Smulls Motion to Stay - 1st Amend Violations as Filed

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  • 8/13/2019 Smulls Motion to Stay - 1st Amend Violations as Filed






    DAVID ZINK, et al., ))

    Plaintiffs, )

    ) No. 2:12-CV-4209-BP


    v. ) This is a capital case


    GEORGE A. LOMBARDI, et al., ) Execution of Plaintiff Smulls

    ) scheduled January 29, 2014

    Defendants. )




    Charles M. Rogers Cheryl A. Pilate

    Wyrsch, Hobbs, Mirakian, PC Lindsay J. Runnels

    1000 Walnut, Suite 1600 Morgan Pilate LLC

    Kansas City, MO 64106 926 Cherry Street(816) 221-0080 Kansas City, MO 64106

    (816) 471-6694

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    INTRODUCTION """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #

    FACTURAL BACKGROUND""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" $

    LEGAL ARGUMENT"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" %$

    First Amendment Claim """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" %$

    Conflict Claim """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &'

    STANDARDS GOVERNING A STAY OF EXECUTION""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &(

    CONCLUSION """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &)

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    Plaintiff Herbert Smulls, by and through his counsel Cheryl Pilate, Lindsay

    Runnels and Charles Rogers, hereby move this Honorable Court for a 60-day stay

    of execution because Mr. Smulls and his counsels First Amendment right to free

    speech are being chilled by Missouris death penalty statute, RSMo. 546.720, the

    protective order, and other orders in this case, all of which prohibit Mr. Smulls and

    counsel from: (1) disclosing the compounding pharmacy responsible for producing

    the pentobarbital the State intends to execute him with on January 29, 2014; (2)

    divulging any knowledge about the pharmacy or the laboratory that reportedly

    analyzed the drug; (3) disseminating recent information of great public concern

    about Missouris execution protocol obtained from the deposition of Missouri

    Department of Corrections official David Dormire; (4) providing their experts with

    information known about the compounding pharmacy; (5) disclosing the testing

    laboratory responsible for testing the compounded pentobarbital; (6) disclosing and

    further investigating known federal safety and testing regulations by the testing

    laboratory; (7) disclosing and further investigating known state and federal

    lawsuits in which the testing laboratory is named as a defendant; (8) investigating

    the compounding pharmacy; (9) disclosing and further investigating known

    disciplinary actions against the compounding pharmacy; (10) investigating the

    testing laboratory; (11) inquiring of any person with knowledge of the

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    compounding pharmacy and the testing laboratory; (12) disclosing to the press

    information of public importance about Missouris execution procedures, protocols

    and suppliers; and (13) petitioning the government for redress of these grievances.

    In addition to chilling Mr. Smulls and his counsels speech, this First

    Amendment violations have in effect frozen Mr. Smulls representation, prevent

    counsel from the investigation and advocacy required to fulfill their duty to

    provide Mr. Smulls with zealous representation under the Missouri Rules of

    Professional Conduct and the ABA GUIDELINES FOR THE APPOINTMENT AND



    Counsel are burdened by an untenable conflict of interestcounsel are in

    possession of information that would greatly assist Mr. Smulls in proving his

    claims for relief, but counsel have been ordered not to speak of this information,

    share the information, or investigate the information further. Mr. Smulls is entitled

    to loyal, conflict-free representation and these important interests between counsel

    and Mr. Smulls can only be resolved by restoring counsels and Mr. Smulls

    freedom to disclose and act upon information about the pharmacy, the testing

    laboratory, and the Department of Corrections statements.

    1The ABA Guidelines are available online at

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    The United States Supreme Court noted that [t]he authors of the Bill of

    Rights did not undertake to assign priorities as between the First Amendment and

    Sixth Amendment rights, ranking one as superior to the other. Nebraska Press

    Assoc. v. Stuart, 96 S.Ct. 2791, 2803-04 (1976). But the life of Herbert Smulls

    who faces imminent execution on January 29, 2014, with expired, degraded,

    improperly stored pentobarbital compounded by an undisclosed pharmacy from

    ingredients of uncertain provenance and puritydepends upon the interplay of

    those rights. So long as Missouris death penalty statute and the Courts current

    protective and gag orders prevent Mr. Smulls and his counsel from exercising

    their First Amendment right to free speech, counsels duties of loyalty and zealous

    advocacy of Mr. Smulls interests are irreparably compromised.

    Missouris Black Hood law, RSMo. 546.720.2, empowers the director of

    the States Department of Corrections to select an execution team consisting of

    those persons who administer ... lethal chemicals and those persons, such as

    medical personnel, who provide direct support for the administration of ... lethal

    chemicals, and further dictates that the identities of members of the execution

    team ... shall be kept confidential. An individual having knowledge of the

    identity of an execution team member may not, without the approval of the

    director of the department of corrections, knowingly disclose the identity of a

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    current or former member of an execution team or disclose a record knowing that it

    could identify a person as being a current or former member of an execution team.

    RSMo. 546.720.3. In the event a person discloses the identity of a member of the

    execution team, he or she is civilly liable to that individual and faces actual and

    punitive damages. RSMo. 546.720.3(1)-(2). The Defendants in this case have

    taken the position that public disclosure of information relating to the execution

    team, which the Department of Corrections argues encompasses the out-of-state

    compounding pharmacy and the testing lab in its scope, would be contrary to the

    safety, security, and anonymity interests of the Department and its execution

    personnel, and were granted a protective order by the district court that further

    limits counsels disclosure and use of the scant information the Department of

    Corrections has reluctantly made available, or which counsel has otherwise

    obtained. (see Doc. 112).

    Through no fault or action of Mr. Smulls or any of the Zink plaintiffs,

    information regarding the identity of the compounding pharmacy was disclosed by

    email to Smulls counsel, Cheryl Pilate, and to Joe Luby, counsel for several other

    Zinkplaintiffs. The court ordered Pilate and Luby to completely delete the email

    sent by the Court from their system and to delete any information obtained from

    that email from their files. ... [and] reiterated that Ms. Pilate, Mr. Luby, and any

    member of Plaintiffs' counsel and staff are ordered not to disclose the information

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    provided in the email, are not to conduct investigations regarding the contents of

    the email, and are ordered to delete any trace of the contents of the emails and of

    the information contained within it. (Docket Entry 251).

    An intractable Catch-22 results that imperils the First Amendment rights of

    Mr. Smulls and his counsel, Mr. Smulls Sixth and Eighth Amendment rights, and

    counsels ethical and professional duties under this states Rules of Professional

    Conduct and the American Bar Associations Guidelines for the Appointment and

    Performance of Defense Counsel in Death Penalty Cases. The situation also creates

    a conflict between Mr. Smulls interests and counsels interests.

    Counsel possesses key information that they are prohibited by the Court

    from using to Mr. Smulls benefit, and that, pursuant to Missouris Black Hood

    statute, they are obligated to refrain from disclosingeven to other members of the

    plaintiffs legal teams, solely for the purpose of investigationunless and until

    Missouri Department of Corrections Director George Lombardi, the party most

    interested in shielding the information from public scrutiny, authorizes such

    disclosure. In addition to the inadvertent disclosure by the Court, the Defendants

    also separately disclosed the name of the compounding pharmacy when they failed

    to fully redact a document produced during discovery.

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    If Ms. Pilate and her co-counsel act on the innocently and inadvertently

    obtained information regarding the compounding pharmacy in her possession, they

    face the civil sanctions imposed by RSMo. 546.720.3 as well as judicial sanctions

    for violating an order of the district court. If, on the other hand, they hold the

    information confidential and take no action to investigate the pharmacy, the testing

    lab, and the compounded pentobarbitalalready in the Departments possession in

    preparation for Mr. Smulls executionthey cannot fully litigate Mr. Smulls

    Eighth Amendment claim on the merits, nor can they advocate for their client in

    the public domain, nor can they present to Governor Nixon, who has the sole

    authority to grant executive clemency, all of Mr. Smulls persuasive evidence in

    support of a commutation of his sentence. Further complicating the situation is the

    fact that counsel have learned from documents in the public domain and media

    reports the identities of the compounding pharmacy and the testing lab.

    Failure to pursue every constitutional avenue of relief available to Mr.

    Smulls unquestionably violates counsels duty of diligence, loyalty and advocacy

    under Missouri Rules of Professional Conduct and the ABAGUIDELINES FOR THE


    (2003). The ultimate infringement on Mr. Smulls civil libertiesthe state-

    sanctioned termination of his lifeis at stake.

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    Mr. Smulls Eighth Amendment claim requires full investigation of

    every aspect of the Departments execution protocol, including the grave risk

    that the Department will inject him with an expired, degraded, improperly

    stored drug, causing excruciating pain before inducing death.

    Missouri has come under intense scrutiny of late not only for numerous

    last-minute changes to its execution protocol, as Judge Kermit Bye of the Eighth

    Circuit noted in a blistering critique of the states execution practices, but also for

    turning to shadow pharmacies hidden behind the hangmans hood, [and] copycat

    pharmaceuticals to ensure it has a steady supply of pentobarbital to keep its

    execution machinery churning.2 In order to prove his Eighth Amendment claim

    that executing him with the unlawfully obtained compounded pentobarbital would

    be unconstitutional, Mr. Smulls must be able to show that the Departments use of

    a defective lethal drug poses an enormous risk that he will experience severe and

    unnecessary pain during the execution. Mr. Smulls cannot make such a showing

    unless he has critical information currently shielded by Missouris statute and the

    protective order and, more importantly, the time to develop evidence from that

    information. Mr. Smulls cannot present an alternative method of execution unless

    he knows what the current method of execution entails. Moreover, Mr. Smulls

    must be permitted to gather, investigate and rely upon information that is already

    in the public domain. The Department has thus far successfully insulated its ever-

    shifting execution protocol from inspection by designating the compounding

    2Nicklasson v. Lombardi, Case No. 13-3664, Amended Order, at 12-13 (Bye and Kelly, J.J.,dissenting)

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    pharmacy that supplies its lethal injection drugs and the testing laboratory as

    members of the undisclosed execution team.

    As a plaintiff in the Zink v. Lombardi, et al. litigation, Mr. Smulls brought

    suit against Missouris execution protocol on May 15, 2012, only six weeks after

    the Department of Corrections issued its propofol protocol. Since then, he and the

    other plaintiffs have raced to challenge the frustratingly moving target of the

    Departments execution protocol, which has changed five times in the last six

    months. The Department has obstructed plaintiffs efforts by prolonging and

    complicating discovery, failing to respond to discovery requests, and lodging

    legally baseless objections. Meanwhile, the Department has continued to execute

    Zinkplaintiffs before the federal courts had determined whether proceeding with

    the executions was constitutional. Mr. Smulls has but threedays to develop his

    claim, and faces not only the Departments obstructionism, but also its efforts to

    keep him from using information readily available from public sources.

    Mr. Smulls has every reason to believe that the states execution protocol is

    fundamentally flawed and creates a grave risk that he, and other plaintiffs, will

    suffer immense, excruciating pain upon receiving the lethal injection. David

    Dormire, the director of adult institutions, recently testified to alarming facts

    regarding the secret pharmacy that compounded the pentobarbital intended to be

    used to execute Mr. Smulls. Dormire did not know how the pharmacy was

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    selected, nor whether it is properly licensed or adheres to industry standards. (Ex.

    A, Dormire Deposition 1-15-14 (Redacted), p. 47). Dormire did not know what

    steps had been taken by anyone at the Department to determine the quality or

    reliability of the pharmacy or its product. The Department had not inspected the

    pharmacy, and Dormire did not know if it had ever been inspected by a

    government agency or whether it was registered under the new federal Drug

    Quality and Security Act (DQSA). Id., pp. 46-47. He did not know if the

    pharmacy was licensed in Missouri. Id. Dormire disclosed that the compounded

    pentobarbital has been stored improperly at room temperature for well over a

    week, impermissibly long under nationally accepted USP standards; the

    mishandled drug is highly likely to be degraded or contaminated by the time of Mr.

    Smulls scheduled execution.Id., pp. 105-106, 125.

    Dr. Larry Sasich, a pharmacology expert retained by the Zinkplaintiffs who

    specializes in drug safety and efficacy issues, has expressed his particularized

    concerns regarding the compounded pentobarbital in multiple affidavits that

    convince counsel that further investigation into the compounding pharmacy, its

    pharmacists, its suppliers, and the laboratories vouching for the efficacy of the

    compounded pentobarbital is necessary. According to Dr. Sasich, compounding

    pharmacies represent an emerging, substandard drug industry responsible for

    making large quantities of unregulated, unpredictable and potentially unsafe

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    drugs. (Ex. B, Sasich Declaration Nov. 7, 2013, 12). Relying on counterfeit,

    substandard, or expired ingredients from the unregulated grey market and poor

    practices, compounding pharmacies are far more likely to create hazardous

    contaminated or sub-potent drugs, and it is nearly impossible to trace the active

    ingredients to their original manufacture to verify their quality. The Department of

    Corrections policy of secrecy regarding its pentobarbital supplier creates far

    greater uncertainty as to the potency, quality, and origin of the drugs ingredients.

    Sasich notes the substantial risk that the compounded pentobarbital

    assuming the drug obtained by the Department of Corrections is in fact

    pentobarbitalwill be sub-potent or super-potent, risking a range of intolerable

    outcomes including life-threatening but not fatal respiratory depression or

    suffocation and gasping for breath before the loss of consciousness. Id., 35.

    Contamination with dangerous allergens, toxins, or microbes is another hazard that

    could induce highly unpredictable, rapidly evolving and potentially painful and

    agonizing reactions upon injection of the compounded drug. Id., 28-30. The

    pentobarbital may be contaminated by foreign particles that will contaminate the

    solution or precipitate out of it, creating a risk of pulmonary embolism and

    substantial pain and suffering. Finally, Sasich notes, if the dosage form of the drug

    fails to reach or maintain the proper pH, there is a hazard the compound will cause

    burning on injection, the precipitation of solid particles that could cause pulmonary

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    LENS just last night, the pharmacy may supply Louisiana and Georgia with

    compounded pentobarbital.3 (Ex. C,LENSArticle, 1-25-14). Current Court orders

    prevent counsel from doing any investigation about this information. A member of

    the general public could better and more effectively investigate Mr. Smulls


    Mr. Smulls cannot meet the burden of proof to prevail on his Eighth

    Amendment claim absent additional information about the source of the

    Department of Corrections pentobarbital.


    First Amendment Claim

    Under the First Amendment, Congress shall make no law ... abridging the

    freedom of speech. U.S. Const. amend. I. It is well-settled that freedom of speech

    is within the liberty safeguarded by the due process clause of the Fourteenth

    Amendment from invasion by state action. Nebraska Press Assoc., 96 S.Ct. at

    2801 (quoting Near v. Minnesota ex rel. Olson, 283 U.S. 697, 707 (1931)). By

    3Della Hasselle, State has explored illegally obtaining drugs for upcoming execution, The Lens,

    Jan. 25, 2014,available at:




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    impeding, if not entirely prohibiting, disclosure of or discussion about the Missouri

    execution teams constituent members or their practices, RSMo. 546.720.3 serves

    as a prior restraint on speech as the statute is applied in this case. The Supreme

    Court frowns upon prior restraints on speech, calling them the most serious and

    the least tolerable infringement on First Amendment rights. Nebraska Press

    Assoc., 96 S.Ct. at 2803. Prior restraints represent an immediate and irreversible

    sanction, and where, as here, there is the threat of civil liability and judicial

    sanctions for exercising the freedom of speech, the restraint does not merely chill

    speech, but freezes it at least for the time.Id.

    The Supreme Court strongly disfavors content-based speech restrictions

    because [t]he essence of ... forbidden censorship is content control. Police Dept.

    of Chicago v. Mosley, 408 US 92, 96 (1972). Above all else, the Supreme Court

    advises, the First Amendment means that government has no power to restrict

    expression because of its message, its ideas, its subject matter, or its content. Id.

    at 95 (citations omitted). Missouris Black Hood statute preventing disclosure of

    the identities of the execution team, construed broadly and in the manner applied

    in this case, is unquestionably a content-based restriction and thus is subject to

    strict scrutiny: the state must show that the regulation is necessary to serve a

    compelling state interest and that it is narrowly drawn to achieve that end.

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    Burson v. Freeman, 504 U.S. 191, 198 (1992)(quoting Perry Ed. Assn. v. Perry

    Local Educators Assn., 460 U.S. 37, 45 (1983)).

    The asserted compelling state interest justifying this particular

    infringement on Mr. Smulls and counsels First Amendment right is the safety,

    security, and anonymity interests of the Department and its personnel. While the

    safety, security, and anonymity of the members of the execution teammeaning

    those people directly involved in administering the lethal drugis a legitimate

    interest, there is no such rationale for restricting the dissemination of information

    regarding the identity of the out-of-state, for-profit compounding pharmacy or the

    testing laboratory. By the Departments rationale, if the out-of-state pharmacy

    (more than 350 miles from Missouris death chamber) and the testing lab (just

    short of 500 miles from Missouris death chamber) are directly involved in

    administeringthe lethal drug, then so too must be the contractor that provides the

    gurney, the medical tubing, and the latex gloves that those who administer the

    lethal drug wear during the execution. No fair reading of the statue would expand

    its clear language to include an out-of-state contractor that provides the drugs at

    least fifteen days prior to the administration of the lethal drugs.

    It is unclear that the United States has ever recognized the anonymity

    interest of any entity that compounds pharmaceuticals that will be injected into its

    citizens bloodstream. To the contrary, if transparency is warranted anywhere, it is

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    in the arena of high-risk drug compounding. This is underscored by the enactment

    only two months ago of the Drug Compounding Quality and Security Act, which

    increases the U.S. Food and Drug Administrations oversight of drug

    compounderslegislation that was implemented in response to the 2012 fatal

    national meningitis outbreak caused by tainted medicine from a compounding

    pharmacy.See21 U.S.C. 355. See Pub. L. No. 113-54, 127 Stat. 587 (Nov. 27,

    2013), 102(a) (modifying scope of FDCA 505).

    Moreover, evidence shows Defendants fear that the pharmacy will be

    targeted for retaliation is baseless. Using records obtained through a Sunshine Act

    request alone, Kansas City newsweekly The Pitchwas able to identify the three

    compounding pharmacies that had the same Oklahoma license renewal date, and

    had paid the same fee for their licenses. The Pitch learned that of two of those

    three pharmacies did not compound sterile injectable drugs. The Apothecary

    Shoppe, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, informed The Pitch that they did in fact compound

    sterile injectable drugs. Compounded pentobarbital is a sterile injectable. Based

    on publicly available information and basic investigation The Pitchreported that it

    was very likely that the Apothecary Shoppe, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, was supplying

    compounded pentobarbital to the Department of Corrections, naming the pharmacy

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    in a feature article published January 21, 2014.4 (Ex. D, The PitchArticle, 1-21-

    14). Five days later, counsel is not aware of any retaliation, harassment, or

    violence directed at the Apothecary Shoppe. The threat is not merely speculative,

    it is nonexistent and Defendants insistence on protecting the details regarding the

    source of its pentobarbital is in fact motivated by its desire to conceal the harsh

    reality of executions from the public. California First Amendment Coalition v.

    Woodford, 299 F.3d 868, 880 (9th Cir. 2002) (overturning prison regulation

    barring public viewing of lethal injection as an impermissible restriction of the

    publics First Amendment right to view executions because it is critical for the

    public to be reliably informed about the lethal injection method of execution).

    The Defendants interest in protecting its execution process from a purely

    speculative danger dissipates when compared to Mr. Smulls clear and present,

    cognizable, corporeal interest in exercising his First Amendment rights in order to

    preserve his Eighth Amendment right to be free from cruel or unusual punishment,

    and his most fundamental liberty: life.

    The publics interest in Missouris lethal injection protocol also countervails

    the Defendants interest in protecting its compounding pharmacy from a purely

    4Steve Vockrodt,As questions linger about Missouris shadowy lethal injection protocol, the

    state is days away from killing another inmate, The Pitch, Jan. 21, 2014, available at:

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    illusory threat. An informed public debate is critical in determining whether

    execution by lethal injection comports with the evolving standards of decency

    which mark the progress of a maturing society, and the Department of

    Corrections is thwarting this debate, obstructing the flow of vital information by

    shrouding its execution protocol in the hangmans hood. California First

    Amendment Coalition, 299 F.3d at 876. Defendants furtive implementation of the

    death penalty is repugnant to adversaries and advocates of the death penalty alike.

    As Missouri State Rep. Jay Barnes remarked, regardless of ones position,

    everyone should agree that [the death penalty] must be carried out according to

    the requirements of the Constitution and the laws of our state.5

    Conflict Claim

    Counsel is burdened by an untenable conflict.

    The restriction on Mr. Smulls and his counsels exercise of freedom of

    speech has constructively deprived Mr. Smulls of conflict-free, zealous

    representation and has effectively placed counsel at risk of violating the rules of

    professional conduct.


    DEFENSE COUNSEL IN DEATH PENALTY CASES (2003) establishes the duties post-

    conviction and clemency counsel owe their client. Once an execution is scheduled,

    5Seestatement of Jay Barnes, available at:

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    Guidelines 10.5.1 directs that counsel should seek to litigate all issues, whether or

    not previously presented, that are arguably meritorious under the standards

    applicable to high quality capital defense representation ... [and] should fully

    discharge the ongoing obligations imposed by these Guidelines, including the

    obligation[] to ... continue an aggressive investigation of all aspects of the case.

    (emphasis added). This includes an investigation of all actual and potential Eighth

    Amendment claims.

    Guidelines 10.7(A) states that Counsel at every stage have an obligation to

    conduct thorough and independent investigations relating to the issues of both guilt

    and penalty. At every stage of the proceedings, counsel has a duty to investigate

    the case thoroughly. SeePowell v. Alabama, 287 U.S. 45, 57 (1932). Because

    counsel are operating under various protective orders that deny them their First

    Amendment right to investigate, speak to government oversight agencies, even

    mention the compounding pharmacy or the lab, or to share the information they

    have with their experts, the media and the Governor, they are wholly prevented

    from fulfilling their ethical duty to Mr. Smulls under these Guidelines.

    Guideline 10.15.2(B) provides Clemency counsel should conduct an

    investigation in accordance with Guideline 10.7. Further, Guideline 10.15.2(D)

    states Clemency counsel should ensure that the process governing consideration

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    of the clients application is substantively and procedurally just, and, if it is not,

    should seek appropriate redress. (emphasis added).

    Similarly, the Missouri Rules of Professional Conduct command that

    lawyer shall act with reasonable diligence and promptness in representing a

    client. Mo. S. Ct. Rule 4-1.3. This means counsel:

    should pursue a matter on behalf of a client despite opposition,

    obstruction, or personal inconvenience to the lawyer and take

    whatever lawful and ethical measures are required to vindicate a

    clients cause or endeavor. A lawyer must also act with commitment

    and dedication to the interests of the client and with zeal in advocacyupon the clients behalf.Id., n. 1.

    In order to discharge these duties, counsel has identified the following

    investigative steps that, at a minimum, should be taken on Mr. Smulls behalf in

    order to vindicate his rights, but which are obstructed by the restrictions on

    information regarding the pharmacy and lab:

    1. depose the compounding pharmacist(s) and the testing chemist(s) at

    their facilities to ascertain the procedures they follow and the

    instructions they give their clients about handling, storage and

    administration of the product;

    2. ascertain any disciplinary histories of those entities or individuals with

    the agencies or boards that regulate their professional licenses;

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    3. determine the conditions and manner in which the pentobarbital was

    compounded and how it was stored at the pharmacy or lab before it

    was turned over to the Department of Corrections;

    4. investigate the pharmacys compliance with state and federal laws as

    well as industry standards for compounding;

    5. ascertain the accreditation, qualifications, and methodology of the

    analytical laboratory that tested the pentobarbital provided to the

    Department of Corrections;

    6. investigate whether the laboratory has been cited by the FDA or any

    other regulatory agency for safety or compliance problems, or failures

    to follow proper testing protocols and regulations;

    7. investigate pending or past lawsuits involving the compounding

    pharmacy and the testing laboratory;

    8. present to Mr. Smulls experts evidence already known about the

    compounding pharmacy and the testing laboratory;

    9. present to government agencies and oversight bodies information and

    evidence already known about the compounding pharmacy and the

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    testing laboratory so that these bodies may address Mr. Smulls


    10. present to Governor Nixon information already known about the

    compounding pharmacy and the testing laboratory so that he may

    fully consider the risks of Mr. Smulls suffering unnecessary pain

    during the execution7; and,

    11. determine the likelihood of degradation, contamination, super- or sub-

    potency of the pentobarbital in the Departments possession.

    This is not an exhaustive list, but the minimum steps that reasonably

    effective counsel would take in order to discharge the duty of aggressive

    investigation of whether the compounded pentobarbital poses a substantial risk

    6The protective orders prevent counsel from communicating known evidence of state and federalviolations to government oversight agencies. Mr. Smulls is prevented from presenting his claims

    to the government for redress in further violation of his First Amendment rights. The Missouri

    Pharmacy Board informed counsel We understand you are unable to provide the name of the

    name of a specific pharmacyIn light of the Boards limited jurisdiction and the unknown

    identity of the alleged entities, the Board elected to take no further action. SeeEx. E, Letter

    from Missouri Board of Pharmacy." Defendants informed counsel via email that they consider it a violation of this Courts

    protective order for Mr. Smulls to present known evidence about the testing lab and Dr. Sasichsaffidavit about it to Governor Nixon. SeeEx. F, Email from Sue Boresi to counsel. Not only does

    this violate Mr. Smulls First Amendment rights, but also infringes on the Governors powers.

    Under the Missouri Constitution, Article IV, Section 7, the governor, and the governor alone, has

    the power to grant reprieves, commutations and pardons, after conviction, for all offensesexcept treason and cases of impeachment upon whatever conditions and limitations the

    governor may deem proper. The governors power is essentially unlimited, and he has the ability

    to receive and consider evidence from any and all sources and is not restricted as to the nature

    of the considerations he may entertain or the evidence he may receive. Young v. Hayes, 218F.3d 850, 853 (8thCir. 2000).

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    of serious harm [or] an objectively intolerable risk of harm. Baze v. Rees, 128

    S.Ct. 1520, 1531 (2008).

    Bound and gagged by statute and court order, counsel cannot prove

    Missouris current execution protocol represents a constitutionally unacceptable

    risk without further investigation. Nor can counsel provide zealous advocacy by

    bringing information about the Defendants protocol and actions to light. The

    public must have the opportunity to be informed about how the State and its

    justice system implement the most serious punishment the state can exact from a

    criminal defendant and to freely discuss the constitutionality of executions.

    California First Amendment Coalition, 299 F.3d at 873. Counsel would be remiss

    in not exposing the constitutional and safety issues with the states shadowy

    execution protocol to the light of day to protect Mr. Smulls interests.

    Counsel are in an untenable situationthey have information that they have

    obtained through publicly available documents that they are forbidden from using,

    investigating, or even discussing with the press, investigative agencies and the

    Governor in their plea for clemency. A member of the general public could better

    investigate Mr. Smulls claims for relief.

    In this case, the Black Hood statute and the Courts protective order have

    thrust a conflict upon counsel. Counsel personally faces potential civil and judicial

    sanctions if they divulge information regarding the pharmacy, laboratory, certain

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    throughout the Zink litigation. Defendants should not be allowed to reap the

    benefits of their dilatory and obstructive tactics at the cost of Mr. Smulls life.

    Additionally, Mr. Smulls does not seek an indefinite stay of execution in this

    Motion. He seeks only a stay of 60 days, in which he can litigate the issue of his

    free speech rights with relation to information in this case.


    The chilling of Mr. Smulls speech by statute and court order grossly inhibits

    Mr. Smulls and his counsels First Amendment rights and, as a result, irreparably

    harms his ability to litigate his Eighth Amendment claim. The death penalty is

    irreversible, and there will be no way to remedy the injustice of an excruciatingly

    painful and unconstitutional execution after the fact.

    Based on the foregoing arguments, Mr. Smulls respectfully requests that this

    Court grant his motion for a 60-day stay of execution, granting him the opportunity

    to litigate his First Amendment claims, to petition the government for redress of

    his grievances, and to fully investigate his Eighth Amendment claim by exercising

    the rights afforded him under the First Amendment.

    Respectfully submitted,


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    /s/ Cheryl A. Pilate

    Cheryl A. Pilate Mo. #42266

    Lindsay J. Runnels Mo. #62075

    926 Cherry St.

    Kansas City, MO 64106

    Telephone: 816-471-6694

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    /s/ Charles M. Rogers

    Wyrsch Hobbs Mirakian, P.C.

    1000 Walnut, Ste. 1600

    Kansas City, MO 64105

    Telephone: 816-221-0080

    [email protected]


    I, Cheryl Pilate, do herby certify that a true and accurate copy of the above

    and forgoing was served on all counsel of record via the ECF system on the 26th

    day of January, 2014.

    /s/ Cheryl A. Pilate