Annual Report 2011 Ridge Meadows

Ridge Meadows Division of Family Practice 2011 Annual Report

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Ridge Meadows Division of Family Practice 2011 Annual Report

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Annual Report 2011

Ridge Meadows

Page 2: Ridge Meadows Division of Family Practice 2011 Annual Report

Table of Contents

3 Message from the Board Chair5 Message from the Division Director6 About the Ridge Meadows Division8 The Collaborative Services Committee9 Ridge Meadows Division Initiatives 9 Maternity Clinic Operation9 Home Health Initiative9 Health and Wellness Initiative 10 Community Service Partnership Initiative10 Heart Function Clinic Initiative11 Integrated Health Networks/Psychiatry and Division Initiative 12 Electronic Medical Records/PITO Initiative13 Recruitment/Retention of Physicians Initiative13 Recruitment/Retention of Locums Initiative14 Member Events and Engagement17 Message from the Treasurer18 Financial Statement

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Message from the Board Chair“We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.” - Charles R. Swindoll

My report this year will focus on the themes of “What’s Coming, What’s Completed, and How to Contribute”

What’s ComingThe Division has many projects under way, but three I would like to highlight are:

1. Nurse Practitioners (NPs) for Homeless and Chronically Mentally IllWe are currently creating a proposal for NPs to work with the homeless and those suffering from chronic mental illness in our area. This project received unanimous support from the Division’s board and we are now working with the mayors and municipalities in our area, the Salvation Army, RCMP and Fraser Health to create a primary care service for this segment of our community.

2. Community Services Referral ProcessSeveral practices have been involved in creating a referral process that patients can access through free or low cost community services already available in our communities.

3. Shared CareOur Division is starting the process of improving care to our patients and support for our physicians in harmony with specialists in the areas of radiology, psychiatry and internal medicine.

What’s Completed

1. UpToDate Access to UpToDate through our Division’s website allows our members free use of this valuable medical information database.

2. Home Health ProgramThis program is up and running in over 80% of our members’ practices. Division members, our patients and the Home Health program in our area all consider the program to be a success.

3. Division Social EventsOur social events have been a huge success for those who have attended. Our Braai at Dr. Cilliers Marais’ home, a walk/cycle event for physicians, staff and their families, and a Physician’s Health BBQ at Dr. Bhatti’s home were good times and great community fellowship by all who attended.

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Dr. Ken BurnsBoard Chair

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How to ContributeI would like to call on Ridge Meadows Divisions members and encourage them to get involved in one of these projects or think of a new project that will improve primary care for our patients or our members’ experience. I strongly believe that the more members who are willing to help, the more successful our Division will be. If you have any questions about anything related to our Division then ask me or any other board member. We would love to hear from you and would greatly appreciate any support or involvement that you could provide.

One final comment:The Ridge Meadows Maternity Clinic lost its funding at the end of March this year and if financial support is not found within the next few months it will be forced to close. Our Division understands that this would be a blow to health care in our area and we are working hard to find a solution.

In conclusion I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the members who have generously given their time and talents to help with all of these projects, in particular the board members and our administrative staff, Treena and Leanne. It has been a great honour and privilege to be associated with such an amazing organization. We have much to be proud of and much more to look forward to.

BELOW LEFT - The Ridge Meadows Division board of directors for 2011-2012 (left to right) Dr. Ken Burns – chair, Dr. Virinder Bhatti –treasurer, Dr. Laura Kelly, Dr. Cilliers Marais, Dr. Daniel Wong, and Dr. Allen Neufeld - vice chair.

BELOW RIGHT - Division members Drs. Ken Burns, Virin Bhatti, Cilliers Marais, and Al Neufeld participating in a strategic planning session.

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Message from the Division DirectorIt has been a true honour and privilege to work with our Division board of directors and members this past year. The commitment and contribution of the Division’s work to improve primary health care in our community is remarkable. Every day I work with our members who are dedicated, driven and passionate to make this difference. The impact the Division brings to Fraser Health, the General Practice Services Committee (GPSC) and the Ministry of Health (MoH) by representing our members’ voices is continually inspiring.

This year’s focus operationally has been to develop the Division’s infrastructure so we can continue to grow and support our membership’s needs. The Division executed a functioning office space and tools in the Maternity Clinic with staff, strategic and governance Board planning, membership communication and involvement. The Division also stayed focused on executing membership initiatives. The Division heard from our members last year that they wanted physician satisfaction, strong beneficial partnerships, optimum health for patients and engagement.

And that is what the Division delivered.

As you read this annual report and about the initiatives undertaken this past year on behalf of our member’s requests, I hope you feel as proud as I do by this motivated, dedicated and hardworking medical community. I encourage everyone to find a division initiative that they feel passionate about, call me and get involved. I already am eager, excited and ready to support what the members want the Division to accomplish this upcoming year.

Together, I really believe we can make a difference.

Treena InnesDivision Director

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About the Ridge Meadows Division

Executive SummaryVision StatementRidge Meadows Division of Family Practice is an influential organization that provides leadership to achieve optimal health for our community and provide support to our primary care physicians.

Our MissionAcknowledge, support, protect and enhance the role of primary care physicians by having an organization that has meaningful communication and partnership with Health Authorities, Ministry of Health and Community at Large in order to provide improved patient care and physician satisfaction.

Our OrganizationThe Ridge Meadows Division of Family practice (RMDFP) is a nonprofit society that has been incorporated since 2010 serving the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows area. RMDFP provides approximately 77 members with a strong voice to ensure that our members are at the forefront of positive change in our healthcare system for patients.

The Division is supported by a board of directors and various advisory committees – both made up of division members - that execute the strategic plan and priority initiatives. The board and committees work to establish key relationships with our partners in Fraser Health, Ministry of Health, GPSC, BC Medical Association (BCMA) and the cities of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows.

Current Initiatives: • Ridge Meadows Maternity

Clinic operation• Home Health Care Program• Physician health and

wellness• Membership engagement

and needs• Community service

partnership• Heart function clinic• Integrated Health Networks• Electronic medical records/

PITO• Recruitment/retention of

physicians and locums ABOVE - (left to right) Mrs, Villasenor, Dr. Al Neufeld, Dr. Fernando Villasenor, Dr. Craig Lytle and Mrs. Lytle at the Division’s spring Braai.

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TOP - (left to right) Drs. Piet Williams, Ken Burns, Peet DuToit, Craig Lytle, and Wilhelm Warmenhoven at the Division’s February event, where guests learned about initiatives that the Division was working on. Topics for this event included the Home Health Care Program, and the Heart Function Clinic.

CENTRE - Dr. Villasenor’s family at the annual Community Spirit fundraiser in June in honour of physicians in the community who have passed.

BELOW - (left to right) Dr. Ray Tong, Mrs. Marais, Dr. Gillian Arsenault and Dr. Bob Grist at the Membership Social Braai in May, hosted by the Marais’ family. Over 60 guests enjoyed live jazz music, the special bartender concoctions and a delicious South African feast.

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The Collaborative Services Committee The Ridge Meadows Community Services Committee (CSC) embodies the collaborative working relationship between the Division and its partners: Fraser Health, BCMA, MoH) and the GPSC. At the CSC, the partners discuss issues of concern in areas such as the hospital, Physician Master Agreement, potential proposals, and communications. This committee has been instrumental in supporting the Divisions’ work and initiatives and creating strong relationships of understanding of our community.

Committee members - Dr. Ken Burns (lead), Dr. Allen Neufeld, Jim Mactier, Dr. John Hamilton, Dr. Virinder Bhatti, Kelly McQuillen, and Diane Miller.

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Ridge Meadows Division Initiatives

Maternity Clinic OperationReport submitted by Dr. Ken BurnsRidge Meadows Maternity Clinic was opened in March 2002 by a group of local family doctors to ensure that maternity care would continue to be available in the area and meet the needs of our growing community. The clinic is run by eight family physicians that rotate four hour shifts throughout the week and share a 24-hour on call schedule for deliveries. The clinic serves 500–600 families each month, and 50% of these families are not attached to a GP in the Ridge Meadows area. The clinic was originally funded by Fraser Health and the Ministry of Health. Fraser Health covered the rental costs (approximately $50,000 per year) while the MoH’s Doctor of the Day program covered the staff costs (approximately $48,000 - $60,000 per year). Unfortunately, this program has been canceled as of March 31, 2012. The Division is working with Fraser Health and the community to reinstate this funding to ensure this critical service to the community continues to operate.Committee members: Dr. Ken Burns (lead) and Dr. Cilliers Marais (lead).

Home Health InitiativeReport submitted by Dr. Allen NeufeldAs many members are aware, the Ridge Meadows Division was involved with Fraser Health in an initiative to improve working relationships with long term care providers in the community. This initiative exemplifies the type of work the division hopes to be involved with in the future. It is an example of a win/win program which improves the quality of care for patients while improving working conditions for Division members. The Home Health committee is thankful to everyone who has embraced the new system of meeting regularly with their case managers. A special thank you is also extended to Drs. Robert Harrison and Martin Milewski for their efforts in pioneering the initiative. I would like to encourage those few who haven’t yet taken advantage of the program to give it a try. You have nothing to lose.Committee members: Dr. Allen Neufeld (lead), Dr. Ken Burns, Dr. Martin Milewski , Dr. Robert Harrison, and from Fraser Health - John Tully, Vicky Bruys and Laurie Kilburn.

Health and Wellness Initiative Report submitted by Dr. Laura KellyThe Physicians Advocating Wellness (PAW) group was very pleased to receive encouragement, support and clerical time from the Division. The group continues to provide education, venues for connecting with colleagues and one-on-one support to any local physicians in need, with continued funding from the Fraser Health Authority. The group’s latest endeavor was the annual Medical Staff Family Barbecue on July 21, hosted by Virin and Cindy Bhatti. A total of 35 people attended and the weather and food were excellent. PAW hopes to continue this tradition, with the support of local physicians, as it underscores the importance of staying connected with colleagues

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and being part of a community. There is real value in genuine connectedness. On a provincial level, the Physician Health Program (PHP) of BC has been replaced by a steering committee on physician health under the umbrella of the BCMA. The members of the PAW advisory group to the PHP (around 12 leaders in physician health in communities across the province) continue to volunteer their time to establish support groups in each community of practice and meet bimonthly by teleconference. They hope to have a strong role with the new steering committee as it moves forward.Committee members: Dr. Laura Kelly (lead) and Dr. Little

Community Service Partnership InitiativeReport submitted by Dr. Virinder Bhatti and Treena InnesMaple Ridge Pitt Meadows Community Services, in partnership with the Ridge Meadows Division of Family Practice and partially funded through the Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation, is developing greater awareness, communication and referrals between community family physicians and local community services. The overall vision is for family physicians to provide individuals and families with information and access to existing resources and programs in the community that will positively impact their overall health and well-being. The Medical and Community Services Partnership addresses the identified need for family physicians to become more aware of existing community resources to best serve the health and social needs of their patients. Patients in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows will be better served by family physicians who are greater informed about the vast array of social services provided by Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Community Services, its information and referral process.Committee members: Dr. Virinder Bhatti (lead), Dr. Ken Burns, Dr. Ward Tinney and Vicki Kipps – Community Services.

Heart Function Clinic InitiativeReport submitted by Dr. Laura KellyAfter much preparation and planning, the outpatient Heart Function Clinic at Ridge Meadows Hospital is now operational. Physicians may refer their CHF patients to this multi-disciplinary clinic, where they will be offered a medical consultation with Dr Tsui, as well as advice, ongoing support and fellowship from nutritionists, nurses, counselors and other patients. The vision of the clinic is to provide an initial three month “startup” for each new referral, working in conjunction with the patient’s GP, with occasional follow-up on an as-needed basis. In the hospital, patients can be referred via the meditech order entry system at the time of discharge, or dial 552077 for information. From the office, referrals can be faxed to 604-463-1887 (please include any testing previously done, such as Echo or ECG) or call the hospital switchboard at 604-463-4111 ext. 552077. The clinic is currently working on referrals direct from an EMR. Committee members: Dr. Laura Kelly (lead) and Dr. Ken Burns

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Integrated Health Networks/Psychiatry and Division Initiative Report submitted by Dr. Ward Tinney and Ken McDonaldThis project is a joint effort of the Division and the local mental health department. It aims to improve communication, program understanding and referral efficiency by streamlining the referral process between GP offices and the Mental Health Centre through the development of feedback forms and summaries. Dr. Fernando Villasenor , Dr. Ken Burns and Dr. Ward Tinney have been meeting with Ken MacDonald and members of the Mental Health Centre who are also implementing a new electronic system at the centre. Trial implementation of the new process and forms is expected this fall.Committee members: Dr. Ken Burns (lead), Dr. Ward Tinney, Dr. Fernando Villasenor , Ken McDonald, and from Fraser Health - Cathia Placsko, Judy Russell, Kathy Pierce, and Yves Chinnapen.

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Electronic Medical Records/PITO Initiative Report submitted by Dr. Virinder BhattiThis community of practice aims to encourage and support physicians in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows to adopt EMR in their practices, leading to better patient care and efficiency. Due to the hard work done by the physician lead, Dr. Ken Burns, and PITO representative Patrick Lannone, the initiative has been able to achieve significant adoption of EMR in the community. The committee has arranged several evening education meetings for physicians and office staff to improve their utilization of EMR. Adoption of EMR in the maternity clinic is going well and several specialists are also investigating setting up an EMR in their practices. Westgate Medical clinic was one of the pilot projects for the development of POI (Physician’s Office Integration) and after a few start-up glitches it is working well. It is now being offered to other offices in the community. The committee plans to continue offering education courses and is seeking feedback on how to improve attendance at these courses. Another plan for the future is to develop capability for e-referral and help members use more of the EMR’s capabilities. The committee would appreciate feedback from members about which direction they should go in the future. Committee members: Dr. Ken Burns (lead) and Dr. Virinder Bhatti.

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Recruitment/Retention of Locums Initiative Report submitted by Dr. Daniel WongOver the last six months, this committee was contacted twice by Health Match BC regarding locums for the Ridge Meadows area. The first one was a family doctor with a special interest in emergency medicine. Committee lead, Dr. Daniel Wong, had the opportunity to meet her in a coffee shop in Vancouver. Through this personal approach, Dr. Wong was able to learn more about her specific interests and connect her with the appropriate physician in the area. She had no interest in office or hospital work, with the exception of emergency medicine, so he gave her contact details to Dr. Douglas Bartel. Dr. Wong also spoke with a Chinese graduate living in Oregon but licensed to practice in with BC. This physician may visit Maple Ridge sometime in the future. The committee also continues to promote locum needs through Health Match BC, Locums.ca and word of mouth. Members are reminded that it is important to connect with the Division office to let them know your needs, as the office will help support the scheduling/organizing of a locum with all of its physicians. The committee is dedicated to continuing its hard work on this initiative.Committee members: Dr. Daniel Wong (lead), Dr. Cilliers Marais, Dr. Ursula Luitingh, Dr. Amyeen Hassanali, Dr. Allen Neufeld, and Dr. Ken Burns.

Recruitment/Retention of Physicians InitiativeReport submitted by Dr. Cilliers MaraisThis year, the committee put into action a plan to replace retiring physicians and recruit new physicians to care for the area’s expanding population. The group is examining different scenarios to attract new physicians to the community, including:• Advertising• WorkingthroughHealthMatchBC• AggressivelymarketingtheMapleRidgeandPittMeadowsarea• Directlycontactingphysiciansinotherprovinces• Sponsoringphysicians• Offeringphysiciansrelocationincentives• InvestigatinghowotherDivisionshaveachievedsuccessThe committee is still in its early stages but has already received promising interest from several physicians.Committee members: Dr. Cilliers Marais (lead), Dr Daniel Wong, Dr. Ursula Luitingh, Dr. Amyeen Hassanali, Dr. Allen Neufeld, Dr. Ken Burns.

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Member Events and Engagement

September 2011The Division’s AGM was well attended by members and their spouses, and was followed by a social dinner. Members learned about the initiatives the Division had executed over the past year, and discussed plans for the upcoming year.

February 2012Over 80 guests enjoyed an evening of wine and food pairings while learning about what the Division was working on. Special topics for this event were the Home Health Care Program, and the Heart Function Clinic.

May 2012The Membership Social Braai, hosted by the Marais’ in their lovely home, was celebrated with sun, good spirits and good company. Over 60 guests enjoyed live jazz music, the special bartender concoctions and a delicious South African feast.

June 2012Family physicians, specialists, MOAs and family members laced up their shoes or threw on their bike helmets for the annual Community Spirit fundraiser in honour of physicians in the community who have passed. Donations were raised for the cost of a $15,000 defibrillator for the cardiology department.

July 2012Hosted by the physician health and wellness team, families from the entire medical community attended a sunny summer BBQ on the Bhatti’s beautiful property. This was a chance for the community to connect socially in the middle of everyone’s busy year.

LEFT - Ridge Meadows physician members (left to right) Drs. Ray Tong, Amyeen Hassanali, Godwin Obioha and Lorne Walton the February event.

RIGHT - Dr. Fernando Villasenor (right) is also pictured at the event with MOA staff.

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ABOVE - Enjoying the Membership Social Braai in May are (left to right) Dr. Ursula Luitingh, Dr. Laura Kelly and Sean West.

CENTRE - The feast at the May social event.

BELOW - The board of the Ridge Meadows Division at the 2011 Christmas event.

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TOP - Drs. Greg Harrington (left) and Andrew Mason at the Division’s February event, where members learnt about the various initiatives that the Division is involved in, such as the Home Health Care Program and the Heart Function Clinic.

CENTRE - Also at the February event were (left to right) Drs. Bob Harrison, Ariana Verdizad, and Mike Spittel.

BELOW - (left to right) Dr. Ariana Verdizad, a medical office assistant, Dr. James Zacharias and Dr. Gillian Arsenault at the February event.

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Message from the TreasurerThese are really exciting times for general practice in BC. Through the Division of Family Practice we have an opportunity to direct changes in family practice and to improve patient care and physician satisfaction. I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of the inaugural board. As the treasurer, I can report to members that we have received the infrastructure funding and are making every effort to get the best value for our money. Every expenditure is reviewed by me and the executive committee.

Our executive director, Treena, and administrative assistant and bookkeeper, Leanne, are keeping excellent records. We have completed our first financial audit without any problems. If you have any questions about the finances, please don’t hesitate to talk to me. I would like to encourage you to take an active part in the running of our division.

Dr. Virinder BhattiTreasurer

RIGHT - Ridge Meadows Division chair, Dr. Ken Burns (left) with treasurer Dr. Virinder Bhatti at a strategic planning event.

BELOW - Divisions members participating in the June walk/cycle event at the Dyke.

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Financial StatementThe following is the audited financial statement of the Ridge Meadows Division of Family Practice for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2012.


Government Funding $156,064.00

Total Income $156,064.00


Audit Fees $5,600.00

Contracted $37,235.00

Insurance $1,050.00

Interest and Bank Charges $29.00

Maternity Clinic $28,582.00

Meeting and event costs $12,472.00

Office $4,774.00

Physician and director fees $30,552.00

Physician fees to attend professional development $9,065.00

Provincial data collaboration project $10,400.00

Repairs and maintenance $12,799.00

Total Expenses $152,558.00

Excess of Revenues over Expenses Before Other Income $3,506.00

Other Income

Interest Income $ 511.00

Excess of Revenues over Expenses $ 4,017.00

Note to Financial StatementsIn the event that any funds advanced to the society pursuant to the society’s agreement with the British Columbia Medical Association (BCMA), are unspent as at March 31 of a funding year, the unspent funds shall be returned to the BCMA. However, the society can apply for approval from the General Practice Services Committee (GPSC) to arrange for the unspent funds to be carried over to the next fiscal year. The society has applied to the GPSC for $4,000 to be carried over to fund a Governance Workshop taking place in July 2012.

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Audit fees



Interest and bank charges

Maternity Clinic

Meeting and event costs


Physician and director fees

Physician fees to attend professional development

Provincial data collaboration project

Repairs and maintenance

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Ridge Meadows

The Divisions of Family Practice initiative is sponsored by the General Practice Services Committee, a joint committee of the BC Ministry of Health and Services and the BC Medical Association.


Ridge Meadows Division 2011-12 Board of Directors

Dr. Ken Burns – ChairDr. Allen Neufeld – Vice ChairDr. Virinder Bhatti – TreasurerDr. Laura KellyDr. Cilliers MaraisDr. Daniel Wong

Pro tem Board Members – June 2012

Dr. Ursula LuitinghDr. Amyeen Hassanali


Treena Innes - Division DirectorLeanne Regan - Administrative Assistant

Ridge Meadows Division of Family Practice

Contact: Treena InnesDivision [email protected]

Photographs courtesy of:

Dr. Ken BurnsPage 12 - Meadow Gardens Golf Course.

Tourism Maple Ridge and Pitt MeadowsCover and pages 2, 8 and 11 - scenery from the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows area.