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Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM-Noon & 1:00-8:00 PM


9:00 AM-Noon & 1:00-4:30 PM

All bulletin articles need to be submitted by Monday

noontime; can be e-mailed to [email protected]


The Apostles, at first fearful and apprehensive, are now out in full force spreading the Good News of Christ. Peter and the other apostles encounter the risen Lord. Peter is asked to profess his faith, love, and service. • Is your faith held back by fear

or is freely offered to others?

• In what ways do you profess your Catholic faith?

BOOK OF PRAYER PETITIONS The St. Brendan Parish Book of Prayer Petitions can be found on a stand next to the minister’s office in the gathering area. Parishioners are invited to write their special prayers of petition in the book. We remember all of these written petitions at weekend Masses.

BAPTISM CLASS A class for parents who wish to have their baby or young child Baptized will be held on June 1 at 10:00am. Registration is required. Contact the Religious Education Office: [email protected] or (440)777-3702.

MONDAY, APRIL 29 ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA 8:30 A.M. Evelyn Thomas TUESDAY, APRIL 30 ST. PIUS V 8:30 A.M. Marilyn Malley - anniv WEDNESDAY, MAY 1

ST. JOSEPH 8:30 A.M. Dorothy Kovach - anniv THURSDAY, MAY 2 ST. ATHANASIUS 8:30 A.M. St. Brendan Parishioners FRIDAY, MAY 3 SS. PHILIP AND JAMES 8:30 A.M. Jimmy Winkler SATURDAY, MAY 4 5:00 P.M. Nick Motsis SUNDAY, MAY 5 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER 9:00 A.M. dec. members of Castro & Curatolo families 11:30 A.M. Jeff Burson Readings for the week of April 28, 2019 Sunday: Acts 5:12-16/Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24 [1]/Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19/Jn 20:19-31 Monday: Acts 4:23-31/Ps 2:1-3, 4-7a, 7b-9 [cf. 11d]/Jn 3:1-8 Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37/Ps 93:1ab, 1cd-2, 5 [1a]/Jn 3:7b-15 Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26/Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [7a]/Jn 3:16-21

St. Joseph the Worker: Gn 1:26--2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24/Ps 90:2, 3-4, 12-13, 14 and 16 [cf.17b]/Mt 13:54-58

Thursday: Acts 5:27-33/Ps 34:2 and 9, 17-18, 19-20 [7a]/Jn 3:31-36 Friday: 1 Cor 15:1-8/Ps 19:2-3, 4-5 [5]/Jn 14:6-14 Saturday: Acts 6:1-7/Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19 [22]/Jn 6:16-21 Next Sunday: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41/Ps 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11-12, 13 [2a]/Rv 5:11-14/

Jn 21:1-19 or 21:1-14 ©LPi

Thomas answered and said to him, "My Lord and my God!" Jesus said to him, "Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed." - Jn 20:28-29 Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.



PASTOR’S COLUMN ALLELUIA, Today is Divine Mercy Sunday, the Octave Day of Easter! We have been through so much with Holy Week and our celebration of the Triduum. I am truly grateful for how everything came together and how God’s good work is being done. In other parts of our country and our world, some church communities found their Holy Week filled with trial and trouble. From Notre Dame Cathedral’s fire to even more incomprehensible devastation, the injury and death of hundreds in Sri Lanka, as they attended Mass on Easter Sunday. African American churches in the southern part of our own country have seen the impact of prejudice and racism as arson has brought disruption to their faith communities. We need the effects of the Resurrection. We need mercy. In the year 2000 Saint John Paul II designated the second Sunday of Easter as Divine Mercy Sunday. He did this at the canonization of Sister Faustina Kowalska, a polish visionary whose mission it was to proclaim God’s mercy toward every human being. St. John Paul II said: “How much the world is in need of the mercy of God today!” He and St. Faustina help remind us that “Mercy is present in our many brothers and sisters who today endure sufferings like His own… Jesus is in each of them, and, with marred features and broken voice, He asks to be looked in the eye, to be acknowledged, to be loved.” Jesus is the very incarnation of God’s Mercy. In Jesus, God embodied Mercy as he went about forgiving sins, healing the sick, siding with the outcast. By these very actions, Jesus affirmed that God’s Mercy is present and alive NOW in the world, even, and most especially, in those places where God’s mercy seems lacking. Even if you aren’t aware of this devotion, most of us have seen a tender image of Jesus associated with The Divine Mercy devotion. It is a reminder of how His Sacred Heart has given us everything: redemption, salvation, sanctification. Saint Faustina Kowalska saw coming from His Heart two rays of light which illuminates the world. The two rays, [according to what she heard Jesus tell her], denote blood and water (Diary, 299). The blood recalls the sacrifice of Golgotha and the mystery of the Eucharist; the water, according to the rich symbolism of the Evangelist John, makes us think of Baptism and the Gift of the Holy Spirit (See Jn 3:5; 4:14). Through the mystery of His wounded and Sacred Heart, the restorative tide of God’s merciful love continues to spread over the men and women of our time. Here alone can those who long for true and lasting happiness find any hope. May the words of St. Faustina echo in our hearts during these 50 days of Easter: “Jesus, I trust in You!” Happy Easter, Fr. Tom

LENTEN THANK YOU To all the parishioners who helped in big and small ways to make this Lenten Season and our celebration of Holy Week very special, thank you. I am grateful that our music ministry was uninterrupted. We had some very selfless, talented musicians who gave of their time and work to help our parish cantors and choir. While our guest music directors could have been doing hundreds of other things at this time in the Church year, they decided to come to St. Brendan and help us to enter meaningfully into the prayer of these days. Thank you also to those who participated in the many opportunities that our parish offered to help make the Lenten Season a time of grace. May all this lead us more fully into these days of Easter. God has greatly blessed us; may we always be thankful. Peace, Fr. Tom

IS GOD CALLING YOU TO SPEND TIME WITH HIM? We are in need of someone to be in the Chapel with Jesus on Tuesdays from 2:00-3:00 P.M. God is never outdone in generosity. You will be blessed! Please call Pat Biesiadny at 440-777-1667.

21 April 2019 Sunday Offertory: $7,152.50 Easter Sunday 2019: $14,842.00 April 2019 Online giving: $6,519.50

Thank you for your generous and

ongoing support.



ST. EDWARD HIGH SCHOOL Congratulations to the following St. Brendan Alumni for making the Honor Roll:

Eamon F. Carr Aiden M. Hayes

Caleb M. Molseed Colin J. Planovsky Justin R. Planovsky

Owen M. Sabo Grant R. Saringer James C. Welch

Timothy J. Welch


Ladies Breakfast & Style Show Sunday, May 5

After 9:00 A.M. Mass Style Show by Chico’s

Tickets are $12 and will be sold the weekend of

April 27

Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day cards will also be sold.

JOHN KNOX CHURCH Free Community Meal on the last Tuesday of each month at John Knox Church, 25200 Lorain Road, North Olmsted, 440-777-3744, johnknoxpc.org. In partnership with the Cleveland Foodbank. All are welcome. No registration required. Serving 5:30-7:30 P.M.

BINGO WORKERS Rezzano, Ropelewski, Schildgen, Schuler, Seith, Shek

“250” CLUB WINNER Edward Pawlus

PSR NEWS Closing Prayer Service: It is hard to believe, but the 2018-2019 PSR year is almost over. Next week, all families are invited to join us for our Closing Prayer Service on Sunday, May 5, at 10:20am and Monday, May 6, at 7:05pm. We are blessed to have had a wonderful year of PSR! 2019-2020 PSR Registration: The Parish School of Religion, or PSR, provides religion classes once each week for students in grades 1-8 who attend either a public school or a home school program. All families who participate in PSR find that the volunteer teachers are caring people who truly enjoy sharing our Catholic faith with the students in their classes. PSR classes take place on Sundays from 10:15-11:15am and on Mondays from 7-8pm. Registration forms for the 2019-2020 academic year are available in the Religious Education Office. Contact (440)777-3702 or [email protected] for more information.

HOLY FAMILY PROGRAM NEWS Practice Information: Practice for the Group First Communion Mass takes place Wednesday, May 1, from 6:30-7:30pm in the Church. All children must attend with a parent. Contact the Religious Education Office if you have any questions. Group First Communion Mass: On Saturday, May 4, forty-two of our parish children will celebrate the Sacrament of Eucharist for the first time at the Group First Communion Mass at 11am. The children will join the parish to celebrate their Second Communion at the 9am and 11:30am Masses the following day. Please keep all of the children and their families in your prayers!

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2019 Registration: Registration forms for St. Brendan’s 8th annual Vacation Bible School, Roar VBS, are available now on the table in the Gathering Space, in the Religious Education Office, and on the parish website. Forms were sent home with the students enrolled in St. Brendan School and PSR. VBS takes place June 24-28 from 9:30am-noon daily for children who will be in 4-year-old Preschool through 6th grade next school year. The fee is $30 per child and there are limits to the number of children that can be enrolled in each grade level. Registration forms are due Friday, May 24……we cannot accept any late registrations, so don’t delay in returning your child’s form! Volunteers are needed: If you are interested in volunteering for VBS, please contact the Religious Education Office at (440)777-3702 or [email protected]. We are in need of adults to serve as teachers, saint story readers, craft room helpers, and snack room helpers. We also need teens (those who will be in 7th-12th grade NEXT school year) to be part of the Teen Team—this is a great opportunity for service hours! FOOD COLLECTION OXCART FOOD PANTRY The monthly food collection for the North Olmsted Oxcart Food Pantry is a collaboration of all the churches in North Olmsted. Currently St. Brendan is responsible for all of the breakfast items that the pantry gives to the needy of our city. The other churches in the city and the Cleveland Foodbank supply the other items needed. We will be accepting breakfast and canned fruit items next weekend at all the Masses.





8th Grade Retreat - Earlier in April, the 8th graders enjoyed their final day of retreat as a class. The retreat was led by members of the St. Edward Campus Ministry team. The morning began with Mass in the chapel, followed by a day of prayer, team building, and service, along with laughter, tears, and even a bit of soul searching. As part of the day, the class was led through an exercise of who they can and should listen to, leading to a realization to trust their instincts and know Jesus is with them always. The service component consisted of blanket making for the homeless as part of St. Eds’ Labre Ministry. The day ended with a Q&A session as our 8th graders prepare to embark on their high school experience in the fall.

April Waves of Enrichment - Waves of Enrichment concluded in April with a fun selection of topics. The older students chose from Creative Writing, Destination Imagination problem solving challenges, Film Society, and Green Club, while the younger grades selected from Science Experiments, Be the Author, Gardening, Cooking, Fairy Tale Plays, and Astronomy.

Junior High Research Projects - The 6th through 8th grade students in Mrs. Emily Sinclair’s English classes are honing their research and writing skills as they work on research papers during the 4th quarter of the school year. Having just completed a unit on poetry in their Reading class, the 8th graders have each chosen a poet for their topic. Their papers will focus on the life of the poet in the context of the poet’s work. The 7th grade projects are each centered on a different social issue, with topics ranging from pollution to racism to human trafficking. The 6th grade, which has been learning about ancient China in Social Studies class, has chosen topics relating to Chinese culture and history from that period.

Staying Informed Online – You can keep track of Navigator News online at the school website at http://school.stbrendannortholmsted.org or on the school facebook page: www.facebook.com/pages/St-Brendan-School/123606694382530?ref=ts.

GIFT CERTIFICATE PROGRAM St. Brendan School students are strengthening their marketing efforts for the school through the sale of gift cards from Great Lakes Scrip! You will not be spending any extra money! We are asking that you support this effort simply by thinking about St. Brendan students before you get gas, plan to go out to eat at your favorite restaurant or go grocery shopping…just to name a few! When you purchase gift cards for places you would go to anyways, St. Brendan’s earns a rebate on each sale!

• Order physical gift cards

• Reload your favorite card online

• Send an eGift card to a friend!

Beginning this weekend and every weekend thereafter, our school families will be selling select gift cards in the back of the church. You can pay by check or credit card and if we do not have something that you use regularly, you can go online and order anything that you want or let us know, and we can order it for you! Online orders can be received in just 2 days! Go to www.shopwithscrip.com Use SBS enrollment code: C39684EB633L5 Please contact Maureen Draye at 440-623-4305 with any questions. Thank you for your ongoing support of St. Brendan School.

AMAZON Did you know that Amazon.com has a corporate give-back program called AmazonSmile? All you need to do is type in the following link: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/34-0943753 and log into your account to choose St. Brendan as your charity of choice. After making that designation, use smile.amazon.com (instead of just Amazon.com) each time you shop and Amazon will donate a percentage of eligible sales back to our school! Thank you for your support!

CONFIRMATION NEWS On April 4, information about the Sacrament of Confirmation was mailed to St. Brendan School and PSR families with a child who needs to be Confirmed and is currently in 8th-11th grades. Please remember that the enclosed forms are to be completed and returned to the Religious Education Office no later than May 1. If you did not receive this information, or if you have any questions, please contact Mary Oldja in the REO.

ST. BRENDAN TEE BALL LEAGUE Sign ups have now begun for all children entering PK4, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, First or Second grade in the fall of 2019. Games will be held twice a week in June and July. To sign up to play or help coach, please pick up and return forms at St. Brendan parish office. Registration is due by May 5. Contact Charleen Taylor at 216-857-3019 for more information.



A STRING & A PRAYER A String & A Prayer will not be playing at the 5:00 P.M. Mass on Saturday, May 4. HOSPITAL VISITATION If you or a family member will be in the hospital and wish the Parish to be aware of your situation, please call or have a family member call the Parish Office – Deacon Bob (777-7222, ext.14). Because of privacy laws, we are not able to obtain information about you from the hospital. It would also be helpful to know if you or a family member has moved into a nursing home, even if it is only for rehab purposes. We want to offer prayers for you, and if you desire, we are most willing to come and visit. Hospital visitation and nursing home outreach are an important part of our healing ministry here at St. Brendan.

INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC Are you interested in becoming Catholic or do you know someone who would like to become Catholic? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) will begin meeting at St. Brendan beginning in September. Led by Pastoral Minister, Ed DeVenney, the program will meet once a week for an hour (meeting times are flexible). If you or someone you know is interested, please contact Ed DeVenney at 440-799-9548 or edevenney@stbrendannorth olmsted.org.

O’Neill Healthcare North Olmsted

BUS TOUR OF DIOCESE’S OLDEST CHURCHES St. Brendan Golden Navigators is sponsoring a bus tour of the diocese’s oldest churches on Wednesday, May 1, 2019. We will leave St. Brendan at 8:00 A.M. and return approximately at 5:30 P.M. The cost of the bus tour is $35.00/person. This includes the charter bus, driver gratuities, admissions, donations to guest churches, games and prizes on the bus. We will stop midday for lunch on the river at Merwin’s Wharf. Lunch is on your own. For further information and to make a reservation, please contact Jim Plantner at 440-734-8288.

2019 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL “CALL TO SERVE” AND ELECTIONS The Parish Pastoral Council will be in need of four new members to serve a three year term beginning in June, 2019. Any parishioner, 16 or older, is eligible to serve. Nominations will take place the weekend of May 4 – 5th. Please consider nominating yourself or a fellow parishioner. Those nominated will be contacted by a current member of Council to determine if they are willing to accept the nomination. All those who have accepted the nomination are requested to attend an Evening of Reflection on Wednesday, May 15, at 7:00 p.m. and biographies will be obtained at that time. The biographies of those willing to serve will be published in the News From The Pews the week prior to the election. Elections will be held during Mass on June 8 – 9th. Please look for the nomination form that will be distributed at the May 4 – May 5 weekend Masses.

TGIFF An inter-parish men’s group will meet May 3 for a First Friday luncheon at St. Clarence Church, 30106 Lorain Road, North Olmsted. Registration begins at 11:15 A.M., followed by the luncheon, then an inspirational talk, and concludes with Mass. Cost is $10. Please call George Perz at 440-937-6606 by Tuesday, April 30, to make a reservation.

GENTLE WOMAN FELLOWSHIP Gentle Woman Fellowship, an Inter-Parish Group, will meet on First Friday, May 3, at St. Clarence Parish Center, 30106 Lorain Road, North Olmsted. Schedule is: 9:30 A.M. Pray the Rosary; 10:00 A.M. attend Mass followed by Coffee or Tea and a May Crowning; about 11:15 A.M. enjoy a talk by Fr. Richard Gonser from St. Jude Parish in Elyria. He will be celebrating his 57th year to the priesthood on May 19. All women welcome! Come and bring a friend! No reservations needed. Questions, contact Mary Hoover at 440-330-1698 or Mary Tschanz at 440-235-6258.

To access this free media presentation, go to the parish website, log on or register with the access code: PQ4TBP.

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