rotary club of diamond creek inc RCDC 28th August Page 28th August 2012 RCDC ROTARY CLUB OF DIAMOND CREEK Look at me ! Mum said

Rotary Club of Diamond Creek Bulletin 28/08/2012

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Rotary Club of Diamond Creek weekly Bulletin 28/08/2012

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Look at me !

Mum said

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RI President

Sakuji Tanaka Rotary Club of Yashio, Saitama, Japan


John Gatt Rotary Club of Diamond Creek


Pat Miller Rotary Club of Diamond Creek

Club Officers

President Steve Crosling

Vice President Alan Jones

President Elect Bev Baker

Secretary Greg Paull

Treasurer & Public Officer Greg Adams

Directors and Standing Committees

Club Administration PE Bev Baker

Membership John Egan

Public Relations PP Alan Jones

Service Projects PP Alan White

Rotary Foundation PP Linda Gidlund

Who ya gunna call !

President Steve Crosling 0417 595 282

Secretary Greg Paull 0427 712 688

Treasurer Greg Adams 0419 355 842

Editor: Greg Adams

Art Director: Greg Adams

Advertising : Greg Adams

Bottle washer : Greg as well

Editorial: send to [email protected]

Caution: The Bulletin contains no calories, vitamins,

minerals or proteins. In fact, it is devoid of nutritional value.

Nevertheless, it is a supplement much sought after and

regularly devoured by the Rotarians of Diamond Creek.

rotary club of diamond creek inc.


V o l u m e 2 1 I s s u e 9

Note: The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter

are not necessarily those of the Club or its members

District 9790

past presidents

Brian Bowen 1978-1979 Heidelberg North

Bob Eycken 1983-1984 Alperton UK

John McCrohan 1992-1993

Ron Gordon 1993-1994

Chris Doupe 1994-1995

Cliff Wearne 1995-1996

Ern Wardell 1996-1997

Rod Mackenzie 1997-1998

Steve Sampson 1998-1999

Robin Chapple 1999-2000

Peter Marriage 2000-2001

Rob Lloyd 2001-2002

Bev Baker 2002-2003

Joe Di Natale 2003-2004

Geoff Swan 2004-2005

John Gatt 2005-2006

John Arthur 2006-2007

Linda Gidlund 2007-2008

Alan White 2008-2009

Pat Millar


Clyde Hulme


Alan Jones


Facebook night

Thank you to Jacqui,



And Sashie

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I have just returned from Euroa where I attended part 1 of the Rotary Leadership

Institute Course. This course has been developed by Rotary International as a grass

roots district leadership development program designed to strengthen clubs through

quality leadership education, and is convened in District 9790 by PDG Mani

Seneviratne. Mani opened Sunday’s proceedings by talking about the passion of

Rotarians and how to channel this passion into building better and stronger clubs

through better leaders and a better understanding of what Rotary is all about. The

course is available to all Rotarians, is not job or position specific, comprises 3 parts

and is conducted by experienced and formally trained Rotarians from our District.

Our facilitators for the day were PP’s Michael Tehan, Bob Matejcic and Gary

Fitzgerald and they ran a very tight but informative program. DG John Gatt also

attended the seminar and spoke of the wider vision of Rotary and how we as course

students were setting out to achieve that vision.

To quote from the RLI manual “RLI believes that having leadership skills does not

alone assure good Rotary leadership. An Effective Rotary leader must ALSO have

Rotary knowledge, perspective about where Rotary has been, where it is now and a

vision of what Rotary can be.” The overriding goal of the courses for club Rotarians

is to create enthusiasm for Rotary by opening them up to the world of Rotary outside

of their own clubs and also showing them the great potential of Rotary service for

the benefit of the world that can be furthered with excellent leadership in our clubs.

The aim is for students to return to their clubs with enthusiasm, new contacts, fresh

ideas, an increased understanding of Rotary and mew skills. Hopefully I have

achieved at least part of that but only time will tell.

Part 1 covered the topics understanding leadership, Rotary beyond the club,

membership retention, Rotary Foundation, leadership and team building and

service projects so it can be seen that the course is for ALL Rotarians with a desire to

do more in Rotary even at a club level. It is not just for Presidents or PEs, and can

in fact be of great use for anyone in any role anywhere.

Was the course worth it? YES. Did I lean anything? YES. Is it worth the effort? YES.

I will be encouraging our club members to attend the next part 1 session which will

be held in December – our club pays the registration and all you have to do is

provide the passion, petrol and one day. The more we know about and understand

Rotary the better we will become at being Rotarians and therefore better persons in

our community. Go for it!!!!

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28st AUGUST 2012 TUESDAY 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Club Ass. Attend, Jacqui H , Chair, Steve C, Cash Greg A,Welcome Arthur L, Regalia Alan

J, Raffle Gift Warwick L.

4th SEPTEMBER 2012 TUESDAY 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Attend, Alan W , Chair, Rod M, Cash Greg A, Welcome Pat M,

Regalia David P, Raffle Gift Roger K.


Aug 30 Kerry and Alan anniversary.

Sept 2 Alan White joined this club 18 years ago.

Sept 3 Kerry Jones birthday

Sept 7 Peter Hodge birthday, Pat Millar birthday.


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Toast to Australia: Arthur Lewin

Rotary Grace: John Egan

President Steve

Town fair: Rod Mackenzie

The town fair has been postponed to November 24th. Now looking at redesigning to include Elizabeth St so

there is more hard surface for stalls. Also considering a permanent change of date. Refer to email for


President Steve thanked Rod and other team members for the effort put in so far.

Probus: Ern Wardell

Certificate of appreciation has been given to John Mckeown as a thanks for his help setting up Probus.

Doreen has a waiting list and an interest list. They are having a mini expo on Saturday and Ern is attending

- part of this is to assess the interest in Probus in Mernda.


Board meeting next Monday at 7.30. Please send reports by Friday.

Keep going on the 5 cent collections!

Ohs meeting (town fair) has been rescheduled to November 20th.

Conference: We have real bookings coming in. Please get your booking in as per email detail earlier this


Chair for the night: John Egan

Sergeant Roger found a few odd reasons for fining the innocent amongst us.

Facetube: Jacqui Hodge

Jacqui gave us a hands on demo of Facebook including some tips and tricks.

901 millions users. 125 billion 'friend' connections. 500 million people on a mobile device. See email for

useful facebook friends.

Youth Exchange: Bea showed us a fantastic video she had prepared on being an exchange student. We

would like to use this at conference next year.

Raffle: drawn by Sarshi, Won by Roger, Raised: $40

Fines: $26

Meeting closed at 8.55

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From left. Hoshi Kotani, Baby Maho, Maiko, Geoff, Sohta, Glenda, Komiko, Sho and Marie.

Best wishes to all at the club! We are having a great time.

We have just spent sometime in Fukuoka, Japan with our past host daughter

Maiko ( on Geoff's right )and her family. We had a wonderful time there with

them, it was so nice to catch up with them again. The weather in Japan is

very hot and humid.

We trip so far has been great. We have cruised from Sydney to Beijing on the

Dawn Princess, visiting, Singapore, Thailand! Vietnam, Hong Kong and China.

We had excellent weather and flat water all the way.

We left Japan yesterday morning and have arrived in Moscow last night. We

have a free day today in Moscow on our own today before we board The

Golden Eagle Train to travel the Trans Siberian Railroad on route to

Vladivostok for 16 days.

The weather is much cooler here, around 20degrees. It's a nice relief as the

weather most of our trip has been in the high 30's.

This is the first time we have had good Internet reception since we left

Sydney, but once we leave Moscow tomorrow we probably have connection

for the next few weeks on the train.

Regards to all from Geoff and Glenda


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Phone 03 9438 3044

Fax: 03 9438 4070

Rotary Grace

O Lord and giver of all good

We thank you for our daily food

May Rotary friends and Rotary ways,

help us to serve you all our days.

Advance Australia Fair

Australians all let us rejoice,

For we are young and free;

We've golden soil and wealth for toil,

Our home is girt by sea;

Our land abounds in Nature's gifts

Of beauty rich and rare;

In history's page, let every stage

Advance Australia fair!

In joyful strains then let us sing,

"Advance Australia fair!"