Risk Mgt Controls Summary Notes

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  • 8/10/2019 Risk Mgt Controls Summary Notes


    Basel II Risk objectives:

    Ensuring that capital allocation is more risk sensitive;

    Enhance disclosure requirements which will allow market participants to assess the capital adequacy of an institution;

    Ensuring that credit risk, operational risk and market risk are quantified based on data and formal techniques;

    Attempting to align economic and regulatory capital more closely to reduce the scope for regulatory arbitrage.

    -Pure risks vs Speculative risks

    -Managing reputation riskinvolves managing expectations and perceptionsemotional appeal, products and services, financial

    performance, vision and leadership, workplace environment, social responsibility

    The internal controls should achieve the objectives--

    Reporting, Operationscontrols (follow procedures;

    includes safety controls), Compliancefood/medicine

    (QCinternal control, trials on animals and humans)

    Apply COSO 1control environment, control activities

    (procedures), monitoringMust be able to enforce if not

    no one will followongoing (supervision) & separate

    evaluation (audit)

    e.g of control activities: physical reconciliation/

    verification, authorisation, segregation of duties

    Limitations of internal control (evaluate the internal


    1. Poor judgement


    Human errorclassification error which leads to

    wrong corrective action


    Collusion-internal and external

    4. Management overwritethe control might not

    be effective in addressing the risk anymore; must

    report such occurrence


    Procedure operated well enough?

    ERM Risk Objective Categories (see the cube)

    Objective>Risk>Strategy to manage risk>Control


    Standard deviation:

    68.26% of all outcomes fall within 1 std deviation.

    the area that is between the 1 and 2 std deviation

    above the mean contains 13.59% of all outcomes.

    As shape is symmetric, as does the portion between 1

    and 2 std deviations below the mean.

    95.44% fall within 2 std deviations

    99.74% fall within 3 std deviations

    Risk assessment enables decision-makers and interested parties

    to better understand risks that could threaten the achievement

    of objectives, including the adequacy and effectiveness of

    controls already in place.

    Risk assessmentthree processes: risk identificationidentify

    risks that might impact operations, with some level of

    probability, within a reasonable time period, risk analysis, & risk


    Risk analysis:

    -Risk assessment: identification, measurement, prioritization

    -Risk management: control, share/transfer, diversify/avoid

    -Risk control: process level, activity level, entity level

    Benefits of Risk Assessment

    The principal benefits of a performing risk assessment include:

    Providing objective information for decision makers;

    Understanding of the risk and its potential impact upon


    Identifying, analysing and evaluating risks and determining

    the need for their treatment;

    Quantification or ranking of risks;

    Contributing to the understanding of risks, in order to assist

    in selection of treatment options;

    Identification of the important contributors to risks and

    weak links in systems and


    Comparison of risks in alternative systems, technologies or


    Identification and communication of risks and uncertainties;

    Assisting with establishing priorities for health and safety;

    Rationalising a basis for preventive maintenance and


    Post-incident investigation and prevention;

    Selecting different forms of risk treatment; Meeting regulatory requirements; and

    Providing information that will help evaluate the tolerability

    of the risk when compared with pre-defined criteria.

  • 8/10/2019 Risk Mgt Controls Summary Notes


    Four types of risk response: Acceptance, Avoidance, Reduction, Sharing


  • 8/10/2019 Risk Mgt Controls Summary Notes


  • 8/10/2019 Risk Mgt Controls Summary Notes


  • 8/10/2019 Risk Mgt Controls Summary Notes


    Monitoring= Ongoing monitoring + Separate evaluations


    The internal and external environments of an entity changes over


    -Risk responses that were once effective may become irrelevant

    -Control activities may become less effective, or no longer


    -Entity objectives may change.

    Hence, management needs to determine whether the functioning

    of ERM continues to be effective.

    Geographical concentration increases risk

    Importance of reputation:


    Maintain your market position and brand


    Establish productive working relationships with your



    Maintain share price and ideally help increase it

    4. Attract and retain talent

  • 8/10/2019 Risk Mgt Controls Summary Notes


    BCP= Disaster recovery + Business recovery + Business resumption

    1. Crisis Anticipation:

    -Crisis inventoryWhat Could Go Wrong (worst-case scenario);

    How to Avoid It (Loss Prevention, safety measures in place? Place

    check-mark and date, or action+date); If It Happens (Loss


    What must we do and know to avoid the most damage?

    What decisions must we make? Who else must make

    decisions? Whom must we contact?

    What will the public need to know immediately? How can we

    get this information?

    What resources will we require? Where can we get them?

    What emergency supplies will we need? Do we have them

    available? Where? What first-aid training do we have? Who

    can do CPR and other life-saving procedures?

    2. Crisis Prevention (monitoring):

    -Ensure safety measures are maintained

    -Help organization to identify a potential crisis and ward it off

    before it escalates into a full-scale disaster.

    -Media analysis and consumer surveys

    3. Crisis Preparation:

    i) Establish a Crisis Management Team (Core Team)

    -The outcome of the crisis depends on the performance of the

    people making the decisions.

    -Determine who on your team will:

    be involved in handling each aspect of the crisis

    make what kinds of decisions

    ii) Develop a Crisis Management Plan:

    -Evaluate the inventory list of crisis, deliberate on the issues your

    organization may be involved in for each worst-case scenario,

    determine which component of plan accordingly. Some


    Should employees stay at home?

    When to evacuate a building?

    -identify key stakeholders including the media, government

    agencies, suppliers, customers, etc

    Determine who should you inform in the event of a crisis

    -Make sure everyone in the firm is aware of the plan and thatthey need to follow it should the occasion arise.

    -Plans should react properly to perils to which the organization is

    particularly subjected to.

    -Plans should include the setting up of a crisis center.

    iii) Update and practice it regularly

    -Play out a potential crisis to test your plan, revise it, and enable

    people to practice in peace what they may need to do in chaos

    iv) Make sure everyone in the firm is aware of the plan and that

    they need to follow it should the occasion arise.

    v) Establish strong relationship with the companys legal counselsvi) Provide media training for the crisis response team. (know how

    to deal with the news media)

    vii) Establish communication protocols so that there are no weak

    links in the system. Remember to test them!

    4. Crisis Recognition:

    -Ensure a threat is recognized before it becomes into a

    full-blown crisis at hand

    5. Crisis Containment (how to react to a crisis):

    i) Operational response is essential

    -The first hours following a crisispublic will form its

    own opinions. Tough decisions have to be made fast

    ii)Ability to communicate

    Companies thus should:

    Communicate early and often.

    Show compassion, and be sure the company is doing

    everything possible to improve the situation.

    Be honest and open.

    Be consistent in the message.

    Monitor public opinion using new technology (chat

    rooms, message boards, discussion groups, surveys).

    Follow up with public opinion surveys and employee

    questionnaires to learn from mistakes.

    6. Recovery and Rebuilding:

    -Need to assess the damage (beyond economics)

    -Determine how the crisis has affected the key

    stakeholders of the company

    Conduct dialogue sessions and meetings with them

    -Try to turn the crisis into a positive experience:

    Assess the effectiveness of the plan

    Update and change it if necessary

    -Need to deal with the media.

    Heuristics: Judgmental Biases

    1. Availability

    2. Representativeness

    3. Anchoring and Adjustment


    Hindsight (to avoid this, conduct walkthrough)



    6. Out of sight, out of mind

    7. It wont happen to me

    Qualitative dimensions of risks:

    VoluntarinessImmediacy of Effect

    Knowledge about Risk (2 areas)

    Control over Risk


    Chronic Catastrophic


    Severity of Consequences


    Strong culture:

    Organizations with strong cultures generally achieve

    higher results because employees sustain focus on both

    what to do and how to do it. These same factors are

    essential for building an effective RM culture.

  • 8/10/2019 Risk Mgt Controls Summary Notes


    Benefits of a well-defined RM philosophy:

    A well-developed RM philosophy that is understood and

    embraced by its personnel will position the entity to

    effectively recognize and manage risk.

    A written RM policy statement typically contains:

    General description of RM and its importance to the organization

    RM departments internal structure

    Senior managements RM philosophy and goals

    Decision rules for selecting RM techniques

    Major principles of ethics:

    Utilitarianthe greatest good for the greatest number

    The Golden Ruleethics of reciprocity

    Ends-Meansthe ends justify the means

    Rights ethicsprotecting individual moral or legal rights

    Justicewhich alternative promotes fair treatment for all people

    Distributive: Distribution of benefits and burdens.

    Compensatory: Compensation for victims of injury or past


    Procedural: fair decision-making procedures, practices, or


    Retributive: punishment to be evenhanded and proportionate to


    Rawlsian: policy makingpolicies that are fair, equal treatment

    (Veil of ignorance)

    Caringfocuses on a person as essentially relational (cooperative)

    rather than individualistic

    Virtue ethicsfocuses on characteristics rather than on rules for

    correct behaviourServant leadershipfocuses on serving others first

  • 8/10/2019 Risk Mgt Controls Summary Notes


    Duties of Audit Committee:

    Discuss with mgt the system of internal control and ensure mgt has

    discharged its duty to have an effective internal control system

    Consider findings of major investigations of internal control

    matters and mgts response

    Ensure coordination betwn internal & external auditors

    Provide objective assurance to the board and mgt wrt the

    adequacy and effectiveness of the companys risk mgt and internal

    control framework

    Asymmetry principle

    Goal of building an effective risk mgt culture: Get employees at all

    levels to consider potential risks associated with various decisions

    COSOs ERM frameworkthe quality of info is ascertained by: accuracy,

    accessibility, appropriateness, timeliness

    Example of Objectives, Risk, Strategy to manage risk, and


    Strategic objective:

    To penetrate the C market in two years timeTo achieve a market share of 5% in C market in 3 years time


    Over-estimate potential of C market

    Lack of local knowledge

    Strategy to manage risk:

    Detailed market feasibility study; Seek joint venture partners,

    particularly those with strong local knowledge

    Control activities:

    Tender to select best consultant for feasibility study

    Due diligence review of potential JV partnersResponsibility:

    Strategic Steering Committee (Chairman of the Board, Chief

    Executive, Marketing Director)

    Mission>Strategic Objectives>Plans

    To ensure that all our toys are clearly identifiable to our


    To ensure that our brand remains relevant and

    independent by avoiding any actions which could

    potentially dilute Stikfass brand identity

    To ensure our products appeal to people of allgenerations and times through constant innovation and


    To ensure that our customers feedback are promptly

    heard and our responses are translated into actions

    Evaluating internal control system:

    -Culture of carelessness (poor control); conscientiousness (weak control


    -Internal control didnt respond to the change in risks

    -Not committed to competencelack skills (control environment)

    e.g. of Limitations of internal control:

    Speed limitpoor judgement

    Confusionhuman error/weak communication/inadequate training

    Loading errorhuman error

    Exceed speed limitpoor judgement

    Control Environment:

    Culture of the companyis the organization taking internal

    controls seriously; in the mind; tone from the topthey

    must emphasize (Relied on trust, not enforcing control

    weak control env, relied on safeguards in the system??)

    When analysing an organisation:


    Awarenessknowledge; do people know what to do;

    control-conscientiousness + alertnessActionimplementation (a solid internal control system

    verification procedure to approve the disbursement of

    funds, prevention/detection work such as random audit

    checks to prevent and deter experienced employees from

    exploring loop holes and outsmarting the processes and

    systems in place

    Control activities (procedures):

    Actions established by policies and procedures to help

    ensure that managements directives to mitigate risks to theachievement of objectives are carried out.


    Relevant, reliable, complete


    --Must be able to enforce if not no one will follow

    --ongoing (supervision) & separate evaluation (audit)

    --internal audit falls under monitoring

    Disaster recoveryIT (restore loss of data, power loss,

    telecom), have backup systems to store customer data

    Business recoveryalternative suppliers for goods and/or

    delivery trucks, keeping goods in separate warehouses

    and stock up on goods

    Business reputationcustomer relationship management

    Crisis containmentinstall a fire alarm to draw attention to

    the fire before it becomes a full-scale outbreak, and to

    alert passers-by to call 911; fire sprinklers to reduce the

    incidence or speed of the fire spreadingEmergency responsefirst aid equipment, trained in first


    Crisis communicationconstantly update contact list,

    customer reassurance