating and optimizing build-to-order and lean productionmanufacturing systems.

Plant and Resource Engineering supplies the tools to define and optimizemanufacturing assets concurrently with manufacturing planning, leveraging theunique DELMIA product, process, and resource (PPR) model.

Program and Controls Engineering applications virtually program, validate,and simulate manufacturing systems for the virtual commissioning of productionsystems.

Production Execution promotes flexible manufacturing by offering an accurateand reliable virtual production system to track real-time production activities,perform schedule changes, launch new programs, introduce model changeovers, andschedule maintenance operations.

DELMIA V6R2010x enhancement highlights

DELMIA Live Assembly (LAS): DELMIA Live Assembly delivers powerful toolsso the product designer can easily perform design-for-assembly analysis. With itsbreakthrough user interface, DELMIA Live Assembly delivers the power of validationthrough simulation to the non-expert product design user to help them improvethe quality of their designs and to streamline the design-for-assembly process.

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DELMIA Live Assembly allows users to take advantage of the powerful tools availableto process planners and detailers, but through a simplified, highly intuitive userinterface.

DELMIA Resource Layout (RLP): DELMIA Resource Layout enables users todefine resource topology. Combined with catalog capacity, best practices can becaptured and reused. Users can import existing 2D blueprints for detailed layoutdesign. Full drafting capability is available to define the resource area and to makeuse of 2D blueprints. A ready-to-use parametric resource catalog enables non-CAD users to create the layout quickly. Simple positioning tools can snap, align,rotate and distribute objects. An attachment capability lets users define attachmentsbetween resources to control movement. From 3D layouts, users can generate 2Ddrawings and then dress-up, dimension, and print them.

DELMIA Live Device Behavior (LDB): DELMIA Live Device Behavior allows non-expert users to immerse themselves in the virtual manufacturing cell to define andsimulate how machines will execute the target manufacturing processes. Its easy-to-use interface allows users to bring their manufacturing resource concepts to life,making it the ideal tool for communicating conceptual plans to stakeholders and forcollaborating with engineers and planners throughout the extended enterprise.

Using DELMIA Live Device Behavior during concept reviews is one of the ways thisproduct can greatly enhance the communication of ideas through the synergism of3D and simulation.

New NC milling operations: New high-speed milling and finishing operations canhelp reduce machining programming time, execution time, and tool wear. Threenew milling machining operations can help the machining enterprise both plan andproduce faster with better quality and less cost from cutting to wear.

Accessibility by people with disabilities

V6 products meet some, but not all, requirements of the accessibility checklists.Dassault Systemes supplies the input for the checklists, which are available byon the Accessibility Compliance database. Please contact Mary Ellen Francis([email protected]) for additional information.

A US Section 508 Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) containing detailson the products' accessibility compliance can be requested via the IBM Web site


Product positioning

PLM 2.0, "PLM Online for All," enables all users to imagine, develop, share andexperience products in the universal language of 3D while harnessing the collectiveintelligence of online communities.

• Define products, processes, and resources in an online virtual world where theybehave exactly as they would in real life

• Simulate how products will perform, be built, and experienced by the customerbefore you make any capital investment so the right market can be hit with theright product faster and with the lowest cost

V6 brings knowledge of the entire product life cycle to life, from concept toengineering, production, consumer use, maintenance, and disposal. Its single,open, Web-based scalable platform enables full engagement in global collaborativeinnovation practices. In addition to showcasing major advances in PLM, it makesavailable 100% of the most widely used capabilities from previous versions.

As the world leader in providing On Demand Business solutions, IBM is at theforefront of serving the PLM needs of small- and medium-sized businesses, as wellas top Fortune 500 companies, for more than 21 years. The key to this success isits ongoing strategic partnership with Dassault Systemes, the developer of CATIA,

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DELMIA, SIMULIA, ENOVIA, and 3DVIA - the products that lie at the heart of theIBM PLM solution set.

Hardware and software support services

SmoothStart/installation services

PLM Services, part of IBM Global Business Services, offers a robust portfolioof services to assist with the implementation of V6 PLM. Careful planning andimplementation are essential to getting the most from V6 PLM.

IBM can help with assessment, solution design, planning, installation, datamigration, custom application development, best-practices consulting, user andadministrative training, support, and project management.

For complete information on service offerings and how IBM professionals can assistwith the implementation of PLM, visit


Availability of national languages

V6 PLM is available in:

• French

• German

• Italian

• Japanese

Not all products are available in all of these languages.

Product integrated information (PII) is included on the code CDs for each operatingsystem at general availability. National language version (NLV) publications inFrench, German, Italian, and Japanese will be available after general availability ofthis release. Information regarding the availability status of the NLV publications isavailable at:

http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=886&context=SW860&uid=swg2701 7233

Program number

Programnumber Program name 5677-AFE CATIA Advanced FE Modeling5677-APS DELMIA Assembly Process Simulation5677-ASA CATIA Advanced Structural Analysis5677-BWF CATIA Body in White Fastening5677-C4P 3DVIA CATIA V4 Piping & Wiring Importer5677-CCK 3DVIA Check5677-CEG CATIA Composites Engineering5677-CFD CATIA Cast & Forged Part Design5677-CMP CATIA Composites Manufacturing Preparation5677-CNS 3DVIA Enterprise Sync5677-CPP 3DVIA Path Planning5677-CPS 3DVIA Composer5677-CSN 3DVIA Sync5677-DSR SIMULIA DesignSight Structure5677-DTD DELMIA Device Task Definition5677-DTH SIMULIA DesignSight Thermal5677-EFB CATIA Wire Harness Documentation & Formboard5677-EGA DELMIA Ergonomics Analysis

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5677-EGE DELMIA Ergonomics Evaluation5677-FPD CATIA Fabricated Part Design5677-FSD CATIA Concept Shape Industrialization5677-GSO CATIA Generative Shape Optimizer5677-IMS CATIA Imagine & Shape5677-KWA CATIA Knowledge Advisor5677-KWE CATIA Knowledge Expert5677-LAS DELMIA Live Assembly5677-LDB DELMIA Live Device Behavior5677-LIV ENOVIA 3DLive5677-MDB DELMIA Mechanical Device Builder5677-MSI CATIA Mechanism Simulation5677-NL6 V6 PLM NLV Softcopy Collection Kit5677-NMB DELMIA NC Machine Builder5677-PEO CATIA Product Engineering Optimizer5677-PIC ENOVIA VPM Interference Check5677-PKT CATIA Product Knowledge Template Definition5677-PTA CATIA Generative Piping & Tubing5677-PTD CATIA Piping & Tubing Design5677-RDR ENOVIA Studio Architect Edition5677-RDV ENOVIA Studio Developer Edition5677-REN CATIA Rendering5677-REV CATIA Reverse Engineering5677-ROP DELMIA Robotics Offline Programming5677-RSO CATIA Realistic Shape Optimizer5677-SFE CATIA Surface FE Modeling5677-ST1 CATIA Extended STEP5677-STA CATIA Structural Analysis5677-STL CATIA STL Rapid Prototyping5677-SUR CATIA Mechanical Surface Design5677-TDR CATIA 3D Re-Use5677-TOL CATIA 3D Tolerancing & Annotation5677-TUM DELMIA Turning Machining5677-VLC ENOVIA VPM Live Collaboration5677-VLT ENOVIA VPM Team Live Collaboration5678-AAD ENOVIA Collaborative Design for AutoCAD5678-ADI ENOVIA Collaboration for Adobe® Illustrator5678-ADT ENOVIA Studio Federation Toolkit5678-ADV ENOVIA Studio Customization Toolkit5678-AES ENOVIA Aerospace and Defense Accelerator for Program Management5678-APE ENOVIA Aerospace and Defense Accelerator for Program Experience5678-ARN ENOVIA Apparel Accelerator for Sourcing and Production Partners5678-ARP ENOVIA Apparel Accelerator for Sourcing and Production5678-ARS ENOVIA Apparel Accelerator for Design and Development5678-BYR ENOVIA Buyer Analytics5678-C2D ENOVIA Collaborative 2D Viewing with AutoVue Professional5678-C3D ENOVIA Collaborative 3D Viewing with AutoVue Professional5678-C4P 3DVIA CATIA V4 Piping & Wiring Importer5678-CCK 3DVIA Check5678-CDA ENOVIA Collaborative Design for Cadence Allegro5678-CFE ENOVIA Variant Configuration Experience5678-CGS ENOVIA CPG Accelerator for Global Specification Management5678-CIG ENOVIA Collaboration for IGES5678-CLC ENOVIA X-BOM for Rational® ClearCase5678-CMC ENOVIA X-BOM Component Reuse5678-CNS 3DVIA Enterprise Sync5678-CPC ENOVIA Component Central5678-CPF ENOVIA Live Collaboration5678-CPN ENOVIA CPG Accelerator for Integrated Product Management5678-CPP 3DVIA Path Planning5678-CPS 3DVIA Composer5678-CPW ENOVIA Live Collaboration for Workgroups5678-CSN 3DVIA Sync5678-CSP ENOVIA Collaboration for STEP5678-CST ENOVIA X-BOM Cost Analytics5678-CT4 ENOVIA Collaborative Design for CATIA V45678-DC5 ENOVIA Designer Central for CATIA V55678-DEC ENOVIA Designer Central5678-DTE ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform5678-ECC ENOVIA Engineering Configuration Central5678-ECH ENOVIA Program Change Control5678-ECL ENOVIA IP Export Classification5678-ENG ENOVIA Engineering Central5678-EXC ENOVIA IP Export Enforcement

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5678-FTR ENOVIA Variant Configuration Central5678-HNS ENOVIA Hi-Tech Accelerator for New Part Request and Development5678-INV ENOVIA Collaborative Design for Inventor5678-LBC ENOVIA Library Central5678-LES ENOVIA Life Sciences Accelerator for Engineering Design5678-LHC ENOVIA Life Sciences Accelerator for Change Control5678-LIB ENOVIA Library Experience5678-LPI ENOVIA Life Sciences Accelerator for Product Introduction5678-LPQ ENOVIA Life Sciences Accelerator for Product Quality5678-LRA ENOVIA Life Sciences Accelerator for Regulatory Affairs5678-MCC ENOVIA Materials Compliance Central5678-MCR ENOVIA Collaborative Design for MicroStation5678-MEE ENOVIA Collaborative Design for Mentor Graphics Expedition Enterprise5678-MFG ENOVIA X-BOM Manufacturing5678-MGM ENOVIA Collaborative Design for Mentor Graphics Design Manager5678-MSF ENOVIA Collaboration for Microsoft5678-MSU ENOVIA Materials Compliance Supplier Portal5678-PGE ENOVIA Program Experience5678-PQC ENOVIA Product Quality Central5678-PRG ENOVIA Program Central5678-PRO ENOVIA Collaborative Design for Pro/ENGINEER5678-PYP 3DVIA Composer Player Pro5678-QIC ENOVIA Quality Improvement Central5678-QUT ENOVIA Quotation Central5678-RMT ENOVIA Requirements Central5678-RPT ENOVIA Report Generator5678-SCH ENOVIA Studio Schema Analyzer5678-SDS ENOVIA Semiconductor Accelerator for Design to Manufacture5678-SIS ENOVIA Semiconductor Accelerator for IP Management5678-SLE ENOVIA Collaborative Design for Solid Edge5678-SLW ENOVIA Collaborative Design for SolidWorks5678-SNC ENOVIA Synchronicity DesignSync Central5678-SPC ENOVIA Specification Central5678-SPS ENOVIA Semiconductor Accelerator for Enterprise Project Management5678-SRC ENOVIA Sourcing Central5678-SRR ENOVIA Supplier Representative5678-SUP ENOVIA Supplier Central5678-SYC ENOVIA Synchronicity DesignSync Add-on for CTS5678-SYD ENOVIA Synchronicity DesignSync Add-on for DFII5678-SYM ENOVIA Synchronicity DesignSync Add-on for Milkyway5678-SYN ENOVIA Synchronicity DesignSync Data Manager5678-SYP ENOVIA Synchronicity ProjectSync5678-UGR ENOVIA Collaborative Design for NX5678-UNT ENOVIA X-BOM Unit Tracking5678-VXB ENOVIA X-BOM for VPM V4-V55678-XMC ENOVIA X-BOM Materials Compliance5678-ZKC ENOVIA Collaborative Design for Zuken CR-50005679-AFE CATIA Advanced FE Modeling5679-APS DELMIA Assembly Process Simulation5679-ASA CATIA Advanced Structural Analysis5679-ASH CATIA Aerospace Sheetmetal5679-BIW CATIA Body in White Modeling5679-BPP DELMIA Body in White Process Planning5679-BWF CATIA Body in White Fastening5679-CCG CATIA Systems Logic Code Generator5679-CEG CATIA Composites Engineering5679-CFD CATIA Cast & Forged Part Design5679-CGE ENOVIA VPM Configured Environment5679-CHT ENOVIA VPM Change Tracking5679-CME CATIA Systems Conceptual Mechanical Design5679-CMP CATIA Composites Manufacturing Preparation5679-CSD ENOVIA VPM Configured Structure Definition5679-CTA DELMIA Custom Time Analysis5679-CTI CATIA Studio API5679-DBM CATIA Systems Dynamic Behavior Modeling5679-DFL ENOVIA System Functional Logical Definition5679-DPC CATIA Automated Design Process Creation5679-DPX CATIA Automated Design Process Execution5679-DSR SIMULIA DesignSight Structure5679-DTD DELMIA Device Task Definition5679-DTH SIMULIA DesignSight Thermal5679-DVA ENOVIA VPM Digital Validation5679-EFB CATIA Wire Harness Documentation & Formboard5679-EGA DELMIA Ergonomics Analysis

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5679-EGE DELMIA Ergonomics Evaluation5679-EHD CATIA 3D Wire Harness Design5679-ELS CATIA Systems Logical Electrical Design5679-EMM DELMIA Extended Milling Machining5679-ETD DELMIA Ergonomics Task Definition5679-EVI ENOVIA Studio VPM API5679-FCS ENOVIA File Collaboration Server5679-FPD CATIA Fabricated Part Design5679-FSD CATIA Concept Shape Industrialization5679-GSO CATIA Generative Shape Optimizer5679-IDE CATIA Concept Design5679-IMS CATIA Imagine & Shape5679-JDD ENOVIA X-BOM for JD Edwards World5679-JDE ENOVIA X-BOM for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne5679-JTD CATIA Jigs and Tooling Design5679-KWA CATIA Knowledge Advisor5679-KWE CATIA Knowledge Expert5679-LAS DELMIA Live Assembly5679-LCV ENOVIA Live Collaborative Review5679-LDB DELMIA Live Device Behavior5679-LFT CATIA Live FTA Review5679-LOC CATIA Systems Logic Control Modeling5679-LRM ENOVIA Live Rights Manager5679-LSE CATIA Live Shape5679-LSF DELMIA Live Process Review5679-LSI ENOVIA Live Similarity5679-MDB DELMIA Mechanical Device Builder5679-MDE CATIA Mechanical Design5679-MIM DELMIA Milling Machining5679-MSI CATIA Mechanism Simulation5679-MTM DELMIA Prismatic Machining5679-NMB DELMIA NC Machine Builder5679-NMS DELMIA NC Machine Simulation5679-ORM ENOVIA X-BOM for Oracle Manufacturing5679-PCB CATIA Electro-Mechanical Circuit Board5679-PEO CATIA Product Engineering Optimizer5679-PIC ENOVIA VPM Interference Check5679-PIM ENOVIA VPM Interference Management5679-PKT CATIA Product Knowledge Template Definition5679-PPD CATIA Plastic Part Design5679-PPG DELMIA Process Planning5679-PTA CATIA Generative Piping & Tubing5679-PTD CATIA Piping & Tubing Design5679-QAM ENOVIA X-BOM for QAD MFG/PRO5679-REN CATIA Rendering5679-REV CATIA Reverse Engineering5679-RLT DELMIA Resource Layout5679-ROP DELMIA Robotics Offline Programming5679-RPG DELMIA Resource Planning5679-RSO CATIA Realistic Shape Optimizer5679-RSW DELMIA Robotics Spot Welding5679-RTD DELMIA Robot Task Definition5679-SAM ENOVIA X-BOM for SAP5679-SAR CATIA Systems Architecture Design5679-SDB DELMIA SmartDevice Builder5679-SFE CATIA Surface FE Modeling5679-ST1 CATIA Extended STEP5679-STA CATIA Structural Analysis5679-STL CATIA STL Rapid Prototyping5679-STP ENOVIA VPM Configured STEP Interface5679-SUR CATIA Mechanical Surface Design5679-TBE ENOVIA Team BOM Editor5679-TDA CATIA 3D Drafting & Annotation5679-TDD CATIA 3D Design5679-TDR CATIA 3D Re-Use5679-TDS CATIA Systems Logical 3D Architecture5679-TOL CATIA 3D Tolerancing & Annotation5679-TUM DELMIA Turning Machining5679-V5C ENOVIA VPM CATIA V4 & V5 Coexistence5679-VCV DELMIA Virtual Controls Validation5679-VOC ENOVIA VPM Volume Computation5679-VPM ENOVIA VPM Central5679-VSC ENOVIA VPM Supply Chain Collaborative Engineering5679-VTC ENOVIA VPM Team Central

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IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 21

Additional details


Users of ENOVIA V6R2010x benefit from improvements in the overall systemfoundation and execution of governance, global sourcing, and IP life-cyclemanagement business processes.

ENOVIA Unified Live Collaboration V6R2010x enhancements

ENOVIA Live Collaboration provides navigation and where-used analysis of VPM-managed data so managers and the extended enterprise can make better decisionsbased on the latest engineering progress.

ENOVIA IP Lifecycle Management V6R2010x enhancements

• ENOVIA Synchronicity DesignSync products deliver enhanced change trackingfor complex system-on-a-chip designs with new graphical version inspection andengineer annotations. A new access control user interface simplifies deploymentsand ongoing administration.

• ENOVIA VPM Central and ENOVIA VPM Team Central deliver additional review andanalysis tools for sectioning, measuring, and slides creation. Assembly authoringproductivity is improved with better memory management and new techniques toinsert and select product instances. Both of these products also support migrationof CATIA V5 design data managed in ENOVIA SmarTeam V5. For ENOVIA VPMCentral only, improved catalog data exchange techniques and accuracy with thesupply chain and enterprise users is now supported.

• ENOVIA VPM CATIA V4 & V5 Coexistence allows users to selectively and iterativelyimport CATIA V5 design data managed in ENOVIA SmarTeam V5 into their V6session and update the context accordingly.

• ENOVIA VPM Change Tracking improves synchronization of enterprise authority(program steering) decisions to design teams' engineering change actions andtracks additional change log information for better traceability.

• ENOVIA VPM Digital Validation assigns, tracks, and manages issues directly in the3D digital mockup during design reviews, from identification of concerns to actioncompletion.

• ENOVIA VPM Interference Check provides improved access to identifiedinterferences and delivers real-time 3D visualization of intersecting parts.

• ENOVIA VPM Configured Environment helps product configuration managers morequickly edit product effectivity with visual cueing of configured and unconfigureddata, and new commands to copy and mass edit instance effectivity.

• ENOVIA CPG Accelerator for Global Specification Management and ENOVIA CPGAccelerator for Integrated Product Management improve specification data entrywith mandatory attributes and multi-select fields.

ENOVIA Global Sourcing V6R2010x enhancements and new products

• The ENOVIA Apparel Accelerator for Sourcing and Production Partners (ARN)provides an online environment for suppliers and agents to access andupdate assigned information. Collaboration with supply chain partners occurselectronically during the sourcing and production processes.

• ENOVIA Apparel Accelerator for Sourcing and Production (ARP) seamlesslyconnects global sourcing and production offices to brand and retail headquarters.It enables enhanced collaboration, process control, and risk management withinthe sourcing and pre-production processes. A broader user base from within andoutside of the organization can now participate in the full sourcing process toensure compliance with corporate growth, business, and financial goals withintheir global sourcing strategies.

• ENOVIA Sourcing Central improves purchasing productivity by managing largeRFQs through Excel import/export enhanced with line item supplier data, compareand award processing, and background jobs.

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• ENOVIA Apparel Accelerator for Sourcing & Production systematically managesseasonal material commitments and consumption to control financial liabilities,reduce inventory risk, and lower costs through leveraged purchasing.

ENOVIA Governance V6R2010x enhancements and new products

• ENOVIA Program Central (and industry program management products) managesresource supply and demand between projects and organizations to maximizeutilization and profitability.

• ENOVIA Requirements Central improves understanding of how requirements havebeen allocated across an entire system. Users can better maintain requirementspecification accuracy by easily locating similar requirements based on commonproduct and specification associations, and update specification content to reflectthe latest revisions stored in ENOVIA.

• ENOVIA 3DLive allows end users to more easily evaluate search results andparticipate in the review and approval process of ENOVIA managed datapromoting and demoting between life-cycle states, transferring ownership, andlocking/unlocking data.

• ENOVIA Live Collaborative Review improves review completeness and quality byenabling real-time collaboration with 3D sectioning and allowing what-if analysisby moving instances.

• ENOVIA Materials Compliance Supplier Portal includes the Compliance Connectspreadsheet to capture supplier material submissions as a standard capabilityinstead of licensing a separate product.

• New ENOVIA Studio VPM API product (EVI) provides APIs for customizing VPM-related products.

• New ENOVIA Life Sciences Accelerator for Product Quality (LPQ) extends ENOVIAProduct Quality Central with Life Sciences reports for regulatory agencies.

• New ENOVIA Life Sciences Accelerator for Regulatory Affairs (LRA) managessubmission applications to global regulatory agencies for pre-market authorizationor market approval of new products.

• New ENOVIA Live Rights Manager (LRM) protects valuable 3DXML intellectualproperty after it is downloaded from ENOVIA 3DLive by leveraging provenMicrosoft Rights Management Services (RMS).

• New ENOVIA Product Quality Central (PQC) provides a closed-loop non-conformance report (NCR) and complaint management process based on ISOstandards. Functionality is derived from ENOVIA Life Sciences Accelerator forQuality Issues, which has been withdrawn from the portfolio.

• New ENOVIA Quality Improvement Central (QIC) provides corrective actiontracking of production and non-production quality issues and audit managementfor follow-up; functionality is derived from ENOVIA Life Sciences Accelerator forQuality Issues, which is withdrawn from the portfolio.


CATIA Systems

In V6R2010x, the System Experiment Manager allows users to replay 3D animationsfrom experiment results. A specific probe can be added to a scenario specification torecord the position of all 3D parts in the model during the execution of the scenario.The 3D positions are saved in the scenario results, so the 3D animation can bereplayed afterwards, without re-executing the model.


• New silhouette function: Designers occasionally need to design objectswhile referring to projected contours of other objects. For example inside a car,designers need to take into account the vision cones of objects from the point ofview of the passengers in order to design the car interior. With the new silhouettefunction, the user can project on a plane or a planar surface the visible contoursof a geometry from a particular viewpoint or along a direction. The process is nowreduced to a few steps, providing significant productivity gains.

• Sew surface on surfacing input: The sew function, which has been extendedfrom the Part Design workbench, enables a productivity gain in the body-in-white

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process, especially by optimizing parts for the tooling/die process. Sewing is anoperation that adds a surface to an existing element. The new capability adds orremoves a surface by modifying the existing element. It sews a given surface ontoan existing support to create a new skin. Users can now rework surfaces locallyto enhance surface quality and to fulfill manufacturing requests. This approacheliminates the need to create auxiliary geometries.

• Autofillet for body in white: The Autofillet command in the Generative ShapeDesign workbench is adapted to the requirements of the body-in-white processesthat use thin sheet metal. The user can now specify different filleting radius valuesfor concave and convex edges. Whether a particular edge is concave or convex isdecided by the virtual material side. The user has an option to specify the virtualmaterial side and to change it by clicking on the 3D manipulator or by clicking onthe Invert Material Side button in the Autofillet window.

• Drag and drop of a picture from Windows® Explorer to the SketchTracerTM workbench: The Sketch Tracer product provides a way for designersto import some image files into CATIA for the purpose of using them as visualsupports to create their shapes. With V6R2010x, users can simply drag and dropimages directly from Windows Explorer to automatically create freestyle paintings.This enhances productivity and ergonomy by saving many mouse clicks and dialogbox interactions

• User interface evolution for reverse engineering products: CATIA V6R2010xoffers a re-architecture of some commands of CATIA reverse engineeringproducts. New user interface improvement concepts are introduced, such as theruler for the Mesh Offset command, a new look for the simple sphere function,and new labels for many commands, all of which improve productivity andpropose a logical user-friendly follow-up of the processes.

CATIA Mechanical

• CATIA Live Shape easy rendering effects application: Through a new Paintercommand available in CATIA Live Shape, users can now easily apply a renderingeffect from a predefined effect library onto any CATIA Live Shape geometricalelement (body, solid, surface, and face). This capability meets the needs ofdesigners and occasional users who need easy access to visualization tuning tocreate realistic effects.

• New assemblies from old: A new composition facility lets users quickly andeasily create a new assembly directly in 3D using parts and assemblies fromthe database. First, the user collects products and assemblies from ENOVIA3DLive and places them in a "basket." The user then employs simple drag-and-drop techniques to position these assemblies in 3D to create the new assembly.The new assembly can then be incorporated into other structures directly in theturntable view with standard operations such as cut, copy, paste, drag-and-drop,and group and un-group.

• Ergonomy enhancements for creating engineering connections: Parts cannow be snapped together based on their positioning interface definition or on theirgeometric publications. In the constraint creation command, sub-assemblies canbe positioned by a simple drag-and-drop, taking benefit from publications-basedsnapping capability.

• Predefined impacted representations for assembly feature creation: Whendefining an assembly hole or other assembly feature (protected, added, or split),it is necessary to declare the list of representations that are to be impacted by thefeature. Because it can take some time to select all the impacted representations,a clash computation is run to propose a predefined list of potentially impactedrepresentations.

• ISO 1 open type font for drafting and the 3D master process: This newDassault Systemes ISO 1 open type font is fully compliant with the ISO 3098standard and is available to represent annotations in a way that fits the variousISO norms for defining text representation (ISO 3098 norms). The level ofcompliancy to the ISO norms is enhanced, such as compliancy to JIS norms, whendrawings contain annotations that include western characters. It is also easier toensure that any partner can display such drawings in an identical way on theirmachine without the need to exchange and install a specific font becauseDS ISO 1 is provided by default.

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• View filter for assembly layouts: When displaying the background of alayout's views, it is now possible to filter 3D parts or sub-assemblies located inthe same assembly as the layout. This can be done by applying either a displayor mask filter on the views. It is even possible to filter down to the 3D shaperepresentation level. Such filtering is taken into account when generating drawingviews from filtered layout views.

• Global copy of functional tolerancing and analysis (FTA) data:

– This release uses dimensioning, tolerancing, and annotation templates toimprove productivity.

– A new capability, global copy of FTA annotation sets, allows the user to reuseannotation set specifications and presentations of a part representations bycomplete duplication into another part representation that is a variant of thefirst one. The copied annotations are automatically rerouted to geometricelements that have the exact same geometric characteristics as those in theoriginal part.

• Tooling completeness: Tooling anchor enhancements make it easy to managethe associativity between tooling and the impacted part when placing typedtooling components on dedicated typed tooling anchors. In Tooling Design, toolingcomponents are placed on tooling anchors to ensure associativity (by usingengineering connections) with the mold. A tooling anchor is typed, meaning thatit contains the type of tooling components to place on it. To increase productivity,when inserting a tooling component of a given type on an equivalent typed toolinganchor, all the same tooling anchors of the same type in a sub-structure aregathered with this tooling component.

• Dynamic sectioning in functional modeling for Part Design, GenerativeShape Design, and Functional and Plastic Part Design: A new commandenables the user to take advantage of the sectioning view in the Part Design,Generative Shape Design, and Functional Plastic Part Design workbenches aspreviously implemented in Cast & Forged Part Design for parts or in the digitalmock-up for assemblies.

To define the sectioning plane, either a face or a canonical geometry that willdefine a plane tangent to its surface or normal to its axis is selected. Thissectioning view allows a better understanding of the different thicknesses of apart.

• Automatic filleting in functional modeling: The rounding and filleting of thesharp edges of a solid can be processed in one operation, significantly improvingproductivity. Moreover, parting elements can now be taken into account on thewhole.

CATIA Equipment

• ENOVIA 3DLive manipulators for harness flattening: With CATIA V6, userscan now manipulate the layout of an electrical flattening directly in the 3D viewas productively as working with a 2D application, such as harness drawing. Theuser simply clicks on a segment of the bundle to rotate, roll, or arrange junctions.Instead of working through multiple action windows, users can now arrange thelayout of a flattening model with a few mouse clicks in an intuitive way.

• Printed circuit board design change management: Collaboration betweenelectrical CAD and mechanical CAD is enhanced by a new flexible design changemanagement process. CATIA Circuit Board Design now allows users to updatean existing board assembly with a new board outline, components placement,and all other entities defined in an image description file (IDF) format during thedesign cycle. A new pre-visualization capability allows the user to accept or rejectindividual updates.

• CATIA Piping & Tubing Design user interface improvements: CATIAV6R2010x introduces a new context-driven user interface for all capabilitiesrequired during pipe routing and part placement and for analyzing/modifying pipesand parts. Users are guided with context-specific balloons, and all manipulationsare integrated with the V6 robot. This enhancement reduces complexity andimproves the efficiency of the design process.

• New CATIA Generative Piping & Tubing: This release introduces newadvanced capabilities for the design of piping and tubing through a new dedicatedproduct. Generative Piping & Tubing complements CATIA Piping & Tubing Design

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by providing advanced process-driven authoring and editing capabilities toimprove productivity and quality for the design of piping and tubing. It featuresthe ability to author and edit logical piping lines so that data defined on themcan then be used to drive the detail design process. It also offers specification-driven design and rule-driven minor part placement for such elements as flanges,gaskets, and welds. These advance capabilities enable users to handle much morecomplex piping and tubing designs in a very efficient way. Additionally, it supportsprocess-driven design so that data defined early on in logical design can be usedto drive the physical design.

• CATIA electrical V6 openness: CATIA V6R2010x opens the APIs for electricalapplications. This openness enables partners to develop their own V6 applications,whether by interfacing directly with the V6 structure or through applicationsintegrated within the V6 PLM environment. The goal is to ensure the continuity ofthe complete V6 electrical process from 2D schematics through manufacturing.

• Electrical logical east compass adoption for links intelligence: Eastcompass integration is extended and integrates the Expand command. Thisadvancement lets the user review and navigate the model. The user can click ona new immersive window to highlight and better visualize and select segmentsdirectly to navigate the model using relational navigation (navigation based on therelationship between objects).

• 3D logical architecture - ergonomic improvement for creating pathways:This corresponds to the adoption of the V6 ergonomic paradigm with the use ofthe robot and balloons to design pathways directly on the 3D view.

All operations are available through intuitive contextual commands. This providesa significant improvement in the usability and user experience when creatingpathways.


DELMIA Live Assembly (LAS)

DELMIA Live Assembly delivers powerful tools that allow the product designer toeasily perform design-for-assembly analysis. With its breakthrough user interface,DELMIA Live Assembly delivers the power of validation through simulation to non-expert product designers to help them improve the quality of their designs and tostreamline the design-for-assembly process. DELMIA Live Assembly users can takeadvantage of the powerful tools available to process planners and detailers, butthrough a simplified, highly intuitive user interface.

Motion sequences are defined by simply dragging and dropping parts in the 3Denvironment. Once defined, motions appear in a "filmstrip"-like sequence at thetop of the user interface. The motion can be re-sequenced by simply dragging anddropping "filmstrip" frames to the desired position. Assembly sequences can then besubmitted for analysis and for use by downstream planners.

DELMIA Live Device Behavior (LDB)

DELMIA Live Device Behavior gives non-expert users the ability to immersethemselves in the virtual manufacturing cell to define and simulate how machineswill execute target manufacturing processes. Its easy-to-use interface allows usersto bring their manufacturing resource concepts to life, making it the ideal toolfor communicating conceptual plans to stakeholders and for collaborating withengineers and planners throughout the extended enterprise.

Key product functions include

• Teach device motion paths

• Coordinate motion within a workcell

• Simulate to validate concepts

• Collaborate with others

• Leverage concepts at the planning level

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New NC milling operations

New high-speed milling and finishing operations can help reduce machiningprogramming time, execution time, and tool wear. Three new milling machiningoperations can help the machining enterprise both plan and produce faster withbetter quality and less cost from cutting to wear.

• When high-speed machining slots, a new support for trochoidal operations canbe employed. It prevents the machine from milling a slot that is wider thanthe cutting tool diameter by combining both circular and linear motion. Theprogrammer can define both the diameter of a circular motion and the forwardstep distance of the linear motion. This type of motion provides for higher qualitymachining while minimizing both cutting tool wear and expensive breakage.

• New advanced finishing operations provide a means for the NC programmerto define the milling tool path for finishing or finishing rework that employsboth vertical (Z-level) and horizontal (contour-driven) motion. This combinedoperation helps both to reduce programming time and to provide better cuttingtool management when there is significant material to be removed.

• For three-axis machining, a new contour driven finishing operation allows the tool-path programmer to morph the tool path style between outer and inner islands,thereby making a smoother tool path with much less time spent repositioning thecutting tool ("cutting air").

Additional enhancements

• Ergonomics

– Human integration with validation capabilities

– Enhanced user interface for posture and human interactions

– Enhanced user interface for rapid human task creation

– Use of the analytical inverse kinematic algorithm to increase the naturalness ofmovement replay

• Machining

– The user experience is improved by the ability to display a machine in thecontext of an operation with collision analysis.

– An immersive activities list is added to the user interface.

– A cutter and tool assemblies builder is added.

– For mill turning, machining operations can now be synchronized across turrets.

• Robotics

– Improved usability of the robotic spot welding solution

– Enhanced off-line programming translators to support advanced body-in-whitescenarios

– Native support for seven-axis robots

– Improved performance for common operations

• Process planning

– Improved usability of process and manufacturing system definition

– Improved process planning for locating and tracking fasteners and weld points

– Improved performance in working with loading and saving large data sets

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Technical information

Specified operating environment

Hardware requirements

For summary-level hardware requirements, visit

http://www.ibm.com/support /docview.wss?rs=886&context=SW860&uid=swg27012978

Note: This same page can also be accessed via the Technical Support Web site at


Software requirements

For summary-level software requirements, visit

http://www.ibm.com/support /docview.wss?rs=886&context=SW860&uid=swg27012978

Note: This same page can also be accessed via the Technical Support Web site at


Software license key requirements

Important For V6R2010x, a new license key management software using DassaultSystemes technology has replaced the LUM-based software used in V6R2010 andearlier. New V6R2010x keys (non-LUM) must be ordered, and the new DS LicenseServer V6R2010x installed. License key administration tools are also new, and someterminology used for key requests and key administration has changed.

For information on how to order software license keys for PLM products, refer to theReadme License Keys document, located at

http://www.ibm.com/support /docview.wss?rs=886&context=SW860&uid=swg27012979


V6 provides smooth transition paths for current users of V4 and V5 with a variety ofscenarios for migrating over time. OEMs can implement V6 for new products, whilesuppliers and current products remain on prior versions.

Planning information



Deliverable Form number CATIA code, English documentation, and LCD7-2692Dassault Systemes License Server (one DVD) CATIA English documentation (one CD) SK4T-3619 DELMIA code, English documentation, LCD7-3624and Dassault Systemes License Server (one DVD) DELMIA English documentation (one CD) SK4T-3631 3DVIA Composer code and program LCD7-3631directory (one DVD, one CD)

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ENOVIA 3DLive code, English documentation, LCD4-7890Dassault Systemes License Server, and programdirectory (one DVD, one CD) ENOVIA 3DLive English documentation (one CD) SK4T-3601 ENOVIA Live Collaboration ENOVIA Live Collaboration code, English LCD7-3625 documentation, Dassault Systemes License Server, and program directory (two DVDs, one CD) ENOVIA Live Collaboration for Workgroups LCD7-3668 code and English documentation (one DVD) ENOVIA i-PLM Collaboration Studio code and LCD7-3626 English documentation (one DVD) ENOVIA i-PLM Business Process ENOVIA i-PLM Business Process Core Products LCD7-3630 Set and ENOVIA VPM code, English documentation, and Dassault Systemes License Server (two DVDs) ENOVIA X-BOM for Rational ClearCase® code LCD7-3628 (one CD) ENOVIA Designer Central Products code LCD7-3629 (one DVD) ENOVIA Designer Central Multi CAD Products LCD7-3642 code (one DVD) ENOVIA Synchronicity Products code (one CD) LCD7-3633 ENOVIA English documentation (one DVD) SK4T-3614 ENOVIA VPM English documentation (one CD) SK4T-3641 SIMULIA code, English documentation, and LCD7-3650Dassault Systemes License Server (one DVD) SIMULIA English documentation (one CD) SK4T-3642

Note: ENOVIA Live Collaboration is delivered with orders for CATIA, SIMULIA,ENOVIA i-PLM Collaboration Studio, ENOVIA i-PLM Business Process, and DELMIA.

Common deliverables

These deliverables are included with shipments of all orders.

Deliverable Form number

Licensed Program Specification GI11-6439Key Registration Information Memorandum GI11-6440

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IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 29

National language softcopy collection kits

National language version (NLV) publications in French, German, Italian, andJapanese will be available after general availability of this release. Informationregarding the availability status of the NLV publications is available at

http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=886&context=SW860&uid=swg2701 7233

Deliverable Form number

CATIA V6 Softcopy Collection Kit French SK4T-3620 German SK4T-3621 Japanese SK4T-3622 ENOVIA 3DLive V6 Softcopy Collection Kit French SK4T-3602 German SK4T-3603 Japanese SK4T-3604 ENOVIA V6 Softcopy Collection Kit French SK4T-3615 German SK4T-3616 Italian SK4T-3617 Japanese SK4T-3618 ENOVIA VPM V6 Softcopy Collection Kit French SK4T-3635 German SK4T-3636 Japanese SK4T-3637

Security, auditability, and control

The announced programs use the security and auditability features of the operatingsystems software. The customer is responsible for evaluation, selection, andimplementation of security features, administrative procedures, and appropriatecontrols in application systems and communication facilities.

Ordering information

Current licensees

Current licensees will receive this update from IBM Software Delivery and Fulfillmentautomatically.

Should you require further assistance, contact your country IBM representative.

New licensees

Orders for new licenses will be accepted now. For new licensees, shipment will beginon the planned availability date. Shipment will not occur before the availability date.Should you require assistance, contact your country IBM representative.

The 5677-XXX, 5678-XXX, and 5679-XXX product orders are required for billing andasset registration. The 5629-ENV SPO order is required to ship machine-readablematerials and publications.

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Release summary

New products

New ENOVIA named user products

Programnumber Program name 5678-ADT ENOVIA Studio Federation Toolkit5678-ADV ENOVIA Studio Customization Toolkit5678-ARN ENOVIA Apparel Accelerator for Sourcing and Production Partners5678-ARP ENOVIA Apparel Accelerator for Sourcing and Production5678-DTE ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform5678-LPQ ENOVIA Life Sciences Accelerator for Product Quality5678-LRA ENOVIA Life Sciences Accelerator for Regulatory Affairs5678-PQC ENOVIA Product Quality Central5678-QIC ENOVIA Quality Improvement Central5678-SCH ENOVIA Studio Schema Analyzer

New ENOVIA named user add-on products (AOPs)

5679-EVI ENOVIA Studio VPM API5679-LRM ENOVIA Live Rights Manager

New CATIA shareable product

5677-PTA CATIA Generative Piping & Tubing

New CATIA named user AOPs

5679-CTI CATIA Studio API5679-PTA CATIA Generative Piping & Tubing5679-TDA CATIA 3D Drafting & Annotation

New SIMULIA shareable products

5677-AFE CATIA Advanced FE Modeling5677-ASA CATIA Advanced Structural Analysis5677-DTH SIMULIA DesignSight Thermal5677-SFE CATIA Surface FE Modeling

New SIMULIA named user AOP

5679-DTH SIMULIA DesignSight Thermal

New DELMIA shareable products

5677-LAS DELMIA Live Assembly5677-LDB DELMIA Live Device Behavior

New DELMIA named user AOPs

5679-LAS DELMIA Live Assembly5679-LDB DELMIA Live Device Behavior5679-RLT DELMIA Resource Layout

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Withdrawn products

Effective January 12, 2010, the following products are withdrawn:

Withdrawn program Replacement program(1) 5678-LQI 5678-LPQENOVIA Life Sciences ENOVIA Life SciencesAccelerator for Quality Accelerator for Product QualityIssues and 5678-QIC ENOVIA Quality Improvement Central 5679-ADT 5678-ADTENOVIA Studio Federation ENOVIA Studio FederationToolkit Toolkit 5679-ADV 5678-ADVENOVIA Studio Customization ENOVIA Studio CustomizationToolkit Toolkit 5679-DTE 5678-DTEENOVIA Studio Modeling ENOVIA Studio Modeling PlatformPlatform 5679-LCA No replacement programENOVIA Library Managementfor Cadence Allegro DesignEntry HDL 5679-LMA No replacement programENOVIA Library Managementfor Mentor Graphics DesignArchitect 5679-MCN No replacement programENOVIA Materials ComplianceConnect 5679-SCH 5678-SCHENOVIA Studio Schema ENOVIA Studio SchemaAnalyzer Analyzer

(1) Information on how to order upgrades to replacement programs is available fromyour IBM representative.

Renamed products

The following products are renamed as indicated. The program numbers areunchanged.

Programnumber Old name New name

5677-ST1 CATIA STEP Core CATIA Extended STEP Interface5677-TOL CATIA Tolerancing CATIA 3D Tolerancing & Annotation5679-LSF DELMIA Live Shopfloor DELMIA Live Process Review Review5679-MTM DELMIA Mill-Turn DELMIA Prismatic Machining Machining5679-ST1 CATIA STEP Core CATIA Extended STEP Interface5679-TOL CATIA Tolerancing CATIA 3D Tolerancing & Annotation

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Other changes

The following previously announced products have been moved from the CATIA tothe SIMULIA portfolio. The products retain their CATIA prefix.

• CATIA Advanced FE Modeling AOP (5679-AFE)

• CATIA Advanced Structural Analysis AOP (5679-ASA)

• CATIA Surface FE Modeling AOP (5679-SFE)

• CATIA Structural Analysis Product (5677-STA) and AOP (5679-STA)

Product ordering for CBS

Contact your IBM representative to place an order for V6 products.

The following ordering information applies to Germany only.

New ENOVIA named user products

Entitlement License Pricingentity Description option metric

5678-ADT ENOVIA Studio Federation Toolkit

S015T30 ADT Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T2X ADT Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015T2Z ADT Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5678-ADV ENOVIA Studio Customization Toolkit

S015T2D ADV Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T2C ADV Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015T2F ADV Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5678-ARN ENOVIA Apparel Accelerator for Sourcing and ProductionPartners

S015T2V ARN Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T2W ARN Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015T2T ARN Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5678-ARP ENOVIA Apparel Accelerator for Sourcing and Production

S015T2P ARP Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T2R ARP Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015T2S ARP Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5678-DTE ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform

S015T3S DTE Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T3T DTE Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015T3V DTE Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5678-LPQ ENOVIA Life Sciences Accelerator for Product Quality

S015T3B LPQ Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T3C LPQ Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015T3D LPQ Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

Page 33: Table of contents industries, mid-market, and non-experts

IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 33

5678-LRA ENOVIA Life Sciences Accelerator for Regulatory Affairs

S015T3P LRA Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T3N LRA Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015T3M LRA Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5678-PQC ENOVIA Product Quality Central

S015T34 PQC Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T33 PQC Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015T32 PQC Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5678-QIC ENOVIA Quality Improvement Central

S015T38 QIC Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T37 QIC Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015T39 QIC Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5678-SCH ENOVIA Studio Schema Analyzer

S015T3F SCH Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T3H SCH Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015T3G SCH Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

New ENOVIA named user AOPs


S015TNZ EVI AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015TP1 EVI AOP Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015TP0 EVI AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5679-LRM ENOVIA Live Rights Manager

S015M08 LRM AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015M07 LRM AOP Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015M06 LRM AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

New CATIA shareable product

5677-PTA CATIA Generative Piping & Tubing

S015T9J PTA Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T9H PTA Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015T9G PTA Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

New CATIA named user AOPs

5679-CTI CATIA Studio API

S015TKH CTI AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015TKK CTI AOP Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015TKJ CTI AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5679-PTA CATIA Generative Piping & Tubing

S015T9M PTA AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T9N PTA AOP Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015T9L PTA AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

Page 34: Table of contents industries, mid-market, and non-experts

IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 34

5679-TDA CATIA 3D Drafting and Annotation

S015T9D TDA AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T9F TDA AOP Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015T9C TDA AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

New SIMULIA shareable products

5677-AFE CATIA Advanced FE Modeling

S015TG5 AFE Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015TG6 AFE Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015TG4 AFE Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5677-ASA CATIA Advanced Structural Analysis

S015TG9 ASA Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015TGB ASA Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015TG8 ASA Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5677-DTH SIMULIA DesignSight Thermal

S015TK8 DTH Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015TK9 DTH Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015TKB DTH Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5677-SFE CATIA Surface FE Modeling

S015TGG SFE Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015TGF SFE Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015TGD SFE Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

New SIMULIA named user AOP

5679-DTH SIMULIA DesignSight Thermal

S015TKG DTH AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015TKD DTH AOP Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015TKF DTH AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

New DELMIA shareable products

5677-LAS DELMIA Live Assembly

S015T4H LAS Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T4G LAS Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015T4F LAS Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5677-LDB DELMIA Live Device Behavior

S015T49 LDB Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T4C LDB Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015T4B LDB Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

New DELMIA named user AOPs

5679-LAS DELMIA Live Assembly

S015T46 LAS AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T47 LAS AOP Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015T45 LAS AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

Page 35: Table of contents industries, mid-market, and non-experts

IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 35

5679-LDB DELMIA Live Device Behavior

S015T4L LDB AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T4M LDB AOP Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015T4K LDB AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5679-RLT DELMIA Resource Layout

S015T41 RLT AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T42 RLT AOP Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS015T43 RLT AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

The following ordering information applies to France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, SouthAfrica, Spain, and the United Kingdom only.

New ENOVIA named user products

Entitlement License Pricingentity Description option metric

5678-ADT ENOVIA Studio Federation Toolkit

S015T30 ADT Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T2X ADT Prod Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015T2Z ADT Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5678-ADV ENOVIA Studio Customization Toolkit

S015T2D ADV Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T2C ADV Prod Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015T2F ADV Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5678-ARN ENOVIA Apparel Accelerator for Sourcing and ProductionPartners

S015T2V ARN Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T2W ARN Prod Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015T2T ARN Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5678-ARP ENOVIA Apparel Accelerator for Sourcing and Production

S015T2P ARP Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T2R ARP Prod Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015T2S ARP Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5678-DTE ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform

S015T3S DTE Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T3T DTE Prod Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015T3V DTE Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5678-LPQ ENOVIA Life Sciences Accelerator for Product Quality

S015T3B LPQ Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T3C LPQ Prod Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015T3D LPQ Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

Page 36: Table of contents industries, mid-market, and non-experts

IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 36

5678-LRA ENOVIA Life Sciences Accelerator for Regulatory Affairs

S015T3P LRA Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T3N LRA Prod Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015T3M LRA Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5678-PQC ENOVIA Product Quality Central

S015T34 PQC Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T33 PQC Prod Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015T32 PQC Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5678-QIC ENOVIA Quality Improvement Central

S015T38 QIC Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T37 QIC Prod Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015T39 QIC Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5678-SCH ENOVIA Studio Schema Analyzer

S015T3F SCH Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T3H SCH Prod Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015T3G SCH Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

New ENOVIA named user AOPs


S015TNZ EVI AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015TP1 EVI AOP Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015TP0 EVI AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5679-LRM ENOVIA Live Rights Manager

S015M08 LRM AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015M07 LRM AOP Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015M06 LRM AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

New CATIA shareable product

5677-PTA CATIA Generative Piping & Tubing

S015T9J PTA Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T9H PTA Prod Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015T9G PTA Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

New CATIA named user AOPs

5679-CTI CATIA Studio API

S015TKH CTI AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015TKK CTI AOP Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015TKJ CTI AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5679-PTA CATIA Generative Piping & Tubing

S015T9M PTA AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T9N PTA AOP Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015T9L PTA AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

Page 37: Table of contents industries, mid-market, and non-experts

IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 37

5679-TDA CATIA 3D Drafting and Annotation

S015T9D TDA AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T9F TDA AOP Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015T9C TDA AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

New SIMULIA shareable products

5677-AFE CATIA Advanced FE Modeling

S015TG5 AFE Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015TG6 AFE Prod Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015TG4 AFE Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5677-ASA CATIA Advanced Structural Analysis

S015TG9 ASA Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015TGB ASA Prod Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015TG8 ASA Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5677-DTH SIMULIA DesignSight Thermal

S015TK8 DTH Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015TK9 DTH Prod Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015TKB DTH Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5677-SFE CATIA Surface FE Modeling

S015TGG SFE Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015TGF SFE Prod Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015TGD SFE Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

New SIMULIA named user AOP

5679-DTH SIMULIA DesignSight Thermal

S015TKG DTH AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015TKD DTH AOP Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015TKF DTH AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

New DELMIA shareable products

5677-LAS DELMIA Live Assembly

S015T4H LAS Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T4G LAS Prod Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015T4F LAS Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5677-LDB DELMIA Live Device Behavior

S015T49 LDB Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T4C LDB Prod Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015T4B LDB Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

New DELMIA named user AOPs

5679-LAS DELMIA Live Assembly

S015T46 LAS AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T47 LAS AOP Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015T45 LAS AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

Page 38: Table of contents industries, mid-market, and non-experts

IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 38

5679-LDB DELMIA Live Device Behavior

S015T4L LDB AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T4M LDB AOP Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015T4K LDB AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5679-RLT DELMIA Resource Layout

S015T41 RLT AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS015T42 RLT AOP Recurring License Basic RLC per UserS015T43 RLT AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

The following ordering information applies to France, Germany, Ireland, Italy,Portugal, South Africa, Spain, and the United Kingdom only.

New ENOVIA configuration AOP indicator codes

Entitlement Licenseentity Description option

5677-LIV ENOVIA 3DLive

S015T2N 5679-DTH AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015T2L 5679-LAS AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015T2M 5679-LDB AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015T2G 5679-LRM AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015T2J 5679-PTA AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015T2H 5679-RLT AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015T2K 5679-TDA AOP Indicator Code AOP Registration

5677-RDR ENOVIA Studio Architect Edition

S015TR3 5679-CTI AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015TR4 5679-EVI AOP Indicator Code AOP Registration

5677-RDV ENOVIA Studio Developer Edition

S015TR1 5679-CTI AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015TR2 5679-EVI AOP Indicator Code AOP Registration

5677-VLC ENOVIA VPM Live Collaboration Configuration

S015SZV 5679-DTH AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015SZX 5679-LAS AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015SZW 5679-LDB AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015SZT 5679-LRM AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015T01 5679-PTA AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015SZZ 5679-RLT AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015T00 5679-TDA AOP Indicator Code AOP Registration

5677-VLT ENOVIA VPM Team Live Collaboration

S015T4W 5679-DTH AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015T4S 5679-EGE AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015T4V 5679-ETD AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015T4T 5679-LAS AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015T4N 5679-LDB AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015T4R 5679-LRM AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015T4P 5679-PTA AOP Indicator Code AOP RegistrationS015T4X 5679-TDA AOP Indicator Code AOP Registration

Page 39: Table of contents industries, mid-market, and non-experts

IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 39

Product ordering for legacy systems

Contact your IBM representative to place an order for V6 products.

The following ordering information applies to all countries except France, Germany,Ireland, Italy, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

New ENOVIA named user products

Chargeoption Description

5678-ADT ENOVIA Studio Federation Toolkit


5678-ADV ENOVIA Studio Customization Toolkit


5678-ARN ENOVIA Apparel Accelerator for Sourcing and ProductionPartners


5678-ARP ENOVIA Apparel Accelerator for Sourcing and Production


5678-DTE ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform


5678-LPQ ENOVIA Life Sciences Accelerator for Product Quality


5678-LRA ENOVIA Life Sciences Accelerator for Regulatory Affairs


5678-PQC ENOVIA Product Quality Central


5678-QIC ENOVIA Quality Improvement Central


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IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 40

5678-SCH ENOVIA Studio Schema Analyzer


New ENOVIA named user AOPs



5679-LRM ENOVIA Live Rights Manager


New CATIA shareable product

5677-PTA CATIA Generative Piping & Tubing


New CATIA named user AOPs

5679-CTI CATIA Studio API


5679-PTA CATIA Generative Piping & Tubing


5679-TDA CATIA 3D Drafting and Annotation


New SIMULIA shareable products

5677-AFE CATIA Advanced FE Modeling


5677-ASA CATIA Advanced Structural Analysis


5677-DTH SIMULIA DesignSight Thermal


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IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 41

5677-SFE CATIA Surface FE Modeling


New SIMULIA named user AOP

5679-DTH SIMULIA DesignSight Thermal


New DELMIA shareable products

5677-LAS DELMIA Live Assembly


5677-LDB DELMIA Live Device Behavior


New DELMIA named user AOPs

5679-LAS DELMIA Live Assembly


5679-LDB DELMIA Live Device Behavior


5679-RLT DELMIA Resource Layout


New ENOVIA configuration AOP indicator codes

5677-LIV ENOVIA 3DLive

5679-DTH AOP Indicator Code5679-LAS AOP Indicator Code5679-LDB AOP Indicator Code5679-LRM AOP Indicator Code5679-PTA AOP Indicator Code5679-RLT AOP Indicator Code5679-TDA AOP Indicator Code

5677-RDR ENOVIA Studio Architect Edition

5679-CTI AOP Indicator Code5679-EVI AOP Indicator Code

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IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 42

5677-RDV ENOVIA Studio Developer Edition

5679-CTI AOP Indicator Code5679-EVI AOP Indicator Code

5677-VLC ENOVIA VPM Live Collaboration Configuration

5679-DTH AOP Indicator Code5679-LAS AOP Indicator Code5679-LDB AOP Indicator Code5679-LRM AOP Indicator Code5679-PTA AOP Indicator Code5679-RLT AOP Indicator Code5679-TDA AOP Indicator Code

5677-VLT ENOVIA VPM Team Live Collaboration

5679-DTH AOP Indicator Code5679-EGE AOP Indicator Code5679-ETD AOP Indicator Code5679-LAS AOP Indicator Code5679-LDB AOP Indicator Code5679-LRM AOP Indicator Code5679-PTA AOP Indicator Code5679-TDA AOP Indicator Code

Basic machine-readable material

System program order (5629-ENV) for CBS

The following information applies only to France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Portugal,South Africa, Spain, and the United Kingdom:

For each configuration/product ordered, the ShopPLM configurator will add the 5629-ENV system program order (SPO) and assign the entitlement entity number for theorderable supply.

New orderable supplies

Orderable Distributionsupply ID medium Description S015VD1 CD/DVD CATIA 3D Drft & Annot AOP (5679-TDA)S015VDM CD/DVD CATIA Advance FE Mdlng Pr (5677-AFE)S015VDL CD/DVD CATIA Adv Strctrl Analys Pr (5677-ASA)S015VD4 CD/DVD CATIA Gen Pipng & Tubng AOP (5679-PTA)S015VCX CD/DVD CATIA Gen Piping & Tubing Pr (5677-PTA)S015VD0 CD/DVD CATIA Studio API AOP (5679-CTI)S015VD5 CD/DVD CATIA Surface FE Mdlng Pr (5677-SFE)S015VDN CD/DVD DELMIA Live Assembly AOP (5679-LAS)S015VD2 CD/DVD DELMIA Live Assembly Pr (5677-LAS)S015VDP CD/DVD DELMIA Live Device Behvr AOP (5679-LDB)S015VCZ CD/DVD DELMIA Live Device Behvr Pr (5677-LDB)S015VDK CD/DVD DELMIA Resource Layout AOP (5679-RLT)S015VDH CD/DVD ENO Aprl Accl-Src-PrdnPtr-NU (5678-ARN)S015VD6 CD/DVD ENO Aprl Accl-Src-Prdn-NU (5678-ARP)S015VDD CD/DVD ENO LS Accl-Product-Qual-NU (5678-LPQ)S015VD9 CD/DVD ENO LS Accl-Reg-Affairs-NU (5678-LRA)S015VDT CD/DVD ENO Live Rights Mgr-AOP (5679-LRM)S015VDR CD/DVD ENO Product Qual Central-NU (5678-PQC)S015VDS CD/DVD ENO Quality Imp Central-NU (5678-QIC)S015VDC CD/DVD ENO Studio Cust Tlkit-NU (5678-ADV)S015VDF CD/DVD ENO Studio Fedrtn Tlkit-NU (5678-ADT)S015VDB CD/DVD ENO Studio Modlng Pltfrm-NU (5678-DTE)S015VDV CD/DVD ENO Studio SchemaAnalyzer-NU (5678-SCH)S015VDW CD/DVD ENO Studio VPM API-AOP (5679-EVI)S015VDJ CD/DVD SIMULIA DsgSight Thermal AOP (5679-DTH)S015VD7 CD/DVD SIMULIA DsgSight Thermal Pr (5677-DTH)

Page 43: Table of contents industries, mid-market, and non-experts

IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 43

Withdrawn orderable supplies

Effective January 12, 2010, the following orderable supplies are withdrawn:

S0154KK CD/DVD ENO LS Accl-Qual-Issues-NU (5678-LQI)S0154LH CD/DVD ENO Matls Complnc Connect-SL (5679-MCN)S0154LP CD/DVD ENO Studio Fedrtn Tlkit-SL (5679-ADT)S0154LD CD/DVD ENO Studio Cust Tlkit-SL (5679-ADV)S0154M0 CD/DVD ENO Studio Modlng Pltfrm-SL (5679-DTE)S0154LJ CD/DVD ENO LibMgmt-CA DsnEntry-SL (5679-LCA)S0154MB CD/DVD ENO LibMgmt-MG DsnArch-SL (5679-LMA)S0154LF CD/DVD ENO Studio SchemaAnalyzer-SL (5679-SCH)

System program order (5629-ENV) for legacy systems

The following information applies to all countries except France, Germany, Ireland,Italy, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, and the United Kingdom:

Programs are shipped under the 5629-ENV system program order (SPO). The SPO isrequired for all program shipments and future updates.

Initial orders placed for a configuration/product without a corresponding order orMES for the 5629-ENV SPO will either fail order validation or will not generate amedia shipment. Each customer number must have its own SPO.

New program feature numbers

The following no-charge program feature numbers are used with the 5629-ENV system program order. This information is used for shipment of media. Themaximum quantity of each of the features that may be specified is one for each ofthe configurations/products.

FeatureProduct ID Description number 5679-TDA CATIA 3D Drft & Annot AOP 62565677-AFE CATIA Advance FE Mdlng Pr 62745677-ASA CATIA Adv Strctrl Analys Pr 62735679-PTA CATIA Gen Pipng & Tubng AOP 62595677-PTA CATIA Gen Piping & Tubing Pr 62535679-CTI CATIA Studio API AOP 62555677-SFE CATIA Surface FE Mdlng Pr 62605679-LAS DELMIA Live Assembly AOP 62755677-LAS DELMIA Live Assembly Pr 62575679-LDB DELMIA Live Device Behvr AOP 62765677-LDB DELMIA Live Device Behvr Pr 62545679-RLT DELMIA Resource Layout AOP 62725678-ARN ENO Aprl Accl-Src-PrdnPtr-NU 62705678-ARP ENO Aprl Accl-Src-Prdn-NU 62615678-LPQ ENO LS Accl-Product-Qual-NU 62675678-LRA ENO LS Accl-Reg-Affairs-NU 62645679-LRM ENO Live Rights Mgr-AOP 62795678-PQC ENO Product Qual Central-NU 62775678-QIC ENO Quality Imp Central-NU 62785678-ADV ENO Studio Cust Tlkit-NU 62665678-ADT ENO Studio Fedrtn Tlkit-NU 62685678-DTE ENO Studio Modlng Pltfrm-NU 62655678-SCH ENO Studio SchemaAnalyzer-NU 62805679-EVI ENO Studio VPM API-AOP 62815679-DTH SIMULIA DsgSight Thermal AOP 62715677-DTH SIMULIA DsgSight Thermal Pr 6262

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IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 44

Withdrawn program feature numbers

Effective January 12, 2010, the following program feature numbers are withdrawn:

5678-LQI LS Accl-Qual-Issues-NU 60395679-MCN Matls Complnc Connect-SL 60665679-ADT Studio Fedrtn Tlkit-SL 60725679-ADV Studio Cust Tlkit-SL 60635679-DTE Studio Modlng Pltfrm-SL 60805679-LCA LibMgmt-CA DsnEntry-SL 60675679-LMA LibMgmt-MG DsnArch-SL 60905679-SCH Studio SchemaAnalyzer-SL 6064

Media feature number

Within the system program order, specify the media feature number for each of theworkstation platforms that apply.

Feature DistributionEnvironment number medium

All platforms 3410 CD/DVD

Initial orders

When ordering the first configuration/product, an order must also be placed forthe 5629-ENV SPO. Both the configuration/product order and the SPO must be forthe same CPU system type/system number and must have the same scheduledshipment date.

Subsequent orders

The SPO must have a feature number for every configuration/product that isinstalled or on-order. Therefore, when a configuration that was not previouslyinstalled is ordered, the SPO must be updated.

To update an on-order system

When a license for a new program is ordered for an on-order system, the 5629-ENVSPO must be updated to reflect the feature number of the licensed program desired.Also, for asset registration and billing purposes an order for the individual licensedconfiguration/product required.

To update an installed system

When a license for a new configuration/product is ordered for an installed system,the 5629-ENV SPO must be updated to reflect the feature number of the licensedprogram desired.


Softcopy publications are available as listed in the Packaging topic in the Planninginformation section.

Licensed documentation


Global Technology Services

Contact your IBM representative for the list of selected services available in yourcountry, either as standard or customized offerings for the efficient installation,implementation, and integration of this product.

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IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 45

Terms and conditions

Location license applies


Use limitation applies

Use limitation is implemented based on product categories as described underLicensing.


For a list of V6 products in the extended enterprise users and remote accesscategories, and the named user, concurrent, machine-based, or system licensestructure, visit

http://www.ibm.com/support /docview.wss?rs=886&context=SW860&uid=swg27012981

For information on separately licensed (third-party) software and excludedcomponents, visit

http://www.ibm.com/support /docview.wss?rs=886&context=SW860&uid=swg27012982

For information on how to order software license keys for PLM products, refer to theReadme License Keys document, located at

http://www.ibm.com/support /docview.wss?rs=886&context=SW860&uid=swg27012979

Important For V6R2010x, a new license key management software using DassaultSystemes technology has replaced the LUM-based software used in V6R2010 andearlier. New V6R2010x keys (non-LUM) must be ordered, and the new DS LicenseServer V6R2010x installed. License key administration tools are also new, and someterminology used for key requests and key administration has changed.

Read the above Readme document and the Program Directory when planning anyPLM V6R2010x system installation.

IBM Customer Agreement (ICA) Attachment

Specific terms and conditions applicable to V6 PLM programs are set forth in anattachment to the ICA. The agreement, ICA Attachment for PLM Version 6 Programs(Z125-7115), or equivalent agreement, must be executed by the customer andaccepted by IBM prior to or with the first order for V6 PLM programs or, dependingon local country requirements, with each order. The attachment will be supplied bythe IBM representative.

A summary of the terms and conditions specified in the attachment can be viewed at

http://www.ibm.com/support /docview.wss?rs=886&context=SW860&uid=swg27012980

Educational allowance available

The standard educational allowance does not apply to V6.

Volume orders

Contact your IBM representative.

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IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 46

Warranty applies


Licensed program materials availability

Restricted Materials of IBM: None Non-Restricted Source Materials: None Object Code Only (OCO): All

Program services

Program Services offer a method of reporting code-related problems for V6R2010xPLM licensed software products. In addition, support for these products includesresponding to questions or issues arising from the use and/or administration ofV6R2010x PLM licensed software products when running in a supported, specifiedoperating environment. Support includes:

• Assistance with program-specific, task-oriented questions about the installation,usage and operation of the products

• Identification and resolution of code defects

The following items are not included:

• Problems arising from the operation of an eligible product outside the specifiedoperating environment

• Problems arising in altered portions of a product

• Design and development of applications

This support is only available to customers who meet the entitlement requirements.These requirements are documented in the Attachment for IBM Product LifecycleManagement Version 6 programs. A summary can be found at


Support is available electronically using the problem submission process at the PLMTechnical Support Web site at


Note: In order to use this facility, you must use an IBM ID which has associated toit the licensed IBM customer number under which the product was purchased. If youhave not yet obtained an IBM ID, visit


If you have not yet associated the licensed IBM customer number to your IBM ID,you will be prompted to do so when accessing the problem submission facility.

Not all options of the PLM technical support e-services are available in all countries.

A customer may submit a problem report at any time via the PLM Technical SupportWeb site. The submitter can view or update their problem reports via the Website and can request a response either via voice or e-mail. The response time forproblem reports, regardless of the severity, will be within two business days. Theinitial response from IBM may result in resolving the problem. If not, it will form thebasis for determining what additional actions are required to resolve the problemand/or provide a workaround. All communications must be in English.

During the support period Fix Packs (FP) will be provided for each release,containing fixes for critical situations. A critical situation is defined as aSeverity 1 defect that is blocking production and has no workable alternative tounblock production.

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IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 47

A correction may be provided when:

• The search for a work-around has been performed and was unsuccessful

• It is technically feasible

• An impact analysis has been performed by the customer support organizationand has concluded that correction delivery presents no major risk of softwaredestabilization

These Fix Packs are an accumulation of Hotfixes of components (HF).

A Hotfix of a component:

• Is an incremental update of a component.

• Is available for all platforms supported in the general-availability level.

• Is the cumulative set of all corrections of a component since general-availabilitylevel.

This means Hotfix n+1 (HFn+1) of a Component includes all the corrections of thiscomponent available with HFn plus the new ones.

The latest Fix Pack for each supported release will be available via download fromthe PLM Technical Support Web site at


Fixes for all other code defects reported against the release will be provided in afuture release of the product.

Preventive service is delivered through the next release of the V6 products. Thenew release also includes corrections to problems, depending on the time of theirsubmission and their severity.

IBM performance is predicated upon the following responsibilities being fulfilled bythe customer:

• Perform initial problem determination to exclude problems caused by PLM Version6 application customizations

• Make available such systems, documentation, information and resource as mayreasonably be requested by IBM in resolving the problem

• Be responsible for implementing any preventive or corrective action which IBMrecommends

• Provide IBM with all relevant and available diagnostic information (includingprogram or system information) pertaining to the problem

• Be responsible for the actual content of any customer-provided data selection andimplementing controls on its access and use, and the security of the stored data

The following additional services may be available via an enhanced support contract:

• Technical Support Advocate (TSA)

• Fix validation in the customer's environment

• Unique requirements for individual customers

Contact your PLM representative or authorized IBM Business Partner for moreinformation. These options may not be available in all countries or for all products.

Support will be provided for V6R2010x products (R606) until December 4, 2012.After that date, support will no longer be available.

Should it be necessary for customers who are up-to-date on their Annual LicenseCharge (ALC) payments to extend support beyond this date, a support extension willbe available for an additional fee.

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IBM Europe, Middle East, and AfricaSoftware Announcement ZP10-0016

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 48

This extension is for one year only, with no possibility of renewal, with the samescope of support services except for defect support, which is limited to criticalsituations found in production running on an announced, supported environmentand subject to the availability and maintainability of Operating Systems, databases,middleware and hardware (clients and servers) at the time the critical situation isreported. A critical situation is a Severity 1 defect that is blocking production andhas no workable alternative to unblock production.

In order to ensure uninterrupted support, support extension requests should besubmitted at least 6 months prior to the end of support date through the customer'smarketing team or Business Partner.

This extension of support will not constitute an alternative to the customer'smigration to the latest release or version of the installed products and therefore thecustomer is obligated to have a documented and viable migration plan to the latestrelease or version in order to obtain an extension of support.

For a list of all currently supported releases of PLM products, visit


On the right under Product Lifecycle Management support select Plan, thenon the subsequent page under Resources, select PLM product end of supportdates.

New support life-cycle dates for previous releases are announced. The following endof support dates have changed:

V6 productsRelease End of support V6R2010 July 17, 2012V6R2009x November 28, 2011V6R2009 June 13, 2011


For all local pricing information, contact your IBM representative.

IBM Global Financing

IBM Global Financing offers competitive financing to credit-qualified customers toassist them in acquiring IT solutions. Offerings include financing for IT acquisition,including hardware, software, and services, from both IBM and other manufacturersor vendors. Offerings (for all customer segments: small, medium, and largeenterprise), rates, terms, and availability can vary by country. Contact your localIBM Global Financing organization or visit


IBM Global Financing offerings are provided through IBM Credit LLC in the UnitedStates, and other IBM subsidiaries and divisions worldwide to qualified commercialand government customers. Rates are based on a customer's credit rating, financingterms, offering type, equipment type, and options, and may vary by country. Otherrestrictions may apply. Rates and offerings are subject to change, extension, orwithdrawal without notice.

For more financing information, visit


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IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 49

Announcement countries

All European, Middle Eastern and African countries, except:

• Iran

• Sudan

• Syria


Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in theUnited States, other countries, or both.

Tracer is a trademark of IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, orboth.

IBM, AIX, Rational and ClearCase are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation inthe United States, other countries, or both.

Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, othercountries, or both.

Adobe is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the UnitedStates, and/or other countries.

Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks ofothers.

Terms of use

IBM products and services which are announced and available in your countrycan be ordered under the applicable standard agreements, terms, conditions,and prices in effect at the time. IBM reserves the right to modify or withdraw thisannouncement at any time without notice. This announcement is provided foryour information only. Reference to other products in this announcement does notnecessarily imply those products are announced, or intend to be announced, in yourcountry. Additional terms of use are located at:


For the most current information regarding IBM products, consult your IBMrepresentative or reseller, or visit the IBM worldwide contacts page
