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Joyous Mysteries With Mary let us contemplate in faith Emmanuel, God-with-us. 1 The Annunciation In faith, Mary received the Word of the Angel and she believed that she would become the mother of God in the obedience of faith. The angel’s first words to Mary are an invitation to joy: Rejoice, Mary. Mary responds in faith. Her positive reaction has a consequence: the happiness of the presence of God in her,

Thank You, Mary, for your Fiat; all humanity rejoices in you. First on the way, you lead us to become available like you to do all that pleases God.

2 The Visitation. Visiting Elizabeth, Mary raises her hymn of praise to the Most High for the marvels that he accomplishes in all who place their trust in him. The encounter of the Visitation is immersed in this attitude of faith and of joy. John the Baptist leaps for joy in his mother’s womb. Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit and recognizes the mother of her God. Mary sings out her happiness.

Mary, we pray for all those who do not know the good news of the coming of Jesus. Grant them the joy of the encounter with Him.

3 The Nativity. Mary brings to birth her only Son. Her joy is the one announced by the angels to the shepherds. I announce to you a great joy. The Magi rediscover the star and the Infant lying in a manger. God becomes man in Jesus Christ and abides with us. With the Magi who prostrate themselves before the manger, let us repeat: I believe in Jesus, true God and true man.

Let us pray for parents who are expecting a child, for families and all educators. 4 The Presentation of Jesus in the temple. Here I am, Father, to do your will. This joy, fruit of the presence of God made man to dwell among us, finds its source in this child come into the world to do his Father’s will and give his life on the cross, as a ransom for humankind. Already the victim offers himself; the sword is announced to the heart of Mary: the child will be a sign of contradiction.


Let us ask Mary know how to live the true joy found in the offering of ourselves in communion with the will of God in all circumstances.

5. The Finding in the Temple

Did You not know that I must be about my father’s business? I was glad when I went to the house of the Lord ! Joy of the first ascent to the Temple of God. Joy of Easter celebrations with the people, but also the experience that this child is different.

Mary, teach us to discern and to welcome the eruption of God in our lives, to live with You our pilgrimage of faith in the footsteps of Jesus your Son.

Luminous Mysteries

1 The Baptism of Jesus Jesus and John the Baptist each allows himself to be seized, to be led by the Spirit. John the Baptist recognizes someone greater than he. Jesus continues his choice of descending among us by immersion in the water of the Jordan in the midst of sinners. The heavens open up, the Father enlightens hearts. This is my beloved Son

Through Mary’s prayer, may Jesus be the Light which enlightens each one coming into this world. Mother of faith, give to all your children the joy of believing.

2 The Wedding at Cana Mary takes the initiative of practical charity, in solidarity with her people. An intervention which allows complete freedom. They have no more wine! Do whatever he tells you! This is Mary’s last word in the Gospel: a message of pure faith. She is God’s spokesperson. She stands ready, in total faith. Because Mary surrenders in faith, the sign is given and the disciples believed in him.

Mary, You are a prophet of the mystery, mediating faith to the apostles; continue to be so for us today in our hours of questioning, of doubt. We pray for all those who hunger and thirst,. Give us thirst for the living water.

3 Announcing the Kingdom The reign of God is in your midst. I must go to other villages. That is why I came from the Father and have come into the world. This is also why I left Nazareth and my mother so as to do the will of my Father who wants to gather all his children in his love.

With you and like you, Mary, we want to follow Jesus, make him known and loved, bringing the Good News to our world in search of happiness.

4- The Transfiguration It is good for us to be here. Jesus leads his people to meet with the Father and to be witnesses of his Passion. They are caught up in the luminous cloud; they prostrate themselves, and perceive something of the glory of God manifested in Jesus Christ.


Holy Mary, teach us recognize God’s presence in all creation. Help us become credible witnesses to our world longing for peace and truth.

5- The Eucharist Did not Cana foreshadow this mystery of the gift for life, for joy? The place of the wine at the heart of the Eucharist. The image of the blood poured out for many. Church of Jesus, see with what love you are loved, saved by the blood of the servant of God.

Mary, You are present in this alliance; you, the teacher of our faith; teach all Christians to welcome the gift of God in faith, to open themselves to universal love, engaging with Jesus for the life of the world.

Sorrowful Mysteries

Introduction With Mary, we are called to contemplate, to follow the servant of God. It is the highest point of the revelation of God’s love and the salvation offered to all humankind. Mystery of Jesus son of Mary, mystery of the sword which pierces her heart. 1 Gethsemane It is not my will but yours be done. Jesus, you expressed the Yes which erases the No of our first parents. Your Yes echoes the Fiat of your mother. We believe.

Through Mary’s prayer, may we be given union to the will of the Father and recognize his loving presence at work in our world.

2- The Scourging Jesus is condemned unjustly. A man of sorrows, crushed because of our faults. At this hour, as throughout her life, Mary shares the life, the mission of Jesus to save humankind and all of creation. We believe.

Mary’s prayer gives us the grace of true conversion to Jesus Christ. Let pray for catechumens, for youth in search of truth and peace.

3- The Crowning of Thorns Behold the Man. Here is revealed not only the merciful love of God, but also the fragility of humankind. Jesus rejected, you are the Son of God, the Son of Mary, our Savior and our King. We believe.

May Mary’s prayer obtain for the Church, servant and poor, the grace to testify at all times of the merciful presence of Jesus who liberates and restores life.


4- The Crucifixion Jesus saw his mother … The community of Jesus is disintegrated, dispersed. It is reborn there at the foot of the Cross. Mary receives a son, his closest friend. The disciple receives a mother. This is our community, the Church. We believe.

May Mary’s prayer obtain for us the grace of compassion for all the suffering of our world. Mary, pray for us and open our hearts to all distress.

5- The Death of Jesus on the Cross. It is finished. Father into your hands I commend my spirit. Mary, at the hour when all seems lost, you remain standing at the foot of the cross. You believe, you hope. With you, we believe.

May Mary’s prayer obtain for us the grace to keep faith in situations that are beyond us. Let us pray for all who have lost all confidence in life, for those who seek the light and hope for better days.

Glorious Mysteries

1 Resurrection Through faith, Mary tastes the fruits of the resurrection of Jesus and, keeping everything in her heart, she transmits them to the twelve gathered together in the Upper Room to receive the Holy Spirit.

Let us pray for the Church buffeted by contrary winds, especially for our Pope Benedict XVI. May the light of the resurrection of Jesus renew us in hope.

2 Ascension By faith, the disciples left everything to follow the Master. They believed the words with which he proclaimed the Kingdom of God present and realized in his person. They are in communion of life with Jesus who instructed them, leaving them a new rule of life by which they will be recognized as his disciples after his death

Let us ask the Lord for the courage and faith of the apostles. They go all over the world with the mission of bringing the Gospel to every creature, and without fear, they announce to all the joy of resurrection to which they were faithful witnesses. Pray for all the workers of the Gospel.

3 Pentecost By faith, the disciples, united and strengthened by the Holy Spirit, form the first


community gathered around the apostles’ teaching. They held everything in common and distributed according to the needs of each.

Let us ask the Lord to fill us with his Spirit of love and strength. May all the baptized be credible witnesses, bearers of the Gospel today.

4 The Assumption We will keep our eyes fixed on Jesus Christ, the beginning and end of our faith. In him, the human heart finds its fulfillment and its hope. One day, we shall see face to face. And we will be with Him forever in glory.

Let us pray that the examples of faith that have marked these two thousand years of history are a source of hope and light for all the baptized. That they be given the courage to commit to world peace and the unity of the Church

5 The Crowning of Mary in Heaven Through faith, men and women have dedicated their lives to Christ. Like Mary, they believed in the Word, leaving everything to live in obedience, poverty and chastity in response to the Lord’s call.

Let us pray for the fidelity of those who responded to the call, for all young people in formation in seminaries or novitiates, for all young people entrusted to us in our various institutions. May those who listen and respond to your Word be numerous.

Prayer To us who are still on the journey, grant us Lord, through the intercession of the Queen of heaven, to live by faith in the living recognition of the Lord present in our lives and in history. Amen