j 'MF YOU SEE IT IN 1 ( ' I tMiM' ' JI ClB I ",F YgMEE ,T IM 1 I xt's so." y(i SaSgHggi 'rrtM 1 it's so." - i ' r VOL. LXT-NO- .1'21. iMWY0li-O'M."rK- - lS92l""BYmE SUN "lTOlxfTAXD l'LmMSlHNft AflATJOX. PRICRl CENTS. , NO TUNSKL 1IA1M1) TRANSIT. inn vii:nunori ,v.t ' irirrOK a; rr.f.'i'.i ; .svs:u. Tno MM Mmle lor (lie I'ninrliUr OtTr-rr- liv (lie Kapld Tina-d- l Commlsiilim and llttlh Hr.lrilMl-- 'I lie onunlMloNeis. OIe V Their IMn und Mill lr-it- To-da- y In l.tv Out lilni-- or V'lptntril Mum liiif". Standing dlioetly undui tli dome ot the lit llnll. on dm llrKt landiw: of tint stairway leading (mm tlio lotiindu lloor lo the galluiy (lciai, tlio Hoard of linplil 'lranslt lluilronil ( ommlssloiiers oflorod for sale estei Juy noon ilm franchise for tho pioposed undergiotind i lined. On tlio liinilliiL' vvuro ltniiUl Timislt n mlnslonors William Steliiway, John II. Mil In. Saantul r puucui, John II, liimnn. unit iu no 1. li.isho. I.nglnoer Parsons, with a I u roll uf maps: Uoik Wilson, with nn armful (the printed condltlonsof sale .Major Ornnt. tiul Mayor-olo- (i II in v. The rntunil.i llooi, tli" two stutrwnvs leading from tlio landing to tho Ciillorv. niu! tlio gallery Itself weio packed wllh Intorestod spoctiitois. 1'ollllrlnns und mpitallsts wote tliuro. following with printed copies of tlio conditions the lending by tlio rkn. and with them woro curiously Inclined spoctatois and sotuo who came In i mi tlie City Hull Park benches locaui- - It n warm Inside. Souioof those luosont vim John 1). Crlmtulns. David dCunnni. I. II. lUrard. Dr. Italnoj'. Public Adminlstiator 1 ydeefcor. Waldo Hutch int.. Cyrus Clark. Prun on Digging, (leorgo I'. Johnson. J'dwunl Scltautor. A. 13. Tuppen. Patrick 1'ox, Melville l. Smilli,.rio(loriekdlbl)s. and liraytun lve. Lxuctly at noon tlio Clork began to road tlio terms and conditions of tlio sale In a perfunc- tory mnnnor. evidontly supposing that no otio winiod to hour tlio long documents. He was mistaken. Tlit crowd lollowcd every lln. und an anilr request came rum tlio outsMits for louder unit slowoi roailln.' 1 ugineer l'ur-Bu- ultornated with the (lurk, ami in Unit t manner they read tlio tnrin i und uomlltloiis m k ft Uttlo over an hour's time. RPintfB TUB rOKDtTTONS OT SAI K. When that wai finished President 8telnwT Ld ('ominlnplouor and Secretary Uiulio to offr thalranchise for sale. Mi. ituulie jiref-Rce- d his refluent (or a bid by saylnetliat no (ranclilse wbb over ofTered in New York under Hiich favorable conditions for the )iurcliuir. " All the illfllcult preliminary ork." alil Jlr. 1! in ho. "Iihk n rend v been done. '1 ho total expenses of the Commission to date have been Slil.5IH.IM and tliuir compensation, allowed thtn frrtho Uonnrnl Term. In S25.0W, which also must bo paid by the purchaser, under the conditions you ha iust heard read. Now. itentlcmmi. what Is bid for the franchise?" . Here followed absolute ullenco that con tinued until it wan painful. "Is there any bid '. ' i created Mr. I)udi. 'I'hore was another silence, and this w.is hiokon hy a younu'-looLli- man. inuflled up to his chin, v.lio stood attlm toot of tlio stutrn by rho stile of the icDorterV table. "1 bid." ho said slowly. "lle hundred dol- lars casli. anil one-ha- lt of one percent, of the uross earnings of the corporation whloli bullils the road. My estimate Ih Hint tho peicentace of its reccipt tiie company would turn into the city treasury under tlio conditions or my bid would bo not less than $."0,000 annually. nr$."iO.U00.O00 Tor tlio tonn ot the franchise." Vfter a whlsnere I by tlio lln'h) leuuested the bidder to reduce his proposition to wrltluc lio In ho.-- ' vrai aLod on all sides. "A man named Amor). ' President bteinway whispered to some one " Ho lepretents tlio stern Morlpace('oiiiian." M yor-elo- ct Gllroy crowdol up to the side ; iliu Coiumlesionersanu wiiispeied to them. ' Tlio bid ho has niailo Is not provided for iu (hi conditions." ho said. "It ou consider Ins bid at nil you must allow others to bid undor the same conditions." After another flhlspored consultation with his fellow and Mr. (illroy, Mr. liuslio said' "The Commissioners do not ileum tho hid made In proper form, but will take it undtu consideration. Are there any othei bids' "May I make another bid." asked Mr. Amoiy. "Tho Commission is hereto reecho bids. Are there any more" tlio Secretary replied. I rnake an alternnto bid of tl.OOO ensh. without any percentueoof tho cross receipts." "Are tlisro any other bids I Lubt call!" There were no more. "Tho bidder will please stop this way." Hid Mr. Steluway. and tho public proceedings of the sain were closed. Then the commission rnlirod.ivlth tlio bidder, tho Major, and Mayor-elec- t, and remained behind cuarded doors for sn hour. Mr. Amory. however, belnewith them but a short time. When he roaupenrcd he ulil he had deposited, at tho reauost of tho lommieslon. 10 pr conl. of Ids $1,000 bid. i n1 supposed his first bid was not lobe He declined to say whom or what he "presented, but donied that ho was uctlue lot the Western Mortsase Company. Jh V m$ - Mm tiik mnnyii. all re :t Dreur'd, lW ."' capitalists who Vfl 5 hat l an ?,., ?.,'",,!,J tills work. H If It Is to be 1 ' ,,(l B M0Ptid. m,,n'.,l,'i,",, ' ' Commls. ironerWowMrTnrtlfiibi,,',ei,,ll,-- ' consent of y ju per cent, of all the owners tile, ' routes, i am iireuuied i.iT, ,,7.'ii? Jl.Wi.0U0 within Mje ilajs alVer' ho", S ,1 H Mcepted, ami to pay about ..iy,(V r, ' fiV?nsJDM nI"!. "ay. of "' ( "innilfHloii wlu,m ililrtyilajs after they ueiept my bid" d!ln ,"inml.!oiieM i 4 lesoluii, W'lnir 31r. Ainorr s lild n not "aihaniitH us to the public," und thoy returned hi" luoslt. ThlstJCCered.Mr.Auiory. lIlHonTr B joiument una: "The nust otlti thpfrauclil H 'or unle acan, Then I will bid acaln." 8U m it was lumonvl Jn Wall etreet that Mr. m tor tlio .Now loik Areade H llw.i)n which Melville (. Mmllli is Pies). H Jmt. Mi. bmltli attended tho Mr. H ..i.Y ;l'1?r,:,! H,ir '' conclusion of the H Usthathe lioldstho frauchlsn to build the ,fl""1 mail ud th.u he means to ninln. mm lain his rhihts. Ite has, he says. .Mr. Mejn. 1 H,aJ,i,rii',col,,t '"r.'l'u uf $100. Wheu wis paid luck to I. in. he H&Till'1, Sll!l''ir'al1'1 ,or " tui," f t.i'A"i lYf ' ille ";m"'l5lon wpm oh-- .Y?n7LnU,'olrM0 ftlll"m ftreet. last H J5?i?,B i,,1 htlnwa c.uo out thefol- - it JV1'- - ,u' kn,' "il'rested H "If o'" nI" ot the other Commlfcsloiiern. fl trr,,J ? """r"! ,0.ftffect a Mil,, of tho rapid IU on fhe,''"rf of ,ho Commission been lonir and laliorlnus. hut all the lime consumed was well nnd necessarily occupied in solnctlnt: the best pos'lble loutes, in construction and oiurn-llu- and In mcrcoiuliie the nrloiis lesal formnlllles and obstacles liiclilont tooiTeilnu' th(itrniieliio for sale under the terms til the nit. which required the determination by the t'ntn mission of nu enoiiuoils liumborof mln-ulli- iirillnniily left to tho corpnrjitlon under-takln- tr ciiternri'csof this so and nharaeter. "Tho Common Coumll und the elty acted with all )iosiblo desiinteh upon thcrcpoitsnt tho t'oninilsslon. and the courts cao prompt Ik irlncs to and decisions upon nil implications mndo to them. ' Thostatnuiont tfocson to defend the feasi- bility of tlio Coinnilsloirs plans for un uiidei-i.'ioun- d road, and eoncHidcs. "The 'oinml5lou has by no racnns Its lesoiliees fi i liirnlsliInK tho city wilh riilild transit. It must Immediately udopt other nivalis, lis nrle hull purpoao win lo lumldo lines of transit liulependent of lines, nnd ui.onainuch broulei hchIo. Jt has iilTeieil thn bent, the most eoinprehen-she- . .mil. wltlml. the cheiuest system that enuld b deilsed. Tho effort has fulled. It must now do the nevt best thlliK. " I lie Humorous siire already niuilo and the Inruoiiceutiiiilatloii of data naaulied h labors will unable tho ConinilxHton to iilI prutiiDtlj'. Hut it must recoi;ii7e tho fuct that at viusunt.no undericriuliiil sytom of li mslt euti be sold, and that tho streets must Inevitably ho Invaded, llowevor. 1 proilct that at some future day a railroad substan- tially II ko that planned by tho Commission r, 111 bo built, when tho eoiiKestlon on and ubove the surface shall have Lecomn unbeaiable. "The Commission is therefore compelled to delso u plan b) elevated structures which shall iiru Ide u sufllclent system ofiaold tran- sit without too treat Injury to tho streets. 'Ihese structures mlcht be prtlv in the streets and partly tliroucli tho blocks, but If to any irieat extent throuuli the blocks tho ex- pense ot tho enterprise will a tain bo found prohibitory. The olcxited structure should be at such a rcnbonnblo heluht us to mold olevatoisat eeiy station, and tills precludes an) substantial Income from the of thu lind beneath 'sutiicleut and lemuneratlie Independent inpicl transit inllrouds can be laid out both upon tho oast und nest sides uf tho city und near the lines of truiel most ueedint: them. Mich inllrondh would necessarily be In tho stioets and avoiiues not now occuplod by ele- vated structures: lull the Commission desires to occupy as few streets as possible What Is jirtferable depends upon niunyionstdclatliins the i out. d linuires to ubuttinic tuupoity own-ei- s ami the minimum occupancy ot streets. consiKtent with seciirinir both loral and senlce at hliih speed ; and. abovo all. Pioinptiiess of construction, boiuethlni; must iieiloim iiulPkly to relleMi tho present jiros-Mir- n und to silo renewed Impetus to tho citj's L'lowth in a northerly direction, "The Commission Is now familiar with tlin entire subject Iu all its details, mid conclu- sions inn and will bo rapidly reached. '"1 hot oui mission will meet row H'iI-da- y alternooii to proceed with this JSorl. i' ' once i tit i: is a skst or i.iiroK. Due .lumps hiiiI llrrnks Ills I.FB A. Hoy ItrMrurd ly Flremwu Welsh. A flro iu Mechanic's alloy at 'M last nlulit cuo a ilron.un a chance to save a, life at the risk or his own, sent u score or more ot people llylnpr for their lives, and for a little while kept llremon and policemen unusually bus). Mechanic's alley Is ten feet wide, and tuns from Monroe) street to Cherry, through the block botween Pike street und Market. It Is full of stables, but jUBt back of 7i Monroe streot. soparated from that house by pet hups twenty feet. Is a low four-stor- y brick bulldlni;. the lower part of which was used foi a ran shop and the three lofts fur lulloi s' shops bnmucl. Isaac, and Harris Goldstein, brothers, who live ut 7U Monroe street, each occupied one of these floors. Tho looms wero llllod with sew-in- c machines, and aboutfoit) metiand women usual!) worked there. A narrow stairway led lo the lofts, and a Hie escape ran down tho front. .... on oilier nichts tho diopssiut at o but ou 'i hut sdays the inousta) later so as toco eurlyon 1 riday and prepare for tbeHabbatb. The men wero all at work Inst nleht when the raff shop L'ot all re. Tho stairs wore out off before tho workmen knew uf their dunsrei. Mot got out by the tiro escapos. but half a do7en were drtvon to tho roof. Obey wore yUllnfr for help when the llremen came, and in tho alley wore the others, also yelllnif. Humes were allthrouch the building and lenp-ini- ? across thu alley, l'iremen were there, with lioso and ladders. Policemen wore i ty horses out of William Unrrett's sta- ble, opposite tho llro. Samuel Milwllr. one of tho tailors e.incht on tho third llooi. jumped into tlio midst of this turmoil. He escared with a broken arm und cut head. 'I he others on the roof were taken down by a ladder from the top of the stable, und then a lone ladder was run un from tho alloy, lire man fish of Truck (t was tho llrst man up. In the top loft he saw some one. and jumped richt into tho window through the flames. In u moment ho came outcarryinc a tweUo-- y ear-ol- d boy. Samuel Flaecsnf ltW Monroe street, who had come to the plnco with his fathers supper. Welsh banded tho boy oertollro-mu- n Hicglns. who took him to a drnc store to hao burns on his head dressed. Thu lire was confined to the bifck bulldlni;. TYI'IICS IS A BiKt.ll'S A IO'. Tlir linker. Ill Mother, and Ills UuucUtrr All llttd llourd Precautions. Three cases of typhus fe er wero discovered yestorday in thu tenement at 78 Division street. Tho patients wero Uaniol Peldsteln. :t!l years old. his mother Pnnny. 08. and Ids dauchlcr Johanna. ! years old. l'eldstoln is a baker and had a shop In tho tsnoment. Ho lived over tho shop. All three patients weie taken sick ou Dec. 18. They thoucht It was crip. A low days ago they wero bo ill that thoy stimmonod a physician, who was pulled by tlio sjmptoms. Yesterday the physician report od to the bureau otContncious Disoases that the family was sutferins from typhoid pneumonia. I)r, ltobert? sont an Inspector to the house, who diagnosed the cises as true typhus. The family wero romoved at onco to North Brother Island. IIr. Koberts learned that 1 eblsteln had been In the country about twelve roars, und for the last low months hud nevoi been far from his shop. 'J lie cases have not been connected with anv previous eases, and It is Dr. Jlobeits s opinion that they orisinate In an entirely new source of Infection, inspectors nro now muk-in- ? investigations upon this theory. Meantime tho aparlmonts occupied by the family havo been clnnnsed und fumicated, nnd tho otiior Inhabitants of the tenement are un- der observation. 'Iho entlro neighborhood will be watched carefully for some time to come. It is regarded as rather serious (hat the dis- ease should have appoaroil in the fumllyoru baker, and that It has run so long without de- tection. The neighborhood isdousolyerowdod. the population being laritely Kussiun nnd Polish .lews who aro very poor. Tho tone-mon- aro among the dirtiest in tho citj'. A- lthough the bako shop s very small, its pi have doubtless found their way into very many homos. Une Inst previous case of typhus to oomo undor tho obseivntlon of tho Health Depart- ment occurred on the How ery, Dee. K i;i-- r COUHT J.V THE SlltKM. diKtlce nrld Adjouriie to the Sidewalk, uud Aciiil 31 1. CulluUuii. Catherine Callahan of 220 Fattt 1'JTtli stiect, who has been u prisoner In the Harlem Hos-plt- fduco Nov. 2'J, was brought to the Jlnilem l'ollco Court In a carriage estordaj', Justice Welde ndjourned courttothosldevvalfctospuro the Invalid the pain of being carried Into the courtroom, nnd he dismissed the complaint of attempted sub Ido acnluRt her. Mrs. Callahan Is a tidy lltllo woman 24 yoars old. Her husband Is an Industrious cai pun-t- r. Tho nfTcctlons uf tho couple wero cen- tered In their baby boy. On Nov. 22 Mrs. Cal- lahan went down stairs to buy provisions for dinner, bho loft the boy asleep in a baby's larrlnce. There was a cloth strap acrosb the curiiagelo keop (ho Infant fiom falling out. Hie was notawaymoro than llvo minutes, but when she icturnod she found the child hang- ing from the carriage dead, with its head In tho carriage Miup. ?'. Ciillnli.tn junipeil down tho nlr shaft whllii rh)rlclans vvme vainly endeavoring lo revive the enilil. Mm fell five Moric. ,IIor light. am; and log and Ihreo libs wero biokeu. him is still huiTerluu from liei injuries, hut will full) lecovrriullme. It Is.i substantiated fait, crdoised by every onoennvertant In tli matter, that "Admlial" cigarettes are mudu fiora higher rrlco tobacco nnd afford to the consumer an Infinitely supe- rior article to an) other brand on the Ameri- can inurkot Irrespective of price. Aih. All tiirlelle" o told Mruta on Hand and lo Ordei. Tnrkixs flilcWr. smf. mum. pIm alidt hum.. Ar, lmpnri.il tnnfiti srliiluikrk. ooi.t ji. iiilli" .mi mo libs dcli.a.-lM- IvriMiil. iui Silli it , ndliiv , iimr-Htu- il' J'rrf.rt rrtiullif it Tour triiri fin. ran .Iff ant irr-y- f uimk tmif, iel l.rnml icutralMatiun-a- il by ilia v Verk Otnirl.,-.J- i, ltlran.Taliulei tault'iiaia. I'.ip.ir.t T.Mi'it prclnnj llf. -- aj T mini; V Hatille' " Acaif." J Itoilte l'rllr's Hii 'i atcidiiy aiu lavor on itieir uiirltt AilurnirifU Ia nit IntlirlFly and lbs tnorpblnababjt aur.ly rur iri n, (ll I rut siinrrilig or injur), al lUa Httl.y llitllllila. V. Lilt llll'i.. I unit, x, k ( ail or wtltr -- aiu I - M FOIL SHN'ATOR AM) SlMiAKKK. Mfitrur ami rtnsi' Aimi'T All itiAfs iv swiiT as ri:r. Sir. letrlund's Itlxind Field In the Srliutnr. t.Uli CuntestMCoiUrnn Smvh lie In .Not n Candidate The I'l Ofilaiume at Allian), Mr. Cleveland had anumberof Nltot9 at his olllcus In the Mills building yestorday after- noon. Mr, Clevolind does not llko to have the liuinesot his visltois pi luted. It mar bo stilted that In the Senatorial controversy Mi. Cleve- land will not tnku n hand In tho light In Wy online, Montana, and Kansas, 'lho heiinte i ommlltoo to loow nfter this busiuess has this affair In ehaige. and Mr. ( luvoland will llitciest himself in the Senate contests lu Now Yurk. West iiglnia,MIsiiiirl, Wisconsin, Tuns. California. Mrglnla. Xoith ( urollnu, and Kentucky. C'oucoinlng the liiterostlng sltuutlon In New Yorl.. the Information last night was to the effect that Pdwaid Murphy, Jr.. was still 'i i nndldulu to succeed Mr. litscock. It wus by ilose friends of William 0 Whitney, lllchnrd ( rukor, Hugh McLaughlin, nnd others Hint It would be lousldarod Inadvisable to de- feat tho wishes ot tho legulurly organized Democracy ot the State, l.ust night Senator (Joimun of Muiylutid, Mr. Whltnoj. mid Sin-nkc-r Crisp dined together nnd then went to the theatre. It was the opinion of all tlueo that Mr. Murphy would be elocttd Culled States Seuatot from the Stale ot Now York. Senator Cloi man did not have time to cnll on Mr. Cleveland. Ho is in town on porsonal business, and hefoio he goes away- - ho will see the President elect. Something has been said about tho ptonounced opposition ot Mr. Cleve- land to Mi. Murphy. It Is vet y well kuown that Mr. Cleveland, no moio than a week ngo, said to friomls In his cntilldenco that ho be- lieved that Mi. Murphi would aoo Washing- ton frleudlv tohlni. Jetavveek Inter he eoines out with his stitement in npi osltloli to Mr. Murphy's candidacy. Just who has iirutiglit this about very few in New oik euretu btnte. It Is well known, though, that u Muyoi Wi- lliam It. tlruec. the bitter opponent of Mr. Hill and Mr. Mtliphv for tun yeurs. bus beuti iu close communion with Mr. UevUuud during tlio last wook. Mj. tlevelnnd 1ms petsonilly assured Mi. Grace that tin would like to see .Ml. Uruce a eandldute foi Senator. 'Ilm Hon. W". llouiko Cockrin cnuio homo lust night fiom Washington. Mr. lookiun.oii Uelug iibkeil concerning u report about his candidacy lor thu United Mates Seuatoihip. " Ium not n candidate for tho ofllee of en Nobody lias been uutburied to use my natno In connection with It." opposition has been reported to thoie-electio- n uf thailss Frederkk I rlsp to the Mieakershlp of tho House. Tho Speaker hud luncheon. ill tho Hoffman lfou-- e estuidav with "Mr. trokei. Mr. Whitney, ,iud several others it was understood among these gentlemen that Mr. Crisp was the fuvoilie. and that ho was likely lo be tliu next Speaker of the House, notwithstanding outside onjectlons Senator llogortj. Mills wus ut the IlofTniin llo.iso hist night, and ho shook hands veiy grai lously with Mr. Cilsp 'Ihe Senutoi fiom 'lexas gruspoil the hand of Mr. 1 risp and wished him all luck Imaginable. Mr. Mills said that ho had not hud timo ret to visit Mr. Cloveliud Kb tho duys go on only one place in the Cabinet is reported to b positively allotted the Nuvy. to Col Dniitul H. J.uuiout. 'Iheiuu'e soman) complications concerning tho Senate lights In other States that Mr. Cleveland ap- parently does not cute to go ahead. A good many Assemblymen nnd Senators started for Albany yesterda). The Democrats iibscmblo thi.ro on 'liiesdny next. Tho is still Assoinblymsn Sulrer Tor Speaker and sseniblnuan Daniel Maitiiifui' leader ot tho House. Hamilton Pish. ,li.. is to lead the Pepublican minority, according to pnsont leport. vrihz vavcus To-siau- KlnKa C'vuuty !Sruuor aad Aasrml.ljmcn to Map Out Their 1otk. The caucus of the two Democrntlo Senators mid seventeen Assemblymen from Kings county for tlio purposo of outlining a plan of action at Albany will be held in the Executive Committee room in tlio Thomas Jefferson iu Iliooklyn. All of them have already held preliminary confeiencos with Hugh McLaughlin, and as his views on tho disturbed political situation are pretty will understood and will be implicitly respected, there Is not much doubt as to what the action of the caucus will bo. Mr. Mclaughlin from first to last has given no encouragement whatever to the untl snap brigade, which has been trying to organ-ir- e an active revolt ugainst Ldvvard Murphy. Jr., In tho Kings county delegation. Wiiat-ev- his Individual views may do as to the candidacy of Mr. Murphy for the Sonatorship. he has distinctly and emphatically declared that the Kings county benatoisaud Assembly- men will attend the regular caucus at Albany, and will not bolt in case Mr. Murphy is made the candidate. Mr. McLaughlin made tills statement befuro .Mr. Cleveland's prouuncia-ment- o against Mr. Murphy wus issued, and lie still abides by it. Mr. McLaughlin has used Bubstantlilly this argument to peisons who have close political relations with him: "Tlio representatives of tho tegular Kings County Democracy have never bolted a caucus oi convention, and thore is nothing In the pieseut crisis which should ptovoke such ac- tion. It is true that .Mr. Murphy was opposed to .Mr. Cleveland's nomination, and spoke out his mind freely both beforo and during the Convention, but lu this respect he was In the saino boat with Senator Hill. liov. I lowei. Lleut.-tjo- Sheohan. Mr. Croker.and thoother Democratic loadors. When Mr. Cleveland, howovor. was nominated. Mi. Murphy and nil his friends took off tiiolr roits und worked loyally and realously foi Ills election, and they nil. I think, (list no great thanks for their HPlcndld work during the canvass. Did not Senator Hill eomo lo Hrooklyu und Inaugurate the State cuinpnlgn with one of the greatest bpucchoj which was heard during the can- vass "I don't romembertoliave heard any uues-tlo- n raised during the campaign as In lh political sagacity or ability ot Mr. .Murphy, and it Is not likely that his tltuess to occupy it neat in the Senate would havo been Questioned if ho hud beeud study tidmiier of Mr. Clovu- - ' Suppose for the sako of argument the Kings county delegation wns determined to oppose Mr. Murphy to the extent of bolting the cau- cus, what then ensues I Would there not be a state ot confusion at Mbany seldom witnessed there The llrst thing wo would hour of would be combinations und schcmlngs, with thu and tho repiesentutlvos from this county would finally hnd themselves out in the cold, "ho far as I havo beard, Mr. Murphy is a man of much force of character and ability. He has uoon u good manager ot his own private affairs, and ifor yoars has becu considered utile enough to bo ut tho head of the Demo-oratl- o State oreanlratioii. and 1 think thn gie.it victories iu recent years should bo remain-be- n d to his credit. Ho may be a 'liimdetrong' man. but tlio sama might be said of Mr. Cleve- land himself, i want to so tho part) in tho Stale us well ns In tho nation united, und 1 would, or course, deplore the election r any Domocrut from tlio State of New- - ork who would goto Wushlucten, with the Intontlou of antagonizing the Administration." When tho Senators and Assemblymen get togethorto-nlKh- t under tho brilllnnt electric lights in the Thomas Jefferson, and with the veteran leader of theivlngs oiuinty Democ-iiie- j not faroff, a resolution will probably bo udopted favoring Mi. 'Julgley fortlieSpeakei-t-hl- p and pledging his fellow inumhers fiom Kings county to give him n complimentary vote In tho caucus, but It la not very likely that anything dolluito will be donoou the question. tiol.cr and Murpli) Mrrf in Albany. Aiuam, Dec. 2(i. Senator Hill wns nt the Koiiinoio nil dny, Lieut, liov. William I Shee-hn- u arrived and Jllcluud CroUr stopping over for u short time met and lind a brief conversation with 1'dwurd Murphy. Jr. The news that those four, iiotiibl-- s wore Jn Albany the same a,y enusod a report to spread that a confnietico hud been ordered and the Cleveland Interview" was to bo considered. Senator HII! says that he had no conference. Willi Mr. I lokiror tho other gentlemen: that rlr. tiokei had not been to ihe hrnmoreto see him. The only semblance or ii cause for tho lumoi'ul conference, therefore. cl .Indies down to the meeting of Ciokoi and Murphy on the street. iiik A.ir route sksitouhiiip. i ninniriits nt the National Cii.ltu1 on 1 Irve. luiul' lnullesto. Wasiiisuton. Dec. '.'It -- Mr. Oulos of u said that the announcement of Mr. (levoland legnrdltig lho Now oik Sonatoislilp Is apt to bo construed Into nn attcnut on his pirttodletalutulho New York Lcglslutuie. llo may havo simply deslied to express his opinion us ucltl'cn. but In view of tlio position ho occupies beforo tlio counts y. hero are iniiiiy persons who will In- sist that ho intended to Inllueuee the action ot thn Stute legislators Iu theli to'ioitlou of a Senator. John Do Wilt W'arnci made mi lutorestlug nddlllon to what ho suld jestordiy about Mr. L lev eland's announced opposition to lho (audidacy of l.dvvurd Jlurtdiy. ,1r. Mi. Wnrtioi suld1 "Sou will rcuieiiiboi. ticihiips, what d to Itoscoe C oakling. If you Imagine that these people ot New Yoik woid not in sympathy with Mr. Conklluir ut that llnio you aiohndly mistaken, Hut when It eamo to a question of clmico between u .onator uud u Prisldcnt of the 1'lilted Mutes, thu People sldid with tho Piesldent. It is not thu nun whoso opinions yuu and I might naturally seek who set llo them ques- tions. It is tile People ill tliu lilgliwuy s und byvvnvs and of the cioss loads, and when their inllueuee began to bo felt at Albany lu the tiioinoiable contest between Prisldcnt Oarflold and Mr. t onkllug. thiMiueslluii usto the continuance of the mltui gentleman lu olllco was qulekl) decided. It is with thu ninssus that Mr. Cleveland has hU stioug hold, nnd mIiouIiI a contest occur botween thu New Jork State machine ntul 1'icdiiont I love-lan- d It will be the machine that will trot hurt." Itepreseiitiitlve Cinin of '1 exits hud his at- tention directed to an iutluiutloii that Mr. t levelnnd might attempt to defeat tho of Semite! .Mills. The Texas member mow quite IndL'nant .it tho moio suggestion, und declared Unit he did not believe Mi. lovolund would dare lo uso his rosition in tlio puitv to dictate to the villous States who shall reprisonl them lu ( ougress. Ho ad- mitted tliu right of oveiy American cltieiitn express his opinion on put lie questions, hut Mr. I levoland i unnot e called a pi hate citi- zen. He ceased looci'llpy that env lable position alter Nov, 8. nnd Is prmtlcallv lis inn. li of a publle i luirncteras he will bn nftoi his Inaug- uration. It was suggested tli.it Mi. t level mil iiilght prefer the eleeiion of liov. Hogg to thu Senato as Mr. Mills's succesmi. Mi. Cralu said ho had no means nt knowing what Cleve- land thinks nbu. the Toxns Sonatorship. but Ihe peop'eot that state mo well qualitled tu niiikothuli own leilloli without any lutelgn Intel feienn. fisi"s vii ium ui.irriMK Indue Oillrs 'lliluks IIr Vluilr 1IU I'fm ullll the I'irslOi 111 I In I. WvMttvinoN. Dec. -- Spuikei ( lUp's with Mr. Cleveland was fieoly ills cussed heie to-d- bythosr t ougressiiieli who me spending the holiday week iu Washington Unoof the most outspoken on thu subject Is llcpreseut.itlvo Dates of Alabama, Ho holds u picallar attitude toward ispeaker Crisp In view of the fact tint, although a Irlund of Mr. M11U, ho worked eiiiuestl) foi thu election ot Mi Cii-- n Judgo Hates made no attumpt to conceal his efforts lu behalf of Mr. Cplsp. and fianl.lv Inlormed Mr. .Mills at the beginning of the roiitist that he thought Mr. Crisp was blttei iil.il teJ lor tho place than his friend from 'Kxas Mi. dates lias the couinge ot hN conviction-- , uud them is no man In ongress who ghis oxpie-slo- n to them with g'eatur freedom when the occasion arises. In soeoklng of Speaker ( rNp's visit to New erh, und his cousiillution with Ml. Clevelund, Mi. Oalos does not hesitate to siytlint Mi. Crisp Is niixlons to secure a leileetlon to the buoakei'e chair, 'iheru is no doubt that there Is a strong opposition to giving him u second Urm. It Is difUcult to consiilei the strength of his forces as compaied with the oiposition. beenuso a r '.r'jr of new men -- beis will como into the next Congnss. Then thero are a number of men In the pieseut House, who havo been reflected, who have good places on the committees, and the) me willing lo support Mi. Crisp foi a second term, in the iionu that thev will letalu tlieirpiesunt places or bo Invited to go up higher. Ml ot these matters enter into the situa- tion and naturally create more oi le-- s doubt in tlio mind of Speaker Crisp. He is probably aware that thero aro coitiln men in the House who will oppose him In any event. Then there is another class of "Itnuteis who ma) d by promises or pntioii'ige should Mr. Cleveland eonie out In un authorised In- terview and decluie that Mr. Crispin not the right man to be elected Speaker ot the next House All of these considerations soys tier.. Oates, havo probably appealed to Mr. Crisp, and in his desire to retain possession of theg.tvolho probably considers it Ids prhlhgo to play politics for nil they aro worth uud reuch un amicable understanding with Mi, Cleveland. it is thu opinion of ludg.j dates that Mr. Crisp ha proP ibly mndo his peace with Mi. ( level ind and will iiiiountoi loss opposition tlinn would have otherwise been arrayed against hi m. Mr. Ontes dois not like the ex- isting rules by whkh the business of the Housels conducted. Ho objects to the power being verted lu three mento determine what measure shall be taken up out of theiegiihu ordei. In the oventof Mi. Crisp's re 'lection to the Speakership Mr. dates will advocate n new set of rules, which will allowmombeisa great- er latitude lu tiyluc to get consideration of measures In which ilnh resjiectivo constitu- ents are interested. He will suggest the ap- pointment of a committee of lllteen. whose duty it shall be lo determine what hills shall bo tnKoti up out of the regulai onlii. 'lhls committeowill not interfere with tho Commit tee on Holes, who shall havo jurisdiction over all matters relating to paillnmentnry law and other questions not untngonlstle to the meas- ures considered by tho "stooiing" committee. Judgo dates also thinks thero should bo u change In tho peisonnel of thn Committees on Ways and Means and Appropriations, nnd nl-- o ngoneral overhauling of tho committees. He contends that more satisfactory results might b obtained bv depriving the Speaker or tho un the committees and fiowortoiunkn tho caucus, as is donolutho Senate. aoaisst Aitur.ir von m:atok. JlcMlux nl ItriuocintK Opposed lo Ills Kin-lin- About thirty gentlemen, some of them poli- ticians uud others auxioiis to become politi- cians, nssembled in ouoof the parlois of Tay-loi'- s Hotel, Jorsoy City, yesteiday afternoon, In responsolo thu Invitation so'it out In the foi m of a circular Utter to men In all parts of tho State who weio known or supposed to be opposed totho election ofOov. Leon Abbett to tho United States Sennte William x. Cottorof 1 leiiilnglonpresldodftnddustavl'olluk of sum- mit acted as Secretory. Mr. Cottar fuld there were only two names prominently nientloiie I (or the I'nltod Stales Seiiatoruhlp. Loon Abhett nud James Smith, Ji. it was possible that when the time camo to oloct there might bu others in tho Held, but at presont Mi. Mnllh r.cemoil to be tho most nvnilable man v.lth whom to defeat Leon Abbott. It. W. (iuthrle offered a resolution doclai lug Oov. Abbett to be not n propor man for the '1 his was iifterward clnngod to a that the geiitlemon at the moi ting vvete opposed to the electiou of Leon Abbett to thu United States Senate. Tho change was mude by thaSecrotary. who llioughl the langiiagoot Mr Ihitlule's resolullon a little too strong. The resolution was discussed at groat length nnd with consideiuble bitterness on the i,ut of some of thu speakers. e Willi ru H. Itanklu denounced tiov. Abbott so strongly that ho was at once suspocted of being in d by personal animosity, .ludgeSklnmrof llobokcii w.is the only ono who sjil .inytluui; pleasant about tho (Inventor, llo sildno ono would suspei t him of being a fi lend of do,, Abbelt, bill ho was foicud to say that the many things foi thnbeiiellt ot .New .lei soy. llo wus nil light up tune ir thu close of last year's session of the l.eglshituie. " Why," asked thespeaker, should lie bcast uelde foronomlstako" There weio muuuuin of eurpilso. i round the room while Judgo Skinner was talking It hud not t een tlio intention of themiinugi is uf tlio meeting to havo liny, friend ol Abbett there. Ileloro lie llnlshid. Judge Skinner d them that ho wusopposul to tho elei Hon of Abbett because ha doubted whether ho would support ( levelnnd und turill reform. Assemblymen Dupuy and Wright uiiih from voting on tho lefolutioii. They objected to being put on record ou Iho The roiolutlon wns udoptid rosoliillon was adopted appointing u committee ot live to prepare u memorlul to ho prcsonted to the Leglslatuie setting foilh tlin rensonswhy Abbcttshoiilil not bemndul nlti-- stntos Senator. The commlttoe consists ot Messrs. 1 MeO. Mentis. J. H. Probst. .1. II. Ijilid. C. II. l'orbes. und S. II. Pittorson. It was doclded that all present at tho who can do so cnnveiilently.livlllgo to Trenton on the eve of His olrctlon und usu their indi- vidual uud united iulluciico ugainst Abbett. GOODNIttYSOFTHErMBMA. PASSIM AT M.'l (IV NCXIttV AXl II iri It .Ml I.7.'. rilie Was I.vIuk llns), llrtid to the n, anil (hut rllir Wua "Not Latin-- ( oiiiuiuiid,' thus Is, tliut Hhr Couldn't siffr - OU Mllrit IrOlu lcv link 'I lirn mid 1'iubiilily Ulnkluic lor 'I lit I'oi ( ou. Much liter and moio dellnlte news of thu overduoCiiuardei 1 mliria lellovod yesteiday much ot the nnxlety fell ou her account. On tlio iilturnooii ut ( hrlstmns Day she was sighted about "U." miles from New orl.. She dlspluyed tlueo ted lights as a that she was nut under cuinmuud. but she did not ak fornsslsluiii e. She was I) lug-to- . und app.u-eiitl- y lying vol ye isy. lu a fiesh northwest gale. 'lhls giateful nuws was brought to puit curly yesterday muiuing by tho Wilson line steamship (milieu, fiom Hull Duo. 11. Cupt. Coleman of this shiji died of vnhular illseo of Iho heart on Die. Hi, and was burled ut sun In u uortliw oid gale. ( liluf Ulllcoi 0. II. Jones, who took command, told the Stoly of the sight- ing of the I nibria III these wolds: "Wo had stumg gales and high so is almost from tho moment of dealing land. Wo had several snow squalls and weathei of eveiy kind nil tho way across. About 0 o'clock on l hrlstnius ufter-iiDo- u we wero lu latitude 42" 52, longitude fiS'O.'i 'iho wind was blowing a fiesh north-wi- gale, and u heavy se i was i tinning. It was jip-- t a tilllu misty linn fust growing d.irl . "'lho lookout sighted a big steamship bear- ing northwebl. Shu was lylng-t- o In the heavy wind, but was riding the waves as couifui tably us if she vvcru at herdoi k. We signalled that vvuweiu of tho WINou line. In response she displayed a blue light and two llomnti candles, each llrlng six bulls. 'I his meant that ho was of the ' miaul line. Sho then showed three ted lights, which meant that she was not under command. We judge 1 fiom this that lur machinery was out uf order, mid that she was lylng-l- o for lepulrs. We circled aiouud Iter, lilt us sho did not signal for assistance Wo weut ou our course Miewus in sight fur two hours. I guess she'll ho In hem in a day n two. Shu looked pretty big out thero. and It wasn't blowing enough to hurt liei. Wo i until see boiiio of Ihe passengeis ou deel . 'lho next morning. Dec. 211. Xvo passud two sto unships bound cast. They wiru almost sine to pass tho c'uibria, und If she ueuled any assistance they would have helped her." I he place where the I'mbila lav when the (aliliu i ussed her five days ago this morning isulout 70" miles fiom New ork, east by ninth. .VO mllesdiio east fiom Huston and 24," miles southeast of llnllliix. I he damage to liei muchinery wis ptobably not vol y set ions. When u steamship br.il.s liei sh ift in meets with anv bullous mishap hi) usuullyseiflbthe (list opportunity tu tlg-- n d the la. t to passing steumeis. lor. even if she does not want assistance, Il would take u h ng time to icpuli any great damage to ma- chinery, and steamship i upturn knows what a world uf anxiety an oveiduu vessel causes. 'Ihe probability Is that on Chilstmns altornoou the I mbrla was eltlui so slightly or hud recovered fiom a serious acci- dent to em h uu extent that shu expected in a short time to steam ahead foi pott and git there before tho (julilc-o-. stenuishlp men suy that the signal of th-e- e rid lights at sea is usually dlsplaved when a vi'bsel's steering gear Is uiltnf ordfrur hoi lilddur Isdisabled In cases of moie serious incidents It Is customary to signal some of tho puitlculars. lleiuisnn instance: du Jnn. 27. lse-O- . the steunishlp Alaska sig- nalled to thu freightoi 1 ake Winnipeg "Dam-ug- o to the i udder: cannot steel." After fin-th- signalling, tlio Alaska took the Winnipeg in tow to servo the pin poses or u rudiler.mid tu this tunilam tiiuvessois arriveu lu port ou I ub. S lne WhilolStar steamship llunic. which loft Liverpool ono d ly before tho L'mbrla. and wll'i was suiiiosed to com j by tho same course as tho I mbrla, arrived off Flro Island at yesteidui morning. She had not sighted thodisablid vessel. '1 ho il lib M Irani of per-o- who come to after news of the ship continued to call at tho CutiUHl lines olllco all day yestorday. .None of the inquirers, liowovei. dlsplajud any uneasiness mong tho passenei3 ou the l'mbrla aro fien. uud 31 rs. Juhn W. Kearny of luljist 1 stieit. dou. hearuy is n. momberorthe Manhattan. Union, 'iuxedo. St. Authonv. I'nltod ficivlce. and Essox clubs Ho went to Paris about u month ugo on a business trip, dther passengers uro Simon Sterne, tho law- yer, of fid lieavcr street- - Henry .1. llrakers. a wholesale druggist at 215 Pent! street: '1 horn-a- s I rlmnilns. father of Johnl). Crimniin-- . the conliai tor, und J. Henry Harper of Harper A Hiothi is. publislieis. '1 he North duiuiau LIo)d steamship I.ahn, from llruinnn mid Soiitbumpton. passed 1 iro Island ul 1 1'liO o'clock lust night. Sho may liuve moie news of the L mbrla If thoCiinurder is In the westward bteaiushlp track making foi New Yoik. II vi li vx. Doc. 20. A ruuioi wis In circula- tion hoic to night that the disabled steamer 1 mhiiuli.nl leiuhed Harrington In a sinking condition, but Inquiry ot the ugont there shows thai the story was false. Nothing has been seen ot lho steamer there 'Ihe ship has iiftbieii sighted uiiy whore olTtho Nova Sco- tia const, overy cart of whiih has boon with from Yai mouth to Canso. A nunibei of old sea laptalus expressed the belief that tho b mbrla would not, come to this port Tholi reasons wme that tho l'm- brla when icportcd by the dalllleo. was nearly 200 mill s southeast of bete, und that the nmlhwest wind, which has continued, would 1 rev ent her proceeding In this direction If her iiiachliifiy wme disabled 'Hint wind would tend to send her further off than rvei. Thoy think It more likely that Cnpi. Mchav will ktep tho track of the NowYoil; bound stonm-er- o that, if necessary, he could be towed to that luit. .ix 11 l v nr.i.n: yuu. Tlir Nriislliat llir I mill la Had Jleru sqiki-l- i .Iiivlnll) lleielvcd Atiioad. London. Dec. 21'. In addition lo the passen- gers who silled on the ('mbrla from Liverpool whoi-- names havo boon aiiendy cabled, four- teen saloon, boxou second cabin, aril nineteen steerage passengers embiil.ed on thestcumor it Oueenstown. 'Ihu l'mbrla has on board i.otn sacks of mall. Tim report that tho l'mbrla hid been spoken on Dec. 25 und that sho desired no assistance, though disabled, wns received hero hie lhls afternoon fiom New Yoik. 'Ihu pews spread rapidly und leuioved u terrible joint or anxiety from those who have fi lends aboard. Telugiains leportlng thn fuct that the sleatner had been spoken were mnt In overy direction to those who had lequisted that thoy be informed ul once of any news received, Tlin underwrites nt Lloyds' this morning looked upon tho Umbriaasmi extra hazard- ous risk, estcrduy leiiisuiauco was offucted upon her at tho ruto of twelve guineas premi- um, whh h Is n lather high rule, hut this morn- ing tweuty guineas w ere demmiiled. Some was olleeted ut the I itter rnte. In an Interview y Mi. i'aton, iho Lon- don manager of the Inman line, declared Hint lie did not feel tlio lelht anxiety foi the surety of the Ciiibrla, adding Hint hu would not feel wouled If he hnd u half doi-o- ftiends aboaid of net mid sho wus out a week longer. 'Ihe lnt tlii'M u Ciimuder was overdue for nny considerable longth of time wus in 1KM1, when t he renin wus nine ilny s lute In arriving, owing tothu overhauling of hercrnnk pin nud bldSHus. which iiiici HHlluteil repeated and stopimgoof the engines 'ihe value of tho I'mnila and hor cargo Is Kiiiglilyesiimiiliiluf 1.500.0110 vrldch Is insured iu 1 oudou and the lemnlnder In 1 i oi pool. 'lite llurilslHH72 l.ralslafute rpeiikcrHlii, Hviiusuii.1., Dec. 2l.- - llcpresentative S. II. Cocluanoot ArinMrong county was the llrst candidate for Speaker of the llous to estab- lish headquarters at the Lochlsl Hotel Heclaliiiud not less than twelve or fourteen mem bora from the southwestern portion of the State mnoiig his supporters, and says few nicnibnis el tho ilnuseaio yet pledgul to uny aspirant for thu Chair, Cochinueu name ou ihe register was not dry when ex speaker (. C, Thompson of Wmron ul imi.ii.mI and also opened headquarters nt tho Lochlil He is very conlldvut ot lei'lci Hon. Krrnr I'IciiiU (iiillly ul lllginn). Joseiili heone, vho was nrro-do- on Tues. day for bigamy wus nnnluned lu the York, villu Polhe Court yesterday. Doth Mrs. Ivoepos utipeared in cuurt. The prisoner pleaded .'ullty and was held In OUO bail for trial. Mir tiik roniioisioss. Mitlius ofllir Loan MIiiiiI.n ed Not 1'iij the Uonry l.nadrd. Miss Kutlinrlno Palinir. who lives with hor patents ut 171 Past llt.tli strict, bonowid SUlOlii lsfil (rum l.tlu und t.eorgo 1'oigot. stou.vvhodld biilnossuuder the namuof tho Anieilcii: Uiiiiianty ssoelulloii. ul 111 l'ust 12." Hi fctieet. uhd whose blislnuss lis loutl shaiks line been expo-e- d In Tin: Sin. They uho Went under Hie names of l'ltu nud (ieoigo Jones uud Ktti nnd diorge I uigtisou Shu paid them 1215 ou account of thu debt, nlul Huy eliilincd il 15 more. When thoy tlucut-cnudla- st .liiiitiaiy to seize liei tniulttiiu sho got nu In, unction 'Ihe notes she had given weio declared void forusuiy. Jus- tice Patterson says- - " Il Is evident, nut unlyfiuiu the testimony, but lu the fin oof Ihe exhibits lu the ease, that the defendants l'oigutston wore prlnoli uls iu the transactions of the loans of money men- tioned, and that the device of thnii doing business as the 'xmeilcati (Ittnintity Assoil-ntlni- i' Isu method or coneeillngthelr Identity, 'lho whXile transaction, as testified tu by thu Plulntliriund 1 believe bet , consisted or the most iippies.heiisuiy fortho loan of u small sum of money to a glil snuggling with '"Ihe extortion of this tnonev fiom lho plaintiff by the lorgotstnns Is puielv und sliuplvn tiaud. All tho I'lrciiiustuiKes In.ll-eal- e that under the iovei of a technically wonledgiiiirintee the defendants ut templed lo cany out an lllegltiiiinlu tinusiictlon of loan- ing money at ruinously extuitlounle tatisof Intel est. Mich a scheme foi grinding thu fucus of tho Pool iiiuuol be toleinti d. ' (.. IIs IIAMMO.St) l. .Si: KlIASU. lie Is Hnrirs-ilii- l '1'litie at Ills I'sniil Tilik ol luii)liik, and suludlluu Ills llilde. liosiiis. Dec. 2H. -'- I he Hev. Wllllum Ham-mon- known throughout thu United States and especially New i'nglalid as a conlldonee man. blgniulst. and swindler, has been up to his old tricks In Auckland. .New Zealand. to Icttele received b) the polleu of this city (ruin the Auckland authorities, he suc- ceeded Iu mnmlng a weullliv widow theie, anil, aftor sectirlug WOOD ut hernioney.de-seite- d her. leaving for.lapau. whure ho Is now sup) used to be. This muirhigo makes bis ninth, us far an known, nnd nt least live uf the xlctimleil women nre living. Ho hns nctod as a Methodist. I ultiirlun. I'roowlll llaptist. ami 1'iosbyterhin mlnlstei, us u physician ami ivvyoi. and had joined and been ox pi lied fiom many seciet societies. ut. with nil his lie haB Icon arresttd only twice, and each time escaped punishment by borne staitllng theatrical play at his trials. .4.V .4,SS4.SS.V AV .4 JIA.SIJl'Kl. lllmori oTa I'lot lo Aii1nate Ihe ut rialtadui. Pinami. Doc. 22. Krom the Central Ameri- can republic of Sulvadot comes an ucconnl of an nttempl tu assassinate tho Piobldent. . bauquot was given in Sonsonate to President r."ela. nud the Invited guests were seated at a tnblo when a policeman entered mid arrested uu individual who had been Introduced as u btrvnnt. He was the miserable instrument selected to ussaBSlnnto den. I zetu. und had Intended to commit his ciimu while the Inttei. surrounded by fileniii.. wus seated ntthe table. '1 ho Person arrested was un Italian numod Juso iloculetl. u native of Mantua nud 2t yeuis ild. Ho hud been engaged loi sumo years In the secret police service of (iilatomnla. He iQiifessed tuu plot, impllditing a number of persons In (.uateninla. Sulviidorluus lu exile tbeie. who hint iioinlscd him " 000 for tliu fulllltnent of Ids contiact. lie will soon be tiiud. jt.v jiosok or vss hi.smk n iris. A'lliealie I'aily at Udtv'M, Fullonrd liy a I'oi .t ol Aidrll 1'eai.l. Mr. William P. St. John gave a theatre putty at Daly's last night Iu honor of MNs Winnie Davis. Tho guest, o! thu evenlngweroMr.and Mrs. Arthur M. Dodge. Mr. und Mis. Henry P. 1 oomls. Mi. and Mrs. Joseph T. Low, .Mr. cud Mrs. .lames Drown Inul. Miss Stockton, Miss Wing. Miss Illchaid. Miss King. Ms Draper. Miss Cook, Miss ltudmond. Mr. Howard Con- stable, Mr. W. H. Hiistuw. Mr Tiillmiulgfl Nun ltensseluei. Mr. Lvert .1. Wendell, Mi. 11 11. I owls. Mi. J. T. Woodwanl. uud Mi. Peter Murle. 'Hie party occupied thu loin parquet boxen In the theatre After the peiformance uf".Hoii Like It" a supper wus served at Sherry's. In imitation of the Dill. e's least In the foresl of Arden. The tuples were dressed lu the fashion of those of the stuge, with bo.us' heads nnd pheasants. and wild lowl. JirDCKT I IIHir.lt; I I.V SOT. IiiriruMcd Vulilrs More Tkun OfT-i- In. tiensrtl State '1'axr., Thu 1'o-ir- of I.shmate will complete thu Iliial budget for 1SCM. There his been an lucioase over 1S02 In most of the depart- ment estimates, but this Is email in tho aggregate compared with the Increase uf 51. 150.000 iu Stnlo taxes. Then thero aro J.'IOO.OOO foi thorehruaiv election, 2."0 000 to satisfy thu judgment obtained by tho Statu for State taxes withheld, and SlH5 000foi the increase in tliu street cleaning fund, made uecessnry by the change in tho system in- troduced last July. Thu nggregute Increase from these cuuses, which weie wholly without the control of the Hoard of r.stlmute, is nearly S2.U00.00o. 'lho actual increase ovoi last year s budget will npproxlmnto $1,500,000. it Is said. This docs not mean that the very low tax rate will he raised, 'lho natuial Increase iu valuations will pievent this Mr. lllulno Uelde III On n. WisiiiNoTOV. Dec. 20. "As compared with previous days llioouo jusl passed was the best M. lllulno has had since ho wus III. he Is as well as ho was last night." The fore- going statement wns made by Di. Johnston at !i o'clock just ailor ha had uturnod from n v islt to Mr, lllalne. A call nt the lllulno resldenro luler In tho evening brought forth thestutnmeut thiitMi. lllulno wasmiu hbeltei. 'lho linprosslon tliut now prevails nninnj: those who have actual knowledge of Mr. lllalne's condition is to Hie (Tret that while. Iio is a very sick man. he Is in no immediate dnngei of death. No uiih is bold enough, how over, to ustort that Mr. lllalno will ovurugulu be u vrell man. ItniiilgluutH lu llir Cunadlun .oi llurs(, drrvwA. Out. Doc. 2H. W'lllinni dgilvle. Dominion Hud surveyor, who hns been iu the Prince Albert district, noithwest tirrlloiios, fortho past nine mouths suivoylng hnds for honioMeiil sntllers. has returned, llo re- ports that dining the past summer qulto u number ut peoplo from Dakota, Minnesota, nnd other parts of the 1'nllid States have come in und taken up hinds llrllevfil lit Have llluprd. Auiut'.-- , De. Irish, n young married man. und May Stupp, tliu dnughtorof ( Ity Treasurer Stupp. havo been missing since 1'iiosd iy night, ntul tlieli friends nro now convinced that thoy huvo eloped, 'I hey hnv.y been traindns foras Kochestoi, Irish vvus ono of the partnein In a small gru eery business, und absconded with id.iioo of the 111 iu'h inonei. anted a Milliutn. Pairolman Whately of thn Madison slreet bfntloti arrested lust night Cornelius Miiiphy, 12 )ears old, id 21l Cherry street , Mlcluel Ma'onoy, 111 years old, of 220 Choir) sttoet: Wllllaui Iluguii, HI yours old. of l.'.'i (beiry Mreot. nnd John Duiiiiuof 2.'(H houy stieei. foi attempting tu set tliu to it lot uf luiuboi In u raid at 211 I huiry street 'Ihu boys said thoy wanted lo wuiiu them-cdve- s. UiiikIuii. ISiruU Into u l'rnlleiifliiry. STitviUnr. Dec, 20. Iiuiglars bioko Into lho Onouduga Ponllentlary eaily yestord d morn- ing. 'I hey sr.ilid tho wall with the aid of n ladder, got Into tho office of thu I ol t bli'.p. and opened the outei doors of tho sale, but enuld not get the Ium r doors open 'liioin vvastrlMi in the safe. After lausael.ing the il'ineisof tho desks they look a cheip elocl. uud lift. I nusilill Cold In Al.iliuuia. JlirMiNOiiAJi. Dec, 20,-T- ho weather hero for four (luys has been the coldest known in northern Alahmnn for twenty years. Snow has fnlloiiKl over the State. Hob Pickett, need HJ, going to his home at North Birming- ham last night, was frozen to death in sight of his house. APAMTNEttBROKlTnEFnm n.117,1 v; iitAsu .c (o, srovif tino- - r..v, i oncr.ii iosispkmk ,1 i 'lheiiiliile JIil.lv In, One r llir I'll in, llae 1 Opi-urt- l .ti toimiH Willi rirtlllous Ciistiini. g ri uud Fatal fcrd (.rnulne Airlltinls ( H I. el Xloiirv ti lie I rd III Ills iilntliine , '. I llopotts cimetit fur sevoinl (lnys In Wall J, j siieet Were i onilrineil yesterday when a letter w j was tecehed ut the Stoik llxchnngo from A j Wuvlaud 'Ii.isk A Co. stock brokers at IS n j Willi btrcot. uuiiuiinciiig their suspension. ff lho II r in hud no conducts pending on the l'x change, these having been closed quietly the f day bufoie, A iitimber of piisons (ailed at the flim's olllci siniinedlately to Inquire about j the suspension, but nil were asked to vvultun- - III tlio Ilrm coiilJ Hud out just how It stood, ltepuiti'is weic refoitid to Simon II. Stern, the counsel of tho film. Mi. Stein suld that thu double was due to t the speculations uf Thiodoie llaldwin. one of W the meinbi-iso- f thu fllui. The Ilrm wns organ- - '& ized on .May I, lsal. Mr. Trask, who had been ! the Stock l.xchunge represontutlve of A. M. "'Tf klditcr A Co, became the senior pnrtnor. Mr. j lluldvvlr. had been In tho employ ol 11 Q, lleuedlcl t ( o. Lchs than two yeuis ago Al- - fied N. llaiikln was udmltted to partnership. , j While the 111 m liuvei was uiuongtho first In tj Wull straat.lt novottlioitisi hud u vory good Vj etundlng. Mi. Irask wus ono of tho most '(f, popului members of the Stock Exchange, and ,ff was lu till the fun making on tlio Kxchange. J 'JhosB who knew him Intimately referred to '' hliu familiarly an the "Iiurnegut Light" i which was piesuiuably a jocular ie(crenceto ' tbecoloto! hlslialr. llo transacted all the Stock Lxchango business of his firm, while . llaldwin had charge uf the loans aud book und llnukln nttondeil to customers. About u week ugo the bunks with which the film docs business made demands for more 11 lollateial ou theli loans to the Ilrm. Mr. Trnslc H wus greatly aurpil-ei- l, and asked .Mr. Baldwin if for un rxplnnutlon. llaldwin seemed sur- - pi I sed, too. uud suld thore must bo u mistake bumewhero He said he would look Into the ,t maltei. Mi. Tinsk was not wholly satisfied with this, und on Monday ho came oxer from - his house iu Iliooklyn to look nt tbe books. As It was a legal holidiiv, no one tdso was present. 1 nud he had un opportunity to Investigate un- disturbed. He soon learned enough to under-st- u ml that llaldwin had been disposing of the llim's money ou his own accuunt. ' "llaldwin had beou speculating with the tlini's money." said Mr. Stern. "Ills opera-lion- s wero conducted in tlio names of others. He opened iiecoiintH In the linn's books with llitltlous customers, und also Increased the .' aieuiiuts of genuine customcis. He used the , J money to siicculato In u general war. He t 'i does not appear to have had uny preferences, a but dealt lu nil kindsot stocks. He gave Ills or- - . I derslo.Mi. TrusU. who oxecutcd them, sup- - TO P slng they weio for customers. He begun si his operations about four years ago, und his iJS losses nre approximate!) ,T , ' Mi. Trask was worn out yesterday. He had - rHinatued ut his ufllee until .'o'clock for the ; pust three mornings trying to straighten out v tliotanxle in which tho llrm'saffairh had be- - t dime Involved by llaldwin. llo did not know , yestei day how the Ilrm stoud. ' lialdvviii. who (onfosed the wliolo thing when couirouted by his partner un Tuesday, was ulso ut die office vusteiiluy. He is a fat ' limn, with black hair nud a short black mous. tiiclie. He wus assisting tho expert account- - ' mils In the piepuiutlon uf tt stMetnent of ihe 'J Ilrm s utTans. llo appealed vory noiieliiilant. f Ho told the icpoitei Hint he was married and lived in Clinton iiwnue. llruuklyn. I or In ', (ol niatlon us to bis speculnttnus ho referred I tlio leportor to Mr. htern 'Ilm latter suld that the question uf i losuciitliig llaldwin hud nut - yet boon consldeird Mr. llankin wns not at the office. He knew nothing of the trouble un- - f til Mr Morn luloi moil lilm on Wednesday. Mr. Stein snnl II would be Impossible lo tell just what Hie linn's liabilities me until the , uccoiintauts llnlslied their work, but he i thought H would b about ilbfi.ouij. 'j hero c iu e no preferred eredltois ) '1 huvv a number of the customers j. lie bald, "uud 1 believe, tho matter run ho.nl- - justed bo that the (Inn can lesunie. Mr. Trask : Is so popular and so lunch sympathy has been expressed for blm that 1 believe ho will come out all right, due mnn offered lilm 'rHio.otin. i and altogctliei ulTeisof immey amounting to ( over u quarlei of u. million have been msdi. He has refused to accont any until he can tell how much lie needs. There would bo no uso ' of accepting nny inoiip unless It was enough to juit blm on his feet. We ought to know just how the Ilrm stands." , M I: llufkj.u meniliei of the Consolidated 1 xchange. siispcn.leil )osteulay. Ilewasshort of ' Ipdustilul" stocks nnd long of Northern r i Parlllc prefoiied. due thousand two hundred , shares of ntneks wei sold for his accouut. but he leinulued V I 0O0 short. - if '.. iorippi.it to Mr.r.r ruor.i.itt. Tbal lit Nriuttor ( Jiaiidlrr'it oaf luslon After I lli,eilItlC Our CJitaialitlnr. ' A Senators (handler nnd Harris. Surgeon- - i j) Geneial Wymnn, Dr. Cyrus 1'dson. Dr. Wheoler. - "j and Dr. A. N, Itcll left tho liargo Office yester- - ' , lav moinlng on the revenue cutter Manhattan ' il to make a visit of inspection at Quarantine. ,( i Tliey slopped nt tho boniding stntlon just Mu il above Iho Nunows to take Di.. Tonkins nboarJ. '; 3 nud thon pioeedcd to Hnffmnn Island, Hwln- - ' B. burne Island, nnd amp 1 ovv. du the return ;V f tilp the vlsifots stoptied ut Pills Island and t i inspoitcil the buildings tlierc. AtthnKlflh f" S. Avenue Hotel lust night senator Chandler tf III snid- - , "1 am very much pleased wilh the condition k, t ortliings in the lcnver bnv. tuij us u member Wu ', of the ( ongiess ( ominllteo I fe! that I can if- - s lepoit that New uik Isnell equiniieil to re- - :J slst any Invasion of nn epidemic. In spile ot E this leadiiiess. howeviq, I uelicvo that a re- - I eliictiouof immigration would b advisable.' a Jhitsrr iiivs ii. IK (t .'ri.'ACJ. Flrtrn ur llir Old Viilm Krilrrnird Vebler la) 1.) Slayer Ixaiisri, ,7 During tho rebellion I(rey City Issued 'j It fi.u lioual set ii fr, nn five to llftv cents to re- - t t Ilevo the local liiiuncliil iircssuiu und provide - merchnnfs with chutige, Aller lho war such ! of it as was luesondd vvus redeemed, but S nhoul $2,t 00 woith was never uccounled for J nnd was supposed to lo or lost ' j ltolllay Mnvoi W msur reeohed a lotter fiom deorgo Wliulbiiif t of 101 lail. uen lie, Uilllmore, em liislng el'vcu of thu old fruo- - I i tlonal notes. ie le'outllig bovmit piiiiIh. ' ti and asking Ibul Hi r no redciiiiidd. Muvor ', i Wnnser sent Mi Wl.nlhurst his seventy-llv-- u 1J cents nnd gave Hie in tes to (Jerk Nevin, who ,15 will reullre on tin in fur iv New Bill 'Ilia ' J lowe l siltiinte placi d un the notes ) uxi otti f is li u t inivs Hull lacu value. t . 'I he Xyieulhri, i 1 llifi.via. i ,n j, i.i (,f iiiii uiiir tterlay, t j. tvi e hi nu 11- ,- InJ-- r if 'in Al tun iiitttiullia tM . I ii ruin. II, s .r iturj v it ttnl lirmu fritiur iTtaw t oliiii, rru x i ' nil. m i,i rn Imir . f I Irr J? m (In, Inii in iu Oi. no hi t in' r. i , fatiol jgf fl. Hi, VtKltl ,l. " li 7L. Uei rm.lt lit III liii.r. r.ntri! itrr IJ1 n . uuj s,lj vtt it nit, ii.ii iilitlil mskliiw tll- - A i nil in J .tiinu sxt Inlliik I roni VI, iiImi . sail l i Pnk 4T I1H. III lu I ii nt l' Itlnt Nrl.i ii V SI utv It pkr y la ft ti In Iay III llir SI lis. vrrl nl li M .b. turn- - uu a in rum 111 IL At untiiiH ii ej p vt i. i luiv in Hi. iitt ji.oiUi hiilu-t- t u'tl'IM J I tMiq til p- - .l Ityii.., '.ilitimt, uttraa 1 limn III), t,l fr i H.' ttlii n ,r"iu..i atrraiev.- - j1 ! Ill I'l til- vtni, I, iu mi , i u In ir Jfi II e siiiimiif- ii ,i IVriy. jttuiiimy In Tilt s, y ? lui , 'ii.iinir Iriitii.itu irjn ri j.tn rujy a.lilli.st ft llil lt"i l''i. .It 3 tu vi ., T i.- - ( I'll m. '.. j' I a I1A "in li I. I' )1 ,1' ' I i A 4 II', HP M . M" l J j j vi ; .. iviit'iui.iii .'- .- " I Aurli- - '. K' fj 11 AtrlU.ttlil Pr , .! Islll irt 'I " M llIISuTil ti,l H'lK MIC IU lur J III Vlutiu. Nl II t qtlitri'. an i iianul, f tlr tail. e;nt t,V Kill I. ,j rj i Vm. ii I. ii. lit liiiln It and i el ntrthiil, A a tn'r. vnr s . I lilt ttlulltl) tult'rr in lli'ilrl.ant A an III urleiiit r vtntjt liutntlt tin i I'oinirclliiil, ?i (A , .1.', V.ir li.ll, ft.tlti Ir uuj'i i mil V.if Jtcttj, n hf j H in, inn . n i j lir (tie Jilttlal bf rolmnblu p. itrarf, and Mary til tS lai 'I fair, inrrrit.iui. rlmiilliit.. in n f nfttri ioii, vu ) IS tluli vtlud. irnuiiii tuutl a itt r itrlillj. vraniitr. H l ) rWr.t Virgin a, (iUo, vtttisiu I taiitylvaata ami Ci wrtUni Ntvr )nri, ciicrul y ir, i livmuli ntln.' jjl H lenq ratura, axi tpl n wttl iurliuii uf vtcttirn Ntir il fa Ju.k !iin

SEE y(i I JI ClB YgMEE SaSgHggi · j 'MF YOU SEE IT IN 1 (' I tMiM' 'JI ClB I ",F YgMEE,T IM 1 I xt's so." y(i SaSgHggi 'rrtM 1 it's so."-ir ' VOL. LXT-NO-.1'21. iMWY0li-O'M."rK--lS92l""BYmE

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Page 1: SEE y(i I JI ClB YgMEE SaSgHggi · j 'MF YOU SEE IT IN 1 (' I tMiM' 'JI ClB I ",F YgMEE,T IM 1 I xt's so." y(i SaSgHggi 'rrtM 1 it's so."-ir ' VOL. LXT-NO-.1'21. iMWY0li-O'M."rK--lS92l""BYmE

j 'MF YOU SEE IT IN1 ( ' I tMiM' 'JI ClB I ",F YgMEE ,T IM 1 I

xt's so." y(i SaSgHggi 'rrtM 1 it's so." - i


.1'21.iMWY0li-O'M."rK- - lS92l""BYmE SUN "lTOlxfTAXD l'LmMSlHNft AflATJOX. PRICRl CENTS. ,


inn vii:nunori ,v.t ' irirrOKa; rr.f.'i'.i ; .svs:u.

Tno MM Mmle lor (lie I'ninrliUr OtTr-rr-

liv (lie Kapld Tina-d- l Commlsiilim andllttlh Hr.lrilMl-- 'I lie onunlMloNeis. OIeV Their IMn und Mill lr-it- To-da- y

In l.tv Out lilni-- or V'lptntril Mum liiif".Standing dlioetly undui tli dome ot thelit llnll. on dm llrKt landiw: of tint stairway

leading (mm tlio lotiindu lloor lo the galluiy(lciai, tlio Hoard of linplil 'lranslt lluilronil( ommlssloiiers oflorod for sale estei Juy noonilm franchise for tho pioposed undergiotindi lined. On tlio liinilliiL' vvuro ltniiUl Timislt

n mlnslonors William Steliiway, John II.Mil In. Saantul r puucui, John II, liimnn. unit

iu no 1. li.isho. I.nglnoer Parsons, with aI u roll uf maps: Uoik Wilson, with nn armful(the printed condltlonsof sale .Major Ornnt.

tiul Mayor-olo- (i II inv. The rntunil.i llooi,tli" two stutrwnvs leading from tlio landing totho Ciillorv. niu! tlio gallery Itself weio packedwllh Intorestod spoctiitois. 1'ollllrlnns undmpitallsts wote tliuro. following with printedcopies of tlio conditions the lending by tlio

rkn. and with them woro curiouslyInclined spoctatois and sotuo who came Ini mi tlie City Hull Park benches locaui- - It

n warm Inside. Souioof those luosont vimJohn 1). Crlmtulns. David dCunnni. I. II.

lUrard. Dr. Italnoj'. Public Adminlstiator1 ydeefcor. Waldo Hutch int.. Cyrus Clark. Prunon Digging, (leorgo I'. Johnson. J'dwunlScltautor. A. 13. Tuppen. Patrick 1'ox, Melvillel. Smilli,.rio(loriekdlbl)s. and liraytun lve.

Lxuctly at noon tlio Clork began to road tlioterms and conditions of tlio sale In a perfunc-tory mnnnor. evidontly supposing that no otiowiniod to hour tlio long documents. He wasmistaken. Tlit crowd lollowcd every lln. undan anilr request came rum tlio outsMitsfor louder unit slowoi roailln.' 1 ugineer l'ur-Bu-

ultornated with the (lurk, ami in Unitt manner they read tlio tnrin i und uomlltloiis mk ft Uttlo over an hour's time.


When that wai finished President 8telnwTLd ('ominlnplouor and Secretary Uiulio to

offr thalranchise for sale. Mi. ituulie jiref-Rce- d

his refluent (or a bid by saylnetliat no(ranclilse wbb over ofTered in New York underHiich favorable conditions for the )iurcliuir.

" All the illfllcult preliminary ork." alil Jlr.1! in ho. "Iihk n rend v been done. '1 ho totalexpenses of the Commission to date have beenSlil.5IH.IM and tliuir compensation, allowedthtn frrtho Uonnrnl Term. In S25.0W, whichalso must bo paid by the purchaser, under theconditions you ha iust heard read. Now.itentlcmmi. what Is bid for the franchise?"

. Here followed absolute ullenco that continued until it wan painful.

"Is there any bid '. ' i created Mr. I)udi.'I'hore was another silence, and this w.is

hiokon hy a younu'-looLli- man. inuflled upto his chin, v.lio stood attlm toot of tlio stutrnby rho stile of the icDorterV table.

"1 bid." ho said slowly. "lle hundred dol-lars casli. anil one-ha- lt of one percent, of theuross earnings of the corporation whloli bullilsthe road. My estimate Ih Hint tho peicentaceof its reccipt tiie company would turn intothe city treasury under tlio conditions or mybid would bo not less than $."0,000 annually.nr$."iO.U00.O00 Tor tlio tonn ot the franchise."

Vfter a whlsnere I by tliolln'h) leuuested the

bidder to reduce his proposition to wrltluclio In ho.-- ' vrai aLod on all sides. "A

man named Amor). ' President bteinwaywhispered to some one " Ho lepretents tlio

stern Morlpace('oiiiian."M yor-elo- ct Gllroy crowdol up to the side

; iliu Coiumlesionersanu wiiispeied to them.' Tlio bid ho has niailo Is not provided for iu(hi conditions." ho said. "It ou considerIns bid at nil you must allow others to bidundor the same conditions." After anotherflhlspored consultation with his fellow

and Mr. (illroy, Mr. liuslio said'"The Commissioners do not ileum tho hidmade In proper form, but will take it undtuconsideration. Are there any othei bids'"May I make another bid." asked Mr.Amoiy.

"Tho Commission is hereto reecho bids.Are there any more" tlio Secretary replied.

I rnake an alternnto bid of tl.OOO ensh.without any percentueoof tho cross receipts."

"Are tlisro any other bids I Lubt call!"There were no more."Tho bidder will please stop this way."

Hid Mr. Steluway. and tho public proceedingsof the sain were closed. Then the commissionrnlirod.ivlth tlio bidder, tho Major, and Mayor-elec- t,

and remained behind cuarded doors forsn hour. Mr. Amory. however, belnewith thembut a short time. When he roaupenrcd heulil he had deposited, at tho reauost of tholommieslon. 10 pr conl. of Ids $1,000 bid.i n1 supposed his first bid was not lobe

He declined to say whom or what he"presented, but donied that ho was uctluelot the Western Mortsase Company.

Jh Vm$ -Mm tiik mnnyii.all re

:tDreur'd, lW ."' capitalists whoVfl 5 hat l an ?,., ?.,'",,!,J tills work.H If It Is to be 1

' ,,(l B M0Ptid.m,,n'.,l,'i,",, ' ' Commls.ironerWowMrTnrtlfiibi,,',ei,,ll,-- ' consent ofy ju per cent, of all the owners tile, 'routes, i am iireuuied i.iT, ,,7.'ii?Jl.Wi.0U0 within Mje ilajs alVer' ho", S,1H Mcepted, ami to pay about ..iy,(V r, 'fiV?nsJDM nI"!. "ay. of "' ( "innilfHloii wlu,mililrtyilajs after they ueiept my bid"d!ln ,"inml.!oiieM i 4 lesoluii,W'lnir 31r. Ainorr s lild n not "aihaniitH

us to the public," und thoy returned hi"luoslt. ThlstJCCered.Mr.Auiory. lIlHonTr

B joiument una: "The nust otlti thpfrauclilH 'or unle acan, Then I will bid acaln." 8U

m it was lumonvl Jn Wall etreet that Mr.m tor tlio .Now loik AreadeH llw.i)n which Melville (. Mmllli is Pies).H Jmt. Mi. bmltli attended tho Mr.H ..i.Y ;l'1?r,:,! H,ir '' conclusion of theH Usthathe lioldstho frauchlsn to build the,fl""1 mail ud th.u he means to ninln.mm lain his rhihts. Ite has, he says. .Mr. Mejn.

1 H,aJ,i,rii',col,,t '"r.'l'u uf $100. Wheuwis paid luck to I. in. heH&Till'1, Sll!l''ir'al1'1 ,or " tui,"

f t.i'A"i lYf ' ille ";m"'l5lon wpm oh--

.Y?n7LnU,'olrM0 ftlll"m ftreet. lastH J5?i?,B i,,1 htlnwa c.uo out thefol- -

it JV1'- - ,u' kn,' "il'restedH "If o'" nI" ot the other Commlfcsloiiern.fl trr,,J ? """r"! ,0.ftffect a Mil,, of tho rapid

IU on fhe,''"rf of ,ho Commissionbeen lonir and laliorlnus. hut all the lime

consumed was well nnd necessarily occupiedin solnctlnt: the best pos'lble loutes, in

construction and oiurn-llu-

and In mcrcoiuliie the nrloiis lesalformnlllles and obstacles liiclilont tooiTeilnu'th(itrniieliio for sale under the terms til thenit. which required the determination by thet'ntn mission of nu enoiiuoils liumborof mln-ulli-

iirillnniily left to tho corpnrjitlon under-takln- tr

ciiternri'csof this so and nharaeter."Tho Common Coumll und the elty

acted with all )iosiblo desiintehupon thcrcpoitsnt tho t'oninilsslon. and thecourts cao prompt Ik irlncs to and decisionsupon nil implications mndo to them. '

Thostatnuiont tfocson to defend the feasi-bility of tlio Coinnilsloirs plans for un uiidei-i.'ioun- d

road, and eoncHidcs."The 'oinml5lou has by no racnns

Its lesoiliees fi i liirnlsliInK tho citywilh riilild transit. It must Immediatelyudopt other nivalis, lis nrle hull purpoao winlo lumldo lines of transit liulependent of

lines, nnd ui.onainuch broulei hchIo.Jt has iilTeieil thn bent, the most eoinprehen-she- .

.mil. wltlml. the cheiuest system thatenuld b deilsed. Tho effort has fulled. Itmust now do the nevt best thlliK.

" I lie Humorous siire already niuilo andthe Inruoiiceutiiiilatloii of data naaulied h

labors will unable tho ConinilxHton toiilI prutiiDtlj'. Hut it must recoi;ii7e tho fuctthat at viusunt.no undericriuliiil sytom ofli mslt euti be sold, and that tho streets mustInevitably ho Invaded, llowevor. 1 proilctthat at some future day a railroad substan-tially II ko that planned by tho Commission r, 111

bo built, when tho eoiiKestlon on and ubovethe surface shall have Lecomn unbeaiable.

"The Commission is therefore compelled todelso u plan b) elevated structures whichshall iiru Ide u sufllclent system ofiaold tran-sit without too treat Injury to tho streets.'Ihese structures mlcht be prtlv in thestreets and partly tliroucli tho blocks, but Ifto any irieat extent throuuli the blocks tho ex-pense ot tho enterprise will a tain bo foundprohibitory. The olcxited structure shouldbe at such a rcnbonnblo heluht us to moldolevatoisat eeiy station, and tills precludesan) substantial Income from the of thulind beneath

'sutiicleut and lemuneratlie Independentinpicl transit inllrouds can be laid out bothupon tho oast und nest sides uf tho city undnear the lines of truiel most ueedint: them.Mich inllrondh would necessarily be In thostioets and avoiiues not now occuplod by ele-

vated structures: lull the Commission desiresto occupy as few streets as possible What Isjirtferable depends upon niunyionstdclatliins

the i out. d linuires to ubuttinic tuupoity own-ei- s

ami the minimum occupancy ot streets.consiKtent with seciirinir both loral and

senlce at hliih speed ; and. abovo all.Pioinptiiess of construction, boiuethlni; mustiieiloim iiulPkly to relleMi tho present jiros-Mir- n

und to silo renewed Impetus to tho citj'sL'lowth in a northerly direction,

"The Commission Is now familiar with tlinentire subject Iu all its details, mid conclu-sions inn and will bo rapidly reached.

'"1 hot oui mission will meet row H'iI-da- y

alternooii to proceed with this JSorl. i''once

i tit i: is a skst or i.iiroK.Due .lumps hiiiI llrrnks Ills I.FB A. Hoy

ItrMrurd ly Flremwu Welsh.A flro iu Mechanic's alloy at 'M last nlulit

cuo a ilron.un a chance to save a, life at therisk or his own, sent u score or more ot peoplellylnpr for their lives, and for a little whilekept llremon and policemen unusually bus).

Mechanic's alley Is ten feet wide, and tunsfrom Monroe) street to Cherry, through theblock botween Pike street und Market. It Isfull of stables, but jUBt back of 7i Monroestreot. soparated from that house by pet hupstwenty feet. Is a low four-stor- y brick bulldlni;.the lower part of which was used foi a ran shopand the three lofts fur lulloi s' shops bnmucl.Isaac, and Harris Goldstein, brothers, wholive ut 7U Monroe street, each occupied one ofthese floors. Tho looms wero llllod with sew-in- c

machines, and aboutfoit) metiand womenusual!) worked there. A narrow stairway ledlo the lofts, and a Hie escape ran down thofront. ....on oilier nichts tho diopssiut at obut ou 'i hut sdays the inousta) later so as tocoeurlyon 1 riday and prepare for tbeHabbatb.The men wero all at work Inst nleht when theraff shop L'ot all re. Tho stairs wore out offbefore tho workmen knew uf their dunsrei.Mot got out by the tiro escapos. but half ado7en were drtvon to tho roof. Obey woreyUllnfr for help when the llremen came, andin tho alley wore the others, also yelllnif.Humes were allthrouch the building and lenp-ini- ?

across thu alley, l'iremen were there,with lioso and ladders. Policemen wore i ty

horses out of William Unrrett's sta-ble, opposite tho llro. Samuel Milwllr. one oftho tailors e.incht on tho third llooi. jumpedinto tlio midst of this turmoil. He escaredwith a broken arm und cut head.

'I he others on the roof were taken down by aladder from the top of the stable, und then alone ladder was run un from tho alloy, lire man

fish of Truck (t was tho llrst man up. In thetop loft he saw some one. and jumped richtinto tho window through the flames. In umoment ho came outcarryinc a tweUo-- y ear-ol- d

boy. Samuel Flaecsnf ltW Monroe street,who had come to the plnco with his fatherssupper. Welsh banded tho boy oertollro-mu- n

Hicglns. who took him to a drnc store tohao burns on his head dressed. Thu lire wasconfined to the bifck bulldlni;.

TYI'IICS IS A BiKt.ll'S A IO'.Tlir linker. Ill Mother, and Ills UuucUtrr

All llttd llourd Precautions.Three cases of typhus fe er wero discovered

yestorday in thu tenement at 78 Divisionstreet. Tho patients wero Uaniol Peldsteln.:t!l years old. his mother Pnnny. 08. and Idsdauchlcr Johanna. ! years old. l'eldstoln is abaker and had a shop In tho tsnoment. Holived over tho shop. All three patients weietaken sick ou Dec. 18. They thoucht It wascrip. A low days ago they wero bo ill thatthoy stimmonod a physician, who was pulledby tlio sjmptoms. Yesterday the physicianreport od to the bureau otContncious Disoasesthat the family was sutferins from typhoidpneumonia. I)r, ltobert? sont an Inspector tothe house, who diagnosed the cises as truetyphus. The family wero romoved at onco toNorth Brother Island.

IIr. Koberts learned that 1 eblsteln had beenIn the country about twelve roars, und for thelast low months hud nevoi been far from hisshop. 'J lie cases have not been connected withanv previous eases, and It is Dr. Jlobeits sopinion that they orisinate In an entirely newsource of Infection, inspectors nro now muk-in- ?

investigations upon this theory.Meantime tho aparlmonts occupied by the

family havo been clnnnsed und fumicated, nndtho otiior Inhabitants of the tenement are un-der observation. 'Iho entlro neighborhoodwill be watched carefully for some time tocome.

It is regarded as rather serious (hat the dis-ease should have appoaroil in the fumllyorubaker, and that It has run so long without de-

tection. The neighborhood isdousolyerowdod.the population being laritely Kussiun nndPolish .lews who aro very poor. Tho tone-mon-

aro among the dirtiest in tho citj'. A-lthough the bako shop s very small, its pi

have doubtless found their way intovery many homos.

Une Inst previous case of typhus to oomoundor tho obseivntlon of tho Health Depart-ment occurred on the How ery, Dee. K

i;i--r COUHT J.V THE SlltKM.

diKtlce nrld Adjouriie to the Sidewalk,uud Aciiil 31 1. CulluUuii.

Catherine Callahan of 220 Fattt 1'JTtli stiect,who has been u prisoner In the Harlem Hos-plt-

fduco Nov. 2'J, was brought to the Jlnileml'ollco Court In a carriage estordaj', JusticeWelde ndjourned courttothosldevvalfctospurothe Invalid the pain of being carried Into thecourtroom, nnd he dismissed the complaint ofattempted sub Ido acnluRt her.

Mrs. Callahan Is a tidy lltllo woman 24 yoarsold. Her husband Is an Industrious cai pun-t- r.

Tho nfTcctlons uf tho couple wero cen-

tered In their baby boy. On Nov. 22 Mrs. Cal-

lahan went down stairs to buy provisions fordinner, bho loft the boy asleep in a baby'slarrlnce. There was a cloth strap acrosb thecuriiagelo keop (ho Infant fiom falling out.Hie was notawaymoro than llvo minutes, butwhen she icturnod she found the child hang-ing from the carriage dead, with its head

In tho carriage Miup.?'. Ciillnli.tn junipeil down tho nlr shaft

whllii rh)rlclans vvme vainly endeavoring lorevive the enilil. Mm fell five Moric. ,IIorlight. am; and log and Ihreo libs wero biokeu.him is still huiTerluu from liei injuries, hutwill full) lecovrriullme.

It Is.i substantiated fait, crdoised by everyonoennvertant In tli matter, that "Admlial"cigarettes are mudu fiora higher rrlco tobacconnd afford to the consumer an Infinitely supe-rior article to an) other brand on the Ameri-can inurkot Irrespective of price. Aih.

All tiirlelle" o told Mruta on Hand and loOrdei.

Tnrkixs flilcWr. smf. mum. pIm alidt hum..Ar, lmpnri.il tnnfiti srliiluikrk. ooi.t ji.iiilli" .mi mo libs dcli.a.-lM- IvriMiil.

iui Silli it , ndliiv , iimr-Htu- il'J'rrf.rt rrtiullif it Tour triiri fin. ran .Iff ant irr-y- f

uimk tmif, iel l.rnml icutralMatiun-a- il by iliav Verk Otnirl.,-.J- i,

ltlran.Taliulei tault'iiaia. I'.ip.ir.t T.Mi'it prclnnjllf. -- aj

T mini; V Hatille' " Acaif." J Itoilte l'rllr's Hii 'iatcidiiy aiu lavor on itieir uiirltt AilurnirifU Ia nit

IntlirlFly and lbs tnorpblnababjt aur.ly rur iri n, (ll Irut siinrrilig or injur), al lUa Httl.y llitllllila. V. Lilt llll'i..I unit, x, k ( ail or wtltr -- aiu I

- M


Mfitrur ami rtnsi' Aimi'T AllitiAfs iv swiiT as ri:r.

Sir. letrlund's Itlxind Field In the Srliutnr.t.Uli CuntestMCoiUrnn Smvh lie In .Notn Candidate The I'l Ofilaiume at Allian),

Mr. Cleveland had anumberof Nltot9 at hisolllcus In the Mills building yestorday after-noon. Mr, Clevolind does not llko to have theliuinesot his visltois pi luted. It mar bo stiltedthat In the Senatorial controversy Mi. Cleve-

land will not tnku n hand In tho light In Wy

online, Montana, and Kansas, 'lho heiintei ommlltoo to loow nfter this busiuesshas this affair In ehaige. and Mr. ( luvolandwill llitciest himself in the Senate contests luNow Yurk. West iiglnia,MIsiiiirl, Wisconsin,Tuns. California. Mrglnla. Xoith ( urollnu,and Kentucky.

C'oucoinlng the liiterostlng sltuutlon In NewYorl.. the Information last night was to theeffect that Pdwaid Murphy, Jr.. was still 'ii nndldulu to succeed Mr. litscock. It wus

by ilose friends of William 0 Whitney,lllchnrd ( rukor, Hugh McLaughlin, nnd othersHint It would be lousldarod Inadvisable to de-

feat tho wishes ot tho legulurly organizedDemocracy ot the State, l.ust night Senator(Joimun of Muiylutid, Mr. Whltnoj. midSin-nkc-r Crisp dined together nnd then wentto the theatre. It was the opinion of all tlueothat Mr. Murphy would be elocttd CulledStates Seuatot from the Stale ot Now York.

Senator Cloi man did not have time to cnll onMr. Cleveland. Ho is in town on porsonalbusiness, and hefoio he goes away- - ho will seethe President elect. Something has been saidabout tho ptonounced opposition ot Mr. Cleve-

land to Mi. Murphy. It Is vet y well kuownthat Mr. Cleveland, no moio than a week ngo,said to friomls In his cntilldenco that ho be-

lieved that Mi. Murphi would aoo Washing-ton frleudlv tohlni. Jetavveek Inter he eoinesout with his stitement in npi osltloli to Mr.Murphy's candidacy. Just who has iirutiglitthis about very few in New oik euretu btnte.It Is well known, though, that u Muyoi Wi-lliam It. tlruec. the bitter opponent of Mr. Hilland Mr. Mtliphv for tun yeurs. bus beuti iuclose communion with Mr. UevUuud duringtlio last wook.

Mj. tlevelnnd 1ms petsonilly assured Mi.Grace that tin would like to see .Ml. Uruce aeandldute foi Senator.

'Ilm Hon. W". llouiko Cockrin cnuio homolust night fiom Washington. Mr. lookiun.oiiUelug iibkeil concerning u report about hiscandidacy lor thu United Mates Seuatoihip.

" Ium not n candidate for tho ofllee of enNobody lias been uutburied to use my

natno In connection with It."opposition has been reported to thoie-electio- n

uf thailss Frederkk I rlsp to theMieakershlp of tho House. Tho Speaker hudluncheon. ill tho Hoffman lfou-- e estuidav with"Mr. trokei. Mr. Whitney, ,iud several othersit was understood among these gentlementhat Mr. Crisp was the fuvoilie. and that howas likely lo be tliu next Speaker of the House,notwithstanding outside onjectlons

Senator llogortj. Mills wus ut the IlofTniinllo.iso hist night, and ho shook hands veiygrai lously with Mr. Cilsp 'Ihe Senutoi fiom'lexas gruspoil the hand of Mr. 1 risp andwished him all luck Imaginable. Mr. Millssaid that ho had not hud timo ret to visit Mr.Cloveliud

Kb tho duys go on only one place in theCabinet is reported to b positively allottedthe Nuvy. to Col Dniitul H. J.uuiout. 'Iheiuu'esoman) complications concerning tho Senatelights In other States that Mr. Cleveland ap-parently does not cute to go ahead.

A good many Assemblymen nnd Senatorsstarted for Albany yesterda). The Democratsiibscmblo thi.ro on 'liiesdny next. Tho

is still Assoinblymsn Sulrer TorSpeaker and sseniblnuan Daniel Maitiiifui'leader ot tho House. Hamilton Pish. ,li.. is tolead the Pepublican minority, according topnsont leport.

vrihz vavcus To-siau-

KlnKa C'vuuty !Sruuor aad Aasrml.ljmcn toMap Out Their 1otk.

The caucus of the two Democrntlo Senatorsmid seventeen Assemblymen from Kingscounty for tlio purposo of outlining a plan ofaction at Albany will be held in theExecutive Committee room in tlio ThomasJefferson iu Iliooklyn. All of them havealready held preliminary confeiencos withHugh McLaughlin, and as his views on thodisturbed political situation are pretty willunderstood and will be implicitly respected,there Is not much doubt as to what the actionof the caucus will bo.

Mr. Mclaughlin from first to last has givenno encouragement whatever to the untlsnap brigade, which has been trying to organ-ir- e

an active revolt ugainst Ldvvard Murphy.Jr., In tho Kings county delegation. Wiiat-ev-

his Individual views may do as to thecandidacy of Mr. Murphy for the Sonatorship.he has distinctly and emphatically declaredthat the Kings county benatoisaud Assembly-men will attend the regular caucus at Albany,and will not bolt in case Mr. Murphy is madethe candidate. Mr. McLaughlin made tillsstatement befuro .Mr. Cleveland's prouuncia-ment- o

against Mr. Murphy wus issued, and liestill abides by it. Mr. McLaughlin has usedBubstantlilly this argument to peisons whohave close political relations with him:

"Tlio representatives of tho tegular KingsCounty Democracy have never bolted a caucusoi convention, and thore is nothing In thepieseut crisis which should ptovoke such ac-tion. It is true that .Mr. Murphy was opposedto .Mr. Cleveland's nomination, and spoke outhis mind freely both beforo and during theConvention, but lu this respect he was In thesaino boat with Senator Hill. liov. I lowei.Lleut.-tjo- Sheohan. Mr. Croker.and thootherDemocratic loadors. When Mr. Cleveland,howovor. was nominated. Mi. Murphy and nilhis friends took off tiiolr roits und workedloyally and realously foi Ills election, and theynil. I think, (list no great thanks for theirHPlcndld work during the canvass. Did notSenator Hill eomo lo Hrooklyu und Inauguratethe State cuinpnlgn with one of the greatestbpucchoj which was heard during the can-vass

"I don't romembertoliave heard any uues-tlo- n

raised during the campaign as In lhpolitical sagacity or ability ot Mr. .Murphy, andit Is not likely that his tltuess to occupy it neatin the Senate would havo been Questioned ifho hud beeud study tidmiier of Mr. Clovu- -

' Suppose for the sako of argument the Kingscounty delegation wns determined to opposeMr. Murphy to the extent of bolting the cau-cus, what then ensues I Would there not be astate ot confusion at Mbany seldom witnessedthere The llrst thing wo would hour of wouldbe combinations und schcmlngs, with thu

and tho repiesentutlvos from thiscounty would finally hnd themselves out inthe cold,

"ho far as I havo beard, Mr. Murphy is a manof much force of character and ability. Hehas uoon u good manager ot his own privateaffairs, and ifor yoars has becu consideredutile enough to bo ut tho head of the Demo-oratl- o

State oreanlratioii. and 1 think thn gie.itvictories iu recent years should bo remain-be- n

d to his credit. Ho may be a 'liimdetrong'man. but tlio sama might be said of Mr. Cleve-land himself, i want to so tho part) in thoStale us well ns In tho nation united, und 1

would, or course, deplore the election r anyDomocrut from tlio State of New- - ork whowould goto Wushlucten, with the Intontlou ofantagonizing the Administration."

When tho Senators and Assemblymen gettogethorto-nlKh- t under tho brilllnnt electriclights in the Thomas Jefferson, and with theveteran leader of theivlngs oiuinty Democ-iiie- j

not faroff, a resolution will probably boudopted favoring Mi. 'Julgley fortlieSpeakei-t-hl- p

and pledging his fellow inumhers fiomKings county to give him n complimentaryvote In tho caucus, but It la not very likelythat anything dolluito will be donoou the


tiol.cr and Murpli) Mrrf in Albany.

Aiuam, Dec. 2(i. Senator Hill wns nt theKoiiinoio nil dny, Lieut, liov. William I Shee-hn- u

arrived and Jllcluud CroUrstopping over for u short time met and lind abrief conversation with 1'dwurd Murphy. Jr.The news that those four, iiotiibl-- s wore JnAlbany the same a,y enusod a report to spreadthat a confnietico hud been ordered and theCleveland Interview" was to bo considered.Senator HII! says that he had no conference.Willi Mr. I lokiror tho other gentlemen: thatrlr. tiokei had not been to ihe hrnmoretosee him. The only semblance or ii cause fortho lumoi'ul conference, therefore. cl .Indiesdown to the meeting of Ciokoi and Murphyon the street.

iiik A.ir route sksitouhiiip.i ninniriits nt the National Cii.ltu1 on 1 Irve.

luiul' lnullesto.Wasiiisuton. Dec. '.'It -- Mr. Oulos of u

said that the announcementof Mr. (levoland legnrdltig lho Now

oik Sonatoislilp Is apt to bo construedInto nn attcnut on his pirttodletalutulhoNew York Lcglslutuie. llo may havo simplydeslied to express his opinion us ucltl'cn. butIn view of tlio position ho occupies beforo tliocounts y. hero are iniiiiy persons who will In-

sist that ho intended to Inllueuee the action otthn Stute legislators Iu theli to'ioitlou of aSenator.

John Do Wilt W'arncimade mi lutorestlug nddlllon to what ho suldjestordiy about Mr. L lev eland's announcedopposition to lho (audidacy of l.dvvurdJlurtdiy. ,1r. Mi. Wnrtioi suld1

"Sou will rcuieiiiboi. ticihiips, what d

to Itoscoe C oakling. If you Imaginethat these people ot New Yoik woid not insympathy with Mr. Conklluir ut that llnio youaiohndly mistaken, Hut when It eamo to aquestion of clmico between u .onator uud uPrisldcnt of the 1'lilted Mutes, thu Peoplesldid with tho Piesldent. It is notthu nun whoso opinions yuu and Imight naturally seek who set llo them ques-tions. It is tile People ill tliu lilgliwuy s undbyvvnvs and of the cioss loads, and whentheir inllueuee began to bo felt at Albany luthe tiioinoiable contest between PrisldcntOarflold and Mr. t onkllug. thiMiueslluii ustothe continuance of the mltui gentleman luolllco was qulekl) decided. It is with thuninssus that Mr. Cleveland has hU stioughold, nnd mIiouIiI a contest occur botween thuNew Jork State machine ntul 1'icdiiont I love-lan- d

It will be the machine that will trot hurt."Itepreseiitiitlve Cinin of '1 exits hud his at-

tention directed to an iutluiutloii that Mr.t levelnnd might attempt to defeat tho

of Semite! .Mills. The Texas membermow quite IndL'nant .it tho moio suggestion,und declared Unit he did not believe Mi.

lovolund would dare lo uso his rosition intlio puitv to dictate to the villous States whoshall reprisonl them lu ( ougress. Ho ad-mitted tliu right of oveiy American cltieiitnexpress his opinion on put lie questions, hutMr. I levoland i unnot e called a pi hate citi-zen. He ceased looci'llpy that env lable positionalter Nov, 8. nnd Is prmtlcallv lis inn. li of apublle i luirncteras he will bn nftoi his Inaug-uration. It was suggested tli.it Mi. t level miliiilght prefer the eleeiion of liov. Hogg to thuSenato as Mr. Mills's succesmi. Mi. Cralusaid ho had no means nt knowing what Cleve-land thinks nbu. the Toxns Sonatorship. butIhe peop'eot that state mo well qualitled tuniiikothuli own leilloli without any lutelgnIntel feienn.

fisi"s vii ium ui.irriMKIndue Oillrs 'lliluks IIr Vluilr 1IU I'fm

ullll the I'irslOi 111 I In I.

WvMttvinoN. Dec. -- Spuikei ( lUp'swith Mr. Cleveland was fieoly ills

cussed heie to-d- bythosr t ougressiiieli whome spending the holiday week iu WashingtonUnoof the most outspoken on thu subject Isllcpreseut.itlvo Dates of Alabama, Ho holds upicallar attitude toward ispeaker Crisp Inview of the fact tint, although aIrlund of Mr. M11U, ho worked eiiiuestl) foithu election ot Mi Cii-- n Judgo Hates madeno attumpt to conceal his efforts lu behalf ofMr. Cplsp. and fianl.lv Inlormed Mr. .Mills atthe beginning of the roiitist that he thoughtMr. Crisp was blttei iil.il teJ lor tho placethan his friend from 'Kxas Mi. dates liasthe couinge ot hN conviction-- , uud them isno man In ongress who ghis oxpie-slo- n tothem with g'eatur freedom when the occasionarises.

In soeoklng of Speaker ( rNp's visit to Newerh, und his cousiillution with Ml. Clevelund,

Mi. Oalos does not hesitate to siytlint Mi.Crisp Is niixlons to secure a leileetlon tothe buoakei'e chair, 'iheru is no doubt thatthere Is a strong opposition to giving him usecond Urm. It Is difUcult to consiilei thestrength of his forces as compaied with theoiposition. beenuso a r '.r'jr of new men --

beis will como into the next Congnss. Thenthero are a number of men In the pieseutHouse, who havo been reflected, who havegood places on the committees, and the) mewilling lo support Mi. Crisp foi a second term,in the iionu that thev will letalu tlieirpiesuntplaces or bo Invited to go up higher.Ml ot these matters enter into the situa-tion and naturally create more oi le-- s doubtin tlio mind of Speaker Crisp. He is probablyaware that thero aro coitiln men in the Housewho will oppose him In any event. Then thereis another class of "Itnuteis who ma) d

by promises or pntioii'ige shouldMr. Cleveland eonie out In un authorised In-

terview and decluie that Mr. Crispin not theright man to be elected Speaker ot the nextHouse

All of these considerations soys tier.. Oates,havo probably appealed to Mr. Crisp, and inhis desire to retain possession of theg.tvolhoprobably considers it Ids prhlhgo to playpolitics for nil they aro worth uud reuch unamicable understanding with Mi, Cleveland.

it is thu opinion of ludg.j dates that Mr.Crisp ha proP ibly mndo his peace with Mi.( level ind and will iiiiountoi loss oppositiontlinn would have otherwise been arrayedagainst hi m. Mr. Ontes dois not like the ex-isting rules by whkh the business of theHousels conducted. Ho objects to the powerbeing verted lu three mento determine whatmeasure shall be taken up out of theiegiihuordei. In the oventof Mi. Crisp's re 'lection tothe Speakership Mr. dates will advocate n newset of rules, which will allowmombeisa great-er latitude lu tiyluc to get consideration ofmeasures In which ilnh resjiectivo constitu-ents are interested. He will suggest the ap-pointment of a committee of lllteen. whoseduty it shall be lo determine what hills shallbo tnKoti up out of the regulai onlii. 'lhlscommitteowill not interfere with tho Committee on Holes, who shall havo jurisdiction overall matters relating to paillnmentnry law andother questions not untngonlstle to the meas-ures considered by tho "stooiing" committee.Judgo dates also thinks thero should bo uchange In tho peisonnel of thn Committees onWays and Means and Appropriations, nnd nl-- o

ngoneral overhauling of tho committees. Hecontends that more satisfactory results mightb obtained bv depriving the Speaker or tho

un the committees andfiowortoiunkn tho caucus, as is donoluthoSenate.

aoaisst Aitur.ir von m:atok.JlcMlux nl ItriuocintK Opposed lo Ills Kin-lin-

About thirty gentlemen, some of them poli-ticians uud others auxioiis to become politi-cians, nssembled in ouoof the parlois of Tay-loi'- s

Hotel, Jorsoy City, yesteiday afternoon,In responsolo thu Invitation so'it out In thefoi m of a circular Utter to men In all parts oftho State who weio known or supposed to beopposed totho election ofOov. Leon Abbett totho United States Sennte William x. Cottorof1 leiiilnglonpresldodftnddustavl'olluk of sum-mit acted as Secretory. Mr. Cottar fuld therewere only two names prominently nientloiie I

(or the I'nltod Stales Seiiatoruhlp. Loon Abhettnud James Smith, Ji. it was possible thatwhen the time camo to oloct there might buothers in tho Held, but at presont Mi. Mnllhr.cemoil to be tho most nvnilable man v.lthwhom to defeat Leon Abbott.

It. W. (iuthrle offered a resolution doclai lugOov. Abbett to be not n propor man for the

'1 his was iifterward clnngod to athat the geiitlemon at the moi ting vvete

opposed to the electiou of Leon Abbett to thuUnited States Senate. Tho change was mudeby thaSecrotary. who llioughl the langiiagootMr Ihitlule's resolullon a little too strong.

The resolution was discussed at groat lengthnnd with consideiuble bitterness on the i,utof some of thu speakers. e Willi ruH. Itanklu denounced tiov. Abbott so stronglythat ho was at once suspocted of being in d

by personal animosity, .ludgeSklnmrofllobokcii w.is the only ono who sjil .inytluui;pleasant about tho (Inventor, llo sildno onowould suspei t him of being a fi lend of do,,Abbelt, bill ho was foicud to say that the

many things foi thnbeiielltot .New .lei soy. llo wus nil light up tune ir thuclose of last year's session of the l.eglshituie." Why," asked thespeaker, should lie bcastuelde foronomlstako"

There weio muuuuin of eurpilso.i round theroom while Judgo Skinner was talking Ithud not t een tlio intention of themiinugi is uftlio meeting to havo liny, friend ol Abbettthere. Ileloro lie llnlshid. Judge Skinner d

them that ho wusopposul to tho eleiHon of Abbett because ha doubted whether howould support ( levelnnd und turill reform.Assemblymen Dupuy and Wright uiiih

from voting on tho lefolutioii. Theyobjected to being put on record ou Iho

The roiolutlon wns udoptidrosoliillon was adopted appointing u

committee ot live to prepare u memorlul to hoprcsonted to the Leglslatuie setting foilh tlinrensonswhy Abbcttshoiilil not bemndul nlti--

stntos Senator. The commlttoe consists otMessrs. 1 MeO. Mentis. J. H. Probst. .1. II.Ijilid. C. II. l'orbes. und S. II. Pittorson. Itwas doclded that all present at thowho can do so cnnveiilently.livlllgo to Trentonon the eve of His olrctlon und usu their indi-vidual uud united iulluciico ugainst Abbett.


PASSIM AT M.'l (IV NCXIttV AXlII iri It .Ml I.7.'.

rilie Was I.vIuk llns), llrtid to the n, anil(hut rllir Wua "Not Latin-- (

oiiiuiuiid,' thus Is, tliut Hhr Couldn't siffr- OU Mllrit IrOlu lcv link 'I lirn mid1'iubiilily Ulnkluic lor 'I lit I'oi ( ou.

Much liter and moio dellnlte news of thuoverduoCiiuardei 1 mliria lellovod yesteidaymuch ot the nnxlety fell ou her account. Ontlio iilturnooii ut ( hrlstmns Day she wassighted about "U." miles from New orl.. Shedlspluyed tlueo ted lights as a that shewas nut under cuinmuud. but she did not akfornsslsluiii e. She was I) lug-to- . und app.u-eiitl- y

lying vol ye isy. lu a fiesh northwest gale.'lhls giateful nuws was brought to puit

curly yesterday muiuing by tho Wilson linesteamship (milieu, fiom Hull Duo. 11. Cupt.Coleman of this shiji died of vnhular illseoof Iho heart on Die. Hi, and was burled ut sunIn u uortliw oid gale. ( liluf Ulllcoi 0. II. Jones,who took command, told the Stoly of the sight-ing of the I nibria III these wolds:

"Wo had stumg gales andhigh so is almost from tho moment of dealingland. Wo had several snow squalls and

weathei of eveiy kind nil tho wayacross. About 0 o'clock on l hrlstnius ufter-iiDo- u

we wero lu latitude 42" 52, longitudefiS'O.'i 'iho wind was blowing a fiesh north-wi-

gale, and u heavy se i was i tinning. Itwas jip-- t a tilllu misty linn fust growing d.irl .

"'lho lookout sighted a big steamship bear-ing northwebl. Shu was lylng-t- o In the heavywind, but was riding the waves as couifui tablyus if she vvcru at herdoi k. We signalled thatvvuweiu of tho WINou line. In response shedisplayed a blue light and two llomnti candles,each llrlng six bulls. 'I his meant that ho wasof the ' miaul line. Sho then showed threeted lights, which meant that she was notunder command. We judge 1 fiom this thatlur machinery was out uf order, mid that shewas lylng-l- o for lepulrs. We circled aiouudIter, lilt us sho did not signal for assistanceWo weut ou our course Miewus in sight furtwo hours. I guess she'll ho In hem in a dayn two. Shu looked pretty big out thero. andIt wasn't blowing enough to hurt liei. Woi until see boiiio of Ihe passengeis ou deel .'lho next morning. Dec. 211. Xvo passud twosto unships bound cast. They wiru almostsine to pass tho c'uibria, und If she ueuledany assistance they would have helped her."

I he place where the I'mbila lav when the(aliliu i ussed her five days ago this morningisulout 70" miles fiom New ork, east byninth. .VO mllesdiio east fiom Huston and 24,"miles southeast of llnllliix.

I he damage to liei muchinery wis ptobablynot vol y set ions. When u steamship br.il.sliei sh ift in meets with anv bullous mishap

hi) usuullyseiflbthe (list opportunity tu tlg-- n

d the la. t to passing steumeis. lor. even ifshe does not want assistance, Il would take uh ng time to icpuli any great damage to ma-chinery, and steamship i upturn knowswhat a world uf anxiety an oveiduu vesselcauses. 'Ihe probability Is that on Chilstmnsaltornoou the I mbrla was eltlui so slightly

or hud recovered fiom a serious acci-dent to em h uu extent that shu expected in ashort time to steam ahead foi pott and gitthere before tho (julilc-o-.

stenuishlp men suy that the signal of th-e- e

rid lights at sea is usually dlsplaved when avi'bsel's steering gear Is uiltnf ordfrur hoililddur Isdisabled In cases of moie seriousincidents It Is customary to signal some oftho puitlculars. lleiuisnn instance:

du Jnn. 27. lse-O- . the steunishlp Alaska sig-nalled to thu freightoi 1 ake Winnipeg "Dam-ug- o

to the i udder: cannot steel." After fin-th-

signalling, tlio Alaska took the Winnipegin tow to servo the pin poses or u rudiler.mid tuthis tunilam tiiuvessois arriveu lu portou I ub. S

lne WhilolStar steamship llunic. which loftLiverpool ono d ly before tho L'mbrla. andwll'i was suiiiosed to com j by tho samecourse as tho I mbrla, arrived off Flro Islandat yesteidui morning. She had notsighted thodisablid vessel.

'1 ho il lib M Irani of per-o- who come toafter news of the ship continued to call

at tho CutiUHl lines olllco all day yestorday..None of the inquirers, liowovei. dlsplajud anyuneasiness

mong tho passenei3 ou the l'mbrla arofien. uud 31 rs. Juhn W. Kearny of luljist 1

stieit. dou. hearuy is n. momberortheManhattan. Union, 'iuxedo. St. Authonv.I'nltod ficivlce. and Essox clubs Ho went toParis about u month ugo on a business trip,dther passengers uro Simon Sterne, tho law-yer, of fid lieavcr street- - Henry .1. llrakers. awholesale druggist at 215 Pent! street: '1 horn-a- s

I rlmnilns. father of Johnl). Crimniin-- . theconliai tor, und J. Henry Harper of Harper AHiothi is. publislieis.

'1 he North duiuiau LIo)d steamship I.ahn,from llruinnn mid Soiitbumpton. passed 1 iroIsland ul 1 1'liO o'clock lust night. Sho mayliuve moie news of the L mbrla If thoCiinurderis In the westward bteaiushlp track makingfoi New Yoik.

II vi li vx. Doc. 20. A ruuioi wis In circula-tion hoic to night that the disabled steamer1 mhiiuli.nl leiuhed Harrington In a sinkingcondition, but Inquiry ot the ugont thereshows thai the story was false. Nothing hasbeen seen ot lho steamer there 'Ihe ship hasiiftbieii sighted uiiy whore olTtho Nova Sco-tia const, overy cart of whiih has boon

with from Yai mouth to Canso.A nunibei of old sea laptalus expressed

the belief that tho b mbrla would not, cometo this port Tholi reasons wme that tho l'm-brla when icportcd by the dalllleo. was nearly200 mill s southeast of bete, und that thenmlhwest wind, which has continued, would1 rev ent her proceeding In this direction If heriiiachliifiy wme disabled 'Hint wind wouldtend to send her further off than rvei. Thoythink It more likely that Cnpi. Mchav willktep tho track of the NowYoil; bound stonm-er-

o that, if necessary, he could be towed tothat luit.

. i x 1 1 l v nr.i.n: yuu.

Tlir Nriislliat llir I mill la Had Jleru sqiki-l- i

.Iiivlnll) lleielvcd Atiioad.London. Dec. 21'. In addition lo the passen-

gers who silled on the ('mbrla from Liverpoolwhoi-- names havo boon aiiendy cabled, four-teen saloon, boxou second cabin, aril nineteensteerage passengers embiil.ed on thestcumorit Oueenstown. 'Ihu l'mbrla has on boardi.otn sacks of mall.

Tim report that tho l'mbrla hid beenspoken on Dec. 25 und that sho desired noassistance, though disabled, wns receivedhero hie lhls afternoon fiom New Yoik. 'Ihupews spread rapidly und leuioved u terriblejoint or anxiety from those who have fi lendsaboard. Telugiains leportlng thn fuct thatthe sleatner had been spoken were mnt Inovery direction to those who had lequistedthat thoy be informed ul once of any newsreceived,

Tlin underwrites nt Lloyds' this morninglooked upon tho Umbriaasmi extra hazard-ous risk, estcrduy leiiisuiauco was offuctedupon her at tho ruto of twelve guineas premi-um, whh h Is n lather high rule, hut this morn-ing tweuty guineas w ere demmiiled. Some

was olleeted ut the I itter rnte.In an Interview y Mi. i'aton, iho Lon-

don manager of the Inman line, declared Hintlie did not feel tlio lelht anxiety foi the suretyof the Ciiibrla, adding Hint hu would not feelwouled If he hnd u half doi-o- ftiends aboaidof net mid sho wus out a week longer.

'Ihe lnt tlii'M u Ciimuder was overdue fornny considerable longth of time wus in 1KM1,when t he renin wus nine ilny s lute In arriving,owing tothu overhauling of hercrnnk pin nudbldSHus. which iiiici HHlluteil repeated and

stopimgoof the engines'ihe value of tho I'mnila and hor cargo Is

Kiiiglilyesiimiiliiluf 1.500.0110vrldch Is insured iu 1 oudou and the lemnlnderIn 1 i oi pool.

'lite llurilslHH72 l.ralslafute rpeiikcrHlii,Hviiusuii.1., Dec. 2l.- - llcpresentative S. II.

Cocluanoot ArinMrong county was the llrstcandidate for Speaker of the llous to estab-lish headquarters at the Lochlsl HotelHeclaliiiud not less than twelve or fourteenmem bora from the southwestern portion ofthe State mnoiig his supporters, and says fewnicnibnis el tho ilnuseaio yet pledgul to unyaspirant for thu Chair, Cochinueu name ouihe register was not dry when ex speaker( . C, Thompson of Wmron ul imi.ii.mI and alsoopened headquarters nt tho Lochlil He isvery conlldvut ot lei'lci Hon.

Krrnr I'IciiiU (iiillly ul lllginn).Joseiili heone, vho was nrro-do- on Tues.

day for bigamy wus nnnluned lu the York,villu Polhe Court yesterday. Doth Mrs.Ivoepos utipeared in cuurt. The prisonerpleaded .'ullty and was held In OUO bail fortrial.

Mir tiik roniioisioss.Mitlius ofllir Loan MIiiiiI.n ed Not 1'iij

the Uonry l.nadrd.Miss Kutlinrlno Palinir. who lives with hor

patents ut 171 Past llt.tli strict, bonowidSUlOlii lsfil (rum l.tlu und t.eorgo 1'oigot.stou.vvhodld biilnossuuder the namuof thoAnieilcii: Uiiiiianty ssoelulloii. ul 111 l'ust12." Hi fctieet. uhd whose blislnuss lis loutlshaiks line been expo-e- d In Tin: Sin. Theyuho Went under Hie names of l'ltu nud (ieoigoJones uud Ktti nnd diorge I uigtisou Shupaid them 1215 ou account of thu debt, nlulHuy eliilincd il 15 more. When thoy tlucut-cnudla- st

.liiiitiaiy to seize liei tniulttiiu shogot nu In, unction 'Ihe notes she had givenweio declared void forusuiy. Jus-tice Patterson says- -

" Il Is evident, nut unlyfiuiu the testimony,but lu the fin oof Ihe exhibits lu the ease, thatthe defendants l'oigutston wore prlnoli uls iuthe transactions of the loans of money men-tioned, and that the device of thnii doingbusiness as the 'xmeilcati (Ittnintity Assoil-ntlni- i'

Isu method or coneeillngthelr Identity,'lho whXile transaction, as testified tu by thuPlulntliriund 1 believe bet , consisted or themost iippies.heiisuiy fortho loan of u smallsum of money to a glil snuggling with

'"Ihe extortion of this tnonev fiom lhoplaintiff by the lorgotstnns Is puielv undsliuplvn tiaud. All tho I'lrciiiustuiKes In.ll-eal- e

that under the iovei of a technicallywonledgiiiirintee the defendants ut templed locany out an lllegltiiiinlu tinusiictlon of loan-ing money at ruinously extuitlounle tatisofIntel est. Mich a scheme foi grinding thufucus of tho Pool iiiuuol be toleinti d. '

(.. IIs IIAMMO.St) l. .Si: KlIASU.lie Is Hnrirs-ilii- l '1'litie at Ills I'sniil Tilik

ol luii)liik, and suludlluu Ills llilde.liosiiis. Dec. 2H. -'- I he Hev. Wllllum Ham-mon-

known throughout thu United Statesand especially New i'nglalid as a conlldoneeman. blgniulst. and swindler, has been up tohis old tricks In Auckland. .New Zealand.

to Icttele received b) the polleu of thiscity (ruin the Auckland authorities, he suc-ceeded Iu mnmlng a weullliv widow theie,anil, aftor sectirlug WOOD ut hernioney.de-seite- d

her. leaving for.lapau. whure ho Is nowsup) used to be. This muirhigo makes bisninth, us far an known, nnd nt least live uf thexlctimleil women nre living. Ho hns nctod asa Methodist. I ultiirlun. I'roowlll llaptist. ami1'iosbyterhin mlnlstei, us u physician amiivvyoi. and had joined and been ox pi lied fiommany seciet societies. ut. with nil his

lie haB Icon arresttd only twice, andeach time escaped punishment by bornestaitllng theatrical play at his trials.

.4.V .4,SS4.SS.V AV .4 JIA.SIJl'Kl.

lllmori oTa I'lot lo Aii1nate Iheut rialtadui.

Pinami. Doc. 22. Krom the Central Ameri-can republic of Sulvadot comes an ucconnl ofan nttempl tu assassinate tho Piobldent. .bauquot was given in Sonsonate to Presidentr."ela. nud the Invited guests were seated at atnblo when a policeman entered mid arresteduu individual who had been Introduced as ubtrvnnt. He was the miserable instrumentselected to ussaBSlnnto den. I zetu. und hadIntended to commit his ciimu while the Inttei.surrounded by fileniii.. wus seated ntthe table.

'1 ho Person arrested was un Italian numodJuso iloculetl. u native of Mantua nud 2t yeuisild. Ho hud been engaged loi sumo years Inthe secret police service of (iilatomnla. HeiQiifessed tuu plot, impllditing a number ofpersons In (.uateninla. Sulviidorluus lu exiletbeie. who hint iioinlscd him " 000 for tliufulllltnent of Ids contiact. lie will soon betiiud.

jt.v jiosok or vss hi.smk n iris.A'lliealie I'aily at Udtv'M, Fullonrd liy a

I'oi .t ol Aidrll 1'eai.l.Mr. William P. St. John gave a theatre putty

at Daly's last night Iu honor of MNs WinnieDavis. Tho guest, o! thu evenlngweroMr.andMrs. Arthur M. Dodge. Mr. und Mis. Henry P.1 oomls. Mi. and Mrs. Joseph T. Low, .Mr. cudMrs. .lames Drown Inul. Miss Stockton, MissWing. Miss Illchaid. Miss King. Ms Draper.Miss Cook, Miss ltudmond. Mr. Howard Con-stable, Mr. W. H. Hiistuw. Mr Tiillmiulgfl Nunltensseluei. Mr. Lvert .1. Wendell, Mi. 11 11.I owls. Mi. J. T. Woodwanl. uud Mi. PeterMurle. 'Hie party occupied thu loin parquetboxen In the theatre After the peiformanceuf".Hoii Like It" a supper wus served atSherry's. In imitation of the Dill. e's least Inthe foresl of Arden. The tuples were dressedlu the fashion of those of the stuge, withbo.us' heads nnd pheasants. and wild lowl.

JirDCKT I IIHir.lt; I I.V SOT.

IiiriruMcd Vulilrs More Tkun OfT-i- In.tiensrtl State '1'axr.,

Thu 1'o-ir- of I.shmate will completethu Iliial budget for 1SCM. There his been anlucioase over 1S02 In most of the depart-ment estimates, but this Is email in thoaggregate compared with the Increase uf51. 150.000 iu Stnlo taxes. Then thero aroJ.'IOO.OOO foi thorehruaiv election, 2."0 000to satisfy thu judgment obtained by tho Statufor State taxes withheld, and SlH5 000foi theincrease in tliu street cleaning fund, madeuecessnry by the change in tho system in-troduced last July. Thu nggregute Increasefrom these cuuses, which weie wholly withoutthe control of the Hoard of r.stlmute, is nearlyS2.U00.00o. 'lho actual increase ovoi lastyear s budget will npproxlmnto $1,500,000. itIs said. This docs not mean that the very lowtax rate will he raised, 'lho natuial Increaseiu valuations will pievent this

Mr. lllulno Uelde III On n.

WisiiiNoTOV. Dec. 20. "As compared withprevious days llioouo jusl passed was the bestM. lllulno has had since ho wus III.he Is as well as ho was last night." The fore-going statement wns made by Di. Johnston at!i o'clock just ailor ha had uturnodfrom n v islt to Mr, lllalne. A call nt the lllulnoresldenro luler In tho evening brought forththestutnmeut thiitMi. lllulno wasmiu hbeltei.

'lho linprosslon tliut now prevails nninnj:those who have actual knowledge of Mr.lllalne's condition is to Hie (Tret that while.Iio is a very sick man. he Is in no immediatednngei of death. No uiih is bold enough, howover, to ustort that Mr. lllalno will ovurugulube u vrell man.

ItniiilgluutH lu llir Cunadlun .oi llurs(,drrvwA. Out. Doc. 2H. W'lllinni dgilvle.

Dominion Hud surveyor, who hns been iu thePrince Albert district, noithwest tirrlloiios,fortho past nine mouths suivoylng hnds forhonioMeiil sntllers. has returned, llo re-ports that dining the past summer qulto unumber ut peoplo from Dakota, Minnesota,nnd other parts of the 1'nllid States havecome in und taken up hinds

llrllevfil lit Have llluprd.Auiut'.-- , De. Irish, n young

married man. und May Stupp, tliudnughtorof ( Ity Treasurer Stupp. havo beenmissing since 1'iiosd iy night, ntul tlieli friendsnro now convinced that thoy huvo eloped,'I hey hnv.y been traindns foras Kochestoi,Irish vvus ono of the partnein In a small grueery business, und absconded with id.iioo ofthe 111 iu'h inonei.

anted a Milliutn.Pairolman Whately of thn Madison slreet

bfntloti arrested lust night Cornelius Miiiphy,12 )ears old, id 21l Cherry street , MlcluelMa'onoy, 111 years old, of 220 Choir) sttoet:Wllllaui Iluguii, HI yours old. of l.'.'i (beiryMreot. nnd John Duiiiiuof 2.'(H houy stieei.foi attempting tu set tliu to it lot uf luiuboi Inu raid at 211 I huiry street 'Ihu boys saidthoy wanted lo wuiiu them-cdve- s.

UiiikIuii. ISiruU Into u l'rnlleiifliiry.STitviUnr. Dec, 20. Iiuiglars bioko Into lho

Onouduga Ponllentlary eaily yestord d morn-ing. 'I hey sr.ilid tho wall with the aid of nladder, got Into tho office of thu I ol t bli'.p. andopened the outei doors of tho sale, but enuldnot get the Ium r doors open 'liioin vvastrlMiin the safe. After lausael.ing the il'ineisoftho desks they look a cheip elocl. uud lift.

I nusilill Cold In Al.iliuuia.JlirMiNOiiAJi. Dec, 20,-T- ho weather hero

for four (luys has been the coldest known innorthern Alahmnn for twenty years. Snowhas fnlloiiKl over the State. Hob Pickett,need HJ, going to his home at North Birming-ham last night, was frozen to death in sightof his house.

APAMTNEttBROKlTnEFnmn.117,1 v; iitAsu .c (o, srovif tino--

r..v, i oncr.ii iosispkmk ,1 i

'lheiiiliile JIil.lv In, One r llir I'll in, llae 1

Opi-urt- l .ti toimiH Willi rirtlllous Ciistiini. gri uud Fatal fcrd (.rnulne Airlltinls ( H

I. el Xloiirv ti lie I rd III Ills iilntliine ,'. I

llopotts cimetit fur sevoinl (lnys In Wall J, jsiieet Were i onilrineil yesterday when a letter w jwas tecehed ut the Stoik llxchnngo from A j

Wuvlaud 'Ii.isk A Co. stock brokers at IS n j

Willi btrcot. uuiiuiinciiig their suspension. fflho II r in hud no conducts pending on the l'xchange, these having been closed quietly the fday bufoie, A iitimber of piisons (ailed atthe flim's olllci siniinedlately to Inquire about j

the suspension, but nil were asked to vvultun- -III tlio Ilrm coiilJ Hud out just how It stood,ltepuiti'is weic refoitid to Simon II. Stern,the counsel of tho film.

Mi. Stein suld that thu double was due to tthe speculations uf Thiodoie llaldwin. one of Wthe meinbi-iso- f thu fllui. The Ilrm wns organ- - '&ized on .May I, lsal. Mr. Trask, who had been !the Stock l.xchunge represontutlve of A. M. "'Tfklditcr A Co, became the senior pnrtnor. Mr. jlluldvvlr. had been In tho employ ol 11 Q,lleuedlcl t ( o. Lchs than two yeuis ago Al- -fied N. llaiikln was udmltted to partnership. , jWhile the 111 m liuvei was uiuongtho first In tjWull straat.lt novottlioitisi hud u vory good Vjetundlng. Mi. Irask wus ono of tho most '(f,popului members of the Stock Exchange, and ,ffwas lu till the fun making on tlio Kxchange. J'JhosB who knew him Intimately referred to ''hliu familiarly an the "Iiurnegut Light" iwhich was piesuiuably a jocular ie(crenceto '

tbecoloto! hlslialr. llo transacted all theStock Lxchango business of his firm, while .llaldwin had charge uf the loans aud bookund llnukln nttondeil to customers.

About u week ugo the bunks with which thefilm docs business made demands for more 11

lollateial ou theli loans to the Ilrm. Mr. Trnslc Hwus greatly aurpil-ei- l, and asked .Mr. Baldwin iffor un rxplnnutlon. llaldwin seemed sur- -pi I sed, too. uud suld thore must bo u mistakebumewhero He said he would look Into the ,tmaltei. Mi. Tinsk was not wholly satisfiedwith this, und on Monday ho came oxer from -

his house iu Iliooklyn to look nt tbe books. AsIt was a legal holidiiv, no one tdso was present. 1

nud he had un opportunity to Investigate un-disturbed. He soon learned enough to under-st- u

ml that llaldwin had been disposing of thellim's money ou his own accuunt. '

"llaldwin had beou speculating with thetlini's money." said Mr. Stern. "Ills opera-lion- s

wero conducted in tlio names of others.He opened iiecoiintH In the linn's books withllitltlous customers, und also Increased the .'aieuiiuts of genuine customcis. He used the , J

money to siicculato In u general war. He t 'i

does not appear to have had uny preferences, abut dealt lu nil kindsot stocks. He gave Ills or- - . I

derslo.Mi. TrusU. who oxecutcd them, sup-- TO

P slng they weio for customers. He begun sihis operations about four years ago, und his iJSlosses nre approximate!) ,T


Mi. Trask was worn out yesterday. He had -

rHinatued ut his ufllee until .'o'clock for the ;pust three mornings trying to straighten out vtliotanxle in which tho llrm'saffairh had be- - tdime Involved by llaldwin. llo did not know ,yestei day how the Ilrm stoud. '

lialdvviii. who (onfosed the wliolo thingwhen couirouted by his partner un Tuesday,was ulso ut die office vusteiiluy. He is a fat 'limn, with black hair nud a short black mous.tiiclie. He wus assisting tho expert account- - '

mils In the piepuiutlon uf tt stMetnent of ihe 'JIlrm s utTans. llo appealed vory noiieliiilant. fHo told the icpoitei Hint he was married andlived in Clinton iiwnue. llruuklyn. I or In ',(ol niatlon us to bis speculnttnus ho referred Itlio leportor to Mr. htern 'Ilm latter suld thatthe question uf i losuciitliig llaldwin hud nut -yet boon consldeird Mr. llankin wns not atthe office. He knew nothing of the trouble un- - f

til Mr Morn luloi moil lilm on Wednesday.Mr. Stein snnl II would be Impossible lo tell

just what Hie linn's liabilities me until the ,uccoiintauts llnlslied their work, but he i

thought H would b about ilbfi.ouij. 'j hero ciu e no preferred eredltois )

'1 huvv a number of the customers j.lie bald, "uud 1 believe, tho matter run ho.nl- -justed bo that the (Inn can lesunie. Mr. Trask :Is so popular and so lunch sympathy has beenexpressed for blm that 1 believe ho will comeout all right, due mnn offered lilm 'rHio.otin. i

and altogctliei ulTeisof immey amounting to (over u quarlei of u. million have been msdi.He has refused to accont any until he can tellhow much lie needs. There would bo no uso 'of accepting nny inoiip unless It was enoughto juit blm on his feet. We ought to know

just how the Ilrm stands." ,M I: llufkj.u meniliei of the Consolidated

1 xchange. siispcn.leil )osteulay. Ilewasshortof ' Ipdustilul" stocks nnd long of Northern r i

Parlllc prefoiied. due thousand two hundred ,shares of ntneks wei sold for his accouut. buthe leinulued V I 0O0 short. -

if '.. iorippi.it to Mr.r.r ruor.i.itt.Tbal lit Nriuttor ( Jiaiidlrr'it oaf luslon After I

lli,eilItlC Our CJitaialitlnr. 'A

Senators (handler nnd Harris. Surgeon- - i j)

Geneial Wymnn, Dr. Cyrus 1'dson. Dr. Wheoler. - "j

and Dr. A. N, Itcll left tho liargo Office yester- - ' ,lav moinlng on the revenue cutter Manhattan ' il

to make a visit of inspection at Quarantine. ,(i

Tliey slopped nt tho boniding stntlon just Mu il

above Iho Nunows to take Di..Tonkins nboarJ. '; 3nud thon pioeedcd to Hnffmnn Island, Hwln- - ' B.

burne Island, nnd amp 1 ovv. du the return ;V ftilp the vlsifots stoptied ut Pills Island and t iinspoitcil the buildings tlierc. AtthnKlflh f" S.Avenue Hotel lust night senator Chandler tf IIIsnid- - ,

"1 am very much pleased wilh the condition k, tortliings in the lcnver bnv. tuij us u member Wu ',of the ( ongiess ( ominllteo I fe! that I can if-- slepoit that New uik Isnell equiniieil to re- - :Jslst any Invasion of nn epidemic. In spile ot E

this leadiiiess. howeviq, I uelicvo that a re- - Ieliictiouof immigration would b advisable.' a

Jhitsrr iiivs ii. IK (t .'ri.'ACJ.

Flrtrn ur llir Old Viilm Krilrrnird Veblerla) 1.) Slayer Ixaiisri, ,7

During tho rebellion I(rey City Issued 'j It

fi.u lioual set ii fr, nn five to llftv cents to re- - ttIlevo the local liiiuncliil iircssuiu und provide -

merchnnfs with chutige, Aller lho war such !

of it as was luesondd vvus redeemed, but S

nhoul $2,t 00 woith was never uccounled for J

nnd was supposed to lo or lost ' jltolllay Mnvoi W msur reeohed a lotter

fiom deorgo Wliulbiiif t of 101 lail. uen lie,Uilllmore, em liislng el'vcu of thu old fruo- - I i

tlonal notes. ie le'outllig bovmit piiiiIh. ' tiand asking Ibul Hi r no redciiiiidd. Muvor ', i

Wnnser sent Mi Wl.nlhurst his seventy-llv-- u 1Jcents nnd gave Hie in tes to (Jerk Nevin, who ,15will reullre on tin in fur iv New Bill 'Ilia ' J

lowe l siltiinte placi d un the notes ) uxi otti fis li u t inivs Hull lacu value. t .

'I he Xyieulhri, i 1

llifi.via. i ,n j, i.i (,f iiiii uiiir tterlay, t j.

tvi e h i nu 11- ,- InJ-- r if 'in Al tun iiitttiullia tM .

I ii ruin. II, s .r iturj v it ttnl lirmu fritiur iTtaw toliiii, rru x i ' nil. m i,i rn Imir . f I Irr J? m

(In, Inii in iu Oi. no hi t in' r. i, fatiol jgf fl.

Hi, VtKltl ,l. " li7L. Uei rm.lt lit III liii.r. r.ntri! itrr IJ1

n . uuj s,lj vtt it nit, ii.ii iilitlil mskliiw tll- - Ai nil in J .tiinu sxt Inlliik I roni VI, iiImi . sail l i Pnk 4T

I1H. III lu I ii nt l' Itlnt Nrl.i ii V SI utv It pkr y la ft

ti In Iay III llir SI lis. vrrl nl li M .b. turn- -

uu a in rum 111 IL At untiiiH ii ejp vt i. i luiv in Hi. iitt ji.oiUi hiilu-t- t u'tl'IM J I

tMiq til p- - .l Ityii.., '.ilitimt, uttraa 1

limn III), t,l fr i H.' ttlii n ,r"iu..i atrraiev.- - j1 !Ill I'l til- vtni, I, iu mi , i u In ir Jfi

II e siiiimiif- i i ,i IVriy. jttuiiimy In Tilt s, y ?

lui , 'ii.iinir Iriitii.itu irjn ri j.tn rujy a.lilli.st ft

llil lt"i l''i. .It 3tu vi ., T i.- - ( I'll m. '.. j' I aI1A "in li I. I' )1 ,1' ' I i

A 4 II', HP M . M" l Jj j vi ; .. iviit'iui.iii .'- .- " I

Aurli- - '. K' fj 11

AtrlU.ttlil Pr , .! Islll irt 'I "M llIISuTil ti,l H'lK MIC IU lur J

III Vlutiu. Nl II t qtlitri'. an i iianul, f tlr tail. e;ntt,V Kill I. ,j rj

i Vm. ii I. ii. lit liiiln It and i el ntrthiil, A atn'r. vnr s . I lilt ttlulltl) tult'rr in lli'ilrl.ant Aan III urleiiit r vtntjt liutntlt tin i I'oinirclliiil, ?i (A

, .1.', V.ir li.ll, ft.tlti I r uuj'i i mil V.if Jtcttj, n hf

j H in, inn . n ijlir (tie Jilttlal bf rolmnblu p. itrarf, and Mary til tS

lai 'I fair, inrrrit.iui. rlmiilliit.. in n f nfttri ioii, vu ) IS

tluli vtlud. irnuiiii tuutl a itt r itrlillj. vraniitr. H l) rWr.t Virgin a, (iUo, vtttisiu I taiitylvaata ami Ci

wrtUni Ntvr )nri, ciicrul y ir, i livmuli ntln.' jjl Hlenq ratura, axi tpl n wttl iurliuii uf vtcttirn Ntir il faJu.k !iin