Selon Mission Oversea student mission Please pray for us and support us! Peace to you, prayer partners! We give thanks to the Lord for His leading and providence. In 2017, Selon Mission will embark on its third year of mission work in the UK. As we near Thanksgiving in 2016, we’re sending you this letter of greeting to express our thankfulness. We thank you for your ongoing prayers and support, which have been invaluable in our mission work. At one time, the United Kingdom was a nation of God that sent missionaries to the rest of the world. Today, the UK is a frontline in the global mission field. Due to shifts in the population and a decline in the attendance and membership of the church, approximately a quarter of churches have less than 10 regular worshipers. Atheists make up 49% of the total population. Accounting for people of other religions in the theist population, the UK really can no longer be called a Christian country. The Church of England, the largest in the UK has thus decided to preserve some of their longstanding church buildings to be open only on special occasions such as Easter and Christmas. Coworkers of Selon Mission even saw a church building in Bournemouth (in picture on the right), though still dignified in outward appearance, been turned into a night club. It is just like in Psalm 74:3 “Lift up Your feet to the perpetual desolations. The enemy has damaged everything in the sanctuary.” But the word of God has convicted us: “And it shall come to pass, that as I have watched over them to pluck up, to break down, to throw down, to destroy, and to afflict, so I will watch over them to build and to plant, says the Lord.” (Jeremiah 31:28) Moreover, my personal experience teaches me that God always rebuilds what He breaks down. Therefore our heart for this harvest field is full of compassion and burden. We also believe that God’s calling came upon us in Easter of 2015 to go into missions in the UK. Since then, the journey of Selon Mission has been full of wonderful confirmation and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

Selon Mission Oversea student mission...Selon Mission – Oversea student mission Please pray for us and support us! Peace to you, prayer partners! We give thanks to the Lord for

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Page 1: Selon Mission Oversea student mission...Selon Mission – Oversea student mission Please pray for us and support us! Peace to you, prayer partners! We give thanks to the Lord for

Selon Mission – Oversea student mission

Please pray for us and support us!

Peace to you, prayer partners!

We give thanks to the Lord for His leading and providence. In 2017, Selon Mission will embark on its third year

of mission work in the UK. As we near Thanksgiving in 2016, we’re sending you this letter of greeting to express

our thankfulness. We thank you for your ongoing prayers and support, which have been invaluable in our

mission work.

At one time, the United Kingdom was a nation of God that sent missionaries to the rest of the world. Today,

the UK is a frontline in the global mission field. Due to shifts in the population and a decline in the attendance

and membership of the church, approximately a quarter of churches have less than 10 regular worshipers.

Atheists make up 49% of the total population. Accounting for people

of other religions in the theist population, the UK really can no longer

be called a Christian country.

The Church of England, the largest in the UK has thus decided to

preserve some of their longstanding church buildings to be open only

on special occasions such as Easter and Christmas. Coworkers of

Selon Mission even saw a church building in Bournemouth (in picture

on the right), though still dignified in outward appearance, been

turned into a night club. It is just like in Psalm 74:3 “Lift up Your feet

to the perpetual desolations. The enemy has damaged everything in

the sanctuary.” But the word of God has convicted us: “And it shall

come to pass, that as I have watched over them to pluck up, to break

down, to throw down, to destroy, and to afflict, so I will watch over

them to build and to plant, says the Lord.” (Jeremiah 31:28) Moreover,

my personal experience teaches me that God always rebuilds what He

breaks down. Therefore our heart for this harvest field is full of

compassion and burden. We also believe that God’s calling came

upon us in Easter of 2015 to go into missions in the UK. Since then,

the journey of Selon Mission has been full of wonderful confirmation

and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

Page 2: Selon Mission Oversea student mission...Selon Mission – Oversea student mission Please pray for us and support us! Peace to you, prayer partners! We give thanks to the Lord for

The Chinese churches and Bible study groups in the UK are mostly small and weak. Very few have full time

pastors or ministers. Only one Chinese church has its own church building, while the rest borrow facilities from

other churches. On the other hand, due to the continual influx of international students, there is an abundance

of Bible study fellowships on various campuses. The harvest truly is plentiful and the workers are indeed few.

Selon Mission teams share the gospel to students and help the local church by doing discipleship training with

coworkers. Yet these short term efforts amount to a drop in the bucket in comparison to the great need. The

long term goal must be to plant and to raise up coworkers in the local church. The strategy of Selon Mission

is therefore centered on the goal of long term missions. We regularly send short term mission teams. Then

based on the need and readiness of the harvest, we will support medium term missionaries. Ultimately we aim

to commission long term ministers to shepherd the harvest.

Selon Mission’s service to the UK started out with 4 cities in 2015. In 2017 it will expand to 8 cities and 9

churches. Our team members witnessed the need in the field and the harvesting work of the Holy Spirit, and

we heard the “Macedonian Call” from the many churches we visited. So we have decided to enter the medium

term mission phase in 2017, starting to send medium term missionaries to the various Chinese churches in the

UK. As always, we look to the leading of God. When God starts a ministry, He will surely guide it. For this

ministry, we share our vision with you, our prayer partners and we ask for your financial partnership. The goal

of our fundraising is $200,000 USD. We shall soon step out in faith, and we need your enthusiastic support.

Let us respond together to God’s calling for UK missions. Thank you!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Pastor Ian Cheng

Selon Mission


(Selon Mission coworkers with Plymouth Chinese Christian Society)

If you are willing to support us, you can easily donate online using your credit card:

https://selonmission.org/support/ or please make your check payable to Selon Mission,

and mail your donation to: Selon Mission, 5803 129th Ave SE, Bellevue WA 98006 U.S.A.

Selon Mission (47-3983360) is a tax exempt organization as described in Section 501(c) (3)

of the Internal Revenue Code. Accordingly, contributions and bequests made to Selon

Mission are deductible for United States income and estate tax purposes as provided by law.

Copies of Selon Mission’s IRS determination letter are available upon request.