1 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS/ PROPOSAL Municipal Engineering Consulting Services The Corporation of the Township of North Dundas P.O. Box 489 636 St. Lawrence Street Winchester, Ontario K0C 2K0 Phone: 613-774-2105 Fax: 613-774-5699 Contact email: [email protected] Website: www.northdundas.com

REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS/ PROPOSALnorthdundas.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/RFP-Municipal... · 2018. 11. 29. · 1 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS/ PROPOSAL Municipal Engineering Consulting

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    PROPOSAL Municipal Engineering Consulting Services

    The Corporation of the Township of North Dundas

    P.O. Box 489

    636 St. Lawrence Street

    Winchester, Ontario K0C 2K0

    Phone: 613-774-2105 Fax: 613-774-5699

    Contact email: [email protected]

    Website: www.northdundas.com





    The Township of North Dundas invites professional engineering firms (hereinafter referred to

    as the “Proponent”) to submit a qualifications/proposal for the provision of municipal

    engineering consulting services for the Township of North Dundas on as needed, on call

    basis for projects to be determined during the term of the agreement. The scope of work will

    vary and will be requested on a task order basis as need arises and will be at the discretion

    of the Township.

    Municipal Engineering Consulting Services

    Issued: July 14, 2017

    Submission Deadline: July 31, 2017 at 4:00 p.m.


    Refer all proposal inquiries by email to: Calvin Pol, Director of Planning, Building and By-law

    Enforcement at [email protected]


    The Request for Qualifications/Proposal submission must be submitted in a sealed envelope


    RFQ/P for Municipal Engineering Consulting Services

    636 St. Lawrence Street, Box 489

    Winchester, ON. K0C 2K0

    The Qualifications/Proposal must be received at the above specified address prior to the

    predetermined time and date set forth above.

    Qualifications/Proposals received late, faxed or e-mailed proposals will not be accepted.

    The Township of North Dundas is not responsible for the timeliness of documents delivered

    nor will the Township of North Dundas accept responsibility for receipt of any proposal

    delivered to a location other than at the above specified address.

    Qualifications/Proposal Copies:

    The Proponent shall provide one (1) original and one (1) paper copy of the


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    1.1. Purpose and Description:

    The Township of North Dundas wishes to enter into Agreements with at least two (2) separate engineering consulting firms (which may include sub-consultant services) for the purpose of providing municipal engineering consulting services on an as needed basis and on call basis. Requirements will focus on civil engineering, but aspects of other engineering disciplines such as environmental, stormwater and drainage, geotechnical and structural may be required intermittently. One consulting firm will be selected as the primary firm, while a second and possibly third qualified consulting firm will be used on an as needed basis (ie. During conflict of interest situations, when primary consultant is unavailable, when the Township wants to seek a second opinion, or dependent on consultant staff expertise and experience for a given project, etc.). The successful Proponents will be mainly engaged in the peer review of site plans, plans of subdivision, and will serve as a resource for the Township staff on engineering issues. It is imperative that the Proponent be able to provide timely responses and service, and cost effective, sustainable solutions that meet the needs of the Township of North Dundas.

    1.2. Scope:

    The successful Proponents will be expected to become familiar with the Township of North Dundas’ infrastructure, relevant by-laws and policies, organizational structure, and strategies. The Proponents will be available on an on-call basis to address any engineering consulting requirements the Township of North Dundas may have throughout the term of the Agreements.

    In addition to the peer review of site plans and plans of subdivision, the successful Proponents may be engaged in the review of stormwater management reports and plans, grading and drainage plans, sediment and erosion plans, site work overview, developing grant applications, RFQ/Ps and project budgets, contract administration, project design and tendering. The Proponents will serve as a resource for the Township staff on engineering issues. Some potential projects and examples of services likely required are detailed below. Engineering consulting services may include on-site inspections, investigations, studies, engineering from preliminary design through detailed design, construction, inspection, reporting and as-built drawings, and may also include, but not limited to:

    a. Transportation planning studies and development of a phased capital


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    b. Pavement and sidewalk management; c. Road development and construction; d. In conjunction with Public Works Department and Planning

    Department, provide advice on subdivision development; e. Draft grant submissions where engineering technical specs/estimates

    are involved; f. Site investigations; g. Assist with cost estimates, asset management and capital budget

    development; h. Conduct inspections, explorations, surveys, testing or other services; i. Collect, analyse, evaluate and interpret data leading to specialized

    conclusions and recommendations; j. Feasibility studies on proposed projects, including studies of clients’

    needs, analysis of conditions or methods of operation, development of alternative concepts, economic analysis, environmental studies and site location studies; and,

    k. Development of preliminary design reports, including outline specifications, preliminary cost estimates, etc.;

    1.3. Errors and Omissions:

    The Township of North Dundas shall not be held liable for any errors or omissions in any part of this RFQ/P. The information contained in the RFQ/P is supplied as a guideline for Proponents and is not necessarily comprehensive or exhaustive. Nothing in the RFQ/P is intended to relieve the Proponent from forming its own opinions and conclusions.

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    The Qualifications/Proposal shall adhere to the following format and provide responses

    to the areas outlined below.

    2.1. Letter of Transmittal:

    A letter of transmittal or cover letter, dated and signed by an official authorized to

    negotiate, make commitments, and provide any clarifications with respect to the


    2.2. Executive Summary:

    An Executive Summary will identify key points in the proposal that the Proponent

    wishes to highlight.

    2.3. Corporate Profile:

    A brief corporate profile will cover the Proponent’s history, and office locations(s).

    The corporate profile should also include the firm’s philosophy towards its clients

    and the services which it provides.

    2.4. Proponent’s Team:

    Provide an organization chart showing the names and responsibilities of key

    personnel. Identify and provide resumes for the following key persons:

    a. Contract Principal in Charge (a principal of the firm who will have the ultimate authority and responsibility to bind the Proponent, sign agreements, assign required personnel and resources to the Township, and ensure that the services are provided in a cost and time efficient manner).

    b. Senior Staff Member (primary contact) c. Any other additional support staff that you wish to list.

    It is imperative that the key personnel have the background, experience, and

    qualifications to provide municipal engineering consulting services. After the

    contract is signed, the Proponent may not replace key staff unless their

    employment is terminated or agreed upon by the Township. The Township must

    approve replacement staff before a substitute person is assigned. The Township

    reserves the rights to request that the Proponent replace a staff person assigned to

    the contract should the Township consider such a replacement to be in the best

    interest of the Township.

    2.5. Proponent’s Experience and Expertise:

    The Proponent will provide a list of relevant project experience for the past five (5)

    years, starting with the most recent. Proponents that have current or previous

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    experience with municipalities should provide a list identifying the municipality, and

    the year(s) the Proponent worked for the municipality.

    2.6. Local Context:

    The Proponent will provide a brief description of their involvement in the Township

    of North Dundas or neighbouring (similar sized) municipalities, if applicable.

    2.7. Ability to comply with Scope of Work:

    Proponents will detail their ability to perform all the work items outlined in the

    “Project Scope” in section 1.2 of this proposal.

    Indicate how the Proponent would propose to address services outside their scope

    and provide accountability for those services.

    2.8. Value-Added Service:

    Proponents are invited to provide a description of what the Proponent has to offer

    as a value-added commitment(s) that will benefit the Township of North Dundas.

    2.9. Cost of Services:

    Provide a detailed explanation of the Proponent’s current fee structure for all

    engineering consultants and staff in the firm that may be working with North

    Dundas, including travel expenses, anticipated annual increases, and

    disbursements. The explanation will include how billable hours are determined and

    what services, if any, will be provided to the Township without cost.

    Explain the Proponent’s methodology for research, including associated costs. Describe how project/task budgets are managed to avoid cost over-runs as well as

    the methodology for charging out day-to-day requests.

    2.10. References:

    The Proponent shall include a list of three municipal references with whom the

    Proponent has worked in the last five years. Each of the references shall include

    the complete client’s name, contact person with title, email and phone number.

    2.11. Insurance, WSIB, Professional License(s) and Affiliations:

    The Proponent shall include a Certificate of Insurance issued by their insurance

    broker. The Proponent shall provide under their letterhead, dated and signed, a list

    of all registered professional licenses and affiliations to other professional

    organizations. The successful Proponents shall provide the municipality with

    evidence of WISB coverage for its employees.

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    The Township of North Dundas will do an initial evaluation of the proposals using the

    criteria and weightings in the table below. The Township may then hold interviews with

    short listed Proponents or make a recommendation to the Mayor and Council to award

    to the Proponents.

    Selection Criteria Point Weighting for Initial


    ➢ Proponent’s team, experience/ability to comply with

    all identified requirements within the Scope of Work


    ➢ Qualifications and availability of staff assigned to

    North Dundas and the location of office(s)


    ➢ North Dundas deemed value for proposed fees 20

    ➢ Proponent’s knowledge of/experience with North



    ➢ Value adds 10

    ➢ References and reputation of the Proponent 10

    ➢ Proposed methodology for managing budgets and

    charging out time on projects and requests (including



    ➢ Quality of the Proposal (clear, complete,

    demonstrates understanding of North Dundas)



    The Proponent acknowledges that the Township shall have the right to reject any, or all,

    Proposals for any reason, or to accept any Proposals which the Township in its sole

    unfettered discretion deems most advantageous to itself. The lowest, or any, Proposals

    will not necessarily be accepted and the Township shall have the unfettered right to:

    a. Accept a non-compliant Proposal; b. Accept a Proposal which is not the highest-ranked Proposal; c. Reject a Proposal that is the highest-ranked Proposal even if it

    is the only Proposal received; d. Consider, during the evaluation of Proposals;

    i. information provided in the Proposal itself; ii. information provided in response to inquiries of credit and

    industry references set out in the Proposal; iii. information received in response to inquiries made by the

    Township of third parties apart from those disclosed in the Proposal in relation to the reputation, reliability, experience and capabilities of the Proposal;

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    e. Consider the way the Proponent provides services to others; f. Consider the experience and qualification of the

    Proponent’s senior management, and project management;

    g. Consider the compliance of the Proponent with the Township’s requirements and specifications;

    h. Consider innovative approaches proposed by the Proponent in the Proposal;

    i. Rely upon the criteria which the Township deems relevant, even though such criteria may not have been disclosed to the Proponent;

    4.1. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any Proposal which is incomplete, conditional, illegible or obscure or which contains additions not called for, reservations, erasures, alterations or irregularities of any kind may be rejected. Any Proposal in which any price is omitted or in which prices are obviously unbalanced.

    4.2. By submitting a Proposal, the Proponent acknowledges the Township’s rights

    under this Section and absolutely waives any right, or cause of action against the Township and its Contractors, because of the Township’s failure to accept the Proposal submitted by the Proponent, whether such right or cause of action arises in contract, negligence, or otherwise.


    The Township shall not be liable for any pre-contractual expenses incurred by any

    Proponent or by any selected consultant. Pre-contractual expenses are defined as

    expenses incurred by Proponents and the selected consultants, if any, in:

    a. Preparing and submitting information in response to this Request for Qualifications/Proposal.

    b. Negotiations with the Township on any matter related to this procurement.

    c. Costs associated with interviews, meetings, travel or presentations.

    d. All other expenses incurred by a Proponent/consultant prior to the date of award and a formal notice to proceed.

    The Township of North Dundas shall not be liable for any expenses, costs or losses

    suffered or incurred by any Proponent or any third party resulting from the Township of

    North Dundas exercising any of its express or implied rights under this RFQ/P. This

    RFQ/P does not constitute and is not intended to be an offer by the Township of North

    Dundas. The Proponent agrees that this provision supersedes any custom, usage,

    agreement or term implied by law to the contrary. By submitting a Proposal, the

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    Proponent acknowledges the rights of the Township of North Dundas as set out in this

    RFQ/P and absolutely waives any right or cause of action against the Township of North

    Dundas or its representatives, by reason of the Township of North Dundas’s failure to

    accept the Proposal submitted by the Proponent, whether such right or cause of action

    arises in contract, negligence or otherwise.

    6. AWARD

    The Township will establish a shortlist of up to 2 or 3 firms/consultants; the exact

    number will be determined depending on the quality, diversity and responsiveness of the

    proposals received. The selected Proponents/consultants shall provide consulting

    services on an as-needed, on-call basis for projects to be determined during the term of

    the agreement. The agreement to provide as-needed, on-call consulting services will be

    for a minimum of 2-year term.




    Submission of a proposal in response to this Request for Qualifications/Proposal indicates

    acceptance of the following terms and conditions, which will apply to this Request for

    Qualifications/Proposal and to any subsequent Contract.


    “Best Value” means the value placed upon quality, service, past performance,

    understanding of the community, and price.

    “Contract” means the written agreement resulting from the Request for

    Qualifications/Proposal executed by the Township of North Dundas and the successful


    “Must”, “Mandatory” or “Required” means a requirement that must be met in order for

    a proposal to receive consideration.

    “North Dundas” means the Township of North Dundas.

    “Proposal” shall mean the Proponent’s submission in response to this RFQ/P.

    “Proponent” means a party submitting a proposal to this RFQ/P.

    “RFQ/P” means this Request for Qualifications\Proposal.

    “Subcontractor” includes a person, firm or corporation having a contract with the

    Successful Proponent for the services called for in the RFQ\P.

    “Successful Proponent” means the Proponent submitting the most advantageous

    RFQ\P as determined by the Township.

    “Township” means the Township of North Dundas.

    “Work” means any labour, duty and/or efforts to accomplish the purpose of this project.



    The Proponent confirms it has obtained and carefully examined all of the documents

    making up the Request for Qualifications/Proposal issued by the Township of North

    Dundas and any related addenda.


    The acceptance of the proposal by the Township shall be made only by notice in writing,

    and will be addressed to the successful Proponent through the contact information given

    in this form of proposal. The proposal may be accepted either in whole or in part.


    If the Proponent for any reason whatsoever fails or defaults in respect of any matter

    which is an obligation of the Proponent under the terms of this proposal, the Township

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    at its option may consider the Proponent has abandoned the offer made and shall be

    free to select an alternate solution of its choosing.


    The following terms will apply to this RFQ/P and to any subsequent Contract.

    Submission of an RFQ/P in response to this RFQ/P indicates acceptance of all the

    following terms:

    5.1. In carrying out its obligations hereunder, the Proponent shall comply with all applicable laws, by-laws, regulations, codes, specifications and requirements of all regulatory authorities, and shall obtain all necessary licenses, permits and registrations as may be required by law.

    5.2. All designs, drawings, concept drawings, specifications, and reports whether digital or hard copies, commissioned by the Township of North Dundas, shall remain the property of the Township of North Dundas.

    5.3. The RFQ/P, accepted submission, and Township contract documents represent the entire Agreement between the Township and the Successful Proponents and supersede all prior negotiations, representations or agreements either written or oral.

    5.4. The contract documents may be amended only by written instrument agreed to and executed by the Successful Proponents and the Township.


    6.1. Not a Tender Call

    This RFQ/P is not a tender call, and the submission of any response to this RFQ/P

    does not create a tender process. This RFQ/P is not an invitation for an offer to


    6.2. Modification and Addenda

    The Township reserves the right to modify the terms of the Request for Proposal at

    any time at its sole discretion. Modifications to the RFQ/P will be made in the form

    of written addenda. All addenda shall be considered to be integral to the RFQ/P

    and having the same effect as if part of the original RFQ/P. It is the Proponent’s

    responsibility to ensure that they have all modifications. The modifications will be

    made available on the Township website at www.northdundas.com. Proposals

    should include acknowledgement of receipt of all addenda.

    6.3. No Obligation to Proceed

    Though the Township fully intends at this time to proceed through the RFQ/P in

    order to select a minimum of two Proponents for the services, the Township is

    under no obligation to proceed to the Contract.


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    6.4. Irrevocability

    Prior to the time and date of the Request for Qualifications/Proposal closing

    deadline, any Proponent may withdraw or change their proposal without penalty or

    forfeiture, by giving notice in writing to:

    Township of North Dundas

    c/o Calvin Pol, Director of Planning, Building and Enforcement

    636 St. Lawrence Street, Box 489

    Winchester, ON K0C 2K0.

    After the closing deadline, the submitted RFQ/P will be irrevocable.

    6.5. Late Proposals

    Proposals received after the final date and time for receipt of proposals will be

    considered as late, will not be accepted, and will be returned unopened to the



    7.1. Cost of Preparation

    Any cost incurred by the Proponent in the preparation of this proposal will be borne

    solely by the Proponent.

    7.2. Intention of the Township

    The Proponents that submit to the Township the most advantageous proposal

    which represents the best overall interests of the Township may be awarded the

    contract. The Township reserves the right to accept or reject all or part of the

    RFQ/P, and the Township is not precluded from negotiating with the successful

    Proponents to modify their proposal to best suit the needs of the Township.

    7.3. Rejection of Proposals

    The Township reserves the right to reject, at the Township’s sole discretion, any

    proposal which either:

    i. is incomplete, obscure, irregular or unrealistic ii. has non-authorized (not initialed) erasures or corrections in the proposal or any schedule thereto

    Further, a proposal may be rejected on the basis of the Proponents past

    performance, financial capabilities, completion schedule and/or non-compliance

    with Federal, Provincial and Municipal legislation. Conversely, the Township has

    the right to waive any irregularity or insufficiency in a proposal submitted in order

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    to accept the proposal which is deemed most favorable to the interests of the


    7.4. Confidentiality

    The Township is subject to the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information

    and Protection of Privacy Act. R.S.O. 1990.

    7.5. Clarification

    The Township reserves the right to seek proposal clarification with Proponents to

    assist in making evaluations.


    8.1. Alternative Solutions

    If alternative solutions are offered, please submit the information in the same

    format, as a separate proposal.

    8.2. Changes to Proposal Wording

    The Proponent may not change the wording of its proposal after closing and no

    words or comments will be added to the proposal unless requested by the

    Township for purposes of clarification.

    8.3. Firm Pricing

    Proposals must be firm for at least one year after the final date.

    8.4. Currency and Taxes

    Prices quoted are to be in Canadian dollars. The Government of Canada

    Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) shall be EXTRA to all price(s) quoted.


    9.1. Sub-Contracting

    Using a Subcontractor (who must be clearly identified in the proposal) is

    acceptable. This includes a joint submission by two Proponents having no formal

    corporate links. However, in this case, one of these Proponents must be prepared

    to take overall responsibility for successful interconnection of consulting services

    and this must be defined in the proposal.

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    9.2. Liability for Errors

    While the Township has expended considerable effort to ensure an accurate

    representation of information in this RFQ/P, the information is supplied solely as a

    guideline for Proponents. Nothing in this RFQ/P is intended to relieve Proponents

    from forming their own opinions and conclusions.


    10.1. The Township recognizes that “Best Value” is the essential part of purchasing a

    product and/or service and there the Township may prefer a proposal with a

    higher price, if it offers greater value and better serves the Township’s interests,

    as determined by the Township, over a proposal with a low price. The Township’s

    decision shall be final.

    10.2. The Township reserves the right to negotiate with a preferred Proponents, or any

    Proponent, on details of the proposal, including amendments to specifications and


    10.3. All services must conform to all Laws and Standards necessary in Canada and

    the Province of Ontario.

    10.4. The Successful Proponents shall guarantee that their proposal will meet the

    needs of the Township and that any service(s) rendered shall be correct. If the

    services rendered are in any way incorrect or unsuitable, all correction costs shall

    be borne solely by the Proponent.

    10.5. Township reserves the right to accept or reject a proposal where only one

    proposal is received.

    10.6. The Township reserves the right to cancel the Contract agreement pertaining to

    this RFQ/P, at any time, by providing 30 days written notice to the Proponent.

    10.7. If a written Contract cannot be negotiated within thirty days of notification of the

    Successful Proponents, the Township may, at its sole discretion at any time

    thereafter, terminate negotiations with that Proponent(s) and either negotiate a

    Contract with the next qualified Proponent or choose to terminate the RFQ/P

    process and not enter into a Contract with any of the Proponents.


    The successful Proponents will indemnify the Township and their employees, officers,

    directors and agents against all claims, actions, proceedings, damages, losses, costs,

    expenses and liabilities of any kind incurred. The Proponent accepts responsibility for

    acts and omissions, including those of all Subcontractors it may engage in rendering the

    Service on the Project.

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    The Township is committed to providing equal treatment to people with disabilities with

    respect to the use and benefit of its services, programs, and goods in a manner that

    respects their dignity and that is equitable in relation to the broader public. All

    Contractors with the Township must comply with all AODA regulations applicable to the

    performance of the work.


    The Township is subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of

    Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.56, as amended (“MFIPPA”) with respect to, and

    protection of, information under its custody and control. Accordingly, all documents

    provided to the Township in response to this Request for Qualifications/Proposal may

    be available to the public unless the party submitting the information requests that it be

    treated as confidential.