St. Michael Catholic Parish Where we celebrate the sacraments, grow disciples, and bring Christ to people. Receive Texts & Emails at Flocknote.com/StMichaelLivermore We’re Social! 458 Maple St, Livermore, CA 925-447-1585 StMichaelLivermore.com St Michael School 925-447-1888 smsliv.org

St. Michael Catholic Parish · book by Allen Hunt Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody. Read it this sea-son with a friend! Soup Meal Join us on Ash Wednesday in the Hall for a free

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Page 1: St. Michael Catholic Parish · book by Allen Hunt Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody. Read it this sea-son with a friend! Soup Meal Join us on Ash Wednesday in the Hall for a free

St. Michael Catholic Parish Where we celebrate the sacraments, grow disciples, and bring Christ to people.

Receive Texts & Emails at Flocknote.com/StMichaelLivermore We’re Social!

458 Maple St, Livermore, CA 925-447-1585 StMichaelLivermore.com St Michael School 925-447-1888 smsliv.org

Page 2: St. Michael Catholic Parish · book by Allen Hunt Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody. Read it this sea-son with a friend! Soup Meal Join us on Ash Wednesday in the Hall for a free

H ave you ever had a mo-ment of silence where you realized that the mundane

tasks of life were preven ng you from living to the fullest? While we do need to take care of the daily ne-cessi es, some mes we live a half-hearted life of “just ge ng by.” But Jesus wants to give us life to the full. He wants to remove the things in our life that prevent us from appre-cia ng the beauty around us, the gi s in our life, and truly experienc-ing the plans he has in store for us.

Levi cus 12:1-2, 44-46 Today’s reading from Levi cus gives us some background for the Gospel reading. The Law of Moses con-tained many rules for ritual purity regarding washings, bathings, cloth-ing, dead bodies, and bodily prob-lems. Levi cus 13 appoints the Isra-elite priests as the official diagnos -cians of skin disease. If a person was ruled ritually unclean because of a skin problem, then he would be ex-cluded from worshipping with God’s people at the Tabernacle or Temple. In fact, he would have to live apart from the people, outside the camp and shout “unclean, unclean” (Lev 13:45) at people who came too near, so as to limit the risk of the conta-gion spreading. Leprosy, which was and is a debili-ta ng skin disease, was a physical sign for spiritual impurity. In the same way that bodily leprosy would exclude a person from spiritual com-munion with the Lord, sin excludes us from God’s presence and breaks our rela onship with him. While we are in sin, we cannot truly worship God. Yet the ancient Israelites had no solu on for leprosy. One could

merely separate from the people but never be cured. Jesus brings a solu-

on for the leprosy of sin. In fact, he

is the solu on. It is by his blood that our sins can be forgiven, and we can again be made clean before God.

1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 Here St. Paul concludes a long dis-cussion of how our ac ons and our judgments of others intersect in Chris an prac ce. Some of the early Chris ans regarded most meat avail-able in the Roman world as sinful to eat, since most of it had been offered to idols. However, Paul in-sists that objec vely there is no problem with the meat. The problem lies when ea ng the meat would cause scandal, leading pagans or other Chris ans astray. Paul wraps up this discussion with our short reading of his more general princi-ple: to do everything for God’s glory, whether in ea ng or abstaining.

Paul’s teaching reveals the difficulty of living the Chris an moral life in community. While each of us is re-sponsible for obeying God’s law in the par cular circumstances of our lives, we also must be aware of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Their rela onship with God might hinge upon our behavior, and we need to be aware of the consciences of those around us, who may have scruples that we do not. We do not want to lead anyone into sin by our behavior, but rather lead them to Christ. Being sensi ve to the spiritual needs of others and their disposi on before God will help us to please them and God at the same me.

Mark 1:40-45 Our reading records one of the first miracles in the Gospel of Mark: the healing of the leper. Under normal circumstances, a Jewish priest could perform a diagnosis but no healing measures because leprosy was a permanent condi on. Yet Jesus does not merely diagnose this leper. In-stead, he touches the leper with his hand. Again, under normal circum-stances in the Old Testament, you would never touch a leper because you could also contract the disease. However, in today’s Gospel, the Eternal High Priest reaches out and makes the leper clean. Jesus’s purity cleanses the impurity of the disease and eradicates its power in the man’s life. Even though Jesus is in the process of revolu onizing the whole religion of Israel, he commands the healed man to follow procedure and get himself reinstated by a Jewish priest and perform the Temple rituals pre-scribed for cleansed lepers (Levi cus

Page 3: St. Michael Catholic Parish · book by Allen Hunt Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody. Read it this sea-son with a friend! Soup Meal Join us on Ash Wednesday in the Hall for a free

14). Most of us don’t have leprosy, but since leprosy serves as a power-ful metaphor for sin, we can iden fy with the leper in this gospel. He comes to Jesus in need. He seeks out the Savior but can’t really touch him. He needs to be touched by Jesus, and the Lord responds in power. In the same way, Jesus reaches out to heal us from the “leprosy” of sin.

Please watch the short six-minute Opening the Word video on FORMED.org. How do you try and live out St. Paul’s words to the Corinthians to do all that you do for the glory of God? We all have something that needs to be healed in our lives: physical, emo-

onal, or spiritual ailments that need the touch of Jesus. Where do you need him to heal you today?

Discernment of Spirits St. Igna us of Loyola had a phrase “ad maiorem Dei gloriam,” which translates “all for the greater honor and glory of God.” His point was that any work that is not evil or sinful can bring God glory if we choose to do it with a heart for him. We can apply this phrase especially to the neces-sary, mundane daily tasks in our lives. Things like laundry and lawn mowing can be done for God’s glory because they bring order and beauty into our family’s life. We can live out our vo-ca on to the full by bringing this goodness into our home for God’s glory. How will you live “ad maiorem Dei gloriam” today?

Jesus Heals In Jesus’s me, if an “unclean” per-son touched a clean person, the clean person was rendered unclean as well. This is why people with dis-

eases like leprosy were sent away from the rest of the community. However, Jesus reaches out and touches the man with the skin dis-ease in today’s Gospel. By this ac on, Jesus is not rendered unclean, but instead heals the uncleanness of the leper! This would be radical to Jesus’s followers. Learn from the example of the leper that Jesus brings healing— Jesus cannot be hurt by your weak-ness.

As we begin Lent on Wednesday, please consider signing up for a weekly hour in the Adora on Chapel. Adora [email protected] or leave a note in the envelope in the chapel.

This Opening the Word reflec on by FORMED.org has been printed with permission from Augus ne Ins tute. Download this week’s Opening the Word prayer journal at FORMED.org

Thursday, February 15 at 6:30 pm in the Hall

If you cannot attend in person on Thursday, please watch FORGIVEN session one on your own. Sign up for your free FORMED account at StMichael.Formed.org

Page 4: St. Michael Catholic Parish · book by Allen Hunt Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody. Read it this sea-son with a friend! Soup Meal Join us on Ash Wednesday in the Hall for a free

To arrange a Mass inten on,

Mass Intentions Saturday 2/10

8:30am 5:00pm 7:00pm

Ivan Kevesevic Clifford Bates Carmen Morales Enrique Morales

Sunday 2/11

6:45am 8:00am 9:30am 11:00am 12:30pm 6:00pm

Ilda A. Rosa Frs Tom & Lex Byrne, S.J. Maria Vinh Thi Dinh Bill Rea Tim Sturdevant James Willis Rosario Bernal Fr Ma Menger

Monday 2/12

8:30am Karyn Diane Pedersen

Tuesday 2/13

8:30am Kashmeer Sahota Marilyn McLaughlin

Wednesday 2/14

8:30am 10:00am 5:30pm 7:00pm

Estellita Navarro Nestoria Magno Cecilio Reyes Jack Arena Jose Saul Ramirez Montoya

Thursday 2/15

8:30am The Nguyen Family

Friday 2/16


Ellen MacDonald

Parish Prayer Requests For our parish community as we enter the Lenten season, that we may use this me of penance to grow in discipleship. For those newly bap zed: Benjamin F., Jesus B., Carlos B., Gavin D., and Amiyah O. For newlyweds: Fernando & Gardenia Rodriguez For all those who are suffering in mind, body and spirit. Please send your prayer requests to [email protected]

Prayer We learn from the First Reading today that lepers are cast out from socie-ty and are forbidden to be around healthy people. But, in today’s Gospel, a leper ventures out from the segregated leper colony and presents him-self to Jesus, with faith and expecta on in his healing power. He trusts that Jesus has the power to do anything. What amazing faith! What do you long to be healed from? What keeps you from being fully alive and able to live freely in all areas of your life? Are you willing to risk exposing your weakness to others in order that you may be healed? Do you trust Jesus’s ability to heal your ailment? Do not be afraid to ask Jesus for healing. He always wills your highest good. Resolu on Take the me to present your need for healing to Jesus this week. Do not be afraid to do what he asks. This may mean Confession, counseling, ask-ing someone’s forgiveness, and so on. Do so boldly, without fear of being exposed, for Jesus will be the one sending you forth so that you may live freely.

Page 5: St. Michael Catholic Parish · book by Allen Hunt Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody. Read it this sea-son with a friend! Soup Meal Join us on Ash Wednesday in the Hall for a free

Thank you for your con nued gen-erosity! Your financial offerings are St Michael’s only source of income. We could not operate our mission without your support.

It’s with great excitement that I an-nounce that Tina Gregory our Com-munica ons Coordinator has been given addi onal responsibili es which will also include leading our Adult Enrichment programs here at St. Michaels. Her new tle of Com-munica ons and Adult Enrichment Coordinator will allow us to expand a coordinated and strategic effort to further engage adults to grow as dis-ciples. The posi on will help bring together our bible studies, Alpha pro-gram, small group programs and ex-pand our efforts in using FORMED and other online mul -media

pla orms. When you see Tina, please con-gratulate her on this well-deserved expanded role as we con nue to fo-cus on our mission to Celebrate the Sacraments, Grow Disciples, and Bring Christ to People here at St. Michaels. Eric Hom Business Manager

A s the season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 14th, we are encouraged to

take up the tradi onal Lenten prac c-es of prayer, fas ng and giving of alms. This is a me for an all-around tune-up of our rela onship with Jesus! There are many opportuni es at St Michael’s to fully take part in the sea-son of Lent. Ash Wednesday Pick up your free gi , the inspira onal book by Allen Hunt Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody. Read it this sea-son with a friend!

Soup Meal Join us on Ash Wednesday in the Hall for a free soup meal sponsored by our Knights of Columbus from 4:30 pm to 7:30pm. Parish Lenten Mission This year, we will focus on the Sacra-ment of Reconcilia on, using the ex-cellent program FORGIVEN. It will be a 3-night study and discussion group either in English or Spanish. See the upcoming events page for details. Reconcilia on Service Our Parish Lenten Mission will culmi-nate with both our English and Span-ish communi es coming together for a bilingual Reconcilia on Service on March 6th at 7:00 pm in the Church. The Li le Black Books Pick up a er Mass the tradi onal book of daily medita ons and prayers. Rice Bowls Catholic Relief Service provides the li le bowls for us to use in alms giving during the Lenten Season. It is a great

way to help the less fortunate and poor of the world. Pick up one a er Mass. Sta ons of the Cross Join us in the church at 7 pm on the Fridays of Lent for Sta ons in English. Sta ons in Spanish will be on Wednes-day nights at 7 pm. Eucharis c Adora on Make a point to spend regular, per-sonal visits with Jesus in our chapel. Daily Mass Consider celebra ng an extra Mass: Monday-Saturday at 8:30 am followed by the Rosary in the Chapel. Pray for Catechumens Catechumens are those who are pre-paring for Bap sm at Easter Vigil. God sees us with eyes of Love. Let us purify our souls during this season of Lent. Deacon Dave Rezendes Pastoral Administrator

Lent is Knocking at Our Door of Faith

2/4/18 Collec on $19,834.50

Month-to-Date $19,834.50

Month Goal $87,058.82

Percentage Reached 23%

Faith Direct for Jan. $0.00 Maintenance (for Month) $6,659.71

Page 6: St. Michael Catholic Parish · book by Allen Hunt Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody. Read it this sea-son with a friend! Soup Meal Join us on Ash Wednesday in the Hall for a free

Readings: Jas 1:1-11; Ps 119:67-68, 71-72, 75-76; Mk 8:11-13

Sugges on: Plan how you will observe the fast on Ash Wednesday. See the next page for fas ng norms

Readings: Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25

Event: Parish Lent Mission in English at 6:30 pm in the Hall FORGIVEN: Where Are You? Have you ever felt lost and alone, isolated in guilt? God won’t leave us there—he searches for us and runs to welcome us home in the Sacrament of Reconcilia on.

MONDAY, FEB 12 TUESDAY, FEB 13 WEDNESDAY, FEB 14 Readings: Jas 1:12-18; Ps 94:12-13a, 14-15, 18-19; Mk 8:14-21

Event: Ministry Apprecia on Mardi Gras Party, 5-8 pm in the Hall All parish volunteers are invited! Let us treat you to some food, drink, music and fellowship


Ash Wednesday: Day of Fas ng and Abstaining from Meat Readings: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 -- 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18

Abstain from Meat Readings: Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15

Event: Parish Lent Mission in Spanish at 7:00 pm in the Hall

First Sunday in Lent Readings: Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15

Repent and Believe In her wisdom, the Church gives us readings at the beginning of Lent of Jesus giving us an example of what the season of Lent is meant to be for us. Lent is a me to remember the reality of our life on earth. In the way that Lent prepares us for Easter, our life on earth is meant to prepare us for heaven—the eternal Easter. We are ba ling against evil in the desert of this world, with the hope of the resurrec on on the other side. Lent draws us into this reality and pre-pares us for this ba le.


Readings: Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32

Events: Dress-a-Girl Sew Fest, 9am-3pm in the Hall. Contact Suzanne at 925-352 8447

Marriage Ministry Date Night at 7 pm in the Large Hall. Married or en-gaged couples are invited. For more info, call Karen 925-784-6668

KofC Ash Wednesday FREE Soup Dinner 4:30—7:30 pm in the Large Hall

Page 7: St. Michael Catholic Parish · book by Allen Hunt Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody. Read it this sea-son with a friend! Soup Meal Join us on Ash Wednesday in the Hall for a free

Ash Wednesday, Feb 14 Ash Wednesday is an obligatory day of fas ng and abs nence for Catholics. The norms on fas ng are obligatory from age 18 un l age 59. When fas ng, a person is permi ed to eat one full meal, as well as two smaller meals that together are not equal to a full meal. The norms concerning abs nence from meat are binding upon mem-bers of the La n Catholic Church from age 14 onwards.

A 3-Night Workshop Series for Our Parish Lenten Mis-sion

Forgiven explores the grace and heal-ing offered in Confession and shows how this sacrament of mercy reveals the depth and bounty of God’s love. By looking at God’s revela on of his mercy in Scripture and making a step-

by-step examina on of the Rite itself, Forgiven communicates God’s invita on to each one of us to come experience his indescribable love in the Sacrament of Reconcilia on. Join us at 6:30 pm in the Large Hall for three nights exploring the Sacrament of Confession. Our mission series will cul-minate with the Bilingual Parish Reconcilia on Service in the Church.

Thursday, February 15: Session 1 – Where are You? Thursday, February 22: Session 2 – An Encounter with Mercy Tuesday, February 27: Session 3 – The Rite Explained Tuesday, March 6: Bilingual Parish Reconcilia on Service at 7:00 pm in the Church

Sun, Feb 25 a er 9:30 am Mass Small Hall Star ng on February 25, the Wel-coming Ministry will host a monthly brunch for all those who are new to our parish community, returning a er a me away or just ready to become more connected and meet new friends! Join us in the Small Hall, on the fourth Sunday of the month, a er the 9:30 am Mass. This is a great me to meet people, find out about parish ministries, and ask ques ons about life at St Michael’s. Please RSVP to 925-447-1585

Feb 14-Mar 24 Please prayerfully consider standing for Life in conjunc on with other Chris ans and like minded people during the 40 Days for Life campaign, set for February 14 through March 24. This world-wide organiza on that promotes 40 Days of prayer and fas ng for an end to abor on. Sign up to pray for one hour outside the Planned Parenthood in Walnut Creek at 1537 Oakland Blvd. We will be praying from 7 a.m. through 7 p.m., Monday through Saturday, dur-ing the 40 Day vigil. Sign up on the website: 40DaysFor-Life.com/walnutcreek or call Ann Vac-caro 925-212-7938 with ques ons. Thank you.

Page 8: St. Michael Catholic Parish · book by Allen Hunt Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody. Read it this sea-son with a friend! Soup Meal Join us on Ash Wednesday in the Hall for a free

Thurs, March 15 at 9:15 am Large Hall This one hour mission based tour is your opportunity to learn about the programs of Catholic Chari es of the East Bay. You will hear about: • Legal immigra on and refugee

rese lement services. • Homelessness preven on • Claire’s House for trafficked mi-

nors • Behavioral health services for

youth • Grief counseling for vic ms of

crime • Meet CEO Chuck Fernandez For more info call Sween Gardner at 510-768-8161.

Enjoy an evening of great food and wine as our school families and parish community come together to socialize while suppor ng our school’s biggest fundraising event of the year. The revenue earned from this fundraiser will be used to support opera ng costs to keep tui on affordable. Dona ons made specifically to the Fund-A-Need will go toward crea ng a STREAM (science, technology, religion, engineering, art, and math) room for all our students. Tickets can be purchased online: h ps://smsliv. cketleap.com/ $60 per person (includes wine and brew pours, non-alcoholic beverages, sa-vory food sta ons and a fabulous dessert bar) $75 per person for VIP (Champagne recep on from 5:30-6:00 pm) Sponsorship opportuni es are available and include ckets to the event. For more informa on, please contact the St. Michael School office at 925-447-1888.

Sat, March 3, 6:00-10:00 pm at the Robert Livermore Community Center

Tuesday, March 6 at 7 pm in the church Come and receive the Sacrament of Reconcilia on (Confession, Penance), so you will be able to celebrate the paschal mystery in the Easter Triduum with renewed hearts.

Feb 16, Feb 23, March 2 at St Charles’s Hall March 9, 16, 23 at St Michael’s Hall from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm Fridays are days of abstaining from meat. Come and enjoy delicious fish tacos, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Bring the whole family! Tickets are $8 per adult, $4 per child, free for kids 4 and under. Proceeds will benefit our parish and local chari es.

Page 9: St. Michael Catholic Parish · book by Allen Hunt Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody. Read it this sea-son with a friend! Soup Meal Join us on Ash Wednesday in the Hall for a free

Perdonado: El Poder Transformador de la Confesión Una serie de talleres de 3 días para la Cuaresma Perdonado explora la gracia y sanación que se otorgan en la Confesión y mues-tra cómo es que este sacramento de misericordia revela la profundidad y la abundancia del amor de Dios. Contemplando la revelación de la misericordia de Dios en las Sagradas Escrituras y haciendo un examen detallado del Rito en sí, la

serie Perdonado manifiesta la invitación de Dios a cada uno de nosotros para que experimentemos Su amor indescrip -ble en el Sacramento de Reconciliación.

Únase a nosotros a las 7:00 pm en la sala grande durante tres noches para explorar el Sacramento de la confesión. La serie finalizará con un servicio bilingüe de reconciliación en la iglesia.

Viernes, 16 de febrero : Sesión 1: ¿Dónde Estás? Viernes, 23 de febrero : Sesión 2: Un Encuentro de Misericordia Viernes, 2 de marzo : Sesión 3: Explicación del Rito Martes, 6 de marzo : Servicio de reconciliación bilingüe a las 19:00 en la iglesia

Misa de miércoles de ceniza en espa-ñol en 7:00 pm el 14 de febrero

¿Estás llamado a llevar la Santa Co-munión a los feligreses que no pueden asis r a misa? Si es así, por favor visita el Ministerio de San Mi-guel para los confinados en su hogar. Estamos aquí para llevar la bendita Santa Cena a los feligreses, ya sea que estén en su hogar, en un hogar de cuidado colec vo o posiblemente en un hospital cercano. Estamos especialmente buscando ministros de habla hispana. Por favor, considera en oración si el Señor te está llamando a este poderoso minis-terio. Si es así, contacta a Lien Celi al 925-325-9117 o [email protected]

El Grupo de Oracion te invita cordialmente a una misa de sanacion el dia 9 de Febrero alas 7:00pm aqui en la Iglesia. Ven y deja todas tus cargas, dolores y preocupasiones en las manos de Dios, que el te levantara, te fortalecera y samara. El Padre Rafael Hinojosa sera nuestro celebrante y tu eres el invitado especial de Nuestro Señor. El te espera con los brazos abiertos. No Faltes!

Sesión 1: ¿Dónde Estás? ¿Alguna vez has recibido una "llamada de atención" que te inspiró a hacer un cambio en tu vida? Tal vez fue algo importante, como una situación de salud que te forzó a tomar mejores decisiones. O tal vez fue algún comentario de un amigo que te convenció a llevar a cabo una acción diferente en cierto asunto. Cuando nos desviamos del curso de nuestra vida, Dios a menudo nos envía una llamada de atención para acercarnos a Él. Pero algunas veces es di cil, e incluso doloroso, parar, escuchar y dar la vuelta. Gracias a Dios, Él no nos pide que lo hagamos por nuestra propia cuenta. Él no sólo nos llama a regresar a casa, sino que también camina con nosotros en cada paso del camino. Viernes, 16 de febrero 7:00 pm en la sala grande

Page 10: St. Michael Catholic Parish · book by Allen Hunt Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody. Read it this sea-son with a friend! Soup Meal Join us on Ash Wednesday in the Hall for a free

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Page 12: St. Michael Catholic Parish · book by Allen Hunt Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody. Read it this sea-son with a friend! Soup Meal Join us on Ash Wednesday in the Hall for a free

Mon-Sat | Lu-Sa 8:30 am Wed | Mi 7:00 pm (español) Sat Vigil | Vigilia del Sábado 5:00 pm (English), 7:00 pm (español) Sunday | Domingo 6:45 am, 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm (español), 6:00 pm Sign Language | Lenguaje por Señas 1st Sun, 11:00 am Primer domingo a las 11:00 am Vietnamese | Vietnamita 4th Sun, 3:30 pm Cuarto domingo a las 3:30 pm

Saturday, in the church | Sábado en la iglesia 9:00 am & 3:45 pm in English 6:15 pm en español 1st & 3rd Wed in the Convent Chapel, at 2:30 pm in English

1st Saturday a er 8:30 am Mass or by appointment: 925-447-1585 | 1er sábado después de las 8:30 am Misa o con cita previa: 925-447-1585

24/7 in the Chapel. For a er hours access code, call 925-980-4826 | 24/7 en la Capilla. Para el código de acceso después de las horas, llame al 925-980-4826

Rev. Van Dinh, Pastor Rev. Alfonso Borgen, Parochial Vicar Rev. David Staal, Associate Rev. Alfred Amos, In Residence Rev. Stanislaus Poon, Re red Rev. Deacon Bill Archer Rev. Deacon Rob Federle Rev. Deacon Dave Rezendes Rev. Deacon Bob Vince

Pastoral Council Chair: Mike Pereira [email protected] Eric Hom, Ricardo Echon, Fidelis Atuegbu, Jo Anne Lindquist, Dave Parks, Frank Draschner, Ken Varallo, Irving Garcia, Cynthia Garay and Glenda Dubsky.

Finance Council Chair: Dave Ruth [email protected] Fr. Van Dinh, Eric Hom, Cynthia Garay, Edna McCombe, Analy Palo-mino, Vanessa Suarez


925-447-1888 smsliv.org


925-453-6494 Niños

St. Michael Parish | La Parroquia de San Miquel 458 Maple St, Livermore, CA 94550 Tel: 925-447-1585

StMichaelLivermore.com | StMichaelLivermore.com/español

Deacon Dave Rezendes, Temporary Administrator


Fr Alfonso Borgen, Parochial Vicar


Eric Hom, Business 925-667-4052

Deacon Bill Archer 925-667-4056

Kathy Hawkins, Bookkeeper 925-667-4058

Church Front Office 925-447-1585

School Front Office 925-447-1888

Lourdes Kay, Faith Forma on 925-667-4096

Priscilla Stutzman, DRE 925-667-4097

Joseph Garcia, Youth Minister


Tina Gregory, Communication/Adult Enrichment


JaNet Hancock, Music 925-292-5071

Debbie Pizzato, Liturgy 925-667-4095

Marjorie Melendez, RCIA 925-447-2925

Ana Fregoso, RICA 925-344-7150

Fr Van Dinh, Pastor (on administra ve leave)

M-F 8:30 am—5:00 pm (closed dur-ing lunch) Sun 8:30 am—12:30 pm