Welcome back to WHAP! Monday, January 29, 2018 We are studying the Scientific Revolution today. Be ready to take some notes. -> Choose an identity for tomorrow’s Enlightenment simulation- take a post-it note from the side table. Turn your PERIOD 4 MAPS into the tray!

Scientific Revolution today. We are studying the Welcome back to … · 2018-01-29 · Scientific Revolution 1/30 Enlightenment Salon Simulation 1/31 Absolutism vs Enlightenment Smackdown

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Page 1: Scientific Revolution today. We are studying the Welcome back to … · 2018-01-29 · Scientific Revolution 1/30 Enlightenment Salon Simulation 1/31 Absolutism vs Enlightenment Smackdown

Welcome back to WHAP!Monday, January 29, 2018

We are studying the Scientific Revolution today. Be ready to take some notes.

-> Choose an identity for tomorrow’s Enlightenment simulation- take a post-it note from the side table.

Turn your PERIOD 4 MAPS into the tray!

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WHAP HW/Reminders● Enlightenment philosopher profile due tomorrow● You should be done reading Ch. 15 by tomorrow- definitely be sure to go over

the last part (pages 740-750) and know the Enlightenment especially well for Wednesday’s class

● If you missed the Period 4 Exam on Friday, you need to make this up ASAP! If you missed Friday’s test but are present today, your Period 4 Review is due TODAY! Turn it into the tray.

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Upcoming WHAP Agenda


1/29 Scientific Revolution

1/30 Enlightenment Salon Simulation

1/31Absolutism vs Enlightenment Smackdown

2/17 Years WarAmerican Revolution

2/2French Revolution

2/5French Revolution

2/6NapoleonHaitian Revolution

2/7Latin American Revolutions

2/8Harkness Discussion: Revolutions

2/9Revolutions LEQ

Week of 2/12: Industrial Revolution (project in class)

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Discussion Question:

What examples of revolutions or revolutionary ideas have we already seen in our study of world history?

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Scientific Revolution: Context (Prior to 1550)● Which civilizations have we already studied that were involved in science,

mathematics, astronomy, and technological innovation? ● Was Western Europe seen as being at the forefront of science, math, and

technological innovation prior to 1550? ● Before 1550, what was scientific thought like in Europe? Who were

considered authorities on physical/natural matters?

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Scientific Revolution: Context (Prior to 1550)● Before 1550, educated

Europeans largely looked to the ancient Greeks (especially Aristotle) as the gold standard on natural matters

● The Bible, The Church, superstition and tradition also dominated thinking about the world in Europe before 1550

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Why did the Scientific Revolution begin in Europe instead of the Islamic World or China?

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Causes of the Scientific Revolution- What made it possible? Why Europe? ● European universities were “neutral zones of intellectual autonomy”- separate

from the control of the state and church● European exploration gave them a lot more information about the larger world● The Renaissance was a rebirth in learning; it encouraged secular study and

made people become more curious about their world● The Reformation challenged established authority= no longer constrained by

tradition● Printing press + Luther’s emphasis on education= more literate population

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● Nicolaus Copernicus (Poland)- promoted the heliocentric theory- the sun is at the center of the universe, and everything revolves around it

○ Refuted the previous geocentric theory promoted by Ptolemy (Greek)- Earth is at the center of the universe)

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THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION (1550-1750): KEY CONTRIBUTORS● Johannes Kepler (Germany)- supported Copernicus’s ideas with mathematical proofs

(mathematical laws govern planetary motion)● Galileo Galilei (Italy)- Built his own advanced telescope to study the cosmos; revealed new

insight on stars and planets● Francis Bacon (England)- Supported empiricism- urged scientists to experiment and then

draw conclusions● Rene Descartes (France)- Believed things should be doubted until proven by reason;

encouraged use of mathematics to prove ideas● Isaac Newton (England)- Developed laws of physics, including the law of universal

gravitation; developed calculus to explain complex scientific ideas● Andreas Vesalius (Belgium)- Dissections led to new insights on human anatomy● Robert Boyle (Ireland)- “The father of modern chemistry”- proposed matter was made of

small particles; helped explain how volume, temperature, and pressure of gas affect each other

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THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION (1550-1750): MAJOR IDEAS● The natural world and larger universe operate according to fixed scientific

laws● Advanced mathematics can and should be used to explain the natural world● People can understand the natural world through observation (empiricism)● Ideas should be tested using experimentation- led to the scientific method● Ideas should be doubted until proven by math and science● Humans should use reason and logic to examine the world around them● Inductive reasoning- using evidence to form conclusions

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THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION (1550-1750): MAJOR EFFECTS● Radical departure- no longer rely on the works of ancient philosophers, the

Church, or tradition to explain the natural world- now, science, observation, experimentation, and reason can give new insight

● The field of science grew tremendously- inspired new research, education expanded

● Permanently changed humans’ view of their position in the cosmos● While not anti-religion, it challenged the teachings and authority of the

Church- prompted a response from the Church● Resulted in some loss of religious faith in Europe● Set the stage for the Industrial Revolution later on● Focus on reason and logic led to the Enlightenment- applied principles of the

Scientific Revolution to society and politics

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Galileo standing trial in 1633 before the Inquisition