WINTER , 2017 V OLUME VIII; I SSUE 4 Tending the Master’s Vineyard ST. MARY & ST. BONIFACE CATHOLIC CHURCHES Happy “72nd” Ordination Anniversary Father Angelo C. Caserta February 24, 1945 Celebration Sunday April 23, 2017 Grand Opening & Dedication of the New Church St. John-St. Lewis Parish Dominica Fr. Sharplis recently announced that they will consecrate their new church for the Parish of St John and St Lewis on the Sunday after Easter (April 23 rd ). There are several parishioners from the Piqua parishes who have expressed an interest in attending the event. At the present time, we are attempting to compile a list of those parishioners who would like to attend. If you are interested, please send an email to Bob and Lois Hartings at [email protected]. This visit will not be a parish-sponsored twinning trip, and so all expenses must be covered by the individuals who will be attending. Our thought is that a group from the Twinning Committee will try to coordinate lodging and transportation as a shared expense for the group. Date Set for the Consecration of the New Church in Dominica INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Parish Activities 2-5 Parish Notes 6 Reflections . . . 7 Rel. Ed & Youth Min. 8 $7 A Month Club 9 School News 10 In Retrospect 11 Upcoming Dates 12 Continued on Page 10

ST. MARY & ST. BONIFACE CATHOLIC CHURCHES Tending the Master’s · 2017. 10. 17. · E I SSUE 4 Tending the Master’s Vineyard ST. MARY & ST. BONIFACE CATHOLIC CHURCHES Happy “72nd”

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Page 1: ST. MARY & ST. BONIFACE CATHOLIC CHURCHES Tending the Master’s · 2017. 10. 17. · E I SSUE 4 Tending the Master’s Vineyard ST. MARY & ST. BONIFACE CATHOLIC CHURCHES Happy “72nd”






— V







E 4

Tending the Master’s



Happy “72nd” Ordination Anniversary

Father Angelo C. Caserta

February 24, 1945

Celebration Sunday

April 23, 2017

Grand Opening & Dedication of the

New Church St. John-St. Lewis

Parish Dominica

Fr. Sharplis recently announced that they

will consecrate their new church for the

Parish of St John and St Lewis on the Sunday

after Easter (April 23rd). There are several

parishioners from the Piqua parishes who

have expressed an interest in attending the

event. At the present time, we are attempting

to compile a list of those parishioners who

would like to attend. If you are interested,

please send an email to Bob and Lois

Hartings at [email protected].

This visit will not be a parish-sponsored

twinning trip, and so all expenses must be

covered by the individuals who will be

attending. Our thought is that a group from

the Twinning Committee will try to

coordinate lodging and transportation as a

shared expense for the group.

Date Set for the Consecration

of the New Church in Dominica


Parish Activities 2-5

Parish Notes 6

Reflections . . . 7

Rel. Ed & Youth Min. 8

$7 A Month Club 9

School News 10

In Retrospect 11

Upcoming Dates 12

Continued on Page 10

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St. Mary Altar Society

St. Mary Altar Society had their Christmas Luncheon at the home of Helen

Metzger. A new alb and cincture were purchased and presented to

Fr. Bolte at the luncheon as a Christmas gift. Afterwards, flowers and Christmas cards were

taken to parishioners confined to the local nursing homes. Our next

project will be the sale of desserts at the St. Mary Lenten Fish Fry on March 10.

Adult Faith Formation

Bible Study for the Year of Mercy: A seven week Bible study using the book Mercy; A Bible Study for

Catholics by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. was held at the Downing St. Campus. The afternoon sessions were led by

Kim Cathcart and the evening sessions by Noreen Wendeln.

Mass for Deceased Parishioners: On November 6th, a Mass was held in memory of deceased parishioners

from both parishes at St. Mary Church. A reception in the North St. Campus cafeteria followed.

Coffee and Doughnuts: Held on the first Sunday of the month after the St. Mary 9:00am Mass

and the St. Boniface 11:00 am Mass. This is a time to enjoy refreshment and fellowship with

fellow parishioners. Sponsored by the Family Life Groups of both parishes, the Adult Faith

Formation coordinates the different groups hosting. If your group would like to host, please

contact Barb Kohl.

Christ Renews His Parish: A program of personal renewal for men and women

of both parishes. Led by parishioners for both parishes, the women’s was held on

October 22-23, 2016. The men’s program will be held on January 21-22, 2017.

Twelve–fifteen parishioners are needed to present the retreat. Anyone interested

in attending please contact Rick Monroe at 937-773-9781, Bill Wattercutter

937-477-7472, or Fr. Bolte at the parish offices 937-773-1656 or 937-773-1327.

Prayer Partners: Parishioners are again partnering to pray for our 8th grade Confirmation candidates and

RCIA candidates and catechumens during their formation period.

Lent: The Commission is now in the planning stages for the upcoming Lenten season. Stations of the Cross

will be offered on Thursday evenings at St. Mary and Sunday afternoon at St. Boniface. Times will be listed in

the bulletin during Lent. Father Ben Luedtke will be offering a retreat March 26-29th.

Resisting Happiness: A book by Matthew Kelly was distributed one per household at all

the Christmas Masses. The book can be used for personal reflection or in a group


The Adult Faith Formation Commission is comprised of members from both St.

Boniface and St. Mary parishes, Fr. Bolte, and Diane Mengos. St. Boniface members are

Jim Niswonger, Nancy Peltier, Julie Tyler and Chuck Tyler. St. Mary members are Ann

Koehl, Barb Kohl (chairperson), Cathy Oda, Gloria Stonerock, Bill Wattercutter, Noreen

Wendeln and Mary Zimmerman. Meetings are held at the North Street Campus on the

third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm. Anyone interested in being a part of this

commission are welcome to attend or contact any of the current members.

Questions concerning any of our activities, please contact Barb Kohl (773-9205 or [email protected]).

Parish Activities

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St. Boniface Family Life

SANTA: The Family/Parish Life

Group thanks you for your

overwhelming support of its annual

Christmas project — the Shut-ins And

Needy Treats Appeal. Your generous

“caring/sharing” helped to bring the

Christmas spirit to 20 families in our

community, including 40 children. In

addition to the gifts, fresh fruit plates/poinsettias were

delivered to our parish’s shut-ins and staff. Our

parishes’ Mission Committee Projects and the Elizabeth

New Life Center received donations, too. Thanks to the following for

the giving of their time at this very busy time of year.

Fruit Plate Assembly: Martha Hemm, Rich and Pat Knab & Family,

Keith & Joyce Thornberry, Tim and Deb Tyler

Fruit Plate/Flower & Gift Delivery: Matt Cox Family, Kathy Davis

and Son, Jeb Friend Family, Abby & Isaac Hemm, Erinn Hemmert

Family, Kyle Henry Family, Jim & Teresa Ostendorf, Kevin Ryan

Family, Ben Scott, Jr. Family, & thank you to Diane Mengos who did

the scheduling.


rolls and 300+ loaves of bread were sold at our 3rd annual Cabbage

Roll/Heritage Bread Sale in November.

Thanks to ALL who helped make the cabbage rolls, baked bread, and worked at

the sale — Bill Caserta, Ann Bradl, Karla Cool, Mary Crist, Ron Curtis, Deb

Darner, Bonne Decknadel, Tweetie Duer, Theresa Henderson, Cindy

Huelskamp, John & Brenda Karpinski, Rich & Pat Knab, Barb Kohl, Jane

Laloge, Doug & Dolores Latham, Joe McKinley, Judy Meckstroth, Chuck

Peltier, Diane Penny, Mary Beth Rich, Toni Roth, Joyce Thornberry, Julie

Tyler, Juanita Ventura, Calen Vernon, Karen Warner, Tina Watts, Robbie

Webb, Peg White

Additional “Thank Yous” to Brenda Karpinski, who scheduled workers and to

our Parishes’ Staff — for always helping with St. Boniface Family Life

activities. And thanks, too, to ALL who made purchases.

Thank you !!!!

Parish Activities Continued


Cabbage Rolls Still in the Freezer (4) 12-Count Packages @ $27 each

(1) 8-Count @ $20

(3) 6-Count @ $15 each

(2) 4-count @ $10 each

Includes Sauerkraut/Tomato Sauce

& Baking Directions

To purchase, send an email to

[email protected] or call 778-8642


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Parish Activities Continued


St. Boniface/St. Mary Mission Committee

The Mission Committee would like to thank all the people that donated towards the

Giving Trees this Christmas. Your donations benefit our 2 missions and parish

twinning project. Christmas and New Year's are over, and Lent and Easter will be here

before we know it. We will be getting ready to sell desserts at the first and last St. Mary

Lenten Fish Fries.

It won't be long, and we'll be gearing up for the annual rummage sale in July.

Remember if you have any items to donate, we will be willing to pick up or tell you

where to take them if you have the ability to take them yourself. Call Don

Stonerock at 773-2400 for any items you want picked up. We accept anything but

no clothing and old style TVs. We accept flat screen TVs.

Thanks again, for supporting the Mission Committee. We all appreciate it very much. Our next meeting is

on January 9, and everyone is invited. New members are always welcome.

20th Annual St. Boniface Quilt Raffle

And the winner is . . . JoAnn Hess. Many, many thanks to the following:

Pat Alexander, Marie and Shanntel Anderson, Ann Bradl, Karen Butt, Karla Cool,

Rachelle Cordonnier, Betty Fogt, Rose Hemm, Cheryl Herbe, Jo Gast, Rosella

Grisez, Marlene Henry, Delores Kiefer, Pat Knab, Dolores Latham, Judy

Meckstroth, Barb Meyer, Beth Miller, Cindy Nelson, Vickie Pierson, Judy Quinter,

Karen Sayre, Gayle Schulz, Mary Teach, Joyce Thornberry, Deb Tyler, Jennifer

and Juanita Ventura, Robbie Webb — Garbry Ridge Assisted Living, Piqua Daily

Call, Readmore Hallmark, Joe Thoma Jewelers — AND to ALL who purchased

raffle tickets. With everyone’s help, $1,200 was raised for the Oktoberfest!

Respect Life Committee

Respect Life Committee wants to thank you for your support of

Elizabeth’s New Life Center. We want to provide you with some

information about the wonders that ENLC has done over the years.

In 1989, ENLC opened their first office in Dayton to serve pregnant

women facing unexpected pregnancies and to provide another

option to a nearby abortion clinic.

In 1994, Elizabeth’s New Life Center purchased a vacant building beside the abortion clinic and renovated it

into a women’s center with medical capabilities. The following year ENLC opened its first Mother and Baby

Boutique to provide needy clients with material assistance to establish family life. In 1999, they began

providing abstinence education services to schools in an effort to expand efforts to prevent teen pregnancy.

Today Elizabeth’s New Life Center has 7 women’s centers; 3 in Montgomery County and 1 in Warren,

Hamilton and Shelby counties. The 7th women’s center is a new Mobile Women’s Center that travels to

local college campuses. In addition, they continue to provide abstinence education and marriage education.

Once again, thank you for your support.

Thanks and God Bless!

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On Sunday, December 4, St. Nick made appearances

after the 9:00am and 11:00am Masses.

He’s pictured here with some of the children at St. Boniface.


Watch the Bulletin For St. Mary Lenten Fish Fry Info

Parish Activities Continued

Funeral Luncheon Committees

We invite you to join our ministry to help support families during their time of

grieving for a lost one. Our parishes provide the families of the deceased with

lunch in the Downing Street Campus cafeteria. The Funeral Luncheon

Committees organize the food donations to help keep the costs of the meals

down and coordinate the volunteers who help the day of the funeral to set up,

serve, and clean-up. Please consider assisting your fellow parishioners and

friends during such an important time in their lives.

If willing to donate food items (casserole, salad, vegetable, soup, dessert, buns, etc.) or help at the lunch-

eons, you will be called on a “rotating” basis every 3-4 funeral luncheons. If you are interested in helping

with this great ministry and would like to have your name placed on the list for funeral luncheon donations

and luncheons helpers, please contact the office, 773-1327 or Bernice Lewis, 773-8540 (St. M.) or office,

773-1656 or Rose Hemm at 778-8642 / [email protected] (St. B.).

If when called, it is not a good time for you to assist — just tell us you cannot help at this time. If you

would like your name removed from the list, just let us know. Please direct any questions to Bernice or

Rose. Many thanks to “ALL” of our parishioners who have assisted with this ministry over the years!

Thank You For Your

Donations Of Food

& Toys To The

Bethany Center

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Parish Notes

Baptisms: St. M. Alexandra Rose Richard

Daughter of Thomas & Katrina Richard


George Bradley Zimmerman Son of Bradley & Christina Zimmerman


Brielle Jean Ulbrich Daughter of Brad & Brandy Ulbrich


Dante Thomas Kramer Son of Adam & Miranda Kramer


Olivia Ann & Julianna Lucille Sherry Daughters of James & Ashley Sherry


St. B.

Gabriella Jean Bollinger Daughter of Jonathon & Melissa Bollinger


Logan Michael Archer Son of Lance & Ashley Archer


Sophia Marie Monnier Daughter of Ronald & Erin Monnier


Deaths: “Our sympathy to the family members of

these parishioners who have been called to their

eternal reward.”

St. B.

Donald J. Guillozet (09/19/16)

Marjorie Ann Dellinger (11/18/16)

Robert E. “Bob” Rhoades (11/19/16)

Rachelle Cordonnier (11/27/16)

Dorothy A. Kloecker (11/27/16)

Samuel R. Bogart (11/30/16)

Dr. Gerald N. Weinschenk (12/03/16)

Lisa B. Phillips (12/08/16)

St. M.

Thelma M. Monnier (09/19/16)

Jean A. Liette (10/26/16)

Richard A. Daniel (12/07/16)

New Members: “Our parish family welcomes . . .”

St. M.: Jeff Jacomet and Ava,

Isabella, Emma, & Alex; Adam &

Miranda Kramer and Dante; John &

Sylvia Piatt; James & Ashley Sherry

and Olivia & Julianna; Bradley &

Christina Zimmerman and Charlie,

Amelia, & George

St. B.: Lance & Ashley Archer and Ally & Logan;

Dianne Bair; Terri Barhorst; Michael & Nina

Blankenburg; Mindi Eernisse and Aliece Risch

Stacey Miller and Kylynn Owen.

Right of Acceptance/Catechumenate: Dan Sturgill, Kileen Kaeck, Jessica Toppert,

Caden Pilkington, & Eli Gates

Right of Welcome of Candidates:

Brittany Miller, Molly Pawlaczyk, Ruth Peltier

Those Seeking Confirmation:

David Burnside, Cindy Huelskamp, Mary Monnin


Please keep these individuals

and the R.C.I.A. Team in your prayers.

Congratulations On Your First Reconciliation (December 11, 2016)

Blayne Bertholomey, Brooke Buecker, Blake Covault, Ethan Cox, Michael Faber, BellaMia

Fornara, Daulton Funderburg, Liam Grunkemeyer, Molly Hemmert, Kaylie Hittle, Lowen Lange,

Asia Marks, Jackson Garman, Lilly Graham, Sofia Kemmer, Jayden Miller, Sean Oen, Tony

Phillips, Madison Rank, Benton Verrill, Sarah Weiser, Vince Whitaker, & Olivia Sherry

Weddings: St. B.

Christopher Meyer & Jennifer Spraggs (10/08/16)

St. M.

Michael J. Willey & Hayley M. Hemm (10/29/16)

Gregory A. Snipes & Caryn M. Scott (11/26/16)

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Meditation on Psalm 88: When I lose my way

God will come another road, and reach me. When I grope in the land of forgetfulness,

God will remember me. When I no longer know who I am,

God will call me by name. When darkness is my only companion

Memories and old prayers will be stars and in time, or beyond it,

Someone will be sent, bringing a lamp. By Christine Fleming Heffner Author of Parables for the Present, The Way of Light, & Intercession, the Greatest Service

Thank you to our Business Sponsors of the 2016 St. Boniface Oktoberfest

St. Clara’s Ladies Society, USI Cable Corporation, Smitty’s Bicycle Shop & Locksmith Ticon Paving, Piqua Paper Box, Miami Valley Steel, Incorporated

Harmony Systems & Service, Incorporated, PSC Crane & Rigging

John Bertke State Farm Insurance, Miami Valley Centre

Brian Brothers Painting & Restoration, Nitto Denko Automotive, Inc. GeNell’s Flowers, Ltd., Galbreath Realty Service, Incorporated, Re/Max Finest

Melcher-Sowers Funeral Home, Piqua Stor n Lock, Phil & Brenda Sullenberger Francis Office Supply, Mutual Federal Savings Bank, Eagle Printing

Sunset Meat Market, Midwest Maintenance, McColloch Baker Insurance Service Electric Motor Service, Jamieson & Yannucci Funeral Home, Tall Timbers

Mullenbrock & Associates, Valley Safety Equipment, Mulligan’s Pub

Beppo Uno, Ulbrich’s IGA, Quint Creative Signs

Please patronize the above businesses, as they helped greatly to make the Oktoberfest successful.

Thanks also to the Parishioners and Friends of St. Boniface who donated,

chaired, and worked the Oktoberfest. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Reflections . . .

SOMETHING NEW: Sylvia Piatt will be providing inspirational topics

for Reflections . . . Thanks, Sylvia

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Why Resist? Hello, Parishioners! This is Diane Mengos, DRE, and my article for this newsletter is entitled “Why Resist”


* The Adult Faith Formation committee, led by Barb Kohl, will sponsor several discussion groups during

Lent this year centered on the book “Resisting Happiness” by Matthew Kelly. Did you receive your book as

a gift this Christmas at our Piqua parishes? Check the doors of church for extras. Please start to read this

wonderful book about how to choose and find true happiness—just as God wishes for us!

* The Adult Faith Formation committee is also sponsoring the Christ Renews His Parish Retreat for Men

on Jan. 21-22. Please don’t resist the importance of inviting a male to this excellent experience of growing


* The Adult Faith Formation committee will also host a terrific speaker for a parish retreat: Fr. Ben

Luedtke. Do Resist the urge to stay home—come and lift up your faith life!

* Concerning our Seven Dollar A Month Club—please don’t resist becoming a member! The Club costs

only $7 per week (or you can pay monthly, quarterly, or all-at-once). It does so much good!! It supports our

adult Bible Studies, our sacramental prep for children and teens, our Youth Ministry Program, our

Wednesday Night Faith Formation program for public and home-schooled families, and our efforts to reach

young adults. We need more members because our outreach is growing—and our outreach is vital for pass-

ing on our faith.

* Please resist the urge to “leave our young adults alone.” Instead—invite them to Catholic young adult

groups in the area. See me for details.


Religious Education & Youth Ministry—Diane Mengos

* Please don’t resist the urge to praise our 8 Honorees for our December Parish

Leadership Award: Kirsten Lee, Grace Ryan, Ethan Knapke, Taylor O'Leary, Jenna

Zimmerman, Nathaniel Copsey, Gabe Knapke, and Kameron Lee. Please encourage all

high school youth to earn this award next semester—it is not difficult to achieve.

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SEVEN DOLLAR A MONTH CLUB Please help to support our Religious Education and Youth Ministries

By joining the “Seven Dollar A Month Club,” you supply resources for our religious education ministries that are provided to you and other parishioners by both of our parishes. These funds support

our religious education ministries including:

Direct Education — Community Builders — Prayer and Worship

Office Supplies — Developing Leaders — Community Service

Opportunities to Speak out — Reaching Out to New People

Caring for Those in Need — Faith Formation Team

In return for your member fee you will become a member of the club. The fiscal year runs from January

1 through December 31. The membership is for two and you will be entered in a weekly drawing through

December 31, 2017. Each week there will be one $25 winner. On December 2, 2017, there will be cocktails and a dinner party for all club members. At the dinner party a reverse drawing will be held with

prizes drawn of $500, $250, $100, $75, and $50. The first name drawn, and every 10th name drawn will receive a door prize. You do not have to be present to win.

You may make your payment in one of four ways: $7.00 every month, $14.00 every other month, $42.00 now and in June 2017, or one full payment of $84.00. The application form and payments may be dropped

into the collection basket or returned to the parish office at 310 S. Downing Street, Piqua, OH 45356. Please

make your check payable to “Catholic Education Fund.”

Thank you for your support of our Religious Education Ministries!

Please detach and return to parish office; whenever received you are eligible for drawings through December 31, 2017

Contact Diane Mengos, DRE

Parish Offices 310 S. Downing St., Piqua, OH 45356


Address: Phone: ( ) _____

City: ____________ State:_____ Zip: ____ Email: ____________________

PAYMENT SCHEDULE: Please make checks payable to: Catholic Education Fund

ANNUALLY $84.00 ________ Included with application

SEMI-ANNUALLY $42.00 ________ Second payment due June 1, 2017

EVERY TWO MONTHS $14.00 ________ Due every other first Sunday of the month

MONTHLY $ 7.00 ________ Due First Sunday of each month

AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $ Check #________


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School News — Center For Early Learning

Introducing Kelli Lyons: Kelli Lyons, pre-kindergarten teacher at CFEL/Piqua Catholic School, is pas-

sionate about what she does.

“Young children can absorb and learn many things,” Kelli said, “Providing the

foundation for learning in pre-school is so very important for the student’s

continued success in kindergarten and beyond.”

Kelli is a new teacher this year at the CFEL. There are 19 students in her

pre-kindergarten class, which meets from 9-11:30am — Monday thru Friday.

Prior to this position, she was the director and head teacher for four years at the

Edison Child Development Center.

Her educational background includes a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Ohio Univer-

sity and a master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Technology from Grand Can-

yon University. In addition to teaching at the CFEL, Kelli is a part-time instructor for the Early Childhood

Program at Edison Community College. Classes she has taught include Introduction to Educa-

tion/Practicum, Creative Activities, and Educational Technology.

A resident of Piqua, Kelli’s family includes husband, Anthony Lyons, Assistant Superintendent of Piqua

City Schools and four children — Caleb, who is in junior high; Jonathan, a recent graduate of Piqua HS;

Bailey, who is in the army and just returned from Afghanistan; and Ashley, a recent graduate of Ohio State

University. Two dogs, Nala (10-month-old Goldendoodle) & Molly (13-year-old Brittany Spaniel) complete

the family.

What does Kelli like to do in her spare time? She enjoys watching her kids do what they enjoy doing and

spending time together as a family — sharing dinner, playing games, and talking. Kelli likes to read —

James Patterson-type adventure/mystery stories. “And.” she said, “I’m always on the lookout for interesting

children’s picture books that I can use in the classroom.” She added, “Children’s books also inspire the

writer in me, which is something that I plan to do in the future.”

In the classroom, Kelli creates a successful learning environment for her students, inspiring within them a

love for learning. “I do what I do because of the pure enjoyment of being an educator.” she said.

(For CFEL enrollment information, contact Director Erin Grant, 773-3876.)

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Thanks to this issue’s contributors:

Adult Faith Formation: Barb Kohl; Mission Committee: Don Stonerock

Parish Notes/Dates/Activities: Theresa Henderson, Linda Richard, Judy Lohnes

Reflections: Sylvia Piatt; Religious Education & Youth Ministry: Diane Mengos

Respect Life Committee: Donna Johnson; St. Mary Altar Society: Janet Poling

St. John/St. Lewis New Church: Bob Hartings

We’d love to hear from you . . . submit names for Soldier Story, recipes for Cooking with Family/Friends,

book reviews, poems, travel stories, and — your ideas and suggestions. Also, if you’d like to help with

writing or production, please contact Renee Hemm (778-1612 or [email protected])

or Rose Hemm (778-8642 or [email protected]).

The Deadline for the Spring Issue is March 15, 2017.

In Retrospect

We will also have recommendations for flights but the flight arrangements and the associated trip insur-

ance must be made individually. Flights have typically run between $900 and $1,000 per person.

We understand that the New York support team is also organizing a group to attend the event. Recently,

we received the following communication from Dr. Douglas to congratulate the entire New York team

for all of its dedication and focus to rebuild the church since it was destroyed in the 2004 earthquake.

Date Set for the Consecration of the New Church in Dominica Continued From Page 1

Thank you very much for making time from your busy Christmas schedule to join us for the dinner get-together on Wednesday night and bringing your spouse or significant other to share the evening and pleasant memories of our NYPRCCRI history with us. What a wonderful time we all had...all 17 of us! I couldn't have asked for a better birthday present and Christmas gift wrapped into one! The energy in the room was electric, your support deeply felt, and the conversation truly animated.

Given that construction is almost finished, we re-declared Easter 2017 (now set to the following Sunday) as the date we'll work towards for the grand opening of the church. True, it still needs ceiling tiles, electrical, music system, and floor tiles, but with vigorous fundraising, that should be completed in time. The Easter date was first declared during the NYPRCCRI meeting at St Matthews on Eastern Parkway in September where Fr. Sharplis and Bob Hartings (of Piqua, the twinning parish in Ohio) were also in attendance. On Wednesday night, we all raised our hands when asked whether we would make the trip to Dominica for the event, so I'm going to contact American Airlines and Jet Blue to begin the process of seeking a discounted group fare.

As we celebrate Christmas Day today, I wish to once again acknowledge you who came, and all those who didn't make it due to scheduling conflicts - and I've cc'd all of them on this email - for your years of heartfelt contribution to rebuilding the Portsmouth RC Church...also for your fellowship, going way beyond the call of duty, and continuing assistance in bringing this project

to closure. — Monty

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January: 8: Donuts/Coffee

9: Mission Committee Meeting, 6pm

14-15: Blessing of New Drivers/All Masses

16: Martin Luther King Day, No School

21-22: CRHP Men’s Retreat

29: Catholic Schools Week Begins

Theme: Celebrating 30 Years

of Piqua Catholic School

February: 1: PCS Open House

2: Donuts/Coffee

8: LHS Open House

11: PCS Valentine Art Auction/Wine Tasting

11-12: World Marriage Day/Weekend

14: Happy Valentine’s Day

20: Presidents’ Day, No School

25-26: White Mass: Healthcare Workers

March: 1: Ash Wednesday

3: St. Mary Lenten Fish Fries Begin

5: Donuts/Coffee

17: Happy St. Patrick’s Day

25: Feast of the Annunciation

26-29: Lenten Retreat

Upcoming Dates — Please watch the bulletin for additional information. St. Boniface Catholic Church

310 S. Downing, Piqua, Ohio 45356

937-773-1656; fax 773-2665

Email: [email protected]

Masses: Saturday, 3:30pm

Sunday, 7:00 & 11:00am

Pastoral Council President:

Jim Niswonger

St. Mary Catholic Church

528 Broadway, Piqua, Ohio 45356

937-773-1327; fax 773-2665

Email: [email protected]

Masses: Saturday, 5:00pm

Sunday, 9:00am, 7:00pm

Pastoral Council President:

Jim Stammen

Parish Offices

310 S. Downing, Piqua, Ohio 45356

Website: piquaparishes.org

Pastor: Rev. Thomas Bolte

Retired Priest: Rev. Angelo Caserta

St. Mary Catholic Church

528 Broadway

Piqua, Ohio 45356







Prayer Chain—Contact Gretchen Roeth,

778-0325 or [email protected]

Charismatic Mass—1st Monday of each

month, St. B.,7:30pm

RCIA — For more info,

Deacon Mike Knight, 773-1656

Religious Education / Youth Ministry

For more info, Diane Mengos, 773-1656

St. Boniface Bingo

Monday & Wednesday Evening

Doors Open—5pm @ DSC

Fall Newsletter Assemblers:

Rich & Pat Knab

Doug & Dolores Latham

Dave & Cindy Nelson

Gretchen Roeth

Don & Gloria Stonerock


Page 13: ST. MARY & ST. BONIFACE CATHOLIC CHURCHES Tending the Master’s · 2017. 10. 17. · E I SSUE 4 Tending the Master’s Vineyard ST. MARY & ST. BONIFACE CATHOLIC CHURCHES Happy “72nd”

January: 8: Donuts/Coffee

9: Mission Committee Meeting, 6pm

14-15: Blessing of New Drivers/All Masses

16: Martin Luther King Day, No School

21-22: CRHP Men’s Retreat

29: Catholic Schools Week Begins

Theme: Celebrating 30 Years

of Piqua Catholic School

February: 1: PCS Open House

2: Donuts/Coffee

8: LHS Open House

11: PCS Valentine Art Auction/Wine Tasting

11-12: World Marriage Day/Weekend

14: Happy Valentine’s Day

20: Presidents’ Day, No School

25-26: White Mass: Healthcare Workers

March: 1: Ash Wednesday

3: St. Mary Lenten Fish Fries Begin

5: Donuts/Coffee

17: Happy St. Patrick’s Day

25: Feast of the Annunciation

26-29: Lenten Retreat

Upcoming Dates — Please watch the bulletin for additional information. St. Boniface Catholic Church

310 S. Downing, Piqua, Ohio 45356

937-773-1656; fax 773-2665

Email: [email protected]

Masses: Saturday, 3:30pm

Sunday, 7:00 & 11:00am

Pastoral Council President:

Jim Niswonger

St. Mary Catholic Church

528 Broadway, Piqua, Ohio 45356

937-773-1327; fax 773-2665

Email: [email protected]

Masses: Saturday, 5:00pm

Sunday, 9:00am, 7:00pm

Pastoral Council President:

Jim Stammen

Parish Offices

310 S. Downing, Piqua, Ohio 45356

Website: piquaparishes.org

Pastor: Rev. Thomas Bolte

Retired Priest: Rev. Angelo Caserta

St. Boniface Catholic Church

310 South Downing

Piqua, Ohio 45356







Fall Newsletter Assemblers:

Rich & Pat Knab

Doug & Dolores Latham

Dave & Cindy Nelson

Gretchen Roeth

Don & Gloria Stonerock


Prayer Chain—Contact Gretchen Roeth,

778-0325 or [email protected]

Charismatic Mass—1st Monday of each

month, St. B.,7:30pm

RCIA — For more info,

Deacon Mike Knight, 773-1656

Religious Education / Youth Ministry

For more info, Diane Mengos, 773-1656

St. Boniface Bingo

Monday & Wednesday Evening

Doors Open—5pm @ DSC